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Okay, some of you might have seen my renders, but i've been tinkering with some writing too. This is my first effort, and it's a prologue with little peril, so dont get your hopes up. No will add to it, as time allows, feedback is good for motivation and improving my desire to do more though . :wink:

Prologue - "The pursuit of justice is tireless and never ending..."

The annoying little cell phone device that earthlings used would not cease it's annoying prattling. From her school bag across the room it rang with acute sharpness as if it were under her pillow. Efforts to ignore it were difficult. Suri rolled over off the bed admitting defeat suppressing the urge to crush the offensive little disturber of much needed sleep. It was a wonder that Kal could filter out all the noise she was hearing to a 'single' person in a city of millions. It was all she could do to concentrate enough to just turn it all off so she could sleep at night.

It was Kal's idea to start this 'secret identity', he was certain that it was a necessity to perform the role of a Hero, one must understand those they serve. So far it felt like a lot of trouble. She had spent weeks perfecting her language skills for a language she was barely going to use. She was attending school as part of her identity, thankfully the math and science was remedial in nature since she was learning all she could about the various cultures and languages on the planet. It was a dizzying number.

It was with great reluctance that Kal agreed to let her develop naturally on her own. It was obvious he didnt fully trust her, and she wanted to prove to herself that she could succeed on her own. Part of the agreement was that she would limit her activities to Japan. It was a geographicaly small country with some industry. There were few meta humans here which would allow her to hone her powers slowly until he discerned that she was ready for more responsibiities.

For the first few weeks he had been right. She had learned enough Japanese to be functional, and was now working on English. Why the entire globe coundnt speak one language was beyond her. That they could communicate at all with one another was a wonder. Confined to operating on the little island turned out to be challenge enough when balanced with maintaining her secret identity. She had just about mastered the duo identity routine when the majority of the heroes half way around the world vanished.

The last day had been a madhouse. Nearly 24 hours ago, half way around the globe, most of the worlds Heroes were decimated while she slept. It was not nearly a full 8 hours later when she awoke to the startling discovery that the total implications had sunk in.

It was daunting, she wasnt fully certain of the details, nor the ramifications. She would contact Kal later when she had a moment to confirm the situation there. The moment never came, it was a very busy the day. The dire severity of the worlds sitution hadnt quite sunk in, though how busy the day was had. Petty criminals felt the urge to test the bounds of law and order as she foiled a robbery at the Nikkon exchange by criminal equipped with power armor. High tech modern pirates working the sea of Japan were dealt with a little later. A CEO's daughter was taken hostage that needed tending to. It went on and on the whole day. She had missed all her classes and planned to plead a fictiscious illness the next day.

She had just got home to shower and turn in for the night when her cellphone started ringing insistently, Suri had just enough sense of mind to speak in Japanese as she answered the phone, "Hello...? Do you have any idea what time it is? This better not be another credit card application...."

It wasnt... it was to say the least the oddest phone call she had since coming to this planet. Batman...? Wasnt he an ally of Kal? She wasnt on earth all that long, or rather it felt like she hadnt. She had no idea who Kal's been talking to about her. STAR Labs...? Was that a local Japanese conglomerate? Goldstar? No that couldnt be it, it would be easier to just fly to the moon she decided than puzzle out that phone call. Evidently it had something to do with Kal, not many others knew who she was, let alone how to contact her.

Suri popped the cap off the corner of her brass frame head board to recover the super compressed Suri costume she stored away there. She snapped the costume once hard to to work out any wrinkles that might have creased the costume creating a breeze in her small studio apartment. It didnt take long for her to get dressed. The curtains of her window fluttered out in to the street in the wake of her super speeding form passing out the window faster than the eye can track, five blocks away she slowed and made a lazy curving turn skyward. The moon they said, there cant be that many buildings up there can there? This watch tower shouldnt be too hard to find.

Last edited by Kitten 14 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Japanese Supergirl? Intresting waiting to see more.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I've been working on and off with Suri so long, i take it for granted that her Secret Orgins are still a secret to alot of people, so i guess this stint of writing was over due.


It wasnt really a quiet calm, there was always something going wrong planetside. It was quiet enough to take care of some interesting business though. A blue gloved hand accesses Superman's personal files, highlighting a recent entry for viewing. The file was grouped in the, "Watch list" area. Undetermined, neither friend nor foe.

Mugshot style images appeared in the side margin. Close ups of a youthful asian face, and medium shots of her in costume more accustomed on a certain blond kryptonian.

Subject: Suri-Zod
Current Alias: Susan Lee
Kryptonian ~ Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue (Brown Contacts are worn in her Susan Lee identity)

Background / History:

Subject's orgins date back to before the last days of Krypton. When General Zod led armed forces loyal to himself to attempt a military coup to usurp the rightful rule of the Kryptonian Council. History will mark his failure that day and his banishment to the phantom zone as his due punishment.

It was an unpopular time to be a supporter of the house of Zod, and even a worse one to be a member of that house. Suri was Zod's only child, and a little wanted one at that. Zod had wanted a strong militant son, to serve as his right hand, and continue the dynasty he would forge. Suri would never be that child. She was physically weak and unimpressive. She lacked the 'killer instinct', she was everything he did not want in a child. Secretly he housed resentment for her, partially blaming her for his failed coup. Had she been the strong son he wanted, surely he would have succeeded. Other Zod sympathizers shared his assessment.

Life for Suri on Krypton was about to end. She could no longer stand the dishonorable stain that her father's action had bought to the name of Zod. The sentiment was reciporcated, supporters of Zod considered her an icon of weakness that they could well do without. There was no objection over her planned departure from Krypton.

Krytonian space travel during this period was less developed. Travel was just short of the speed of light and travel time between worlds was considerable. Cyrogenics hibernation was used to make the space travel bareable for travel. The passengers would be awoken at thier destinations or when there was a technical problem. Star charts of potential habital worlds were available and Suri charted a tour of the most favorable available.

Her third awakening from Cyrogenic sleep found her orbiting the world of Earth. Unlike the previous two wakenings, this world showed promise, a world teeming with lifeforms. A world who's yellow sun would grant her the power to do great deeds to balance the infamy of the name of Zod. It was a world with Kryptonians already.

An early misunderstanding bought her in conflict briefly with Superman. Not fully acclimated to her new environment Suri was quikcly put down and handily defeated when she admitted her identity to him. It was only by at the last moments of consciousness that she had been able to convince him that her inclinations and goals were vastly different from her fathers.

Follow up research support her claims, dating her spacecraft of early Kryptonian orgins consistant with the time period she claims to be from. In an odd twist of fate, Superman finds himself mentoring someone who technically was many years his senior but emotionaly, mentally and physicially many years his junior.

Feeling a certain sense of responsibility, Superman educates her and helps to establish her life on Earth, offering her a chance to bring honor to the name of Zod. Suri is bought to Japan, where her oriental features allow her to blend in more easily. Susan Lee, an orphan of a village that has suffered a horrible natural disaster from the mainland is accepted in an orphange. Several weeks pass as Susan Lee acclimates herself to life on Earth before making her debut in Tokyo as Suri.

Several images follow of Suri's exploits in Tokyo, headlining in the local papers and quickly becoming popular as the most powerful being on that side of the hemisphere. Several manga comic strips start up following her exploits, both fictional and non-fictional.


A warning light went off on the control panel and the airlock camera confirmed a visitor entering the Watch Tower from outside. A familiar costume, on a not quite so familiar face has evidently accepted his invitation to visit.
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