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Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Stephany watched from her rooftop perch, her green eyes focusing like a predator as the two thugs pulled the girl into the bar. “This is it show time.” Stephany glided down to the sidewalk marching with determined purpose to the bar.
“Oh, come on man let me get a feel.” Skeeter whined. “I got her here.”
“Fuck off.” Dutch grunted in response to the scrawny meth head. “Just lock the fucking front door and make sure the closed sign is out. Fucking idiot.” The rest of you fucks get up to the bar and get some drinks, while I get this pussy train a’roll’n! Waahooo old man Dutch is fresh out of the joint and look to party all night long. Yeeha!” He turned his attention to the terrified blonde. “What the fu..” Skeeter literally flew by him crashing into the tables and chairs along the bars far wall.
“Howdy boys. Want to really party?”
Dutch was aw struck and shocked just like the other three men sitting at bar were. The young auburn-haired woman who had to be by Dutch’s reckoning somewhere between 19 and 20ish something, leaned cockily against the bar’s door popping her knuckles. Dutch’s eyes were already pre-raping and scoping her out. The tight black and crimson long sleeve crop top and matching leggings on the athletic body was like a gift to be torn open, the mask seemed to add the spice of kink. A much spunkier fuck compared to terrified fast-food taco girl Skeeter snatched. Dutch turned to face the spandex angel. “Oh, baby I am...” Stephany’s boot heel slammed in his face knocking Dutch back into the blonde taco girl they both fell back onto the pool table. Stephany grabbed a chair throwing it at the three other men now racing toward her from the bar. Two of the thugs got their legs and feet tangled in the chair and hit the floor hard, the other ran to the side, creating just what Stephany needed space and time. She grabbed the girls hand pulling her away from the large brute. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.” Stephany said with all the authority she could muster. The girl moved slow too slow her senses seemingly dull. The brute Stephany had kicked in the face was already recovering the other three men were regrouping. “We need to go now!” Stephany grunted, feeling some panic come over her literally dragging the girl to the door. The heroine hustled toward the exit shoving and carrying the endangered girl. Stephany’s stomach turned nervously she wasn’t prepared for the three other men in the bar and with the way her powers worked, taking on two aggressors was risky more than that was downright dangerous. Finally, the door, it seemed an eternity to clear that short distance to freedom, the blonde girl was coming back to her senses. Stephany pushed the girl out. “Run! Find the co…” A strange ohm sounded in Stephany’s head she blinked swaying drunkenly watching in slow-motion as the girl ran away and thought it strange as the fat end of a pool cue floated to the floor. The distant ache behind Stephany’s ear suddenly exploded into full-blown mind-boggling pain.
A fist drove into her stomach a hand grabbed her hair, pulling, then shoving Stephany back in the bar. She stumbled about liturgically shaking her head trying to fight her way out of the sludge in her mind. Something Stephany didn’t know what, divine intervention perhaps, told her to raise an arm, the brutes heavy back slap spun the hero around, her hands gripping the pool tables edge. Stephany waivered barely able to keep on her feet, her mind, her body just wanting to go down. Then the flash, pain so powerful Stephany’s stewed brain could not even register erupted behind her ear the same spot where the pool cue had hit her. Green, she thought between blackouts and…
“Not so tough now are ya bitch.” Dutch snorted his hammer fist to the back of the woman’s head did the trick. The unconscious do gooder lay slumped on the pool table, unknowingly presenting a gracious view of her ass. Dutch fixated and fantasized on that wonderful image.“Jesus Dutch, I think you killed her!” One of the other men exclaimed.
"Na." Dutch chuckled, "She still breathing. " His ravenous eyes turn to the unconscious Skeeter sprawled on the knocked over tables and chairs across from him. "Tommy pick up the useless idiot get him out of here. You two guys, run down that blonde chic and do what ya want. Just make damn sure she doesn't get home. She's seen our faces and I aint going back to prison." He turn his gaze back to the fallen heroine.
Tommy looked down at Skeeter his face scrunching in disgust, "You owe me for this." Tommy muttered angrily, lifting the scrawny meth head.
"Yea yea." Dutch said dismissively. "Now beat it after ten years in the big house well," Dutch's eyes again locked the wonderful sight of the unconscious beauty before him. "I sure aint sharing. Now git!" He turned his attention to the men who remained "I said Go!" his voice boomed in horny aggression. The thugs didn't wait running out the door to their waiting truck. Dutch turned back to his prey. He smiled with satisfaction, licking his lips . Dutch's cock was rock hard just staring at superchic's ass made him feel like a child on Christmas day with so many presents to open and no idea on where to start.
Dutch took a deep breath and walked over to the prone beauty. He ran his hand over the smoothness of her back and hips. God she felt so soft and warm. Dutch's eyes followed the lines of her body to the small of her back and ass, he couldn't help but run his rough palms over those beautiful buttocks. He meaded the heroine spandex cheeks, undoing his belt. He lifted the limp woman his hand firmly groping her ass cheek the other snaked around her back. Dutch oddly noticed how small she was compared to his massive 6' 1" , she had to be maybe 5' 5" tops. "Superhero hmmph.." He released her ass cheek and teased the nub of a nipple peeking through the thin fabric of her crop top, briefly pondering what the embordered capital H lightning bolt capital A stood for. Dutch spun her around and let the woman fall onto the pool table feeling her ass then fingering her, he wiggled letting his jeans drop to his knees and rubbed his cock on her spandex covered crack. He picked her up again, she lay back into his shoulder, he pawed and groped her chest , fingering her without mercy. He tossed her on the pool table and laid on the helpless heroine humping her butt as he snaked a hand under her to continue the teasing of her pussy. The heroine cooed softly as though she was having a sex dream. Dutch grinned, she was still out, but the sounds were encouraging. He continued humping and groping, and then his tongue licked the nape of her neck. His breath was hot and moist on her skin. The heroine moaned softly, her body moving ever so slightly in response to Dutch's sexual assault. He licked his way to her ear, then gently nibbled the lobe. A small groan escaped her lips. His hand moved from under her and caressed her ass. Dutch's fingers moved to her groin and squeezed, the heroine groaned more urgently. Dutch's cock was harder than a lead pipe now, her noises were turning him on, making him more aggressive. He rolled the heroine over onto her back, her masked face turned away, her body limp and compliant. She was so wet Dutch ravenously thought feeling her spandex covered crotch moisten his fingers sticky fingering her all the more, his hands moved to her thighs rubbing up and down her leggings. Her hips moved slowly and her breath was short and raspy, a moan here and there.
Dutch's heart raced his lust was overwhelming he was done with the foreplay he wanted his prize. He moved his fingers to the waistband of the leggings...Dutch felt weightless then darkness. "Freshmen." said the annoyed woman shaking her head with a sigh scooping up the Hero Academy student.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Sorry about the small print but for some reason the site will not accept the larger font that I normally use.
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Good start on the story but you need to add spacing like paragraph breaks to allow for easier reading. More attention to proofreading for errors wouldn't hurt either. With that said, I'd love to read more about this novice heroine.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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DrDominator9 wrote:
5 months ago
Good start on the story but you need to add spacing like paragraph breaks to allow for easier reading. More attention to proofreading for errors wouldn't hurt either. With that said, I'd love to read more about this novice heroine.
I know how posting on these sites strips away all of your formating. So simply double spacing between paragraphs will help the readiblity immensely.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Stephany Dunne is a new freshmen superhero recruit it the prestigious and secretive Hero Academy. She occasionally breaks strict Academy rules by sneaking off campus in her costume trying to test her powers and prove herself. Stephany is very inexperienced, and her powers have limitations. On one of her unauthorized outings, she rescues a young woman from rapists. The woman gets away, but Stephany is nearly raped in the process.

Stephany is rescued by a Hero Academy graduate, Teri Semoore the heroine known as Lancer. Teri aka Lancer takes Stephany on as a mentor, instructing the student of the many hazards of the superhero life from the most humorous and silly perils to the most dire and dangerous. The two become fast friends. Stephany and Lancer are ambushed and captured by a master villain who was hired to acquire a random hero. He subjects them to a perverse sexual stimulation game to see who will go home that night. Stephany recovers with her mentor and friend missing.

Stephany is not happy at the Academy's, in her opinion, slow pace in the search for her missing mentor and friend. Stephany is assigned a new mentor, a hero called Strongfellow, who she doesn't like nor really trust. When on patrol one night the pair encounter a man roughing up a known thug with villainous ties. Stephany can only sit back and listen as the two men have a heated verbal exchange because of her freshmen status, - Stephany is called newbie, rookie, probie or FNG just as most freshmen are, only upperclassmen or sidekicks get hero names- As she listens to the heated exchange Stephany hears the man's name. Mike Lowe, her mentor and friend's fiancée who was deployed to the middle east when Teri aka Lancer went missing. Mike is on a mission to find his missing fiancée and he is very angry that no one informed him that she was missing. Stephany hones her stealth skills by sneaking off the Academy campus again in search of Mike to offer assistance in his search. What she finds is not the cool collect soldier that her mentor and friend loved but someone that is taking reckless risks and kicking a hornets nest of crime bosses and dangerous upper-level villains. She quickly learns that Mike is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat when she covertly observes him in a parking lot ambush with a local mob bosses thugs leaving them broken boned and bleeding. Their relationship is off to a very rocky start as Mike reluctantly accepts Stephany's help in his search for his fiancée. Through the months of their investigation the old cool and collected Mike begins to reemerge and because of the dangers that Stephany and Mike endure they start to become close, too close at times. How Stephany and Mike truly feel about their relationship is complicated they care worry and love for one another, but Teri's missing situation is hard to navigate for both. Stephany files a sexual harassment complaint against her mentor Strongfellow after he tries to take advantage of her in a incapacitated state when she is overwhelmed by a supervillain. She doesn't tell Mike. Stephany in a weak moment confesses her love for Mike and he confesses his love for her. The police discover the remains of Lancer (Teri) but who is the other Strongfellow? END BOOK 1
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
Posts: 44
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The idea I'm trying to work on. any help or advice is really really welcomed.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Joined: 14 years ago


Stephany crouched on her vantage point atop the rooftop, her emerald gaze locked onto the scene below. Two men dragged a struggling girl towards the dimly lit bar, and her jaw clenched in anger. "This is it," she muttered to herself as she swiftly descended from the roof and marched towards the bar with unwavering determination.

Skeeter's voice dripped with desperation, "Please, just let me get a feel." He pawed at the girl.

“Get the hell outta here!” Dutch growled at the scrawny meth head, shooing him away with a dismissive wave. “Just make sure you lock the damn door and put out the closed sign. Moron.” He turned to the rest of his crew. “Now, let's get down to business, boys. It’s party time and I’m gonna ride this train all night long! Yeehaw!” His voice boomed through the bar as he made his way towards the terrified blonde girl. Skeeter came flying past him, knocking over tables and chairs on his way to the other side of the bar.

“Well hello there fellas. Ready for a real good time?” she purred, leaning against the door and cracking her knuckles in a cocky manner. Dutch and the other three men at the bar were instantly captivated by her fiery red hair and athletic figure. The tight black and crimson crop top paired with matching leggings left little to the imagination, making their hearts race with anticipation. And the mask she wore only added to the excitement - a hint of danger mixed with a touch of kink. Compared to the scared fast-food taco girl Skeeter had snatched earlier, this one was full of sass and spunk.

Before the brute could react, Stephany's steel-toed boot collided with his face, sending him reeling into the unsuspecting blonde girl. They both crashed onto the pool table with a loud thud as Stephany rose to her feet, wielding a chair in one hand and a fierce determination in her eyes.
The three men charged at her from behind the bar, but she was ready for them. In one fluid motion, she brought down the chair, tripping two of them and sending them crashing to the ground with bone-crushing force. The third man tried to evade her attack, but she anticipated his move and sent him flying with a swift kick.

Stephany stood tall, panting heavily and surveying the chaos around her. She knew she had to act fast. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she grabbed the blonde girl's hand and pulled her away from the large brute. “Let's go, we're getting out of here,” Stephany commanded. But the girl moved too slowly, seemingly in a daze. Clearly, her senses were dulled. Stephany knew they had to hurry before things got even more dangerous. The brute Stephany had kicked in the face was already recovering the other three men were regrouping. “We need to go now!” Stephany grunted, feeling some panic come over her literally dragging the girl to the door. The heroine hustled toward the exit shoving and carrying the endangered girl. Stephany’s stomach turned nervously she wasn’t prepared for the three other men in the bar and with the way her powers worked, well taking on two aggressors was risky more than that was downright dangerous. Finally, the door it seemed an eternity to clear that short distance to freedom, the blonde girl was coming back to her senses.

With a push, Stephany forced the girl to flee. "Run! Find the co..." A strange noise rang in Stephany's head, causing her to blink and sway unsteadily. She watched in slow motion as the girl escaped, wondering about the odd fat end of a pool cue that fell to the ground. Suddenly, the dull ache behind her ear erupted into an excruciating, mind-bending pain.

A sudden blow struck her in the gut, followed by a rough hand yanking her hair and shoving her back into the dingy bar. Stephany staggered around, her head swimming as if in a thick sludge. She struggled to find clarity amidst the mental fog. In a daze, she lifted her arm and managed to deflect a heavy slap from the brute, only to cling desperately onto the edge of a pool table for support. Her body was barely able to remain upright, with every fiber screaming for her to succumb to the darkness. But then came a blinding flash of pain behind her ear, where the pool cue had struck earlier. Amidst the chaos, all she could think was "green" before slipping into another blackout.

With a violent snort, Dutch swung his hammer fist towards the back of the woman's head once more. The satisfying thud as his knuckles connected with her skull made him grin in triumph. She crumpled onto the pool table, her unconscious form revealing a tantalizing view of her shapely backside. Dutch couldn't help but fixate on the alluring image before him, lost in a moment of lecherous fantasy.

“Jesus, Dutch. I think you killed her.”

"Na." Dutch chuckled, his eyes glinting with manic excitement. "She's still breathing." He looked down at the unconscious Skeeter lying sprawled across the knocked over tables and chairs. "Tommy, pick up the useless idiot and get him out of here. You two, run down that blonde chick and do whatever. Just make sure she never makes it home. She's seen our faces and I'm not going back to prison." His gaze turned back to the fallen heroine.

Tommy wrinkled his nose in disgust as he lifted the scrawny meth head. "You owe me for this," he muttered angrily.

"Yea yea." Dutch waved off Tommy's complaints before turning his attention back to the unconscious beauty before him. "Now beat it. After ten years in the big house, well," Dutch's eyes hungrily roamed over the heroine's body. "I sure ain't sharing. Now get out!" His voice boomed with lust-fueled aggression, causing the thugs to quickly make for the door.

Dutch breathed heavily as he approached his prey. He ran his hand over the smoothness of her back and hips, savoring the warmth and softness beneath his rough palms. His eyes followed the curves of her body, from the small of her back down to her round ass. Unable to resist, he groped and squeezed her buttocks while undoing his belt.

With one hand firmly gripping her ass cheek, Dutch used his other hand to snake around her back. He noticed how small she was compared to his massive 6'1'' frame – maybe only 5'5'' at most. "Superhero, hmmph..." He released her ass cheek and teasingly rubbed at the nub of a nipple peeking through the thin fabric of her crop top. He couldn't help but wonder what the embroidered capital H and A, divided by a lightning bolt stood for.
Dutch spun her around and let her fall onto the pool table. He eagerly rubbed his crotch against her spandex-covered butt, letting his jeans drop to his knees before continuing to grope and fondle her body. He lifted her up again and she flopped back into his shoulder, he pawed and squeezed at her chest while fingering her without mercy.

He tossed her onto the pool table, teasing himself grinding against her rear as he slid a hand under her to continue toying at her pussy. The heroine cooed softly as if in a involuntary sex-induced dream. Dutch's grin widened as he noticed she was still unconscious, but her moans and movements were promising. He kept up his rhythm of molestation, trailing his tongue down the back of her neck.

His breath was hot and moist on her skin. The heroine moaned softly, her body moving ever so slightly in response to Dutch's sexual assault. He licked his way to her ear, then gently nibbled the lobe. A small groan escaped her lips. His hand moved and caressed her ass. Dutch's fingers moved to her groin and squeezed, the heroine groaned more urgently. Dutch's cock was harder than a lead pipe now, her soft seemingly aroused noises were turning him on, making him more aggressive. He rolled the heroine over onto her back, her masked face turned away, her body limp unaware and compliant. She was so wet Dutch ravenously thought feeling her spandex covered crotch moisten, his fingers sticky, fingering her all the more, his hands moved to her thighs rubbing up and down her leggings. Her hips moved slowly, her breath short and raspy, a moan here and there.

Dutch's heart raced his lust was overwhelming he was done with the foreplay he wanted his prize. He moved his fingers to the waistband of the leggings...Dutch felt weightless then darkness.
"Freshmen." said the annoyed woman with a sigh scooping up the Hero Academy student.
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