Fuchsia Fox: "Exposed!" and "Revealed!"

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[I don't usually do long stories, but this is a two-parter, two normal length stories back to back, 13 chapters total. In Part I, the Fox goes up against the Centurion, ending up trapped in a pit full of green ooze. In Part II, she goes toe to toe with a famous Direct Comics heroine. Expect superheroine action and perils, partial nudity, and mild to moderate sexual content.]

Part I: "Exposed!"

Chapter 1 -- Great Falls Park, Maryland

It was a beautiful spring Saturday. The campground where the tents were pitched was in the middle of a forest that smelled of pine resin and honeysuckle. It seemed so far from city stress, it was hard to believe it was only ten miles from the District of Columbia.

"What kind of meat you ladies want?" a male voice called. "Midget or footlong?"

Jennifer Traylor was reaching high over her head to catch a frisbee, a move that made her short brunette hair dance around her face. Her pert, 23 year old body was clad in a denim miniskirt and a pink tank top. Tricia Hester, the blonde girl who had thrown the frisbee, was looking hot in tight Daisy Duke shorts and a star-spangled bikini top. She abandoned the game and ran across to the man who had spoken, Oscar Jenkins, whose blue and white Hawaiian shirt had been left open to show off his bare chest.

"I'll have this thick, beefy bratwurst," Tricia said, snuggling against him as one hand slid playfully down his exposed abdomen towards the front of his cargo shorts. Then she wrinkled her nose at the smoke coming from the charcoal grill. "Oh," she said, affecting surprise, "you meant to EAT?"

"She's right, Oscar," said Martin Fletcher, the third player in the frisbee game. "You could have worded that better." Watching him jog towards her, Jennifer's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his lean body and the scrumptious way it filled out his tshirt with US ARMY across the chest.

"I'm just saying," Oscar said, holding a pair of tongs with one hand while his other hand patted Tricia's tempting behind, "I think the grill's hot enough. How many hot dogs do you think you can eat?"

"Better make it three," said Tricia, leaning over to nibble on his ear. "You know what this outdoorsy air does to my appetite. I could eat a stallion!"

Martin rolled his eyes at Jennifer, brushing past her on his way to the ice chest. His own sausage stiffened inside his shorts as he caught her scent. The exercise had brought a light sheen of perspiration to her skin that mingled with the sweet, feminine aroma of her body wash. Her pink top ended just above her navel, and he loved the rounded shapes her two firm B-cups made against the thin fabric. But at the same time, he could see the cold, disapproving look on her face as she watched Oscar and Tricia's flirting.

Just then some kind of aircraft flew overhead on nearly silent hoverfans. Because of their distraction, Oscar and Tricia hardly noticed, but Martin and Jennifer saw the vehicle pass just above the treetops. It was about the size of a mid sized car, except that the open cockpit was in front. Three men were standing in it, dressed like Roman legionaires! For a second, Martin thought all that running around had given him an aneurysm and he was seeing things, but as Jennifer pressed closer to him, it was plain that she saw the same thing. "Martin," she whispered, "I think that's a supervillain called the Centurion!"

Martin had never heard of him before, but he gave her the benefit of the doubt, because he knew that she kept up with things like that. "What's he doing here?" he whispered back. "What should we do about it?"

"I think I should check it out," Jennifer whispered. Clearing her throat, she spoke out loud. "Um... if nobody minds, I think I'll go for a quick walk while lunch is cooking. I remember seeing some wild jonquils earlier."

"Hey that's a good idea," said Tricia brightly. "I'll go with you."

"Er... no!" Martin said quickly, snaking his arm around Jennifer's bare midriff. "What she means is that she and I think we'll go for a walk. Together. Alone."

"Oh I get it!" Tricia said with a smile and a wink. "You kids have fun!"

"Thanks a lot, Martin," Jennifer whispered accusingly as the two of them started off down the nature walk. "Now your friend's girlfriend thinks I'm some kind of nymphomaniac!"

"I'm sorry," he replied, drawing her closer to him. "It's your precious secret identity I was worried about. Would you rather I told her you were sneaking off to change into the Fuchsia Fox? Besides," he added with a grin, as one hand slipped underneath her tank top to caress the smooth skin of her back, "you'll need me to stand guard while you get undressed. You're certainly not wearing your costume under these clothes!"

Jennifer blushed but she didn't reply. Sometimes having a super-powered alter ego could be a real nuissance. It was going to be so embarrassing having to change outdoors behind the bushes, especially with her boyfriend watching!
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Excellent start sir, can't wait to see what kind of trouble the Fuchsia Fox gets into this time.
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[I'll do my best not to disappoint you!]

Chapter 2 --

Less than three miles away, a white five-ton truck was driving along an otherwise deserted county-maintained highway, flanked by forest on either side. As the truck rounded a bend, it pulled up because blocking the road was a man dressed like a Roman in a white knee length tunic, breastplate and helmet with a red horsehair crest. His right hand was held up in an imperious "halt" gesture.

The driver of the truck was a Navy petty officer. The Ensign sitting beside him in the passenger seat knocked on the connecting window to alert the two Marines inside the truck and together both sailors got out. "Look, mister..." the Ensign started to say. The Centurion advanced swiftly, parried the blow that was reflexively aimed at him, and slammed his leather-bound fist into the sailor's gut. A second punch to the head knocked the man unconscious.

POW! The petty officer had drawn his .45 sidearm and fired, point blank. The bullet caught the Centurion squarely in the center of his chest, where the polycomposite breastplate absorbed every gram of its kinetic energy. The spent bullet dropped to the asphalt. The Centurion didn't even flinch. "I give you credit for spirit," he said, "if not for sense." Quickly drawing a short wooden rod from his belt, he hurled it backhanded. It caught the sailor on the temple and knocked him out.

The Centurion ran swiftly to the rear of the truck, just as the big door rolled upwards and two Marines jumped out. Drawing his short sword, his body became a blur of motion as he dispatched them both with the flat of the blade. "Quickly!" he commanded as he stood up to full height, smoothly re-sheathing his sword. "Time flies!"

Two henchmen appeared, similarly dressed although without breastplates or plumes in their plain helmets. One helped the Centurion drag the sailors off the road while the other climbed into the truck's cab...

"That's far enough!" said a sassy female voice. "Someone needs to stop you creeps cold. And I'm just the girl to do it!"

The three men froze, awestruck. They were staring at a pair of graceful, traffic-stopping legs shod in ankle boots, planted in the middle of the road. Their eyes traveled upward from there. The superheroine's sleek, sexy body was clad in a reddish purple halter top and skin tight matching briefs. Her arms were adorned with elbow length gloves and golden bracelets. A fox head chest emblem stretched across her two perfectly shaped breasts.

"The Fuchsia Fox?" the Centurion said gallantly. "I had been told about you, but the tales of your beauty fall far short. Venus herself would be envious!"

"Save the rosy compliments, Sportacus," said Jennifer, feeling flattered in spite of herself. The supervillain's body was muscular and well built. She couldn't see much of his face because of the helmet, but his eyes were dark and seductive. "You're under citizen's arrest."

His smile was disarming. "Alas, sweet temptress, I shall have to resist arrest."

The engine of the truck revved. The five ton vehicle lurched forward, heading straight for her! Jennifer could see the hoodlum in the driver's seat grinning. No doubt he expected her to duck out of the way (as the Centurion did), but the Fuchsia Fox calmly raised one eyebrow as she held her ground. Thrusting out her arms, she braced herself against the hood and dug in her high heels, trying to hold it back.

The engine roared! The Fox's heels slipped a little on the asphalt. Her bracelets of Ishtar glowed faintly as she drew power from them to enhance her strength. She could feel the muscles in her torso and her butt tighten as she brought the truck to a stop. The acrid smell of smoke and burnt rubber filled the air. Cautiously the spunky superheroine walked her hands down the grill, hooked them underneath the front bumper, and lifted! The hoodlum behind the wheel was no longer grinning as the front tires left the road surface!

There was a muffled pop as the engine stalled from the strain. The henchman flung open the door and jumped out of the cab. Setting the truck down, the Fuchsia Fox brushed her hands as she turned haughtily to confront the Centurion and his henchmen. "Sorry, boys," said the sassy superheroine, planting her hands on her gorgeous hips, "but it looks like you bit off more than you can chew. Why don't you just surrender?"

"I want you to know," the Centurion said, "that it hurts me deeply to strike at such a lovely young damsel." Moving remarkably fast, he drew his wooden rod and lunged.
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Chapter 3 --

The Fox parried the blow in the nick of time, darting back a pace as she spun around and side-kicked, driving her right foot into his torso. "Spare me the chauvinistic crap, sport," she smirked, as the villain landed amid the trees twenty feet away, on the opposite side of the road.

The henchman standing behind the Fox was too busy admiring her delicious rear end to immediately catch on. As he started forward, the sexy superheroine had already spun back around, bringing the back of her fist against the side of his helmet. Grabbing a handful of his tunic, she slung the dazed man around and tossed him into the second henchmen, who was beginning to realize that they were totally outclassed. Both men went down in a heap.

The Fox cocked her shapely little tail disdainfully at the two poor dweebs as she smugly turned back around to face their boss.

But the Centurion, thanks to his impact absorbing armor, had already recovered. He charged, grinning as he whipped his gladius from its sheath. "You are a saucy one, temptress!" he said, activating a control which enveloped the blade of the short sword with a glowing red field of energy.

"Eep!" The Fox hopped backwards with a cry of distress. She watched in stunned disbelief as the very tip of the sword come down precisely on her fox head chest emblem right in between her breasts, cleaving through the front of her halter top as if it were tissue paper! The two halves of her tight, clingy costume snapped back like a vest, leaving her two sweet little coconuts completely exposed to view!

"Omigosh!" Jennifer gasped out loud, blushing furiously as she cupped her hands over her breasts. This was her fault for underestimating him! She should have kept up her force shield at full power! The next thing she felt were the Centurion's strong hands as he peeled her halter top over her shoulders and down her arms. "Stop! Please don't--!" she blurted, trying to struggle but finding herself at a severe disadvantage.

"Now perhaps you will be more manageable," the villain said, as he used the Fox's own halter top to tie her wrists tightly behind her.

"Let go of me!" The superheroine felt powerless in this position! She still had the bracelets of Ishtar, but the shock of being stripped of her top had shattered her concentration. If only she had time... but the Centurion wasn't giving her time. The strength of his maleness against her softness was arousing. Her brain whirled as his arms imprisoned her trim waist. She gasped as the fingers of one hand slipped between her thighs, gently touching her moist cleft through the flimsy fabric of her briefs.

"Do you find this unpleasant?" he said, his voice husky with desire. Both hands were now journeying upwards along her nubile body. Jennifer's bare flesh tingled with pleasure as he started from the waistband of her skimpy briefs and tenderly caressed her silken skin, past her tummy, over her ribs, moving steadily towards her defenseless breasts, so exposed and so very very vulnerable...

"I'm... Please..." the Fox breathed, tame and submissive as his hands gently cupped her pert little nubbins, lightly touching her bare nipples with his fingertips. Heat rose to her face, her pulses were pounding. Far from trying to resist, her treacherous body was arching towards him, eager for more. "Don't," she moaned, "please don't..."

The Centurion's henchmen were getting to their feet, their eyes popping as they alit on the Fox's stunning unclothed rack. The villain snapped orders that sent his men running to the back of the truck. "If only we had more time, sweet temptress," he said, as he wrapped a length of rope securely around the captive superheroine's waist and her ankles. "But bondage will have to suffice at this time." Leaving her propped against one of the trees by the roadside, he joined his henchmen. Together they manhandled a small crate out of the truck and made their escape.

The Fox whimpered as she struggled with the ropes. She felt so helpless! Now that the Centurion was no longer distracting her, restoring her superstrength was easy. But the top of her costume was an irreplacable item itself, with its own powers. She couldn't just break free and risk tearing it more than it already was. She had to wriggle out of these stupid knots first!

It was then that she noticed the petty officer, lying unconscious just a few yards away from her. The man raised his head and looked around, careful not to draw any attention in case the Centurion was still around. He saw the Fuchsia Fox sitting there, trussed up and helpless, her gorgeous bust on display, and he did a double take.

Jennifer felt her face flush with shame. This had to be the most humiliating defeat she could ever remember! "Please, sir," she hissed. "Can you please come over and untie me?"

The sailor reached into his pocket and brought out a cell phone. Oh wonderful, Jennifer thought. He was calling for help! That was fine with her, as long as he untied her before they arrived! She could hear him murmur something into the phone. He started to put it away, then brought it out again. Carefully holding it up, he took her picture! Not just once, but several times!

The Fox sighed. Whatever happened to chivalry?

Biting her lower lip, the Fox squirmed and struggled, fully aware that the man's eyes were lingering on every juicy move she made, and finally managed to slip her wrists out of her halter top. After that, snapping the rope was child's play. As she got to her feet, clutching her halter top to her breasts, she could see the flashing lights of military police cars screaming towards them down the highway.

"You're the Mystery Girl," the petty officer said, grinning. "That superheroine."

Jennifer considered punching the guy out and taking his cell phone with the incriminating pictures, but the cars were almost on top of them now, and in any case both of her hands were pretty much occupied. The last thing she wanted was to get into another scrap right now. She just wanted this day to be over. "I don't know that I'd bet on it," she said, launched herself into the air and flew away.


When the Fox returned with her costume torn, Martin was concerned. While she got dressed, Jennifer was forced to give him a quick (but heavily editted) report on what had happened. She couldn't bring herself to tell him how the Centurion had seduced her.

Over the remainder of the weekend, he did a good job of raising her fallen spirits, reminding her that nobody was perfect. As the two of them drove back into Arlington on Sunday night, she snuggled gratefully against him, but she couldn't help thinking back...

"Martin, your Army uniforms are all green. Who wears brown??" She tried to describe the uniforms of the men driving the truck, including the shoulder board with the one gold stripe that one man was wearing.

"Sounds like the Marines... or the Navy," he said casually.
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Ooo, the plot thickens.
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(It's just getting started!)

Chapter 4 --

Monday morning, Jennifer Traylor was at her desk at Science Today magazine dressed in a conservative blouse and knee length gray skirt, trying to do research on Naval bases in the Washington D.C. area. One of the other girls named Aleysha Skinner came over and perched on the edge of her desk. "Jennifer, your picture is in the paper," she said, dropping a sleazy tabloid in front of her, folded back to one of the inside pages.

Jennifer gasped in outright shock. The headline said "FUSHIA FOX DEFEATED" (misspelling and all), and below it was one of the photographs the sailor had taken, showing the spunky superheroine tied up and helpless like a bondage porn model. They hadn't even bothered to airbrush out her nipples! What was worse, the face was clearly HERS!

"Er... um..." Jennifer felt her cheeks going red. She hadn't thought of this! The Fuchsia Fox costume somehow enhanced her beauty and sex appeal while she was wearing it, at the same time concealing her real identity. With her halter top taken away from her, the sailor had taken a photograph of Jennifer Traylor!

"Don't take it so hard, Jenny," said Mrs. Danforth, the magazine's publisher. "I've got an old photo that makes me look like Marilyn Monroe. Nobody's seriously going to believe that's you."

"That's for sure," Aleysha agreed, smiling. "The way you squealed in fright at that spider on your desk last week, it's obvious you're not the Fuchsia Fox."

"It was a BIG spider," Jennifer said defensively.

"It was a common house spider, honey," said Mrs. Danforth. "Face it, you're not cut out to be a superhero."

Aleysha picked up the paper and read the article. "Even D.C.s own resident superchick isn't invincible, as should be all too clear in this photo. On a recent weekend, the Fabulous Fox tried to take on a gang of thugs and got herself ludicrously trounced and captured in the attempt. The bodacious superbabe was rescued by American servicemen from the nearby NSRDC, who routed the badguys handily. Maybe she should stick to pole dancing and leave the rough stuff to our men in uniform."

"Nobody takes that rag seriously," Mrs. Danforth scoffed. "They probably got one of their staff bimbos to pose for the picture. She doesn't even look much like the Fox."

Jennifer was grateful for the vote of confidence, but the words still stung. Was she really so pathetic that a guy like the Centurion could subdue her so easily? And then it hit her... NSRDC! Naval Ship Research and Development Center!


That night after dark, the Fuchsia Fox landed softly inside the NSRDC compound. The sign, "Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only", made her feel a little apprehensive, but she hurried up the steps to what looked like the main admin building. In the lobby two armed Marines were sitting at a sort of reception desk, reading magazines. The sexy supergirl strutted up to the desk, her high heels thumping seductively on the carpet. "Excuse me, gentlemen," she said sweetly, thrusting out her chest and flashing her prettiest smile, "but could I please speak to the officer in charge?"

The guards jumped as if their chairs were on fire. Jennifer couldn't resist a superior smirk as their mouths hung open, their eyes wide as they feasted on her. She had spent some time meticulously resewing her halter top, and its allure-enhancing effect was obviously very much intact. Plus, as usual when she had the time to dress, she had put on silky pantyhose underneath her briefs. The brawny men were like putty in her hands, literally pushing each other aside to help. It never crossed their minds to ask for identification or point weapons at her. The Fox could appreciate that it was a bit unfair using her supermodel aura against the poor males, but she massaged her guilt with the thought that it counted as one of her powers, so she might as well take advantage of it.

Five minutes later, she was ushered into the office of Commander Anthony Kaver. "This is indeed an honor," he said, rising briefly from his chair. "What can I do for you?"

The Fox crossed her arms underneath her marvelous bust. "You can start by telling me all about what the Centurion stole from your truck this Saturday."

The naval officer looked considerably taken aback. "That was an experimental device being shipped to us from-- Well, never mind where. It's classified. I can't talk about it."

"Let's not beat around the bush, Commander," the heroine said, shifting her weight from one alluringly flawless leg to the other. "I know first hand how dangerous the Centurion can be. You're going to need my help."

Kaver thought about it for a minute. "You're right," he said, reaching for his hat. "But not here. Let me take you out to the annex. I'll explain there."
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Chapter 5 --

Kaver's car pulled up at a remote warehouse located somewhere near Rockville. Jennifer's sense of direction had been somewhat confused by the unnecessary turns and backtracks he had made. There were no visible guards. In fact it seemed quite an ordinary building, except that the entrance was equipped with state of the art retinal, fingerprint, and body mass scanners.

Inside, the two of them walked past a series of offices and labs. In the whole building there only seemed to be two men and two women, wearing white coats and never speaking as they went about their work. At last Kaver brought the Fox into a sixty foot diameter room with a ceiling that was open to the rafters. Four consoles were arranged in a semicircle, making it look almost like a mission control room. Back in the shadows were various machines which she didn't recognize. The sexy superheroine was beginning to wonder when her guide was going to get to the point.

"This is what I can't figure," she said impatiently. "The Centurion is known for having a Rome fixation. He steals art objects and historical artifacts that are somehow connected with the Romans. What the heck is he up to, stealing a shipment to a Naval research lab?"

"He's also a mercenary," Commander Kaver suggested. "Somebody could have hired him."

"True," the Fox said musingly as she wandered into the center of the room, a big open area over thirty feet across. "But that still leaves the question--"

"I have an idea," said Kaver, stepping back. "Why don't you ask him when you see him?"

"Huh? When I--?" Suddenly the floor underneath her high heels irised open. Taken entirely by surprise, the Fox dropped twenty feet before she could stretch out her arms and catch herself using her flying powers. The superheroine found herself hovering inside a broad vertical shaft with a gleaming metal spiral running around its walls. She was reminded of the inside of a gigantic rifle barrel. Just then a throbbing sonic pulse shot up the tunnel. "OHH!" The Fox clasped her hands to her ears, her entire body quivering from the pain. Overwhelmed by the assault, she lost control of her flight and plunged to the bottom of the shaft.

Sixty feet later, the Fox went SPLAT! into a pool of thick green ooze which filled the bottom of the shaft. The stuff felt about the texture of lime Jell-o, too slimy to offer any purchase and yet firm enough to support her body at about chest height. Her long legs, scissoring beneath her, couldn't touch bottom. Jennifer gasped as she hung there trying not to panic.

Not for the first time, the stunning superlady regretted having a costume that exposed so much skin. The insidious pressure of the sticky goop on every inch of her exquisite body was disgusting, like swimming in mucous. Every tiny movement she made set up a jiggling counter-movement that made her skin crawl, as if in some obscene way the slime was a living thing, sucking at her flesh, pulling at her clothes, groping her body with thousands of slippery little green spermicules.

A kind of current seemed to ripple through the goo. Something snaked around her slim ankle and pulled her completely under. Engulfed in it, the Fox brought up her defensive force shield by pure reflex so that the gunk couldn't drown her. Fighting back for all she was worth, the spunky superheroine struggled to the surface, gasping for breath.

Above her, the sonic vibration was still pulsing through the spiral tunnel, neutralizing her flying powers. She still had her superstrength, but there was nothing to punch but jelly. Again something coiled around both of her long legs and sucked her down. The ooze flowed upward around her curves, pressing against her butt, her breasts, her muff... Kicking out, the Fox tried to swim, but the thick glop clung to her, resisting like molasses.

With a tremendous effort, she breached the surface again, only to be immediately dragged back below. She fought her way to the top a third time, but the effort cost her. She was exhausted! She couldn't... catch her breath... couldn't... keep this up much longer...

The Fox's brain was so desperate for some way out, it was free-associating like mad. She suddenly remembered when her bracelets had temporarily fallen into the hands of Major Zennakova. The villainess had boasted that the good-hearted superheroine used only a fraction of the power available to her. Could she tap into that power now?

It was crazy, but she had nothing to lose. Closing her eyes, she stopped fighting and allowed her supple body to go completely limp. Sure enough, the random movements of the ooze pulled her relentlessly down until her feet touched the very bottom of the pool. Down here the stuff was most solid, accumulating around her body as if was trying to absorb her. The Fox's beautiful brown eyes snapped open. Something inside her had clicked, as though she were playing a video game and had gone up a level.

She brought her hands together in a powerful SLAP! that sent a quiver through the entire pool. At the same time, the bracelets of Ishtar flared, releasing a bright white detonation that sent the Fox's lissom body flying upwards like a rocket. Thrown clear of the ooze, the superheroine landed on a four foot wide platform which surrounded the rim of the pool, and immediately sagged onto her back from sheer exhaustion. Below her, the treacherous jelly bubbled and hissed, slowly coalescing into a sickly brown residue.

The Fox smiled and then, the last of her strength temporarily spent, she passed out.
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Chapter 6 --

"Congratulations," said Kaver. "I didn't think it was possible to escape the Sidius Ooze, let alone kill it."

The Fuchsia Fox tried to move and found that her wrists were chained together above her head. "My pleasure," she said sulkily. She looked along the smooth curve of her spandex clad body and saw that she was stretched out on a table on display, her ankles also in chains. Her bracelets of Ishtar had been taken away from her, naturally. Jennifer bit her lip, trying not to think of how helpless that left her. "I'm going to take a stab and guess that I'm not being detained because I broke some kind of Navy regulation."

"Of course not," said Kaver. "You're being detained because you got too close to the truth. Both of you."

The Fox looked to her right and saw a second table. The Centurion was shackled to it, minus his weapons, breastplate, and helmet. His face wasn't as exceptionally handsome as Jennifer had half expected, but it would do. "So what are YOU in for?" she quipped.

"The Crystal Masks of Urania and Euterpe," he said ruefully. "The Muses of Astronomy and Music. Once owned by the Emperor Constantine, and lost for centuries."

"So? What does that have to do with--"

"I traced them to a collector in St. Louis," the Centurion continued, "but learned that they were recently stolen. Through certain connections, I learned that they were in the possession of an Air Force officer at Area 51."

"Area 51? But that's--"

She broke off as the four silent technicians came into the room, the one in the lead carrying an object made out of pure white quartz. It was a mask in the form of a female face, with a star on her right cheek. They placed it inside a complex apparatus and then took their places at the consoles. "The Mask of Urania," Kaver explained. "If you must know, it's really a quadlithium para-psychotronic matrix. Not that your ape brains would understand what that means. Even yours, Zumerian."

Jennifer started. "What did you call me?"

"Don't play innocent with me," Kaver said, pulling her bracelets of Ishtar out of the pocket of his coat. "This is clearly Zumerian technology, and--"

One of the technicians interrupted, speaking in some incomprehensible language. Kaver set the bracelets down on the console and replied in the same tongue. The hole in the floor, the tunnel into which the Fox had fallen, gave off a glow as the spiral inside it powered up. There was a rumbling sound from above as a big square in the roof slid back to reveal the night sky.

The Fuchsia Fox struggled frantically against her restraints. This didn't look good. "What are you doing?"

"My dear girl," said Kaver, "we're simply phoning home." Jennifer gasped in horror as a sort of ripple went through his body. As he grew taller and thinner, his head bulged out into a hideous pear-shaped orb with two huge staring eyes and no visible mouth. The other four, seeing no further need to hide, also transformed themselves. "A handful of us have been stranded on this benighted rock since our spaceship crashed near Flatwoods, West Virginia in 1952. Using our shapechanging abilities, we infiltrated your military until we could find the means to contact our home planet."

"But there's no need to do it like this," the Fox insisted. "We can help. We can coexist if you give us the chance."

Kaver gave a hollow laugh. "Girl, we do not coexist. We conquer."

The tunnel let out a high-pitched scream as the energy plume raced up the spiral and shot into the heavens, retaining its helical shape as it reached towards infinity.

Okay Jennifer, the Fox was thinking, time to pull another last-minute miracle out of your sleeve. Out the corner of her eye, she saw movement at the Centurion's table. The villain had produced a lockpick from somewhere and was delicately working on his handcuffs. She shot a glance at Kaver. The tall, scarecrow alien had left the control panel and had started to pace. In about two seconds, he was going to catch the Centurion in the act! She had to do something to distract him, but unfortunately only one thing came to mind...

"Oh please!" the Fox blurted out. "Please! Don't hurt me! I beg of you, kind sir! I'll do anything!" Kaver looked at her. The stunning superheroine arched her upper body, undulating sensuously back and forth in her chains as her supple little tail rubbed up and down against the table top. The alien turned toward her.

"O-obviously you've won," Jennifer pleaded, putting a pathetic quaver into her voice. "You're so superior... and I'm completely at your mercy... so helpless and weak! You can't imagine how HOT that makes me for you!" Kaver moved closer, his eyes fixed on her like a pair of headlights. If he had had a mouth, he would have been drooling. His clawlike arm reached out to stroke her satin tights. "Oooooh!" the Fox moaned, pursing her wet lips and closing her eyes in mock ecstasy. "The idea of mating... of being TAKEN by such a virile, dominant alpha male... it... it excites me! Please..."

Suddenly the Centurion burst out of his chains. Before the aliens could react, the supervillain leaped from the table to the main console. As the alien at the controls shrank back, he slammed into the panel, sending sparks flying. The spiral space beam wavered, but didn't go out completely.

Kaver drew a gun from his pocket and whirled. A laser shot out, barely missing the Centurion as he ducked behind the console. The other four aliens were going for similar weapons. Unarmed as he was, he was obviously going to need help. He grabbed the bracelets of Ishtar. Executing a forward flip, he vaulted the console and barreled into Kaver, knocking him off his spindly legs.

"That was very good acting, sweet temptress," the Centurion said, grinning as he put the bracelets around Jennifer's wrists. "It certainly would have worked on ME."

"Oh shut up," she glared, blushing as the rogue turned away again to wrestle with Kaver. They both went down in a tangle of arms and legs.

"Ishtar!" Jennifer said, clinking her bracelets together.
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Good stuff, nice turn of events with them working together. Look forward to more.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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(Yes, I thought it would an interesting variation having a heroine and villain forced to work together. Wait until you see Part II.)

Chapter 7 --

The bracelets activated, sending a soundless explosion of light welling out to sheathe Jennifer in its luminous cocoon, touching every secret part of her body, re-energizing and transforming her at the same time as it shattered the chains binding her to the table. The Fuchsia Fox immediately leaped to her feet.

"Stop the girl!" Kaver mewled.

"You've had your shot, creepy," the spunky superheroine sneered, raising one eyebrow as she unhurriedly stroked her long, elbow-length gloves. "Now it's MY turn!"

Lasers criss-crossed the room as the Fox leaped into action as nimbly as her namesake. One of the stray shots clipped the Centurion's leg, making him stumble. In a flash, the lovely supergirl was in front of him like a beautiful human shield, deflecting the beams with her force aura. Savoring his exquisite close up view of her pert little caboose, the villain took advantage of the respite to flip over one of the tables and dive for cover behind it.

Freed from the necessity of looking after the man, the Fox launched herself into the aliens, scattering them like tenpins. The signal beam was still on, fluctuating wildly now on, now off. Frantically Jennifer looked over the control panels, hoping for some clue how to shut it off, but the labels were in some alien script.

"Oh gosh!" Hoisting one of the consoles off the floor, the Fox hurled it at the machine that seemed to be powering the beam. Kaver, the only one of the aliens still conscious, saw what was going to happen and glided rapidly towards the door. The resulting explosion seemed to rock the floor. Smoke billowed up all over the room.

The Centurion, looking out from behind his refuge, tried to see through the smoke. "Fox? FOX! ANSWER ME!" Running forward blindly, the villain searched for the courageous superlady until he was nearly choked. Finally no longer able to stand, he dropped to the floor and crawled, finding the doorway by touch. He felt his way outside into the cool night air, where he collapsed.


"Centurion?" said a soft feminine voice. "Are you okay?"

"Temptress!" he said, smiling with relief as he opened his eyes. "You are alive?"

"Last time I looked." Although the villain's face and clothing were smeared with black soot, the spandex-clad beauty looked as fresh and as mouth-watering as always. "Four of the aliens are accounted for. I've got them tied up over there. Kaver seems to have got away. Plus, I managed to rescue this!"

The Centurion's eyes grew wide as he scrambled to his feet. She was holding the Mask of Urania! Carefully, almost not daring to breathe, he took it out of her hands, caressing it gently. "It is beautiful, as I have always dreamed. I thank you for saving it." He absently started to walk off, still holding it.

"Hold on, buster!" the Fox said, snagging the back of his collar with her left hand while she took the mask back with her right hand. "You're still under arrest! I doubt if the Navy is going to make much of a fuss about you stealing something they weren't supposed to have in the first place, but I bet there are still outstanding warrants in your name."

"You're forgetting something, Temptress," the Centurion said. "This was shipped across the country by someone at Area 51. A second person inside the US military. That person has the other mask, the Mask of Euterpe."

The superheroine frowned, letting go of his collar. "Another of those aliens, you mean? You could be right..."

"The greater good demands that you postpone turning me over to the authorities so that together we can locate this person."

"Ha!" the Fox scoffed. "And I'm supposed to trust you? You just want to get your hands on the other mask."

He stepped closer and reached for her, giving her that roguish smile as he lightly stroked the bare skin of her upper arms. "Whatever my motives, we could help one another. You need me."

Jennifer suddenly felt her self-assurance faltering. He was standing much too close, his hazel eyes locked with hers. Her pulse was racing. Instinctively she raised the crystal mask, clutching it to her breasts as if it were a protective shield between the two of them. "You're a supervillain. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you."

"I prefer the term 'soldier of fortune'," he said. "But whatever I am, I am a man of my word." In the distance, the sound of firetruck sirens raced steadily nearer.

The Fox came to a decision. "I know I'm going to live to regret this..."

>>>>>>>>to be continued

[So much for Part I. Brace yourself for Part II, which features a guest appearance by everyone's favorite Girl of Steel!]
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Centurion wrote: [So much for Part I. Brace yourself for Part II, which features a guest appearance by everyone's favorite Girl of Steel!]
Say what?! Bring on part 2!
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Great stuff
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Part II: "Revealed!"

Chapter 8 -- Area 51, Grooms Lake, Nevada

The sergeant in the security watchtower turned urgently to the officer of the day. "Captain, radar is picking up something entering our airspace. Something small, moving at incredible speed." He took another look as the computer finished analyzing the target's flight characteristics and identified it. "It's... it's HER!"

The captain glanced at the screen and smiled. "Looks like she's heading towards sector 5-433. Special Projects installation Magenta 12 is out that way. Better give Colonel Remis a heads up."


The man in the uniform of an Air Force lieutenant colonel swung his chair around, holding the phone to his ear. "Thank you for the warning, captain. No, no. No need to log it. I'm sure she's just passing by on her way to somewhere. Thank you. Will do."

He hung up the phone, thinking. How much time did he have? Given her speed, probably--

CRUNK! The lead-lined door to his office bent out of shape and went flying into the far wall. A gorgeous female shape sashayed into the room, blonde hair flying around her beautiful face. The girl's nubile young body was sheathed in a long-sleeved, royal blue leotard and tight red shorts. Her shapely legs were clad in red, knee high boots. As the superheroine paused just inside the doorway with her red cape swirling around her, the man's eyes were drawn to the world famous red and yellow "S" symbol on her chest.

"Supergirl," he said as he stood up. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Give it up, Remis," the spunky superbabe said, scowling as she thrust out her marvelous bust. "I know what you're up to. Where is it?"

The man looked guiltily towards the bookcase. "AHA!" Supergirl cried in triumph, racing across the room with her cape trailing like a banner. After a quick scan with her x-ray vision, she found the trigger mechanism and the bookcase slid back, revealing an opening.

The scrumptious superheroine was about to strut haughtily through it when two male figures emerged, blocking her way. They were in the shape of men, in black suits and glasses, but having no expression whatsoever on their faces.

"You have GOT to be kidding," said Supergirl, planting her hands on her luscious hips with a mocking laugh. "Do you really think these tinker toys can stop ME?"

"Not by themselves," Remis replied. A panel on the far wall silently rotated, bringing into view a double bank of optical conduits running from floor to ceiling. Crimson light beams poured out, flooding the room.

As the rays hit her, Supergirl faltered as if she had just slammed headlong into a solid wall. "That's... that's red sun radiation!" she gasped in shock, feeling her super strength draining away with each passing second. Desperately the sassy superlady turned to escape back to the door, but she was caught by the android Men in Black before she could take a single step. Seizing her arms, they snapped her back, pretty legs dangling helplessly in the air as they lifted her lissom body off the floor and held her firmly suspended in between them.

"Eek! Please..." Supergirl moaned, struggling ineffectually in the unbreakable grip of the two machines. "You can't be doing this! My powers...!"

"Not quite so COCKY now, are you?" Remis said, his lips pulling back in a mirthless grin. "Stripped of those precious powers, I have a feeling you'll be a lot more docile and cooperative."

As if to drive home his point, the androids shifted their grip slightly. Keeping her securely held on either side, their free hands moved downward along the back of Supergirl's body-hugging leotard. Patting her sweet, spandex-clad derriere, they gave a sharp tug on the thin fabric of her snug little shorts. "Eeek!" the alluring girl squeaked with alarm. She got the idea, all right! If she put up any resistance, there was nothing to stop them from going as far as they wanted!

"B-but how could you do this?" she whimpered sulkily. "A red sun projector w-would need a miniature controlled fusion reaction! Nobody on Earth has ever accomplished that!"

"That's where you underestimated me," Remis said. A ripple passed through his body as he transformed into his true shape, tall and thin with a horrible pear-shaped head and two enormous, staring eyes. "I am not from Earth."

Supergirl gasped, shrinking back in horror from the alien as far as she could. All at once, the androids released her. Unprepared and sapped of all her strength, she dropped to floor at their feet like a sack of potatoes. On her knees, the helpless superheroine looked up submissively at the faces of her captors. She was too proud to beg, but try as she might she couldn't keep a quiver of fear out of her voice as she asked, "Wh-what are you going to do with me?"

"That is a very good question, isn't it?" said the alien. He turned to the androids. "Take her down to Mr. Janik. He knows what to do."
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Chapter 9 -- Alamo, Nevada

The Fuchsia Fox was in a roadside diner, talking on a payphone because there was no cell coverage. In the middle of the afternoon, there was nobody but the cook and the waitress, who had nothing better to do than watch her curiously from the counter. The beautiful 23 year old superheroine was incognito in sunglasses, a long-sleeved white cotton shirt, and a pair of loose khaki shorts covering up her daring little costume. If they could see THAT, they would really have something to stare at!

"That's about it," she was saying into the phone, nervously brushing her short brunette hair with her free hand. "No news yet. Don't worry, I'm being careful." She had purposefully called when she knew Martin was on duty, so that she'd get his voice mail. She didn't think she could face actually speaking to him. "I... I miss you." And then she hung up.

"Who were you talking to, your boyfriend?" said the Centurion, with his uncanny and annoying habit of sneaking up on her. He was even better at blending in than she was, dressed in a tight white tshirt, jeans, and of all things, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots!

The Fox ignored the question. "Did you find out anything?"

"I have a name, Lt. Colonel Remis," he replied. "The directory has no officer by that name stationed at Area 51."

"Duh!" the Fox scoffed as she strolled back to the booth where she had left her half-eaten lunch. "It's supposed to be one of the most secret places in the country, isn't it?"

"Trust me, Temptress," he said. "I didn't get to be a world class soldier of fortune by not knowing how to do reconnaissance." For a supervillain with a Rome fixation, he was remarkably well equipped with high tech gear, including the flying chariot they had hidden nearby. He had left his henchmen back in D.C., on the grounds that they were okay for lug work, but not trained enough for a job like this.

"So what's our next move?" she asked, sipping at her soda.

"First, we check into that motel across the road and freshen up." He leaned forward, reaching across the table to take her left hand. His hazel eyes looked unflinchingly into her brown ones. "Become better acquainted... maybe get some sleep..."

...Together? Jennifer's mind finished. Even through her silk gloves, the gentle warmth of his strong hand was beguiling. The Fox couldn't help but be reminded of their first meeting, when he had overpowered her and... She tried to be strong, tried to think of Martin, but in her mind she had a momentary vision of her and the Centurion naked under the motel shower, his hands roaming at will all over her body, his hot mouth tasting her tender young flesh...

Just then there was a clear "ting-ling!" from the bell over the door as two Men in Black walked into the diner.

The Fox pulled back her hand. "You're kidding me, right?" she said, as the Centurion slid out of the booth and stood. From their position near the door, maybe ten or twelve feet away, the lead MIB silently looked him over as if he were trying to memorize the shape of his body. When the Fox joined him, the MIB turned his head and subjected her to the same treatment. Jennifer blushed. She had the absurd idea that he was looking straight through her clothes!

Satisfied, the MIB pulled a very small object from his coat and pointed it at her. The Fox ducked at the last second, as a little ball of plasma energy shot out and destroyed the booth behind her! "I think they're onto us, Temptress!" the Centurion said as he leaped forward to grapple with the MIB's gun hand.

"You think?" Jennifer retorted, unbuttoning her shorts and sliding them over her taut little butt. Stepping out of them, she peeled off her shirt and tossed it aside, revealing her Fuchsia Fox costume. As she ditched the sunglasses too, the cook and the waitress stared with open-mouthed admiration at her sleek, supermodel body, clad in her fuchsia briefs and halter top, her fox head chest emblem lovingly caressing her two firm young breasts.

Her golden bracelets of Ishtar glowed faintly as the sexy superheroine powered up her protective force shield and went to the Centurion's rescue. She gave the MIB a punch that would have plowed through two inches of solid oak. He flew across the room, losing his gun in the process, but to her astonishment, simply stood up and brushed himself off!

At the same time, the second MIB opened fire on her. The plasma bolt deflected harmlessly off the Fox's force shield and went through the plate glass window. On his next shot, unwilling to risk the innocent bystanders, the stunning superlady concentrated on absorbing the energy instead of merely turning it aside.

Meanwhile the Centurion was taking on the other one. Even though the soldier of fortune was unarmed, his marvelous manly body was almost a blur of motion as he kicked and pummelled. The MIB was not impressed. It caught him by the neck and threw him down against the countertop. "FOX!" the Centurion shouted. "No need to pull your punches! I believe these things are ROBOTS!"

The Fox lunged forward at the MIB that was still armed. Pulling out all the stops, she slammed three blows into its torso that nearly ripped it in half. As it collapsed, the spunky supergirl raced back to help the Centurion, giving the android that was on him a roundhouse that tore its head off.

"Are you okay?" she asked the half-throttled Centurion.

He massaged his throat, drawing air into his gorgeous chest, and then hurriedly knelt on one knee next to the inert android body. "If we're lucky, it has a navigation chip to help it find its way home."
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Good fun and nicely done but I'm not convinced she would blend in wearing her silk gloves in the desert!

Keep it up, a nice read.
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More please! :-D
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tallyho wrote:Good fun and nicely done but I'm not convinced she would blend in wearing her silk gloves in the desert!
Good point. That's why she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, so the gloves wouldn't show so much. Expect the next installment Friday.
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Chapter 10 --

In his human form, Remis walked into the laboratory, where Supergirl was strapped to a table under the rays of the red sun projector. Her exquisite, spandex-clad body lay limp and unresisting, her head lolled against her shoulder from exhaustion. "Report, Janik!" he commanded.

A bald man wearing a pale gray lab coat turned, his dark, hollow eyes looking to the floor as he bowed obsequiously. "It... is not going well, sir."

"But you TOLD me--"

"She is a Kryptonian! And she has a remarkably strong will!"

"You have the Mask of Euterpe, with a thousand years of stored psychic energy! I do not wish to hear excuses!"


The installation was nestled against the northwest face of Mount Irish, so well camouflaged against the cliff face that it took them an hour to spot it. A single road wound through the trees until it just seemed to vanish. The only reason they saw the single sentry post was because they were specifically looking for it.

The Centurion had changed into his Roman outfit, breastplate and helmet. Watching him check his weapons, the Fox said, "Listen to me, Centurion. I want you to be careful--"

"Temptress, I didn't know you cared!" he said, grinning as he reached for her slim waist.

"--careful with that SWORD of yours! If this place is anything like the Naval Research Center, these airmen don't know they're working for an alien. Slice and dice androids if you must, but if just one of these guys gets hurt unnecessarily, I'll make you wish you had never been born. Follow me?"

His grinned faded slightly, but he nodded respectfully.

The Fox flew them to a flat section of roof they had spotted. After the Centurion opened the door with an electronic lockpick, the alluring superheroine took the lead. They found themselves inside a dormitory with a dozen or so bunk beds. Three or four echoing male voices came from the wide opening that obviously led into the shower room. Jennifer took a quick peek around the corner of the doorway and then hastily withdrew again, her cheeks blushing rosily.

"Did you see something you liked?" the Centurion said.

Down another stair was a world of workrooms and offices, with signs like "Warning: Electrical Hazard!" and "No Admittance Without Clearance Card!" They finally found an office labeled "Lt. Col. Remis". The door looked brand new.

Inside was a desk, a bookcase, a credenza, some nice oak panelling, but no villain. While they were searching it for clues, the bookcase slid back and another MIB marched through. The Fox made short work of it and stashed the wreckage behind the desk. The hidden door led down another short stair and into a corridor.

Down here there was a heavy humming noise that came from the walls. There was no other sound. The Fox was beginning to get seriously creeped out. She felt the reassuring bulk of the Centurion as she stepped up beside her, his hand lightly touching the soft, bare skin of her shoulder just next to the strap of her halter top. Jennifer had just been thinking how nice Martin's arms would feel around her. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against him, savoring the warmth of his body, his musky masculine smell...

When she realized what she was doing, she irritably squirmed out of his clutches and kept walking. She was NOT going to let him seduce her again!

Along the right hand wall of the corridor was a line of plexiglas windows looking into a laboratory. There, stretched out on a horizontal table and apparently unconscious, was Supergirl! The two of them burst into the laboratory together and rushed frantically to the captive superheroine's side. "Supergirl? Can you hear me?" the Fox asked anxiously, gently caressing her face. Her skin felt warm, maybe too warm. The Kryptonian moaned weakly and turned her head, but didn't open her eyes.

Maybe it had something to do with these red lamps shining on her. The Fox looked around, found a control panel that probably controlled them. She balled up her fist...

"Hold on, Temptress," the Centurion cautioned, quickly grabbing her arms. "Don't do anything rash."

"I'm only going to shut off these red lamps. What harm can that do?"

"This time please don't break anything until I've had the chance to look at it." The Fox blushed. He was refering to the laboratory back at Rockville that she had destroyed. He flicked some switches on the panel, causing the red lights to go out immediately. The humming in the walls also stopped. The silence sounded eerie.

The Centurion threw more switches which opened a skylight in the ceiling, flooding the laboratory with bright yellow sunlight. Supergirl stirred to life at once. "Ohhhhh my head hurts," she whimpered.

The Fox was beside her in a flash, undoing the straps on her wrists. "Easy does it," she said, helping her to sit up.

Supergirl snaked one arm around the Fox's slim shoulder for support and slid off the table. She smiled her thanks, hugging close to the other girl's lissom, spandex-clad body. As she caught her breath, the Kryptonian heroine took a second look, gently and sensuously rubbing her fingers over the Fox's chest emblem. "You're the Fuchsia Fox! I've heard about you, but I didn't realize... h'zhen b'tosnef Ishtaria?"

"Excuse me?" the Fox said, confused.

"I'm sorry. From your emblem I assumed you were a Zumerian."

"That's the second time somebody's called me that! What--?"

Before the Fox could complete the thought, the laboratory door opened again and the bald man with dark, hollow eyes walked in as if he owned the place. "Ah, the Fuchsia Fox! So pleasant to see you again, my sweet."

"The Enchanter!" Jennifer blurted. He was wearing a gray lab coat instead of his usual black and red robes, but she recognized the supervillain instantly. "I thought you were in prison!"

"Before we get into that," the Enchanter said, "Kara my pet, restrain this intruder!"

"Anything for you, my love!" Supergirl gushed, as she suddenly tightened her grasp on the Fox, spinning the girl around and pinning her arms behind her!
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The suspense is killing me!
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(I wish I could put you out of your misery, but this is liable to just twist it up a notch! :) )

Chapter 11 --

"Supergirl, don't!" the Fuchsia Fox cried. Caught by surprise, she didn't even have the chance to resist. But even if she had, it wouldn't have made a lot of difference. At full strength, the Fox could lift a small car, but the Girl of Steel was in a class by herself! As Jennifer struggled, the Centurion drew his short sword and came to her aid. Supergirl stuck out her arm and backhanded him across the chest with a casual blow that would have flattened a mid-sized automobile! Flying back, he crashed straight THROUGH the wall of the laboratory and landed in a maintenance crawlspace. He didn't get up again.

"Fight it, Supergirl!" the Fox pleaded, renewing her struggles. "You can resist that sleazy creep's spell! I know you can!"

"Be quiet, witch!" the Kryptonian snarled. "Don't talk about my sweetheart like that."

Hurried footsteps brought the arrival of the human-appearing Colonel Remis and four Air Force security guards. "Don't be alarmed," the Enchanter assured them, as he took the Fox's bracelets of Ishtar away from her. "Everything is under control now."

Two of the airmen took charge of the disarmed and helpless Fuchsia Fox, leaving Supergirl free to snuggle up to the Enchanter. The beautiful Kryptonian draped herself fawningly on his arm like a cheap tramp, purring like a kitten as he patted her tight little bottom. His other hand slid in between her legs, stroking Supergirl's sweet snatch through the front of her snug red shorts. The nubile superheroine's response to this impertinence was to moan softly and spread her legs compliantly to accommodate him.

The Fox flushed with humiliation on her behalf, remembering all too vividly the time that she herself had fallen under the villain's hypnotic spell. "How did you get your hooks into Supergirl?" she said sullenly.

"With the crystal Mask of Euterpe," the Enchanter said smugly. "The psychic power it absorbed over the centuries was enough to overpower even a Kryptonian. Unfortunately it has now been drained."

"Too bad," said Jennifer.

"It served its purpose," Remis said, sending the other two airmen to drag the Centurion's body out of the maintenance space. Unfortunately he wasn't there. The men reported that it looked as if he had crawled away. "Well, find him!" he snapped. "He can't have got far!"


Further along the corridor past the laboratory, another set of windows looked down into what appeared to be an old missile silo. But instead of holding a rocket, the shaft was now filled with a gleaming metal tower, with a fat round ball at the top. Two technicians in white coats were still working on part of it.

The Fox was sandwiched helplessly in between the two security guards, each keeping a tight grip on her arms. As the stunning superheroine rubbed herself gently against them, trying to estimate her chances of breaking free without her powers, she couldn't help noticing that their normal male reaction to contact with her enticing, scantily clad body was lacking. These guys were also under the Enchanter's spell!

"Yes," Remis said, as if he had been reading her mind. "You can't imagine how slow going it was to build this project virtually by myself -- submitting employment vouchers for non-existent scientists, setting up hopelessly byzantine security procedures so the Air Force personnel wouldn't become suspicious. Things have been so much easier since I pulled some strings and got Mr. Janik transfered from his NSA holding cell."

"My heart bleeds," the Fox said sulkily.

The alien ignored the comment. "We still needed several vital components when our funding was unexpectedly cut off. We were forced to seek alternative means."

"What kind of al--?" the Fox began, before it dawned on her. Supergirl!

"Kara my pet," the Enchanter said, "go to the Federal Office of Technology Assessment Warehouse number 314 in St. Louis, Missouri. Bring me back a fifteen ton superconducting magnet. Do not allow anyone to follow you."

Supergirl smiled at him seductively. "Oooooh, I'd be so happy to do that for you, Snuggykins! Are you sure that's ALL you want?"

The villain licked his lips. "In fact..." Suddenly the Enchanter saw the disapproving look on Remis' face. "Later, my pet. Right now you must do as I told you."

"Okay," she said agreeably, tossing her sexy blonde tresses. "I'll be back soon, my Stallion!" Her cape swirling behind her, she turned for the exit.

OHNO! Jennifer thought. She had to DO something, FAST! "That's right, you cheap Kryptonian slut," she heard herself saying out loud, "just run along and do whatever your scumbag boyfriend tells you to do!"

Supergirl froze and turned around slowly. "What did you say to me?"
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chapter 12 --

The Fuchsia Fox felt her heart thumping inside her lovely chest. She was improvising, but if this plan didn't work, it was at least a really inventive way to commit suicide. "Personally I wouldn't even let Toadboy kiss my heinie," she said coquettishly. "I suppose being invulnerable you don't worry about whatever nasty cooties he's picked up from the slimy rock he lives under."

"You take that back!" Supergirl hissed, her cheeks turning red.

"On the other hand, coming from Argos City you're probably used to really tiny dicks!"

Even under mind control, the two airmen knew enough to clear out of the way when they saw 110 pounds of angry Supergirl charging down on them. The Fox nearly wet herself, but managed to duck just as the Girl of Steel slammed into the plexiglass window overlooking the missile silo and kept going, too pissed off to stop herself in time.

"Janik!" Remis said urgently. "Stop her!"

The Enchanter was a little slow on the uptake. Either that or he was turned on by the catfight. He only watched amused as the Fox kicked the big red button that caused a steel shutter to slam shut over the broken window opening, trapping Supergirl inside the silo. Before the airmen could think to try and grab her again, the lissom girl did a forward roll, put her head down, and plowed into the Enchanter's paunchy gut. The villain sagged like a deflated beach ball.

"Sorry, Fester," the sassy superlady smirked as she ransacked his clothes quickly and without a lot of concern for his comfort. "But you've got something that belongs to me." With a cry of triumph she brought out the bracelets of Ishtar and put them on.

A brilliant burst of power flowed out of the bracelets and caressed the Fuchsia Fox, enwrapping her svelte body in its luminous shroud. As it faded, the superheroine stood with her hands on her hips, looking down on the suddenly cowering villains.

Just a second later, a ventilation grid overhead came crashing down as the Centurion arrived, his clothes bloodstained and missing his helmet and breastplate. "I apologize for being late, Temptress," he grunted, landing on his feet. "Did I miss anything important?"

The two airmen drew their sidearms and cocked them, falling back several yards and holding the corridor as Remis and the Enchanter beat feet towards Remis' office. "Catch the Enchanter," the Fox replied. "Whatever you do, don't let HIM get away!"

"Right! What about you?"

"Nothing much. I've just got to, er..." Behind them, there was a slow, painful CRUUUUNK! sound as if someone were tearing a steel shutter in half like cardboard. "...fight Supergirl to a standstill. Want to trade?"


The Centurion had a problem. Supergirl's punch had smashed his armor, he had lost his helmet crawling through the ductwork, he had a laser burn on his thigh, a couple of cracked ribs, and more bruises than he could count. While the two airmen tracked him with their sidearms, he zig-zagged down the corridor, drawing his gladius and igniting its energy shroud to deflect the bullets as they opened fire. Once he got close enough, remembering the Fox's warning, he flicked it off again and clouted them unconscious with the flat of the blade.

Pausing only a second to catch his breath, he sprinted down the corridor towards Remis' office, darting toward the opening just as the bookcase started to close.


The Fox wasn't so lucky. Supergirl swept her up by the straps of her halter top, lifting her off the floor and pinning her against the thick concrete wall of the corridor. "Got any more clever remarks about my sweetheart, witch?" the Kryptonian said, drawing back one dainty fist, "before I pound you into a puke purple stain?"

The Fox grappled desperately with the other girl, her hands sliding over her sleek, sexy torso, struggling to find purchase on her silky, royal blue leotard. She blushed as she grabbed hold of Supergirl's breasts, feeling her nipples rise in response to her touch. How could that supple body feel so soft and yielding and still be so invulnerable? Grasping at straws, the frantic superheroine reached out to Supergirl's alluring waist, unbuckled her tight red shorts, and tugged them down a few inches.

Where brawn had failed, the unexpected won. "What do you think you're doing?" Supergirl gasped, letting go of Jennifer's halter top out of sheer surprise. The Fox took full advantage of it. While the Girl of Steel was off balance, she reached down and caught hold of her thighs, at the same time pushing off from the wall behind her. Both girls went down, tumbling across the floor of the corridor in a delicious confusion of graceful, silken legs and smooth, spandex-clad bodies.

Together they crashed through a door and into a maintenance room full of machinery. Supergirl brought up her legs and kicked, sending the Fox reeling backwards. Jumping to her feet, she tugged her shorts back into place. Then she grabbed a section of thick pipe and ripped it free. Scalding steam boiled out into the room, but she hardly noticed. "Alright, witch! One last chance to take back what you said about my Snuggykins!"

Steam was pouring from the broken coolant system. Jennifer was backed against a wall with no way out. "Which part?" she said. "The part where I said I'd rather make love to a baboon?" Supergirl lunged, swinging the length of pipe like a deadly lance. The Fox ducked, jumped, dodged to the left, spun around, and did a complete forward somersault, bringing both feet down on Supergirl's chest. This made her drop the pipe, but only so that she could seize the fuchsia-clad superlady by the legs and grapple with her up close and personal again.


Remis had changed back into his true alien form. He was nearly through the door of his office when the Centurion's thick vine rod caught him in the back of the head. He slumped like a bad Halloween decoration cut loose from its string.

The Enchanter had acquired a gun from somewhere, and he actually tried to put up a fight. As he fired, the Centurion dropped to the floor and rolled, and the next thing the villain knew he was disarmed and pinned against the oak panelling with two feet of cold steel pressed against his throat.

"You will release ALL who have been put under your influence," the Centurion hissed. "Understand?"

"What if I refuse?"


By now the air in the maintenance room was a thick, muggy fog. The heat and humidity was making it hard to breathe. Supergirl and the Fuchsia Fox weren't perspiring, they were sweating like a pair of stevedores. Both superheroines were slippery with it, their costumes damp and clingy. Supergirl caught the Fox around the waist and flipped her upside down. Arching her body backwards, Jennifer wrapped her legs around the Kryptonian heroine's neck and shoulders. Even her tights felt clammy.

She slipped! Supergirl dropped her to the floor, holding her down with her knees pinning her in place as both hands fastened around her pretty throat...

"What am I doing?" The Girl of Steel suddenly let go, quivering in shock as she moved off of her. "I was... I was trying to KILL you!"

The Fox lay flat on her back, gasping like a fish for breath in the steamy air. "Yeah, that's what it felt like to me, too."


The fuchsia-clad heroine wearily tried to explain. "You see, the Enchanter controls your mind by planting fake emotions. He made you think you were in love with him, and that you'd do anything to protect him, right?" Supergirl slowly nodded, her pretty face a silent mask of revulsion and disgust as the entire sordid thing came back to her. "Well, I found out that if the fake emotion clashes too hard with a real one, it can break the spell. You wouldn't really have killed a girl over a guy, would you?"

"You took an awfully big risk," the stunning Kryptonian said. "I could still have seriously hurt you!"

"Goes with the costume," the Fox replied, pushing herself onto her elbows. "Speaking of which, can we please get out of this sauna now? I'm afraid my tights are going to shrink."
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Chapter 13 --

"I just got off the phone with a General O'Neill," said Supergirl, leaning against the doorway of Remis' office. "He's on his way from Area 51 to take charge. You'll probably get a medal for this, Fox."

The Fuchsia Fox shook her head dismissively. "Any idea what that machine was supposed to be when it was done?" She was sitting back in Remis' office chair with her long legs propped on his desk. Remis himself and the Enchanter were secured in the brig. With the Enchanter's defeat, all the people he had hypnotized had returned to normal. The airmen found it a little hard to believe that their commanding officer was really an alien, but the Girl of Steel's word carried a lot of weight. They were inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.

The Kryptonian beauty shrugged. "Not a clue. But whatever it is, it's probably not a good idea to let the military get their hands on it. I might just accidentally reduce it to paper clips before O'Neill gets here." She smiled, shifting her weight as she gestured with a nod of her head. "What about this lug?"

The Centurion was sitting across the desk from the Fox, staring at the Mask of Euterpe, which was the only reason he had gone through all this. It was exquisitely beautiful, a representation in pure white quartz of a woman's face, with a panpipe on her right cheek. Harmless now, it seemed such a small thing to have been the cause of so much trouble.

The soldier of fortune stood up. "I realize I have no claim to it. Only to see it is enough for me. In that case, lovely ladies, I will say farewell..."

"Not so fast, Caesar salad!" said Supergirl, blocking his way. "There's a little matter of a warrant for your arrest which I happen to know is current in Gotham City..."

"Uh, Supergirl," the Fox said, sitting upright, "he DID help me find you. I think we should cut him a little slack." The Centurion flashed her a grateful smile.

"I know you mean well, Fox," Supergirl said gently, "but that's not up to us. If you want to, you can appear as a character witness when he comes to trial, but we've got to give him up to the authorities." She gestured, and two airmen appeared outside the door. The Centurion didn't even consider resisting with two such overpowering superheroines in the room. He meekly unbuckled his weapons belt and handed it over. The guards took him away.

"Hey, I just remembered!" the Fox said suddenly. "You called me a Zumerian earlier! What's up with that?"

Supergirl perched her tight, spandex-clad caboose on the edge of the desk. "There's not much I can tell you. The Zumerians are an ultra-advanced race of space travelers. I've met them a few times. They've explored this part of space for thousands of years. Your chest emblem looks like the device of the Supreme Coordinator for this sector, Ishtar."

"Ishtar?" the Fox said eagerly. "Have you met her? What's she like?"

Supergirl thought about it. "You remind me of her, as a matter of fact."


Alamo, Nevada.

Jennifer was stretched out in the bathtub of her motel room, her head resting on a folded towel as the tension of the long day released. It would be so good to get back home, and to see Martin again! She missed him so much! As soon as set eyes on him, she was probably going to jump him and rip his shirt off!

Smiling at that thought, she sat upright in the tub. Reaching for her sponge, she began to bathe, slowly and leisurely, gently stroking her arms, her legs, her neck, her two firm breasts...

"I really do hate to interrupt this..." said the Centurion, leaning against the doorway.

Jennifer gasped out loud, her cheeks turning red as she clasped her hands over her naked little nubbins. At the same time, she realized that the water was clear enough to give the impertinent man a pretty fair look at the rest of her. Blushing, she pressed her knees primly together. "I thought you were a gentleman!" she said indignantly.

"I am not made of stone, Temptress."

The girl risked a quick look at her Fuchsia Fox costume. Her gloves, ankle boots, halter top, briefs, and tights were scattered over the floor where she had left them. Out of reach, naturally! Her bracelets of Ishtar were on the sink next to the doorway, where they did their mistress no good whatsoever! He could not have caught her more completely vulnerable if he planned it! But to say so out loud would be stating the very, very obvious.

"What are you doing here?" she said instead, wishing that her voice didn't tremble so much with feminine helplessness. "How did you get away?"

Even that was kind of silly, when she thought about it. Hadn't they just broken into a top security installation, mainly through his lockpicking skills?

"I wanted to thank you for standing up for me."

"Don't mention it," she said distractedly. "Could you... um... please pass me a towel or something? Pretty please?"

Instead, he knelt beside the bathtub, his hazel eyes holding her prisoner. Jennifer tried to shrink away from him, but there was only so far she could go. He didn't try to touch her. "We could have stood astride the world together like a colossus," he said. "Tell your young man to take good care of you, or he will answer to me."

For a crazy moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. For a crazy moment, she WANTED him to! Why did his mere presence make her heart throb so hard? He gently took her left hand, drew it across to him, and pressed his lips to her fingers. She sighed. At that moment, he could have taken her and she would not have been able to resist.

But then he left just as quietly as he had come.

Jennifer lay back in the bathtub. Ohhhhh, when she got home, poor Martin was going to get his brains boinked out!

>>>>>>>>>the end
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Very nice, well done sir!
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Whew! I knew you were a big Supergirl fan, which is one reason I decided to use her in the first place (but I went with the hot pants costume rather than the skirt because that's more like what the Fox wears). I'm glad I didn't mess her up too badly!
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