Lady England vs the Alpha Male

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Lady England vs the Alpha Male 

For some months, a notorious individual named Jack Gordon had been advertising himself as the ultimate man, with a full proof seduction programme that enabled him to seduce any woman. I immediately thought of him as an arrogant chauvinist typical of these so called pick up artists and anti feminist influencers that have become popular online. Nevertheless he put forward the bold claim that he can use these techniques on the most powerful of women, namely superheroines! I decided to entertain myself. I Lady England took it upon myself to visit this oaf of a man and expose him for the sexist letch he is. At least that was my intention and goal. 

Following his trail of online ads, it came to my attention that he was holding an event in my capital city, London. I decided to turn up, uninvited and humiliate him in front of his incel fanboy club. I donned my usual attire, exposing whatever pieces of my flesh I chose to tease the minds of these sex starved males. I do often find it strange when men whine about their inability to get consensual sex from a woman, and then humiliate women that behave “slutty.” I was hoping to obliterate this male chauvinist’s desire to impose his control over a woman’s sexuality. However this encounter was to be a rather unexpected and unpredictable one. An encounter wrought with confusion that I am still trying to unravel. 

I will admit, my confidence has been somewhat beaten down. Despite my power I am slowly recovering and trying my utmost best to gain my mental strength of will back as a woman. I will narrate the story from the beginning. It all began when I entered the conference at Friends Meeting House in Euston, London. I didn’t even bother to walk or take the tube, I flew straight into the hall standing at the back with my fists on my hips listening from the shadows. 
“We men used to be dominant, but after decades of feminism we have lost the primal edge, the thing that makes us men….”
His speech was the usual populist right wing dribble, a cliche in itself. Jack Gordon was white, tall and wore a suit that hugged the shape of his body, it moulded around it. Clearly a regular gym goer. His face was rugged, a dark beard with short hair. I looked up and could see his banners, posters and a logo. It felt like Germany in the 1930s, and of course, being immortal I can remember a time when fascism was popular, from Mussolini, to Hitler, to Franco and Mosley. This Jack Gordon however, instead of rallying a nation for war and anti-semitism; was trying to appeal to his gender and he calls himself THE Alpha Male. 

I listened to the remainder of his speech. 
“And today you shall witness the extent of how powerful my seduction techniques are and how they can work on even the most powerful and desired women on the planet…..that’s right guys….superheroines! I know you all have fantasised about them” 
His words repulsed me. 
“You can come out of the shadows now Lady England!” 
I was surprised and somewhat impressed by his vigilance. He was clearly paying attention to his surroundings. All the heads in the audience turned to look at me. As I walked down the stairs confidently I could hear their mummurs. My shining white high heeled boots echoed the hall. I made sure that my lithe yet long body swayed with the contours of my snake like curves. I was wearing my new costume. A white coloured bodysuit as always, but my sides were exposed. The red cross was draped around my breasts and ran down the centre of my outfit. I wore white gloves and today I had decided to leave my Queenly tiara at home. Who knows how many erections I was inspiring as I walked passed the crowd! Perhaps they thought this was part of the event. I walked up to this Alpha Male and looked him right in his eyes. 
“So you claim that you can seduce any woman and any Superheroine?” 
“Yes indeed. Can I demonstrate on you?” 
I laughed at his suggestion and continued.
“And just how exactly do you propose to seduce me? Perhaps you can enlighten me on how you are able to seduce some of the most sexy, beautiful and powerful women on the planet? What are these techniques that you will be passing down to these….gentlemen?” I gestured with my hand towards his crowd of anti-feminist zealots. He smiled and then stepped in closer to me. I knew he posed no threat whatsoever. 
“The truth is” he whispered .
“There is no technique…..I have nothing to teach…..all I do is be myself. These horny idiots fall for my over hyped marketing, they come to my events in the hope of learning something that will give them an invincible flawless edge in the male quest for pussy. I make a good buck.”
“I knew it….”
“Now I know you think you have unveiled something but the truth is I never needed to tell you all this. I only did so because now you’ve fallen into my trap” 
I remember laughing at him. Then I became aware of something. The closer he walked towards me, the stranger I began to feel. It was like my body sensations were being sucked magnetically into the presence of the man before me; and a hot energy, like quicksand was dragging my attention downwards towards my womanly parts. I am still somewhat angry with myself, and the Goddess of the Fay who blessed me with my power. Should I not be also blessed with the ability to have complete and utter sovereignty over myself as a woman ? Am I not Lady England!? 

“Now what you are witnessing boys, is the primal power of eye contact” he said, giving a running commentary, as a coach to his students. The crowd could already notice that I had suddenly become silent. It took some effort but I finally managed to break myself from his hold. I took a breathe and brought my hand to my forehead. I needed to focus. It was a strange feeling. As if I was being over powered by simply being in his presence. He felt so dominant and my confidence seemed to just melt away. He stepped in slowly, closer and closer body, invading my personal space. Then he held my hand and invaded my mouth with his. I resisted for 3 seconds and the yielded. The kiss electrified my entire body. I couldn’t fight it. When he stopped I suddenly came back to earth and became self conscious of the fact that he had humiliated me in front of a crowd. He had proven me wrong and broke my will. Even though it was a mere kiss, the damage had been done. Lady England had submitted to the Alpha Male. 
“And there you have it boys, any woman can be weakened even the mighty Lady England” he said. Those words stung me to the core. I needed to get away. I stepped back and flew upwards, crashing through the ceiling of the building leaving a hole behind. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible and as fast as possible. 

That night I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The idea of the Alpha Male kissing me was infuriating and yet the experience touched something primal deep within me, the contradictory feelings drove me mad. I was a mess! How could it be that Lady England was reduced to such a state?! As I sat on my couch in my apartment, I was wearing naught but my panties and a t shirt. As I watched YouTube I was enraged to discover a video of me being kissed by the Alpha Male. Predictably some fanboy from the audience caught it on camera and the bastard was parading around social media and the internet like a trophy. “How I conquered Lady England” was one of the subtitles. I was angry, and yet, I was so turned on. I needed to get this burning frustration out of my body. As I watched the videos on the Alpha Males channel, I slowly began stroking the soft skin between my legs. I had been wet since my encounter with the Alpha Male. Just saying his name in my head turned me on. I created a fantasy in my head. I imagined it was night and I was walking down a dark alley, I wore office attire with a short skirt and heels. I had been stripped of my powers after a previous defeat. It was quite the narrative and yes my fantasies usually have an extensive backstory. This fantasy involved a walk, all on my lonesome. A defenceless woman. Then he came out of the darkness, the Alpha Male. He mauled me, and I couldn’t do anything to stop him. He tore me down, he was so primal and although I resisted, I knew he would take me down. I wanted him. As I visualised his hands seize my wet hole, I continued to strum my blood engorged strings until I came hard, frowning, biting my lip, my body shuddering and then eventually curling into a ball of neediness on the couch as my orgasm continued. There seemed no end to it. 

When it had subsided, I let the high pour over me as if I was lying on a beach caressed by the shallow tide of a sea. I took short breathes and stayed in the post orgasm glow. After a while the horny energy was gone, I felt ready. I declared to myself to visit the Alpha Male one more time and prove to myself that I can resist him. My folly however was that I had failed to consider the reason as to why this man had managed to get what he wanted from me so easily. I made the assumption that it was simply a moment of weakness. Transforming into my costume, I quickly took to the skies. 

Using my super senses and some detective work, it didn’t take much effort to locate the Alpha Male at his penthouse apartment in Mayfair, London. I floated outside his balcony. It had a table and chairs to my left, and behind was Londons central spectacle sights. It almost seemed as though he was waiting for me as he opened his doors and stepped out into the cold air. He was shirtless, holding a glass of wine in his hand. From his position I was perhaps an hovering Angel in white bestowing my grace upon him. From my perspective, he was perhaps a vampire in dark pants, luring me to his hypnotic trap. In truth I had no idea what I was doing there. I just thought that I needed to redeem myself. Such is my arrogance as a woman and a Superheroine. I thought that I could expose him, there must be something about him I thought, i was certain he was engaged in some criminal activity. Or perhaps I just wanted to prove to myself that I could resist him and show him that his “seduction” techniques are flawed and that he was a fraud. 

“I knew you’d come” 
“But the question is, why?”
I was silent. 
“Come closer” 
“No. I’m here because I know there is something nefarious about you. I’m here because you need to be exposed as the fraud you are. Making money out of your pathetic Alpha Male courses? Oh please” 
“You’re right I am a fraud”
“None of those fanboys have a hope in hell of attaining my skill with women or living the lifestyle I live”
“I knew it!! And I’ve recorded the whole thing” 
I thrusted a mobile phone recorder in his face.
“You got me gorgeous!” 
“At the least you will go down for fraud” 
“Wait….I haven’t told you why those poor young males can’t learn what I have attained” 
“Ok please tell me why you are such an Alpha Male” 
“I’ve done my research on you. I know you was blessed with your powers, by entities, goddesses” 
“So what” 
He stepped closer to me. 
“I was blessed too, by the Gods or lust and eroticism. And the Gods of masculine power. It means that my power, my only power is that whenever a woman comes into close contact with me, she will fall apart!”
And then I realised. It wasn’t mind control at all, it was magic. It was as if his presence alone nullified all of my powers and then weakened my body and mind at the same time. The Gods of Lust! I had heard about them, but never thought to encounter one of their followers. Those Gods are many, but they imbue a strong potent energy that vanquishes the feminine spirit. It was at that moment that I realised that my attempt to humiliate and expose the Alpha Male would fail. And yet I persisted. I lowered myself to the ground to confront him. I stormed towards him, pushing through the overwhelming feeling that was suffocating me with his hard dominant energy. I grabbed his throat, his eyes widened in clear shock and it was over. It was over indeed as my grip loosened and I allowed him to pull my hips towards his. I could feel his hard manhood and I turned my face away from him angrily. 
“Remove your boots!” He commanded. 
“I….I….err….no….I can’t” I replied unsure of myself. What happened next blew my mind and till this day I do not understand why I couldn’t fight him. 

His fingers immediately grabbed my nipples. He squeezed and twisted through the fabric of my costume, it stung and I moaned lightly.
“I will repeat again, remove your boots!” He commanded.
I obeyed him willingly, like a hopeless puppy trying to impress his owner. I bent over and unzipped them slowly. I threw them to the side. I normally a tall woman, even taller in heels. But now I appeared shorter than him, and I knew that’s what he wanted. I felt so inferior to him. Not many men have managed to achieve such power over me. He grabbed me by my arms, dragged me into his chest and kissed me again. The passionate paralysis I was experiencing was corrupting, but somehow I managed to push him away. It was feeble. I knew I still had my power but I just couldn’t use it. Couldn’t or didn’t want to, Im not sure. The magical aura that emanated from his body was confusing me on multiple levels. I walked away from him, at a snail pace as if I wanted to be caught, and catch me he did. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me once again towards him like a lead dancer so as the rekindle this Tango of lust. He held me tight, but I squirmed. He yanked my hair back.
“stop your moving!”
I gasped as I drank up his discipline. I wanted my brattiness destroyed. His hand grabbed my white pristine coloured pants. He began massaging. His hand moving like a temperate ocean wave, applying rippling movements with pressure. Fingers circling my tender spot. He may as well have ripped off my pants, it was as if I wore nothing down below as I became drenched in a wondrous watery womanly mess.
“I am going to suck your pink clit” he whispered in my ears which just made me feel even more enflamed.
“No no no, I can’t…” I replied. Words, just words. Thats all I could do to fight back. I was so pathetic.
“Im not even touching your naked pussy but I bet I can make you cum by stimulating your through your costume…that will take the spirit out of you…It makes me so hard…the idea of making you cum in your costume…Lady England indeed! You’re just weak…..You love this….you want to be conquered in full costume….it makes you feel soft and feminine….thats what you want.”

When I came I did so willingly so as confirm everything he said. He read my mind and I buried my face in his chest as I climaxed on the palm of his hand. His face showed an enjoyment for the way came apart in his arms. After that he was brutally artful in the way he proceeded to maul my costume, and peel it from my body. I had enough, and fought back again. A heavy fist slammed into my solar plexus winding me. How was this possible I thought? My powers were being drained! I hung on his fist half conscious, my arms limp by my side. In my weakness, he managed to remove my attire completely. The aesthetic of regal beauty that was Lady England was cast to the floor. I couldn’t resist anymore as he yanked me by my hair. I fell to my knees. He slowly released his belt and unleashed his cock. I knew what he planned to do and I simply couldn’t let him. I grabbed his wrist and threw a punch into his stomach. To my dismay it had no effect.
“But how?!”
“The more you are in contact with me, my powers will drain enough of your powers so that you are reduced to the state of a mere damsel. The patriarchal Gods of masculine lust require the feminine to be subordinate to me…Eventually all women on earth will be enslaved. That is my mission!”
“No! Never!!” I cried defiantly, but when I cast my eyes towards his hung phallic flesh, I could no longer focus. This source of power and strength, the epitome of manhood and masculinity was doing something to me. He laughed.
“Yes…..most of my power is locked in my cock…it is there that the Gods of Lust have endowed me with the ability to completely own the mind of a woman….even you Lady England.”

He was right. I couldn’t stop staring at it, but some how I was able to muster the will to shake some sense into myself. I grabbed his cock and began to squeeze in a final attempt to fight him.
“I will never yield!”
It was mistake I will never forget. The magic that was nullifying my power increased tenfold as soon as I touched it.
“Uuuuugh must fight” I yelled. He yanked my hair again, and then slapped me with his hard erected cock. He slapped me again with it as it if was a baton. I can’t remember everything as the blows sent me into a daze. Suddenly he crossed his long fleshy vein across my throat, grabbed the tip it with his hand, and with a strong grip he pulled me to him, whilst I was still naked on my knees, and my body facing away from him. He was choking me with his cock as if it was a metal bar or a tube. I couldn’t breathe or speak, and slowly I was losing consciousness. Suddenly he released me. I coughed and spluttered, thanking the Goddess that I could breathe again. I was beyond humiliated and my will was deflated.

“Pleasure me”
“yes who?”
“say it with conviction”
“yes master”
My mind was gone, but he had it under his control, the hypo magic that vibrated from his cock was too much for me. I was lost in a delirious whirlpool of sluttiness. I willingly sucked him, and I actually wanted to. Even now, after my defeat, I have to admit to myself that I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the odour and taste of his manhood, I don’t think I had been more needy for anything in my life. I sucked him hard, I sucked him slow. Deep and shallow. It was a symphony of a blowjob. When he grabbed the back of my head and forced me to gag I felt so used. Like a tool, a sex toy, a fuck doll. I had hoped to make him cum but his stamina was good as expected. When he had fucked my mouth enough he released his sword from its saliva drenched sheathe. He lifted me into his arms, and I completely surrendered to weakness as he carried me to his bedroom.

What ensued I will not comment on anymore as it is obvious that he claimed me in the way a man would do. Even more so, for he had taken me as his prize. Defeating Lady England would yield benefits in the bedroom, the kind that I actually welcomed. Such was the effects of his lust magic and mind control power. Till this day I hope to the goddess that I never meet him again, I do not have the strength to fight him, and I will admit that I cannot win against his power. Despite all the powerful villains I have vanquished, how degrading to be beaten by an average human male with powers that are so specific. I can punch a hole into a tank but with this I failed to overcome it? If Lady England cannot find a way to combat this ability of his, then I will acknowledge that he is in fact the Alpha Male…

The End
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 24
Joined: 8 years ago

Interesting power but way too one-sided.
Did this happen before or after her most recent encounter with Dark Yogi? I would hope she should have some improvement against magic seduction after returning from that different realm.
It may be fun to have her "villains united" moment, like Texas Wonder's misadventures.
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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This is just a play on first person and also a short story. It can be even considered elseworld or an alternate reality :) Shorter stories enable a writer to experiment with ideas.

The other longer stories and sagas will be coming: Lady England in the Dimension of Darkness, Texan Wonder vs Tiger Lord, A Texan Wonder/Lady England team up, the conclusion to the Singapore Swan story and also they will all build up to Project Defeat: Destroy all Superheroines.

I create an e-book at some point for amazon, perhaps with images (art work of photography).
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