Jinniyya and Darbouka: Sound and Fury (Heroineburgh)

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Time for the next story of Erotic Heroineburgh.

This story will draw from Episode 10, as well some other episodes and auxiliary clips.

It's going to be a slightly different universe: instead of presenting the characters of Jinniyya and Darbouka as scientific inventors,
there's going to be a pseudo-mystical element which changes the story from being about an Arabic version of Supergirl to more of a
tale about an Arabic version of O Mighty Isis. Hopefully, you'll agree that this is an intriguing idea.


Dr. Zaynab El-Basri was distracted.

The brilliant archaeologist had arrived at the base of the Cathedral of Learning, not in the superheroine costume of her alter-ego, but in her professional work clothes.She had just come from a meeting in the nearby Frick Building, discussing the possibility of a research grant with the Dean of the History Department, and didn't have the time or the opportunity to change. She was too busy thinking about the prospects of her upcoming return trip back to the ruins of Ebla where, unbeknownst to her foundation benefactors, her amazing story had originated.

Dr. El-Basri had her beautiful dark hair tied back tightly in a constrained ponytail. She was wearing the usual black spectacles which she didn't need for reading, but helped to characterize her separate civilian identity. The Lebanese professor completed her office attire with a sport jacket over a buttoned-up white blouse and gray pants, befitting the appearance of a modern academic woman with a formidable reputation of scholarship in the ancient history of Middle East. There were few who could match her in that field.

Usually, she would enter with a grandiose flourish through the roof skylight, gliding down to the Heroine League meeting room on her majestic controlled air currents, and performing the perfect superheroine landing as her powerful fists contacted the floor and her shiny black heeled boots hit the surface with a satisfying THUMP. Sometimes, an overly sarcastic heroine like Arcana would make snide comments about how Zaynab overdid her pretentious entrances for dramatic effect.

But not this time. Instead, Dr. El-Basri decided to take the same humble method that all the other heroines did, except for Poderosa. She breezed through the revolving doors at the base of the Cathedral, and then pressed the button for the 58th floor. The elevator doors would only open once the cameras that X-Machina and Cybrina had installed had confirmed her identity, scanning her face and body for hundreds of data points.

With the scanning procedure complete, the lovely archeologist stepped inside. The doors closed behind her, enclosing her in the elevator, and she took a moment to recall the details of how her saga had begun.


Several months ago, Zaynab had just recently returned from the ancient city of Ebla in western Syria. As a precocious post-doc, she had the distinct privilege of leading the expedition from the University of Pittsburgh to excavate the ruins of the Temple of Astarte. It hadn't hurt that she had deep ethnic ties to the region: her Maronite Christian family had lived in northern Lebanon for centuries, migrating to the United States in the 1920 during the Civil War.

During the month or so that she was camped near Ebla, Dr. El-Basri made a series of very important discoveries about the lines of Ebla's kingship and the worship rites of the ancient Amorite pantheon. She was willing and able to read the cuneiform writings - possibly the oldest alphabetic system in the world - and came back with enough information to write a year's worth of papers for the various archeological journals. 

Her trip to Syria was an unqualified success, except for two things. Firstly, she had found a unique artifact in the Temple, a stone amulet made of meteorite material, which had text on it that disturbed her greatly..so much so, that she kept the artifact in her apartment to shield it from academic scrutiny, while she figured out what to do with it.

The second problem was much more pressing. Upon her arrival back in Pittsburgh, she was immediately set upon by her overbearing mother Fatima to help out with shifts in their family-owned Lebanese restaurant, Dijlah, which means "arrow" in Arabic.
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Unfortunately, the trajectory of Dijlah was not straight as an arrow, as the entire staff had quit in protest against Fatima's domineering ways, expecting far too much from her servers and not paying them well. "They're just a bunch of spoiled zoomer hipsters," Fatima had complained to her daughter. "They don't know the value of an honest day's work. I really need you to step up and help our family business, Zaynab...it will be yours one day!"

"Ummi!...Mom!" the Lebanese girl would retort, her beautiful long black hair tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of the way of the food.
"I'm an archeologist! I know you don't have anyone else to rely on, and I'm sorry about that, but I just don't want to take over the family business!
It just doesn't leave me any time for my classes or for the papers I have to write..."

"Classes? Papers?" chided her Mom. "We sent you to school to learn about running a business! And maybe meet a nice Christian boy. And now you're out there, digging in the hot sun, getting dirty in the sand? That's no job for an Arab lady!"

"But that's what I want to do with my life, Mom! Not to make people shawarma and falafel, for Christ's sake," Zaynab shot back. "Can't I at least reduce my waitressing hours to just one day a week?"

"We'll talk about this later, Zaynab!" Fatima replied gruffly. "Right now, you've got an order up."
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Unfortunately, her domineering mother wasn't the only issue that Zaynab had with her family's restaurant. Picking up the order of lamb and rice which was ready, she brought it to the table only to encounter a couple of customers who never seemed to be satisfied with their dishes.

"This rice is cold!" barked the woman with curly red hair and glasses who was sitting at the table with her bespectacled partner, wearing his fancy ascot.

"Yes, and this lamb is undercooked," added the man, dismissing Zaynab with a wave of his hand. "Bring us a new plate!"

"Yes, sir," Zaynab retreated back to the kitchen with their plates. "I'll get you a new one, no problem..."

She had really wanted to lay into the couple for being such pretentious yuppies! But that would have caused problems for her mother's business, and Zaynab didn't want to drive any more of a rift between them than already existed.
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After the final diners had left the restaurant, Zaynab rested her head on the server's ledge, eager to scarf up a dish of leftover rice and chicken as her reward for a hard night of serving the demanding customers in Lawrenceville.

"At last!" she sighed, exhausted from the evening's labor. "I'll just pack this up in a takeaway box and bring it back to the apartment. Maybe I'll eat
it later after I've caught a few winks. Got to get ready for class tomorrow!"
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Within a few minutes, the beautiful Lebanese postdoc had sped to her Shadyside home in the car, stumbling up the apartment steps. She removed her work clothes and slipped on a comfortable University of Pittsburgh hooded sweatshirt, collapsing on her bed.

There, next to her bedside, Zaynab found the secret artifact she had hidden from the rest of the members of the Syrian expedition - the stone amulet with the symbol of the fertility goddess, Astarte. Using her knowledge of Eblaite cuneiform, she read the inscription: "Whomsoever holds this in their hands, and reaches the moment of greatest pleasure, will become a Goddess on Earth!"

Perusing the ancient text for the dozenth time, the brilliant post-doc still had no idea what it meant. Grasping the amulet in her left hand, she sought only the blissful abandon of sleep, to rest her weary head from the evening's hectic chaos.

But there was no peace for Zaynab that night, and not for some other citizens of Pittsburgh as well, as an unexpected meteor from deep space had shattered right above Downtown Pittsburgh, emitting dark energy radiation in every direction.

The dark energy easily penetrated the thin walls of Dr. El-Basri's apartment, and as she slept, the radiation channeled directly through the otherworldly meteorite material of the amulet she held in her left hand. Her skin began to absorb the radiation, and it spread throughout her body via her bloodstream.
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Almost immediately, the dark radiation activated by the amulet began to infuse every cell in Zaynab's body with mutative power. Her mitochondria generated energy which stimulated her hormonal glands to produce oxytocin, the internal chemical responsible for providing pleasure to the nervous system.

Without realizing why, Zaynab began to feel incredibly aroused. This was unusual, because normally she was quite sexually repressed. Her mother had drilled it into her during high school that masturbation was morally wrong, and that the warm feelings that she harbored for some of her lovely female classmates were taboo, and not to be acknowledged or discussed further.

Driven as she was by accomplishing the goals in her archeology career, the truth within Zaynab had long been suppressed...until now. Her long-buried tendencies rose to the surface, demanding the release of her desire.

As if compelled by a mighty urge, she slipped her right hand under her soft Pitt sweatshirt and began to caress her own perky breasts, making the nipples harden. This was a sensation that she had long been denied by social convention...and it felt so good!

The beautiful archeologist titled her head back and moaned gently, "Oooohhhh!" at the touch of her own fingers against her skin, which felt increasingly warm and pliant. As she explored her own sensuality, Zaynab could feel a moistness seeping from her crotch.

Zaynab could hold back no longer. Even though she had little experience in the ways of her own body, she instinctively knew what to do. She inserted two fingers of her right hand into the crevice of her tight vagina, stroking in and out, in and out, while keening with satisfaction. By now, she had dropped the mysterious amulet, which had rolled onto the floor.

"Aaaahhhhh!" she groaned, as the gorgeous curly black hairs of her pubic mound unfurled in exultation around a new gland that seemed to be developing just under her skin, causing a bit of pain at first, but then careening into ecstasy. The archeologist's lovely clit protruded rigidly at attention, like a soldier ready for battle.

Continuing to masturbate methodically under her soft blue garment, Zaynab's senses filled with passionate thoughts about her own body that she had never felt before. "I feel so beautiful...so powerful...what in the world could be making me do this?" she wondered briefly to herself, but the scientific rationality was quickly swept away by the torrent of orgasm flooding her system.
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As she slowly achieved climax - a brand-new experience for the romantically frustrated post-doc - she began to notice further changes in her body. The raw electrical power generated by her mitochondria pulsed across her prone, undulating form, spreading into her torso and abdomen, and then trickling into her arms and legs.

Within seconds, Zaynab's muscle tissue was growing and expanding under her heated flesh. She felt her abdominal muscles turning into slabs hard as steel, and her shoulders broadening. Her biceps and triceps became rippling packets of pure brawn, and her chest muscles gained so much extra mass that her breasts began to swell more prominently like perfectly rounded mountain peaks.

Zaynab felt the sensation travel down to her thighs, which amassed inches of muscular thickness like powerful tree trunks. The warm sensation of orgasm, traveling outwards from her soaking-wet pussy, was launching her entire body into hitherto unknown territories of raw power and strength.
Somehow, the amulet had initiated a process converting her into a superhuman form, yet with the womanly curves of an ancient goddess of fertility.

But that wasn't the only change which the Lebanese post-doc was experiencing. What she didn't know without looking in a mirror was that her face was slowly becoming more beautiful, mutating ever so slightly to fit her internal preconceived notion of the perfect Middle Eastern siren. Her eyes grew softer in appearance and more seductive in appeal, her cheeks acquired a naturally attractive blush, and her lips turned bright ruby-red, moist and enticing.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Zaynab screamed, exploding into her final orgasm, while sticky juices escaped her vulva, staining her lacy panties. Although she experienced a sensation of unbridled power, she was also even more worn out than when she had first collapsed onto the bed.

All of the energy that Zaynab's cells had expended transforming her physical self had been spent, and she had no vigor left to even keep her alert any longer.

The amulet which had apparently helped trigger her change lay forgotten on the floor, and she fell fast asleep, cozy and exhausted inside her blue Pitt sweatshirt, her beautiful long dark hair tousled across the bedspread.
Last edited by shevek 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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In an academic office adjoining that of Dr. Zaynab El-Basri, a different but equally intriguing history professor was working on her computer.

This was the sanctum of Dr. Darsha Bukhari, an immigrant from Afghanistan who had fled the Taliban a decade ago when they threatened her family.
She had since adapted quite nicely to the American way of life - going to college in Pittsburgh, becoming a full-fledged U.S. citizen, marrying a responsible Muslim man, and attaining a post at the University of Pittsburgh's history department, where she specialized in Central Asian archeology.

Darsha was working on prepping her classes for the semester, when the phone unexpectedly rang. "Hello?" she picked up. "This is Doctor Bukhari in Central Asian history. How can I help you?"
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"Doctor Bukhari?" a female contralto voice answered on the other end. "You don't know me yet, but you have probably heard of me. I'm Olivia Queen."

"The rich oil baroness? The energy mogul?" replied the Afghani. "Of course, I've heard of you. Why are you calling me here? I've never known of you taking an interest in archaeology..."

"Normally, yes, that is the case," nodded Olivia on the phone. "But I've heard some interesting rumors about what's going on in your department..."

"What do you mean, Ms. Queen?" asked Darsha. "We haven't been in the news lately."

"No, but I have my sources," Olivia answered mysteriously. "Word came to me that your colleague, Dr. Zaynab El-Basri, found something very special on that dig you were both on in Ebla last year. Something that her crew only caught small glimpses of, but has never been revealed to the public. I had an employee on that team assigned to keep an eye out for fossil fuel deposits in Syria, so I received a report about it."

"You mean that Dr. El-Basri has been keeping something hidden about her research?" the Afghan professor was taken aback. "I already find it strange enough that you had a spy on our archaeology team. I can't begin to guess who it is, but that's not important now."

"No, it isn't," replied the oil baroness. "What's at stake is that I happen to have a great interest in...shall we say...items of certain power. I believe that Dr. El-Basri has acquired one of these artifacts from your dig. And I should like it very much if you could find out exactly what this item is, and hopefully obtain it for me. I can pay you quite handsomely...enough to retire, and relinquish your university position..."
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"That does sound quite enticing," admitted Darsha. "And I would very much like to settle down and raise a family with my husband. Your reward could definitely help us do that. Tell you what, Ms. Queen," she continued, "I'll do what I can to find out, and report back to you soon. Does that sound satisfactory?"

"Why, yes it does," Olivia Queen was practically salivating on the other end of the line in anticipation, but she kept her composure. "I'll send you a message as to where to deliver the item to me once you've located it. Goodbye!"

As the oil mogul hung up the phone, Darsha's mouth was watering as well, thinking of the large sum of money she could receive for turning in her research rival, Zaynab, by proving that she was withholding artifacts from the university's cataloguing system. That would be a grave offense which could get Zaynab fired...and perhaps she could take over her corner office with all the perks!
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Darsha brimmed with jealous ambition, but she had to play it cool. She walked down the hall to Zaynab's office, and marched right in without knocking, sitting down brusquely on a chair immediately opposite Zaynab's desk.

Although Darsha was married to a handsome Afghani man, Ali, he wasn't her sole interest. She had bisexual tendencies, and although she had been deathly afraid to express them back in Kabul...the United States was entirely another story.

Looking across the desk at her colleague Dr. El-Basri, who peered up from her computer work in curiosity, Darsha gasped at her unrequited crush. Zaynab had been pretty enough before today, but now...suddenly...she was more beautiful than ever before. Somehow, she had attained the attractive level of an iconic Middle Eastern movie star.

Darsha gazed into Zaynab's profoundly beautiful eyes, longed for her shiny red lips, and imagined the Lebanese professor loosening her long dark hair so that it cascaded magnificently down her broad shoulders. If only Zaynab would notice her desire, they could be wonderful lovers....

The thought was enrapturing, but Darsha quickly pulled herself out of her enchantment. The matter at hand was of major importance, and she had to figure out how to get that money from Olivia Queen!

"Zaynab?" she inquired sweetly of her colleague. "Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Yes, Darsha?" replied Dr. El-Basri. "What is it?"

"Rumor has it that you have a special rare artifact from the Ebla dig," Darsha went straight to the heart of the matter. "is there a way for me to look at it, please?"

"I'm sorry, Darsha," Zaynab shook her head. "But I'm not sure what you're referring to...I catalogued everything from the expedition, and you've seen the list. What more is there to add?"

"Zaynab!" retorted the Afghani professor, beginning to lose her calm. "Don't be disingenuous. I know you have something that you're holding back, maybe for personal reasons? People have seen it, and they've told me about it."

"Who....?" Zaynab gaped, open-mouthed at the accusation. "I can't...."

"Never mind who, that's not important," Darsha fashioned her ultimatum. "What I'm telling you is that you have three days to bring this item to light. Or I'll take other measures with the administration to make sure this gets taken care of..."
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"I don't take kindly to threats, Darsha," Zaynab replied. "And this isn't even like you..."

"Oh, it is now," replied Darsha wickedly, the huge payday she could collect from Olivia Queen overriding all other considerations. "I'll be back to check on this. So you'd better cough it up soon!"

Pointing an accusatory finger at Zaynab, the Afghani professor stood up and stormed out of the office.

Zaynab was left very confused and disappointed. But, if Darsha meant the fertility amulet of Astarte, she thought to herself...she could never give it up. Not after what happened last night! She might need to defend herself...

The beautiful Lebanese archeologist flexed her densely packed bicep muscles, which were bulging underneath her light blue blouse. Doing so gave her a small sexual thrill...a palpable arousal of her libido. She reveled in the power of her new incredible strength...were these actual superpowers that she had acquired? If so, how had she gotten them, and how were they related to her unexpected ability to quickly attain a powerful orgasm?

And could she possibly develop other powers, as well? This was something for Zaynab to contemplate...at length.


Meanwhile, Dr. Darsha Bukhari had gone home to her own apartment to call Olivia Queen with an update..and to impatiently wait for Zaynab to hand over the stolen goods. Ali, who was a commercial trucker, was on a cross-country trip, so she was alone in her bed with her thoughts, and hopped into her comfortable pajamas.
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Last night, Darsha had felt rather unusual, as if a wave of radiation had washed over her while she was asleep. When she awoke that morning, something about that dream made her feel very energized.

So full of energy, in fact, that her mind began easily drifting back to images of Zaynab from earlier that day in the office. "Oh, God!" she told herself. "That Arabic woman is so beautiful...so gorgeous...her lovely eyes...I wish that Zaynab could come over here...right now..."

Since obviously such an impropriety would not take place, Darsha settled for the next best thing. She thrust both of her hands down her pajama bottoms and pushed the soft fabric of her panties aside. Then, the proper Muslim woman from Afghanistan began to furiously rub the exterior of her vagina...kneading her labia minora with one hand while flicking at her tiny clit with the other.

With Ali on the road, who was to say what she could do in her own bed? She was a liberated Muslim woman, perfectly capable of creating pleasure for herself, and taking pride in it as well. "Ohhhhhhh!" she moaned, tilting her head back in ecstasy. "Zaynab...I wish you were here right now...I want to kiss your lovely lips...caress your perfect little tits...."

Darsha stroked both of her own massive breasts, pretending that they belonged to Zaynab, and then ran her hands all the way down her buxom frame under those soft pajamas. Three of her fingers found the interior of her pussy, and she began to vibrate them in and out at a high rate of speed.

"Oh my!" she thought to herself. "I do love the vibrations.....Ooooohhhh! I've been able to achieve much more intense orgasms once I started to picture female bodies naked in my mind..." she continued. "And Zaynab has the hottest body in our department....Aaaaahhhhh!"
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The climax washed over Darsha's form like a minor tsunami, as she shuddered with absolute erotic abandon. But as she did so, Darsha felt a gradual change in her physical structure. The muscles in her arms expanded and grew thicker, while the hands she had been vibrating against her pussy stretched out to form tough tympanic membranes just beneath the skin of her fingers and palms.

When the epigenetic changes abated, Darsha suddenly sat up. She should have felt like a freak, but she didn't. Instead, Darsha realized almost immediately the extent of her new abilities: her super-strong arm muscles allowed her to collide the tympanic membranes in her hands with any surface at maximum force and high velocity.

And there was indeed a nearby surface on which to experiment. By the side of her bed on the night stand, Darsha had placed a darbouka drum, common in the Middle East, as a memento never to forget her origins. She picked up the darbouka, and hit the drum hard with her right hand.

The quick result was that a visible sonic boom wave traveled outward from where her hand impacted the drum, and it hit the wall of her apartment with such force that she knocked a sizeable hole in it.

"Thank God for His mercy," she proclaimed out loud. "The orgasm granted me a superpower! I can direct immense sonic waves at any target."

"I know what I need to do now," continued Darsha, driven to obsession by her gift's dark nature. "I will coerce Zaynab with my sonic abilities, using the threat of destruction to obtain exactly what I want. She will turn the artifact over to me so that I can receive the money from Olivia Queen. And then, rich and powerful, I will force her to submit her beautiful sex to me, right there in her office!"

Licking her lovely dark red lips with desire for her unwitting target, the Afghani goddess of sound opened her closet and pulled out a black burqa she never wore anymore. Repression by the Taliban was a trauma far in the past. Now, she would tear this symbolic garment to shreds, reusing the material to create a new black costume suiting her abilities.

Once her new outfit was ready, Darsha would make her public debut, and Zaynab El-Basri would be the very first to feel her wrath!
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The beautiful archaeologist had left her office for the day, and was heading home through a deserted hallway at the university - a safe underground shortcut between the history department and the student union which would take her quickly to the parking lot.

Zaynab pondered the disturbing encounter she had with her colleague Darsha, who was abruptly demanding that she produce the secretive amulet.
Darsha had sent several texts reminding her of the three-day deadline to turn over the artifact. What could have possibly brought on such vehemence... could it be some sort of jealousy over her leadership on the Ebla project?
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And could the amulet of fertility really have stimulated both her sexual awakening *and* the sudden epigenetic growth of her super-strong muscular body? Zaynab recalled from her studies that the goddess Astarte was fabled to possess a multitude of strange powers.

Could the inherent magical aura of this amulet be where that legend originated, and if so, would she develop even more powers in the future? Was she gradually becoming the modern version of the ancient West Semitic deity?

So many perplexing questions that could have supernatural answers...and the one person she thought to ask for advice on the matter was her loyal best friend since Catholic high school, Samira Agharad, who was not only a talented hairdresser and costume designer, but also an expert on arcane Middle Eastern magic and the occult, due to her family background in the Yezidi culture of Iraq, where demons were worshipped like gods.

"Yes, I've got to go see Sammy," Zaynab assured herself. "She'll know more about this kind of thing, maybe some kind of esoteric tradition about where the amulet came from..."

But, so absorbed was Zaynab in her own problems, that she didn't notice that the hallway was no longer deserted, nor was it safe. Sneaking up on the unsuspecting academic was a brutish punk rocker, replete with purple mohawk, spiky denim jacket, and a torn Bad Brains T-shirt. Zaynab whirled to face him.

"Pardon me, young lady, but would you be able to spare a couple bucks for a student down on his luck?" he inquired politely, which was rather surprising, given his gruff appearance.

Zaynab, however, was distracted, and didn't need the aggravation. "No, I'm sorry, I don't have anything on me," she replied brusquely, attempt to move past him in the hallway.

The thug's politeness immediately ceased. "This isn't a voluntary donation, bitch," he smirked, looking around to make sure nobody was watching as he pulled a sharp knife out of his jacket pocket and blocked her egress. "Now, you're going to give me all you've got, and I do mean everything, or you're gonna get seriously hurt!"
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Zaynab looked intently at the knife, knowing full that it couldn't harm her...not at her current level of strength. But the criminal didn't realize that, and she began to feel a sexual thrill at the danger he presented, regarding it as more of an opportunity.

This adversary truly believed that his strong, bulky frame and his gleaming sharp weapon were enough to intimidate her into submission. He was about to discover the exact opposite - the thuggish criminal was going to become a trigger for her evolution.

"Oh, really?" Zaynab responded with a sultry tone, making his eyes go wide with surprise. The visual image of his imposing stature was making her perspire with anticipation beneath her soft blouse, as the sweat from her armpits and her crotch conveyed a subtle aroma of fertile attraction.

Her warm blood rushed vital mitochondrial energy to her musculature, and her biceps and abs hardened like steel with each passing second.
"You're such a big, dangerous man," she cooed. "Were you going to rape me, too?"

"Uh...I was...uh..." he stuttered, not knowing at all how to respond to such a blunt question.

"Never mind, sweetie," she shook her head in pity. "It doesn't matter. This isn't a violent crime anymore. You're going to get what you want, but only if I get what I want, too. Got it?"

"Uh...ok...but I don't..." he fumbled around, looking for an explanation for what he was witnessing.

"It's OK, honey," she crooned suggestively, clasping his hand which held the deadly weapon. "Just drop the knife. Then push me against the wall, and play your rough games with me the way you know you want to..."

Following her command, he released the knife, and it clattered on the floor. She untied her scarf with a sexy flourish, revealing her ample breasts burgeoning inside the soft blouse. "Touch me...please..." she enticed.

The mohawked thug grabbed Zaynab by the shoulders and slammed her into the concrete wall, exciting her with the impact. Then he began fondling her breasts over her cottony garment, kneading them like small loaves of dough.

What he lacked in finesse, he made up for in force, which sent perilous sensations of pleasure flooding through her body. She tilted her head back and licked her ruby-red lips, as he asked tentatively, "Is this what you wanted?"

"Oh, yes..." she crooned. "This, and much more. Now, open the button snaps on the crotch of my pants," she instructed him. "It's time for you to discover what I've got for you. Feel it for yourself!"

He did exactly as she asked, thrusting his right hand down into her panties, as his left hand continued to massage her swollen sensitive boobs. "Now...what's it like down there, lover?" she batted her eyelashes, playing the role of seductive siren to the hilt.

"Oh...you've got some nice hair down there," he marveled. "A luscious curly muff, and it's sweaty and...sticky? Of course. Your pussy's warm and wet, like a sponge, and that little clit...it feels hard between my fingers," the eager thug continued.

"It does, indeed," Zaynab replied, sighing in rapture. "Ooooohhhh! Push my button...push it!" she squealed, trying to contain her sexual excitement to a reasonable sound level that wouldn't alert the campus authorities.

"I can play you like a video game...up up down down left right..." bragged the punk rocker, getting a bit enthusiastic about the roleplay in which he was participating. Rubbing her pleasure zone, playing criminal and victim, was so much hotter than just shaking down fools for money!

"Maybe you can play it more later," the lovely archeologist smiled knowingly, "but right now, I just want your joystick. Whip it out, boy...quickly!"
She knew she had his every move under her control, and he would do as she commanded.

"Yes, ma'am," conceded the lust-smitten thug, undoing the zipper on his leather pants. She gasped audibly at the length of his penis, and the size of its broad head. His member was already hard as a rock, purple veins throbbing underneath the flesh.

"Oh, joy...look what I made you do!" Zaynab exclaimed. "Get it in there! I want to feel your Indiana Jones inside my sacred temple!"

"Here comes the Raider of the Lost Ark," quipped the thug humorously in response. "And he's not wearing any hat, either!"

As the tip of the punk's penis entered the responsive interior wall of her genitalia, Zaynab moaned with ecstasy, but the best was yet to come. The muscles of her pussy were already several times stronger than that of a normal human, and so without much effort on his part, she pumped up and down, lifting his entire body into the air with her vaginal muscles alone.

Even in his old street-fighting days, the hapless punk rocker had never witnessed such an awesome display of strength. "What...what are you doing?" he asked with some trepidation, as she rode him like he was a bucking bronco.

"Just showing you the power of a goddess, little man," she burbled softly, stroking his stubbled check. "Don't you worry your pretty head about it. Just be the boy toy that I need to get myself off..."

Up and down, up and down, she bounced like a piston on his cock, her rock-solid buttock muscles indenting his groin repeatedly. Soon, she could feel her libido approaching orgasmic levels, but there was another internal side effect: the small gland which had appeared yesterday under her swollen public mound began to enlarge, creating quite a visible cameltoe inside her panties.

All at once, millions of tiny pores opened in the palms of her hands, and Zaynab felt a sudden rush of air around her fingers. She instinctively knew that she now possessed another incredible ability, and it must be activated from within that gland. With that empowering realization, her climax arrived quickly, cascading across her nervous system as she moaned in exquisite pleasure.

"Oooohhhhh!" she exploded with lust, extracting her entire body from the coitus position, and shuddering with joyous abandon against the wall.
She battered her fists into the stone, smashing small holes in the concrete.

The hopeful thug had just been ready to ejaculate when she had pulled away, and she was bemused to see him squirt his sticky white load of cum backwards all over his own testicles, as it dripped slowly down the leg of his dirty denims.

She glared at him with disdain. "I don't believe it...you really thought you deserved to impregnate a goddess? Filthy vermin..complete scum like you? Hardly. Now get away from me!"

Zaynab extended her muscular arms, pointing her fingers at the thug, and instinctively opened the millions of pores in her palms. Suddenly a gale force of over 100 miles per hour went WHOOOSH!, emanating from her hands and flattening the presumptive punker against the opposite wall...WHAM!

He was dazed from the impact, but still standing, as his bulk was far too massive to be defeated by a mere hurricane wind.
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"I'll make short work of you!" cried Zaynab, using her super-strength to grab the thug by his arm and fling him with incredible momentum against the hard linoleum floor with a THUD!, and then once more with a CRACK! as a couple of his ribs broke from the fall.

She felt so powerful, tossing around a 250-pound brute as if he was a mere ragdoll. Even though her peak moment of pleasure had passed, she still experienced a sensuous desire ripple through her muscular form. Apparently, the kinetic movement of close combat made her quite horny. But she was in no mood to be fucking this guy ever again.
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Fading fast and in pain, the thug tried to crawl away from her. But Zaynab kicked him in the head WHUMP! with her shiny leather boot, and he collapsed on the floor and lay still.

She stood triumphantly over him for a moment, planting her boot solidly on his crotch for a bit of extra humiliation, and striking a superheroine pose. Hands firmly on hips with pride, her chin jutted outward towards adventure. and her beautiful long hair was tossed back with confidence.
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"Hey, this is remarkable!" she marveled. "I feel like a superheroine, stopping the bad guys and saving the day. Or, in this case, saving myself! And my sexy science experiment was right on the money - it's not magic at all, but the orgasms which are causing the changes in my body, granting me these powers."

"Must be something to do with the hormonal release, causing these on-the-spot upgrades," she continued. "I'm just a history professor, no expert in biology, but I think this has something to do with epigenetics," she speculated. "Anyway, if I'm wrong, and there's actually some kind of connection to ancient rituals, Sammy will know about it. I can't wait to show her these incredible powers!"

Wasting no more time, the beautiful professor hurried towards the student union's exit. Standing outside and raising her hands to the sky, she glanced around to make sure that nobody was watching. Zaynab then chanted a mantra she had seen on a television rerun from 50 years ago, which featured a bespectacled teacher who transformed into a stunningly beautiful goddess, powered by a magic amulet.

Times don't really change that much in decades, do they? she thought to herself. "Oh zephyr winds which blow on high...lift me now, so I may fly!" she proclaimed.
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Yet it wasn't magic at all which lifted her into the air, but the propulsive air jets of a thousand tiny pores opening in her hands, expelling fast-moving wind gusts, which she could use to guide her movements in flight.

Soon, the good Doctor El-Basri was confident in her role as Mistress of the Winds, gliding hundreds of feet above the ground, utterly unafraid of heights. She was speeding towards Shadyside, where her friend awaited.
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Zaynab descended with a soft THUMP! into the backyard of her friend Samira's house, glowing with pride in her new power of flight.

After only a few minutes in the air, the beautiful superhuman archeologist had already gained complete control of her wind generation faculties.
She could glide, spin and roll through the sky, or propel herself speedily forward, like a jet plane. Was this what it felt like to be an ancient sky goddess?
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Zaynab wrenched open her friend's back door with a mighty CRUNCH! and marched straight into the entertainment room, where Samira was lounging at the bar, just about to pour a drink. 

A hairdresser and fashion designer by trade, Samira was a classic Maronite beauty, with swarthy olive skin, long dark tresses, and large beautiful eyes like languid pools of water. Back in Catholic high school, the two had been best friends, to the extent that Samira had always encouraged the nerdy, bookish Zaynab to tag along with her.

She spent weekends at the mall with Samira and the popular girls, and weekday nights rehearsing with Samira in the drama club for the high school musicals. The fact that Samira was equally comfortable in both social circles had inspired the shy Zaynab to develop a lively, outgoing personality that had eventually served her well in her academic ambitions.in the field of archeology. 

The young, impressionable Zaynab had developed crushes on several girls, but most of all on the lovely, charismatic Samira herself. She spent many a teenage evening at home, daydreaming about Samira and doodling sketches of her in her secret diary, But Zaynab was never able to work up the confidence to say anything to Samira, and her mother repressed her lesbian desires even further, giving her stern lectures against the dangers of mortal sin, which were often echoed by the nuns at school.

Samira had since gotten married to a prominent local Syrian-Catholic restaurateur named Hassan Shaheen, while pursuing her career opening a beauty salon and designing costumes for local theater companies. Zaynab, meanwhile, had long ago buried any desirous thoughts she had about Samira, regarding her as a proper Arab-Christian businesswoman, ebullient defender of faith and family. It was that Samira who greeted her with a smile and outstretched arms.

"Zaynie!" cried Samira, as they hugged and kissed each other on their cheeks in warm friendship. "I didn't know you were going to come by today. How did you get in the back door? The yard's fenced off, and I thought the door was locked..."

"Oh, Sammy," Zaynab sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I landed in your backyard, and I think I ripped the lock right off the door, I was so excited to see you! Don't worry, I'll get you a new one, babe..."

"OK, then..." wondered Samira, "but you said you landed in my yard? What on Earth do you mean by that?"

"I just can't wait to tell you any longer, Sammy," the beautiful professor beamed with enthusiasm. "I have super powers!"

"You have WHAT?" her friend answered incredulously.

"You know....like Superman," Zaynab continued. "I can fly, using control of the wind with my hands. That's how I landed in the backyard. And check this out, Sammy...I'm SUPER STRONG. Feel these muscles!"
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The newly empowered archeologist flexed her biceps for her friend. Samira touched Zaynab's arm, which felt hard as stone. "How...how did this happen?" the Arab girl stuttered. "You weren't like this a couple weeks ago..."

"Well, I think it has something to do with the amulet of Astarte I brought back from the ruins of Ebla," recalled Zaynab.

"The amulet of Astarte?" Samira pulled away with a measure of concern. "Really? You found that?"

"Yes. And I brought it back with me," added Zaynab. "I've kept it a secret for months. What do you know about it from your Yezidi traditions?"

"Oh, there's a whole legend behind that one, so you'd better sit down," offered Samira. "As Zaynab pulled up a bar stool, her friend continued.

"Five thousand years ago, or so the story goes, stones fell from the sky in prehistoric Mesopotamia, creating the primeval gods of the Middle East," she related. "One of the first gods was Astarte, or Ishtar. Although she could fly through the air and toss boulders around like they were pebbles, she's mainly known for having such incredible strength that she was able to bear hundreds of children with all the other gods, five or six at a time. That's why Astarte is the goddess of fertility - she's the most promiscuous female who ever lived. She even gives her reputation to the area known as the Fertile Crescent!"

"Wow, that is a strange Yezidi legend," acknowledged Zaynab. "I always love to hear tales from the Jahiliyya, the pre-Islamic times."

"As do I," replied Samira. "And not only that - there are further tales of women with incredible powers imbued by the amulet of Astarte. They've mostly gone down into legends as names of various demons - the genie of Arabic myths, or the djinniya, in the case of the females."

"Well, apparently, these powers are now coming back into fashion, at least as far I'm concerned," noted Zaynab. "Perhaps the Earth passes through some kind of radioactive comet cloud every five thousand years...something that rains down fragments like the ones in the story, and gives people superhuman powers?"

"That would be an interesting scientific explanation for what my ancestors regarded as supernatural," Samira nodded. "But is that the only reason you came by, just to ask me about that legend?"

"No," admitted Zaynab shyly, standing up again. "I know that you love to make costume designs. The theater companies around here hire you all the time for their wardrobe. So can you help me put together an outfit? Something that befits a Maronite girl with the powers of Astarte? I want to become a superhero!"

Samira's eyes opened wide like saucers. "Wow...you really want to do that, Zaynie? You mean become a superheroine, right?"

"Yes, of course," nodded the beautiful history professor. "Sorry, I was influenced too much by those Marvel and DC movies. They don't respect their female characters enough to use the feminine term. But I will. It's the least I can do to honor the legacy of the goddess..."

"Sure, Zaynie," Samira encouraged her, looking through some fabrics that were lying on the bar, left over from her latest design frenzy. Zaynab watched her with interest.
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"Hmmm...nothing really seems to click here," Samira decided. "Why don't you go up to my bedroom, and rummage through my wardrobe closet? The Lebanese-inspired costumes from the Public Theater's production of Aladdin are on the right. Maybe you'll find something there that fits the mood of Astarte. I'll wait here and have my afternoon cocktail, OK?"

Zaynab did exactly as her friend told her, bounding up the stairs. Pulling hanger after hanger out of Samira's closet, she amassed a small pile of mostly gauzy and shiny items on the floral bedspread, touching a few of them to her cheek.

"Ooooh, this fabric feels so smooth and soft," she remarked to herself, and then she noticed something as she looked around. Samira's entire bedroom was decorated with an exquisite floral motif: lilies, irises, lotuses and tulips, all found in abundance across the Middle East. And there was a heady scent wafting through the air...it smelled like jasmine from one of the perfume bottles she had imported from Lebanon.

So, thought Zaynab, this handsome Hassan might wear the 'pants' in the family, running his restaurants and representing himself to the Maronite community as a beacon of charity. But Samira clearly rules the roost at home, clearly imbuing their bedroom with the undeniable influence of her femininity. The scents and flowers in the room began to interact with the hormones which had induced her superhuman transformation, awakening the long-dormant emotions that Zaynab had harbored for Samira in their youth.

This scent of desire was intoxicating! She licked her lips with anticipation. Hassan be damned...the decisive Zaynab resolved right there and there on a plan of gradual seduction of Samira. Rummaging through Samira's collection of Arabic lettering, jewelry boxes and masquerade materials, she also selected a handful of shiny swatches of silver and turquoise fabric for her piece de resistance, and placed them in a pile. Then, unbuttoning her blouse and removing her slacks with unusual speed, she slipped on the skimpiest, most obviously attractive outfit from the closet, and carried the rest of the garments down the stairs.

Samira was quietly sipping on a margarita, when she turned her head and her mouth gaped open. "Oh my God, Zaynie!" she exclaimed. "You're wearing the Princess Jasmine costume!"

And indeed, Zaynab was. But rather than saying anything, Zaynab began to dance. She had become a very skilled bellydancer, leading the Hafla celebrations at her mother's restaurant, and even teaching classes on the side at Black Forest Fitness. Her moves were fluid, sinewy, and extremely seductive, which was what bellydance had always been about, despite Western efforts to the contrary to present it as either art or exercise, or merely some kind of  'exotic' culture gracing the covers of record albums.

Samira was clearly enjoying the show. She admired the way the shiny lavender costume clung to Zaynab's lovely alabaster skin, as her professor friend jiggled and whirled. Zaynab's impressive abdominal muscles were on full display, as were her perky breasts and rock-hard biceps. And those hips...Yalla! So round and full, writhing with passion like the goddess of fertility herself. If this is what the body of a superheroine looks like, she thought, I'm definitely on board.
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A small trickle of moisture escaped from Samira's crotch. In addition, Samira felt her nipples hardening beneath her tight shirt. She felt a desire for the bellydancer's body, her long-repressed lesbian tendencies slowly coming to the surface. But it wasn't noticeable to the good Doctor El-Basri, who could only see the top of Samira's lovely olive-brown cleavage peeking out.

The hairdresser kept her composure, but just barely. "Zaynie, you look amazing!" she exclaimed. "But isn't this costume a bit...uh...revealing for a superheroine? It doesn't exactly scream respect for justice and the law, public propriety, things like that..."

Zaynab smiled, knowing that her seductive bellydance bait most likely had Samira on the hook. "Pretty hot, right? But I guess you have a point, Sammy. Although it worked for Jasmine, it does seem a bit..stereotypical. Too 'I Dream of Jeannie', like how the Westerners would think of us. And impractical for fighting crime. I need something more befitting a modern Arabic woman...can you give me a minute?"

"Sure, Zaynie," joked her friend, as the beautiful bellydancer grabbed the garment pile and retreated into the next room. "I'll be waiting here patiently, in your harem!"

Within seconds, Zaynab leaped back into Samira's field of vision, wearing the costume she had designed. "Harem? Ha, ha, more like haram. This outfit would never pass muster where our families are from. But here in the States? It's just another sexy superheroine costume. So, what do you think, Sammy?"

Samira was short of breath. This wasn't just another costume. Her friend was wearing the Arabic Supergirl outfit she had designed for a costume ball for the Maronite community, but it had never been used! She felt a desirous affinity to Zaynab, gravitating to her concept so readily.

Zaynab had donned a silver top with turquoise trim, and Yalla, was it tight on her! The gleaming spandex perfectly showcased her lovely rounded breasts, and displayed her muscular arms with powerful effect. Meanwhile, she was wearing the short silver miniskirt over a pair of shiny turquoise tights, which were tucked into high-heeled leather boots, and a cute little cape hung from her broad shoulders.

Completing the ensemble, Samira noticed, was a Lebanese bangle bracelet that Zaynab had fitted on her left arm, offering an exotic touch. And her friend wore a bejewelled black mask, left over from a charity masquerade ball from several years past, while her beautiful black tresses cascaded down her shoulders, as befits a stunning Arabic siren.

And the most important part of the costume wasn't fabric at all - it was Zaynab's magnificent exposed midriff, showing off her gorgeous massive abs in their full glory. This was a truly iconic vibe for any Middle Eastern woman. The combined effect was tremendous - her friend really had a hidden talent for costuming. But in addition, she looked super hot!

"Zaynie!" exclaimed Samira, finally cohering her thoughts, even while her crotch was becoming wet and warm. "You're incredible! Is this really what an Arabic superheroine can be like, at her full potential? I've never seen anything like it, not even in Lebanese shows."

"Yes," nodded her friend. "And look! I've attached the letter 'jim' to the front of the costume as my logo."

Samira reached forward and touched Zaynab's new chest emblem, brushing her fingers lightly against her friend's ample breast, as if by accident. Again, she felt a thrilling shudder of lust. "I see that, Zaynie. I can read Arabic," she replied. "But why did you pick that letter?"

"From the idea you gave me about the female djinni from antiquity," Zaynab explained, "from the age of the Jahiliyya. Sure, I have the same powers as the goddess Astarte. But I would not disrespect her legacy by stealing her name. The 'jim' shows that I have my own identity as a modern Arabic woman. I will be the supernatural female champion. I will be...JINNIYYA!" 
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The newly christened Jinniyya posed proudly in her tight and sexy costume, hands on her hips, parading for her beautiful friend on whom she had a crush since high school. She was obviously flirting, but it was Samira who at long last broke the ice between them.

"This cape is so cute," Samira stroked the fabric, making her sexual advances on Jinniyya crystal clear. "Thank you for bringing my costume to life!"

"No, Sammy," replied the stunning Arabic siren. "I need to find a way to thank *you* for giving me this chance to be my new powerful self." 

Jinniyya lifted her miniskirt seductively, exposing her tight crotch to Samira. Her perfect little cameltoe was clearly visible underneath the fabric. She removed her mask so that Samira could better see the desire in her eyes. Then the heroine rubbed her shiny turquoise tights together suggestively, which gave her a satisfying rush of pleasure.

"Oooohhh!" Jinniyya sighed, reaching out and stroking her friend's long dark hair. "I love wearing these smooth tights. Sammy, do you want to see what I have between my thighs? I want so badly to give myself to you. I've been waiting for this moment for twenty years..."
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"Yes, and I want to take you to paradise," Samira nodded vigorously, her eyes brimming with tears of joyous lust. "My husband's not going to be home for a few hours. What he doesn't know won't hurt him one bit..."

"I can give you so much love, Zaynie. Let's retire to my bedroom, but please...I really, really need you to wear that tight costume, OK? it's turning me on so much. Can you do that for me...oh mighty Jinniyya?"

"Of course," smiled the sexy superheroine, getting the reference from the old TV show they both adored as youngsters. She grasped her companion's hand, and they bounded up the steps together, about to become more than friends. Much more.
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The two beautiful Arabic women entered Samira's bedroom and closed the door behind them, still holding hands. The moment that they entered, the sweet aroma of perfume once again tempted Zaynab's senses.

"I noticed when I was up here earlier that you had an intoxicating scent filling the room," the dark-haired superheroine turned to her friend for an explanation. "It's quite a sexy smell...made me feel frisky.."

"Oh, that?" remarked Samira off-handedly. "Yeah, that's from a fragrance line created by Elie Saab. Hassan brought it back with him on one of his importing trips to Lebanon. He thought it would heighten our sexual experience...it pretty much does as advertised..."

"Well, that's good to know," smiled the spandex-clad Jinniyya, kissing the lovely Samira shyly on the cheek. She responded with a wink.

"Yeah, but it's going to serve a different purpose today," Samira continued. "When Hassan and I fuck, he likes to dominate. He just gets on top and starts thrusting away. And I don't mind that. There's a part of me that loves to get banged roughly by a dude, and he usually takes long enough that it makes me come. But I feel different when it comes to women. They're softer, and they deserve discipline and attention to detail, because their bodies are so beautiful and intricate. Would you indulge me in this, heroine?"

"Sure," Jinniyya nodded, wondering exactly what Samira had in mind. She speculated on whether Samira would fulfill the dream she had harbored since high school...the fantasy of being held down and fucked by her beautiful best friend.

"Please lie down on the bed face up. Extend your arms and legs to the corners, and form your body into the shape of an X," Samira requested with precise commands. "And..don't get me wrong, I love your cute cape, but please push it out from under your body, so that your back touches the bedspread. Got it?"

Her beautiful superheroine companion indeed understood the instructions, and within seconds, Jinniyya had assumed what felt like a submissive position, spread-eagled on the bed with her muscular arms and thighs apart, and her round breasts protruding upward. That was OK - her high school crush apparently liked to dominate women, and Zaynab was more than happy to oblige.

"Great! That's hot," nodded Samira, looking quite pleased. "Now, bear with me one minute, I just have to retrieve something from this drawer," and she began to rummage in the dresser along the wall. Samira quickly came up with four sets of shiny metal handcuffs. "Ah, here they are!"

The powerful superheroine looked up in surprise. "Wait...what are those for?"

"Well, Hassan sometimes likes to tie me down," she explained. "So, I'm going to do the same to you!" Before her friend could protest, Samira had swiftly locked Jinniyya's wrists and ankles to the four wooden bedposts with the handcuff chains. "What do you think of your predicament now, mighty heroine?"

Jinniyya was taken aback. This was indeed the fantasy she had indulged in as a teenager, scribbling notes down in her diary about her crush on Samira, but never acting on her feelings. She was now a beautiful superheroine, but she was still roleplaying the danger, knowing that she could not really be hurt, and that she could break out at any moment.

So Jinniyya played along, acting faint of heart and in heroic peril. She struggled in her bonds, pretending to be unable to break free from the chains.
"I think...I think you have me at your mercy, young lady. Whatever will you do with me, now?"

"Ha ha, that was cute," Samira laughed. "But I do have serious plans for you, heroine. Just wait a moment, and you'll see!"

Samira pulled her shirt off over her head, exposing her lacy white bra and the gorgeous cleavage of her perfectly round olive breasts. Jinniyya's lovely red lips opened wide in astonishment. "Oh..I know these girls are nice," Samira teased her, tracing her fingers across her chest. "I mean, look at them go! But that's not the plan I was talking about."

She opened her walk-in closet and disappeared inside, clicking the lock while Jinniyya waited patiently on the bed, spread-eagled and cuffed, and beginning to well up with desire for her friend. Jinniyya squirmed quietly in her bonds, enduring the suspense with patience.

She could hear the sounds of a zipper, and a bout of subdued moaning, emanating from behind the closet door. Samira was obviously preparing for something, and becoming aroused while doing it. After a couple minutes, the lock clicked open again, and Samira stepped back into the bedroom.

But she wasn't just Samira anymore. Her civilian clothes had been replaced by a tight, gleaming black spandex catsuit which hugged her voluptuous body, emphasizing every curve, and topped off with a short black cape pinned to both of her shoulders. She wore long suede gloves that extended beyond her elbows, a black rope belt cinched tightly around her hourglass waist, and shiny black boots with six-inch high heels. 

Completing the ensemble was a black domino mask, setting off the beauty of her eyes, which were now traced with dark eyeliner, and her lips, which were now moistened with shiny black lipstick.

Jinniyya wondered about the sounds of pleasure she had heard through the door, because it looked to her as if Samira had undergone a physical transformation, not unlike the one she had experienced herself. Was her high school friend secretly also a superheroic marvel? She didn't know for sure, but it was a very intriguing coincidence.

"Samira? Is that you?" her superheroine friend inquired, thrilled at the results of Samira's change but also a bit concerned at her appearance. Samira could not only be powerful, but also evil! Then she saw her friend wink, and understood that Samira did not really have superpowers. She was only realizing a long-buried fantasy, albeit looking quite magnificent while doing it.

"Of course!" the gorgeous Arabic girl proclaimed, tossing her long hair back over her spandex fabric, and playing her new role to the hilt for full dramatic effect. "But it's not just your high school girlfriend anymore. I have transformed into Samira the Sorceress, mistress of the ancient Yezidi black arts. I am arcane seduction personified! And you will fall deeply...undeniably...under my powerful spell!" 

She waved her black suede gloves in front of Jinniyya's face, as if to place the heroine under her command with the ancient Aramaic incantation she invoked. "Avra Kehdabra! I create as I speak!"

"I think...I think it's working!" Jinniyya cried with alarm, playing along with the role she had apparently assumed in their sexy game of heroine and villainess. "Damn you, sorceress, and your insidious evil! It's just too much for me to take. You're...you're just too attractive to resist!"

"Yes, I know," Samira smiled proudly, posing seductively in her tight black costume. She pulled her front zipper down to the middle of her chest, revealing her perfect round olive cleavage, which had to be at least a D cup.

Not only that, she also had a sizeable cameltoe swelling through the tight black fabric at her crotch. Samira was certainly beautiful in high school, Zaynab remembered, but was now by far the sexiest woman she had ever seen! She was excited to play along with the scenario.

"I must...I must break free! I  am a champion of justice. I can't let you ravage me...not like this!" Jinniyya shouted, pretending to be in mortal peril, about to be raped by a diabolical villainess. She strugged vainly, as if the chains were truly restraining her. "But I'm just too weak..not enough power..your spell overwhelming me..."

"Ha!" Samira exclaimed. "Just as I thought. You are falling deeply under my control. Now, let the fun really begin!" The would-be supervillainess leapt onto the bed, her short black cape flying behind her.

"We'll have to get this cute little skirt out of the way," she added, bunching up Jinniyya's silver mini around her waist, and revealing the shiny turquoise tights encasing the superheroine's crotch, already stained with droplets of lubricant secretion from the sheer excitement of her bondage.

Anyone who had burst into that bedroom at the moment would have beheld a scene befitting a splash page of an erotic comic book: a perfectly proportioned, voluptuous masked woman in an incredibly skintight black spandex catsuit perched directly on top of a lovely masked superheroine figure in another skintight costume, hued both silver and turquoise with an exposed midriff.

Fertile hips bumped against fertile hips, and round breast squeezed against round breast. Suede gloves lovingly clasped long fingers, and tight crotch brushed thrillingly against tight crotch. Their bodies merged in a union of frenzied contact and breathy sighs, as their passions were unleashed. Samira maintained her dominance, kissing Jinniyya deeply on her luscious red lips.

"Mmmm...yum! You taste so good, marvelous Jinniyya!" Samira exclaimed, pulling her face back just enough to look the heroine squarely in the eye. "That was a good start, but now, you will experience my sorcerous power. Can you feel your lovely cameltoe rubbing against my pussy lips? Can you?"

Jinniyya nodded excitedly. Her little clitoris was fully erect, directly touching Samira's moistening cunt with only the soft, tight fabric between the two. She was beginning to become slightly dizzy with desire from the genital enticement, and moaned, "Oooohhh! Yes, I feel it, mistress...I feel it!"

"Very good!" crowed Samira, peppering the superheroine's rosy cheeks with little loving kisses, which left a trail of black lipstick all over her face. "Mwah! I have smothered your immaculate, soft skin with my dark sorcery. It is only proper that you submit to your superior. And now, for your reward, heroine...I grant upon you my most precious supernatural ability...the magic of friction!"

And Samira began to generate that friction - up and down, back and forth on top of the receptive heroine. She definitely seemed to have a spandex fetish, as she rubbed her fabric-covered arms against Jinniyya's bulging bicep muscles, and her slender, stretchy legs along the heroine's muscular thighs encased in the turquoise tights. "Aaaahhh! So smooth and sleek, I love the feeling of this spandex," she cooed. "Let's do more of that!"

Samira pressed her gorgeous olive breasts, squeezed inside the confines of the black catsuit, firmly against Jinniyya's ample mounds. For the enthralled heroine, the stimulation from her contact with Samira's crushing chest cushions was a new, empowering experience. Jinniyya opened her rosy-red mouth wide and moaned with astonishment at the sensation.

"Ooooohhhh! Oh my god, Samira!" shouted Jinniyya excitedly. "Were your boobs always this big in high school? I mean, I can remember wanting to pull you aside into the bathroom at the mall and rip open your blouse to get at your perky tits, but even this is.... it's a bit..."

"A bit more than you recall? That's right, you sexy girl," affirmed Samira, tracing her fingers gently across the heroine's ruby-red lips and allowing her to lick the gloves seductively. "I had aspirations for a camgirl gig in college, to make extra cash, and I took estrogen treatments to further enlarge my breasts so I could reach the top rank on the website. I called myself Layla Luscious, and I really thought I was going to be the next Mia Khalifa."

"But then I met Hassan, and money was no longer an issue," she continued. "The side effect of the treatment is that I can get very aroused sometimes. But that's not a problem for you, is it, my little Jinniyya? I can see that your nipples are standing at attention. They look like they're trying to pierce through the spandex to get to me...Yalla, that's so hot!"

The heroine nodded, grateful for a short break in the action to catch her breath. She was superhuman in all respects, but sex still expended a great amount of energy. "Yes, Samira," she smiled with affection. "My nipples want you that much. But I thought you had something more in store for me than just your magnificent breasts?"

"Oh, I do," her catsuited friend replied, caressing Jinniyya's wet turquoise crotch gently with her suede glove. "You like that friction, don't you? So soft and supple, your sensitive superheroine pussy under that tight spandex? Rubbing you with my sexy glove could bring you to orgasm alone, but it's not going to help me very much, right? And I'm the one who's diabolical and greedy!"

"So....let me just reach down here and grab my magic wand. Every successful sorceress needs one!" Samira stuck her hand under the bedspread and brought out a Hitachi-style vibrator. But it wasn't any ordinary device - this one had two large vibrating tips on both sides, and featured what looked like two clamps shaped like mechanical claws. It was also colored solid black, even the button control in the middle.

"Uhhhh! What...what is that?" Jinniyya queried between passionate sighs of contentment from Samira's attentive pussy-rubbing regimen. "Ohhhhh! Never seen anything like it.."

"Ha ha! A repressed, nerdy Maronite girl like yourself probably wouldn't have seen this, certainly not with your nose always deep in your school books," Samira quipped, leaning into her cruel villainess persona. "Back in my camgirl days, I was sponsored by a sex toy company, and I had them make this for me, to my custom design. Never got a chance to use it, but I had so many fantasies. You are here to fulfill the desire of Samira the Sorceress!" she said, flipping back her beautiful long hair with a commanding tone.

"Lie still and submit," she continued. Samira touched one of the black vibrator's ends to her own perfect cameltoe, and then pushed a spring button on the clamps on that end. Both claws clamped down hard on the tight black fabric covering her pubic mound, locking the device in place.

"Ahhh! That hurt for a second, but now it's secure," she explained to Jinniyya. "It's so great that it even attaches firmly through the spandex, isn't it? Whoever designed this device is a genius. I hope it was a woman. Ready for your half of the bargain, my little helpless heroine?"

Jinniyya nodded with anticipation. Nothing that Samira's device was capable of could hurt her in any way, so why not take the plunge? The next thing she knew, the other business end of the vibrator was clamped securely to her crotch, gripping her pussy lips under the tight turquoise spandex which had congealed with the moistness from her vaginal glands. "I'm ready, Samira," she smiled.

With a flip of a switch, a gentle buzzing sound began, and the contraption was fully activated. Immediately, Jinniyya felt the pleasurable vibrations enflame her vagina and travel through her body. The stimulation invigorated her with mitochondrial power that transferred fleshy substance to her steely arm muscles, her rock-hard abs, her massive thighs, and even her alluring, perfectly round breasts. There was a direct connection between her super-strength and her ability to orgasm, and she was more than fine with that, especially since it felt so good.

Samira took more of an active role as the noisy clamped-on device contacted her crotch. Her entire body began to undulate up-and-down on top of Jinniyya, her breasts bouncing in rhythm, and she looked like a dark goddess inside that tight black catsuit.

"Ooooohhh! My beautiful cunt is on fire!" she shouted like an ancient harlot-priestess of the goddess Astarte. "You like me fucking you, heroine? Take this pleasure from me...take it! I will command you...I am Samira the Sorceress!"

"Yes...yes, you are! Ohhhhh!" Jinniyya yelped back, her ruby-red mouth open wide with surprised satisfaction. All she wanted to do was to please her high school crush, all grown up and incredibly sexy in that black outfit, like a dark queen from a superhero movie.

Being a valiant superheroine was a secondary consideration here, at best, but there was no denying the ecstasy that Samira's movements were delivering through her incredible dual-tipped device, straight into Jinniyya's spandex-covered erogenous zone.  She felt a warm glow suffuse through her body, and she sensed she was only moments away from climax.

"Evil is as evil does!" exclaimed Samira, staying in character for the amusement of her partner. "Oooohhh! I can feel myself about to come, and if I make you come at the same time, dear Jinniyya, you will be under my control forever!"

"No, you must not win!" Jinniyya protested vainly. But she had no time left for mere roleplay - her body went through the incredible spasms of a full superheroine orgasm, lighting up all of her pleasure centers and overloading her cells with power. She had to release it somehow.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" the heroine screamed as her special epigenetic glands were activated and thousands of tiny pores opened inside the palms of her hands. WHOOOSSSHH! A wind gust of over 150 miles per hour, enough to knock over a house, came roaring from her fingers. The wind blast was so powerful that it tore the vibrator clamps right off her crotch, and sent Samira flying backwards through the air, the other end of the double-headed black vibrator still attached firmly to the pussy lips of the would-be supervillainess.

Jinniyya could see from Samira's eyes rolling up in her sockets that she was literally climaxing as she was thrown across the room. Samira continued to orgasm as she landed with a soft THUMP! on a soft couch set up against the far wall of the bedroom. She continued to roleplay as the villainess, unclamping the vibrator and massaging her tumescent cameltoe gingerly with her suede glove.

"Oooohhhh! That's why I put the couch there," Samira marveled. "I love you tossing me around, even though my pussy's a little worse for the wear. I never dreamed you had so much power! Perhaps...perhaps it's back to the drawing board for my evil plans. I think I know what you're going to do next, and I'm here for it...lover."

Still bound in the metal handcuffs, Jinniyya leaned into her friend's suggestion, as her super-strength had been increased by the sexual experience. "Yes, that's right, sexy sorceress. You thought you had me trapped and subdued, but it was I who held the cards all along, merely waiting for the opportune moment. Behold the awesome might of Jinniyya!"

And with relative ease, the mighty Arabic superheroine went SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!, ripping apart first the chains of the wrist handcuffs, and then the two others restraining her ankles. All four of the wooden bedposts also broke off with a CRACK! That wasn't her intention, but the orgasm had made her so strong that she couldn't avoid doing it. She crushed both metal and wood like paper.

Leaning back on the couch, Samira was so turned on by watching Jinniyya's feat of incredible strength that her orgasm extended for another twenty
seconds. The feeling was so intense that she squirted like a geyser straight through the fabric of her costume crotch, with some of the female ejaculate dripping into a small puddle on the bedroom rug. "Oooohhhh! Looks like we've both made a bit of a mess, my lovely nemesis!" she chuckled nervously.

Standing up again, and still looking very come-hither in her tight black catsuit, Samira seemed somewhat dismayed by the damage that Jinniyya had inflicted on the bed where she often held her fuck sessions with Hassan. Her husband would find out she'd been fooling around with a woman behind his back. But she knew she had "made her own bed," to turn a phrase. These were the consequences of knowingly entering into a relationship with a sexy superheroine with amazing strength.

Jinniyya stood up in front of the bed. She brushed herself off, fixed her cape, and pushed her miniskirt back down to cover up her soaked crotch. Then she strode over to Samira and very carefully closed her hands around her high school friend's throat, lifting her several inches into the air and glaring at her intently. Samira was no longer roleplaying as the sorceress. Now, she was just a quivering, spent bombshell in a very tight spandex catsuit who had attempted to dominate a superheroine, and had failed at the task. Jinniyya was not in a merciful mood.

"Samira, I still love you, and I want to be with you," Jinniyya spoke emphatically to her friend, who flailed her gloved arms in the air and kicked her black high-heeled boots to no avail, as she was powerless in the iron grip of the mighty heroine. "It's a lifelong dream of mine, and I don't give up on dreams. I pursue them relentlessly."

"But here are the new rules. You will tell your husband that you are also in love with a beautiful woman. Either he is open-minded about it and lets us do our thing in peace, or he leaves you. Regardless, we get to stay together, and I get to keep fucking you. You can continue to wear this sorceress costume in our private trysts - you look gorgeous in it. Am I clear about all this?"

Jinniyya let Samira down gently to the floor. The hairdresser rubbed her neck in disbelief, although the heroine had not harmed her in any way with the throat lift.

"I guess that's the way the ball bounces," nodded Samira, resigning herself to her new fate. Then she smiled at Jinniyya. "Picking up me up by the throat like that...that was very hot. Hurling me onto the couch with your wind power...snapping those handcuffs with your super strength...they were all huge turn-ons for me. Just want you to know that."

"Yeah, I know," replied Jinniyya. "You're not Samira from high school anymore. You're all grown up. You like it kinky, and you've got a fetish for superheroines and their powers. That's fine, I have no problem with that, and I've got a lot more tricks where those came from. But now, it's time for me to be off..."

"You've got to literally stop some supervillainy, right now?" interrupted Samira. "I get it."

"You really do understand, and that's amazing," marveled Jinniyya at her friend's affability. "That's how I know you can keep my secret. Goodbye for now, Samira," the heroine kissed her paramour softly on her luscious black lipstick.

"As salaam, Jinniyya," the wide-eyed Arabic siren responded dreamily, as she watched her superhuman sex partner walk out the bedroom door. She licked her lips, enjoying one last salivating thought for her beautiful high school friend.

"Next time," Samira vowed to herself, "I will taste that superheroine's pussy, and she will go down in defeat."

Meanwhile, Jinniyya was in the backyard, getting ready to take off into the air. But she dallied for a minute, hiking her right hand up her skirt and stroking her tight turquoise crotch with pleasure. Zaynab was still stimulated and slightly wet from the afternoon's wild events.

"Oooohhhh, Samira!" she evoked the eroticism of the day, filing away the vivid memory of her friend in that gorgeous tight costume. Being a superheroine was proving to be a profoundly sexy experience. "I can't wait to make love to you again!"

And the beautiful, dark-haired Lebanese superwoman launched into the sky, heading back towards her office in Oakland.
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Obscured by the clouds as she flew through the sky, Jinniyya the Arabic superwoman was lost in thought after the erotic diversion she experienced with Samira in the afternoon.

Who could have guessed that her vivacious high school crush had grown up to become not only a respected businesswoman in the community, but also a kinky goddess obsessed with superheroine fetish? The chances were infinitesimal that they would have been able to connect on a such a level, and yet they did!

She made a mental note to set up a regular appointment for rough-and-tumble superheroine sex with Samira in the future - maybe once a month a romp would do both of their libidos a bit of good.

In the meantime, since this was the first time she took to the skies as Jinniyya, the beautiful Lebanese girl was astounded at how much more she enjoyed the feel of the wind rushing along her spandex-clad body, as compared to her civilian clothes.

From her masked face to her shapely breasts, from her naked midriff to her strong thighs, everywhere the brisk wind touched, the cold breeze invigorated her oxytocin levels, stimulated her power centers, and kept her abilities elevated to their peak. The wonder of flight was intoxicating!
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When she landed at her Oakland office, she would be as powerful as ever. All Jinniyya planned to do was to grab the amulet of Astarte and take off again as soon as possible. She would hopefully find a safe place to take the artifact and store it where it would never be found by Darsha, or anyone else who tried to stake a claim to it.

In a few minutes, she descended on the rooftop of the History Building, and landed with a powerful THUMP!, her black heeled boots stirring up a bit of dust. She took a second to brush off her costume, feeling majestic and hopeful as she gazed across the beautiful city skyline.

Then Jinniyya ran quickly towards the stairwell, wrenching the locked roof door open with a mighty KRUNCH! She hoped that since it was already early evening, she could avoid running into anyone she knew in the hallways, and extract the amulet immediately without alerting the campus security force.

Little did the naive superheroine realize what perils were in store....


A mysterious figure shrouded in a black cloak approached the shared office suite of Dr. Darsha Bukhari and Dr. Zaynab El-Basri in the History Department of the University of Pittsburgh.

Anyone who looked a little closer would also see that the figure was none other than Darsha Bukhari herself, except now she looked very different than a couple days ago when she had threatened her colleague, giving her a three-day ultimatum to surrender of the amulet of Astarte.

Now, Darsha had taken the old burqa from her repressive life in Afghanistan and repurposed it into a dark hooded garment which covered both her head and her body, while her face was now obscured by a black mask. But underneath, she was wearing a very different type of costume, not visible to the eye.

Darsha stopped cold in front of her office door - it was locked, and she couldn't get in! Apparently, that bitch Zaynab had changed the keys after their argument over the amulet. She was barred from entering her own domain. What an incredible insult!

"Well, if I was still just ordinary Darsha Bukhari, that would deter me. I'd have to go through official channels to seek redress," she thought to herself. "But no longer. Now I am Darbouka, the deadly mistress of sound, and I will not be stopped!"

She pulled a small Middle Eastern drum from inside her cloak. The drum had an Arabic letter on it, and she positioned the instrument to aim towards the door. Using her newly acquired ability to focus sound with the palms of her hands, she hit the drum as hard as possible, and a visible onslaught of blackened sonic waves jumped from the drum to the door with a THOOM!, shattering the metal lock into pieces that clattered onto the floor.
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"Time to take what is rightfully mine!" shouted Darbouka, as she ran into the office in search of the amulet.

After a short while, she narrowed her quest down to a locked file cabinet that Dr. El-Basri used to keep some documents on the archeological digs.

Banging her drum once more, which helped to catalyze her sonic powers, the vengeful Afghani cracked the file cabinet lock, and began rummaging through the top drawer.
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Just then, Jinniyya ran into the office, her cape flying behind her and her boots clacking on the hallway floor. She surprised Darsha, who had her nose stuck deep in the file cabinet and had just discovered the small wooden box containing the amulet, cleverly hidden under some official papers.

"Aha!" exclaimed the cloaked history professor, "I've found it!"

"Darsha!" shouted the Arabic superwoman, pointing at her colleague accusingly, recognizing her immediately despite the costume and mask. "So it was you who destroyed our office door. I should have known! How did you do that?"

Darsha Bukhari stood up, stashing the amulet box in a pocket inside her cloak, and holding the drum in her left hand. "Zaynab! It's a shame that you decided to show up. I was hoping to avoid this confrontation."

The wayward Afghani scanned the appearance of her colleague up and down. She was wearing some kind of caped costume, like that of a superheroine, and with the Arabic letter 'jim' on the front, for reasons she could not guess. Darsha's desire for her rival welled up within her again, and she licked her moist, dark-red lips. Those sumptuous breasts beneath that tight, shiny top...that gorgeous round ass beneath that short miniskirt...it was all very enticitng, but she kept her cool.

Not wanting to tip her hand, Darsha led with deprecating ridicule. "Ha, ha! Zaynie, what in the world are you wearing that outlandish getup for? Is the Comicon in town? "

"You're one to talk!" retorted the insulted superheroine, striking a powerful pose which highlighted her shiny costume. "I am Jinniyya, Mistress of the Wind. The 'jim' is right here on my chest. But what's the black cloak for? Did you just come from a goth club?"
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"Very funny, Zaynab." Darsha replied. "But I've gotten exactly what I came for - the amulet of Astarte which you refused to give me. And now I'll be out of this horrid history teaching racket. I'll retire on a desert island, while you'll be suffering and lying on the floor in pain!"

"Lying on the floor? Hardly!" Jinniyya snapped back, posing powerfully but getting ready to strike at her opponent. "I'll get that amulet back from you, and stop you right now!"

"Not a chance, fool!" Darsha shouted. "Feel the power of...DARBOUKA!"

The Afghani villainess raised her left hand, which was encased in a tight black glove, and smashed down on the drum as hard as she could. A massive blackened sound wave emanated from the instrument, colliding with Jinniyya's torso and shaking the heroine to her core.
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Jinniyya clutched her sensitive breasts, which took the brunt of the impact, and collapsed to the ground on her knees, screaming AAAARRRRGGHHH! in agony. The sound had disrupted the very osmotic fluid inside her cells, interrupting the mitochondrial factories transmitting the oxytocin that stimulated her super strength. She found herself unable to fight back or even generate a small wind gust, as she clawed the ground in peril and desperation.

"Yes, that's perfect!" taunted Darbouka with evil intent in her voice. "Grovel before me, o great professor of archeology! I don't even know what your powers are yet, and I don't care. I'm just going to get out of here and claim my reward!"
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Darsha was just getting ready to stride out the door, when from the corner of her eye, she caught what Jinniyya was doing next: in her excruciating pain, she was writhing on the floor, rubbing her bare hands on her tightly spandexed crotch in an instinctual attempt to quickly regain some of her powers.

"Oohhhh!" moaned the Arabic heroine as she squirmed, although she didn't seemed fully coherent and in possession of all of her faculties.

The Afghani turncoat found this highly erotic sight too enticing to resist. The arrogant colleague she had desired in secret for so long had been brought low, and was masturbating wildly out of sheer despair. This scenario was too good to pass up, and she reconsidered her plan, deciding to stick around long enough to sexually humiliate her foe, and get her own pleasure out of it as well.

Darbouka turned around and walked over to the helpless, orgasm-starved Jinniyya, undulating on the floor in torment. She towered over her enemy.

"Ha! So pathetic," mocked Darbouka. "I will dispatch you in a different manner that's way more entertaining. See if you can handle this, Zaynab!"

Darbouka pulled down her hood, revealing her long, dark-red hair cascading down across her shoulders. Her equally dark-red lips and blushing cheeks framed a cruel smile. Then she unclasped the cloak which had concealed her entire body, and dropped it on the ground dramatically.

Underneath, the supposedly demure Afghani professor turned out to be anything but modest. She presented a highly seductive appearance, at which her tight black gloves had only hinted earlier. From neck to knee, she was clad in an extremely tight and shiny jet-black catsuit!

Darbouka's form underneath her mysterious cloak was sheer visual perfection. She had large, nubile breasts with huge areolae clearly visible through the sheer black fabric. Her buxom body boasted curvaceous hips and a tight crotch, her pussy lips peeking through the fabric and looking fertile enough to bear a whole village of children. With her silhouette broken only by a small rope belt, the black costume hugged her thick thighs like a second skin, all the way down to a pair of knee-high black boots with zippers on the sides.

Jinniyya could probably have appreciated the unexpectedly stunning beauty of her wayward Afghani colleague had she not been hallucinating from the extreme pain that Darbouka had inflicted on her with her sonic might. But Darsha didn't care. She already had one thing she wanted badly - the amulet of Astarte - and now she was about to obtain the other - the attractive body of her office crush.

"What a perfect day!" Darbouka enthused, stroking her gloves down the sides of her own tight black catsuit to stoke the fires of her pleasure. "This is really the perfect costume. I've never felt so sexually liberated before..."

"So you're Jinniyya, Mistress of the Wind, huh?" she continued the ridicule of her defeated foe. "Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, as Macbeth would say. Prepare to get fucked!"
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Sprawled out supine on the rug of her office with her lovely dark hair spread across the floor, the Arabic superwoman Jinniyya looked like a sexy mess.

She was mentally out of sorts, dizzy and hallucinating from absorbing the incredible impact of Darbouka's enormous sonic shockwave on her body.
The mitochondrial energy factories in her mutated cells had shut down, unable to deliver the oxytocin levels needed to maintain her abilities.
Although her rippling muscles remained intact, there was insufficient energy to power them, or the wind jet pores in her hands, for that matter.

Without even a hint of embarrassment that she was still in the room with her colleague, Jinniyya began furiously rubbing her crotch, trying to restore the oxytocin with a quickie, but she couldn't get enough traction to stimulate a continuous pleasurable sensation. During this failed process, she was imagining her lusty hairdresser friend, and started to shout her name with a yearning moan, "Ooooohh! Samira! My love!"
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It was this desirous outcry that gave Darbouka the mistaken impression. First, she had assumed that her sonic attack had somehow made Jinniyya horny, when it was just the opposite. And more importantly, she wondered to herself just who this "Samira" was. If she was a rival for her affection with Zaynab, this Samira would need to be killed and destroyed as soon as she could track her down!

Nonetheless, rather than immediately leaving the scene to deliver the amulet to Olivia Queen, Darbouka decided to remain in order to take advantage of this unique opportunity to romantically dominate her fellow history professor. Having removed her mysterious cloak and tossed it on the floor, the sexually starved Afghani hungered for the chance to undergo her first true lesbian experience, which her husband would deny her if he knew. She exposed every curve of her attractive body inside the tight and shiny black catsuit, wanting to impress Zaynab with her voluptuous assets, and drive her to new heights of desire.

Ironically, the catsuit had first come into her possession when her husband Ali had bought it for her last year, thinking he could spice up their sex life. But unbeknownst to Ali, his ploy backfired, because whenever he was gone for a few days on a trucking haul, Darsha donned the tight outfit for her own enjoyment.

She would masturbate furiously in it in her own bed, marveling at the ability of her own body to generate such exquisite pleasure without the assistance of any man. She felt powerful and in control of her own sex, a new feeling for a girl who had grown up repressed and limited under the fist of the Taliban.

After several weeks of carnal self-discovery in the spandex costume, Darsha developed a strong fetish for the stimulating fabric. She spawned an ongoing fantasy about becoming an American superheroine, which unexpectedly became a wonderful reality when she recently acquired her sonic powers. She crafted her new persona as Darbouka, the Mistress of Sound, consisting of two distinct layers.

The first was the outside cloak, formerly her burqa, with which she covered herself dramatically, representing her outward-facing personality as a proud and demure Muslim champion. But inside the tight black catsuit, she was a sexual dynamo, begging to be unleashed like a wildcat.She very much enjoyed the contrasting duality of her new persona: she possessed both lust and power.

Unfortunately, Jinniyya was too out of it to notice any of this nuance. She didn't really know where she was, and only beheld Darbouka's profoundly sexy silhouette through a hallucinogenic haze. The confused superheroine dimly perceived the black catsuit, and believed that her academic nemesis was actually her high school girlfriend. "Samira the Sorceress, you have returned!" she cried out, reaching up with her muscular arms. "I love you! Please....save me!"

"Hmmmm...." thought the scheming Darbouka to herself, "this Lebanese temptress clearly believes that I am this Samira person, and adores her very much. Perhaps if I play along with this charade, pretending to be this Samira, I'll get the results I need to fulfill my desires..."

"Yes, Zaynie!" Darbouka responded, standing over the heroine's prone body and gesturing with her tight black gloves. "I am Samira, your sorcerous paramour. I'm here to make everything OK, little heroine. Just lie back and let me show you why I love you so much!"

"Ohhhhhh, Samira..." mumbled Jinniyya almost incoherently, her eyes half closed as she continued to endure the pain of her very cells being shattered by the sonic blast. "I'm....uh....so glad you came. There was this terrible, evil woman...."
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"Never mind that, honey, she's gone now," Darbouka lied with a smirk. "Close your eyes and let go of all the suffering. Let me do all the work..."

And with that, the voluptuous Afghani knelt down in her incredibly tight black costume and formed a plan to methodically rape the superheroine's body, intentionally ravaging her without true consent, but instead with the kind of deceptive, underhanded malice that hadn't been seen since Biblical times when Jacob stole Esau's blessing.

Marveling at the powerful, muscular form before her, strewn about in her silver spandex outfit like a tempting rag doll, Darbouka began to molest the heroine's torso. She thrust her soft black gloves under Jinniyya's tight top and massaged her breasts like Play-Doh, sending small sonic vibrations through the heroine's hardening nipples. "These are so lovely, Zaynie," she complimented her unwilling partner. "Touching and squeezing them is getting me wet. Is this making you feel good, too?"

Jinniyya immediately responded with a moan of ecstasy. "Oooooohhhh! Yes, Sammy! Don't stop!" she cried rapturously through closed eyes. "I love your incredible boobs so much...can you let me kiss them, please?"

So..apparently this Samira also had large breasts, thought Darbouka. Good information to know, but she didn't want Zaynab to get too close a look at her. "Maybe later, my lovely heroine, I'll let you suck my titties if you're really good," she teased. "But right now, I think I actually will stop. I want to punish you for being bad!"

"What...what do you mean?" whined Jinniyya fearfully, through her half-shut eyes, which still only allowed her clouded and blurry vision. She was slowly recharging her powers with the stimulation she was receiving from Darbouka, but the process was extremely slow due to her millions of broken mitochondria.

"I mean that I think it's time to turn you over on your face," commanded Darbouka, implementing the second phase of her unpermitted physical onslaught on her colleague. Using the above-average strength which came with her new powers, the ebon-clad villainess flipped Jinniyya's body roughly, so that her buttocks were sticking up in the air. 

"Such a round, firm and juicy ass!" Darbouka exclaimed, firmly gripping Jinniyya's curvaceous bottom, encased so enticingly in turquoise spandex tights like a second skin. "You've been a bad superheroine, and you deserve a thorough spanking!"

The Lebanese sky goddess shrieked with both pain and pleasure simultaneously as her professor colleague spanked her repeatedly on the ass WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! with each hit magnified by the sonic powers transmitted through Darbouka's gloves. Each blast of sound sent pain stabbing through Jinniyya's rock-hard gluteus muscles, but also waves of exquisite pleasure into her anal cavity.

Essentially, Jinniyya was being fucked up the ass by Darbouka's sonic powers, and although she was deriving pleasure from it, it wasn't the steady rush of stimulation that would cause her to orgasm and recharge her mitochondria. Hence, the heroine stayed relatively weak and helpless while she was being abused by her antagonist. Still feeling incoherent, Jinniyya at least had the presence of mind to ask the Afghani to cease her assault.

"Ow! Ow! Sammy, please..no more!" she cried plaintively. "I need you to pay attention to my pussy, so I can recharge. Can we scissor together, please...huh, can we?"

Aha, thought Darbouka to herself, this Lebanese slut has unwittingly shown her cards - she will get her powers back if she reaches an orgasm. So I can't let her do that,or I'll have a real fight on my hands, and she won't be surprised by my drum next time. Ah, but I know what I can do next....
"Sure, we can do that later, honey. I want to save the best for last," she deceived the heroine lying face down on the floor. "I want you to try something with me first..."

Just moving around in her extremely tight black catsuit was already stimulation aplenty, but now Darbouka was about to take her pleasure to a whole new level. She rolled Jinniyya back over, so that the heroine's lovely masked face was looking up at her in a submissive position. Then Darbouka sat on Jinniyya's breasts, marveling at how strong the heroine's chest muscles were to be able to support her entire spandexed body, even in her comparatively weakened state.
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"What...what are you doing now, Sammy?" queried Jinniyya, still unable to see clearly and believing that it was her high school crush on top of her, crushing her boobs ever so slightly.

"I'm getting pleasure for myself, Zaynie!" exclaimed Darbouka, almost ruining the ruse by raising her voice too loud. She pointed to her voluminous cameltoe, which looked like it was bursting through her tight crotch, and shifted to within inches of her foe's red lips. "See this incredible cunt? You're going to lick it, my lovely heroine. Lick it until I come!"

Jinniyya heard the muffled words in her semi-hallucinogenic state, and begin to salivate at the concept. She hadn't tasted pussy juice since her lesbian adventures in college, and here was her new bestie Sammy, offering a banquet of delight in front of her. She could already smell the delectable vaginal aroma, anointed with fragrant Middle Eastern oils, wafting over her nose. How could she say no?

The enraptured superheroine stuck out her long tongue and began furiously licking at Darbouka's crotch. It felt so smooth and warm! Vaginal fluid began to leak through the tight shiny fabric, and Jinniyya lapped it up like sweet nectar. The ambrosia of a sorceress! Or so she believed. In reality, she was becoming addicted to the deceptive Darbouka's discharge.

As Jinniyya kept up the furious pace of her superhuman cunnilingus, Darbouka slowly began to achieve a new milestone in her life as a free American citizen - she was about to consummate lesbian sex for the very first time. Gradually, she felt an extreme rush of pleasure build in her nethers, until....ahhhh....ahhhh...it exploded across her body in a brilliant wave of intense orgasm. So this was what it was like to enter paradise with the 72 houris!

Darbouka's buxom frame shuddered with ecstasy, as she gripped her large breasts with her black gloves to steady herself. Unfortunately, that was when she almost revealed her deception by giving in to the basest prejudice instilled in her by the Taliban oppressors.

"Ahhhhh....Ohhhhhhh....Masih! Infidel!" she shouted verbal abuse at her foe, intoxicated by the concept of conquering her inferior. "Dirty Maronite filth! I have defeated you utterly! I am a proud and beautiful Muslim woman who has made you my sex slave...my little fucking Christian cunt!"

The strange outburst roused Jinniyya from her powerless stupor. "What...what did you just say? Wait...you're not Sammy! You're..."

"SHUT UP!" Darbouka screamed angrily. "You will speak when spoken to!" She grabbed Jinniyya's mask tightly and collided her hands together, unleashing another shockwave THOOM! only inches away from the hapless heroine's face. Instantly, it had the desired effect of making her victim groggy again, almost knocked senseless by the terrible sonic blow. A lesser human would have been out like a light.

"Uhhhhhhh..." groaned Jinniyya in obvious discomfort, as more of her mitochondria shut down. She stumbled around, trying to get up, but her long dark hair covered her face so she couldn't see, and Darbouka's sound wave had temporarily debilitated the semicircular canals in her ear which maintained her balance. Jinniyya collapsed on the floor again.

Meanwhile, the Afghani had risen, once more donning the demure, mysterious cloak which thoroughly concealed her sexy tight costume all the way down to her leather boots. She'd gotten exactly what she wanted - the opportunity to rape the hated Zaynab El-Basri and utterly humiliate her, all while securing the valuable artifact and achieving a perfect lesbian orgasm. It was turning out to be a very productive day for her!

The box containing the amulet was secure inside her garment, and she waved a stack of papers in front of Jinniyya's dazed eyes. "I have the amulet, and I have these documents proving its provenance. Now, all I have to do is get to my secret benefactor to become a millionaire, quit this fucking university forever, and hopefully never see you again...you stuck-up bitch!"

And with that hateful farewell, the sonic-powered supervillainess Darbouka swept out of the room with a purposeful flourish and a diabolical laugh. "As salaam, loser! Ha, ha, ha!"
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Doctor Zaynab El-Basri was left behind, writhing in pain on the floor of her own office, not feeling very much like the powerful and sexy superheroine she had become earlier that day.


But after a short time, Jinniyya's accelerated metabolism caught up with her injuries, and she was able to get up and better assess her situation. Her costume was fine, once she used a tissue to soak up a bit of wetness from her crotch. She felt angry that Darbouka had taken advantage of her, but also firm in her resolve to stop the villainess.

"I've got to figure out who Darsha's secret benefactor is," she said confidently, "and prevent that transaction from taking place before I lose track of who has the amulet. I can't let incredible power like that fall into anyone else's hands."

"I know!" she pointed her finger in the air, the idea going off like a lightbulb in her head. "I'll ask Samira. She'll know who is interested in Middle Eastern esoterica around the Pittsburgh area. Maybe she can help me narrow down the potential buyers!"

Within a few minutes, Jinniyya had touched down once again in the backyard of her friend Samira's Shadyside house. But this time, her visit wasn't at all recreational.

"Zaynie! I mean...Jinniyya, since you're in that sexy costume," the hairdresser called out. "Why are you back here so soon? I thought I wasn't going to see you for a while because you're busy with superheroic stuff..."

"Yes, that's true, Sammy, but I need your help," pleaded Jinniyya. "Remember the amulet that helped charge up my new powers?"
"Sure," replied Samira. "What happened to it? I don't see it with you."

"That's because my colleague, professor Darsha Bukhari, took it away from me by force! I don't know how it happened, but somehow she's acquired these amazing sonic powers. Darsha was wearing this tight black spandex costume with a velvet cloak, and called herself Darbouka, Mistress of Sound. She stunned me and took the amulet!"

"What? That's terrible!" exclaimed Samira with considerable concern.

"Yeah, but that's not all, Sammy," added Jinniyya sheepishly. "She raped me! I let her fondle my breasts. I enjoyed it when she fucked me up the ass with her powers. And then...oh, Sammy...I licked her pussy voraciously, until she came. I was so groggy from her attack that I was quite out of it, and I thought she was you! I'm so...so sorry..."

"What do you have to be sorry about?" her friend frowned, patting Jinniyya's broad, muscular shoulders with affection. "From what you've just said, she took advantage of you, right? And some of us get a bit of a thrill out of a forced orgasm. If you do, that's perfectly fine. And you don't have to remain exclusive to me, anyway...we're lovers, not steady girlfriends. I'm married to Hassan, remember? I love his big cock and his restaurant money too much to leave him."

Jinniyya smiled. "I'm glad you understand, Sammy. You really are the perfect Arabic woman. I can't wait until we can fuck again. But right now, I have a more pressing problem. I have to find out whomever Darsha's rich benefactor is - the mysterious buyer of the amulet. It has to be someone from around here who has an interest in the Middle East, and for whom money is no object. Can you think of anyone like that?"

"Yes, I can," nodded Samira. "Remember the company that was sniffing around Syria, right near where you were doing your excavations at the Temple? I read about their oil explorations in the news..."

"Quexxon Oil!" Jinniyya exclaimed. "You're right. I did notice some of their employees there, possibly spying on us. Darsha must be taking the amulet to their headquarters downtown. Her mysterious benefactor could be that fat cat Olivia Queen, the CEO of Quexxon!"

"That's my best guess," Samira agreed. "But, hey...before you go gallivanting off to save the day, give me a little sugar, won't you? My beautiful heroine?"

"Huh? Oh, of course, Sammy!" beamed the lovely dark-haired superheroine. She pushed her mask up over her forehead, and drew her ruby-red lips close to her swarthy friend's mouth. They kissed passionately, and then hugged closely for good measure.

Both women enjoyed the thrill of their mutual embrace. The superheroine clung tightly to her girlfriend's bosom for emotional support, uplifted by the seductive scent of jasmine in her lover's beautiful dark hair. Samira was equally enthralled, gripping the soft spandex on Jinniyya's muscular arms, so dependable in their heroic might.
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Samira found it hard to resist the Lebanese professor's magnificent body. She thrust her hands under Jinniyya's tight silver spandex top, and began to gently massage the heroine's perfectly round breasts. The nipples hardened at her expert touch.

"Ooooohhh!" moaned Jinniyya in response to Samira's advances. "That feels so good on my boobs, Sammy!"

"It should," chuckled Samira. "I know what I'm doing." And she quickly reached under Jinniyya's silver skirt, grabbing a handful of the heroine's cameltoe under her tight turquoise tights and applying sensual strokes with her nail-polished fingers.

"Aaahhhhh!" sighed Jinniyya with lust in her eyes. "Sammy, you make me so hot!"

"Yeah, I know," grinned Sammy. "More where that came from later. That's just a little bit to remind you how much I love you."

She stepped back to give the heroine encouragement. "To hell with whatever that Darbouka bitch wants. You go ahead and track her down, get that amulet back, and give her a few solid punches in the face from me, would you? Nobody messes with my girl!"

"I love having you in my corner, Sammy!" Jinniyya smiled, putting her mask back on her face. "And sure, maybe we can have some fun later. I'm probably going to be pretty horny and sweaty from fighting that supervillainess. I promise that she won't get the best of me this time. See you!"

As Jinniyya strode out the back door in her black leather boots and launched into the skies, Samira Agharad thought to herself how lucky she was. "I can't believe that I have a friend who is a sexy superheroine, and I can fuck her pretty much whenever I want! How crazy is that?"

Meanwhile, the Lebanese mistress of the wind was streaking through the stratosphere towards Downtown Pittsburgh and the Quexxon Building. The air currents stimulated the receptive skin under the tight spandex of her uniform, gradually re-energizing her power centers, as her beautiful black hair and her turquoise cape fluttered behind her.

She would be fully powered up and ready for battle with her new nemesis.
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Last edited by shevek 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Staff Sargeant
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Very good this story, with the pictures makes it more interesting
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valugi wrote:
1 year ago
Very good this story, with the pictures makes it more interesting
Thanks for the good words, Valugi. Now on with the story.


Darsha drove up to the Quexxon office and quickly parked her car out front. She bounded up the steps to the office of Olivia Queen, CEO of the company, carrying her sonic drum in one hand.

Olivia was dressed like a typical flamboyant oil tycoon, complete with a bejeweled cowboy hat.  She was rather plump, and her suit revealed the cleavage of her extra-large bosom. Apparently, she wasn't above playing the tease to her clients.

Behind Olivia loomed a silent, tall female figure in a shiny trench coat, looking very serious with her arms crossed. The bodyguard had asymmetrical green hair cascading to one side, and wore dark sunglasses. She was apparently Olivia's personal protection, but Darsha had never met her before and didn't know her name.

The oil tycoon wasted no time getting to the point. "You're Darsha Bukhari, right? Did you get what I asked for? It's been three days, and I've been waiting impatiently."

The quisling history professor brought out a folder from beneath her cloak. "Yes, Ms. Queen, I have it right here..."
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"What are you waiting for, then? Give it to me!" the CEO demanded, thinking that Darsha would immediately comply.

"Well...wait just a second here," Darsha gestured with her jet black glove. "First of all, you will call me Darbouka from here on. I will be using this name to hire myself out as a mercenary, using my new sonic powers!"

"OK then, Darbouka," responded Olivia with amusement. "I was wondering myself why you were carrying that drum. It's a darbouka, isn't it? You've put the Arabic letter 'dal' on the drum head."

"Very perceptive, Ms. Queen," the Afghani complemented her new boss. "You should be familiar with Arabic if you have investments in the Middle East. And most importantly, I want to see the money first before I hand this over."

"Fair enough, Darbouka," nodded the elegant mogul, her large breasts heaving with material desire for the vaunted artifact. She indicated to her trenchcoated henchwoman. "Dyna here will open the suitcase for you. Please do the honors!"

As the silent woman named Dyna opened the case on the desk, Darsha could clearly see the impressive stacks of hundred-dollar bills, easily totaling a quarter million. "As you can see," Olivia continued, "it's all there. Now please hand over the amulet, as we agreed."

Darbouka nodded. "The amulet is clipped inside this folder, along with its provenance. Complete proof of where it was found. You won't have any problem finding a buyer."

"Why, I have no intention of doing something as commercially crass as selling it," replied the tycoon. "I fully intend to invoke its vast, fabled power for myself. Just imagine what I could become. Ha ha ha, indeed!"

Just then, Darsha heard a loud metal CREAK! and then a deafening CRASH! All three women whirled around to face the window behind them, which had just been torn clean off its hinges and thrown on the floor of the office. 

A stunning streak of silver leaped through the hole where the window had been, and landed with a big THUMP! as the sound of clacking boots connected with the hard office floor. It was Darbouka's colleague and nemesis, Dr. Zaynab El-Basri - now known as the mighty Arabic superheroine Jinniyya!

Jinniyya posed powerfully in her tight silver spandex costume, hands on either side of her short miniskirt, with her cape flapping in the breeze created by the open window. She is truly a magnificent sight to behold, Darsha marveled to herself. She was almost sorry that she had sexually assaulted Jinniyya earlier for her own rapacious pleasure. This icon of Arabic beauty deserved better.

"And that's my cue!" shouted Jinniyya with a challenge. "I just wanted to see this illicit deal go down. I am Jinniyya, the mistress of the wind. Now I can put you behind bars where you belong...Darsha!"
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The spurned history professor responded scornfully, pointing with her tight black glove at her adversary. She was insulted at Zaynab's deliberate use of her civilian name. "That's Darbouka to you...bitch!"

"Whatever..." Jinniyya waved her hand dismissively. "I'm ready for you now. Sound waves travel through the air, and I control the wind!"

"We'll see about that!" Darbouka picked up her drum and smacked it with superhuman might. THOOM! Dark, rippling sonic waves emanated from her glove, and headed for Jinniyya's torso. Jinniyya waved her hands, however, and the sound waves turned into a WHOOSH! as a 150-mph wind gust impacted Darbouka's body, knocking her brusquely to the ground. The erstwhile villainess hit her head and lay still, demurely covered by her own velvet cloak.

Olivia looked at the unconscious Darbouka on the ground with a mixture of pity and disdain. "Weakling!" she shouted at her mercenary employee. "Even under my command, you're a complete failure! But no matter - I will control this spunky superheroine myself. Dyna, fire up this torture device!"

Olivia picked up a small orange box with a button and a small speaker on it. She handed it to her stern henchwoman, who pushed a switch on the box and spoke for the first time. The device began to emit a low-frequency hypnotic wave visible in the yellow spectrum.

"Here you go, Ms. Queen," Dyna said, giving the device back to her boss. Dyna looked as if she was trying to suppress a grin.

"Thank you, Dyna," smiled the tycoon, explaining her plan to the curious dark-haired heroine in spandex. "You see, with devices like these, I'm not just Olivia Queen, CEO of Quexxon. I am also secretly...THE QUINGPIN! And I control the minds of everyone around me. So much for your vaunted free will, little girl!"

As the hypnotic wave enveloped her, Jinniyya responded in halted tones to the newly revealed sneering supervillainess. "Free...will? Must resist the device."

She grasped her head in agony, tugging on her own beautiful dark hair. "Why? Why does it hurt so much? Why do I have...such a headache? Too much to take...arrrrggghhh!"
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"Ha ha ha!" laughed the Quingpin with loathing in her voice. "It's good to be the Quing! Why do you think I'm known far and wide for my research? Dyna here is quite a brilliant scientist in her own right, and she helped me develop this potent mind-control device which uses a combination of pain and hypnosis to force you to do my bidding!"

"That's great, boss. Although..this is the very first time we're using the device on a superheroine," added Dyna. "I would advise caution..."

"Nonsense, Dyna," the Quingpin waved her hands, dismissing her henchwoman's concerns. "You can see the devastating effect it has, even on a superheroine as powerful as she is. We will soon have her completely under our command!"

"Can't...think...straight...Too confused...too painful to do anything..." groaned Jinniyya, kneeling on the ground in front of the Quingpin's desk in her shiny turquoise tights.

"That's the idea, honey," smirked Olivia Queen, reveling in the domination that she had over the silver-clad superwoman. This beautiful, alluring heroine was on the floor, whinging with pain, paying her the obeisance she deserved! The scenario struck a chord within Olivia's desires, releasing her own dormant sexual fetish.

"There's only one way I will let you go from your mental bondage, girl," teased the cruel CEO, fully embracing her role as dastardly villainess. "I see how tight your spandex costume is, and how much you enjoy wearing it and flaunting your physique at normal humans like myself. Not everyone can have the perfect body that you do."

"So I want to punish you for your arrogant perfection. I will utterly humiliate you and bring you to the lowest depths of depravity. You will bring yourself to orgasm, right in front of me and Dyna. Only then will I release you from the pain!"
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Still in horrendous agony from the hypnotic device, Jinniyya shuddered at the thought of exposing her most private pleasure to this evil, sadistic villainess.  And yet, she knew that doing so would greatly invigorate her powers, giving her the best possible chance to escape this diabolical trap.

The valiant Arabic heroine nodded with reluctant compliance. "Yes..I'll do it...anything to get you to free me from this torture!" Remaining on her knees to offer Quinpin the appearance of submission, Jinniyya hiked up her silver miniskirt, revealing her tight crotch underneath and exposing her cameltoe, which had begun to swell under the shiny turquoise tights.

"Ah, that is a magnificent sight, isn't it, Dyna?" the tycoon turned to her henchwoman, who assented silently. "The luscious pussy of a very sexy superheroine, on full display right in front of us. If only we could sell this footage to the networks, we'd make a mint. But I have my honor, right, Dyna? This experience remains just between us. You may continue, my lovely Arabic slave!" She gestured to Jinniyya.

And indeed, the intrepid archaeologist needed little encouragement to begin her forced masturbation. She was already stroking her crotch furiously with one hand, feeling the wet and sticky fluid pooling underneath her tight spandex. Jinniyya thrust her other hand under her stretchy silver bra top, emblazoned with her proud 'jim' symbol signifying her Lebanese ancestry.

Jinniyya grabbed her own breast, kneading it roughly like bread dough, and feeling her nipples rise and stiffen to the occasion. It's so sexy being a superheroine, she thought to herself, that I really have no problem getting myself off. I won't have to do this for very long. It's embarrassing, but this is definitely working!

The stone-faced Dyna betrayed no emotion, but Olivia Queen herself was rather enthralled by the sight of the beautiful Jinniyya pleasuring herself. Olivia began to caress her own massive cleavage which was peering out from under her business suit.

"Ohhhhh!" crooned the Quingpin. "Just look at her go, Dyna. She's so hot when she is doing that. That muscular body inside that tight and shiny costume! I didn't realize until now how much superheroes are not just about fantasies of power, but also sexual conquest. What a revelation!"

Yes, thought Zaynab El-Basri to herself, just a little bit more, and I will show you just how much a revelation I am! She could feel a wave of exquisite passion rising up from her pussy and disseminating through her body, charging up her mitochondria and filling up the air glands in her hands. The muscles in her biceps and abdominals expanded and hardened like steel, imbuing her with strength beyond her wildest desires. Even her ruby-red lips turned brighter and more enticing, and she licked them in anticipation of the results.

"Only a few more seconds...here it comes....Ohhhhhhhh!" screamed Jinniyya, climaxing more dramatically than she ever had before, with wave after wave of orgasmic release undulating blissfully through her body. She closed her eyes and threw her head back in ecstasy. After a few seconds, the climax abated, and she opened them again, looking pleased and refreshed.

"It's time for me to come clean," she said, rising from her kneeled position, pulling her miniskirt back down, and standing proudly, once again with her hands on her curvaceous hips in a power stance. "You'll pay for this affront, Quingpin!"

"Oh no!" exclaimed Olivia Queen in surprise. "This heroine is acting sassy again, Dyna. She's broken the hold of this device you designed for me. Is the contraption flawed in some way?" Dyna scowled in disagreement, but said nothing.

"No, it's nothing she did," quipped Jinniyya confidently, now that she had her full faculties back, and was feeling more powerful than ever. "It's just that you didn't count on my resilience, my ability to..."

But the heroine's recovery speech was cut short, as a massive sonic WHOOOM! came crashing at Quingpin and Dyna from the far side of the room. Battered by the sonic pressure, Olivia Queen could not keep the device in her grasp, and it went flying across the room, landing onto the hard office floor, shattering into many pieces and ceasing its hypnotic transmission.
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"Noooooooo!" screamed the oil tycoon in a fit of rage, as she pointed at Darbouka with scorn. "You hussy! You broke my device!" She seemed about ready to launch into a tantrum fit for a preschool toddler. Dyna remained stoic and silent, observing the dramatic tableau.

Meanwhile, the fully recovered Darbouka, who had unleashed her sonic blast against the Quingpin a moment ago, walked over to her colleague, looking bashful and full of remorse for her actions.

"Zaynie!" she cried, "You were right all along. I'm so sorry that I harmed you. You know, the truth is that I'm in love with you, and I have been for a while, even before this whole superhero thing."

"Yeah, I had the feeling it was something like that," replied Jinniyya, "but you sure had a strange way of showing your affection for me, raping me in my office the way you did. You're lucky that you did it so well, that I wound up getting a lot of unexpected pleasure out of it!"

"I was overwhelmed by my sheer lust for you, and the heightened sexuality I'm feeling while wearing this incredibly tight costume underneath my cloak," explained Darbouka. "I'm not used to how attractive it makes me feel, and I abused my power. But I offer no excuses, and I regret my actions."

"Understood, but now is not the time for regrets," nodded the Arabic superheroine, flashing a beautiful smile at her colleague.

Darbouka admired Jinniyya's breathtaking appearance - her strong muscles and her attractive figure under that tight spandex - as the heroine clenched her powerful fist in defiance.

"Now is the moment for action," continued Jinniyya. "Let's go on the offensive together. We've got to hit them right now....hard!"
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Watching Darbouka and Jinniyya speak with each other in conciliatory tones, the self-styled Quingpin knew she had lost her dominant position in the power dynamic.

And since her mind-control device lay shattered on the floor in broken pieces, there was no hope of regaining an advantage over the beautiful Lebanese heroine.

"Oh, Dyna!" exclaimed Olivia Queen. "It seems as if we have lost the day here, and they clearly mean to attack us. Perhaps it is time to cut my losses and flee."

"Agreed, boss," nodded Dyna, still wearing the shiny black trench coat and black sunglasses obscuring most of her face and form. "I'll be happy to cover your escape, though. Especially if you give me a full introduction. I want these pathetic heroines to know with whom they are dealing!"

"Fair enough, my loyal servant," acknowledged Olivia. "You'd better start your transformation quickly to attain maximum body mass. I'll keep them busy momentarily with a classic supervillain monologue."
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The tall stoic henchwoman thought to herself, "Well, I'm strong now, but I'll be much stronger once I get myself off. The thing is, though, that I've never done the change in front of anyone other than Olivia. I'll have to think very sexy thoughts to make this work!"

Dyna didn't have much trouble getting started, though. Thrusting her black gloves into her trench coat, she began furiously masturbating and rubbing her cameltoe. To her, the sensation felt fantastic and empowering.

"Why did I think I'd have any trouble with this?" she asked herself. "There are two incredibly beautiful superheroines right in front of me. All I have to do is to imagine touching their lovely bodies, caressing their tight spandex...I'll get this done in no time!"

Having resolved to team up to defeat Olivia Queen, who had just attempted to cheat and enslave them, Jinniyya and Darbouka turned their attention to the fat cat oil tycoon sitting behind the desk. But their efforts were momentarily distracted by the sudden difference in the henchwoman's demeanor.

"Wait a minute," Jinniyya thought to herself. "This flunkie Dyna was very stoic before, arms crossed in her Matrix trench coat, looking tough and not saying a word. But now it looks like she's expressing emotion...some kind of pleasure. Could she possibly be....?"

At the same time, Darbouka had caught an eyeful of Dyna's new mood, as well. "She's clearly trying to hide it," thought the Afghani professor, "but from my own autoerotic adventures, it's quite obvious to me that she's touching herself under that coat. I wonder what is turning her on?"

Little did they realize that Dyna was thinking about the both of them, as she rhythmically stroked her pussy underneath the trench coat. A hardcore lesbian, Dyna hadn't even thought about men for decades, and she was well attuned to the resplendent beauty of the two superheroines in front of her. Forget the 'male gaze', it was the female gaze that reigned supreme!

"I'm not having any trouble with this at all," Dyna thought to herself. "The sexy stacked body of this Jinniyya woman in her tight silver spandex...she has strong muscles like my own. I wonder what it must be like to touch them..to feel their power and caress her womanly curves?"

Meanwhile, her speculative gaze also wandered over to Darbouka. "I can tell from her black mask, her soft gloves and her leather boots that she's a kinky one, this Darbouka," Dyna imagined. "I'd bet that she has a tight spandex outfit under that amorphous cloak, and she's just hiding it to be mysterious, like an Arab girl under a burqa. Wow, I never thought about it before, but these Middle Eastern women are super hot!"

While the heroines were fueling Dyna's autoerotic fantasies, Olivia knew that Dyna needed a bit of time to attain her full power, so she provided a much-needed distraction with a villainous monologue, spinning a tale to the heroines about Dyna's origin. Jinniyya and Darbouka fell for the ruse.

"Foolish heroines!" the oil tycoon exclaimed with ridicule. "That mind-control device is by far not the only weapon in my arsenal. Dyna here used to be one of my top lab scientists, Dr. Dinah Crake..."

Still masturbating furiously, Dyna herself recalled when she was hired straight out of college by the magnanimous Olivia Queen, who offered her a benefits package. Dinah Crake had been a narcissistic social justice warrior in college, inculcated in critical theory and intersectional feminism, which taught its acolytes that everything in the world was about the possession of power.

The weak and the marginalized needed to seize the power from the strong, who had an ideology of supremacy that kept them in charge, but they didn't deserve to be. She wanted to be as vehemently radical a lesbian as possible, in order to smash the patriarchy, and dyed her hair green to suit her cause.

After her hiring in the chemistry division of Quexxon, Dinah began to manifest her own cravings for power. She was a queer sapphist, an oppressed minority, and wanted to express her own personal decolonization, but didn't know how to achieve it. Olivia's computer experts had spotted online posts from Dinah about her thirst for power, and the scheming oil magnate saw an opportunity in the scientist's unfulfilled desires.

"I was testing a new steroidal drug for the military," recalled Queen, "and I required an enthusiastic subject who would take it without the rigamarole of government paperwork. Dinah jumped at the chance to be my guinea pig, and our gamble paid off. You'll see how, in a moment!"
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While Olivia Queen was relating Dyna's origin story to the heroines, the henchwoman herself was undergoing her transformation process. Within the confines of her trench coat, her muscles were expanding to superhuman proportions and hardening to the consistency of steel. All over her body, she could feel the rippling effect of surplus bone density as her body mass increased.

Not only that, but the normally mannish lesbian had become more attractive, filling out her curves under the coat. Her breasts began to protrude further under her muscular chest, and her facial appearance actually softened as her lips turned enticingly dark red. It was the combination of hormonal estrogen released along with the the steroids which fueled her upgrade, still concealed beneath the coat, as she still fought to maintain her cool composure.

While Dyna finally approached orgasm, moaning softly to herself at first, so as to not tip her hand to the heroines, Olivia looked back at her with admiration and desire, as she recalled the amazing sapphic prowess her henchwoman had provided to her in the past. They had scissor-fucked each other to climax quite a few times in her executive suite. But now was not the time for hedonistic dalliance. The Quingpin had to escape!

"Now's my chance," the oil baroness thought to herself. "My loyal lover Dyna will distract them, and although I'll have to leave the amulet and the money behind on the table, I'll get out of here with my reputation and my body intact!"

"Aaarrrrgggghhh!" The heroines whirled and focused on the source of Dyna's orgasmic scream of release, which gave Olivia Queen the chance to prepare herself to slink away into the shadows of her warehouse, finding an escape route to the street.

Meanwhile, Dyna was about to provide the superheroines she had just fantasized about with quite a rewarding display. Ripping open her Matrix-style trench coat and dropping it to the floor with a flourish, she revealed underneath a breathtakingly tight and gleaming spandex costume!
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The silver bodysuit hugged every muscular curve of Dyna's tall, Herculean figure, fitting most tightly around her crotch area, where a cameltoe was clearly visible. She wore a black leather studded belt, black gloves with silver buckles, and shiny black boots with heels that gave her over six feet in height.

And right in the middle of the costume was a large, black lowercase "D", obviously standing for her moniker. She was a full-scale supervillainess!

Jinniyya and Darbouka stood flabbergasted, their mouths hanging open for a moment as both of them tooking in the amazing sight. Dyna was happy to see that she had stunned the heroines into silence, especially since her visions of them had helped her to orgasm.

"Surprised, ladies?" Dyna laughed. "You shouldn't be. I was once merely the weakling scientist Dinah Crake, who longed to be powerful, wanted to be noticed. Now, I am!"

Dyna assumed a powerful pose, placing her hands firmly on her hips and jutting her chin and her breasts out. "No longer Dinah Crake anymore...I am Dyna...and that means POWER!"
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The Afghan and Lebanese heroines were still taking it all in. Neither of them had any idea that there were more superpowered women out there, especially ones who were looking extremely powerful and sexy. But here was another, right in front of their faces. The only thing undetermined was, what did Dyna want?

They soon found out, as Dyna stepped out in front of Olivia's desk and pointed her buckled glove straight at Jinniyya, her eyes full of both lust and hate simultaneously. "I'm here to stop you on behalf of the Quingpin, but I will personally enjoy crushing you with my fists, Arab girl!"

"And once I have you begging on your knees for mercy," she continued, "I'll get the leather strap-on from inside Olivia's desk drawer, and penetrate your superheroine pussy, making you come hard and fast. Total sapphic domination!"

Jinniyya gasped, and so did Darbouka. Both were taken entirely aback by the rapacious aggression shown by the formerly stoic henchwoman. Apparently, she did have quite a violent side. Olivia took advantage of their surprise to flee quickly through a side entrance.

"Don't deny it," Dyna taunted them. "I can smell the lesbian tendencies of the both of you from here. I have a nose for that sort of thing."

Jinniyya shot back, while Darbouka watched patiently from the sideline. "I'm not going to deny that I enjoy the company of beautiful women. Their bodies are like temples to be worshipped. But that privilege will never extend to one such as you, villainess!"

"As for defeating me, you simply have no idea how strong I am. I'm no mere slip of a girl - I'm the Arabic superwoman. I could take you up into the sky and drop you on your skull from a thousand feet. But I won't. Instead, let's have a fair fight, and may the best woman win!"
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But Dyna didn't wait for Jinniyya to put up her fists, fair and square. The Amazon henchwoman immediately lunged in for the kill, swinging with all her might WHOOSH! and missing, as Jinniyya deftly feinted out of the way.

Jinniyya's return blow, a roundhouse meant for Dyna's face, was blocked solidly by the silver-clad henchwoman, who caught the heroine's fist in her black glove and tried to push back on her. The brawny arms of the two superwomen flexed with kinetic energy as they exerted their super strength back and forth, neither able to force the other to yield.

Darbouka watched from the side with prurient interest, not sure if she should come to her new partner's aid. In her sheltered existence back in Afghanistan, she'd never seen anything like this: two sexy, powerful women struggling for physical dominance in tight spandex.

The fight was turning Darbouka on, and the cloaked heroine couldn't resist slipping her soft black glove under her concealing garb. She rubbed her pussy gently over her own sheer spandex, moaning with pleasure and licking her bright red lips at the sight of the superheroine combat.

Meanwhile, Jinniyya was surprised that Dyna was able to match both her own superhuman strength and her fighting prowess. "So...you've got skills?" she inquired admiringly, referring to the henchwoman's level of combat training.

"To pay the bills!" smirked Dyna, as she struggled against the heroine. "First, I'll pound the shit out of you, and then I'll rape you like a whore from the streets of Baghdad!"

"Hey, I'm Lebanese!" replied Jinniyya. "And anyway, I'd love to see you try...."

WHOOM! Dyna wasted no time thrusting her buckled fist straight into Jinniyya's bare midriff, connecting just above her lovely navel. Despite the protection of her rock-hard abdominal muscles, Jinniyya heard a CRACK! as one of her ribs broke under the blow's impact.
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"Aaaarrrggghhh!" screamed the brave Lebanese wind goddess, as she cowered briefly from the excruciating pain of Dyna's pugnacious punch.

Could Jinniyya be in danger of defeat? Was this spandex-clad scientist, hopped up on lesbian 'roid rage and adrenalized agitation, too much to handle for the beautiful Arabic heroine?
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 159
Joined: 12 years ago

The chapter was good, looking forward to the next one
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