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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Location: North Carolina

It was a beautiful Spring Thursday as 19 year-old college student Jennifer Jade strolled across campus. Everything seemed so bright and cheerful; she had just finished her last exam early before her Spring Break officially began. She was simply meandering around campus trying to decide what to do with her imminent two week vacation.

She stopped by the local Starbuck’s for a venti hot chocolate and began to peruse an abandoned morning newspaper as she sipped the frothy beverage. As she scanned or read the various pieces catching her eye, she stopped and re-read one article that seemed to jump out at her.

Under a headline that asked WHO KILLED BARNEY FIFE?, an editorial writer went on to describe the erosion of ‘small town’ living, even in the most rural of areas. He wrote that all the ills of what he called ‘big city living’ have now invaded all corners of our society. One segment mentioned that “even small downstate towns like Reidsville, Vandalia, and Conyers Corners have recently experienced inexplicable criminal activity.” It was this part that caught Jennifer’s, a.k.a. the young superheroine Emerald’s, attention.

Intrigued, Jennifer walked the rest of the way to her nearby apartment. There she settled down in front of her computer. After a couple of hours on the internet, she discovered that all of the towns mentioned in the article, as well as nearby Ellerbe, Mint Hill, and Toluca, had been impacted by a number of baffling police reports, as recently as last weekend.

She found that in each town, all at once a large number of individuals had contacted their local police departments, reporting losing all their cash and valuables. But the odd thing was that every single report mentioned that these were not hold ups or break-ins. These people reported losing their wallets, cash, credit cards, checkbooks, and all watches and jewelry that they had been carrying on their person the day before. It was as if they somehow had misplaced every item of value they were carrying and had no memory of losing anything whatsoever.

Jennifer now knew she was onto something substantive. Clearly there was some kind of connection here, even if local or state authorities had yet to realize it. She now wanted to see hat that connection could be. She began by mapping out the locations of the towns, spread out over several hundred miles in the rural southern part of the state. She also made note of the dates of these inexplicable occurrences.

Using every resource available on the net, Jennifer tried every possible connecting factor she could come up with. Other than the occurrences themselves, nothing seemed to fall into place to link the incidents together. It was as if some unseen spectre was roaming along the interstate, leaving its mark on whatever town it came across.

It was as she was looking over scanned images of local newspaper advertisements from the affected towns that she suddenly saw the missing piece of the puzzle. Every single affected town had, on the exact date preceding the odd disappearances, played host to The Big Top Circus. “Bingo!” Jennifer exclaimed aloud, knowing she had discovered the key to the mysterious occurrences. Somehow this traveling circus was responsible for the losses, now totaling in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That’s got to be it, she thought excitedly. Now I just need to find this roaming sideshow and find out how they’re able to take these poor people’s money and have them not remember it. Following the path the circus had so far traversed, it was a simple matter to find their next destination. Sure enough, just a few mouse clicks was all it took to confirm that The Big Top Circus’ next performances were to be held this coming weekend for the anxious residents of the small hamlet of Newton Grove.

With an air of anticipation, the beautiful young blonde thought, well, it looks like I’ve found a place to spend my Spring Break after all. It’s not exactly Daytona, but Newton Grove, you’re about to meet Emerald!

It was mid-morning the next day as a beautiful teenage girl, dressed in a form-fitting t-shirt, tight denim cut-off shorts, and sandals carried a worn gym bag over her shoulder as she walked across the low-cut grass field toward a group of people working at erecting a large canvas tent. She caught the eye of several of the men working as she stopped and politely asked, “Excuse me, but who’s in charge around here?”

Turning toward the petite voice, an enormous, powerfully-muscled African-American man removed his small cap and regarded her with kind eyes. “Mornin’ miss,” he replied in a deep, rumbling bass voice. “Sounds like you want to find Shandar the Magnificent.” At her amused raised eyebrows, he continued, “I know, but he is the manager and ringmaster, so if he calls himself magnificent, who am I to argue?”

Sharing the gentle giant’s infectious smile, the young woman replied, “Well, there is that. So where can I find Shandar?” With a courtly bow, the larger than life character made a sweeping gesture toward a smaller tent already set up about 50 yards away, near a large collection of crates, cages, and the vehicles and trailers obviously used to transport the entire operation.

With a perfect curtsey to her helpful new friend, the young woman turned and walked to the smaller tent. Inside she was greeted by the sight of an average-sized man sitting at a desk, apparently attending to the myriad details of operating a medium-sized traditional traveling circus. Without looking up from his paperwork he said, “I’m very sorry, but tickets are only sold at the beginning of each performance. The tent opens at five-thirty this afternoon and the first show is at seven.”

Smiling, the shapely young blonde replied, “Thanks, but I’m not here for tickets. I came to see if you were hiring.”

Raising his head, the man looked up and regarded the lovely visitor, his eyebrows climbing slightly in appreciation. “Oh, sorry about that, just a reflex,” he said. “But I’m afraid that I still can’t be of any help.” He looked truly regretful that he had nothing to offer.

Persistent, the girl continued, “Are you sure you don’t have anything open at all? I can do just about anything, just give me a chance.” The look in her eyes spoke of a longing desperation to be needed.

Shaking his head, Shandar replied, “Sweetie, I’m sure you could. But unless you’re a certified diesel engine mechanic or an experienced trapeze artist, I’ve got too many folks and not enough payroll as it is.”

With a playful smile, the beautiful girl said, “Well, I don’t know much about diesel engines, but…” And with that, she lightly stepped out of her sandals and executed a perfect forward tuck, landing on her feet with her hands never touching the ground. Without missing a beat she then sprang forward onto her hands and did a handstand, then began walking forward on her hands, spinning around, and popping herself back upright with almost no effort.

With an irresistibly impish grin, she finished, “So, where’s that trapeze?”

Thirty minutes later, after an elementary but still impressive trapeze demonstration on the outdoor practice rigging, introductions were made. “My name is Jewel. Jewel Green,” The lovely blonde told Shandar after they had returned to his office tent.

“Well Miss Green, you certainly are a surprising little thing,” said the impressed manager and ringmaster. “I have a feeling that even if I ask, you won’t tell me much about yourself or where you’re from. Am I correct in this assumption my dear?”

With slightly pursed lips, Jewel replied, “Let’s just say that I like the idea of working hard and not staying in one place too long. I seem to do better when I’m… in motion, shall we say.”

“But I must ask, where did you learn the use of your obviously natural gifts,” he inquired.

“Here and there,” she replied casually, placing a stray blonde lock behind her ear. “High school and a short time in college, I was involved in gymnastics. But then things happen, people change,” she trailed off.

“I see,” he said, thinking he had gotten very lucky indeed, to come across such a talented and beautiful young stray. A runaway with no family ties, he mused. All the better. Still, one could never be too careful. Aloud he said, “All right, here’s what I can do. We’ll be performing here for the next several days. If you do well, you can stay with us as long as I need you, or until someone better comes along. You’ll get room and board plus fifty dollars a week. We’ll make your costumes and you supply the talent. Fortunately for you we have a small trailer vacant right now so you’ll get the luxury of bunking alone. Any questions?”

With a smile of genuine gratitude, Jewel replied, “Only what do I do now?”

Standing, Shandar gestured toward a small trailer across the way. “Head on over to Helga’s trailer. She’s the best costume mistress in the business. I’m sure she won’t have any problem coming up with something absolutely stunning for you.” While he maintained a professional tone, it was apparent that Shandar was not immune to Jewel’s graceful beauty.

After saying good-bye, Jewel made her way toward Helga’s trailer. As she walked past the various animal cages and all the activity of the assembling troupe, she thought to herself, OK you’re in. Now it’s time for Emerald to get to the bottom of this.
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I love where this one is heading!!! Can't wait to see "Jewel's" costume.
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All right Emerald's back!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Relax, she told herself for quite possibly the hundredth time that day. You’ve been practicing all day; you can do this. Jennifer, in her disguise as newly-hired trapeze artist Jewel Green, gazed down at the crowd seventy-five feet below, just moments from her debut during tonight’s Saturday evening performance.

She was a vision to behold. Her shapely young form was encased in a long sleeved, neck to toe flesh colored opaque bodystocking. Only the shimmery splash of green sequins placed at her shoulder that cascaded across her chest and ended just as they covered the region between her legs belied the assumption that she was completely nude.

Earlier that day she had gazed at her reflection in the mirror in her small but private trailer. While she was all too aware of the distraction she sometimes suffered due to her love of pantyhose and tights, this was almost too much to endure. The look and feel of this costume was mesmerizing. Adding to her reaction was this costume’s similarity to the one worn by the beautiful villainess Sheer, at whose hands she had suffered capture and almost total defeat.

And to make matters even more challenging, there was no way in which she could even think of trying to wear her golden belt, the source of all her hyper-abilities. While she was able to complete her trapeze routines without using her superpowers, the absence of her belt made her feel all the more vulnerable.

She had taken care to hide her golden power belt, along with the rest of Emerald’s uniform, in her trailer. Losing them, or the risk of her identity being exposed, was a risk she was truly concerned about. Afterwards she had spent the rest of Friday afternoon and all day Saturday meeting the various circus performers and staff while spending quite a few hours with the two men she would be working with on the trapeze.

Paolo and Roberto Mazzetta were brothers with a rich tradition of acrobatics and trapeze in their family. They had instantly bonded with the girl they knew as Jewel, taking her under their wing and genuinely expanding her limited training and experience. They both commented that her athletic abilities made her a natural on the trapeze and they seemed truly pleased to work with her. She thought that her appearance wearing skintight nylon tights didn’t hurt their appraisal either.

The beautiful teenage girl came out of her reverie just as she heard the amplified voice of Shandar the Magnificent extolling the crowd below. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention high above the center ring.” His voice took on a rising cadence, drawing out the natural anticipation of those gazing upward. “For tonight we will witness a never-before-seen spectacle. Prepare to be dazzled as you gaze upon the awe and wonder of The Flying Angels!”

At his crescendo the main spotlight burst upon the dazzling form of Jewel and her two counterparts. She was again a bit breathless as she knew the reaction the crowd, especially the men, would have to her shapely body in her magnificent costume. The gleaming white of Paolo’s and Roberto’s tights only served to accentuate her intoxicating beauty.

With a flourish, Roberto leaped into midair, catching his waiting trapeze bar and swinging to land atop his perch some one hundred feet away. With timing born of countless hours of practice, Paolo then grasped the trapeze bar for their own perch and began a swing toward the empty space between the perches. As he swung outward he performed several flips around the bar itself. Mid-way through a swing back toward the waiting Jewel, he let go of the bar and spun around one hundred eighty degrees to land surefooted beside Jewel, to the delight of the crowd.

Moving to the center of the perch, Jewel readied herself for her swing. She gracefully lifted her leg into the air, pointing her nylon encased foot downward with exquisite grace. Leaping forward she caught the swinging bar and as she swung she pulled herself onto the bar. She then brought her lovely legs together and wrapped her knees around the bar, releasing her hands and hanging upside-down as she moved through space.

At the highest point in her arc she unclenched her knees from the bar, allowing her momentum to carry her forward just enough to allow Roberto to firmly grasp her wrists, swinging her down and away from her own bar.

After two pendulum swings dangling from Roberto’s powerful grip, he and Jewel unclasped hands just as Paolo swung, also upside-down, behind Jewel and grasped his hands around her tights covered ankles. A small shiver ran up Jewel’s entire body as Paolo’s muscular hands held fast to her sensitive legs, sheathed in their wonderful alluring flesh tone nylon.

With an effort the beautiful blonde girl forced herself to focus as moments later Paolo’s grip relaxed and she was propelled upward, landing gracefully once again on her perch. She was almost instantly joined by her partner Paolo. After another ten strenuous minutes that seemed more like ten hours to the fresh-faced young trapeze artist, they finished their routine. As the crowd thundered its applause, each of the three aerialists swung out and then dropped into the safety net waiting below. After numerous bows Jewel and her male partners trotted out of the ring on cue.

Backstage Jewel eased her breathing and heartrate from the incredible workout as many of the circus family came by to congratulate her with warm smiles and hugs. Perched lightly atop a small crate she watched the remainder of the show from behind the scenes. Aside from her own distractions and pleasures she reminded herself that she was here to do a job and that she needed to remain on her guard.

Within just a few minutes it seemed as if Shandar was beginning to wrap up tonight’s performance. Suddenly a multitude of bright multicolored lights blazed into existence from the tops of the high poles supporting the tent itself. As the lights began to spin, Shandar’s voice took on an eerie, dream-like quality.

Jewel watched amazed as Shandar’s voice began to weave a hypnotic spell over the crowd. Fortunately she was unable to hear exactly what he was saying and she was shielded from exposure to his hypnotic lights. But she could well see the effects these factors were having on the men, women, and even children who had come to this now obviously criminal circus.

Her mind racing, Jewel watched as the audience began waling toward the exits. As they passed zombie-like through the tent flaps, they dropped all their valuables into large waiting bins placed for them. She saw countless watches, rings, jewelry, wallets, and checkbooks silently left behind by the unwitting victims of this criminal hypnotist. She could just make out Shandar’s parting instructions to forget the circus and all that had happened that evening.

Suddenly the young heroine was caught off-guard as a hand clamped firmly over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her backwards off her seat. Her resistance was ineffectual, due to the absence of her golden power belt as well as the momentary weakness she felt as her captor’s arm rubbed against her nylon clad body.

A feminine voice hissed from behind her ear, “Be quiet or you’ll get us both killed!” Her mind awhirl, Jewel allowed herself to be pulled deeper into the darkened folds of the tent. When they had withdrawn into the fabric’s embrace, Jewel’s mouth and waist were gently released and she turned to face her erstwhile assailant.

A worried young woman stood before her, clad in a black long sleeve leotard and flesh colored tights embedded with tiny rhinestones and no footwear. Her costume was completed with a genuine leather bullwhip coiled like a lasso and fastened to her trim waist. Jewel had more than one reason to catch her breath as she recognized Julie, the circus’ new beautiful brunette lion tamer that she had been introduced to earlier. She recalled hearing that Julie was another new addition to The Big Top’s performance troupe, having just come aboard within the last few weeks.

With a look of true fear, Julie began, “From the look on your face, I assume they haven’t gotten to you yet.”

Struggling to keep up, Jewel asked, “Who hasn’t gotten to me? What’s going on around here?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t just see the grand finale out there,” the lithe animal trainer said. “This whole circus is nothing more than a front, allowing Shan-freak out there to rob everyone in whatever town we end up in. He uses hypnosis to get them to give over all their money and valuables. Then he makes them forget that they were ever here.”

“Is everyone else here in on the scam?” asked the disguised crimefighter.

“Not of their own free will they’re not,” replied the shapely brunette. “He’s got everyone hypnotized to carry out his orders, but they don’t even know it. Until he tells them to do something evil, they’re all just nice, genuine people. They don’t even know what’s really going on. I’ve been able to avoid it so far but I don’t know how much longer my luck will hold out.”

“So what are you going to do about it?” asked the undercover superheroine.

Shocked, the curvaceous lion tamer replied, “Do about it? I’m not going to do anything about it, except earn myself just enough money to get out of here the next chance I get. But what exactly are YOU going to do?”

Needing an ally, the beautiful young blonde decided to confide in Julie. “Look, I traced the crimes that have happened in all these small towns back to this circus. I came in here undercover to discover the key to this mystery and you’ve just given it to me. But if the ringmaster has everyone in his power and the victims can’t remember the actual crime, then I need to come up with some evidence to put him away.”

Stunned, Julie asked, “Are you an undercover cop or detective?”

With a faint smile the nylon clad young trapeze artist said, “Something like that. Now, do you know anything that can help me get this Shandar?”

After a moment’s thought, the lovely lion tamer answered, “Well, I’m not sure, but I think he keeps a record of what he steals at each performance. A few times I’ve seen him with a red notebook that he works in after each show. All I know is that he won’t let anyone else near it.”

“Do you know where he keeps it?” asked the lithe young girl, knowing she was onto something.

“I have no idea,” said Julie. “It could be in his personal trailer or the office tent. But you’re nuts if you think I’m going to help you look in either of those places. Shandar might kill you if he found out.”

“It’s OK,” said Jewel. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Please just forget we had this conversation., all right?”

Relieved, the lion tamer replied, “No problem. I wish I could help you, but I’m afraid you’re on your own. Good luck.”

As she watched the lovely brunette sneak away, the young heroine thought, yeah, I’m going to need some luck.Relax, she told herself for quite possibly the hundredth time that day. You’ve been practicing all day; you can do this. Jennifer, in her disguise as newly-hired trapeze artist Jewel Green, gazed down at the crowd seventy-five feet below, just moments from her debut during tonight’s Saturday evening performance.

She was a vision to behold. Her shapely young form was encased in a long sleeved, neck to toe flesh colored opaque bodystocking. Only the shimmery splash of green sequins placed at her shoulder that cascaded across her chest and ended just as they covered the region between her legs belied the assumption that she was completely nude.

Earlier that day she had gazed at her reflection in the mirror in her small but private trailer. While she was all too aware of the distraction she sometimes suffered due to her love of pantyhose and tights, this was almost too much to endure. The look and feel of this costume was mesmerizing. Adding to her reaction was this costume’s similarity to the one worn by the beautiful villainess Sheer, at whose hands she had suffered capture and almost total defeat.

And to make matters even more challenging, there was no way in which she could even think of trying to wear her golden belt, the source of all her hyper-abilities. While she was able to complete her trapeze routines without using her superpowers, the absence of her belt made her feel all the more vulnerable.

She had taken care to hide her golden power belt, along with the rest of Emerald’s uniform, in her trailer. Losing them, or the risk of her identity being exposed, was a risk she was truly concerned about. Afterwards she had spent the rest of Friday afternoon and all day Saturday meeting the various circus performers and staff while spending quite a few hours with the two men she would be working with on the trapeze.

Paolo and Roberto Mazzetta were brothers with a rich tradition of acrobatics and trapeze in their family. They had instantly bonded with the girl they knew as Jewel, taking her under their wing and genuinely expanding her limited training and experience. They both commented that her athletic abilities made her a natural on the trapeze and they seemed truly pleased to work with her. She thought that her appearance wearing skintight nylon tights didn’t hurt their appraisal either.

The beautiful teenage girl came out of her reverie just as she heard the amplified voice of Shandar the Magnificent extolling the crowd below. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention high above the center ring.” His voice took on a rising cadence, drawing out the natural anticipation of those gazing upward. “For tonight we will witness a never-before-seen spectacle. Prepare to be dazzled as you gaze upon the awe and wonder of The Flying Angels!”

At his crescendo the main spotlight burst upon the dazzling form of Jewel and her two counterparts. She was again a bit breathless as she knew the reaction the crowd, especially the men, would have to her shapely body in her magnificent costume. The gleaming white of Paolo’s and Roberto’s tights only served to accentuate her intoxicating beauty.

With a flourish, Roberto leaped into midair, catching his waiting trapeze bar and swinging to land atop his perch some one hundred feet away. With timing born of countless hours of practice, Paolo then grasped the trapeze bar for their own perch and began a swing toward the empty space between the perches. As he swung outward he performed several flips around the bar itself. Mid-way through a swing back toward the waiting Jewel, he let go of the bar and spun around one hundred eighty degrees to land surefooted beside Jewel, to the delight of the crowd.

Moving to the center of the perch, Jewel readied herself for her swing. She gracefully lifted her leg into the air, pointing her nylon encased foot downward with exquisite grace. Leaping forward she caught the swinging bar and as she swung she pulled herself onto the bar. She then brought her lovely legs together and wrapped her knees around the bar, releasing her hands and hanging upside-down as she moved through space.

At the highest point in her arc she unclenched her knees from the bar, allowing her momentum to carry her forward just enough to allow Roberto to firmly grasp her wrists, swinging her down and away from her own bar.

After two pendulum swings dangling from Roberto’s powerful grip, he and Jewel unclasped hands just as Paolo swung, also upside-down, behind Jewel and grasped his hands around her tights covered ankles. A small shiver ran up Jewel’s entire body as Paolo’s muscular hands held fast to her sensitive legs, sheathed in their wonderful alluring flesh tone nylon.

With an effort the beautiful blonde girl forced herself to focus as moments later Paolo’s grip relaxed and she was propelled upward, landing gracefully once again on her perch. She was almost instantly joined by her partner Paolo. After another ten strenuous minutes that seemed more like ten hours to the fresh-faced young trapeze artist, they finished their routine. As the crowd thundered its applause, each of the three aerialists swung out and then dropped into the safety net waiting below. After numerous bows Jewel and her male partners trotted out of the ring on cue.

Backstage Jewel eased her breathing and heartrate from the incredible workout as many of the circus family came by to congratulate her with warm smiles and hugs. Perched lightly atop a small crate she watched the remainder of the show from behind the scenes. Aside from her own distractions and pleasures she reminded herself that she was here to do a job and that she needed to remain on her guard.

Within just a few minutes it seemed as if Shandar was beginning to wrap up tonight’s performance. Suddenly a multitude of bright multicolored lights blazed into existence from the tops of the high poles supporting the tent itself. As the lights began to spin, Shandar’s voice took on an eerie, dream-like quality.

Jewel watched amazed as Shandar’s voice began to weave a hypnotic spell over the crowd. Fortunately she was unable to hear exactly what he was saying and she was shielded from exposure to his hypnotic lights. But she could well see the effects these factors were having on the men, women, and even children who had come to this now obviously criminal circus.

Her mind racing, Jewel watched as the audience began waling toward the exits. As they passed zombie-like through the tent flaps, they dropped all their valuables into large waiting bins placed for them. She saw countless watches, rings, jewelry, wallets, and checkbooks silently left behind by the unwitting victims of this criminal hypnotist. She could just make out Shandar’s parting instructions to forget the circus and all that had happened that evening.

Suddenly the young heroine was caught off-guard as a hand clamped firmly over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her backwards off her seat. Her resistance was ineffectual, due to the absence of her golden power belt as well as the momentary weakness she felt as her captor’s arm rubbed against her nylon clad body.

A feminine voice hissed from behind her ear, “Be quiet or you’ll get us both killed!” Her mind awhirl, Jewel allowed herself to be pulled deeper into the darkened folds of the tent. When they had withdrawn into the fabric’s embrace, Jewel’s mouth and waist were gently released and she turned to face her erstwhile assailant.

A worried young woman stood before her, clad in a black long sleeve leotard and flesh colored tights embedded with tiny rhinestones and no footwear. Her costume was completed with a genuine leather bullwhip coiled like a lasso and fastened to her trim waist. Jewel had more than one reason to catch her breath as she recognized Julie, the circus’ new beautiful brunette lion tamer that she had been introduced to earlier. She recalled hearing that Julie was another new addition to The Big Top’s performance troupe, having just come aboard within the last few weeks.

With a look of true fear, Julie began, “From the look on your face, I assume they haven’t gotten to you yet.”

Struggling to keep up, Jewel asked, “Who hasn’t gotten to me? What’s going on around here?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t just see the grand finale out there,” the lithe animal trainer said. “This whole circus is nothing more than a front, allowing Shan-freak out there to rob everyone in whatever town we end up in. He uses hypnosis to get them to give over all their money and valuables. Then he makes them forget that they were ever here.”

“Is everyone else here in on the scam?” asked the disguised crimefighter.

“Not of their own free will they’re not,” replied the shapely brunette. “He’s got everyone hypnotized to carry out his orders, but they don’t even know it. Until he tells them to do something evil, they’re all just nice, genuine people. Hey don’t even know what’s really going on. I’ve been able to avoid it so far but I don’t know how much longer my luck will hold out.”

“So what are you going to do about it?” asked the undercover superheroine.

Shocked, the curvaceous lion tamer replied, “Do about it? I’m not going to do anything about it, except earn myself just enough money to get out of here the next chance I get. But what exactly are YOU going to do?”

Needing an ally, the beautiful young blonde decided to confide in Julie. “Look, I traced the crimes that have happened in all these small towns back to this circus. I came in here undercover to discover the key to this mystery and you’ve just given it to me. But if the ringmaster has everyone in his power and the victims can’t remember the actual crime, then I need to come up with some evidence to put him away.”

Stunned, Julie asked, “Are you an undercover cop or detective?”

With a faint smile the nylon clad young trapeze artist said, “Something like that. Now, do you know anything that can help me get this Shandar?”

After a moment’s thought, the lovely lion tamer answered, “Well, I’m not sure, but I think he keeps a record of what he steals at each performance. A few times I’ve seen him with a red notebook that he works in after each show. All I know is that he won’t let anyone else near it.”

“Do you know where he keeps it?” asked the lithe young girl, knowing she was onto something.

“I have no idea,” said Julie. “It could be in his personal trailer or the office tent. But you’re nuts if you think I’m going to help you look in either of those places. Shandar might kill you if he found out.”

“It’s OK,” said Jewel. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Please just forget we had this conversation., all right?”

Relieved, the lion tamer replied, “No problem. I wish I could help you, but I’m afraid you’re on your own. Good luck.”

As she watched the lovely brunette sneak away, the young heroine thought, yeah, I’m going to need some luck.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Realizing that she had been hiding for quite some time, she knew she needed to be seen by the other performers before she was missed. She couldn’t risk attracting any attention, knowing that she was all alone in her efforts. Silently she made her way out of the confines of the tent folds and rejoined the other performers.

After a couple of hours Jewel had had dinner with this truly amazing group of people and now sat in a pile of straw with several of her fellow performers, listening raptly as they told stories of their many travels. She had grown fond of these hard-working and talented people and silently cursed the criminal who had them bent to his will. She vowed to herself to free them from his unwitting control and allow them to continue the work they loved.

Almost as if sensing her thoughts, the villainous Shandar appeared walking from his trailer toward the relaxing group. With a smile he said, “Hello everyone! Great show tonight, great show indeed. Another impeccable performance and I must offer special congratulations to our newest member Jewel for her dazzling display upon the trapeze. My dear, you were wonderful.”

While she felt true pleasure from the well-wishing from the other performers, the beautiful young girl was wary of Shandar as she now knew his true motives. While she had honestly enjoyed the appreciative glances from her fellow workers at the costume she still wore, she now became self-conscious at any look from the criminal hypnotist.

“Now I hate to break up the party,” Shandar continued. “But Atlas, I need your help. Several of the roustabouts and I need your assistance with those heavy new doors on the leopard cages. It looks like it might take a couple of hours if we all pitch in. And I might suggest everyone else turn in for the night. It’s late and you know that after tomorrow evening’s show we begin tearing down for our move to the coast. If we can travel quickly enough I’d like to give everyone a full day off at Sharpe’s Beach.”

It was clear the thought of a holiday at the beach was a great motivator to this hard-working group. With a chorus of friendly “Good nights” the group broke up with Atlas and Shandar heading off to the animal trailer area and all the others toward their sleeping trailers.

This is just the opportunity I need, thought the beautiful young crimefighter as she dusted the straw from her sheer nylon costume. Walking toward her trailer she waited until she was out of sight from the others. After a moment’s indecision, she decided not to take the time to go inside and retrieve her Emerald uniform. Instead she moved stealthily through the darkness until she came to the office tent that served as Shandar’s manager’s office.

She dared a quick glance through the half open curtain revealing no one inside. She quickly moved inside and began to quickly look around for the red notebook Julie the lion tamer had mentioned, or anything else she might use to connect the ringmaster to the unexplained robberies. Due to the small size of the tent the search went rapidly, revealing nothing useful.

Knowing that Shandar would most likely not risk incriminating evidence being found by anyone, the disguised young heroine felt that his trailer might be a more promising target. With great caution she made her way out of the office tent. Her nylon clad feet moving silently across the sawdust, she could hear the sounds of the group working on the animal cages.

Keeping to the shadows she soon arrived at the ringmaster’s private trailer. Steeling herself, she knocked lightly on the door. Getting no response from the interior, she chanced to try the door handle which turned easily. Opening the door ever so slightly she peeked inside and said, “Excuse me, Shandar? Have you got just a minute?” When no answer returned she slipped inside and closed the door behind her.

Inside she found an almost duplicate of the small trailer she had been assigned. While there were the personal trappings of a male occupant, it seemed to be a neatly kept area. Feeling all the more vulnerable being in an area that, if caught, she could not explain her presence in, she quickly began her search.

As time wore on the nervous young woman began to think that her investigation would lead nowhere. Just as she was about to give up she noticed a flash of red tucked in between several binders on a wall-mounted bookshelf. Stretching her lithe body she was just able to reach the shelf and gingerly remove the elusive red notebook.

It was obvious the notebook had been intentionally hidden. Anxious to leave Shandar’s trailer, Jewel opened the front door just enough to peer out. Seeing no one, she slipped outside and closed the door. She quickly made her escape toward the closest safe haven- the main tent.

Slipping quickly through the entrance she darted to a darkened back corner. She needed a chance to look through the notebook and couldn’t risk being seen with it or having it found in her trailer. In the dim light she curled her silken clad legs beneath her and began leafing through the book.

It only took a few moments to realize she had found exactly what she had been searching for. The pages listed dates and town names going back more than two years. Notes were made documenting amounts of cash, jewelry sold to a known city dealer in stolen goods, and checking account and other personal information sold over the internet, presumably for identity theft purposes.

This was the key to Shandar’s entire operation. With this, the undercover young superheroine knew that the authorities could not only prosecute the criminal mastermind but also force him to undo whatever hypnotic spell he had so many people placed under. Standing up, she began thinking of a place to hide the notebook, allowing her the chance to change into her Emerald uniform and take Shandar into custody.

Suddenly a bolt of sharp pain shot into her hand, accompanied by a loud CRACK!, causing her to drop the notebook. Spinning around she saw the athletic form of Julie the lion tamer holding her whip ready for another strike. “Don’t move,” came the monotone voice of the beautiful brunette.

The young blonde girl’s face fell as she realized that the lovely young woman before her had come under the spell of the diabolical ringmaster. And the fact that she was confronting her now meant that Shandar knew of Jewel’s mission and had ordered Julie to stop her. She was in trouble and had to act fast!

Counting on her opponent’s hypnotized reflexes being slower than her own, the nylon clad young girl ran toward Julie, closing the few yards that separated them. Knowing that the other woman’s whip would be useless at such close range, Jewel attacked, tackling Julie to the sawdust covered ground.

Having the initiative Jewel was able to quickly land a stunning blow to the base of the lion tamer’s neck. As her opponent fell back Jewel quickly got up and turned to run back and grab the dropped notebook.

And ran straight into the waiting arms of the strongman Atlas. Caught completely by surprise Jewel was powerless to stop his massive arms coiling around her waist, pinning her arms to her side and lifting her of the ground. Writhing futilely within the giant’s grip she had no hope of escaping his clutches without her golden power belt and its power-granting stone.

“Atlas… no,” she said weakly. “You’ve got to… snap out of it.” Her pleas went unanswered as the crushing arms held her ever tighter within their inescapable grasp. She felt even more helpless now than she had when she had been captured by Sheer’s magnetic particle polarizer. The sheer opaque jeweled bodystocking she now wore only added to her sense of complete vulnerability.

Looking up, she saw the inevitable form of Shandar, the villainous author of her predicament, moving toward them. “Ah, yes,” he began. “My dear young Jewel, it seems as if I underestimated you. But we have fortunately corrected that oversight.” As he talked he walked over and bent down to retrieve the red notebook. “And again I feel as if anything I ask you will only be answered with, shall we say, unreliable information. But not to worry, I do have a remedy for that as well.”

With a look of horror the captured young girl knew what this villain had in mind. She couldn’t let herself become hypnotized and forced to carry out his evil wishes. Desperately she struggled against the massive arms but knew that without her hyper-abilities she was truly helpless.

With an evil grin, Shandar dramatically snapped his fingers. Suddenly the entire big top was bathed in multi-colored light. Jewel saw the lights begin to spin around and around. She tried to avert her eyes from the blazing spectacle, but then she heard the alluring voice of the criminal hypnotist.

“Jewel… Jewel… Look deeply into my eyes.” As he spoke, the struggling young captive felt an uncontrollable urge to look at Shandar. She was powerless to resist his commands as he beckoned to her. She looked into his eyes and began to feel all her will draining.

“Must… resist…,” the captured young superheroine muttered. “Can’t… fall… under… his… spell…” But as she gazed deeply into Shandar’s eyes his hypnotic voice began to take control.

“Jewel…,” his voice echoed inside her head. “Jewel… I am now your master. You will tell me everything I want to know. You must obey my every command. Tell me, what’s your real name?”

Unable to resist she answered, “Jennifer.” It seemed as if it were completely natural to be honest with him.

“Jennifer, why are you here?” asked the evil villain.

“I learned that your circus had been in every town that reported strange unexplained robberies,” the hypnotized heroine revealed, hanging limply within Atlas’ grasp. “I came here to find the cause of the crimes.”

“I see. And do you have anyone working with you?”

“No, Master,” the dazed young captive admitted. “No one knows I’m here.”

Making an assumption, Shander said, “Aha, a solitary girl playing detective. A pity; I had such wonderful plans for you. So was it true what you told me about being a college gymnast?”

“Yes, Master,” answered Jennifer.

“Then we would have nothing to fear from your sudden disappearance either,” the criminal mused aloud. After a moment he said, “Jennifer, I want you to listen to me very closely. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Master.”

Shandar smiled with evil intent. “Excellent. Now Jennifer, I want you to forget why you are here. I want you to believe you are college student Jewel Green who dropped out to join the circus. You know nothing of any crimes and everyone here is your friend. Do you believe that Jennifer?”

“Yes, Master,” Jennifer replied. “My name is Jewel Green and everyone here is my friend.”

“Now Jewel,” the evil hypnotist continued. “Tomorrow evening you will again perform upon the trapeze with your friends Paolo and Roberto. But tomorrow night’s show will be very special. We will even have Helga come up with a special costume for you. As you perform your final routine, I want you to intentionally miss catching Roberto’s hands and you will fall. You must obey. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” answered the helpless heroine. “I will miss Roberto’s catch and fall into the net.”

“No, my precious little girl,” said the evil mastermind. “For tomorrow, The Flying Angels will be working without a net.”
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The following afternoon Jewel Green stood behind the scenes wearing her performance costume of sheer nylon bodystocking with its dazzling green gemstones. She loved the look and feel of her outfit and knew others did as well. She was watching the performance of her friend Julie and her trained lions, tigers, and leopards. It was exciting to watch the intricate commands and stunts as the lovely brunette put the animals through their paces.

Jewel could not remember ever being happier. She had spent the day laughing and working with her new friends; she felt accepted and loved as never before. It was almost as if her life had truly begun only when she joined The Big Top Circus. She had no real memories of any other life beforehand, and seemed oddly at peace with that.

A warm hand clasped her shoulder and she turned to find her friend and ringmaster Shandar the Magnificent. She felt a true bond with this man who had allowed her to become a part of this wonderful group. She smiled warmly at him.

“Ready for your big night?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes,” she replied proudly. “Paolo, Roberto, and I have been working on some new combinations today. We’re looking forward to the challenge of working without a net.”

“Are you sure you’re not at all nervous?” the ringmaster asked. “I don’t want to scare you but seventy-five feet is a long way down.”

She replied with a confident smile. “We’re ready, Shandar. The guys are the best and they won’t let anything happen to me.” She gave him a sly grin and said, “But it’s very sweet of you to be concerned.”

“Ahem, well it’s just that I would hate to see anything happen to so talented an artist. Or so beautiful a young woman.” He let his eyes linger on her shapely body appreciatively. “Perhaps after the show we could… spend some time together.” As he spoke his hand moved from her shoulder, down her back onto her trim waist.

Genuinely pleased by his attention and the sensation his touch had given her, the beautiful young blonde moved closer toward Shandar and brought her hands onto his chest. She whispered, “I’d like that…, very much.” She moved even closer, bringing her lips onto his.

They shared a deep, long kiss that weakened the young girl’s knees. She was almost overcome by the intoxicating power of her desire and the delicious feelings running all over her nylon encased body. As they parted her breathing was quickened and her mind was awhirl.

At that moment a voice interrupted their connection. “Mistress Jewel, Mistress Jewel. I so happy to found you,” said the sweet older woman known as Helga who served as The Big Top’s costume mistress. “I afraid I wasn’t going be able put the finishing touches on your new costume.”

“Ladies, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go,” Shandar said. “It’s almost time to introduce tonight’s main attraction, The Flying Angels.” With a slight bow that brought smiles to the faces of Jewel and Helga, he said pointedly to Jewel, “Until tonight, my dear.” He then made his exit back toward the main performance area.

Turning toward Helga, Jewel could not hide the flush on her cheeks. “Aha, me thinks you have eyes for ringmaster,” the short, plump older woman observed. “I hope you not give heart away quickly. Strange things happen this place; very strange things…” she trailed off cryptically.

“Ach, no matter. You no listen crazy old Helga,” she continued, brightening. “What knows Helga of young love, eh? So, we see new parts of costume for beautiful Jewel.” At that the bemused young girl watched as the costume mistress reached into a fabric satchel and pulled out a beautiful green and gold silk cape which Jewel bent down, allowing Helga to fasten it around her neck.

“Oh Helga, this is beautiful,” said the joyful young trapeze artist.

“No, is just something put together for give you bit more color,” downplayed Helga, although it was obvious she was pleased by Jewel’s appreciation. “Now just one more thing to make complete. Shandar tell me it OK to look in your trailer, and me find perfect thing.”

From out of her satchel the costume mistress withdrew a shining golden belt with a large green stone set in the center. As she placed it around Jewel’s trim waist, strange impressions raced across the young girl’s mind. Not noticing the younger woman’s expression, Helga said, “Time for Helga leave so you ready for big performance. You are beautiful angel sent from Heaven. Please always take care of beautiful girl. And remember, beware strange things…”

The older woman’s words echoed inside her head as the shapely young girl tried to understand the flood of images and emotions pouring through her head. Even as she joined her trapeze partners she could not quiet her troubled spirit.

“Beware… beware…,” resounded within her mind. With every step she climbed up the ladder toward her trapeze perch, the beautiful young girl became more and more convinced that there was something important she needed to remember. The anticipation of her performance, the excitement of the crowd, and Shandar’s affections all muddled her thoughts as she tried to straighten things out in her head.

As the thunderous amplified voice of the ringmaster far below introduced their upcoming performance, Jewel sensed that something was very, very wrong. As he informed the crowd that tonight’s routines would be done without a safety net, her alarm became genuine fear. “What’s happening to me?” she muttered.

And then came the musical cue for them to begin their performance. But the mystified young woman was frozen on the perch. The confused faces of the crowd gazed up as the frightened young girl in the alluring costume remained standing on the perch beside her co-star.

As the hypnotized young heroine shook her head, trying to clear it, she heard the booming voice of Shandar call out, “Jewel, it is time to begin!” Her muscles tightened as something deep within her struggled to make itself heard.

“Must… obey,” the beautiful young girl muttered. But as her nylon clad feet tensed to leap to her waiting trapeze bar, she found she could not will herself to move. She felt completely helpless, caught between the warring parts of her mind. Her body trembled as she stood so vulnerable against forces beyond her control.

Standing outside the center ring looking up, the villainous hypnotic ringmaster saw his plan begin to unravel. He needed the crowd to witness the young detective’s fall as a complete accident and so had not yet placed them within his hypnotic control. But the girl’s inexplicable resistance put his plan in jeopardy. Quickly he decided on a new course of action. While there was still time he would dispose of the meddlesome young teenager and then simply hypnotize the crowd into seeing what he wanted them to remember. Calling up to one of the circus stars he already had under his spell, he commanded, “Paolo, you must push Jewel off the platform. Now!”

High above, the confused young superheroine’s mental struggle was interrupted by the feeling of a firm hand on the small of her back, then suddenly she was helplessly propelled forward by a powerful shove.

Her tights covered feet offered no resistance as she tumbled off the narrow perch. With a cry she found herself in mid air, falling toward a certain doom seventy-five feet below. At that moment memories of her true self blasted through Shandar’s hypnotic spell. She instantly remembered everything, who she was, her superpowers, her mission here.

With the ground rushing up to meet her in a blur, she instinctively called upon the hyper-power from the stone affixed to her golden belt. Without conscious thought she focused all her energies into a massive wave of invulnerability, bringing it to bear just as her lithe body impacted the ground.

Pain exploded through Emerald’s body as she slammed into the ground with bone-crushing force. She slid and rolled to a stop several yards from where she fell. “Ohhh God… it…. hurts…,” she moaned as her body lay immobile, her hyper-powers struggling to deal with the massive trauma she had just suffered. While her invulnerability had protected her from surface cuts and abrasions, even to the point that her sheer costume remained intact, her internal systems had taken a real beating.

Completely shocked, the evil criminal hypnotist stood perplexed. How in the world had she survived that fall? Even now it seemed as if she were beginning to summon her strength; how could this be? This is impossible. Unless…

“Not a detective, but a superheroine… Oh my God,” breathed the evil Shandar. It was the only possible explanation. And it also meant that he needed to get the hell out of here. If he didn’t leave soon…

With a start he looked up and realized that he may already be too late. Impossible as it seemed, Jewel, or Jennifer, or whatever her name was, was standing up. And she was looking this way! Jesus!, he thought wildly. I don’t even know which superheroine she is! I don’t know if I need kryptonite, sleeping gas, or an atom bomb! Desperately looking for an escape, he gazed at the oncoming young woman.

Ignoring the murder in her eyes, Shandar began his incantation. “Jennifer… Jennifer… Look deeply into my eyes…” At his words the abused young teenage girl stopped, only a few feet in front of the frightened ringmaster.

But it was not the blank stare of the hypnotized victim that he saw. The eyes that regarded him, that were actually looking through him, were eyes that while beautiful, had become consumed by a burning rage that effortlessly blocked his attempts at control. His bottom lip began to quiver.

Her voice began as a rumble and quickly rose to a crescendo that was louder than any amplified voice could be. “Don’t you ever… ever… ever… IN YOUR LIFE… EVER… KISS ME AGAIN!!!” Her hyper-strength infused bellow impacted Shandar as a physical wall of sound that blasted him up and back, with the unconscious villain landing on the completely opposite side of the massive circus tent.

It was only a short while later that, with ears still ringing, the circus-going residents of Newton Grove described the incredible events of that day to a variety of local, state, and Federal authorities. The still-recovering young superheroine Emerald had located Shandar’s incriminating red notebook, with the help of Atlas, Julie, and the other performers, now free of the criminal hypnotist’s power.

Resting on one of the bleachers, now wearing her traditional uniform, Emerald had completed her interview with special agent in charge of the nearby FBI office. With a mix of emotions she watched as a group of medics and police rolled out the stretcher carrying the restrained form of Shandar the Magnificent. He took no notice of her, or anyone else, as he passed. His eyes were wide, staring off into nothingness as he eerily muttered, “…kiss me again… kiss me again… kiss me again…”

With a shudder, the beautiful young heroine stood and prepared to head home after an altogether too stressful weekend. “Perhaps I really should head to Daytona for the rest of Spring Break,” she said to herself. Without fanfare she walked from the tent, carrying a worn gym bag, containing among other things, an incredibly alluring sheer nylon bodystocking adorned with dazzling green sequins.


OK folks, I hope you liked this one. It was a lot of fun to write. I'd love to hear your honest comments. And thanks to all the writers for making this the best fan fiction forum around!
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate your kind words, especially given your own work here.
Oh yes, I have some definite plans for Jennifer's new outfit.
Stay tuned...
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Great Story Sign! Loved the part when Emerald was hypnotized. Wasn't quite sure how she'd get out of that one. This story was probably your second best, first still being romancing the stone.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Loved the new costume! Wouldn't mind seeing a new heroine develop from out of this to team up with the Swan. Cool story with nice brisk pacing. The tone seemed to differ from the previous Emerald stories in that she was placed in a more adult setting, with a slightly edgier feel. I genuinely enjoyed the direction this story took.

Seeing as she took the new costume with her, maybe you can incorporate it into future tales and have her deal with an even creepier or more bizarre "rogue's gallery" (ie half man/half beast, snake lady, or a circus geek). Or maybe now that Emerald is finally grown up, she could face more adult scenarios that explore ethics, morality and deal with how the choices she makes have a direct impact on those around her - both negative and positive. These are just suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em. Either way, keep up the great work!!!
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