Supergirl meets Nuclear Girl

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Okay this story was inspired in part by Rye's thread of the same topic in the lounge. I've always been a fan of the fight in Superman IV but of course would have rather seen Supergirl in it. So this story is written as a homage to that. It takes place in a world where Supergirl is the lone heroine on the planet and already has had some adventures. Enjoy the first part and please leave some feedback!

Thanks to Rye, Caniac89, and dubbphil for their feedback

Lois Lane was probably the world’s worst multi-tasker. She was walking with nearly a hundred other commuters up the stairs to an elevated station on the Metropolis Monorail. While doing this she was eating a bagel and talking on a blu-tooth headset, “Chief trust me my lead is solid…no this is not like the Carmichael thing” she paused taking a bite out of her breakfast, still chewing while talking, “…Yes I know you got your ass chewed out…yes Chief I know…uh huh, yes boss…”

Distracted by her conversation with Perry, Editor and Chief of The Daily Planet, Lois paid little attention as she joined the commuters on the platform. She started pushing her way forward through the crowd so that she’d be right next to the train when it pulled in. Lois still talking and munching on her bagel didn’t see that she was getting too successful. A gap in the sea of people opened and Lois went through it and was heading straight to the edge. No one noticed as she stepped into open space. Lois started to fall forwards when she was grabbed from behind and yanked her back to safety.

Lois took a moment to collect her self and tried to see who had rescued her. The blonde hair, strong grip, could it be, she asked “Supergirl?”

“Supergirl? Lois you really need to stop doing fifty things at once, it’s going to get you into trouble someday.”

The reporter sighed feeling like an idiot. Her rescuer was not the world famous Supergirl, but another blonde. Kara Linda Kent, her partner and fellow reporter at The Planet. Like always Kara wore her hair in a ponytail had her black framed glasses on. She was dressed for work with a business suit jacket, white blouse, and long knee length skirt. Conservative shoes and pantyhose completed her ensemble.

“Yeah I know….what? No Perry I’m not talking to you, listen I’ll see you in twenty minutes.” Lois hung up her phone and then said to Kara, “Well thanks, did you finish that story?”

“Oh yeah no problem…” Kara started to answer but paused. Lois looking at her cellphone’s screen didn’t notice the faraway look in her friend’s eyes. Nor did she see her duck quickly into the crowd.

“Good listen I need your help to get Perry to give us the thumbs up for that piece on City Hall…” Lois finally looked up from her phone and noticed Kara had disappeared. She was still wondering what had happened when the sound metal grinding on metal reached her ears.

Further down the track the incoming monorail train was having trouble. The operator had gone to apply the breaks to slow the train before the next stop, only to have the system fail. He tried everything to reset the system but nothing worked. Then to his horror the train was still at speed heading for the station. He radioed in the situation but there was nothing the people on the other end of the line could do for him. The engineer knew that at the speed they were approaching it would be quite possible to jump the train into the station.

It took a few moments for Lois and the people at the station following the noise to notice the oncoming train wasn’t stopping. Once they did a panic started as people ran for the exits. Lois was trying to watch the whole scene but the sea of humanity was pushing her along in the crowd. It stopped when someone yelled, “Look!”

A red a blue streak dived over the station and then slowed. It had changed from a featureless streak into a blonde woman wearing a tight blue, red, and yellow uniform. Every citizen of Metropolis, in fact every person in America recognized her, Supergirl Last Daughter of Krypton. Her red boots touched down on the monorail track and then Supergirl raised her hands and waited for the train. Supergirl and train collided. It pushed her down the track but in reality she was in fact slowing the train with her strength and flight powers. The train groaned as it slowed down. Supergirl made sure not to put too much pressure on it, or risk destroying the train around her. Her boots were smoking from friction as they rubbed against the track.

Lois and the crowd watched in fascination as the train continued to slow and then came to a stop. She had brought the runaway train to a stop right where it was supposed to. Supergirl floated up from the front of the train and then checked in with the engineer. Lois began pushing her way through the crowd, hoping to catch the Girl of Steel before she flew off.

People cheered the heroine as she smiled and took off effortlessly. Lois just missed her. With a shrug she pulled out her notebook and headed towards the engineer. She figured that she might as well start getting information for the paper. As Lois got to work Metropolis’s finest arrived to help sort things out, one of them was Detective Richard Malverne. He began interviewing people about the accident so the proper report could be filed. As he moved about the crowd Dick bumped into someone.

“Sorry about… hey Kara.”

Kara Kent in full reporter mode with notebook in hand smiled. Even though Kara was dressed conservatively, she still looked pretty to him. Kara responded, “Hi Dick…I mean detective.”

“No its okay you can call me Dick, no need to get all formal. So I take it you were here during the accident.” He asked.

“Yeah, Supergirl saved the day again.”

Dick smiled, “I heard. You’re okay right?”

“Oh I’m fine.” She answered. Kara carefully admired the tall and handsome detective. He didn’t react, since he had done the same when he had seen her.

She had first met him over two years ago. However she wasn’t Kara Kent at the time, but her more famous alter ego. Dick had fallen from a burning building and she rescued him. This marked the first appearance of Supergirl. That and meeting him a few more times in her heroic identity left the Girl of Steel smitten. Eventually she met him as Kara Kent and he had liked her. Slowly they began a friendship but lately it was growing into something more.

It wasn’t quite a relationship but it wasn’t just a friendship anymore either. At the same time however Karas would run into him as Supergirl. Dick clearly was attracted to the heroine, and she as Supergirl showed feelings for him. Kara was worried though about trying to have a serious relationship with him. How could she keep her true identity from him in a real relationship? Plus if she did tell Dick the truth, would he be in love with Kara Kent or Supergirl?

“That’s good to hear, I’m glad you’re alright.” He said, “So I know it’s not quite the best place to do this but…would you like to get some dinner tonight?”

“I’d love to.” Kara answered. Greater questions of where they would end up could wait she decided. Tonight they would go out and have a good time.

“Kara!” Lois yelled coming over.

“Well there’s my other half guess I need to go.” She told Dick.

He smiled, “I should get back to work too, I’ll see you tonight.” He leaned forward and gave Kara a quick kiss to her cheek. The superheroine was beaming afterwards, well at least for a few moments before Lois elbowed her.

“So, you and Rich, getting serious eh?” Lois snickered. Kara of course began to downplay everything, completely embarrassed. Lois just smiled, although she liked having a little fun at Kara’s expense in reality she was happy her friend was falling for someone. Just hope Dick is smart enough to keep his Supergirl infatuation under control, she thought. Anyway now that she had her fun, “Come on let’s get back to The Planet and write this up.”

“Got it.” Kara said happy to be off the subject of her love life. Together the two star reporters moved off the platform to catch a cab back to the paper.


“Lane, Kent! Get in here.”

There wasn’t much time for the reporters to relax upon returning to the office. As soon as they had put their purses on their desks and took off their coats, Perry White yelled for them to get in his office. Lois was the first in the door but stopped as soon as she saw who was inside with Perry. Kara bumped into Lois due to the sudden stop. She fixed her glasses quickly before they could slide off her face. As she did, Kara glanced at the woman in Perry’s office which had caused Lois to stop in place.

She was a very attractive blonde with short cut hair. The lady wore a pink blouse with a matching darker skirt, pantyhose, and very expensive shoes. Looking at Lois she smiled, but Kara could tell even without her kryptonian senses that the lady was happy to have taken Lois Lane by surprise.

“Hello Lois.” She said.

“Hello Cat.” Lois responded quickly and without any joy. Kara could see that Perry was uncomfortable as well. There must be some history between these two, best to break the tension, she decided.

“Hello, I’m Kara Kent, nice to meet you…”

The woman took her hand and warmly answered, “Cat Grant, a pleasure.”

“Take a seat everyone.” Perry ordered. Lois took the seat furthest away from Cat, Kara again acting diplomatically sat between her and Cat. Perry of course was behind his desk.

“I wanted to let you both know that Cat will be joining the staff here at The Planet as our new opinion section head.” Perry began. Lois gripped her arm rest tighter but otherwise betrayed nothing. Kara nodded while Cat just looked relaxed. Perry looked at Kara and asked, “Kent would you mind showing Cat the bullpen and where she can get coffee and stuff.”

“Sure thing chief, Cat care to follow me?” Kara said.

“I’d love too.” The new reporter got up and followed Kara out. She started showing Cat the various sections of The Daily Planet bullpen. As she explained the lay of the land, she listened in on Lois and Perry with her super-hearing.

“Lois before you start…” Perry tried.

“Oh hell no Perry! Why the hell did you hire her? She’s a tramp and a terrible reporter and you expect her to run the OPED section?” Lois exclaimed. It was a good thing that Perry’s office was soundproofed, Kara thought continuing her tour while listening in.

“Lois just stop it. I know you two have a history, but she’s a favorite of one of the members of the board that owns this paper. The board Lois, the one who signs our paychecks and make sure this place stays running.” Perry responded, “She writes fine and has experience from LA, there was no reason I couldn’t hire her, at least none good enough to cover my ass with the board.”

“Perry she’s not in this for journalism, she’s in it for herself.” Lois said.

Perry sighed, “Be that as it may Lois, I’m not having this paper turn into a war zone. You are going to be civil around her.”


“Lois enough, the same guy who wanted me to hire her wanted Cat to join you and Kent. I managed to convince him to stick her in the opinions.”

Lois went quiet. Finally she heard Lois say, “Alright Perry…”

Having finished their tour, Cat and Kara were back where they started. Lois was standing with Perry, a neutral expression on her face. The chief spoke, “Cat did Kara get you oriented?”

“Well enough, I’m eager to get to work.” Cat smiled. She looked at Lois and said, “Well it seems were working together again Lois.”

Lois crossed her arms and said, “Yep…guess so.”

Everyone got back to work after that. Lois and Kara went to their desks and started writing up the story about the train accident and Supergirl’s rescue. As they worked Kara tried to dig information out of Lois.

“So…you and Cat, what’s that about?”

Lois grunted, “She’s a bitch.”

“I understand you believe that, I wanted to know why.” Kara replied.

Lois sighed and got up from her desk. She sat on the edge of Kara’s and leaned close, “Cat and I went to school together. We actually were friends.”

“Until?” Kara asked.

“Until we were working a story together in school, she stole my information and published everything beforehand. It was a big one revealing corruption at the university. It got her a job offer at a major paper after school, and she left me in the dust. She used me to get what she wanted. Plus I was never comfortable with her methods of getting information even when we were friends.” Lois explained.

Kara thought about Lois’s earlier comments, “She gets a little…friendly with sources?”

“Yes that’s one way of putting it. Trust me Kara she’s only here for herself, the question is what does she want?” Lois furrowed her brow thinking.

“Lois I wouldn’t worry too much about her, you’re a great reporter. She has to live up to you here.” Kara offered. Lois smiled.

“Thanks Kara, you’re right we have an article to write so let’s get cracking.” Kara felt good seeing Lois back on track. She started pounding away on her keyboard along with Lois. The two ladies didn’t see Cat watching them from her desk across the bullpen.

Cat was happy to be on Lois Lane’s turf. It would make her career move even sweeter. Ready to move out of print, Cat wanted to join the ranks of one of the big cable news franchises. Although she had the looks for TV, her stories over the past few years weren’t really breakthrough material. Cat would need something to give her that extra edge. So she snuggled up to one of the members of The Daily Planet’s owners. Impressing him with her ‘writing’ Cat got a job.

Now I’m in the prefect place to put me over the edge, Metropolis home of Supergirl. Cat smiled not only would she further her own goals, she could do it by stepping on what had made Lois Lane famous, Supergirl. A series of controversial opinions on Supergirl will get me national attention, the prefect stepping stone, Cat knew. She sat at her desk and started typing.


While Cat Grant was thinking about Supergirl, another arrival to Metropolis was thinking about the Girl of Steel as well. Arriving at what was once her home she put her bag down and looked at the place, “Wayne didn’t change any of it, I’m not surprised he never had an eye for design.”

Natasha Luthor took off her coat and walked around her old apartment. Originally the entire building had belonged to her, the center of her company. As CEO of Luthor Corp she had been a top a multi-million dollar economic empire. Her company had civilian products, heavy industry, military contracts the works. She was incredibly wealthy and was ready to make the jump from economic power to political power. Natasha had thought she found the key to that through Supergirl.

The alien from another world with amazing abilities could have offered Luthor examples of Kryptonian technology that would have changed the planet. She hadn’t expected that Supergirl would refuse. It had snapped something inside Luthor, no one said no to her. Natasha developed a loathing of Supergirl. So she studied the kryptonian. Eventually Natasha was able to learn two things, the location of Supergirl’s home and her Achilles heel. She sent a team to the alien building in the Artic and then acquired the meteor fragment which would kill Supergirl.

Natasha’s plan had almost succeeded. Once learning her ‘Fortress’ had been broken into Supergirl came looking for Luthor with a vengeance. Using the heroine’s own overconfidence against her, Natasha tricked Supergirl into opening a lead line safe. Instead of her kryptonian crystals, the Maiden of Might found kryptonite. A radioactive fragment of her home planet, it could kill Supergirl. Luthor had chained it to Supergirl and then shoved her into a pool for good measure. If the rock didn’t kill the alien, drowning would.

It had been prefect, Natasha thought, except for Mercy! Her former personal assistant Mercy Graves turned out to be an undercover FBI agent. The Feds were snooping around her company trying to find the criminal connections that Luthor had used to further her business. Mercy had jumped into the pool and saved Supergirl. With the kryptonite gone, the alien escaped and then recovered her data crystals from Natasha. This combined with Mercy’s evidence gathered over two years sent Natasha to prison.

She lost her company, wealth, and more importantly power. Natasha’s dislike for Supergirl grew into full blown hatred. Sitting in prison she schemed not only on how to make her escape but also how to destroy Supergirl. Luthor’s intelligence was no match for the prison where she was incarcerated. Escaping she tried to get back at Supergirl but with little success. Now however after her latest escape, Natasha knew how to destroy the Girl of Steel.

Going to the phone she picked it up and dialed. She didn’t have to wait long for an answer, “Yes my name is Lena Thorul I was wondering if I could pick up my storage item today?”

A few hours later Natasha received her item. Before being sent back to prison, she had acquired a biological sample. She sent it to a medical storage company intending to collect it once she had escaped again. Natasha went to a small lab she had set up in one of the rooms of her rooftop apartment and office. Opening her sample, Natasha looked at her tiny vial of blood.

“The blood of Supergirl.” she whispered. Last time she escaped Luthor had helped Intergang build a cybernetic body for one of their members. It was powered by kryptonite and had gotten the better of Supergirl. Metallo had wounded the alien enough to make her bleed, which Luthor collected a sample of.

“Now I have an example of Supergirl’s DNA.” Luthor said to herself. Often when working she thought and talked aloud, “and the key to creating my own superwoman, one who will follow my orders.”

Luthor prepared the sample for genetic analyses. She expected it would take time to breakdown and understand, but it should be fun!

Hours later Natasha was tired and looked a bit disheveled. Her hair had been in a bun but strands fell down from it onto her face randomly. All her efforts were worth it, looking at a flatscreen she saw Supergirl’s DNA broken down into different parts. The news was good and bad; the good was it was understandable, the bad, it was incomplete. There were gaps inside the DNA sequence. How they had got there was a question for another time, the real problem was what Natasha was going to do about it.

She began pacing, thinking out loud, “Creating my own Supergirl clone is out. I don’t have enough of her code. However, I think I have enough to work with for…”

Looking at the screen she had an idea. Luthor said, “I might not be able to make Supergirl, but what if I make something else.”

Natasha got to work; she began using a computer program to design a new DNA sequence. It would take a few days but she was confident, she could create a super being, different from Supergirl but just as powerful.

A Few Days Later

Kara Kent was heading for work. She had had a busy night. Supergirl had stopped nearly a dozen criminal events last night ranging from simple assault to a full fledge bank heist. On top of all that she saved a ship from sinking and rescued a lost little boy who had been separated from his parents. Even with the full evening Kara made sure though to be back to her apartment in time to change into her civilian clothes.

First she went into her bedroom and slipped out of the blue, red, and yellow uniform she was wearing. Next she opened a secret compartment inside her closet. There was another fresh Supergirl uniform. Kara took this one and put everything on except the boots and cape. These she folded up using her powers and put them in a special compartment in her purse.

She was putting the dirty uniform into the secret compartment to wash later when she noticed something. A bright glare of light caught her eye. Up on one the shelves she had put her many awards and other stuff related to Supergirl. There was something there she had almost forgotten about. Kara pulled the crystal down and looked at it.

It had come from the family home in Smallville. Kara had been helping her mother prepare the property for sale. Martha Kent had decided she was too old to be running a farm, so they had managed to work out a deal where their neighbors would buy the property and run it. This would allow Martha to move closer to Metropolis. Kara had been helping her pack up the house and also needed to get rid of a very special item.

The thing was her spaceship. It had brought her to Earth as a child and had been in the Kent’s farmhouse cellar for years. Kara was going to move it to Fortress. She was getting the ship ready when a crystal fell out. Picking it up Kara was treated to a special dialogue with her deceased biological parents. Her touch established a link with the crystal which began to speak in her mind.

My daughter, this crystal is unlike your information and data ones. This crystal has enough power to drive a starcraft to another world. Your mother and I sent you to Earth, but we are not foolish enough to believe that you may grow up to feel the same way we do about it. If you wish, this crystal could power and build a ship to take you somewhere else when you are ready. I hope you consider everything before using this crystal. If you do stay this crystal can do many other things, it is yours to command.

As always we love you Kara, your father Zor-El.

Kara had never known about the crystal, neither had her Earth parents. Even if she had been presented with the option of leaving, she wouldn’t have. Despite all its faults, Kara loved Earth. She had pocketed the crystal and took her ship up to the Fortress later that day. With a chuckle she realized that it had been in her closet ever since. She put it back in place and continued to get ready for work.

Throwing on her blouse and skirt over her uniform she grabbed her purse and notebook bag which held a laptop. Then she opened the window and flew out. It was only a couple minutes flight to The Daily Planet so she could get away with flying in her street clothes. Landing in an ally she then entered the conventional way with other employees and visitors, through the front door.

Signing in she then took the lift up to her floor. Leaving the elevator behind, she saw that the people of the bullpen were looking at something. It didn’t take long for Kara to hear the shouting. Oh boy, the heroine thought. Coming around to her desk she saw Lois and Cat. Cat looked smug and Lois was fuming.

“I can’t believe you wrote this!”

Cat shook her head, “You don’t have copyright on her Lois. Plus I though as an editorial writer I was supposed to give my opinion?”

“You b…”

“Might I help?” Kara intervened before Lois could finish.

Lois looked at her and nodded. She then handed Kara a copy of the paper. Kara hadn’t seen The Daily Planet yet. She knew her and Lois’s story about the train would be in there, she hadn’t known what Cat had written for her first day of work. Her eyes widened though seeing the editorial Lois was complaining about.

Is She Really a Supergirl?
By Cat Grant

Kara read the piece. It basically pointed out one of the things she hated; she couldn’t be everywhere at once. In the OPED, Cat had listed all the things Supergirl COULD HAVE DONE the previous week. She described over a dozen crimes three of them murders, mentioned several incidents across the world Kara had not done anything about, and asked why Supergirl chose those people, those incidents to intervene and not others.

She looked at Cat and wanted to know why she had written this. Part of her wanted to get mad like Lois. But I can’t give away my identity; she handed the paper back to Lois and asked, “Why did you write this? Supergirl does what she can to help.”

“Yeah this is the kind of crap that Luthor’s paper would have printed back in the day.” Lois added.

Cat stood and looked at them, “I’m not lying about any of that am I? I just wanted to remind people; Supergirl picks and chooses where she goes and who she saves. I think it’s worth asking why.”

Lois was ready to punch the woman, “How dare you, Supergirl puts herself in harms way without a second’s thought.”

“You’re biased Lane, Supergirl could burn down an orphanage and you’d find a way to sugarcoat it.” Cat shot back.

“Why you…” Lois clenched a fist. Kara was ready to stop her friend from doing something stupid when a loud grunt stopped them all.

“Is there something I should know about?” Perry asked the group. He then stared at the employees watching the whole exchange. Everyone quickly got back to work. Perry now just stood with the three ladies.

“Nothing Mr. White.” Cat started, “just a little journalistic disagreement. I’ll see you at the ten o’clock meeting sir.”

With that the short haired blonde walked off. Lois went up to Perry and said, “What the hell Perry, why did you let her print that?”

“I couldn’t stop it Lois just because I didn’t like it. I’m with you, Supergirl is a hero but there is a feeling…of…”

Kara knew what Perry was trying to say. She sat in her desk and waited for Lois to get it. The reporter sighed and looked at him, “You think I’m biased Perry?”

“No…Lois, but not everyone at the paper is convinced. Plus there is a feeling whether its justified or not that The Daily Planet is nothing but a press vehicle of Supergirl.” the editor and chief explained, “The board thinks by running pieces like Cat’s, will fix the problem.”

Lois sat in her desk still mad but knowing that getting pissed at Perry wouldn’t get her anywhere. The chief looked at Kara to see if she had anything to say. Kara was just sitting there. He was surprised that she looked so depressed, after all it's not like she’s Supergirl. Perry went back to business, “Now let’s discus this City Hall story you two want to run.”


It had taken a few days but Luthor was finished.

She had worked with the fragmented DNA of Supergirl. Modifying it she was confident that this new DNA strand would produce a being with power that not only matched Supergirl but exceed it! Natasha had figured out how Supergirl’s powers worked. The alien drew energy from the radiation of the sun. The DNA she had created would work similarly but draw its power from a different source.

“Nuclear Fusion, with this code I can create a superwoman who draws her strength from the same process which powers the sun. Supergirl may feed off the sun’s rays; my girl is a walking sun.” Luthor said.

Now the only question was how to create her nuclear creation. If she went the typical biological route, it would take years to grow a living being. No, she needed something to speed up the process. Well my creation will be powered by nuclear energy…maybe that’s where I should look, Natasha thought. She began doing calculations. When she finished the genius criminal was convinced, she could not only create her superwoman, but do it in a short time.

She picked up the phone. Contacting a specialist she said, “Hello Larry…I need another identity.”

Two Days Later

“Once again Dr. Parker we are quite pleased that you have selected our lab for your experiment.”

Natasha Luthor, now nuclear scientist Jeanie Parker was with the head of STAR Labs. Thanks to her criminal friend she had been able to get documentation and references that would pass the background check the famous research lab would run on her. The real Dr. Parker was part of a U.S. nuclear disposal team out in Russia at the moment. Out of contact the doctor was a great choice to impersonate. Her deception wouldn’t work hold up for a long time, but enough to satisfy her purposes.

“STAR is the best, and you have one of the most powerful small reactors in the country.” Parker/Luthor answered.

“That is true, can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

Luthor was holding a small metal cylinder. She had told STAR that her experiment was an attempt to create a new radioactive element. Her container was where the reaction would take place. In reality the cylinder held the biological material for her superwoman. Inside she had filled the tube with an exotic mix of chemicals, biological material, and the altered-kryptonian DNA. What would bring these different substances together into a living being would be the power of the atom.

Parker/Luthor was forced to endure some more small talk with the head of STAR Labs who was badly trying to flirt with her. Natasha ignored it and was relived when they finally reached the reactor.

Dismissing her escort, “I’ve got everything I need doctor, now if you don’t mind…”

“Of course.” He said, going away.

Luthor finally alone with the reactor got to work. First she programmed the start-up sequence. Then Natasha walked over to the reactor and prepared her package. Opening the slot designed for experiments she inserted the cylinder. Locking it in place, Luthor went into the main control room shielded from the reactor. Inserting her commands into the computer Natasha slowly brought the power up on the reactor, fifty percent, then sixty, climbing to seventy. Now it was time for the tricky part.

Natasha took a flash drive out of her pocket and put it into the computer. A virus on the drive was then uploaded to the computer. Written by her, the virus would disable the safety features in the reactor. This would allow her to increase the power nearly twenty fold. Luthor watched as the power levels rose. They shot past seventy, eighty, and ninety. For a moment they topped out at a hundred which Luthor watched with anticipation.

“Come on…” she whispered.

Finally as if responding to her command, the reactor began to go into overdrive climbing above a hundred percent. Alarms began to ring in STAR Labs. Scientists and workers quickly moved for evacuation areas. The director of the lab saw that the reactor was going into overdrive. In a heroic move he went down to try and help Dr. Parker. However he found that the safety protocols had locked the entire reactor area down. They were designed to entomb the reactor if a radiation leak occurred. Which is what Luthor wanted; it would keep everyone away and unable to stop what she had started.

“Now I need the last ingredient.” She muttered, however all she could do was wait.


Kara and Lois were eating lunch together at a small sandwich shop near The Planet. The two usually enjoyed talking about everything but work for lunch but today they couldn’t escape it. Or at least Kara couldn’t. Lois was looking at the paper again, reading another OPED by Cat Grant.

“Listen to this, she’s complaining now about Supergirl’s arresting methods.” Lois whined, “…the nerve of that woman.”

Kara wasn’t happy that Cat seemed to be making a career for herself by criticizing what she did as Supergirl, but couldn’t share that with Lois, reluctantly she said, “She’s just doing her job.”

“Yeah it doesn’t matter that the MPD and Federal government gave Supergirl a full range of legal authority, with rules and conditions, but no she’s going for shock value.” Lois fumed, “Plus I was right she’s got seven different TV appearances scheduled. These opinion pieces are just designed to get her cow face on cable!”

“Lois will you stop this. I agree with you but there’s nothing you can do, just focus on your stories.” Kara tried.

Lois closed the paper and sighed, “I guess you’re right Smallville but I wish there was a way I could shut her up.”

Kara was going to answer when she heard via her hearing, “All units, all units, DMD emergency at STAR, all units prepare for mass causalities and radiation!”

She knew that was from the police frequencies. Kara also understood the message, Disaster of Mass Destruction and radiation…I’ve got to go! Packing her purse Kara looked at Lois, “Lois I’m sorry but I’ve got to go…I just remembered a doctor’s appointment.”

“Jezz Smallville, you’d forget your head if it wasn’t on. Don’t worry I’ll cover for ya and get this.” Lois smiled.

Kara shook her head, “Thanks.”

Exiting the sandwich shop, Kara ran for the nearest empty area. People moving along the streets heard a loud boom. Those who turned to look saw a fast red and blue blur moving across the sky. Supergirl was going somewhere and in a hurry.


Luthor watched as her mad experiment headed towards the critical point. The reactor was moving towards a catastrophic overload but her biological package was reacting. Inside the cylinder the chemical mixture and biological components were fusing. Supergirl’s mutated DNA was being replicate at an impossible rate. Soon cells were formed which became more complex and specialized. These cells absorbed the nuclear energy around them, speeding on the process.

“Everything is going to plan…now I just need…” Natasha mumbled to herself.

Suddenly she heard the growing of metal. Luthor smiled, yes she’s here. The main lockdown door busted open. Normally the huge lead and steel door could only be opened with massive hydraulics. Supergirl was more powerful than any hydraulic system. Kara easily busted it open and entered the room with the malfunctioning reactor. She could see that the thing was ready to blow. Radioactive steam was leaking from the pipes and electrical systems inside the room were sparking.

“Dr. Paker?” Supergirl called out. The head of STAR Labs had told her about the scientist. However Kara could find no sign of her. She was about to scan the room with X-Ray vision to try and find the doctor, when a shrill alarm began to sound.

Supergirl decided that the alarm could not be good. Quickly she began to separate the reactor’s components from the building. It was tricky work, moving as fast as she could safely and trying to disconnect things without releasing excess radiation. In just a few moments Kara had the reactor ready to transport.

“Okay, tricky part.” She said to herself. Supergirl focused her eyes on the roof. They turned red and two beams of heat and light shot out. Kara cut a hole large enough for the reactor to fit through and then flew up and caught the heavy concrete roof before it could fall. Pushing it aside Supergirl then took the reactor and shot skyward. People around the lab watched as the dangerous reactor and superheroine disappeared out of sight.

Back inside STAR Labs, Natasha Luthor came out of hiding. The heavy control area had been layered in lead so even if Supergirl had used her X-Ray vision she wouldn’t have spotted her nemesis. Looking up through the hole in the roof Natasha smiled. Supergirl played her part perfectly. Now my ‘package’ is out in space, exposed to the full power of the sun, the final ingredient for my creation, she thought. Luthor left the room determined to escape before anyone entered the former reactor room.

Supergirl swiftly left Earth behind. The vacuum of space was the prefect place for the reactor which was still heading for an explosion. Kara looked over her shoulder to see her adoptive home getting smaller. That’s far enough, won’t come back to Earth, Supergirl decided. With a final shove she sent the reactor into the depths of space. Kara stayed floating for a few seconds making sure that the thing was heading away. Satisfied she began to head back to Earth.

What Supergirl couldn’t see was that Luthor’s experiment was now in its final stages. Inside the cylinder the biological mass had now taken shape. When the process first began it was small, but now the energy had caused it to grow beyond the cylinder. Its glowing body broke the cylinder and then the reactor. This caused the whole reactor to explode. In a burst of energy Natasha’s creation was released. In seconds it grew from a small being into a full sized adult.

In the middle of the radioactive burst the glowing form of a woman took shape. It bathed in the solar radiation of the sun. Thus the cells underwent their final process. Instead of a nuclear fission reaction they took in the light from the sun and began nuclear fusion. The entire process began to stabilize, once hotter than the sun, the figure began to cool. Details began to emerge. Long black hair went down past the shoulders. Her skin was without blemishes and smooth. One of the most striking features was her black eyes. As the last of the radiation faded, she opened them.

The girl born in a radioactive fire and powered by the sun, stretched her arms and opened her hands. At the end of her fingers were long silver nails. Her mind began settle and think. It looked towards the Earth. Memories flashed inside its mind, of the planet far away. Intuitively it knew, to go there.


Natasha Luthor was worried.

Not about getting caught, she was confident that she had escaped STAR without being noticed. Natasha was worried about her experiment. It had been several hours since the incident. Even if Supergirl had pushed the reactor further away from Earth than she thought, shouldn’t her superwoman be here? Luthor looked out to the sun as it began setting.

“Maybe I got the calculations wrong?” she wondered aloud.

Suddenly Luthor felt something. It was more instinct than anything else. Turning her head she saw something descending over the city. For a second she thought it was Supergirl. Natasha needed to see more before a grin broke out over her face. Although she was naked as a jay bird, her creation looked prefect! Without making a sound the dark haired mutation landed on Luthor’s patio.

“It worked, the genetic memory sequences I programmed worked!” Natasha laughed.

Her superwoman just stared at her. Natasha composed herself. Addressing her newborn, “Do you know who I am?”

The black haired beauty nodded. Natasha deciding that she needed something to cover up with walked over and grabbed a robe. She gave the short silk garment to her creation. Luthor watched as she put the robe on. Excellent all the pre-programmed memory I gave her appears to be working, now to see if speech also took, “Tell me, can you speak?”

The girl struggled for a moment, but then her lips began to move, “….Y….ye….Yes.”

“Excellent. Now let’s see if the most important thing worked.” Natasha picked up a titanium bar that was purchased for this very purpose. She handed the bar to the girl, “Bend this.”

The girl nodded and took the bar. Luthor watched as her creation bent the bar with ease. Natasha had the bar handed back to her which she took, “It worked everything worked. I need something to call you….” After some thought Luthor decided, “…simple is best. Supergirl isn’t that complicated, neither are you, Nuclear Girl.”

Nuclear Girl heard Luthor say Supergirl. Her genetic memory quickly put an image to the face, and even emotions to the name. Natasha saw her Nuclear Girl scowl, “Destroy…Supergirl.”

“Now that’s the spirit, all in good time dear. First we should probably expand your wardrobe. Also you’ll need a costume, been a while since I’ve had to sow but….” Luthor was rambling and Nuclear Girl still only hours old listened. Neither of them paid any attention to the setting sun. The orange orb ducked behind a skyscraper as it set. With the sun’s rays gone Nuclear Girl gasped.

Natasha stopped talking and saw Nuclear Girl stagger and then sink to her hands and knees. Finally the mutant collapsed to the floor. Luthor was wondering what happened, did the process fail? Are her cells collapsing? No…she’s been stable; if that did happen it should have occurred while she was out in space. While Natasha pondered the problem, the sun briefly reappeared as it moved into the gap between buildings. Once again the patio of Luthor’s penthouse was bathed in light.

Nuclear Girl suddenly got up. She stood, powerful and strong again. Luthor was confused. She was about to ask her new creation a question when the sun disappeared beneath the skyline again. Nuclear Girl stumbled again to the floor. Natasha bent down and touched Nuclear Girl’s skin.

“AH! She’s cold….cold, no fusion.” Natasha thought out loud, “The final stage exposure to the sun’s radiation. I guess I underestimated her dependence on it. I must have changed the DNA too much; she can be superpowered but only in the sunlight.”

Natasha was actually not upset. This little weakness of her Nuclear Girl would make her easier to control. My genetic programming appears to be working, but it’s always nice to have an ‘Ace in the Hole’ if needed. Luthor got some gloves before she carried her Nuclear Girl to a bedroom.

“Enjoy your rest Nuclear Girl. Soon you will destroy Supergirl.”
Supergirl, Kara Zor-El meets her worst nightmare, Nuclear Girl a mutated version of herself!
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Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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The Next Day

Kara Kent was enjoying a well earned day off at an outdoor café. The city was quiet (as it could be) according to her super hearing. No one having coffee or walking by at that moment would have suspected that the blonde with glasses and wearing a simple blouse and skirt was actually Supergirl. Sipping her coffee Kara was enjoying the easy morning. Feeling relaxed she was almost able to forget about some of the stress from the week, Cat Grant’s opinion pieces, the reactor at STAR, or another dinner with Dick which she had to leave unexpectedly. That out of control plane though wouldn’t stop itself, Kara mused. She did her best to push those things out of mind and relax.

Suddenly a wobbling noise entered her ears and then quickly moved to a high pitched tone. In pain she reached up and covered her ears. Realizing that someone might be watching her, Kara dropped her hands but was still uncomfortable from the sound. It became less painful after a few moments. Finally a voice replaced the noise, “Hello, testing, testing, one two three.”

Kara recognized the voice, and mumbled with distain, “Luthor.”

“Now Supergirl I know you’re listening with those super ears of yours, why don’t you take a look at my old building.” The villainess told her. Kara knew the old Luthor Corp now Wayne building stood out in the Metropolis skyline by being one of the tallest.

Luthor proudly exclaimed, “I’m going to blow twenty floors off it, unless of course you stop me.” She laughed at the end of the message.

Kara was already standing before Luthor had finished talking. She left more than enough money for her drink and dashed into an alleyway. Once she was alone Kara removed her glasses, undid the ponytail in her hair, and finally began unbuttoning her blouse. Pulling it open she revealed the blue fabric of her Supergirl uniform. Off went her skirt and shoes replaced by a red short skirt and matching boots. Last was her cape.

Supergirl took off without a sound. Flying quickly she scanned the Wayne building for any explosives. She wasn’t surprised to find that there were none. Natasha had a habit of making a threat just to get Kara’s attention. No, she didn’t want to destroy anything today, she wanted Supergirl. This made her angry, not only at Natasha but herself, I should have known she escaped, how did she stay out of my sight for this long? Kara continued searching the building with her x-ray vision. She found the villainess atop the roof in her former apartment. Rising up, Kara came over the patio rail and saw Natasha.

“Luthor I’m growing tired of your sick jokes.” Supergirl told Natasha as she landed on the open patio area on the roof.

Natasha Luthor was been sitting on an outdoor couch. She looked not too different form the last time Supergirl had seen her. Tall and thin with long black hair she smiled at the heroine. Wearing an expensive woman’s business suit she radiated confidence as usual. Luthor sipped some wine from glass before answering, “But Supergirl how else would I get you over? You look fabulous as usual.”

“Enough Luthor what do you want?”

Natasha slipped off the couch and walked causally over to the Girl of Steel, her heels clicking on the floor, “I have to admit Supergirl I too am growing tired of our encounters. Despite my best efforts you always seem to come out ahead. So while in prison I got to thinking, why should I be doing all the hard work, what if I could get someone else to take care of you?”

Supergirl crossed her arms over her chest, “Who is it this time Luthor, Livewire, Parasite, Metallo? I’ve dealt with them all and came out ahead each time. What makes you think your newest ringer can beat me this time?”

“Because this time, I’ve not only matched your powers Supergirl; but exceeded them my dear.” Natasha answered. With a finger she playfully told Supergirl, “Follow me, let me introduce you to the new kid on the block.”

Supergirl followed Luthor wondering what she was talking about. Standing at the edge of the patio Kara stared at where Natasha was looking. Coming from the west was an object. Supergirl’s jaw nearly dropped when she saw the object was a flying woman. The flyer came down and landed away from Supergirl and Luthor. She was more built than Supergirl and Kara could see they were roughly the same age. Long black hair went straight down her back past the shoulders. Black eyes with golden irises gave her eyes a distinct look. They stared at Supergirl with malice.

Natasha couldn’t control the grin on her face as she introduced them, “Supergirl, meet my Nuclear Girl.”

Nuclear Girl wore a black and golden variation of Supergirl’s leotard. Gauntlets were on each of her wrists, a grey belt with a golden buckle adored her waist holding a short black cheerleader like skirt. Black nearly thigh high boots covered her suntanned tights covered legs. A long dark cape with dark gold on its opposite side completed the outfit. Just like Kara she had a symbol on her chest, hers a silver N in the middle of a multipoint sun. Golden arcs of energy began moving across Nuclear Girl’s body. Supergirl was unnerved but tried to hide it.

“Look closely at the cell structure Supergirl, notice anything?” Natasha remarked. She was enjoying the discomfort Supergirl couldn’t hide on her face, that’s right alien you’re done for!

After scanning Nuclear Girl’s body Kara frowned and then looked at Luthor angrily. She could clearly see the kryptonian physiology that made up Nuclear Girl. It was heavily mutated but the base of this mutant was her own DNA. She hadn’t felt so violated since the time Luthor had broken into her Fortress, “Breaking the laws of man wasn’t enough Luthor? You had to break laws of nature too.”

“Oh now Supergirl give yourself some credit. I took your DNA, rewrote parts, and then added the biological competent to a nuclear reactor. Remember STAR Labs and the reactor accident?”

Kara thought for a second then realized with horror, “You…you tricked me into creating her.”

“Yes Supergirl the combined process of the reactor and exposure to the sun spurned on life itself, faster than normal and creating her. A Nobel Prize effort, if I do say so. I never thought I’d say this Supergirl but, thank you for your help in sowing the seeds of your own destruction.”

Supergirl couldn’t believe what Luthor had done. This Nuclear Girl was at the core a dark version of herself. Kara began to worry; can I even beat this thing? Luthor elbowed her slightly breaking her train of thought. With a tip of her wineglass she pointed, “Look at that.”

Kara watched as Nuclear Girl stepped forward leaving glowing hot footprints. Supergirl tensed. Natasha backed a few feet away to distance herself from the two superwomen. It’s almost show time, she thought with glee.

Nuclear Girl suddenly spoke, “Destroy Supergirl!”

Natasha looked at her, “Patience dear. She’s a little eager I can’t blame her. It’s a shame I won’t be able to watch this but, it’s a small price to pay for your destruction.”

Supergirl saw that Nuclear Girl was ready to pounce. Kara grimly noted the long sliver fingernails on the villainess’s hands. Luthor took one last sip of wine before looking for a final time at Supergirl.

“Good night princess, parting is…inevitable.” Natasha then ordered her creation, “Destroy Supergirl.”

Nuclear Girl smiled, “First I have fun.”

Kara raised her arms just in time as Nuclear Girl shot forward and grabbed her. With their arms locked together the girls engaged in a contest of strength. Supergirl winced as she felt her opponent’s iron grip. Summoning her own strength, Supergirl tried to gain the advantage. To her horror she couldn’t, she’s as strong as me, maybe stronger, this is bad! Supergirl and Nuclear Girl were slowly moving towards the concrete and steel railing that bordered the roof. It didn’t take long for them to reach it.

Both women were superpowered with invincible bodies. As they pushed on the wall it crumbled. With a yell both Supergirl and Nuclear Girl went over the side. Now falling both of them were still embraced, holding onto each other’s arms. Supergirl began to apply her flight power to try and gain the advantage. Nuclear Girl wasn’t going to allow that. Deciding she had enough of the grappling; she tucked her leg in and kicked Supergirl away. The blow stung Kara she wasn’t use to battling someone as physically powerful as her. Tumbling through the sky Supergirl caught a glimpse of Nuclear Girl as she flew off.

Supergirl balanced herself in the air and gave chase. Nuclear Girl was heading away from the city. Kara was glad; already the damage from their fight on the roof had spilled down the skyscraper and onto the street stopping traffic and scattering people. She would have stopped to help but Kara couldn’t let this mutant get away. Nuclear Girl continued to ascend, going out of the upper atmosphere and entering the vacuum of space. Now over the Earth Supergirl had managed to get behind Nuclear Girl.

Reaching out she tried getting a hold of Nuclear Girl’s black boots but Kara just couldn’t quite grip them. With her hands slipping off the boots she attempted to close the remaining distance and grab Nuclear Girl’s legs further up. The black haired villainess turned and glared at Supergirl. She kicked Kara in the face and then with a burst of speed she got ahead of the Girl of Steel. Stopping, she blew a burst of freezing breath at Supergirl. Kara couldn’t avoid it. In seconds she was covered in ice. Nuclear Girl continued to blow till Supergirl was cocooned in a giant ice crystal. Smiling Nuclear Girl used her breath to blow a final hurricane force kiss at Supergirl. The frosted heroine began drifting away. Nuclear Girl dived back towards Earth.

Trapped inside the ice crystal, Kara couldn’t move. Her breath…more powerful than mine I’m completely frozen. But maybe I can… Supergirl’s eyes glowed red. Two beams of pure heat shot out and the ice instantly flashed melted and exploded. Bursting free from her ice prison Supergirl shook off the last bits of it and looked for Nuclear Girl. Her foe had gotten too much of a lead which forced Kara to use her enhanced senses. She finally found Nuclear Girl descending on Earth. With a burst of speed she took off after the enemy.

Nuclear Girl was heading for Italy, specifically right for Mt. Vesuvius. Supergirl still some distance behind could only watch in horror as Nuclear Girl spun like a top and descended right down into the dormant volcano. As she drilled through the rock Nuclear Girl turned up the power of her internal nuclear reaction. Heat from her body spilled out and melted the rocks around her. She began forming a new magma chamber. Once she had created enough of the molten metal she put pressure on it. The citizens of Naples and the surrounding towns, a total of three million people, began to feel the Earth move under their feet. Suddenly plumes of smoke began to emerge from Vesuvius. Nuclear Girl tunneling through the volcano with hot lava following her, burst through into the open causing the whole thing to erupt.

Supergirl watched as the mountain top exploded sending dust and rocks into the air. A tall fountain of lava exploded out from the mountain and then began rolling downhill. As this destruction rose from the earth Nuclear Girl was coming at her. Kara prepared for a fight but the atomic creation simply flew past and shouted, “Fix that.”

Kara wanted to follow Nuclear Girl before she destroyed something else but she had to save the people around the volcano. Zooming towards the erupting volcano Supergirl targeted the rim to the crater with her heat vision. The rays blew apart rocks and sent them tumbling down into the cauldron of lava and smoke helping slow the eruption. As she neared the actual mountain itself, Supergirl spun like a drill. Punching through the rock she went down. She would stop the eruption by revealing the pressure. Faster than any piece of equipment in the world she tunneled into the magma chamber and then formed a new lava tunnel that lead to the sea. Underwater, lava began to flow out instantly cooling in the sea. Supergirl made sure the hole was big enough to not clog up before flying out of the water. With the pressure relieved the volcano began to die down.

“Now to take care of the lava that got out.” Supergirl said.

She flew back towards the lava river that was flowing from the eruption. Taking a deep breath Supergirl blew on the flowing river of molten rock. Zipping back and forth she worked to create a crust on top. As the rock cooled it hardened. Kara kept this up flying back and forth. Her last act was to land inside a small town at the base of volcano. Frightened people watched the lava as it flowed destroying their town. Suddenly an icy wind associated with winter hit everyone. Italians looked to see Supergirl circling the town. She stopped the lava and put out the fires. People cheered and cried out in their native tongue (which she understood), “THANK YOU SUPERGIRL!”

Kara nodded and took the air again. Like a rocket she headed for orbit. Nuclear Girl this time had left a radioactive trail that she could follow. Worrying about what destruction the mutant could be causing she was shocked to see Nuclear Girl waiting in orbit for her. Floating above Earth the twisted creation of Luthor once again bristled with energy. Supergirl slowed not sure what the girl was up to. She’s as fast and strong as me, who knows what else she can do, Kara thought.

Nuclear Girl raised her hands and showed her nails. Supergirl nearly gulped as the fingernails on her hands extended. Longer now they also looked sharp, sharp enough to break my skin? Kara wondered. Nuclear Girl cried out which was lost in the vacuum of space. Supergirl brought her arms up, blocking Nuclear Girl’s attempts to slash her. Eventually Supergirl had Nuclear Girl, holding her by the grey and black gauntlets on her arms. Once again they were matched in strength, Nuclear Girl trying to overwhelm Supergirl, Kara struggling to keep the mutant at bay.

Kara saw that Nuclear Girl was forgetting her legs. Supergirl didn’t make the same mistake. Swinging her legs up, Kara tucked them close and then kicked out with both feet all the while brining Nuclear Girl’s arms down and pulling the girl closer to her. Since she was up against a superpowered opponent, Supergirl didn’t hold anything back. Her red boots connected with Nuclear Girl’s face and sent the girl flying away from Earth. Stunned it took Nuclear Girl a whole minute to recover. Angry that Supergirl had bested her, Nuclear Girl decided to head back to Earth.

Both heroine and villainess were going back to Metropolis. Kara tried to keep place but once again Nuclear Girl managed to get ahead. Once she was out of Supergirl’s sight, Nuclear Girl landed next to the Metropolis’s Siegel Bridge. The radiation trail that she had intentionally left for Supergirl before was now gone; all she needed to do now was to hide from Supergirl’s eyes. Nuclear Girl touched the metal of the bridge. With her strange powers she changed its atomic structure. Instead of steel, the steel became covered with lead. Supergirl, scanning with her x-ray vision and other senses, couldn’t spot Nuclear Girl.

Once Supergirl had pasted by, Nuclear Girl came out. She knew Supergirl cared for the humans Luthor had taught her that. If she could present the right situation, Supergirl would risk her own life to save them, creating a moment of vulnerability Nuclear Girl could exploit. Looking around the city Nuclear Girl searched for the right bait. As she gazed at the skyline, the villainess saw it. The object triggered a memory in her brain. With a sadistic smile Nuclear Girl headed for her target.

Supergirl was over downtown Metropolis. Twisting and turning in the air she looked, listened, and even tried to smell out Nuclear Girl but with no luck, “Where could she be?”

Suddenly the screams of hundreds of people reached her sensitive ears. Turning in the direction of the noise Supergirl saw the cause. Near the Daily Planet building people on the ground were pointing up and looking with horror as the massive metal globe that topped the newspaper building, was lifted into the air. Underneath it was Nuclear Girl.

“NO!” Supergirl yelled accelerating to her fastest speed.

Nuclear Girl raised the globe over her head. She looked down to the street below. There were over a hundred people on the sidewalks and in cars passing the building. The mutant pushed the globe away and let it fall to the street. Everyone watching it suddenly panicked and began running to get away from the Daily Planet globe as it fell. Some were frozen in place by their fear. They were the first to gasp with relief.

Supergirl got under the famous city icon and caught it with both of her hands. Slowing down she brought the giant metal structure to a stop without smashing it. Everyone watched as Kara, like a Greek god holding the world on her shoulders, literally, began flying back up with the globe in hand. Supergirl sighed with relief as she headed back to the roof. People inside the Daily Planet including Lois Lane watched as Supergirl flew past their windows.

She and the other employees had felt the building shake moments earlier, than saw as the globe fell only to be lifted up by Supergirl. Lois grabbed her notebook and ran for the elevators, I don’t know what’s going on but it’s going to make one hell of a story!

Kara was now over the roof ready to put the globe back in place. So focused on the task at hand she didn’t know what danger she was in.


Kara turned her head; Nuclear Girl was floating right next to her. With a sickening realization Supergirl knew that Nuclear Girl had planned all this. She couldn’t fight the mutant without releasing the globe and risking the lives of the people below her. Kara looked at the structure and Nuclear Girl rapidly trying to figure out what to do. Nuclear Girl raised her hands showing off her extended nails and they rippled with heat and radiation. In almost slow motion she reached out for Supergirl. Kara couldn’t defend herself.

Nuclear Girl increased the power radiating through her right hand. In a quick motion she brought it down on the left side of Supergirl’s neck. The nails on her fingers pierced Supergirl’s skin. Nuclear Girl poured energy through them and into the heroine. Kara cried out as the nails dug in and then got drawn across her neck. Energy spilled off Nuclear Girl’s hand and over Supergirl. After slashing Supergirl, Nuclear Girl pulled her hand away quickly and yelled in victory.

Kara felt so much pain. Although she couldn’t see it four deep cuts went down her neck. Blood was already coming out of the wounds. Supergirl immediately started feeling strange. Her strength was beginning to ebb. Need to…get this down… Slowly Kara began lowering the globe. She managed to put the structure back into place. Supergirl couldn’t appreciate her good work.

What did she do to me? I’m getting weaker…can’t stay…up… Supergirl began to stagger in the air. Her powers seemed to be slipping away. The Girl of Steel didn’t know that Nuclear Girl had just poisoned her with a deadly mutated solar radiation. Already the energy was being absorbed by Kara’s cells and in the process being destroyed by them.

Supergirl knew none of this, only that she was exhausted and drained. With the last verge of her flight power, Kara landed on the roof of the Daily Planet. She fell face down unable to get up. Kara just wanted to lie there and pass out; my body…feels like its…on fire…what’s happening? Kara’s eyes closed for a brief moment then opened when she heard a sinister laugh, looking to her left Supergirl saw Nuclear Girl land. She looked down at Supergirl enjoying the sight of the defeated Maiden of Might.

Kara thought, I…need…to get up…can’t…give in… Supergirl slowly rose but she was only able to make it to her hands and knees, I’m so weak can’t even stand up. Nuclear Girl closed distance with Supergirl and laughed, “You’re finished, good bye Supergirl.”

With that Nuclear Girl kicked Supergirl like she was a football. Kara screamed as the blow radiated pain across her stomach and ribs. She was tumbling out of control away from the city. The G-forces too much…blacking…out… Nuclear Girl watched as Supergirl disappeared into the distance. All that remained of the Girl of Steel was her red cape. It fluttered slowly to the ground having been torn off. Nuclear Girl flew up and grabbed it. She focused on the yellow S in the back. With a smile she bunched up the cape in her hands.

“Hey! Who the hell are you?”

Nuclear Girl looked down at Lois Lane. The reporter was confused, where’s Supergirl? The dark and gold clad woman floated down to the reporter. She tossed the red cape at Lois. Opening it, Lois looked on with horror at the site of Supergirl’s cape.

Nuclear Girl said, “Your Supergirl is dead.”

Lois just held the red cape. She looked at the roof. A short distance away where the Girl of Steel had been was some blood. Lois looked at her hands. Where they had touched part of the cape, it was wet. Taking her fingers away, she was horrified. It was more blood, Supergirl’s blood, Lois realized.

“Oh my god…” Lois mumbled.

Nuclear Girl took to the air, leaving Lois alone on the roof. Over the building she scanned for any sign of Supergirl. There was none. Nuclear Girl knew she had destroyed Supergirl, nothing would be able to stop her now.

Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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WOW! great story, I can't wait to see how the rest of it plays out.
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Love the story...cant wait for the rest....
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Great job on this! I enjoyed your story and scene variations. You executed the Lacy to Cat transition perfectly. Think I read once that the original character was actually loosely based on her. The rivalry fits in so well. Can't wait to read the rest.
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Lois sat at her desk staring at her computer screen. Opened on the screen was the word processor but she hadn’t typed anything. The reporter was still going over what she had seen earlier that day. First had been the black haired superwoman who had claimed Supergirl was dead. Then there was the security camera footage from the roof. Lois was been shocked to see the Girl of Steel flat on her face, defeated. She had watched the footage with Detective Richard ‘Dick’ Malverne.

Both as close as anyone could be to Supergirl they had been quiet as they viewed it. As the detective and other cops processed the scene atop The Daily Planet Lois ran down the rest of the story. She found the reports from around the city of the Supergirl and the other superhuman. Plus there was the news from Italy with the eruption of Vesuvius and its capping by Supergirl. Lois had everything she needed to write the story, but what story? Supergirl is missing presumed dead?

While she sat there no one in the bullpen wanted to bother Lois. Intentionally they all avoided her except Cat Grant. The short haired blond approached Lane’s desk and coughed to get her attention. Normally Cat’s appearance would have got a fire going in Lois, but today she was subdued.

“Hey Cat.”

“Lois.” Cat said. She waited a minute then asked, “So is the rumor-mill true?”

“What?” Lois responded still not focusing.

“Supergirl, was injured maybe killed by some other supergirl.” Cat asked.

“She’s not dead.” Lois responded automatically. In that instant Lois lost all her doubt, her answer seeming to provide conviction that she was missing moments earlier.

“That’s not what I’m hearing.”

Lois was getting angry; she looked at Cat some fire returning to her, “From who?”

“Sources, inside MPD they found an impact crater across the city. More blood in the crater. They tell me it’s Supergirl’s.”

Lois hadn’t heard that but it didn’t shake her new found confidence, just because she’s hurt doesn’t mean she’s dead. Lane started typing on her computer, “I have a story to write Cat, if you don’t mind.”

“Lois you can’t write a story that ignores the facts.” Cat said, I think I have Lois right where I want her.

“I’m not, now don’t you have an opinion to write?” Lois responded hoping to get rid of Grant. Cat just nodded her head and walked away. Lois went back to typing. She was getting into the flow of things when the phone on her desk rang.

Picking it up in one quick motion she curtly answered, “Lane…what?”

“Lois…” a sick voice on the other end spoke.

It took Lois a minute to recognize it, “Kara? You sound terrible. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours.” She had been hoping to bring Kara in from her day off but the blonde hadn’t answered her cell or apartment phone.

“Sorry….I had lunch and apparently….its not sitting well. I went to the….ER, food poisoning….ohhh” Kara moaned at the end of the sentence. Lois was worried.

“Kara, are you okay?”

There was a pause before she answered, “Yeah don’t worry….I’ll be off my feet for a few days that’s all.”

“I could use your help…” Lois asked if she had heard what happened to Supergirl. Kara as usual had missed the story. Lane got her caught up but much to her surprise, Kent seemed uninterested, like she already knew or is more worried about something else, Lois thought but she just chalked that up to Kara being sick.

“Kara you sure you’re okay?” she asked one last time.

Kara answered but it didn’t fill Lois with confidence, “Yeah…Lois I’m fine, see ya soon.”

Lois heard the phone hang up. She did the same with hers but didn’t take her hand off the phone. For a second she waited before lifting the receiver again. Dialing a number she waited only a few seconds for an answer, “Hi Dick…no I don’t need anything else, listen I just talked with Kara, I think you should check on her.”


Kara hung up the phone and sighed. She was on her bed sweating buckets still wearing her uniform, or more correctly what was left of it. Her cape was missing and there were cuts and runs in her tights. Dried blood was on her collar and neck. The wounds inflicted by Nuclear Girl were covered with a bandage. Kara was feeling so ill. She had never felt this bad before not even near kryptonite. What did she do to me?

After being kicked by Nuclear Girl off the roof of The Daily Planet Kara had tumbled across the city. She landed in a small park making the crater that Cat Grant had told Lois about. It was a miracle she managed to go unnoticed. Kara was able to steal a coat to cover most of her costume. She then used the few bucks Kara hid inside her belt to pay a taxi to drive her back to her apartment. Kara had gone inside and taken off the coat, bandaged her wound, and then collapsed into bed.

She wasn’t sure how long she slept. When she woke up Kara knew she had to call into work. Otherwise Lois would wonder why Supergirl and Kara were missing at the same time. With that done she tried to figure out what to do next. If I’m sick can I get better? Maybe I just need time to recover, Kara thought. The weakened woman managed to get out of the bed and strip out of her uniform. Leaving it on the floor she put on some black yoga pants and t-shirt. Kara was shocked though at how much energy this took.

“So…tired….” She said.

Kara walked into her living room and headed for the couch. As she did though her body was no longer sweating but now shivering. So cold…now I’m cold great, grabbing a blanket she wrapped it around her and then lay down on the couch. She closed her eyes and hoped that the sleep would make her feel better. A series of polite but loud knocks woke her up. Kara shot up but was dizzy and disorientated. It took her a few moments to figure out what was happening. The knocks returned and she heard, “Kara….Kara it’s me Dick.”

Dick…oh no I can’t let him…see me like this, Kara thought. She reached for the coffee table. On it was a spare set of her faux glasses. Putting them on she then bunched up the blanket to cover her bandage. Getting off the couch she slowly made her way over to the door. As she opened it Kara realized her uniform was out in plain sight in the bedroom, but it was too late to do anything about it.

She opened the door and saw a distressed looking Dick on the other side, “Kara…you look like hell.”

“Thanks…” she tried to smile. However she felt even more drained. Slowly not only to make sure she didn’t collapse in front of Dick and because that was as fast as she could go, Kara headed back to the couch.

“Lois said you got food poisoning, Kara it looks worst than that.” Dick said closing the door behind him. He was worried seeing her so pale.

Sitting Kara answered, “Its okay Dick…I’ll be fine. She sent you to check on me?”

“Yeah but I came to check on you cause I was worried too.” Dick took a seat next to her. He offered to take Kara to the doctor but she shrugged it off. Deciding he couldn’t talk any sense into her he changed the subject.

“Supergirl is missing.”

“Lois said….something about that, Supergirl is in trouble?” Kara faked her lack of knowledge. Dick didn’t seem to notice.

“Yeah…some of the CSI guys are going on about her being dead. That the evidence suggests that.” Dick grumbled.

Kara said, “You don’t…think so.”

“I think she’s in trouble, and I can’t help her.” Dick got up and began pacing. Kara sank into her couch. She could see Dick’s concern for her alter-ego, and part of it made her want to ask for his help right there. Dick…I’m Supergirl, she wanted to say. But Kara closed her eyes, I can’t…he doesn’t deserve that baggage….

“She’s Supergirl….I’m sure she’s fine.” Kara tried.

“No. Supergirl needs help sometimes just like any of us. I just wish I could talk to her.”

Kara closed her eyes and felt her insides start burning again, “Can’t help…ya...there.”

“Yes you can.”

Opening her eyes wide Kara thought that Dick knew her secret. In reality he turned and said, “Kara I don’t know how you do it, but if you’re up to it I’d like you to get a hold of her and give her something.”

Kara looked at him, “What?”

Dick reached into his coat and removed a police evidence bag. Inside was a red piece of fabric folded up. Kara knew it was her cape. Dick sighed, “I’m technically breaking procedure but I think Supergirl could use that more than us at the moment. I’ll see ya later Kara, you sure I can’t get you go to the doctor again?”

“No need Dick…and I’ll see what I can do…”

He went over and kissed her forehead, “Later get better okay.”

Kara nodded as he left. When Dick was gone she opened the bag and removed her cape. Spreading it out, she covered herself in it. I need to get better, Nuclear Girl…is still out there, just need to rest my eyes…


Cat Grant had just gotten off the phone with her pet board member. Lois’s story for tomorrow’s paper was getting squashed. She convinced the man that a bigger splash would be needed than, SUPERGIRL MISSING. So he gave her the go ahead to do her story. Lois’s would be shelved by Perry who at the moment was trying to fight decision. Cat knew he would lose so she kept working.

Picking up the phone she called a source on the MPD. He was another detective working with Dick Malverne on the Supergirl Case. She and he talked. Eventually she got to the juicy stuff.

“So Dan, tell me, do you guys actually think Supergirl is alive?”

“Well…Detective Malverne does and he’s in charge…”

Cat pushed, “That doesn’t sound concrete to me.”

Dan could tell what Cat was looking for and he knew what she would offer in exchange, “Okay some of us think she is dead. Plus Dick has been pretty down since he got this case. You know he and Supergirl are ‘close’.”

“Yeah, you think he knows more than he is letting it on?”

“I do. Here he told me this in private…” he gave her an exaggerated quote. He mumbled something about keeping things quiet especially if Supergirl was gone. So he turned that around, saying that Dick said officially they would have to pretend like Supergirl was just missing, but in reality she was gone, dead as doornail. They had to keep up appearances for the public’s sake. He figured his little white lie wouldn’t hurt after all Cat wouldn’t know it wasn’t true and Dick would never know he was the leak.

“Thanks.” She answered.

“So…when can I see you?” he asked.

“After I’m done writing this, see you at the Metropolis Grand Hotel detective and I’ll be wearing that special garment.” Cat seductively answered.

She hung up after hearing his response. Cat got to typing. She wanted to finish the story so it was off to the printers and while she felt no attachment to the detective, he was good for a night of fun. Cat finished quickly having much of what Lois would have in her story if it had been published. Cat was just coming to a different conclusion. With a few keystrokes she put the large bold title on the piece.



Kara woke up again. She had passed out on the couch still under her cape and blanket. Looking at the clock on her wall she had been out for hours. Even with her rest Kara still felt terrible. Her body was hot again, her muscles, bones ached, and she felt weak as if her body was running on empty. I need to splash some water on my face, she decided. Getting up she stumbled her way to the bathroom. There she saw herself in the mirror.

“Oh no.” she said.

Her face was pale, her hair turning a white color. Normally her blue eyes were incredibly bright, that’s why she wore the glasses to help conceal them. They were dull and bloodshot. Kara was now afraid. I can’t let this go on, I need to do something, she thought. But she had no idea what to do. Kara began to lose the strength in her legs. With a gasp she slipped to the floor. Down on her bathroom tile Kara felt time was running out. Maybe…the Fortress could help? But how do I get there, my powers are gone.

Kara wished she had the damn thing in her apartment, even though she knew it was impossible. Then it hit her she did have a piece of Krypton in her apartment. The crystal, the energy crystal…Kara struggled to her feet. She weakly moved from the bathroom to the bedroom. Leaning against the walls for support she managed to reach her closet. Then she got the compartment open. Inside was her other Supergirl uniform and there on the top of the shelf, the crystal from her ship.

Reaching up her fingers brushed it but missed it. Kara tried again and managed to bring the crystal to the edge of the shelf but not all the way over. Suddenly her strength disappeared. Kara fell to the floor. No it can’t end here please, Kara thought to who she wasn’t sure. Her head dropped to the floor and once more it seemed she was going to slip into sleep. She wondered if this would be the last time. What she couldn’t see was the crystal slowly tipping over. Finally gravity did its job and the crystal fell right next to the Last Daughter of Krypton.

The thump of it hitting the floor brought Kara back. She saw the crystal. With her hand she gripped the crystal and brought it close to her chest. In her mind Kara could hear her father, My daughter, this crystal is unlike your information and data ones…she could feel the warmth within in the crystal...this crystal can do many other things, it is yours to command... Kara closed her eyes and spoke aloud while thinking the same thought.

“Save me…”

The crystal began to glow. Its white light lit the room, highlighting Kara’s body. Soon the white energy began to flow into her body. She was unconscious as the crystal did as it was asked. However she did hear the last of its message, as always we love you Kara.


Lois Lane had never been so mad. Maybe she had but at the moment she didn’t care. The bullpen workers at The Daily Planet kept out of the way as she homed in on Perry’s office. Inside was Cat Grant, even better! Ripping the door open she started yelling before the door was even closed, “PERRY WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!”

She slammed the paper onto his desk. On the front was a picture of the crime scene atop The Daily Planet plus one from the security camera video, of Supergirl lying on the ground. In big bold letters on the front page was SUPERGIRL DEAD? Of course written by Cat Grant. Perry looked at the paper and sighed. He was going to speak but Cat beat him to it.

“I warned you Lois. Your piece was ignoring the facts because you’re friends with Supergirl. We need objective reporters here Lois, not…” Cat didn’t finish as she was slapped across the face.

“Lois!” Perry yelled.

Lois just stood there as Cat rubbed her cheek, “Perry she assaulted me, are you going to do something about this?”

“Lois…” he said. Perry wanted to back her up but she had crossed a line hitting Cat. Standing taller he said, “Lois you are suspended for a week, go home.”

He expected an argument but Lois just walked out of his office. Cat watched as Lois left. With her head turned Perry couldn’t see the smile on her face. Lane’s finished at this office. In a week I’ll have her fired, sorry Lo but you were just in my way. Cat thanked Perry and left the office thinking about the TV appearances she had in the next couple days. No doubt her Supergirl story would be at the top of the discussion points.

Lois had grabbed her purse on the way out and rode down the elevator. She was walking out of the building when her cell rang. Answering it she discovered it was Dick. Lois was ready to give him a piece of her mind, saying that damn quote, I’m going to kill him, “Dick you’re a real piece of work…”

“Lois shut up. Do you think I’d say that?” he answered knowing that she would be laying into him.

“What?” she said.

Dick explained. He hadn’t said any such thing about covering up Supergirl’s ‘death’. Plus he had a good idea of which detective had. He was going to meet with the detective in question and was planning on getting the full story out of him. Lois started to put the pieces together, that bitch she used her ‘charms’ to get that detective to spill his guts. Then she used that information for her piece, I’m biased maybe Cat but guess what I never published false information.

“Dick I’ll be nice to you later, you get that detective to spill his guts. If you do we can clear up the facts and stick it to Grant.”


Perry White was working in his office. He still felt sore from having to send Lois home, especially now. The superwoman who had attacked Supergirl had reappeared several times during the day. First she had burned down a known Inter-Gang hideout then she had killed a Mafia boss and finally robbed the National Bank. Cat was supposed to be covering the stories but wasn’t doing as well as Lane or Kent would.

Great Supergirl is missing along with one of my best reporters, and I just had to suspend Lois, he thought. His thoughts were interrupted as the phone rang, “Perry here.”

“Chief I need you listen up.” Lois told him.

“Lois listen I’m sorry about before but I told you no turning the office into…”

Lois cut him off, “Perry just listen to me.” She explained everything including what she had learned from Dick. That detective Dan Nantes had given up information for sex. The chief listened to the whole story and then got mad, why that lying manipulative…

“Alright Lois what do you want to do? I know that tone you’re cooking something up.”

She told him. Perry sighed and answered, “Lois as good as that would feel it could get you and me fired. However I’m too old to be covering my ass these days, if you want to go through with it I’m in.”

“Great Perry, I’ll send it to ya in an email later tonight.”

The Next Day

The room was dark. Unconscious on a bed was Nuclear Girl. As dawn arrived over Metropolis the sun’s rays broke through the huge windows in her room. The bright orange light touched Nuclear Girl’s skin instantly stirring her. Opening her eyes Nuclear Girl sat up in bed. Bathing in the sun’s rays her powers went back to full. She changed from the night clothes she wore into her costume first putting on her sheer suntan tights, then black and gold leotard, and finally her cape and boots. Once she was dressed Nuclear Girl headed for the main living area.

Natasha Luthor was already awake. Sitting at the main table she was eating a light breakfast. Like most people Natasha had the newspaper out with her. Luthor had been enjoying Cat Grant’s opinions on Supergirl and her article yesterday, SUPERGIRL DEAD? She was considering having that one framed. Natasha was getting ready to ready the stories that had to have been written on Nuclear Girl’s exploits from yesterday. Luthor was having her wipe out criminal competition and perform a few robberies. Nuclear Girl walked up to her.

“I will once again offer you breakfast, even though you won’t eat it.” Natasha remarked. Opening The Daily Planet she was happy to see Nuclear Girl’s exploits on the front page. Continuing to read the paper she reached the OPED section. Natasha was suprised to see the entire section was dominated by another article.

At the top of the article was the picture of a handsome detective. The article was titled, SUPERGIRL IS NOT DEAD: Lead Detective Misquoted. Natasha was annoyed that Lane and Malverne had gone out of their way to try and bring people hope that Supergirl was alive. Although it also seemed the article was designed to screw over Cat Grant, which she could care less about. While reading Natasha didn’t notice that Nuclear Girl was looking at Detective Richard Malverne’s photo.

Deep in Nuclear Girl’s mind, a mind based on that of Supergirl’s, she felt attraction to Dick Malverne. Kara’s feelings for him were shared by her dark mutated counterpart. Nuclear Girl stared at the image feeling energized by seeing him. Natasha finally noticed her creation’s fixation on the paper.

“What are you looking at Malverne? He thinks Supergirl is still alive.”

“Who is he?” Nuclear Girl asked.

“Supergirl’s friend, and perhaps more than a friend I always suspected he and Supergirl were an item. Of course I could never prove it, anyway it doesn’t matter.” Luthor stood up and began thinking aloud, “I think we should go into the insurance business, where I insure that you don’t destroy things!”

“No I want to see him.” The superwoman replied.

Luthor turned back to look at the dark haired mutant. Nuclear Girl was looking at her. Natasha frowned her minion was not supposed to talk back, “I think you’re forgetting who is in charge.”

Nuclear Girl grabbed Luthor taking her off her feet. She then tossed Luthor across the room. Struggling to get up Natasha was lifted again and slammed against a supporting pillar. Natasha tired to wiggle and see if she could escape but it was useless in the vice like grip of her creation. Coming right up to Natasha’s face Nuclear Girl said, “You think with Supergirl dead, you have nothing to fear. You’re wrong. Fear me.”

With that Nuclear Girl turned and flew off. Natasha fell to the floor realizing the mistake she had made, “with Supergirl dead…nothing can stop her.”

“Luthor was that actual concern in your voice for me?”

Natasha turned her head and was shocked to see who was standing on her patio, “SUPERGIRL! I thought you were dead!”

“Having delusions of grander again?” Kara answered stepping inside the villainess’s apartment. Supergirl looked nothing like she had on the cover of the paper only a day ago. She radiated strength and power, her eyes were bright and hair a golden blond. She strolled over to Luthor standing over her.

“No…Nuclear Girl cut you, poisoned you with radiation, even if you didn’t die that day, you should have scrummed by now.” Luthor reasoned.

Supergirl hands on her hips answered, “I was ill Luthor I got better.”

Late last night Kara had woken up feeling…great. The energy crystal had done as she asked, it cleaned out Nuclear Girl’s mutated radiation that had been poisoning her, and replaced it with her normal solar energy. Kara had flown around the world making sure she was back to normal. Finally she had returned to her apartment and gotten her uniform back on. She was ready for round two.

“Where’s Nuclear Girl.” Supergirl demanded.

Luthor sighed, “I’ve lost control of her.” Kara gave her a look that read, obviously, Natasha ignored it, “she’s gone off after your pretty boy.”

“Pretty boy? Dick!” Supergirl exclaimed. She turned to leave but Luthor yelled.

“You still can’t beat her Supergirl, she’s stronger and more powerful.”

Supergirl took one look and shook her head. Taking to the air she focused her hearing on the city. Kara could hear gunfire and explosions coming from the direction of the Metropolis Police Headquarters. Pushing her arms out in front of her Supergirl accelerated heading for Nuclear Girl, hoping she wasn’t too late.

When she arrived outside the MPH, Kara was shocked. Nuclear Girl stood in the middle of a wrecked street. Several cars lay burning; a number of people were injured. Policemen armed with handguns and submachine guns fired at Nuclear Girl. The dark superwoman just stood there letting the bullets bounce off her body. Slowly she walked towards the police headquarters. As Nuclear Girl advanced, Supergirl noticed she was avoiding the shadows cast by the taller buildings around the headquarters.

I think I just identified Nuclear Girl’s kryptonite. It makes sense; during out first fight she never left the daylight side of Earth. She needs to be exposed to the sun, I can use that but first I need to lead her away from here before anyone else gets hurt, Kara thought. She flew down and landed at the steps of the police building. The officers, in fact everyone watching the scene, jaws dropped. Supergirl was alive!

Nuclear Girl frowned seeing Supergirl. Kara stood defiantly staring down the mutant, “This ends here.”

“If you get in my way, I will hurt people.” Nuclear Girl told her.

Kara looked around; she couldn’t put these people at risk. She needed to take Nuclear Girl somewhere she couldn’t do any damage. Quickly Kara formed a plan. If it worked she could get Nuclear Girl away from the city and perhaps neutralize her as well.

Supergirl put her hands up, “Wait…okay I’ll take you to him.”

Supergirl took off flying back towards Luthor’s apartment. Nuclear Girl followed. In a burst of speed Supergirl entered the apartment and stopped before the elevator. Natasha Luthor was gone, no surprise to the Girl of Steel. Nuclear Girl landed and radiated energy. Storming forwards in long strides she shouted, “Where is he?”

Kara stood her ground, “Somewhere safe, away from you.”

Nuclear Girl saw Supergirl standing in front of the elevator. Her mind was racing driven by her desire to Malverne she decided that Supergirl must be hiding Malverne in there.
Continuing towards the elevator she ignored Supergirl as the heroine claimed, “No…he’s not in there.”

With the back of her hand, Nuclear Girl smashed Supergirl in the face. The blow sent Supergirl staggering back. Kara collapsed on the floor seemingly down for the count. Nuclear Girl paid little attention focused on trying to find Richard. She pulled the doors of the elevator open and was surprised to see it was empty. Suddenly she was shoved forwards into the empty box. Supergirl punched the controls for the elevator driving her fist through the wall and watched as the doors slammed shut. Inside Nuclear Girl gasped as the light disappeared. She clawed at the door as her body began to shut down going into a dormant state.

Confirming Nuclear Girl was down with her x-ray vision, Supergirl flew outside and to the roof. Once there she found the elevator shaft and where its wires hooked up to the motor. Using her strength Kara ripped the wires out and wrapped them around her arm. She hoped Wayne Enterprises didn’t mind the damage to their building. Supergirl took to the air with the elevator which smashed through the roof. Kara continued to rise, leaving Earth behind and entering space. She was heading for the Moon.

Over the natural satellite she looked for a spot to drop the elevator. A deep crater caught her eye. Supergirl released the box and watched as the Moon’s gravity pulled it down. It landed with a cloud of Moon dust. Supergirl brought herself down next to it. Scanning the box again with her x-rays she saw again that Nuclear Girl was comatose inside. Kara felt bad that she would have to leave her here, but Nuclear Girl was too dangerous. Satisfied that it was over Supergirl rose from the surface and headed for a spot that would help clear her head of the events of the past few days.

The elevator laid on the surface with its occupant locked in a coma inside. It would have stayed that way if Supergirl thought through her plan fully. As the sun’s rays crossed the surface they of course went over the box. With no atmosphere to stop it the sunlight managed to fit through the tiny crack that existed in between the doors. The line of light managed to cross Nuclear Girl’s leg. Energy began to crackle around her limp form, and her eyes opened.

Supergirl had traveled further away and arrived over an Apollo landing site. She shook her head; the entire area was littered with equipment and junk left by the astronauts, but it marked one of the great achievements of her adopted home. Despite the litter Supergirl enjoyed the American flag proudly displayed next to the left behind landing stage of the LEM. Much to Kara’s surprise the flag was off kittler slightly. She floated a few feet above the surface; she didn’t want to ruin any of the astronauts’ footprints which remained as fresh as they had in the 1970s. Reaching ouch she carefully pulled the flag back to a ramrod straight position.

Finished Supergirl admired her work, but only for a few seconds. That’s when she was hit from behind at superspeed. Kara was pushed into the lunar surface and knocked down onto the flag. Dust flew everywhere as she tried to figure out what happened. Then she caught sight of it, an arm covered in gold and black spandex, Nuclear Girl! The enraged mutant grabbed Supergirl and pulled her up. Before Kara could try and break free, Nuclear Girl slammed her face first into the surface with all the strength the villainess could muster. The blow completely stunned Supergirl. Kara moaned her pain silent in outer space.

Nuclear Girl pulled her back again. She dropped Supergirl onto her back and left her dazed on the ground. The super-villainess then turned and grabbed the golden lower section of the LEM. Lifting the spidery landing pad in the air, Nuclear Girl was going to smash it onto Supergirl. Kara recovered just in time and rolled out of the way as the lunar module slammed into where she had just been. Nuclear Girl dashed forward and extended her nails. Supergirl now back on her feet looked on in horror as the deadly radiation crackled on Nuclear Girl’s hands. Kara grabbed her and held Nuclear Girl at bay but just barely.

If she stabs me again, I won’t be able to recover…she’s…so strong…, Kara thought. Nuclear Girl was using all her strength; she would kill Supergirl this time. The Girl of Steel’s knees sank more and she was feeling Nuclear Girl slowly gaining the advantage. Supergirl closed her eyes and summoned her own strength, NO! I’m not going down! Kara pushed up from the surface and shoved Nuclear Girl away. Then with a burst of speed Supergirl grabbed Nuclear Girl’s head which she then brought into contact with her knee.

The blow stunned Nuclear Girl causing her to stagger. Supergirl then took hold of her nuclear doppelganger and spun in place. She tossed the girl across the lunar surface. Kara watched as Nuclear Girl soared and then landed in a blast of lunar soil miles away. Supergirl flew over to where Nuclear Girl had landed. She didn’t see the villainess stirring in her crater and thought she had knocked Nuclear Girl out. Supergirl landed a few feet away from her foe.

Nuclear Girl shot up from the ground and fired a bright orange blast of energy at Supergirl. Kara cried out silently as the energy washed over her chest and then pushed her back. Supergirl had just barely recovered from the first burst when another lanced out from Nuclear Girl’s hands and struck her again. Ohh those blasts…they’re taking a lot…AHHH out of me …AHHH! Supergirl was slowly being knocked backwards. Nuclear Girl turned up the power of her energy blasts and sent them rapid fire at the Girl of Steel.

Supergirl was knocked off her feet and pushed over the lunar surface by the energy blasts. Each one weakened her a little more. Nuclear Girl leapt from her hole and kept shooting. Supergirl crashed to ground back near the landing site. Desperate to get out of the line of fire Supergirl stumbled over the Moon rocks and tried to get behind a small ridge. Nuclear Girl’s blasts exploded around her. Just as she dived for some cover, Kara was struck several more times by the blasts. Supergirl collapsed into the lunar dirt, battered by the attack.

Nuclear Girl leapt into space crossing the distance to Supergirl easily. She landed with her elbow slamming right into Supergirl’s back. Kara was brought out her bewildered state as pain exploded from Nuclear Girl’s attack across her back. Supergirl felt Nuclear Girl’s hands seize her right before she was turned over. A series of punches landed across Kara’s face. Stumbling to her feet, she was drunkenly responding to the blows like a boxer who was worn out. Supergirl threw a pitiful punch that completely missed Nuclear Girl. Toying with Supergirl, Nuclear Girl easily dodged the next attack, a half hearted kick.

Supergirl was helpless as Nuclear Girl grabbed a hold of her fleshtone tights. She couldn’t break free, off balance and tired from the fight. Nuclear Girl began to spin with Supergirl. Kara was disoriented by the move, unable to fight back. Nuclear Girl’s entire body glowed with the orange energy that had blasted Supergirl with moments earlier. With a final yell she zapped Kara with all that energy and released her. Supergirl tumbled away from the Moon. Her face was gripped by pain from the blast Nuclear Girl had coated her with. The black haired deadly beauty watched as Supergirl disappeared from sight.

Nuclear Girl stood triumphant. She radiated her excess energy, looking back at Earth the world that would soon be hers. Relishing her victory Nuclear Girl had no idea that coming at her at substantial speed was Supergirl. Kara was going to slam into Nuclear Girl. Like a smart bomb Supergirl zeroed in on Nuclear Girl and hit her with both of her fists. Both heroine and villainess collapsed to the ground creating yet another crater on the moon. Together they laid on the surface in pain.

Supergirl had taken much more of a blow than she had planned. She grabbed her head which was pounding. Kara was blacking out, just can’t keep…my…eyes open…. As Supergirl descended into unconsciousness Nuclear Girl got up. She looked at the helpless Supergirl. Deciding that the Girl of Steel was finished, Nuclear Girl reached for her foe. She put one hand under Supergirl’s neck, the other under Kara’s legs.

Nuclear Girl lifted Supergirl’s knocked out body above her head. Kara’s body was limp, helpless to what came next. Nuclear Girl turned and brought Supergirl down slamming her red boots into the lunar soil. Kara’s head hung down over her S symbol, blonde hair a complete mess, her lovely face covered with grime from the Moon. Nuclear Girl, with one hand on Supergirl’s shoulder pushing down used the other like a hammer and brought it down on Kara’s other shoulder. Each super strong blow drove Supergirl deeper into lunar soil.

First her boots sank below the surface, and then her skintone tights covered legs, next the red mini skirt and yellow belt. Nuclear Girl kept pounding Supergirl like a railway tie into the ground. Kara’s arms went next leaving only her S symbol and upper body exposed above the soil. Nuclear Girl raised her black booted foot and pushed Supergirl the rest of the way into the ground. Kara’s blonde hair disappeared. Nuclear Girl pushed the lunar dirt around making sure that Supergirl was buried in her shallow grave. Satisfied that Supergirl was finally finished Nuclear Girl ascended from the surface.


Dick Malverne was helping with the carnage wrought by Nuclear Girl. Dozens of people had been injured. It was a miracle no one had died. As he helped pull a man from his crushed car someone screamed, “Look out, she’s back!”

Turning to see, Dick watched as Nuclear Girl landed in the street. Her costume was dirty and she looked pissed. Energy crackled around her. In seconds she zeroed in on Dick and walked forwards. Going for his service weapon, Dick drew and took aim. He squeezed the trigger in quick succession. The bullets had no effect on the demon superwoman. She grabbed his pistol from his hand and crushed it.

“You are mine now.” She told him.

Dick tried punching her but only succeeded in hurting his hand. She grabbed his collar and lifted him off his feet. Clawing at her hand he wondered what the hell she wanted. The guys said Supergirl was here, but where is she; I could sure use one of those just in the nick of time rescues!


At the site of Supergirl’s grave something was happening. The soil covering where she was buried began to move. Suddenly a pair of hands came through the lunar dirt and pushed outward. There was a small explosion of dust and dirt as Supergirl burst free. She climbed out of her grave and looked for Nuclear Girl. There was no immediate sign of her. Kara tried to sense the radiation trail she would have left. In seconds she found it, no surprise it headed back to Earth. Supergirl got ready to follow, but she had to do one thing first.

Supergirl went to the fallen American flag. Both it and she were dirty. In one swift motion she picked up the flag, shook the dirt off and restored it to its original position. When she was done Kara was flying back towards Earth thinking of what to do next. She couldn’t out fight Nuclear Girl that much was clear. So that left only one option outsmarting her. Supergirl knew her elevator trick hadn’t work, but that was because it wasn’t completely sealed. She’s nuclear, what does one do with nuclear material? Then it hit her. Kara knew what she had to do as she descended over the city.

At the Midvale nuclear power plant, a worker was directing a huge nuclear waste transport truck into position. Later that day the plant’s speant fuel rods would be loaded and sent to a site in the desert to be buried for the next thousand years in a bunker. He was going to radio in when the back of the waste truck, the part which held the rods was lifted in the air.

Holding it was Supergirl, “I need to borrow this.”

He was simply speechless as she flew away.

Nuclear Girl held Dick close. She looked him over. Then in a low voice she said, “You will be a prefect mate.”

“Excuse me?” Dick replied.

Nuclear Girl leaned forward to kiss him when suddenly she felt weak. Looking up she saw a giant tube coming down over her, its shadow already covering her. Dick fell from her grip and scrambled out of the way as the nuclear waste container landed atop Nuclear Girl. She was completely covered. Supergirl landed next to container. She knocked it over, making sure to keep the opening away from the sun. Next Kara began using her heat vision to melt the lid of the opening in place. Nuclear Girl was now completely cut off from sunlight. Inside the dark supergirl gasped for energy but couldn’t form any. She sank into a deep sleep, defeated.

“Supergirl…you’re alive!” Dick exclaimed ecstatic to see the Girl of Steel.

Kara looked at him happy that he was okay. She walked over once the container was sealed tight. Dick looked at her and asked, “What happened? Why are you so dirty?”

“I’ll explain later, I’m glad you’re alright.” Supergirl and he stood there for a minute. Kara then thought, oh…what the hell! Supergirl took Dick in her arms and kissed him. Stunned by the kiss Dick was speechless as Supergirl smiled and said, “Now to take care of her.”

Supergirl lifted the waste container off the ground. Dick watched as Supergirl turned away from the city heading east. Kara knew how to eliminate Nuclear Girl once and for all. Luthor had given her the idea. She returned to the Midvale Nuclear Power Plant. Quickly she explained what she needed and that it was best if everyone left.

A few minutes later Supergirl stood in the reactor room. The nuclear waste container was locked in position. She opened it up and went inside. Nuclear Girl still laid comatose inside. Kara dragged her out and brought her over to reactor. Lifting the mutant up, she dumped her into the radioactive water. With that done, Kara dashed at super-speed to the control room.

Nuclear Girl stirred her body rejuvenated by the radiation. However she was still weak. The evil superwoman had no idea that she was weak from the control rods inside the reactor. Supergirl inside the control room saw that her plan was working. Nuclear Girl was already weakening. She activated the controls bringing down all the controls rods into the reactor. Inside it Nuclear Girl moaned her internal reaction began to shutdown. Kara watched as the dark version of her began to melt into the reactor. The control rods were ending the nuclear reaction that kept her together.

“I’m sorry, but it has to be this way.” Kara said. In just a few moments Nuclear Girl was no more. Supergirl left the plant and told the workers that everything was okay. As she took the air the Girl of Steel had one last thing to do.


Natasha Luthor was almost to the airport. Knowing that things were beyond her control she made a run for it. Luthor was mad, I had her! Supergirl was finished, but no she survived! Shaking her head she remembered to focus on driving. She was getting onto the exit and thought, well back to basics, kryptonite next time…hey there’s an idea a Kryptonite Girl!

Luthor was looking for the right terminal when suddenly her car started to take off! Desperately hitting the break she tried to stop the car. Quickly though she realized how pointless it was. Slumming into her seat she swore,

“Damn it, I’ll get you Supergirl, if it’s the last thing I do.”

Underneath the car, guiding its flight to prison was Supergirl. Thanks to her hearing she knew exactly what Natasha had said. Shaking her head she just smiled.

The Next Day

Kara Kent entered the Metropolis Police headquarters. She was back to work after her ‘sick leave’. Things at The Daily Planet had changed while she was out. Cat Grant had been humiliated by publishing a false quote from a senior detective and that she had offered sexual favors in return didn’t help. This had given Perry all he needed to get rid of her, pet board member (who surprisingly didn’t return Cat’s calls anymore) or not. Lois was not to smug seeing her old rival getting the boot.

With her back at work now Kara was following up the Nuclear Girl story with Dick. Perry had asked her to meet with the detective and find out if the rumor was true that he had smooched Supergirl in public. Kara was worried she had nearly given herself away then and there; she had turned so red in Perry’s office. However she was happy to get a chance to see Richard. After asking a few of the officers she knew, she found out that Dick was on the roof.

Kara went up and found him staring out at the skyline. She smiled, “Hey Dick.”

He turned and saw her. Sighing he said, “Hi Kara.”

She could see he was conflicted, “What’s the matter, Nuclear Girl is gone Supergirl is back I would think you’d be happy.”

Standing face to face now she could see Dick was holding something in. He shook his head, “Yeah it’s great.”

“But…” Kara said.

“I’d like to know why the girl I loved lied to me.”

Kara was confused, “Dick?”

“Kara…why didn’t you tell me the truth, why didn’t you tell me you are Supergirl.”

They stood there completely silent for a minute. Kara thought she would be panicking if this had ever happened, but surprisingly she was calm. Quietly she asked, “When?”

“I came back to your apartment hours after we talked. You didn’t answer so I got worried. I picked your lock, went in and there you were on the floor, your uniform in the closet…” he explained, “Kara I thought you were dead, but when I touched you it…it was like…I knew you’d be okay.”

“My crystal…it probably did that.” He wasn’t happy, “Dick what did you want me to do?”

“Tell me the truth. I known you for over two years, we first met when you saved my life.”

Kara snapped, “And who is it you’re in love with Dick? Me or her?” She took her glasses off and then undid the first few buttons on her blouse revealing the blue of her leotard and part of her S, “Dick are you in love with the real me or your idea of me?”

He went forward and cupped her face in his hands, “I’m in love with Kara. Whether she’s a superheroine or…” he took her glasses and put them back on her face, “Or a mild manner reporter, Kara I love you.”

Her eyes began to water, “I’m sorry….its just look what happened yesterday, knowing me even without knowing the truth is dangerous.”

“It’s my choice Kara Kent.”

Kara smiled blinking the tears away, this can’t be real this is too good to be true, “You’re not mad.”

“Oh I’m mad but I sure I’ll find a way to get even.” He smiled. She laughed. Then they kissed. Kara would have loved to stay on that roof forever but….

She broke away, “High rise fire, in Gotham spinning out of control…I’ve got to….”

“Go.” Dick said. He kissed her on the cheek, “We’ll talk when you get back.”

Kara stepped towards the edge of the roof. She began unbuttoning her blouse and turned and looked at Dick, “Something I’ve always wanted to do for you.” She undid her ponytail and let her hair fall down. Then she took off her blouse. Dick watched with a smile as his girlfriend transformed into Supergirl. When she was finished Kara stood in her classic blue, red, and yellow uniform.

“Detective.” She said with a wink.

“Supergirl, see ya soon.”

Kara smiled and took off.

The End
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Again thanks to all the responses, feedback fuels my engine so thanks. Also hope this longer more story style hasn't been too bad. Already have ideas for another tale so hopefully will have another up shortly.

Thanks Again for Reading!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Location: North Carolina

That was awesome, especially like the ending with Richard learning the truth, well done
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Neophyte Lvl 2
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Loved the story. Not long at all. Awesome ending. No kiss to make him forget.... Perfect.
Elder Member
Elder Member
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That was pretty epic!
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Again thanks for the comments!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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