K & Whiff join what?

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Kicking around some ideas tonight with SGZ/Franco so here's something new for K & Whiff.

NOTE: I know I never ended the last K & Whiff story, but they escaped and arrested the baddies. The end.

Now on to our new story:

“Erin have you seen this new sorority on campus?” asked Donna.
“Yeah Eta Omicron Tau?” replied Erin. “They call themselves the HOT’s.”
“A little pretentious for sure.”
“They seem like cool girls though. They've been on campus for a year already.” interjected Erin.
“Whatever, they seem like snobs to me.”
“Donna you hate sororities, so of course you don’t like them.”

Donna and Erin were State U’s best athletes and part of the powerhouse softball team. They also double up as The Protectors of State U as K & Whiff. The 3rd member of their team, Michelle AKA Cannon was attending her sister’s wedding and was out of town for a week.

Donna stood 5’9” and was the power pitcher of the team…Erin was only 5’4” and threw more junk than Donna’s heat…both were 4.0 chemistry majors and loved their school…

They stopped by to check their mailboxes and emails in the student center. “Hey Donna check this out. The girls from EOT have extended me a bid to rush.”
“Really. And?”
“I may give it a look.”
“Come on it will be fun. We’ll get dressed up and go and see what’s happening.”
“We’ll? No way! You are on your own here Erin.”
“You are such a wimp. Fine I will go by myself.”

Annie Johnson, the Rush chair of EOT read the email from Whiff at the meeting. “Erin Sanders is coming to rush. That is great for us. Should get us a lot more pub with the athletes”
“Good. Nothing from her friend Donna Rawles?”
“No. She respectively declined.”
“Figured. She isn’t our type anyhow.” asked Diane Smith the EOT President.
“We are in good shape for Rush Diane”
“OK any other business regarding rush? Remember ladies this is big for us since we are so new on campus. We need girls so we can make dues this semester.”
“We do need more than last semester. And let’s be wiser with our choices.” Said Bethann Burton the EOT Treasurer.
“OK then, Meeting adjourned.” Said Diana clanking her gavel.

“ How do I look?” asked Erin twirling in front of Donna. She was wearing a black cocktail dress, nylons and heels.
“Like you’re going to prom.”
“You look great Erin. You sure about this?”
“Donna all we do is play softball and fight crime. I want to have some fun while we are in college.”
“You don’t call being knocked out and repeatedly left for dead fun?”
“I guess you’re right E. Go and have fun. You know anyone else who is going?”
“Nope and that’s how I want it. It will mean meeting new girls.”
“Don’t drink too much.”
“Thanks mom. See you tomorrow.”

The next day Donna was up early for her morning workout. She came home and went in to see how Erin was doing. Plopping on her bed she said “Good morning.”
“Ssshhh, sleeping.”
“Come on Erin it’s 1030. You’ve already missed a class and our workout. How much did you drink last night?”
“Plenty. My head is killing me.”
“Was it fun?”
“A blast. I’m definitely joining.”
“Really? Well good for you. The girls are nice?”
“Totally D. You should have come. They were asking about you.”
“Well let them keep asking.”
“I told them that. Anyhow, I need to call my parents. Have to cut a check for my initiation fee.”
“Wow, already sucking the money out huh?”
“Donna come on, be happy for me.”
“I am, sorry.”

A few weeks later Erin came home from her 1st meeting as a member.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ahh nothing.” She said kicking off her heels.
“Erin I can tell your upset, what’s up?
“I got in deep shit tonight for going into a forbidden room in the house.”
“I don’t understand. A forbidden room?”
“Yeah, only senior members can go in because it’s where the rituals are.”
“So what happens now?”
“I’m on probation. One more thing and I get kicked out. I mean I had zero idea about this rule. This girl Annie who is on the executive committee told me as she walked me home. She said I need to earn trust to enter that room, but if I did it would be worth my while. She told me about this girl who went in unauthorized last fall quit school because she was so upset.”
“That’s nuts Erin.”
“Maybe I am not cut out for this sisterhood thing D.”
“Come on, it’s one mistake Erin. You’ll be fine. I mean look at you, you’re wearing high heels and pantyhose! You look like a sister already”
“You’re a bitch.” She replied laughing.

“Hey Annie can we talk?” asked Erin after their next meeting.
“Sure Erin what’s up?”
“About last week, I’m really sorry. Are the sister’s still upset?”
“No totally forgotten.”
“Tell me about the girl who quit school last year. Why did she leave?”
“She trespassed in the house similar to what you did, but on multiple occasions. We kicked her out and then she left. Nothing more.”
“Why would she quit school though? Seems a little much.”
“Your guess is as good as mine. Anyhow, let’s go and talk about the carnival. Need you to do some fund raising.”

“So I talked to Annie about the girl who quit school last year. She said she went into that room on several occasions and they kicked her out. From there she left school.”
“That seems random to me. Who cares if you get kicked out of a sorority? If it were off of a sports team I can understand, but there are plenty of houses on campus.”
“That’s what I think.”
“Erin, you think something is fishy here?”
“Not sure. But I want to make certain.”
“You think K & Whiff should have a look around?”
“I don’t think Whiff can. Would be too obvious.”
“Well how about me then?”
“Probably would be better to protect our identities. Damn I wish Michelle was here.”
“Erin, I’ll be fine. They are a bunch of rich chicks wha…”
“Excuse me”
“Just busting your balls sweetie. Need to let me know when everyone will be out of the house.”
“This Friday. It’s our charity carnival. All sisters will be in attendance including me.”
“Perfect. Friday it is.”

During the week Erin tried contracting the girl who had been kicked out of EOT with no success. Donna still convinced her that she should have a quick look around while everyone was out. “Couldn’t hurt E?” Erin agreed.

Friday night came and as Erin prepared to leave she and Donna went over the plan.
“OK text me on our coms when you get in the house. I will let you know if anyone leaves to go back to the house. It is a 15 minute walk from the carnival.”
“You sure you’re walking?”
“Positive. In line with our “Go Green” carnival theme. It’s the last door straight back on the 3rd floor of the house. Your lock pick solvent should be able to get right in.”
“Sounds good. This is a piece of cake Erin. Just keep me informed and I’ll be long gone before they know anything. How do I look?” asked Donna after tying her school colored training shoes.
“Excellent as usual.”
“I’m glad we switched back to our old style uniforms. Michelle’s were a little too revealing.” Replied Donna referring to the team’s decision to wear their old uniform which resembled a softball uniform rather than the more revealing leotard that Michelle/Cannon designed.

Donna’s stacked frame filled her tight white/blue pinstriped jersey and her blue eyes were hidden behind a white mask. Tight blue/white pinstripe spandex softball pants, white tights, blue gloves and blue/white trainers completed the ensemble. Donna had a Bold Blue “K” across her chest. The royal blue and white went with State U’s logo.

Being a chemistry major had its advantages for the talented duo…they have created everything they use to fight crime in the school’s lab…

Donna is armed with 2 satchels of 10 hollowed out softballs. The balls are filled with a potent anesthetic making them extremely light and easy to throw. They have a little charge that is wired to explode when the balls hit their target. The gas is released when the balls explode knocking it’s intended victim out quickly. When necessary Donna whips them at her victims as if she was pitching in a game. Very fast and impossible to dodge. Her utility belt had assorted tools associated with a super heroine.

Donna now dressed as K arrived at the EOT house after dusk. She quickly gained entry through the unlocked back door and made her way inside. Pictures of the first two classes of EOT hung in the walkway approaching the staircase. The house was immaculate.

K quietly made her way upstairs finally reaching the 3rd floor. The house, like her partner assured her, was empty. She made her way to the last door and tried it. As expected it was locked. K quickly pulled out her lock pick and sprayed it with a small atomizer. She stuck the pick inside the lock and it molded itself to the keyhole. The door was unlocked within seconds. “Thanks Professor Nall. That lesson on solvents did come in handy.”

Erin’s comm buzzed. “IN”

Inside the forbidden room was pristine. It was a huge room to say the least. Nothing was out of place. K would have to watch where everything is to not let anyone know she had been there. She searched through file cabinets and found nothing of interest. Went through manuals, pledge booklets and found nothing. K tried to reserve judgment on the girls out of respect for Erin. No matter what she thought of sororities, she supported her friend.

Hopping into a chair she went through spread sheets on the computer stationed against the far back wall. K found what she was looking for. “This sorority is fake! NO national charter, no national board, no national dues! Annie, Bethann and Diane are keeping the money for themselves. They are recruiting girls to take over when they graduate. That’s why they wanted Erin. It’s like a big pyramid scheme!”

“Hey Erin, we’re going back to the house for extra balloons. Need anything?” shouted Annie.
“I’m good, thanks”
“Back in a half hour.” Is what Sorority President Diana said to her.
“Erin I need help in the shooting gallery?” called out Bethann
“On my way” said Erin turning in a jog toward the carnival while texting her partner.

K’s comm buzzed. “Annie and Diane are on their way back. Get out of there.” K checked her watch “655 I’ll be out of here in 10 minutes.”

Further investigating revealed that Annie and Diane had taken compromising pictures of their former pledge, Sue Anderson with another girl from the sorority. Chancellor Davis’s daughter Wendy! Both girls had clearly been drugged but the pics were steamy none the less. “They blackmailed that girl into leaving school and to not tell anyone about what she found. And the Chancellor’s daughter obviously kept quiet to avoid embarrassing and possibly getting her father fired.”

K continued her search while constantly checking over her shoulder. “Donations from the school, Professors, parents, charities these girls are stealing from everyone.” She checked her watch which now read 700.

Back at the carnival, Erin was waiting to hear from K. She checked her watch and it was 700. “Come on D, get out of there.” She thought. It would be very bad for their image if K was caught trespassing without a warrant regardless of their standing in the community.

K was now copying files to a flash drive. This proof would nail EOT and their members. Her watch now read 703. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed nothing. She checked the progress of the copy, 30 seconds. “Got it” she said popping the flash drive out and put it in her utility belt. She shut the computer down and replaced the chair carefully in the marks on the carpet. Quickly texting Erin as well.

Erin’s comm buzzed. “DONE” Erin sighed in relief hoping nothing illegal had been found.
“Booty call Erin?” asked Bethann
“I wish. Just my roommate asking when I’m outta here.”

On her way out, K noticed a large curtain on the wall. Her watch read 705. “The jig is up now, even if they do come back. I’ll arrest them.”

She quickly pulled the curtains revealing a wall safe. Quickly she began spraying the dial with her solvent. It hollowed out the dial letting her hear the tumblers fall into place. AS the last one did she pulled on the door but it did not open. “Come on.” She tried it again and still no luck. She turned around again checking the door and saw no one.

K then heard something click behind the wall. Instantly her utility belt pulled her face first against the wall. “What the? Can’t move, must be magnetized.” K struggled but could not get free. She tried to take her belt off but it would not budge. Trying to push was no help either.

As she reached for her comm to let Erin know what happened, K heard a faint hissing that grew louder as the pressure picked up. K was furious about her underestimation of the EOT girls.

The dial of the safe opened and a tube extended out. “Shit, this is not good D.” Said K furiously trying to push herself off the wall.

The fine stream of pink gas began flowing right into K’s face. “Cough cough. Shitttt, ohhhhh” and the blonde beauty passed out with her forehead falling forward with a thud against the safe.

Minutes later, Annie and Diane were shocked to see the slumbering K pinned against the wall.

“What is the hell is K doing here Diane?”
“No clue. Search her. Make sure she’s out.”
Annie slapped her face a few times and saw no movement “Out cold. Hey a flash drive”
“Someone knows far too much about us. Not sure how you did it K, but you found us out. It’s a good thing I installed the security system in the Forbidden Room. It alerted me at the carnival someone had broken in, accessed our computer and tried to get into the safe. I remotely activated the fail safes.” Said Diane as she walked to the desk punching in a code on the computer. The wall clicked again releasing K into a Nestea plunge flat onto her back.

“Now what?” asked Annie
“I have an idea. Come on, help me.”

The two girls grabbed the fallen fireballer by the arms and legs and carried her out.
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Awsome stuff D! Liked the magentic trap with gas. Great pic of K as well.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Cool start Dubphil! Has MH considered using K and Whiff for a future vid?
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Hey dubber! Just got the chance to read this one! Nice job! Love to see the rest of this one! 8)
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lytespeed wrote:Cool start Dubphil! Has MH considered using K and Whiff for a future vid?
I think that's a great idea!


Sorry for the long delay on the update. Will try to rip through this weekend:

“Erin, come on. We’ve got something to show you.” Said Diane
Erin followed her behind the booths that lined up against one of the administrative buildings. It was a narrow fit.

Figuring it was some sort of hazing ritual, Erin was shocked when she saw Bethann and Annie putting the finishing touches on hanging K by her wrists from the scaffolding of the booth.
“What the fuck guys?” seethed Erin “Is she…
“Not yet. Fortunately one of our fail safes caught her snooping around the Forbidden room. Found her sleeping like a baby.” Explained Diane.
“What are you going to do to her?” asked Erin, plotting out how she is going beat the crap out of Diane.
K’s long frame was gently swaying back and forth, head slumped forward.

“Just hold on, we’ll get to sleeping beauty soon enough. Now Erin, you are one of us. No turning back. You are going to be our legacy. But first we have to know if you are in.” said Diane.
“In for what? I’m totally fucking confused here guys.”
“Erin, EOT is a fraud. It does not exist. We take the girls dues, donations, charity earnings and divide it up between the executive board. No one else knows.” Explained Bethann

“What do you mean fake? Like no national, no philanthropy, no sisterhood? What about the girls?” asked Erin
“The sisterhood is real, but everything else isn’t. Don’t get us wrong Erin, we love the girls…” said Bethann
“But we love the money more. Besides, what do they care if there is a national office or not. All they do is gauge the chapters for money and not let them have any fun. The girls are having a blast regardless of what we are doing.” INterrupted Diane
“Yeah but its illegal.”
“Only if we get caught Erin. We have over a quarter million between the 5 e board members. Once you take over and elect your new e board, all the money will be yours. What better way to get a start on your post college career right? Besides the only other people who know are you and K. And K is in no position to tell anyone.” Replied Annie

Erin’s mind was racing. How could she get K out of this? How did this happen to her. She said she was done. The Forbidden Room must be booby trapped.
“OK guess I’m in. What now?” she asked figuring it was her best option to save K.
“Glad to hear it Erin. Come on around to the front of the booth.”
Erin followed her crooked sisters and gave one last look to K who was still slowly drifting in breeze.

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You gonna do the old hang-the-hero(ine)-behind-the-shooting-gallery-and-let-the-public-take-em-out trick? ;-) Works for me! :twisted: Look forward to reading more of this one! 8)
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Nice update D

Looking forward to what the girls have planned for the superheroine.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

Erin followed the girls to the front of the shooting gallery. She quickly realized what they had in store for her slumbering partner.

“Here Erin. Put an end to one half of the softball slinging sluts” said Diane handing Erin a rifle.
“But guys, this is murder. We could get the death penalty” replied Erin
“Or we could go to jail for fraud, for a long time” interjected Bethann
“Now what’s it gonna be Erin?” asked Diane
Erin quickly tried to assess the situation. Should she hold the rifle on the sisters? But she thought they could overpower her. She then made her decision.
“OK let’s do it.” She blurted out cocking the rifle.

The 3 girls backed off as Erin took aim. She pulled the trigger and a muted shot rang out and cut through the tarp. There was an audible thud behind the tent. Erin had aimed high in hopes that the shot would cut through the ropes and release K.

She handed the rifle to Diane and ran off feigning crying. “I’ll go with Annie and check on K, Bethann give her a few minutes and then go and make sure Erin is alright. She’s probably pretty shaken”

“Erin. Hey Erin are you ok?” Bethann called out as she entered the main tent. But Erin was nowhere to be found.

“Sorry, Erin’s already been apprehended Bethann.”
“Whiff, how? What the…” replied Bethann as she saw Whiff enter the tent. Erin quickly ran back to the tent knowing she only had a few minutes to change. By telling Bethann she already caught Erin, they would not suspect her of actually being Whiff.
“She is sleeping off a dose of my sleep spray behind the tent”

Whiff stood confidently across from Bethann pointing her sleep pistol at her. The colors were the same, but Whiff’s outfit had a few differences from K’s. Whiff’s tight jersey was blue with white sleeves rather than the white/blue of K and she wore opaque blue tights instead of the white. Her tight blue/white pinstripe spandex softball pants, blue mask, trainers were the same, although Whiff’s elbow length gloves were white as opposed to blue.

Whiff has 2 large atomizer pistols on either side of her utility belt. Both are filled with a similar spray to what K has in her softballs. Where as K rifles blistering underhand pitches at her victims, Whiff has deadly accuracy with her atomizer pistols. She takes her time before firing. Being a junk ball pitcher, she can hit anything from 60 feet away. And the closer she gets the better her aim. Bottom line, she rarely misses her mark.

“What are you going to do with me?” asked a nervous Bethann
“Arresting you and your stealing sisters.” Replied Whiff. But 1st things 1st.

She was a little concerned with the tight quarters the tent had to offer so she was hesitant to use her pistols on Bethann for fear of putting herself at risk. So Whiff took a couple of steps back to the exit and fired her weapon.

A fine stream of dark blue gas shot from her weapon striking Bethann in her ample chest. As it soaked in the midnight fumes engulfed her and before she knew what hit her she was on her back sleeping. Whiff holstered her weapon and holding her breath, quickly cuffed Bethann.

Whiff then carefully exited the tent to go and check on K.

A few minutes later Diane and Annie came back into the tent. “Bethann, Erin what the hell? We needed you…” Diane and Annie were stunned when they saw Bethann out cold and tied up on the tent floor. They quickly looked around but were relieved to see they were alone.

“You stay here with her.” said Diane.

Whiff stealthily made her way back behind the shooting gallery tent. As she approached the end on the long corridor behind the tent, she was relived to see that K was no longer hanging. There was a tarp in a heap which further relieved Whiff. She aimed high when she shot the rifle, hoping to hit the ropes that bound her sleeping partner.

Whiff bent down and cleared away the tarp expecting to find K rousing after her fall, but there was no K under the tarp. In fact nothing was under the tarp, except one of the stuffed sorority teddy bears that you won as a prize at the shooting gallery. Perplexed, Whiff it up and whispered to herself “Where is she?”

“Congrats Whiff, you won a prize.” Said Diane as she spun the unsuspecting heroine around. Diane pressed a button on a small remote and the collar around the teddy bears neck began hissing and blowing a pink cloud of gas. Whiff immediately became disoriented. She tried to clear the air around her. But the bear, even on the ground continued to spew the noxious fumes into the blonde beauty’s face. Whiff braced herself against the wall but it was only temporary.

“Set me up. Cough cough. Can’t stay awakkkkeeee. Uggghhh” Whiff slid down the wall onto her round ass unconscious.

“We did indeed Whiff. We did indeed” Chuckled Diane.

Diane and Annie found K had not been shot as planned but found her in a crumbled heap since the shot cut the ropes. Figuring Whiff was on to them; they hid K and planted the bear under the tarp. “The plan worked perfectly” Diane thought as she carried the knocked out Whiff over her shoulder.

“Now time to make some more money” she said carrying Whiff into their tent.
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Very nicely done, dubber, very nice indeed! =D> =D> =D> I can't wait to see what the Diabolical Diane has in store for our Softball-playin' Sweehearts! 8)
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Awsome D, liked the trap for Whiff.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

Apologies everyone, had a ton of stuff going on as of late. Finale of this one now:

“Drop her on the conveyer belt with K” ordered Diane. Bethann and Annie dumped the slumbering Whiff flat on her back onto a conveyer belt.

K was already strapped to the belt which was in the basement of the sorority house. They began strapping Whiff down when they heard something upstairs.

“Someone is trying to open the front door!” whispered Annie, “Christ, it’s Susie. What is she doing back here?”
“Maybe she is grabbing a sweatshirt or something.” Replied Bethann

“Take her out. we’ll make it look like she walked in on a robbery.” Said Diane. “I’ll feign that someone attacked me. When Susie comes to my aid, get her Bethann. Annie you finish off K & Whiff”

“This’ll do nicely.”Said Bethann grabbing a paddle from the wall of fame in the basement following Diane upstairs.

Diane laid herself down in the hallway directly in front of the main door. As Susie opened it she yelled “Anyone home?” She then saw the sorority President sprawled out on the hardwood floor.

“Diane, oh my god.” Said the 5’3” brunette as she rushed to her aid. Diane was slowly rousing as Susie reached her. “Diane what happened? Who did this to you?”

“Not sure, came home to grab a sweatshirt and someone hit me from behind.” Acted Diane “You should call the campus police”

“On it. I’ll bring you some ice too.” The peppy co-ed sprung into action and ran into the kitchen to grab the phone. As she got there CRACK! Uggh! THUD!

K heard the ruckus and said “Nice sisterhood Annie. I mean with sisters like you who needs enemies.” Spouted K trying to break her bonds.

“Whatever. Just shut up and before you know it you and your partner will be cremated.” Said Annie as she began to strap Whiff down. “At least Whiffy here won’t know what hit her. She’ll never even wake up.”

K knew she was on her own to get them out of this bind. The conveyer belt they were strapped to fed right into the house furnace. Whiff was motionless and figured to be sleeping off a dose of the same gas that got her.

Diane came into the kitchen and saw Susie out cold on her back. Bethann caught her square in the chin as she rounded the corner never seeing a thing.

“Tie her up. I’ll run upstairs and mess some stuff up to make it seems we were robbed. Then we call campus security and you guys should head back. I’ll stay here to keep up my story with Susie.” Explained Diane.

As Annie continued to strap Whiffs ankles down, Whiff’s legs suddenly sprang to life and wrapped around Annie’s neck. Shocked, Annie tried clawing at them as they were now cutting off her air supply. Whiff squeezed the head scissors tighter and Annie’s clutching and grabbing slowly began to cease. With one last gasp her body went limp. Whiff released her and she crumpled.

“Very nice. How are you awake? I thought they gassed you with the same shit they got me with” asked a surprised K.

“They thought they did. But I took my anti-knockout gas pills that we came up with in chem last week. Figured they would try and gas me sometime so better safe than sorry. I see you were not as cautious” Answered Whiff as she untied K.

"Very funny. If you'd done some decent recon and let me know they have access to knock-out gas let alone, a room booby trapped with knock-out gas than maybe I would have." replied an irritated K.

“DO you see our belts?” asked Whiff still chuckling at her partner's misfortune.

“No. Bet Diane has them upstairs.” Said K as she began to tie up the unconscious Annie. “OK let’s end this.”

K & Whiff quietly came around the corner of the hallway leading into the kitchen and saw Susie on her stomach covered in pieces of the paddle.

“Bethann. Here gag her with these” whispered Diane from the top floor as she threw down a pair of black pantyhose from above. Bethann went and grabbed them and quickly stuffed them in Susie’s mouth.

They had her chance. Bethann’s attention was on gagging Susie. K went and grabbed another pledge paddle off the wall and struck quickly and successfully shattering the paddle over her head, “CRACK! Ahh” and Bethann slumped forward on top of Susie.

They had to move quickly. Not wanting Susie to wake up and stumble into the impending battle, They finished tying her up for her own good and dragged her to the closet, then returning to tie Bethann up and dragged her down to the basement. As they dumped her, Bethann’s cell buzzed.

“All good?” it was from Diane.
“All good. She is out of the way. So are K & Whiff. Annie and I are on our way up” Whiff texted.
“Good” replied Diane

The campus heroines made their way upstairs, watching out for Diane. They had no weapons so they’d have to catch Diane the old fashioned way.

K explained quietly about the trapped forbidden room which is where Diane probably was. They would have to flank her. The heroines approached the forbidden room carefully and saw Diane typing away at her computer.

“There you guys are. Everything cool?” she said as she diligently typed away.

“Bethann and Annie should be fine to go to jail once they come to.” Answered K as they both assumed a hands on hip pose

“K? Whiff? But how?”

“Your gas-laden teddy bear had no effect on me thanks to my anti-knock-out gas capsules. I feigned unconsciousness so you would lead me back to K”

“What about Erin? Where is she?” asked a confused Diane, realizing the jig was up.

“Probably just rousing in a jail cell. I felled her with a dose of gas from my sleeping gun.” Replied Whiff

“Oh you mean this sleeping gun?” said Diane as she pointed and fired it at the 2 heroines.

They both jumped out of the way as the stream of gas hit the wall with a poof.

Diane quickly pressed a button on the computer keyboard and a net fell from the roof and landed on Whiff.

“Ahh, K help” said the snared Whiff.

But K had her own problems. Diane was trying to take her out with the giant house portraits on the wall. Each time Diane pressed a button one of the 20x24 glass pictures of the girls in the house flew off the wall at her. She dodged the 1st 2 but the 3rd connected, shattering over her mid back. K dropped to her knees and then face 1st to the floor stunned.

Diane slowly walked around the room circling K & Whiff.

“I’ll admit it. You girls are tough. Would love to have you in the house here on my side. But unfortunately that is impossible. So now it’s time to say goodnight and when you wake up you’ll be…Oh that’s right, you aren’t going to wake up. Strike 3 girls you’re both out.” She said raising Whiff’s pistol directly at her.

Whiff struggled under the net but was exhausted as it weighed a ton.

But before Diane began to fire, she was pulled back 1st into the wall with the curtain. She struggled mightily but could not break free. “What the?”

“I think this is how this thing works right Diane?” said K as she pressed one of the keys on the keyboard.

Since Diane was holding K’s pistols and belt, she was glued to the same magnetized wall that caught K.

The dial on safe inverted and a stream of pink smoke began hissing out. Diane became engulfed in the gas and tried not to breathe, but did not hold out for long. After taking a couple of breaths her head slumped forward. K pressed the buttons again and the magnet behind the wall released the disgraced President down to the ground.

K helped Whiff from the net and went to check on Diane. “She’ll be out for sometime. Trust me!” laughed K.
“Well we can’t thank you enough K & Whiff. This was a huge bust. These girls embezzled millions from the school and charities and their sisters. The money is all being returned.” Said Capt. Morse of the campus security.

“And Susie just had a little bump on the noggin but she’ll be alright.” Said one of the paramedics on scene.

“What about the Chancellor’s daughter?” asked Whiff

“She’ll be back to school next semester. With all pictures destroyed. I want to thank you 2 personally. Anything I can do in the future, please let me know. “Answered the chancellor.

“That’s great news Chancellor Davis. Glad we could help." replied Whiff.

As they left, K said "Well we have about 7 minutes before workouts. Wanna get something to eat from the charity carnival?"

"I've had enough sorority for the time being. Let's hit the student union.

She and K walked off into the sunset, just in time to get ready for practice for the State U softball team.

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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Nice ending, dubber! Glad you were able to finish this one! I wish I could say the same for my Clandestine story! Anyhoo, really nice job! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Agreed nice ending D!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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