(Male) Superheroes......

General discussions about superheroines!
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as a newbie to this genre, it seems focus is on girl/girl battling moreso than superheroines fighting male counterparts....

Understanding that the porn parodies of Batman et al may seem to be more about the porn than the superheroes, is there a general lack of interest in villainess' fighting males superheroes, or....

would there be demand for films that had well built superheroes dominated by villainess', as long as costumes stayed on and this sort of thing....?
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...and the silence was deafening. :-)

OK, I'll take a stab at this one. As long as anyone reading this remembers that anything I say is In My Personal Opinion. No need for 827 messages telling me how "I don't speak for everyone" since I just said it myself.

You pose a very interesting thought Grace. I think a lot of people's (guy's) interest in this genre has to do with men feeling powerful and dominating (in a WIDE spectrum of intensity) a beautiful woman. And what better and more exciting expression of that than defeating a scantily-clad, beautiful woman who is not some frail victim type, but rather a powerful force on her own.

If we're being honest, I think many of us guys might have to secretly admit that we might enjoy exploring being a superhero that is captured and held by a beautiful villainess. (Guys, if you say that you've NEVER fantasized about being Robin, held helpless by Catwoman, then you're just lying to yourselves.)

But therein lies the key: we want it to be US in that scenario. We're convinced that if we're WATCHING some other guy like that, then we're gay, confused, or something else we don't want to be. And I agree that seeing some muscled guy in tights dominated by a vile villainess is not my cup of tea. But I'm also honest enough to say that it might be damned interesting to BE that guy.

Now it makes me wonder: could a movie be made POV style, from the perspective of the captured hero? I think you'd have to tread carefully in all areas, but since the "tease" style of clips get such a good response (or enough to keep on being made) I think it might be do-able. Have the beautiful villainess standing over us as we're strapped down in her evil lair, her taunting and teasing us with every word and gesture.

Just food for thought and discussion...
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Sooperhero.com has some photo stories with that type of action. The male hero getting beat down by a female villainess. But even there, the producer labels each story with some sort of "gay" ranking system. And I think he's simply using that as some sort of way of explaining how "hard" the hero might appear in the story so that his customers who may not want to see the hero with a "hard on", know, kinda, what to expect.

But to me, I'm looking for the SuperHEROINE to be in peril/danger/humiliated/etc......I'm not interested in a male HERO in peril. If that was my fetish, I would have looked for such material elsewhere....and would have been posting on message boards around the web that caters to that sort of thing.
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or how about a female superheroine being in peril at the hands of a male villain dressed in a superhero type costume......?
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Asking here "how about a man dominated by a woman?" seems rather like asking "how about a heroine without pantyhose?"
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Sigh, don't get me started on the pantyhose again, lol ;P

Anyway, I would say Sign4deaf has it. The fantasy is all about the heroine being dominated, since that's a position most men would fancy themselves being in. Also I'm not really a sub myself, but can understand the allure of being dominated as described.

I would say a villain in a good costume is great! However if the villain was in a hero costume I'd like to know there's a reason - be that a bizarro-style story or something else.
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Maybe it's not an issue for the girls to chime in on... buuuuuuut I'm gonna anyway...

I believe strong women dominating men is another fetish in itself. Not saying they can't overlap but it's a whole different taste in fantasies. I don't think the superheroine being dominated by villain fantasy has enough to do with the villains being dominant that the sex of the victim is interchangable that way.

****though I suppose there are exceptions to every rule and everyone even within this fetish is subject to their own differing tastes*****

But for me; a hero would never do.
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I think her question was why aren't there more vids of male villians dominating the female heroes. The answer?

1 - There are plenty of those vids here including several of mine.

2 - Many models who are ok with girl/girl will not do boy/girl. You have to respect the limits of your talent if you wanna stay in this business or free in general!
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LadyJane wrote:Maybe it's not an issue for the girls to chime in on... buuuuuuut I'm gonna anyway...

I believe strong women dominating men is another fetish in itself. Not saying they can't overlap but it's a whole different taste in fantasies. I don't think the superheroine being dominated by villain fantasy has enough to do with the villains being dominant that the sex of the victim is interchangable that way.

****though I suppose there are exceptions to every rule and everyone even within this fetish is subject to their own differing tastes*****

But for me; a hero would never do.

LadyJane, your voice (and that of all women here) is always welcome. And I can see your point that a guy fantasizing about being male hero being dominated by a villainess is a somewhat different fetish. No, in that way gender is definitely not interchangeable.

Thanks Swampy for your agreement. I think you and I see eye-to-eye on many issues herein. Now if I could just get you to appreciate hose more... :-)

GMan, I remember the Spidey-type stuff Sooperhero did a ways back. And I remember that he prefaced the hell out of it with "I'm not gay but just seeing if you like this stuff" labels. I always thought that anyone who did want to see that might've been quickly turned off by the relentless high-heels-to-the-crotch shots. Damn! I'm just sayin...

KnottyGuy, as an experienced producer, you have a valuable perspective. I can definitely see where a model's tastes, or those of the majority of models, would definitely (but subtly) influence the resulting product. If most of the talent won't do male-dominates-female, then you'll see very little of it made. My guess is that you see a firm resistance against rape-fantasy material, and probably against lots of violence as well. (If you read any of my fiction on here, you know where I am with all that. No reason to preach now.)

Grace, since you're exploring these topics, I'm curious. Are you planning on scripting/producing something(s) we could get a sneak peek/read of? I'd love to see, either here of via PM, what you may be working on.

By the by, just to settle a question I've been asked a couple times recently: while my avatar is a female, I am not. Straight guy here, who'd love to meet a willing superheroine in real life. (Or a sexy villainess who knows my weakness...)

Anyway, you know me, love to stir the pot.

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knottyguy wrote:I think her question was why aren't there more vids of male villians dominating the female heroes.

You know, on the web site that I own, that just deals with Women wearing boots/high heels/and fetish attire, occasionally an image will be posted from a Superheroine site, or some other site where a Male is "beating" up a woman. And even though everything about it is fiction/fantasy....I hear more comments about the image as being, "disturbing".....That the whole "man beating woman" thing is basically, wrong. Which yeah, in real life it is, and I'd never support that. But you know what I mean.
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i don't think a man beating/raping a woman is anything that should be condoned.....i was thinking more of something erotic where, for instance, maybe a villainess/superheroine is rubbing the bulge on a well built superhero, building to a sexual escapade...something not necessarily violent or degrading, but erotic within the the genre of superheroism
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gracevonsheer wrote:i don't think a man beating/raping a woman is anything that should be condoned.....i was thinking more of something erotic where, for instance, maybe a villainess/superheroine is rubbing the bulge on a well built superhero, building to a sexual escapade...something not necessarily violent or degrading, but erotic within the the genre of superheroism
Grace, if there was a quality video shot from the POV of the captured hero being taunted/teased/etc. by a villainess (or evil-controlled heroine!) then I would definitely be interested. Maybe I'm admitting too much, but I would've killed to be Burt Ward. Having Catwoman or that little pink henchgirl of hers remove my utility belt. (But if it were Joker or Penguin, um..., no thanks guys. :shock: )

Which makes me think of those vids out there with guys dressed up as Batman and/or Robin being captured by Catwoman, etc. I have to say I envy those guys somewhat. I was extremely lucky to produce/shoot a superheroine photo story several years ago, where I got to portray a villainous robot. All I got to do was capture a beautiful heroine, remove her power belt (never in my life have I hated wearing gloves so much), and bearhug her into KO-ness. I got to work with 2 extremely beautiful women and was grateful to learn what a production set can be like.

But I guess my rambling point is that while in my youth playing a captive-to-a-female Robin would've been great, now that I'm in my mid-40s, I don't quite think I could pull it off except in my own mind. (I won't name names or studios, but come on guys. I'm honest enough to know that it takes more than a costume to look like a superhero.) Or maybe it's the studio, wanting to eek out a bit more profit from a fanboy's custom shoot. But either way, if your Boy Wonder is a bearded 47-year old guy with 30 extra pounds and glasses... [-X

OK, maybe I should just sit here quietly for a while.
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MH's new Wonder Womyn vs Scorpion addresses the point I raised...
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gracevonsheer wrote:i don't think a man beating/raping a woman is anything that should be condoned.....i was thinking more of something erotic where, for instance, maybe a villainess/superheroine is rubbing the bulge on a well built superhero, building to a sexual escapade...something not necessarily violent or degrading, but erotic within the the genre of superheroism
gracevonsheer wrote:MH's new Wonder Womyn vs Scorpion addresses the point I raised...
MH's new film is about degrading the heroine though.

I think you will find that a lot of this community is coming from an interest in comic books and the stories told about super heroes, which is often about hero versus villain. Non of us condone violence in real life (well I hope not anyway), but for many of us peril is our interest. Seeing a heroine get depowered is what is enticing.

I imagine consensual sexual situations with costumes can be enjoyed by a portion of this community. But at large I think this community is more interested in conflict and peril.
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True, but you can have peril without raping and humiliating the heroine every time. That's one reason I don't download. I think the costume alone makes the woman sexy.
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Centurion wrote:True, but you can have peril without raping and humiliating the heroine every time. That's one reason I don't download. I think the costume alone makes the woman sexy.
I don't think I suggested that.
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Big difference between peril and violence, not to mention the degrading or sexual elements. I know my tastes are way tame around here (not that I'm the ONLY one...) but it just seems that without the costume staying intact, then it's just porn.

I think seeing so much of the degredation, violence, rape, etc is what gives this genre the rep it has in the eyes of so many. And I know from conversations with talented producers as well as actresses/models that it scares them away as well. There are beautiful young women who might be willing to try their hand at some aspects here, but they see/read so much of the darker and more intense elements that it colors their perceptions. There are some great talents who have left the business just for that reason.

I don't mean to rant, and I believe in "each to his own" and "live and let live." But if you go back and read through some of the threads in this forum, it sounds like a bunch of twisted bloodthirsty deviants. Is that what we want the perception of us and our interest to be?

Go ahead, tell me how much you disagree with me and hate my opinion.
(I can handle it; I saw something just like this last week on GLEE. :D )
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Stigma always gets attached to anything that is seen to go to extremes, a shame really.

There is alot of material out there about superheroines being constantly raped/humiliated - but to truely be in the superheroine fetish it has to be fantasy by definition. Superheroines don't really exist.

Personally I do like some more extreme material, some of the time, in vids. However I like the material to stay well within fantasy - my reallife tastes are much more vanilla.

Really consensual sex in a superheroine video wouldn't do it for me alot of the time. The main reason is it doesn't suit the fantasy. Superheroines are supposed to be beacons of justice and modesty. Although it's true there are extremely erotic superheroines, I would say in the majority they should be fairly modest sexually when playing the heroine.
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it seems a fine line between peril and too close to rape.....

I am thinking (preliminary) of doing a black widow villainess who needs semen to survive....handjobs to superheroes/thugs until they cum, and lick the cum.
Then , as the villaness Black Widow, inject my venom by riding them....
In this scenario, the villainess is overall, a dominating type, not a victim/
Thoughts....? Any interst in this type of scenario, suggestions welcome.

As black widows are black with a bit of red, sheer black bodysuit, nude hose, red stilleto boots, belt.....
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sign4deaf wrote:Big difference between peril and violence, not to mention the degrading or sexual elements. I know my tastes are way tame around here (not that I'm the ONLY one...) but it just seems that without the costume staying intact, then it's just porn.

I think seeing so much of the degredation, violence, rape, etc is what gives this genre the rep it has in the eyes of so many. And I know from conversations with talented producers as well as actresses/models that it scares them away as well. There are beautiful young women who might be willing to try their hand at some aspects here, but they see/read so much of the darker and more intense elements that it colors their perceptions. There are some great talents who have left the business just for that reason.

I don't mean to rant, and I believe in "each to his own" and "live and let live." But if you go back and read through some of the threads in this forum, it sounds like a bunch of twisted bloodthirsty deviants. Is that what we want the perception of us and our interest to be?

Go ahead, tell me how much you disagree with me and hate my opinion.
(I can handle it; I saw something just like this last week on GLEE. :D )
Even if I do disagree with you, I respect your right to your opinion, and will defend your right to express it. :)

Personally, I'm probably a moderate on the peril scale. I want there to be some level of peril; ideally something along the lines of the more perilous aspects of the source material (e.g. Wonder Woman vs. the Zardor; Supergirl vs. Selena's Shadow Demon). For me, it's about more than just the costume; it's about a virtuous heroine struggling against evil. A heroine is only as good as the enemy she fights against. The more danger the superheroine faces, the more thrilling it is for me. Personally, I want the superheroine to win...but to go through a great deal of peril before she does.

At the same time, I've definitely encountered some stuff that just creeped me out. I won't name any specific examples, but some people go too far for my tastes. If it resembles less of a comic book come to life, and seems more like color footage from Buchenwald, I lose my interest very quickly.

But for some people, that's what they like. It's just like the pantyhose discussions you see around here: some people love the hose; others love bare legs. And people feel passionately about what they like because, well, it's what they like.

I think it's extremely important to always be professional with the models and actresses in this industry, and I'm upset by the stories we hear about sketchy producers (obviously no one on these boards) trying to coerce people into sex by withholding payment or what have you. But at the same time, for some people, the fetish is inherently not nice. Some people really like the more violent elements of the genre, and that's just what they're into. Some people are perfectly well-behaved in real life, but do have fantasies that seem like those of "twisted bloodthirsty deviants". While I personally don't want to see potential talent avoid the superheroine genre because they're creeped out by the more intense elements of some productions, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone that their fetish is too extreme while my preferences are just perfect. I don't think you're coming across that way, S4D, but think we do need to be careful about censoring others here. Regardless of how others will perceive us, people are going to like what they like.
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I volunteer to be your first victim.
What a way to go!
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gracevonsheer wrote:it seems a fine line between peril and too close to rape.....

I am thinking (preliminary) of doing a black widow villainess who needs semen to survive....handjobs to superheroes/thugs until they cum, and lick the cum.
Then , as the villaness Black Widow, inject my venom by riding them....
In this scenario, the villainess is overall, a dominating type, not a victim/
Thoughts....? Any interst in this type of scenario, suggestions welcome.

As black widows are black with a bit of red, sheer black bodysuit, nude hose, red stilleto boots, belt.....

I like how you're planning on doing your costume....but your style of video would not do it for me. And the main reason for that is simply because I want to see Superheroines in peril/bondage/etc....Not the Superhero. But that's just my taste....I'm sure others will love your video. :D
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Seems to me Grace is in the wrong fetish forum. There's a market for what you would like to do I'm sure, but you won't find it here. Good luck with your endeavour.
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gracevonsheer wrote:it seems a fine line between peril and too close to rape.....

I am thinking (preliminary) of doing a black widow villainess who needs semen to survive....handjobs to superheroes/thugs until they cum, and lick the cum.
Then , as the villaness Black Widow, inject my venom by riding them....
In this scenario, the villainess is overall, a dominating type, not a victim/
Thoughts....? Any interst in this type of scenario, suggestions welcome.

As black widows are black with a bit of red, sheer black bodysuit, nude hose, red stilleto boots, belt.....
Grace, love the costume ideas. Not overdone or campy. But to be honest, if you carefully crafted in a bit of the 1966 Batman's Black Widow, albeit much younger and more aggressive, she might be even more fun to play. "Oh there you are, dahling. It seems you've been caught in my little web."

I respectfully disagree with drh1966; I think that there are many here who'd like to see your work. I think in terms of BW's character, she might straddle the line between extremes. It sounds like you're not afraid to go intense. Even though it sounds like more than I usually go for, I'd definitely like to buy this one.

BTW, Superman246o1, I appreciate your words, even in disagreement. We both want to see this genre continue and grow. And please know that while we all have our comfort zones, I never advocate censorship, only "consideration."

Grace, can't wait to hear and see much more!
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sign4deaf wrote:I don't mean to rant, and I believe in "each to his own" and "live and let live." But if you go back and read through some of the threads in this forum, it sounds like a bunch of twisted bloodthirsty deviants. Is that what we want the perception of us and our interest to be?
I think there's a billion-dollar horror (slasher) film industry out there which is considered 'mainstream'. Just because those fans like to see chainsawings, satanic rituals, beheadings, the whole "Saw" series, etc. - I think it's well accepted that those fans like to see those actions depicted on film without being called "a bunch of twisted bloodthirsty deviants".

By the same token, you don't see stories in the news about horror film fans going on killing sprees. And you don't see stories in the news about serial rapists who are found with terabytes of heroine-themed fetish material on their computers. (Child porn is the only example of 'fans'=practitioners that comes to mind, and no one here condones that in any form, not even depictions.)

So I reject your premise that the posters on this board sound like the dregs of society. Sure, if the Parents Television Council people took a look around here, we'd need a bunch of fainting couches - that group wants society to go back to 1948. But all you see here is a niche group of people with an unusual common interest, and only able to get together through the magic of the internet. Without the net, there would be no way to develop this market, and we'd all be hanging out in comic book shops. Instead of watching the awesome adventures of Christina Carter, we'd still be playing our DVDs of Lynda Carter.

There's lots of varieties of heroine fetish videos available, with every niche between 100% women in power/male villain domination - to - the Hustler Superhero parody videos which are 5 minutes of actors in costumes before 70 minutes of hardcore porno. And just about everything in between. We all have our preferences, overall the market decides what gets made.

sign4deaf wrote:Go ahead, tell me how much you disagree with me and hate my opinion.
So yes I disagree, but your opinions are yours to have and to hold. When it comes to opinions I 'hate', you're nowhere close to being in the Westboro Baptist Church's league ;)
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Renegade: I am so tired of people who disagree with me making so much sense. :-) I completely agree with your examples and did not intend to label anyone herein as a deviant, hence my emphasis on the word SOUNDS. But your points are extremely well-taken and I am always willing to re-examine my position. While I don't share a taste for the more iintense extremes, there is undeniably a broad spectrum appeal for them both here and in more mainstream media.

Maybe I'm just worried that we'll see a reduction of material for "softies" like me. [-o<
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In fairness to Sign4deaf, he did say 'when you read through SOME of the THREADS' rather than accusing all posters as being 'deviants' as is implied by your second paragraph referring to 'the posters on this board', Renegade. He (S4d) is referring to some posts on some threads rather than this board per se. And I do agree with both sides up to a point but I think its important to clear Sign4deaf of a general accusation against us all, before the lynch mob forms :)
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sign4deaf wrote:Maybe I'm just worried that we'll see a reduction of material for "softies" like me. [-o<
Fret not, Sign4deaf. It's my sincere belief that so long as all of us -- regardless of our various degrees of love of peril -- continue to purchase videos customized for our particular passion, we will get more, not fewer, entertainers producing material we like. Actresses and producers alike will go where the money is.
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My thanks to all for a lively discussion. I was on vacation abroad but have been kicking around ElectraWoman & DynaGirl fan-fict ideas and have been wrestling with many of these issues.

I want them to be sustainable so I don't have to go through the hassle of constantly introducing new characters. But if I were a villain and KO'd my nemesis, who just happens to be a smoking hot babe in spandex and high-heel boots (I've got a thing for boots), I'd have malevolent thoughts. But if the villains follow through, the superheroine would soon quit.

Thus far I've sidestepped the issue by having the villain on such a tight schedule he can't afford to do as he'd like. I admit it's a cop-out because i'm treating her like a nuisance who later thwarts well-laid plans to take over the world, but but it's all I have now.

There's my two cents. Invest them wisely.
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In answer to your first question I think there is a lot more interest in males as villains or at least males not being victims but if you look around the internet there's a niche for pretty much everything. I was just perusing clips4sale & one of the top 5 best selling clips under the superheroine filter was called 'Milked by Catwoman' which appeared to come from a fairly extreme femdom site. So clearly there is a market, I think what's more important is that whatever you do you do well & at the right price otherwise you just disappear under the many other producers churning out superheroine content.
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tamonicus wrote:I want them to be sustainable so I don't have to go through the hassle of constantly introducing new characters. But if I were a villain and KO'd my nemesis, who just happens to be a smoking hot babe in spandex and high-heel boots (I've got a thing for boots), I'd have malevolent thoughts. But if the villains follow through, the superheroine would soon quit.
This doesn't have to be a problem. I think there are two viable solutions for this:

1) Have each episode as a stand-alone issue. Anything that happens in one episode has no effect on subsequent episodes. Just like Kenny from South Park, your heroines can go through anything in one episode, and then be perfectly fine at the start of the next episode.

2) If you want your series to be episodic, you could acknowledge what's happened in the past, and have the superheroines still choose to risk their lives and well-being in order to defend the innocent from monsters capable of doing the unspeakable. It could work well, since such a theme -- although dark -- is at the nexus between peril and heroism. A hero(ine) is someone who knows that he or she is putting themselves at risk for the sake of others. While common sense may tell the hero(ine) to run away/retire, true courage is found in the act of standing one's ground and confronting the danger.

Either way, just trust your instincts. You can make anything work, so long as you approach it creatively and consistently.
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Totally agree with superman246o1's points.

If you look at the amount of beating and perilous situations mainstream heroines and heros get into you wouldn't worry so much ;)

It's fantasy anything's possible! Don't worry about making it too realistic, without a massive budget you'll struggle to keep the content fresh.
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Superman246o1 & Swampy170: You're right. I can make characters do whatever I want and episodes need not connect. My reality-based life has gone too far if it intrudes this much into fantasy.

This probably won't change what I'm doing on my current story, but later ones are another <ahem> story.

Thanks to you both!
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i think it's worth noting that if a superhero is in a video, he should look good in his spandex. Focus is often on how the superheroine looks, but i think it helps if the superhero is well built himself. I think guys watching this would prefer this as well, and it is no suggestion of gayness. Iust sayin'...
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gracevonsheer wrote:i think it's worth noting that if a superhero is in a video, he should look good in his spandex. Focus is often on how the superheroine looks, but i think it helps if the superhero is well built himself. I think guys watching this would prefer this as well, and it is no suggestion of gayness. Iust sayin'...
In a word: YES! Exactly Grace! Straight male here, but I agree that if you're going to have a guy in a heroine vid (hero, villain, etc) then please have him be in shape, or at least not have his appearance be distracting. But especially for heros, it's torture to watch a 50-year old, 30-pounds overweight guy in those situations.

Grace is exactly right; producers tend to pay plenty of attention to the female's appearance and costume, but usually not enough to the males.
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Well, you can pay a well built guy to take advantage of the hot model you're paying for or you can do it yourself. Hmmm, let me see......

A lot of it of course has to do with what the villian is wearing. I did a Riddler Catwoman double cross video with Tomiko once. It was one of those too many things wrong to use video shoots but one of the things was that I had been out of work for a while and didn't realize how fat I had gotten until I saw myself in a Riddler suit on video. Thankfully the rest of what I shot that day came out well.
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I've never really understood why the Riddler was put in a spandex suit....even as far back as the 1960's Batman series. :lol: Sorry your shoot revealed a bit to much "truth" KG. :lol: At least you had fun with Tomiko. :D
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I was wondering if there are any sites that have female villains defeating male heroes? For example, Poison Ivy defeating Batman or Catwoman defeating Superman. It seems there are alot of sites that have males defeating females and females defeating females but I have not seen too much in the way of females defeating males.
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Mr. X
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I have seen such a site. Usually they have some muscle bound guy defeated by a girl. Can't remember the name but if you look for super hero defeated you might find it.
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The webmaster of superheroine demise use to have a hero peril website too. I dont believe it did as well, and has fallen into general disuse, but it was there for a while.

I remember seeing a 4 clips store that had this stuff too, just cant remember it off the top of my head, but it was in the Superheroine catagory since they had superheroines too.

Dynahunk did some stuff with batman perils for a while. I'm sure there are other producers, these are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.
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This clips4sale store should have what you are looking for..http://clips4sale.com/studio/34990/Supe ... rtingpoint
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Or perhaps New Goddess Cinema which be found here - http://www.new-goddess.com/index.html - although the bad guys are generally just crooks and not superheroes so maybe not exactly what you're after.

They actually sometimes include some really good heroines being chloroformed/gassed/overpowered scenes which is funny since their site is so "girlpower" focussed.
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So I've seen random comments on several forums about this - is there an interest for male heroes in peril? Just seeing who else in the community we can offer films for... if there's interest :)
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Only if a superheroine is in peril with him.
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Personally I don't care for the male hero in peril thing.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Yes it would, but only if it was a female inflicting the peril.
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Not for me Logan
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Yes, if the villain is female and the peril is sexual. I've bought several videos from Primal with male heroes captured by female villains.
Last edited by TIEnTEEZ 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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i am not ino the male dominated hero, but Primal did do a good job in the ones they did, but not my cup of tea.
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Sorry man...pass.
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