Supergirl : Soft Domination 06/Dec

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Kara felt the endorphine rush as soon as Lex took his place at her side. What Psi had done to her she didn't know, but suspected she was about to find out.

"I guess there is no need to ask if it worked!" Lex said, gazing over the moaning mess that was formerly Supergirl. She was knelt on her kitchen island worktop in a provocatively slutty outfit.

Psi smiled with delight as she explained Supergirl's plight, "Yes, obviously, and it's quite simple! Fear is my tool but she became immune to it, or so I thought. But, in reality... she was becoming addicted to it! Day after day I sensed her while I languished in the DEO prison and so slowly I fed her addiction... letting it fester and grow until she became hungry to find more of what I had to offer."

"And, so, how do I control her? What is she afraid of that can keep her addicted to her sense of fear?" Lex asked, studying the moaning slut in front of him.

"She fears humiliation ... and now she is trapped in this cycle. Just you being here seeing her in this state, it's putting her into a deeper frenzy which will only drive her addiction to seek more!" Psi said with an evil tone to her voice.

"Well, well, Supergirl, that leaves you in quite a predicament, doesn't it?" Lex said, his eyes flashing wickedly.

"Fffuuu .... ffuuuuuck yoouuu nghhhh...." moaned Supergirl, unable to do anything to escape her addictive nightmare.

"Hmmmm, it seems you need some direction, Slut," Lex said, causing Supergirl to shudder some more.

Psi played lightly with Kara's hair thoughtfully, "Tell her to do something... something ... degrading...I know I've had my fair share in that DEO hell hole,"

"I'm torn ... should I have her play with herself and have her call me Daddy ... or just have her relieve herself on my command?" Lex said with a wink in Psi's direction.

"Oh Rao...." moaned Kara as her eyes rolled back into her head, her addicted brain drowning in a sea of pleasure.

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That last one, the Threesome, no that is gonna be fun!!! Thank you for treating my girlfriend so well!! I love her
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batgirl1969 wrote:
1 year ago
That last one, the Threesome, no that is gonna be fun!!! Thank you for treating my girlfriend so well!! I love her
Thanks for that - I did like that image and how it evolved when I looked at the options to add to it. At DA I put a short element of story to go with the image which I will put with it here as an edit. Glad you liked this stuff from the softer end of my spectrum.

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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
1 year ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
1 year ago
That last one, the Threesome, no that is gonna be fun!!! Thank you for treating my girlfriend so well!! I love her
Thanks for that - I did like that image and how it evolved when I looked at the options to add to it. At DA I put a short element of story to go with the image which I will put with it here as an edit. Glad you liked this stuff from the softer end of my spectrum.

I am a huge fan of yours, thank you for all you do here!!! I am sure Supergirl doesn't thank you so I will for her....that blonde slut!! Lol
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"Oh, sweet girl, you should have realised... once I knew as Reign I could defeat Supergirl it was only a matter of time before my human side could take Kara Danvers too. Don't worry though, unlike Reign, I won't draw blood and leave you broken... well ... not physically at least!"



Powerless, Kara fell into the clutches of Lex Luthor. He had let the former inmates of Fort Rozz know the once powerful heroine had been neutralized then used that fact to blackmail her into servitude. He would keep her safe from the aliens circling like sharks beyond the walls of his mansion, all she had to do was serve him. Would her powers return? And what would he demand of her for his "protection" ?!



...In the previous edition of National City Elite we began an expose looking at the secret sex lives of our city's rich and famous. This month we look at media empire goddess, Cat Grant and her relationship with prize winning journalist Kara Danvers. In recent months the pair have been turning heads at high society gatherings having decided to let their special relationship become public.

"It was a mutual decision," Cat Grant told us, prompting Miss Danvers to scoff lightly. Such is this odd blend of power, grace, youth and experience, the pair sometimes appearing at odds while also moving in harmony. And perhaps that is the beauty of this unlikely pairing, Miss Grant willingly accepting the mantle of a dominatrix to Miss Danvers' more submissive role.

We asked them both how this relationship began of course and while Cat, Catco's CEO seemed direct and sure the squirming body language of her prized wordsmith and investigative journalist seemed less so.

"As a matter of course such things begin with the discovering of a secret," Grant told us. This of course would normally lead us to ask what it was and there to be some resistance but to her credit Danvers seemed keen to explain.

"About ... my needs!" Kara added.

We found that aspect quite refreshing considering the resistance we saw to some questions we had for Maxwell Lord in last months magazine. However, we couldn't help feel that maybe there were more secrets that were left hidden....



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Fun stuff!
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I have a feeling YOU sir would be able to fulfill her Kryptonite anal bead fetish....SG LUVS glowing green 💚 beads...
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batgirl1969 wrote:
1 year ago
I have a feeling YOU sir would be able to fulfill her Kryptonite anal bead fetish....SG LUVS glowing green 💚 beads...
I am more at home dealing with the explicit by making it implied, the viewer's imagination filling in the blanks, but if I encounter some image sources that let me carry that idea off I'll try.
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Supergirl felt the sting from the welts on her behind, deliciously delivered by The Silver Banshee.

Original Image : KENMARCUS

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July 1st, 2022 ...

Oh Diary, I've been keeping a dark secret, even from you, for weeks now. It began as a seed of an idea, like a fantasy but like a tree it grew and grew into a obsession and it's all I can think of!

I am fast. I am strong. I can fly! Throw in all the other "gifts" I've been given and it would be easy for some cultures to think I am a god. But thank Rao I'm not so stupid to think I am a god but, Diary, you know what I mean.

But, then there is Luthor. Lex, I mean. How he... frightens me. But, my fear of him has become an excitement. For all my gifts I know that behind those eyes of his, those analytical, all-seeing eyes is the one thing I cannot overcome, his brain, and recently for some reason that just turns me on! When I contemplate his genius it seems to work between my legs better than any toy ever could and now he's even getting into my dreams. Or perhaps it was a nightmare.

It was vague and like many dreams, it all seemed to make sense at the time. I am sure I was as Supergirl, hair down, glasses off. But Rao, I was naked, save for my boots and... well... I wasn't posed very lady like, leaning back on a table, legs apart and just willingly bathing beneath a red sun lamp. And stood there in front of me was Lex, looking oh so smart as always.

And all I could do was look up at him, in awe, like he was a god. And he was looking down at me, his mighty brain judging me. Analysing me. Scoring me. Like I was... a thing. His thing. He didn't touch me, but those eyes and his mind ... how it affected me! I had to strip the bed this morning, the sheets were soaked with sweat and I could tell I ended up lying spreadeagled just by the stains. And, yes Diary, I won't even tell you the state of my PJ's when I took them off, what happened to my bottoms will be etched in my mind forever, you don't need to be able to remind me when I read you later.

I am slightly ashamed to admit it, but I hope I have the dream again tonight. I am going to ask Winn if I can borrow a camcorder from the media section, I want to record my sleep. I'd be interested to know how intense an experience the dream may have been for me. Oh, and if I ever wonder why I own rubber sheets, last night is the reason!

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July 2nd
Oh Diary, it sort of happened again last night, the dream. Thank Rao for the new sheets I picked up yesterday after the previous episode. The dream was kind of the same, but just more intense. More pairs of eyes and more talking on their part while I just knelt there and took it. Not wanting to sound all Wizard of Oz but Lex was there and Lillian and the Graves pair, even that tool, Lockwood ... but ... what a night! Can't wait to see what the webcam caught of my sleep when it all happened.

Original Image : Private (?)


Vartox's Home Invasion - Supergirl woke in the middle of the night to be confronted by the physically powerful Vartox who had found her home. Now she was trapped in his vice like grip, gasping for air!


"Forgive the intrusion, Miss Danvers, but my ... acquaintance here Mr Lord thinks you have some affiliation with Supergirl..." Luthor said with a sinister tone.

"Luthor! Maxwell? What the hell!", Kara exclaimed. She was only partly dressed, preparing for a social event back at Catco.

"Oh this will take only a moment of your time. Once your yelps begin I am sure Supergirl will arrive, assuming Maxwell here is correct,"

"Supergirl, but ..." Kara began only to be cut off by Lex.

"That's right but a little louder, we want her to come to our trap afterall," Lex gloated.


"Oh don't you worry about that, though Supergirl should be concerned by the red-sun pulse gun he's packing! " Lex said, tugging Kara down onto her reclining seat and starting to restrain her wrists.

"If you think I am going to lure her here for you two, then you're wrong!" Kara protested. She looked at the cord wrapping her wrists then at Lex and Maxwell.

What could she do that would keep her identity safe?

Maxwell scoffed subtly from his vantage point, "Kara, you do realise I am a billionaire, with ... some singular tastes when it comes to my interactions with ... women, right?"

"You mean... you're into ..." Kara began, anxiously.

"Yes, that's right, but like Lex said, I only want you to yelp just enough!"

Kara gulped, what was she in for?!


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These are perfect...Kara is so innocent and deserving of her love 💕
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Have a happy 4th of July, you treacherous colonists you! Now give us back our tea! (Seriously though, have a great day)


"Oh god, Kara ... mother, what have you done!" exclaimed Lena as she saw her friend and champion, Kara Danvers suspended by her wrists and tip toeing on heels higher than could be believed.

Lillian smirked with mischief as she also approached the bound star reporter.

"You take my things, I take yours. But as you've given back what was mine I guess you can have Miss Danvers back, safe as sound as promised," Lillian explained with a hint of venom before gesturing with her head at her pair of henchman to let Kara free. Fortunately for Kara Metallo and his deadly implanted Kryptonite headed away to a winch control before she felt any ill effects.

"Are you okay, did they hurt you?" Lena asked with concern as she stood in front of Kara. Initially she looked into Kara's eyes, concerned but could not help look over the young woman admiring her body while being confused about why she was wearing what she was wearing.

"I ... I'm fine, no thanks to your mother," Kara responded, her angry eyes turning to a worried expression seeing Lillian nursing a metal box which was no doubt part of her current nefarious plans.

"And I suppose this hooker outfit was just to top it all off, mother?" Lena pouted just as the winch began to let Kara down.

"Hmmmm, you're right that you and I are often at odds, but ... that," Lillian paused, gesturing at Kara's attire, "is NOT on me."

Lillian let out a little snort, as if being blamed for Kara's appearance was the worst accusation she ever faced then spun around and began to leave.

"You're not going to just leave us here?!" Lena called out as she helped Kara as her arms finally were allowed to drop down to her sides.

"You're a billionaire with resources ... you figure it out. You always seem to when you're trying to get in my way," Lillian called back, her henchmen falling into line behind her.

"Unbelievable!" Lena muttered under her breath before facing Kara who struggled with her bonds.

"Don't tell me I went through all this for a metal Rubik's cube?" Kara jested. Jokes were all she had right now. She had been Lillian's prisoner for hours and being held in plain sight and in view of security cameras meant she had to keep up the pretense she was human. And now, with Lena arriving any chance she could get of stopping Lillian was fading fast.

"Oh that? Don't worry. It's what she wanted, but it doesn't work, that's why I caved so easily, not that I wouldn't do anything to save you!" Lena explained as she released Kara from the bonds around her wrists.

"But that cube ... you're sure?" Kara asked anxiously.

"It looks the part but honestly, the only thing that it's good for is making coffee, or perhaps toast." Lena scoffed.

"Oh, well, that's good then but maybe we should let the authorities know... you know, just in case," Kara said, hinting to Lena to keep on doing the right thing.

"Yes, you're right. But for now our only problem is getting us home and ... well I'm loathe to say it .... getting you some clothes. Why ARE you dressed like this, anyway?" Lena asked, her head cocking slightly.

"You ... you're kidding right?" Kara replied, mouth agog.

Lena looked confused and could only shake her head subtly.

"The other night? Truth or Dare... the shots?" Kara said, reading Lena's face, trying to see if she could remember.

"Oh god ... the hangover after .... Kara, I'm sorry, but anything I might have heard, learned or told you is as good as erased. Why, is this ... from that?" Lena asked with a frown.

"Lena, I ... look, I've got to tell you, but I don't know if you will believe me. There had been some truths and some dares. I know we were drunk but ... you dared me to wear this... to prove I ... prove I trust you," Kara said, her eyes dropping to the floor.

Lena's mouth dropped open a moment, "You mean... you mean I told you? About me..."

"Lena, you told me what you like ... this is me telling you... I like what you like too,"

"Oh! Oh, Kara Danvers! You are full of surprises, aren't you!" Lena exclaimed.

Kara looked at Lena who suddenly seemed so happy, no longer being alone in the world. She had a playmate at last. But ... would telling her she was Supergirl add or takeaway form the moment?

"Yeah.... hold that thought," Kara said cryptically.

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"Et voila! One Supergirl, temporarily powerless and restrained," Lex gloated.

"And the cage?" Lena asked, not with concern, but with a bitter tone to her voice.

"Oh quite unbreakable, even for her. The nth metal was fabricated around her in a single pouring. It's seamless. Even when her power returns she's not going anywhere!" Lex confirmed.

"Good! I can perform the experiments to remove her powers permanently in safety," Lena confirmed.

"Please, Lena. You have to let me go..." Kara pleaded.

"Tell me you have something to keep her quiet?" Lena asked Lex, ignoring Kara's pleas.

"Yes, of course. Besides, you'll need the mask I've made to prevent her using her heat vision when this temporary powerlessness is over," Lex explained, giving the cage a knock with his knuckles, proving its sturdiness.

"Please, Lena! I thought we were friends," Kara begged.

"Oh, we are, Kara, but Supergirl... she has to go!"
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Rhea looked down in anger at Kara who seemed distant from her situation like she was mentally shutting down.

"Sulking won't solve anything, Kara, you understand that, don't you?" Rhea snapped.

"I ... I won't do what you want, I just won't!" Kara responded, looking away as she seemed to search for an answer to her problems.

"Mon-El and Lena are the future now. And I, former queen am not allowed to re-marry following my dear husband's demise! But, I can have a consort and YOU are it! Now come... we have a long life ahead of us so we may as well see what we can do for each other in my chambers..." Rhea insisted.
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Winn sat on an old wooden chair inside the basement of an old abandoned house, his hands over his eyes.

"Okay, NOW you can look, birthday boy," Lyra said innocently.

In front of him Winn saw Lyra and she looked hot. He was familiar with her mostly human like form but not with what she was wearing. It was only then that he noticed the leash in her hand which trailed off to someone behind her.

"Errrr... nice outfit but .... question ... who's that?" Winn asked, his finger first rising like a child about to ask a teacher a question before pointing to the partially concealed woman behind her.

"Well, for your birthday I thought you would like a threesome - so - I picked up this little cutie at some club. What I spiked her drink with will last about 6 hours so ... let's play! She won't remember anything, will you sweetie?" Lyra explained before gently tugging the leash, bringing her 'friend' into view.

"Lyra! You can't just...." began Winn's protests when he suddenly saw who the third person was.

"Ughhhh ... where... where am I?" she moaned softly.

"Oh my god! Kara? You took Kara? My workmate... Kara!" Winn exclaimed, hands rising to his head.

"Oh you know her? That's great then, isn't it?" Lyra asked innocently.

"You know she .... I .... you can't .... if she ..." blubbed Winn, constrained to keeping Kara's secrets.

"Awww, do you two have some kind of past?" Lyra asked with a pout. She was looking forward to playing and wasn't sure why Winn was hesitating.

"Look, I appreciate the effort, I really do ... but she's got to go back! And... you've got to get her back in her clothes... else she's going to start trying to figure out what the heck happened!" Winn said, desiring that his good-guy side would give in to temptation.

"Change back? But ... aside for this," Lyra began, gesturing with the leash, "this is what she was wearing already,"

Winn's mouth fell open, "It... it was?"

"Oh come on, let's just play, just a little. It's not like you are going to have sex with her..." Lyra teased.

"No... no ... I would never do that, she's drugged!" Winn said, wrestling with his dark desires.

"Drugged... and ... judging from these... she's already taking care of herself," Lyra smiled as she produced two small remote controls, tossing them to Winn.

Winn caught them midair and studied one before pressing its small red button causing Kara to moan while one free hand dropped to her crotch.

"You mean..." Winn realised.

"Uh huh!" Lyra answered.

"Dammit - I am going to hell ... but ok - for just an hour... or two!" Winn said, his face breaking out into a big grin.
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Dear Diary...

July 5th - I must have celebrated too hard last night because over night I had another "Lex" dream. What the laser was about I don't know. It seemed to make sense in the dream but not now. And it was like I wanted it, and all he was charging was to be able to watch! All I can say is super-rubber-sheets to the rescue again. The camcorder caught what I guess was me going over the top of the crest and now I feel exhausted, but also turned on! I need to talk to someone - but - who!? Alex? Lena? Rao no! I need to think this over!
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Kara Danvers was undercover, putting together an article about the network of wealthy criminal elements of National City. She had found a way in, posing as part of the catering staff and little by little had earned enough trust to finally be present at a high profile criminal event.

Carrying a silver platter with drinks and dressed only in lingerie like many other young women in the same role, Kara mingled, her super-hearing picking up on the little bits of information here and there. The less savoury sorts felt safe to talk, especially knowing the weak links, the staff, were incapable of wearing a wire or cameras. In essence they felt safe from prying eyes and ears.

As Kara worked a pair of double doors opened and a new group of people emerged and began to filter into the room. And then she saw him. And he saw her.

“Edge!” gasped Kara to herself as his smile lit up and he approached.

“Oh Jesus Christ,” Edge thought to himself as he swooped in towards who he knew was a snooping reporter.

With a deft move Edge took the last glass of champagne from Kara’s tray with one hand, then tossed the tray with his other hand onto a sofa then guided her to the edge of the room which was walled with glass and had a view of the city skyline.

“Please, sir, what are …” Kara began, trying to feign innocence, her angry eyes betraying full well she knew who he was and vice versa.

“Shut up, I’m doing you a favour, young lady!” Edge said firmly.

“What do you mean?” grunted Kara, trying to resist Edge’s grasp on her wrist.

“In a moment someone is coming through from there and you’d be better off her not knowing you’re here!” Edge said. His tone seemed to be a mix of delight at her situation and of concern.

Kara looked towards the doorway, her ears pricking as she tuned in on who might be there. Then, her eyes widened when a familiar voice could be heard. Edge misread her expression, thinking it was his warning, not her hearing that had triggered it. Either way Kara was on the defensive and Edge knew it.

“Look out the window. Do it and I will shield you…” Edge said firmly, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Kara turned her head, the reflection of the room in her view just as Roulette entered. With a firm hand Edge then steered Kara to turn fully away. She could easily resist but if she acted like a rock he might realise who she was.

Morgan’s nose nuzzled into Kara’s hair, taking in her sweet scent causing her to shudder a little, all the while aware of the incoming threat.

“Hmmmm, you smell delightful. How about I entertain you while you pray she leaves. I know after that hatchet piece you wrote about her she’d happily do away with you! You’re not safe here…” Edge began, a lazy finger trailing down her shoulder blade.

“Hey, they said, no touching!” Kara protested under her breath, referring to what she and the other servers had been told regarding the house rules.

“That’s right. But I made that rule. And as I am financing the entertainments on this gig, I can break it too. The man handling my … ladies … including you… know full well that’s true,” Edge said.

Kara’s body seemed to clench up at Edge’s touch, his finger descending lower and lower until …


A firm hand delivered a blow to Kara’s behind. Instinctively Kara responded with feigned pain and a groan for her human audience.

“Do that again and I will yelp so hard you-know-who will be on you like a shot,” Kara growled in a low voice.

“If you value her life, you won’t. Roulette has taken precautions. Deadly precautions, of the green gas variety. We are safe, but Supergirl … not so much. The fire extinguishers around the room, some are not as they seem,” Edge said with a scoff.

Kara risked a sideways glance and caught sight of one of the extinguishers, only to realise it was lead shielded. Just as Kara’s mind raced she was drawn back into the moment.


Kara’s reaction was shock, then anger, then restraint.

“Problem, Morgan?” Roulette asked, as she passed by.

“Not yet, just educating our new hand…” Edge said with a light friendly tone.

“Oh, would you mind if I watch?”

“Not at all…”


“Nghhh,” Kara growled quietly, not from the pain, but from the frustration of her predicament.

“Now, now, time to teach you there can be carrot as well as stick,” Edge whispered, his hand guiding Kara’s thigh up, letting her foot come to rest on the window frame, parting her legs.

It was then that she felt his hand come to rest on her panty covered crotch, causing her to almost levitate out of control.

“Hmmm, so hot down there … maybe you will have a new career with me instead of sniping from the editor’s office at Catco?” Morgan whispered before starting to undulate his palm against her.

“Oh… please,” moaned Kara as she saw Roulette watching on in the reflection. Roulette grinned wickedly as she delighted in the new girl’s innocent response to Edge’s treatment.

Edge whispered as he worked, “Never fear, Miss Danvers, when she gets bored I will get you out of here. My team’s security failings in letting you in here might be as costly to me personally as it would be for you if you are caught…. Nod if you understand,”

“Uh … uh-huh…” moaned Kara, her eyes rolling as she tried to nod.

“Good girl,” Edge replied, his firm fingers starting to almost push the soft sheer fabric of Kara’s panties into the warm crevice of her crotch.
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Abductor, please continue with these lovely manips and stories! I'm enjoying the creative and-ahem-tawdry manner you show our favorite Kryptonian Kutie. Too bad the show tried to be too mainstream, and not give us regular perils a la Smallville. If we could have had Kara in so many similar perils as they had Clark in that show, then phew!
Again, please keep up the lovely works. Give Kara(and Melissa)the sweet-ahem-mischief they deserve!

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"Open photo app..." Lex growled with glee!

"Wait, that... that's my phone!" Kara said weakly, the effects of kryptonite subtly pulsing across her face.

"Yes, of course it is!" Lex said as he studied the screen of the phone checking the framing of his shot.

Lex, with his cruel grip on Kara's weakened head forced her face into the image.

CLICK - the camera fired,making its faux camera sound as it did so.



"There , that should do it!" boasted Lex.

"Please what are you doing?!" Kara pleaded.

"It's time Kara Danvers embraced who she truly is! Send photos to contacts!" Lex explained before barking his order at the phone.

"Please select contact group..." replied the phone.

"Oh, let me see ... how about ALL"

"No .... I .... please .." Kara began, faltering as the kryptonite kept her weakened.

The phone lit up again, "Do you wish to specify any tags to these images? If so, say Hashtag then your tag word, you can include multiple hashtags by saying the word hashtag between each tag word"

"Oh my, well okay ... Hashtag Winning, Hashtag Supergirl, Hashtag Kryptonite, Hashtag Buttplug, hashtag ballgag, hashtag whipped, hashtag mine!"

"Please ... don't ... what do you want?!" Kara moaned.

"I want you GONE!" Lex growled. "SEND MESSAGE"
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
1 year ago







Kara felt the endorphine rush as soon as Lex took his place at her side. What Psi had done to her she didn't know, but suspected she was about to find out.

"I guess there is no need to ask if it worked!" Lex said, gazing over the moaning mess that was formerly Supergirl. She was knelt on her kitchen island worktop in a provocatively slutty outfit.

Psi smiled with delight as she explained Supergirl's plight, "Yes, obviously, and it's quite simple! Fear is my tool but she became immune to it, or so I thought. But, in reality... she was becoming addicted to it! Day after day I sensed her while I languished in the DEO prison and so slowly I fed her addiction... letting it fester and grow until she became hungry to find more of what I had to offer."

"And, so, how do I control her? What is she afraid of that can keep her addicted to her sense of fear?" Lex asked, studying the moaning slut in front of him.

"She fears humiliation ... and now she is trapped in this cycle. Just you being here seeing her in this state, it's putting her into a deeper frenzy which will only drive her addiction to seek more!" Psi said with an evil tone to her voice.

"Well, well, Supergirl, that leaves you in quite a predicament, doesn't it?" Lex said, his eyes flashing wickedly.

"Fffuuu .... ffuuuuuck yoouuu nghhhh...." moaned Supergirl, unable to do anything to escape her addictive nightmare.

"Hmmmm, it seems you need some direction, Slut," Lex said, causing Supergirl to shudder some more.

Psi played lightly with Kara's hair thoughtfully, "Tell her to do something... something ... degrading...I know I've had my fair share in that DEO hell hole,"

"I'm torn ... should I have her play with herself and have her call me Daddy ... or just have her relieve herself on my command?" Lex said with a wink in Psi's direction.

"Oh Rao...." moaned Kara as her eyes rolled back into her head, her addicted brain drowning in a sea of pleasure.

I am curious, of all the photos on this forum page, where did they originate from?
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dragontigerandhorse1985 wrote:
1 year ago

I am curious, of all the photos on this forum page, where did they originate from?
Hi dragontigerandhorse1985

Ive started to try and put "Original Image : xxxxxxxxxx" with the image (in the thread these appear several times) or if I forget to do it the attribute is already in the image itself. If unknown or uncertain I leave no comment. TV shows etc I leave taken as read that the source is understood.

Thank you for your interest,

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Kara weakly slumped back into Lex's lap, not knowing or understanding why she wanted to allow it and how Lex had the strength to pull her back. Or, was it that she was weak?

Lex placed a hand on Kara's breast, the other inching up her short dress to reveal her crotch covered panties.

"Whaa... how..." moaned Kara as she felt the cool air on her thighs.

"Do you see it now, Supergirl? That lovely gift bracelet, completely inert on its own ... but ... in the presence of the metal in the buttons of this jacket? Well... let's just say your bracelet resonates... at a frequency like our good friend, Mr Kryptonite..."

"Oh... no ...ngghhhh" moaned Kara as she made a weak effort to rise.

"Not to worry... this pink variety... well ... suffice to say it's not going to kill you!" scoffed Lex as his hand encouraged Kara to spread her thighs.

"Oh Lex... you .... you monster..." Kara managed before leaning back into him. She needed to feel him against her as she prepared to let go of her inhibitions.

"You say all the nicest things," Lex smiled as his hands got to work.


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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
1 year ago

Kara Danvers was undercover, putting together an article about the network of wealthy criminal elements of National City. She had found a way in, posing as part of the catering staff and little by little had earned enough trust to finally be present at a high profile criminal event.

Carrying a .....
As always great pictures and stories (like your super v luthor etc), especially love the ones where the predicament Kara has put herself in means that it's she herself that is keeping her at bay (that fear of discovery or the reveal of a lie will make her go along)
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Lena Luthor woke to the sound of her phone buzzing on silent. The time on her phone's display confirmed what she felt, it was not long after 3am.

Lena sat up and answered, only because the caller was Kara and she accepted the video feed straight away. What she saw shocked her.

Kara seemed to be struggling with a stranger who was trying to pull her back, presumably to get her phone off of her. On his wrist there seemed to be a watch maybe with an odd glow but in the eerie dark shot she couldn't make out what it was.

"Help ... me ... intr..... uder.....", gasped Kara.

Then Lena saw the man's hands and their tattoos and recognized them as belonging to one of Lex's goons!

Just as soon as she realised who it was the intruder yanked Kara back by the neck and the phone tumbled away before disconnecting.

Lena began to dial 911 and then paused. No, she'd call her security team - they'd be there in an instant.
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Blond, pretty, young. The list of female victims was growing. And so Kara had been set up as bait by the DEO following the discovery of alien DNA at the home of one of the victim's.

When the stranger entered her apartment and took her by force Kara went with only token resistance, letting her captor think he had caught yet another victim. By letting her take her Kara hoped to locate the other victims and set them free. The tracker she was wearing was tiny and the underwire of her bra was its secret aerial.

Finally, when she arrived at her captor's hideout she was confronted by someone else...

"Otis!" Supergirl exclaimed.

"Hey, Superfail .... so the old DEO fell into our trap! Good job Vartox," Otis beamed.

"Your trap?!" Supergirl scoffed, "You're about to have the DEO land on your heads!". She then began to try and tug herself free from Vartox's unusually strong grip.

"You idiot, didn't you realise we planned this all along? We tricked them into using you as bait, and you just let Vartox drag you here!" Otis explained.

"Nghhh .... get OFF me!" Supergirl protested, seemingly unable to escape her captor's grasp.

"Oh Supergirl... I think your problem is this ..." Otis gloated as he revealed the little glowing green rock he had been holding clenched in his hand.

"Kryptonite ... nghoooo .... please!" Supergirl begged as Vartox dragged her closer to the threatening glow.
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Wait, Kara went there in just her bra and panties? Man, that is overconfident!

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DrDominator9 wrote:
1 year ago
Wait, Kara went there in just her bra and panties? Man, that is overconfident!

Well, she had to make for convincing bait, right?
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Lillian passed through into one of the family mansion's walnut paneled rooms and found Lex. Seemingly in a trance a young brunette woman was stood, Lex studying her right hand.

"And she is the source of your excitement?" Lillian asked, thinking the girl who looked ordinary.

"Oh, I know what you are thinking, mother, but don't fear, I'm not cradle snatching. Linda here is key to our plans," Lex scoffed.

"Our plans? I thought our plans were ridding us of Supergirl, not hiring domestic help. Besides, what have you done to this girl and why is she only half dressed?" Lillian responded.

"This girl, as you say, is Linda Lee and the reason she's in this state is because I've plucked her out of time and space, trapped in moment of time. Her time." Lex explained, his eyes never drifting from Miss Lee.

"OK, I will bite. Who is Miss Lee?" Lillian asked as she began to circle the brunette with mild interest.

"Miss Lee is none other than Kara Zor-El, but let's just call her Supergirl," Lex said, his eyes flashing wickedly as he said Supergirl's name.

"Supergirl? Linda Lee? Now that one you must explain!" Lillian exclaimed, doubt in her tone.

"You see, mother, Linda is from another part of the multiverse. Her timeline is quite different from ours and that's why I think she would make a great candidate for my plan. To bring Miss Lee here permanently means sacrificing someone from this world to send to hers. I intend for Kara Danvers to be that sacrifice," Lex explained, his eyes finally settling on Lillian, gauging her reaction to the idea.

"Very well, but what makes you think exchanging one Supergirl for another is going to help us?" Lillian asked. While having a way to rid them of Kara was getting her evil juices flowing she was hoping Lex's punchline was going to be compelling.

"Well, luckily for us, Miss Lee enjoys, no, LOVES, domination. And by a firm female hand. That hand could be yours, mother," Lex explained.

There was a pause as Lillian studied the young woman, her eyes starting to shine with wicked mischief.

"You mean, she might accept, ME?" Lillian asked.

"Yes, but if not, perhaps we could engineer something with Lena?" Lex smiled.

"What's the catch?" Lillian asked, suspecting there would be one.

"Taking miss Lee here might just incur the ire of a witch. A powerful Witch of Daxam. And we would be in her crosshairs!" Lex cautioned.
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Interesting twist. Will you continue with this?
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DrDominator9 wrote:
1 year ago
Interesting twist. Will you continue with this?
Hi Doc,

Well, you're not to the first to like the "twist", the image earning such comments at DA.

Like the rest of the stuff it's all just one-shot fun though if images come by that suggest an '84/The CW slant there is no reason not to play some more. Some themes have repeated already, like Kara's diary entries about her "Lex" dreams or Psi's implantation of fear as a sexual addiction so why not more '84? It's kind of cool thinking the Daxam Witch version of Selena comes reaching across the multiverse and gives Lex and Lillian a hiding to get Linda Lee back!
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I sorta wish you could include the Laura Vandervoort version of Kara Zor-El in your assortment of Supergirls for-ahem-mischief! She got in some nice green K perils in season 7 of Smallville. If necessary, you could check out her in the Bitten series from SYFY for more images of her in perils. She's just to lovely a blonde to ignore IMHO!

My 2 cents.
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Danorian wrote:
1 year ago
I sorta wish you could include the Laura Vandervoort version of Kara Zor-El in your assortment of Supergirls for-ahem-mischief! She got in some nice green K perils in season 7 of Smallville. If necessary, you could check out her in the Bitten series from SYFY for more images of her in perils. She's just to lovely a blonde to ignore IMHO!

My 2 cents.
Hi Danorian - thanks for your continued support and interest. I am flattered by your request for sure but not having watched Smallville it's hard for me to be inspired to dig deeper.

Currently my Supergirl (The CW version) library of source images is about 35GB of jpegs alone. Using a photo app with facial recognition took a while to sort those images which found some 37,000 images of Supergirl/ Kara D alone. Factor in Alex, Lena, Lex, Max Lord, Otis, Mercy, Cat Grant, Winn, Olsen, etc, etc you can see how my "spot the image I want" workload is enormous. If I were to try and hammer the system and my brain with another show's cast (even if I just focus on Smallville SE07) I think I am going to break something! LOL

Consider it a "maybe" but for now I can't promise anything.
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
1 year ago
Danorian wrote:
1 year ago
I sorta wish you could include the Laura Vandervoort version of Kara Zor-El in your assortment of Supergirls for-ahem-mischief! She got in some nice green K perils in season 7 of Smallville. If necessary, you could check out her in the Bitten series from SYFY for more images of her in perils. She's just to lovely a blonde to ignore IMHO!

My 2 cents.
Hi Danorian - thanks for your continued support and interest. I am flattered by your request for sure but not having watched Smallville it's hard for me to be inspired to dig deeper.

Currently my Supergirl (The CW version) library of source images is about 35GB of jpegs alone. Using a photo app with facial recognition took a while to sort those images which found some 37,000 images of Supergirl/ Kara D alone. Factor in Alex, Lena, Lex, Max Lord, Otis, Mercy, Cat Grant, Winn, Olsen, etc, etc you can see how my "spot the image I want" workload is enormous. If I were to try and hammer the system and my brain with another show's cast (even if I just focus on Smallville SE07) I think I am going to break something! LOL

Consider it a "maybe" but for now I can't promise anything.
35 gigs of cute Melissa pics as source material is sufficient for me. I didn't know you had THAT much to use for your art.
As for Laura, I was just asking for her because she's a cutie too, and had the role as well-sorta. They didn't use Laura too well in the role, giving her amnesia in the second half of the season, and never in a supersuit. Just a terrible waste.
Well, back to awaiting the perils of Supergirl/Kara Danvers!

My 2 cents.
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Supergirl had been drugged and sat on the floor naked save for the heeled shoes on her bare feet and the collar about her neck.

"Hey, stay with me! No sleep for you!" said a voice before the leash was given a firm yank.

Supergirl's head cocked awkwardly, trying to turn towards the voice, her eyes struggling to open.

"Wha... what's happening? Who are you?" Supergirl moaned, her words slurred.

"Well, what's happening is Lex's new best friend, Red Daughter is running around, dressed like you, ruining your reputation.... and I? Well, probably best I take advantage of that fogged brain of yours and not say," the female captor said.

Kara's eyes struggled to focus on the woman's face, but something more visible caught her eye.

"Wait ... sexy... sexy boots .... great thighs..... Mer .... Mercy..." Kara struggled to say.

Mercy's eyes widened slightly in surprise. The drug was known to bring out the truth in some victims but she wasn't expecting such sincerity.

"If you genuinely like my boots you can start kissing them while you're down there," Mercy said, expecting her comment to keep Supergirl at bay. Mercy didn't understand why, but she always had this natural sense of pushing people away, often with passive aggression.

"Kiss... them? Maay ... may I?" Supergirl moaned as her eyes struggled to lock on to their target, the close fitting knee high black leather boots.

Mercy looked down with a quizzical expression on her face. What would it be like to have Supergirl kissing her boots, she wondered.

"Okay, this one..." Mercy said, offering out one booted leg, "and if you do a good job, I will let you kiss the other!"

"Thaaank.... thank you," Supergirl said in reply, her head leaning closer towards Mercy before delivering her first drug induced kiss.

Mercy felt an odd thawing sensation in her heart which pulsed with vigour as her eyes confirmed what her leg could feel through the soft supple leather. Who knew how new loyalties could be formed!
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Kara knelt in front of Lena, collared and in lingerie... again. Since Kara learned of the multiverse and had seen how in some parts of it she and Lena were at war, the heroine had decided to take a leap of faith. She was sure that "her" Lena could be saved from the dark path taken by Lex, that she and Lena could find love. But for her "Lena" love was shown in a way that Kara had considered to be unconventional. Once the touch of the collar was on her neck though she loved it. And so over and over she had given herself up to Lena to the point that a movie, popcorn, cuddles, collar and a leash in Lena's private room at the LuthorCorp tower were normal.

"Kara, I'd like to add something new to our play... but... there is something I need to be honest about," Lena cautioned Kara. In Lena's hands were a pair of humble looking handcuffs.

"Oh, sure, what is it?" Kara asked quite enthusiastically.

"Well, I know once upon a time I would have been mad about this, but...." Lena began, that hint of anger that she referring to just peeking through her tone, before she paused, her eyes tracking down Kara's body, dwelling on her collar just a moment.

"But?" Kara asked, her expression changing to that of concern.

"Well, I know now. That you're struggling to do your best. For me! You might not always get it right, but you've always been trying to see the good in me, doing what's best for me. The articles you wrote about me. The little hints of wisdom you give me. I do see it now, I see it all," Lena explained.

"I... I don't follow you, what might you have been mad about?" Kara asked, looking up hopefully at Lena.

Lena's face softened slightly, "Well what I am going to be honest about is... I am asking you to cuff yourself with these... and that they are made from nth metal ... and I'll let you make up your own mind what that means,"

Kara's head turned slightly, her eyes looking distant, mouth dropping open slightly. "You know!" she murmured.

Lena's head dropped her mind left to wonder if she had ruined everything!

Kara's brain ran on in a frenzy as she pondered the possibilities and then suddenly...

"Let's do it!" Kara exclaimed.

Original Image ... -728825140

source : image courtesy by Jerome Duplessis /


The field operative took some mementos of his discovery, snapping pictures on his phone before calling his masters back at HQ.

"This is QA Operator Two-One. Yeah, I am on the job site now. No, no witnesses, just the user," the field operator began, cocking his head and looking at the young blond victim a moment her eyes aglow with the virtual world generating lenses.

He listened to the voice at the end of the line then responded.

"Yeah sure, I can confirm the user is Danvers, K , yeah she's like the others. She's wearing the Obsidian-North Platinum Beta release product, but she seems unresponsive. I mean, she's breathing, moaning, like in pleasure, but totally lost in the moment, like a trance," operative Two-One explained.

More guidance came down the line as the operator listened. As users experiencing a glitch went Miss Danvers certainly was a catch in his eyes.

"Laptop, sure, oh, backdoor unlock? Sure, open it up and I can see the sim she was running," the operative responded. As he did so he knelt down at Kara's side and her splayed legs and tried to waken the laptop's screen. As he did so he noticed Kara's panties discarded on the floor and cheekily he picked them up, scrunched up in his hand and for a moment took in her scent before putting them back down again.

"Man that's good," the tech muttered quietly before responding to the voice on the line, "Oh nothing! Ah, you've unlocked it ... let me look into the Sim and we can see what has caused Miss Danvers to blank out,"

The laptop was unlocked and the tech managed to get a glimpse of the virtual world that had caused Kara to mentally lock up. With a few clicks of the keyboard and a move with the trackpad he could see it.

Rendered in a green glow a glance left to right showed Kara's virtual arms were pulled taught away from herself, legs too. And then the tech looked upwards and saw a mirrored ceiling and a reflection of Kara, spreadeagled on her back, dressed as Supergirl! And then he saw the other person, another user. In their hand a wand style vibrator nestled between the virtual Supergirl's legs

"Hey, there is another user in here! Luthor.... Luthor L! Hey I didn't think we were live with multi-user experiences yet!" the operative exclaimed down the phone.

In her bedroom Lena yelped in surprise as she heard the operative's voice bleed into her shared experience with her friend, Kara Danvers. Quickly she pulled the Obsidian North Platinum lenses from her eyes and slammed her laptop closed, ending the simulation at her end.

"I've got to call her and find out what that was!" Lena said to herself and reached for her phone.

Kara's moaning subsided and then she began to blink, trying to regain reality. It was only then she remembered she was in the simulated world with Lena. Her hands rose and gently plucked the lenses from her eyes and finally found herself back in her apartment. It was then her powerful hearing thought she heard her front door click closed. Her head turned to look but almost immediately her phone rang, Lena's name lighting up the screen.

Glancing between the door and her phone Kara relented and ignored the door. Surely it was nothing. Picking up the phone Kara answered excitedly.

"Hey, why did you stop? I was having a great time!"

"Kara... the lenses ... I think there is a problem with them," Lena replied with concern.

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You've not only been busy but also quite inventive in your recent postings. Love the use of the Obsidian lenses for a mutual sex romp! And the subterfuge behind them. These one-offs are terrific!
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
1 year ago

Kara knelt in front of Lena, collared and in lingerie... again.
"Hey, why did you stop? I was having a great time!"

"Kara... the lenses ... I think there is a problem with them," Lena replied with concern.

Just knowing Kara's face is about to smell like Lena's pussy is enough for me.......such a delicious situation!!! Poor Kara
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Kara Danvers' mind was melting under Lex Luthor's touch. "The" Lex Luthor! Criminal mastermind, evil genius, supervillain. And she was meant to be the heroine, Supergirl, the maid of steel who was supposed to stop him.

And instead she was trapped pretending to be Kara Danvers writhing under the vibrating toy between her legs. Maxwell Lord looked on with glee, waiting for his turn once Luthor had softened Kara up. After all, the plan was for Supergirl to hear Kara's distress, or was it pleasure, and come to rescue her.

"Oh oh ...... oh don't stop!" moaned Kara involuntarily. The toy was only mostly effective but it was her thoughts about the "who" that was doing it that was pressing buttons in her mind. That and seeing Lord watching her. The mix of emotions were ripping her apart, but in a good way!

"You're sure this plan will work, Lex?" asked Lord, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Perhaps Supergirl cares less for Miss Danvers than we thought," confessed Lex, "I was sure it would work, Supergirl would come when Kara did,". A wide grin appeared on his face as his pun landed.

"What makes you think she didn't!" thought Kara, being very sure not to utter it out loud.


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Sweet work as usual!!
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Love the wordplay, natch! And the photo manipulation is equally adept. Yummy all around!
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"I can't believe you tried to hustle me, Kara Danvers!" Lena said with a smirk.

Kara could only laugh, eyes averted knowing that her half hearted effort to win at chess had been thwarted. And she couldn't deny she had at least tired to win, the casualty list of Lena's dark army attesting to Kara's strong midgame.

"OK, I know when I am busted," Kara said, her eyes finally able to meet Lena's.

"Who taught you that? There were things you did I've only seen in text books," Lena asked, knowing Kara must have received some form of coaching.

"Oh, well, there is this total brainiac at work, and he gave me some tips," Kara confessed.

"Well, you learn fast, a couple more lessons with him and I'll be in trouble! At any rate, I'll be more cautious when an opponent calls the knight a horsey!" Lena said. She couldn't help admire the beautiful blond who had accepted all the afternoon's subtle domination without discomfort.

Their relationship was growing stronger and stronger and mere hints and counter hints had lead them to where they were now. Kara was restrained, wrists behind her back, her former chess moves made by proxy. Kara's clothing choice was in reality Lena's, the bra and panties she had been wearing discarded the moment Lena's personal assistant had been given the afternoon off.

The silent pause between the pair suddenly became obvious to them both, Kara realising that Lena's admiration for her encompassed more than just her skills on the chessboard.

"So..." Kara ventured. She had lost the game and the tone of her voice in that two letter word carried the meaning for what was left unsaid.

"Well, I enjoy your company far too much to gag you just yet," Lena's eyes flashed mischievously, "but I have just the thing to show you what I really think of you!"

"Oh no, what now?!" Kara asked as Lena's hand reached to her side for something yet unseen by Kara.

"This," beamed Lena as she produced a collar. Studded with fake gems it spelt out 'Princess'.

"Princess?! Well, I guess I could have had worse!" Kara blushed.

"True enough, I guess, but you said slow and so today you are a princess... who knows, that might grate against that tomboy attitude you seem to have," Lena explained as she leaned forward and carefully clipped the collar around Kara's neck.

Faces close together the pair locked eyes. Kara's heart raced on as a sensation of feeling complete washed over her.

"Oh... mistress..." Kara whispered before 'it' happened.

They kissed.

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"You asked to see me, Miss Grant?" Kara Danvers asked entering through the sliding double door way into Cat Grant's spacious office.

Cat was sat on the sofa that was positioned along the glass wall that looked out onto her balcony. The many screens behind Cat's desk showed all the news channels and their reporting on Supergirl's latest exploits, defeating some rogue alien. It was the manner of her victory that had spurred Cat into summoning her prized star reporter.

"Yes. Sit." Cat responded, patting the space on the sofa at her side.

"Oh... okay" frowned Kara then proceeded to take her place near Cat's side.

As Kara approached Cat aimed a small remote control in her hand and pressed a button which commanded the doors to her office to close and the glass between her office and the workplace beyond to become instantly opaque.

Kara looked nervously back to see she and Cat were isolated and alone together.

"Have I .... done something wrong, Miss Grant?"

"No, just testing a theory," Cat answered, "come on ... over my knee!" Cat's tone was very matter of fact and it was this bluntness that took Kara by surprise.

"Wh... what? You're kidding, right?" Kara stuttered, her eyes wide in that very expressive shocked kind of way.

The glare that came Kara's way could melt steel from a mile away and a panicked Kara quickly complied with Cat's request.

"Better! Now that wasn't so difficult, was it?" Cat smiled.

"Cat, I'm not some child you can put over your knee and ..." Kara began, only to feel the hem of her short dress being pulled up over her behind leaving her bottom exposed.

"... spanked... well ... I guess I am then," Kara relented and her protest faded.

"Kara, you've never ceased to amaze me how you're never off sick, not even a cold, how you moved all those heavy boxes to storage for me. Did you even look inside those boxes? There were bricks inside those boxes under all the papers I put there. I set my coffee machine to almost magma levels of heat yet you barely noticed it. I said it once before, you're Supergirl and while I know I saw you and her together at the same time I still have doubts. And today... well ... I know for a fact Supergirl had to flare to win that fight," Cat explained, gesturing at the monitors.

"Oh... oh no..." Kara groaned.

"Oh yes. Oh very, very YES," Cat countered.

"Now, you feeling the effects of this spanking you're about to get won't prove anything, but I am sure you're finally going to tell me the truth!" Cat said with glee.

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"Hmmm ... weather looks like it's going to be fine, Kara," Luthor said, studying the weather map on her laptop screen.

"And the traffic? Is it ... okay?" Kara asked, peering at the screen.

Lena looked up at Kara with a frown then back at the screen and with a few clicks the National City Traffic Map appeared.

"Well, I don't know what that's got to do with anything but it's all green with some orange by the roadworks and not a hint of red or any exclamation marks," Lena said as she turned to look at Kara who was perched on the edge of her desk.

"And there's no... crimes or ...."

"Oh let me just pull up my criminal mastermind hub page and ... " Lena paused as she saw Kara's confused expression appear, "oh what? You think I have a ... unbelievable!"

"No, I just ..." began Kara's protests before she realised Lena was smirking at her. "Oh you!" Kara pouted.

"Look, the city is fine! We aren't going to get flooded. Planes are in the air. Traffic is normal and I can imagine there isn't even a cat stuck up a tree..."

"Yes... okay ... and I guess you can power me back up with one of those solar grenades - you said they work fast, right?" Kara asked.

"Exactly..." Lena nodded, "So..."

"Okay .... Mistress Lena ... do your worst!" laughed Kara.

"Oh, I will ..." Lena replied as she began to reach into her desk drawer.

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The ballgag glistened with Kara's own juices from where it had been nestled in the crotch of her panties. Now, it waited in front of her face, waiting for the order that she craved to receive. Addicted to fear of humiliation Supergirl was a prisoner of Psi's special brand of mental torment and the villainess reveled in having control.

Lex watched on with pleasure as one beautiful woman dominated the other, Psi very much in charge of Supergirl.

"Here... have a whip, Lex. I am sure Supergirl will oblige and go on all fours for you for a nice ... hard ... whipping!" Psi said, her cold calculating words causing Kara to shudder some more.

"Nghhhhh..." groaned Kara, as Psi's words both soothed and stoked her addiction even harder.

"Hmmm, too kind" Lex responded as he test swatted the whip into the palm of his hand.

"Now then, Supergirl, gag yourself and look into the camera like a good a slut. We want some nice memories of you in this wonderful outfit I found for you, don't we!" Psi teased.

Kara tasted herself for the first time as the ballgag went into her mouth and the camera that had been taking shots over and over again caught her starting to orgasm once more.

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Lex looked down through his checklist on his clipboard scribbling notes as he went.

"Ah, leverage! CHECK!" Lex said, as he slashed a big check mark through some tick box on the page.

"Leverage, but..." Linda Lee protested as she wrestled with the handcuffs she was now wearing. Being Supergirl she could snap the cuffs clean in two but for now she was eager to protect her identity.

"Yes, leverage, Miss Lee! I would have preferred that meddlesome Lane woman, Superman seems very much enamored with her - but you'll do instead. You're their friend, you even interviewed the pair of them together for that quaint little puff piece in that magazine of yours..." Lex explained.

"But, Lex..." Linda began, drawing an instant glare from the supervillain, "... I mean ... Mr Luthor... I don't think you want to antagonize him now... you're all in danger!"

"Oh, I think not! Once he realises it's either him or you he'll happily clap himself in irons just like yours...." Lex boasted, "and then it's just a matter of my new green friend. And no, I don't mean Kermit the frog!"

"Kryptonite!? Whe... where?!" Linda gasped.

"Oh, in that box behind you. He doesn't know I have it, but once he's reluctantly put on the cuffs it'll be a simple matter of killing him. You see, all my cuffs have been sourced at great expense, they're strong, to the 'nth degree you might say... ha!" Luthor scoffed, chuckling at his own wordplay.

Linda's heart sank, Lex might not know who she was, but it didn't matter. For now she was restrained and in a manner impossible to escape from.

"Oh no! You don't understand... your leverage... it's not going to work!" Linda said in a panic. As she did so Lex gestured to Otis who approached with a smile knowing what was to come next.

"We'll see Miss Lee! Ah ... Otis ... escort our guest to our little screening room, Superman will be along ..." Lex said, pausing as he looked at his watch, "oh ... in about fifteen minutes!"

Otis stuck a section of tape over Linda's mouth stifling her warnings to Lex, her voice fading as she was led away.

"I hope you've got the formula right this time, Lex", Tessmacher said.

"Oh, don't you fret, Frauline. That red junk may have failed to work, but green?! It turns out it was meant to be green!" Lex said in triumph.

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"So you survived the trial by fire, eh, Superman!? Well ... perhaps the next chamber will be your undoing?" Lex said into the microphone, no doubt carrying his voice to Superman's ears.

Otis looked at the controls for Lex's various traps, waiting for his boss to give the signal. Lex watched the screen intently, the ominous outline of Superman approaching the exit of the firetrap ready to move on to what awaited him next.

Linda Lee desperately brushed at the tape that covered her mouth with her forearm and now at last she was free, plausibly at least, to speak.

"Please, you have to listen to me! You're in danger!" Linda pleaded with her captors.

"I think you overestimate his chances," scoffed Lex, his eyes watching the screen as he spoke.

"In danger!" laughed Otis, "what's the boy scout going to do - give us a stern telling off?"

"He's right, you know," Tessmacher followed on, "for all his strength and power, he's a pussycat. I've seen it first hand!"

Linda Lee looked imploring back at Miss Tessmacher, hoping that at least the other woman in the room might comprehend what she was telling them, "You don't understand! He's not like before! He's nothing like you knew he was..."

"Now, please Otis..." Lex ordered, causing Otis to punch a button at the controls.

On the screen Superman became slowly embedded in snow and ice on the gantry that led towards the final doorway and into Lex's lair.

"Ha! Let's see you get out of that!" Lex said gleefully.

"Shall I get the rock, Mr Luthor?" Otis asked enthusiastically.

"Oh Otis you fool. No ... I've got a better way to reveal that little surprise to him..." beamed Lex as he watched the ice carefully. Was it ... was it thawing?

"Well it better work, that red rock did nothing!" Tessmacher exclaimed.

"But it DID work! In ways you didn't realise!" Linda Lee shouted angrily, "he didn't lose his powers, he lost his ... self control. His moral compass! He's become ... a monster... and he's after you!"

"Oh well .... maybe I will just invite him onto team Lex!" Lex laughed with sarcasm.

Just then the ice containing Superman shattered into dust and his powerful frame stepped forward out of the haze. Otis frowned and used the camera controls and zoomed in on the superhero.

Superman had taken on the appearance of a rough deadbeat. His hair was greasy and slicked back. His five o'clock shadow obscured his normally clean shaven face and his eyes were sunken. His suit looked unwashed, its once vibrant colours now faded.

Lex's eyes widened in fear. The honorable, law abiding man he thought was going to face was gone. This superpowered brute was about to be upon them.

"Otis .... come!" Lex ordered his henchmen.

The pair of men hurried from the chamber leaving the women alone.

Linda Lee glanced at the screen and then at Tessmacher who was frozen in fear.

"Miss Tessmacher ... you've got to release me!" Linda Lee gestured with her cuffed wrists. "Free me and I might be able to get us out of this,"

Tessmacher peered through the archway and could see Otis and Lex scrambling to come up with a plan to ambush the monster that was slowly buckling in the armoured doorway, their last line of defence.

"Okay.... but you better not try anything!" Tessmacher said, scooping up the keys to the cuffs from a hidden compartment by Lex's sofa.
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"Look, Lena ... let's be reasonable..." Cat said calmly as Lena returned to her desk, a glass of water in each hand for the both of them.

Lena sat down at her desk, swiveling her chair to keep Cat and Kara in sight at the same time.

"Yes, I suppose I have to let you have your star reporter back eventually," sighed Lena.

"Oh that, for sure but I am sure I can let her stay out on special assignment for a few days more," Cat responded with a smile.

Lena's expression revealed her surprise and before she could say another word Cat continued to speak.

"What I had been referring to are the weekends. I was thinking, as you both are ... well ... starting to court one another we could amend the rotation. Afterall, the weekends off from either of us have become weekends she spends with you," Cat explained.

Lena nodded as she listened. She knew it was true. It used to be that Kara would have a weekend free. Then the next weekend at Lena's. Then have a weekend free. Then have a weekend at Cat's. Now Kara and Lena were ... a thing. All those free weekends were now weekends with Lena.

"Hmmm, I guess we could give you a bonus Saturday or Sunday every month," Lena said, glancing at Kara who nodded approvingly.

"I'd like that very much! But don't forget, I still have to do the ... you know what ... as you know who...." Kara grinned, still wrapped tight in rope.

"Yes, silly ... we know! But it's agreed then," Lena smiled, "now how about you hop over to the desk and get ready for a spanking,"

"Hmmm, she does look spankably good in jeans," Cat scoffed.

Bondage image element courtesty of DA user BONDAX :
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Model EVA


"Errr...Lena! What the..." Kara began, before pausing. In front of her eyes was a style of gag that she hadn't even contemplated existing. And now her unguarded expression was there for Lena to read.

Lena who was sat on the sofa took in the sight of Kara who was evidently startled, shocked then amused at the phallic creation and Lena could see her mind quickly comprehended the implications of the toy she held in her left hand. It was after that when Lena also noticed the photo of her own mother, Lillian who seemingly looked equally startled from the poster sized Catco magazine cover. It was as if she too was shocked and disapproving of the whole thing. That was enough to send Lena into hysterics and she had to look away.

"Hey, I'm new remember! Don't you have something a little less... intimidating?!" Kara responded defensively as she took in the sight of the huge red ball next. The ball's diameter looked like it was designed to be taken in by a snake once it's jaw had become impossibly wide open. The phallic gag on the other hand, well, while the idea of having to cope with Lena imposing that on her was exciting, the fear of something unpleasant and unsexy happening was not.

"Oh, Kara, I'm not laughing at you, I swear! Just, what with you and then seeing mother..." Lena responded, wiping a tear from her eye as she gestured with her free hand.

"What? Oh?... Ah! Well ... I guess she gets my point, don't you Lillian?" Kara giggled as she gently dangled the penis gag in front of the poster image of Lillian Luthor whose eyes remained wide.

"Oh Kara, no I'm not saying I want you to try any of those if you don't want to, but I was just showing you what's out there if or when you do," Lena explained as she picked up the handcuffs off the table.

"Oh, well, I wasn't saying ... err ... no .... just maybe not these just yet. But that one looks a little friendlier?" Kara said as she set the gags in her hand back onto the table and picked up a panel gag which seemed to be like a small beanbag set against a leather panel.

"Oh sure, that's a good ...." Lena began, only to see Kara present the soft beanbag into her mouth before pulling the strap behind her head. "uh ... choice!"

Kara's eyes rolled back a moment as she felt pleasure from the imposition of the gag upon her.

"Hmmmm, I could get used to that look, girl of steel!" Lena said, eyes widening a moment.


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Fun and games with Kara, Lena and Cat. How enticing. I'm sure Morgan Edge would be extremely envious of those three not letting him into their game. I suspect he wears women's underwear under that $3000 business suit of his. LOL.
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