She-Hulk (Disney +, 2021)

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Anyone still watching this, uh, Abomination of a show?

The only thing I have to note about EP7 is that it's pretty clear from a mile away that Blonsky's Retreat is some kind of front for a criminal enterprise.
One clue is that all the villains in the therapy circle are men, and Men Bad, remember?
The yurtful healing of Jen was probably, in addition, Blonsky's way of throwing her off the scent. She doesn't even wonder what happened to his harem.

This is all a guess, of course. But I'd be disappointed if the writers didn't follow up on that twist, and if the episode just turned out to be nothing more than a room full of writers trying to put Marvel characters in another goofball situation (wedding, therapy, courtroom, etc).

(P.S. For clarification, all the retreaters in EP7 are real Marvel characters, although Saracen and Porcupine are not black in the comics.)
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I was thinking Titania was getting shots from Blonsky and that's why she's amped up and she came looking for him. A nice plot would be she uses his blood in her products to jazz up older clients and that it starts to go wrong. She sees Jen as a new source of super blood. But given they are 7 episodes in and they have not established a plot, this is kind of meaningless.
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I still watch it, doesn't seem to be going anywhere but it makes a nice buffer between Archer and Lower Decks on a Thursday morning.

Also, and here's the dirty little secret, Tim Roth and Benedict Wong are watchable. I can suffer the rest of this for them.

Also it feels wrong to dump a show this season. Like, there's been some fantastic TV this year and I'm feeling like nothing can go wrong, it'll get good somehow. Even Rick And Morty is back on form this year. 2022 can't miss. The way things have been coming up trumps even this turkey will fly.
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The last couple of episodes seemed relatively disposable... except that with the most recent one, I get the sense that they really are building to something. I don't mind a "show about nothing" where we have fun with the insecurities of being She-Hulk, but the seeds they've sown so far are building to something. I think it's super-clear (despite the wholesome-seeming tone of the recent episode) that She-Hulk is getting manipulated by a supervillain group headed by... my vote would be Blonsky? But they have gotten a sample of her blood now and everything seems to be building. Titania was kind of a "red herring" or a guest supervillain who was mainly a distraction from that plot who mostly contributed to building the main character, but otherwise all of it is coming to a crest.

I'm not really looking for dramatic action from this series, the comedy has been fun and kinda sweet. But if it does deliver some really dramatic action, I'll be on board.

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Holy crap they had a good episode. And one left until the finale. Still though, an episode was good.
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My prediction for the finale:

Avongers! Gather.

Titania will be pissed off that these gross little incel shits went after HER nemesis. Blonski actually has turned over a new leaf, he'll risk violating his parole to help. The therapy group was ready to go to war over Josh already, now, they're coming for payback. No way is Dare Devil going to miss this. Wong returns.

Totally not a Matador
Dare Devil
Sorcerer Supreme
and She-Hulk

Even if Wong and DD sit this episode out, the therapy group is definitely showing up for the finale. Super Creepy She-Hulk fetish guy/Wakandan Spear buyer will turn out to be the "mastermind" behind the Incel Army. The Avongers sort them out with She-Hulk overcoming some obstacle to fully become She-Hulk. Jen is fired or quits her corporate job. Opens her own practice. Helps people through the law. Like DD suggested. The real treasure was the friends she made along the way.

Post credit scene: Raging drunk afterparty with Madisynn and the Avongers.
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That was finally the first actually decent episode. Mostly because of Daredevil, a tight bodysuit, and buildings getting smashed.
But She-Hulk still doesn't fight anyone for real. The fight w/Daredevil is mistaken, with Leapfrog is laughable, with the goons lasts a second, with Intelligencia is virtual, with Damage Control doesn't even happen. The writers haven't written a single real fight all season, and there's only one chance left.

Not to mention that the Intelligencia (whether or not it's led by fetish guy) in the comics isn't just some kind of half-baked Anonymous ripoff.
The Intelligencia is a veritable Legion of Doom which includes the likes of MODOK, Doctor Doom and The Leader. So much for real supervillains.
[New information: the masks that the Intelligencia wear in the show might be a reference to Youtuber Doomcock. Or maybe just Doctor Doom.]

Actually, probably the best thing about the episode is that the word "fetish" was used twice. At least it's an acknowledgment that such a thing exists. Even if the jacked-up third-wavery of the series imbues it with a negative connotation, there are going to be smarties out there attempting to enact shripping and spandex, thinking they can do a better job than the MCU itself (and that isn't hard). Can't wait for those results. Maybe some old She-Hulk transformations on C4S (there are a few solid ones) will also get a boost in sales.

But you're right, JLocke - they'll definitely have to set forth a Battle Royale to make up for all the lost time we've spent watching this dragged-out show. But does Titania (in this MCU version) even rate? She'd have to show up in a close approximation of her formidably sexy purple spandex outfit to even register as a credible threat. Will they actually go there? And if so, does Jameela Jamil even have the heft to pull off such an outfit?
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The gross incel group isn't a spoof on Anonymous. The incel group specifically hate She-Hulk, because she's a woman. They are women haters. They are incels. By definition. Involuntary celibate. They want to fuck, but can't. And the sexual frustration of this particular disgusting, gross group of fictional incels, resulted in 4chan on crack. A group of incels banded together and hired a male prostitute to seduce Jennifer Walters, recorded her having sex without her permission, got a sample of her dna, then broadcast the illegal sex tape at a time to create the maximum pain to Jennifer Walters.

I rage watched the last season of Game of Thrones because I had poured my time and heart into 7 years of a fantasy world. I read all 5 books of a Song of Ice and Fire. Three times. So even though it sucked, I had to watch the final season. And I hated it. That's what it took for me to purposely watch something I hated.

Why the fuck are watching a show you don't like? Why the fuck are you watching other shows that talk about how much they hate this show? Reading blogs about why this show sucks? There are literally thousands of shows, movies, web series, for free. Right now. Dude. Just stop. You don't have to care about this. You don't have to watch things you hate. Turn the channel.
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jlocke wrote:
1 year ago
Why the fuck are watching a show you don't like? Why the fuck are you watching other shows that talk about how much they hate this show? Reading blogs about why this show sucks? There are literally thousands of shows, movies, web series, for free. Right now. Dude. Just stop. You don't have to care about this. You don't have to watch things you hate. Turn the channel.

I agree. don't watch. And a lot of channels keep viewers because they rip on the show.

HOWEVER there are issues with this.
1. If there is one well, you worry about the purity of the water. Yes there is only one source for Marvel content. What you describe with alternatives is books and old series which are niche or already consumed. Yeah i could rewatch Babylon 5 but I'm just rewatching something. There is no "turn the channel". Its very similar to being in the 1950s and 1960s in which everything had heavy handed God messages in it. At some point you get fatigued. And you know it changes nobody and does no good.
2. If these shows tank they sour the idea of making good super hero shows in the future. make bad stuff=>people don't watch=>producers stop making saying viewers don't like this stuff.
3. They COULD do better with what they have and quite simply as well. We know this cause the Daredevil, powerman, Jessica Jones, Punisher stuff is pretty good.
4. Calling out corporate greed and shenanigans is always useful.

I guess just let the thing die and move on. One episode left.

But I agree, there's a whole industry of people who make videos of just ripping on stuff.
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Fun Daredevil cameo in the latest ep, a very funny premise on the whole (I love the Leap Frog's retarded catch-phrase), and a surprisingly interesting set-up for the finale with the incel faction finally getting She-Hulk to lose control. I'm curious to see what they do with the finale, now.
jlocke wrote:
1 year ago
Even if Wong and DD sit this episode out, the therapy group is definitely showing up for the finale. Super Creepy She-Hulk fetish guy/Wakandan Spear buyer will turn out to be the "mastermind" behind the Incel Army. The Avongers sort them out with She-Hulk overcoming some obstacle to fully become She-Hulk. Jen is fired or quits her corporate job. Opens her own practice. Helps people through the law. Like DD suggested. The real treasure was the friends she made along the way.
I feel like Blonski and the therapy group might be a fake-out. They were "there" just a little too perfectly for She-Hulk's relationship drama; my bet is that they're actually working for the bad guys, and it's no coincidence that one of the Wrecking Crew is hanging with them. Spear-buying tech bro is actually an interesting candidate as the "big boss" (my vote was Blonski himself). It might be a nice twist to have Titania show up for her rather than against her for once into the bargain... but I have a feeling that it's Titania who's meant to be the recipient of Jen's stolen blood.

Daredevil and Wong had damned well better have our girl's back. Bruce too, ideally, although I think he's off in space somewhere. It would be nice to see her set up her own practice, though.

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jlocke wrote:
1 year ago
The gross incel group isn't a spoof on Anonymous. The incel group specifically hate She-Hulk, because she's a woman. They are women haters. They are incels. By definition. Involuntary celibate. They want to fuck, but can't. And the sexual frustration of this particular disgusting, gross group of fictional incels, resulted in 4chan on crack. A group of incels banded together and hired a male prostitute to seduce Jennifer Walters, recorded her having sex without her permission, got a sample of her dna, then broadcast the illegal sex tape at a time to create the maximum pain to Jennifer Walters.

Why the fuck are watching a show you don't like? Why the fuck are you watching other shows that talk about how much they hate this show? Reading blogs about why this show sucks? There are literally thousands of shows, movies, web series, for free. Right now. Dude. Just stop. You don't have to care about this. You don't have to watch things you hate. Turn the channel.
Mr. X said a bunch of things that I would have essentially said. He's 100% on point.

But I'll add my own spins: I didn't expect this outburst. You might want to settle down a bit. For one thing, the very term 'incel' started out as a specific woman referring to herself. Look it up if you don't believe me.

I'm watching this show because it contains one of my three favorite superheroines of all time, and because I cherish the tiny little bits of it that might make sense, or that might evoke positive memories of 35 years of classic She-Hulk comics or She-Hulk fan vids gone by. I'm watching this show because it is one of only a few outright superheroine productions on the air right now, along with Darna and Stargirl. So why can't I just do that, without you telling me not to watch it (right on the border of telling me 'it's not for you')? I've already said that I'm not watching either Rings of Power or House of Dragons, which are not superheroine shows, so that should save me plenty of time for She-Hulk, right?

I *am* watching lots of other stuff. I watched 'Nope' the other night, knowing it would probably blow, but I just wanted to try it out and see because it's a sci-fi film. It sucked - the premise itself was horrible, and Peele can't make a movie without inserting tangential social statements - but the fun was in watching them stumble around inside those drawbacks. It's a fucking jellyfish from outer space that eats people - anyone remember Encounter at Farpoint? (ST:TNG)

How much more, then, should I keep an eye on a show which has **core content for this forum**? If nothing else, I can maybe even glean some tips on what *not* to do, and provide some alternative referential for my own series, as well (I've had a She-Hulk style character in my video series, named 'Red Gina', since its very beginning five years ago. As John Lydon sings, 'Anger Is An Energy'!)

As for Anonymous, I didn't say it was totally *just* an Anonymous reference. I even mentioned that they are specifically using a Doomcock mask (it's not just about 4Chan - they are directly referencing their Youtube critics from the Fandom Menace). But I mean, there's no question that it looks a lot like those Anonymous "expect us" videos from a few years back.

And please think about what you're saying here, which just goes to prove my point about the total lack of real villains in this pathetic show. Since this show was first announced, everyone wondered who the "Big Bad" would be in the series. And, after all this Phase 4 work and planning, the best that Marvel and this sad team of writers could come up with is that the Big Bad isn't one person, it isn't a Legion of Doom, and it's not even anyone with superpowers. It's just AN ANONYMOUS GROUP OF INCELS (according to your assessment, which could very well be correct). That's it. Do you not understand how weak that story premise is, as far as a comic book saga goes? Not to mention that it's already been done several times in various recent post-2014 Big 2 comic series, with Batgirl or the Champions or whoever fighting some kind of bad social media Nazis.

The plot is garbage. At least so far, and there's very little time to redeem it. As I said, pretty much the only thing that could save it would be if She-Hulk physically battled a super-muscular spandexed Titania or an de-reformed enraged ultra-swole Abomination, or both - in the street or on top of a building, smashing a bunch of stuff up. There are no other supervillains even mentioned in the series who are at her weight class, other than those. And I don't think that's going to happen. I think it'll end with one very last court case of some kind, possibly with She-Hulk against Fetish/Sword Guy, where Jen has to regain the positive perception of the public about She-Hulk, and maybe somehow Nikki saves the day. Think about it - the writers are big fans of media manipulation of the narrative, so that's all they know, and that's all they can write about: socio-cultural mind games.

In several weeks where She-Hulk has fought almost nobody with actual superpowers, Darna has been fighting over a half-dozen superpowered Extras, as well as ruthless gang members with many guns, and is closing in on a powerful and sexy supervillainess, and Stargirl has been solving a Nancy Drew mystery with occasional superpower use and lots of teen angst. It's very enlightening to contrast and compare these approaches, and it's fun to watch it ALL spool out (not just some of it). So just let me have it. Thanks!
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As a child of the 60s, 70s and 80s I've seen plenty of dud serials that could be picked apart to no end. Misfits of Science for example. So yeah this show goes on the heap with the rest.

I agree the show has a lack of real villains and in fact seems to be the problem with the MCU in general (except for maybe Thanos and Hella). Instead the show shows how insulated the writer and producers are. They live in a "linkedin" world of office politics and first worlder issues. Where is the "real" criminal in this show ie gangster, terrorist etc.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
As a child of the 60s, 70s and 80s I've seen plenty of dud serials that could be picked apart to no end. Misfits of Science for example. So yeah this show goes on the heap with the rest.

I agree the show has a lack of real villains and in fact seems to be the problem with the MCU in general (except for maybe Thanos and Hella). Instead the show shows how insulated the writer and producers are. They live in a "linkedin" world of office politics and first worlder issues. Where is the "real" criminal in this show ie gangster, terrorist etc.
They already did that in Hawkeye with the Tracksuit Mafia, and in Black Widow with the Red Room, and with Falcon/WS with Flag-Smasher, and so on.

She-Hulk deserves to fight someone on her level. Either someone extremely strong (and hopefully equally sexy), or someone with a shit-ton of science or magic that can oppose her strength, like (as I said), The Leader or MODOK or Dr. Doom, if not Titania and Abomination. A battle against some form of Red She-Hulk (Betty Ross) would have been great as well. What about Rappacini, the beautiful Scientist Supreme leader of AIM - that would have worked, as well - just have She-Hulk fight through an endless crowd of yellow beekeeper suits to get to the final throatlift, only to discover she's nothing but a hologram. Or one of the Captain America uberfrauen, like Superia or Warrior Woman. Not to mention THUNDRA, fer Chrissake.

Problem is, she doesn't have much of her own rogues gallery, and some of them are a joke (which they milked as low-hanging fruit). But they certainly could have figured out something from all of the villains of the MCU....something way better than this.

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
As a child of the 60s, 70s and 80s I've seen plenty of dud serials that could be picked apart to no end. Misfits of Science for example. So yeah this show goes on the heap with the rest.

I agree the show has a lack of real villains and in fact seems to be the problem with the MCU in general (except for maybe Thanos and Hella). Instead the show shows how insulated the writer and producers are. They live in a "linkedin" world of office politics and first worlder issues. Where is the "real" criminal in this show ie gangster, terrorist etc.
How dare the writers want to go for a particular vibe in this one show which is largely meant to be comedic and so would probably feel inappropriate if it had proper terrorists and so on

"with the MCU in general" you are talking complete shit: Vulture; Kingpin; Shades; Loki; Malekith; Ego the Living Planet; Ronan the Accuser; the Kree; the Purple Man; Killmonger; Ultron; Diamondback

You made me praise Malekith

You made me praise Malekith
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago

"with the MCU in general" you are talking complete shit: Vulture; Kingpin; Shades; Loki; Malekith; Ego the Living Planet; Ronan the Accuser; the Kree; the Purple Man; Killmonger; Ultron; Diamondback
None of those villains are in this now are they? Yeah the writer tried something... it didn't work. even the people who this was aimed at apparently aren't watching. And those villains aren't recent offerings. Except for maybe Green Goblin, he was good but spiderman was a block buster done by Sony.

Hey if this brought in 10 mil viewers who want to see this stuff then by all means make more. But after 8 episodes and abysmal numbers I would think its over.

Its not about people like me who don't like it. Its about the people who this was made for who didn't support it. Like women's soccer, don't blame people who don't like women's soccer... blame the supposed pro-women side who never go to the games.

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago

"with the MCU in general" you are talking complete shit: Vulture; Kingpin; Shades; Loki; Malekith; Ego the Living Planet; Ronan the Accuser; the Kree; the Purple Man; Killmonger; Ultron; Diamondback
None of those villains are in this now are they? Yeah the writer tried something... it didn't work. even the people who this was aimed at apparently aren't watching. And those villains aren't recent offerings. Except for maybe Green Goblin, he was good but spiderman was a block buster done by Sony.

Hey if this brought in 10 mil viewers who want to see this stuff then by all means make more. But after 8 episodes and abysmal numbers I would think its over.

Its not about people like me who don't like it. Its about the people who this was made for who didn't support it. Like women's soccer, don't blame people who don't like women's soccer... blame the supposed pro-women side who never go to the games.
You said "it seems to be a problem with the MCU in general"

Could I at least ask you to keep up with yourself
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The problem I have with the whole incel baddies thing is I just can't take the idea that people who live in the MCU version of Earth have time for that shit. Life there is weird, and a constant rolling series of near world-ending catastrophes. I get for the shows to be relevant they sort of have relate to the real world, but it's hard to shake the idea that the whole 'half of everything died for five years then came back' would be a way bigger deal.

That said the whole completely vindictive hateful spite of it rang very true. There are some shitty people on them internets.

As to how it shakes out, wasn't the guy that attacked She Hulk in an early episode who was at Blonski's therapy place in the pay of that group? He claimed to be a reformed man but it's a hell of a coincidence. Either he's going to know something or it really is all the Abomination and his crew being fuckers.

Overall though, depending how the finale goes, the overwhelming vibe is that this could have been a movie. There's not a huge amount of story here, and while most of the characters and cameos are amiable enough it feels very diluted. This could have been a comfy two hour movie or a tight one forty. Would Ant-Man have been a TV series if the character was coming along this phase? I think the movies work better.

I did really like the Daredevil cameo though. They were a cute couple, the walk of shame was hilarious, and holy crap the MCU has needed heroes who fuck for the longest time. Heroes who don't wait til the third date, or an actual date. Damn.
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You guys might be right about the support group, but dammit, I'm just hoping they were sincere. I really like the idea of the "bad" guy trying to do good. I guess I really want redemption for everyone. The "bad" guys are usually ordinary people who have had horrible things happen to them and they react destructively. That's probably how most of us would react. With great power comes great responsibility, and I was not responsible at all when I was younger. I loved how Spider-Man: No Way Home treated their villains.

Titania being the one who wants the blood...maybe, but would she use the incel group to do it? Because Josh was working for the incel group and he is the one who got the blood sample. Is magic crow bar guy actually reformed? I want to believe. If he's not, it makes perfect sense that the therapy group won't be The Avongers, they'll be The Dark Avongers.

The real question: What is an Avongers Level Threat?
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Hoping for an akward Jen/Titania Lesbian encounter....I can't be the only one!!
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jlocke wrote:
1 year ago
You guys might be right about the support group, but dammit, I'm just hoping they were sincere. I really like the idea of the "bad" guy trying to do good. I guess I really want redemption for everyone.
It would really be nice if they were, I'd like it, too. The whole group interlude felt really wholesome for the most part, they were all likeable.

I just... come on, the Wrecking Crew leader found redemption out of the blue while there was a secret agent from Intelligentsia carrying out what his group could not, and Blonski's group is soothing She-Hulk about the incident as all that is playing out? I'd love for the wholesomeness to be genuine and maybe some of it was... but there's got to be something at least a little off there. I'm not certain how far it goes, though. If the bad guys do find their truly better selves, I won't be mad about it.
Titania being the one who wants the blood...maybe, but would she use the incel group to do it?
My guess is combined customer and test subject. A perfect fit given her super-clear envy of She-Hulk, which will only have increased given her recent humiliation. Although of course, we can't rule out a curveball here, either.
If he's not, it makes perfect sense that the therapy group won't be The Avongers, they'll be The Dark Avongers . . . .The real question: What is an Avongers Level Threat?
If the Therapy Group goes Dark and has an extra Hulk in their pocket: then they're up against DD, She-Hulk, Wong, and possibly Bruce.

If it goes a different way, I still think at least the Abomination and Titania have to turn up as twin baddies. But perhaps leaving Bruce out of the picture and the therapy group is a bit more divided.

Total blind guesses here. They've sowed some interesting seeds.

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batgirl1969 wrote:
1 year ago
Hoping for an akward Jen/Titania Lesbian encounter....I can't be the only one!!
I don't feel like it's on the cards? But you're not wrong.

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Back in my day it wasn't called a cameo when you appear in multiple scenes in an episode, it's called guest starring.

That said, this was a good episode. Very glad they wrote Daredevil consistent with his run on Netflix, in Spiderman movie, yet still fit in with She-Hulk's sort of comedy series.
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She-Hulk SMASH Fourth Wall! Smash to BITS!
The finale is probably the funniest episode of the whole season. It's very funny. I won't go into too much detail, but it definitely subverts all the expectations we were kicking around here in a way that I really enjoy. The magnificent anti-incel piss-taking is just the icing on the cake, honestly, it's just a very funny meta-commentary on the whole direction and endeavor of the MCU into the bargain and it's incredibly fun.

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NotUv2 wrote:
1 year ago

The magnificent anti-incel piss-taking is just the icing on the cake, honestly, it's just a very funny meta-commentary on the whole direction and endeavor of the MCU into the bargain and it's incredibly fun.
This is why i think they need to make a lot more of these kinds of shows and double, triple and quadruple the budgets.
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Fairly said.
Last edited by NotUv2 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Nobody's talked about this.
who is the woman in green.jpg
who is the woman in green.jpg (335.18 KiB) Viewed 4394 times
For all nine episodes, they had an "On-Set She Hulk Reference", essentially a body double.
It's the 6'7" actress Malia Arrayah Nahinu.

On the one hand, the showrunner was talking about how much money they were always trying to save in the budget.
All along, they could have dispensed almost entirely with the CGI for the character (except for an occasional shripping)
and just put Arrayah in the costume. This makes the "Shrekking" of the character all the more egregious and unnecessary.

They also totally missed the opportunity to showcase Arrayah's very diverse background (she self-identifies as Latin, Native *and* Polynesian).

If you click along to the other photos on this Instagram post below, you can see how they placed Arrayah in every shot where Maslany was supposed to be She-Hulk, and then used a She-Hulk bust on a stick to represent the approximate head size of the CGI'd version.

Check this video to find out more. The video also shows Jamil's total lack of any muscular definition. She was sorely miscast.
Glad you enjoyed the show, NotUV2.

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That picture of the two actresses together is a bit deceptive because the lead actress is pretty tiny in real life.
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What this show COULD have been with GOOD writers. The claim they can't make heroines due to sexism is BS. The claim no POC characters due to racism is garbage. Clearly no one hated this show cause of Jessica Jones or Powerman. And this is some cool shite right here. What was the budget? This couldn't be Powerman replaced by She Hulk with Matt Murdock?

And the worst - the actress and writer claims women aren't allowed and Marvel isn't making super heroine stuff yet the ONE TIME they get a chance to make some super heroine stuff and they create a dumpster fire. Does anyone think these studios will make anymore heroine related material or will She Hulk be used as the dip stick as in "Remember She Hulk .... yeah we ain't doing a heroine movie". Its like teenagers demanding they don't need a baby sitter and the one time the parents let the teens alone they have a raging kegger that wrecks the house.

Way to go writers. Your progressive hollywood full of progressive white males now won't even touch a heroine project. Hey maybe you should be asking all those "diversity and inclusion" leftist white males why they don't make diverse and inclusive content? Its not like rednecks in trailers in West Virginia are making this stuff or have any say what so ever. Stupid f*cking morons. Blow MILLIONS to punk some people who have no influence and guarantee the very thing you wanted will never be made. Please, by all means, keep pounding holes in the bottom of your own boat.

Next time I hear anyone complain "They don't represent women" my response will be "remember She Hulk". Yeah good going morons, hope it was worth the laugh.

Remember the phrase "Jump the shark". Now it will be "remember She Hulk"
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Mr. X, I think you might be wrong: heroine projects continue unabated.

Marvel has the Echo series coming up, and the Marvels movie, and then Ironheart, and Agatha.
DC just went through Supergirl, Batwoman, Legends, Naomi, and Stargirl, as well as still doing a Flash series where the majority of the major players
are female.
The CW just gender-flipped the new Walker Texas Ranger (that series debuted only last week), and is now running Season 3 of a female Kung Fu.
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shevek wrote:
1 year ago
Mr. X, I think you might be wrong: heroine projects continue unabated.

Marvel has the Echo series coming up, and the Marvels movie, and then Ironheart, and Agatha.
DC just went through Supergirl, Batwoman, Legends, Naomi, and Stargirl, as well as still doing a Flash series where the majority of the major players
are female.
The CW just gender-flipped the new Walker Texas Ranger (that series debuted only last week), and is now running Season 3 of a female Kung Fu.
Who's going to watch it? I have no intention of seeing the Marvels. And you think Supergirl and Batwoman were good? Gender flips never work.

The point is the very people who cried there was sexism (Ghao and Maslany) had a golden opportunity to make something and they spent millions just punking any real audience. I will never listen to women complain about sexism in an industry run solely by progressive white males. Complain to those people.

Remember She Hulk.
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Alright, how bad did I do?
jlocke wrote:
1 year ago
My prediction for the finale:

Avongers! Gather.

Titania will be pissed off that these gross little incel shits went after HER nemesis. Blonski actually has turned over a new leaf, he'll risk violating his parole to help. The therapy group was ready to go to war over Josh already, now, they're coming for payback. No way is Dare Devil going to miss this. Wong returns.

Totally not a Matador
Dare Devil
Sorcerer Supreme
and She-Hulk

Even if Wong and DD sit this episode out, the therapy group is definitely showing up for the finale. Super Creepy She-Hulk fetish guy/Wakandan Spear buyer will turn out to be the "mastermind" behind the Incel Army. The Avongers sort them out with She-Hulk overcoming some obstacle to fully become She-Hulk. Jen is fired or quits her corporate job. Opens her own practice. Helps people through the law. Like DD suggested. The real treasure was the friends she made along the way.

Post credit scene: Raging drunk afterparty with Madisynn and the Avongers.
Ok, it looks like Marvel also decidedly to specifically troll smartasses who think they can figure out the ending of MCU shows. I feel trolled. I feel like they went out of their way to troll me. Like they trolled 3 other groups, and then when I felt safe...Troll!

But I was kinda right? But they erased my awesome, near Avongers ending. Titania was there! Boom. Dare Devil returns-but misses the fight. (But still gets to smash) Abomination turns out to be chaotic neutral? He hosts the incel group, but isn't a part of it. Wong returns in the post-credit scene again.

No support group except crow bar guy. Disappointing. I was hoping for a victory for self-help and inner reflection.

She-Hulk literally breaks the 4th wall. Then meets K.E.V.I.N. Who is amazing! And when I saw the robots black rimmed hat - I haven't laughed that hard in weeks. That was so fucking funny! My wife missed it and when I rewound it she screamed and laughed and I laughed at her and the hat. That is...thank you She-Hulk writers. The meta within the meta hiding in a Marvel Assembled self-congratulatory bts wank fest (I've watched every one) beyond the writers room to the all powerful supercomputer A.I. genius. Where there proceed to have the most meta conversation in the existence of the MCU. "When are we getting X-Men?" "I need you to transform. -Why? -Because you're too expensive. The effects team is already working on another project."

I loved it. I'll do a rewatch soon with wifey.

No Madisynn! Very disappointing!

Other than that... I would like to say something about this larger conversation. SHE-HULK FUCKS! She-Hulk likes to fuck guys. She is a horny little lawyer. And fuck yeah for that! You know what I need? A lot more hot, horny lawyers with superpowers.

The MCU is finally loosening up about sex. Jen writes her own ending and emphatically demands the return of Dare Devil. "A woman has needs."

“That’s what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings, I smash fourth walls and bad endings… and sometimes Matt Murdockkkk.”

Dude. Dare Devil is getting laid too! And he's very happy about it.

I would like so say something to every person who might consider themselves an involuntary celebrate person:
Dude, you're just bad at flirting. Do not make this an integral part of your personality. Just learn to flirt! With women in your attractiveness range! Are you gorgeous? Flirt with gorgeous women. Are you fat? Flirt with fat women. Or eat less calories than you burn, and work your way down to skinnier women. Are you unfortunate looking? There are unfortunate looking women who are lonely. With the lights out, you two can be whoever you want. Take an honest look in the mirror. Only flirt with women who are the female version of that. You want a better woman, be a better man.

Stop your excuses. Be brave. Learn how to flirt. Take a chance. Don't be rude.
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Good job at nailing the results, Locke. And perhaps the reason Madisynn didn't come back was because the writers were too busy inserting
themselves into the finale (that's something you didn't predict, but it seems obvious now, given what we now about such types).

I didn't make such predictions across the board, but at least I did say that Blonsky was up to something that would land him back in the clink.

And sex-positivity (according to the recent article interviewing She-Hulk show director Kat Coiro on Polygon) is fine.
She-Hulk can sleep around all she wants. She did it in the comics, too. She even married J. Jonah Jameson's son, Man-Wolf.

Except for some misguided social-conservative types, that's not one of the problems with the show. I'm just glad it's over.
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