Hypnotic Underworld: Blue Angels

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Hypnotic Underworld: Blue Angels #1


Planning Session

Her name is Christina and she is just now finishing up on brushing her hair. Her two-piece Blue Angel costume is partially applied with her top on, as well as her gloves. Her blue tights are on all that is left are the blue trunks. Christina checks the clock for time, seeing as it is only a few minutes until the meeting. She slips into her trunks and grabs her mask. This is Blue Angel 1.

Her name is Kobe and her hair is in a bun for the moment. Checking the clock for the time, she realizes that it is almost time for the meeting. Her blue tights and trunks of her two-piece attire already applied, she now undoes her bra, placing it on her bed and picking up her Blue Angel top. Upon slipping into her top, Kobe undoes her hair, letting it free to extend down her neck and back. Straightening the hair slightly, she next applies her gloves and picks up her mask. This is Blue Angel 2.

Her name is Brianna and she approaches her girlfriend from behind, wrapping her arms around her. Her name is Kristen and as she sits in front of the mirror, her hair in a ponytail, she looks up at her lover and greets her with a warm kiss.

Brianna: Ready?

Kristen: Just about.

Brianna has her Blue Angel top applied as well as her gloves and tights. She now slips into her short blue skirt and now the only Blue Angel to wear a skirt checks herself out in her mirror, puckering her lips jokingly. Kristen meanwhile is only in her blue tights as she finishes up her makeup. She then stands and in her blue tights, walks over to the bed where her one-piece attire awaits. Kristen slips into her long sleeved turtlenecked leotard, with Brianna zipping up the back of the costume before wrapping her arms around Kristen's waist. Kristen smiles, putting on her gloves.

Kristen: I'm ready. You?

Brianna: Yes.

The two Angels kiss once again, then grab their masks. Brianna and Kristen are Blue Angels 3 and 4, respectively.

Blue Angels 3 and 4 arrive in the meeting room, holding hands where Blue Angel 2 awaits.

Blue Angel 2: Good to see our two lovebirds have arrived.

Blue Angel 2 smirks.

Blue Angel 3: Angel Two, you'd do well get laid yourself sometime.

Blue Angel 4: Yeah, when are you and Angel One...

Blue Angel 2: Ladies, don't start.

Blue Angels 3 and 4 look at one another, amused.

Blue Angel 2: I mean it.

Blue Angel 4: Okay...I'm just saying...

Blue Angel 3: You two would be perfect together.

Blue Angel 2 shakes her head, laughing.

Blue Angel 2: Okay, that's enough. Angel One should be here soon.

The door to the meeting room opens and in walks Blue Angel 1.

Blue Angel 1: Good morning, ladies.

The other three Angels take their seats, soon followed by Blue Angel 1, who takes hers.

Blue Angel 2: Have you heard back from Angel Five?

Blue Angel 1 shakes her head.

Blue Angel 1: Angel Six is at the boards, she's saying negative. Angel Seven is back and secure. She reported Angel Six last being located Downtown, investigating an incident with some other costumed adventurers. She should have reported back to us by now, so if we don't hear from her soon, Angels Three and Four, I'm gonna need you to retrieve her.

Blue Angel 3: Will do.

Blue Angel 4: Hope she's okay...

Blue Angel 2: I wouldn't mind trying to find her now, since I'll be going on patrol soon.

The masks of the Blue Angels begin to buzz, leading Blue Angel 1 to place hers on.

Blue Angel 1: Angel One, copy. Go ahead, Angel Six.

Blue Angel 1 listens.

Blue Angel 1: Okay. Tell her we're on her way. Angel One, out.

Blue Angel 1 stands up from her seat.

Blue Angel 1: Alright, Angel Five's just reported in. She's been trailing Virago and Orgasma and they've met up with two other villainesses...Elektra Star and Mysteria.

Blue Angel 2: They must be plotting something.

Blue Angel 1: Actually...according to Angel Five, they appear to be arguing.

Blue Angel 3: Oh, that doesn't surprise me.

Blue Angel 4: Elektra Star and Orgasma aren't exactly friends.

Blue Angel 2: Why's that?

Blue Angel 3: Elektra Star and Virago had a thing going for a brief time...then Orgasma showed up.

Blue Angel 4: It was a bitter breakup. And now, Elektra Star's with Mysteria.

Blue Angel 1: And Mysteria's served as a mentor of sorts for her and other villainesses.

Blue Angel 2: Sounds like a combustible element...with Angel Five in the middle of it.

Blue Angel 1: And the one thing that could bring that vile four together would be capturing one of us. Angels...masks.

Angels 2, 3 and 4 place their masks on.

Blue Angel 1: Let's go get Angel Five out of there before they find her first.

The Blue Angels leave the room, preparing to come to Blue Angel 5's aid. But will they arrive too late?
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Nice start, Kace! Should be a VERY interesting story! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Blue Angels, check, badgirls, check, now we just need some peril :D

Good Start Kace!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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