Danger Babe: The Perils of Penelope Young-Jugs

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The Perils of Penelope Young-Jugs


Checking the peephole of her apartment, Penelope Young-Jugs carefully opened the door and retrieved her newspapers. She was still dripping sweat from her morning work out. Her T-shirt clung to pounding chest, her nipples protruding slightly through the damp fabric. As Penny wiped back her hair, she scanned the stack of dailies.

She subscribed to all four of the local Buzzsaw papers.Ostensibly, she read them as research for her true crimes novels.That was just her cover; in reality she was monitoring the goings-on in the city's criminal hierarchy, “The Crime Net”.Today she didn't have to look far, splashed across the headline of all four were reports about the spectacular theft of the Cowzekistany national treasure, The Sacred Calf of the Bovinar Delta.

The statue, the papers said, was the largest single caste gold statue of the bronze age, and had been stolen from the Buzzsaw Museum of Ancient Agriculture Antiquities. Person(s) unknown had removed the thirty-inch statue from the museum shortly after closing yesterday. A security patrol had discovered the break-in just before midnight.

Penny gleaned what details the papers had about the break in before going to her apartment’s dining room. She actually owned the whole building, but had converted the entire top floor into her home, complete with office, library and gym.Penny clicked the small control switch secreted inside the door of her china cabinet. A low hum told her that her secret lift was on the way.The old dumbwaiter had long been walled up, but when Penny bought the building she had it refurbished so that she could enter and leave the building unseen. It was a tight fit but it allowed her the privacy she needed for her crime fighting. In seconds she descended to her secret basement lair.

The heart of Penelope’s crime fighting enterprise was the old prohibition era speakeasy that had occupied part of the basement.After clearing out the musty old nightclub, she had a quietly added a computer center, workshop(complete with locksmithy) and armory.The armory was mostly martial arts weapons and specialized burglary tools. It also had a secret exit tunnel that allowed her to ride motorcycle into and out of the lair discreetly.

As soon as she reached the bottom of shaft, she started her transformation into the alternate identity, the tough, but beautiful heroine... "Danger Babe." She stripped off her mousy brown wig, removed the brown contacts from her eyes. As she disrobed, she glanced briefly at herself in the wall mirror.Her body was deceivingly slender. Her long legs and slender neck gave the impression that she was a lady built more for a Parisian runway than fighting evil. Her blond hair had fallen loosely around her shoulders. She tied it back in a neat ponytail. A trick of sweat still glistened on her arm she massaged them in the cool basement air.Her muscles had been sculpted by her vigorous morning work out; a five mile run, forty-five minutes of martial arts rounded out with twenty minutes of yoga and fifteen minutes in the sauna. Had this been a normal day, Penny would just be sitting down to her word processor.Instead she was warming up for a battle against CrimeNet.

Penny opened her equipment locker and started to ready herself for her task. First she slid into a pair of simple black velvet shorts, she closed the four discrete buttons in the front and buckled the top with her trademark silver "DB" insignia.Next came her black velvet top, she had had it specially made by a tailor in Hong Kong. It was sleeveless with a deep neckline that allowed some exposure of her ample cleavage.The top extended only to about an inch below her breasts, leaving her midriff bare. Her boots went half way up her thighs and had a glove like fit.They had the look and feel of leather but were actually made of a kevlar-plastic composite that acted as a kind of low-grade armor. They zipped in the back and had a modest two-inch heel. Her gloves were made of the same material and extended up beyond her elbows. Finally, she put on a broad velvet choker that also bore her silver "DB" emblem.

This was what she lived for: action, and danger.Ever since she had come back to Buzzsaw, she had tried to convince herself that she was doing this to gain revenge on CrimeNet and her Aunt.Yet, she knew that wasn’t really the only reason, she was an adrenaline junkie. Back when she was living on the road, Penny got her kicks doing her escape acts at clubs all over the world and fleeing the authorities, which seemed endlessly after her.But that was then and the thrill of rigged dangers with pre-arranged safeties was bland compared with the unexpected and very real dangers fighting master villains.

Even though Penny had succeeded in recovering most of the Young-Jugs family fortune that had been stolen by her bitch aunt, Sylvia Strappon, Penny wanted more from her Aunt. She wanted to destroy the illicit empire that Sylvia had forged with the vast Young-Jugs fortune. The thought of bringing down Sylvia and her CrimeNet was one Penny's greatest turn-ons.Sylvia had turned Penny out on the streets when she was only fifteen.Now it was Penny who was going turn Sylvia out.

Sylvia had married into Penelope’s family when Penny was only twelve.By the time she was fifteen, Sylvia had wrested a controlling interest in the Young-Jugs family Empire. A fire and explosion on the family yacht left Penelope and Sylvia as the only two surviving members. Sylvia used her connections with the police and District Attorneys office to frame Penelope for the fire and deaths.

Sylvia's machinations had forced Penny to live an anonymous life, unable to use her own name or be seen in public with her own face or hair. Since her return to Buzzsaw, she had lived as Felicity Fesseler, true crime novelist. She did get a kick out of writing all those wild stories about petty murders, sick love triangles and bizarre cults. Of course, none of that could compare with the heinous fiends she fought against in Crime Net.

Her writing career was not just for kicks, but was also a useful cover for her crime fighting. Without it she would never have gotten the extensive access to the Buzzsaw P.D.That was her window into the local crime scene.Loose lips, "borrowed" passwords, tapping the central mail server and being sociable with several cops meant that Penny was pretty well wired into all aspects of the local police, legal and not so legal.Chief of Police Dick Limpwad was the official liaison between CrimeNet and the Buzzsaw P.D. When Penny wanted to get the low down on what was happening she could read his e-mail.

Sitting at one of her workstations, she quickly found a single anonymous, encrypted message addressed. After decrypting, it simply read:

"NCX12309 needs room to breath. -O.M."

Penny had seen coding like this before; NCX12309 was a real estate code.O.M. was undoubtedly Olga Milch, a.k.a. the Dairy Queen, a lethal up-and-comer in CrimeNet. The Dairy Queen, who preferred crimes involving dairy or cattle themes, had decided that the theft of the Bovinar Calf would be right up her alley.

A quick reference in the Buzzsaw Realtors Guide revealed what she needed.There were two properties under that listing: the first was the S&M Ice Cream Factory (Ice Cream You Can't Beat) and the Buzzsaw Manatee House.The ice cream factory had sponsored the sea cows before the old Buzzsaw Amusement Pier had been condemned and was therefore considered a corporate asset.

The dairy processing plant was a perfect fit for the Dairy Queen’s hide out, but for a delicate operation like stealing the Bovinar Calf she needed privacy. The abandoned Manatee House was much more suited to Olga’s immediate needs.Penny decided to wait until dark and look there first, then try the factory if that did not pan out.

Now fitted out in her complete Danger Babe outfit, she mounted her modified Ninja 650 motorcycle and roared out the secret basement exit.The quite hum of the turbo stealth motor made the wind whipping across her body sound like a roar as the bike throbbed between her naked thighs. Motorcycles had never been a big turn on for her, but she had to admit that the vibrating metal was enough to start her motor.

Screaming down the highway towards the coast was sort of a sexy warm up for whatever action awaited at the pier.

When she approached the pier she turned off the engine and coasted to a stop on the bluff above. She parked the bike in a small but dense thicket a couple of yards from the road.From under the seat she pulled out a small fanny-pack of tools, a coil of line, binoculars, and pair of night vision goggles.

She hiked the rest of the way on foot.When she found a good vantage point she lay down in the warm afternoon sun and waited and watched for any signs of activity.Lying on the hillside above the deserted pier, she started to daydream. Her mind wandered to her past adventures on the road as she tried to escape her aunt’s many malicious traps.

Her mind drifted back to what had almost been her last encounter with Sylvia. It was about six months ago. She had tracked Sylvia and two of her henchwomen, the Bully Bitches, to an old ghost town out side of Tucson. She got the drop on Sylvia, tied her across the saddle of her pack mule and was about to turn her over to the law when the twins showed up and freed their boss.Sylvia, having almost suffered the humiliation of being hauled to jail on the back of a jack ass, decided to toy with her captive before putting her to a slow end.

First they forced the Penny into what seemed to be an ancient whalebone corset. As the young woman fought like a hellcat, the three women laced it tightly leather with stretched leather thongs they had soaked in a bucket in bucket of water. Penelope could hardly breath by the time the final knot was cinched tight. With Penny bound hand and foot, they carried her up to the west balcony of an old bordello.While Penny lay helplessly wriggling on the sagging wood floor, they re-wetted the leather to keep it soft and stretchable. Sylvia took great pleasure in adding more leather straps to Penny’s arms, tying them behind her both at the wrists and above the elbows. The leather above the elbows had also been wetted and stretched to its maximum. After tying her crossed ankles the women took another length of stretched leather and pulled Penny’s legs up in a tight hog-tie with her ankles connected to her elbows by another piece of stretched leather.

The three women drank tequila and toyed with their captive for most of the morning, bringing her repeatedly to the threshold of orgasm but never letting her cross it dowsing her with buckets of frigid well water.Finally, as the late morning sun started to come over the building, Sylvia announced that she had had her fun and it was time to leave.Before leaving, she pushed sat on floor next niece and pushed her fingers deep into the folds of Penelope’s labia and roughly stroked her to what she thought would be Penny’s last orgasm on Earth.Sylvia explained that it was the least she could do, seeing that Penny was “Family”. After dowsing her bonds one last time they left her.

As the sun warmed the deck were Penny was trapped, the drying leather slowly started to tightened, pulling her elbows slowly together and pulling at her legs, forcing her back to arch ever more cruelly. It was then that Penny realized the corset was not quite what it appeared.As the sun dried the fabric and leather laces, the corset became more and more restrictive. Penny struggled in the sun and her situation became progressively direr.The corset was squeezing the life out her, slowly preventing her from gaining her breath. The knots in the drying leather had become impossibly tight.With the corset cinched her waist progressively tighter pulling the corset ribs tighter and tighter, crushing the girl in the blazing afternoon sun.Penny was only barely able to escape by slowly sawing through the leather bonds with the help of single rusty nail that protruded from the deck.

Thinking about that incident made Penny feel a warm rush of adrenaline.It was challenges like that she found terribly erotic. She always liked tight bondage but the element of danger was what made it really incredible. The sensation of inescapable danger was an addiction she couldn’t kick.

It was getting dark when Penny decided that it was time that she moved in on the Pier. She hadn’t seen any movement inside the fenced perimeter or out of the pier and the only signs that any one had in the area were some vehicle tracks that led up to the gate.They couldn’t be old because the coastal wind would have obliterated them after a day or two. Penelope made her way down to the closed gate and quickly scaled it.The Manatee House was located in the pier’s center a good hundred yards beyond the gate.

The night was dark and only a sliver of moon illuminated the deserted pier. The kiosks had all been boarded up in expectation of the next summer season that was never going to come. Keeping to the shadows, Penny crept between the small muraled buildings.Dirtied and faded images of clowns holding balloons and children with cotton candy watched silently as she closed on her objective.The Manatee House was a smallish building about fifty feet on a side.It was about two stories high with a large water cistern on its roof.

It took Penny only a few moments to scale the side of the building.On top she found three large skylights, all locked.She flipped on her night vision goggles, made quick work of the latches and slipped into the seemingly deserted building.

The greenish light of the goggles gave her a clear view of the interior.She had entered into a back-up area above the main aquarium.The walls were covered with dusty equipment; skimmers, boat hooks, life rings and the heavy cargo nets required to lift the marine mammal.The decking next to the tank was unfinished plywood.In the middle of the room was the lip to the 20,000-gallon tank, it was over 20 feet across and 10 feet deep. Above the tank was a motorized winch that ran on a track across the ceiling.Lying on the gravel bottom of the tank was a ladder and in the middle of the tank was a large canvas lump.

Penny looked around. She could see no signs of there being anyone else in the building. Eventually, she decided that she should check under the canvas pile. She took one last look around, making sure she was alone, before she jumped down into the tank.Landing on the gravel floor Penny glanced at the thick glass that comprised the walls of the tank. Still believing herself alone, Penny went to the canvas pile that sat in the middle of the tank. Gently she pulled back the stiff tarp. Underneath she saw a green metallic glow.

As Penny tugged at the canvas her, her goggles suddenly flooded with green light. At first startled, she tore the goggles from her face in a panic.The light was blinding, four huge ceiling mounted klieg lights flooded the tank. Trying to escape the overwhelming brightness, she raised her arm to shield face from the four blinding suns.

A woman's laugh rang through the whiteness."Well! Well! We seem to have caught a fox raiding the hen house." Penny was barely able see three black silhouettes. The one nearest the tank rim laughed again as she unclipped something from her waist. "Your Aunt Sylvia said you were about as bright as a cucumber, but not as much fun.I guess she was at least partly right.We'll see about the rest." The voice Penny immediately recognized as that of the Olga Milch, the Dairy Queen.

The black figure started to swing what Penny realized was an immense bullwhip over her head. Penny stumbled backwards as the whip cracked through the air.The steel barbs at the tip sliced a neat gash down the retreating girl’s top, but amazingly caught no skin.The Dairy Queen immediately unleashed another lash of her whip; the split second between the first strike and the second was all that Penny needed.She blocked the lethal bite with her forearm, the Kevlar glove absorbing much of force as the tip of the whip wrapped its self around her wrist.Penny immediately tugged at the whip with all her might.The speed and force of Penny's recovery caught the Dairy Queen off guard and she was forced to either relinquish the whip or jump in to the glass arena.

Penny was surprised the agility of her attacker.The woman bounded down into the tank with a powerful leap, landing on her feet, which was impressive because of high-heeled boots, she was wearing.This was Penny's first clear look at the Dairy Queen.She was a good four inches taller than Penny's 5'7".The stiletto heels made her tower over her young heroine. She was quite a sight, standing well over six foot in heels.

She wore form fitting black leather boots, laced up the front and extended to just below her knee. Her muscular thighs and buttocks were covered with a pair of black spandex tights that went up over her hips. She also wore a peasant blouse that allowed a generous view of her even more generous cleavage.A wide corset like belt that was closed with three large chrome buckles covered her midriff. Her hair was a dark, swirling black mass loosely pinned up, giving her a wild and untamed look. Olga's face had a soft milky complexion, punctuated with dark, intense eyes and a broad, cruel mouth.

Using speed to her advantage, Penny pulled sharply on the whip while trying to plant a quick scissor kick on the attacking Amazon.The blow wasn't perfect, only grazing the Dairy Queens retreating arm.But Penny pressed her attack on the larger woman, and was quickly getting the upper hand. It was then that the Dairy Queens compatriots acted. They opened the valves to the water cistern atop the building.In seconds Danger Babe and the Dairy Queen were fighting in a foot of rapidly rising water.

The deepening water was quickly robbing power from Penelope’s lightning kicks, this, with the on going tug-of-war over the whip started to turn the tide of battle in favor of the taller woman. Just as Penny was starting to adjust her strategy to the changing situation the Dairy Queen let go of the handle of the whip. Penny stumbled back and landed with a splash in the water. She had only a split second realization of why Olga had let go when one of the heavy cargo nets crashed down on her from above, pinning Penelope down in what had become a two-foot deep torrent of rising water.

“LET’S GET THIS LITTLE HEIFER ROPED YOU IMBECILES!!!!!!!” Olga cheered as the two other women joined the fray.

The heavy, wet cargo net and the three attackers soon overwhelmed the feisty heroine. Finally, one of the women was able to land a heavy blackjack across the back of Penelope’s head.

As she slipped barely conscious in to the rising water, the last thing Penny heard was an elated voice calling out, “Can we kill her now????”
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The Perils of Penelope Young-Jugs

*Chapter Two*


Penny was awakened by the deep ache in her shoulders. She lifted her head and slowly opened her eyes, it was dark and only thin slivers of light patch-worked themselves across her surroundings. She slowly began to discern a forest of wooden pilings stretching off towards the distant daylight. She was in the labyrinth of pilings beneath the old Buzzsaw Amusement Pier.

It was at this point that enough of the fog had lifted that Penny was able to focus on her predicament. As she looked up she discovered that her wrists had been neatly bound with a half inch line and pulled tight over her head. The tie had been done over her gloves and had involved almost a half dozen coils around her wrists and then it was looped between her hands twice, ending with the rope ascending above her. She could see the rope attached to the piling about a foot above her wrists and supporting virtually her entire weight.

She tried to look down and was able to see that her feet were only inches above the water. Her costume was still pretty much intact, her black top still held up although it had a large tear across the front from where the Dairy Queen’s whip had taken its near lethal crack. Surprisingly, it left almost no mark on her skin. Her shorts were also intact. This worried Penny because she was familiar with the Dairy Queen’s perversions, and knew that if she had not done some cruel villainy while Penny was unconscious then she must have something hideous in mind. Her thigh-high boots were also still there but she had been tied at the ankles in a fashion similar to her wrists, except that the rope disappeared under the black water.

The Dairy Queen, realizing her victim was slowly coming around. "I see the vaunted 'Danger Babe' has decided to rejoin the living, if only for short while." She was standing on a small floating dock a few feet in front of the hapless heroine. Flanking the diabolical dyke were her two other assailants. Penny recognized them immediately. They were Peaches and Cream. They had long been associated with the Dairy Queen, acting as muscled lackeys for their boss. The two could have easily passed for clones. They were both tall with athletic almost manly builds. Each woman was dressed in tight, cut-off denim coveralls with trashy looking tube tops covering their unnaturally large breasts. They each wore matching bandanas around their necks and kept their hair braided in long ponytails. Penny had heard that the two were lovers but by the look of them that would have required an incestuous relationship.

"You were lucky to have found my hideout so quickly, but you were foolish to think that I wouldn't have taken the time to secure the perimeter. We saw you coming from a mile away. In any case this worked out even better than my original intentions. Stealing the sacred relic was only the first hoof in my plan, but getting rid of a major crime fighter will certainly improve my overall standing in Crime Net. I'll be sure to give your regards to Aunt Sylvia when I see her."

Completing her little speech Olga Milch stepped to the edge dock across from where the girl was suspended. She moved closer to the young blond and took an appreciative look at her. Her gaze wandered at a leisurely pace, soaking up Penny's fine features in the dim light, her startling blue eyes, her straight back and delicate neck flowing into her beautifully tapered torso, ripe hips, and the sumptuous breasts, still hidden beneath the torn top of her costume. Olga reached up and slid her hand through the rip in Penny's blouse. At first she let it glide up above the right breast, then slowly moved it down over the areola and across her erect nipple.

"So is it true? You really dig this shit?" Olga said with a sharp grin. "You certainly deserve the name Young-Jugs. These are a wonderful pair of milkers. And they're original equipment, unlike some people I know..." she said as she glanced back at her two busty milk maids.

After leisurely massaging the helpless nipples, she clamped her fingers down on the nipple and gave it a sharp tug. Penny gave a loud yelp, pulling her legs up and twisting about in an attempt to escape the grip. The force of the pinch and the resulting squirm were enough to rip Penny's top almost completely off, totally exposing both her breasts. Her convulsion was also sufficient to throw the Dairy Queen's balance off on the small dock. She released her grip and struggled to regain her balance.

Amazingly, she didn't fall. Instead, let out a hearty laugh and pulled out a small horn handled knife. She grabbed the swinging girl by the shoulder and with a quick slice of the knife the remains of the top fell away. The three women paused as they saw the young woman’s unfettered breasts swing free. They were two perfectly symmetrical orbs bouncing in the dim light.

Penny, her fury rising at her helplessness, tried again to unseat her captor, kicking and swinging like a giant bell clapper at midnight. "You'll not get away with this, you bovine beast!! I swear you'll rot in Hell for this!!"

The Dairy Queen and her Milk Maids squealed with laughter. "Perhaps I shall, my dear, but I'm pretty sure you'll be there to greet me first. Peaches! Cream! Why don't you give this little heifer a hand." The two maids moved up on either side of the squirming heroine, each grabbing a thigh and pulling Penny's hip huggers down to the top of her boots. Penny felt herself flush at her nakedness.

The Dairy Queen reached down and started to explore Penny's exposed pussy. Her hand slowly combed Penny's small blond patch and then started to rub outer edges of her labia slowly, forcefully. Penny felt a warm flush of sensation between her legs. The strictness of her bondage and the direness of her predicament were too much for poor Penelope. She started to feel moisten between her thighs. She tried to kick free, but the two vixens had her pinned tightly. Olga, feeling the girl's struggle, increased the intensity of her manipulations. Her fingers parted the now swollen labia and started to grind away at the head of her clit. Penny writhed under the stimulation, not so much to escape but to fight her building sensations. Seeing her victim nearing climax Olga eased off, relaxing the pressure on the now soaking pussy.

Olga straightened, her hand delicately brushing over Penelope’s taunt stomach. Her roaming hand traced over Penny's breast, pausing again at the girls still smarting nipple. She looked into the young woman’s eyes, silently threatening another painful tweak. Instead, she straddled the gap over which Penelope was suspended, grabbed the girl by back of the neck, pressed herself against Penny's naked breasts and whispered, "If only we had more time." Olga's tongue swept across Penny's neck and ended with a painful love bite.

Olga pushed off the bound heroine, stepping back to the dock and picking up a small bag. "I suppose you're wondering what I've got planned for the luscious Danger Babe? Well I understand you fancy yourself a bit of a magician/escape artist. I think that this should provide you with an entertaining exit. As you may have noticed since you first tried to kick me, it has become considerably harder to pull up your legs."

Penny looked down and sure enough her feet were submerged under several inches of water. "So you plan to drown me in the rising tide?"

"Not quite but I'm sure that would also be quite entertaining, however I don't think that would do nearly justice for all the trouble your efforts have caused Crime Net. So I decided that your death should be slow, but definitely not boring, like your drowning scenario. No, I think you'll find this much more interesting.

"If you look over my shoulder you'll notice the six milk cans that have been rafted together. Your ankle rope feeds through a pair of underwater pulleys, ending at the raft of milk cans. Thus you might say that you’re anchoring this tug-of-war. Each one of those cans has a forty gallon capacity. Now at about eight and a half pounds per gallon that works out to be around 2,040 pounds of lift. The tides slow caress pulling you down into its embrace. Imagine it, like a pair of brawny ox pulling you slowly in two!! Won't that be ecstasy?? I think it should take about three or four hours. But we won't know for sure until we try?"

“You’re crazy Milch, you can’t leave me here like this!” Penny demanded.

"It's too bad that I won't be able to stick around to witness your udder demise first hand, but we have a delivery to make and a celebration to prepare. It's not everyday that we get to undo such a fine female and get such a profitable score." Olga looked down at her bag and said, "Four hours is such a long time, I think that we should give you an additional entertainment." Olga then pulled out a large vibrator from the bag. It was made to resemble the tip of a bull's horn. It was gray and slightly bent at the tip, its base flattened somewhat, with a shiny area at the forward most point.

Penny screamed, pulling and tugging at the ropes trying desperately to get free. The Dairy Queen laughed and motioned her milk maids to spread her victims legs as far as her bonds would allow. Olga moved towards Penelope with the large phallus, slowly massaging the weapon. She put it to her lips and started to lubricate it orally, inserting it deep into her mouth, then slowly drawing it out through her pursed lips. When she reached the girl, she knelt down and ran the tip of the horn along Penny's still moist clitoris. She paused momentarily and let the struggling girl provide the needed friction. Then she inserted the device into the straining heroine. Penny cursed Olga loudly as the horn penetrated her. The vibrator was cool to the touch of Penny's delicate skin and made the girls thighs tighten. Olga smiled at her cohorts as she finished inserting her wicked toy. Leaning over she gave the head of Penelope’s clitoris a one last tonguey kiss before she replaced her shorts. The two milk maids then quickly tied Penelope’s thighs tightly together just above the knees.

Standing, Olga picked through her bag and addressed her victim. "The vibrator that I have so generously provided for your entertainment is not just any off the rack sex toy. It has two titillating features. Firstly, at the base of the horn is a small electrode, at low energy it will emit a small amount of electricity that can cause a most enjoyable orgasm. As the energy level increases, the intensity correspondingly increases. After a certain level the orgasms become quite devastating and will leave you quite unconscious, if only until the next one.

"The second feature of this little darling is compliments of The Museum. I'm sure you know that the golden calf was protected by a telemetric motion detection system. When we absconded with the calf, we also took the liberty of taking the three sensors with us. I had planned on trying to discover how to defeat it without resorting to subterfuge, but I think this will be more fun."

"Tell me Milch, how did you get around those telemeters?" Penny played for time. She needed to figure out a way out of her grim predicament.

"Oh that was easy enough, Peaches and Cream went down on one of the janitors at Diktel, the designers of the system. He let us in so we could steal the control frequencies." Peaches and Cream looked at each other and smiled.

"Getting back to the adventure that awaits, one of the transponders has been attached to the control on that dildo. Another is hidden in your choker. the last one is on this chain." She pulled a delicate gold chain from her bag. It was eighteen inches long, with what appeared to be a small blue ring at each end. Olga roughly grabbed Penny’s breast and started to knead it aggressively. As the girl groaned and strained at her bonds Olga pinched a small tab on one of the blue rings. The rings were not rings, but springs that widened at the Dairy Queen’s touch. Olga slipped a ring over her captive's erect nipple. Penny squirmed and snapped at her beastly adversary. Penelope was not prepared for the sudden pressure on her tits, she almost fainted as the second ring closed around her nipple.

Olga waited patiently for Penny to recover. When she felt that the girl had sufficiently recovered, she attached a teardrop crystal the size of her fist to the middle of the chain. The once pert breasts were pulled cruelly earthward.

Smiling as she admired the final product of her labors, the bitch gave the girl one last admonition. "I would be careful how much squirming you do, those sensors are very sensitive. As a matter of fact they are so sensitive that the slow stretching of your body will activate the dildo, and with each orgasmic shock the intensity will be increased." Penny started to speak but the vibrator whirred to life.

"Gag Her," The Dairy Queen commanded as she made her way to the ladder. "And hurry up. We have a cake to bake." As she disappeared up the ladder the two milk maids gagged the already helpless girl. Peaches took the bandanna from her neck and tied a fat knot in the middle, she then stuffed the knot into Penelope’s mouth and quickly cinched the ends tightly behind the girls head. Cream folded hers up carefully and then tied it over the first gag. The double gag effectively muffled the moans of the beautiful Danger Babe as she experienced her first telemetrically induced orgasm.

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Sargeant 1st Class
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Been very busy for the last two weeks and I count down the days to finally finish my work and read this story.

First chapter:

Penelope Young-Jugs is a new character to me and taking the time to describe her life, skills, training and how beautiful she is a great addition. Her love for risk, to work alone, to be too far to get some help if she get caught will eventually put her in a dangerous situation. The scene where she is, the battle and her defeat is well writen. I can't wait to read the next chapter, oh gosh... this will be so interesting!

Second chapter:

Playing with the devil sent Penny in a nightmare, using her love to be cruelly tied against her, making her aroused before the great finale and slowly adding evil toys one after the other making her escape impossible. Fantastic story so far, I'm loving eveything in it, the dialogue between the characters is a pure delight, well imaginative trap and I know she will be struggling and screaming soon probably for no gain. I'm having a great time reading this, thanks for sharing!
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The Perils of Penelope Young-Jugs
By S. Sneakly, Copyright 1996
*Chapter Three*
The Deadly Dildo Danger

As the three villains left the helpless Danger Babe suspended over her watery grave, the telemetrically controlled dildo set about its evil business. The slightest motion set off its tiny motor, and finally its minuscule electric shock. The silver tip of the toy was buried deep between the folds of Penny's labia, crushed tight against the head of her clit by her velvet shorts.

The effect on the helpless woman was total, the motorized dildo throbbed relentlessly on the slightest provocation, stroking the inner reaches of her pussy as if trying to consume her from within. When the capacitor connected to the motor had built up sufficient power, it would slowly, over 15 or 20 seconds, release its charge into the girls sensitive sex. The resulting orgasm was unparalleled in Penny’s experience. Her whole body shook, every lean muscle tensed to the braking point. It was all that she could do to stay conscious against the intense sensation.

The weight of her suspended body and the slow pull of the incoming tide lifting the milk cans, was also sapping her strength. She needed to do something quickly or she would perish.

Even in her tight bondage she still had one trick. She moved her fingers slowly against the palm of her left glove, she had to move slowly, to minimize the effect on the dildo. Carefully her hands traced along the seam of the thin padding. Finally she found what she was looking for. She steeled herself against the next wave of sensation that was sure to follow. She dug into the seam with her fingers and pulled the pad part way down.

This simple act was met with a huge wave of sensation. The dildo, sensing the subtle motions of the girl, exploded with life, its rhythmic caress suddenly became a wildly gyrating dance deep inside her already drenched and aching pussy. Her body reflexively tightened, her thighs clamping tightly against one another, as she pulled against the ropes binding her legs and ankles. Suddenly, there was a sweet tingling sensation that radiated down the inside of her thighs and up through the inner most workings of her sex. Her body shuddered as the orgasm swept over her like crushing surf. As the capacitor drained its charge, Penny’s pussy

throbbed with feeling. The shock caused both intense pain and euphoria.

It was all she could do to avoid dropping her prize. As she slowly roused from her swoon she felt the small flexible blade that she had pulled from her glove still clutched in her hand.

Adjusting her grip on the small blade, she started to saw away at the ropes above her wrists. Despite her care the dildo continued to grid against her snatch as she tried to free herself. Each pass of the blade brought her closer to another deadly orgasm.

Olga had certainly planned this well, Penny thought, all of her efforts at escape were almost completely overwhelmed by the sexual frenzy of this deadly toy. But Penny was not planning on being defeated so easily. She continued to fight exhaustion and defeat even as she felt herself approach another insidious climax. After what seemed to be an eternity, Penny could feel the rope slowly beginning to give way beneath the blade. Her pussy burned from the almost constant stimulation the throbbing dildo elicited.

The Raft of milk cans were now completely erect in the water as the tide slowly pursued its war against the limits of the young woman’s resources. Penny gasping for strength through her heavy double gag and fought desperately to focus on cutting her bonds. Her arms ached from her long suspension, her head swam from the unnatural sensations. She glanced down at the frigid water, it had risen all the way up past her boots and was licking at the upper reaches of her naked thighs. The chill of the water lapping occasionally at her pussy only heightened the bizarre eroticism of the situation. The progressive tightening of her bondage combined with intense multiple orgasms left her drained both spiritually and physically.

When Penny was finally beginning to believe that she would escape her peril, calamity struck. As another wave of orgasms crashed over her, Penny lost her grip on the tiny blade. She recovered from the chilling orgasm only to hear her last hope plunk into the rising tide.

In her fury at losing the blade Penny screamed into her gag and thrashed uselessly at her bonds. The noise escaping from her gag was nothing more than a barely audible rash obscenities that would have been totally unintelligible to any one close enough to hear it. The Dairy Queens’ toy leapt to life at the provocation, it twisted and ground its way deeper and harder against Penelope’s clit. Within seconds Penny was swallowed by a level of sensation that she couldn’t have imagined. Her whole body tensed and quivered as the dildo took her to a rapid climax.

After the heat of her orgasm subsided, Penny hung there Partially submerged in the cold water, stretched and aching and totally spent. There was nothing she could do. Her only hope of escape was now out of reach. The electric shocks from the dildo had totally sapped her energy and her will to fight. She now resigned her self to the probability that the incoming tide would indeed rip her limb from limb. She could only await the pain of her own end.

She didn’t know how long she was stretched out like that, she had probably blacked out at some time or other. But suddenly she heard a low groaning sound. She thought at first that it must be coming from her own body. After a second she glanced up and saw that it was the cut that she had started in the rope. It was slowly starting to uncoil. Before she realized the significance of this the rope snapped, plunging her into the chilly bay.

She screamed uselessly into her gag as the cold water submerged her body. The raft of milk cans bobbed instantly to the surface, pulling Penelope underwater. Her bound ankles finally hit the submerged pulley. She was now tethered with her head below the surface. Her gag swelled with water. The cold rushed over her still smoking pussy, driving her to one last brief spasm of ecstasy, the capacitor in the dildo firing off the remainder of its charge.

Quickly recovering from her plunge into the bay, Penny started to struggle against the ropes around her wrists. With the tension on the ropes gone, it took Penny’s expertise only a few seconds to slip the bonds. She immediately reached down and detached the heel of her boot, revealing a concealed blade, and began sawing at the rope anchoring her under water. It took her an eternal thirty seconds of cutting before she was able to fight her way to the surface. She tore the gag from her mouth and hauled herself up onto the small floating dock.

Once her legs were untied, she pulled her soggy shorts down and pulled the spent dildo from inside her. Pressing the tabs to release her breasts from the clip on chain, she groaned as the blood rushed back into her deprived nipples. After recovering for a minute, she climbed up the ladder into the deserted aquarium.

She searched the building carefully, discovering the secret room where Olga and her milk maids had been hiding when she arrived. It was outfitted with monitors for a set of closed circuit cameras, VCRs, empty food containers and a pile of old clothes. Sorting through the pile of she found a pair of old jeans, a sleeveless sweatshirt and a pair of flip-flops. Next she went to shower off in the old locker room. There was no hot water, but she didn’t care. It was a relief to rinse the salt from her skin. After drying herself and get dressed, she returned to the secret room.

The VCR was still recording the spot where the Dairy Queen had been tormenting her. Penny popped out the tape and stuffed it in the pocket of her sweat top. Along with the horn shaped dildo and the weighted chain. Next she inspected the food containers. Sure enough some were from the S&M Dairy Company (Ice cream you can’t beat). There were also Chinese take-out boxes from some place called “Won Dum Fuk”. Penny didn’t know the place, but thought she might look into it later.

Her fanny-pack of tools also turned up, minus the more expensive electronics and burglary items. She expected this much and had a replacement set on her bike. From the equipment left operating in the room Penny was certain that the Dairy Queen planned to come back some time after Penny’s demise to clean up and recover proof of her death. Aunt Sylvia wanted Penny dead but was unlikely to pay for a hit without solid evidence. Penny also knew that Sylvia was offering bonus dollars for creativity.

Once Penny had gathered her things, she made one last check of the place to see if she had missed any clues and then started the hike back to her motorcycle. As she made her way up the hill to where she had hidden the bike, Penny thought about what to do next.

The Dairy Queen probably was certain that Penny was a goner. That meant she would

concentrate on moving the Bovinar Calf on to her fence or buyer. If that was right, Penny could get the drop on her if she moved quickly.

Penny looked at her boots and gloves. The long black gloves were soaked with salt water, but would be fine after rinsing and drying. The thigh high boots were also salvageable although the removable heel needed replacing. In any case she wasn’t going to be wearing either today. The shorts and top of her costume were a total loss. When she arrived at her bike she immediately looked in the saddle bag. She found a fresh pair of shorts, a sleeveless zippered vest, and a pair of ankle boots with two inch stiletto heels. All of it in her trademark black. She also found her back-up tool kit and some granola bars.

Wolfing down the granola she saddled up and headed for Olga’s hide-out cum ice cream factory. It was a beautiful day and Penny savored the ride to the dairy plant. The roads between the Pier and the factory were fairly remote and Penny was comfortable that she had not been observed on the trip. She parked her bike a quarter mile from the factory and lay down in grass away from the road and took a much needed nap.

When she woke up it was just after dusk. She finished what was left of the food, gathered her tools, climbing ropes, a small computer and set off for her target. When she was within sight of the dairy plant Penelope scanned the complex with her binoculars. There were clear signs that the factory was in use. Penny also marveled at the corporate logo, An anthropomorphic cow dressed in high-heels, stockings and a whip. No wonder the Dairy Queen was a crook, Penny thought, with marketing sense like that, what other choices did she have?

Penny made her way to the main building and scaled a drain pipe to the roof. Once atop the building she found a computer junction box near the satellite dish. She quickly inspected it for booby-traps and alarms. Finding none she pried it open. Taking out her small laptop Penny proceeded to test the various contacts until she located several that were carrying analog video signals.

Within minutes she had patched into the building's security monitors. Switching between the surveillance cameras, Penny was able to thoroughly case the building. In one section of the plant’s main floor Penny saw several women operating what seemed to be legitimate dairy processing equipment. They were all dressed exactly alike, white button down blouses, pleated plaid mini-skirts with white high-heeled pumps and topped off with an S&M Dairy baseball cap. Penny figured that this kinky school girl look was part of the Dairy Queen’s bizarre sense of “corporate image”. Most of the rest of the building appeared empty. She found Peaches and Cream lounging in the security office. They were still in their same hot shorted overalls, looking like Mr. Greenjean’s wet dream.

Scanning through the building Penny still came across neither the Bovinar Calf or the Dairy Queen herself. She knew that Olga wouldn’t go far without her two milk maids, especially with such valuable loot. Penny continued her search until suddenly she came across a room that she had not seen before. Its walls were covered with large peg boards, from which hung a variety of tools, ropes, pulleys and bridle equipment. In the middle of the room were two parallel chrome bars maybe eight feet long and eighteen inches apart. They were set at about ten degrees from horizontal and had a crank and ratchet that could raise or lower the angle of the two bars. At the base of the bars was what appeared to be a box with a studded ten inch dildo protruding from it.

Tied between the two bars was a young Asian woman, she was completely naked except for a thick black gag covering her mouth. Penny could see the long ends of the gag dangling beneath her, her long straight hair pinned to her neck by the cloth and a single black strap formed a cradle for her head. Her hands were tied behind her back so that they were looped around the bars and her shoulders were resting on the smooth metal. Her ankles were also tied together under the bars and back towards her wrists forming a painful hog-tie around the two bars. Her waist was secured between the bars by several coils of rope. Attached to the girls breasts were two funnel shaped objects topped by what appeared to be some sort of miniature syringes.

Penny studied the scene intently for several moments, but she couldn’t see any features in the room that gave any indication of where in the factory it might be located. Penny decided that if she wanted to get the young woman out, she was going to need someone to tell her where she was.

Quickly, Penny set up the small computer to override the video monitors and to play back repetitive loops of empty halls and offices. Entering the factory posed no major obstacle for Penny, who being fit and lithe was able to squeeze through a small ventilation shaft into a maintenance duct above the shop floor. Crawling along silently Penny made her way down toward the front of the building. In a few minutes she was in the hall outside the main lobby.

The Security Office was, as it is in most factories, located in the front offices and it took Penny no time to find it. When she burst through the office door Peaches and Cream leapt to their feet in surprise. Even with the two to one odds, the fight was short and heavily weighted against the larger women. Penny was on the two in a flash.

Cream was the first to cross Danger Babe’s path. Penny gave her a wicked scissor kick, connecting the ball of her foot square in the center of Creams sternum. She let out a loud “OOOOUUUUFFFF” as the wind left her. Then in a quick, fluid follow through Peaches ran in to the heel of Penny’s hand as she was taken out with a rapid punch to the chin.

By the time the two felons came around, they were tied back to back and head to tail. Their hands were tied behind their backs and around the torso of the other woman. Penny had tied the crossed ankles of both women and then back over the head of the other so their ankles could connect to the wrists creating a twin hog-tie. Once the women were secured, Penny started her interrogation.

“Where did the Dairy Queen put the Asian girl I saw tied up on the video monitor?” Penny started.

“FUCK YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!” spat back Peaches and Cream almost in unison.

“Look girls, I'm not inclined to play nice-nice after my little adventure back at the amusement pier.” Penny produced several rubber bands, some twine and two pairs of nipple clamps that she found in the office. They were similar to the little nasties that had been locked on to her tits back under the pier. After cutting away the coveralls from both women, she attached the clamps to the breasts of her two captives. Both of the dykes seemed to enjoy giving out punishment much more than receiving it. She then connected the clips to the bound ankles of the other woman with a short piece of rope.

Next, Penny wound the rubber bands up tightly between the two pencils, like the motor on a toy plane. She then held the bands in the bushy snatch of each woman and let them unwind, creating a hopeless tangle of rubber and hair. She then threaded a length of line under the tangled mass looped it back to the tied wrists of the other woman.

The end result was that each woman was intertwined in a back to back-to-back hogtie with the other woman. Unfortunately for the two busty dykes, they were now connected by more than just their love for one another.

Feeling that she was in a better position to negotiate, started with Peaches. “I know that being an insolent shit is part of your nature, Deary, but if you insist I’ll be more than happy to take the fight out of you.” Penny ran her hand along the short knotted rope that held Cream’s ankles and wrists.

Peaches immediately realized that if Danger Babe cut the rope, the only thing maintaining Cream’s hog-tie would be her own pubic hair and her already painfully stretched nipples. Once both of the barnyard bondagettes made this connection they were both very forthcoming.

“She’s down in the sub-basement,” they both volunteered in unison.

“Good, now we're getting somewhere, and how do I get down there?”

“You need to take the executive freight elevator in the back of the accounting offices,” Peaches chirped between painful gasps.

“And who is she? And why are you doing that to her?” Penny demanded.

“She was a copper that tried to infiltrate our factory. The Dairy Queen wanted to teach her a lesson,” Cream whined, trying to pull her wrists into a less stringent position. Her exertions only caused Peaches to thrash her legs as the lines tugged at her pubis. Both women groaned.

Penny questioned them for several more minutes to learn as much about the layout and security of the building as she could. Having learned what she thought they knew, Penny gagged the two women with generous amounts of duct tape, wrapping the lower parts of their faces(including their hair) under several layers of tape. She thought about cutting the key ropes holding the hog-ties, but decided against it. Although painful, it would have been too easy for them to get free, instead she added another four inches of slack so that the two had to try very hard not to cause a lot of discomfort to their mate.

Once satisfied that the two would not be getting loose in the near future. Penny set out for the sub-basement. She found the elevator exactly where she had been told.

As she waited for the elevator to arrive, Penny thought about the girl trapped below. The Buzzsaw P.D. was a chauvinist bastion in the eternally macho old lumber town, and never had a female police officer, even after it had grown into the busy metropolis it was today. Penny continued to speculate even as she cautiously entered the lift.

The inside of the elevator was small and unadorned. The walls were paneled in the usual faux wood typical of factory offices. The control panel had the usual array of buttons including 2,1,B and SB. Penny pressed SB. The door slid shut and the elevator started down.

Abruptly it stopped and a loud synthetic voice announced, “SECURITY PROTOCOL BREACH, ENTER IDENT CODE NOW. NEUTRALIZATION IN FIFTEEN SECONDS....TWELVE SECONDS....” Penny was dumb founded. She checked and overrun all alarms, electronic booby traps and detectors before entering the building, plus she had thoroughly questioned the two henchwomen tied up in the security office. How could she have missed this? “TEN SECONDS....”She searched vainly for a way to open the control panel. It was sealed shut and tamper proof. “”EIGHT SECONDS....SIX SECONDS....”Next she tried to access the escape hatch found on the top of most lifts. The grating that hid the fluorescent lighting was bolted in place. “FOUR SECONDS....TWO SECONDS.... NEUTRALIZATION COMMENCING ”

A cloud of thick white mist started to swirl around Penny’s feet. It came from four tiny jets located in the corners of the compartment’s floor. In seconds the gas had covered the black ankle boots that Penny was wearing. It sloshed and swam like some sort of thick liquid slowly clawing its way up her shapely legs. As the cloud quickly swirled up around her waist Penny heard a steady hum start above her as a fan started to stir the viscous gas, enveloping her in the fog. Penny briefly tasted a sweet powerful milky taste. Before she had time to react Penny collapsed to the floor immediately slipping into a deep sleep.

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 242
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This story kept going better and better. Very good escape, the wrtiting is still excellent and she's falling in a devilish trap again!!!

She's having a rough time and I'm enjoying it. Outstanding story, thanks for sharing!!!
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MaryAnn wrote:
1 week ago
This story kept going better and better. Very good escape, the wrtiting is still excellent and she's falling in a devilish trap again!!!

She's having a rough time and I'm enjoying it. Outstanding story, thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks, I have been enjoying your recent Batgirl posts.
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The Perils of Penelope Young-Jugs

By S. Sneakly, Copyright 1996

*Chapter Four*


By S. Sneakly

Penelope was slow to remember what had happened to her. The sensations Penny felt as she regained consciousness were a cool sensuous tingling all across her skin. Her mind drifted back to a girl she had a fling with during her days on road. She could feel Anna’s soft caress, except that her hands seemed to glide all over her body all at once. Penelope lay motionless for several seconds, disoriented but enjoying the bliss.

Slowly, as her mind cleared, she recalled the capture of the two milkmaids, their brief interrogation about the beautiful Asian girl she had seen tied up on the security monitor. Then she recalled using the elevator to get to the sub-basement where the captive girl was supposedly being held, finally, the white milky aerosol that swirled in around her in the confines of the elevator.

Penelope was still too groggy to do much, but for the first time she realized that she was being restrained. She was lying on her back with her arms tied behind her, wrists attached to the opposing arms just above the elbow. This forced her back into an unnatural arch, pointing her breasts skyward. A narrow steel collar prevented her from raising her head. When she tried to adjust her uncomfortable position she discovered her legs were also restrained. They had been pulled completely straight with the feet spread wide. She was completely immobilized. Fear swept over her, she had been captured in the heart of the Dairy Queen’s lair.

Opening her eyes she blinked into a trio of bright blue lights. Reflexively she started to struggle against her bonds. Although she couldn’t see them, she could feel the cold steel pulling her ankles straight. Her own weight prevented her arms from moving within their bonds. Even so, her efforts were feeble after the drugging.

As the futility of her struggles sank in, Penelope turned her attention to her surroundings. She turned her head away from the blinding lights only to discover that she was pinned in the center of a large white enamel table. It was circular and tilted at ten-degrees, raising her head high enough to see the door beyond the bottom of the table.

Surveying the room revealed that she was being held somewhere inside the dairy plant. The room was large and spartan with an industrial feel about it. Hanging down from the ceiling, just beyond the pool of light was a large robotic arm. Attached to the end of the arm was what appeared to be a large fire hose nozzle. A long, semi-rigid hose connected to a machine that composed the left wall of the room fed the nozzle. The machine itself looked like two gargantuan brushed steel barrels tipped on their sides and bound together by a tangle of steel pipes and gauges. From the center of each cask protruded a slowly turning shaft. Moisture condensed on some of the pipes and both of the giant barrels despite the already chilly air. The gently humming machinery gave the air a cool sweet dairy like taste. Parked to the right of the door was a large TV monitor on a trolley.

Unable to move and still foggy from the white mist, Penny let her head sink gently back to the cold enamel. As far as she could tell, she was still wearing her black shorts, top and ankle boots. Her head swam, the knockout gas had a strange effect on her, it seemed as though every nerve in body was doing double duty, sensing the slightest change in her environment. She thought she could feel a change in every swirl and eddy of cool air across her body. Even her breathing seemed to affect the room, changing how the chill washed over her. Whatever was causing it, the sensation was not unpleasant, just intense. Penelope lay back, slowly moving her body within the confines of her bondage, absorbing the sensations.

She lay strapped down on the table like that for some time, but she wasn’t sure how long. Eventually, she heard the door open and a black figure walked in. It was the Dairy Queen. She was wearing a black fishnet body stocking; the gossamer black fabric hugged her ample curves and hid no secrets. Her sleeves ended with a loop of fabric over her middle finger, giving her hands a sleek dagger like appearance. Only the staccato click of her heels on the concrete floor cracked the mechanical hum of turning machinery as she moved across the room.

The Dairy queen smiled down at the helpless Danger Babe. Penny pulled at the straps binding her wrists. Olga was pleasantly satisfied as she watched the girl’s body slide back and forth on the smooth white enamel.

“I don’t think you’ll have much luck, Lover. You’ll find that you’ve been quite securely fettered.” She placed her hand on the Penelope bare calf, enjoying the way the athletic young woman tried to pull away at her touch. “I was elated to discover that you were able to escape my Tidal Rack Torture Trap. I’ve been thinking about how much I’ vould enjoy more playtime together,” she cooed as she puller herself lightly on to the table.

“And now I get my wish!!” She leaned over and ran her tongue over Penny’s exposed cleavage and up across her neck. Penny tried to roll her head away from the unwanted intimacy. Even so, she found the situation oddly erotic. She was still very groggy from the white mist. Her senses seemed to be heightened by the after effect of the gas, and the playful tongue running over her body made her shiver with anticipation. She couldn’t understand why she found it so stimulating. She did find bondage and danger incredibly erotic, but this was unbelievable, a simple lick of the tongue had driven her to near orgasm.

“Too bad that you were in such a hurry while interrogating Peaches and Cream, had you taken the time, I’m sure they would’ve told you about the booby-trapped elevator.” Olga ran her hand slowly down Penny’s chest and across her supple tummy. “The man who installed it told me that I should use something deadly, like cyanide or ricin, but I’m glad I decided against it.” Her hand made it down to the tight black shorts that hid the blond hair of Penny’s sex. She fingered the buttons lightly and gently massaged the damp fabric. Penny squirmed and let out a deep sensuous sigh.

“I guess you discovered the best side effect of my paralyzing gas. It comes from the venom of the Jakartan Cattle Viper. When mixed with milk and made into an aerosol it will cause a sudden endorphin release that renders the victim unconscious almost instantly. But when they come around they’re hyper-sensitive to almost all stimulation. You might say that they’ll come at the drop of a hat. Literally.” She seated herself on the round table so that she had command over the entirety of Penelope’s body.

The Dairy Queen ran her hand slowly over the restrained heroines’ body, caressing it as she went. Her hand slid up the young woman’s neck. Penny could feel Olga’s grip tighten suddenly around her slender throat and just below her chin. The Dairy Queen pulled Penny’s head over, forcing her to meet her gaze, announcing with a poisonous smile, “the effects will linger for several hours, so we’ll have plenty of time for an intimate discussion.”

Releasing her grip on the girl’s throat, Olga produced a thimble like item from a small pouch she had been carrying. It was made of polished silver and fit over Olga’s index finger up to the second knuckle. Extending almost an inch beyond the end was a brushed steel blade. It had a smooth tapered curve that ended in a sharp, pointed tip. The sleek blade was delicately engraved, but still had a look of deadly utility.

Olga slid the metal talon onto her finger and slowly started to drag the flat edge of the metal across Penelope’s throat, tracing an imaginary line just below the girl’s chin. “I’ve such wonderful and amazing plans for you... But, you know that you can help to decide your own fate...”

“Oh yes, I still plan to kill you, but how and when is going to be up to you.” The blade started gliding down Penny’s neck and over her exposed cleavage, just above the zipper of her Danger Babe vest. “You know that I’d get a million dollars from your aunt if I just did you right now. But I also know that you were able to steal thirty million from her before you launched your current costumed avenger career. Now, that’s what I call a full silo of grain.”

“Once you’re out of the way Aunt Sylvia will only have to play ‘find the missing bimbo’. You and your alter ego, whoever she may be, will ultimately be revealed, and it will only be a matter of time before Sylvia is able to recover that which you so rudely took from her.” She used the sharp point of the talon to trace lazy circles on Penelope’s panting stomach as she talked.

“If you tell me what name you lived under and where you stashed all that hay, I can make sure that Tatty Sylvia never gets a dime.” She felt her young victim quivering with sensation as she went on. She worked to control her voice; patience was the key.

“I know you hate her far more than you could ever hate me, after all she did to you, to your family.” Olga’s blade started its way down the material of Penny’s vest, easily slicing the sturdy garment. “In addition, I could make your exit from this world to the next much more like sexual ecstasy than agony.” As she said this the tip of her finger finished its lengthwise slice down the heroine’s top.

“NNNOOO!!!” moaned Penny defiantly as she pulled and bucked at her bonds. Her head was slowly clearing and she was desperately testing her strength against the straps that pinned her to the table.

“I wouldn’t plan on keeping any dinner dates if I were you, Lover.” Olga said with a maniacal grin that left Penelope coldly disheartened. “After I saw what a wonderful job you did subduing Peaches and Cream I thought it best to take care that such a mistress of bondage should not be allowed any leeway in her own predicament. But more about that later.”

“First, I want to talk about you.” Her barbed finger slowly brushed slowly along the torn remains of Penny’s vest. The Dairy Queen flicked open the vest revealing the smooth and lightly tanned flesh of Penny’s breasts. For the first time Penny realized the near freezer like chill of the room.

Olga gazed appreciatively at the soft brown skin of the dimpled areola and firm erectness of the nipples. She drew the razor sharp blade close to the base of one nipple. Penny closed her eyes in anticipation of what might follow, but at the same time she felt the press of cold steel against nipple, she also felt her muscles contract as a deep shivering orgasm spread through her body.

Strangely pleased by this, The Dairy Queen leaned down and gave a long exploring kiss to her helpless victim. “I can make things happen, Lover, but only if you help me. What is your name?”

“Penelope Young-Jugs” escaped the girl's quivering lips.

“No, what is the name you are using to the outside world?” Olga slid her hand down towards the top of the Danger Babe shorts. The thread of the buttons yielded easily under the sharp blade. Soon Olga was gently massaging Penny’s soft, wet pussy with her middle finger. Penny could feel the sharp blade brushing her inner thigh as Olga began to probe deeper with her two middle fingers.

Penelope moaned softly as reached her next climax. She wanted nothing beyond the release of these shuddering, wonderful sensations.

“Again, what is the name that you are living under?” Olga cooed in her deepest, most sensuous voice. She continued to massage Penny with long penetrating strokes, as her own state of arousal built on the young heroines slow, writhing, struggles of bondage and orgasm.

“No,” was all that Penny could muster to sigh in her rapture.

“Tell me Lover, who are you, where do you live?” Olga’s hand continued to slip in and out of Penny’s sopping sex, but she slowly started to increase the pressure and intensity of her lovemaking. Penny responded immediately with base animalistic gyrations, moaning uncontrollably.

“PLEASE, PLEASE NOT SO HARD!!!! IT’S STARTING TO HURT!!!!” Penny begged as bucked and thrust.

“Tell me what I want to know” the Dairy Queen whispered to her nearly exhausted captive. She continued to increase the pressure on the girl, driving her slowly beyond the threshold of ecstasy toward long throbbing orgasms of sensation she could not bear.


“Then let’s hear your name” Olga commanded, she was losing herself to the moment and totally taken away with her sweating, agonized captive. She had interrogated many women in her years of crime but none had proved so formidable as this. This pretty young thing was being subjected to what Olga considered some of her most exotic torture and continued to fight back.

Penny was blind with sensation; she could feel the rub her torn clothes on her naked flesh, the cool swirling air of the room drying her sweat, the unforgiving straps pinning her to the table and the aggressive manipulations of the Dairy Queen’s hand. Penny felt the warm press of Olga’s lips to her own, hard warm kisses probing mouth and wandered across her body licking and biting her skin. Olga clamped her teeth playfully on Penny's erect nipples. They were still sensitive from her long wet bondage under the Pier. Penny pulled and rolled blindly in an attempt to free them from Olga’s evil bite.

Totally spent, Penelope would have gladly answered her interrogator to end the flooding rapture, but she heard no more questions come. Penny, no longer able to fight the sensuous overload lapsed into unconsciousness.

The Dairy Queen was cradling her head on Penelope’s bosom when Penny finally stirred from her exhausted sleep. Feeling the pretty captive begin to pull at her the straps pinning her to the bondage table, Olga sat up and clicked the small remote in her hand. The TV monitor that Penny had seen earlier went blank.

“Good morning Lover,” quipped Olga in a tone of mock cheer. “How do you feel? Still scrumptious I imagine, it’ll be hours still before you really start to recover from my ‘Orgasm Gas’.” Olga slid her hand down Penny’s body. It was only then that Penny realized that The Dairy Queen had removed the torn remnants of her Danger Babe costume. All that remained were the stiletto heeled ankle boots and her trademark neck choker. The cool air and difficult bondage had stiffened her joints terribly. Her body was also caked in the dried sweat of her ordeal. The hours of sexual torture that Olga had subjected her to left her hopelessly drained.

“You look tired, even after your nap. So why don’t I get you something to drink?” Olga hopped off the slanted table and sauntered over to the TV cart. From one of the lower shelves she produced a large glass pitcher of milk and glass with straw. “House specialty,” she laughed. She poured a glass and allowed Penny to drink it through the straw.

When she finished, Olga looked over her captive. “I think I’ll clean you up before we start on desert.” She walked over to the utility sink on the wall and started to fill it with hot water.

While she did this Penny took the chance to really test her bonds. She pulled hard on the straps clamped around her legs. The straps holding her thighs apart prevented her from having enough range of motion to pull at the ankle straps, the point where she thought she might have the most luck. Next she tried her wrists, she could feel the straps stretch, but they snapped back as soon as she released tension. Penny could tell that Olga had chosen the material just for such properties. She wanted to enjoy the struggle of her captives while neither giving the bonds enough slack to let her escape or be totally immobilizing.

Olga returned to the table with her bucket of steaming water, a large, coarse sponge and small bone handled object. Penny quickly recognized it as a folded straight razor. She immediately started to pull at her bonds when she saw it.

“Hush Lover, that’s exactly what I would advise against,” cooed Olga as she mounted the table by Penny’s feet. She put the bucket and sponge down and placed the handle of the closed razor against the restrained heroine’s clit. The after effect of the gas continued to work its evil magic. The touch of the cold steel on her delicate organ sped a shiver through her body.

“I think that pretty little hedge of yours is in need of a trim.” She dragged the closed razor up over Danger Babe’s taunt, flat stomach, between the mounds of her breasts, enjoying the distraught arousal of her victim.

When the Dairy Queen reached the bottom of her chin, Penny’s eyes were closed, and her lips were pursed with anticipation, of what, she did not know. As the razor crossed her lips, Penny reflexively kissed it. Pleased, Olga flipped the blade open and laid the shining blade on the girls slowly heaving chest.

Olga moved her hand over the length of Penny’s body inspecting the perfect tan flesh as she went. When her fingers reached the girl’s vulnerable pussy, she started caressing the head of her mound drawing out sweet groans from the prostrate girl. Her fingers slid expertly over tender skin bringing Penny to a gentle climax. In the midst of her stroking Olga started to smear the juices that were readily flowing from the girl across the small patch of fine blond hair that was her pubis. Penny’s hips writhed as the fingers brought her to an almost endless series of orgasms, one on top of the next.

As Penny roiled under the sexual onslaught, Olga picked up the steel razor and brought down on the soft hair of Penny’s patch. Feeling the blade gliding over her pussy Penny bit hard into lip trying to control the thrusting of body. The blade, sharp enough to cut a falling feather, drifted over the curves of the girl’s sex. Olga continued her work, deftly trimming away the small patch of blond hair until only the perfectly pared pink of Penelope’s pussy remained.

The Dairy Queen looked down at the quivering clean-shaven captive. She soaked the large coarse sponge from the pail and started to bath Penelope. She started with Penny’s face and worked her way down her body using broad lingering strokes. The removal of the sweat and grime of her ordeal lifted her black spirits somewhat. The feeling of fresh clean water on her did not have the same sexual context that had marked all the other tribulations the Dairy Queen had thus far heaped upon her. Olga swept Penny’s body clean even removing the loose hairs from her shaving. Finishing, the Dairy Queen slid from the table, went to the TV cart and turned on the monitor and returned to the table with a heavy towel and a remote control.

“Lover, shall we channel surf for a while?” Olga said with a sly rhetorical grin. As the monitor warmed up it showed a wide view of the factory floor, the same view Penny had seen up on the roof. Except that instead of a low-resolution gray scale image there was a clear vibrant color screen. The hum and chug of dairy equipment rumbled from the stereo speakers embedded on either side of the screen.

“I sent the help home so that we might have some privacy, murder is such a private business.” She clicked through an assortment of views of the factory floor and empty offices. Eventually, the monitor showed the security office where Penny had left the two milkmaids tied in their unpleasant double hog-tie. They were both still there, bound together, tugging at the ropes joining their bodies. Penny could see their nipples being periodically pulled and tugged as each woman tried to relieve the cramped discomfort of her own bondage. The women would duly grunt and groan as they fought back and forth, tugging on the ropes connecting to their pubic hairs and nipples. Both women were obviously exhausted. Penny soon realized that the key rope in the hog-tie had been let out considerably more than she had left it.

“Those two idiots deserved to be punished, and I thought you got them off to a good start,” the Dairy Queen surfed on, stopping at a loading dock. “In case you're wondering that’s where the Bovinar Calf is, at least for the moment.” She clicked onward.

“This, Lover, is where you would have ended up if it had not been otherwise engaged,” she said motioning to the screen. It was the beautiful asianl girl. She was still tied to the gently sloping parallel bars. The high-resolution screen gave Penny a much clearer view of what was going on than she had on her small handheld. The girl had progressed farther down the slope than she had when Penny last saw her. She could tell from the anguished look on the girls face that she was being subjected to some sort of diabolical sexual torture similar to what the Dairy Queen had been subjecting Penny to.

The high-resolution screen gave an improved view of the girl’s plight. The large dildo at the base of the slide was turning its studded surface slowly as the girl writhed in a futile effort to escape. The tip of the device had not yet penetrated too deeply between the folds of her labia. Mounted on her breasts were what appeared to be a pair of funnels. The flesh of the breasts were gently rising and falling inside with slow mechanical cycles. Two hoses led from the funnel ends and snaked the floor feeding into a small piston pump. As the flywheel of the pump slowly spun the arm of the piston plunged and pulled, each thrust evacuating a small amount of air, tugging the nipples farther into the cups.

“Beautiful isn’t she?” Olga queried. “Such beauty held such promise and betrayal. She tried to infiltrate my organization. I brought her in, gave her a job and she tried to set me up. But as you also found out, snooping around is a dangerous business.” Penny looked at the unfortunate girl. Even in the sophisticated bondage trap that Olga had tied her, it was clear that she was a fit athletic type that Penny had always found attractive. Her muscles were lean, but not bulky. She had more western features than Penny had noticed earlier. She had the clearly Asiatic features, possibly Chinese; a beautifully rounded face with high, elegant cheekbones set below wide almond eyes. But her nose was more of a straight European type.

Watching the girl struggle held the Dairy Queen totally captivated. She started to run her hand absently up and down Penelope’s naked thigh.

“I caught her in a trap similar to the one I caught you in. It was while we were planning the big museum heist at the Amusement Pier. She was rifling through my office when she accidentally set off a gas bomb I had rigged in a filing cabinet. We found her when we got back.” Seeing the beautiful young thing in such perilous bondage was getting Olga all hot and bothered. Penny could feel the coarse fabric of Olga’s body stocking rubbing on her leg. Olga was staring transfixed at the image of the girl in the monitor.

“You see those two funnels? They’re hooked up to that Nook-O-Matic breast pump. I’ve set the vacuum on it to its lowest setting, but it’s still pulling, sucking at her tender young tits, drawing them slowly up the funnel.”

“And do you know what I have at the top of those pipes?” She smiled, wetted her lips and continued, “There are three micro needles in each one. Filled with the same venom that I used in my orgasm gas. Unfortunately, when taken subdermally the effect is quite the opposite from what happened to you. Once it enters the bloodstream it causes the ecstasy you've so enjoyed. But ultimately comes her orgasmic exit.” She pursed her lips in mock sadness, “of course that may take a while since the breasts are mostly fatty tissue.”

“But let us get back to the dishy demise I have planned for you.” She leaned over and kissed Penny. Slowly probing the girl’s small, pretty mouth. Penny, still under the influence of the orgasm gas, was compelled to reciprocate. As their tongues intertwined Olga slid her hand down into Penelope’s sex. Penelope gasped in her arousal, Olga suddenly stuffed a folded handkerchief into Penny’s open mouth. Before Penny could react the Dairy Queen had secured the gag with a broad strip of red PVC tape that covered her mouth from below her nose to her chin and from ear to ear.

“There now Lover, you look perfectly pretty in your present peril.” She picked up the remote control and deftly manipulated a mini joystick. The robotic arm whirred to life and glided smoothly over to the table. As the proboscis hovered over the captive heroine the Dairy Queen pressed a red button labeled “TEST” at the base of its large nozzle. A large glob of white foam formed at the tip of the hose.

“I hope you like French Vanilla, lover because you’re going to be getting an awful lot of it,” Olga laughed and took the cold mass and smeared some on each of Penelope’s exposed breasts. Her nipples hardened immediately under the cold heavy white froth. Olga, pleased at this, ran her hand down the girls belly leaving a white trail. When she reached Penny's freshly shaved bush, she smeared the remainder slowly into her crotch, the icy cold shocked Penelope’s sex. Olga could feel Penny’s clit swell with arousal. She gently rubbed the soft mass into her pussy.

“Don’t worry Lover, this is low fat yogurt, less than 10 calories per serving.” She slid down the table until her lips were only inches away from Penelope’s undefended desert spread. Olga’s tongue took a few quick, experimental licks. Penny fought the fresh onslaught of sensation as the Dairy Queen’s mouth gently closed over the pinned girl’s quivering flesh. Olga’s tongue alternately licked and probed as Penny’s hips slowly gyrated.

When she finished, Olga sat up and daintily wiped her lips on the lace sleeve. She slid off the table and picked up her remote. With a click of the button there was low hydraulic hum.

“I guess this is ‘au revoir,’ or to be more precise ‘good-bye.’” As she spoke, the edge of the table slid up until Penny was lying at the bottom of an eighteen-inch deep pit.

“So this is how it works, Lover. Those two giant vats over there have been churning away making those yummy frosty frozen yogurts we sell all over town. But we also make cakes. Cakes for all occasions; for anniversaries, bar mitzvahs, birthdays.... Ah! Birthdays!!! Now that’s where you come in, your Aunt Sylvia is going to REALLY love the cake I have planned.” She gave Penelope a wry smile, “You know some people get cakes where a naked girl pops out, well, this isn’t exactly that. You’ll be in it, but you won’t be popping out.”

“This robotic arm is computer controlled, it will carefully spread gallon after gallon of smooth and creamy French vanilla yogurt over your luscious young form until this form is filled.” She tapped the enameled pan. “And at Tatty Sylvia’s birthday next month she’ll get to cut the cake, Danger Babe a la mode.”

“BUT OLGA!!! THAT WILL TAKE HOURS!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO TO PASS THE TIME? You might ask.” From the floor the Dairy queen lifted a small aluminum object. It was shaped like a set of insulators, the kind used on high voltage power lines. The shape reminded Penelope of a half dozen mushroom caps strung in a row. The shaft drooped slightly at one end. The other end had a round oblong tail. The entire devise was ten inches long and perhaps two inches wide. Penelope had no idea what it was.

“So Lover, do you know what this is?” Penny shook her head in a frightened ‘No.’ “I call it the ‘Wiggly Worm’. Do you know what the Wiggly Worm does?” She ran it affectionately over her hand. “The Wiggly Worm is sort of like a vibrator, but not quite. It’s more like a self propelled dildo, I put the first segment in your pussy and turn it on. Instead of just vibrating you into orgasm, it strokes and worms it way deeper and deeper into your pussy. Quite a unique sensation, I’m sure you’ll find that it’ll effectively keep your mind off the time.” Olga lowered the side of the table and climbed up next to the bound heroine. She started to rub the gadget against the head of Penelope’s clit, soon the first segment of the worm was firmly embedded in the lips of her pussy.

Finishing that, the Dairy Queen moved up the table until she was looking directly into Penelope’s pale blue eyes. Her hand roamed the girl’s firm body one last time, massaging her erect nipples and exploring the folds of her labia.

“You know Lover, I must admit that I’m tempted to keep you as a pet. I’ve had such a wonderful time playing with you, but now I must leave.” She peeled back the wide swath of tape, removed the wad of cloth and gave Penelope a last probing kiss before replacing the gaggage.

“Well, bye-bye Lover!!” Olga said as she slid off the end of the table. “I hope you enjoy your last few hours!!” With that, she clicked her remote. Again the rim of the pan glided into place with a quite click. Another click of the remote and the whole tray started to roll around its perimeter, slowly tipping Penelope to her side then gently head down and finally back to head up. The robotic arm swung to life. It rotated down towards Penelope’s feet and began shooting a thick cold jet of foam across her legs.

The Dairy Queen beamed at her struggling victim, her hands slid up and down her sides eventually one made its way to her crotch. Her hand slid gently across her own sex, keeping tempo with the struggles of her captive. As she became more and more involved own sexual relief she pointed the remote in Penelope’s direction.

The wiggly worm buzzed into action. Its tail began to spin slowly as its head started vibrating in a slow corkscrew fashion. The worm’s body whipped back and forth between the girls legs.

“Well again, and for the last time, good-bye Danger Babe!!” She strode to the door, turned for one last appreciative look and left.

But Penelope hardly noticed the overly theatrical exit, she was consumed with more pressing problems. The wiggly worm was living up to its name and the robotic arm was quickly encasing her naked body in a cool white tomb of frosty French Vanilla.

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 242
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Wow, breathtaking story. I'm speachless, too many thrills, genious traps, her sex drive going higher and higher.

A mastermind doing a masterpiece. Thanks for sharing.

Love, Yvonne!
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Hi, it's me again!

This is probably not the way you see it but I gave a shot at doing her in 3D. Hope you like it!
Penelope Young-Jugs.png
Penelope Young-Jugs.png (5.29 MiB) Viewed 290 times
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MaryAnn wrote:
5 days ago
Hi, it's me again!

This is probably not the way you see it but I gave a shot at doing her in 3D. Hope you like it!
Ah... What a delicious demise.... You have it pretty spot. I will post it to my DeviantArts page after I add some modesty insignia.

Thank you so much these are great.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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sneakly wrote:
4 days ago
Ah... What a delicious demise.... You have it pretty spot. I will post it to my DeviantArts page after I add some modesty insignia.

Thank you so much these are great.
I knew I didn't added enough vanilla! :)

Glad you love it!
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The Perils of Penelope Young-Jugs

By Sneakly, Copyright 1996

*Chapter Five*

"A Most Dickworthy Accomplice"

Penelope lay helplessly pinned to the bottom of the Dairy Queen’s giant cake pan as a torrent of chilly white French vanilla yogurt slowly engulfed her body. The “self propelled” dildo was gently working its magic between Danger Babe’s spread thighs. Penelope pulled and thrust uselessly as she tried to escape the mounting sexual onslaught.

As the cool vanilla coated her body, it melted and formed rivulets of white ooze that rolled down her torso and legs. The robotic arm had been carefully programmed to slowly fill the pan and cover her body while leaving her face untouched. Penelope realized that the Dairy Queen had planned this trap with care. She wanted to use just the right mix of stimulation and frozen yogurt to draw out Penelope’s suffering as long as she could before having to top off Sylvia’s birthday cake.

To her dismay, Penelope discovered that the motorized “Wiggly Worm” was quite a bit more sophisticated than Olga let on. It was carefully designed to work its way deeper into the folds of her sex with smooth rhythmic undulations, like a giant worm probing its way into her body. Worse yet it seemed to be able to react to Penelope’s struggling body, as she fought her bonds. It seemed to sense her moments of clarity and sought to break her. It also incorporated into it the same electro-stimulation that had been so nearly effective in Penelope’s adventure under the amusement pier. A small capacitor in each segment of the worm’s body could release a small static impulse into the soft flesh of her pussy. As each new segment entered her sex, the cumulative effects were fiendish.

The reason the immense pan was slowly tilting around the edge was also becoming apparent. The slight tilting allowed the freezing goo to settle around her body eliminating air pockets as the layers of yogurt sprayed down on the heroine. The Dairy Queen wanted a perfectly formed cake. Penelope fought relentlessly against the encroaching ooze, even as it clung to her body. She pulled, tugged, kicked and strained at the elastic straps that thwarted her escape. Through the thickening mess Penelope could feel the elastic manacles stiffening as they cooled.

Penelope, noticing the stiffening, realized she might use this to her advantage. She started by trying to gain control of mind. The orgasm gas had robbed her of much of her will but what was left she worked hard to focus. She hummed into her gag much the way she would recite a mantra from yoga. The Wiggly Worm thrust and contorted as it sensed her body coming to rest, three segments had already penetrated her and a fourth was just rubbing itself on the folds of her labia. The vibrations and the accompanying shocks sent dark waves of orgasm flowing through her body, each capacitor dispersing its charge sequentially through her loins.

After several intense minutes of mind numbing orgasmic agony, Penelope, little by little, regained her senses. The capacitors would take some time to recharge and Penny had a brief window before the wiggly worm would resume its assault. Rallying, she commenced her gagged mantra. Looking into herself, she began to clear her mind and purging her senses. Concentrating, Penny started applying slow steady pressure on the strapping locking her wrists behind her back. Blocking the writhing worm from her mind, she applied a constant tension to the straps, stretching them slowly out. The frigid yogurt cooled the elastic enough so that after several minutes’ Penelope was able to slip one of her wrists free while the sluggish material reverted to its original length.

The extrication of her hand was a relief, but the hours of bondage and the thickening layers of yogurt made her so stiff that she had to strain to pull it from behind. With great effort she was able to slide her elbow up through the loop that had pinned wrist and elbow.

Her arm was almost free but she still had a long way to freedom. The frosty layers of glop were now several inches thick and covered most of her body. It was particularly heavy over her crotch and torso, making each movement a battle. The Wiggly Worm had also rejoined the fray, massaging the walls of the heroines’ pussy and bringing her rapidly back to another climax. Penelope’s body tensed under the delicious assault of the worm as goose bumps rippled across her flesh and a train of orgasms roared through her.

Penny arched her back and tugged uselessly as she squirmed and shuddered in the throws of passion. Penelope fought to find and extract the dildo but the layers of gelling food made that impossible. Instead she fumbled to undo the thin metal collar that forced her head into the congealed mass. It took her a couple of tries but eventually the yogurt caked buckle gave way. Pulling herself to a partial sitting position, she tore the gag from her lips and spit out the wad of damp fabric. Still struggling, Penelope tugged her remaining arm achingly from behind her. Immediately, she clawed away at the mound of ice cream that protected the viscous vibrations of the Wiggly Worm. She was almost on top of it when it made its final assault, discharging the capacitors deep inside her, one after the other. The sixth and final segment was just penetrating her labia and sent Penelope crashing back into the bed of muck, struggling against her remaining bonds and the thick layer of semi-solid yogurt. Her body sank back into the slimy tomb, all the while the robotic arm continued to hoard on more layers of the thickening ooze.

The final shock drifted from her body. Penelope collapsed into unconsciousness. She had no idea how long she lay like that after the last segment of the worm had penetrated her. But, when she became aware of her surroundings the worm was silent. Apparently, it had completed its part in the Dairy Queen’s sadistic plot and its battery was completely discharged.

Penelope looked at the robotic arm. It was down near where her feet were concealed under more than a foot of congealed dairy product. The device was whizzing from side to side as it started the finishing pass over the young woman’s body. Since her losing consciousness, the machine had laid down several more inches of yogurt in its final mechanized effort to entomb Penelope in the Dairy Queen’s killing cake. The arm was methodically moving over body, shooting a fresh layer over the girl’s stomach, and partially exposed breasts. It had already reburied her arms, which were numb with cold.

Because she had partially escaped the trap, Penelope’s arms and torso hadn’t been buried as deep as the Dairy Queen had originally intended. When the nozzle approached her face, Penelope was able free her right hand and slap the machine away.

Sensing an error the machine swept back trying to finish its programmed murder. This time Penelope was able wrench her other hand free and grabbed the device with both hands, pulling herself to a sitting position.

Finally, naked and tired Penelope pulled herself from the would-be tomb of French vanilla yogurt and the lusty appetite of the wiggly worm. Pulling herself free, she collapsed on the floor, her legs numb and nearly lifeless. Dislodging the dead sex toy from her body, she clawed her way across the floor wall near the still churning dairy equipment. A sprayer hung on the wall. She tugged it and blasted her legs with water. Even though the water was probably no more than tepid, it felt warm, almost hot as stripped the clinging mass of yogurt from her body.

The force of the water massaged blood back into her stiff and numb extremities. When enough of her strength returned, she looked around the room. Penelope stumbled around the cake machine to the TV cart. On one of the shelves she found a heavy terry cloth towel. Wiping the remaining water from her body, she suddenly remembered the Asian girl trapped somewhere in the building. She tried to activate the closed circuit cameras, but her fingers were still too stiff to be of any use. Amidst the rags of her shredded Danger Babe outfit she found the remains of her tool pouch.

Wrapping herself in the towel she headed for the door. It was bolted from the outside, but Penelope focused on the lock. She blew into her hands and wiggled and flexed them, desperate to recover sensation. After several minutes of work, the lock yielded with a satisfying click.

Outside the cake room Penny found only a short hallway, on the right was the same executive freight elevator that had lead to her capture, on the left was a storage room marked ‘DECONTAMINATION’ and straight ahead was a door marked ‘R&D RESTRICTED’.

Penny carefully inspected the locked door. With sensation rapidly returning, she was able to foil the dead bolt. She pushed back the door and cautiously peered in.

It was the same area Olga that engrossed her earlier. The unfortunate policewoman was still bound between the two slippery metal bars, still struggling as the shaft of the studded dildo rotated inside her. The pump on the floor chugged away quietly pulling the girls nipples ever closer to the deadly needles that awaited them.

The girl was almost limp between the two bars; her hips gyrated slowly on end of the phallus as it slowly worked itself deeper in her sex. She made a feeble stirring when she realized that someone other than the Dairy Queen had entered the room. She raised her head and looked at Penelope with large, tired eyes. A muffled whimper escaped the gag. Penelope wasted no time.

She ran to the girl and kicked the power cord of the pump out its socket. The pump stopped in mid-stroke. When Penelope pulled the two funnels from the bound girl’s breasts. They made two loud “SSCCHHLUUUPPPs” as the accumulated vacuums released the captive girl’s breasts. The girl groaned a sigh of relief as her breasts fell back to their natural forms. Penny pulled the black scarf from over the girl’s mouth.

“Thank God you’re here! That crazy cow was going to kill me!” the girl sobbed.

“I know, she tried to do me in, too.” Penny explained. “Let me get you out of this thing.” Penny reached down and turned off the motor running the dildo.

“Oh thank you, that thing was driving me nuts. I don’t know what she had in that knockout gas of hers, but whatever it was it made me incredibly horny. I think I came more times in the last day than I had in my entire life.” Penelope cranked the parallel bars down to horizontal and carefully extricated the dildo from the exhausted girl.

“Who are you?” Penny asked as she started to work on the complex series of knots.

“I’m Katrina Dickworthy, my friends call me ‘Kat,’” the girl explained. “I’m an Interpol agent detailed to the Buzzsaw P.D. to investigate the activities of Crime Net.”

“That explains a lot,” Penelope responded. “Now I know why I didn’t know about you. How long have you been in Buzzsaw?”

“I got off the plane last week, this was my first assignment.” The panic was starting to fade from Kat’s voice and for the first time Penny was able to detect an English lilt in her soft voice.

“So who were you reporting to?” Penny continued to work on the complex series of ropes that held the girl suspended from between the two bars.

“Chief Limpwad. He said that for security I wasn’t to show up around the police station or to contact him except at pre-arranged meetings.” Kat, her legs finally free of rope kneeled patiently while Penelope finished undoing the complicated series of ropes that had been tied around the girl’s torso.

“That would’ve made it easy for him when Interpol asked where you were. He could say that you never showed up.” Penny started working on the layers of rope binding the girls hands.

“He’s part of Crime Net?” Kat was stunned that a fellow officer had set her up. “That worthless shit! He was supposed to be my back up!”

“The only ‘backing up’ he’ll do is to get your’s up to a wall while he got his fingers in your knickers.”

“I’ll have his hide for this!!” Kat fumed. “That fucking creep!!”

“Don’t get to worked up, Limpwad is a creep but bringing him down won’t kill Crime Net.” Penny finished untying the last of the ropes. While Kat rubbed her sore joints and recovered her circulation and strength, Penny explained.

“Crime Net owns the Buzzsaw Police. Dick Limpwad acts as liaison and coordinator of all police activity for Crime Net. But, in his favor he is extremely vain and very stupid. In the past when someone from Crime Net gets taken out, he’s more than happy to strut in front of the press and extol the wonders of his office. The D.A. gets whatever evidence is sent gift wrapped with the perp. Once they have the lights on them they have to try reasonably hard not to fuck the case up. Crime Net knows he’s an idiot, BUT, he’s their idiot. If you take him out, one of his lieutenants would certainly take over, and most of them are smarter and more ruthless.”

“I guess, but who’re you and why do you know so much?” she gave Penelope a sideways glance and said, “you look familiar, where have I seen you?” She furrowed the brow of her large almond eyes. Her eyes suddenly brightened with recognition.

“That’s it!! You’re Penelope Young-Jugs!!! You were convicted for blowing up your entire family!!! I’ve seen your face on a couple of INTERPOL bulletins.”

“Well I wouldn’t say that’s exactly right, the FBI and INTERPOL records say I was convicted, but there was never an arrest, hearing, trial or conviction.” Penny was not altogether comfortable with anyone in legitimate law enforcement knowing the vigilante heroine Danger Babe was also wanted as an escaped murderer.

“You think they planted all those records and files just to get you in trouble?” Officer Katrina Dickworthy, agent of INTERPOL, couldn’t believe that anyone could perpetrate such a massive fraud.

“I know it but if you want to check it with Limpwad, by all means go right ahead.” Penny was starting to get impatient with this uncomfortable discussion. “Look, think what you want, but we still have to get out of here.”

Stung by Penelope’s sarcasm, Kat retreated and asked what they should do.

“There are only three rooms on this level and one elevator, unfortunately its booby trapped with the same gas that they used on you earlier.”

“Well can’t we get around it? Isn’t there another way?” she asked anxiously. Kat didn’t want to have anything further to do with the Dairy Queen or her orgasm gas.

“Nope, we’ll have to take the elevator, but we might be able to foil the gas.” Penelope led her new friend back into the hall. Inside the decontamination closet they found disposable paper suits and double sealing canister masks.

As they were getting dressed Kat looked at Penelope, “I’m sorry I found your story so incredible back there, it wasn’t very grateful of me.” She leaned over and Penny vaguely expected an appreciative peck on the cheek, but instead she received a gentle kiss from the pretty Asian on her lips. At first stunned, Penny soon reciprocated as the two delicately licked tongues. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it seemed to temporarily allay most of the suspicions that both women had.

“Well, let’s get out of here before the Dairy Queen realizes she left the barn door open.” Penny and Kat checked each other’s masks to make sure they were properly sealed.

The sound of the approaching elevator froze both women in their tracks. Penny motioned Kat to help cover the elevator door. The two heroines rushed through the opening doors, catching the Dairy Queen completely off guard. They slammed the stunned amazon against the back of the elevator car. The larger woman shortly recovered, and started fighting like a hellion. The two girls, both exhausted from their captivity, fought hard to pin their adversary, but Olga was proving more than a match in the closed confines of the elevator.

Then Penelope had a brainstorm.

“The button!! Hit the button!!” She shouted to Kat. Katrina didn’t take a second thought and let off a sharp kick at the control panel. The first strike fell short but her second shot closed the doors and sent the elevator upward.

Realizing what the two were attempting, Olga tried vainly to rip the vapor masks off their faces. Both girls knowing that they only had a few seconds to hold out, brought all reserves to the fore. The elevator lurched to a stop. Then the electronic voice of the gas trap announced “SECURITY PROTOCOL BREACH, ENTER IDENT CODE NOW. NEUTRALIZATION IN FIFTEEN SECONDS....TWELVE SECONDS.....” All three women redoubled their efforts as the seconds ticked off, Penelope and Kat desperately trying to keep the busty amazon at bay and the Dairy Queen fought in the hope of pulling the masks off the two and preventing their escape.

When the gas started to swirl into the bottom of the car, Penelope swung her foot low in a swift kick that knocked the Dairy Queen’s legs from beneath her. She landed with a “THUD” in shallow fog, and briefly struggled before the gas took her over.

Penelope and Kat panted nervously as they waited for the elevator to vent the gas, unsure if the seals on their masks would do the job or whether Olga had freed her two assistants before heading to the sub-basement.

When the doors finally opened the two found they were alone in the suite of empty offices.

“What now?” Kat asked as she prodded their drugged adversary.

“Lets get her over to the Security Office before she wakes up,” Penny said as she hoisted one of Olga’s arms. The two dragged the woman unceremoniously through the offices allowing ample opportunity for her to clunk into the odd pieces of furniture.

They arrived at the Security Office to find Peaches and Cream laying exhausted but still tied up on the floor. Their hearts sank when they saw their leader being hauled in like a sack of oats. Penny did a quick and efficient job of tying the ring leader hand and foot. She left Kat to guard the prisoners while she went and searched the building for the Bovinar Calf and some fresh clothing.

She found the van in the truck port, but it was empty except for a tarp and some line, exactly what was needed to move the icon. The rest of the building was empty. The only clothing she could find were the outfits she had seen the workers wear, white cotton blouses, pleated tartan plaid miniskirts, black panties and what Penny thought of derisively as come-fuck-me-pumps, white pumps with four inch heels(tipped in brass). After rinsing under a hot shower and putting on a fresh set of clothes, she headed back toward the office with an outfit for Kat.

“Did you find the Bovinar Calf?” Kat asked as she sized up the handful of clothing that Penelope brought back for her.

“Nope, Olga must have just come from delivering it when we nabbed her.” Penny looked at the young officer Dickworthy, thinking how lucky the pretty Asian had been escaping this nest of thieves. “By the way, where are you from? Is that an English accent?”

“Yes it is, My father was an English constable in Hong Kong, my mum worked in the Police Records Bureau.” Katrina stripped off the paper coveralls, and started putting on the underwear. She was not very tall, perhaps 5'5", but nicely proportioned, long athletic legs, topped by a pleasantly curvy bottom, a firm, narrow waist and pert round breasts. Her face seemed to be a perfect blend of East and West, skin smooth and nearly flawless, full, slightly pouty lips on a petit mouth and a cute, perky nose set between large almond shaped brown eyes. Her long black hair cascaded down between her tan square shoulders blades, reminding Penny of corn silk.

“Do you think we ought to wait until she wakes up and find out who her fence is?” Kat buttoned the side of her little skirt and tucked in the white blouse. The dark of her nipples peeked through the light fabric.

“I don’t think that is such a good idea, if we stick around here someone from Crime Net is bound to show up. Besides, I don’t have the vaguest notion of how long that stuff will keep her down, twenty minutes, four hours, who knows?” Penny went over to the monitors a pulled a silver disk from the one that displayed the cake room. Next, she removed the one from the display where Katrina had been held. She handed it to her and said, “This should put the Dairy Queen and her milk maids away for a long time.”

Penelope slid the disk of her own torment into her packet of tools. “If you don’t mind I’m going to hold on to this for the moment.”

“If that’s what you want, go ahead, but that’s pretty damning evidence against them.” She pulled her hair from inside her blouse and let it cascade down her back.

“I’ve got too much of a history to let the Buzzsaw Police learn more about me than they need to. I’ve got a few ideas where to look for the Bovinar Calf, so wait fifteen minutes and then ring the State Troopers. I’d like to be a few miles away before they get here.” Penelope started to collect her things.

As Penelope left the room Kat followed her. “Wait!” She called, “I just wanted to thank you again for saving my life, and to let you know that your secret is safe with me.”

Penelope stopped. “What secret is that?”

“That Penelope Young-Jugs is also Danger Babe.” She reached out to Penelope, softly grabbing the back of her neck and drawing her in. She gave Penelope a deep, passion felt kiss, pressing her body against her savior. Penelope reciprocated, and the two women held themselves in a rapt embrace. Penny finally pulled herself away and went without another word.

Penelope left the building, using the front door this time. Katrina would be expecting the state troopers, so Penelope propped the door ajar. As she headed back across the road and up the hill, she tried to clear her mind. The orgasm gas had pretty much worn off, but she still found it difficult to stay focused. Her mind kept wandering back to her new friend.

She didn’t have much to go on, just the few scraps of clues that she had gleaned over the last few days. She knew that she was probably looking for either a fence who could move such a valuable artifact or someone already in the underworld who might have a desire to collect that type of thing. In either case she was heading in the same direction, towards the Depot District.

Penelope mounted her Ninja motorbike and turned the key. The engine sputtered briefly before emitting a roar that soon cooled to a soft purr. Penelope’s body was still sensitive from the Dairy Queen’s orgasm gas and the vibrations coming up through the seat rubbed pleasantly against her thighs, soothing some of the muscle aches in her tired legs. She slipped on her night vision goggles that she had recovered with most of her tools.

It was still dark out and the LED on her bike said it was 2:34 AM. She would probably make it back to town in forty-five minutes. With the night vision and the whisper quiet cycle, Penelope could ride back to town at full throttle and never be noticed against the night sky.

She pulled out of the brush and onto the dirt track that ran back to the main road. Penny had worried constantly about having to trust someone with her multiple identities. All of a sudden she did, for some reason Kat seemed like the right person. It was the same type of brotherhood that occurs when two people meet on a lifeboat after their ship sinks. They have no reason not to trust each other, but their survival depends on it.

Kat would never survive in the crime ridden Buzzsaw Police Department without Penelope’s inside knowledge of Crime Net and its organization. Penelope had been flying way too long without a net. Someday, she was going to find herself in a situation that she could not use her bag of tricks to get out of. She would need a reliable person watching her back. Maybe Kat Dickworthy would be it.

The dirt and grass slope slowly leveled out and Penelope turned onto the main road. It wasn’t much better than the dirt track. Even so, she opened the throttle and let the big bike bounce along over the rough pavement. She liked the sense of speed and the feeling that she was still alive after bringing down another member of Crime Net. The ‘Staties’ would roll up Olga and her cohorts, Dick Limpwad would have no choice but to see that a proper prosecution was performed and Kat would get a nice feather in her pretty cap.

Penny started to let the bike laze back and forth across the deserted road, savoring the wind that was blasting through her almost dry hair. Maybe it was the effect of the kinky gas or the way the case was working out, but Penelope felt like a million bucks. She almost didn’t see the oversized wagon come blazing around the corner. Her night vision was lost in a blaze of green that lasted only a second, yet it was enough to send her off into the high marsh grasses that lined the road. She thought she had recovered the bike just as the front wheel caught a deep trough of mud and shot her forward into the darkness.

By S. Sneakly

Copyright 1996 by author

Next: Pastuerized, Processed Police Peril
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I was always a fan of the Ian Flemming tradition of naming characters with painfully obvious double entedres, Dick Limpwad, Penelope Young-Jugs, The Dairy Queen. You are going to meet a couple more in the coming chapters.

I had actually been expanding this story from it's original format. I know I had a formatting problem with one of the later chapters, so I will have to look what needs to be done to recover it after sitting fallow for so long. I may just have to rewrite a new end to it.
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