Wonder Woman and the Island of Women

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Joined: 1 year ago

Wonder Woman and the Island of Women
By Vega Taxeca

Disclaimer: The character of Wonder Woman and other known characters in this story is owned by DC Comics, Warner Brothers-Discovery and associated companies. This story is not meant to infringe on their copyright. There will be no monetary gain connected to writing this story.
The Wonder Woman in this story is loosely based on the recent DCEU movies. Other known characters are very loosely based on different movie/tv versions. The main villainess in this story is mostly based on my ideas of the mythological origin. I only later realized that she has been used in DC comics as well.

Diana Prince stepped away from the helicopter, which had brought her to this remote Greek island. Close to the landing pad two women were waiting for her. She recognized one as Cassandra Colios, the woman who had invited her here. Diana had checked out her background, before she accepted the offer to help as archaeological consultant on some findings. During renovation work they had found old mosaics and texts and they wanted her to evaluate them. Diana was happy, for once to be needed as an arts expert and not as a hero. For Diana Prince was the secret identity of none other than Wonder Woman, the most famous female super hero alive. She greeted both women.
“Hi, i am Diana Prince, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you. I am Cassandra Colios, but please call me Cassandra.”
“Thank you. Then call me Diana.”
When Cassandra shook her hand, her fingers lingered just a moment too long. Then she introduced her companion.
“This is Rayna, my personal assistant. If there is anything you need, just ask her.”
Diana shook hands with the stunning blonde.
“Hi, nice to meet you.”
A friendly smile played on Rayna’s lips.
“It is a pleasure to meet you. You can come to me at any time.”
She looked to be of nordic descent, unlike her boss, who had classical Mediterranean looks. But with her long black hair and her tall figure Cassandra was even more beautiful than her assistant. She was almost as tall as Diana, with shapely legs and strong arms. Fitting for the sunny weather, she was wearing a white blouse and a loose brown skirt, yet she was just as imposing as if she had worn a power suit. Diana was sure that this woman knew how to command. They were exchanging small talk on the way to Cassandra’s house. This gave Diana the opportunity to study her current company and their surroundings. As an experienced fighter she had learned to always be watchful, though she saw no reason to be suspicious. Actually she felt rather secure, almost at home here. After a moment, she realized the reason: All the persons they had met or seen during their walk were female. Even the pilot, Arianna, had been a woman. She mentioned this to Cassandra.
“Yes, that is correct. On this island lives no man, since I very much prefer female company. And luckily I am in the comfortable situation of being able to choose my company. I really hope you will feel welcome here.”
There was a flirtatious undertow to her words. Diana smiled.
„I am sure, I will. I once lived on another island, where there was no man and felt very much at home there.”
They had reached what Cassandra had called “the house”, but in reality it was a huge mansion. Its back seemed to stretch directly to the cliffs of the island’s steep mountains. Cassandra led her directly to her office. Once they were seated, she turned to Rayna.
“Is Diana’s room ready?”
“Yes, Cassandra. By now, Arianna will have brought Diana’s luggage up as well.”
Cassandra turned back to Diana with a smile.
“Do you want to freshen up a bit? It is too late to start working today, but I could show you the mosaics while there is still light.”
Diana returned the smile easily.
“I’m okay. So I would love to take your offer.”
Of course she did not add that with her godly nature it actually took quite some effort not to look fresh and shiny. The three women walked through a number of halls and rooms, until they reached an older part at the back of the mansion. There were signs of recent renovation work being done and then they stopped near a pile of rubble. Next to it was a fresh opening in the wall, behind which a dark room stretched. Rayna turned on a flashlight, while Cassandra turned to her guest.
“While working here, one of my girls realized that there were hollow parts in this wall, which should have been impossible, since this is where the mountain starts. I ordered them to make a breakthrough, since this part of the house hasn’t been used in decades. I was curious what could be behind it, but our findings surpassed my imagination. It must have been some kind of ancient library. The content was well preserved, probably because it was so cool in here. We carefully removed all texts to keep them in a safer place, but the mosaics adorning the walls are still there. Most of them are still covered in soot and dirt, since we decided to wait for an expert. But there are enough pieces visible to show the absolute beauty of these works of art. I am sure you will love them as much as I do.”
Diana nodded. Cassandra had added some pictures to the invitation letter. If these mosaics were genuine, they would be an archaeological sensation. Rayna entered first to provide light, then stepped aside to make room for Diana to follow her. Once the amazon had entered, she realized the true dimensions of the library. It was a massive hall of at least 60 feet length and 40 feet width, divided by columns and arches. Cassandra entered as well and together they walked to a section of the wall which had been cleaned. Once Diana had a chance to look at the mosaic, her eyes widened. These pictures were very erotic in nature, some even explicit. The photos Cassandra had sent her had only shown details, not giving away the true nature of the mosaics. And Diana could understand why. Sending the whole picture to a stranger could be considered an act of indecency. There was one picture of two naked women kissing, another one of a woman fondling her partner’s breasts. One showed a woman kneeling between another woman’s open legs and licking her hairy slit. It was so life-like, looking at it was arousing Diana. While she was still studying it, she felt Cassandra’s hand on her back.
“So I assume you like them, don’t you?”
Her voice was almost an octave deeper than usual. Diana shuddered lightly, but then she recovered her senses.
“Yes, they are beautiful. From the style, they look classical. I cannot say without further examinations, if they really are that old, but they were made by a great artist, no matter when. Do you know anything more about this room?”
“Not much. As I said, nobody has been here for decades. I believe this library was covered up because of the rise of the Christians. If they had known about it, they would have destroyed it just as they did with the library of Alexandria. But although my family has owned this island for a long time, there are of course no records left of that long ago.”
“Yes, I understand. And that does seem like a good theory. You have noticed that this mosaic only shows women?”
“Of course. That is the reason I love it so much.”
Both women smiled. At this moment Rayna made her presence known again.
“I like that picture. That woman really owns her girl’s pussy. I would love to be in her hands.”
Her light fell on a picture of two black haired women standing next to each other. The taller one held her hand possessively between her partner’s legs. Diana felt heat rise in her own pussy. For some reason, she really shared Rayna’s sentiment, although she usually was the dominant in her relationships. Cassandra’s closeness added to her arousal, since the beautiful woman had still the hand on Diana’s back. Together they watched a while longer, until Rayna mentioned how late it was. Finally Cassandra stepped back and addressed her guest.
“Rayna is right. You had a long day. I would like to dine with you later, then we can discuss the details.”
Diana almost felt a pang of regret at their separation, but she smiled politely.
“Thank you. That would be nice.”
“Okay, then Rayna will show you your room. If I may suggest, she could give you a massage, to help you relax after your long journey. Her hands are really magic.”
Diana did not have to think long.
“That sounds great, that is if Rayna doesn’t mind.”
“Of course not. It would be a pleasure to get my hands on such a beautiful woman.”
All three of them laughed and it was settled. Rayna led the guest back through the mansion and then upstairs. They talked amiably on their way. Diana found the blonde had a dry sense of humor, with many of her jokes slightly on the inappropriate side. Once they had reached their goal, Rayna opened the door and invited her in. The room was huge, with two further doors probably leading to the bath and dressing room. Ahead of them was a king sized ornately carved four poster bed. Next to the bed was Diana’s luggage. She turned to her guide.
“This is Cassandra’s room, isn’t it?”
The blonde smirked.
“Yes, what gave it away?”
The amazon was speechless for a moment. When she turned to Rayna, she discovered an oil painting on the wall. The life sized painting showed her hostess Cassandra declining regally on her bed, and in all her naked glory. Her right leg was lightly bent, giving a free view of her neatly trimmed pussy, while she confidently looked towards her onlookers.
“She is gorgeous. I mean, the room is gorgeous; that gave it away.”
Rayna just grinned at her slip of tongue.
“You might want to change into something more casual for the massage. You can use the dressing room, while I prepare everything.”
Rayna held up the bag and towels she had picked up on their way. Diana followed her advice. She picked up the overnight bag and went through the door the blonde had pointed at. Diana was no prude, so she would not have minded to change in front of the other woman. But she needed to remove her bracelets before they could start the massage. If Rayna saw them, it might give away Diana’s secret identity. She did not feel threatened here, quite on the contrary, but that was no reason to become careless. Just because Rayna probably did mean no harm, did not prevent automatically that somebody else exploited this information. Wonder Woman had many enemies.
But there was no reason to be overly cautious either. Even without the bracelets Diana was confident she could defend herself against any attack on this island. But she really did not expect any treachery here. On the contrary, she felt very safe here. Probably being on an island full of women reminded her of Themyscira, her home island. Yes, being on an island with women had to be the reason she felt so safe. And so aroused, she added as an afterthought. After packing away the bracelets, Diana returned to the main room, only clad in a pair of pajama bottoms. Rayna had spread a towel on the bed. She was just rubbing her hands to warm them up and did not hide an appreciative whistle, when she looked at Diana.
“Wow, you look amazing. Please lie down on the towel and make yourself comfortable. We will start right away.”
Diana followed the instructions and rested her head on a pillow, with her arms at her side. Rayna pulled down her pajama bottoms a bit then placed a towel over her thighs and butt. A moment later Diana felt the other woman kneel above her and then settle down on her thighs. Soon skilled hands smoothed over her skin along the spine. These soft touches prepared Diana for the next step, when the blonde pressed harder and used circling motions. The massage caused opposing emotions in the amazon. It was relaxing, but also at the same time arousing. Whenever Diana opened her eyes, the latter feeling was enhanced, because in her position she looked directly at the painting of the naked Cassandra. Thoughts of her beautiful hostess touching her skin for a different reason entered her mind. All the time strong hands moved over her body, Diana imagined different hands enter her body. She could not hold back a moan. She heard a whisper at her ear.
“It is good to know you enjoy my work. I do hope we will get even better acquainted in the coming days.”
Hands moved under her body and ghosted along the sides of her breasts. Then Rayna withdrew.
“Okay, we are finished for now. I will pick you up in half an hour for your dinner with Cassandra. Is that enough time?”
“Yes, thank you. I will just shower quickly. It is just an informal dinner, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is. I think tomorrow Cassandra would like you to join dinner in the main hall, so that you can meet everybody. But tonight it is just the two of you.”
‚Just the two of you.‘ These words sent a tingle along Diana’s spine. The thought of being alone with Cassandra felt really enticing. Diana turned around to the blonde.
“That sounds nice. And thanks again for the massage.”
“My pleasure.” Rayna suddenly looked almost awestruck. Her eyes were glued to Diana’s chest. „Your tits are magnificent. I am quite proud that I could refrain myself from doing anything naughtier.”
Diana laughed at the crass, but honest appraisal.
“Thank you, I suppose. Or should I be unhappy about it?”
Rayna grinned as well.
“Obviously the latter. But your visit has just started. Maybe I will be able to make you happy one of these days.”
“I am looking forward to it.”
While the blonde left and Diana prepared her shower, she contemplated their conversation. It was true, she wouldn’t mind to make love to the blonde. She was beautiful and Diana liked her quirky sense of humor. But at the same time she knew that she was much more interested in Cassandra. She was even more beautiful than Rayna and also more dominant, in a very appealing way. The attraction was so strong that Diana became suspicious for a moment. Could Cassandra have been manipulating her thoughts? But no, Wonder Woman’s godly heritage protected her against such forms of mind control. And she would have noticed even a failed attempt. The shower was a quick affair. Back in the master bedroom, she sent a look at the painting. Probably a part of her feelings for Cassandra came from knowing how she looked without her clothes.
“Are you really so flawless underneath your clothes?” She asked the painting.
In another part of the mansion, an answer was whispered.
“That’s for you to find out, Princess.”
Then Cassandra shut off the surveillance feed.
Later at dinner, Diana’s hostess opened the conversation.
“Did you enjoy your massage?”
Diana nodded with a smile.
“Yes, thank you. Your Rayna is very talented.”
“Indeed, she has very skilled hands. I love to feel them on my skin. Not the only reason I have chosen her as my assistant, but an important one.”
“Good thinking. So what was your reason to choose me? That I am a woman?”
“Well, that was part of the reason. I try to avoid having men on this island as much as possible. Not just for my own comfort, but also because some of my girls have made bad experiences with men in the past. I want to provide them a place to feel safe. But the main reason I chose you is that you are a brilliant expert on classical and pre-classical Greece. The moment I saw your picture, I knew you could be of great service to me.”
“Thank you. I am glad I came. This looks like a very interesting find. Those mosaics were really impressive.”
“You liked what you saw, didn’t you?” The question was accompanied by a knowing smirk.
“Well, yes, they looked very life-like. It is good to know that once there was obvious tolerance for diversity. And looking at your fellow islanders, I have to assume you liked it as well.” Diana turned the little jab back to her hostess.
Cassandra smiled easily.
“Oh, of course. Most of those positions I am quite familiar with.”
Diana almost choked on her wine at this risqué admission. Though truth be told she could have said the same, she would not have stated it to a virtual stranger. After all these years in men’s world, she had learned to be careful about her privacy. But Cassandra’s willingness to be so honest allowed her to be more playful herself.
“Well, good for you. Or for your partner, depending on the position.”
Both laughed at this joke, until Cassandra changed the topic.
“So, do you want to see more of the mosaics tomorrow? Or do you want to look at the papyri first?”
“Well, as tempting as the mosaics might be, they should be in a stable condition. Waiting a few days won’t make any difference. The papyri on the other hand might be in danger of disintegration. So I will look at them first. Once I have determined their condition, I can make an informed decision which should be my priority.”
Cassandra nodded.
“That makes sense. They looked quite well preserved to me, but I am no expert, so it is a good idea for you to check them out as soon as possible. And while working on them, you can dream about looking at more erotic mosaics afterwards. Should be good motivation.”
Diana laughed, but teased right back.
“With that nice painting of you in my room, I don’t think I will need any more mosaics.”
“I am glad, you like it. You should memorize it tonight. You never know when you might need the knowledge.”
Both women smiled. They engaged in small talk until they had finished dinner. Rayna was called, so that she could guide Diana back to her room, and Cassandra wished her a good night before departing. On their way back to Diana’s room her guide informed her when she would bring her breakfast. They had just reached the hall with Diana’s room, when the unmistaken sounds of love-making could be heard.
Rayna smiled.
“One reason we love to live here. There is always somebody living here to love.”
Diana just smirked.
“Well, it seems they have fun.”
Now that she was aware of it, she could hear several more couples go at it, thanks to her enhanced hearing. All those sounds of pleasure were starting to arouse her. Once Rayna had left, Diana prepared for bed. She had just finished when she heard more sounds of love-making from outside. Curiously Diana stepped outside onto her balcony. In the garden she saw Cassandra, reclining on a bench, with her skirt pulled up. Between her legs knelt another woman, maybe Rayna, and was eating her out. The look of bliss on Cassandra’s face was a good sign of her lover’s talents. Diana could not stop watching for long moments, until her hostess cried out in pleasure. After her climax, Cassandra opened her eyes. Once they found Diana on the balcony, Cassandra winked at her. The amazon blushed at being caught and stepped back inside. Diana lay down on her bed, but she could not rid her mind of the image of Rayna servicing Cassandra so enthusiastically. And suddenly she remembered something her hostess had said:
“The moment I saw your picture, I knew you could be of great service to me.”
Immediately the image in her mind changed. Now it was Diana who knelt between Cassandra’s legs and licked her pussy. Usually the amazon was very dominant in bed, but somehow this more submissive scenario felt very compelling. Soon Diana was immensely aroused. Her eyes found the oil painting of Cassandra’s naked body. With her eyes locked onto it, Diana started to touch herself. Soon after, her body was wrecked by a glorious orgasm. Many more followed and each one was accompanied by fantasies of Diana licking her hostess’ pussy or being fucked by her. Diana could not remember to ever have masturbated as much in a single night.
The next morning after breakfast, it was Cassandra herself who came to show her to the archives.
“Good morning. I hope you have slept well.”
“Thank you. Like a baby.”
“Good. Nice dreams?”
Diana blushed lightly.
“Err, yes, very nice ones.”
It seemed to her, her hostess was smirking, as if she knew something. Maybe Diana had not been as quiet last night as she had hoped. Well, so what? In this place, it should not be a problem. Quite the opposite, probably. For a moment, Diana contemplated the idea of all this women listening in to her pleasuring herself. It was a thrill to imagine it, making her wet from just thinking about it. Usually Diana was not much of an exhibitionist, but today the thought of giving a show aroused her. Somehow she was sure that Cassandra would approve. Finally they reached the archive, an air-cooled room in the basement. The hostess led Diana to the first of several sealed boxes.
“Here, I suggest you start with this box. Over there is a desk with tools and anything else you might need.”
Cassandra helped her guest to set up a work place, then left her alone.
“If you need anything, call Rayna. Otherwise I’ll see you at lunch.”
“Thank you.”
Once Diana had arranged everything to her satisfaction, she opened the box carefully. She was astonished with what she found. Inside were dozens of papyri, each sealed individually in see-through plastics. But the surprise was not just the number of papyri, but also their condition. Where she had expected to find withered pieces, many papyri still seemed mostly intact and readable. At the first glance, the writing style seemed classical Greek, though she spotted some words which indicated the pre-classical period. So it seemed these were copies of even older scrolls. First she set up to make photos of all the papyri, so that she could work on the translations without having to use the real ones. At some point she would remove some papyri to test their age, but securing their content had the highest priority.
Diana’s mother tongue was actually archaic Greek, but she would have been able to read the slightly younger pre-classical and classical versions, even without the linguistic talents of all the amazons. Like her sisters, Diana could understand hundreds of languages. While she prepared the first papyrus for the photo, she read its first lines instinctively.
“My lips touch your lips, you Goddess-blessed beauty, while I already contemplate to taste your other pair of lips. I imagine the divine essence of your love juices, which will coat those lips.”
‘Wow’, Diana thought, ‘that is quite explicit.’ She quickly scanned the rest of the text and confirmed her suspicion. It was sapphic, written from the point of view of a woman loving another woman. It did not surprise her after seeing the mosaics, but it probably would have been her first thought anyway. She did like sex with men as well, but she was a true amazon, and she connected pleasure with women first and foremost. Reading the text now more thoroughly, Diana felt herself getting hot. It was well written and quite arousing. She wondered about its exact age. Could it have been written by Sappho herself? Or was it older and might have influenced her? Diana just re-read the text once more, before she was finally able to pull away and continue working.
From her office, Cassandra watched her guest through the surveillance feed. Seeing Diana’s reaction, she smirked.
“Those texts do affect you, Princess, don’t they? Well, that’s their purpose. And the fun part is, the effect goes much deeper than you realize. Every single one of those papyri is actually an enchantment, stoking the desire in you to experience what they describe. Of course the magic is low-level enough that they do not trigger your godly resistance. Luckily there are so many of them.”
Cassandra chuckled.
“I will check on you at lunch. Let’s see, if you are ready for taking by then.”
The woman, who called herself Cassandra nowadays, but was once known as Circe, the most powerful sorceress of ancient Greece, switched off the surveillance feed.
It had taken Diana longer than expected to take all the pictures of the papyri. Several times she had gotten distracted by the texts and read them first. All of the papyri were erotic in nature, many of them quite explicit and always sapphic. By the time Diana had started to translate the first text, she was feeling very aroused. And it was getting worse, since now she was reading every one of them and not just a few because of being distracted. The papyri had covered many different scenarios, including threesomes and foursomes. Diana could not stop thinking about women, sex, pussies and breasts. It did not help that she was on an island of women, who probably would be willing partners. Several times Diana had caught herself writing one-handed, because her other hand was rubbing her crotch. It was in one of those moments, when her hostess appeared in the room. Diana quickly removed her left hand, blushing lightly. Cassandra gave no sign, if she had seen it and put down a tray with food and drinks.
“Here, I brought you some nourishment. I want to make sure, you keep your strength. Here, have some fresh grape juice.”
The amazon thanked her with a nod, when she handed her a glass with juice.
“Ah, yes, something to drink would be nice. Hm, juice, just what I had dreamed of.”
Though Diana made sure, not to tell her hostess what kind of juices she had dreamed about. She felt heat rise in her body, just thinking about it. Cassandra came closer and looked at the desk.
“So what have you found out yet? It looks as if you could read it.”
“Yes, it is written in classical Greek, maybe with a pre-classical origin. Though I still have to confirm the age.”
“Yes, I understand that it will take longer. Could you read me a bit from one of the texts? Maybe this one?”
Cassandra pointed at the papyrus her guest had just been working on. Diana picked it up.
“Okay, but I must warn you. They are erotic in nature and quite explicit.”
“How intriguing, I love explicit.”
Diana nodded and started to read.
“I love to drink from your well, my beloved. I want to push my tongue in your innermost core and taste the salty-sweet juices of your pleasure. Wrap your legs around me and pull me in, my beloved. I want to bring you the pleasure only a woman can grant her sister.”
Cassandra smirked.
“Well, I would definitely say yes to such a lovely offer. Especially if it came from the lips of such a beauty as you are. Let me taste them.”
Cassandra leant closer and kissed her guest. Diana returned the kiss for several moments, but then pulled back reluctantly.
“Sorry, I like you, but we should not mix our business relationship with a private one.”
“Okay, as you wish.” Cassandra said magnanimously. Then she grinned. “And of course, there is still plenty of time for you to change your mind. Anyway, I would like to invite you to dinner tonight in the main hall. I want to give all my girls a chance to meet you. And I want to give you a chance to see my girls. We might even have a little show.”
Diana nodded.
“Thank you. It would be my pleasure to be there.”
“Okay, Rayna will pick you up at six.”
Diana agreed and returned to work while her hostess left.
A few minutes later, Cassandra talked with Rayna in her office. She pointed to the open surveillance feed.
“The Princess is still able to resist, but she is showing strong signs of being affected. I think tonight I will be able to break through and fuck her. You will provide the show together with Arianna. She knows you already, so the effect will be bigger. And tell the others that they shall keep sending. We may never underestimate her. After all she is of godly descent.”
“Of course, Cassandra. Everything will happen as you wish.”
Rayna left to start her preparations.
A knock on the door awoke Diana from her thoughts. With embarrassment she realized that she had been rubbing her pussy for the last ten minutes without writing a single word. She quickly changed her position and called out an invitation. Rayna entered to remind her of the time. Diana stored the latest papyrus away and followed the younger woman to her room. There was less than an hour left before dinner would start. Rayna promised to pick her up again and left her to change, but only after she had jokingly offered to help her take off the clothes. Diana had laughed, but sent her away. No need to show a virtual stranger how wet her panties had become from reading all those erotic papyri. Not that the offer had been meant seriously, of course. Maybe she should have accepted just to see the reaction. For a moment, Diana fantasized about being stripped naked by Cassandra’s beautiful assistant. She imagined the blonde lick her lips while she pulled down the soaked panties. With a start, Diana realized she was still standing in the middle of her room. With new determination she went for a quick shower and then picked a set of fresh clothes. She chose an almost sheer white blouse, a wide red skirt and a pair of black high-heels. She had taken of her bracelets. Somebody might get suspicious seeing them, though she did not contemplate why she thought somebody might see her without her blouse. And anyway, she felt very safe here, safer than anywhere before outside of her home island of Themyscira. Right on time, Rayna appeared to pick her up. She led her to a large u-shaped hall. It was filled with tables of different sizes, many of them already occupied. Everybody here was female. Many of the women looked in open admiration at the amazon. The seating arrangements were peculiar, since all chairs were on one side of their table, always facing to the inner part of the “u”. Diana vaguely remembered that Cassandra had mentioned a show, so that made sense. Rayna led her to a two-seater table, where Cassandra was already waiting. The hostess greeted her with a friendly hug.
“Hello Diana, you look fabulous. Here, have a seat.”
Cassandra pulled a chair out for her. Diana sat down and thanked her hostess.
“Thank you! You look great as well.”
Cassandra was wearing a cream-colored top and a short black leather skirt. The top made her breasts look delectable, especially since she was obviously wearing no bra underneath it. Her black high-heel sandals were even taller than Diana’s so that both of them were exactly eye-to-eye. She sat down next to Diana. The amazon pointed at the arrangement of the hall.
“So will there be the show you mentioned?”
“Yes, later when the meal has started. I am sure you will enjoy it. Among my girls they are very popular. I hope you won’t mind, if I do not introduce them to you tonight. I thought it would be too much at once and you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the show. You will get to know them more intimately over the next few weeks anyway. No need to bombard you with all those names.”
„That’s okay. As you said, I will be here for quite a while, working on all these papyri. You have many gorgeous women living here. This place could be a model school.”
“Thanks, I do love to surround myself with beauty. And of course you fit right in.”
Diana blushed lightly.
“You are very beautiful yourself. You stand out even among this group.”
“Well let’s say a toast to beautiful women and their appreciation.”
Cassandra raised her glass of wine and waited for her guest to follow suit. She looked Diana deep into the eyes while they both took a sip. Afterwards Cassandra raised her left hand and played with Diana’s hair.
“Everything is perfect about you, from your lovely hair down to your never-ending legs. I have imagined already what they might feel like wrapped around my body.”
Cassandra moved her hand lower and caressed Diana’s thigh.
The amazon was getting warmer at this blatant flirting. Although she knew that it would be considered inappropriate in men’s world, she made no move to resist. The whole day while she had translated texts about women loving women, she had fantasized about doing those things with her gorgeous hostess. She had thought about kissing her and so much more. If they had not been in public, she might have started right here. The food being served broke the rising tension between them – at least for now.
Delicious European oysters were served as an entreé. Cassandra was looking at her guest while she slurped hers. It reminded Diana that oysters were traditionally considered to be aphrodisiacs. And she would love to taste another salty goodness soon. While they finished their treat, large windows suddenly appeared on the inside of the “u”. The room inside was lit, showing a large bed in the middle. From the other side two women appeared. Diana recognized Rayna and Arianna, the dark-haired helicopter pilot. They walked in hand in hand, smiling at each other. Both women were barefoot, wearing tight jeans and t-shirts. Arianna climbed on the bed and knelt in the center. Then Rayna followed and knelt directly behind her. Rayna embraced her partner from behind and started to play with her breasts, rubbing them and kneading them through the thin shirt. Arianna leant her head back on the blondes shoulder, enjoying the attention to her large pair of breasts.
Meanwhile Diana felt wetness pool in her loins, ever since she realized what kind of show it would be. When she looked to Cassandra, her hostess gave her a devilish smirk.
“Do you enjoy the show, Diana?”
“It’s very hot. How far will they go?”
“All the way. Here we make sure that every woman will leave satisfied. You don’t mind, do you?”
She lightly caressed Diana’s thigh, as if to show her concern. The amazon felt how close it was getting to her core.
“No, of course not. I have always admired the female body.”
“Then maybe we can arrange later for you to get an even closer look. But for now let’s concentrate on those beauties. Oh, look! Rayna is just exposing those impressive tits of Arianna. She really has the largest rack on this island.”
Indeed Rayna had pulled off her lover’s t-shirt, thereby revealing that Arianna was not wearing a bra. Diana suspected that neither woman did. She was proven right when Arianna turned around and pulled off the blonde’s t-shirt. The lovers wrapped the arms around each other and kissed. Diana could see their tongues duel while the breasts pressed into each other. After several minutes of kissing, Rayna again took the initiative. She kissed down her lover’s neck and body, softly pushing her on her back. Hovering over her lover, Rayna sensuously opened the zipper of her jeans. Crawling backwards, she pulled the jeans slowly down her legs. Arianna raised her legs to allow her blonde lover to remove the jeans completely. Arianna’s panties followed next, revealing a pussy covered in nicely trimmed dark hair. Without delay Rayna started to lick the pussy in front of her.
Enraptured Diana watched the scene. It made her hot to see the beautiful Rayna eat out another woman so expertly. She had problems to restrain herself from rubbing her own pussy. Diana was caught off guard when the main treat was served at their table. It was a deliciously smelling dish of salmon trout. Like waking from a dream, she looked around and saw Cassandra smiling at her.
“It is fun to watch Rayna, isn’t it? She is a superb pussy licker. You should give her a try one of these days.”
Cassandra spoke as if it was something completely common to discuss, like talking about your favorite wine. Diana asked her about it.
“You seem to have a very relaxed attitude towards sex.”
“Oh yes, of course. There is nothing evil about sex, nothing shameful about enjoying it. I think all that baggage connected with it in Man’s World comes from it being intertwined with procreation. We don’t have that problem on our island. So we see no reason not to enjoy sex in all its forms. And I really hope you will, too.”
“Well, I might,” said Diana flirtatiously.
A cry of pleasure caught their attention. Rayna had just made her lover come. After a moment of rest, it was Arianna who took the initiative. One by one she stripped Rayna of her clothes. Once the blonde was naked, Arianna made her kneel on all fours. From behind Arianna caressed her lover’s body, stroking languishly over smooth skin. When she reached the butt, she stopped for a moment to knead the well-rounded cheeks. Rayna arched her back and moaned. Arianna responded by rubbing her lover between her legs. The left arm was wrapped around Rayna’s body to keep her in place. Arianna stopped the rubbing for a second and sucked on her index finger. It was dripping with saliva, when she pushed it between Rayna’s pussy lips. Once it was in to the knuckle, she pulled out, only to repeat the motion. Each time she pushed her finger deeper, until it was as deep as possible. From here she began to fuck her lover in a steady rhythm. Rayna’s mouth was open as she moaned almost constantly.
Diana felt herself getting wet. She was incredibly turned on by the show. A quick glance left and right told her she was not the only one. Many women in the audience were kissing or even groping each other openly. Turning to her hostess, she saw Cassandra looking at her.
“Good show?” she asked the amazon.
“Yes, very good.” Diana answered honestly.
“I am glad you like. For you see I could picture us in the same position. Would you like that?”
Cassandra once more caressed her thigh. Diana was so aroused, she had problems to form an answer that was not just a moan.
“Yes, I think I would. Very much so.”
“Okay, let’s enjoy the rest of the show. Then come with me.”
Watching Arianna fuck the beautiful blonde until she came with a cry of pleasure had Diana even more on edge. The two women in the center bowed and left to the applause of the audience. Cassandra got up and held out her hand.
“Come, let’s go. I can’t wait any longer.”
Diana did not hesitate to take the hand and follow her hostess. Once outside the main hall, Cassandra suddenly pushed her against the door and kissed her deeply. Their tongues were dueling for minutes until they had to stop for air. Cassandra smirked at her guest.
“Sorry, I just had to taste you. Follow me.”
Once again Diana was pulled along. She followed her hostess willingly. She had not been so aroused in a long time, if ever. She could not wait to see Cassandra in all her naked glory and to feel her body. Turned on as she was, Diana did not question how she had fallen so quickly for the raven-haired beauty. She just knew that her hostess would be a phenomenal lover and that was all that mattered. It was, as if any suspicions she might have had were drowned by voices in her head, telling her to trust Cassandra. Mixed within these voices were many visions of a naked Cassandra fucking her. Diana was so distracted that she did not watch where they went. When Cassandra opened a door, she followed her eagerly. Inside, her hostess turned them around and pushed Diana onto a bed in the middle of the room. Cassandra straddled her lap and began to kiss her anew. They only stopped for short seconds to take off each other’s clothes. Once they were naked, Cassandra pushed her onto her back and began to kiss, lick and touch every inch of the amazon’s body.
Diana was usually the one taking the initiative, but tonight she submitted to her lover’s pleasurable aggression. She just moaned when Cassandra’s tongue plundered her mouth and her hands kneaded her breasts. Diana was too much in a haze to realize the room with its many mirrors looked familiar and not really like she would imagine her hostess’ bedroom. Cassandra’s lips, now kissing down her neck, were more important. Next those lips were enveloping her left nipple, sucking greedily. Diana arched her back. Her lover switched breasts, but suddenly bit down on the nipple. Diana’s cry was a reaction to both pleasure and pain. After minutes of breast-play that wonderful mouth moved south. Cassandra stopped to quickly lick her lover’s belly button. Finally she moved further down the amazon’s body. She took a long lick along Diana’s pussy, but then she concentrated her attention on the soft flesh of the inner thighs. Kissing, licking, nipping, Cassandra had her mouth everywhere, just not where her lover needed it the most. Diana could not wait any longer and started pleading.
“Please, Cassandra, lick me! Lick my pussy!”
“Well, since you ask so nicely...”
Cassandra licked over the black-haired pussy, before she pushed her tongue between the lips. After tongue-fucking the amazon for several minutes, she pulled back out and found the clit instead. She sucked the little nub until it almost doubled in size. She slowed her ministrations for a moment, while she grabbed something from a side-table. Diana realized it was a tube of lube. As a demi-goddess, she would be able to take a couple of fingers without a problem, but her lover could not know this and she could not really tell her either. It spoke well of Cassandra anyway. As aggressive as she was in her love-making, she had her partner’s pleasure and well-being in mind. Therefore Diana just smiled at her lover, while she took a quick break to lube up her fingers. Only seconds later she felt a finger enter her, then another. A sudden wave of pleasure rolled through Diana’s body. She almost came just from feeling the fingers enter her. Even more so than before, she longed to be fucked by her beautiful lover. Diana spread her legs wide, opening up her core to be taken.
Cassandra pumped her fingers deeper and deeper, smiling triumphantly down at her guest. She loved the way the amazon almost mewled at the way she was fucked. For she knew exactly, who Diana Prince was – Wonder Woman, the Amazon Princess – and had invited her for that reason. Ever since she saw pictures from Wonder Woman’s appearance in Gotham during the Doomsday debacle she had made plans to take her. She had realized immediately who she was (some events of the last hundred years suddenly made sense). For Cassandra – or rather Circe – was even older than the amazons. Only the Gods had been a match for her magic power and once they were gone, she had used those powers to create her home on this island. Over the millenia, she had increased her already vast knowledge and power immensely. Over time, she had accepted many acolytes teaching them in the dark powers. Now every woman on this island was an experienced sorceress, even the cook or the pilot.
Since she knew that Diana would be protected by her godly heritage against any direct magical attack, she had ordered her followers to send certain images into her direction: Feelings of trust and safety, but also many erotic images, especially of being fucked by Cassandra. Since they were not aimed against her, just in her direction, her protection would not work while she picked them up subconsciously. Of course that made them much weaker than direct spells, but that was okay. Stealth was imperative and with the high number of spellcasters and the long period of time of being exposed to them, they would affect even Wonder Woman. And they were not the only magical weapon at Circe’s disposal. All the papyri, all the mosaics, even that picture of her were magical, created by Circe just for this purpose. They worked indirectly as well, creating erotic images without attacking Diana directly. But by seeing them or reading them she became influenced by these images anyway.
And the more her victim was turned on, the more distracted she became. Distracted enough, that Circe could launch her first direct assault. For the lube Cassandra had used, was in reality a very powerful love potion. It would make the victim fall for the next person and increase her arousal, while at the same time decreasing the will power. By mixing it with lube, Cassandra had managed to move it behind Wonder Woman’s protective aura. The amazon’s godly aura worked like a shield, but only against attacks – physical as well as mental – from the outside. Once she pushed the lubed fingers into Diana’s vagina, the potion was inside the body and therefore the shield, and the amazon left unprotected against it. Though of course it was much harder to bewitch her than a mere human, Circe’s magic was strong enough to affect her. And the sorceress was not finished yet. Further steps of her plan would follow, but first she had an amazon to fuck.
Cassandra pumped her arm back and forth, pushing her fingers deep into her enthusiastic lover’s vagina. Sometimes she moved her fingers to reach that magical spot inside Diana’s core. Cassandra bent down to bring her mouth back into play. She sucked on Diana’s clit while still finger-fucking her forcefully. The amazon now moaned almost constantly. When Cassandra felt her getting close, she increased the speed of her movements and then bit into the clit. That sudden bolt of pain mixed with pleasure was too much, and Diana’s climax overwhelmed her. She shouted in ecstasy while waves of blissful fire raced through her body. Once the amazon came down from her orgasmic high, Cassandra pushed her fingers into her mouth. Diana sucked them clean of her love juices. She did not realize that together with her juices she ingested the rest of the lube, which meant her godly aura had been penetrated a second time.
Despite just having climaxed, Diana needed more; she wanted to be fucked again. And Cassandra was willing to oblige. This time she had the amazon get up on all fours to fuck her from behind, doggy-style. She lubed her fingers again and pushed them without preamble into Diana’s vagina. Once she had sank them in as deep as possible, she pulled back and started a back-and-forth motion, fucking her lover thoroughly. As soon as she had created a steady rhythm, she grabbed Diana’s long dark hair in a powerful grip. By almost using it as reins, she showed her lover exactly who was in charge and the usually so dominant Wonder Woman accepted it without hesitation. Getting fucked by Cassandra was much more important than anything else right now. Oh, and did her hostess fuck her! Diana came three times in a row, before her relentless lover let up. Again she willingly cleaned Cassandra’s fingers with her tongue. By now she craved that mysteriously spicey taste.
Diana needed several moments to regain her breath. When she opened her eyes, her lover smirked at her.
“Seems you had some fun. So are you prepared to pay me back?”
“Gladly, Cassandra. That were some of the best orgasms I ever had. What do you want?”
Cassandra sat on the edge of the bed. She pointed between her legs.
“I want you to kneel here and lick my pussy.”
“Whatever you want.”
Diana moved from the bed to get into position. Once there, she looked up and saw Cassandra hold up a silk cloth.
“I want you to concentrate fully on my taste and my pleasure. Therefore, you will wear a blindfold.”
“As you wish.”
Without hesitation the amazon bent forward and allowed Cassandra to blindfold her. Once it was in place, the hostess grabbed her hair and pulled her head into her crotch. The powerful sorceress was very happy with the developments so far. Now it was time for the next part. As an amazon, Diana was already a very sexual creature, so that part of her personality worked already in the sorceress’ favor. But now Cassandra had to break her dominance, to turn her into a submissive. She wanted Wonder Woman as her slave, who followed every order willingly. And she also wanted to rid her completely from her inhibitions. With one slight movement of her left hand she turned the mirrors back into windows. They now had an audience. With great satisfaction Cassandra pressed her lover’s face deeper into her pussy, almost drowning her with her juices. Only after several minutes she gave her more room to work in.
Diana was unaware of anything that was not her lover’s pussy. She had inhaled deeply that heady aroma and then taken her first taste. Now that she had more room, Diana let her tongue roam freely through the folds of this delicious pussy. She licked up and down along the fleshy outer lips, then concentrated her ministrations on the clit. Delicately she maneuvered the little nubbin from its hood and closed her lips around it. Soon she was sucking on it enthusiastically. Not long and it had visibly grown in size. Almost like through a fog she heard Cassandra taunting and encouraging her.
“Yes, you are such a great pussy-licker. Show me your talents. I want your tongue now. Push it into my cunt!”
Diana followed the command without thinking. She let go of the clit and pushed her stiffened tongue between the pussy lips. Soon she had entered the vagina with its tip. The amazon used her head, moving it back and forth, so that she could pump her wet tongue deep inside. On and on she pumped, not caring about her aching neck muscles. She only cared about giving her lover the kind of pleasure she deserved, the same pleasure she had given Diana before. The juices were now flowing freely, drenching the amazon. When the amazon felt the first spasms in her lover’s pussy, she doubled her efforts. With her cunt firmly holding the invading tongue, Cassandra came with a loud cry of pleasure. When the muscles gripping her tongue finally relaxed, Diana started to lick around the pussy, trying to capture every last drop of the love juices. After she had recovered, Cassandra pulled up her lover’s head.
“That was great. And I think I speak for everybody here, when I say, we want a repeat performance.”
With those words she removed the silken blindfold and Diana finally realized why the room had looked familiar. The room was the show room next to the main hall and everybody was watching them through the windows, which had looked like mirrors while entering the room. Diana felt a mixture of arousal and embarrassment at this realization. She had always liked sex, had slept with many of her fellow amazons, but she was not much of an exhibitionist. And these women were not the amazons, these were strangers. But before Diana could come to a conclusion of her own, her face was pulled back into her lover’s crotch.
“No dawdling, girl. You still owe me a couple of orgasms. So move your mouth and start licking.”
And somehow this command was enough to make the mighty Wonder Woman comply. Obediently she bent down and started lapping at Cassandra’s entrance. With her tongue, lips and even teeth, she worked over every part and crevice of this succulent pussy. She switched between sucking on the clit, licking the pussy lips and pushing her tongue into the vagina. Round and round she moved her mouth, until she had made Cassandra come several times. Finally her hostess stopped her. She held her head still with both hands and rubbed her pussy all over Diana’s face, until she was completely covered with juices. When she had finished marking the amazon, Cassandra congratulated her.
“That was a great start. You are really good at pussy-licking. Tell you what, we will double the fun.”
A quick sign from Cassandra and Arianna and Rayna entered the room. Both were already naked. By now Diana had completely accepted their captive audience. She was mentally in a tunnel of carnal lust and desire. Her only goals were to give and receive pleasure. Especially seeing Rayna approach had her pulse rate increase. She had desired the blonde beauty from the first moment she had laid eyes on her. Cassandra made her lie back on the bed and only moments later Rayna mounted her face. Diana relished the blonde pussy pressed onto her mouth and quickly started to lick it. While the amazon was busy servicing one lover, the other two took ownership of the rest of her body. A mouth was sucking on her nipples while two fingers entered her vagina. Once Rayna had come with her juices spraying all over Diana’s face, she swapped places with Arianna. The amazon was glad about her divine heritage, since she could service the next pussy without slowing down, although her tongue and jaw did start to ache a bit. They kept going for hours. Diana had licked each pussy at least twice more and been fucked herself many times. She had lost count of the number of orgasms she had had. Finally Cassandra ended the session. Rayna guided their guest back to her room. Diana was so out of it, she did not put her clothes back on for the short walk. But then there was nobody left who had not seen her naked anyway.
Meanwhile, back in her office Cassandra watched the naked Wonder Woman through the surveillance feed. The amazon had fallen into her bed immediately after returning to her room. She had been asleep in a minute, too exhausted even to wash up, despite being covered in female juices. The sorceress reviewed the events of this night. It had been the success she had expected. She had not only fucked Wonder Woman, she had done it with all her girls watching. Of course Cassandra herself did not mind the audience. After all, there had not been one person watching them whose tongue had not been buried in her snatch before. But for Wonder Woman they were strangers. This loss of her usual modesty was a good sign. The spells were working and breaking down Wonder Woman’s inhibitions. All night the woman had been putty in her hands, done exactly what Cassandra told her. She was ripe for the next step. Cassandra shut down the surveillance feed and went to sleep herself.
The next morning Diana awoke fresh and back to full strength. It was one of the perks of her divine heritage. Looking down her naked body, she felt slightly embarrassed at the state she was in. Her whole body reeked of sex and she could still taste pussy juices on her lips. But then she remembered why she was in this state. She was assaulted by memories from the night before, images of her tongue buried in different pussies and feelings of slender fingers deep inside her own core. Without conscious thought Diana’s hand found her pussy and began to rub. She knew that it was time to get up, but she could not resist the temptation. One quick orgasm was all she needed. Soon the amazon was overwhelmed by a climax. Only then did she get up and started her morning ritual with a shower. By the time she was finished, Rayna had served breakfast. The blonde winked at her.
“Good morning, Diana. Here is some nourishment so that you can regain your strength.”
Diana thanked her with a laugh, then sat down to eat, while the other woman left. She really felt famished and ate with gusto. About half an hour later Cassandra picked her up and walked with her to the archives. Her hostess showed her the box with papyri she should work on next. Once Diana had settled down at the desk, Cassandra bend down and gave her a lover’s kiss, before she turned to leave.
“Have fun today, Diana. I will meet you at lunch.”
“Yes, till then.”
Without realizing it, Diana’s eyes followed the beautiful ass of her hostess till it was out of sight. Only then did she turn to her work. She got the first papyrus from the box and made a quick photo of the one she had picked up. Afterwards she quickly scanned the text, to see if it was similar to the other ones. Turned out it was and it was not. It was another erotic story involving women, but it had a slight twist to it. Diana read the text again.
“Oh my beautiful sister, there is so much I love about you and your body: Your mouth, your heaving breasts, your love grotto. But what I love most is the other grotto, that dark, forbidden backdoor. It tastes spicey while I pepper it with kisses and so tight, when I push my tongue inside. I want to reach your darkest depth, stretching it as far as possible.”
Diana’s breath hitched. Among the amazons, butt play was not exactly taboo. But it was something you only tested with your closest lovers, since it took a lot of trust to let yourself get fucked in the arse. And of course it could be icky, if you did not know the other woman well enough. After all, if she was not cleanly, you could be eating shit – literally. In all her time, Diana had not really tried it yet. For the longest time, she was the one child among adults and even afterwards the amazons treated her more carefully than others. Not to mention her being the princess, making them even more reluctant. Butt play also had a certain aspect of power dynamics. Usually it was a dominant amazon taking her more submissive lover this way. And the only amazon powerful enough to dominate Diana was Queen Hippolyta, her own mother, so obviously that did not happen either. She had never much thought about butt play, but now that she did she felt intrigued. Wetness began to pool in her panties, but finally she found her resolve and got back to working.
Hours later Diana’s panties were completely soaked. Many of these texts were about butt play and praising the worship of another woman’s asshole. Several times she could barely restrain herself from masturbating openly here in the archives. Once more she found herself rubbing her pussy, just when Cassandra entered the room with a tray of food. Diana tried to remove her hand quickly, but her hostess saw it and smirked.
“Don’t stop on my behalf. I am assuming these stories are again quite good?”
Diana blushed while she answered.
“Ah, yes, they are again quite erotic. With a certain twist.”
“Interesting. Why don’t you read me the one you are working on at the moment.”
“O-okay. If you want me to.”
Diana’s breath hitched. The last one had been one of the most explicit ones. Reading it aloud would surely be a turn-on. She just wanted to start reading, when Cassandra stopped her.
“No, wait. Let’s arrange ourselves a bit differently. Here, sit down in my lap. That way I can play a bit while you are reading.”
Sitting in Cassandra’s lap like a little girl would have her at the mercy of the other woman. But for some reason the amazon did not mind it. She rather liked to leave the other woman in charge. Somewhere deep in the back of her mind she considered, if Cassandra would be strong enough to dominate her. Once Diana had sat down, the other woman used her knees to push the amazon’s legs further apart. Cassandra let her right hand glide along the amazon’s thigh, slowly pushing up her skirt. Her left arm was wrapped around Diana’s torso, holding her tightly. The amazon hummed in delight at the caresses and picked up the folder with the papyrus. Even before she could start, she could feel a hand squeeze her breast through her clothes. Cassandra’s other hand had moved her skirt out of the way and trailed along the seam of her panties. Diana moaned in anticipation. She felt her hostess nozzle her neck, then whisper in her ear.
“You are wearing too many clothes. From now on, leave off the underwear. I want easy access to your body.”
Diana nodded.
“As you wish. I love the way you touch me.”
Fighting against the distraction, Diana started to read.
“I present myself to my beautiful Lady. Tonight she will take the last part of my virginity and I offer it gladly to her. I am kneeling on the bed, with my arms behind my back to hold apart the cheeks of my butt. For it is this very special virginity she will take. She will fuck me in my arse, making me completely hers. Now she enters the chamber, looking as regally as ever. While she passes the front-end of the bed, she stops and offers me her fingers. I kiss them reverently, then suck on them to coat them with my saliva. For these are the fingers that will enter my backside.”
Diana had to stop for a second and moaned. Her lover had pushed her right hand inside her panties and circled her clit with two fingers. At the same time, she had deftly opened some buttons on Diana’s shirt and pushed her hand inside. Pulling her bra cups aside she was mauling Diana’s breasts with her left hand, while her right one was playing with the already soaking pussy. The amazon had to gather all her mental strength to continue reading.
“My Lady takes position behind me, but then nothing. I wait in anticipation until I realize what she expects. I offer her my virgin asshole and beg her to take it. It was the right thing to say, since she now touches my behind. One finger slowly pushes inside, making me feel pain and pleasure at the same time. I am so proud that I can offer this to my Lady. Deeper and deeper she pushes inside my tight, but willing asshole.”
Diana could no longer concentrate, because her lover had now pushed her finger into her vagina and started to fuck her. Cassandra added to her erotic assault by whispering dirty suggestions.
“Nice story. Is that something you would want? Offering yourself to your Mistress? Being fucked in the asshole by her? Would you beg for it just like this girl? Could you come just thinking about it?”
“Oh yes, yes, YES!”
Diana was overcome by a powerful climax. Her whole body shuddered in aftershocks. Obediently she sucked the offered fingers clean. She almost had problems to stand on her legs, when Cassandra pushed her of her lap and stood up.
“Now wasn’t that a fun little lunch meeting? But now it’s time for you to continue working. I will meet you for dinner.”
She did not even wait for Diana to agree before she left. She knew that the amazon could no longer resist. Once in her office, Cassandra opened the surveillance feed and watched her victim. She smirked at the disheveled look of the amazon. This latest assault on the mind of the Princess had been devastating. This was no surprise. Fucking Diana and making her come while she read the bewitched papyrus was the ideal combination. Her mental shields were completely down during the climax. That meant the spell caught her with full power, deeply rooting itself in her unconscious. From now on, Wonder Woman would desire to be taken just like the woman in the story.
After several more hours of reading and translating erotic stories – many of them about butt play – Diana was ready to burst. She needed to come and had almost masturbated in the archives. She managed to restrain herself only by promising herself an orgasm, once she’d be back in her room. Unfortunately she did not get the time. She had just been back, when Rayna arrived to pick her up.
“Hello Diana, it is time to go. The dinner show will start soon. Oh, and Cassandra asked me to remind you about keeping easy access.”
Diana blushed, when she heard it, but at least it distracted her for a second from her arousal.
“Okay, thank you. I will just ...”
“Let me help you.”
Rayna stepped closer and looked at her. Then she slowly grabbed the seam of Diana’s skirt and pulled it up. Instinctively the amazon held it. Rayna bend forward and hooked her fingers into Diana’s panties. Slowly she pulled them down over the hips and thighs and then let them fall. The amazon removed her own blouse and the rest of the underwear. The bra was the last piece of clothing to fall. Rayna handed her one of her t-shirts.
“Here, this one will look good on you.”
Diana accepted it, although she knew it was a bit tight and everybody would see she was not wearing anything underneath it. She had not time to reflect why she was so relaxed about it, because Rayna pulled her towards the door.
“Come, Cassandra will already be waiting. It is almost time for the show.”
Walking hand in hand with the beautiful blonde turned out to be quite distracting. Only on entering the room did Diana realize that it was not the main hall, but the show room. Cassandra already waited next to the bed.
“Hello, Diana, it’s nice of you to agree to do a show tonight.”
The amazon never agreed to it, since nobody asked. But somehow she did not mind. Diana had a vague feeling of wanting something, almost needing it. She could not remember what she wanted, but knew that Cassandra could provide it. She just had to make sure to please her hostess. To do as she asked seemed like a good start. And Diana needed the release anyway after an afternoon of almost constant arousal. Providing a sex show was surely a good way to score an orgasm or two, wasn’t it? So Diana accepted the proposal with a smile.
“Yes, I am happy to give a show.”
“I can believe that.” Here Cassandra turned to the audience. “Look at her, so desperate for a fuck that she turns up without underwear for a formal dinner.”
With these words, she pulled up Diana’s skirt and revealed her naked pussy to everyone in the audience. The amazon blushed, but did not stop Cassandra. She stammered.
“But I thought ... you said ...”
“Yeah, you thought that you needed to get laid. Luckily for you, you might just get what you need, if you ask nicely enough.”
“Thank you. What do you want me to do?”
“That’s easy enough: yourself. You will masturbate here in front of the audience, but you will try not to come. Of course, we still expect a good show. And as incentive, there will be an extra bonus. For each minute you avoid to come, you will be allowed to lick a pussy from any of the women here.”
Diana looked intrigued at this proposal. She was so turned on by now, so distracted, that she did not grasp the full meaning: Only fleetingly did she understand that effectively she would work for the permission to service the other women. ‘Almost like a prostitute who pays for being fucked.’ The thought came to her mind, but was quickly drowned by her massive arousal. Diana leaned back into her hostess’ arms, who was massaging her breasts now and showing them off to their audience. The amazon turned her head towards Cassandra.
“Yes, I would love to do that.”
“Then let’s start.”
Cassandra removed Diana’s skirt and directed her to the bed. The amazon laid back on it and opened her legs to show her already dripping pussy. Cassandra turned to her assistant.
“Rayna, start the time.”
The blonde nodded and looked at the clock. Diana started the show slow. She kneaded her breasts and pushed them together. She bent her head and sucked on a nipple through the cotton of her t-shirt. The tiny nub soon hardened and grew in size. The right hand moved lower and caressed her stomach. Soon it reached her crotch. Diana gathered some of her leaking juices and brought the index finger to her lips to suck on it. She moaned at the taste. When the finger was wet enough, she moved it back to her folds. Slowly she circled her pubic mound, then moved lower and dipped the finger in her vagina. She pulled it out and dipped it back in a bit further. She repeated this action, then suddenly pushed the finger in to the hilt. She pumped her index finger in and out several times. Diana stopped to add her middle finger. Soon she pumped both fingers into her vagina, fucking herself with ever increasing tempo. Diana added the other hand into the frame and used it to stimulate her clit. From above she heard Cassandra comment on the show.
“Look how wet she is! And yet she is restraining herself, because she is greedy for your pussies, girls. She wants to suck you dry.”
The dirty commentary turned Diana even more on. She grunted with the effort to keep from coming, but Cassandra’s voice was so damn sexy. And it was her pussy that Diana desired the most. Its taste was like ambrosia and it would help to answer this craving she had the whole day. This need was connected with Cassandra, beautiful Cassandra. She was the one who could grant it to Diana. So it was important to please her and to do what she wanted. Which was not bad, since it would bring pleasure to Diana as well. The amazon opened her legs even wider, so that she could push her fingers as deep inside her vagina as possible. Both of her hands moved with frantic speed. Still she tried to restrain herself, but finally the damn burst and Diana shrieked as a tremendous climax hit her. Waves of pleasure raced through her body until finally she calmed down. Rayna looked at the clock, then turned to Cassandra.
“Nine minutes. That greedy slut is really hungry for pussy.”
“Yes, she is, isn’t she? She just can’t get enough. Rayna, you are the first to ride her.”
“Thank you, Cassandra.” The blonde removed her jeans, climbed onto the bed and knelt above Diana’s upper body. “Open up, Diana, dinner is served.”
The amazon had only just recovered from her orgasm, but her eyes lit up, when she saw a naked pussy descend onto her face. Once it was in reach, she brought her tongue into play. Diana stiffened it and pushed it between the fleshy pussy lips. Rayna felt it enter her and started to move up and down. Her lover was forced to keep still to stay in contact. Diana was not licking the blonde-haired pussy. Rayna was fucking herself on her tongue and face. The amazon had a feeling that this was somehow wrong. Usually she would be the dominant one and the one fucking her lover. But at the same time, it felt so right and wonderful. And had she not fucked herself hard to gain this right? It surely was her destiny to serve these women and to grant them pleasure the way they wanted.
Rayna suddenly started to buck even wilder on her face and seconds later she came. When the climax hit her, she ejaculated and a stream of girl juice hit Diana in the right eye. The amazon felt pride at a job well done. Diana did not even have the time to wipe her eye before another woman mounted her. Her pussy was shaved clean, so Diana got the feel of baby smooth skin on her tongue. This woman was not as forceful, so Diana got to eat her out the more traditional way. Once she tasted her sweet nectar, Diana doubled her effort. When the woman had climaxed, a third one took her place. All in all, eight women rode Diana’s tongue. She vaguely remembered that there should be nine, so she looked up to see if there was anybody else. She saw Cassandra sitting in a chair next to the bed. She was naked from the waist down. Her hostess looked at her.
“Yes, Diana, I am number nine, but you will kneel here before me to fulfill your duty.”
“Yes, Cassandra, as you wish.”
Almost as if she was on auto control, Diana obeyed the command. Her subconscious tried to rebel against submitting so easily, but her need for pleasure quickly overwrote it. There was still this undefined craving and only Cassandra could give her what she needed. So she had to please her. Subserviently Diana knelt before her hostess and asked permission.
“May I lick your pussy, Cassandra?”
“Yes, show me once again, that you are a good pussy licker. And show it to all my girls.”
Outwardly Cassandra stayed very cool, but inwardly she triumphed. She had Wonder Woman on her knees, begging her to be allowed to lick her pussy. Even if something went wrong later on, she had the footage of this scene and could use it for blackmail or sell it to the highest bidder. But there was no reason to believe that anything could go wrong now, she had Wonder Woman in the palm of her hand.
With Cassandra, the amazon took her time. She started with light kisses and bites along the inner thighs. Next Diana licked along the crevice between thigh and crotch, first on one side, then on the other. Only after minutes of foreplay she went for the pussy. Diana licked along the outer lips, up and down, several times. Next she stiffened her tongue and pushed it between the lips. Again she licked up and down several times, savoring the taste of the female juices. Slowly and deliberately, Diana pushed her tongue deeper, probing further and further into her lover’s vagina. She pumped her tongue in and out, until she felt Cassandra getting close. Then she pulled back out. Instead of entering again, she searched for Cassandra’s clit. Once found, she took it between her lips and sucked on it. Soon it had increased in size. Diana flicked her tongue over its top while she kept sucking the sensitive nub. When she was getting close, Cassandra grabbed her head and forced Diana’s face even deeper into her crotch. When the orgasm hit, the floodgates opened and almost drowned Diana in pussy juices. She rubbed her pussy all over the face to subtly show who was in charge. Afterwards Cassandra petted the amazon’s head.
“Good job. Pussy licking really is in your blood, isn’t it?”
Diana smiled up at her hostess. She felt no need to get up from her kneeling position.
“Yes, I love it, Cassandra.”
“Well, in the coming days there will be plenty of opportunities for you to service my girls. But now we come to the main show for tonight. I will take you and fuck you, here in front of this audience. That’s what you long for, isn’t it?”
“Oh yes please! Fuck me!”
„And how do you want me to fuck you?”
And suddenly Diana understood what she had wanted all day. What she needed, even.
“In the arse! Please fuck me in the arse!”
“Exactly. I will fuck your virgin asshole until you scream in ecstasy. Get on the bed and in position on all four.”
Diana followed the command without hesitation. Any potential resistance had been burned away by her white-hot desire. She knelt on the bed, facing the audience. Diana wanted them to see her pleasure at being taken this way. She was proud to be the one Cassandra would take tonight. She shivered when her dominant lover took up position behind her, but the touch she longed for did not come right away. A light squeezing sound told her, that Cassandra was lubing up her fingers. The wait increased her anticipation. Diana hissed when she felt a first cold touch on her butt. A wet finger was drawn through her crack. For a moment, it circled her rosebud. Finally it stopped right on target. Cassandra let her wait a few more minutes. She was really showing her who was in control here. Diana could no longer stand it.
“Please, Cassandra, take me.”
Her lover smirked cruelly.
“We are getting desperate, aren’t we? But yes, I got your cunt, I got your mouth. It is time I take your asshole as well.”
“It is yours, all yours.”
“That is right. I will deflower you anally and then your virgin asshole is mine, forever.”
“Yes, yes!”
Cassandra finally made her move and started to push her index finger through the tight ring of muscles. Diana tried to relax those muscles and the finger moved in further. It had entered her beyond the first knuckle. Cassandra pressed even harder now and pushed the finger deeper and deeper into the dark hole. Finally she had entered the asshole to the hilt. Diana groaned, but the pain was quickly buried under an onrushing wave of pleasure. It was as if the finger had not only entered her asshole, but also her mind. And in a way it had, though of course the amazon could not know that. Since Cassandra had once again used the magic lube, her godly aura had been penetrated a third time and in the most vulnerable place. Diana had almost no defense left against the powerful spells from Cassandra and her coven of witches, especially since being fucked also weakened the mental shields. Ever more explicit visions of being taken by Cassandra bombarded her mind. Diana saw herself submitting willingly to being fucked in every way imaginable and being wrecked by pleasure beyond her wildest dreams.
Cassandra’s face was a grimace of maniacal triumph. She knew, once her victim had come from this ass-fuck, there was no turning back. Diana Prince, the famous Wonder Woman, would be on a one-way road to become Cassandra’s sex slave. So now it was time to complete the next step in her plan. The sorceress pulled back her finger and pushed it back in, out again and in. Soon she had created a rhythm to fuck the amazon. Once the tight muscles had loosened up a bit, Cassandra added a second finger. With increasing force she pumped into Diana’s asshole. The amazon was panting in delight. She had long lost the ability of coherent speech. Those fingers hit her deeper and deeper, finding pleasure spots she had never heard of. Her arousal grew exponentially, dwarfing every climax she had ever had. And still those fingers pumped into her rectum, fucking her with almost inhuman strength. Had Diana been mere human herself, she might have been ripped apart by the force. But as she was a demi-goddess, it was exactly what she needed. In the end, it was too much, even for her. With a roar of pleasure, Diana came when the climax exploded inside of her. Juices ran down her thighs. But Cassandra did not let up and fucked her lover to two more powerful orgasms.
The sorceress slipped the fingers from Diana’s asshole and fed them to her to lick them clean. The amazon was so out of it, she sucked on the shit-stained fingers as if they were lollipops. Getting the magic lube in her mouth once again, weakened her resistance even further. Cassandra saw the chance to consolidate her power over her victim even further. She gave a sign to Arianna to come to the bed. Once the pilot knelt naked on the bed, Cassandra wrapped the amazon’s hair around her fist and pulled her head up.
“So did you like that?”
Diana smiled dreamily.
“Yes, it was great.”
“Well, the person you have to thank for it is Arianna. After all she has brought you here.”
“Yes, that was nice of her.”
“Very nice. So nice in fact, that you will thank her now. Therefore you will rim her asshole, get your tongue deep inside it.”
Diana got no time to think about it, because her hostess used the strong grip in her hair to push her face between Arianna’s butt cheeks. There was no real will to resist anyway, since if Cassandra wanted her to do it, it was the right thing to do. Right? And the closer her face was pushed towards Arianna’s asshole, the more she wanted it. Suddenly Diana felt an immense desire to lick this beautiful asshole and to bury her tongue deep inside. And if she did a good job of it, she might be allowed to lick other assholes as well. Diana took a long lick through the crack. She had no experience with it, but she imitated what she had just learned from Cassandra. After licking up and down several times, she used her tongue to circle Arianna’s rosebud. She got a first taste of the bitter essence, before she stiffened her tongue and started to push against the ring of muscles. Slowly her wet organ managed to squeeze inside. Diana pushed the tongue as far inside as possible. The strong grip of the ring muscles on her tongue was a great turn-on.
Diana started to push her tongue in and out. The bitter taste of shit invaded her mouth, but she did not mind. She took it as a sign, that she was digging deep, to the places where it brought pleasure for Arianna. In and out she pumped. All the time Cassandra kept her strong grip in the amazon’s hair. It reminded Diana, that while she rimmed her lover’s ass willingly, it was not something she had chosen to do. Cassandra had made her do it. For reasons she did not understand yet, this fact increased her pleasure. She got almost as wet from licking Arianna’s ass-hole as the other woman got from being ass-fucked. And she was not the only one who had noticed it, for suddenly she felt a hand probe her dripping folds. It belonged to Rayna.
“Cassandra, look how wet she is. She really gets off on licking an asshole.”
“Oh yes, this little slut craves assholes as other people crave sweets. She is a born ass-licker. And what turns her on even more, is doing it for me. She is desperate to please me. And she is doing a good job, so you might fuck her, while she is at it.” The next words were directed at Diana. “But make no mistake. You are not allowed to come before Arianna does. Understood?”
Diana nodded, since she could not speak in her position. She had not registered the derogatory way they talked about her. The only part she understood was the reward she would get for obeying Cassandra. Her hostess was so nice to her. She really had to try to please her as much as possible. And for the moment that meant to lick Arianna’s delicious asshole. Meanwhile Rayna had entered her pussy with two fingers. That was very distracting. To make sure she kept her promise, Diana increased her speed. She tongue-fucked Arianna’s ass now like a maniac. But Rayna had upped the ante as well. To the fingers in her pussy she had added another one in Diana’s asshole and was fucking her in both holes at once. This was another new experience for the amazon and she loved it. At least being fucked from behind pushed Diana even deeper into Arianna’s crack. And finally her effort was rewarded when the pilot came with a loud shout. Only a minute later Diana came as well, but she did not get any time to rest. Still gripping her hair, Cassandra pulled her head around and into Rayna’s crotch. Her hostess encouraged Diana.
“You have been a good girl. But now you must thank Rayna. She has stuffed both your holes, so you will lick her pussy first. Afterwards you will rim her asshole. And she won’t be the last one tonight. When I am finished with your training, I expect you to recognize every girl on this island by the taste of her pussy or her asshole.”
Diana managed a quick answer before she started her new task.
“As you wish, Cassandra. And thank you for granting me this opportunity.”
Diana went at it with enthusiasm and licked Rayna’s pussy, until the blonde woman came with an ejaculating shot. This time the amazon was prepared and caught most of in her mouth. Afterwards she licked the asshole just as thoroughly, digging deep with her tongue. Once Rayna had climaxed, the next woman was ready to be licked. Many more pussies and assholes followed until well past midnight. Since Diana got fucked or licked just as often, she was completely exhausted. At the end, Cassandra made her lick her pussy one more time, so that the amazon would carry her taste to bed and into her dreams. Despite her exhaustion, Diana made sure not to disappoint her dominant lover. To please Cassandra had become a major goal to the amazon. Only when her hostess had come she was free to leave and go to bed. Diana was so tired; she fell asleep immediately, despite reeking of sex once again.
All the incredible sex had followed Diana into her dreams. She was fucked by a strong female hand, when a sudden pain shot into her nipple. She woke up with a gasp and realized, she was not dreaming. Rayna had come into her room while she slept and now pumped her fingers into Diana’s vagina. Another woman, Arianna was kneeling above her. It was her who had pinched Diana’s nipple.
“It’s time to wake up, Diana. Both of us felt horny this morning and decided to take you. After all, that’s what you are here for.”
Before the amazon could respond, Arianna’s pussy came down on her mouth. The woman smirked down at her.
“Breakfast is ready. Start eating.”
Instinct took over and Diana followed the command. Tasting the pussy and feeling the finger in her vagina was too much to resist. In the back of her mind a small voice of resistance protested. This was not okay. They could not simply invade her room, fuck her in her sleep and take her without permission. She knew, without consent this could be considered rape. But still she could not make herself care about that. The finger in her pussy hit her in all the right places and Arianna’s pussy tasted so yummy. Doing what they wanted just felt the right thing to do. Soon Diana’s face was covered in fresh juices, since the owner of the pussy had already come twice, but the amazon herself had not yet gotten her release. For the last couple of minutes, Rayna was more teasing her than fucking her. Suddenly they were interrupted, when Cassandra entered the room unannounced. She turned to Diana.
“You are not up yet? It is time to start working.”
“Oh, sorry, I got distracted.”
“I can see that. And you stink. You have to take a shower.”
Cassandra pulled the amazon off the bed and led her into the bathroom. Rayna and Arianna had quickly left, after their lover let them go reluctantly. Diana was led like a little child into the shower, where her hostess adjusted the faucets and then started the shower. The amazon almost lost her ability to breathe for a moment, because the water was set to ice cold. After several minutes of this ordeal, Cassandra ordered her to come out. Her hostess dried her off with a towel and then had her kneel to use another towel for her hair. Next Diana was led to the dressing room, where she had to sit down. Cassandra picked up one foot and pulled on a sock, quickly followed by the other one. The amazon was getting dressed like a little kid. She had to hold up her arms, so that her hostess could pull a t-shirt over her head. Then Diana had to stand up and step into a skirt Cassandra was holding. A pair of heels completed the ensemble. Diana was so bewildered by the treatment; she did not even consider that someone must have gone through her stuff to have these clothes ready. It only felt right to follow Cassandra’s lead in every way, to trust her to make all the decisions.
They were on the way to the archives, when they met a young redhead. She smiled and greeted Cassandra, who stopped to talk to her.
“Good morning, Gabrielle. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, it is. I’m just feeling so horny this morning. I could use somebody licking my pussy.”
Cassandra turned to her guest.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Get on your knees and service her.”
“Now?” Diana was puzzled. All morning, Cassandra had seemed in such a hurry.
„Of course. It is what you are here for. If one of my girls asks you to service her, there is no hesitation. You start licking.”
“As you wish.”
Diana complied happily. She loved eating pussy just as much as she loved to follow Cassandra’s commands. The redhead had already taken off her jeans and panties. The amazon knelt before her and pulled one leg over her shoulder to get better access. While she got her first taste, she felt Cassandra’s hand on her head, petting her the way you would pet a child to encourage it. It went with the theme of the morning, where Cassandra had belittled her that way. But Diana felt very comforted by it. She knew that she trusted Cassandra and wanted to obey her just like her mother. Of course, the way she thought about her pussy was not the way she thought about her mother’s. Although, if she was honest, sometimes she had thought about her mother’s pussy. For the longest time, Queen Hippolyta was the only woman powerful enough to dominate her. So sometimes Diana had fantasized about being forced by her to lick her pussy, but she had always kept those thoughts under wraps.
Fortunately she finally found another woman of that power, a woman she would service gladly. With all the experience she got recently, it was no problem for Diana to make the redhead come. Once she had cleaned the folds with her tongue, Gabrielle stepped aside. With her face once again covered in juices, the amazon got up and followed Cassandra, who had ordered her to get moving. In the archives, her hostess showed Diana the next box of papyri to work. Before she left, Cassandra gave her one more order.
“Focus your attention on these papyri. You will not have an orgasm, before I return for lunch.”
“As you wish, Cassandra. I will wait for you.”
Once again, Diana’s eyes followed the beautiful ass of her hostess until she had left. The amazon did not consider the implications of her response. She had freely admitted that she would have liked to masturbate during work. Just a few days earlier, such a thought would not even have crossed her mind. Whereas now, it was the most natural thing in the world. But Cassandra had said no and so she grabbed the first papyrus. She read it first, since she was curious, if it was as erotic as the others.
“I kneel before my beautiful Lady and await Her command. I am still in awe that She picked me as Her personal slave. All I desire is to please Her with my obedience. Any word from Her, any command creates a fire in my loins. Of course, I would never dare to come without Her permission. She owns every part of me, but especially my womanhood. And She is so generous with Her property. Every night She grants me pleasure more than once. Nobody knows better than Her how to take me. She pulls at my leash to get my attention. Oh, She wants me to clean her leather boots. Of course I start licking them right away. My heart hammers that I am allowed to service my Lady.”
Diana felt herself getting hot as she read it. Amazons often enjoyed games of submission and domination, but it was always that: a game. This text seemed to talk about something much more permanent. Diana contemplated what it would feel like to be somebody’s slave. Which quickly condensed to fantasies of being Cassandra’s slave. It was a huge turn-on to think about her hostess as her mistress, of being forced to service her whenever she commanded it. She caught herself rubbing her pussy and needed a lot of willpower to stop. Luckily Cassandra had only forbidden the amazon to have an orgasm. She did not say anything about masturbating. Therefore Diana had not been disobedient yet. Reluctantly she stopped her train of thoughts and returned to work. She made a photo of this papyrus and then went through the rest. All of them were full with praise for the lady of a submissive slave, often depicting in detail the way the slave was taken by her lady as a reward for obedience.
Hours went by with Diana working on the translation. She was getting hotter and hotter with every papyrus, with wetness leaking from her pussy. It had cost her a lot of willpower not to climax, despite reading all those explicit sex stories. She was brought back from her fantasies, when Cassandra entered the room shortly after noon. On instinct, Diana got up and waited next to her chair. Cassandra sat down, but made no sign for her guest to sit as well. She had brought a tray with food and drinks. She handed Diana a glass of grape juice and ordered her to drink. The amazon did as she was told and took several large sips. She had a feeling the juice was tasting slightly different from the days before, but had no time to contemplate it, because a wave of arousal suddenly ran through her body. Her only thoughts left were fantasies of being fucked by Cassandra. She could not know that the sorceress had decided to intensify her magical attacks even more. This time, she had spiked the juice with her magical love potion, guessing correctly that Diana would be too distracted to realize it. She could give the amazon a much stronger dose this way than she could put in the lube. With all her defenses down, Diana was reduced to a quivering piece of want. The next words hit her in her core.
“You will bend down over the desk. I will fuck you from behind while you will read another papyrus. But first you will prepare my strap-on. Kneel!”
Cassandra pointed down between her legs. Diana quickly complied and waited for the next order. From this close, the bulge in Cassandra’s trousers was obvious.
“Open it.”
The amazon pulled down the zipper. Once it was down, the fake dick sprang out. It was black and at least seven inches long. Cassandra’s next command followed.
“Take it in your mouth. You will want it to be real wet when I fuck you.”
Diana bent down further and pushed her lips over the tip. Slowly she kept pushing, taking ever more of the fake dick in her mouth. She let her tongue swivel around it and bathed it in her saliva, before she took it even further. Suppressing her gag reflex, Diana managed to deep throat all seven inches. At this point, Cassandra grabbed her hair and started to pump the phallus back and forth. The amazon’s head bobbed up and down, while her lover fucked her mouth thoroughly. After several minutes, Cassandra finally pulled out. A string of saliva was stretched between mouth and phallus, until it dropped down onto Diana’s breasts. Her eyes shone with desire while she looked at the glistening fake cock. She could not wait to have it in her vagina. On a command by Cassandra she got up and bent over the desk. She picked up the papyrus and waited for the signal to start. Diana moaned when she felt the phallus enter. Cassandra started to push it slowly deeper and gave the command to start reading. With a moan, Diana obeyed.
“My Lady times Her hits perfectly to cover every spot of my ass. She had me caught with my hand in my panties and therefore has to punish me. I am bent over Her knees, while her riding crop hits my ass cheeks. It is what I deserve for being disobedient. But what could I do? I looked at Her, dreaming of being allowed to service Her. She is so beautiful and Her delicious womanhood is a piece of art. With Her free hand, She feels the wetness of my pussy. Is that not the most natural reaction to Her touch, even a punishing one? Yet She warns me sternly not to come without permission and of course I will obey my beloved Lady. After several more hits she stops and has me suck on the tip of Her riding crop. Moments later I have to gasp, for She enters that tip in my pussy. She loves to make sure that the instrument of my punishment is also the cause of my pleasure. I am getting wetter and wetter. When Her permission finally comes, I come too and praise my Lady for Her generosity. I am Her devoted slave, for everything I am, everything I have, belongs to Her alone. She is my eternal Mistress, now and forever.”
All the while Diana was reading, her hostess had fucked her from behind, first slowly, then faster and faster. With each push, she had hit her deeper in her vagina. The amazon had problems concentrating on her task, but managed to keep reading despite the delightful distraction by that phallus in her cunt. Yet Diana did not really follow the content of the text consciously, although subconsciously it hit her with full force, taking deep roots in her mind. She took too much pleasure from the way Cassandra was fucking her with so much power and skill, taking what was rightfully hers. For Diana slowly came to terms with this delicious truth: That she was belonging to Cassandra, was nothing more than a cunt for her to take, whenever she wanted it. Yes, she was the sex slave of this beautiful mistress. Diana’s only goal was to please her mistress. Her desire climbed to ever greater heights, while Cassandra plunged the fake dick into her depth.
A sudden hard slap on her ass cheek and a simple command – “Come!” – had her falling over the edge, crushed by a tremendous climax. Diana had not yet fully recovered when she felt the phallus retreat. She moaned when it plopped out of her vagina. But the moans turned to groans when the tip of the strap-on touched her other hole. Diana tried to relax her sphincter. Since she had been an anal virgin until the night before, she had no experience with such a large object entering her asshole. But of course for Cassandra she would take it. The thought of doing it for her beautiful mistress was enough to turn the pain into pleasure. A hard slap to her ass caught her attention.
“I am so happy to be of service to my Lady. I am kneeling before Her, so that she can rest Her shiny boots on my back. I know they are shiny, for it was my tongue that cleaned them mere minutes ago. After a while, She sets Her feet down and gives me the command I have come to love. I turn in Her direction and crawl closer to Her beautiful naked pussy. She has moved to sit at the edge. I bend forward and reverently kiss those nether lips. I know that all eyes in the palace are on me. This doubles the exquisite humiliation, but all I concentrate on is my task. My Lady is all that matters to me right now. Later She might allow them to use me, but for the moment, I only serve Her. I open my mouth and envelope Her pussy hole. When I am in position, She lets go and a strong stream of Her delicious urine enters my mouth. I swallow all the golden nectar She offers.”
While she read, Cassandra had kept fucking her asshole. The dildo hit Diana deep in hers bowels. Her arousal had reached a level, where she could no longer read. Her mouth hung open, as if yearning to be filled with Cassandra’s piss. What would have been unimaginable only a few days ago, was now an incredible turn-on. With another orgasm approaching, Diana had absolutely no mental defenses left against the magic of Cassandra’s powerful spells. Even the most depraved ideas took root in her mind, turning her into a total slut and willing sex slave. Diana was overwhelmed with pleasure and begged for release.
“Oh, yes! Please make me come, Cassandra!”
“Whom do you ask, slut?”
Diana immediately understood.
“You, Mistress. Please allow me to come, Mistress!”
“Yes, that’s my slut. And remember, you will never come without my permission.”
“I understand, Mistress.”
“Good, then you might come. Show me how much you love to be fucked in the arse.”
“YESSS! Thank you, Mistress!”
With a loud cry of pleasure Diana came, overwhelmed by a strong climax. Her juices were dripping down on the desk. But Cassandra did not stop until the amazon came a second time. Giving her several strong slaps on her ass cheeks for good measure, she slowly pulled out of the amazon. Before leaving, she gave Diana further instructions.
“Tonight you will pay me respect, before giving another show. You will appear naked. Actually, from now on you will always be naked, while you are in the house. Your body is ours to enjoy. And remember, you won’t come without my permission.”
“I understand, Mistress.”
The hostess picked up Diana’s discarded clothes and left. After several minutes of recovering, the amazon sat down to return to work. It was weird, to sit there naked, but it felt very good as well. The next papyri still kept with the theme from the morning. Although she was dripping onto the chair, Diana managed to restrain herself from masturbating, but only barely. Several hours later, Rayna and Arianna appeared. Without preamble Rayna sat down in her lap and kissed her, while Arianna stood behind her and caressed her. After several moment of kissing, the blonde got up and sat on the edge of the desk instead. She pulled up her skirt, showing her naked pussy underneath.
“Okay, toy, it is time for some fun. Lick me!”
Obediently Diana knelt before her and started to service the beautiful blonde. While her tongue was buried deep in a succulent pussy, she felt Arianna kneel close behind her. She wrapped her arms around Diana and started to play with her breasts and pussy. Reluctantly the amazon stopped her ministrations. Before she could say a word, Rayna looked at her darkly.
“Who gave you permission to stop?”
“Sorry Rayna. But Cassandra forbade me to have sex.”
“It is great, that you want to obey your Mistress. But you have to learn to listen. She did not forbid you to have sex, she forbade you to come. So you will simply restrain yourself and otherwise do as we say. For you know very well, that it is your duty to serve us.”
“I am so sorry, Rayna, of course. I am yours to use as you please.”
“That’s better. And now start licking again.”
Diana smiled apologetically. She was ashamed that she had failed these two beautiful women and therefore also failed her Mistress. Quickly she resumed her work and plunged her tongue back into Rayna’s pussy. Soon she had found her rhythm again and pumped it in and out. Meanwhile Arianna had pushed two fingers into the amazon, moving them in synch with her tongue. Diana increased her speed to finish Rayna before her own arousal became too much. Five minutes later she had accomplished her goal and got showered in Rayna’s juices. Next the amazon had to lie down on the desk, with Arianna above her mounting her face. It was the turn of the pilot to get served and Diana fulfilled her duty eagerly. Diana’s position allowed Rayna to step between her legs and pull them over her shoulders. Moments later, the amazon felt something hard press against her crotch. She quickly realized that Rayna was wearing a strap-on. Only moments later the fake dick filled her vagina. Soon the blonde was fucking her thoroughly. Oh Goddess, this felt so good. It quickly became difficult to keep her arousal down. Diana tried to concentrate.
‘I may not come. I have to concentrate on my task of serving Arianna. She is close. But ohhh, so am I.’
For a few more minutes, Diana managed to keep a lid on her arousal, despite the strap-on hitting her in all the right spots. She worked her tongue deep inside Arianna’s pussy to make her come. She felt the other woman getting wetter and wetter and tried to drain every last drop of fluid from her. But at the same time, she could not stop her hips from moving in synch with the pounding into her own vagina. She willed her body to keep from coming, all the while licking faster and faster. A feeling of happiness overcame Diana, when the pilot finally exploded in orgasm. The juices gushing into her mouth and over her face delighted her, but unfortunately they also caused the amazon to lose her concentration. Once more the strap-on drilled deep into her core and it was too much. Diana came with a cry of pleasure. Suddenly she was pushed from the desk and slapped in the face. It was Rayna who had hit her.
“On your knees, you dirty slut! You have disobeyed your Mistress.”
A distressed Diana quickly got into position.
“I am so sorry ...”
Another slap hit her.
“Who said you could talk? Here, take this!”
Rayna had unclasped the strap-on and pushed it roughly into the amazon’s mouth.
“Now you will crawl to your Mistress and beg for her forgiveness. And you will show her the proof of your disobedience, so you better not drop that dick. She will decide your punishment.”
Diana nodded and followed the blonde towards the show room. She had to crawl so fast to keep up with her, that she rubbed her knees almost raw. But that did not matter. She had failed her Mistress. Her only desire was to apologize. She would gladly take any punishment to make up for her grave mistake.
They entered the show room, where Cassandra sat in a thronelike chair. She looked magnificent in her white blouse, black leather skirt and high-heeled black leather boots. Rayna led her before the throne, then gave her a new command.
“Greet your Mistress properly! Afterwards you can start begging.”
Diana looked at the blonde in distress. She understood that she had to kiss her Mistress’ boots. But Rayna had not revoked her prohibition to drop the strap-on. So what could she do? She decided to keep the fake dick in her mouth and settled to rub her cheek along the shaft of the boot. Finally the voice of her Mistress stopped her.
“Okay, slut, enough of that. Show me the evidence.”
Diana straightened and then leant forward so that her Mistress could pull the strap-on from her mouth. Cassandra looked at it, then at the amazon.
“So this dick made you disobey me. We will start your punishment with a spanking – fifty slaps on your bare bottom. Up here, over my lap.”
“Yes, Mistress, thank you...”
Before the amazon could say more, Cassandra pushed the fake dick back in her mouth.
“Hold that! And now move!”
Diana quickly sprang into action and got in position over her Mistress’ knees. She waited for the punishment and almost jumped, when the first slap hit her bare bottom. It was so strong that tears came to her eyes from the sting. A second and third slap followed quickly and hurt even more than the first one. Despite being a goddess she felt the red-hot pain. Unfortunately, she was already too deep to realize that no normal human could be strong enough to deliver such a blow. She was additionally distracted by Arianna, who was holding a camera and was zooming in on her face. Only now Diana became aware of the big screen showing a live feed. She could even see a tear roll down her cheek. A fourth and fifth hard slap on her behind had her concentrate again on her Mistress and her next words.
“Yes, we are filming your punishment, so that the audience can see every detail. And to have a future reminder for you what happens, if you disobey your Mistress. This way, everyone can see how much you enjoy it.”
Indeed the picture had changed. Arianna had moved around and was now aiming between the amazon’s legs and zooming in on her crotch. And it was true. Big droplets of juices pooling on Diana’s cunt lips were proof of how much she was turned on by her ordeal. Further slaps on her ass cheeks and the upper thighs had the droplets spray in all directions. The amazon moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Blow after blow rained down on her ass. It had taken on a deep shade of pink, as evidenced by the pictures on the screen. Even more blows followed. Her ass was on fire, but the same was now true for her pussy. Only this was a different fire, a fire of passion.
Cassandra meanwhile looked on in glee while she handed out the humiliating punishment. To be able to actually hurt the amazon she had used a simple spell to enhance her strength, since her real body was immortal, but physically not stronger than a normal human’s. The result was just as she had expected. Her victim got aroused at being humiliated. The constant magical bombardment of Diana’s mind had taken its toll and reduced the once proud amazon princess to a submissive slut. Soon the famous Wonder Woman would be her personal sex slave. Just a few more steps of degradation for Diana – and fun for Cassandra and her coven – had to be taken. One last hard slap to Diana’s ass had the amazon moan and finished the first part of the punishment. Cassandra shoved the amazon from her lap.
“Okay, next step. Offer me the strap-on and then beg me to fuck you. And this time you will use your tongue.”
Diana knelt upright and offered the strap-on to her hostess. Between long licks over Cassandra’s leather boots she started begging.
“Please, Mistress, fuck me! Bury your tool deep inside your slut.”
The amazon had licked every square inch of the boots, before her Mistress answered. She had even licked the soles and sucked on the stiletto heel. Every movement, every degrading act still caught on camera. Finally Cassandra was satisfied.
“Okay, enough. Up on the bed. On all fours and present your ass. And of course you will not come without my permission.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Diana quickly hopped onto the bed and took her position. For a few seconds, she wiggled her ass in eager invitation. It did not take long until she felt the tip of the strap-on her rectum. Just the thought of getting fucked in the ass had her juices flowing. This time, Cassandra did not bother with any lube. After all, this fucking was a punishment. She pushed the dildo into the waiting hole. With her magically enhanced strength, she had no problems to push the dildo past the ring of muscles. Once inside the asshole, she pumped the fake dick with even more force. The amazon could not suppress a groan at this painful intrusion. Yet she was thrilled at being fucked in the ass by her beautiful Mistress. She felt the dildo drill deep into her bowels, and she loved her Mistress even more for taking her so thoroughly.
Her arousal nearly doubled when she saw the action on the screen. For several minutes Arianna concentrated on the fake dick pumping in the asshole. Without cut, she panned down to Diana’s glistening pussy, showing how much she enjoyed it. With a further sweep, the camera moved to Diana’s enraptured face, before moving back to her asshole. Since the whole sweep was filmed in one take, it would provide solid proof that it was really Wonder Woman, who got fucked here. By now, the amazon had to fight to keep her arousal at bay and stop herself from coming. Again and again the strap-on pumped into her asshole and provided pleasure beyond imagination. If she had not been in love with her Mistress already, she would have fallen now. Nobody had fucked her so powerful before. It was an incredible sexual experience. She was grateful to her Mistress for having it filmed, so that this wonderful moment could be kept.
Diana had to fight hard, but she managed to keep her orgasm at bay. Finally, after more than an hour, Cassandra stopped. By this time, she had climaxed twice, probably as much from the feeling of power as from the clit stimulation the base of the strap-on provided. Even the amazon with her godly descent from Zeus himself was completely exhausted at this point. But Cassandra gave her only a short reprieve, before she forced her to turn around. Once the amazon was in position, the sorceress pushed the dirty strap-on in her mouth.
“Suck my dick, slut!”
Obediently Diana started to work on it. Without mercy, Cassandra pushed the fake dick in to the hilt. She used so much force, that her victim could not cope quickly enough, and her gag reflex was triggered. Of course the camera was trained on her face during this humiliation, showing the vomit run down her chin. For several minutes, the sorceress fucked her victim brutally, before she was satisfied. She pulled out and ordered the amazon to kneel. By now, despite the humiliation, Diana was beyond herself with arousal. She would have done anything to get her release. For this reason she did not realize immediately, what Cassandra was doing. The hostess was holding the Lasso of Hestia and tying it around Diana’s neck like a leash. Holding the lasso, Cassandra prepared the final step.
“Okay, Wonder Woman, you will swear everlasting loyalty to me. You will accept me as your Mistress and owner, and you will be my personal slave for the rest of your life. As a sign of my generosity, I will fuck you and allow you to come.”
Hearing her super hero name from this woman managed to finally sound an alarm bell in Diana’s mind. She tried to resist, but days of magical bombardment had destroyed her willpower. The need for release was just too great. And so she was unable to muster the force to take back control of her own lasso. After only a few seconds the struggle was over. Diana bowed her head and gave in.
„Mistress, I am yours. You will own me for all eternity. I will do whatever you want and always try to please you. But please, Mistress, allow me to come. I need to orgasm at your hands.”
A look of absolute triumph crossed Cassandra’s features. The ancient sorceress had achieved her goal. She unbuckled the harness and let the strap-on drop. Then she used the leash to pull her slave’s face into her crotch.
“As I told you, slut, I will be generous. As a first gift, I will grant you the nectar of your Goddess. Open your mouth!”
The new slave obeyed immediately and Cassandra let go with a strong stream of piss. It hit the amazon in her mouth and she fought hard to swallow every last drop of the acrid fluid. Though in her state of total submission, it tasted like the finest wine. Cassandra kept pissing in her mouth for several minutes, filling her slave with almost half a gallon. When she had finally finished, Diana licked her clean, making sure to savor every single drop. Then Cassandra ordered her to lie on her back. The sorceress had now complete control of the magical lasso, having won the battle of wills against its former owner. She caressed Diana’s pussy lips with the end of the lasso. Then slowly she pushed it between the lips. As a final humiliation, she would fuck her slave with the lasso that had probably been the best known symbol of Wonder Woman’s might. For minutes she pumped the lasso in and out, bringing her slave to new heights of arousal, until she finally allowed her to come. Diana’s orgasm was an explosion of pleasure, which made every humiliation completely worth it. She was happy to have the honor of being Cassandra’s sex slave. Afterwards Cassandra used the lasso as a leash again, to lead her slave through the main hall.
“It is time now to finally introduce you to all my girls. You will greet each one and kiss her boots to acknowledge her as your superior. Every single one of them has the right to take you anytime and any way she wants, unless it clashes with one of my commands. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress. I am theirs to use me. I am nothing but a sex toy for my Mistress and her girls.”
“Good. Let’s start with Rayna.”
Diana bent down and kissed the assistant’s boots reverently. It was the start of a very long night.
Three weeks later.
Cassandra pumped her strap-on slowly into her slave’s asshole. She wanted to savor the feeling of fucking her sex toy, since it would be the last time for a while. Keeping Wonder Woman away from her heroics for too long would arouse suspicions. Other super heroes might snoop around and Cassandra was not risking an open confrontation yet. You did not become 4000 years old by being careless. Maybe once she had conquered Themiscyra with Diana’s help, she could confront her foes more openly, but not yet. Her slave was trained well enough to come back whenever she was called. And if the amazon eliminated some super villains in the meantime, just the better. Cassandra considered any male her enemy, no matter if man, hero or villain. Diana’s shouts of pleasure stopped her train of thought and Cassandra solely concentrated again on fucking her slave.
Another four weeks later.
A lithe shadow climbed out of a skylight and stepped onto the dark roof. The movements were almost inhumanly smooth, not surprisingly, since the woman was no other than Catwoman. The famous thief had just completed another solo heist. She had stolen an old book for her client, a beautiful Greek woman named Cassandra. The woman had offered a good price and hinted at further similar jobs in the future. She also mentioned a special bonus for a job done well. Catwoman would not have minded, if the bonus had been a make-out session with the woman. She really was beautiful. But Catwoman was pulled from her thoughts when her sense of danger tingled. The next moment she heard a voice.
“Hello Catwoman. Seems you completed another job.”
Catwoman quickly turned.
“Wonder Woman!”
“The one and only. So did anybody notice you? Or even got hurt?”
“Of course not! There would have been an alarm otherwise, wouldn’t it?”
The thief replied indignantly.
“Well, in that case you have earned a nice bonus, I would say. And since you are Catwoman, I bet you love to play with a sweet pussy. So for tonight, this is all yours.”
The famous amazon pulled up her battle skirt, revealing a naked pussy beneath. Catwoman was stunned for a moment, before she could reply.
“Instead of trying to arrest me, you would let me fuck you?”
“Yes, I was told that what you did was for a good cause. So for one night I am yours.”
The raven haired thief could still not believe it.
“You are serious?”
“Oh yes, let me show you.”
Wonder Woman dropped to her knees and bent forward. She placed a loving kiss on Catwoman’s left boot. Then she turned around and pulled the skirt completely up. Presenting her beautiful naked butt, she looked over her shoulder and pleaded.
“Please fuck me! For tonight, I am completely yours.”
Catwoman could no longer deny the pull. Almost as if in trance she moved closer and knelt behind the gorgeous woman. She could not believe a super hero to simply lie, especially not the honorable Wonder Woman. She probed the amazon’s pussy lips with one of her claws and got even more convinced. Wonder Woman offered her most vulnerable parts freely and those droplets of pussy juice were real. The amazon was truly aroused at the situation. Catwoman licked the delicious droplet and moaned. It tasted divine. It was time to go directly for the source. She bent down and licked along the slit. Now it was Wonder Woman’s turn to moan. It was the start to a night full of debauchery and sex. At its end, a completely sated Catwoman had come more often than at any other night. It was incredibly stimulating to have the powerful Wonder Woman serve her so willingly. She had even rimmed Catwoman’s asshole without the slightest hesitation.
It was only when she picked up the booty from her heist that she realized what this meant. This meeting must have been the bonus promised by her client. Although Catwoman preferred to be her own boss, she really hoped to work for Cassandra again in the future.
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That may be the best story I hav read on this site!
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thank you, but now I'm blushing. :)
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VegaTaxeca wrote:
1 year ago
Thank you, but now I'm blushing. :)

As well you might be. ValleyVixin is as hot as her avatar. As for me, I'm still reading, but I love the subtle trap you've set up.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thank you. I hope you enjoy the end as well. :)
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This is a great story and you are a great writer! You made me feel like Diana on a 4th dimensional level where I felt I was experiencing what she was experiencing. I don't want to say specifically why to avoid spoiling it or even giving a hint away. But to some level of understanding, and as embarrassing as it is to admit, it was like I was wet when she was wet.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 216
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Thank you for your very kind words. It is nice to know you liked my story. :)

(Also thanks to all those who left a thanks for the story.)
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