Heroineburgh Season 3 continuous update thread

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Heroineburgh Season 3 will begin filming this fall (as the final episode of Season 2 - Episode 21 - comes out).

The over-arching theme of the season will be "Take Back the City". And once you check out Episode 21 (the Season 2 finale) later this year, you'll understand exactly what means, and how dire of a situation it is.

In the meantime, we have begun Season 3 preparations with a bit of re-casting. Most of the Season 2 cast is returning, but we will have probably about 5 or 6 new actresses in total (which out of around 25, is not too bad).

Please give a big Heroineburgh welcome to our new Savanna: actress Jasmine, who is also an accomplished cosplayer and costume maker. She already made an appearance for us at Steel City Con August 2022, and will also be appearing tomorrow at WVPopCon with us, so she'll have plenty of Savanna experience under her belt before even beginning to film for Episode 22.

Can't wait to capture Jasmine's ferocity as the feline fury!
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And in addition, we also have a brand-new Chlorina. Say hello to Jessica Z - she's super enthusiastic about taking over the reins of the Toxic Titaness,
and will be making her first live appearance next weekend at the "Comicsburgh Day" opening at a brand-new comics shop in Pittsburgh. Jess Z will also be debuting as Chlorina in the fall in Episode 22. She will be adding a great "Harley Quinn-esque" voice and attitude to the character.
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Onward and upward! (And now you can also order customs with these two characters, if you like!)
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Moving ahead with more new casting for Season 3!

Because the previous actress who played Devana the Slavic Huntress (Josie) never completed her second scene for Episode 20 - she only appears in the one scene where she is threatened by Dark Spectra - we had to cut the Devana role from Episode 21 (which we are currently editing), using the conceit that she was "in Europe on a mission with Frija."

But luckily, Devana will return in full force for Season 3, played by a brand-new actress who is very talented, acting in Youtube videos, and creating and sewing cosplay, as well as with some modeling background. Please welcome Casey W to the Heroineburgh roster, as she'll be joining us this fall when we begin shooting scenes for Episode 22.

For those who don't recall how everything started back in 2017.....Marija Bielic was an auto mechanic by trade and a classical guitarist by hobby (based on a real-life woman from the metal scene in Pittsburgh) who was composing a symphony about Devana, the Slavic goddess of the hunt and of spring.

When the mysterious meteor struck the city, Marija was genetically imbued with the powers of amazing strength and deadly combat skill, and took the name Devana the Huntress to save her brother from the Serbian mafia thugs. Adopting the bo staff as her signature weapon, she became the best friend of Vendetta, the Italian spirit of vengeance, and then joined the Heroine League in Episode 13.

After our session today, we have full confidence that Casey will portray Devana as the Amazon goddess she was meant to be!
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Preparing for our first Episode 22 shoot on Nov 7. There's going to be a very special guest with whom you are all familiar.
We're going to film two scenes on that day:
- Fenneca and Canis vs. Devana
- Poderosa and Savanna vs. Serpenta

We're also going to expand on a concept that originally came out of one of our customs (Custom 4, featuring Poderosa and Pagliaccia). In that
custom minisode (which has become quite popular!) Pagliaccia takes away Poderosa's powers with a glowing blue mineral called 'Drainium' (sort of our version of kryptonite). I invented the name 'drainium' because at least in that situation, it 'drained' Poderosa of her powers.

In Episode 21 (which is currently being edited - the raw cut was done today), we introduce Drainium into the main Heroineburgh universe, but its effect is now unpredictable, more like Red Kryptonite. It is first used by Stellara to stop Poderosa, but it doesn't take away her powers - it does something else entirely, which you'll find out when Episode 21 is released.

So, having established that Drainium has different effects on every superheroine (only the characters with good intentions fall prey to its rays!)
we are now going to inflict Drainium on almost every superheroine within the course of Season 3 (the next couple years) just to see how many
interesting concepts we can come up with. The version of the heroine affected by Drainium will be called their 'alternate', and once these alternates are depicted, we'll start putting them up on the Heroineburgh site as alternate versions of the characters.

So far, I've come up with a concept for how Arctica is affected. We'll probably be shooting a promo video with Bridget about the Drainium subject when we're at Baltimore Comicon in a couple weeks, and right now, our lovely new actress Jasmine (also a costumer) is working on the 'alternate' costume that Bridget will be wearing when she's exposed to the mineral. So you'll see Arctica's alternate very soon. But speaking of Jasmine, we also figured out an alternate persona for her character, Savanna.

In our November 7 shoot, Serpenta will use Drainium on her arch-nemesis Savanna in hopes of being able to defeat her by making her weak and powerless. Unfortunately, that's not what happens, as justice-driven Savanna loses all rational thought, unleashing a murderous killing machine who calls herself 'Red Savanna', compelled by sheer animal instinct to attack and destroy. All she can say is her name, and the word 'kill'!!

Jasmine came over with our editor tonight, and we shot a short intro to the character of Red Savanna, in the alternate red cat costume and metallic claws that she'll be wearing on Nov 7. I can't be completely sure that our cameraman survived the experience! I mean, he hasn't called me from the hospital, so....
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Well, our Mon Nov 7 session is now past us.
We had to cancel (and we'll reschedule) the second shoot because Christina (Poderosa) fell ill. We hope to get back to that soon.

But the first shoot went off amazingly, with two incredibly gorgeous characters.
We can now reveal the special guest star who will play Fenneca the Silver Fox in Episode 22. Do you recognize her?
She did an professional job as the sexy super-thief, along with our new actress Casey (who plays Devana) and new actor Patrick (who plays
Fenneca's husband, Canis the Hound).

Longtime Heroineburgh fans will recall that the husband-and-wife criminal duo Fenneca and Canis (aka Fox and Hound) were introduced in Episode 13 (the Season 1 finale) with their origin story: Canis (aka Dwight Fuchs) acquired the power to detect anything by smell, pick any lock and disable any alarm, while Fenneca (Penelope Fuchs) gained super-strength, sharp senses, and diamond-sharp claws. Their first attempt at a superpowered heist went awry when the mighty heroine Frija caught them in the act burgling her fitness gym. Frija took Canis away to jail, while Fenneca escaped. Canis broke out in EP14, but has stayed on the run for several months, while Fenneca was pining for him and staying out of sight so as not to get caught.

Now the Fox and Hound are back, attempting to pull a revenge robbery on another of Frija's businesses, but Devana uses her powers as an expert huntress to track them down. Here are some clips from the shoot which involve female-on-female combat; male-on-female peril; crotch-busting;
belly-punching, and knockouts. It's just a small taste of what will be coming next year when Episode 22 comes out!

Devana discovers Fenneca and Canis in the act of robbing Frija's safe of her gold.
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Fenneca refuses to go quietly. She uses her super strength to struggle with Devana over possession of Devana's fighting weapon (her bo staff).
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Devana wallops Fenneca in the stomach with her staff, knocking the Silver Fox to the ground.
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Devana crushes Fenneca's crotch with her staff, causing the Fox to yelp out in pain.
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Fenneca attacks Devana with her own staff, busting Devana in the crotch in revenge, while Canis restrains the huntress in a hold.
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After a blow to the head, Devana is knocked out, but will she recover in time to catch the Fox and Hound?
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Here's an outtake from the shoot. We had such a great time shooting this, and everything moved really fast!
Can't wait to release it to our fans next year.

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So...nobody recognized who our special guest star is, playing Fenneca in upcoming Episode 22?
Maybe the 'disguise' is just too good!

If you want to find out, just go to our Twitter or Instagram where we've announced it. Or Facebook, if you can guess just using her first name.

Looking forward to having the FX cut of Episode 21 done (or, at least close to done with some revisions) by Monday. I'll have some reports on that
next week (and hopefully some clips).
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Second Episode 22 shoot is finished! Starring Jess Z as Chlorina and Bridget as Arctica / Quanta.

In this scene, Chlorina is caught in the middle of robbing chemicals from Carnegie Mellon University by Dr. Greta Bjornsdottir, also known as Arctica.
Chlorina drinks a tube of hydrochloric acid to gain the power to burn things with her hands, while also carrying out a vial of cytosine, which she plans to use in her genetic cloning experiments.

Quickly tearing off her lab coat, Arctica springs into action in her tight silver and white costume. Chlorina's use of hydrochloric acid gas on Arctica is ineffectual, as Arctica has the power to simply freeze the gas. However, Chlorina has an ace up her sleeve - a sample of the rare mineral drainium,
which Stellara passed around for use amongst the Black Faction supercriminals. Chlorina delivers a powerful dose of drainium to Arctica with her ability to expel it in gaseous form.

For a minute, it looks like the drainium puts Arctica into extreme peril, as she writhes up against the wall in pain and confusion. But then, Arctica undergoes a startling transformation, emerging as a new entity: Quanta, the queen of quantum physics - who can control the probability of anything around her. Chlorina's attacks on Quanta don't work - Quanta simply snaps her fingers, and the toxic gas falls back on Chlorina. When Chlorina tries to wallop Quanta, she instead winds up punching herself, over and over. Frustrated with her inability to defeat Quanta, Chlorina leaves the scene, vowing revenge on Greta.

Greta then realizes that as Quanta, she is neither a heroine nor a villainess, but rather a prankster who prefers to play dice with the universe*, and toy with her opponents like a cat does with a mouse. However, Quanta only has a very limited half-life to use her powers, and after a few minutes, she transforms back into Arctica. Greta decides that she'll need to report the "Drainium Effect" to the Heroine League as soon as possible, but also feels satisfied that she was able to stop Chlorina's chemical caper. She strides down the university hallway, her cape billowing beautifully, and disappears around the corner.

*like a cross between Einstein, Thanos and Mr. Mxyzptlk, but way sexier!

Chlorina steals the cytosine.
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Greta tears her lab coat, revealing her costume. This is a job for Arctica!
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Chlorina blows drainium gas on Arctica. (FX to be added)
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Arctica feels woozy and stumbles against the wall, writhing in pain and confusion. Is she in peril?
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She transforms into Quanta, the queen of quantum physics.
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Quants turns Chlorina's toxic gas powers back on her (FX to be added).
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Using her powers of probability, Quanta turns all of Chlorina's punches back on herself.
"Stop hitting yourself!", she jokes, as Chlorina punches her own face, chest and stomach several times.
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Disgusted with her inability to defeat Quanta, Chlorina flees the scene, very angry and vowing revenge.
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Quanta suddenly understands that her existence has a very short half-life, and she can only exist in the quantum
state for a few minutes at a time. Feeling herself changing back, she snaps her fingers, and....
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...she reverts back to Arctica. She's satisfied with having stopped Chlorina's crime, even though Quanta
has no interest in capturing super-criminals.
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Arctica strides down the hallway, powerful and confident, as she and her billowing cape disappear around the corner.
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Here's a Youtube clip of one of our outtakes from today.

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Merry Christmas from the gorgeous and talented Bridget, aka Arctica mistress of the deep freeze. Stay frosty, my friends!

Shout-out from the L.A. based Youtube channel, Spine Ticks. They are fans of Heroineburgh and they love Bridget! "Cold As Ice"

Last night, Mauricia came over and tested out her new 'alternate' costume.

As with Arctica, Savanna and several others coming up in Season 3, Vendetta (played by Mauricia) will have a leveled-up 'alternate' form
when exposed to Drainium, the Heroineburgh universe's version of Red Kryptonite. It has unpredictable effects depending on the test subject.

Exposed to Drainium in a shoot that will happen later in January, Vendetta will transform into VIOLENTA.
She's a super-strong ruthless killing machine (think Huntress meets the Punisher) who will slice and dice her way through criminals
and scumbags with her sai swords. While Vendetta has a bit of a conscience (from her Italian Catholic background) when she has to kill someone,
Violenta has no such compunctions: a true anti-heroine, she will murder anyone who gets in the way of completing her mission of justice.

Here is the Violenta costume, with a video clip introducting Mauricia's alternate character. Let's see if you recognize it - it's actually a SHIP classic!
(I added the sai, the mask, and the shiny tights)
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Here's what we did today: the third shoot for Episode 22 (there'll probably be three more, but we also have our 8th custom to shoot in 2 weeks!).

This scene involves another 'drainium' transformation where Savanna becomes the ultra-ferocious 'Red Savanna' for the first time.
For those who haven't been following along, drainium is our version of Red Kryptonite, and it allows our heroines to level up like Pokemon,
but in unpredictable ways. So far, we've had Arctica become Quanta queen of quantum physics, and now we introduce Red Savanna.

In the opening, Serpenta is escaping from Frija's Black Forest Fitness headquarters, where she stores some profits in the form of gold.
Serpenta is just about to get away with several bars of gold when she is caught red-handed by Lunessa, mistress of the moonlight, who
was looking out for just such a crime to happen (Frija set the bait, as it were, before leaving for Europe).
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Serpenta tries her hypnotic powers on Lunessa to make her a slave at her command, which would allow Serpenta to escape.
This didn't work on Red Gina for long in Episode 21, and it doesn't work for very long on Lunessa either, who shakes herself out of it.
But there's still an enjoyable hypnosis and submission scene for you mind-control aficionados.
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Serpenta then tries to bite Lunessa with her venom (not shown), but Lunessa counters by shooting painful daggers of light at Serpenta's head.
Running out of ideas, Serpenta brings out the drainium that Stellara gave her for just such an emergency, hoping to turn Lunessa into a statue like it did to another heroine in Episode 21.
But playing it smart, Lunessa backs away from the stone and calls in her friend Savana, the feline fury, who was waiting in the wings.
Savanna attacks Serpenta with the speed of the tiger (always a bane for the snake woman) to quickly snatch away the drainium.
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Savanna holds the drainium triumphantly, not realizing that it could have an effect on her.
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And in fact, it does - she starts to feel woozy,
and she collapses on the ground, while Lunessa looks on in horror.
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After a few seconds of writhing on the ground, there's a flash of light, and Savanna has been transformed by the drainium radiation into
a new form with reddish hair, a tight red costume of tiger stripes and large metallic claws. What has just happened??
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Last edited by shevek 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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After a few seconds (as is per usual in the Heroineburgh universe) she realizes what her new name is: Red Savanna.
But she is now a ferocious creature who can barely speak for all the roaring and growling and animal rage.
Red Savanna roars at Serpenta, shouting "Kill! Kill!" and going on an all-out feral attack.
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With her newfound super-strength, Red Savanna punches at Serpenta, knocking her down, then leaps on top of her, slashing at her exposed fleshy
midriff with her metal claws. Serpenta howls in pain, and winds up with bloody slashes across her skin (not shown, but we do have a nice close-up).
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Leaping into action, Lunessa pulls Red Savanna off Serpenta and tries to calm her down, telling her that heroines don't kill their enemies.
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But Red Savanna is a feral creature who knows nothing but the predator instinct, and doesn't listen. Instead, she turns around and attacks
her heroine friend, throatlifting Lunessa up against the wall and threatening to choke her to death.
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Luckily, Lunessa is able to stay focused long enough to bring down a painful burst of light beams onto Red Savanna's head, stunning her
and knocking her to the floor in pain. At that moment, her limited 'half-life' as Red Savanna is up, and in another flash, she transforms
back to Savanna, asking 'what happened' and telling Lunessa she remembers only being 'excited and aroused' and 'seeing red.'

While Serpenta flees the scene in pain and terror, empty-handed but able to fight another day, Savanna and Lunessa recover the loot
that Serpenta stole. They also find the drainium back in the bag, which is lined with gold. Apparently, gold stops the drainium rays!
They'll definitely want to report that info to X-Machina's lab for the Heroine League database!
Then, Savanna invites Lunessa out for a capuccino to help thank her for saving her from "the beast within".
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Cast photo: Indigo as Lunessa; Jasmine as Red Savanna/Savanna; Jessica B as Serpenta. Take a bow, ladies - well done!
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Here's an outtake clip from Youtube. We didn't use this take because both actress stumbled lightly on the dialogue, but they nailed it on the very next take!

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It's very late, and I'm rather exhausted from a five-hour shoot day.
But before I hit the hay, I figured it would be cool to show some of the fun we had tonight debuting the "Violenta" character, which is the upgraded version of Vendetta, transformed by the radiation of the rare space mineral "Drainium."

Unlike her basic form Vendetta (aka Veronica Benedetti), who has superior fighting skills and somewhat of a moral compass, Violenta is a ruthless killing machine. She uses her new-found super-strength and super-speed to crush any criminals who would dare to try and harm her, and shows them no mercy, stabbing them to death with her sai swords.

Episode 22 will include this scene, where Vendetta unexpectedly becomes Violenta, and goes up again Pagliaccia and her mobster thugs. Not everyone survives!

Here's a cast shot! (Pauly the Mobster, Pagliaccia, Jimmy the Mobster, Violenta)
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Here are some behind-the-scenes shots taken by the venue owner, who patiently rented out his facility for nearly five hours, and apparently enjoyed every minute of it.
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Outtake video:

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Shot a short cameo today for our supporting character, Crainiac (played by Josh as an "evil Thomas Dolby").

He's the mechanical genius who builds all the contraptions for his brother, the corrupt detective Mark Drake (former leader of the villainous
Black Faction along with his wife Vaporia, until they were usurped by Dark Spectra).

In Episode 20, using information from Drake's laptop, police captain Peggy Moyers tracked Crainiac to his secret lair and persuaded him to come over to the side of good by getting him to admit that his brother was treating him badly. She also used her feminine wiles, seducing him into creating a powerful nano-suit for her. He fell in love with her, and Peggy acquired a shiny and shapely tight black costume with red-and-blue stripes, transforming right in front of him, and giving herself the superheroine name "Vigilanta" with a Gotham City vibe.

Crainiac is quite enamored of Vigilanta, and now acts as her "Oracle" at home base, monitoring her nocturnal adventures. In Episode 22, she'll get into quite a bit of trouble with two members of the Black Faction (we're going to film that final action sequence on April 9), and Crainiac must rescue her
by sending a power boost to her suit, which the imperiled Vigilanta will regard as quite...pleasurable....

Here's Crainiac, transmitting the power boost at the touch of a button. Looking forward to our April 9 shoot: there will be bondage and chloro,
F/F combat, and lots of tight spandex. We're gonna be Blinded by Science!
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Before we get to our April 9 shoot this Sunday, here's a short announcement:

All of the members of the Pittsburgh-based comic book creators group "COMICSBURGH" will be gathered for an epic interview
on the lively Youtube channel of Timothy B Fling (also a comic creator and publisher in his own right).
We met Timothy at Baltimore Comicon, and he is a great guy.

The livestream happens on Thursday April 6 at 9:30 PM EST.

The participants will include:
Heroineburgh Comics
The Edge comic
Beowulf comic
and MusicMakerComix (by Mauricia, also known as the Heroineburgh superheroine Vendetta).

Tune it and post in the chat. If you catch it on the recorded flipside, post in the comments instead.

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So, unfortunately, we had to cancel our shoot on Easter Sunday, due to one of the actresses getting food poisoning at her job the night before.
I wish I knew what restaurant it was; I'd give them a piece of my mind! (No worries, the actress recovered and she feels fine).

Since we couldn't reschedule the shoot until late May, that means Episode 22 will be pushed back almost two months for its release. So we'll be starting to work on Episode 23 and another custom in the meantime, plus concentrate on getting ready to vend at several upcoming Comicons.

Meanwhile, here are two more great outtake clips from upcoming Episode 22 that we've posted on Youtube to tide everyone over.

This first clip is a scene of furious combat between Fenneca the Silver Fox and her superheroine foe, Devana the Huntress.
Fenneca grabs Devana's bo staff and begins grappling with her, using her super strength to even the playing field.
Devana is portrayed by our talented new actress Casey W...but can you recognize what incredible guest actress is playing Fenneca?

The second clip shows Quanta, the Queen of Quantum Physics, who is an upgraded super-powerful form of Arctica, Mistress of the Frost.
(Both characters are played magnificently by Bridget.)

Her inadvertent exposure to the mineral "drainium", thanks to the schemes of supervillainess Chlorina, is responsible for her transformation.
Quanta isn't really a heroine or a villainess; she's more of a cosmic prankster who loves to toy with her prey, and play dice with the universe.
But Quanta also has a very limited half-life..she doesn't last very long expending so much cosmic energy, and soon begins to revert back!

The third clip shows the confrontation between Vendetta, the Italian Spirit of Vengeance (played by Mauricia) and the supervillainess Pagliaccia, the Clown Princess of Fear (Gabriel). Pagliaccia also has a chunk of "drainium" at the ready, given to her by Stellara, to cause weakness in whatever superheroine tries to thwart her plans. Little does she realize that the drainium will also give Vendetta a new superhuman form which is virtually unstoppable: the ruthless super-strong killing machine called Violenta! Here, we see Vendetta collapsing before her stunning transformation.

See what happens when Violenta enters the fray and cuts a swath of destruction, when Episode 22 comes out soon.

Thanks for checking out our outtakes. Episode 22 will move forward in late June!
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Episode 22 will still move forward for editing in June with four complete scenes (the 5th scene won't happen till August, and is pushed until EP 23).

In the meantime, we are bringing in two new actresses to revive the beloved characters Fianna and X-Machina.

First up is great new actress Sammie. She passed the audition today, we printed up 8x10s within two hours, and she'll be appearing this Sunday
in her live debut at 3 Rivers Comicon. She is incredibly enthusiastic about this role (and has a beautiful midriff, which is necessary for the character's appearance) and I think she'll do a fantastic job.

Sammie will tape with the series within a couple months for the release of Episode 23 in the fall.
We'll be continuing with the romance of the interesting lesbian love triangle she has going with frosty superheroine Arctica and her human girlfriend Carrie. Plus battles and action of course, with Fianna in the thick of it!

Sammie full body shots as Fianna.
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Sammie mid-range shots as Fianna.
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Sammie intro video as Fianna on Youtube.

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Joining Sammie as of today on the Heroineburgh roster is our new actress, Yi.

Yi is 23 and a grad student from Beijing, and has only been in the States for one year, but has an excellent grasp of English, with hardly any accent.
There was only one word she didn't recognize on the cue cards, and ironically, that was "heroine" (see, that's what happens when you suppress the feminine terms in the young generation). But, she knows it now! :)

Yi passed the audition easily, fitting both the regular X-Machina costume and the evil "Ultra-Machina" costume (which will debut in Season 3, but has already been shown in Issue 3 of the comic). And she is on board for shoots, appearances (her first live one will be Aug 13 at our LCS for "Comicsburgh Day"), and also for customs (as usual, keep your content PG-13, folks).

I'll be posting Yi as X-Machina across all social media next week after we get back from Sci-Fi Valley Con, but for now, the Forum gets to see her first.

The mighty magnetic engineer is back in action!
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Yi's first clip for the series!

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Hey! While we are figuring out how to proceed with finishing Episode 22 (a tragedy occurred in the Heroineburgh family which is currently delaying its timely release), Heroineburgh has begun shooting scenes from Episode 23, and also did a Custom this week (our tenth).

A major element of the Episode 23 tonight was the lovely road visit from Terra Mizu, who is currently on tour throughout the Northeast with Gia Love. Terra is currently the recurring actress portraying Fenneca the Silver Fox (she's also in Episode 22 when that's ready soon). Terra took this one for her socials.
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In this action-packed scene, the Basque superheroine Indarra (played by Barbara) catches the supervillain duo Fenneca the Silver Fox her husband Canis the Hound (Patrick) in the midst of robbing an upscale art gallery.
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Although she has incredible strength and the ability to shoot green fire blasts, Indarra still finds herself in peril, at the mercy of the beautiful Fenneca who wants to crush her windpipe and choke her into unconsciousness.
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Will Indarra be able to rally and defeat her implacable foes? And what is her ulterior motive for tracking the robbery anyway?

Here's a cast photo from tonight's shoot featuring Fenneca, Indarra and Canis.
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Also shot tonight was a special Custom (#10) featuring the following premise:
Penelope "Penny" Fuchs gets a call from her husband about a fantastic heist opportunity at a nightclub.
However, she finds that she is unable to summon her superhuman abilities.
So, she devises a new and very pleasurable method to assist her transformation into Fenneca the Silver Fox.
I think you can guess what that is from the photos below.
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Custom #10 will be out and ready within a month or so.

Here's an outtake from the choking scene (we did 3 takes). Terra takes everything she does up to a whole new level. Highly recommend her!

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Here are some behind the scenes shots taken by Patrick, who plays Canis the Hound.

A couple nice views of Indarra's crotchbust of Fenneca. Pretty sure this is the first time anyone has ever said "Aplasto tu coño!" (I will crush your cunt!) in a superhero video. Barbara was quite enthused about saying it - she has a great sense of humor, and says that "coño" is used a lot in Basque Country, so it's true to form for her character.

And don't worry, there's a close up shot as well.
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Behind the scenes view of the choking and throatlift.
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More shots by Terra from her socials. We got a nice shout-out on Twitter!
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Terra's pose in the Fenneca costume after the completion of the Custom 10 shoot.
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Very happy to announce that we have a brand new Vendetta for the rest of Season 3!

Previous actress Mauricia did an outstanding job as Vendetta, but has decided to pack it in as a superheroine after four great years, although she is continuing to make an effort to put out new issues of her comic book, MusicMaker, as part of our Comicsburgh crew. Mauricia is also engaged to be married, so she's excited about that too.

After a short search, we found a incredible young actress to take over the role of Vendetta, the Italian spirit of vengeance.

Her name is Diana, she's Dominican in heritage (although she'll be playing a Italian, and she'll have the accent when speaking Italian words)
and she is super enthusiastic, very expressive and totally gorgeous, filling out the costume tightly from every conceivable angle.
She also seems very flexible physically and quite combat-ready, and is already getting an amazing response from our socials.

Diana will debut as Vendetta in Episode 23 (Mauricia still has one more episode in the can, and will bow out after EP22) later this year.
She will also be with us for some live events, and is officially available for customs! (please keep it PG-13)

Here are some photos from Diana's audition for Vendetta. Welcome to Heroineburgh!
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Diana will also be portraying the ultra-violent alter ego of Vendetta when she gets exposed to Drainium (our version of red kryptonie).
For short periods of time, she can morph into the super-strong killing machine known as Violenta!
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Here's Diana's intro clip as Vendetta.

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Another great high-action video shoot was completed yesterday for Episode 23.

This one pits the raging amazon Red Gina (Jess R) and the mighty Arabic superwoman Jinniyya (Kristin)
against the greedy Devorra the Queen Bee (Sydney) and her army of drones (Josh and Ryan).

It doesn't go so well for the heroines. But along the way, we did hypnosis/mind control, choking, pain peril, restraining and dragging, belly-punching, knockout, muscle flexing, and a bit of light lesbianism.

Plus a very sexy new premise: Devorra has yet another new insect power. It's implied that she can produce a powerful strain of honey as an ejaculate when she orgasms during intercourse, and she feeds the honey to her drones to give them super strength. This allows the drones to hold their own with Jinniyya, even though she is very strong.

Here's an initial batch of photos:

Gardenia has traced Devorra's pollen trail to a warehouse. Red Gina and Jinniyya volunteer to investigate the scene.
Here are the two heroines entering the building. Jinniyya reminds Red Gina that Devorra the Queen Bee can be a very dangerous opponent.
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Devorra has her mindless drone henchmen push Red Gina aside and attack Jinniyya. Thanks to their new honey-induced super-strength, they can restrain Jinniyya and drag her away, but not before Devorra delivers her scheming monologue!
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Devorra battles Red Gina, who suffers from her foe's paralyzing stinger attack and then succumbs to the mind control of her pollen cloud.
The mighty amazon Red Gina is now a drone slave of the Queen Bee!
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Devorra orders the newly enslaved Red Gina to attack and injure her superheroine ally. She doesn't quite want her to kill Jinniyya - just make her wish she was never born. Red Gina chokes and throatlift Jinniyya to weaken her, then crushes her ribs with a flurry of pummeling punches.
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Weakened and in great pain, Jinniyya passes out on the floor, sprawled out in her tight and shiny outfit. Devorra admires Red Gina's handiwork.
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That's not the only thing Devorra admires. The Queen Bee is tired of self-stimulation to generate her precious honey, so she flirts with Red Gina, commanding her to flex her huge bicep and then kissing it to show her new desire. Devorra orders the enthralled Red Gina to follow her back to the hive to engage in a furious bout of lesbian lovemaking. "I bet we could absolutely wreck each other in bed," Devorra coos. And they do!

The next day, Red Gina returns to their new hive with a pile of stolen cash, still under Devorra's mind control. Devorra shows Red Gina a whole jar of honey she squirted the night before when Red Gina gave her multiple orgasms. Devorra asks Red Gina if she enjoyed herself, and Red Gina replies, "Very much, mistress!" Devorra kisses Red Gina with affection, and then launches into an evil monologue about controlling the city.
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Outtake of the shot when the drones rise up with their super-strength and drag Jinniyya away while Devorra explains her evil plan.

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Some more great action stills from our EP23 shoot with Red Gina, Jinniyya and Devorra a couple nights ago.

Red Gina and Jinniyya surprise Devorra and her drones in their hideout. But Devorra doesn't look too worried. Wonder why?
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The drones are super-strong and they are much taller than Jinniyya. She's struggling against them, though, trying to break free!
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But Devorra just needs time to isolate Red Gina and paralyze her with a stinger ray (FX to be added later).
Here, Devorra hits Red Gina in the chest with a stinger blast. Gina is in serious pain!
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Now a slave under Devorra's command, Red Gina's first job is to knock Jinniyya unconscious so the criminals can escape.
Red Gina proceeds to crush Jinniyya, punching her six times in the stomach and cracking her ribs. Jinniyya cries out in pain!
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Devorra is tired of masturbating (or riding her drones' dicks) to generate the sweet, delectable ejaculate from her orgasms which she can feed back to her drones to give them super strength. She wants to make love to a super-strong sexy woman to produce the highest quality honey.

Here, Devorra checks out the super-strong biceps of Red Gina to make sure that the enthralled Amazon is powerful enough to survive a superheroine lovemaking session. Red Gina passes the test, and they go off to Devorra's hive to wreck her bed, before going on another spree of thievery.

Note: This is all implied in the dialogue and actions, so yes, this is still comfortably PG-13.
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Jinniyya wakes and is thoroughly embarrassed that she has been defeated yet again. However, she rallies to the cause and promises to rescue
Red Gina from Devorra's mental enslavement!
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Last of the photo grabs from our Episode 23 shoot two days ago starring Red Gina, Jinniyya, and Devorra.

Devorra counts the loot in the interior establishment shot. Actress Sydney (who has been with us for four years!) did an amazing job
with her makeup and gorgeous long hair, making Devorra look both evil and attractive.
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Here's another angle of Jinniyya the Arabic superwoman knocked out on the floor after getting crunched in the ribs.
This is the Camera 1 shot taken by Marvin. Beautiful Kristin plays the imperiled role to the hilt.
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Devorra is very pleased with her hideout. She moves regularly from place to place for security, just like the bees do from hive to hive.
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Devorra shows off the large jar of honey she made, which she's going to feed to more drones to make them obedient and super-strong soldiers.
It's the product of all the sweet sticky fluids Devorra collected from her overnight sex marathon with her obedient slave, Red Gina.

Did Gina enjoy their lovemaking? You bet she did. This is the newest hot lesbian pairing in Heroineburgh, as inspired by the classic B-movie
"Invasion of the Bee Girls."
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Cast photo of this Episode 23 shoot.
From L to R: Red Gina (Jessica R), Drone 1 (Josh), Devorra (Sydney), Drone 2 (Ryan), and Kristin (Jinniyya).
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Another cast photo from the final part of the Episode 23 shoot after Devorra moves to a new hive location with Red Gina in tow as her sex slave.
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Next Episode 23 shoot is scheduled for Wed Sep 26, so we'll check back in then.
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Finally, after some stalled situations, we have a flurry of Episode 23 shoots coming up, with three in November! (Nov 9, Nov 21, and Nov 26)

The Nov 21 shoot will proudly introduce our new Arogya the Healer - stunning Indian actress Raina Prakash.
Hailing straight from Maharashtra, she is of Marwari ethnicity.
She passed the audition last week, and I'm only waiting on a new pair of golden boots and golden gloves to arrive to complete the costume
which she will wear on Nov 21 for her debut. That scene will feature Arogya using her biokinesis powers to *literally change her face* so that her
secret identity can be preserved. Her brother, Ranjit (played by Adam) will return in the scene to help advise her.

Here's Raina as Arogya, including her intro clip on Youtube. She's excited and ready to play the role!
[I'll report next when finishing up the Nov 9 shoot.]
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Well, our three rapid-fire shoots for Episode 23 are now complete, which means we have all the footage we need to assemble the episode.
It may or may not be assembled at the same time as Episode 22, we'll have to see about that.

But in the meantime, you can be assured that a lot of exciting elements will appear in Episode 23, including the likes of:
- several transformation scenes
- mind control and love enthrallment
- unmasking
- turning a heroine evil via nanobot control ray
- chloroforming
- chained-up superheroine
- belly punching
- throat lifting
and a few more goodies, all staying within the PG-13 boundaries.

Instead of scenario spoilers, here are some lovely cast photos. Hope you will join us when these get released early next year!

Cybrina, Vaporia, and X-Machina. (Heather, Josalynn, and Yi)
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Vaporia, Drake, Cybrina and Ultra-Machina. (Josalynn, Ben, Heather, and Yi)
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Arogya and her computer engineer brother, Ranjit (Raina and Adam)
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Dyna, Vigilanta, and Dark Spectra (Lydia, Elizabeth, and Erika)
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Arogya solo photo (Raina, during the filming of her transformation scene).
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Vigilanta solo photo (Elizabeth, after we concluded tonight's final EP23 shoot).
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Anatomy of a chloroform ambush. Can't wait to put this all together!

Vigilanta challenges Dark Spectra in her new lair at Pittsburgh's City Hall. She is confident that she can defeat the villainess with
the abilities of her new power suit.
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Meanwhile, in a corner out of sight, the super-strong henchwoman Dyna cackles with delight as she loads up a white rag with the debilitating chloroform liquid.
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Vigilanta defeats Dark Spectra's light powers with the sheer physical force provided by the strength augmentation in her nano-suit.
Dark Spectra submits to her foe, defeated, as Vigilanta places the new Quexxon power-dampening cuffs on her opponent, rendering her powerless.
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With Vigilanta letting down her guard while Dark Spectra provides the distraction, Dyna sneaks from behind with the ambush, clutching the rag tightly around Vigilanta's mouth. Vigilanta's eyes flutter and roll up in her head as she struggles to remain conscious, but very soon, she is knocked out.
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Dyna cradles Vigilanta's limp body against her shoulder, ridiculing the unconscious superheroine as a "loser". Their tight costumes make contact, as Dyna declares her victory over the heroine.
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Dyna drags Vigilanta's unconscious form away to be chained up in their lair, while Dark Spectra promises to meet Dyna there, as soon as she answers a mysterious phone call.
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Excellent!! Been waiting for that chloroform scene. Can’t wait to get this one, looks great!
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xxxwarriorxxx wrote:
6 months ago
Excellent!! Been waiting for that chloroform scene. Can’t wait to get this one, looks great!
Told you it was coming! :) It'll be a little while before it's finished.
In the meantime, here are some more highlights from the action in this EP23 scene featuring Vigilanta, Dyna and Dark Spectra.

Knocked out by the chloroform, Vigilanta is bound by chains to a vertical rack. She's still unconscious in this shot, which will be a full body
scan of her helpless form.
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Dark Spectra commands her henchwoman, Dyna, to puch Vigilanta multiple times in her chest and abdomen to weaken her power suit further
so that they can remove her mask, which is fused to her face by the nanotech. Dyna complies, weakening their captive.
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dark spectra and dyna capture vigilanta from upcoming EP23.jpg (121.32 KiB) Viewed 4210 times
Dyna reaches for Vigilanta's mask to reveal her identity but still can't remove it - something is wrong!
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Vigilanta assumes battle mode, but the henchwoman is ready for her. Flexing her super-strong muscles, she proclaims her confident mantra:
"I am Dyna! I am power!"
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After a flurry of fists, Dyna grasps Vigilanta tightly by the throat and lifts her up, threating to choke her out.
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Vigilanta recovers and responds with a barrage of blows to Dyna's chest and stomach.
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Who will win this battle of physical might and combat skill? We'll see when EP23 comes out.

Outtake from this EP23 scene. The take was close to perfect, but Erika (Dark Spectra) paused between "power" and "suit" so we shot
it one more time, and that one was a keeper!

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While we are finishing up editing Episode 23 this week, we are doing our first shoot for Episode 24 in a nice big house.

It's the first time we're shooting with Christina (aka Poderosa) in about a year so I'm excited. (shoot also includes Red Gina and Devorra)
It will be also be the first time since Episode 18 Part 1 (the "swimsuit issue") that we see her in her secret identity for part of the shoot.

I told her I would post a fashion montage of her civilian outfits as star TV reporter Rosa Perez on social media today, and she was very into it.
I'll be seeing the actresses in about three hours, so in the meantime, here's lovely Christina as 'Rosa Perez' in every outfit from Episode 12.

"That gun doesn't work on me, boys!" Feliz Navidad from Poderosa, maravillosa!
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We had a great first shoot for Episode 24 on Friday night.

In this story arc, Devorra the Queen Bee had already captured the raging Red Gina in Episode 23, and turned her into her love slave with pollen.
But Red Gina did receive one benefit: whenever she had sex with the Queen Bee, and Devorra reached climax, a flood of special honey was produced by Devorra. She put it in a jar and fed it a little at a time to Red Gina, which greatly increased Red Gina's already impressive strength (and also made her male drone minions stronger, as well).

I can't believe nobody in comics has used the metaphor of female juices for a sweet-tasting super-strength honey potion before....or have they?
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Anyway, after a night of pleasure, Devorra assigns Red Gina the task of capturing Poderosa and enslaving her for the Hive.
Red Gina invades the fancy home of Rosa Perez, breaking into the kitchen and testing her new strength on a crowbar.
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Gina then confronts Rosa as she is coming home from a long day of reporting at the TV station.
They engage in an initial battle, and then Rosa escapes, locking the reinforced steel door of her bedroom so she can transform.
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Rosa has to hurry putting on her costume before Red Gina smashes down the door, but she still has time for a fantastic costuming sequence!
(see the next post)

Then they battle back and forth. Punching relentlessly, Poderosa thinks she has Red Gina knocked out and down for the count.
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But then Gina sneaks up and chokes Poderosa from behind.
While Poderosa struggles on the floor, Red Gina kneels down and unzips the heroine's boot, exposing the bottom of her sole which is the one weak spot on her body (foot fetish types, take note!). Gina crushes Poderosa's foot, and Poderosa's scream in pain and blacks out. Gina hauls her limp form away.
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The next thing Poderosa knows, she is in the clutches of Devorra the Queen Bee in her basement hideout. While Red Gina watches with glee, Devorra sprays Poderosa with pollen, turning her into a drone slave who will obey her commands. Devorra wants to command her to have sex with them that night, but Red Gina reminds her mistress that Poderosa "doesn't like the ladies."

However, Poderosa does respond to Devorra that she is under her command. Devorra plans to destroy the other heroines in the League, and maybe the Black Faction too, with the awesome combined strength of Red Gina and Poderosa crushing everyone under her heels!
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Merry Christmas from Poderosa and Heroineburgh - it's transformation time!

[stills taken from the first EP24 shoot. Episode to be released in 2024.]

Mind-controlled by the diabolical Devorra the Queen Bee, the raging Red Gina has invaded the home of TV reporter Rosa Perez, intent on subduing her for capture and delivery to the Hive.

After a short physical skirmish, Rosa escapes the clutches of Red Gina and retreats to her bedroom, locking the reinforced door to give her time to
make the change into Poderosa.
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Letting down her beautiful long brown hair, Rosa puts on her shiny tights and the white spandex leotard with the "P-16" logo (signifying that she is the official superheroine of WPTV Channel 16), cinching up her red belt to flatter her figure.
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She removes the last vestige of her secret identity as TV reporter Rosa Perez...taking off her glasses with a flourish.
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She slips on her left glove, smoothing it into place.
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She slips on her right glove, stretching it all the way up to her elbow.
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She allows her bright red cape to drop, billowing down her back with a swoosh.
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She puts on her left boot, smoothing it into place against her shiny tights.
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Closeup of zipping up her right boot. The sensuous sound of the zipper is emphasized. This boot won't stay on for long, hint hint.
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She flips her hair up to accommodate her white mask which helps to conceal her identity.
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She scans her appearance in the mirror: mask and hair in place? check. New coat of red lipstick? Check. Got to look good when fighting criminals!
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Poderosa is ready for action! She will confront Red Gina, who is threatening her on the other side of the door.
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Did a really fun costume test shoot today, to prepare actress Sarah D for our next EP24 shoot on Feb 26.

For those who've been with us for a while, you'll remember Sarah D as Carrie, the non-powered girlfriend of the Irish superheroine Fianna (rookie cop Fallon O'Shaughnessy). Working as a professional artist, Carrie was portrayed by Sarah D as a supportive character for Fianna, and as a hot girlfriend.

We first saw Carrie all the way back in Episode 4 during the origin story of Fianna which tragically begins with her police officer Dad being shot.
Carrie appears in Episode 14, quite jealous after seeing Fianna kiss Arctica on social media.
And then Carrie sticks up for herself in Episode 17, showing up at Heroine League headquarters to challenge Arctica for Fianna's hand.
The couple then resolves to get married and move to California where Carrie has a new teaching job.

But in Episode 24, all does not work out as planned, and Carrie does not live happily ever after.
The details will be revealed in the video episode, but essentially, Carrie acquires powers out of jealous motivation, and she becomes a supervillainess, out to kidnap her ex-girlfriend and cause torment for the Heroine League...as the fire-breathing succubus Morrigana!

Morrigana is named after the Celtic triune goddess The Morrigan. Like her namesake, she has three powers: the ability to drain the life force out of others to strengthen herself. As a result, the life force she gathers inside her body makes her super strong and able to breath fire like a dragon.
It also creates for her a very sexy and tight costume centered on a rhinestone catsuit with gloves, belt, boots and black lips (we'll be adding a cape and some more evil makeup before the shoot), and her hair turns black and red, intermingling with the original brown for a striking appearance.

Here are some shots from today's Morrigana test shoot. Sarah D got into the spirit quickly and assumed lots of sexy action poses.
Discover the vengeful plans of Morrigana when EP24 comes out later in the year. Watch out, Fianna!
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After a long delay lasting several months due to an edit being trapped inside an encrypted laptop belonging to our late webmaster,
the editing process for Episode 22 is finally being re-started and should be done within a couple weeks, at which point we'll release EP22 and EP23 simultaneously.

Here's a nice fight sequence we can reveal which is part of the action in Episode 22.

A few minutes before this sequence begins, Savanna is exposed to the Drainium radiation, which turns her into a feral savage creature in a striped red catsuit. Her hair also turns red. Blinded by anger and rage, all she can utter are the words, "RED SAVANNA KILL!"

At first, her friend Lunessa tries to restrain her and calm her down. All Red Savanna can do is growl with rage.
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But that doesn't work. Since she has some augmented strength in her superhuman form, Lunessa tries to grapple with her friend, and they can be seen straining their bodies against each other in their tight spandex costumes - a very appealing sight in combat. But Red Savanna's rage simply makes her stronger!
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In this closeup, Red Savanna can be seen choking Lunessa's throat with her newly grown metallic claws,
Lunessa pleads with her friend through choked breaths, "Remember me? Please don't do this, Savanna!"
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But Red Savanna doesn't listen. She begins to pummel Lunessa mercilessly in her abdomen, and the light-powered heroine groans with each massive blow.
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Red Savanna begins tearing and slashing at Lunessa's spandex costume. Such a sexy scene, as the heroine's face is in major distress, and she is writhing helplessly in her tight and shiny leotard and tights. Or..is she helpless after all?
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Recent shoot for upcoming Episode 24 starring:

- our new actress Sammie as Fallon O'Shaughnessy / Fianna
- the return of Sarah D as Carrie Cooper, now known as Morrigana
- perennial gorgeous redhead Bridget as Greta Bjornsdottir / Arctica

Fallon flees her abusive girlfriend Carrie and returns to Pittsburgh.
She meets up with her old friend Greta, and they still have the hots for each other and begin flirting.
They make plans to canoodle during Greta's monitor shift at the new League HQ building.
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Waiting for Greta to arrive, Fallon is confronted by an obsessive Carrie, who hijacked a plane and partially drained the life force of the pilot.
Carrie threatens to kidnap Fallon and take her back to California in chains if necessary.
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Filled with anger and jealousy, Carrie transforms into her new evil supervillainess persona, Morrigana.
She deliberately stole the name from The Morrigan to hurt Fallon and her interest in Irish culture.
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Fallon tries to transform into Fianna, but Morrigana prevents the change by grabbing her ex-girlfriend and tightly covering her mouth
so she can't utter the word to transform. Then Morrigana drains the powers from Fallon so that she collapses from weakness.
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Still in her nerdy civilian form but quite attractive in her jacket, Fallon is unconscious on the floor of the headquarters.
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When Fallon wakes up, she is bound at the wrists and a bandanna is muffling her mouth to prevent her from saying her name and transforming.
Morrigana makes plans to leave the HQ and get back to the plane, where the dazed pilot is waiting for them.
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What happens next in this upcoming EP24 scene? Here it is.

Arctica arrives at Heroine League headquarters to meet Fianna for some 'canoodling' but instead she finds Morrigana.
After a brief exchange of words and insults (imagine what two lesbians who don't like each other have to say!), Arctica attacks
Morrigana with her extreme cold powers (to be added in FX, of course).
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Morrigana is stunned by the frosty blast, but she has a secret inside - she can generate her own fiery heat. She quickly warms herself up and recovers.
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In the meantime, Arctica frees Fallon from the rope and gag. Their eyes meet, and there is serious passion between them!
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Wasting no time, Fallon proclaims her word of power, "FIANNA!", and in a flash, transforms into her superhuman persona, the Celtic banshee warrior.
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Morrigana comes out swinging, thinking she can take both heroines on with both her superstrength and her heat-generation power (she can breathe fire!). The punching and the hitting and the fire-breathing takes place, and Arctica and Fianna do take some hits, but it's not enough. They win the day and defeat Morrigana, who is knocked out and looks pretty hot unconscious. Too bad she's a crazy jealous bitch, but Arctica thinks that Arogya the Healer can get her some help and maybe even bring her around to the good side.
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The danger has passed, but the heroines are sweaty from the fight. They succumb to their mutual desire, and there is a passionate kiss between
Fianna and Arctica. The canoodling begins between these two sexy superheroines!
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This emoji :thumbup: is equivalent to the 'Like' button. It is unclear why it was removed. Regarding the kissing moment, may I ask how it ended? :sneaky:
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argento wrote:
2 months ago
This emoji :thumbup: is equivalent to the 'Like' button. It is unclear why it was removed. Regarding the kissing moment, may I ask how it ended? :sneaky:
Appreciate the like! This scene will be released in Episode 24.

It's not the first time these two kissed - they first did it in Episode 14 because they were feeling heated and passionate after their fight against Sintilla. The kiss was posted on social media and it made Fianna's human girlfriend Carrie mad and jealous. In Episode 17, Fianna (Fallon) placated Carrie by proposing marriage to her, a plan which obviously did not work out after they moved to California.

This story arc is culminating a year later (in Heroineburgh time) with Fallon fleeing LA to come back to Pittsburgh, Carrie being consumed by jealousy and rage, and becoming the villainess Morrigana you see above.

As for "how it ended"? They lock lips for about 30 seconds, and then tell each other how much they desire to give pleasure to one another. Then they go off to have passionate lesbian sex off camera...because we are PG-13. :)

But Fianna and Arctica will definitely be the new "power couple" of Heroineburgh in Season 3. They'll be showing each other little expressions of affection every time both of them appear on screen together, and they will back each other up in fights.

Meanwhile, after years of being just a normal human in her role as Carrie, actress Sarah D really enjoyed playing Morrigana, and she was very evil and sexy in the role, so she will return at some point to try and wreak more havoc against the heroines!
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Proud to announce that we have yet another Sarah on board the Heroineburgh roster!
Please welcome Sarah K, a great actress and singer whom I know from the music scene (she was referred by Erika/Dark Spectra).
She will take over the role Dyna, the Princess of Power in EP25, after actress Lydia did the role for one episode (EP 23, coming out soon).

Here are photos and clips from her audition. She'll be wearing a bit more makeup in the series, and will also have a new set of boots
(the ones she's wearing in these shots are from the previous actress).

She is Dyna...and that means POWER!
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On Sunday, we filmed a "peril in cyberspace" scene that will be part of upcoming Episode 24.

In this scene, Cybrina, the queen of cyberspace, transforms into data and invades the circuits of the evil nanobot entity which is holding
her best friend X-Machina captive.

We filmed in a relatively blank corridor on the University of Pittsburgh campus which could stand in (with a bit of special FX added later)
for a nondescript area of cyberspace where a battle could take place between Cybrina (played by Heather) and the cybersecurity forces
of the evil cybernetic entity (known as Ultra-Machina, she's akin to a female Ultron). Here are some stills!

Cybrina transports herself inside the circuits of Ultra-Machina. She poses confidently. The Internet is her element, and within it she is very strong
and powerful. She is sure that she can rescue X-Machina from the clutches of the nanobots!
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But maybe she's a bit too confident. The cybersecurity forces show up to defend the nanobot entity, and they attempt to take Cybrina down
for deletion. She is attacked and pummeled mercilessly by the security programs.
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Not only that, but Cybrina's beautiful costume is assaulted by a sort of "Internet Gas" (think Daniel Kibblesmith) which threatens to choke
the life out of her! Luckily she has a program which can create a protective mask to avoid the deleterious effects of the gas.
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X-Machina's consciousness is held hostage inside her own body by the Ultra-Machina entity. She is bound against the corridor wall, tied hand and foot, and she can only wriggle in distress, as she is not strong enough to escape the bondage.
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Here's a close-up of X-Machina in bondage peril. She cries out for help to Cybrina, sensing that she is getting nearer.
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Here's a cast photo of the cyberspace scene. From left to right we have David as Cyber-Thug 1; Heather as Cybrina; Ruby as X-Machina; and Richard as Cyber-Thug 2.
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Great shoot last night to wrap up the footage for Episode 24.

Here's our formidable cast: Heather (Cybrina), Sarah S (Frija), Sasaya (Hellfyra) and Yi (X-Machina).
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We just found out that because Yi wasn't able to get a job in Pittsburgh after just completing her master's degree (congrats Yi!), so she will have to return to China when her visa is up shortly. So, we'll probably only see her and her boyfriend one more time at the EP24 premiere showing later this month (to be announced soon). That's Carnegie Mellon, folks - the search for yet another Chinese actress begins anew. But Yi did an incredible job in EP22 and EP24 acting out the "Ultra-Machina" story arc, and we are super proud of her work. She was really into it!

Sasaya also graduated college this month as well, and will be off to grad school in NY in the fall, but we'll be squeezing in 2 or 3 more shoots this year before she leaves, and she will also be returning regularly to see her family, so a couple shoots per year with her will remain possible. Good news if you are a Hellfyra fan.

This shoot was packed with power and peril, and also a bit of cute flirting.

Sarah S is back as Frija, the multimillionaire entrepreneur superheroine who owns a chain of fitness centers and nutrition stores. When the heroines were chased out of their headquarters (EP21) by Dark Spectra, Frija put up the money for a temporary Heroine League HQ in the boutique Tryp hotel. Now Frija has a chance to kick back and drink a couple beers with the super-strong beautiful Hellfyra, and flirt with her a little bit. "I can do things with you that your boyfriend never can," she suggests. Hellfyra gives the thought some consideration as they down the full-bodied German lagers.

Little do they know that moments later, they will be attacked by a relentless cyborg machine woman, who looks very familiar!
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After a furious battle, Hellfyra collapses in abject defeat, knocked out by the adaptive power of her cyborg adversary!
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Frija's skin is too tough and her muscles too ultra-dense to be affected by the cyborg's punches. But the machine woman can adapt to any battle situation, and she will try a different tactic to beat Frija!
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Frija is laid out - her muscular body looking so helpless in that tight spandex outfit!
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One last chance - Cybrina has to use her cybernavigation ability to leap inside the cyborg's nanocircuits to stop her. But she has to maintain contact long enough to transform into pure data. Kissing her foe on the cheek will work for that!
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Can the heroines subdue their nanobot-powered enemy? Find out when EP24 emerges in the early summer!
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