My custom idea: Never Meet Your Heroes

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Hi all,

I have a few ideas for customs. I’ve got this one mostly fleshed out and I’d love some feedback: Is this doable? Any range on how expensive this would be? Any producers you think who’d be a good fit for this?

Appreciate any and all feedback.


Never meet your heroes

Whisper is the newest recruit to the Ultra Squad team. She’s eager to meet everyone and settle in. When she runs into Ozone, she’s starstruck. After all, he’s humanity’s greatest hero, and her idol. But Ozone isn’t as noble as the press leads her to believe.

Inspiration: The Boys comic (Starlight and Homelander)


Whisper: A young, bright-eyed and bubbly superheroine. Ideally a blond with a young face and an athletic build. Her costume starts out a bit modest (leotard with a cape and short skirt), but gets ripped up to make it more revealing. Looks wise, she should ideally resemble Cassidy McWilliams, Aubrey Sinclair, Alexis Monroe, Gia Ohmy. I know most of them aren’t acting anymore but those are just some ideas for the type of actress I’d like to see in the role.

Ozone: A powerful, charismatic superhero who carries himself professionally in the spotlight but is actually a psychopath behind closed doors.

Executive: A high-level administrator for the Ultra Squad. Preferably a woman, she needs to be dressed professionally and carrying a clipboard or tablet. She introduces Whisper to Ozone, then leaves.


The Executive brings Whisper into a room where Ozone is hanging out. The Executive introduces Whisper as the newest member of the team. Ozone is very complimentary, and said he’s heard a lot of great things about Whisper.

The Executive says she has to leave, but asks Ozone to show Whisper around HQ and introduce her to the rest of the team. Ozone says he’s happy to. Whisper is very enthusiastic about meeting Ozone. She’s bubbling over with excitement. She tells Ozone that she grew up with all of his action figures and his poster on the wall, and he always inspired her to be just like him.

However, as soon as the Executive leaves the room, Ozone drops the friendly facade. When Whisper tells him that she always wanted to be just like him, he snaps and says “You aren’t, and you’ll never be like me, understand?”

Whisper is at a loss for words. Ozone continues, telling her they keep adding women to the team for optics, and that he has to carry the team because they’re useless. As he does this, he walks around her in a circle, brushing against her and bumping her shoulder to keep her off-guard.

Whisper is shocked, but tries to regain her composure. She says “Well, I should probably be going, but I just wanted to say I look forward to working with you.” She turns to leave, but Ozone grabs her cape so she can’t walk away. Whisper yells, “Hey!,” and takes her cape back.

He says “I mean, look at this costume. You’re supposed to be a superhero, this looks like a kid’s Halloween costume. Let me make some improvements.”

Ozone grabs the end of her cape and pulls it over her head, making her double over. Whisper yells “What are you doing?” Ozone pulls the cape, spinning her around in a circle. He says, “Personally I like capes, but for someone with less experience, they can be dangerous. You’ve got to be aware of your surroundings or they can get caught, and look what happens then!” The cape rips, sending Whisper dizzily spinning into a wall, then falling to the ground.

“You want to go with a more modern look. Sleek.” As Whisper slowly gets up, still dizzy, Ozone grabs her collar and rips it, exposing some cleavage. She shouts and tries to stop him, but he’s too strong. “Not bad, not bad,” he continues.

While Whisper is trying to fix her ripped collar, Ozone grabs the midriff of her leotard and pulls, causing Whisper to spin around. He rips the front midriff portion off, exposing her bare stomach. Whisper yelps, “Stop it,” as she struggles in vain to cover herself.

While Whisper is fretting about her stomach and cleavage, Ozone continues walking around her. She’s clearly self-conscious. He says “That’s a lot better, but you know, I think we need to make a few more tweaks.” He grabs her skirt and pulls it down. Whisper grabs her skirt and pulls against him but he gets it down around her knees. She yells “No, STOP IT” and punches him.

Ozone pauses, lets go of her skirt, and rubs his cheek. Whisper realizes she just screwed up, badly. She timidly says “Sorry, I just…” but before she can finish Ozone backhands her, making her trip over her skirt and fall over onto her back. While she lays on her back, Ozone pulls at her skirt, getting it down past her knees and all the way off while she tries to pull it back, meekly saying “No no no please.”

Ozone takes the ripped skirt, smells it, and says, “You know it really hurts me when you ignore my constructive criticism. I’m just trying to be a good mentor. After all, you look up to me!”

Whisper, on all fours, tries to crawl away. Ozone mimics taking a photograph of her ass while it’s in the air, making a “Click” sound. As she starts to get up, he wraps the ripped skirt around her neck and chokes her. While she struggles, he puts his face close to hers and sneers, “If I decide you’re not a team player, I could have you kicked off the team like that. Or I could drop a building on you or anyone you love. Maybe I’ll take a visit to that little farm you grew up on, say hi to Ma and Pa.” He releases her throat, but slams her head onto the floor, dazing her.

Whisper groggily yells, “You wouldn’t!” Ozone replies, “I’ve done worse for less. I do whatever the hell I want.” As he walks past her, he slaps her on the butt. Whisper yelps, sits up and grabs her behind.

Whisper tearfully says, “You’re nothing but a bully!” Ozone shrugs. “I’m kind of a big deal. Idiot kids everywhere have my posters on their walls, after all!” Whisper gasps.

The Executive walks in and says “Whisper…” only to see Whisper on the floor, her costume all torn up, trying to cover herself, obviously traumatized, with Ozone is standing over her. The Executive asks, “Is everything alright?” Ozone tells her that everything is fine, and that Whisper will be there in a minute. Whisper silently mouths “Help me” to the Executive, but she ignores her and says “Whisper, we’re ready for your introductory press conference. I’ll be right out here to bring you to the podium.” Then she leaves.

As Whisper fumbles to get herself together and stand up, Ozone says snaps back into his nice-guy facade. He says. “Welcome to the team. See you out there, kid” and slaps her forcefully on the buttocks again as he walks past her, making her wince. When he leaves, she’s visibly devastated, throwing her skirt and other discarded costume pieces to the ground.


Ozone leaves Whisper, her costume ripped up to make it far more revealing. She’s traumatized and battered, and has to go straight to a press conference.
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Love this idea on principle! It's great to have a custom concept inspired directly by The Boys, which adds a new level of peril and cruelty that you don't see a lot in the Big 2.

However, I have two points to make:

1) There are a lot of characters in comic already called Whisper, but the one that stands out to me is the sexy ninja who ran for about 50 issues in the 80s. I'm very familiar with her since I had a letter published in an early issue of the comic. She got her ass beat and costume torn a bunch of times. So, a reference to that might be very intriguing.
Whisper-First-Comics-Steven-Grant.jpg (52.88 KiB) Viewed 489 times
2) I don't see how the heroine could *possibly* do her press conference looking battered and her costume torn up. Nor why an executive (from a Vought-like corporation, I assume) would force her to do that. They'd just cancel the conference and reschedule it to a later date to avoid bad publicity. So that's a serious flaw in the plotting.

It might make more sense for the Executive, instead of ignoring what happens to the heroine, to actually notice it, and then comment something to the effect of, "Oh, Ozone! Come on! You're always doing this to the new sexy heroine recruits! Now we're going to have to wait a week to reschedule the press conference until she heals up from these bruises. And I'm going to have to get the tailor to fix her costume! Seriously, Ozone - I know you have to keep these bitches under your thumb, but you do these things at the absolutely most inopportune times!"

Then Ozone looks all sheepish and puppy-dog as if to say, "Who, me?" knowing full well he has messed with the corporation's plan and has the Executive under his thumb. The Executive can still be cruel, uncaring and corporate, and she can even agree with his brutal application of arbitrary discipline (she has no choice, after all!) but she would have to consider what Ozone did to be highly inconvenient, and a waste of time and corporate profit.

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shevek wrote:
1 month ago
Love this idea on principle! It's great to have a custom concept inspired directly by The Boys, which adds a new level of peril and cruelty that you don't see a lot in the Big 2.

However, I have two points to make:

1) There are a lot of characters in comic already called Whisper, but the one that stands out to me is the sexy ninja who ran for about 50 issues in the 80s. I'm very familiar with her since I had a letter published in an early issue of the comic. She got her ass beat and costume torn a bunch of times. So, a reference to that might be very intriguing.


2) I don't see how the heroine could *possibly* do her press conference looking battered and her costume torn up. Nor why an executive (from a Vought-like corporation, I assume) would force her to do that. They'd just cancel the conference and reschedule it to a later date to avoid bad publicity. So that's a serious flaw in the plotting.

It might make more sense for the Executive, instead of ignoring what happens to the heroine, to actually notice it, and then comment something to the effect of, "Oh, Ozone! Come on! You're always doing this to the new sexy heroine recruits! Now we're going to have to wait a week to reschedule the press conference until she heals up from these bruises. And I'm going to have to get the tailor to fix her costume! Seriously, Ozone - I know you have to keep these bitches under your thumb, but you do these things at the absolutely most inopportune times!"

Then Ozone looks all sheepish and puppy-dog as if to say, "Who, me?" knowing full well he has messed with the corporation's plan and has the Executive under his thumb. The Executive can still be cruel, uncaring and corporate, and she can even agree with his brutal application of arbitrary discipline (she has no choice, after all!) but she would have to consider what Ozone did to be highly inconvenient, and a waste of time and corporate profit.

Thanks for the prompt and thoughtful feedback.

1) I didn’t realize there were other characters named Whisper, but I’m not really married to any of the character names (Whisper, Ozone, Ultra Squad, etc.). I’d thought of Whisper as a nondescript superheroine name that I’d use sometime when needed. I’d rather use original characters even though they’re likely stand-ins for famous ones. Whisper or whatever I call her is part Starlight, maybe a little Miss Marvel from the X-Men era. But I hadn’t even thought about what her powers are, since she’s way, way overpowered by Ozone. Ozone is obviously Homelander/Superman.

2) Great point about the press conference. I actually just thought of that and wrote it in before sharing it here. The way I’d originally written it was mostly the same except there was no mention of the press conference. I guess having her show up like that for a press conference is just adding insult to injury — the media will portray her as a super slut and she’ll be getting horrible press before she even goes on her first mission.

My thought about the executive ignoring her is that Ozone is such an overpowered psycho that no one — certainly not some PR suit — has the stones to stand up to him so the exec just pretended not to notice anything was wrong. Sort of an extreme version of how a lot of powerful scumbags have been able to get away with rampant abuse because people turn a blind eye.

I do enjoy the idea that this Vought-like organization claims to be “family-friendly” but all it’s superheroines wear much more revealing outfits than their male counterparts because sex sells, and they’re often pushed into dangerous roles when they’re not fully ready, just so they can sell more toys and market more films and so on. And the idea of her having to go ahead with the press conference like that probably also comes from a humiliation kink, like you’d see in the “Public Disgrace” films. Not a huge part of the story but even if I took it out, it’d be in my head canon. :laugh:
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