A Twisted Threesome

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Chapter 1
It was 2 AM when the Joker’s purple van parked in front of the Gotham City Museum. He merrily led his henchmen up the stairs to the center double doors where they sat down a large oversized Jack-in-the-box. Joker laughed his evil laugh as his henchmen turned the crank and the tune whimsically filled the cold night air. As the tune came to the end and time for the Jack to pop out of the box, instead a large boxing glove sprang out and burst open the doors! Then the Joker led his henchmen down the West Wing to the “Mysterious and Alien” exhibit area. There they proceeded to collect various boxes adorned with odd “alien” symbols on them which contained small black chunks of rock with flecks of a green crystal suspended in them and giving off a bright sparkle. Joker was dancing around and enjoying it seemed the other exhibits as his henchmen labored away at loading the boxes into large oversized duffle bags. Joker then stopped at one display in particular and pawed it like a love sick boy over a cardboard cut out of Megan Fox. He gently removed the gemmed tiara off the mannequin’s head and placed it on his own. Then acting as if embracing a partner he began waltzing around the room. In the middle of his dance he was rudely interrupted by the arrival of those caped crime fighters, Batman and Robin!

“Sorry to interrupt your little dance, Joker,” shouted Batman, “but it is time you go back behind bars!”

The Joker wheeled around and laughed, “HAHA, not so caped dunces! I simply had to shop here and I knew it would bring you two bat brains here and hopefully that Bratgirl too! I have a surprise for all three of you!”
With that the Joker pulled out a two little black boxes, one marked Batbirds and the other Bratgirl. He twisted the dial on the Batbirds box till the marking was on “statues” and pointed it at the Dynamic Duo and instantly before another word came out of their mouths they were frozen in place unable to move or talk. With glee the Joker waltzed over to them and danced around their frozen bodies.
“Now we just have to wait for that brat you call Batgirl to show and I will finish the three of you all together once and for all!” Joker exclaimed. “What cat got your tongues?” Joker asked laughingly. “I will tell you since you can’t ask but are dying to try! See the last time we met and the three of you were gassed, I implanted a small chip in your masks undetectable to your scans as they were not yet activated until just now! With this box I can set it and control you at my will to do anything I want you to do!” Joker laughed with unfeigned pleasure.

At that moment Batgirl dropped in from the skylight in the middle of the room. Taking a quick survey of the room she ran and positioned herself by the frozen duo and took a fighting pose. She was ready to take on all of the Joker’s henchmen and the Joker himself to stop his crime spree and free the two crime fighting heroes. She glanced at the two frozen bodies beside her and saw they were still breathing at least and then turned her attention to the Joker. Both Batman and Robin wanted to tell her it was a trap but neither could move their lips to speak.

“Give it up, Joker; I am here to stop your evil plans!” Batgirl exclaimed confidently. “Your fun time and crime time are both up and a cell is waiting with your name on it!”

“Not this time Bratgirl, “squealed Joker, “but your fun is just beginning! See here I have a box for you like I do the Batbirds and that is what froze them in place and now it’s your turn!” With that the Joker pressed the button as he pointed the box at Batgirl and she froze in place just as the Dynamic Duo did earlier.
“Hahahahahahahaha heeeeee!” Joker danced with glee as he laughed! The Joker pulled out what looked to be a rubber chicken and pressed a button on it. He then placed it to his ear and began talking. “I have them for you, my dear,” he stated simply. Hanging up the phone the Joker laughed and hurried his henchmen out of the room and pausing in the doorway he placed the black boxes on a stand. “Afraid I have to run now, I don’t want to be around and catch anything that might be in the air!” With that the Joker began laughing almost uncontrollably and headed down the hallway, but three times he reappeared in the doorway to begin a new round of laughter.

Then all became quiet and our heroes were still frozen in place and the boxes that held them prisoners was some thirty feet away on a stand. Batman, Robin, and Batgirl’s minds were racing on what was to happen next if they weren’t found by anyone other than whoever the Joker had called on his phone. Then as they were helpless and frozen in place they watched in some form of horror as a long slender arm and then a long slender leg covered in a green leotard and leafy vines seemed to slither through the doorway as if entering as a sex show starlet and Poison Ivy strutted into the room swaying her body sensually as she walked and taking each palm of her hand to her face and blowing her ever dangerous pheromones into the air.
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Mmmmmm...nice can't wait to see what evil plans Ivy has for this threesome...delicious! Talk about planting a seed!! Lol
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Chapter 2

The van roared away from the museum and headed for the highway. Joker’s next stop was the bustling city of Metropolis where he had a new level of chaos to unleash and more mayhem to create now that Ivy had paid him handsomely for the fate of the three meddlesome caped heroes of Gotham City. He sat in the front passenger seat and taking out the tiara he gloated.

“Oh what fun I shall have turning Metropolis upside down once I control the invincible Supergirl and dispatch with that other menace to chaos, Superman! So many new things to do and so much more to take away from those “planners” who want to control everyone and everything else for their own greediness! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”


Ivy strutted like a supermodel on a catwalk as she entered the room where the Dynamic Duo and that pretty little Batgirl stood frozen and helpless thanks to the chip implant in their cowls placed earlier by the Joker. The room now was full of her pheromones and small glitters could be seen floating as it hung suspended in the air. It would be impossible for the threesome not to inhale it as they had no way of escape. Their minds raced with thoughts of how devilish this was to be taken by Ivy so easily but as the vapors began to work their magic on their senses they soon were not thinking anymore about they were trapped, they were instead feeling the erotic effects of Ivy’s pheromone gas and were becoming more compliant to their new captor by the moment.

Ivy casually encircled the trio as she let one long finger trail over each of their lips and cheeks and stopping in front of each one lifted her hand right under their noses and blew a large dose of her gas right into their faces. She smiled with delight as even paralyzed she could see the facial expressions change and their eyes take on a more demure stare and lusty glaze. She then walked behind the frozen and now intoxicated trio and cooed in each of their ears.

“That’s it Batman, let it take you over, you are Ivy’s now and you wish to be Ivy’s, you can’t resist My pheromones as not even you have been able to come up with an antidote for it!” Ivy’s hands roamed all over Batman’s body paying extra detail to his manhood and working on it till she felt it rock hard, “Oh, now its taken over you completely,” she whispered as she sucked his earlobe and bit playfully.

Next Ivy moved to Robin and her hands again caressed all over his young athletic trim body. His outfit was not as confining as Batman’s and it was clearly obvious by the bulge in between his thighs that he was already consumed before Ivy could get to him. “Ahhh, that is right boy wonder, you are Ivy’s now too, I know you have fantasized about Me! My pheromones took you over so quickly didn’t they,” she smirked.

Lastly but not least she came behind Batgirl, her most luscious conquest that she had dreamed about for such a long time. Still knowing the female tenacity for resistance she slid her hand around in front of her face and again blew a fair amount of Ivy dust into her face. The petite heroine could not resist such a large dose as this and even a soft sigh escaped Batgirl’s mouth. “There, there, see it isn’t so bad belonging to Ivy, Batgirl!” Ivy’s hands tracing Batgirl’s curves with slow pleasure as she almost purred into the young heroine’s ear. Slipping her hand down between Batgirl’s thighs and sliding up her mound she found her already getting warm. “Mmmm, that is a good kitty,” cooed Ivy as she took her tongue and softly licked Batgirl’s cheek. “I didn’t know bats had such hot little kittys,” Ivy whispered, “but yours feels divine even through your now useless outfit, My pretty”. Ivy’s infatuation over the Batgirl was obvious as she spent a longer time just caressing and rubbing the poor helpless heroine’s frozen form.

Then satisfied that her pheromones had taken over completely enough Ivy walked over and turned off the little black boxes. Even freed the trio stood motionless awaiting Ivy’s commands as they were now under her pheromone induced trance. Ivy stood in the doorway for a couple of minutes just looking at the trio and smiling at her victory over them thanks of course to the Joker. As she wheeled around and wiggled her curvaceous ass she called out to them to follow her for some fun time rolling in the ivy. Turning her head back towards them she winked and giggled, “So much better than rolling in the hay I think”. As Ivy strolled down the hallway she was followed by the trio, Batman, Robin, and Batgirl each of them now under her spell and headed helplessly to whatever fate Ivy had decided.
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Chapter 3

Ivy took her three new play toys and led them into a large plush room full of exotic flowering plants. She took such pleasure in creating new and useful plants and these three would be excellent specimens eventually for her dearest of new plants, but she first needed to feed some other plants. She placed each of them in front of a form of shrub with broad dark and rough foliage. Quickly the plants responded sending tentacle vines out and wrapping them up almost completely. Only their heads were left uncovered as the vines encircled and intertwined around the rest of their bodies. Slowly the vines began the process of disintegrating their non-organic outfits. As the vines seemed to saw back and forth tearing into the fabric it caused a great deal of stimulation to their bodies. Soon it was obvious when the vines began working on specific areas of the three entranced heroes as they soon were swaying and moans of pleasure filled the room. Ivy just waved her hand and instantly vines came down from the canopy top and she reclined in their embrace watching with a pleased smile on her face as her captors were feeling just the start of how enjoyable plant love could be.

Soon the plants had consumed their costumes and began slowly releasing their prisoners and now Batman, Robin, and Batgirl were completely nude with the exception of their cowls and mask were still in place. Ivy again waved her hand and her vines released her from her comfortable ivy hammock. Ivy walked slowly and seductively to her now three naked new play toys and could not help but let her hands run over their bodies and examining with her own hands exactly what each of them had hiding under those drab outfits and getting great satisfaction from it.

“Mmmmm, Batman!,” Ivy exclaimed, “you have such a nice hard erection, and so large, but I expected such!”. Her hands roaming and caressing not only his shaft but also fondled his balls as she watched his facial expressions. “I can’t wait to see you giving it to Batgirl with all you got as you can see she is quite petite,” Ivy said with a seductive slur.

Then walking over to Robin she smiled as she looked down and examined the package this boy wonder was carrying. “Oh, my, Robin!,” she too exclaimed, “not nearly the tool Batman has, but still I think it will work nicely on Batgirl to get her warmed up to take Batman’s impressive cock!” Ivy lowered herself in front of Robin and grasped his hard shaft in her hand and so seductively opened her mouth and enveloping him without touching it until it was completely in her mouth then closed it wetting it all of it at once causing Robin to let out a startled gasp. Laughingly Ivy stood up and kissed Robin fully on the lips and stated, “That was because I know you have wanted that for so long My little robin!” Robin was still reeling from the pleasure that Ivy had sent through his body but somehow managed a weak, “Yessss,” out of his mouth. Ivy giggled at the idea that the boy wonder was probably helpless against here even without any pheromone treatment.

Saving again the best for last Ivy strolled over to Batgirl. Ivy licked her lips as she looked the petite little Batgirl up and down. Her body quite exquisite and Ivy knew it would be and she was getting so excited to finally see Batgirl uncovered. Being the Vixen she was Ivy waved her hand and two vines lowered once again from the upper canopy but this time they wrapped around Batgirl’s wrist and hoisted her arms up and over her head. Ivy liked the captive look of a woman in bondage for some reason more so than men. Maybe because she felt women were more powerful than men in many ways and that is why she liked them totally helpless and to sexually dominate them. Ivy reached out and grazed a finger slowly down the Batgirl’s arm and then to her face and then sweetly as she could spoke to the girl. “It is okay to relax and enjoy what I am about to do, My girl, just give into it and let yourself go,” Ivy then let her hands slip down over batgirl’s firm small breast and lightly pinched her nipples. Batgirl let out a soft moan as Ivy’s fingers worked like magic making her feel more and more aroused. Ivy then cupped her tits and squeezed them firmly and let her thumbs rake across her erect nipples. This caused Batgirl to gasp even more and she closed her eyes as one of Ivy’s hands now was trailing down her stomach and heading for her soft mound.
Batgirl’s moans of pleasure created a great deal of excitement for Ivy and she waved her hand in the air again and small vines now began lowering from the canopy above. The vines began encircling Batgirl’s breasts and wrapping around her stomach acting like fingers as the tips of the vines flicked across each hard nipple. Batgirl was beginning to feel so much pleasure, more than she had ever known. Ivy’s hand had now slipped down Batgirl’s outer thigh but then her fingers crept in between the girl’s legs and began grazing up her inner thigh. Sweet soft sensual moans escaped Batgirl’s sweet little mouth uncontrollably as Ivy’s vines and her hand were bringing an exquisite amount of pleasure to Batgirl’s petite body.

Batgirl gasped and looked straight into the eyes of Ivy who was watching her facial expressions as her fingers finally reached the girl’s soft swollen lips. There were already droplets of her flower’s nectar forming along the edges and Ivy’s fingers only spread the warm wetness quickly over Batgirls now burning muff. Batgirl’s body began to sway as Ivy’s fingers worked like magic on those sensitive untouched lips and the smell of her sex started filling the air. Then Batgirl pushed her hips forward as Ivy’s finger pierced between those wet folds and penetrated into her wet little pussy. “Ahhh….hhhhaaaaa,” Batgirl moaned as Ivy’s fingers went deeper and deeper. Ivy now was so excited she had taken her other hand and started fondling herself too. With each thrust into the depths of Batgirls wet silky walls she would give another gasp and Ivy kept the same tempo in her own pleasure as she was giving Batgirl and it was quickly increasing. Soon they both were moaning as one long breath with Ivy working as quickly as her long slender fingers could inside both of their tight little holes.

Batgirl came first with a loud gasp and her body heaving as the waves of the orgasm rippled through her small body. The small vines encircling her breasts were still contracting and squeezing as she finally spent of her energy hung helplessly from the vines around her wrists. Batgirl moaned as her body was still in the throws of the pleasure warming her deep within. Then too Ivy had released her orgasm while enjoying the sight of Batgirl’s climax. Ivy had more control and had kept her gasps down to a whisper so to enjoy all the moans and gasps of her captive girl’s first climax. Then holding Batgirl’s face and lifting it up to hers, Ivy kissed her deep and soft. Batgirl returned the kiss with blissful abandonment to the pleasure Ivy had just given her. Deep inside where part of her had been still trying to resist it was beginning to melt as Ivy’s kiss full of pheromones and hypnotizing properties was working deeper and deeper into Batgirl’s body and mind.
Elder Member
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Excellent start to a BG story. :-D :-D
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Oh Hunter....you describe Batgirl's petite firm body perfect....mmmmm..she is such a helpless little victim of Ivy's now...I Looooooove it!

A & M
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Hunter - very nice story so far!
A & M
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Hunter42 - are you looking to continue this story? I can't wait to see what happens with Poison Ivy and BG next!
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I do have more of this story to add... the problem I am having is that I started too many on here as well as two other sites that I post stories on... I will try this week to add some more to this story.... I am glad you are liking it, hearing imput from others helps Me know which one's to focus on more.... :D
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Ivy then turned her attention back onto the Dynamic Duo standing at attention and at full mast having watched Ivy play with Batgirl like a little sex toy.

"Come here my two little darling men," Ivy purred as she curled her finger in her seductive come hither motion. "It is time for the three of you to get better acquainted." Ivy smiled as the Dynamic Duo began walking towards her in a most subdued state. Once all three were standing together in front of her, Ivy again lifted her hand and blew another intoxicating cloud of her pheromones into their faces just for a little more "aphrodisiac" stimulation. The trio swayed gently under the drifting fumes as their eyes glazed even more under her lustful persuasion.

"Batman, Robin, don't you think little batgirl here would like to have her breasts played with," Ivy asked as she took one of their hands and placed them on the soft pale breasts of the enraptured crime fighter. "That's right," Ivy cooed as they began squeezing and rubbing batgirl's breasts causing her to moan most delightfully for Ivy's pleasure, "get her ready boys for her big scene with the two of you".

Ivy circled around behind the three of them as her fingers played and stroked along all three of their bodies as batgirl's moans of pleasure were building as Batman and Robin played skillfully with her succulent breasts and hardening nipples. "Now batgirl, shouldn't you be returning some pleasure to your lovers?" Ivy continued as she took batgirl's hands and placed them on the two erect cocks that were just twitching to be touched. She stepped back for a moment and just watched the three of them touching and rubbing each other in such a naughty and playful way. Ivy herself was getting more and more turned on just watching and made a couple of motions towards her vines which quickly snaked up around the trio's bodies to slither, shake, and stimulate them in their little threesome dance of lust.

After a few moments of watching this Ivy then told batgirl to kneel down and show a greater appreciation to the once great crime fighter's by sucking on those gorgeous hard crime fighting cocks. Batgirl slipped to her knees and eagerly began going back and forth sucking and licking as Ivy had instructed. As batgirl played the dirty cock sucking whore for Ivy, the vines engulfed her body. The vines twisted and encircled her body with such seductive pleasure that batgirl moaned and her body gyrated sensually against them. The vines encircled her breast squeezing them as the leaves flickered across her swollen pink nipples with almost a feather light touch. Other vines worked up her slender but muscular shaped thighs and worked back and forth across her now swollen vulva. Her body jerked quiet beautifully as one of the vines little flower bulbs opened and the firm petals found her own little bud and closed on it tightly and began giving a little tug. Moans and gasps of pleasure escaped from her busy mouth as the vines worked their magic building her towards yet another climax. Robin began moaning as well, it was obvious he was not as experienced as Batman or Batgirl. Ivy could see in his eyes as well as his body movement that the boy wonder was about to let go of another load.

"No, no, boy wonder, stop right there," Ivy interrupted their little dance of lust. "I want you to bury your seed deep inside little batgirl." Ivy said as she walked up to the trio and the vines began tugging and re-positioning the trio. Batgirl was turned facing Batman while still on her knees and quite content it seemed as she deepthroated the hero's cock. The vines pulled and separated batgirl's thighs exposing her sweet swollen pussy which was all glistening wet. Robin didn't need any help from the vines to know what to do next as he let out a moan of pleasure as his cock sunk into the depths of batgirl's wetness. With Robin's cock buried inside her, batgirl began sucking harder and faster on Batman's hard shaft even to the point of gagging. Batman's hands were free of any vines but he still reached down and pushed batgirl's mouth deeper onto his hard shaft as his hips began thrusting his cock harder into her mouth. Within seconds the sounds of all three moaning filled the room much to Ivy's delight.

"Oh, it is so good to see the three of you working on something useful for once," Ivy slurred as two of her fingers were deep inside herself working away at another climax. "I may have to put you three in a internet show or something," Ivy chuckled as her head threw back and her own moans of pleasure began joining in the chorus of lustful abandonment.

"CUM NOW... the three of you!" Ivy exclaimed as the air was electric now with the loud moans mixed in with the wet sounds of cock sucking and pussy pounding... be my three dirty little heroes and cum for me, " she cried out on the verge of an intense orgasm herself.

Robin was the first to cum as he buried himself deep as he possibly could and with a loud cry exploded deep into batgirl's crime fighting pussy.... batgirl let out a long almost silent, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggghhhh" as the hot load of robin pushed her over the edge and bathing him with her creamy cum lotion........... Batman staring at Ivy as she was on the verge could not stop any longer and pulled out almost in time as he shot off his load.. the first rope jettisoned in batgirl's mouth and the others onto her face and breasts.... Ivy cried out as well as her creaminess melted over her fingers and seeped out onto her thighs...

"Mmmmmm, " Ivy purred as she removed her fingers and tasted her silky creaminess, "I knew it would be this fun with the three of you." Ivy smiled as the three collapsed on each other and then the vines began entwining their bodies together as they helplessly moaned in orgasmic bliss.

Ivy then walked over as she coated her lips with her sleeping lipstick and gave each one a sweet lingering kiss and whispering to each one, "We have just begun to have our fun together." Then with an added burst of pheromone dust she sent the trio off to a sensual dreamland, one of which they were sure to never be able to escape.....

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Where else do you post?[

quote="Hunter42"]I do have more of this story to add... the problem I am having is that I started too many on here as well as two other sites that I post stories on... I will try this week to add some more to this story.... I am glad you are liking it, hearing imput from others helps Me know which one's to focus on more.... :D[/quote]
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I had been posting on some other sites, but I don't think I should post those here and draw people away from this site to visit other sites. I have enjoyed writing here when I have the time. I would have hoped for a little more interaction than I have received here from others, but I do mainly write for My own enjoyment any way. I will be posting here some more in the near future.

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I just wanted to know where else so I could find them.
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tmon wrote:I just wanted to know where else so I could find them.
Me too. :mrgreen:

Love his stories,so I'd like to read more. I don't think people would abandon this site...I know I won't.
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