Xena - The Collector

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 217
Joined: 1 year ago

The Collector
By Vega Taxeca

I do not own Xena – the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.
This story is not connected to any specific episode of the show, but I would set it not earlier than season 2.

Part 1 – The Invitation
Gabrielle followed the corporal into the castle. He had led the small troupe of guards that were to protect them on the road. He was also the one who had handed her the invite by the Queen of this small kingdom. She had heard of the bard and asked her to visit her at her castle. Her soldiers met her at an inn, where she waited for Xena, who had been on a solo mission while the bard visited the amazons. She had accepted the invitation gladly. This would be better than waiting at the inn and it was nice to be recognized for her own fame and not just as the sidekick of the Warrior Princess.
The corporal now led her through a long corridor, which was adorned with some beautiful tapestries. Gabrielle liked the castle so far. It was furnished nicely, without being too fancy. They passed several serving girls, who looked at her curiously. They giggled when she greeted them. The bard saw it as a good sign that everyone seemed to be in a good mood. It always spoke well for a ruler, when the subjects did not cower in fear, but enjoyed their life. She turned to the corporal.
“They seem to enjoy working here.”
“Oh yes, all the girls love to serve the Queen. Maybe later you will see how enthusiastic they can be. Oh, here we are.”
They entered a hall with a throne in the center. On it sat a beautiful raven-haired woman, with a richly adorned blue gown. Obviously, she was the Queen. She looked with interest at the bard, while the group stepped closer on her sign. Her brown eyes seemed to take in her guest, while a friendly smile played around her lips. Once they had reached a polite distance, Gabrielle bowed before the woman on the throne.
“Your Majesty, my name is Gabrielle.”
“Ah, you could come. Great.” She turned to the man at the bard’s side. “Good job, corporal.”
With a flick of her hand, he and the other guards were dismissed.
“I am glad they found you.”
“I met them about two days from here.”
“Two days of travelling? Then you must be hungry. Let’s have dinner.”
“Thank you, your Majesty. That is very kind.”
The Queen showed Gabrielle to the next room, where a long table was set for two. The Queen was seated at one end and her guest to her right. A server filled the bard’s cup with wine, then left the amphora on the table and moved discreetly away. A minute later she appeared with the food. She served the guest first, then the Queen and again left the room. They started to eat, with some small talk interspersed. The food was great, but spicy, which made the bard quite thirsty. Luckily the wine seemed not too potent, so there was no need to fear of getting drunk too easily. Once Gabrielle had sated her first hunger, she decided to sate her curiosity as well. She came directly to the point with her next question.
“Why did you invite me?”
“To meet you, of course! The famous Bard of Potaideia. You are well-known all over Greece.”
“So, you love the arts?”
“Yes, and artists as well, maybe even more. I kind of collect them, you see.”
“Collect them?”
“Yes, like this.” She points between them. “Get to know them and their art. I love to interact with them. Usually, these meetings give me lots of pleasure. – Here, have some more wine.”
“Thanks, that is a nice sentiment.” Gabrielle understood this excitement with meeting famous people. She herself had been in a Warrior Princess haze for the first few months of travelling.
“Yes, in your case I hope to experience your oral skills.”
“Oh, I am sure that can be arranged. By the way, is it hot in here?”
“With you in the room? Definitely.”
Wow, was she flirting with her? Gabrielle blushed. The Queen was gorgeous, so it was a nice feeling to be appreciated by her. She had long, dark hair, arranged nicely to frame her striking face. Her beautiful brown eyes seemed to pull you in, while the full red lips promised sensuous things. Her blue dress was cut out deeply at the neck to reveal the creamy tops of her breasts. Slits at the sides of the dress allowed you to catch glimpses of her long, smooth legs. Unconsciously Gabrielle licked her lips while watching those legs. To be captured between them had to mean to be in paradise.
“Have more wine.”
The bard awoke from her daze. She must have been daydreaming, for she had not even noticed the Queen to move around the table. The bard simply nodded, for she was at a loss for words. The Queen bent over to pick up the amphora with wine, providing Gabrielle with a close-up view of her ample cleavage. The bard felt the heat rise in her loins and immediately took a big gulp from the offered wine to cool down somehow. This close, she could also detect an enticing scent coming from her host. It made her want to bury her face in the woman’s cleavage.
Gabrielle blushed. ‘By the Goddess, this woman smells great.’ This close, the heady aroma was so strong, it went straight to her pussy. The Queen half sat on the armrest of Gabrielle’s chair. She leant in even closer, with one arm around the bard and her hand playing with some strands of loose hair. The other hand had now landed on Gabrielle’s thigh, the fingers teasing the smooth flesh in small circles. The bard inhaled sharply, when she felt the Queen’s hot breath on her sensitive ear.
“I am so happy that I have found you for my collection.”
The beautiful woman whispered directly into Gabrielle’s ear. The bard tried to gather her senses. This was getting dangerous. After all Gabrielle was completely committed to her soulmate. Xena was the one great love of her life. She was glad when at least the hand at her thigh was removed. She understood the reason, when the Queen brought the cup to her lips.
“Here, drink some more.”
Gabrielle suddenly felt thirsty and opened her mouth obediently. The wine came flowing so quickly that some spilled over and dropped down her chin.
“Oh, we better clean that up.”
The Queen leant close again and licked the wine from Gabrielle’s skin. The bard felt another shot of arousal hit her pussy. Before she could protest, the Queen kissed her deeply. Soon her tongue delved into the bard’s mouth. At the same time, the hand was back on her thigh, inching ever closer to Gabrielle’s hot center. The bard finally managed to pull back.
“We can’t...”
“You talk too much.” The Queen simply overrode her protest, kissing her again. Any further resistance was quelled, when the hand suddenly reached its target and landed on Gabrielle’s pussy. The Queen rubbed the bard through her clothes, causing delicious friction. Within minutes, she had the bard panting. Any will to resist was broken, Gabrielle’s only desire was to come. She whimpered, when the Queen stopped, but then moaned when she understood the message.
“Okay, it’s time to get serious. Stand up! We have to get rid of your clothes.”
Gabrielle obeyed and within seconds she was stripped naked. The Queen pushed her backwards onto the table and then crawled on top of her. She French kissed the bard, while rubbing her silk covered breasts over Gabrielle’s naked ones. Two fingers entered the bard’s pussy and penetrated her core deeply. Soon they were pumping in and out, sending the bard ever closer to orgasm. When the thumb found the bard’s clit, it was too much. With her eyes locked on the Queen’s face, Gabrielle came in an earth-shuttering climax. And her personality was changed just as much by this orgasm, while the Queen’s smile turned triumphant.

The Queen leant back on her throne, while she pulled the bard’s head between her naked thighs. The latest addition to her collection was a great success. Gabrielle’s oral skills were even better than expected. For the last four hours, they had been fucking and most of the time the bard’s tongue had been busy. That tongue had brought countless orgasms to the Queen, who was quite glad for her invention of a magical potion to keep up the stamina in such situations. Not for nothing she was the world’s greatest expert in magical potions. She had potions for every situation imaginable, like the undetectable poison she fed her husband or the extremely potent aphrodisiacs she had used to break the bard’s resistance. The Queen shouted in pleasure when another climax overwhelmed her. While she recovered, she started already the planning for her next acquisition.

Part 2 – The Rescue
The Warrior Princess was not immediately concerned, when Gabrielle did not arrive in time. They had been separated for two weeks, delays could happen. And Xena had not heard of any problems in the area, no warlords, slavers or other scum had been seen. But after four hours of waiting, she decided to go looking for her lover. Even if it was probably not necessary, Xena missed her partner after their lengthy separation. She left a sign for the bard that she had been here, in case they missed each other. Then she saddled Argo and rode in the direction, Gabrielle should be coming from. A few hours later, she still had not found the bard, when she met a group of travelers who had seen her. And it did not look good. Gabrielle had been surrounded by the guards of a local kingdom. The witnesses had seen no signs of abuse or a struggle, but Xena preferred to be prepared for anything, especially if the life of her lover might be on the line. And while said kingdom was generally considered a peaceful one, she remembered some rumors about the current Queen. Rumors about the way she succeeded her dead husband or how some people called her a predator.
Xena had never met her in person, but decided it was time for a surprise visit of the Queen’s castle. She would break in at night and search for the bard. If everything was okay, she could leave without notice and return again openly. But if not, she would rescue the bard and punish the Queen, if anything had happened to her lover. Near the castle, she hid her stuff in the woods and set Argo free, just in case of an emergency. After nightfall, she made her move. She imitated a bird’s call, which Gabrielle would understand as a sign to be ready. There were guards on the wall, but she sneaked past them, without any of them noticing her. Silently she moved through the castle, until she came upon a closed door with a small barred window and a sleeping guard before it. Without a noise she tip-toed around the man and looked through the opening. Indeed, her bard was inside. She was lying on a cot, seemingly asleep. Her left leg was chained to the wall. A quick search showed her that the key was hanging near the door, for once making her life easy. She took it and und unlocked the door, to then slide inside. Immediately after closing the door behind her, the bard sat up.
“Hi Xena, about time.”
The warrior smiled at her fondly.
“Hi, so what happened?”
“Long story. Let’s say, I met the Queen. The key for the chain is in that hole there.”
The Warrior Princess grinned. The bard avoiding the answer meant it had to be embarrassing. But first things first, she went to retrieve the key. The hole was about three feet out of reach for the chained prisoner. It was also high up in the wall, even the tall Warrior Princess had to reach up to get it. She searched around for the key, when suddenly she felt a sharp tip prick her skin. Before she could react, everything went black.

Urgently whispered words woke Xena from her coma.
“Wake up, Xena, quick!”
Groggily she opened her eyes. Gabrielle was leaning over her, looking at her with concern in her eyes.
“They have poisoned you, but you have to wake up. There is not much time.”
Xena tried to come to her senses.
“What exactly happened?”
“The key must have been guarded by a trap. Once you were out, they brought you here. These are the Queen’s chambers.”
“What does she want?”
“You. But that is not the problem. She has administered you some other drug and I heard them talking about it. It is a very strong aphrodisiac, but with an even more potent side effect.”
“Yeah, I do feel it. I am very aroused and even in this situation your nearness turns me on. What is the side effect?”
“Once the drug brings you to orgasm, it overloads your mind with so much pleasure, that the first person you see after your climax, the one that got you off, will be imprinted on you. This means that you will fall in love completely, becoming like a willing sex slave to this person. She could string you along like a puppet, doing whatever she wants.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. And I’d say the strength of the other poison is evidence that she really knows her drugs. Though thank the Goddess, she underestimates your stamina. She did not expect you to wake up already.”
“Okay, unchain me and we sneak out before her return.”
“Uhm, there is a problem. I already tried to free you, but I could not open the chains. And there is the little extra hurdle, that I am chained to a wall myself.”
Gabrielle rattled with the chain to make her point.
“Okay, not good. We need another plan.”
“Well, I have one. Do you trust me?”
“You know I do.”
“I repeat, do you trust me? Do you trust and love me completely?”
Xena caught on to the idea. She looked the bard deep in the eyes.
“Yes, Gabrielle, I trust you. And I love you completely. Do you think ...?”
“Yes, I believe it is the only chance we have at the moment. I will make love to you and when you see me during the climax, you will be completely devoted to me. But you are free from the Queen’s influence, though of course we still need to get away from her alive.”
“Okay, let’s do it. With the way my arousal is steadily rising because of the drug, it won’t take long. But I will pay you back later, promise.”
Gabrielle smiled and gave her a quick kiss.
“I am counting on it. And now relax and have fun.”
The bard moved around the bed, so that she was kneeling between Xena’s wide-open legs. She licked the inner thighs on both legs, but soon went directly for the pussy. There was not much time and the warrior was ready, as evidenced by the wetness pooling around her mound. Gabrielle licked up and down the pussy lips, sometimes swiping with her tongue between them. She slurped some of the juices greedily, then sucked on the protruding clit. Rapid flicks against the pink nub with the tip of her tongue had the Warrior Princess writhing in ecstasy. With her head thrown back, she moaned in pleasure. She was getting close. Suddenly the ministrations stopped and she felt movement on the bed.
“Gabrielle, please –”
The words stuck in her throat. Between her legs now knelt a beautiful, dark-haired woman, who looked down on her with an evil, but oh so sexy smirk. In the background, only from the corner of her eye, Xena saw the bard leave the room.
“Hello, Xena.”
“But, the chain. How ...? Why ...?”
“Did Gabrielle not explain it? She has prepared you to enter my collection.”
“But, no! She wouldn’t...”
“Of course, she would. She would do anything for the woman she loves. And what about you? Do you feel the blood boiling in your veins? You are so close, aren’t you?”
“Urgh, I ...”
Xena tried desperately to calm down, even though waves of pleasure branded through her body.
“Yes, her tongue got you so riled up, didn’t it? Gabrielle is such a talented pussy-licker. I should know, I had her service me for hours, while we waited for you. Of course, it had been so much easier to seduce her. She had her legs open so quickly.”
The warrior looked at her with hatred in her eyes, but at the same time the thought of her bard sucking the pussy of this beautiful woman was another turn-on. She closed her eyes, trying to shut the Queen out from her thoughts, in a vain attempt at keeping her arousal at bay.
“You are so wonderfully wet already, prepared by my lovely slave. But I have another way of finishing you.”
Xena’s eyes flew open again, when she felt a hardness touch her nether lips. The Queen was wearing a strap-on phallus, the kind the amazons loved as well. Xena felt her resistance crumble, when the ivory phallus entered her boiling hot core. It was too much, even for the formidable will of the Warrior Princess. After just a few strokes, she exploded with an orgasm of incredible strength. Her eyes took in the triumphant face of the Queen and she fell in love with her.

Xena had been allowed to service her Mistress for hours, before she was fucked in return to three consecutive orgasms. Afterwards the Queen called Gabrielle into the bed. Her fellow slave had knelt next to the bed and watched the show. She had been frigging herself the whole time, turned-on as she was from watching her beautiful Mistress in action. Now it was Xena’s time to service the bard. After all, she had made a promise, as their Mistress pointed out. After a few minutes, she joined her two slaves and took turns to fuck them in the ass. Time flew by, as the next few days were a constant orgy, with several other slaves of Mistress joining them for a few hours. All of them had the small Q shaped tattoos on the upper thighs Xena and Gabrielle were now sporting as well. They marked them as members of the Queen’s collection.
Finally, it was time for the Queen to send her newest slaves back on their way.
“Okay, you will resume your usual travels. You will return every three months or when I send for you. No matter what you are doing at the time, when I call you, you will come here immediately and as fast as possible. And you will not reveal your status to anybody who is not part of my collection. At the same time, you will be on constant lookout for gorgeous women of the kind that might give them potential as new additions to my collection. I will allow you to fuck each other as often as you want, while you are on the road. But both of you will call my name every time you come.”
The slaves thanked her and kissed her boots. Then they gathered their luggage and went for Argo. Both of them were already looking forward to their next time at the castle, being at the mercy of their beautiful Mistress.
The end
Posts: 81
Joined: 15 years ago

I see the title and all i can think about is that simpsons episode where comic book guy kidnaps lucy lawless.
Posts: 95
Joined: 13 years ago

DanDud88 wrote:
1 year ago
I see the title and all i can think about is that simpsons episode where comic book guy kidnaps lucy lawless.
Forever remaining in ...near mint condition.
Posts: 81
Joined: 15 years ago

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 217
Joined: 1 year ago

That episode may or may not have been part of my inspiration. :giggle:
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