The Honeytrap

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Part One: The Sweet Shop

It was late, she was tired and it seemed just possible she had reached the point where her day couldn’t get any worse. Cursing softly under her breath, the young woman walked back to where she had parked her car. A large glass of Chablis waited at the end of the journey and, at the moment, it was the only thing keeping her going.

Despite these distractions, Allyson found her attention drawn to the splash of bright colour almost hidden behind the tiny windows. Although she had travelled down this same street many times, she couldn’t recall having ever seen this particular shop before. A small brass plaque over the door announced, ‘The Confectioner's Emporium’ and, inside, she could see all manner of delicious-looking sweets and other goodies.

She was about to continue along the street, when a stray gust of wind shook the wooden door on its hinges, allowing an almost heavenly scent to issue forth. That was enough to settle the matter and, vowing to increase her exercise program to compensate, Allyson walked into the sweet shop.

Inside, almost obscured by the jars and boxes of confectionary, was a small man. He didn’t appear to notice her at first, and Allyson found herself staring at him. He was oddly dressed, in a very formal style. He wore a deep green suit with matching waistcoat. His face was ruddy and wrinkled, but his eyes were bright behind small, wire-framed spectacles. Atop his head was a mop of grey hair, unruly and slightly unkempt.

Abruptly, he seemed to notice his customer and, with surprising agility, he jumped down from his desk, before walking slowly towards her.

"Good day,” he began. "Welcome to my parlour. Was there something in particular you were looking for?"

Allyson started to explain that she had merely popped inside, having noticed the shop for the first time. But the strange man held up his hand for silence.

"Now then, if this is your first time, I must give you the grand tour."

Allyson tried to tell him it wasn’t necessary, and that she didn't want to be any bother. But her protests fell on deaf ears. The man simply handed the embarrassed woman a small cube of deep, brown toffee and bade her follow him into the shop.

Shrugging, she popped the sweet into her mouth and trailed behind the shopkeeper. She was amazed at the toffee’s taste and texture. It was incredibly creamy, and sweet without being cloying. In fact, she had to admit, it was almost the perfect combination of flavours. Meanwhile, the man began talking with some animation about the varieties of sweet he made here.

Allyson stopped him briefly, asking if he really made everything on site. The man beamed, and offered to show his new customer the machines, with which he created his masterpieces. She followed him happily, as he led her through another small door. Inside, the scent of sugar and other more exotic spices was even stronger. Various cookers and pots hissed and bubbled. The air was warm, and the ever-present steam made it almost unpleasantly humid.

The man seemed unaffected by the temperature, despite his heavy clothing. Still chatting away, he moved deeper into the room, then stopped beside a particularly large pot. Looking over at Allyson, who still stood in the doorway, he beckoned.

"Please, this is something you should see. It's the next stage on from the toffee you're eating, and I think this time I've gotten it absolutely right."

Allyson was still chewing the sweet she had been given earlier, and was certainly in no hurry to finish it. Wondering what this new variant would taste like, she was willing to bear the humidity for a little while at least. Carefully avoiding the hot pipes, she picked her way to the corner, where the man waited patiently.

Very swiftly, he prised open the pot. A great gout of steam rose from the depths. Gingerly, Allyson leant forwards and breathed in the heady fumes. The scent was almost overpowering. It seemed to leap from her nostrils, directly into her brain, and made her head spin. Surprised, she tried to pull away. But, to her dismay, found that the man had a grip on the back of her head, and was effortlessly forcing her face closer to the pot.

Allyson tried to call out, to demand to know what he thought he was doing, but inside her mouth a transformation was taking place. The toffee seemed to become more and more viscous. It was an effort merely to draw her jaws apart and, as soon as her muscles relaxed, the sticky toffee pulled them back together. All the frightened woman could manage was a rather startled, "mmmmmmppffffff!"

Struggling, she tried to prise the man's hand away. But, his grip was too strong, and her small hands made no impression. All the while she was forced to inhale the sweet vapour, and each new breath seemed to be making her weaker and weaker. Soon her arms lacked the strength to fight against him, and they fell to her sides, loose and limp. Her vision was already darkening, and even her thoughts were moving far too slowly, as if mired by the same sticky treacle as her jaws.

By now, she only remained standing because the man was holding her. Allyson's legs had turned to jelly and a great weight pressed down on her. Her eyelids flickered shut and it took an almost superhuman effort to force them open. The victory was only short lived, however. Moments later they once more drifted shut and, this time, they stayed closed.

* * *

After letting her breathe the thick steam for a few minutes longer, the man gently lowered Allyson to the floor. He smiled as he took in her beauty, admiring the way her chest rose and fell with each deep, even breath. Bending down, he checked her mouth, and noted with some satisfaction that the toffee, once exposed to his tranquillising toffee syrup steam, had hardened into an unbreakable gag. There was, after all, nothing more annoying to a true artist, than the pleading and screaming of an ignorant woman.

Without effort, the Confectioner lifted the unconscious woman into his arms and carried her through a concealed entrance. That took them into the main part of his laboratory, deep below the city streets. He worked with practiced calm, knowing she would remain helpless for several minutes yet. Once they arrived in the production area, the villain got ready to strip Allyson out of her clothing. He took his time, savouring the look and feel of his captive’s helpless flesh. Something he had always seen as a fringe benefit to being an evil genius.

She was a trim young woman, with fashionably short red hair and a slender body that didn't look particularly athletic, but was certainly not scrawny. Smiling in satisfaction, he pulled off his captive’s coat and flung it into a corner. Her shoes, and then her silk blouse quickly followed the heavy wax jacket. Moments later her skirt joined the growing pile. Now clad in only her modest undergarments, Allyson was an alluring sight.

The villain unclipped her bra, exposing delightfully small breasts, which he ran his hand over, lovingly. Then, knowing he didn't have time to indulge his whims, he quickly pulled off her tights. The man paused for an instant, running rough hands over his captive’s long and supple legs. Then, finally, he slipped her out of the high-cut knickers, leaving her naked before him.

The Confectioner pulled at a thin chain dangling from the ceiling, and carefully locked the attached leather manacles around Allyson's wrists. After checking to make sure they were secure, he took up the slack in the chain, drawing his captive's arms up over her head. Happy that she wouldn't be going anywhere when she awoke, the villain left to collect the other items he would need to prepare her for transport.

* * *

Allyson woke slowly, her thoughts still muddled and confused, but growing clearer as she realised what had happened. Her nakedness was the first unwelcome surprise. The feel of chill air against her flesh sped her return to full consciousness. As she tried to cover herself, the fact that her arms were bound became apparent, and when she tried to cry for help, she found her mouth still effectively gagged.

Seeing that his captive was stirring, the Confectioner pulled on the chain and, with insistent pressure on her arms, forced Allyson to stand. Once she was entirely upright, he locked off the chain again.

The young woman was terrified; her eyes were wild, imploring the villain to let her go. But he was apparently unmoved and, ignoring her soft and pitiful moans, he moved on to the next part of his plan.

Allyson saw the man approaching with a large jar. She braced herself for whatever new horror this would bring, but was totally unprepared for what happened next. Tipping the jar upright, the man emptied its contents over the startled woman's chest. Slowly, a thick clear fluid, amber in colour, oozed forth. After an agonizing few moments, while Allyson thrashed this way and that, the fluid began to pour, running over her breasts, down her belly and onto her legs.

The chain stop her from struggling enough to escape the liquid and, the moment it first touched her body, all thoughts of getting away fled. The liquid was warm, but where it oozed over her skin, the flesh burned, passionately. There was an intense tingling, almost like pins and needles, but a thousand times more arousing and, as the syrup flowed lower, so the sensations increased.

By the time the special honey, made entirely from the nectar of a very special South American plant, began to exert its other effects, Allyson was simply too lost to notice.

The tingling slowly settled, leaving a warm numbness in its wake, along with that incredible arousal. Gradually Allyson's muscles relaxed, comfortable torpor claiming first her upper body, then her legs. She slumped in the chains, letting her wrists and shoulders take her full weight. Her eyes began to glaze and her gentle, muffled moans took on a very different quality.

* * *

Happy that she would no longer try to resist, the villain produced a small brush, and began to smear the honey over every part of his captive's body. While he would have loved to smear it into her succulent flesh using his hands, he was well aware of what this particular honey was capable of, and didn't want to ruin his plan with one act of stupidity. It took some time, but eventually Allyson was coated from the neck downwards with a thin glaze of the sticky amber syrup. Allyson would only feel waves of pleasure now, her body burning with desire and arousal.

Carefully, the villain spread several sheets of cling film on the floor beneath her, before lowering her to the ground and releasing her wrists. Using a pair of heavy gloves, to avoid accidental exposure, he pressed a small sugar cane very gently against Allyson's sex. It dissolved almost immediately, melting into a thick red and white solution that spread evenly over her groin. Without waiting for his captive's reaction, he smeared his 'special' lip balm over Allyson's mouth.

All that remained was to wrap his honeyed lovely for shipment. The cling film encircled Allyson, trapping her arms against her body. After adding several more layers, he was satisfied. She was tightly mummified, with only her head exposed. A quick heat treatment with a hairdryer left his package shrink-wrapped and, after he added a scarlet bow, she was ready.

* * *

Meanwhile, the sugar solution had seeped into Allyson's sex and from there into her bloodstream. Her ardour had continued to rise throughout her ordeal, and this new assault was really overkill. Pressed to the limits of endurance, she climaxed almost immediately. But it didn't stop there. She came again, and then again. By the fifth climax she had almost blacked out, and the sixth drove her back down into welcoming darkness.

Despite being unconscious, Allyson's body continued to respond. The only outward sign of her ecstasy were the periodic shivers and her heavy, laboured breathing. She had no idea that even now she was being sent, special delivery, as an unsolicited gift for the Confectioner's next victim…

To be continued
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Part Two: Sticky Situations

Emma stumbled downstairs and into the residence’s communal living area. She was sure she had heard some sort of commotion. But, squinting in the dim light, she could see nothing out of the ordinary. Sighing with resignation, the young woman stepped into the lounge and fumbled sleepily for the light switch. The fluorescent tube flickered half-heartedly before bathing the small room in its dazzling glow.

She blinked against the light, shielding her eyes while they became accustomed to the glare. She was dressed in a night robe for her nocturnal investigation and had pulled on a pair of glasses, eschewing her contact lenses for the sake of brevity. A wave of red-brown hair poured over her shoulders, unfettered by the hair clip she wore during the day. The deep blue robe concealed a small curvy figure, while doing nothing to draw attention from her long legs, which she considered her best feature.

Now she had light-adapted, Emma noticed the strange package lying amid the usual detritus. It was nearly six feet in length, and wrapped in brightly coloured paper. Tied with a large ribbon, the parcel was intriguing to say the least. She quickly glanced around, but there was no sign of anyone who might have delivered this present. Confused, the young woman approached and knelt, examining a large tag fastened to the ribbon.

"To my darling, Emma, please enjoy this gift in the spirit its intended," the note declared.

Emma wondered who on earth was behind this. She definitely didn’t recognise the handwriting. Bewildered, she began to undo the packaging, surprised by the weight of her unexpected gift. The paper resisted for only a few seconds and then Emma was able to peel it free with ease. However, nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when she did so.

It was a woman, wrapped in some sort of clear plastic and with only her pretty face uncovered. Emma didn’t know Allyson, and she struggled to understand what was happening. For a second she rationalised that this must be some sort of bizarre dream. But just as quickly she realised she had to check that the poor girl was okay. She was so still in her repose that Emma wondered fleetingly whether she was still alive.

She bent, placing her ear over the prone woman's mouth, while probing her slender throat with two fingers and feeling for a pulse. Emma was relieved to feel the soft warm breath against her cheek and the firm rapid thud of the girl’s carotid artery. The unconscious girl didn't react to Emma's touch and, while she pondered what to do next, Emma absently rubbed her fingers against her thumb.

There was something sticky covering the girl's skin. It seemed to be mostly trapped beneath the plastic wrapping, but some had seep out and coated her neck as well. Emma didn't really notice the faint tingling in her hand. Nor was she aware of the slight quickening of her heart rate in response to such a minute amount of honey.

Emma was torn. This was obviously some kind of sick joke and the sensible part of her brain urged her to contact the police. She could let them sort out this mess. However, she couldn’t help worrying that this might be some sort of practical joke, (although, of such a strange nature, she found it impossible to fathom), and she didn't want to get any of her friends into trouble with the authorities.

For the moment she decided to leave the police out of it. She could, after all, call them later, if it turned out her friends had nothing to do with the parcel. Hooking her fingers under the plastic and further coating her fingers with honey, she tugged and began to peel the captive loose. It was as if the sleeping woman was shedding a second skin, revealing the nakedness beneath. Marred only by the thin glaze of amber honey, and the matted mess of red and white sugar that covered her sex, she was quite breathtaking.

Emma gasped, almost immediately raising her hand to stifle the sound. Of course, that was more or less the very worst thing she could have done. The honey was so sweet, she licked her lips without thinking, ingesting the toxin and sealing her fate. Instantly the honey was surging through her bloodstream, even this tiny amount more than enough to cloud her senses and increase her ardour beyond anything she had previously experienced.

She shook her head, dimly aware of the tingling in her tongue. Then her gaze returned to the beautifully naked body beneath her. Just like that, Emma realised she had never wanted anyone or anything more. She dipped her head and kissed Allyson's moist lips very softly. It came as a surprise when her probing tongue found the girl's mouth sealed shut. But, by then, the Confectioner's 'special' balm had already soaked into her lips.

The sweet taste dried her mouth, instantly making it parched. As she looked for something to soothe that terrible need, Emma noticed the glistening wetness coating Allyson's body. Surely this would be enough to assuage her thirst? Lowering herself onto the sleeping woman, Emma began to gently lap at her honey-drenched body. The taste was heavenly, each better than the last, and with each new lick, so her arousal grew.

Emma's fine robe was ruined, coated as it was in the sticky syrup. But by now she was aware of nothing except her need and the growing pleasure that filled her body. Had she been capable, she might have noticed that where their body’s touched, her muscles were growing steadily weaker. The honey was slowly paralysing her body, as it had already done to the unconscious girl. Soon, her muscles couldn’t move at all, except where the robe still covered them.

Somehow, her numb tongue continued to lap, moving hungrily over Allyson's nakedness. She didn’t notice that the honey never disappeared, despite her best efforts. It was only when she needed to shift position, in a effort to finally lap at the sugary delight covering her present's groin, that Emma realised there was a problem. For an instant, panic began to grip her, but then it subsided as the desire to taste reasserted itself.

"Here, my dear, let me help you with that," said an amused male voice.

Emma felt herself lifted bodily, then dragged down Allyson's body. Whoever had a hold of the young woman then eased her down gently, letting her head nestle between the sleeping girl's thighs. Dimly, some part of her drug-soaked mind knew that whoever this man was, he shouldn't be here. But again, she couldn't seem to make herself worry about that.

It was then she noticed the smell, a rich, sweet, slightly spicy aroma that made her head swim. As the scent worked its way into her mind, Emma became aware of something warm and syrupy being poured over her shoulders. Her skin burned even more fiercely now, and continued to tingle so pleasantly. It was all too much for her and, without a second thought, she buried her head into Allyson. With her tongue now uselessly paralysed, all she could do was nuzzle her face into the other girl's sex.

The scent was heavier here and, as it grew stronger, so Emma seemed to grow weaker. The intruder worked happily, smearing more honey over her unresisting body. Each breath Emma took seemed to make it harder to do anything. She could barely keep her eyes open and, after a moment, she decided it would be okay to close them.

Her face, now coated with a mixture of honey, sugar cane and the fruits of Allyson's own arousal, relaxed further. She registered the insertion of her own cane only as the incredible orgasm ripped through her body. The crescendo of pleasure simply dashed away her consciousness and sent her crashing into a deep, aroused, climax-laden slumber.

* * *

The Confectioner was very pleased with this new development. His plan was working perfectly. Surely it wouldn’t take many more abductions before the costumed fool turned up ready to thwart him?

Rolling Emma off of the sleeping Allyson, he discarded her ruined robe. That would, no doubt, provide an ample clue for the heroine. It took a little while to complete the glazing process, but soon she too was coated from the neck down.

Lifting her again, and using his protective gloves, just in case, the man placed his newest captive back on top of Allyson. This time, however, he made sure her head was pointing towards the other girl's feet. Then, taking great pleasure in this next action, he carefully pressed each girl's face into the other's sex. Besides making a most attractive image, the sedative vapour from their climactic sugar candy canes should ensure that neither sleeping beauty roused from their dreams.

He couldn't shrink-wrap the pair now, not without the risk of asphyxiation. Instead, a single strand of liquorice went around both girls' waists and, once he had knotted it tight, they were forced even closer together. Similar strands bound each girl's wrist to the other's ankle, making sure they were now inseparable. Finally, he laid them onto another sheet of plastic and, grasping two corners with each hand, he carried his prize, effortlessly, out of the flat and to his waiting van.

"Yes," he mused. "Everything is going to plan, one more abduction ought to do it."

To be continued
Last edited by sara-c 14 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Part Three: Heroine in a bind

Natalie stirred fitfully in her sleep. But the beautiful brunette didn't wake as the Confectioner stole into her bedroom. Bundled cosily in her duvet, only her head and one long, slender arm were exposed. Carefully, the villain tore open a small sachet of his special Fizz Powder and poured the contents onto a large cotton cloth. Then he laid the cloth on the pillow, right next to Natalie's slightly open mouth.

Once he was satisfied with its position, he pulled a small hip flask from his coat, and emptied the contents onto cloth. There was an instant response, a sharp crackling as the fine crystals reacted and released their sweet vapour into the air. Natalie moaned softly, drawing her legs up, as she responded to the heady fumes. The Confectioner tensed, ready, if needed, to subdue the young woman, but she had already taken too much of the drug into her lungs.

As the villain watched, Natalie's breathing became slower and deeper. He waited eagerly, until finally sure she was done, felled by his soporific fumes. Gently, he pulled back the covers and was amused to find his latest victim had saved him the ‘bother’ of stripping her. His eyes roamed freely over her taut, naked body and, once again, he reflected on how much he enjoyed his work.

When he was finally sated, the Confectioner placed a small cube of toffee into Natalie's mouth, watching as it began to thicken and harden. Leaving the cloth in place, he then rolled her onto her stomach. Delving deep into his overcoat, the villain drew forth a bundle of thin liquorice strands, which he then tossed onto the bed. He looped one strand tightly around her wrists, pulling them behind her back, where they nestled against her pert buttocks.

Once they were secured, a second strand slipped around her elbows. The villain was impressed by the young girl's flexibility and was almost able to pull her elbows together. Thus fastened, her arms were effectively welded together behind her back and escape was now obviously impossible. Next he bent to her ankles, and secured them with the same sticky liquorice bonds. He paused, because before he secured her knees, he needed to do one last thing to really complete her bondage.

The Confectioner used another strand to encircle Natalie's waist. In itself the liquorish ‘belt’ wouldn’t limit her movements, but he was going to use it to anchor another very special piece of candy. The villain allowed himself an evil grin and then, with almost exaggerated care, pulled a single strip of bright red liquorice from another pocket.

* * *

Ampere had seen enough. The various, tiny clues she had discovered while investigating the other kidnappings had led her inexorably to one conclusion. These abductions could only be the work of the supervillain who called himself the Confectioner.

That same train of logic had led her here, certain that Natalie would be the next victim. Unfortunately that break in the case had come almost too late to save the young girl from whatever horrid fate the villain had planned. It had been a mad dash to reach the apartment in time, but now she was here, she was determined to make the villain pay.

Ampere was a tall, blonde-haired young woman. Her athletic body apparently poured into her silver bodystocking. Her eyes were covered with futuristic-looking goggles, and on her feet she wore ankle-high boots. Not the usual high-heeled variety that some heroines seemed to favour, these were slightly more practical, though no less fashionable for it. She had tangled with the Confectioner before, and did not intend to let him escape again.

She stepped out into the open, blue lightning crackling impressively around her outstretched arm, and shouted her warning.

"Step away from the girl, Confectioner!"

Smiling, the villain looked up and took a single step towards Ampere. The crackling energy increased in intensity and that was enough to halt his advance. However, the self-assured smile remained on his face.

"I'm so glad you decided to join us," he smirked. "I wasn't sure if my clues had been simple enough for you to follow."

"Oh I'm going to enjoy doing this!" Shouted the heroine, angry with herself for letting the foul villain goad her.

The electricity was crackling over most of her body now and, as she prepared to unleash a stunning bolt at the smug villain, several things happened all at once. First she glimpsed a sudden movement from the space around the bed. Drawn by the powerful energy field, several strands of the Confectioner's trick liquorice seemed to leap towards her. At the same instant, while her attention was focussed elsewhere, the villain moved to one side, his arm flicking out to grab something from the bed.

Ampere fired blind, and managed to hit several of the strands hurtling towards her. They vaporised into sugary residue. But two got past, one slapping around her thighs and the other across her ample chest. As soon as the strands struck, they coiled tight. Of course, it was merely a momentary annoyance. But, that was all the Confectioner needed.

Swiftly covering the short distance between them, he spun the startled heroine around. Once arm snaked around her midriff, pinning her arms to her sides, while the other forced the still damp cloth over her mouth and nose. The shock was beginning to wear off by now, but the villain had her unbalanced and, using his strength, he was easily able to lift her from the ground. Her legs kicked impotently and her heels banged ineffectively against his shins.

The cloth was now stuck firmly to her face. This left the villain with one free hand, which he used to mercilessly squeeze and fondle the struggling heroine through her skintight costume. Each new assault made her cry out in anger and frustration and, of course, each cry drew more of the sugary vapour into her lungs. She was so caught up in the fight, it took several moments for the heroine to realise the danger.

As her struggles grew progressively less frenzied, and an almost overwhelming lethargy began to overtake her, Ampere began to fire wild, unaimed bolts of lightning. The villain, laughing, lent in close, almost whispering into the heroine's ear.

"That won't do you any good I'm afraid, Sparky. I was expecting you and I took the precaution of earthing myself."

Ampere cried out again in despair. She could really feel the drugs working their magic on her now. Her vision was darkening into a tunnel, her fingers and toes beginning to feel numb and this incredible heaviness pulled her down. She gave one last heroic heave, her body bucking in the villain's grasp, and then that cry slowly became an exhausted moan, as she slumped, bonelessly in his clutches.

* * *

Slowly, the villain lowered his prize to the floor. He knew the drugged cloth would keep Ampere docile for a good while, and so he turned his attention back to the delightful Natalie. Picking up the red liquorice, the Confectioner looped it around his captive's impromptu belt and then pulled it tightly between her legs, before fastening the trailing end to her wrists. He smiled at the thought of what this sweet crotchrope would soon be releasing into the helpless girl's sex while she struggled.

As a final touch, he used a last piece of liquorice to lash her knees together. She was now ready for wrapping and shipment.

Having done with the starter, the villain now returned his attention to the felled heroine. Examining her costume, it did not take long to discover the concealed zipper. Pulling this down, from her neck almost to her crotch, revealed, as he had expected, that she wore nothing beneath the formfitting garment. It took considerably longer for him long to peel off the second skin, and to remove her boots. The goggles remained though, it added a certain amount of interest to proceedings and, besides, he could remove them later if he so wished.

He took a moment to check whether the cloth was still damp and releasing the sleepy gas. Next the villain rummaged in his voluminous pockets and drew out a small sealed jar with a large brush attached. Rolling Ampere onto her belly, much as he had done with Natalie earlier, the villain carefully unstoppered the jar and began to daub a clear solution over her wrists. Once they were both liberally coated, he pressed them together, in the small of her back, and waited.

When he let go, the villain was pleased to see the viscous fluid had hardened into rock-candy cuffs. Even with his considerable strength he wouldn't be able to break her loose. So, he knew the heroine would have no chance. Satisfied, he turned his attention to her ankles, and soon they too were bound in clear, candy cuffs.

His work finished, the villain bundled both of his captives onto a roll of cling film. It was the work of mere minutes to wrap the clear plastic around them both, pinning them together in a loving embrace. A quick heat treatment and they were ready for transport. The three girls had served their purpose and could now be sold off to confectionary addicts the world over. But Ampere was his, she had thwarted his plans several times in the past, and now would come a reckoning.

To be continued
Last edited by sara-c 14 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: UK

Part Four: Boiled Sweets of Doom

Ampere came too very slowly, her drugged brain fighting its way back to full consciousness. Ignoring the rush of panic, as she recalled the Confectioner's lewd embrace and her subsequent drugged swoon, the young heroine attempted to take stock of her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was the absence of her costume. Instinctively she tried to reach up and check her goggles. But, to her consternation, she discovered her arms were very firmly locked behind her back. Despite that it didn’t take her long to realise her headgear had not been removed, yet, and that she was lying, face down, on hard concrete flooring.

As she inventoried her situation, the next thing she became aware of, was that the sickly sweet cloth had been removed from her face. In its place was at least one strip of what felt suspiciously like duct tape. Filling her mouth, and making her jaw ache, was a large, completely smooth ball. It seemed to have been wedged behind her teeth, and very effectively silenced the young heroine's cries for help.

Rolling from her stomach, the concrete cold against her flesh, Ampere struggled to her feet. She saw her ankles were bound, and no amount of struggling seemed to make any impression on the strange transparent bindings.

Having gathered as much information about herself as she was able, the heroine looked around the rest of her prison. She seemed to be in a large chamber of some description. The only illumination came from a single bulb, strung far overhead. But, the thing that most demanded her attention was the large metal cage, which surrounded her.

It appeared to be set into the concrete floor, and there was only one exit, a large door, with a very large padlock on the inside. Ampere tried to stifle a laugh, not really able to believe the villain thought something like this would hold her. She concentrated for a few moments, and then, looking over her shoulder and, attempting to aim with her bound hands, she launched a sizzling bolt of energy directly at the lock.

But to her horror, the bolt, on striking the door, seemed to spread and coruscated over the inside of cage, before dissipating harmlessly. Two more bolts produced exactly the same effect and, the heroine could only look on in astonishment, wondering what on earth was happening.

She was shocked from her contemplation by a hearty laugh. The Confectioner stepped from the shadows.

"I see that you've discovered my Faraday Cage," he began. "I'm afraid that nothing on the inside of your cage can be affected by electricity, such a shame."

The villain strode around the cell, laughing as Ampere attempted to maintain her modesty. Without her hands to cover herself, the heroine eventually had to lie back down, face first on the ground. But that still afforded the Confectioner an unrestricted view of her naked back, which he seemed to find most appealing. He waved a small device around, attracting the heroine's gaze, and once he was sure she was watching him closely, he thumbed a large, red button.

There was a faint crackling noise, which Ampere felt, rather than heard. Inside her mouth, the outer layer of the large ball cracked and began to dissolve. Instantly, she could taste the sweet, syrupy flavour of the Confectioner's gobstopper. With her lips sealed as they were, she had no choice but to swallow. It was either that or risk choking. All the while, the villain watched his captive heroine with an evil gleam in his dark eyes.

"In case you are wondering," he began, his voice almost a whisper. "The candy gag in your mouth has several layers. They really only have three effects I'm afraid, when I attempted to incorporate more flavours the sweet became too unstable."

Ampere regarded the villain, listening intently and wondering what new horror he had planned for her.

"The first effect, which you will begin to experience shortly, is on your memory. At first you will forget recent things. But, as time goes by and you work through the layers, you’ll forget more and more. My dear Ampere, eventually you won't know who you are, or what you do. The only things you'll retain are basic skills, like talking and walking. After all, you wouldn't be much use if you couldn't understand me, now would you?"

The heroine began to struggle desperately, knowing it was futile, but unable to fight the panic welling up inside. Despite her best efforts, the crystalline bonds remained locked firmly in place and eventually she subsided again. Meanwhile the Confectioner continued to talk, seemingly ignoring his captive's reaction.

"The second effect is a gradual, spreading numbness and then paralysis. For some reason this heightens the last effect, my personal favourite. And what you ask is the third effect? Well I'll indulge your curiosity, sweet Ampere, because I like you. The third effect is an uncontrollable increase in your sexual arousal.

“Why, I imagine that when you finish my lovely sweet, what with you being unable to move, and feeling so horribly horny, with no idea what is going on, you will find yourself to be oh so very suggestible. Wouldn't you agree?" The villain practically leered.

Ampere almost succumbed to panic again, but somehow she was able to hold her emotions in check. Her head was beginning to feel foggy and she could almost imagine her memories being washed away. She had to get free, but had no idea how. The villain seemed to have effectively neutralised her powers.

"Goodbye for now, little Ampere. I'll pop back from time to time to see how things are progressing."

The heroine could only watch in despair as the Confectioner slowly walked away, leaving her utterly alone.

* * *

Using her powers obviously wouldn't help, and she had already tried and failed to break free from her cuffs. That just left the gag. Perhaps she would have more luck with that. Ampere began to drag her face across the floor. If only she could catch an edge of the thick tape, she should then be able to tear it free. But it seemed no use, the glue held firm, and it had been smoothed down too well for it to snag.

Ampere felt a wave of giddiness, and for a split second she couldn't understand what was happening to her. Shaking her head, she tried to focus on the danger, to keep the memory of what had happened clear in her mind. But it was like trying to hold water in her hands; slowly the thoughts seeped away, leaving a very confused and frightened heroine, lying naked, bound, gagged and helpless with no idea how she had come to be there.

Meanwhile, in her mouth, the second layer of candy began to dissolve. Ampere mewed into her gag and, because the ball was dissolving, she managed a slightly louder, "Mmmmpfffff!"

But it still wasn’t enough to attract any attention. Besides, the only person within hearing distance was the Confectioner, and he already knew of her peril.

Some ten minutes later, with the third layer nearly half melted through, the Confectioner returned. Ampere stared at the villain, and suddenly it made some kind of sense. The sweet ball gagging her was just the kind of trick he would use. Obviously he had captured her, but why couldn't she recall how this had happened? As if sensing her thoughts, the villain spoke.

"Ah, my darling Ampere, I expect you are feeling rather confused right about now?" He began, in a conciliatory tone. "Well, I know how scared you were when I last explained what’s happening to you, and I have to admit I rather enjoyed that. So, I'm going to pop back in now and then, to re-enlighten you."

With an evil smile, he outlined the heroine's fate, watching with relish as she began to panic again. He was certainly enjoying this, and it seemed he planned to make the most of her discomfort. Bidding her farewell for now, the villain strode off once more.

* * *

Ampere was definitely in trouble; her body was beginning to feel pleasantly numb and slightly stiff. A warm heat was building in her belly and groin, and any second now the next layer of her gag would begin to leech away more memories. The villain had explained that her electricity wouldn't work in the cage, but suddenly she had another idea. It was something she had attempted only once before, but she really didn't seem to have any other options.

Drawing on her power, and focussing the energy through her entire body, the heroine began to build up a charge. Knowing that releasing this charge would achieve nothing, Ampere held on, internalising the energy instead. It hurt, not least because the temperature of her body was beginning to rise, and she could only scream into the gag. It did seem to be working though, only slowly at first, but she could definitely feel the sticky glue beginning to melt.

Unfortunately, the same heat that was melting the glue was also forcing the gobstopper to dissolve more rapidly. As the cloudy sensation began to return inside her mind, Ampere fought to hold as much of the sticky fluid in her mouth as she could. Desperately, she dragged her face across the floor again, but this time the loosened gag caught and she was able to peel a corner back.

Choking, the heroine spat the remnants of the gobstopper and a mouthful of liquid onto the cell floor. She was breathing heavily, but at least that particular peril was over. All she needed to do now was get free from her bindings, get out of the cage and get away from the villain who had somehow captured her in the first place. It didn’t take Ampere long to rediscover that her bonds were apparently unbreakable and, shortly after that, she heard the Confectioner returning.

To be continued
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Part Five: Fleeing the Trap

Quickly, Ampere flicked the half-eaten gobstopper through the bars. It rolled into the shadows and hopefully out of sight. Then, she dipped her head, and managed to smooth her gag back into place. She could only pray the villain wouldn't notice any change.

The Confectioner only stayed long enough to gloat and remind the heroine of her eventual defeat. He pointed out that the next time he returned she wouldn't remember anything at all and then, laughed manically, no doubt imagining the fun he would have with her. Still cackling, the villain disappeared once more.

Time seemed to pass very slowly for Ampere. Although she wracked her brain, the young heroine couldn't think of a means of escape, and eventually she realised she would have to wait for the villain to return. Perhaps then she could find a way to turn the tables on him. She knew that he had phenomenal strength, as well as his collection of fiendish, sweet-based weaponry, but she was trusting on the element of surprise to give her the advantage.

* * *

The villain eventually returned, and was pleased to see his captive lying, motionless, in the corner of her cage. He checked his watch, making sure the gobstopper would have had long enough to completely dissolve. Finally, this annoying nuisance would bother him no more. Delighted with his victory, the villain unlocked the cage door and stepped inside. He swung the heavy door shut behind him, before locking it in place. After all, even without her memory, a lightning-flinging heroine could still be dangerous.

Carefully, the Confectioner rolled Ampere onto her back, and smiled when saw how her eyes gazed vacantly upwards. Still grinning, the villain gently unpeeled the thick tape gag from her lips. He checking inside her mouth and was pleased to find the sweet had melted. Tenderly her stroked the side of Ampere's face and began to talk to her, speaking in a soft, friendly voice, almost as one would speak to a child.

"Ah, my pretty. I am sure you are very confused right now, aren't you?" He began, "It’s alright, little pet. I am your owner and my name is Sir. This is the cage where you stay when you have been naughty. But, it’s all okay now, I forgive you."

* * *

The villain grinned at Ampere, not realising how hard she was struggling to remain still. It took every ounce of her self-discipline not to reveal that she was free of his poison. She was banking on him having some way to release her from these bonds, but she couldn't put up with much more of this without losing control and showing her hand.

"You are probably wondering who you are, aren't you?” The Confectioner continued. “Well that is also easy. I am your owner, and you are my slave. I am very pleased with my slave and, I imagine, lying there as you are, helplessly horny, it would be most enjoyable for me to pleasure my slave. You think so too, don't you?"

With that, the villain withdrew another hipflask from his pocket, and carefully poured a small drop onto Ampere's ankle cuffs. Instantly they began to melt away, leaving only a small puddle of clear jelly. Then, the Confectioner gently drew the heroine's knees apart and exposed her sex. Still murmuring about slaves and owners, the villain began to caress Ampere's legs, tracing his fingers up over her thighs as he did so.

Ampere gritted her teeth. She knew it was now or never, and trusting that he was suitably focussed on what he was doing, she lashed out quite suddenly. Her left foot collided with his knee, impacting heavily and making the villain hiss with pain. Her right foot, however, did the most good, as she rammed it fiercely between his legs. The villain let out a startled yelp and immediately crumpled, his hands cupping his manhood.

The heroine was on him immediately, her bound hands fumbling for his hipflask. She juggled and almost dropped it in her haste, but was finally able to unstopper it and dowse her hands in the liquid. Her bonds fell away, and Ampere stretched out her aching limbs. Then, noticing that the Confectioner's moans were subsiding, she kicked him again, viciously. Once she was sure he wouldn't resist, it didn’t take long to find his keys.

Moments later, the heroine was outside the cage, her erstwhile captor now safely trapped inside. Happy that he was held for the moment at least, Ampere struck out in search of an exit and, perhaps if she was lucky, some clothes. Unlike the supervillain lairs she had been privileged to visit previously, this one did not seem to be littered with traps, and the heroine was able to explore without difficulty.

Inside what she took to be the Confectioner's bedchamber, she discovered her costume, hanging up in a large, walk-in wardrobe. Her boots were also stored conveniently nearby, and once she was dressed, Ampere began to feel a bit less vulnerable. There was certainly evidence that other prisoners had been held here. But, despite an intensive search, the heroine couldn’t find anyone else.

All that remained was to call the police. Once she was sure they were on their way, Ampere wandered back to the cage. She was not completely surprised to find it empty, but it did lend a certain alacrity to her exit. She knew she was on the Confectioner's home territory now, and had no desire to experience another of his sugary traps.

Later Ampere would count the day a near total failure. The villain had escaped and the three girls were now who knew where. But, at least she had managed to avoid the particularly nasty fate the Confectioner had planned for her.

* * *

Meanwhile, in a fast-moving van, speeding away from the crime scene, an angry supervillain cupped a bag of ice against his groin and cursed the name of Ampere. He couldn't understand how she had resisted his memory-sapping candy. But he vowed that the next time they met he would bend the proud heroine to his will. That would now be his sole goal in life.

Grinning against the pain, he wondered if she had found her costume yet, and how long it would take her to discover the subtle 'alterations' he had made to it.

But that's another story
Elder Member
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Nice story thanks for sharing. :)
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Not bad at all. Glad Ampere got away!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Thank you both for the kind words:

The only other comment I'll make is that Ampere got away, *for now*

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Fantastic stuff!
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Thank you, Blx...

Episode two should up later on today - fingers crossed it will prove at least as popular.
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Very sweet! Hahaha...seriously...I love what they are doing to this girl, its an incredible story...more more more!
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Thanks, Batgirl, glad you enjoyed.

Ampere's sleepy adventures continue here and then again, here.
Zara of Armestia
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OH MY! =D> I would love to have the Confectioner do battle with Zara! [-o<
"Kryptonite? Oh, oh no, please!!! have no idea what that does to me!"
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