Exactly what you want or an on going series?

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Considering the recent very public demise of the Batgirl movie, which would you prefer, a one shot big budget movie that does everything you want, but dooms the character forever, or a series/ franchise that gets a good run but never quite makes it to where you would like it to go? Think the Supergirl series or the Gal Godot WW movies. Same casting (or not) good as or better production values.

You can have your pick of characters.

Assuming this is a completely hypothetical dichotomy, I suppose I'd want the one thing that's really excellent over lots of mediocrity.
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Considering how many reboots they do and just look at Batman, they can always start over no matter how the movie ends. Even Batgirl had so many comic book variations that fans had no idea which one this would be in the movie.

Just do a decent movie and forget about sequels. The Batman movies with Michael Keaton killed off major villains each movie so unlike the TV show they couldn't return. But they made better story telling. Spiderman movies killed off some villains and look at how bizarre the logic became to bring them back in No Way Home.
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