Flash bombs at Box Office

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The only difference would be having a star that could go out to do publicity instead of attracting negative press from legal troubles.
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Yeah, Flashpoint isn't a good storyline, and it is especially wrong for the first movie starring the character.

The only good thing about it is the shock value of changing everything into the dark alternate timeline, and that doesn't work if you haven't established what the normal timeline is like.

Also, time travel sucks.
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And to add to that point about time travel, hasn’t it already been done enough? It’s become a tired trope.
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Mr. X
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sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
And to add to that point about time travel, hasn’t it already been done enough? It’s become a tired trope.
That and school buses on bridges.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
And to add to that point about time travel, hasn’t it already been done enough? It’s become a tired trope.
That and school buses on bridges.
😆 Great point! I think every collapsing bridge sequence has a minimum of one bus on it.
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Mr. X
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sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
And to add to that point about time travel, hasn’t it already been done enough? It’s become a tired trope.
That and school buses on bridges.
😆 Great point! I think every collapsing bridge sequence has a minimum of one bus on it.
I was watching a clip from the first superman movie and then started thinking every time there is a calamity its always a school bus full of kids or a train with kids or a plane with kids. All those movies with school buses hanging off the edge of a bridge.

I think Young Justice did a parody of this where Clarion made a school bus his temporary host body and he kept teleporting through time and ended up being the school bus in every calamity scenario the show had.
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dragontigerandhorse1985 wrote:
1 year ago
Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Can't find the spoiler button.

Sadly the producers more than double down on Ezra. It was an OK movie. If the franchise was still going it would be fine but it adds no real continuous story elements. I was also wondering what happened to all the kryptonians in Man of Steel. I know some got sucked into a black hole thing but I didn't think they all did.
Perhaps, a better question, would Grant as the Flash, have improved the returns of the movie?
I would say yes.

Grant personified The Flash, specially, first 3 seasons.
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At least with Grant Gustin starring, the story would have been "TV star gets a shot at movie stardom" instead of "creep still in court."

Also, frankly, Gustin is a better Flash.

For what it's worth, Amazon had the Flash blu-ray for $10-ish a few days ago, though it is listed for $24 now. It would be worth putting it in your list to keep an eye on it, it will probably be discounted again during the holidays.
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The Flash blu-ray is $9.99 on Amazon right now.

It's still not a great movie, but $9 is about the right price for it.

There are some good bits in it, like any scene with Sasha Calle, but the whole is worse than the sum of its parts.
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OK, now that it's free on Prime, I finally "watched" Flash. The scare quotes are because it was mostly too boring to watch. 15 minutes of dialogue wrapped in 2 and a half hours of absurd special effects, where it's never clear how any of the fighters can ever be disabled or killed except when the plot calls for it. Not exactly Casablanca. There were 3 insider fan-service jokes about Batman in several of his incarnations. Otherwise an utter waste of time.

Barry Allen is basically an unlikeable goof here in all his incarnations, and I find it very hard to believe anybody would want to date him. Basically on the dating scene, he would fall one rung below Gilligan as an eligible bachelor.
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