Wonder Woman: Being Pulled into the Business

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Joined: 1 year ago

Being Pulled into the Business
By Vega Taxeca

Disclaimer: The character of Wonder Woman in this story is owned by DC Comics, Warner Brothers-Discovery and associated companies. This story is not meant to infringe on their copyright. There will be no monetary gain connected to writing this story.
The Wonder Woman in this story is loosely based on the recent DCEU movies, with part of the background made up by me. One real life name appearing in this story is not meant to represent the real person in any way.

Chapter 1: The Protector
In one of the shadier districts of Paris, Wonder Woman watched the streets below from her spot on the roof of an old warehouse. Even though she now was a member of the Justice League, with its goal of protecting the world from powerful super villains, she still made sure to spend some time to patrol the back streets of her current hometown. It reminded her that evil existed on all levels of humanity and felt it kept her more grounded. Even though Wonder Woman was from a divine heritage, she was also a part of this world. Here, everything was so much more personal. These were her neighbors, or maybe her colleagues or friends. Suddenly movement caught her attention. A young woman was walking along the street, but there was a dark shadow following her. And Diana also saw another shadow, hidden in a dark side alley, waiting for the prey to reach him.
She slowly made her way down, while she watched the scene unfold. Just when the woman approached the corner, a man suddenly appeared in front of her. When she turned around to flee, the pursuer had reached her, threatening her with a knife. But before harm could befall the woman, Wonder Woman was there and quickly knocked the thugs out. Two normal humans were no thread for the demi-goddess. After securing them, she turned to the victim, a redhead in her late twenties.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yes, thank you. You were just in time, Wonder Woman.”
“Please call me Diana. Do you want to press charges?”
“No, please, no police, Won- … Diana.”
“Okay, I have other ways to deal with them. But may I ask why you fear the police, …?”
“Rayna. My name is Rayna. And the thing is, I am a prostitute. I am not ashamed of it but having the police interviewing me could still cause problems.”
“It’s not for me to judge you, but maybe we could talk about it a bit more, while I walk you home. I want to make sure, that you are safe and not alone after this ordeal. First though let me take care of this not so dynamic duo.”
While Rayna thanked her, Wonder Woman used her Lasso of Truth on the thugs. She ordered them to forget their life of crime and instead to go and seek legal work early the next morning. Rayna watched the proceedings with wide eyes. Minutes later, the two women walked away. On their way, the young woman turned to the superheroine at her side.
“Does that really work? Will they be honest from now on?”
“Probably not for the rest of their lives. The Lasso of Hestia does not change their personality. It forces them to obey my commands for now, but the effect will diminish over time. I hope their minds are weak enough for them to find a job before they slip again. Maybe with good work and the money it brings them it keeps them from relapsing. The lasso’s main function is to seek the truth anyway, not to force my will on other people.”
“That is really interesting.”
“Yeah, well, it is not my job to judge people, even if I do not approve of their lifestyle. I just try to protect the innocent from danger.”
Rayna looked at her shrewdly.
“So, what about my lifestyle? Do you disapprove of it as well? After all, you wanted to talk about it.”
Diana turned to the young woman.
“It is your life, but you have to understand, I grew up on an island, with no men at all. It is difficult for me to understand, why you would sell your body to them. In my world, making love is something that should be shared with your lover, be it for life or for a night. And isn’t tonight prove that prostitution is a dangerous job?”
“What happened tonight could have happened to anyone with a job that keeps them up late. And you are mistaken, if you think I sell my body to men. I am only selling it to women.”
“You only cater to lesbians?”
Rayna smirked at the surprised look.
“Lesbians, bisexuals, or women who just want to experiment. They have the money. I provide the fun.” She looked ahead. “Ah, here we are. We have reached my address.”
Wonder Woman saw the entrance to a traditional Parisienne home. Through the open door, she could see the window of the concierge.
“Well, I am glad you are home safe. Do you really feel okay? Or do you need somebody to talk some more?”
“I am okay, thanks to you. But I do not only sleep with women for the money. You are very beautiful. Why don’t you come up with me for a cup of coffee and a nice relaxing fuck as a thank you?”
Diana looked at the smiling face of the temptress. Rayna was a very beautiful woman. Under other circumstances Diana would not have minded to accept the offer, but she could not agree tonight. Wonder Woman did not accept payment for her help, neither in money nor in services.
“Thank you for your offer. You are a beautiful woman, Rayna, but I cannot accept. I cannot be sure tonight, if you ask out of interest or just out of gratitude.”
Rayna’s smile faded and she looked solemnly.
“Okay, I think I understand. I will say good-bye for now, but my offer still stands. In a couple of days, if you feel enough time has passed, you are welcome to call, no matter if it is a booty call or just to chat.”
She handed her rescuer a business card. Diana took it with a smile.
“Okay, you are very persistent. I will think about it. Good night.”
“Good night.”
Rayna bent forward and gave the superheroine a quick kiss on the cheek, before she turned around and entered the house.
Diana laughed softly, before she turned as well and took to the sky.

Chapter 2: The Date
During the next couple of days, Diana was otherwise distracted. An earthquake in Chile meant, Wonder Woman was busy, helping with the rescue mission, together with several of her league colleagues. Once the situation was stable and normal rescue forces had arrived, she returned to Paris and her work at the Louvre. Still, she could not forget Rayna and her intriguing offer. Almost on a whim, she called the beautiful redhead. She asked her out for a date in a bar, but Rayna easily convinced her to visit her at home, arguing that a bar was too similar a place to where she met her clients. Diana accepted, although she was aware that meeting the redhead at home would most likely end in her bed.
Late at night, after Wonder Woman had done her patrol, she approached the door to Rayna’s apartment. Her breath stocked for a second, when her hostess opened the door, clad only in her lacey underwear and an almost see-through negligée. She could not stop her eyes from roaming that voluptuous body, until she finally managed to greet the smirking redhead.
“Hello Rayna, good evening. I hope you like white wine.”
Rayna took the bottle with a smile, before she welcomed her guest with two kisses to the cheeks.
“It fits perfectly for tonight. But let me help you with your coat first.”
Having the beautiful redhead so close allowed Diana to inhale her heady perfume. Together with the feeling of soft hands on her body, while Rayna removed the coat, it increased her arousal. She followed her hostess through the apartment.
“Let me show you my cozy little home. Here is the living room, there is the office, the dining room and behind it the kitchen. That door over there leads to my bedroom, but we will spend enough time in there later, I guess.”
Diana was thrilled by the confidence of her new friend and easily followed her lead. A few minutes later, they sat in the dining room and enjoyed first an onion soup Parisian, followed by the moules-frites Rayna had prepared. Diana’s white wine was a welcome addition to the delicious meal. The superheroine let her hostess know how much she loved the taste. Rayna nodded knowingly.
“It’s a special recipe I learned from a friend at work. It is enhanced by certain spices. I am glad you like it. Of course, I have always enjoyed the taste of mussels.”
Diana lightly blushed at the double-entendre, unaware that the special spice on her portion was a healthy dose of a strong aphrodisiac. She only felt her arousal, but attributed it to the presence of her sexy hostess. Almost subconsciously she had opened the top button of her white blowse, giving Rayna a tantalizing hint of her impressive cleavage. The redhead quite openly admired the beauty sitting across from her. She had wanted her from the first moment she had laid eyes on her, especially with the adrenalin pumping through her body. Justifying the use of the potent aphrodisiac on her was easy. Rayna would do almost anything to fuck this – literal – Goddess. And it was not as if the drug would harm her. As her boss Cassandra once said, “It just makes the women wet and willing. They become easier prey, but they enjoy it.”
Interspersed with lively small talk, enriched by some spicey flirting, they continued dinner. During a break in their conversation, Rayna went to get more bread. A minute later she returned. She stood very close to her guest, while she placed the basket on the table. With one hand, she softly caressed Diana’s shoulder and smiled down at her. The superheroine was entranced by the heady perfume, but blushed when she realized that her hostess was ogling her breasts, since from her vantage point, she had a clear view down the blowse. Rayna grinned when she saw this reaction, but was completely honest in her admiring remark.
“Your tits are so beautiful. I can’t wait to see them in their full glory.”
The superheroine blushed even harder, causing Rayna to laugh.
“I bet that blush goes all the way down. I will check that later. For now, would you like more wine?”
Diana nodded and thanked her hostess, when she filled the glass to the brim. Diana took a big gulp, since she desperately needed to cool the fire in her loins. She was not aware that it would have the opposite effect. As a Goddess, alcohol did not affect her very strongly, therefore she did not notice Rayna making her drink most of the wine. Only, the drugs in the aphrodisiac reacted very strongly when mixed with alcohol. By ingesting the combination, Wonder Woman became tipsy and started to lose her inhibitions, but more importantly, the love potion made her horny as hell. A few minutes later, the women finished their meal almost simultaneously. Diana helped her hostess to carry the used plates and utensils into the kitchen. Once they had rinsed them and placed them in the dishwasher, Rayna turned to her guest and smiled mysteriously.
“I believe it is time for dessert. I have something special for you, right from the source.”
Her right hand disappeared into her panties. Diana’s breath hitched as seconds later a glistening finger was offered to her. She opened her mouth and allowed Rayna to push inside, tasting the salty essence of her love juices. Fire raced through her veins, while she sucked the delicious treat and then followed the redhead obediently towards her bedroom. There she watched dumbfoundedly, as Rayna shed her negligée. The redhead crawled onto the queen-sized bed, wiggling her ass. Then she turned around and smoothly removed her bra. With her eyes on Diana, she gripped her panties and slowly pushed them down her legs. Having finally regained her senses, Wonder Woman quickly stepped out of her pumps and then removed her jeans. Suddenly overwhelmed by her arousal, she forgot about the rest and dove right in. Rayna just laughed, while an eager mouth attacked her pussy.
Diana’s right hand held her lover’s legs open, while the left had found the soft mounds of her breasts. Yet her main focus was centered on the clean-shaven pussy before her, with her tongue gliding along the slit in long, slow strokes. After several minutes, the flow of juices increased. Diana decided to go for the source of that treat and pushed her tongue into the opening. Slowly her tongue entered the vagina of her lover. She worked it in deep, before she pulled back and then pushed again. She repeated her motion to pump her tongue again and again into Rayna’s love-tunnel. After tongue-fucking the redhead for several minutes, she switched tactics and found the clit, licking around it and then sucking on it. It was too much for the prostitute and she came with a loud moan. After she had calmed down from her orgasm, Rayna took again control of the situation. Piece by piece, she stripped Diana of her remaining clothes and admired the naked beauty.
“You are gorgeous.”
Rayna slowly walked around Wonder Woman to watch her from all sides. Licking her lips, she pointed to the bed.
“Lay down. I want to worship you.”
Diana complied, soon followed by her lover. For the next twenty minutes, Rayna used her mouth, fingers and even her hair to caress every square inch of the other woman’s skin. The brunette was at the brink of an explosion. She had already been incredibly aroused at the time they relocated to the bedroom. After tasting her lover and now this teasing, it was too much and she was reduced to begging.
“Rayna, please! I need to come.”
The redhead had mercy. She shifted on the bed and within seconds two fingers were pumping into Diana while her mouth had found a nipple. With a loud shout, the superheroine came. The orgasm overwhelmed her senses, but Rayna did not stop. With skilled hands and lips, she kept working and pushed her lover to a second climax. With the most urgent needs sated, both women slowed down, but did not stop. For three hours non-stop they made love. Diana felt pleasure like never before. When Wonder Woman left in the morning, despite her divine nature, she felt sore in all the right places. She had easily accepted Rayna’s invitation to visit her again four days later and was already looking forward to it.

Chapter 3: Dating, Drinking, Fucking
Two weeks later, Diana entered the chic bar in the center of Paris. This would be her fourth date with Rayna. After that first glorious night, the brunette had visited her new lover two more times, with similar results – a lovely meal followed by great, uninhibited sex. Last time, when they were laying in each other’s arms and basking in their afterglow, Rayna had suggested this change of scenery.
“Next time, let’s meet downtown, there are some great bars. I know, I said it would remind me of business, but by now it’s different. I want to enjoy life with you, dance with you and hopefully fuck you somewhere semi-public.”
Diana blushed at the honest admission, but accepted the idea nonetheless.
“That sounds like an interesting plan. When and where do you want to meet?”
Rayna gave the details and the superheroine agreed. Once Diana had saved the information in her planner, her lover’s voice turned husky.
“One further request. Please wear a dress or skirt. I want easy access.”
Diana raised an eyebrow.
“Nobody has called me easy before. What shall I do with that?”
“Well, open your legs, of course.”
“Of course. You really seem to think I am easy.”
“In many different ways actually. For example, you are easy on the eyes. You are easy to like. Not to mention, you are easily the most beautiful woman I have ever met. And you are so very easy to persuade to get naked for me.”
The last sentence was delivered with an exaggerated leer, but it was actually the sincerity of the first part that had Diana blush. To hide her embarrassment, she started to kiss her lover passionately while her hands roamed over her body. When she had to come up for air, she pulled her head back slightly and looked at Rayna.
“Seems I am not the only naked one here. I think I will take advantage of this.”
Diana moved her head to rain kisses all over her lover’s breasts, while her hand explored the by now familiar territory of her sex.
Wonder Woman felt suddenly warmer because of these memories. She looked around and saw Rayna waiting at a secluded table for two. After she had greeted her with a hug and a soft kiss, Diana sat down. The redhead pushed one of the two filled glasses on the table towards her.
“Here, I have already ordered. You will love this cocktail.”
“Thank you, dear. To us.”
Diana raised her glass. Rayna followed suit and met it with her own.
“And to great sex!”
Wonder Woman could not contain her smile.
“You have a one-track mind.”
Rayna grinned.
“And you love it, since it always leads to your pussy.”
Diana shook her head, even though she smiled.
“You are terrible. But yes, that obsession of yours has definite perks.”
Her lover smirked triumphantly.
“I knew I would be able to corrupt you. Which means it is the perfect moment to keep you waiting for a bit. Therefore, I will back off. So, please tell me, how was your day?”
“It was fine, my little minx. Not much happening in the way of crime fighting.”
Rayna smiled, while they exchanged some small talk. She loved how she could tell Wonder Woman the exact truth of her plans and the other woman would still not suspect a thing. The redhead had spiked the drink she had ordered for Diana with several droplets of the aphrodisiac. During the last couple of years, Rayna had become an expert in drugging other women to make them easier prey. She had used it on hundreds of victims to destroy their inhibitions and to turn them into willing clients. Once she had used it to steal a girl from under the nose of her boyfriend, after she got rid of him with knockout drugs. She turned out to be surprisingly talented for an outwardly straight girl.
Once again, the powerful aphrodisiac did its magic even on a Goddess. It did not take long for the signs of arousal to appear, the light shudders, whenever she touched Diana or the constant blush on her cheeks. While still exchanging harmless small talk, Rayna began to make her move. She angled herself more towards Diana and began to caress her knee. Seemingly innocently, she moved her fingers along the leg, taking advantage of the fact that her lover had chosen a very short black dress. Without looking away from Diana’s face, she pushed her hand slowly under the hem.
She leaned even closer, seeing the widening of the superheroine’s eyes when she realized what was happening. Rayna’s fingers traveled along the smooth skin of the inner thigh, getting closer and closer to their goal. Diana’s breath hitched slightly while she answered a question. The prostitute could clearly see the arousal in her eyes, the drugs once again doing their job. Rayna knew the effect of the aphrodisiac very well. She had been on the receiving end, when Cassandra had seduced her into the business. They had met in a bar and fucked afterwards several times already, when one night Cassandra drugged her. Horny as hell, Rayna had no chance to resist when a stranger, a blonde woman in her early forties, had joined them and asked for a threesome. It was a great night with awesome sex. Only afterwards, when Cassandra handed her a share of the money, did Rayna realize that she had just been paid for sex for the very first time in her life.
A few days later, another stranger joined them at the bar and asked for Rayna’s prices. She was again too horny to resist as Cassandra had drugged her again, but still too confused to answer. Smoothly Cassandra took over the negotiation and organized a room where Rayna serviced the beautiful woman whose name she never learned. During their next meeting, Cassandra asked her casually, if she wanted to work for fer on a regular basis. Rayna had enjoyed the nights and was easily persuaded. Only later, when it was her first time to use the aphrodisiac on a client, did Rayna find out how her boss had tricked her. By then she had not minded it. She loved sex. She loved the money. It was a good life to work as a whore for Cassandra.
Wonder Woman was caught in a web of seduction. Heat waves rushed through her body. The redhead’s fingers brushed her crotch lightly, causing Diana to moan. She finally realized how close she was to coming and gathered her wits. With the last shreds of willpower, she managed to pull back.
“Rayna, not here in the open.”
“Okay, let’s go to the bathroom.”
The prostitute got up and pulled her lover towards the back. On the way to the bathroom, she linked their arms and used the closeness to fondle the taller woman’s ass. Thankfully they did not have to wait in a line. Once they entered the bathroom, Rayna did not bother with the stalls. She pushed Diana towards the wash basins and bend her over the closest one. With one hand she pulled up Diana’s dress, with the other she ripped away her black lace panties. She balled them up and pushed them into her lover’s mouth.
“Here, to keep you from screaming.”
Wonder Woman was so far gone, that she did not protest. She opened her legs when Rayna embraced her from behind and pushed one hand into her crotch. Soon two fingers were pumping into her, while the other hand mauled her breasts. Her lover handled her like a piece of meat, but she loved it. In the mirror she could see her wide eyes, the flushed face and a part of the panties stuffed into her mouth. A groan escaped her lips as she watched herself getting fucked. Oh yes, this was no love making, this was animalistic rutting. Diana purred and tried to push into the hands of her lover. She imagined those well-manicured fingers pumping deep into her vagina. Rayna’s lips were all over her neck, finding and kissing those sensitive spots. She was so close now. Suddenly the redhead bit down hard on her shoulder. The pain mixed into the pleasure was too much and Diana came violently.
Suddenly Rayna switched places with her lover and hopped onto the edge of the basin. With quick fingers she pulled the panties from Diana’s mouth. Then she gripped her shoulder and pushed her down.
“It’s your turn. Lick me!”
Pumped up with drugs and alcohol, Wonder Woman had no will to resist. She got down on her knees and crawled between her lover’s legs. One of the most powerful superheroes in the world was willing to sexually service a prostitute, right here in a public bathroom. Diana pushed up the skirt and moaned when she realized her lover was not wearing any panties. Taking advantage, she dove right in and shoved her tongue into Rayna’s opening. With practiced movements, she pumped the organ deeper and deeper into the moist hole. Incased between her lover’s thighs, she was almost cut off from reality. All she cared about was bringing pleasure to the beautiful woman, whose pussy she was licking enthusiastically. She did not even hear the door open and the excited chatter of several women, who suddenly stopped and watched the show in shocked silence. Only when Rayna winked at them mischievously, did they wake from their stupor and quickly backed out, without using the facilities. The extra thrill was enough to make Rayna climax.
Not long afterwards, they left the bar and went home to Rayna’s, where they spent half the night with a continuation of their happy activities. They had to go again two days later, for finally getting to the dancing Rayna had promised her lover.

Chapter 4: Interlude (The Invitation)
A couple of days later, Rayna had an interesting talk with her boss, Cassandra. She had asked for permission to take more of the aphrodisiac for her private use and then explained her relationship with Wonder Woman. Cassandra seemed very interested in the story and had easily given her okay. At some point, she suddenly suggested to bring Diana in for a visit.
“From what you tell me, she seems quite open-minded, but worried about you working here. Why don’t you invite her to watch you from the observation room, to show her how safe our environments are?”
“You would really be okay with having a superhero in your club?”
“I trust you. If you think she would not try to bust us, then why not? I believe it could not hurt if one of those superheroes would see the world from our perspective.”
“You know, Cass, I think I will ask her. The thought of her watching me while I work does make me wet.”
“I’m sure watching you would make her wet as well. At least it does it to me.”
Both women giggled.
During her next date with the superhero, the topic of Rayna working as a prostitute did come up, giving her a chance to test the waters. Diana had voiced her concerns.
“Please understand that I am not speaking out of jealousy. Amongst the amazons, the concept of an open relationship is quite normal. I am okay with you sleeping with other women as well. Even the part of you getting paid for it is something I am getting used to. Still, I worry about your safety. What if your client turns out to be violent? I am a champion of women’s rights, but even I am not so naïve to believe that only men could be sexually abusive.”
Rayna caressed her lover’s cheek.
“Thank you for your concern. But I am quite safe. While I am working, somebody is checking on me from the observation room and could intervene in case of an emergency.”
Diana looked concerned.
“You are being filmed while working?”
“Not being filmed. There is a real person in the observation room. Often it is Cassandra herself.”
“How can you be sure she is not filming you?”
“I trust her. And I have been in the observation room myself.”
Diana nodded slowly.
“Okay, that does make sense.”
Suddenly Rayna’s eyes lit up.
“Actually, I have an idea. Why don’t you come and watch me? You could see it for yourself, maybe even talk to Cassandra.”
A brunette eyebrow rose up.
“Would that be allowed?”
“I am sure, I could arrange it.”
Diana could not hide her intrigue at the suggestion. It did not take long for Rayna to convince her. They set a date, before they ended their night with another session of lovemaking. Wonder Woman was ready right from the start. One might have thought that the idea of watching Rayna with another woman had turned her on.

Chapter 5: The Watcher
Three days later, Diana found herself at the club where Rayna worked. Upon giving her lover’s name, she had been led into the ‘observation room’, which was actually more like a long hall than a room. Along both sides were rows of windows, which she assumed were one-way mirrors to hide them from the other side. In the center of the room, she was greeted by Rayna’s boss, who gave her a friendly hug.
“Hello, you must be Diana. Rayna told me a lot about you. She definitely did not lie about your beauty. I’m Cassandra, the owner, as you might have guessed.”
“Hello, Cassandra. Nice to meet you. You are very beautiful yourself.”
Diana’s words were almost an understatement. Cassandra was a stunning woman in her late thirties, with long black hair and a face of classical beauty. Her great figure was accentuated by a form-fitting shirt and a pair of dark jeans. She was taller than average, though still more than an inch short of Wonder Woman’s height. She was even more attractive when she laughed at Diana’s response.
“And here I thought you were more into redheads, but at least now I know how you charmed a particular redhead. Here, have a seat. This is the suite where Rayna will work tonight.”
Diana followed her host to a couple of comfy chairs further into the room. For the first time she noticed that some of the suites were already occupied. She could not hide a blush at seeing several women in various stages of undress, pleasuring their respective partner or even partners in one case. Pointing to that window, she turned to Cassandra.
“Does it happen often that a client wants two of the girls at the same time?”
The other woman followed her finger and shrugged.
“It probably happens more often than you would guess. After all, this club is about wish fulfillment and about realizing your fantasies. Many people dream about being serviced by two beautiful women at once, but it might be difficult to have that in real life. In this case though,” she nodded at the window, “it is the other way round. Two clients paid for one of my girls – Charlene, the blonde – and now enjoy her in a threesome. Probably they are together and were looking for a way of spicing up their love-life without anyone getting jealous.”
Diana nodded in understanding. She watched the trio a moment longer and felt herself getting aroused, but then she saw Rayna enter the room straight in front of her. She was accompanied by a giggling brunette in a designer dress. It was strange, seeing her lover disrobe another woman, even though open relationships were quite common with the amazons. Obviously, her time in man’s world had influenced her, but not enough to make her jealous. Even though it seemed odd to watch her lover kiss another woman’s breasts, mostly it was a thrill. It started a heat in Wonder Woman’s loins, which made her happy to accept the drink Cassandra handed her. She downed it in big gulps to quell the fire, but it seemed to have the opposing effect. Unbeknownst to her, the drink was laced with the same aphrodisiac her lover had used on her before. She had problems to keep her hands from her crotch, while she watched Rayna bury her face in her client’s pussy and was glad to occupy them with a second drink Cassandra had poured her.
The owner of the club watched Diana secretly, while the other woman’s eyes were glued to the scene in the suite. She decided it was time to make a first move.
“You know, at first, I could not believe it, when Rayna told me who her new lover was. A superhero in a relationship with a mere prostitute. Yet, now you are here, though she also mentioned you were worried about her.”
For a moment, Wonder Woman turned her eyes away from her lover devouring another woman.
“She told you who I am?”
“Yeah, we trust each other. You see, we were lovers before she became my employee.”
“Does this make you awkward?”
“Oh no, that was several years ago. I loved the sex, I still love her, but I was never in love with her. I am happy she found someone she can be close with.”
“I am glad.”
A loud moan from the brunette with Rayna caused her to look back in front. The prostitute was now finger-fucking her client with deep strokes. Diana felt her nipples harden at the erotic show. She remembered well how those fingers had been buried in her own vagina. She had problems to stay calm. Obviously, she had underestimated how much this would arouse her. Next to her, Cassandra had started to rub her own crotch, but still most of her concentration was on her guest.
“I’d still like to assure you that Rayna is save here, but there is also my safety at stake.”
Diana did not turn while she responded.
“I would be glad to know that, but what do you mean?”
“Rayna mentioned that rope you used.”
“The Lasso of Hestia?”
“Yes, she said it would make somebody tell the truth.”
“That is correct. This is the power Hestia gave it. If I bind somebody with it, the person would be forced to answer my questions truthfully.”
“Sounds a bit kinky, but that’s just an added bonus, I suppose.”
Both women grinned, before Cassandra continued.
“Would it work on you as well, if somebody else would hold the lasso?”
“In general, yes, though it would be harder to force me against my will, since I know it so well.”
Had she not been so distracted by the erotic show in front of her, Wonder Woman might have been more reluctant to disclose these secrets about her weapon. As it was, too much of her mind was busy with visions of her lover doing to her what she just did to her client. Cassandra counted on this effect and decided to risk the next step.
“Do you have your lasso with you?”
“Yes, always.”
“Then I have got an offer for you. You can bind me and ask me about my girls. Let’s say, two questions. Ask me, if I care for my girls and ask me, if I film them from this observation room. Rayna mentioned that as another of your worries. In return, I may ask you, if you are truly here for Rayna or just to bust us.”
With her mind clouded by the drugs and her arousal, Wonder Woman was easily persuaded. She pulled out the lasso and wrapped one end around Cassandra’s right arm. She was still focused more on the show her lover provided; therefore, she did not put any force behind her questions or really thought about them and simply used Cassandra’s wording.
“Do you care for your employees?”
“I love my girls and would protect them with my life or fuck any of them in a minute.”
At the last part, Wonder Woman raised her eyebrows, but she supposed all the prostitutes she had seen so far were quite beautiful.
“Have you ever filmed your clients or your girls from this observation room?”
“No, never.”
Still distracted by Rayna and her pretty client, Diana accepted the answer and handed the lasso to her hostess. She did not notice Cassandra’s sly grin while she wrapped the rope around Diana’s arm.
“Okay, my turn. Do you have any plans to bust my business?”
“No, as long as your business is only prostitution and nothing worse, I won’t interfere. Although I know it is illegal, I do not always follow the rules of man’s world.”
“Okay, that answer satisfies me, but now I realize you had two questions, while I only got one. So, it seems to be only fair, if I ask something else. Does it make you hot to watch your lover fuck another woman?”
“Oh Gods, yes.”
“Well, don’t let me stop you. You need release? Do something about it.”
With a smirk, Cassandra removed the lasso from Wonder Woman’s arm and handed it back to the squirming superheroine. She was well aware, that she had just given her a command, but acted innocently. Diana just managed to pack away the lasso, before her lust overcame her. In a hurry, she opened the buttons of her jeans and pulled them far enough down to push her hand into her panties. A moan escaped her lips while she pumped two fingers into her wet opening. Her eyes were glued again to her lover, who was currently busy to eat out her client from behind. Diana enjoyed the look of ecstasy on the brunette’s face, while plunging her fingers deeper and deeper. A noise drew her eyes to the left, where she saw Cassandra now masturbating as well. She gave her a cheeky wink, before concentrating on her pleasure again.
A jolt of arousal ran through Diana’s body at this display. Like this, in the throes of passion, Cassandra was even more beautiful than before. Only after a minute, Diana managed to tear her eyes away and watch her lover bathed in the juices of her climaxing client. It was too much. In no time at all, a massive orgasm took hold of the superheroine. A minute later, Cassandra came as well. Only slowly did Wonder Woman recover from her daze. She thanked Cassandra who had handed her a paper towel, while she watched the brunette client leave the suite. Diana was glad when the owner poured her another drink and downed most of it in one go. Cassandra pointed to a door to their left.
“Why don’t you join Rayna? I am sure she is in need of a climax after the way she serviced her client and got nothing in return. Through that door, then turn right and the second door to your right. Rayna has about half an hour until her next appointment.”
Diana did not hesitate. Despite her own orgasm, she was still on fire. In her haste, she almost forgot to button her jeans before leaving the room. A minute later, Cassandra watched the superheroine enter the suite with Rayna. Almost in record time, she shed all her clothes. Seconds later, she had pushed Rayna back onto the bed and followed her. Without delay, her mouth found the pussy of her lover, not consciously aware – or maybe not caring – that Cassandra would still watch this suite. In the observation room, the owner had stripped of all her clothes. This was a show she wanted to enjoy in the fullest. With one hand she caressed her outer lips, while the other held the drink she was sipping from. She loved every detail of what she saw. The tits were glorious, but those long legs were magnificent as well. At the moment, Diana’s tongue was pumping into her lover’s vagina, while her strong hands held the legs apart. It did not take long, and Cassandra was treated to the sight of the superheroine’s face bathed in female pussy cream.
The brothel owner’s hand moved faster at the erotic show of a lifetime. Now it was Rayna in control. Diana was kneeling upright, with the redhead behind her taking her like a common whore. Cassandra absolutely loved the view of Wonder Woman’s big tits jumping up and down and her face a picture of pure bliss, while she was dominated by a mere prostitute. One hand held her long hair like reigns, while Rayna’s other hand pumped steadily into her cunt, plundering the depth of her womanhood. Again and again, the prostitute penetrated her lover’s core, pushing her fingers as deep as they would go. Cassandra watched the exact moment, as the orgasm overwhelmed Diana, her mouth and eyes opened wide. It was too much, even for the experienced brothel owner. She came as well, knowing that she would relive this moment many times.
Of course, this was much easier since she had tricked Wonder Woman by giving her the exact wording of the questions. It was completely true that Cassandra did not film her girls or the clients from the observation room. It was simply not necessary, since she had enough cameras hidden directly in the suites. She was sure she would rewatch tonight’s movie many, many times.
A couple of minutes later, Diana had quickly showered and said good-bye to her lover as well as to the owner. Once the superheroine had left, Cassandra congratulated her employee.
“Your new girlfriend is gorgeous. Great catch. You are welcome to invite her here any time. She seems very adventurous, maybe she would even join you in a threesome.”
Rayna grinned slyly.
“Are you volunteering?”
“I would not say no, but I could imagine other scenarios as well. As I said, you might invite her any time and of course you are welcome to keep using the aphrodisiac. Let me know, if you need more.”
“Thanks, boss. I’ll keep it in mind. For the moment I have enough of the stuff, but I will keep using it. She is just so on fire when she is drugged up.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Okay, get ready, your next client will be here any minute.”
Cassandra watched her friend leave the observation room. She did not bother to tell her that repeated use of the aphrodisiac could be addictive. The prostitutes did not know this, since usually a client needed only one dose or maybe two and even when Cassandra used it to turn her girls into whores it took never more than a couple of doses.

Chapter 6: Helping out
Three weeks later, Wonder Woman was once again at the club to watch her lover work. They had already met here two more times, always when Diana would be too busy later with superhero work for a normal date. But if she was honest, it was more than just convenience. She was always aroused and intrigued by the atmosphere in the club and by the people. Especially Cassandra had made a great impression on her. The beautiful woman had an air of mystique about her and both of them masturbating side by side was almost like they were sharing her lover. The amazon was not aware of the cause. That first time, Diana had found pleasure when she followed the brothel owner’s hidden order. Since the command had been enhanced through the lasso, her subconscious had built a connection between receiving pleasure and following Cassandra’s command. The brothel owner could not control Diana just because of this connection, but it increased her authority and her alure.
Diana held a hand over her glass and shook her head, when a server appeared to pour them more drinks. She saw the server and Cassandra talking for a moment, but tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation, instead watching in rapped fascination as Rayna fucked her current client expertly. Once the server had disappeared, she took a last sip of her drink and turned to Cassandra.
“A problem? You look unhappy.”
“It’s nothing major, but we just realized that Rayna’s next client had booked a double, meaning she wants to have a threesome. The problem is, none of the other girls is free by then, since the double part had been overlooked. The woman is a very good client. I do not want to disappoint her. It could also cost Rayna a lot of money, since she is one of her regulars.”
Diana nodded.
“I understand. I would hate to see such a little mistake hurt Rayna, but unfortunately this is not something where Wonder Woman can help.”
Suddenly there was a glint in Cassandra’s eyes.
“Correct, Wonder Woman could not help, but maybe Diana could.”
The amazon frowned.
“What do you mean? How could I help as Diana?”
The owner’s grin was wide.
“Well, Diana could be Rayna’s partner for the session. You can simply follow her lead and from what she told us you are an expert lover anyway.”
Wonder Woman was slightly shocked.
“You mean, I should join her while she works as a prostitute?”
“Why not? You are clearly not hung up about all this ‘prostitution is a sin’ stuff. And you are in an open relationship with her. You cannot honestly tell me you never considered a threesome with her and another woman.”
Diana almost stuttered, since the woman she had fantasized about as the partner in a threesome was the one, she was facing right at this moment. The idea of joining Rayna sent a thrill through her body, but this was dangerous territory. If word got out that she not only visited a brothel, but actually worked there, it could tarnish Wonder Woman’s reputation for years to come.
“I am not sure if this is a good idea.”
Cassandra pressed on.
“Is that really your opinion, or is this, what you think you have to do in man’s world?”
Wonder Woman was torn between her sense for etiquette and her raging libido. She had already watched Rayna for quite some time and consumed several spiked drinks, with the hidden aphrodisiac causing a fire in her belly.
“Do you really believe I should do this?”
The other woman placed a calming hand on Diana’s arm.
“It’s not about what I think, but what you want. But I have got an idea. Let’s use the lasso. I will hold it and ask you again. Then you will have the true answer.”
Wonder Woman only hesitated for a second.
“That is actually a good idea. Okay, let’s do it.”
She wrapped the lasso around her left arm and handed one end to Cassandra.
“Okay, ask me.”
“Diana, would you like to join Rayna when she services a beautiful woman?”
With the question phrased like this and drugged with several doses of the strong aphrodisiac, there was only one possible answer from Wonder Woman’s body.
“Oh yes, I would love to do it.”
Cassandra smiled.
“See, I was right. You should always do what I say.”
The last part was said so casually that Wonder Woman completely missed the implications. While Cassandra was already in the move of handing back the lasso, she still had her hand on it. With other words, she had just commanded Diana to obey her! The businesswoman was smart enough to know that she would not suddenly be able to completely control the superheroine. That woman was a Goddess! But at least in situations that were not life and death, she would have a good chance to convince her to follow her suggestions. As a first test, she handed Diana another drink.
“Here, a toast for our new girl.”
Diana blushed but accepted the drink and by implication the suggestion to work with Rayna. Cassandra was very pleased with this result. Earlier, Wonder Woman had said she would stop drinking for the evening, since she wanted to be sober for her patrol later in the night. Yet now, she had taken another drink without hesitation. And even better, she had accepted to work for Cassandra tonight. The owner knew very well that this step was the biggest. No woman who accepted a first job for Cassandra had managed to slip from her grasp. All of them had become regular whores.
Ten minutes later, a freshly showered Rayna appeared in the observation room. She kissed her lover in greeting, then turned to Cassandra.
“Hey, boss, you wanted to talk to me?”
“Yeah, there has been a mix-up. It was overlooked that your session with Lisa is meant to be a double. Now, none of your regular partners is free.”
“Okay, what do we do?”
“I found you a new partner and hope you will approve.”
“I’m glad you got somebody, even if it is a new girl. Lisa is a great client. I do not want to disappoint her. Who is my new partner for this session?”
Cassandra smiled crookedly.
“She is standing right next to you.”
Rayna’s eyes went wide as she turned to her lover.
“You will join me?”
“Yeah, I wanted to help out so that you do not lose an important client. I hope, you don’t mind.”
“Mind? Diana, that is sooo hot! But I have to warn you, Lisa is a nice person, but she is a lot of work. She wants to be served slowly and thoroughly. She will want us to cherish and love every part of her body. You will find yourself for at least an hour with your tongue and mouth somewhere on her body.”
“That’s okay. I do not mind servicing a beautiful woman. And with you at my side it will be even better.”
“Okay, then let’s prepare the suite for her. She will arrive any minute.”
Cassandra watched them go with glee in her eyes. She was looking forward to another superheroine porn movie for her private collection, since of course this session would be filmed as well.
In the suite, Rayna and Diana had made sure that everything was in place, when the door opened and a helper led Lisa inside. The client was a very slender redhead in her mid or late thirties. Her boyish looks made it difficult to guess her age. She was wearing a men’s shirt, blue jeans and sneakers, with a carrier bag slung casually over her shoulder. Her hair was cut short, framing a round face. Blue eyes shone over pink cheeks that were covered with freckles. Rayna made the introduction.
“Hello Lisa, nice to see you again. This is Di, our new girl. She will join me in worshipping your body.”
Lisa looked at the amazon.
“She is quite beautiful. She will do.”
Diana was a bit taken aback at this casual judgement, but felt surprisingly flattered. She smiled at the client.
“Hello Lisa. Nice to meet you. I’m glad you like what you see.”
Lisa grinned.
“Oh, I hope to see even more very soon. Why don’t you start stripping to get us into the mood? In the meantime, I will handle the business side of our meeting.”
Diana tried to concentrate on moving sensuously, while slowly removing her clothes, but her eyes were locked on the money exchange between the other two women. It was a weird feeling to know that she was watching Rayna getting paid for sex and she would be part of it as well. But Lisa’s appraising looks roaming over her body got her back into the mood. When Diana was naked, the redhead came over and began to knead her breasts.
“Oh yeah, I love these. Your tits are magnificent.”
Turning towards Rayna, she continued.
“Okay, you are next. Of course, I already know your body, but it is always fun to see it revealed.”
The experienced prostitute knew how to move sensuously. With teasing movements, she shed her clothes piece by piece. The other redhead applauded when she was finished.
“Yeah, babe, you’ve still got it. I love watching you. But now I’m overdressed. Why don’t you both take care of this little problem?”
Rayna nodded.
“Of course. Di, will you take of her shirt? Then I’ll start a bit lower.”
The prostitute knelt next to Lisa, but waited for Diana before she started. The amazon stood in front of their client and began to unbutton her shirt. She loved the way Lisa’s looks dropped down to watch her breasts, almost as if drawn there by a magnetic power. It gave her a thrill to see the hunger in her eyes. Meanwhile Rayna had started to remove Lisa’s sneakers with the help of their client. Next the prostitute got up again behind the now sandwiched woman and had wrapped her arms around her to open the button on her jeans. With her breasts pressed into Lisa’s back, she pulled the zipper down slowly. Since the jeans were very tight, she had to push them down to the knees, before gravity could take over and they fell to the floor, revealing a pair of white boy shorts.
While Lisa stepped out of the trousers, the amazon had finished with the shirt. She allowed Diana to pull the shirt off. The redhead was now only clad in socks and panties. She did not wear a bra, since it was not necessary with her small breasts. They were just the size of pebbles, although her nipples stood proud and hard. Guided by their client’s hand, Diana bent closer and enveloped one of the pink buds with her lips. Lisa sighed in contentment at the feeling of a hot wet tongue tracing her nipple. She finally stopped Diana.
“Thanks, sweety, but let’s move this to the bed.”
On the bed, Rayna knelt before her and removed the socks, one by one. Then she leant closer and hooked her fingers in the boy-shorts. She pulled them down slowly, making sure that all of them were fully naked. Rayna turned to her lover, now coworker.
“Lisa here loves to be treated nicely. Therefore, we will now worship this lovely beauty with our mouths. You will start with her legs, while I take care of the upper body.”
Rayna picked up their client’s left hand and began to pepper it with kisses. She sucked on each finger separately, but then moved her attention slowly higher. Soon she was licking the sensitive skin at the inside of the elbow, before she trailed kisses towards the shoulder. At the meantime, Diana had not been idle. She had started with a soft kiss to the instep of Lisa’s right foot. Then she had sucked the big toe into her mouth, laving it with saliva and running her tongue around and around it. From there she had continued with the other toes, one by one. Wonder Woman was slightly surprised at how much she enjoyed this activity. With the amazons, as the princess, she was usually the one receiving foot-service, since it was considered a submissive act. Yet, with that fire in her loins, she would do almost anything to keep the session moving forward.
Diana switched to the other foot, even kissing its sole, before sucking on those toes as well. She heard Lisa moan, not knowing if she had caused it or Rayna, who had finally moved her attention to the breasts. After several long moments of further foot-service, Diana began to move her mouth higher. Crawling closer, she nipped, licked and kissed Lisa’s legs, each touch an inch higher than the last. When she reached the sensitive skin of the inner thighs, she slowed down even further. With her enhanced senses, she could smell Lisa’s arousal clearly. Rayna was still switching between the two perky breasts, when the amazon finally reached the apex of those muscular legs. Feeling a desperate tug on her hair, she went for gold and buried her face in Lisa’s crotch. Her lips had just touched the pussy, when she heard her client’s breathy command.
“Oh yes, girl. Suck my cunt!”
And sucking it was what Diana did. She knew that the client could not last much longer and sealed her lips around her clit. With a shriek, Lisa exploded and came. Diana kept sucking on the little nub, sometimes teasing it with her tongue. With her expertise, it did not take long and Lisa had another orgasm. The amazon lapped up the juices rushing out of the pussy, before she traded places with Rayna. It was the prostitute’s turn to eat out their client, while Diana kissed her deeply, allowing Lisa to taste herself. The rest of the session, the amazon spent with kissing and licking the redhead’s upper body. She had just been sucking on Lisa’s breasts, when the woman came one more time. The client quickly showered while they tidied the room, then left them with a friendly wave.
After Lisa had left, Rayna took advantage of the fact that she now had a break in her schedule and began to fuck a very responsive amazon. Servicing another woman for more than an hour had pushed Diana’s arousal up high. She desperately needed release. In the observation room, Cassandra leaned back in great satisfaction. She had a glass with an exquisite Cabernet in her hand and one of her girls, Anna, was kneeling between her legs and eating her out, while she watched the show of Rayna fucking Wonder Woman’s brains out.
The superheroine had already come twice and was well on her way towards an explosive third orgasm. This was an important part of Cassandra’s plan. Overloading Diana with pleasure right after her first session with a client would always link the memory with a very positive experience. This would make it easier to persuade her to a repeat performance. Cassandra had carefully orchestrated the whole evening to lure Wonder Woman further into her web and everything went as planned. There was just one small part of her plan left to be executed tonight.
Half an hour later, Anna had returned to her regular work, leaving a very satisfied boss to be joined by Rayna and Diana. Cassandra smiled at the disheveled look of the superheroine even after a quick shower, when the lovers entered holding hands. She handed a glass to the amazon.
“To replenish your fluids. You must have lost a lot of them.”
Diana blushed when the other woman winked at her, but simply thanked her and downed half the glass in one go. Cassandra’s smile grew wider.
“So did you enjoy your experience?”
Diana’s blush intensified, but it could not hide the way her eyes lit up.
“Oh yes. I had lots of fun tonight.”
A look to her lover showed that she probably mostly meant their last fuck, but Cassandra made sure to return the focus to Wonder Woman’s first time as a whore.
“It looked like it. Lisa was very happy with you and would book you again in a heartbeat. You were great. None of my other girls could have done a better job with a demanding client like her.”
“I only did what felt natural.”
“Well, I am glad you enjoyed it. Here is your cut of the payment. Since we do not have any contract, I will pay you in cash.”
Cassandra retrieved a wad of bills from her purse and handed them to the amazon. Wonder Woman looked flustered. Joining Rayna with a client was already risky, but actually taking money for it seemed a step too far. She looked at her lover.
“I cannot accept this. Wouldn’t it be better, if you took the money? It was your client anyway.”
Rayna stopped her lover’s hand.
“That would not be fair. You did the same job, I did, and you did it very well. You have rightfully earned this money.”
Diana turned back to the boss, but she was interrupted before she could say anything. Cassandra smiled warmly and used both hands to close the amazon’s fingers around the bills.
“Keep the money. But as a compromise, I suggest you use it to buy some nice clothes for your next date with Rayna. Maybe get a real short miniskirt, to show off those gorgeous legs of yours. I promise you, your lover will appreciate it more than any amount of money could.”
Diana began to waver.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, absolutely. Take the money, go shopping and get that miniskirt.”
Wonder Woman’s resistance crumbled completely, when Rayna grabbed her butt possessively and practically growled.
“Believe me. I will appreciate it.”
Cassandra watched in secret triumph, when Wonder Woman pocketed the money and left after a deep kiss from her lover. She turned to Rayna.
“Tell me afterwards, how it went. I want all the juicy details.”
“Don’t worry. You will get your masturbation fodder.”
Both women laughed before Rayna went back to work.

Chapter 7: Money well spent
Three day later, when Rayna opened the door for her lover, she saw a vision. Diana was wearing a low cut, sleeveless beige top, an ultra-short black miniskirt and shiny four-inch stiletto heels, with a dark leather jacket slung over the shoulder. Those bronze legs were endless. The amazon smirked at her gawking lover. It was just the reaction she had hoped for, though she was equally impressed. Rayna had chosen a rather butch ensemble: a white tank-top, skin-tight black jeans and black army boots. Two peaks pushing against the top revealed that she had forgone a bra. Considering their clothes choices for the evening, it seemed obvious who planned to be the top tonight. Suddenly the prostitute surged forward and pressed her lips onto Diana’s, immediately invading the mouth with her tongue. After dominating their kiss for over a minute, Rayna pulled back just as abruptly.
“Okay, change in plans. I wanted to give you a present after dinner, but it needs to be done now.”
“Hi to you, too.”
Diana grinned, but did not resist when her lover pulled her inside into the living room. Rayna took the jacket from her guest and dropped it carelessly. Then she pushed her back against the table and knelt down between her legs. She caressed the smooth skin with both hands and pressed soft kisses to the inside of the thighs, switching sides every so often. Slowly she moved her kisses higher. She pushed the skirt up, revealing high-cut satin panties. Rayna looked up at her lover.
“Sit on the edge.”
Once Diana had complied, the redhead buried her face in her crotch and inhaled deeply.
“Hmmm. Everything about you is just so sweet, but now I will prepare you for your present.”
She hooked a finger into the panties and pulled them aside, allowing her to lick the pussy. In slow circles she explored the folds of her lover with her agile tongue. After several minutes of teasing, she decided to up the ante and started to suck on one of the outer lips. Loud moans from her lover were the reward. Rayna dipped her tongue into the amazon’s entrance, sampling the juices she could find there. Soon she was tongue-fucking Diana, who was begging for more. To accommodate her girlfriend, she moved her lips to her clit and entered her with a finger instead. She slowly ran her tongue around and over the bundle of nerves, while she pumped her finger in steadily. Feeling Diana’s need for more, she added a second finger. Again and again, she pushed her fingers deep into the well-oiled vagina. When the moment was right, the prostitute increased her speed and at the same time started to suck on Diana’s clit. This pushed the amazon over the edge and she came with a shout of joy.
“Oh yesss!”
Rayna laughed softly.
“Yeah, now you should be wet enough. But let’s get rid of this.”
She pulled down Diana’s panties and helped her to step out of them, before she got up herself. She looked at the amazon with hunger in her eyes.
“Turn around and lean over the table. I will get your present.”
Diana did as she was asked, but peeked over her shoulder. The prostitute left towards the bedroom. When she returned moments later, she was carrying a huge purple double-ended dildo and a tube of lube. Wonder Woman watched with growing arousal as Rayna undid the button of her trousers and pulled the zipper down. She pushed the trousers far enough to show her naked pussy, revealing that she had forgone panties as well. Diana felt wetness in her loins when the prostitute lubed up one end of the dildo and inserted it into her vagina. Only a moment later, several inches were buried deep inside. With the dildo now held firmly between her cunt lips, Rayna walked around the table to allow the amazon a closer look.
“Here, give our new friend a kiss!”
Diana did not hesitate and kissed the massive tool. She then licked it and even took the tip into her mouth. Rayna smiled down at her and held her head for a moment, but then withdrew the dildo.
“Maybe another time we will test how deep you can take it orally, but right now, I want to fuck your beautiful cunt. And I bet you are already wet for me, aren’t you?”
Diana agreed happily. She would not have minded taking more of the dildo in her mouth, but being fucked in the cunt seemed even better. The prostitute walked around the table. She had a hidden motive for her changed approach. Wonder Woman did not have a drink yet, therefore this would be the first time they had sex without the superheroine being drugged. Rayna wanted to make sure she would like their session as much as possible anyway. Once she stood behind the amazon, she let her hands run up her thighs and pushed the skirt further up. Diana widened her stance to allow better entry to her core. She moaned when she felt strong hands grope her ass. After several minutes, the prostitute went back to her original goal. With one hand, she guided the head of the phallus into her lover’s entrance. The vagina was well lubricated, allowing Rayna to push the dildo steadily deeper.
Once three inches were buried, the prostitute got a strong grip on Diana’s hips and pulled back slowly. She stopped when only the tip was left inside. With great force she suddenly surged forward, stuffing half of the free end into Wonder Woman’s cunt. The amazon moaned in pleasure. Rayna pulled back and pushed again. Stronger and stronger she slammed into the amazon, until she had buried the whole length. Diana moaned at the feeling of being stuffed so tightly. For a moment, Rayna’s crotch rested on her ass, before the other woman pulled back again. The prostitute had now found a rhythm, fucking Diana with all that she had. The phallus was gliding in and out of Wonder Woman’s juicy cunt. Rayna marveled at the amazon’s wetness. It was proof of how much the superheroine wanted to be fucked like this, in case her constant moaning had not given it away already. Diana’s legs were opened wide, to allow the tool deep inside her core.
Somehow, Rayna managed to increase her speed even more. The phallus hammered into Wonder Woman with force, causing her body to slam onto the hard surface of the table. If not for her godly descent, her upper torso would show bruises for days. Yet Diana loved being taken so forcefully. It showed her lover’s passion. Waves of pleasure ran through her veins. She moved her hips in synch with Rayna’s strokes, to welcome the phallus deep into her womanhood. She wanted more and was reduced to begging.
“Please, fuck me! Fuck me hard! Arghh.”
Her pleas ended in a groan of pleasure, when the tip of the dildo hit her cervix. She was so close. And still Rayna would not slow down. Again and again, she pumped the phallus into her lover’s core, penetrating her deeply. By now the prostitute felt her own arousal rising. With the double-ended dildo, she was fucking herself just as much as Diana. But her pleasure only spurned her on. Showing off her stamina, she kept moving at a steady pace and was rewarded, when the amazon suddenly came, announcing it with shouts of pleasure. Rayna did not stop. She wanted more, but after several minutes of fucking, it was too much. Her movements became erratic and moments later she was overwhelmed by her own climax, yet it was enough to push Diana over the edge as well. The amazon groaned when a second orgasm hit her. Once the grip of the inner muscles had loosened, the redhead pulled out slowly.
Rayna took a step back, to enjoy the view of her well-fucked lover: Still leaning flat over the table to recover, her legs in fuck-me heels still spread apart and therefore showing off her glistening pussy. Never had she seen her usually regal lover look so slutty. She could not resist and took a picture, which she then sent to Cassandra. The caption said:
“I call it ‘slutty porn star for dessert’. ;)
The response came almost immediately.
“OMG! I love it. Tomorrow, I want details.”
Rayna was tempted to take more pictures, but resisted, to care for her lover instead. She went around the table and caressed her lover softly.
“Hey, you, did you have fun?”
The amazon could only nod, with a dopey smile on her face.
“Okay, why don’t you clean up a bit – someone spilt her juices on the table – while I check the food. And after dinner, you can thank me for your present.”
Diana blushed, but agreed anyway. She felt pure bliss, despite being sore all over from being slammed repeatedly onto the hard surface. When she had recovered, she quickly wiped down the table with a wet cloth. She did not bother with her panties and simply stuffed them into her purse. She knew well enough that more sex would follow later. A few minutes later, they shared the lovely lasagna Rayna had prepared, amid some small talk. Diana enjoyed her drink and soon felt not only refreshed, but rather hungry for more. Not more food, but more sex. And the way the prostitute’s eyes devoured her, she was sure she would get it. Diana got aroused just from feeling that hungry look on her. The amazon tried not to rush and to relish the delicious meal as much as it deserved, but she caved in when she felt wetness pool in her crotch.
“That was delicious, Rayna. And I should really thank you properly.”
The prostitute looked at her through hooded eyes.
“Yes, you should. Help me here and then it is time for bed.”
They quickly carried everything to the kitchen, just placing the dishes in the sink to soak. Then Rayna led her lover to the bedroom. Once there, the redhead stopped at the bed and turned around. She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down to her knees. She sat down on the edge and leaned on her elbows, with the legs opened as wide as possible.
“Okay, girl, it is time to thank your daddy. But show me your tits first.”
Once again under the influence of the aphrodisiac, Wonder Woman felt a thrill run through her body at the dirty talk. She stood straight and pulled her top off, revealing her bra-clad breasts. Next, she unclipped the lacy garment and dropped it as well. Feeling Rayna’s eyes on her, she pushed out her chest even more. The redhead let her eyes roam for a moment, enjoying to watch those gravity-defying tits stand at attention. She licked her lips and took in the rest of Diana’s statuesque body. The amazon was gorgeous. The prostitute pointed to the floor before her.
“It’s time. Suck my cunt.”
The show of dominance had aroused Diana even more. Without hesitation, she dropped down to her knees and crept closer. Soon she was licking Rayna’s pussy as if her life depended on it. She knew how riled up her lover had to be, from the copious amounts of juices flowing from her opening. When she entered the vagina with her tongue, the amazon felt strong legs wrap around her shoulders and the heavy boots hit her back. Encased in the loveliness that were her lover’s thighs, she increased her efforts. Back and forth she moved her head, to pump the tongue deep in the juicy grotto. When she felt her lover get close to the edge, she pulled back and sucked on her clit instead. With a loud growl, Rayna came. The hot cream shot out in a squirt and hit Diana full in the face.
After a quick moment of rest, the prostitute looked at her drenched lover. It was a thrill to see Wonder Woman’s face drip with female come. And she wanted more.
“That was a good start, girl, but I want more. Get back to licking.”
Rayna gripped the amazon’s hair and pulled her face back into her crotch. Diana did not need any further motivation and soon she was licking again along the slick folds. With her skill at eating pussy, it did not take long to rile up her lover again. She felt strong hands pull almost painfully on her hair, while her tongue glided along the velvety walls of her lover’s vagina. She pushed the wet muscle deep inside to sample as much of the delightfully sweet cream as she could. She moaned when Rayna reached down with one hand and fondled her lover’s dangling breasts. Quickly she recovered and soon Diana was again fully concentrated on sucking the prostitute’s smooth and bare pussy. Only moments later, she was bathed again in female juices. Once the prostitute had regained her senses, she turned to her lover.
“Oh yeah, that was fun. Now it is your turn. Get the dildo and help me prepare it.”
That got Diana’s attention. Without delay, she recovered the new dildo and returned to the redhead. Kneeling once again before her, the amazon helped her lover to insert one end of the dildo into her vagina. Rayna could not suppress a moan when the tool entered her several inches deep, but soon she was back in control. She sat there, with her legs spread and the purple dildo protruding obscenely from her crotch. Rayna looked down at the still kneeling amazon.
“Okay, girl, suck my dick to get it ready for your cunt.”
And to her delight, the amazon did just that. Wonder Woman was kneeling before her and giving her fake-dick a blowjob. With one hand, she held the purple dildo, while she licked all around its bulbous head.
“Oh yeah, get it nice and wet. And then show me how much you can take.”
Once again, Diana followed her suggestion without hesitation. She opened her mouth wide and pushed her lips over the dildo’s head. With Rayna’s hands in her hair guiding her, she enveloped more and more of the silicon dick with her mouth. When the prostitute employed light force, she even relaxed her throat and began to deep-throat the phallus. Rayna was thrilled from watching inch after inch disappear between her lover’s lips. She stopped when seven inches had been taken and instead began a slow rhythmic back and forth motion, until she was fucking Diana’s oral cavity. It was such a thrill to have the superheroine kneel before her and deep-throat her fake-dick. And she would be able to enjoy this show repeatedly, since she had had the brilliant idea of getting a spy-camera and of setting it up in her bedroom. She had plans to recreate one of her favorite porn movies. Just the thought of it was too much and a climax overwhelmed the prostitute. Once she had recovered, she pulled out carefully and then addressed her lover.
“Great job, but now it is time I stuff your leaking cunt once more. Strip off the skirt and then lay down on the bed.”
The obviously horny amazon quickly undid her skirt, but when she bent down to unstrap her high-heels, Rayna stopped her.
“Leave them on. You look so wonderfully slutty with them.”
Diana just winked at her and crawled onto the bed.
“So how do you want to take me?”
“On your back, but hold your legs up to present your pussy to me.”
In her drugged state, Wonder Woman did need no convincing. She was eager to get fucked and therefore was willing to comply with her lover’s kinky requests. She was not completely unaware of how slutty she was behaving, but she did not care. Her orgasm was more important and it was just for Rayna, after all. Nobody else would know about it. She actually loved this passionate side of the prostitute. She did not treat her like a superheroine, but like the person she wanted to have sex with. This was more ‘real’ than almost any relationship Wonder Woman had had in man’s world.
Diana used her hands to hold her legs spread high in the air, presenting herself for her lover. And Rayna was ready for her. She knelt between the amazon’s legs and began to rub her tool over her pussy lips. After several minutes of teasing, she finally set to work. Holding the shaft with one hand, she began to push the phallus against Diana’s entrance. The amazon moaned when the head entered her slit. Rayna did not stop there. She pushed her hips forward and entered another two inches into the amazon. With the dildo secured in her lover’s vagina, she slightly changed her position, now holding open Diana’s legs. Using them to brace herself, she began to pump the phallus back and forth.
Diana moaned in delight. Since she no longer needed to hold up her legs, she used her hands to play with her breasts, pinching them and mauling them. By now, Rayna had entered her even further. With surprising force, the prostitute fucked her lover. After several minutes of powerful strokes, it was too much for Diana and she climaxed. Rayna though gave her no time to recover. She continued fucking her, until both women had come twice. The last orgasm was so strong, Wonder Woman almost blacked out. Once they had recovered, they slowly separated. Afterwards, they spent a leisurely shower together, before Diana left with a satisfied smile on her face. The prostitute had just enough energy left to check her camera. Once she was satisfied it had recorded everything perfectly, she went to bed. During the night, she enjoyed some very steamy dreams.

Chapter 8: A Business Proposal
A week later, Wonder Woman was once again visiting Rayna’s club, to watch her lover while she serviced a client. It worked her up so good; she was wet and eager when the prostitute had her break. Diana joined her in her suite and soon was as naked as her lover. The amazon was so horny, she did not care that somebody – most likely Cassandra – would watch them. Actually, it was an added thrill, grounded in an exhibitionist side she had not been aware of before. Subconsciously she opened her legs further at these thoughts, secretly daring the brothel owner to look at her. As it turned out, Rayna had some thoughts about exhibitionism as well, when she realized how wet her lover was.
“You are so wet today. Tell me, you love watching me with my clients, don’t you?”
“Oh yes, it is so hot watching you service those women.”
“Is that so?”
Rayna hummed. She brought the amazon close to her first orgasm, but then stopped. Ignoring Diana’s whining, she explained.
“I want to watch you as well. Why don’t we talk to Cassandra, if you could take care of one of the clients and I will watch the show. Probably not today, though, since she might need time to arrange it.”
Even through her haze of lust, Diana caught the meaning.
“You want me to work a solo session as a prostitute?”
“Why not? You loved what we did last time and think of the reward I would give you after watching you. Nobody else will know.”
Wonder Woman could not deny that the idea sent a thrill through her body. And it did only seem fair, after all the times she had watched Rayna. Overwhelmed by her need, she agreed.
“Okay, if Cassandra allows it, I’m in.”
Happy with the amazon’s acceptance, Rayna made sure to reward her thoroughly. After she had come three times in a row and also brought the redhead to a satisfying orgasm, they had to stop. The prostitute’s break would soon be over and they wanted to talk with Cassandra as well. The boss greeted both of them with a drink. Diana took hers gratefully and downed half of it in one go. She was thirsty after licking her lover for so long. Once they had finished their drinks, Rayna asked about the idea.
“Hey, Cassandra, Diana would love to do a show for me. Would it be possible that she can work a solo session with one of our clients?”
The owner hid her satisfaction that Wonder Woman had swallowed the hook and looked at her in appraisal.
“Yes, that could be arranged. I will have a client ready for her on Friday. But, Diana, you need fitting clothes. I would suggest the outfit you had bought for Rayna. That should do the job. And you have to come early. I will have to test you, before you can meet a paying client.”
The amazon nodded.
“Okay, I can be here at eight.”
“Good, then it’s a deal”
Diana was smiling happily. She did not bother to ask, what Cassandra ‘testing’ her would involve. She was too distracted by memories of the night she had worn that outfit Cassandra mentioned for her lover, mixed with visions of servicing other women with Rayna as a watcher.
When Wonder Woman returned the next Friday, she met Cassandra once again in the observation room. The owner was watching Rayna with a client, but turned to appraise her newest employee. Diana was wearing exactly the outfit she had bought from her first payment. Cassandra nodded in approval.
“Hello Diana. Good choice. It fits well for business. Let’s see if you are qualified for it as well.”
“Hello Cassandra. What do you want to know?”
“I want to know if you are good in bed. Show me if your tongue is as magical as your lasso.”
Wonder Woman only hesitated for a second. By now, she had had a good idea what a test would involve. Even though Cassandra should have a clear understanding of the amazon’s skills from all the time she had watched her, Diana was willing to indulge her. Since their first meeting she had been attracted to the club owner and secretly longed to get to know her more intimately. Her eyes took in the gorgeous woman, the flawless beauty of her classical face, the deep dark eyes, the full lips, which gave her a sensual and yet somewhat cruel look. Cassandra was wearing a white top, with a crème-colored skirt, that stopped about mid-thigh. Her longs legs ended in a pair of brown high-heeled boots. The fascinating woman pulled up her skirt, to reveal shiny white panties and opened her legs in invitation.
Diana licked her lips and knelt down. Lovingly she ran her hands along those smooth thighs. She hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled the panties slowly down. Cassandra helped by lifting first her ass and then one leg at a time. The amazon could not resist to sniff at them, before she dropped them to the side. The delicious aroma was motivation enough to bury her face in Cassandra’s crotch. Somehow, the taste reminded her of some of the cocktails the owner had offered her lately. Diana moaned when she finally got to lick those juices directly from the source.
Meanwhile Cassandra watched her with a knowing smile. Before their meeting, she had rubbed some aphrodisiac into her folds, to make sure that Wonder Woman would get hooked on her taste. The addictive quality of the drugs would make sure that the amazon enjoyed servicing her boss and that this would not be the last time with them in their respective positions. Cassandra loved the eagerness of her new lover. Her tongue was already buried deep inside her vagina. She held Diana’s head tight to her pussy, forcing her to inhale the pungent scent of her cunt. She was making sure it was imprinted on the amazon’s brain.
Wonder Woman was lost in her lust-addled mind. Tasting Cassandra’s pussy was one of the most pleasing experiences she could remember. She lapped up all the juices she could gather with her busy tongue, sometimes slurping on the pussy lips, only to suddenly change to sucking on her lover’s clit. Although she had only rediscovered it recently, the amazon had many decades of experience with regards to pleasing women and now she demonstrated her expertise. Her agile tongue drove Cassandra’s arousal higher and higher. Even the experienced brothel owner could only so long withstand the sexual onslaught. With a loud cry she came and bathed Diana with her juices. After she had recovered, Cassandra looked down at Wonder Woman.
“That was a promising start. As one of my girls, you have to understand that most clients will expect you to do most of the work, even if you are on the receiving end.”
Diana nodded.
“Okay, I have no problem with that.”
“I believe you. Helping others is in your blood. Nevertheless, let’s do another test. You will ride my strap-on.”
The amazon was flushed with excitement. She got up and waited, while Cassandra removed her skirt and then stepped into a leather harness. Once the harness sat snugly around her hips, she fastened the dildo into it. She sat down again and invited Diana onto her lap.
“Sit in my lap facing away from me. That way we both can watch Rayna. She is very good at her job. Therefore, you should try to follow her lead.”
Wonder Woman nodded to these words, not realizing that they implied she might work again for Cassandra. She quickly got rid of her clothes, not aware of how slutty she looked in just her high-heels. While Diana crouched over the club owner’s lap, the other woman aimed the phallus at her entrance. When the amazon got lower, the tip penetrated her vagina. She was still so well lubricated, that she had no problems to take the first three inches. Soon she was at half-way and began to bounce up and down on Cassandra’s tool. She moaned when the other woman grabbed her breasts from behind and massaged them in slow circles.
Diana regretted that she could not see the owner’s face while she fucked herself on her strap-on, but being able to watch Rayna with three fingers deep in her customer was a welcome substitute. The petite brunette obviously loved what the prostitute did. Her face was a perfect example of bliss. Thrilled by the show, Diana began to move faster, with the huge phallus filling her womanhood very nicely. She was stretched around its thick girth and felt it hit her cervix with every downward move. Cassandra encouraged her to take all of it.
“Oh yes, take my dick. Imagine I am your client and you want to make me happy. Maybe I’d even leave a tip, if you do a good job.”
With her hands on the armrests, Diana pushed herself up and down. With her amazonian strength, she had no problem to keep up the fast movements for a long time, fucking herself on the strap-on. She watched Rayna make her client come, guiding her skillfully through her orgasm. She saw her kiss the woman on the cheeks for a friendly goodbye. After what probably was a quick shower, she watched her greet the next client, a statuesque blonde. While Rayna took the money, Cassandra whispered commentary in her ear.
“That is a senator’s daughter. She loves it, when Rayna eats her out. And see this? You always take the money first. They have to pay up front. Only then you will service them.”
True to Cassandra’s words, the prostitute soon had her face buried in the woman’s crotch. It was a turn-on to watch her lover bury her tongue in another woman’s pussy. Diana knew just too well, what this tongue could do. The amazon was getting closer and closer to a massive orgasm, while Cassandra kept up her commentary.
“After they have paid, you are theirs. All you do is trying to please your client. Some want you to do all the work, like I just showed you, others just want to fuck your brains out.”
With a sudden movement, Cassandra pushed the amazon up and then turned her around. Seconds later, Wonder Woman was kneeling on the chair, while Cassandra fucked her from behind. This sudden role reversal was too much. Diana came with a shout, being pushed from one climax into the next. Her inner walls were throbbing around the tool in her cunt, while Cassandra slowed down and finally pulled out. The amazon let out a sigh, when the phallus plopped out. The club owner looked pleased while she watched the other woman slowly recover and handed her another spiked drink.
“Her, have a drink. You look like you need it. Still, you have passed your test. Get ready to welcome your first customer, Marianne. She will love you. You can use Rayna’s suite, since she will be here with me, watching you.”
Having taken a healthy gulp, Diana thanked her. She blushed slightly at the thought that her lover and her – should she say boss? – would be watching her.
“Yeah, that was good. Thank you.”
Before she left, Cassandra stopped her.
“I understand that you might want to put a show on for your audience, but remember, this is about your client. Do what feels natural to please her. You will enjoy it and everything else will come automatically.”
Diana thought about those words. Ever since they met, she had learned to listen to Cassandra’s advice. It usually felt just right to follow it. Unfortunately, Wonder Woman was still not aware of the way, Cassandra had used the Lasso of Hestia to gain influence over her. Therefore, she fell deeper and deeper into her web. About 20 minutes later, she was ready to welcome her client. The woman, Marianne, entered and greeted the amazon. She was about 40, of medium height and with shoulder length blonde hair. Her designer clothes hinted at wealth, just like her Prada bag. Her make-up was tasteful and underlined her natural beauty. Striking blue eyes took in Diana’s appearance until she nodded.
“Hello, you must be Di. Cassandra did not exaggerate. You are gorgeous.”
“Hello Marianne. Thank you. What may I do for you tonight?”
“I want you to fuck me, since I really need the release after a long day. And then I think I will explore your fabulous body.”
They exchanged some more pleasantries, while Marianne paid. Afterwards, Diana took her clients coat and placed it on a chair. Marianne kissed the amazon, leaving behind a taste of cherries. Then, both women stripped off their clothes. Once they were naked, they moved to the bed. Marianne resumed their kissing, while they lay in a tangle of limbs. Finally, they stopped, since they needed air. The blonde turned onto her back, opening her legs in invitation, and beckoned the other woman.
“Okay, Tiger, it’s time for you to fuck me.”
Diana smiled.
And it was true. Despite her age, the other woman was still beautiful. Her breasts were sagging slightly, but Marianne obviously worked out regularly and took good care of her body. Diana ran her hands over the smooth skin, while she bent down and took a nipple in her mouth. She sucked on it softly, still exploring the other woman with her hands. She shifted so she could move to the other breast, running her tongue around the nipple in tight circles. At the same time, the move allowed her to slide her right hand between Marianne’s legs. The other woman was hugging her now to her chest, wanting the close contact.
In the meantime, Rayna had joined her boss in the observation room. Both had their eyes glued to the window of the suite, where the amazon was busy servicing her client. It was a turn-on for both to watch the famous Wonder Woman work as a prostitute. Especially Cassandra was in a triumphant mood. Her plan was working perfectly. Marianne was not just any client; she was a close friend and business associate. She had helped many times with first time whores. She would be much more loving than during normal sessions, to make sure Diana would enjoy herself as much as possible. After the session, it would be Rayna’s job to take care of the amazon, by fucking her brains out as reward for her first solo session as a whore. Everything was set up to make it desirable for Wonder Woman to work here.
In the suite, Diana had rubbed around her client’s entrance, stimulating her to increase the flow of her natural lubricants. When she considered her wet enough, she pushed one finger inside. It went easily in. Marianne was obviously ready for more, therefore the amazon added a second finger. Filling the vagina nicely, she started to pump her hand back and forth. To get a better angle, she moved her mouth slowly south, licking and kissing the soft skin of her stomach. Diana increased the movements of her hand, while her mouth came closer and closer to her client’s crotch. She used one hand to keep the legs open, since Marianne instinctively tried to close them. Now in the right position, Diana started to suck on the blonde’s clit, while her fingers pumped with increasing speed into the well-oiled vagina. Marianna’s cream splattered in all directions. When the blonde’s inner walls started to clamp around Diana’s hand, she knew she was close. Wonder Woman sucked with increased vigor on the small bundle of nerves. With a happy sigh, Marianne climaxed.
As an experienced lover, Diana knew how to bring her down softly. Finally, she withdrew her hand and sat up. Marianne rested a few moments, before she pulled down the amazon to kiss her languidly. When she finally pulled back, she smiled at Diana.
“That was great. Just give me a minute. Then we can start with round two.”
Wonder Woman rubbed the other woman’s shoulder soothingly.
“Of course, take all the time you need. I am glad you liked it.”
“Liked it? I loved it, but for the next round I want to be more active.”
“Of course. Whatever you want.”
Marianne rested another moment, then she laid out her plan.
“Okay, lay down and open your legs. I will sit across you. I want our pussies to kiss each other.”
Diana complied and soon they were in position to scissor each other. The amazon used one hand to brace herself and held Marianne’s thigh with the other. First slowly, then faster they moved their hips to rub their pussies against each other. Diana could feel the other woman’s vulva roll over her clit, stimulating her core. She was aware that it should be about her client’s pleasure, but she could not deny how deeply it affected her. This virtual stranger fucking her had her aroused in a way she could not remember from any encounter in men’s world before she had met Rayna. Unaware of the drugs pumping through her blood, she attributed it to the thrill of being watched by Rayna – and by Cassandra. Remembering the owner’s advice, she tried to banish them from her thoughts, to fully concentrate on her client.
Everything Wonder Woman did she did with honor. Working as a prostitute would not be different. She would make sure that Marianne would enjoy their session and would have the best possible experience imaginable. Despite her will to concentrate on the blonde’s pleasure, she felt ever more aroused. The other woman was an expert in the art of sex, bringing Diana closer to the brink of a climax with every passing moment. Marianne suddenly shifted, now topping the amazon in a missionary position. With rapid humping motions she pushed her hips into Diana’s crotch, bringing rising pressure onto her clit. A constant stream of moans left Wonder Woman’s open mouth. She had not expected that the other woman would take her so thoroughly. She could not withstand the onslaught of pleasure for long and came with a hiss. Only seconds later Marianne came as well. After she had calmed down, the blonde leaned towards Diana and kissed her languidly. Slowly she pulled back and looked at Diana.
“That was great. Are you available next week, same time?”
Still dazed from her orgasm, Wonder Woman nodded without thinking.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Good. Then you are booked.”
A couple of minutes later, both women were showered and Marianne had left. Diana walked back to the observation room, where she found Rayna and Cassandra. She had just handed the money to the owner, when the redhead pulled her down to kiss her thoroughly. With Rayna in her arms, it was hard to think, but then she remembered how the session had ended. A bit sheepishly, she looked at Cassandra.
“Marianne wanted to see me again and I kind of accepted for next week.”
“Well, I thought you would be popular. I am glad you agreed. Why don’t you work that whole night here? It would be more efficient.” She handed Diana her cut of the money back. “Here, this will allow you to buy a fitting outfit for the occasion.”
Before the amazon could answer, Rayna pushed her to lean onto a chair and growled in her ear.
“Oh yes, that would be great.”
With the prostitute taking away her will to resist, Wonder Woman accepted the offer.
“Okay, why not. It will be fun.”
Cassandra smiled predatorily.
“It sure will be. We might even make it a regular thing.”
Moments later found Diana fucked from behind by her lover right here in the observation room. She could see Cassandra enjoying the show. She was masturbating while she watched them with hooded eyes. ‘Oh yeah, it does have its perks to work here,’ was her last coherent thought before she succumbed to the pleasure.

Chapter 9: Learning the Ropes
Two months later, Wonder Woman had become almost accustomed to the job as a prostitute. Every Friday night she worked at the club. Tonight, she had been busy as usual and served six women during her shift. After her last client for the night had left, Cassandra came up to her and handed her a drink. Diana loved how much she obviously cared for her employees. Almost any time they met her boss would have a drink ready for her. The amazon was still unaware, how much more alcohol she was consuming lately, since its obvious effects on her were minimal. The reason of course was the aphrodisiac. Most of the time, Diana’s drinks were spiked. This caused her to be constantly aroused during her work nights, but also the addictive qualities of the drug began to take a hold on her. Cassandra smiled knowingly at her victim’s eagerness. It was time for the next phase.
“For next week, I have booked you with Doreen for a special bondage session. She loves to fuck girls who are bound and helpless. I assume that is okay for you?”
Diana hesitated.
“I am not sure I’m up to that. You have to understand, that as Wonder Woman I have to face dangers that are similar to this scenario and I fear it might trigger something.”
Cassandra nodded thoughtfully.
“I understand, but I am sure you will enjoy it more than you might think. It can be freeing to be bound and therefore free of responsibility. It is the Domme who has to make the decisions. We should check what your body really wants. Let’s use the lasso to ask you.”
The amazon nodded.
“That might make sense.”
Cassandra smirked.
“Of course, it does. It is my suggestion. This time, though, I will bind you not just symbolically. I will place you in real bondage. This way, you can feel the atmosphere with somebody you trust. You know me and that you are safe with me. You would like that, won’t you?”
Diana agreed.
“Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Last time it worked well. Let’s follow your suggestion.”
‘Exactly,’ Cassandra thought with an evil grin. ‘Last time it worked very well, so now I will strengthen my hold over you even further.’
Out loud she said: “Perfect. We move this to the penthouse. There we will be undisturbed. I want you to have a safe space when we do this.”
Wonder Woman accepted the invitation gladly. She was happy that Cassandra cared so much about her well-being. She drained her glass, then together they rode up with the elevator. Diana knew that her boss lived in a penthouse in the same building where the club was, but she had never been there before. They stopped at the top floor. It seemed Cassandra’s apartment was the only one on this level. Diana followed her boss inside. They passed a tastefully decorated hall and then entered a large office. The superheroine enjoyed the view from the many floor-to-ceiling windows. She wondered if she had ever passed this place during a patrol as Wonder Woman.
Her host meanwhile stepped over to the bar and mixed them some drinks. Behind Diana’s back, she added the aphrodisiac to one glass. Once finished, she walked over to the other woman and handed her the spiked drink. She clinked their glasses.
“To an interesting learning experience!”
“And to a wonderful night.”
Diana returned the toast and took a sip from her drink. She loved the taste of the cocktail Cassandra had mixed for her, and downed half of it in one go. She was more nervous than she would admit. The other woman seemed to understand this and rubbed her back soothingly. Then Cassandra began to explain the scene she would set up.
“Okay, soon we will move to my bedroom. I will use your lasso to tie you up on the bed. I will not simply ask the question. Instead, I will create a fitting atmosphere first, to bring you in the right mood. We want you to experience a real bondage session. We will also want to create erotic tension, so that the scene more closely resembles what you will experience with Doreen.”
Subtly Cassandra handled Wonder Woman’s compliance as a foregone fact. And for the time being, the other woman followed her lead without a question. Once both had finished their drinks, Cassandra led them to her bedroom. The room was dominated by a large queen-sized bed. There were also several cabinets, closets and a dresser. Cassandra turned to the other woman.
“Hand me the lasso. You will go to the bathroom and take a shower.” She pointed to a door to their left. “Once you are finished, you will dry yourself, but you will stay without clothes. You will only move to the door and knock. After you have therefore announced that you are finished, you will wait until I order you to come in. In the meantime, I will prepare the room and change into more fitting clothes.”
Now eager for her first bondage experience, Diana shed her clothes the moment she had entered the bathroom. She left them in a heap on the floor and entered the spacious shower stall. It would have had easily allowed five persons to stand inside without being squished. The amazon made quick work with her shower. Only when she coated her skin with Cassandra’s body wash did she linger longer than necessary, since the scent reminded her of the other woman. It set her aflame with arousal, especially when her hands reached her crotch. With a shake of her head, she snapped back into action and finished the shower. She dried herself carefully and walked towards the door. She inhaled deeply to calm her nerves, then knocked. Nothing happened. She was tempted to knock again, but remembered Cassandra’s explicit instructions. The other woman probably needed more time to change and arrange the scene. Diana settled in to wait. Seconds turned into minutes, until finally she heard the command.
“Come in!”
Diana entered the bedroom and almost stumbled at the sight before her. Cassandra had changed into an alluring business suit, projecting dominance and power. She wore a gray jacket over a crisp white shirt and a knee-length black skirt. On her feet were shiny high-heeled black boots. At a first glance, everything seemed quite proper, especially with her hair up in a severe bun. But then Diana noticed how the breasts strained against a too tight shirt and that those boots, with laces to the top were not really business attire, but more fitting for a dominatrix. Those boots alone would have cost some time. Finally looking around, Diana saw some pillows placed on the bed and her lasso right next to them. Cassandra motioned her closer.
“Do not dawdle. It is time to begin. Keep your hands behind your back, while you listen.”
Understanding the command, Diana hold her arms at her back and stood at attention.
“Okay, remember, I will not just ask the question, once I have bound you. I will create a scene, an atmosphere. You have to open your mind and listen to my words. In the session next week, you will be submissive to your client. To prepare you for it, you have to accept me as your superior. Can you do that?”
“Yes, Cassandra.”
“Okay, I will explain how you address me once the scene has started and how you will have to act. Everything understood? And are you ready?”
“Yes, Cassandra, everything is fine. I trust you and I want this.”
“Good. Lay down on the bed, on your stomach.”
Wonder Woman complied.
“I will start now. Arms behind your back, with the forearms parallel and the hands at the elbows.”
Diana obeyed and felt the other woman wrap the lasso around the forearms, effectively binding her. She also felt the buzz of the Lasso of Hestia, as its power took hold of her while Cassandra had a hand on it.
“It begins. Relax. You are safe with me. Think about how it will feel to be helpless in my bed, ready for me to fuck you any way I want.”
Combined with the power of the lasso, these words aroused her, and Diana felt the stirrings of her pussy. She could not suppress a moan.
“Yeah, the thought turns you on. Imagine all the ways I will take you, while I complete the bindings.”
Since it was a command powered by the lasso, Wonder Woman immediately saw herself being taken by Cassandra in different ways. For a moment she wondered if the other woman was aware of this, but she was soon distracted by her erotic thoughts, especially since she did nothing to fight them. Cassandra had now picked up her left leg and bent it backwards, where she wrapped the lasso around the ankle and tied the leg to her arms. Next her right leg was bent as well and bound the same way. Wonder Woman was now hog-tied.
“Feel how the rope embraces your limbs, how it caresses your skin. But now it is time to open you up.”
Diana wondered what this meant, when she felt one end of the lasso pushed behind her left knee and then wrapped around her thigh. Suddenly Cassandra pulled on the lasso and forced her to angle her left leg more to the side. She turned her head to the side and saw the other woman twist the long end of the lasso through a solid ring at the side of the bed she had not seen before. Cassandra threw the whole length of the lasso under the bed. Diana followed her with her eyes, when the other woman walked around the bed, and saw her smile at her. Cassandra bent down and retrieved the lasso of Truth from that side of the bed. When the amazon saw a similar ring on this side, she began to understand. Cassandra pulled the lasso through the ring and as expected looped it around Diana’s other leg. Soon her right leg was pulled towards the side as well and fastened to the ring. Just as Cassandra had said, she had ‘opened her up’. It turned Diana on, that her boss had bound her with just her lasso. Wonder Woman’s most famous weapon was used to place her into bondage.
Suddenly a hand touched Diana’s vulva and she heard the other woman chuckle.
“Bound and wet. That is how I love the women in my bed. You just can’t wait for me to fuck you, can you? It is all you can think about.”
Diana’s mind was still flooded with images of Cassandra fucking her. She could no longer think straight and shouted her answer.
“Yes, oh yes.”
“Okay, the bondage setup is finished for the moment. I will now set the scene and soon you will feel pleasure beyond your imagination. But first let me make it a bit more comfortable for you.”
Cassandra pushed a pillow under Wonder Woman’s upper body. Then she stepped around and placed a second pillow under Diana’s thighs. This stabilized the amazon’s body and took away some of the strain and discomfort. Cassandra lightly caressed a leg and started her explanation.
“You are in my bed. You know I will fuck you soon and you can’t wait. You want this. You want to be fucked, but it is more than that. I am not your lover. I am your owner. I do not own you, because I fought you like some supervillain and won. No, I own you, because you surrendered to me. From the moment we met, you realized my superiority. Once you accepted me as your Mistress, everything fell away. You no longer have to make choices, you simply obey. It turns you on to be dominated by me. You are mine, body and soul. This is what you want, isn’t it?”
Not realizing that the devious club owner had a hand on the Lasso of Truth and used its power to manipulate her, Wonder Woman could only agree ecstatically.
“Yes, please!”
“That is ‘Yes, Mistress!’. In this room, you will always address me as Mistress. That is my title, because I own you.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“That is better. All you want to do, is obey me. Your greatest pleasure comes from my pleasure. It is all you can think about. Your arousal almost overwhelms you with its intensity. To prove your complete submission, you will now kiss my boot, Wonder Woman.”
Diana’s body was on fire, her pussy was running like a faucet. Her mind was clouded by desire and arousal. Her burning lust distracted her from the use of her superheroine name, which would not make sense in a scenario where she was Diana, the prostitute. The drugs in her system further weakened her resistance. Still unaware of the danger that she was facing by being tricked with her own lasso, Wonder Woman could only focus on the authoritative voice that promised release. She submitted to the woman who was dominating her.
“I will, Mistress.”
“Yes, you will. With this kiss you recognize me as your rightful owner. Your body and soul are mine forever. When your lips touch my boot, you may come.”
Cassandra stepped forward and placed her boot in front of Wonder Woman. The amazon’s eyes travelled along the smooth leg before she bent down and kissed the tip. The very same moment, her body exploded in ecstasy. A massive climax tore through her body. Pleasure overwhelmed her mind. Her pussy erupted as she ejaculated and her juices sprayed several feet through the air.
This opened up her mind and removed any mental shield she might have left. Cassandra’s words and commands wormed their way deep into Wonder Woman’s subconscious. At least for the moment, she absolutely accepted Cassandra as her owner and loved it. When she had recovered, she noticed the other woman standing at the end of the bed. It turned her on to be at the mercy of this beautiful woman. Cassandra looked at her with a smirk.
“Admit it, you can’t wait to be fucked by me.”
“Oh, yes, please Mistress. Take me!”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Diana looked troubled.
“Sorry, Mistress. I do not understand.”
“I will spell it out for you. I own you. Therefore, your first aim should always be to please me.”
Wonder Woman almost broke out in tears of shame.
“Oh Mistress. I am so, so sorry. What do you want me to do?”
“You will service me. I want you to stick your tongue into my cunt and to suck. If you do a good job, I might fuck you as a reward.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
“I will bring you in a better position to service me.”
Cassandra grabbed the amazon’s pony tail and pulled her head back, until Diana was forced to look straight ahead. Then the other woman tied her hair to the rope holding her arms and legs, which caused the amazon discomfort because of the awkward position, but without any real pain. The club owner stepped around to stand again in front of Diana.
“This is what you desire.”
Cassandra pulled up her skirt slowly. Once she had more freedom of movement, she knelt on the bed and shuffled forward, until she was right in front of Diana. The club owner pulled the skirt even higher, just a few more inches, revealing that she was not wearing any panties. Wonder Woman salivated when the beautiful pussy was revealed. Cassandra enjoyed the look of desire in her face. The amazon strained forward, but her bonds were too tight. She had to wait until her owner allowed her to serve her.
“Go to work!”
Cassandra shuffled a bit further, until Wonder Woman was able to touch her vulva with her tongue. The amazon licked all along the slit, trying to find her way into the other woman’s folds. Soon she was busy pleasuring her Mistress. Once she had found the clit, she slowly licked around it and then started to suck on it. Cassandra used one hand to press the amazon’s face into her crotch. With the other, she secretly touched the lasso. She was not finished to indoctrinate the superheroine.
“Inhale deeply. This is the taste you desire most: The essence of your Mistress. It is the reward for servicing your owner. Obedience is key for receiving this treat. You have to follow every single command of your Mistress and you might taste more. Always remember: Obedience is joy. Obedience is pleasure.”
Wonder Woman was too deep in a haze, caused by her arousal and the use of the Lasso of Truth, to become suspicious. She simply intensified her efforts to please the woman whom she currently considered her Mistress. And the longer Cassandra managed to force her messages onto the superheroine, the harder it would become for the amazon to resist. Not that resistance was even on her mind at the moment. All she cared about was pleasing the other woman. To achieve this goal, she pushed her tongue into the entrance, trying to find the source of those delicious juices. At some point, she started to pump her tongue in and out, in counterpoint to Cassandra, who had begun to hump her face. If Diana had been mortal, she would have been struggling for breath by now. Despite her rising pleasure, Cassandra managed to keep up her barrage of messages.
“Oh yes, that’s it, slave. Bury your tongue in your owner’s pussy. From this day on, this cunt will be the center of your galaxy. Being allowed to taste it is like winning the lottery.”
Because of her force, Cassandra’s crotch hit the amazon’s face almost painfully, with her pubic bone hitting the nose again and again. Finally, the club owner could no longer hold back and climaxed violently. Her juices were gushing forth, bathing Wonder Woman’s face with female cum. The superheroine had problems to restrain herself and avoid coming as well. Cassandra moved back and kissed the amazon, tasting herself on her lips. For a moment, she simply enjoyed her tongue exploring Diana’s mouth. After a while, she stopped and smiled at the other woman.
“You have done a good job so far. I think it is time for a reward.”
Cassandra walked to the dresser and removed some items from the top drawer. From her perspective, Diana could only see some of them clearly, a black leather contraption, but she had a guess that they were the parts of a strap-on phallus. Her arousal increased at the thought that her boss might fuck her with it. Cassandra moved in a position, where the amazon could watch more easily. Slowly she unzipped her skirt and removed it. Diana gulped as she saw the naked pussy revealed. A thrill ran through her body at the thought of her boss not wearing panties this evening, although she was already aware of this fact. After all, she had sucked on this pussy mere moments ago. Cassandra now stepped into the harness and fastened it around her hips. Next, she inserted the phallus. Its end would be stimulating her own vagina. Strutting around with a huge fake penis pointing forward from her womanly curves might have seemed obscene to a neutral observer, but for Diana it was utterly erotic.
Cassandra picked up some lube and walked around the bed. Wonder Woman felt movement, but could no longer watch the other woman. It increased her expectation. From the noises and some random touches, she assumed that Cassandra was now right behind her. A squirting sound told her that her boss had opened the bottle of lube. Her suspicions were confirmed, when two fingers entered her vagina and spread a cold wetness around her entrance. They retreated, leaving Diana in a state of heightened arousal. It turned her on to feel so open and vulnerable, completely at the mercy of her Mistress. Any moment she would take her and claim the amazon’s womanhood. Diana sighed in contentment when the hard tip of the phallus touched her opening. One of Cassandra’s hands grabbed her hip, while she finally broke the silence.
“Beg me!”
Unbeknownst to the amazon, the other hand touched the rope, making this a command with the full force of the Lasso of Truth behind it. With her mental shields already beaten heavily, Wonder Woman could do nothing but obey.
“Please, Mistress! Fuck me! Use my cunt for your pleasure.”
Cassandra teased the amazon’s opening.
“Always remember, you are mine because you want to be mine. You desire to be taken by your Mistress. But also remember, this is my show. I decide, if I fuck you or punish you. Either way, you will love what I do, because I own you. Pleasing me is more important for you than breathing. Tell me, who owns you?”
With the fire in her loins burning bright, Diana could only see one possible answer.
“I’m yours, Mistress.”
“Yes, you are MINE!”
With a powerful push, Cassandra rammed several inches of her phallus inside the well-lubricated vagina. Diana mewled in pleasure. Cassandra pulled back slightly.
“And your cunt is mine!”
Another powerful shove. This time, she buried more than half of the length in Diana’s depth. Cassandra now created a back and force rhythm, plunging her fake-dick deeper and deeper, each time adding another message to penetrate Wonder woman’s mind as well as her cunt.
“I command!”
“You obey.”
“I dominate.”
“You submit.”
“I own you.”
“You belong to me.”
And so, it went on, with different messages interspersed.
“You want to be taken.”
“You love to be owned.”
“You will not come without permission. I own you and I own your pleasure.”
“I decide, what you do. I decide what you think. And I decide, when you come.”
Wonder Woman, who was already hurtling towards an immense climax, could not resist the double onslaught on her body and mind. Her will crumbled in the grip of her libido and the Lasso of Hestia. She opened herself up to Cassandra’s dominance, almost overwhelmed with pleasure from the powerful fucking she received. Her mind was a blank, only waiting for the desired permission to come. Cassandra sensed her total surrender and increased her speed even more. In and out, she buried the phallus deep inside the welcoming vagina. When she felt the time was right, she finally gave the command.
Diana cried out in pleasure. She was shattered by the force of her orgasm. Her inner muscles held the phallus in a strong grip, while her juices spurt forth and ran down her body. After the amazon had calmed down a bit and her vagina no longer clamped down on the phallus, Cassandra began to move it again. She was not finished yet. Soon she was fucking Diana with renewed vigor, impaling her repeatedly with those eight inches of silicone. For the next 30 minutes, Cassandra pumped one climax after the other from the almost delirious amazon, always keeping up the verbal assault as well. Finally, after the fourth orgasm, even the experienced Cassandra felt exhaustion to set in. She pushed Wonder Woman to one more climax and stopped.
“That’s it for now. But always remember, you are mine.”
Cassandra finally pulled out.
“I think we got all the answers we needed. I will remove the bonds, but stay on the bed until I have taken care of you.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
At this point, Diana’s response came on autopilot. She was completely overwhelmed by the experience. Never in her life had she felt pleasure that even came close to this. Her whole body felt like jelly. The sudden emptiness in her vagina seemed somehow wrong. Cassandra untied her and carefully straightened her arms and legs, before she began to rub them down.
“This will help with the return of the blood flow.”
The amazon enjoyed the treatment. With the care she showed for her, Cassandra deepened their bond even further. Diana felt completely safe in these hands, which made it easy to follow her lead. Even though she was no longer under the influence of the lasso, the lessons from the session were burned deeply into her mind. It now felt natural to follow Cassandra’s guidance. After several minutes of the gentle massage, the other woman stopped and got up.
“We found our answer. You want to do the bondage session with Doreen. We will talk about it and some other business dealings in the office. Get up.”
Although she still felt very lethargic, Diana immediately climbed off the bed. She needed a second to orient herself, before she realized that she was still naked. The amazon turned towards the bathroom, but Cassandra stopped her.
“You don’t need your clothes at the moment. You can help me with my wardrobe instead.”
Without hesitation, Wonder Woman stepped closer. Cassandra turned slightly and allowed her to remove the jacket. Diana placed it on a hanger, her boss had pointed out. Next, she had to unbutton the shirt and hang it next to the jacket. It was a thrill to finally see those gorgeous breasts, since during the whole session they had stayed covered. It had been part of their power dynamic, that only Wonder Woman had been naked. Cassandra made sure that this imbalance was kept for a while longer, even though their session had ended. It was also a test to make sure the indoctrination through the lasso had worked and taken roots. After the shirt was properly cared for, Cassandra simply looked down.
“Boots next.”
Wonder Woman was treated like a maid, but she still did not hesitate. She knelt before her boss and slowly began to untie the laces, starting with the left one. Not only did she comply with the unspoken order, it turned her on to kneel before the dominant woman. Other than feeling the afterglow of her pleasure, her mind was still partly in a haze about what exactly happened during the session. But she understood that she enjoyed servicing the other woman. After all, she was her boss. It took her a moment to untie the laces, but once they were loose enough, she slowly pulled off the boot. She had to stop herself from pressing a kiss to the stockinged foot, not even registering, what caused the hesitation. She was not repulsed by the submissive gesture, but understood subconsciously that she had no permission for it. She repeated the process with the other boot and placed them in the bottom of a closet Cassandra had pointed out.
When she knelt down to take off the stockings, the other woman caressed her cheek with her right foot, before motioning her to go on. Diana almost swooned at the soft gesture, but quickly caught herself and proceeded. She unclipped the garters and slowly rolled down the stockings, first one, then the other. Once they were sorted, the last item to remove was the garter belt. While she knelt before Cassandra, she inhaled deeply. She had the subconscious urge to memorize the sexual odor of her Mistress … of her boss, she corrected her thoughts belatedly. Finally, Cassandra was naked and every item of clothing in the right place. She showed Diana where she would find fresh clothes.
“I will now shower. Once everything is laid out, follow me and wait with the towels.”
Like a puppet on a string, Wonder Woman followed each single command, before she entered the bathroom. The sight took her breath away. Cassandra had not bothered to close the shower door and the amazon could watch the water cascade down the perfectly sculpted body. She felt the urge to join her, but knew that would be out of line. Instead, she waited patiently with a towel in her hand. She had an indistinct feeling, she should kneel, but suppressed it without registering the implications. Once Cassandra had finished, she stepped out of the shower and Wonder Woman toweled her dry. When the other woman saw the unruly heap with Diana’s clothes, she tsked and looked at Diana disapprovingly. The amazon blushed and quickly folded them more neatly under her watcher’s eyes.
Together they returned to the bedroom. Cassandra was comfortable with the fact that for a moment she was as naked as the amazon. She knew, within a few seconds, she would once again turn the superheroine into her servant. Her confidence proved to be well founded. With just a gesture she commanded Diana to retrieve the garments and the other woman obeyed her immediately. Step by step she held out the clothes and helped her boss to put them on. Since it was late, Cassandra had opted for casual clothes, but she looked just as commanding in jeans and t-shirt as she had looked with her Mistress outfit.
Once she was finished, Diana followed her boss into the office. Cassandra took her seat behind the desk, leaving the amazon awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. It felt inappropriate to her to sit down without permission, but this left her in this predicament. She was standing around naked, in what was meant to be a business meeting. Somewhere deep in her mind, she recognized this as a power game from Cassandra, but it did not ring any alarm bells. It seemed somehow natural to be dominated by the beautiful woman. These thoughts also stirred something in her loins, waking her pussy, which she thought had been sated. She was roused from her thoughts by Cassandra’s voice.
“You can pour me a drink. Gin tonic.”
Before her brain had fully understood the words, her body was already on its way to obey. She moved to the bar and poured the requested drink, delivering it before she could consciously digest the situation. Cassandra took a sip and savored the expensive gin, before she looked at the naked amazon.
“Okay, let’s talk business. Since from now on you will also take on specialty clients, you will be more in demand than before. Therefore, you will start working two days a week, Friday and Saturday, beginning next week. I understand that this might interfere with your work as Wonder Woman. Serving the world of course takes precedent, but please try to notify us as quickly as possible. If it happens, you will make up for it on a normal week night, with an added ten percent to your employer to make up for their extra costs it created. Since you are now a regular employee of this establishment, you will no longer be paid in cash. Hand in your account details before the weekend. To make sure everything is done according to regulations, you will fill out and sign a form at the end of each shift, where you list the exact number of clients you have entertained, including the specific services you have provided. Everything clear so far?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Diana nodded, not understanding how she made herself vulnerable to blackmail with her acceptance and that none of her co-workers had to sign such a form. For simple reasons, prostitution was still illegal. If anyone handed these forms over to the authorities, she could be sent to jail.
Cassandra smiled.
“Good. I am sure you will be happy that you can work more. It will allow you to buy more clothes to impress your lover or your owner.”
Wonder Woman just blushed. It had become a bit of a habit of hers to buy new clothes and shoes from her extra income. Visions of those beautiful five-inch heels she had seen in a catalogue just the other day came to her. She imagined wearing them for her next date with Rayna, too distracted by these erotic thoughts to notice how Cassandra referred to herself as Diana’s owner. The other woman smirked when she saw the far-away look in Diana’s eyes, but finally called her back to earth.
“Okay, next topic. Since you will do regular bondage work in the future, I will keep training you. Starting next weekend, you will spend every Saturday night in my bedroom, where I will use your lasso to show you the intricacies of bondage sex. I will teach you how to serve a Mistress in every way imaginable. Whatever your clients want, you will be able to provide, since you have learned it from me.”
“Thank you. That is very generous.”
The words had sent a jolt directly to Diana’s pussy. Images of being bound and taken by her boss got her juices flowing. She was too distracted to question why Cassandra would need the Lasso of Truth for these lessons. She just knew that she wanted this more than anything. Diana began to squirm and to rub her thighs together. The club owner smirked while she watched the superheroine fidget like a little girl. She decided to stir her imagination even more.
“We forgot to clean the toy. Get it. Bring also some paper tissues and two towels, one dry, one slightly wet. I will show you the proper care.”
Like the good girl she had become, Wonder Woman went and retrieved the requested items. Cassandra pointed to her side.
“Come sit here, so I can show you.”
Diana walked around the desk. Cassandra had said sit, but it felt more natural to kneel. The smile she received showed that her boss approved. The amazon held up the items. She did not even question why she would need this lesson, considering she had plenty of toys of her own. She was just happy to have Cassandra’s attention. Her boss began to explain the situation.
“Place the dry towel by your side. Leave the tissues on it. Hand me the toy and then spread the other towel on your lap.”
Diana followed these instructions by the letter. Once she was finished, Cassandra pointed the strap-on towards her.
“Do you see the juices coating it? They are proof of your pleasure. The pleasure you received from being bound and fucked by your Mistress. Over time, you will learn to embrace this pleasure even more. I will teach you everything you need to know. All you have to do is to open your mind and to accept my words. Now open up. You will start the cleaning process by sucking off your juices.”
Obediently Wonder Woman opened her mouth and allowed Cassandra to push the phallus slowly inside. Soon she was busy, sucking on it and licking along the shaft. While she did it, Cassandra held her eyes with her own, dominating her with just a look. The club owner applied more pressure, slowly forcing Diana to deep-throat the phallus. The amazon moaned around the shaft, remembering her other hole, which the fake-dick had plundered just as deeply. After several more minutes, Cassandra pulled back. Diana’s breathing had become shallow. She had problems to suppress her lust. Cassandra made her clean the strap-on with the wet towel and then dry it with the tissues. After she was finished, she wrapped it in the dry towel and placed everything at her side. By now Wonder Woman was in desperate need of release, but did not dare to make a move. Of course, Cassandra saw right through her.
“You want to come, don’t you?”
The amazon nodded eagerly.
“Yes, please.”
“I wanted to help you out, but you have been a naughty girl. Look, you have spilled on my shoes.”
Indeed, Diana saw several droplets on the black leather. She looked crestfallen, but Cassandra’s next words had her perk up.
“Tell you what, I will allow you release, as long as you also take care of this mess. Can you do that?”
“Yes, please. Of course.”
“Then you will lick my shoes clean. For as long as your tongue touches the leather, your hand may touch your pussy. No more than one orgasm though and don’t you dare touching my skin instead of the shoe. Right now, you do not have that permission.”
“Thank you.”
Diana shuffled around to come closer and bend forward. Once her tongue touched the leather, she opened her legs and pushed one hand in her crotch. While she tasted the intriguing mixture of leather and pussy juice, she slipped first one, then two fingers into her vagina. She licked in slow circles along the shoe’s surface, while her fingers pumped into her core. They were met with a boiling inferno. It would not take long to climax; therefore, she increased the frequency of her licks. She had to make sure to clean the shoe completely before she came. Anything else seemed inacceptable. Above her, Cassandra watched with satisfaction as her new toy demeaned herself. It was of course a psychological trick to couple the submissive foot service with a climax. It would help to imprint on Diana that submission led to pleasure. As expected, it did not take long for the orgasm to arrive. Once Wonder Woman had recovered, Cassandra caught her attention again.
“Okay, good girl. Regarding your work, since your session with Doreen will take place before your next lesson, here is some advice. When she asks you about your boundaries, tell her you are open to anything. She is very creative. She will love the opportunities and you will love what she is doing to you.”
“Thank you for your advice.”
“Okay, I think it is enough for tonight. One more thing, I know that you are faster and stronger than a normal human. Are your senses enhanced as well?”
“Not on the level of for example Superman, but yes, my eyes and ears work better than a mortal’s.”
“What about your sense of smell?”
“It is enhanced as well.”
“Very good. Then you will not shower before you leave. I want you to have this reminder of your pleasure on your way home.”
“Thank you. That is very thoughtful.”
A few minutes later, Diana had stowed away the towels and the toy and made sure everything else was tidy, before finally pulling her clothes back on. Once she was gone, Cassandra made sure that her security cameras had gotten everything. The main action in the bedroom of course had been planned in every detail, including the lighting and the camera angles, whereas the scenes in the office had been in large part improvised. It turned out that the money for her security cameras was well spent. She got clear images of Wonder Woman’s tongue gliding along her shoes as well as her fingers stuffed deep into her cunt. Even the droplets of pussy juice running down her thigh were visible. The night had been a great success. She had been able to bow Wonder Woman to her will. Now she had to watch her for the long-term effects. Would the amazon stay submissive or would her strong personality recover during her absence from the club? At least she had now excellent blackmail material, should Wonder Woman turn against her. Publishing the videos and the contract would destroy her public image.
Meanwhile, on her way down in the elevator, Diana was joined by two of her co-workers, Julie and Lara. They looked at her oddly, until Julie talked to her.
“Hi Di. I did not know you were now working in the late-night shift as well.”
“Oh, I’m not. I had a meeting with Cassandra.” Not sure she wanted to go into too intimate details, Diana just added. “You know, she has taught me some stuff about business, since I’m still quite new.”
“Ah, I understand. I hope you had fun with your lesson.”
The two prostitutes exchanged looks, before Lara chimed in.
“Yeah, it is always such a joy, when she ‘explains’ something.”
Diana missed the odd way she stressed the word ‘explains’, since she was distracted by the memories of those lessons. The dreamy look on her face would already have been quite telling about the lessons, but the dried crust of female cum on her face was a dead give-away. Still not really focused, Wonder Woman stumbled over her response.
“Yes, my owner is a very good teacher … uhm, the owner, the club owner.”
Diana blushed at her faux-pas, but thankfully they had just arrived at the lobby. She waved good-bye and quickly left, in her haste not hearing the other women snicker behind her back. The experienced whores had a very good idea about what had happened in the penthouse.
A few minutes later, still on her way home, Diana let the events of the night play through her mind. The fresh air had cleared the fog from her brain a bit, causing her to become uneasy about some parts of it. Playing a submissive while they enacted a scene in the bedroom was one thing – and the memory was very arousing –, but why had she stayed like that even afterwards in the office? Had she liked the session so much that she had simply stayed in person? It was the most explosive sex she had ever experienced, that was for sure. An errant whiff of her own odor completely derailed her thoughts. The only thoughts left were how hard she had come and how much pleasure she had felt. For the rest of her drive home, she only focused on imaging how their next bondage session would be and if it would feel different with a customer. She would definitely need to play with one of her own toys, before she would be able to sleep. And then there was also her next date with Rayna to look forward to. She would visit her on Wednesday, which should last her over until the weekend.
Wednesday night found Diana lying on her back, naked, with her lover fucking her with a strap-on. It was a strap-on Rayna had bought as a gift for the amazon. She had presented it the same night Diana had worked her first full shift at the club. Pumping the phallus slowly into Wonder Woman’s love channel, she looked her in the eyes.
“Tell me, Diana, how was your test session with our boss?”
Memories immediately rushed through the amazon’s mind, making her even wetter than she already was. She had difficulties to concentrate enough to answer.
“It was great. We decided to repeat the session to help me prepare for further bondage sessions I might be asked to do.”
“That session must really have been something. Tell me about it. Tell me how Cassandra dominated and fucked you. I want all the dirty details. And you will not come before I am satisfied with your story. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Rayna. It started like this…”
For the next hour, Wonder Woman explained in great detail how she had been fucked that night. She had to fight hard to keep her lust at bay, while still being penetrated in that slow, tantalizing rhythm. The longer she talked, the easier it became to accept Rayna’s domination. When the prostitute finally let her come, it seemed almost normal to need her permission. And the night had only just begun.

Chapter 10: Introduction to new Depths
On Friday night, Diana could not deny a certain nervousness. Doreen would be her second client of the night. Although it had become routine to work at the club, this would be different. She would be bound and fucked by a stranger, completely at her mercy. It would not be like her session with Cassandra, since she knew she could trust her boss implicitly. With Doreen this trust was not there yet, although she knew that Cassandra had chosen her. Of course, she would not be in real danger. She was Wonder Woman. She could simply break the bondage, if she was being threatened. But somehow, she felt as if that would be a failure, since it would disappoint her boss, something she definitely wanted to avoid. On Saturday she had her next training session with her owner … that is, her boss. Diana shook her head at the way she once again mixed-up things in her head. This was quickly forgotten though, when she thought about the session. Would her boss punish her, if she failed to satisfy Doreen?
Her fantasies brought the amazon in just the right mood for her session with Lila, a blonde whom she already had met the month before. It seemed she might become another regular, just like Marianne had become. She serviced her first solo client once every fortnight. About an hour later, she waited for Doreen in the ‘dungeon’, a suite especially equipped for BDSM sessions. As per instructions, she was already naked and kneeling in a corner of the room. Finally, she heard the door open. Although Diana was tempted to look up, she followed her instructions and kept her eyes on the floor in front of her. Moments later, she saw a pair of black, high-heeled boots, when their owner had come closer. Then she heard a husky female voice.
“Greet me. I hope you know how.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Before Wonder Woman could bend forward, a riding crop swished down and hit her breasts. For a normal mortal, the hit would have been extremely painful, but even the amazon felt its sting.
“Wrong, slave. You call me ‘Ma’am’, since you are just a rented slave. ‘Mistress’ is what you call your permanent owner.”
“I am sorry, Ma’am. May I proceed with the greeting?”
“Yes, go on.”
Diana leant forward and kissed the tip of one of the boots lovingly.
“Good girl. Look up while I pay.”
The amazon raised her head and Doreen pushed the riding crop between her teeth.
“Hold this while I count.”
Obediently she held the tool of her recent punishment in her mouth, while her latest client counted out a number of notes. Doreen was in full dominatrix mode, wearing a black leather crop top, a black leather skirt and those shiny black leather boots Diana was already allowed to admire. With those high-heels, the woman was almost six feet tall, therefore towering over the kneeling amazon. Her outfit was showing off a washboard stomach and quite muscular arms. Doreen did obviously more than just a bit of yoga to keep fit. What intrigued Diana the most, was the youthful face, framed by short blonde hair. She guessed her to be 25 at most, maybe even younger and yet she gave off an aura of natural authority. It would make it easy to submit to her as her rented slave. Diana, who had a couple of drinks with Cassandra before the shift, was getting wet at the thought. Doreen placed the money on the table and picked up her riding crop.
“Your fee, as we set out earlier. If you make a good job, I might add a little extra. Would you like that?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Diana did not really care that much about the money, but she had learned from Cassandra the importance of pleasing your client.
“Good. What are your limits, slave?”
“Whatever pleases you, Ma’am. I’m open for everything.”
Doreen’s answer came almost as a purr.
“Verry good, slave. Then we will have lots of fun.”
For the next ten minutes, Doreen was busy tying up her rented slave spread-eagled on the bed. Wonder Woman was lying on her stomach, with her arms and legs stretched and bound to the corners with strong ropes. As a final note, she pushed a pillow under Diana’s rump, to raise her bottom. When she was finished, Doreen stood for a moment to admire the beautiful body she would play with tonight. She followed its outline with her riding crop, teasing the other woman with feathery touches along the athletic legs and strong back. Pulling back, she raised her arm and gave only a cryptic warning to the amazon.
“It is time to warm you up.”
Before Diana could comprehend the words, the crop hit her square over her butt cheeks. She could not contain a short gasp at the sudden painful sting. The first strike was quickly followed by a second and a third. Soon her butt and upper thighs were tinged in pink, with welts criss-crossing in a regular pattern. Diana moaned, when a soft hand rubbed her now overly sensitive behind. Suddenly a finger was pushed between her pussy lips and the dominatrix chuckled.
“This color suits you. And it seems, you like this as well, slave. You are quite wet. Isn’t that right?”
Diana moaned.
“Yes, Ma’am. I am very aroused.”
“Yes, you are. But one finger is not enough, slave, isn’t it?”
“No, Ma’am, I need more.”
“Then why don’t you beg me properly.”
“Please, Ma’am. Fuck me! Fuck me with more than just a finger.”
“That’s a good slave. Maybe I will fuck you. I just need the right tool.”
Diana heard her client walk around and handling something. A few minutes later, the young blonde appeared at the head of the bed and therefore came into view. She was now wearing a leather harness around her hips, with a huge black strap-on dildo of almost nine inches in length and at least two in diameter. She grinned down at the amazon, while she stroked the phallus with one hand.
“As I said, just the right tool. Do you want to feel my dick inside of you, slave?”
“Yes, Ma’am, please.”
“Then it is time to fill you up.”
With one last tantalizing stroke Doreen walked away and disappeared out of sight. Diana felt the bed dip down. Moments later, a firm hand gripped her hip. Something hard touched her pussy and glided along her nether lips. Diana moaned at the teasing sensation. Finally, the tip stopped at her entrance and was slowly pushed inside. With steady force, Doreen pushed the dildo inside, inch by inch, until the full length rested in Wonder Woman’s stretched vagina. To the latter’s disappointment, Doreen pulled the phallus back out.
“Did you like my tool inside of your hole, slave?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I loved how it filled me.”
“Do you want me to fuck you now? Fuck you hard and fast, in the way I want to fuck you?”
“Yes, Ma’am, please. Fuck me!”
Diana was so aroused by now, she could not wait to be penetrated again, to feel the huge phallus enter her womanhood. She was not prepared for what happened next.
“I will fuck you – the way I want.”
Suddenly Doreen pressed the tip of the phallus against the amazon’s rosebud. With brutal strength, she pushed past the resisting muscles and entered Wonder Woman’s asshole with her phallus. This intrusion was painful even for the superheroine, but at the same time it was a thrill to be taken like this. Cassandra’s manipulations and secret whisperings paid off, when the world’s mightiest heroine accepted to stay submissive and to be available like a good little whore for what she was paid for. She had promised to be open for everything and now it was her job to honor the deal. It was easier to do than she might have expected, had she known about it beforehand. The drugs coursing through her system and the commands from Cassandra during the training session made sure that the amazon enjoyed even this brutal butt-fucking.
Doreen hammered the phallus relentlessly into the tight asshole, reaching deep into the dark depths. Again and again, she pumped her hips forward, filling Diana’s rectum with hard silicone. Inch after thick inch slid inside, hitting nerve endings the amazon had not been aware of. It was still a mixture of pleasure and pain, both of a kind the demigoddess had not known before. Finally, it was too much. The phallus had still not entered her to the hilt, but she came with a loud groan. It twisted something in Wonder Woman’s mind that she climaxed from being butt-fucked. And Doreen was not finished just because her slave had come. She continued to pummel the amazon’s butthole, bringing her the second and third orgasm of their session. Finally, the blonde dominatrix could no longer hold back and came with a satisfied grunt, her juices coating Diana’s butt.
Instead of pulling out, Doreen detached the phallus from her harness. With the shaft still jutting out from Wonder Woman’s asshole, she stepped back and removed the harness. Then she walked around the bed, until she was again in Diana’s field of view, where she sat down on a sofa. She looked at the still bound amazon, while she began to rub her own pussy.
“Oh yeah, I really love this view. It turns me on, to see my slave fucked stupid. Now you may watch me take matters into my own hands.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.”
It was the honest truth. Diana was very grateful. With the dildo in her ass a stark reminder of the way she was fucked so dominantly just moments ago, watching the powerful blonde masturbating was an incredibly erotic show. The amazon almost came herself, just from watching the other woman come. When Doreen had calmed down, she stepped closer and placed her right foot on the bed, right in front of Diana’s face.
“Time to say thank you.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.”
Wonder Woman bent her head down and kissed the tip of the boot. Finally, the blonde stepped back again.
“Okay, that’s it for today. Good session. I think I will order you again, next time.”
Doreen removed the amazon’s bindings. When Diana was free, the blonde picked up her bag.
“Okay, make sure to clean my tools, while I take a shower.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
A few minutes later, a fresh-faced Doreen, now in sneakers, jeans and a blue top emerged. She pulled a hundred-dollar bill from her purse and handed it to Diana, before she received her clean tools. Stuffing them away, she turned to go.
“Good-bye, Diana. It was fun doing business with you. You were the most responsive whore I ever met at a bondage session.”
“Thank you, Ma’am. I hope to see you again.”
Even after the session had ended, Diana could not switch out of her submissive mode. Anything less formal would have felt weird. For the rest of the night, she was busy with other clients, which prevented her from really reflecting her experience. Cassandra provided the amazon with a spiked drink every time she took a break, therefore making sure she was constantly aroused. Thus, Diana would later connect her first night as a BDSM whore with the pleasure she felt all night. In the end, the amazon was so pumped up on aphrodisiac that she had to masturbate for hours later at home before she finally managed to fall asleep.
The following night, Diana worked her first Saturday shift at the club. She was very busy with clients and to her slight consternation, all of them just wanted to be serviced, with none of the women willing to return the favor. This meant the amazon was horny as hell at the shift’s end and in urgent need of an orgasm. She was completely unaware, that Cassandra had orchestrated this setup, to make sure Wonder Woman would be especially needy and vulnerable during their second bondage session. The brothel owner was a master manipulator and new every dirty trick in the book to turn a naïve young girl into a willing whore. For the world, Diana might be seen as a superhero, but for Cassandra she was just another victim she would turn into a working girl.
To weaken the amazon’s defense even further, Cassandra provided her with two more glasses of spiked drinks, making sure that Diana was solely controlled by her sex drive. Once they had used the elevator and reached Cassandra’s penthouse, she made the amazon stop.
“Remove your clothes and leave them here! From now on, you will always be naked in my apartment, unless I order you differently. In there, you are my slave and nothing else.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Diana immediately fell back into a submissive role and stripped off her clothes. On a command, she handed over her lasso. Then she had to crawl and follow Cassandra on all four into the bedroom. There, the owner had her kneel upright and hold the arms behind her back, allowing her to bind the arms tightly. With her hand secretly still on the lasso, she began the next phase of enslaving Wonder Woman.
“As we both know, you are here because you are my slave. I am sure you want to show off your status, since I know you are proud of it. Not every woman is born to be my slave, but you have this chance. I will allow you to wear my collar, if you beg me very nicely.”
Weighted by the use of the Lasso of Truth, these words hammered away at Diana’s usual self-image. Even deep down, Wonder Woman began to feel grateful for being owned by Cassandra. At this moment, she would do almost anything to show her submission to her owner. When the woman walked around her, she bowed down as deep as possible and started begging.
“Please, Mistress. May I kiss your boots to show my acceptance and my happiness just at the thought of being yours? May I then show it by wearing your collar with pride?”
“That is a good start, slave. I will allow you to kiss the sole of my boot.”
Cassandra lifted her right foot and pressed it heavily onto the amazon’s face. Diana complied without hesitation and pressed her lips to the leather, not caring what kind of road dirt might have collected there during the day. The other woman increased the pressure.
“Good girl. Now lick it! Lick the whole sole until it is clean.”
Diana started licking at the top and slowly made her way to the heel. Once there, she began to suck on the spiked heel. Cassandra pressed even harder, forcing the amazon to deep-throat the five-inch heel. Only when the sadistic club owner was satisfied with Diana’s total submission did she stop. She pulled out and stepped towards a dresser, where she picked up a collar. Going back, she showed it to her slave. The collar was about two inches wide and made of black studded leather. Several D-rings were spaced around it, allowing you to attach a leash to it. At the front was a silver plate, with an engraving that read ‘owned slave’. Cassandra pointed at it.
“Once you have proven your devotion, we will add ‘property of Cassandra’ to the inscription. Would you like that?”
“Yes, Mistress. That would be wonderful.”
Cassandra walked around the kneeling amazon. Behind her back, she secretly touched the lasso binding Diana’s arms.
“Good answer. Now beg me to collar you! It is your desire, after all. And tell me, why you want it and why you might deserve it.”
“Please Mistress, make me yours. Allow me to carry your symbol of ownership. I would love to be your slave. Knowing that this might please you is almost enough for me to orgasm. I will do anything you command to show that I am worthy to be your slave.”
“I understand that you are a horny bitch. Of course, you may not come without my permission. Your pleasure is mine to give.”
“I understand, Mistress.”
Cassandra placed the collar around the amazon’s throat, her cool fingers teasing the heated skin where ever they touched.
“Still, you have been very obedient. I will reward you beyond making you my slave. The moment I have closed the last buckle, you may come.”
Cassandra closed the collar.
“Thank you, Mistre--.”
Diana could not finish the sentence. She had been keyed up all night. The feel of teasing finger tips and heavy leather was too much. The moment the last buckle was closed, a violent climax overwhelmed her senses. Wonder Woman had just climaxed from the pleasure of becoming another woman’s slave. Cassandra gave her a moment to regain her senses, then she ordered her to follow her to a mysterious contraption, which Diana had not really noticed during her last training session in this very room. It was a padded bar, about two feet long, with sturdy legs holding it at a height of three feet. She saw several metal rings bolted to the ground around it. Cassandra forced the amazon to bend over the bar, with her legs spread slightly more than shoulder width, where they were bound to two of the rings in the floor.
Cassandra attached a leash to her slave’s collar and fastened the other end to one of the rings in the floor. A second leash was attached to the back of the collar and then fastened to a hook in the ceiling. Diana was in an awkward position, half bent over the bar, with not enough slack in the leashes to get back up, but neither could she simply fall forward. The awkwardness was quickly forgotten, when Cassandra began to fondle her breasts, groping and kneading them. Finally, she concentrated on the right one, rubbing and twisting the nipple. Diana’s arousal increased. Her nipples had always been very sensitive, therefore the one her boss was playing with began to harden, almost resembling a pebble. Hot breath suddenly caressed her ear, since Cassandra had bend closer to whisper dirty secretes into it.
“I love your tits, the way they proudly stand. They fight to defy gravity, even while hanging down. Let’s give them some extra training.”
Diana could not look back. Therefore, she was completely taken by surprise, when hard steel teeth bit into the sensitive nipple. She groaned in pain. Cassandra had attached a powerful nipple clamp with a chain holding a weight. Diana’s groan morphed into a cry, when her owner removed her hand and the weight dropped down. It almost felt as if the nipple was torn from her body, although of course this did not happen. She was Wonder Woman and could withstand much harder physical punishment. Nevertheless, in this environment it had caught her by surprise. She steeled herself, for she could guess what would happen next, and as suspected, Cassandra now began to play with the other breast. As it turned out, even knowledge did not bring enough protection. When the second clamp was attached, followed by dropping the weight, another cry was not withheld. Cassandra walked around her slave, admiring her from all sides, before she stopped behind her. Suddenly a stinging slap caused her muscular ass cheeks to wobble.
“Your owner just adorned you with beautiful jewelry. What do you say?”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
“That’s better, but I see you need more training. Luckily for you I know just the way to do it.”
Not knowing what to expect, Diana simply thanked her again. She heard Cassandra walk around and rearrange something. Finally, she seemed to stop again behind Diana. A slight slap caught the amazon’s attention.
“Okay, mainly there are two ways of training a slave: punish her for the mistakes or reward her for correct behavior. Luckily for you, I am a benevolent owner and prefer the latter method. Today, I want to concentrate on the core message of your slavery. You may wonder, what will be the reward. Simple. I will fuck you. Each time I pump inside, you will repeat the mantra. The mantra is ‘I am yours. I want to please you.’ In the beginning, you will concentrate on it. When I have the feeling that you have really understood it, I will give you the permission to come. From there on, I will fuck you to repeated orgasms, as long as you manage to continue with your task. The message of the mantra has to become your main motivation.”
During her speech, her hands had seemingly aimless explored Diana’s body, but in reality, she had moved to touch the lasso discretely. Once again, Cassandra used Wonder Woman’s signature weapon against her, used it as a tool in her enslavement. Her hold over the superheroine became stronger and stronger and by the end of the night, it would be almost impossible to break even for the immortal demigoddess. The devious woman was not finished with her manipulative speech.
“We both know how much you want this; how much you desire to be my slave. To show your devotion, you will now beg me to fuck you into submission.”
Wonder Woman was only too eager to surrender to this command.
“Please, Mistress, fuck me. Fuck me and make me your slave.”
“What is your mantra?”
Diana almost shouted.
“I am yours. I want to please you.”
“Very good. Open up, your submission shall be rewarded.”
Without further delay, Cassandra pushed the phallus into her slave’s vagina. The amazon answered in an almost jubilant voice.
“I am yours. I want to please you.”
Cassandra pulled back slightly and then pushed in again. With one hand she had gripped Diana’s thigh, with the other she leaned on the amazon’s bound arms, which of course allowed her to touch the lasso. Wonder Woman did not notice this. She was caught in a haze of lust and submission. All she cared about was to please her Mistress. And to please her, she had to repeat her mantra.
“I am yours. I want to please you.”
Cassandra laughed in triumph at the superheroine’s submission. Relentlessly she pumped the phallus deeper and fucked the bound woman. Diana repeated her mantra on auto pilot, again and again.
“I am yours. I want to please you.”
By now, Diana was almost overwhelmed by pleasure. To avoid coming prematurely, which would be a failure of unimaginable proportion, she tried to empty her mind. The only thing she concentrated on was her mantra, just as her owner had anticipated. The longer Wonder Woman was held in this state, the deeper the message would worm its way in every part of her conscious and unconscious thoughts and would become a part of her personality. Without mercy, Cassandra kept up her relentless fucking.
“I am yours. I want to please you.”
A moan of longing.
“I am yours. I want to please you.”
With each thrust, Cassandra hammered away another shred of Wonder Woman’s inner strength. At least towards her owner, the amazon would become a total submissive. Finally, the brothel owner decided it was time to reward Diana’s obedience.
“You may come. But remember that you have to keep repeating the mantra, if you want me to continue.”
“Thank you, Mistress! I AM YOURS. I WANT TO PLEASE YOU! Oh please, fuck me, take me. I need you.”
Cassandra continued to pump the phallus in and out. Only two minutes later, the amazon climaxed again.
“Oh Gods, yes! Thank you! I am yours. I want to please you.”
For two incredible hours, Cassandra fucked her new toy, turning her brain to mush. Finally, she ran out of steam and had to stop. Diana had loved every second, even though she was sore all over and her vagina rubbed raw. Cassandra removed first the leashes, then the nipple clamps. The sudden blood flow tore a groan from the amazon, although at the same time she became aroused again. The owner commanded her slave to kneel before a chair, with her face and chest resting on the floor. Then Cassandra sat down in the chair and rested her now naked feet on the amazon’s back. She became aroused just from the thought of using a Goddess as a footstool. Still, she needed to recover first. With her feet touching the lasso around Wonder Woman’s arms, she continued her indoctrination.
“I hope you have now learned your position in life. You are my slave. Nothing matters for you but my commands. For the moment, we will keep the current arrangement. You will work during the weekends and get trained Saturday night after the shift. The rest of the week you will keep your normal life, well as normal as possible for a superheroine. Of course, there is also Rayna. She found you for me and needs her just rewards. You will stay her loyal girlfriend. She may take you anytime she wants, unless it contradicts one of my commands. Actually, both of you will visit me tomorrow. We will celebrate your slavery to me and your relationship with Rayna.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Diana’s voice was slightly muffled, since her face was pressed into the plush carpet. She was excited at the thought of having sex with both Rayna and Cassandra together. Obviously, her owner was aroused by these images as well, for Diana with her enhanced senses could smell the other woman’s growing wetness. Soon after, the amazon was ordered to service her Mistress. For the next 40 minutes, her face was buried in her owner’s sex, licking and sucking the delicious nectar. Towards the end of the night, Cassandra had some fun, by demeaning her without any sexual gratification. Using the Lasso of Hestia as a leash, she had the amazon crawl after her like a dog, teaching her tricks like heel and sit. At the end, she even played some fetch. Cassandra found it immensely amusing to watch Wonder Woman crawl through the bedroom in search for a balled-up sock.
At the end of the night, Cassandra removed the collar, but kept the lasso as a leash for a moment longer.
“You will wear the collar again tomorrow, when you and Rayna are here, but do not despair, even without it you are my slave. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you will always belong to me. You are my property. That also means, no orgasm without my or Rayna’s permission, unless it is work related.”
“Yes, Mistress, I understand.”
Cassandra led her slave outside and removed the lasso. She handed it over and went back inside, leaving Diana naked in front of her penthouse door. Half a day later, the amazon stood there again, this time with Rayna at her side. She was unsure what to do, when she saw her lover war preparing to knock. Cassandra had implied, she would be wearing the collar, but she was here with her partner, so it could not be, could it?
Rayna looked at her.
“What’s up, Di? You forgot something?”
“No, sorry, it’s okay. Go on.”
The prostitute knocked and moments later their boss opened the door.
“Hi Rayna, come in.”
Diana wanted to follow her partner, but was stopped by a stern look.
“You are already forgetting the rules, slave? That will be ten to remind you.”
“Sorry, Cassandra … Mistress, but I…”
“Twenty for speaking instead of acting.”
Finally, it dawned on Wonder Woman that she was expected to act like a slave, despite being invited together with her lover Rayna. It was a sign of the depth of her indoctrination that this did not alarm her. Instead, she quickly began to shed her clothes, even folding them in a neat pile. She did remember that disappointed look Cassandra had given her that other time and still felt ashamed about that mistake. Once she was finished, Diana knelt naked in her waiting position, eyes turned to the floor. She saw Cassandra’s legs appear in her field of view.
“That’s better, slave. You may greet your owner.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Diana bent down and kissed both boots lovingly. Afterwards, she returned to the waiting position. She lifted her head to give easier access for Cassandra, when she buckled the collar around the amazon’s neck. Behind her in the hall, she could see Rayna watching them with a calm expression. It did not seem to bother her – or surprise her – that Diana was treated like a slave. Wonder Woman felt almost relieved when she was wearing the collar, as if it was more natural than without. She had to crawl behind Cassandra when they made their way to the living room. Her boss took a seat on a sofa, while Rayna sat down across from her. Cassandra looked at the amazon.
“Okay, time for your punishment. Get over my knees.”
Diana hurried to lay in the other woman’s lap. She did not want to disappoint her again. Cassandra began to caress and knead the muscular butt. Finally, she prepared to start.
“Don’t forget to count.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
The words had just been spoken, when a hard slap hit her right cheek. It did sting, but could not really hurt Wonder Woman. She had fought the likes of Ares one on one. Compared to their power, these slaps were next to nothing. But of course, this punishment was not about pain. It was about humiliation and in that regard, it was almost worse that she was disciplined by a mere human. And her lover watched the whole show intently. All these thoughts ran through Diana’s mind, but mostly she just concentrated on obeying and for now that meant counting the slaps as ordered.
“You did not thank your owner. Start again.”
Another strike hit Diana’s butt.
“One. Thank you, Mistress.”
“That’s better, slave.”
Another slap hit.
“Two. Thank you, Mistress.”
And another.
“Three. Thank you, Mistress.”
After the fourth strike, Cassandra changed her position slightly. She used her now free hand to fondle Diana’s breasts, kneading them and stimulating them. She rolled and pinched a nipple, while her other hand smashed down on Diana’s left cheek. The amazon was now in the grip of differing feelings, pain, humiliation and arousal, making it difficult to keep up the correct count. Still, she managed to keep at her task.
“Five. Thank you, Mistress.”
It went on like this until the tenth strike, when Cassandra made a short break. She used it to push Diana’s legs further apart and probe her sex for juices. It was no surprise for Cassandra to find already damp pussy lips. By now, Wonder Woman was well trained to react with instant arousal to any kind of stimulation. Month of being pumped with aphrodisiac had almost turned her into a nymphomaniac, just the way her owner wanted her, since it made it so easy to manipulate her. Cassandra returned to spanking her new sex toy. A powerful strike hit Diana’s right cheek.
“Eleven. Thank you, Mistress.”
Two strikes later, Cassandra decided to humiliate her slave even more.
“Your pussy is drenching wet. You obviously love being spanked.”
Being put on the spot like this, Wonder Woman felt deeply ashamed, but at the same time immensely turned on. She was spanked like a little girl and yet she enjoyed it. Even without the Lasso of Truth, she was no longer able to lie to her owner.
“Oh Mistress, yes, I am very aroused.”
“That’s very slutty of you, but that’s okay. I approve. And I am not the only one. Look at Rayna. Your lover loves watching you being spanked.”
Diana turned her eyes towards the prostitute and it was true. Rayna had one hand down her panties and was busy getting herself off, with her eyes glued to the show in front of her. Another strike got Diana’s attention.
“14. Thank you, Mistress.”
Cassandra grinned.
“It’s of course no surprise that Rayna likes this. She knows that she will profit the most from you being trained as a sex slave. From now on, she will be able to take you whenever and wherever she wants. She says the word and you will present your pussy for her to use. Do you understand?”
Another slap underlined her words. Diana immediately thanked her.
“15. Thank you, Mistress. And yes, thank you, I understand and obey.”
“Very good, slave. Let’s speed up this show. When you got your last strike, you may come.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
And the countdown rolled.
“16. Thank you, Mistress.”
“17. Thank you, Mistress.”
“18. Thank you, Mistress.”
“19. Thank you, Mistress.”
Diana’s last words ended in a shout of pleasure, when a strong orgasm overwhelmed her. Loud moans told her that Rayna had come as well. When she was finished, Cassandra pushed her slave down from her lap.
“Okay, slave. I hope you have learned your lesson. Go and fetch the drinks I have prepared from the bar for Rayna and me.”
Like the submissive slave she had become, Wonder Woman went and collected the drinks. In an instinctual understanding of protocol, she knelt down between the other women and handed the first glass to the guest and the second one to their owner. Cassandra nodded in approval.
“Good. I propose a toast. To well-trained sluts!”
She raised her glass, followed by Rayna.
“To well-trained sluts.”
With an evil smirk, Cassandra looked down on a distressed looking amazon.
“Don’t worry, slave. You are part of this as well. Your drink is under the table. But no hands.”
Diana looked around and saw a liquid-filled bowl standing where her Mistress pointed. It looked like a utensil you would use for your dog. She crawled closer and read the word ‘Bitch’ at the side of the bowl. Her cheeks were aflame from embarrassment, but at no moment did she consider to protest. While the other two women drank from their glasses, she began to lap awkwardly from what turned out to be a fine gin. It reminded her of some of the other drinks Cassandra had mixed for her, unaware that the enticing taste came from the aphrodisiac her owner had mixed into the bowl. Fired up by the potent drugs and now drunk as well after emptying a bowl full of strong gin, Diana was yearning for another orgasm. Therefore, she was immediately game, when Cassandra got her lasso and tied it as a leash around her neck. For several minutes, Diana was led around the room by her owner and had to show her ‘tricks’ for their audience. Finally, Cassandra led her towards the sofa, where the prostitute sat.
By now, Rayna had stripped naked and was masturbating while watching the show. She found it incredibly erotic to see the superheroine turned into an obedient pet. She was enough of a dominant to enjoy a powerful woman on her knees. Cassandra led the amazon closer, directly between Rayna’s legs.
“You know the story of cats and dogs, bitch. Find the pussy and eat it.”
Diana’s head shot forward, and within seconds her tongue had found her lover’s vulva. Immediately she began to lap up the spicy cream that sprang forth from there. She licked up and down, trying to collect every single droplet of juice. Cassandra egged her on, leash still in hand.
“Yes, bitch, suck her cunt dry. Remember, you love servicing women, but this is even more. You love Rayna with every fiber of your being. She is your lover and may take you anytime she wants. You will always listen to her and obey her, unless it would contradict commands from me, since obviously I own you. But in any other case, she is your boss. Servicing her is a treat that you cherish.”
Diana was too busy licking the prostitute’s pussy to really understand the words, but they wormed their way deep into her subconscious. And Cassandra continued with her indoctrination of Wonder Woman.
“Yes, lick her. Bury your tongue in her cunt. You want to service Rayna because you admire her. She is just so perfect at her job. You want her to teach you to be like her, to be the best whore you can be. As a superheroine you want to service people. So, what could be better than to service women who have paid good money for the use of your body. And it gets even better, since you can use the money to look hot for your girlfriend and your owner. That’s so very important for you, isn’t it? To look hot for your Mistress and your lover? Of course, it is, since you want to please us more than anything.”
The devoted amazon worked her tongue into Rayna’s vagina, while her owner’s words re-shaped her personality. With long deep strokes she tongue-fucked the prostitute, her lover and co-worker. When she felt Rayna getting close, she pulled out and found her clit instead. Gentle sucking did the job and a string of juices hit her face, when the redhead came. Diana licked and sucked, to drink as much of the salty juices as possible. Cassandra petted her head.
“That was a good start, slave. Let’s move this to the bedroom, where you will ride Rayna.”
Cassandra had her slave crawl on all four, following her lover into the other room. Diana watched excitedly, as Rayna picked up a harness and stepped into it. Next, she inserted a blue, slightly ripped dildo. With a length of about eight inches, it would fill her up very nicely. Heat welled up inside of her, when the redhead laid down in the bed, with the phallus jutting up proudly. Her arousal increased even more when she saw Cassandra strip naked as well. It always excited her to see the gorgeous body of her Mistress, the most beautiful woman in the world. What a thrill to be owned by this woman. Once she was naked, Cassandra again took hold of the lasso that she used as a leash.
“Hope on up, pet. It is time I take you on a ride.”
Diana climbed onto the bed and knelt over her lover, one leg on each side. Both women looked at each other, when the amazon lowered herself onto the phallus. She used one hand to guide it into her entrance and them pushed down. As anticipated, the phallus stretched her vaginal walls, making her feel gloriously full. Diana moaned while she sank lower, until the tip touched her cervix. She was just starting to move up and down slowly, when she felt Cassandra behind her. The other woman caressed her toned body, before whispering in her ear.
“You haven’t spent much time with your lover these last few days. Why don’t you tell her about your weekend? For example, your first time as a bondage whore.”
Heat welled up in Diana as she was reminded of that session. It excited her to tell her lover how she had been fucked and humiliated. Looking at the smiling face of her lover, she began to speak.
“My customer’s name was Doreen. She had me bound spread-eagled to the bed. And then she took me from behind. She fucked my asshole.”
Rayna grinned knowingly.
“You loved that, didn’t you?”
Wonder Woman nodded.
“Oh yes. On Themyscira, it is something done only to a submissive, but it felt so good.”
Suddenly Cassandra came even closer.
“No wonder that a natural slave like you loves it. To be fucked in the asshole – just like this.”
Suddenly a hard tip poked at her back entrance. Without her realizing it, her owner had donned a strap-on as well. With no further warning, Cassandra pushed the lubricated phallus against Wonder Woman’s anus. The amazon groaned at the painful intrusion, but still she welcomed it. Being double-penetrated by her lover and her Mistress was a dream come true, although it was a dream, which she had not been consciously aware of. Diana tried to relax her muscles, to allow her owner to penetrate her more easily. As an amazon with godly heritage, she was much more resilient than a normal human and soon she was filled up from both sides. Both women were now working on her, fucking her from front and back, while she tried to move in synch. Cassandra coerced her back into talking.
“Go on with your story, slave. Tell Rayna everything you did the last two days, especially about the training you received from your owner.”
“Yes, Mistress. With pleasure.”
It was not easy for Diana to keep talking, while she was fucked in two holes at once, but she tried her best, because she wanted to please her Mistress. She looked Rayna in the eyes, while she told her with very explicit details how Doreen had taken her during their session. She then went on to explain what happened during her training with Cassandra, admitted how much she loved to submit to her owner’s will. The latter was grinning with evil satisfaction. She knew her triumph over Wonder Woman was complete. Encouraging her slave to talk about the session would force her to replay it in her mind and to internalize the training even stronger. Cassandra already had some ideas how she would monetarize her new asset, but that was not top priority. As a true dominant, it was more important to know that she had forced a very strong-willed woman – a superheroine – into submission and turned her into a willing slave.
Again and again, Cassandra pumped her strap-on into the amazon’s tight hole, where the tip sank deep into the bowels, while only being inches away from Rayna’s phallus. Diana was continuously riding the large tool, which stretched her walls deliciously and gave her a feeling of fullness she had seldom experienced before. The amazon bent forward and kissed the woman she loved, while her beautiful Mistress fucked her with great expertise from behind. When it became too much, Diana had to stop the kiss and throw back her head to cry out in passion. Wonder Woman was in the throes of a powerful orgasm. Cassandra embraced the amazon from behind and began to maul her breasts, while fucking her straight through one climax into the next.
All in all, she and Rayna pumped four powerful orgasms out of Wonder Woman, before she was allowed to take a break. For the rest of their date, Diana was forced to service her lover and her owner in turns. Cassandra wanted to make sure to hammer home the message, that the amazon was beneath them. All in all, it had been a very successful weekend. At the end of their date, she was making out with Rayna, showing with passionate kisses how much she valued her employee as a friend. Wonder Woman, meanwhile, knelt on the floor, relegated to kissing the superior women’s feet and loving it. For a moment, Cassandra looked down to her slave, contemplating the different ways she could use the superheroine as a business asset.

Chapter 11: On the Prowl
Lorraine could finally relax in this cozy Parisienne bar. She had been busy all week long, since she had flown in from London to attend a conference on recruiting strategies. At just 37, Lorraine was the head of human resources in a company with more than 2000 employees, a position you did not reach by slacking. Still, now it was time to enjoy herself. She had added the weekend to her stay in Paris to visit some of the famous sights here in the City of Love. Even more importantly, she intended to score. After all, French women were famous for their beauty.
Lorraine had secured a table in a corner of the bar, from where she could watch all the other patrons. She caught some admiring looks in her own direction, taking in her long blonde hair, blue eyes and very feminine figure. It seemed the tip from her friend Kara would pay off. She had said that this bar was female-female hunting ground, though not officially labelled as a lesbian establishment.
Of course, Lorraine could simply have arranged something via a dating app, but a real hunt was just so much more fun. For an experienced predator like her, the success rate was easily high enough to satisfy her needs. Suddenly two newcomers caught her attention. One was a beautiful redhead with a blue top and skin-tight jeans. If the redhead was beautiful, her partner was outright gorgeous. Tall and with the body of a goddess, she was wearing a red dress that displayed a lot of cleavage. High heels that showed off her smooth legs made her look even taller. Her face held dark eyes and luscious lips, framed by raven hair.
Lorraine was not sure yet, if they were a couple or just good friends. They were sharing easy touches, but they were also both looking around and quite openly checking out other guests. Lorraine’s heart rate picked up, when she saw them exchange some words and then head straight in her direction. Once they reached the table, the redhead pointed at two chairs and asked something in French. Guessing the meaning, Lorraine answered in English.
“Hello. Yes, these seats are free. You are welcome to join me.”
Without missing a beat, the redhead switched to English as well.
“Thank you. My name is Rayna and this is Diana. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Lorraine.”
“Okay, I will be ordering drinks for us. Can I get you something as well?”
“That’s very kind. A scotch, please.”
“Ah, you have got the same taste as Diana. I will be right back.”
While the redhead was gone, Diana sat down. Soon they were engaged in lively small talk. If not for a slight accent, which Lorraine could not place, the other woman’s English was flawless. When she laughed at a corny joke, her face shone with even more beauty. Rayna, who had just returned with the drinks, looked fondly at her friend, while setting down the glasses. She pushed two scotch glasses towards the other women and picked up her wine.
“Here you are. I propose a toast.”
The other women thanked her and picked up their glasses as well. Rayna raised her glass.
“To beautiful women in a beautiful city.”
“Hear, hear.”
Lorraine took a healthy sip from her scotch and let the strong liquor run down her throat. Rayna had not been cheap and bought a good brand. The prospects for tonight looked very promising, though she was not sure yet if they were red or black. A few minutes later, they were engaged in lively conversation, with several flirty comments thrown in, mostly from Rayna. Yet Lorraine was still not sure what she was playing at. Rayna had checked her out quite openly and touched her arms several times. But now her left hand had landed seemingly casual on Diana’s knee. From there it moved higher, following the slit in the side of the dress. The dress parted and fell to the sides, revealing more and more smooth bronze skin.
Lorraine gulped. Watching those two had her on fire. Her pussy was creaming and she needed release, urgently. She did not care with whom. It was really astonishing how aroused she was. This had never happened before just from being close to another woman. Lorraine downed her drink to quench her sudden thirst. Why was it so hot in here?
Opposite from her, Rayna watched the blonde squirm. She was sure she was ripe for picking. The aphrodisiac she had added to the scotch glasses had once again worked well. It was time to reel in a new client. Rayna looked directly at the blonde.
“Do you like what you see?”
The businesswoman blushed for being caught, but she could not tear her eyes away. Rayna’s hand had moved close to her partner’s hip, on its way almost revealing Diana’s most private parts. Obviously deciding that bravery could lead to paradise, Lorraine slowly nodded. She needed more. Rayna grinned.
“There could be more available. Do you want to come somewhere more private?”
“With Diana or with you?”
Rayna shrugged.
“Either. Both. The latter is a valid option, though it would cost you more, obviously.”
And suddenly Lorraine understood. Those two were professionals. These prostitutes had played her, but the fire in her pussy gave her no chance to back out.
“Both would be my preferred choice. Do you accept cards? Otherwise, we might have to hit a cash-point first.”
“Cards are okay.”
Soon they were on their way. Less than 15 minutes later, they were stumbling into one of the suites in the club. On their way, they had discussed what exactly Lorraine wanted, which had turned her on even more. Once the payment was settled, the two prostitutes stripped for their new client. Diana was first. It was breathtaking to watch her dress slide down her body, leaving her in just the high-heels and her thong. Her breasts stood proud, now showing off the pierced nipples. The tall brunette hooked her fingers into the string of her thong and started pushing. Suddenly she stopped again and looked at Lorraine.
“You have such a lovely mouth. Why don’t you pull it down?”
Usually, Lorraine was too cool to be easily caught, but now she found herself on her knees before this goddess. She almost swooned at the heady aroma of this prostitute’s pussy. It was also a boost to her confidence to know that this professional was not just faking. She was really wet and aroused. Lorraine carefully scraped her teeth down the other woman’s toned abdomen, until she reached the panties and bit down on the string. Slowly she lowered herself and pulled the panties down until she was past the knees, where she dropped them and let them fall to the floor. With the taste from the soaked panties in her mouth, she knew she wanted more. Diana winked at her and guided her head into her crotch, to smother her face in her pussy. She allowed Lorraine a quick taste, but then pulled her away again.
“Thank you, but now it is Rayna’s turn.”
Lorraine pouted for a second, but then turned to watch the other prostitute strip. She did not bother to get up, probably hoping for another taste. Rayna made a great show of removing her top, revealing an impressive set of tits, held by a lacy black bra. Next, she popped the buttons of her jeans, one at a time. The prostitute turned around to shimmy out of her tight jeans. Bend over to push them down, she showed off her glorious ass. Lorraine almost salivated at the thought of getting her hands and lips on it. The redhead wiggled her ass for a few seconds, then turned. Pointing to her crotch, she looked at Lorraine.
“You want to do the honors?”
The businesswoman nodded eagerly and soon she held the string between her teeth. Slowly she bent down and pulled the black lace panties off. Once they had passed down far enough, she dropped them to the ground. As before, she was allowed a quick taste of pussy juices, but then was pulled away by Diana’s strong grip in her hair. At Lorraine’s look, the amazon just smiled.
“Don’t pout. There will be enough of it later on. Remember, you wanted us to take care of you first.”
Sliding one hand down to their client’s breasts, she began to massage them and then continued.
“Think about it. Rayna’s soft lips sucking on your lovely tits, both our mouths finding every sensitive spot on your body.”
She underlined her words with soft kisses around the blonde’s neck, before nipping and licking at her pulse point. Lorraine could only moan and let the experienced professionals take care of her clothes. Within moments, she was naked as well and had been placed on the king size bed. As promised, Rayna had latched onto her breasts, switching every so often between her nipples, while her partner was kissing her deeply. With her tongue busy buried in their client’s mouth, Diana let her hands roam over her body, finding and caressing expanses of silky-smooth skin. Every so often they changed their positions. While Diana now let her lips travel along a muscular thigh down towards her feet, the redheaded prostitute had taken control of her mouth, plundering her oral depth with searing French kisses. When she felt soft lips envelope her toes, Lorraine knew she would become a regular customer. These two whores were the best lovers she had ever experienced.
Of course, she did not know if it was just the money, but they seemed eager to serve her, especially the tall brunette. Although Lorraine’s feet had to be sweaty after such a long day, she was licking and sucking them like her favorite ice cream. It got even better, when Rayna turned her on her side and buried her face in her crotch. An eager mouth began to explore her pussy. Soon she also learned why she had to lie on her side. Diana wanted access to her backside. With Rayna’s tongue pumping into her vagina, a second tongue traveled through her crack, before settling to circle her rosebud. Oh God, this whore obviously would do anything for money. It gave Lorraine an idea she might explore later. But for the moment, she let her instincts take over, just bathing in pleasure at the feeling of being tongue-fucked in two holes at once.
Two hours later, Lorraine laid back exhausted. As promised, she had tasted both prostitute’s juices, but also been fucked several times. This night had been all she had hoped, if not more. Those two whores had been the best lovers she had ever experienced and had been very willing to please her. Especially Diana had shown an almost submissive eagerness to serve her. It gave the businesswoman an idea, a very naughty idea. Could this be the night she would fulfill one of her darkest desires? Lorraine looked thoughtfully at the two other women.
“I was wondering about an encore. After this wonderful night, I’d pay 500 Euros for a special extra.”
Rayna nodded her ascend.
“That could be arranged. There is some time left until our next appointment. What do you have in mind.”
“There is something I have wanted for a long time now, but haven’t found the right partner for. Finally, with Diana I think I found her.”
The amazon smiled encouragingly.
“Sure, what is it?”
She did expect it to be something kinky, but Lorraine’s answer had her reel back in shock.
“I always wanted the experience of using a human toilet. Diana, I want you to drink my piss.”
Still not sure she had understood her correctly, Wonder Woman shook her head.
“No, that would be too humiliating to---”
Before she could finish the sentence, Rayna interrupted her.
“You are here to please your customer. What would Cassandra want you to do?”
When thinking about her Mistress, Diana could not lie.
“She would want me to do it. My job is to earn money for her.”
“Exactly. And it is not only about the money for her. With that extra, you would have enough to buy something nice, for example that double pronged dildo we looked at while browsing the other night. I could give you a ride with it on a next date.”
Just thinking about it made Diana wet. She could no longer resist her bodies craving and gave in.
“Oh yes, we could do that.”
She turned back to their client.
“Lorraine, I will happily serve you. May I have your card once more to add the extra payment?”
After the financial side was taken care off, all three women entered the en-suite bath. There, Rayna took control of the situation.
“Diana, kneel down in the shower. There you will wait for your gift.”
The amazon obediently took up the submissive position. Lorraine loved this look on the beautiful and prior so confident woman. She sat down on the toilet seat and took the glass of cold water, Rayna offered her. She had already felt pressure on her bladder, but this extra load would ensure she could pee soon. She downed the water in quick gulps, while she kept looking at the patiently kneeling amazon. Her arousal rose at the sight of this gorgeous woman, waiting like the obedient whore she obviously was. Lorraine knew it would be an absolute pleasure to fill the sensual mouth with a hot stream of piss. A few minutes later she was ready. Like a predator, she approached her prey. She took up a position in one of the corners, with her back pressed against the walls and her legs in a wide-open stance.
“Now come and get it, girl.”
The amazon crawled closer, to get in position beneath her client. She opened her mouth wide and waited patiently for her golden shower. Lorraine rubbed the area above her pubic mound, to activate her bladder. She felt the pressure increase and knew she would be ready soon. She rubbed faster, until suddenly the dam broke. She brought her hips closer to Diana’s waiting mouth and a hot stream of piss gushed forth. With an ecstatic cry, she let loose, filling up the submissive whore’s mouth. The amazon almost pulled away when the acrid piss hit her taste buds, but her lately trained obedience won out. How effective that training had been was proven, when she felt herself getting wet at this horrendous humiliation. When her mouth filled up, she gulped down the dank liquid to make room for more. All in all, she drank down three mouth full of piss, only spilling very few droplets in her submissive eagerness to follow Lorraine’s orders. When her bladder was emptied, the business woman pulled Diana’s face into her dirty crotch.
“What a good toilet whore you are. Now clean my pussy. Suck every last droplet from my cunt.”
Wonder Woman followed the command obediently. She quickly realized that Lorraine had enjoyed this golden gift just as much as she had. The blonde climaxed, while Diana licked all the fluids from around her mound. A few minutes later, all three women showered together, before Lorraine had to go. Though before she left, she hired them for a new date set in the following month. She wanted to repeat the euphoric feeling she got from filling a beautiful woman’s mouth with her piss. After their client had left, Rayna fucked her partner to two successive orgasms, once again teaching her that each submissive or degrading act would be rewarded with pleasure. From her seat in the observation lounge, Cassandra watched the interaction with a dark smile. Wonder Woman had become just the willing slave she wanted her to be and even got pleasure from degrading herself.

Epilog: Enjoying the Success
Tonight, Diana was working with a very special client and loving every moment of it. The last few months with Rayna, Cassandra and the others had given her a sexual freedom she had not felt since her time on Themyscira. Although her first contact with men’s world had already been an eye-opener, since it made her realize she could love not just women, most of her time in this world she had repressed some part of herself – the more hedonistic, sexually active part she was now rediscovering. And tonight, she was rediscovering it with none other than the famous actress Kristen Stewart. Currently she was eating out the slim woman’s tasty pussy, while she was sitting on her face.
The actress was not just taking it, though. She was bent forward and eating out Wonder Woman in the usual 69 fashion. What was unusual about their position, was that they were not simply lying on a bed, but hovering in the air instead. For the first time in her career as a prostitute, the amazon was not selling her body as Diana, but as Wonder Woman. Her owner had easily convinced her, that it would be the natural progression of her career to sell herself as a superheroine whore, at least for special clients who could afford the massive price increase. She had been wearing her costume for the introduction – though only the boots and skirt were left by now – and shown her client some tricks like levitating, to prove she was really Wonder Woman. Kristen Stewart had quickly proven herself to be an inventive lover, making good use of Diana’s abilities for a unique sex experience.
Wonder Woman enjoyed to be herself during this session. It made it so much more satisfying to be able to serve the actress in her full capacity, without having to hold back a part of her super strength and abilities. Cassandra had taught her that over the last few weeks, by training her not just as Diana, but also as Wonder Woman. Even in her full superheroine mode, she was now a completely devoted slave to her Mistress, just as it was meant to be. That did not mean she no longer fought evil. Her owner had no interest in a world overrun by one super villain or the other. Cassandra had simply shown her, that the most important way to serve mankind was to serve Mistress or her clients. Oh, how much did she enjoy to serve, especially of course her owner, but a dominant client like Kristen Stewart was so much fun as well.
After she had come while riding the amazon, the actress had ordered Diana to kneel face-down on the bed. Seconds later, she penetrated her with a big strap-on from behind, knowing that the superheroine could take even such a monstrous ten-inch dildo. Soon, Kristen fucked the amazon in a hard rhythm, pumping in and out. When she felt Wonder Woman accommodate to the huge intruder, she began to spank her with powerful slaps on her ass cheeks. After twenty minutes of being fucked in the ass, Wonder Woman came with a satisfied groan. It was wonderful to be taken so thoroughly by the beautiful actress. Later she was kneeling before her client to serve her. Diana loved this position, since it allowed her to show off her nipple piercings to her audience of one. The ‘C’ on the right side for her owner and the ‘R’ on the left side for her lover. Submissively, Wonder Woman started to kiss her client’s feet. She would make her way up slowly, before she would suck on that delicious pussy once more.
From the observation lounge, Cassandra watched the show with deep satisfaction. Pimping out Diana in her Wonder Woman persona had earned her 250 grand. And she was sure, for the right clientele she could increase the price to a full million, like one of the many female supervillains. She just would have to be careful, or she might lose the control of her asset to a more powerful player. Nor did she want any harm to befall Wonder Woman at the hand of one of these villainesses. Cassandra truly cared for her girls and Diana was now one of them. Wonder Woman actually had become the most profitable whore in her stable.
The end
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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I'm glad you liked it. :)
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Great story, love those slow corruptions
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thank you. That is nice to know. :)
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Superheroine submission is a hundred times hotter when she retains her power.

For men I can see the power fantasy of taking a Superheroines power away and making her helpless. That is fine.

As a woman who has always held the power, what gets me is the Superheroine with all her power being forced by her own need to submit. A goddess, still a goddess, on her knees.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thank you. Very good insight.
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Very well done! Slow and steady sexual and psychological pressure does the trick plus, of course, drugs and her lasso. WW never had a chance when Cassandra ultimately took control of the training.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thanks a lot for your kind words. :)
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That was amazing! I love how first Rayna and then Cassandra used the Magic Lasso as a way of controlling Wonder Woman and brainwashing her to become a slave. I don't usually see the magic lasso used in stories or movies so this was a great treat.
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Bronson881 wrote:
1 year ago
That was amazing! I love how first Rayna and then Cassandra used the Magic Lasso as a way of controlling Wonder Woman and brainwashing her to become a slave. I don't usually see the magic lasso used in stories or movies so this was a great treat.
There are a lot of stories with Wonder Woman being controlled by her lasso if you search for them, I believe.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

Sargeant 1st Class
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Bronson881 wrote:
1 year ago
That was amazing! I love how first Rayna and then Cassandra used the Magic Lasso as a way of controlling Wonder Woman and brainwashing her to become a slave. I don't usually see the magic lasso used in stories or movies so this was a great treat.
Thank you for your nice comment. :)

Though DrDominator9 is correct. There are other stories out there with the lasso used in a similar way.
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Thanks guys. I will look it up.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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For example you could lock for the stories "Wonder Woman: Wanton Woman" and "Wonder Woman: Jailhouse Rock". Both are from Disciple, iirc.
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