Help! Hyde/power belt story issue

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I have a background set up, and know it wants to go someplace.

What if a heroine is wearing a power belt not to gain power, but to suppress them?

Situation: Heroine is not trying to be a superheroine, but gets forced to act a few times anyway. She wears a power belt every day, and it makes her on the low end of superheroines, but far above a normal woman's strength.

Reason: Ancestry. Her grandmother was the Victorian Heroine Femme Fatale (think succubus, energy drain kiss, whole deal), her father was Hyde (as in Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde). She wears the belt to suppress the unholy appetites of Hyde, walking the thin line of starvation to keep enough power to not be forced to feed enough to lose control in sexual release of feeding to unleash her inner Hyde.

She is not an active superheroine because her succubus nature wants to respond to threats by seduction and feeding, her Hyde nature reacts to challenge and threat by painting the walls with body parts and going on a sex and drug binge that leaves whole city blocks in ruin. She is trying very hard to be invisible, but even the power belt leaves her enough to be stronger than a normal person, and about as resistant to damage as someone wearing a plate carrier vest, so sometimes she has to step up.

In a world where everyone knows about power belts, and how to "depower" a heroine, what happens when the power belt is the only thing holding back the urges of a female succubus/Hyde crossbreed, and someone mistakes her for one of the active superheroines and decides to capture her?
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That's a brilliant concept!
BUT I don't understand what you are asking - you describe earlier what happens without the belt but then ask us what will happen without the belt.
You need to decide if its going to be a one off or a serial story, ie is the Story going to be purely about this instant of her losing the belts protection and going berserk and if so does she regain control or not, or is it a case of her perhaps remaining under the villains control when they realise the belt suppresses her latent urges and the saga is her fight to regain her freedom from that control.
Or perhaps an organisation takes an interest in her, liberates her from said villain but then gives her a new belt that they can turn on or off as and when they need her darker side.

It really is. a great idea
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Interesting, a vibranium chastity belt? Lost Girl was about a succubus trying to control her powers and was really a great show. Vampirella was also trying to control her hungers. Good luck with this premise!
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Lost Girl, the unaligned succubus. How did I forget that one!!
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