What DC is doing with Power Girl in 2023

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I'm sure some people on here are wondering what the hell DC Comics has been doing with Power Girl lately,
given that she's not really regularly appeared in comics in quite a while, since the runs involving Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti
10 years ago. The last time there was a book with "Power Girl" even in the name was the Harley Quinn team-up which ended in 2015.

After that, not much of substance, kind of like DC was just avoiding the issue. They even tried to make a new black t**nage Power Girl (Tanya Spears) with a very similar vibe to Riri Williams, who appeared in some Titans issues etc, but that didn't stick. Not sure why they just didn't keep pushing and doubling down on Tanya, but then again there are a bunch of Titans characters that aren't being used these days.

In the meantime, I created a character in tribute to Power Girl for Heroineburgh called Poderosa (Power Woman in Spanish) to get us through these
dark days of little or no Karen Starr. She's Puerto Rican, and named Rosa Perez after George Perez. Poderosa is our single most popular character (even without a boob window) so obviously there is some pent-up interest in the design of such an iconic costume.

Anyway.... just recently decided to find out if there are any new boob-window developments on the horizon, and lo and behold, we are now in the thick of a small Power Girl revival. She appeared in January 2023 in the 'Lazarus Planet' crossover series, where her trip to the planet of Lazarus Pits garnered her special new psychic powers which allow her to enter people's minds.

Then, there was a backup story in Action Comics 1051-1053 that just finished this month (I found it easily on RCO) where she uses her powers to help a series of compatriots including Beast Boy, Supergirl (no, they don't make out, sorry) and Jon Kent. The art is by Marguerite Bennett, with whom you may be familiar from her work on Bombshells. Most of her characters look very "fashion-plate" more than superheroic, and the same look is achieved here with her current costume design shown below.

The voluptuousness is of course toned down, and the heroines all have these little cute jackets which are unnecessary and detract from the uniqueness of the Black Canary look. The only plus is that the red-haired Omen (the Titan formerly known as Lilith) is in the issues as well, and she does look very pretty, if still suffering the lack of curves just like the rest of these Bennett renditions. As I said, it looks like a magazine of colorful fashion drawings.

Next up, that story will continue in a one-shot issue which will hit the comic stands on May 30: Power Girl One-Shot Special
by Leah Williams and Marguerite Bennett. Will the story be mostly talking about feelings in other dimensional hallways? I don't know, but I'm giving you the heads-up to find out in May.
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