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Halloween approaches Gotham City, and what is this?! Joker handing out flyers for his webcast Halloween: Trick or Treat bash? What is this criminal's plot this time? Surely our caped crusaders are interested in finding out!

"Holy Halloween horrors, Bruce, I was downtown and one of the Joker's henchmen gave me this flyer for a special webcast on Halloween," Dick exclaimed as he entered the Wayne mansion study.

"Yes, Dick, old chum, I was given the same thing when coming out of the bank today," Bruce replied. "We must find out what his evil plot is this time and foil it before he gets away with it."

"So do you think we should watch it, it could be some sort of trick!"

"Precisely, my thoughts, Dick, so we will watch it but through the Bat computer which will run a program to "de-bug" any trick transmission the Joker may be planning to use on the good citizens of Gotham and beyond."

"Right as usual, Bruce, we don't want to be a victim of any evil scheme the Joker may be hatching and I sure want to spoil the Joker's treat this Halloween!"

"We need to have Commissioner Gordon contact Batgirl too and give her warning too. I will even give her an invite to join us in the Batcave to watch via the Bat computer for her own protection!"

"Sweet candy corn, you are right, Bruce, we must hurry though the webcast begins in less than an hour," Dick replied as the dynamic duo approached the direct line to the Commissioners' office and he lifted the glass cover from the red Bat-phone direct line to Commissioner Gordon's office.

Meanwhile, Batgirl was already making her own plans to stop the Joker's scheme. She had already converted from somewhat mild-mannered Barbara Gordon into her heroine persona, Batgirl. She had installed a computer program that would trace the source of the transmission so she could track down the villain and stop him in his tracks. She was on the website when the Commissioner's phone rang her private number.

"Yes, Commissioner?" the petite heroine inquired.

"Batman has asked that you come to the office and they will escort you to the Bat-cave to watch Joker's transmission from their safe computer, Batgirl."

"Tell Batman that is a generous offer, Commissioner, but I am about to track the Joker's location and interrupt his broadcast with a trip to jail," Batgirl stated with confidence. "You can tell Batman and Robin to watch but it won't be a long show tonight," Batgirl added.

"Batgirl, please be careful, maybe you should tell the Dynamic Duo the location and then let them meet you there to help take out the Joker and his henchmen," the Commissioner pleaded.

"Ha, ha! You think I can't handle the Joker on my own, Commissioner? Tune in and watch and I will show you what a easy catch the Joker and his henchmen are, I can take them on my own," Batgirl gloated.

"Please reconsider, Batgirl," the Commissioner began to plead.

"Sorry to interrupt, Commissioner, but the webcast has started broadcasting a signal and I'm on my way to the Old Fun Towne Amusement Park where the Joker thinks he is hiding in plain sight," Batgirl chimed, "You can tell the boys to meet me there if they wish or watch it all on the internet. Goodbye, Commissioner."

With that, Batgirl hung up the phone and jumped on her Bat-cycle and raced towards the Old Fun Towne Amusement Park to capture the Joker. It was a brisk Fall evening and the wind felt stimulating to Batgirl's face. Her red hair flowing gracefully in the wind along with her yellow cape as well. She maneuvered through traffic with daring speed and many hardly had a glance at the heroine as she propelled by them at such high speeds.

The Commissioner quickly called Batman and Robin back to tell them Batgirl's plans and how she had found the Joker. Immediately Batman was concerned with Batgirl's safety and he and Robin jumped in the Batmobile and raced towards the park as well. Batman was worried that Batgirl's over confidence might prove to be dangerous when facing an experienced villain like the Joker. Robin clung to the safety handles in the Batmobile as Batman raced faster than normal through the countryside towards Gotham City.

The Joker was having a grand old time telling jokes and showing odd videos in his webcast. He kept telling those watching that soon they would be in for a real Halloween treat. He kept looking at an enormously oversized pocket watch as he laughed nervously about some special guest that should be dropping by to help make the tricks and the treats. He introduced another short video and raced to the camera monitor room for any signs of his un-invited but still special guests. He roared in laughter as he spied first Batgirl parking her Batcycle in just outside of the Fun House. She didn't wait for Batman and Robin and entered the building alone.

Batman and Robin pulled up minutes after Batgirl but decided to find their own way inside rather than through the front door. They circled around to the back looking for an open window or easy access to the roof. Finally satisfied Batman flung his rope with the trusty Bat-hook to a metal railing atop the building and Robin did likewise. They slowly started their climb up the outside of the four-story building.

"Oh, my gosh, Batman, talk about horrors of Halloween, I hated this funhouse as a boy," Robin whispered.

"Well, Robin, it is all smoke and mirrors and nothing more than that so put your childhood fears to rest, old chum," Batman replied.

"Of course, Batman, I know that now, but the place still gives me the creeps."

"The only creeps in this building tonight is the Joker and his men, Robin, so lets clean house!"

"Right behind you, Batman," Robin said with his most confident voice as they reached the third story windows.

Batgirl was beginning to think she should have thought of another way in as she was twisting and turning down the maze of hallways filled with distorted mirrors, strobe lights, haunted sounds, and mechanized dummies. Her mind was beginning to play tricks on her as she searched for the door that lead to the inner part of the building where the Joker was obviously hiding. She entered a larger room with slanted floors and a big clown face painted on a mirror and in the mouth was an opening big enough for a person to get through. "This must be the hidden entrance," Batgirl said to herself. With that several strobe lights went off and from every corner of the room figures raced towards her. One of them held up a can and sprayed a purple mist in her face. She coughed but still managed to begin fighting her attackers. Each one was dressed as a monster, one was a vampire, another a mummy, the third Frakenstein, and the fourth she saw brought fear to her eyes! It was a werewolf, she had been scared of them as a girl seeing the movie, "The Wolfman". In her fearful state she became almost paralyzed and the werewolf threw a slow motion right hook which knocked the little heroine out and sprawling onto the floor.

As Batman and Robin got to the third floor windows, Batman noticed one of the windows was open and decided this would be a good place to enter the building. Cautiously raising the window so as not to make any sound the duo slipped quietly into the dimly lit room. It was full of the dummies used in the Fun House at different times of the year. As they reached the door and Batman turned the knob he found it jammed. As he ran his fingers along the door jamb to find the hinges he triggered a small unseen device and a purple mist jettisoned into their faces. Robin started shaking as he looked around the room infected by the gas. All the figures seemed to be alive and leering at him as panic seemed to set in on the boy wonder. Batman was not as affected by the gas and reluctantly led Robin out of the room after finding the hinges and cutting through them with his Bat-laser.

Batgirl opened her eyes and saw a big smiling Joker in front of her. "Like my fear gas, Batgirl?" He taunted the tied up heroine. "I knew you and that pesky dumb duo couldn't help but try and come stop my fun," he exclaimed. "So now we will have a "trick" and a "treat" for tonight's Halloween webcast!"

Batgirl would have obviously given a sharp rebuttal but seeing her mouth was gagged that was impossible. Instead all she could manage was a muffled, "Ummmpfffff!" as she struggled against the ropes tied around her wrists which were pulled up over her head and the two ropes, one each tied around her ankles and anchored the floor. She struggled as the Joker removed her utility belt then her cape. She let out even louder muffled sounds as he walked behind her and began fondling her body. The Joker gasped and moaned as his hands ran across Batgirl's petite form. Out of pure delightful pleasure an even more devilish grin seemed to form on his distorted and heavily made up face. "Oh, my goodness, Batgirl, you are a perfect Halloween trick for my webcast!", he exclaimed. Batgirl's eyes grew wide as she struggled even more and what you could see of her face since she still had her mask on turned red. The joker traced the edges of her mask with his fingertips as he raised up a small canister to her face. "Do you need a little coaxing, Batgirl," the Joker said with a voice of false empathy. He discharged the canister in her face and a pale blue smoke engulfed her face which almost instantly made Batgirl's eyes glaze over.

Batman still had his hands full trying to keep Robin subdued and quiet in hopes of catching the Joker off guard. Eventually, Batman knew the only solution was to handle things this time alone. He took Robin into a small room and gave him a blast of Bat-sleep which would put him out for a good hour. "Sorry, but this time I have to go it alone," Batman told Robin as the boy wonder's eyes fluttered and then closed. Batman then headed out the room and back down the corridor which led him to the same room Batgirl was captured. As Batman approached the opening in the clowns mouth a green gas was expelled this time and sounds of laughter filled the room as four clowns surrounded the Batman. They all joined in unison laughing and Batman uncontrollably started laughing with them. When asked where was Robin he told them laughing about the whole experience. Then one of the clowns sprayed a clear mist in Batman's face and he fell harmlessly to the floor and asleep.

Batman awoke still under the laughing gas as Joker asked him how to awaken Robin. Batman explained and the Joker removed Batman's utility belt and sprayed the Bat-wake in Robin's face. Robin was no longer under the fear gas but fully alert and struggled against the tight ropes and gag. "Never fear, Robin," the Joker laughed, "it will only get the best of you!" Then taking the Bat-sleep canister out of Batman's utility belt he sprayed them both and as they went under the Joker commanded the Dynamic Duo be put in their respective "treat" containers.

Finally the Joker had managed to capture the Dynamic Duo and their somewhat part-time heroine partner just as he had planned all along. Everything was going splendidly and time to get on with the show as they say. The webcast was now taking place out of the basement of the Fun House. There he had set up a large popcorn ball making machine. Batman and Robin were the "treats" of the show. On the one side a large popcorn popper was loaded with popcorn, which would pop the popcorn into the two large plastic spheres in which Batman and Robin had been suspended inside of spread eagle. On the other side was the popcorn ball glazing pot. There the marshmallows, corn syrup, confectioner's sugar, and margine woud be melted together at just the right temperature and drizzled into the rotating spheres around Batman and Robin's stationary bodies. Soon they would be the middles of two giant sized popcorn balls. In front of this the Joker had a stage set with a pole, a chair, and a small bed. In the Joker's dirty mind this was the "trick" of the show, Batgirl was going to perform a striptease and then give Joker his long awaited fantasy. The door opened and the werewolf man led Batgirl out with a chain attached to a collar around her small delicate neck. She still was dressed in her purple suit all which was to the thrill of the Joker. She was led to the pole in which she immediately began swaying and gyrating along the long silver shaft. The effects of Posion Ivy's pheremone gas was guaranteed to last up to four hours and the Joker didn't want to waste another minute of it.

"Sit back and enjoy the show," Joker mused as he waved his hand for Batgirl's music to start, "this is one Halloween where the Joker gets his "Trick and Treat" on!" Batman and Robin started coming out of their slumber as the popcorn machine began popping the kernels and the pot of confection began drizzling into the popcorn ball molds. Batgirl was dancing and slidding up and down the pole with a very seductive talent that would make most men trip over thier own tongues. She slowly began reaching behind her to unzip her purple Batgirl suit and the Joker ran up licking his lips to see his new little "trick" un-wrap herself for him!

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The Joker and a couple of his men sat at a small table in front of the stage where Batgirl began dancing seductively to the music. Each of the them whistling and coaxing Batgirl on to remove her purple suit and show them her body. She pulled down the purple suit and exposed her firm and pointed breasts. Her nipples rock hard and extended as she pinched them and rolled them between her fingertips. This made the trio of men clap their hands and demand more, more, more! Batgirl under the influence of the pheromone spray that Joker had given her merely smiled and leaned over the edge of the stage showing them her tits up close and personal as she continued fondling them in her soft hands. Then with one hand she reached out to the Joker and grabbed his tie. Pulling him out of his seat Batgirl led him up the steps to the stage and pushed him down onto the wooden chair. She pushed his arms to his side as she straddled over the laughing ecstatic criminal. She lowered her breasts right into his face and gasped when the Joker suddenly swirled his long tongue over her hard erect nipples. Each moment Batgirl seemed to be losing herself more and more to the lusty intoxication in her mind. The Joker's hands came up and cupped each of her titties and she moaned as she watched the Joker suck on the one and then the other.

Batgirl then smiled again as she raised up and placed her left foot right between Joker's thighs. She leaned over and slowly unzipped her boot but before removing it raised back up and then took and grazed along the outline of Joker's impressive bulging cock through his purple pants. Then with a quick flick of her leg the boot went sailing off her foot and across the stage. She repeated it again with her right foot and then turned away from the Joker while straddled over him and slowly began pulling down her suit. Once it got past Batgirl's tight rounded little as cheeks the Joker hurriedly helped her pull it the rest of the way down. Batgirl pressed herself up against the Joker and slowly slid herself down his chest and sat onto his lap. She slowly began swaying her hips back and forth across the Joker's lap rubbing ever so lightly across his now fully hard manhood. The Joker was letting out gasps and moans enjoying the naughtiness of Batgirl as she danced naked in front of him.

By this time Batman and Robin had become fully awake and were a gasped at the whole scene as they were trapped in the giant popcorn ball molds. There was nothing either of them could do seeing how they were tied spread eagle and even their utility belts had been removed. The Dynamic Duo had to watch in utter displeasure to the dastardly deed Joker was making Batgirl succumb to. Not even their voices could be heard through the thick plastic molds that were filling up with popcorn and the syrup mixture. The mixture had already started covering Batman's feet and ankles as he was taller than Robin, but it was getting very close to the boy wonder's feet as well. A few times the Joker looked back and laughed as he watched the two heroes trying to thrash at their bonds to get away and rescue the fair Batgirl from her role of Joker's play toy. There was just nothing they could do about it.

Finally the Joker could resist no longer and instructed Batgirl to pleasure him orally right there in the chair. Like an obedient slave girl, Batgirl dropped to her knees in front of the Joker and slowly began unfastening his pants. She gasped at the size of Joker's dick when it sprung free. It was a good ten inches long and about four inches in girth. The site of it made her insides churn and her tunnel hot and creamy wet. She began by sucking on the tip which was thick and dark red. The tip had a flanged rim that was thick and very pronounced. She would slip it into her mouth pursing her lips around it hard and force from her mouth which made a loud popping sound. Joker grabbed her hair after a few times of this and let out a stream of explicative's showing his pleasure in her talents. Batgirl then began working more and more of Joker's large dick into her mouth as her hands found his balls and began rolling them around in her hands.

All that was left of Batgirl's outfit was her cowl covering her head and face. Somehow Joker liked that idea as he now was bobbing her head up and down on his large rigid shaft. Batgirl being overcome with the Joker's intensifying pleasure grabbed his thighs as his thick head was now piercing her throat. She gagged a bit and it seemed to make the Joker hotter as he held her there deep on his dick as Batgirl gagged more but still managing to suck and work her tongue around his shaft giving this evil criminal the sucking of his life. Then the Joker pulled her off of him and told her to move to the bed to get down to more business. As Batgirl stood up she grabbed Joker's erect shaft and gave it a nice hard tug as she smiled at him and wiped the drool off her mouth with her other hand. Batgirl lay on the bed and spread her silky white legs wide apart as one hand played cupping her tits while the other slid between her thighs and stroked her soft swollen but small pussy lips.

The Joker taking off the rest of his suit enjoyed watching Batgirl fondle herself and told her to keep going, to make it good and ready for him. She went to work immediately on herself knowing that to take such a big cock as that surely she was going to need to stretch herself good first. She slipped in a finger and began immediately pummeling her tight hole as her other hand now slipped down onto her mound and her fingers began circling her small little hoody covering that sweet little button. The Joker came and knelt beside the bed and began sucking on her titties again as she played with herself and masturbating for this dirty criminal. As her moans and cries began to increase Batgirl shoved another finger and then another finger up inside her hot creamy twat. The Joker had now begun caressing and rubbing Batgirl's thighs as she played with herself and becoming more and more turned on. Then she slipped her hand down and pulled Joker's hand up to her now glistening pussy and pulled two of his big fingers inside of her. The Joker loving this began talking dirty to Batgirl as his fingers played deep and hard inside the heroine's tight hole. The more Joker talked the dirty the louder Batgirl moaned. His words now seemed to be thrusting themselves deeper into her mind causing her to lose all control and care except to explode with an orgasm. Batgirl's hands slipped onto the bed and grabbed the sheets as Joker's fingers plunged deeper and harder with every thrust. Her thighs shuddered, her breast trembling, Batgirl let out a long cry as the orgasm exploded through her body and wave after wave of pleasure shot though her insides and out through her pussy leaving a thick film of goo on the Joker's fingers which he took and had the crime fighting heroine suck and clean off.

The Joker stood up and promptly told Batgirl it was now time to take care of him. She grinned and licked her lips eager to please this dirty cock as she was so worked up now and needed to feel something big and hard inside of her. Posion Ivy's pheromone gas was quite the sexual stimulant and Batgirl was completely intoxicated with it now. Joker laid down on the bed and had Batgirl sit on top of him. She took some lube and worked it all over Joker's hard shaft as she began talking dirty herself now to him about how she was going to ride him good and hard and milk his balls empty. She raised herself and began pushing the head into her hole. She gasped at the size of his head but loving it she said she wanted it all inside her tiny hole. As she began squirming around the Joker could not help but try and work it in himself a bit and soon Batgirl was gasping and panting as Joker's large shaft was penetrating deep into her hot little tunnel. It didn't take long for Batgirl to cum again as the massive cock stretched her tight pussy more than it had ever been and once the sick feeling subsided after a few lengthy thrust inside her, Batgirl exploded over it uncontrollably. Again Joker began pumping and thrusting his large cock into Batgirl's hot little tunnel and she leaned forward her hands on his shoulders as he was rocketing her towards another orgasm. His largeness inside her filling her so full and stretching her so much made her weaker with every thrust. She wanted it again and again... faster ...harder... deeper...... so full......... so filled... another orgasm ripped through her body as she screamed and fell forward on Joker's chest.

Joker laughed as his little consort had passed out riding his cock. He pulled her off of him and layed her in the bed while telling his henchmen to tie her securely to the bed spread eagle of course. Slipping on his pants the Joker then made his way over to the popcorn ball molds to observe their progress. There Batman and Robin were still suspended in the middle of the molds and all but Robin's head and shoulders was covered in gooey popcorn ball sweetness. Batman was covered up to his chest with barely the Bat emblem visible anymore. The Joker laughed with glee seeing the process almost complete. He taunted the Dynamic Duo with hand getstures about what he had been doing with Batgirl and laughed as he walked away and headed towards the camera.
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This is where I will stop the story as it was just something I wanted to post for Halloween for some strange reason. If anyone wishes they can add to the story from here. Does Batman and Robin become human popcorn balls? Will Batgirl ever get free from the Joker? Will she succumb to being Joker's full time consort? You decide, or write a chapter and leave it hanging for another to add more of the story!
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Sounds like the weekend I just had....whew...thanks for inspiring villains! I enjoyed it!
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Last edited by superbabesrsluts 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Nice to see another pick up on the story line that I had started... due to several reasons I have been away for a while and still am having some problems getting back to the computer and working on more of the stories I have started... I will soon hopefully be able to do so...
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edit: I decided to delete my give someone else a chance to finish (hopefully Hunter himself if he finds time.It would be great!) I liked the beginning a lot and I don't feel I did it justice.
Last edited by superbabesrsluts 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Millenium Member
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Loved it...glad you ended up using the special triple facial on her....i was wanting to see the disolving anal beads and candy mind control jawbreaker ballgag.....poor batgirl....she had one mask replaced by another sticky manmade mask!
Great job
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Very good story. I enjoyed it. Loved The Joker making Batigirl treat.
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