Fuchsia Fox: "Cat Got Your Tongue?"

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Fuchsia Fox: "Cat Got Your Tongue?"

Chapter 1: Bolling AFB, Washingon D.C. ...

It had been a bright, sunny day in April, and even as dusk fell the asphalt helipad was radiating heat as the big Sikorsky helicopter came thumping in for a landing.

After the copter had touched down and its rotors slowed to an idle, the side door slid back and its passengers emerged. The first out was a man in a dark gray suit and tie, carrying a briefcase handcuffed to his left wrist. He was immediately followed by two MP corporals in fatigue uniforms and helmets, carrying sidearms. They spotted a government sedan waiting for them beside the hangar and began walking towards it.

As they approached the car, two men clad entirely in black stepped around the corner of the hangar with silenced submachineguns. Bursts of anesthetic mercy bullets hit the MPs and soon brought them down. The man in the suit, undaunted, reached into his shoulder holster for his own gun, dropping into a kneeling firing stance. A leather whip cracked, wrapping around his wrist and snatching the weapon away.

"Now, now," the wielder of the whip said reprovingly, as she slunk out of the shadows. "It's not polite to shoot at a lady." The leader of the attackers was a sexy young woman, her exquisite body clad in a black leather bustier studded with straps and buckles, fishnet stockings, high heeled boots, and wrist-length gloves. Her face was half-covered by a mask and cowl with prominent cat ears, allowing long blonde hair to spill down around her lovely bare shoulders.

"You're no lady, Alley Cat," the man grimaced, rubbing the red welt around his wrist.

"True, but I AM a woman," the villainess purred. "And like any feline, I insist upon having my own way. Give me the Book!"

"Sorry chick," the man replied, jiggling the handcuffs that attached him to the case. "Can't do it. This Book is the property of the President of the United States. You get your hands on it only over my dead body."

Alley Cat hissed, looping her whip around his shoulders and seductively drawing him nearer. "Normally I like a man with big, hard jewels! But in this case, I'll just have to find a way to... snip them off!"

"Yuck, that could get messy!" said a sassy female voice. A second beautiful girl had suddenly dropped gently from the darkening sky. Her sleek, supermodel's body was dressed in a clingy reddish purple halter top and briefs, with matching ankle boots and elbow length gloves. Golden bracelets were on her wrists. Across the nubile swell of her bust was an emblem in the shape of a fox's head. Lately she had also taken to wearing flesh-colored tights and a small domino mask. "I hope this isn't a private party," she said.

The two male thugs swung around and fired their guns. The girl stood there unconcerned as the bullets seemed to glance off her sweet, alluring body. Slinging the guns around their shoulders, the men drew fighting batons and charged at her. The stunning superheroine parried their attacks with near-blinding speed, grabbed their collars and knocked their heads together. The men dropped to the tarmac in a heap.

"I'm the Fuchsia Fox," she announced, planting her long legs and resting her hands on her luscious hips as she sized up her opponent in black. "What's with the steampunk look? Are you going to surrender quietly or try to put up a fight?"

Alley Cat had also been checking out the gorgeous superbabe. A smile which can only be described as catty drifted across her beautiful face as she shook her head. "I know when I'm outclassed, girlfriend. Here's to next time..." Stepping backwards, her body rapidly seemed to shrink. In a matter of seconds, the villainess had somehow transformed herself into a black cat! The Fox leaped after her, but the animal slipped into the dark shadows around the hangar and was quickly lost.

"What was that all about?" the superheroine asked, as the MPs began to recover from the anesthetic.

"Alley Cat," the man in the suit said, making sure the briefcase was secure. "She's followed me halfway across the country trying to get this -- the T Document."

"What is it?" the Fox asked, fascinated. "Is it something to do with National Security?"

"Can't tell you," he said shortly. "President's eyes only. I don't even know what it is."

"And you are...?"

"Special Agent Zachery Hardcastle," he said, and then his voice took on a sort of dazed tone as he finally got a good look at her. The Fox sighed. Now that the excitement was over, he was reacting as every male did to the aura of her costume. Along with the bracelets of Ishtar which gave the superlady her powers, it enhanced her beauty and sex appeal. Without it, on a scale of one to ten, Jennifer Traylor was at her very best maybe a seven, seven and a half. With it, she was off the scale! "Er, I suppose I should thank you..." he added, his hand reaching towards her delicious round butt.

"Look but don't touch, Mr. Hardcastle," the sexy superheroine said, slipping gracefully out of reach. She looked down at the two unconscious thugs. "Do you think you can handle these two without my help? If so, I'm late for an important meeting." With a jaunty wave, she soared off into the sky.


Half a mile away, a long, black car was parked. The chauffeur sitting in the driver's seat heard the quiet click of the passenger door as it opened and closed, and in his rear-view mirror he saw the woman settle back into the seat, pulling off her mask and cowl, and shaking her long blond tresses. Her expression indicated that all had not gone well. Even so he asked, "Did you have success, Miss Alessandro?"

"I've told you not to call me that, Hilton," she snapped. "Not when I'm wearing my Alley Cat costume."

"Yes, miss," he replied tolerantly. Apparently it wasn't enough for Catherine Alessandro to be beautiful, sexy, 24 years old, and a hotel-chain heiress worth millions. She had to indulge herself with this new form of fantasy role-playing game. Well, Hilton thought, he owed it to her parents to look after their only daughter...

"No I did not have success," she snarled, taking off her boots and stretching her long, stocking-clad legs across the seat. "I'm going to have to hire some more mercenaries. And buy some tougher weapons." She thought about the attractive young superheroine who had stopped her and smiled. Oh God, this was SO much more fun than VirtuaWorld!
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very interesting, I shall look forward to the next update
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Chapter 2 --

On the northwest steps of the Jefferson Memorial, otherwise deserted at this time of day, a young US Army lieutenant was waiting. "I'm so sorry I'm late," the Fuchsia Fox gushed. "Really, really I am! But I saw a helicopter about to land at the airbase across the river, and there was trouble..."

"Don't worry about it," Martin Fletcher replied, grinning. "Have a green tea."

"You're very understanding," she smiled, unscrewing the bottle cap and taking a big gulp to steady her nerves. "Most guys wouldn't be."

"Most guys don't have a superheroine for a girlfriend," he said, sitting in the shadow under the rotunda and leaning back against one of the columns. "When did you start wearing a mask?"

"Oh that," she said, a little stunned by the word girlfriend. "I've been getting a little paranoid with all the media attention." The Fuchsia Fox inevitably drew a crowd if she appeared in public, which is why they had to meet like this. He had his own apartment off post now, but she was afraid to let him take her there. It wasn't that she didn't trust him; it was herself she didn't trust. It would be very easy to end up in bed with him if she wasn't careful, and that could be dangerous.

Martin didn't know about her Jennifer Traylor identity or about the magical aura of her costume that kept her from being recognized. He thought that she just put on glasses when she changed, like Wonder Woman did in the comic books! Jennifer knew that he was only attracted to her because of the aura, and to be honest she was afraid of what would happen if he ever found out that the glamorous superbabe he was involved with was really just an ordinary girl underneath.

She sat down beside him in the shadows, the two of them just hanging out, talking and laughing. As time passed, Fletcher's strong arm naturally went around the Fox's slim waist. It felt so natural for her to lean her head on his shoulder. And once, when she looked up at his face to wonder how such a great guy could have fallen for HER, it was the most natural thing in the world for him to kiss her. Oh yes! As his lips seemed to caress her, his tongue playing havoc with her senses, he was pulling her into his arms, holding her close. She put her arms around his broad shoulders, feeling his hot, wonderful erection inside his pants, pressing against her just where she would have wanted it... feeling his hands on her back, his fingers undoing the fastenings of her halter top...

"No!" she gasped, breaking out of his kiss. "Please don't, Martin..."

"I'm sorry, my bad," he back-pedalled. "I'm moving too fast, aren't I?"

"It's not that," she said, clutching her costume to her bust. "It's just... ohhhh, it's complicated! I need time to think. Am I making sense?"

"Not really," he said, touching his forehead against hers. "But take all the time you need, lady. I'll still be here waiting."

The Fox took a deep breath. "I think I should call it a night," she said, blushing. "Um, could you please fasten my costume up again?"


Science Today was a small local magazine with offices on Mount Vernon Avenue in Alexandria. The next day, 22 year old Jennifer Traylor was at her desk, working on the classifieds page, the dullest job in the office. The girl was dressed in a pink sleeveless top and a denim skirt. Taking a hint from Martin, she had recently started wearing very mild reading glasses, so when she tried to rub her eyes, her fingers bumped the lenses, leaving smears. Jennifer took them off with a heavy sigh. It was just possible she was letting the Fuchsia Fox take over her life too much...

"Let me guess," said the voice of an older woman. "Boyfriend trouble?"

Elaine Danforth was the publisher, fifty something years old, a widow. "Same old story," she said, sitting down with her cup of coffee in the chair next to Jennifer's. "He wants to give your hedges a buzz cut; you're holding out for a deeper committment. Am I close?"

Jennifer nodded. It was easier than trying to explain, even to herself.

"It's nice to know that girls have standards these days," Danforth said. "But you're young! Flaunt it while you got it is what I say. Lord knows you won't have it very long. And if you hold out, your young man will go looking for his nookie someplace else, mark my words."

Jennifer nodded again, more slowly this time. Not Martin. He wouldn't... would he?

"When the cat's away, the mouse will play..."

Cat? The casual word triggered the memory of her encounter the night before which Martin's attempt to reach second base had driven completely out of her mind. "Mrs. Danforth, have you ever heard of something called the T Document?"

"Have you been surfing the Web again?" the older woman scoffed. "That's tin-foil conspiracy theory territory. Supposedly it's a book of secrets, passed down from President to President."

Jennifer blinked. She hadn't suspected this at all! "You mean like Roswell, Area 51, stuff like that?"

"Nobody knows. That's what makes it so mysterious. But it's all just another urban myth anyway. It doesn't exist."

Jennifer sidled closer, lowering her voice. She couldn't help herself. "But... supposing it were true. Supposing it had just been delivered to President Obama. Where would it be kept now? The National Archives?"

Mrs. Danforth got to her feet, no longer interested. "Why not the obvious?" she said off hand. "The White House Library?"
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Chapter 3:

Jennifer was more than a little nervous as she stepped through the metal detector. She had deliberately waited until the last tour of the day, hoping that the tour guides and security would be tired and a little more lax, but you never knew. The girl was still wearing her denim skirt, but had put on flesh-colored pantyhose and changed her snug, form-fitting top for a dark patterned blouse. She made sure the buttons were secure, thinking how embarrassing it would be if they decided to search her and found out what she had on underneath!

She needn't have worried. As Jennifer suspected, neither the costume nor the bracelets of Ishtar seemed to show up on the scanners at all. And if the woman security guard who glanced through her shoulder bag wondered why she had a pair of purple ankle boots in there, she didn't say so.

The White House tour would ordinarily have been fascinating to a history student like Jennifer, but today she was too distracted. While the rest of the tour was busy in the China Room, she managed to slip away across the hallway to the Library. Now what? Did she really expect the book to be sitting there in plain sight, clearly labeled?

But then she heard purposeful, striding footsteps. Jennifer slipped behind one of the big wing chairs just as a man walked in. It was him -- Agent Hardcastle! And he was carrying the briefcase, though it wasn't handcuffed to him this time. As she watched from her hiding place, he opened a hidden panel in the east wall, revealing a narrow staircase going down. The panel slid shut again as he disappeared.

Jennifer this is a stupid idea, she told herself even as she cautiously followed. At the bottom of the stair, she followed a concrete-line corridor with doors marked "Storage", "Electrical" and so on, and arrived in a large, mostly dark room full of shelves. Evidently this was an annex for storage of periodicals, because the shelves were full of newspapers and magazines. Up ahead in a well-lighted area, Jennifer could see Hardcastle waiting at a reference desk. Beyond it was a stainless-steel vault door. No one else seemed to be around. "Miss Magnusson?" she heard him call impatiently. "I need to get in the vault, ma'am!"

"I'm afraid the librarian is temporarily indisposed," said Alley Cat, standing up from behind the desk and striking a pose of primness which was very unconvincing in her black leather steampunk bustier. "May I help?"

The agent went for his gun, but two of the badgirl's henchmen jumped him from behind and disarmed him. "How did you get in here?" he hissed.

"It's so hard to keep a cat out of anyplace," the villainess purred, as her men fetched the librarian from where she had been kept hidden. "Now, which of you is going to open the vault for me?"

Jennifer quickly retraced her steps to a storage room. Safely out of view, she stripped off her outer clothing, revealing her body-hugging fuchsia halter top, briefs, and flesh-colored tights underneath. In a matter of seconds, she had exchanged her open-toed pumps for her ankle boots, and slipped on her gloves, mask, and bracelets. She stuffed Jennifer Traylor's clothes into her shoulder bag and her super-powerful alter ego was ready to go!


The Fuchsia Fox found the door to the vault wide open and Agent Hardcastle lying on the floor stunned. The lissome lady knelt beside the man, leaning over close enough for her spandex-clad legs to lightly brush against his body. There was big bump on the back of his head, but once she was certain that he wasn't seriously hurt, she stepped over him and into the vault.

It was not very big as vaults go, only about fifteen by fifteen. Alley Cat and her two thugs were still there, the poor librarian was huddled in a corner, terrified. The sexy female villain was holding the Book, savoring her triumph. "All right, creeps," the Fox announced, planting her long legs imperiously in the doorway. "You're all in big trouble!"

The two male thugs stood there gawking at the superheroine's shapely curves for a second, then rushed forward to attack. The Fox gracefully high-kicked, ducked, spun around and in no time at all had knocked them both flat. "Well, that was easy enough," the spunky supergirl sighed, brushing her hands. "You know how this is going to go, Alley Cat. And there aren't any shadows to hide in this time. Why not do the sensible thing and surrender?"

"And get kicked out of the supervillain sorority?" said Alley Cat. "Bite your tongue!" Casually she drew a sleek black swagger stick from her belt and pointed it at the Fox. The tip of it glowed red as a minilaser powered up. "As you can see, I've added to my arsenal."

"Nice, but how much target practice have you had with it?" the stunning supergirl replied, folding her arms underneath her bust and cocking her hips. "How much you want to bet my reflexes are faster than yours?"

The villainess looked a little bit unsure about that, but a second later the question was rendered academic as Agent Hardcastle blundered through the doorway. Still half-stunned, he seized the first target that presented itself, which happened to be the Fuchsia Fox! "Hey, what do you think you're DOING?" the gorgeous superheroine squeaked as he grabbed her slender waist and his hands firmly latched onto her two pert little coconuts!

"You're under arrest, Alley Cat!" he said, forcing her legs apart. "Assume the position!"

"Don't move," smirked the sexy villainess. As the Fox struggled, she realized with dismay that Alley Cat's laser was now pointing straight at Hardcastle's forehead! Hampered like this by him pawing at her, there was nothing she could do but surrender.

"All right, you win," the alluring superlady sulked, raising her hands in resignation as the henchmen got to their feet and surrounded the two of them. The Fox and Agent Hardcastle were turned around to face one another with their arms around one another's waists, in which position they were each handcuffed!

"It certainly looks like you have your hands full, officer," Alley Cat smirked, patting the Fox's attractive bottom. Jennifer nearly gasped out loud as she felt the villainess inconspicuously slip something (a flat, rectangular object it felt like) inside her briefs, shoving it way down her tights. Then Alley Cat winked at her. "I'm sure you two will want to be alone. I'll just slink away and leave you to it!" Taking the book, she made her escape with her henchmen, slamming the vault door and shutting the two of them and the librarian inside!
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I like this story...Keep it going...
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Thank you for saying so!

Chapter 4:

"Well, this is cozy," stated Hardcastle, smiling as he looked down the Fuchsia Fox's tempting cleavage. His hands were squeezing her round, spandex-clad tail, getting him aroused. Jennifer blushed rosily at feeling a strange man's wiener rubbing suggestively against her cleft.

"Keep your appendages to yourself, Agent Hard... castle," the Fox said coldly, squirming uncomfortably in his arms as she tried to focus her power aura. "This is all your fault! I had everything under control until you butted in."

"Lady, I don't even know you," he replied, rather enjoying the way her nubile body thrust up and down against him as she struggled. "How do I know you aren't working with Alley Cat?"

"Well, my being left in here with you while she gets away might be your first clue," she retorted, closing her eyes. The power flowed through her bracelets and along her slender arms. Flexing, she snapped her handcuffs and quickly slipped out of Hardcastle's grasp.

"That's true," he said, holding up his own cuffs. "If you would...?"

"I think I like you better with your hands where I can see them," the Fox smirked while she untied the librarian. Apparently it was true that some men only had enough blood to work either their brains or their penises, but not both at the same time.


It took a good twenty minutes for the librarian to open the vault from the inside. Before either she or Hardcastle could sound the alarm, the Fuchsia Fox took off running, stopping by the storage room to pick up her shoulder bag. By that time, Secret Service agents were in the basement, waving guns, and she was in no mood to waste time with a lot of useless questions.

"Hi guys, can't stop to chat," the Fox said, turning and running down the corridor. It wasn't long before she found the same rear exit that Alley Cat and her thugs had used to get into the basement. Once she saw open sky, she was off.

When the superheroine landed again in Franklin Square, dusk was starting to fall. She figured it was high time she found out what the villain has slipped down her tights. It turned out to be a disposable cell phone, with one number programmed into the speed dial. The Fox dialed it.

"I like you, Fox," said Alley Cat's voice, "and because I like you, I'm giving you one chance to catch me. Let's see how smart you are. Meet me where the Washington Monument minus the stars and stripes join the first secretary of state."

"Why are you doing this, Alley Cat?" the Fox asked suspiciously.

"What would the Joker be without Batman?" the villainess sneered. "Just another cheap thug! Foxes and Cats are a lot alike. The fun is in the chase, isn't it?"

"How do you know I won't just turn this over to Hardcastle?"

"Because if I see anyone other than you, I'll burn the Book. Don't test me, Fox; I'll do it. Meow!" And the phone clicked off.


Good thing she was a history major. That made the puzzle easy. Everyone knew the Washington Monument was 555 feet tall. Minus 50 stars and 13 stripes made 482. The first secretary of state was Jefferson. It must be an address -- 482 Jefferson Street.

It turned out to be a warehouse in the northeast section of the city. Circling the building, the Fox found all the doors locked and bolted except one. "Hello?" she said, boldly throwing open the door and walking inside. "Anyone home?"

The place looked dark and completely deserted, but the superheroine wasn't fooled. "Okay, Alley Cat," she said, striking a haughty pose. "I'm here! What kind of game are we playing?" With no answer, she strode daringly into the darkened warehouse, slinking along the aisles between stacks of wooden crates.

As she stepped into an open space, suddenly four henchmen armed with four-foot fighting staves surrounded her. As they attacked, at first the Fox merely concentrated on reinforcing her personal shield, deflecting the blows from the thick hardwood weapons. Then it was her turn.

The strength and speed conferred on her by the bracelets of Ishtar made the stunning superlady more than a match for four men. Her long legs struck at one while at the same time she got the second man in an armlock, slinging him towards the other two and bowling them over. As the first one got back to his feet, a flurry of jabs to his stomach put him down for the count. One of the others wrapped his arms around her long, silken legs, but the Fox grabbed a handful of the guy's shirt, tossing him across the aisle where he slammed into a crate. The final two staggered upright, only to be put down again as the superheroine hit them like a runaway comet.

As she stepped over the unconscious male bodies, the cocky superheroine saw something unusual on the floor about five yards away. It was a fluffy velour Valentines' Day kitty cat, with a pink ribbon! The Fox kneeled down to have a closer look. In spite of the fact that she knew she was inside a supervillain's lair, the girl couldn't resist picking the thing up, it looked so harmless.

"Aren't you the cutest little thing?" Jennifer giggled, rubbing the soft fur against her face. It was then that a hefty charge of electricity shot through the metal plate she was standing on, knocking her out. Gracefully she fell to the floor.

A black cat dropped silently from the shadows above. As she nuzzled the superheroine's pretty face, any casual observer would have sworn she was smiling.
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Most excellent, more please :mrgreen:
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Chapter 5:

The Fuchsia Fox woke to find herself spread-eagled across a queen-size bed, her wrists and ankles each individually handcuffed to the four corners of the cast iron frame. As soon as she moved, a tingling sensation shot through all of her muscles, making her moan out loud.

"The discomfort will soon pass," said Alley Cat. "While you were out, I injected you with a mild, muscle-paralyzing sedative. That should keep you manageable for a while."

The villainess was right. Although her senses were unimpaired, Jennifer had no motor control. She felt light-headed, unable to focus her powers. The four henchmen were standing around the small bedroom grinning at they watched the sexy superheroine struggle helplessly in her restraints.

"Leave us," Alley Cat commanded. "Go... guard the entrances or something." The men looked as if they were about to argue, probably not because they thought the Fox was in any position to give any trouble, but because they wanted to stay and watch. But with an imperious gesture from their employer, they filed out of the room.

"Isn't this delicious?" the villainess purred, climbing on the bed, letting her gloved hands stroke the Fox's smooth, pantyhose-clad legs. "The sassy, oh so superior Fuchsia Fox stripped of her precious super powers and helpless in my hands!"

"What... what are going to do with me?" Jennifer whimpered, squirming with pleasure at the woman's leather-gloved touch, moving steadily upward along her knees, her inner thighs, her hips, softly caressing the curves of her torso...

"What do you think?" said Alley Cat tauntingly. "Surely you know that cats love to PLAY with their food... before they EAT it..." Sliding to the edge of the bed, she slowly took off her boots, her weapons belt, and her gloves. Returning, she reached into the waistband of the Fox's briefs and gently pulled them down to her knees, leaving her pantyhose in place.

"Please," Jennifer sighed. "We're... unnnn... we're both girls..."

"Yes we are," said Alley Cat, pausing. "Don't tell me you have a boyfriend?"

"Um, well..." the Fox stammered. "Yes I do. Sort of. But..."

"But you haven't let him in your pants yet?" the female villain said triumphantly. "Then it's not like you're cheating on him, is it? He has nothing to complain about, does he?" Her fingers probed in between the Fox's silken thighs, softly rubbing her vulnerable slit through her tights. Ohhhhhh she felt so wet and slippery down there!

"No... please don't..." Jennifer wriggled in the handcuffs, totally incapable of resisting as Alley Cat ravaged her. Delightful erotic sensations where overwhelming her. She had to stay strong, had to keep thinking of Martin...

The villainess stretched out on top of her, pressing her nubile young body against the superheroine's, their stockinged legs sensuously caressing one another. Alley Cat slowly unfastened the Fox's halter top and removed it, unveiling her two perky little breasts, now vulnerable and unprotected. She leaned forward to press her lips against their supple flesh, sucking her hardened nipples.

Jennifer's brain was a mushy ocean of sexual desire. Their bodies were locked together in bliss, Alley Cat kissing the Fox full on the mouth even as one hand slid downward inside her tights, playing with her snatch.

"There," the villainess panted, finally releasing the pressure and climbing off. Standing up, she reached behind her to unfasten her bustier and wiggle out of it. "That was just to soften you up a bit," she said, reaching for her weapons belt and extracting a flexible, 20-inch rod made of black rubber. "Open wide my dear. This won't hurt a bit!"

"No!" gasped the Fox, sucking in a ragged breath as Alley Cat, now wearing nothing but her fishnets and her mask, climbed on top of her again. She HAD to get free! Her lissome body arched itself against the bed as she struggled to resist.

Straining, pulling, she felt the metal of the handcuffs give way. Jennifer yanked her wrists free and sat up. Alley Cat's eyes went wide behind her mask. "Oops!" she said, then flung herself on top of the weakened superheroine, hoping to wrestle her into submission.

It looked as if she just might succeed. The Fox was still weak from the sedative, unable to entirely focus her power, her ankles still handcuffed to the bed. The two women grappled, each desperate to win for her own personal reasons. Alley Cat threw herself forward, pinning her opponent down on the bed as she groped for her weapons belt...

That was went the handcuff on Jennifer's right leg finally broke from the strain. The Fox twisted, pinning Alley Cat to the bed underneath her. From this position, the softness of her body was somehow more noticeable. "Okay, I surrender," the female villain panted, reaching up to plant a kiss on the superheroine's exposed neck.

"Stop doing that!" Jennifer insisted furiously.

"You know you like it," Alley Cat purred, licking her lips seductively.

Jennifer forced her brain to function. She felt weak as a kitten, and there were still the four brawny men to get past. She wasn't home free yet!
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Chapter 6:

The key to the remaining set of handcuffs was On Alley Cat's weapon belt. The Fuchsia Fox undid them and cuffed the villainess to her own bed frame. Then she stepped out into the warehouse, waited for the four henchmen to come after her, then dropped a cargo net on them. (It had been Alley Cat's backup plan to capture her if the electric plate had failed.) Now all that remained was to call the White House and ask for Hardcastle to come and cart them away.

Back in the bedroom, Alley Cat was curled up on the bed, wearing nothing but her fishnet stockings and her mask. "Well, you've caught me," she purred. "May I please have my costume back before the police show up?"

The Fox didn't answer. Her eyes had lit on the Book, lying prominently on a nearby table. What was in it? Curiosity was killing her! She picked it up, slowly stroking the cover...

"You can't resist, can you?" the villainess taunted, sitting up on her knees.

Jennifer's rational mind struggled to fight the temptation to peek. "If it's National Security, I have no right to see it..."

"Nothing so boring," Alley Cat smirked. "It's called The Tom Cat Diary, and it contains the hand-written confessions by every President of the United States about what went on in the President's Bedroom."

The superheroine was intrigued. "Really? You mean, like what really went on between JFK and Marilyn Monroe? Between Clinton and Lewinsky?"

Alley Cat scoffed. "That's nothing. You wouldn't BELIEVE what Millard Fillmore got up to with Abigail!"

The Fox sat down on the bed beside her, resting the book in her lap as she flipped eagerly through the pages. Reading, she gasped out loud. "Oh my goodness! A threesome? With the upstairs maid? And a side-saddle?"

"It's always the quiet ones," the villainess purred, gently resting her chin on the stunning superheroine's shoulder as she kept reading. "Turn the page. There's an illustration!"

Jennifer turned the page and blushed. There were ropes. And leather. The alluring superheroine quickly pressed her knees together to hold back the rush of sexual desire that suddenly overcame her. As she turned, Alley Cat kissed her on the mouth. Jennifer couldn't help it; she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the sexy female villain had transformed herself into a black cat and slipped out of the handcuffs. Then she was out the door with a sassy swish of her tail, lost in the darkness of the warehouse.


Ten o'clock that evening, Martin Fletcher answered the knock on his apartment door with a trace of impatience. "Oh hi, Miss... er, Traylor wasn't it? How did you find out where I live?"

"Um, that's kind of... what I wanted to explain," Jennifer said, nervously clutching the front of her coat shut. Tonight was the night. If Alley Cat had done nothing else, by arousing her sexual passions so strongly, she had convinced her of that. She NEEDED Martin's body tonight, come what may. It was high time she offered herself to him completely, gave him the keys to all of her secrets, for better or for worse. "Um, may I... may I come in?"

"Oh sure," he said, stepping back and briskly closing the door behind her. "But it'll have to be quick. Listen, are you still in touch with the Fuchsia Fox?"

Jennifer blushed, taken completely off guard by the question. Did he know that she was wearing nothing but her costume under the coat? Her plan being at the right moment to simply drop her coat to the floor and let him work the details out on his own? "Um, why... why should I be?"

"No reason really. I just thought maybe... I've got to get word to her somehow that I'll be gone. I guess the message on my answering machine will have to do."

A heavy canvas bag was open on the table. It finally dawned on Jennifer that she had caught him in middle of packing. "Are you going somewhere?" she asked with alarm.

"Emergency deployment," he said distractedly while he packed. "Kurdish rebels threatening a little kingdom called Magristan. Should be back in three to four weeks though." The last garment now safely in his bag, he zipped it up and headed for the door. "I really hate to rush you, Miss Traylor, but I've got to catch a transport plane in less than ten minutes!"

Ten minutes? Three to four WEEKS? It wasn't FAIR! Jennifer could feel tears welling up in her eyes, but bravely she got hold of herself. "Um, it's really too complicated to... I guess it can wait until you get back."

"Okay, great, give me a call," he said cheerfully, rushing her out the door. On the street, she watched silently as he got into his car and drove off, not even looking back at her once.

Jennifer trembled, feeling the resentment building up inside her. For a moment, she almost wished that she had never found those stupid bracelets! Why did they have to make everything in her life so complicated?

But a moment later she heard sirens. An ambulance came screaming down the street, followed closely by a police car. Putting aside her own troubles, Jennifer Traylor shrugged off her coat, and the Fuchsia Fox lifted gently into the sky. Stretching her arms in front of her, the superheroine followed after the ambulance, just in case she might be needed.

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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
Posts: 19
Joined: 17 years ago

=D> Great Story... Two Thumbs up!!!
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 174
Joined: 14 years ago

I appreciate the compliment, sir. I'm already working on the next installment, in which the Fox clashes for the first time with a villain who is more powerful than she is! Plus, does she finally get to do the deed with Martin? Be here in three to four weeks for "Storm Warning"!
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