Wonder Woman: Evil Heritage

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Wonder Woman: Evil Heritage

It is a beautiful day in Washington D.C. The sky is clear blue and the temperature is perfect. It is also a day of celebration and hope as Wonder Woman, the greatest superheroine of all time, makes a special appearance as an ambassador and a guest speaker at a "Me Too" march and rally. Thousands of women march the streets of Washington D.C. to gather around the Lincoln Memorial for a rally where many prominent women in society and sex crime victims gives a speech or tells their stories for a positive change for female victims of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

Wonder Woman, who is the most well known and popular superheroine of all time, is also the main attraction for the march and rally. She leads thousands of women holding banners and signs through the streets like a pied piper then gives a powerful speech to all men, women, and children of all different races and ages. Her words of encouragement are heartfelt as she talks about her own experiences of sexual harassment for being beautiful and for fighting crime in a costume that many think it's too skimpy, unethical, or impractical. She even shares with the crowd of the sexual harassments and sexual assaults she faced as a captive to both men and women but fortunate enough to avoid being a rape victim many times during her misadventures. She explains to the people that her costume is a traditional wardrobe of a celebrated champion of the Amazons and how people shouldn't judge by how they look or what they wear. Then she adds to her point how what a person wears doesn't make it their fault for being a sexual assault victim and doesn't imply that the person is asking to be sexually assaulted.

Wonder Woman is wearing her classic costume of red, white, blue, and gold. She is beautifully adorned in her red bustier with a double "W" breast plate, shiny star-spangled spandex panties, red and white boots, a pair of red pearl-like earrings, a golden tiara with a red star in the front middle, a pair of silver bracelets, and a golden belt with her famous golden lasso hanging off her right hip. The Amazon princess, who is wise as Athena, stronger than Hercules, and beautiful as Aphrodite, is clearly the most beautiful person anyone in the world has seen. Every word she shares ring through the hearts of those that hears her. Many are left in tears as she promises to make the world a better place for everyone, no matter their gender or race, and the crowd applauds and cheers in gleeful joy.

After her speech, Wonder Woman waves to the crowd and blows kisses in the air, then flies off into the blue sky. The crowd cheers even louder as their symbol of hope and encouragement makes a grand exit. The Amazon warrior becomes a speck in the blink of the eye before she fades and disappears from the crowds' view.

As Wonder Woman flies through the air, she notices a commotion in an alley about a mile away from the Lincoln memorial. She sees a woman standing over a crawling man in an alley and her eyes widen at the spectacle. She also sees that the woman is beating the man with a crowbar. The superheroine swoops down and lands right behind the woman and asks, "what's going on?"

The woman who is dressed in a sexy and skimpy outfit turns her head to look back at the baffled superheroine. The woman is wearing a diamond shaped, dark green halter top, a pair of black double-wide wristbands, a black g-string bikini bottoms, and a pair of dark green thigh high boots. The man crawling away on the ground is wearing a dark green beret, a black tank top, a dark green army pants, and a pair black boots.

Wonder Woman is surprised to see blood trickling down her forward and immediately assumes that she is a prostitute defending herself from a potential rapist. Rather than stopping the woman or tying her up with her magic lasso, she tries to console her by asking, "are you okay? is this man bothering you?"

As soon as the woman realizes that Wonder Woman is not a threat and isn't trying to stop her, she turns her head back around, raises the crowbar in the air, then screams, "NO!"

Wonder Woman uses her superhuman agility to get between the woman and the man. She quickly grasps the woman's right wrist before she can swing down the crowbar at the man once again. The concerned superheroine looks at the woman in the eyes and says, "it's okay, now. Let me handle this."

Wonder Woman has her back turned on the lying man while she tries to calm the frantic woman down. Then suddenly, she feels a sharp pain on each of her butt cheeks and yelps, "ow!"

The baffled superheroine looks back and down at her buttocks to see tranquilizer dart pinned on each of her star-spangled butt cheeks then gasps in surprise and asks, "what?"

The man on the ground is holding a gun pointed at the superheroine's spandex clad derriere with a wicked grin on his face. Wonder Woman gets enraged then turns around to lunge at the man but gets smothered with a white cloth and whimpers, "hmmph!"

The woman has her left arm wrapped around the unsuspecting superheroine's neck and presses down a chloroform drenched handkerchief down onto Wonder Woman's nose and mouth. The power of 2 tranquilizer darts and the chloroform is too much for the Amazon princess to handle. The star-spangled superheroine's knees buckle as her eyes flutter in attempts to keep them opened. She slowly falls to the ground as the woman holding her from behind gently guides her down. The woman wickedly grins as she feels her prey's body go lifelessly limp.

The man gets up to the front of the alley way where a van is blocking the view of any pedestrians that may be walking by. He quickly opens the back doors while the woman bends down, pulls up on Wonder Woman's left arm, then lifts the unconscious superheroine up in a fireman's carry. The scantily clad woman proudly walks to the back of the van with her trophy on the back of her shoulders. Wonder Woman's head sways with her star-spangled butt with 2 darts stuck on them displayed in the air.

"Good catch." The man jokingly says while holding the door open for the woman.

"Heh, heh." The woman laughs in response then turns to her left so that Wonder Woman's perfectly round globes are closer to the man's face then commands, "take the darts off."

The man eagerly obliges by gropingly slides his right hand on Wonder Woman's right butt cheek until the tranquilizer dart is against the syndactyly or the web between his index and middle finger then pulls the dart out. He takes the pulled dart in his left hand then gives Wonder Woman's right butt cheek a hard spank to see it bounce. The star-spangled ass cheek is so firm that it barely jiggles and just bounces right back into it's original shape. Then he pulls the dart on her left butt cheek the same way to feel through the smooth spandex clad flesh, pulls the dart out, then gives it a rough slap. The man's grin widens to an ear to ear smile.

"Hey! That's loud. Just hurry up and get in. You can have your fun soon enough." The careful woman insists as she disrespectfully flips down Wonder Woman's body into the van to make her star-spangled butt hit the floor first. The man jumps into the back of the van and pulls the Amazon warrior's upper body while the woman pushes her legs in all the way. She shuts the door then quickly gets in the driver seat to turn on the engine and drive away.

The woman carefully drives to their hideout by following all traffic rules so that no one suspects a thing. This also gives the passengers a gentle ride so that the man can bind their captive. He uses a steel chain to bind Wonder Woman. He wraps the chain around her upper chest just above her breasts, wraps each of her biceps to immobilize her arms, then tightly wraps the ends around her wrists behind her back.

"Are you sure we shouldn't just tie her up with her own magic lasso?" The man asks the woman with uncertainty in his voice.

"We can after our experiment. But we need to make sure what my great grandmother wrote in her secret journal works." The woman insisted as she continues to drive.

Miles later, the 2 villains arrive at sound proof garage in the suburbs of Fairfax not too far from Washington D.C. They park the van inside and locks the doors. It takes almost 2 hours for Wonder Woman to regain consciousness as she took 2 does of tranquilizer and countless breaths of chloroform.

"Ugh." Wonder Woman softly moans as she groggily wakes from her slumber.

Before she can fully awaken, the man picks her up by her arms then roughly pushes her out of the van. The bound superheroine lands on her feet but quickly stumbles to the ground and lands on her knees and lets out a small groan as her knees hit the concrete floor, "agh."

The man nervously hides behind the van while the woman stands behind Wonder Woman with uncertainty and anxiety. Unsure whether the superheroine with break free from her bonds and start fighting them. The man stands guard with his dart gun pointed at the back of Wonder Woman. At the same time, the woman grabs a bullwhip and pulls her arm back in preparation to swing the whip at the Amazon warrior that's well known for her superhuman strength and speed.

"Ugh, wh... what?!?" Wonder Woman moans and asks in confusion as it doesn't take long for her to feel the stiffness in her shoulders and the rough chain tightly wrapped around her arms and wrists. She desperately tugs and twists to break the chains and pull her arms out. Then gasps in horror realizing that she's been tied by a man and says, "great Hera!"

The 2 villains smile in delight as they observe their captive's reaction. The man lowers the gun that looks like a real gun but with a clip filled with more tranquilizer darts. The woman raises her arm and swings the bullwhip hard on the unsuspecting superheroine's bare back.

*Whoosh, CRACK!*

"ARGH!" Wonder Woman grimaces and screams in pain as her head snaps back while arching her back.

The angry Amazon princess turns her head back to see who the culprit is then gets surprised and shouts, "you! But why?"

The villainess answers with another swing of the bullwhip to create a second welt crisscrosses the 1st welt on Wonder Woman's bare back.

*Whoosh, CRACK!*

"AWW!" The searing pain forces Wonder Woman to face forward and howl in agony once again.

"We are the ones that ask the questions. Not you." The woman declares.

"We?" Wonder Woman reactively asks to look back and look for any other person in the room but ends up letting out 3rd yelp before she can fully turn her head around then folds over in agony as she gets whipped just for asking, "arrrgh!"

"What's wrong Wonder Woman? Does it hurt?" The villainous woman asks then whips the helpless superheroine before she can even answer.

*Whoosh, CRACK!*

"Mmph." Wonder Woman turns her head away in shame and tries to hold in her scream but lets out a muffled whimper.

Wonder Woman's heart swirls with anger and embarrassment as she is helplessly bound and whipped. She feels a sense of betrayal as she thought this woman that's hurting her is the same person she was willing to risk her life to save and help. But the searing pain from the bullwhip extinguishes her anger as a sense of fear begins to brew deep inside her. Instead of asking, she musters up the courage to state in order to gain some sense of empathy from her interrogator, "b... but I was only trying to help you."

"Hmm, not a question this time. Someone's learning." The woman replies and continues, "I know you were trying to help, and it's your fault for assuming I was the one that needed the help."

The woman steps toward the back of the van, grabs the crowbar, then tosses it to the other side of the room. Rather than a loud clanking sound, the crowbar bounces off the ground with a thud until it finds its final resting spot. Wonder Woman's eyes widen in shock realizing the crowbar is fake then looks back to state, "but you were bleeding."

"Oh, this?" The sexy woman with the whip asks as she wipes her forehead with her left hand. "Fake blood, dear."

The man grabs a chair behind the van, carries it to the other side of the van, then sets it down to sit on it. He gets the best seat of the house as his partner continues the taunting and interrogation of the greatest superheroine man has ever known.

"You!" Wonder Woman angrily shouts as she notices who the man is when he comes into her line of sight.

The man doesn't say anything and just smiles. Wonder Woman contorts her upper body like she's about to turn around but gets stopped in her track as the woman quickly whips her back and commands, "stay!"

*Whoosh, CRACK!*

"Agh!" Wonder Woman yelps and obediently turns her upper body back to her normal position.

"It's funny because you were just at a 'Me Too' event and just assumed that the woman is the victim no matter how things look. You should've just tied both of us up or at least tied me up and asked for the truth. Rather, you showed sympathy for me just because I'm a woman. And assumed the worst of him since he's a man? I'm sure if he was attacking me, you would've stopped him before any questions. Let me guess, you thought I was a prostitute that was defending myself, right?" The woman explains and asks.

Wonder Woman blushes with embarrassment as the woman is in her head and knew exactly what her train of thought was. She can't help but kick herself in her mind for being so foolish, especially after giving a speech about equality for both genders and all races. She feels a sense of guilt and almost feels like she deserves to be punished for her own discrimination against the male gender. The defeated Amazon princess agrees then asks, "you're right, I made a foolish assumption. So, what is it that you want from me?"

*Whoosh, CRACK!*

"AWW!" Wonder Woman whips her hair back and screams as she earns herself another fresh welt for asking a question then lowers her head and falls silent.

"How come you can't break out of those chains?" The woman asks and waits for a respond. Then gives her prisoner a motivation to answer with another lash of the whip.

*Whoosh, CRACK!*

Wonder Woman manages to hold in her cries and stay silent. She doesn't want to give her captors anymore satisfaction of seeing her suffer and she doesn't want to tell her the secrets of the Amazons' weaknesses of how any of them that are bound by a man loses their strength. She also doesn't want to tell them how any punishing instrument used on a slave is very effective on taming an Amazon. These weaknesses are Zeus' conditions when the 5 goddesses decided to create a warrior race of women to fight for the injustice of the female gender in ancient times. Zeus wanted to make sure such race of women didn't get too strong and out of control. But her current predicament makes her wonder if these 2 villains already know her secrets somehow.

The female interrogator's patience wears thin from the long silence and whips her captive five straight times.

*Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK!*

Wonder Woman hides her pain for the first 3 lashes then yelps on the last 2 while tightly shutting her eyes, "agh... ugh."

"It doesn't matter if you answer." The merciless villainess claims then raises the whip high in the air to furiously whip the bound superheroine.

*Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK!*

"ARGH!" Wonder Woman screeches in agony as her body twitches to each kiss of the whip then bends over move her back full of welts away from her torturer. Unfortunately, her bound arms behind back forces her to fall face flat on the ground and leaves her star-spangled buttocks high up in the air as a new, vulnerable target.

The villainess takes aim at the spandex clad butt cheeks and whips it without rest.

*Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK!*

"Agh... ahh... aww... ugh... argh..." Wonder Woman howls and grunts as her star-spangled butt takes the punishing blows of the whip while squirming and wiggling her ass side to side.

The sexy woman excitedly whips and the helpless superheroine. The stars on Wonder Woman's buttocks seems to make the perfect targets symbols. She can't help herself from getting turned on as her sadistic side takes over and even gets wet between her legs. The man watching from the side also gets turned on by watching the shiny, spandex covered mounds of flesh bounce and jiggle from each swipe of the leather implement.

Wonder Woman is filled with fear and humiliation as she takes the whipping of her life. She has never felt so desperate and vulnerable as she does right now. Her thin, spandex panties give her no protection from the excruciatingly painful bullwhip. The sad truth that's unbeknownst to even the champion of the Amazons is that her star-spangled shorts have a magical property that enhances the pain of a spanking or whipping. It doesn't take long for the superheroine's butt get covered with hot, scalding welts underneath her decorated ass cheeks.

*Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK!*

"Ugh... uhn... ngh... ahh... uhh..." Wonder Woman's cries of pain turns to soft whimpers as tears begin to flow out of her eyes.

*Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK! Whoosh, CRACK!*

After almost an hour of nonstop whipping, Wonder Woman's body gets lifeless and stops making any sound as she gets whipped into unconsciousness.

"Wow! I think she's knocked out." The man suggests after closely watching a live BDSM show.

The woman is panting as she gets a workout from whipping Wonder Woman nonstop. Then, tells the man, "okay, you know what to do."

The man gets up and walks behind the unconscious Wonder Woman. He kneels down to take her boots off then grabs each side of the star-spangled panties' waistband and slowly pulls them down. He reveals Wonder Woman swollen, welt covered butt cheeks and comments, "whoa, that ass is messed up."

He pulls Wonder Woman's panties all the way down then slides them off her legs. He picks her up by the arms to sit her up then unbinds the chain only to replace it with her own magic lasso. He wraps the golden lasso around her arms and upper chest just above her breasts, runs the lasso down to bind her wrists behind her back, runs the rest down between her swollen red butt cheeks to bind her thighs together, then finally pulls the rest down between her legs to tie up her ankles. He takes off her golden belt then carries her to the back of the van to sit her down. He unzips Wonder Woman's bustier then slides them off her body while she's still tightly bound by the lasso. The only parts of her costume that he leaves on is her golden tiara and her silver bracelets.

"Yeah, but how come I can't fuck her? It's such a wasted opportunity." The man asks.

"Don't be impatient and stick with the plan! We have to be cautious and can't leave any trace of evidence, especially any bodily fluids that may trace back to you." The woman explains.

"Alright, alright." The man replies to stop the nagging from his female partner. The man grabs a large dildo, lifts up Wonder Woman's legs, then begins molesting her with the sex toy.

"Uhmmm..." Wonder Woman softly moans while still unconscious.

"Oh, shit! I popped her cherry." The man excitedly claims as he sees a trace of blood on the dildo. "Damn, what a wasted opportunity for the fuck of a lifetime."

The woman sighs and rolls her eyes at the vulgar comment.

The man continues to pump the dildo harder and faster until Wonder Woman's sexual fluids floods out of her swollen vagina.

"Uhhhhh..." Wonder Woman moans as she cums while unconscious.

The man pulls the dildo out, gives it a sniff, then throws it on the ground. He grabs a needle gun looking contraption, pushes it up against Wonder Woman's clitoris then pulls the trigger to insert a nanobot into the swollen sex organ. The man gets in the back of the van with the bound superheroine. He closes the door as the woman gets back into the driver seat.

The woman drives across town into the suburbs of Alexandria. Wonder Woman groggily wakes up for the 2nd time during her captivity. She is shocked to realize her arms and legs are tightly bound by her own magic lasso. Even worse, she feels soreness and dampness between her legs and shockingly questions, "suffering Sappho! What did you do to me?"

The man doesn't answer and quickly grabs Wonder Woman's star-spangled panties then gags her with it by tying it around her mouth. He opens the van's backdoors while the vehicle is still moving. He loosens the knots behind Wonder Woman's back to pull the rope tighter than reties it. Wonder Woman is shocked and in dismay as she is easily manhandled. The man lifts the helpless and naked superheroine off the van's floor then tosses her out the moving van that doesn't slow down. He tosses her costume behind. Wonder Woman falls hard on the asphalt and hits her head on the ground as her body rolls on the ground. Leaving her defenselessly bound and unconscious in the street where anyone can find and see her.

The man closes the door then walks up to the passenger seat to sit down. The woman hits the controls of the console to make a phone call. There is a click then silence.

"Mission accomplished, Red Panzer!" The woman declares.

"Well done. And the information you found in your great grandmother's secret journal is all true?" The Red Panzer, one of Wonder Woman's oldest foes asks in his deep voice.

"Yes, she is powerless when a man binds her and the whip worked wonders in hurting her."

"That is fantastic news, Paulina Von Gunther! I'm sure your great grandmother would've been proud. And, Captain Hurst Radl, did you implant the nanobot?"

"Yes, Red Panzer. And turns out she was a virgin. A waste of an opportunity for me. I could've been careful not to leave any evidence." The great grandson of captain Horst Radl replies.

"I understand how you feel, but your time will come. That nanobot is a GPS tracker and it has the ability to super heat her clit, which can instantly incapacitate her if she ever gets in our way, and she'll need to have an orgasm to find any sense of relief. She'll think that she's been raped and like all rape victims, she will have a longing sense of going home. We will know who her secret identity is and if any luck, we will know the location of her true home." The Red Panzer explains.

"You mean that paradise island my great grandfather kept dreaming about?"

"Precisely! They must've erased his and his men's memories somehow as they came back from a secret mission without any recollection of their whereabouts while he was assigned to steal the XPJ-1 engine. He requested a platoon of soldiers for another mission but came back empty handed without suffering any casualties while most of his men had wounds and bruises to show for it. If she does what I expect her to do, then we will know the exact location of her home island. Then, we will invade and conquer an island of Wonder Women who we will enslave to conquer the world." The Red Panzer exclaims.

*This story is based on these artwork by Rene Micheletti
WonderWoman-EvilHeritage-by-ReneMicheletti.jpg (463 KiB) Viewed 2338 times
Last edited by WonderSlave 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Very nice story. Always a fan of the male/female capture team scenario and liked your reverse twist on it. Will there be a follow up chapter or two or is that it?
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DrDominator9 wrote:
1 year ago
Very nice story. Always a fan of the male/female capture team scenario and liked your reverse twist on it. Will there be a follow up chapter or two or is that it?
Thank you very much for reading and for the compliment! I'm glad to hear you like the reverse twist on it. I will eventually write a chapter 2 that I set up at the end of chapter 1.
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Just joined the site, love this story. still learning how to navigate. I like the darker subject matter and how its used to break, submit and enslave the heroines. I have ideas for story content , I'd like to share that I believe they fit into the content guide lines. but that's down the road. Is there a 2nd chapter, if so how to I get to it. Take care fan.
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