Trick or Treat: A Halloween Tale

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Wonder Woman landed on top of a skyscraper. Anybody who saw the Amazon Princess would see her as the embodiment of power. Her athletic physique was shown off by her uniform a red strapless leotard with a blue bottom covered with stars. Diana’s tiara, bracelets, and golden power belt shinned in the moonlight. Her muscular legs were covered by satin tights. The infamous lasso of truth hung from her belt at the ready. Wonder Woman kneeled on the edge of the building and looked out on the city.

Her senses were sharper than any normal human. Only Kal and Kara could out do Wonder Woman in sensory perception. Listening carefully to all around her, Diana waited for the sounds of distress, crime, or disaster.

“Help!!!” It was distress. With a leap Wonder Woman leapt off the building and towards the cries of a young woman.


Tonight she was having fun. Her prey was cute a young woman, twenty-two probably, rich red hair. She was athletic and able to run fast. In fact that’s what the girl had been doing when Kalista surprised her. Kalista decided to be creative tonight. She waited for the right prey to come down the jogging trail in the park. After spotting her choice (the redhead) Kalista burst out of the bushes crying for help. Being a good person the redhead came to help her. Kalista loved her choice. She had a runner’s body. It was proudly displayed by the redhead in her black spandex running tights and a sports bra.

After making sure her meal was what she ordered, Kalista let the redhead come close. She then bared her fangs and hissed her eyes red. That sent the redhead running and screaming. Kalista leapt into the air to follow.

Only a year before Kalista had been like the girl she was chasing. A young coed at Met U. Madison Brooks was her old name. She had been a simple pre-med student. Until the day she met Victoria. Victoria had been a lavish dark haired beauty who had been watching Madison in the library. Madison had been attracted to girls since coming to college. She was entranced by Victoria’s beauty. Madison and she began talking. As they did, she simply became spellbound by the woman.

They left the library but failed to make back to the dorms. Madison couldn’t contain herself any longer; she kissed Victoria and felt intoxicated. Victoria returned her kiss and explored Madison’s body. Too excited to care, Madison didn’t react as Victoria bit her neck and then began drinking her blood. It wasn’t painful, Madison simply felt weaker as she was fed on. Soon Victoria had taken her fill, and lay Madison on the ground.

“You are beautiful Madison, and strong. I will do you a favor. I will make you a child of the night. Be gratefully I’m usually not this generous.” Victoria spoke. She raised Madison from the ground.

Victoria bit her tongue, letting her vampire blood spread over them. She then brought her lips to Madison’s. Quickly Madison felt her body change. A newfound strength filled her. When it was over her body was paler and her eyes red.
“Thank you Victoria.” She kissed the other vampire.
“Your welcome.”

Madison rose, but felt strange, “Why do I feel famished?”
“You need to feed my dear.”
Removing her glasses, Madison looked across the campus. A guy was coming back from working at the gym. She looked at Victoria. The elder smiled, “A fine choice.”

She turned back to her prey and then flew. Madison couldn’t believe it, she was flying. In moments she had crossed the distance and landed next to her food. The guy turned and looked at her, “What the hell…where did you come from?”
Madison looked up, some blood still on her lips, “Sssh food doesn’t talk.”
“What…” he started.

Madison was on him in seconds. Her new strength outclassed the man. She pulled his arms apart and then brought her fangs down. He cried out as she bit, but it didn’t matter soon his life force was flowing into her. In didn’t take long before she had drained him dry. She dropped him to the ground with as much emotion as someone tossing away a napkin.

“How was it?” Victoria asked coming up to her.
“WONDERFUL!” Madison exclaimed, “I feel so strong!”
“Soon you will discover all the pleasures my dear, time for me to go.” Victoria said.
Madison leaned in wanting a kiss; Victoria granted her one then said, “Goodbye.”

That had been a year ago. Since then Madison, now Kalista, had learned of all her abilities. She almost exclusively fed on females. There was so much more fun to be had with them than males in her opinion. Often Kalista combined pleasure with her prey. Not tonight though, tonight she would simply feed. Enjoying the chase, she followed the redhead from the park to back streets. The girl was foolish running from civilization. She was too frightened by Kalista to be thinking logically.

After two more scares, Kalista had the redhead where she wanted her. The girl was trapped in an alley with no way out. Kalista landed at the entrance.
“It’s useless.”
The redhead yelled, “Help!!!” she stared at the woman in front of her. Her attacker had pasty skin. A black sleeveless leotard blended with the shadows. Kalista walked forward her thigh high boots clicking on the ground.

“Don’t cry now. Look at me.” Kalista called. The redhead looked right at her, they always did.
Once a dull red, Kalista’s eyes turned brighter. This was one of her favorite powers, “Look into my eyes. Look deeply into them my sweet.”

The redhead knew she should look away but couldn’t. Kalista came closer. Her power taking complete control of the prey’s mind, “Yes that’s it. Just give in, become lost in my eyes.”

It was hopeless; the redhead’s mind told her, just give in to her power. Kalista was now standing next to her prey. She brushed away some of that red hair from the girl’s neck. Kalista went in for her bite….when she went flying. Pain resonated in her shoulders and then her butt as Kalista slammed into the ground a back where she started. Snarling she looked back at her prey.

“I’m sorry did I interrupt something?” Wonder Woman commented. She was standing in front of the redhead who was snapping out of Kalista’s control.
“What’s happening?” the redhead stammered.
“You’re alright, stay behind me.” Diana ordered.

Kalista was back on her feet. She was debating what to do. Never in her travels had she dealt with a superhero. One looking objectively would have decided to cut their losses and run. Kalista wasn’t doing that. She was angry at losing her prey and wanted some payback. Acting on instinct she leapt at Wonder Woman. Diana was ready raising her arms and grabbing the vampire as she attacked. Then using her strength, she threw Kalista into the air.

“Go home now!” Wonder Woman ordered the girl she saved. With that done she leapt into the air after her foe.

Kalista regained control of her flight. She looked down as Wonder Woman soared up to her. The two women collided above the buildings. Diana and her locked arms, Kalista was expecting to be stronger than her opponent, she always was. This time however she was the weaker one. Once more Wonder Woman used her power and threw Kalista across the sky.

The young vampire slammed into the roof of an old factory. Stunned, Kalista shook her head trying to recover as Wonder Woman landed.
“A vampire, interesting I’ve only heard about you in Amazon tales before.” Diana commented.
“Really Wonder Woman, well I’m not story am I?” Kalista answered, “Now that you’ve ruined my meal, maybe I can see what Amazons taste like?”
“Never going to happen you monster” Diana replied.
Kalista smiled, “We’ll see.”

She was angry with the Amazon. If her recent test of her abilities against Wonder Woman showed anything it was she was outmatched. However Kalista didn’t care. Both of them waited for the other to make the first move. Their muscles tensed as each watched the other for a sign. Finally Wonder Woman made the first move. Diana sprinted forward and spun her left leg in a powerful kick. Kalista ducked low to avoid the blow and swept out with her own leg to trip the princess.

The Amazon leapt up into the air avoiding the move and landed behind Kalista. She grabbed the daughter of darkness, pinning Kalista’s arms. Diana then slammed the girl into the roof. Wonder Woman repeated the move knocking Kalista senseless. As she was about to do it for a third time, the roof caved in on the both of them. The villainess and heroine fell through and landed on the floor below.

Diana has crashed into the floor on her left side, facing the vampire. Kalista managed to land on her feet. With Wonder Woman down, she moved in for a kill. Showing her fangs she pounced on the superheroine like a cat. Not caring where she bit Kalista went for an arm. If Diana had been only as fast as a mere mortal, she would have been finished. Thanks to her Mercury like speed, Wonder Woman managed to bring her bracelet into the right position. Kalista bit down on the gold metal!

“AHH!” she screamed, pulling away her mouth. Reeling from the pain, she was wide open to a punch.

Wonder Woman delivered the powerful right hook across Kalista’s chin. The daughter of death slid away from Diana who was back on her feet.
“You can’t win this fight; I suggested you give up now.”

Kalista hissed and glared back at Wonder Woman, “I’m not finish yet Wonder Woman.” There was one trick she hadn’t tried. So far brute force wasn’t working. Maybe a more subtle approach would prevail.
“Maybe I should Wonder Woman, however maybe you should be thinking about surrender?” Kalista focused her eyes on Wonder Woman, they glowed a faint red, “Look at my eyes Wonder Woman, focus on them, stare into my eyes!”

Diana put a hand to her head as she tried to fight. She felt strange like her mind was becoming cloudy. Kalista smiled, Wonder Woman was trying to battle her hypnotic trance and losing, “That’s right Wonder Woman your feeling sleepy, very sleepy, and when you sleep you’ll do what ever I say.”

Kalista walked up to Wonder Woman, whose eyes were focused on the vampire’s. Soon the heroine’s mind would be under her complete control. Now standing right in front of Wonder Woman, “In your sleep you must do what ever I tell you to. There’s no way out Wonder Woman, you are mine.”

Wonder Woman seemed to be fully consumed by Kalista’s power. She prepared to bite the Amazon, as Diana snapped out of the trance and grabbed Kalista by the neck. Lifting her off the ground with one arm Wonder Woman squeezed the vampire’s throat, “Your mind control powers are useless against me. My mind is too strong for your tricks.”

She tossed Kalista away. The girl slammed into support pole cracking it. Pain shot through Kalista’s back and rear. Nothing was working on the damn superheroine! Kalista thought. All of her attacks had failed. If she was going to defeat Wonder Woman, she would have to be clever.

“I swear to you Amazon, you will be mine!” Kalista taunted. She flew up through the hole she and Wonder Woman made originally. Wonder Woman followed, right on the villainess’s tail.

Coming through the hole in the roof, she immediately dodged a punch thrown by Kalista. Diana responded with a snap kick while she floated. Kalista was knocked down. She got back up and flew at Wonder Woman. The superheroine brought her knees in and then pushed out with both legs right as Kalista closed. Her red booted feet connected with the vampire’s face, sending her back to the roof. Diana had decided this was enough. She would end this fight here and now! Heading up into the sky she then came down feet first at full speed. This will finish it, Wonder Woman thought, I’m going to pulverize her.

Seconds before impact, Kalista who had been lying stunned on the roof, recovered and smiled at Wonder Woman. As she tried to figure out what Kalista was doing the vampire disappeared in a puff of smoke.
“Great Hera!” the princess exclaimed.

It was too late for her to stop. Wonder Woman slammed through the roof, back to the floor she had been fighting on, and then through every floor in the building. Her momentum spent, Diana slammed into the concrete foundation of the building. Several floors of accumulated junk buried her. It took a few moments for Wonder Woman to recover. She broke through the rubble of her passage and stood still dazed. As a result she didn’t notice the force assembling behind her. Kalista had rarely used her vanishing ability before to escape from a feeding quickly. However it had completely taken Wonder Woman by surprise like she suspected it would. Now with the heroine’s guard down, she struck.

Rematerializing she grabbed Wonder Woman from behind. With one hand she pulled the heroine’s head back, the other she wrapped around Diana’s waist. Kalista’s fangs went to their full length and then she plunged them into Wonder Woman’s neck! They went through the skin and warm blood flowed into Kalista’s mouth.

“AHHH!” Wonder Woman screamed as the teeth sank into her flesh. The sudden shock of the attack and pain paralyzed Diana. It was a deadly pause, as every moment Kalista held Wonder Woman the more of her Amazonian blood the vampire drank.

Kalista had never felt such power. First she had been satisfied by the taste of blood. However she was quickly overwhelmed by the strength she was gaining. Never had Kalista feed on someone so powerful. Wonder Woman started struggling, but Kalista stopped that. She squeezed with arm around the heroine’s waist. Then she took her other arm and pulled away Wonder Woman’s arm which was coming up to push Kalista’s head away.

Wonder Woman was afraid. She tried to remove herself from the vampire’s grip, but what was once a moderate grip was now a vice like one. As Kalista seized Diana’s wrist she squeezed with newfound strength.
“What…what’s…happening….” Wonder Woman gasped.
Kalista removed her mouth from Diana’s neck, blood dripped from her lips and teeth, “I’m feeding on you Wonder Woman. OH, I’ve never felt such power.”
Wonder Woman woozy from blood lost shook her head, “No…never…”

Kalista whispered into Diana’s ear, “It’s useless. As I grow stronger, you grow weaker!” the vampire returned to her feeding, determined to drain Wonder Woman of all her strength. The superheroine was breathing heavily trying not to pass out. Kalista drank more, feeling the Amazon’s power flowing through her body. Diana couldn’t fight back, she was so weak. With a gentle sigh she prepared to pass out. Kalista could see Wonder Woman was almost gone.

That got the vampire thinking. She had never feed on someone with so much power. Could she simply drain Wonder Woman dry, ending the source of this great strength? No I can’t, Kalista decided. She removed her mouth from Wonder Woman’s neck. With a lick of her tongue the horrible wound on the heroine’s neck was gone. Kalista lowered Wonder Woman to the ground. She then straddled the Amazon looking down at her prey.

“Not so strong now are we?” Kalista asked with enjoyment. She leaned forward putting her hands out in front of her past Wonder Woman’s head. Staring into her eyes, “How does it feel Wonder Woman to be so weak, powerless?”

Diana couldn’t reply. She could only moan at her state. Kalista cupped the heroine’s chin in her hand, “You said your mind was too strong for my tricks, let’s see how you do now.”

Kalista eyes glowed red, “Look into my eyes, deeply into my eyes. You are feeling sleepy but before you can rest you must surrender to me.” Wonder Woman’s eyes fluttered she shook her head trying to summon the will to fight back. Kalista stroke Wonder Woman’s hair speaking softly, “You can’t fight it Wonder Woman. Just give in so you can rest.”

Diana’s mind and body were exhausted. She couldn’t fight the powerful hypnotic force that was overwhelming her decision making centers. Part of her mind screamed to fight, another just listed to the sexy seductive voice talking, I must give in.
“Can you hear me Wonder Woman?” Kalista asked.
Weakly nearly a whisper, “Yes…”
“Do you feel my power?”
Wonder Woman sighed, “Yes…mistress…”

Kalista smiled. She leaned forward and kissed Wonder Woman, “Good, now you are completely under my power.”
“I am in your power.” Wonder Woman answered.
“Now your mistress wants to know everything you know, starting with your friend Supergirl.”
Madison Brooks, now the vampire known as Kalista
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Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Another awesome story. Thanks. 8)
Elder Member
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Outstanding start on a very interesting story. :D
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Great start, sg! Keep it comin'!! =D> =D> =D>
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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A very interesting story. :-D I hope this is not the end , love to read how the vampire enslaves super girl , bat girl & other super heroines. :oops: :-) :oops: :-) =D>

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All I can say is THANK you, FINALLY a story where the Vampire actually gets to DRAIN her. I agree with the others some follow up How does teh vampire ENJOY WW..and how does she profit from this, without having WW Able to escape thats Way over done
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Bahamut wrote:All I can say is THANK you, FINALLY a story where the Vampire actually gets to DRAIN her. I agree with the others some follow up How does teh vampire ENJOY WW..and how does she profit from this, without having WW Able to escape thats Way over done
Thanks for the feedback Bahamut but I'm planning on WW will getting out this. I plan on working on the update this weekend. However she's not escaping yet.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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The bank hostages were all huddled on the floor. Many were shaking with fear, a common reaction to the site of an AK assault rifle. Seven bank robbers armed to the teeth had stepped into the MetBank only a minute earlier. The boss checking his watch called out the police response time, “One minute!”

“Almost done boss.” called the guy raiding the cash draws, his partner had already emptied quite a few safety deposit boxes into a bag and responded, “Done Boss!”
“Then let’s go!” he yelled back at the two men.

Near the front door the lookout thought he spotted something. It was hard to see, just a red and blue…
“Hi there.” He turned to the source of the voice. Standing next to him was a young blond woman. She was probably 21-23, wearing a royal blue skin tight top along with a red cape, skirt, and boots. If he hadn’t already figured it out, the big S on her chest was a dead give away. The lookout swung his rifle around, only to have it caught by Supergirl’s hand. She bent the barrel out of shape, and then shoved the lookout across the room.

As he slammed into a counter, the robbers’ leader screamed, “Waste her!”

Three men turned their AKs on the Girl of Steel. Supergirl smiled and disappeared into a blur. Traveling faster than their eyes or even their fingers could move on the trigger, Kara knocked each rifle in a harmless direction. Gunfire rang out but all the bullets slammed into walls or empty floor. Supergirl then knocked each thug out with a single swat on the back of the neck. The robbers went down like sacks of potatoes. That left the boss.

He grabbed a near by hostage and pulled her up to become a human shield. Shoving his gun into her back he cried, “Stay back you freak!”
“Let her go.” Supergirl said in a voice that offered no room for argument.
“You move again, I blow her away!”
Kara just stared at him. Then for a moment her eyes glanced to the floor. Bending over the guy cried out, “Hey!”

“Just getting this.” She answered. In her hand was a shell casing. Kara put it flat on her palm and then brought it up to her lips. Taking one last look at the guy, she blew suddenly on the casing. It shot out like a bullet, and hit the hostage taker right in the forehead. The blow knocked him back and stunned him. As he let go of the hostage Supergirl flew forwards and took the girl out of harms way. Then she swung back and took the boss down. As he hit the floor she heard the last two make a run for the exit.

Loaded down with their ill gotten loot, she could have caught them without super-speed. Kara flew over them and landed in front of them. Both men skidded to a halt.
As the stopped she looked at them, “Well the easy way or the hard way?”
The two looked at each other. It was an easy choice.

A few minutes later Kara watched as the bank robbers were being taken away by the police. The last two gentlemen she had confronted were the first to be handed over. Unlike their comrades they didn’t require a check from paramedics. After giving her statement to the police, Kara took off into the sky. Police officers for the most part ignored her departure they were use to people flying around the city. Bystanders took a glimpse especially kids. Also watching was one woman wearing an overcoat and sunglasses.

Kalista has observed the bank robbery. Thanks to Wonder Woman, she was able to track Supergirl. Diana under Kalista’s hypnotic power had told her the frequency of Supergirl’s IFF tracker. There was no good reason for Kalista to follow Supergirl. Thanks to her control of Wonder Woman’s mind, Kalista knew everything she needed to. However part of her still wanted to take part in the hunt, and not just let her prey come to her. Supergirl was as powerful as Kalista hoped. Soon, those abilities and the supremacy they offered would be hers. Kalista quickly flagged a cab. Her special sun block which allowed her to stay out in the day wouldn’t last much longer.


Kara had gone back to her apartment after the robbery. Changing from her costume to some jeans and a t-shirt, she decided to relax for a little bit. Grabbing a book she curled up on her sofa with Streaky her cat. While reading her phone rang. Reaching across the couch and over her cat, Kara grabbed it.
“Hello?” she asked since she didn’t recognize the number.
“Kara….” A weak voice answered. She could still identify the voice.

Sitting up straight Kara said, “Diana what’s wrong?”
“Oh she’s just feeling a little sleepy Supergirl.” a new voice responded, one filled with malicious intent.
“What?” Kara answered caught off guard, “I’m sorry but you might have the wrong number.”
A laugh came through, it made her cringe, “Don’t play dumb with me Kara Zor-El. Your secret identity is safe with me, for now.”

Deciding it was time to play tough Kara got up and began pacing while she talked, “Who are you and what did you do to Wonder Woman!”
“Now Kara that’s not very nice. Talk to me like that again and Wonder Woman might pay the price.”
Forcing down her emotions Kara said, “Fine…what’s your name?”
“Kalista, Supergirl. Soon we will meet face to face.”
“And if I refuse?”

Kalista laughed again, “You can try and get help, or track me down now. But in the time you do that I will have leaked your information, and everyone will know about you. Not only will I tell them about you but also your friends and family.”
Supergirl mentally cursed anger going through her system, “What do you want me to do?”


“Go to the old McCormick warehouse in Suicide Slums. Be there by eleven PM. I’ll be waiting there with your friend. Remember just you Supergirl, no one else, and don’t think I can’t monitor you.” Kalista ordered and then warned. With that done she hung up the phone.

Kalista was in her apartment. It was covered in darkness for the most part. Heavy drapes and other items blocked sunlight from entering. Kalista put her phone in its cradle. She was wearing a long black tank top and some black tights. She picked up a glass of wine mixed with some blood. Sipping it she walked over to her guest.

Wonder Woman lay helpless on the guest bed. Kalista used it for when she was feeling like having some fun with her meal beforehand. Chains and shackles were built in to ensure no one got out of the bed. Diana was securely bound to it. Kalista admired her prisoner, always shown to be so powerful, now helpless. The vampire had made sure to keep the Amazon weak before it was time to meet Supergirl. First she had removed the golden belt. This stripped Diana not only of her powers but healing ability as well.

In addition, Kalista had drunk from Wonder Woman occasionally, making her completely incapable of fighting. Kneeling next to her, Kalista ran a hand down Wonder Woman’s sheer tights and played with Diana’s bootless feet.
“Tonight is the night Wonder Woman.”
Diana sighed. Kalista smiled, “Sssh rest dear.” Kalista climbed into the bed with Wonder woman. Curling up beside her she stroked Diana’s hair. Then she pulled Wonder Woman in close and kissed her.

10:57PM That Night…

Supergirl was floating above the McCormick warehouse. It was only a few minutes till eleven. This Kalista had chosen the site well. Throughout the warehouse was lead piping and paint, running her attempts to scan with X-ray vision. It was also isolated, no cops, or civilians would get in the way. Part of her had wanted to get help the moment Kalista got off the phone with her. However with Diana this villainess’ prisoner, she couldn’t take that chance.

It was obvious that this was a trap. Refusing to show wasn’t an option nor could she get help. Her plan was to get in, get Wonder Woman, and then come back with as many reinforcements as she could. Hopefully, before Kalista began spilling the beans on her and Clark’s entire life. Kara began to descend. Watching her, Kalista was hidden in the shadows of the roof. Her hope that the lead would interfere with Supergirl’s x-ray vision seemed to have worked. With anticipation, she followed the Girl of Steel as she descended.

Kara decided crashing through the roof was a bad idea. If possible she wanted to keep Kalista guessing if she was here or not. Finding a hole to fly through, Supergirl went in. She landed in a dark open section of the building. Inside her x-ray eyes were working better. Kara scanned around, nothing. Cautiously she moved forward. Switching from sight to sound, Supergirl listened. Not too far away was someone breathing.

Heading towards the sound, Kara found her friend. Wonder Woman was alone in a moon lit area. The Amazon Princess had been chained to a supporting pole. She was sitting, her head resting between her breasts. Supergirl came up and began trying to talk to her.
“Wonder Woman? It’s Kara. Answer me.”
Diana didn’t respond she was alive though. Supergirl looked her friend over. On her neck was an odd mark. Looking closely Kara thought it looked like a bite mark that had healed.

“What happened to you?” Kara asked confused at what fate had befallen Diana.

“ME!” a woman screamed. Supergirl spun around to be hit head on by Kalista and then carried across the room. Kryptonian and vampire slammed into a wall. Kara pushed her attacker off. The shove had enough force to send Kalista onto the ground back across the room. Quickly she snapped back to her feet and looked back at Supergirl. She was eager for the fight.

“Oh this is going to be fun.” Kalista said, then gave a low hiss.
“What the hell are you?” Supergirl responded. She had been surprised by Kalista’s strength and speed.
“A daughter of the night Kara, come on.” Kalista leapt at Supergirl.

Kara wasted no time and took to the air intercepting the vampire. The villain began to struggle in Supergirl’s grip. Kalista was taken back by how strong Supergirl was. Wonder Woman had been impressive, Kara was beyond that. It also meant she couldn’t break free.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Supergirl informed her prisoner. Kalista responded by bearing her fangs and going for Supergirl’s right arm.

Supergirl chucked the blood sucker from her grasp. This time she sent Kalista with enough force to send her right through a wall and into the next building. She could hear a part of it crumbling onto what Kara now realized was an honest to god vampire. Hoping that the blow would by her some time she landed near Wonder Woman. Kara quickly went to work first she broke all the chains that held Diana. Next she brought the dazed Princess to her feet.
“Diana, its Kara talk to me.”

Looking Wonder Woman in the eyes Supergirl saw that Diana was drugged or something. Her good friend and teacher just blankly stared at her. She was about to fly them away when Wonder Woman seemed to regain her senses. Her eyes focused on Supergirl. Kara smiled, “Feeling better?”

Diana responded by kicking Supergirl right in the chest. Her red boot connected with Kara’s S symbol propelling the Girl of Steel into the next room. Metal and cinderblocks exploded as Supergirl landed in another part of the warehouse. Pain radiated from her chest, Supergirl grunted in response. Diana came through the hole Kara made. Robotically she walked over and lifted Supergirl up. Grabbing Kara by the neck of her leotard and yellow belt, Wonder Woman slammed Supergirl through another wall, and then tossed her back into the original room.

Kara slid across the cold concrete floor, coming to a stop near where she had first found Diana. Wonder Woman rushed her forcing Supergirl to raise her arms just in time to lock them with Wonder Woman’s. Both girls attempted to gain the advantage over the other. Although Supergirl was technically stronger, Diana was a much more experienced grappler, and her powers were mystical. Supergirl had no more resistance to magic than anyone else. Sinking to her knees, Kara pleaded, “Diana, please stop this!”

Wonder Woman didn’t say a word. She had Supergirl down and moved to exploit it. Releasing one of her arms she clocked Supergirl across the face with a fist. Then she kicked the Girl of Steel onto her back. Moving to stomp Kara, Wonder Woman was caught as Supergirl gave her a full dose of super-breath. The hurricane strength blast sent Wonder Woman upwards and back. Supergirl got up and hit Wonder Woman with a punch before she could respond. She didn’t pull it much either. Diana crashed into the pole she had been bound to, cracking it in half. Pieces of roof and steel fell on top of her.

Kara moved quickly. She pulled Wonder Woman out of the wreckage and punched her. Diana sighed as she was knocked senseless by the blow. While she was stunned, Kara went for Diana’s lasso. She rapidly bound the Princess with it.
“Diana, stop fighting!” Supergirl ordered.

Wonder Woman didn’t respond. She started struggling. Kara didn’t understand, Wonder Woman should have been affected by the lasso’s power. She was even more surprised when Diana broke free from the lasso. Supergirl was so startled she didn’t have time to back away from Wonder Woman as she wrapped her arms around the younger woman. Squeezing with her strength, Diana crushed Supergirl in a bearhug.

Kara gasped as the vice like grip put pressure on her midsection. Supergirl wrapped her legs around Diana’s midsection. She applied pressure hoping to force Wonder Woman to break her hold. Two of the most powerful superwomen on the planet were now hoping the other would break first. Kara was getting short of breath. Wonder Woman’s legs were beginning to waver. She fell to her knees, but didn’t break the hold.

Supergirl decided to change the rules. She lifted her and Wonder Woman off the ground. Then let both of them fall. Crashing into the floor released both women. Kara moved to take the initiative. She wrapped her legs around Diana’s head. Locking Wonder Woman’s head between her thighs, Kara squeezed. Wonder Woman gasped for air and struggled against Supergirl’s attack. Diana hands slid off Kara’s flesh tone tights as they tried to grip them. Unable to free herself, Wonder Woman began to succumb to the lack of air.

Unknown to Supergirl, Kalista was watching all of this from the shadows. After escaping from the rubble she watched as Diana followed her hypnotic instructions. Like she had planned, Supergirl had completely forgotten about her once Wonder Woman attacked. She didn’t even seem to care about Wonder Woman’s missing lasso, which was now in her hands. Tightening it, Kalista prepared to strike. Diana was almost out. Once she was knocked out, Supergirl planned on getting Diana help. Kara prepared to let go of her hold, when she heard something.

Kalista flew out from her hiding spot. Supergirl was turning to see her but it was too late. She knocked the blond superheroine away from Wonder Woman. Wrestling along the ground Kalista managed to get behind and above Supergirl. Then she wrapped the lasso around Supergirl’s upper body.
“Surprise!” Kalista laughed as she tightened it.

Kara struggled but it was useless, she could feel the power of the lasso coming over her, ordering her to cease her struggles. As its influence subdued her she spat, “The other was a fake…”
“Of course, that way I can do this!”

Her fangs extended, Kalista exposed Supergirl’s neck. Then with a hiss she brought her teeth down. Kara screamed as they broke through her skin. Like Wonder Woman, the demonic daughter of darkness was influenced by magic. Her normally invulnerable skin was easily penetrated. Hot blood poured from the wound into Kalista’s mouth. She was unprepared for the power as she drank. It was even greater than Wonder Woman’s. Supergirl grimaced as more of her blood was taken. She tried to fly, but was too weak.

Kalista continued to feed, but it was becoming too much. Never before had she encountered this. It was as if she couldn’t take anymore, that Supergirl’s blood was too rich. She wondered if it had something to do with Supergirl being solar powered. Anyway it didn’t matter she was filled with energy. Removing her mouth she licked her lips as Supergirl moaned.

Kalista purred into her ear, “Supergirl that was wonderful. Rest for now.” She pushed Supergirl to the floor. Kalista stood up relishing in the power she had stolen. Supergirl withering on the floor, rolled onto her back. She was so weak, her strength literally drained from her. Kara was used to feeling invulnerable; the shock of the attack and its aftermath had taken their toll. Her hand found the wound on her neck. Pressing down she tried to put pressure on the wound. Supergirl’s vision blurred as she tried to stay awake. Wonder Woman and Kalista closed in on her. The vampire laughed as Kara blacked out.


The pain from her wrists and ankles woke Kara up. She was in a dark room lying on a bed in chains. They dug into her skin though the fabric of her uniform. Supergirl tried to lift herself up into a sitting position. She managed to get halfway there but then fell back with a clatter from the chains and a sigh. Kara just didn’t have the energy to move. Looking around she saw the apartment she was in was blocking almost all the light. Sunlight was what she needed. Normally her powers didn’t require direct sunlight to work. However being as drained as she was, Kara needed the exposure.

Wonder Woman appeared, coming around a corner. She was still under Kalista’s control. Kara could see the blank look in her eyes. Holding a small cup of water she kneeled next to Supergirl.
“Drink.” The princess ordered.

Kara took the liquid and then pleaded with her friend, “Wonder Woman please, you need to fight whatever she did to you.”
“Kalista is my mistress. She gives me orders not you.” Diana responded. She then brought out her lasso and began wrapping it around Supergirl. Kalista wanted to make sure Supergirl couldn’t escape at all. Even if she somehow recovered her strength, Kara couldn’t break the lasso.

“Diana no one controls you. You have your own mind, your own will!” Kara tried hoping against hope that some part of her friend was listening.
“Not anymore Supergirl.” Kalista laughed walking out. She was still in her black leotard and tights. Wonder Woman stood behind her, “With you and Wonder Woman as my pawns and food, no one will be able to stand against me.”

“I’m nobody’s pawn Kalista.” Kara warned. The vampire came over and climbed on top of Supergirl. She brought her hands up and cupped Supergirl’s face.
“You won’t have a choice girl.” Kalista said as her eyes turned red.

Supergirl felt a powerful presence in her mind. She tried to close her eyes but found that they wouldn’t close. Kalista increased her telepathic power, putting all her might into controlling Supergirl, “It’s useless Supergirl, you can’t fight me.”

“I…can…try….Wonder Woman please!” she answered and pleaded.

“It’s hopeless, she cannot help you!” Kalista laughed, “Soon I’ll make you my slave. After that I don’t know, maybe I’ll take care of your cousin, or how about that boy from your Math class? How would like to see that Kara your friends family, my willing servants! Give in Last Daughter it is useless!”

Wonder Woman stood by watching. Nearly all of her mind was either subdued or controlled by Kalista. However one part of her mind was breaking free. It was her empathy. She could see Supergirl was in pain. Her friend, someone Diana saw as sister in many respects. A thousand images flashed through the heroine’s mind, some clear others going by in a blur. Some of the clear ones: the first time she met Kara who had just arrived on Earth, a montage of the two training, Kara’s first Earth birthday party, and then another of the two of them fighting together against some supervillians. As soon as the images finished, Kalista’s control over Diana’s mind shattered.

Diana with new energy looked at Supergirl who was fighting Kalista’s hypnotic attack. Her friend was hurting. She could see Kara’s mental defenses starting to fail. That wouldn’t happen.
“No it’s not hopeless Kara.” Wonder Woman said.

Kalista still deep in her efforts to control Supergirl’s mind thought she heard Wonder Woman speak but wasn’t sure. In fact she was so focused on Supergirl; the vampire hadn’t felt the psychic link with Diana snap. It didn’t hit her till Wonder Woman grabbed her by the back of he leotard.

“Excuse me!” Wonder Woman said throwing the vampire off the bed and through the nearest wall. Kalista went ballistic flying out into the air and away from her apartment building. Sunlight poured through the opening, illuminating Supergirl. Instantly she felt energy flowing into her body. Her powers recovered, and the bite mark on her neck healed.
“I’m so sorry Kara!” Wonder Woman cried out. She was already removing the lasso from Supergirl’s body. Once it was off, Supergirl snapped the chains holding her in place and gave Wonder Woman a hug.

“Nothing to be sorry about since you turned back to normal!” Kara smiled. She looked for Kalista, “Is she dead?”
“Isn’t the rule that sunlight kills vampires?” Wonder Woman asked.

“NOT THIS TIME!” someone screamed.

Wonder Woman watched as Kalista flew back through the hole. She slammed into the Amazon, sending both of them crashing back into Kalista’s bedroom. Diana crashed into the vampire’s bed. Shattered wood, dark sheets, and pillows lay all around her.

“Thanks to Supergirl, I’m immune to the sun’s rays!” Kalista shouted. She had first thought she was dead meet when Wonder Woman sent her flying. Now she realized she could be the ultimate vampire, one who existed in day and night. All she had to do was put the two supertwits under her control.

She jumped onto Wonder Woman and pinned her arms, “Now that I have the kryptonian’s strength it will be much easier to feed on you this time!” Kalista barred her fangs and went for Wonder Woman’s neck. Diana cried out trying to throw the vampire off her.

“Sorry, the cafeteria is closed!” Kara yelled grabbing Kalista by the hair and pulling her back, “Let’s take a walk, shall we?”

Supergirl flew out of the apartment with Kalista in tow. The daughter of darkness screamed and clawed at Kara’s hands, which held her hair tight. Supergirl looked for a good spot to drop the vampire. She didn’t want to wreck the city in a fight with her. In fact a great spot was where it all started, the warehouse where Kalista set her trap. Speeding over to it she took position above it. Supergirl spun and tossed Kalista into the warehouse below her. A small mushroom cloud of dust and smoke erupted from where Kalista slammed into the building, much of it collapsing on her.

“What did I miss?” Wonder Woman asked flying next to Supergirl seeing the last of cloud dissipating.
“Nothing much, waiting for her move.”

Kalista flew out of the rubble at Supergirl. Kara accelerated and collided with her. Both girls began trading punches back and worth. Kalista was stunned in the exchange feeling the power of an angry Supergirl. Kara made sure to daze the girl. That was she could slip behind the villainess, which she did. Kara took Kalista’s arms and pinned them behind the vampire’s back. Holding her Supergirl called out to Diana.

“Coming!” the Amazon replied wiping out her lasso. She would bind Kalista once she got to Supergirl.

Kalista screamed and decided it was time for more drastic measures. With a flash she disappeared out of Supergirl’s grip. Kara fluttered in the air after losing her wondering what just happened. The vampire then reappeared behind the Girl of Steel and wrapped her arms around Supergirl’s neck. Choking for air Kara lost control of her flight and began to fall with her attacker. Hoping to take some of the fight out of Supergirl Kalista continued to squeeze and tried to ensure Supergirl take the brunt of their fall. Both girls put their flight power against the other trying to make the other land first. In the end they slammed into the ground, equally taking the blow.

Getting up faster Kara grabbed Kalista and put her in a headlock. Diana landed next to her and had the lasso ready. Desperate as Wonder Woman moved in Kalista managed to get her feet off the ground and kicked. The blow knocked Wonder Woman over. Then summoning her strength she then managed to break free from Kara’s grip. She spun on her heel and delivered a round house kick to Supergirl’s face. The blow sent Supergirl flying into the air. She then turned her attention back to Wonder Woman.

Kalista leapt onto to her. Shoving Diana into the ground, she demonstrated her superior strength, bashing her fists into Wonder Woman’s gut. Weakening her with the blows Kalista then took the lasso from the heroine. She then wrapped it around Wonder Woman’s neck. Then with glee she took up any slack in it. Diana gasped for air as she tried to pry the golden rope from her neck. Her fingers fought to get under the lasso.

“You know what after thinking about it…I only need one of you.” Kalista snared. She smiled watching Diana struggle. Soon she’d be unconscious and then Kalista would drain her completely this time… “AHAHAH!”

Wonder Woman felt the pressure on her neck ease. She grabbed the lasso and removed it from her neck. She saw Kalista was on her feet staggering away. Smoke was coming from her back. Part of the vampire’s leotard was gone; her skin was blackened as if burned. Diana saw Supergirl, her eyes glowing with red energy. Without a word she fired off another blast of heat and light. Kalista cried out as the rays washed over her. Wonder Woman stood up and watched. The vampire fell to the ground, smoking, in pain.

“Kara…” Diana said somewhat stunned by the violence of the attack.
The Girl of Steel’s eyes returned to normal, “Sorry. She was going to kill you.”
“I know, thank you.”
Supergirl walked forward. She looked at the wounded Kalista. She was filled with rage but also pity. Minutes earlier this thing had threatened her family and friends with painful death and damnation. Now Kalista was just a dying creature.

“How did you know that would work?” Wonder Woman asked.
“She can handle this direct sunlight but I figured she couldn’t handle anything past that.” Kara answered. Her heat-vision could toast bread, or at more extreme power become hotter than a hydrogen bomb. The intense UV, heat, and light had been too much for even the enhanced Kalista.

Racked with pain and feeling her powers fading Kalista just moaned. The two heroines stood over her. Kalista knew it was over, “End it…”
“We can try to help you.” Diana offered.
Kalista laugh as best she could, “You wouldn’t know where to start. No…I died…a long time ago…” she answered.

Looking back up at Supergirl the dark haired woman nodded. Kara’s eyes turned red again, and lashed out. One moment she was there, the next Kalista disappeared destroyed. The two superheroines stood there in silence for a moment.

“Come on, we should get back to the city, no doubt the police are wondering why an apartment exploded.” Diana said quietly.
“Yeah…”Supergirl answered. She turned and paused a moment, “Did I just do the right thing?”
Wonder Woman looked at her young friend. She walked up and put her hands on Kara’s shoulders, “You saved my life, and probably many others. I’ll say that’s good enough.”

Kara nodded, “Thanks.”

Hours Later…

Kalista’s apartment was closed by police. They were able to close several murders by going through it. The building owner had covered the hole in the wall and was planning on clearing the whole thing out tomorrow. No one was there to notice her entrance. Cutting through the plastic over the hole was easy. Landing in her high healed boots was a little harder. Walking through the apartment she had only the moonlight for illumination. Kalista had done well the visitor could see. Seeing the guest bed she smiled, she had something similar at home.

She paused looking at the shattered remains of what was Kalista’s bed. Sighing the visitor walked over to the young vampire’s closet. Opening it, she found something that had been recently worn. Smelling it, the woman took in the full fragrance of Kalista’s perfume and body.

“Don’t worry child. I will avenge you, perhaps not now but someday.” Victoria declared. Although she had only little contact with Kalista since that time, there had been always something about the girl that enticed her. Plus she didn’t convert many, so she had taken offense to hearing one of her ‘daughters’ had been destroyed.

“Yes one day, there will be a reckoning Supergirl and Wonder Woman!”

As always hope you enjoyed this little yarwn. Thanks to SuperPics for his help with Kalista and rules of vampires. Later!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Always good to see Supergirl and Wonder Woman work as a team. 8)
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Very nice sg! A most enjoyable diversion! I'll be looking forward to Victoria's revenge! :wink: :mrgreen: 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
Elder Member
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Nice story thanks for sharing. :D
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