The Rings of Power

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So this is the new 'Captain Marvel' on youtube right now. You've got that circle of angry bearded dudes circulating videos constantly with such creative titles as "Not Tolkein!!!' and "Not my Tolkein!" and "Rings of Power!!!!??? More like... NOT TOLKEIN!" and each of them pumping out a video a day on this subject for the past few months with a range of wildly nondiverse video titles even amidst their own youtube library and its becoming a whole lot of the same BS that Captain Marvel suffered at its launch. A bunch of ignorant fools doing their best to tank something before they know wtf it even is.

To start out... NO ONE wants this show to be good more than me. I first read Lord of the Rings about a year before the first film came out after I heard they were making a movie about it and for about ten years I read it again every year. I got into 'the Silmarillion' and other 'unfinished tales' only a few years later... I forced my sisters to go to the theater to watch the first film with me and sparked the love of the series that exists in my family in keeping them from lesser romcoms and whatever other BS was on the Silver Screen that year.

I feel viscerally SICK every time a trailer for this show comes out. I'll whisper to myself 'don't suck, don't suck don't suck' continuously while the trailer runs and thus far... each trailer has ended for me with a long sigh of relief and a slow build up of stomach churning anticipation until the next trailer is inevitably released and what I can confidently say thus far is... these youtube videos are garbage. Full of a bunch of dumbasses who've never even read a word of Tolkein outside the famed Trilogy in their lives winging either about breaks in canon they don't understand well enough to complain about or else other more politically motivated nonsense.

Where was this outrage over how terribly Tolkein would be rolling in his grave when Shadow of Morder fundamentally changed the way 'wraiths' work in its story to justify a BS game mechanic? Where were all the "Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made!" out of context whimpering when Shadow of War made Shelob, an entity meant to extrapolate in physical form the ugliness of evil incarnate, into a busty hyper sexualized femme fatale? Where was the outrage when game designers were fundamentally altering the shit Tolkien would have considered IMPORTANT? Too busy gawking at Sexy Shelobs boobs I guess?

Apparently ALL OF THAT was fine as rainbows, but putting Galadriel in a set of armor and some warfare during the Second Age (Where Galadriel was partaking in actual battles and warfare canonically within the literature) is a sign that the show is doomed!!!!!!!

Social Media is cancer and I wish it would die. ALL forms of it.

Femina wrote:
1 year ago
So this is the new 'Captain Marvel' on youtube right now. You've got that circle of angry bearded dudes circulating videos constantly with such creative titles as "Not Tolkein!!!' and "Not my Tolkein!" and "Rings of Power!!!!??? More like... NOT TOLKEIN!" and each of them pumping out a video a day on this subject for the past few months with a range of wildly nondiverse video titles even amidst their own youtube library and its becoming a whole lot of the same BS that Captain Marvel suffered at its launch. A bunch of ignorant fools doing their best to tank something before they know wtf it even is.

To start out... NO ONE wants this show to be good more than me. I first read Lord of the Rings about a year before the first film came out after I heard they were making a movie about it and for about ten years I read it again every year. I got into 'the Silmarillion' and other 'unfinished tales' only a few years later... I forced my sisters to go to the theater to watch the first film with me and sparked the love of the series that exists in my family in keeping them from lesser romcoms and whatever other BS was on the Silver Screen that year.

I feel viscerally SICK every time a trailer for this show comes out. I'll whisper to myself 'don't suck, don't suck don't suck' continuously while the trailer runs and thus far... each trailer has ended for me with a long sigh of relief and a slow build up of stomach churning anticipation until the next trailer is inevitably released and what I can confidently say thus far is... these youtube videos are garbage. Full of a bunch of dumbasses who've never even read a word of Tolkein outside the famed Trilogy in their lives winging either about breaks in canon they don't understand well enough to complain about or else other more politically motivated nonsense.

Where was this outrage over how terribly Tolkein would be rolling in his grave when Shadow of Morder fundamentally changed the way 'wraiths' work in its story to justify a BS game mechanic? Where were all the "Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made!" out of context whimpering when Shadow of War made Shelob, an entity meant to extrapolate in physical form the ugliness of evil incarnate, into a busty hyper sexualized femme fatale? Where was the outrage when game designers were fundamentally altering the shit Tolkien would have considered IMPORTANT? Too busy gawking at Sexy Shelobs boobs I guess?

Apparently ALL OF THAT was fine as rainbows, but putting Galadriel in a set of armor and some warfare during the Second Age (Where Galadriel was partaking in actual battles and warfare canonically within the literature) is a sign that the show is doomed!!!!!!!

Social Media is cancer and I wish it would die. ALL forms of it.
I agree with you about everything - except there WAS outrage over Shadow of War. I think also it was just SO stupid that people were laughing more than frothing at the mouth.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago

Apparently ALL OF THAT was fine as rainbows, but putting Galadriel in a set of armor and some warfare during the Second Age (Where Galadriel was partaking in actual battles and warfare canonically within the literature) is a sign that the show is doomed!!!!!!!
Because some things are not interchangeable. Yes people understand fan service. I didn't care Aquaman was now Samoan. The replacement for Galadriel is promoting political and ideological agenda items no different than replacing some character with a cross bearing ultra christian.
Where was this outrage over how terribly Tolkein would be rolling in his grave when Shadow of Morder fundamentally changed the way 'wraiths' work in its story to justify a BS game mechanic?
Wasn't changed to introduce political or ideological views.
Shadow of War made Shelob, an entity meant to extrapolate in physical form the ugliness of evil incarnate, into a busty hyper sexualized femme fatale? ... explained/ ... 0-6453818/
Whether that justifies the change to Shelob will be a matter of some debate; fans who dislike the various liberties that Monolith has taken with the canon aren't likely to be pleased, while others will overlook them. For a look at what the critics make of the game, check out our Shadow of War review and Shadow of War review roundup, as well as our look at the challenges of making a Lord of the Rings video game.

Simply put there is a HUGE difference between character swaps or element swaps to make a game function better or represent a character better vs swapping for political and ideological motivations.

Some of us grew up in an era in which God messages were shoved into everything and that TOO was sickening and people hated it.

Note its the "woke" who peed in the punch bowl. They are the ones with the bad reputation given the forest fire they created out of comic books. Simply put, these changes do not shit on someone for the sake of shitting someone out of a sense of some old busted 1980s rebellion streak.

Want this to end? Quit taking EVERYTHING and ramming the same 2 or 3 fake altruistic messages in them to piss off your grand parents.

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Femina wrote:
1 year ago

Apparently ALL OF THAT was fine as rainbows, but putting Galadriel in a set of armor and some warfare during the Second Age (Where Galadriel was partaking in actual battles and warfare canonically within the literature) is a sign that the show is doomed!!!!!!!
Because some things are not interchangeable. Yes people understand fan service. I didn't care Aquaman was now Samoan. The replacement for Galadriel is promoting political and ideological agenda items no different than replacing some character with a cross bearing ultra christian.
Where was this outrage over how terribly Tolkein would be rolling in his grave when Shadow of Morder fundamentally changed the way 'wraiths' work in its story to justify a BS game mechanic?
Wasn't changed to introduce political or ideological views.
Shadow of War made Shelob, an entity meant to extrapolate in physical form the ugliness of evil incarnate, into a busty hyper sexualized femme fatale? ... explained/ ... 0-6453818/
Whether that justifies the change to Shelob will be a matter of some debate; fans who dislike the various liberties that Monolith has taken with the canon aren't likely to be pleased, while others will overlook them. For a look at what the critics make of the game, check out our Shadow of War review and Shadow of War review roundup, as well as our look at the challenges of making a Lord of the Rings video game.

Simply put there is a HUGE difference between character swaps or element swaps to make a game function better or represent a character better vs swapping for political and ideological motivations.

Some of us grew up in an era in which God messages were shoved into everything and that TOO was sickening and people hated it.

Note its the "woke" who peed in the punch bowl. They are the ones with the bad reputation given the forest fire they created out of comic books. Simply put, these changes do not shit on someone for the sake of shitting someone out of a sense of some old busted 1980s rebellion streak.

Want this to end? Quit taking EVERYTHING and ramming the same 2 or 3 fake altruistic messages in them to piss off your grand parents.
I want us all to step back.

I want us all to breathe.

I want us all to think.

Let us say that you are writing the new Lord of the Rings show. Who are the big movers and shakers during the second age? The kings of Numenor. Gil-Galad. Elrond. Galadriel. Who is a recognisable name with general audiences? Elrond and Galadriel. Of those two, which would be more suited to actively taking part in a "hunt down the darkness and destroy it" plot? Probably Galadriel. Elrond's always been a bit calmer and more measured. He'll go to war, but he's slower to than Galadriel. Galadriel, at the beginning of the First Age, basically spat in the eyes of the gods to join Uncle Feanor in his bloody campaign against Morgoth. She is a spectacularly powerful, battle-hardened warrior with a tendency to quick, violent action when she thinks it necessary. And that's all in Tolkien's own writing.

Sounds like an appropriate character to focus on for this adaptation, especially since it also fits the marketing. A powerful, beautiful warrior-woman who has every reason to be trying to find Sauron (or whatever) and pimp-smack him, and a name audiences pretty much know. Sounds like a nice dovetail.

What are people actually objecting to? That she's wearing armour with the star of Feanor on it? Idfk, she was on his side at the START of the First Age, maybe she just still has it. Who the fuck knows the show hasn't come out yet. Maybe it's just a mistake, but it seems like quite an insignificant one.

Please do not turn this into another bit of ugliness.
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"Why aren't people watching basketball? we replaced it with tennis... isn't everything interchangeable?"

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
"Why aren't people watching basketball? we replaced it with tennis... isn't everything interchangeable?"

Please tell me what it is that you think is wrong with the new series - referring specifically to features that we know are going to be in the show, if you don't mind - and why those problems are so serious?
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago

Because some things are not interchangeable. Yes people understand fan service. I didn't care Aquaman was now Samoan. The replacement for Galadriel is promoting political and ideological agenda items no different than replacing some character with a cross bearing ultra christian.
You mean like the non-interchangeability of a character's canonical station in a CLASSIC work of literature correct? Such as how Galadriel was taking part in battles and warfare throughout the second age... where only an idiot or a baboon would NOT choose to wear armor. See this is exactly what I'm talking about. The depiction we've SEEN of Galadriel in the trailers is not in any way/shape/ or form inconsistant with who the character is in Second Age source material.... but everyone and their mothers are BITCHING about it like it is... ignorant of the actual source material DRUMMING up the political slant as it serves their purpose.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Do some RESEARCH about who Galadriel was in the second age before you film thirty minutes of youtube complaining that Galadriel isn't just playing a wise old lady in a dress this time around. Like... for serious... cause it makes you all look just like a bunch of ignorant sexist buffoons instead of the super serious genre critics you seem to want me to take you as. (You as in the global sense of youtube video creators... not YOU Mr. X.... I dunno if you have a youtube channel or not.)

And please... let's not pretend like the backlash to Sexy Shelob was ANYTHING like this at all. Go on youtube right now and search for sexy shelob complaints... then search how they've 'ruined Galadriel' and be astonished by how many more people have chosen to complain about the thing that's canonical to the actual literature vs the thing that destroyed thematic purpose for blatant titilation.

In any case, I'm not here to discuss this. Discussion will only lead to a bunch of politically slanted nonsense. I'm just here to point out, as someone versed in the actual source material of Middle-Earth... that these youtube videos are GARBAGE created by people who have NO FUCKING CLUE what they are complaining about. If they couldn't be bothered to know that Galadriels depiction in the trailers is perfectly suitable to the character AS WRITTEN, then EVERY SINGLE COMPLAINT they have is under heavy suspicion of Ignorant gum flapping.

... and I'm not talking about your stupid punch bowls. Your punch bowl diatribe is tired and completely irrelevant to the point... you use that phrase so much it's just an empty punch bowl with shit in it... all evaporated by now.
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I say just plan on watching this for the entertainment it’s supposed to be. It’s already going to be what it is. The way I see it, if I’m going to watch it I might as well have the mindset to enjoy it as some fantastical story. If it’s totally off, so be it. It’s just another attempt to create entertainment using already created worlds.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

Be very careful!
Don't be indoctrinated!
Ignore your common sense!

Everything is entirely normal and ignore the radical changes to culture.
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People need to be annoyed by things, like, it's their job. So something is always going to make them angry based on a weekly deadline schedule. And nobody who matters needs to give a fuck because those people have no value.

I quite liked the first two episodes! Specifics below, spoiler-tagged.
I didn't love everything about them: for instance I thought Galadriel fighting the water thing for most of episode 2 was pretty dull. I also find Arondir, the Southlands elf, a little wooden, and I don't find his romance particularly compelling. But the tunnelling orcs were really, really creepy and cool looking. I find the art direction absolutely outstanding. I grinned like an idiot the first time I saw Khazad-Dum. The half-foot settlement was also great. Full of character; keeping the Hobbits as the somewhat silly weirdos they should be, but infusing them with a sort of gypsy-ish/Irish-traveller-ish sort of thing. Eleanor is fab. Somewhat cliché character concept (half expected her to break into song about how there must be 'more out there') - but the acting sells it. Happy with her.

At the moment I'm on the fence about Galadriel. That she's so wounded by the war that she just CANNOT let it go, even when Elrond says that he'll fight the good fight in her stead, is a really good vibe, and very much in keeping with the kind of spiritual wounds we see a lot of elves get elsewhere in the Legendarium. But her performance has been a little up-and-down? Some scenes good; others not so much. Elrond was a surprising delight. He's a slick smooth-talker, and he's really excellently acted. Love him.

It's not very far in. Could keep being decent. Could take a nose-dive. Not sure about meteor-man - he does sorta seem like a wizard? That's a big lore-break, so it'd have to lead to something pretty great to be justified. But - it also could totally lead to something awesome and be justified. We'll see!
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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
People need to be annoyed by things, like, it's their job. So something is always going to make them angry based on a weekly deadline schedule. And nobody who matters needs to give a fuck because those people have no value.
Could easily be said about the woke. Always annoyed, always being angry. Always tearing things down... things they never built. Always looking for causes to fight to keep themselves relevant. Still stuck in 1980 thinking everything is animal house vs dean wormer.

The irony is we had 35-50 years of progressivism. A lot of these franchises weren't made by old conservative fuddy duddies. They were made by liberals. We've haven't had a Father knows best society for over 40 years now.
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Well... it's a "meh" for me.
I haven't been wild about extensions to the New Line LOTR brand since The Hobbit, and this series isn't an improvement. At least the Hobbit movies still had the core story from Tolkien to adapt, they just made the ill-fated decision to bury it in a bunch of stitched-together back matter and marginalia. This series, on the other hand, looks to consist entirely of stitched-together back matter and marginalia, trying to live as best it can off the nostalgia value of the original films.

There's not much in the way of new characters to catch my interest. Names like Celebrimbor and Durin don't come with characters attached to them in Tolkien -- they're just back-matter to the main story -- and so those characters here are a toothlessly-bland Daedalus type in the case of Celebrimbor, and a retread of the labored and ill-judged Stage Scotsman humor that padded out the Dwarves in the Hobbit in Durin's case. The non-canon, proto-Hobbit Harfoots are strictly there to fill the Hobbit Niche, because the brand demands it must be filled and dares not innovate ways to introduce wit or whimsy to the story without it, but apart from a coating of Gypsy/Irish Traveller flavor they don't have anything new to contribute.

Pretty much everything is like this: the stitched-together back matter worked very, very carefully within the confines of what has been profitable before, trying to present the appearance of serving up something new without actually doing so. Most of the cast seems to be there to present the viewpoints of their various factions and serve up Lore at the correct times without otherwise doing anything that might unbalance the formula or make them feel too distinctive. And that's why I'm just not here for spinoff fantasy shows that are more about Lore Delivery than anything else (House of the Dragon has many similar problems).

It's not outright bad or unwatchable (except for the wince-inducing efforts at comedy in Khazad-dum, perhaps), it's just really bland a lot of the time. The production design is lavish, but as with Star Wars or Game of Thrones or other genre fiction, there's only so far that goes these days. There are are some bright spots: Galadriel as obsessive oath-sworn seems to be drawing somewhat on the tragedy of Feanor and his sons in the Silmarillion, and at least that's a borrowing that shows some creative guts, making use of a background story and character that are genuinely fascinating. She stands out as a result, despite the fairly silly ocean-going adventure that takes up her time in Ep. 2. Nori Brandyfoot of the Harfoots is fairly obviously the Not-Frodo/Not-Bilbo of the proceedings, but she's delivered with genuine verve by Markella Kavanaugh and is actually a pleasure to watch. Young Elrond is solid, the Stranger Nori meets is an interesting enigma, the burrowing Orcs are genuinely creepy.

On the whole, it's probably better than House of the Dragon. But that's not saying very much and I don't see myself going out of the way to watch it.

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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
People need to be annoyed by things, like, it's their job. So something is always going to make them angry based on a weekly deadline schedule. And nobody who matters needs to give a fuck because those people have no value.
Could easily be said about the woke. Always annoyed, always being angry. Always tearing things down... things they never built.
Right so the 400-some youtube videos a day of people bitching about the politics of a television show that wasn't out yet? We ready to turn in the 'woke' term since it obviously just applies to everyone equally regardless of which fence they hang out on. Everyone's got a got a hill they wont shut up about. For some people that concern is about the state of our society, for other's it's about how Galadriel would never wear a suit of armor. One of those things actually matters though.

Hopefully this concludes the usage of the term 'woke' on this website. I doubt it, but one can dream.

As for me. I thought it was alright. I don't think its good enough to beat out the unfair pre-reputation it's had because just meeting ordinary expectations is hard these days... much less the kind of pressure the right-wing circus of faux-Tolkien defenders
have put on it.

Currently I'd give it's writing and story about a C, the acting at around a B+, and then it's visual design and execution at like S+.

Seriously, people aren't giving the show enough credit for how good it LOOKS. The visual presentation of things is at least 1/4th of film making, and we've all got used to ignoring this aspect of film making thanks to the sort of plastic CG bullshit we've been getting shoveled lately, but Rings of Power looks better than almost EVERY Hollywood CG fest we've seen in the past decade... and that sure ain't nothing. It SHOULD look this good considering its budget.... but that's true of every overpriced CG fest being made today. Seriously, watch an episode of this show then go watch the new D&D trailer. It's night and fuckin day!
Last edited by Femina 1 year ago, edited 5 times in total.

NotUv2 wrote:
1 year ago
Well... it's a "meh" for me.
I haven't been wild about extensions to the New Line LOTR brand since The Hobbit, and this series isn't an improvement. At least the Hobbit movies still had the core story from Tolkien to adapt, they just made the ill-fated decision to bury it in a bunch of stitched-together back matter and marginalia. This series, on the other hand, looks to consist entirely of stitched-together back matter and marginalia, trying to live as best it can off the nostalgia value of the original films.

There's not much in the way of new characters to catch my interest. Names like Celebrimbor and Durin don't come with characters attached to them in Tolkien -- they're just back-matter to the main story -- and so those characters here are a toothlessly-bland Daedalus type in the case of Celebrimbor, and a retread of the labored and ill-judged Stage Scotsman humor that padded out the Dwarves in the Hobbit in Durin's case. The non-canon, proto-Hobbit Harfoots are strictly there to fill the Hobbit Niche, because the brand demands it must be filled and dares not innovate ways to introduce wit or whimsy to the story without it, but apart from a coating of Gypsy/Irish Traveller flavor they don't have anything new to contribute.

Pretty much everything is like this: the stitched-together back matter worked very, very carefully within the confines of what has been profitable before, trying to present the appearance of serving up something new without actually doing so. Most of the cast seems to be there to present the viewpoints of their various factions and serve up Lore at the correct times without otherwise doing anything that might unbalance the formula or make them feel too distinctive. And that's why I'm just not here for spinoff fantasy shows that are more about Lore Delivery than anything else (House of the Dragon has many similar problems).

It's not outright bad or unwatchable (except for the wince-inducing efforts at comedy in Khazad-dum, perhaps), it's just really bland a lot of the time. The production design is lavish, but as with Star Wars or Game of Thrones or other genre fiction, there's only so far that goes these days. There are are some bright spots: Galadriel as obsessive oath-sworn seems to be drawing somewhat on the tragedy of Feanor and his sons in the Silmarillion, and at least that's a borrowing that shows some creative guts, making use of a background story and character that are genuinely fascinating. She stands out as a result, despite the fairly silly ocean-going adventure that takes up her time in Ep. 2. Nori Brandyfoot of the Harfoots is fairly obviously the Not-Frodo/Not-Bilbo of the proceedings, but she's delivered with genuine verve by Markella Kavanaugh and is actually a pleasure to watch. Young Elrond is solid, the Stranger Nori meets is an interesting enigma, the burrowing Orcs are genuinely creepy.

On the whole, it's probably better than House of the Dragon. But that's not saying very much and I don't see myself going out of the way to watch it.
I see some of what you're saying. And if the 'stranger' turns out to be who I suspect he may be, then what you say about the show bringing in stuff from more familiar material for the sake of ratings will be even more just. As for the harfoots... is that non-canon? I could have sworn Tolkein said exactly that the Hobbits began as nomads before finding the Shire after centuries of wandering. There is also something to be said for the fact that the 'Hobbits' add a needed element - a culture that isn't as posturing and grave as everybody else.
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
As for the harfoots... is that non-canon? I could have sworn Tolkein said exactly that the Hobbits began as nomads before finding the Shire after centuries of wandering. There is also something to be said for the fact that the 'Hobbits' add a needed element - a culture that isn't as posturing and grave as everybody else.
Well, they're not quite non-canon. They are canonically one of three nomadic ancestors of the Hobbits. The show has just back-dated them to the Second Age. This sounds like a nerdy nitpick and, well, it is -- there's no reason they couldn't have been around, after all -- but it just illustrates to me the determination to fill that Hobbit niche. (I do agree that the function of Hobbits is to balance out the hyper-seriousness of everyone else, it just seems to me that this could also be done by... including some witty humans, for example.)

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NotUv2 wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
As for the harfoots... is that non-canon? I could have sworn Tolkein said exactly that the Hobbits began as nomads before finding the Shire after centuries of wandering. There is also something to be said for the fact that the 'Hobbits' add a needed element - a culture that isn't as posturing and grave as everybody else.
Well, they're not quite non-canon. They are canonically one of three nomadic ancestors of the Hobbits. The show has just back-dated them to the Second Age. This sounds like a nerdy nitpick and, well, it is -- there's no reason they couldn't have been around, after all -- but it just illustrates to me the determination to fill that Hobbit niche. (I do agree that the function of Hobbits is to balance out the hyper-seriousness of everyone else, it just seems to me that this could also be done by... including some witty humans, for example.)
Well sure. I believe this may well be motivated by executive mandate - but the effect is harmless. I like these guys. They're one of the best bits atm.
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Well for what it's worth without poking SPECIFICS of what's in the spoiler tags... one of Rings of Powers larger challenges is (as a bit of a 'Silmarillion' property) is that the Elves as protagonists are a difficult sell. They're stoic, cold, and not characters we human beings can easily empathize with or get invested in (and that's mirrored as much in humanities interactions with them here in the show even). They've always worked well as world building, as a primary power in Middle-Earth's politics, as intrigue and mystery and supporting roles... but they are largely taking CENTER stage here... we need the 'other stuff' to connect with the audience while they try to get us to connect with the Elves..... that is of course, if we're doing things RIGHT and not just devolving the Elves over time to just make them indistinguishable from humans.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
People need to be annoyed by things, like, it's their job. So something is always going to make them angry based on a weekly deadline schedule. And nobody who matters needs to give a fuck because those people have no value.
Could easily be said about the woke. Always annoyed, always being angry. Always tearing things down... things they never built. Always looking for causes to fight to keep themselves relevant. Still stuck in 1980 thinking everything is animal house vs dean wormer.

The irony is we had 35-50 years of progressivism. A lot of these franchises weren't made by old conservative fuddy duddies. They were made by liberals. We've haven't had a Father knows best society for over 40 years now.
I'm talking about a literal industry. Like there is a production line of angry reactionaries with the talk radio hosts at one end and the Youtubers and podcasters at the other. It's less of an ideological thing, more of a business model: "Take whatever platform you can get and say this new thing is shit."

I think it's been around forever. But it's also an inherently reactionary position, because that's the point of it. These guys aren't out here saying old things suck, it's only the new stuff.

Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
People need to be annoyed by things, like, it's their job. So something is always going to make them angry based on a weekly deadline schedule. And nobody who matters needs to give a fuck because those people have no value.
Could easily be said about the woke. Always annoyed, always being angry. Always tearing things down... things they never built. Always looking for causes to fight to keep themselves relevant. Still stuck in 1980 thinking everything is animal house vs dean wormer.

The irony is we had 35-50 years of progressivism. A lot of these franchises weren't made by old conservative fuddy duddies. They were made by liberals. We've haven't had a Father knows best society for over 40 years now.
I'm talking about a literal industry. Like there is a production line of angry reactionaries with the talk radio hosts at one end and the Youtubers and podcasters at the other. It's less of an ideological thing, more of a business model: "Take whatever platform you can get and say this new thing is shit."

I think it's been around forever. But it's also an inherently reactionary position, because that's the point of it. These guys aren't out here saying old things suck, it's only the new stuff.
oh yeah what about the Angry Video Game Nerd, huh

He's going back to the past to play the shitty games that suck ass; not staying in the present to play the shitty games that are unpleasant
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Well for what it's worth without poking SPECIFICS of what's in the spoiler tags... one of Rings of Powers larger challenges is (as a bit of a 'Silmarillion' property) is that the Elves as protagonists are a difficult sell. They're stoic, cold, and not characters we human beings can easily empathize with or get invested in (and that's mirrored as much in humanities interactions with them here in the show even). They've always worked well as world building, as a primary power in Middle-Earth's politics, as intrigue and mystery and supporting roles... but they are largely taking CENTER stage here... we need the 'other stuff' to connect with the audience while they try to get us to connect with the Elves..... that is of course, if we're doing things RIGHT and not just devolving the Elves over time to just make them indistinguishable from humans.
That is a great point. Indeed, a stoic and cold character is hard to care about.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

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Contact: of the "400" or so critical Youtubers is Just Some Guy. This Chicago blerd knows exactly what he's talking about. In fact, he might just be the single most knowledgeable nerd-culture critic when it comes to LOTR lore. Here's his take on the series so far. I'm probably not going to post in this thread again because I'm not really a big fantasy watcher or reader at this point (although I used to be, in the 80s, so I'm also very familiar with much of Tolkien lore), but I really do think that those who are seriously into LOTR should follow JSG's Youtube channel in general.


There's no criticism here. Just "here's an inconsistency" and invective. He doesn't actually make any arguments as to WHY the things he doesn't like are bad. There are plenty of legitimate things to criticise Rings of Power for, but this guy's not doing it. He knows information, but that doesn't mean he has any talent for analysis. He doesn't. He's an harrumphing prig.
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
NotUv2 wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
As for the harfoots... is that non-canon? I could have sworn Tolkein said exactly that the Hobbits began as nomads before finding the Shire after centuries of wandering. There is also something to be said for the fact that the 'Hobbits' add a needed element - a culture that isn't as posturing and grave as everybody else.
Well, they're not quite non-canon. They are canonically one of three nomadic ancestors of the Hobbits. The show has just back-dated them to the Second Age. This sounds like a nerdy nitpick and, well, it is -- there's no reason they couldn't have been around, after all -- but it just illustrates to me the determination to fill that Hobbit niche. (I do agree that the function of Hobbits is to balance out the hyper-seriousness of everyone else, it just seems to me that this could also be done by... including some witty humans, for example.)
Well sure. I believe this may well be motivated by executive mandate - but the effect is harmless. I like these guys. They're one of the best bits atm.
I do dig the guy playing the Harfoot Lorekeeper, I have to admit. And of course, Nori.

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I watched the First episode and that will be it.

Visuals are great, I just could not get into it

Amazon is being short sighted in blocking reviews, you just give those who are review bombing more influence and make them feel they are more important than they are.
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Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
Nobody becomes enraged with a black person with a sword.
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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
Best add a woman in armor to that observation.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
Best add a woman in armor to that observation.
Or a woman doing, like, literally anything. Being onscreen at all. That appears to be all it takes.

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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
How do you know the fans are racist?

It's the same thing when Kathleen Kennedy syncophants insisted that any criticism of Rey was sexist
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Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
How do you know the fans are racist?

It's the same thing when Kathleen Kennedy syncophants insisted that any criticism of Rey was sexist
They freaked out when one of the dwarves and one of the elves was revealed to be black. But you know what? A weak argument can actually be made from a 'Tolkien purist' perspective that 'may' be interpreted to not be just racism... so that's an argument I don't personally levy at people personally. My own perspective in this sphere comes down to the economics of the medium. RoP is THE most expensive project... probably EVER across entertainment mediums and distributing its acting budget SOLELY to white folk under the umbrella of remaining 'pure to the material' is a weak platform economically... but an argument actually exists there that has the potential to not just be racism. I personally would have set it in a period where the Southrons and Easterlings were more present and sympathetic... but that's me. Maybe analytics indicated that the forging of the rings is simply the best place to pick up to get a popular audience response idfk.

The SEXISM however is clear and evident and unlike veiled racism I can actually PROVE this. POINT BLANK.

You see. What you do is, you take a certain repetitive platform of behavior presented 'en masse' as a basic observation. "Galadriel in armor is a travesty!!!!!" as reported by some Dozen youtube videos and web articles DAILY for months. You occasionally must recognize that a platform that 'women in armor doesn't make sense historically' from that history buff sort of person may not actually be racist... but doesn't apply here because its FANTASY and elves are superhuman. So that basically leaves your political or otherwise folk terrified of 'woke' media who claim they are merely 'tired of seeing the 'action gal' as the sole interpretation of women and that we are losing the 'good ol' days of the lovely damsel' or whatever and you know what? ORDINARILY, as much as one might suspect or even 'know' in their gut that the arguments are put forth in bad faith to mask a flood of sexism... they are putting forward an argument that has the potential of being real concerns and not JUST based entirely on their innate sexism so you have to swallow your bile and grit your teeth. BUT NOT TODAY

The problem HERE is that it's all easy to disprove. We KNOW these arguments as presented against GALADRIEL in particular are presented in BAD FAITH because all of these people are bitching from a platform that pushes a particular political slant... AND none of them have any idea what they are actually talking about. You see, they've all SEEN Lord of the Rings. They saw Galadriel as a wise old woman at the end of the timeline, garbed in sleek long gowns and behaving with majestic ladylike conduct... but none of them appear privy to the facts that canonically, in the actual factual literature AS WRITTEN by Tolkien himself, Galadriel was historically an action girl who left her home with the adventurous sort of elves that wanted to hunt the Silmarils and fight Morgoth, that she absolutely fought in DOZENS of battles both before AND after she ever studied the greater magics under Melian the Maia.

In other words, Galadriel in armor makes perfect sense in this period of Middle-Earth. 'WOKE' or not, it was woke coming on FIFTY YEARS AGO when the Silmarillion was written and that's something you should KNOW before you go pushing your sexist diatribe about how unjust it is that such a 'seminal staple of ladylike goodness as THE Galadriel has been besmirched by these woke creators!!!! Galadriel wears dresses!? These creators must just hate dresses! Tolkien would be rolling in his grave if he saw Galadriel in ARMOR!?"

The literature is something you should familiarize yourself with before you try to use it for disingenuous talking points to push your political agenda lest you accidentally throw back the curtain of your actual intent. It reveals the truth behind EVERYONE who has ever posted an article or video about the tragedy against poor man Tolkein that these creators have dared to besmirch Galadriel's ladyness in this way. It calls them ALL out because even if they are only reporting what they've heard reported elsewhere and didn't intend to do it themselves, they saw a talking point for their agenda and immediately plugged it without doing any research at all. To them, it's a convenient angle to lazily push their shit from... but this time it was a talking point with a BULLSHIT tracker attached to it fifty fucking years ago!

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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
Yeah but there's a real problem with racist fantasy fans who can believe a dragon but who become enraged at the sight of a black person with a sword. Best to ignore them.

Mob review scores are literally worthless and should never have been encouraged.
How do you know the fans are racist?

It's the same thing when Kathleen Kennedy syncophants insisted that any criticism of Rey was sexist
They freaked out when one of the dwarves and one of the elves was revealed to be black. But you know what? A weak argument can actually be made from a 'Tolkien purist' perspective that 'may' be interpreted to not be just racism... so that's an argument I don't personally levy at people personally. My own perspective in this sphere comes down to the economics of the medium. RoP is THE most expensive project... probably EVER across entertainment mediums and distributing its acting budget SOLELY to white folk under the umbrella of remaining 'pure to the material' is a weak platform economically... but an argument actually exists there that has the potential to not just be racism. I personally would have set it in a period where the Southrons and Easterlings were more present and sympathetic... but that's me. Maybe analytics indicated that the forging of the rings is simply the best place to pick up to get a popular audience response idfk.

The SEXISM however is clear and evident and unlike veiled racism I can actually PROVE this. POINT BLANK.

You see. What you do is, you take a certain repetitive platform of behavior presented 'en masse' as a basic observation. "Galadriel in armor is a travesty!!!!!" as reported by some Dozen youtube videos and web articles DAILY for months. You occasionally must recognize that a platform that 'women in armor doesn't make sense historically' from that history buff sort of person may not actually be racist... but doesn't apply here because its FANTASY and elves are superhuman. So that basically leaves your political or otherwise folk terrified of 'woke' media who claim they are merely 'tired of seeing the 'action gal' as the sole interpretation of women and that we are losing the 'good ol' days of the lovely damsel' or whatever and you know what? ORDINARILY, as much as one might suspect or even 'know' in their gut that the arguments are put forth in bad faith to mask a flood of sexism... they are putting forward an argument that has the potential of being real concerns and not JUST based entirely on their innate sexism so you have to swallow your bile and grit your teeth. BUT NOT TODAY

The problem HERE is that it's all easy to disprove. We KNOW these arguments as presented against GALADRIEL in particular are presented in BAD FAITH because all of these people are bitching from a platform that pushes a particular political slant... AND none of them have any idea what they are actually talking about. You see, they've all SEEN Lord of the Rings. They saw Galadriel as a wise old woman at the end of the timeline, garbed in sleek long gowns and behaving with majestic ladylike conduct... but none of them appear privy to the facts that canonically, in the actual factual literature AS WRITTEN by Tolkien himself, Galadriel was historically an action girl who left her home with the adventurous sort of elves that wanted to hunt the Silmarils and fight Morgoth, that she absolutely fought in DOZENS of battles both before AND after she ever studied the greater magics under Melian the Maia.

In other words, Galadriel in armor makes perfect sense in this period of Middle-Earth. 'WOKE' or not, it was woke coming on FIFTY YEARS AGO when the Silmarillion was written and that's something you should KNOW before you go pushing your sexist diatribe about how unjust it is that such a 'seminal staple of ladylike goodness as THE Galadriel has been besmirched by these woke creators!!!! Galadriel wears dresses!? These creators must just hate dresses! Tolkien would be rolling in his grave if he saw Galadriel in ARMOR!?"

The literature is something you should familiarize yourself with before you try to use it for disingenuous talking points to push your political agenda lest you accidentally throw back the curtain of your actual intent. It reveals the truth behind EVERYONE who has ever posted an article or video about the tragedy against poor man Tolkein that these creators have dared to besmirch Galadriel's ladyness in this way. It calls them ALL out because even if they are only reporting what they've heard reported elsewhere and didn't intend to do it themselves, they saw a talking point for their agenda and immediately plugged it without doing any research at all. To them, it's a convenient angle to lazily push their shit from... but this time it was a talking point with a BULLSHIT tracker attached to it fifty fucking years ago!

I can't speak for other fans. I just found the first episode boring. I can't quantify it.

I pushed no political agenda on this, nor did I on Mary Sue Star Wars I stated a position and backed it by facts.

But it is not political for instance to say
Doctor Who should always be a male
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
The SEXISM however is clear and evident and unlike veiled racism I can actually PROVE this. POINT BLANK.
You complain about sexism while being on a board that fetishizes women in sexy outfits and bondage.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Femina wrote:
1 year ago
The SEXISM however is clear and evident and unlike veiled racism I can actually PROVE this. POINT BLANK.
You complain about sexism while being on a board that fetishizes women in sexy outfits and bondage.
I'm not blind to the inherent Irony of my own situation, nor to the fact that many in this fetish are in fact likely participating with actual hate. I'm also aware that a good many keep it firmly in the realm of fantasy and recognize the lines between mainstream and the 'alleyways'.

It's also irrelevant to the greater point of the reception of this show. Them what complain about how 'woke' everything's becoming and how they're sick and tired of having woke agenda's beaten over their heads... are also not immune to the irony of the situation that they are working just as hard to beat people over the head with their own inverse agendas. My point in the above post is simply to point out that in this specific case, their motivations are made naked by the underlying FACTS of the literature the complaints pay lip service to.
Last edited by Femina 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
They freaked out when one of the dwarves and one of the elves was revealed to be black.
Is that like when people say only whites should voice white characters or white people can't play minorities or straights can't play gay characters or they can't play trans characters like Ghost in the Shell or Jonny Depp as Tonto? Like that?
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Femina wrote:
1 year ago
They freaked out when one of the dwarves and one of the elves was revealed to be black.
Is that like when people say only whites should voice white characters or white people can't play minorities or straights can't play gay characters or they can't play trans characters like Ghost in the Shell or Jonny Depp as Tonto? Like that?
I can't say cause I'm not actually those people nor do I have access to their thoughts. I'm also not participating in denouncing those who cried foul at these casting choices as stated above. My OWN stance as to why it doesn't bother me I make clear up above (Economics are simply more important to me than any sort purism cause that actually affects peoples lives), but it is impossible to separate the folk who simply don't want to see black folk as elves and dwarves for racially charged reasons, between the die hard literature devotees who'd just prefer the literature be interpreted exactly as presented, thus why my expose above relates to the issue that I can PROVE rather than prodding about with assumptions and suspicions.
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
I can't speak for other fans. I just found the first episode boring. I can't quantify it.

I pushed no political agenda on this, nor did I on Mary Sue Star Wars I stated a position and backed it by facts.

But it is not political for instance to say
Doctor Who should always be a male
Don't worry to much about it Dazzle I'm not calling out anyone individually HERE. There hasn't been much talk about this show PERIOD on the site and that's probably to all our benefit. I'm talking about the greater 'pre-reception' of the show and the stuff that was populating youtube and surrounding web publications. Any individuals I'd be speaking of would be the creators of those videos and the writters of those specific publications and what an immense circus of circle jerkers it became.

YOU have actually WATCHED an episode to reach an opinion here, that's more than most of the people I'm talking about.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
I can't say cause I'm not actually those people nor do I have access to their thoughts.
But yet you just KNOW others are some flaming racists and their ONLY motivation for objecting to an actress due to racism and not because some RACIST woke people cast a black woman for the sole purpose of trolling.

Wow, is this the fate of black actors - only to be in movies cause they are tokens or used as a troll? That's the grand world of wokeism? Tell you what. Name one time woke people cast a black person in a movie and didn't say they were trolling fans. Name one.

Could it be nearly 75%-80% of the people who object to an OBVIOUS and MEAN tactic of casting someone for the purpose of trolling an audience are themselves MOSTLY OLDER LEFTISTS and LIBERALS who ALREADY DID THIS SHIT BACK IN THE 1980s? Nah..... There is no more Father Knows best society. We've lived in a progressive America for over 50 years. Cause apparently the woke are still stuck in 1980 thinking everything is animal house vs Dean Wormer.

Knock it off. No one is buying this is some innocent casting. Not U even snickered about how this SHIT is done just to troll some people. What a fucking waste of money. And now, cause some morons did this, they have peed in the punch bowl and soured roles for LGBT, women and blacks cause people will always think its done to punk someone. Way to go using these people as meat shields. Can you also wreck native Americans while you're at it? Stuffing a cat into a bag of dogs in hopes a fight breaks out accomplishes nothing.

And lets be clear. You and the woke are NO BETTER than the rest of us. We're ALL in the same privileged hot tub. So lay off the obvious classism.

And as far as the "incel" comments... if you're here spanking off to super heroine porn then you clearly aren't making it in a relationship.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Femina wrote:
1 year ago
I can't say cause I'm not actually those people nor do I have access to their thoughts.
But yet you just KNOW others are some flaming racists and their ONLY motivation for objecting to an actress due to racism and not because some RACIST woke people cast a black woman for the sole purpose of trolling.

Wow, is this the fate of black actors - only to be in movies cause they are tokens or used as a troll? That's the grand world of wokeism? Tell you what. Name one time woke people cast a black person in a movie and didn't say they were trolling fans. Name one.

Could it be nearly 75%-80% of the people who object to an OBVIOUS and MEAN tactic of casting someone for the purpose of trolling an audience are themselves MOSTLY OLDER LEFTISTS and LIBERALS who ALREADY DID THIS SHIT BACK IN THE 1980s? Nah..... There is no more Father Knows best society. We've lived in a progressive America for over 50 years. Cause apparently the woke are still stuck in 1980 thinking everything is animal house vs Dean Wormer.

Knock it off. No one is buying this is some innocent casting. Not U even snickered about how this SHIT is done just to troll some people. What a fucking waste of money. And now, cause some morons did this, they have peed in the punch bowl and soured roles for LGBT, women and blacks cause people will always think its done to punk someone. Way to go using these people as meat shields. Can you also wreck native Americans while you're at it? Stuffing a cat into a bag of dogs in hopes a fight breaks out accomplishes nothing.

And lets be clear. You and the woke are NO BETTER than the rest of us. We're ALL in the same privileged hot tub. So lay off the obvious classism.

And as far as the "incel" comments... if you're here spanking off to super heroine porn then you clearly aren't making it in a relationship.
What's the word your so keen on all the time? Strawman? You're making a strawman awful hard here for someone who expresses to hate it. I'll assume you've come at me mixing up arguments you're having elsewhere with other people and projecting them. So read carefully:

You are trying to make my post about sexism into one about racism. You aren't responding to ME at all, you're just ranting. Your reasons for which I can't possibly know. You may wish to read the inciting post again and reply to me based upon what I spoke of instead of what you'd like me to have said. If you'd rather argue with NotU about something ELSE which I haven't been a part of, that's also fine, but I'd appreciate if you didn't attempt to muddy what I was speaking of I.E. the relation of the literatures actual contents with the bad faith criticisms levied in that SPECIFIC arena, instead of attempting to muddy that with another issue entirely. Personally when I detect such a large scale disingenuous analysis of something it calls into question ALL the analysis toward that thing from the disingenuous actor... but as I've stated already as plainly as is humanly possible, I make no condemnations nor condonations about the racial criticisms in this case I believe my expressed reason for not being concerned speaks for itself.
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I watched the first episode. Thought it was brilliant.

I could almost feel how impatient people would be seething as it plodded along. That's how you know the writers understood the source material. Tolkien's work moves slow. This moves slow.

Also I love this version of Galadriel and Elrond. I don't know most of the rest. The name Celebrimbor rings (heh) a bell because of the Shadow of Mordor games, and it makes me feel bad to admit that, but I have at least now clocked where this is going.

It also looks unbelievably good. Like, all of it. The details like the way the Harfoots little town folds up into the woods, that must have cost a fortune, and it looks amazing.

Almost looks as good as The Fellowship Of The Ring. Looks better than the others.

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Femina wrote:
1 year ago
I can't say cause I'm not actually those people nor do I have access to their thoughts.
But yet you just KNOW others are some flaming racists and their ONLY motivation for objecting to an actress due to racism and not because some RACIST woke people cast a black woman for the sole purpose of trolling.

Wow, is this the fate of black actors - only to be in movies cause they are tokens or used as a troll? That's the grand world of wokeism? Tell you what. Name one time woke people cast a black person in a movie and didn't say they were trolling fans. Name one.

Could it be nearly 75%-80% of the people who object to an OBVIOUS and MEAN tactic of casting someone for the purpose of trolling an audience are themselves MOSTLY OLDER LEFTISTS and LIBERALS who ALREADY DID THIS SHIT BACK IN THE 1980s? Nah..... There is no more Father Knows best society. We've lived in a progressive America for over 50 years. Cause apparently the woke are still stuck in 1980 thinking everything is animal house vs Dean Wormer.

Knock it off. No one is buying this is some innocent casting. Not U even snickered about how this SHIT is done just to troll some people. What a fucking waste of money. And now, cause some morons did this, they have peed in the punch bowl and soured roles for LGBT, women and blacks cause people will always think its done to punk someone. Way to go using these people as meat shields. Can you also wreck native Americans while you're at it? Stuffing a cat into a bag of dogs in hopes a fight breaks out accomplishes nothing.

And lets be clear. You and the woke are NO BETTER than the rest of us. We're ALL in the same privileged hot tub. So lay off the obvious classism.

And as far as the "incel" comments... if you're here spanking off to super heroine porn then you clearly aren't making it in a relationship.
You ignored everything Femina said and just went on the same rant you go on all the time AGAIN. The "aha you're complaining about sexism but you're on a fetish board" was fucking infantile.
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I'd also just like to point out that I wasn't 'complaining' about sexism in the shows pre-reception... I was REVEALING it with the stone cold truth you only have access to in a unique situation like this. There's a difference.
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All this over elves.
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On reflection and a rewatch, I'll up my rating a bit. I'll give it a 6/10, and I'll continue to give it a shot. Points do have to be accorded for the incredible production value, per @Femina and @Dogfish , and I think @Damselbinder has a point: the Harfoots are too much fun to be mad about their showing up here.

Also, I find that I'm liking the Elven ranger in the Southlands more and more on further exposure: his frustratingly Remains of the Day-style almost-relationship with his human Special Lady is really quite endearing. Although I think some of the worldbuilding decisions in the Southlands are a bit odd -- why are they basically the Not-Welsh? -- I think they're doing interesting things with why Men would be tempted to seek out Sauron even in the face of the horror of his Orcish servants, as seen with Theo, the Special Lady's son. There are some interesting textures going on.

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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
You ignored everything Femina said and just went on the same rant you go on all the time AGAIN. The "aha you're complaining about sexism but you're on a fetish board" was fucking infantile.
As opposed to the same tired tactic of calling everyone who doesn't like some show a racist. Its 2022 for fuck sake. You're precious progressivism didn't move the needle in 50 years? And why do they like that dragon show if they are so fucking racist?

"Oh I'm being called racist... better like the show now.. cause some super privileged white bougie people are issue hijacking and calling me racist"... said NO ONE.

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
You ignored everything Femina said and just went on the same rant you go on all the time AGAIN. The "aha you're complaining about sexism but you're on a fetish board" was fucking infantile.
As opposed to the same tired tactic of calling everyone who doesn't like some show a racist. Its 2022 for fuck sake. You're precious progressivism didn't move the needle in 50 years? And why do they like that dragon show if they are so fucking racist?

"Oh I'm being called racist... better like the show now.. cause some super privileged white bougie people are issue hijacking and calling me racist"... said NO ONE.
Did I say that?

Did I say that, X? Did I ANYWHERE say that? Jesus Christ, I don't even like the show that much myself! If you're going to have a conversation with a wall anyway, can you just go and do it somewhere else where the rest of us don't have to suffer your self-aggrandising, narcissistic, chest-thumping bullshit?
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
You ignored everything Femina said and just went on the same rant you go on all the time AGAIN. The "aha you're complaining about sexism but you're on a fetish board" was fucking infantile.
As opposed to the same tired tactic of calling everyone who doesn't like some show a racist. Its 2022 for fuck sake. You're precious progressivism didn't move the needle in 50 years? And why do they like that dragon show if they are so fucking racist?

"Oh I'm being called racist... better like the show now.. cause some super privileged white bougie people are issue hijacking and calling me racist"... said NO ONE.
Once again, I challenge you to go and actually READ the message I posted which you replied to with your diatribe on racism. I suspect that you did not, else you would have known that exploding into a tangent about being labeled a racist was entirely off topic to everything I wrote. Your protestations thus far appear, from my perspective, to be little more than a vapid attempt to evade a conversation that I was having which you either have no argument against, nor any interest in discussing and you've chosen to instead hijack the conversation toward your own unknowable design. It is a public forum, thus all voices are welcome and you are allowed to do this if you so choose... but I'm calling you on it now.

Methinks thou doth protest too much.
Last edited by Femina 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Mr. X
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
Did I say that?

Did I say that, X? Did I ANYWHERE say that? Jesus Christ, I don't even like the show that much myself! If you're going to have a conversation with a wall anyway, can you just go and do it somewhere else where the rest of us don't have to suffer your self-aggrandising, narcissistic, chest-thumping bullshit?
And talking with people like you is talking to someone stuck in 1980.
your self-aggrandising, narcissistic, chest-thumping bullshit
As opposed to virtue signalling, issue hijacking, holier than tho bullshit?

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
Did I say that?

Did I say that, X? Did I ANYWHERE say that? Jesus Christ, I don't even like the show that much myself! If you're going to have a conversation with a wall anyway, can you just go and do it somewhere else where the rest of us don't have to suffer your self-aggrandising, narcissistic, chest-thumping bullshit?
And talking with people like you is talking to someone stuck in 1980.
your self-aggrandising, narcissistic, chest-thumping bullshit
As opposed to virtue signalling, issue hijacking, holier than tho bullshit?
"Issue hijacking"?

That is some Galaxy-class lack of self-awareness
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
As opposed to virtue signalling, issue hijacking, holier than tho bullshit?

ANYHOW, baring the possibility that somebody would like to take pity and directly label Mr. X or anyone else a racist to satisfy his victim complex and have the whole website locked down, I'd say it's past time we resumed the actual discussion about this show.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode. I'm really hoping that Galadriel's plot kicks up a little bit. Outside of the first twenty minutes or so she honestly hasn't been doing much considering she seems to be the shows main protagonist (even if only by a smidge over the ensemble) Episode 2 in particular with her felt like a bit of meandering that a ten episode tv season doesn't actually need... hope we find out enough about this 'Stranger' to decide if he's a lore break or not as well.
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cheer up guys. :)
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Mr. X
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
ANYHOW, baring the possibility that somebody would like to take pity and directly label Mr. X or anyone else a racist to satisfy his victim complex and have the whole website locked down, I'd say it's past time we resumed the actual discussion about this show.
Yup I knew that was where this was going. Disagreement = you're racist.
BTW suffer being called a pedo relentlessly and see how that works out for you.

Victim complex? like turning ANY CRITICISM of the show into "I'm being attacked cause of my race".
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