James Bond

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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
Femina wrote:
4 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago

Changing a character's race does not change the franchise or create a new franchise. Nobody says Jesus is no longer Jesus because a white guy is playing him. If a black James Bond was acting like Snoop Dog, then I would agree this is no longer James Bond. However, a person's sex and race do not define their character and personality.
I actually don't agree with this, like at all, and I DO believe there's a problem in current Hollywood where characters races are concerned ALL AROUND. You can't change the Black Panther or Blade into white guys without utterly transforming the franchise. A person's ethnicity is intrinsically associated with their race (It's not EVERYthing about them or anything but it will ALWAYS be an enormous factor). One of the first things you learn in a cultural communications class is that IGNORING completely ethnicity isn't actually all that preferable to racism. Racial difference brings with it differing perspectives of the same things. VALUABLE perspectives of the same things. Acknowledging the differences in race, valuing differing perspectives and not feeling either inferior or superior is actually much less racist than just pretending like everyone of every race is exactly the same. In any case, back to the point, race changes EVERYTHING about a character, I guess an argument could be made Blade could be any race I suppose, but try telling that to a fan of Blade? If Blade was recast as a white guy, if ANY minority character is recast as a white guy it gets legitimate (and I DO call it legitimate) pushback. Typically minority characters shouldn't ordinarily be recast to white people. It changes the character, might as well have just made a new series about a similar type of character in a similar setting but make it something new.

But another problem is that the inverse is NOT considered true. Not currently. A character who was white traditionally being cast as a minority is lauded as brave or bold and anyone who feels slighted by it is assaulted by a sort of hypocritical pushback.

Now I want to be clear here because I consider myself one of those dastardly 'SJW's all the SIW's(Social INJUSTICE warriors) like to whine about. I see the situation as is being primarily the fault that, most minorities have an alarming SHORTAGE of 'storied 40 year old franchise heroes' to draw from. It's easy to say 'go create something new and leave the classics alone' when you've got dump trucks full of storied classics created specifically for your demographic and I would like to here formally acknowledge THAT. I in no way shape or form feel qualified to make to clear an opinion on something like this where I don't necessarily have a better solution in mind, but I think the current situation is definitively a double standard, I think it was VERY true that white people WERE being cast in all sorts of traditionally minority roles in the past, but that's drying up in the wake of legit 'whitewashing' backlash... and that's GOOD... minority roles don't belong in the hands of someone who can't ever FULLY comprehend what its like to be of that ethnicity...

BUT, I'm just not sure that accusing whitewashers of racism then turning around and say, lauding a 'blackwash' as somehow different is a solution worth having? It's just a different coat of paint over the same old problem. Really I just wish we had a better trove of 40 year old classics made for all different sorts to be drawn from... in this day of remakes and rehashes though, I'm not sure this issue is really going to work itself out for a good long while as yet.

To the point of THIS particular topic, this I don't see as 'blackwashing' or anything. She's not playing James Bond, so its not the same thing. Similarly I have a different opinion where VOICE ACTING is concerned or where characters ethnicity were nebulous to begin with.
I agree historical people should be played by someone of the same race. This acknowledges the person's true story and place in history. However, I disagree fictional characters such as James Bond, Superman, or Blade cannot be changed. Black Panther can be changed to an Asian, but he would require a different backstory.

Many fictional stories constantly change their lore. We could easily create a black Superman if we wanted to, and that has happen. He is from a different universe so he doesn't replace the original man of steel. He just isn't a popular character because the original Superman is well established.

I think the best solution is to create original characters of minorities. Look at Tyler Perry's Madea. This character is loved by many people from all races. Anyone can create an original character from any race. Writers need to stop being lazy.

Then, there are times when an actor of color is given the name of a classic character, but the writers change the classic character's personality as well. If you change Jimmy's name from the Supergirl TV series, then you would have a brand new character. This version of Jimmy is not like Jimmy at all.
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
I thin k what people are missing is that traditional characters who are white males are being replaced or diminish in comics, tv franchises or movies.

It does not need or should not be done.

Best example and this goes back to the 70S the Bionic Woman, they made Jamie Sommers a strong character in her own right without making Steve Austin a jerk or a lesser character in a process. But in their two shows that they did together after the Bionic woman started they did not have to tear one down to build the other

But that does not happen now.
Alright let's try it your way. Keep all traditional characters white and male. Do you want new characters added or keep everything as is?
New characters are fine, heck if Marvel want to do another Captain America movie with the actor who player the Falcon now that Steve has passed on his sheild. go for it. That was a sucessful pass on that no one can object to. The John Stewart Green Lantern has work well in the JLA animation and no one complained about it even though he was not the original one.

as opposed to the female Thor in the comics
So this black woman is a new character, but that's not fine?

Why is fine for white people to get roles as historical black people? You continue to avoid this question.
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
:giggle: Ok the rule of thumb is used extensively by artists to measure scale on paintings etc so literally you couldnt be more wrong there, lol. And if its the vision of the creator then if youa re going to use that artists creation shouldn't it fit in to his conception of the said character?

'The last 40 years of Bond do not fully define his future' - well it kinda did because they used up all the material from the books to make the stories these last 40 years.

Yes they (artists) can call anything they create Bond, it could be a tramp under a Bridge - but ITS NOT BOND as defined by the artist who conceived it 60 years plus ago (and as the creator it is surely his concept that is correct as a definition of the character?) . And whilst its in their right as an artist to use the name if they so chose its doesnt make it so. I am short fat and look like a potato. I can declare I am 6ft 2 and rakishly handsome, a sure fire hit with the ladies. DOESN'T MEAN I AM.

"You are suggesting filming movies with only white characters" - I have not said this AT ALL. PLEASE SHOW ME WHERE. I am suggesting filming BOND movies with white male characters on account of Bond BEING A WHITE MALE for 60 years since Fleming created him. Halle Berry as Jynx was a great character and there was briefly talk of her having her own spin off and I would have welcomed that - she's a beautrifly talented actress with enough sense not to take herself too seriously . If you want characters of any colour or creed MAKE THEM is all I am saying

You keep going back to Jesus in your other comments - the images we have of him are based on statues of Zeus when Constantine usurped the Roman deities so i got no idea what you are on about there unless you have actually met him, (or HER?) [DUN-DUN-DUUUUHHHHH!!!!]

You can now follow your pattern of posting, by ignoring any salient points people have made and just cherry picking quotes out of context can I suggest using my potato reference and instead turning me into Brad Pitt. Please.
You are lying. I have not avoided or dodged any comments in this topic. I am not required to agree with you. I am my own man. Almost everyone has avoided my questions to them.

If you want only white people playing classic characters, then you want white only films. There aren't any non-white characters from the original source material. Thus, you are suggesting white only films. You know exactly what you are saying.

Let's make a new Dracula, but wait Tallyho only wants white people playing traditional roles. That means no non-whites are allowed on set. This is a casting call for white people only!

Let's make a new Superman, but wait Tallyho only wants white people on set for this one as well! Remember there were only white people in the original comics, and this includes citizens. If there are any blacks on set, then call the Trump police's top cop Tallyho.

You know what I am talking about when I am referring to Jesus. It is common knowledge that at least everyone agrees he is Jewish, and he is falsely portrayed as a white man. I have been very reason when I asked why that is okay for white men to play Jesus who is black Middle Eastern Jewish. You are aware of what I am referring to and just like most racist you are ignoring the facts.

I'm done with this community. As I will not be a part of or support a racist forum.
Which character: Jesus is in dispute. Iago is the only one I can think of white playing a non white character, unless you want to get into chuck connors playing Geronimo.

No one is saying making Shaka Zulu , SunTzu white
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Did GPC just his ball and go home???? Too funny!
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So now Ia m a racist AND a liar. I should run for office then I guess. Maybe that means I DONT look like a spud after all and really DO resemble Brad Pitt :giggle:

When have I said anything about whites only on set? I don't care that Moneypenny isnt white because Ia m not seeing a 'Moneypenny' film. I GOT NO ISSUE WITH ANY RACE OF ACTOR PLAYING CLASSICAL ROLES BUT BOND IS DIFFERENT AS ITS THE FIRST MULTIFILM FRANCHISE that has run and established itself over 50 years - TO CHANGE IT FUNDAMENTALLY IS POINTLESS - just do a new one. I have no issue with a non white Dracula but its gonna be hard to make them look pale, as he's only really really white because he is dead.

Many fine non white actors have played Hamlet (Don't know if Elba did it when he was younger but I think he would have been awesome) but Superman, well its harder to envisage because you have 4 or 5 films and 70 years of comic strips saying he is a white character.

Look, you don't need to leave, just take a breath, re-read some of the posts that you seem to have skip-read. There's nothing racist there.

If you do want to leave the forum then fair thee well but don't decry this as some sort of bigotted racist attack driving you away, I don't hate anybody. Well except Rene Zellwigger. Oh and Cillian Murphy. He's a sort of male version of her as far as my hatred goes
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This is gettin' out of hand.

Until we get an actual trailer or something, y'know, tangible, I'm locking this.
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Well the launch has been pushed back 7 months due supposidly to the CoronaVirus

https://www.bostonherald.com/2020/03/04 ... -to-virus/
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You don't want to waste the first few weeks convincing viewers that they won't get sick watching your film. With the budget they can't afford to wait for DVD sales.
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I don't get why there's so much hysteria about Jesus getting race-swapped. Surely the most contentious thing is that they're misrepresenting a carpenter and health expert as some kind of magical entity.

If you happen to read this Jesus, I am making a joke. Keep up the good work etc.
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The Coronavirus is going to lay waste to movies all this year. We saw a taster of that with Birds of Prey in China, and now it's going to be on the rise all over the place. Might be next year too, depending on when a vaccine gets sorted.
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I can't wait for the Coronavirus movie!
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Visitor wrote:
4 years ago
You don't want to waste the first few weeks convincing viewers that they won't get sick watching your film. With the budget they can't afford to wait for DVD sales.
So wait two months

I know a lot of events are being postponed

The largest corporation in my industry cancelled all vendor meetings in all it's offices worldwide for March
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007 is a brand. You can’t use it for anything without it being linked to a archetype character and story. James Bond is a character within the brand. The Broccoli estate is trying to squeeze a little more from the tube. After some of the terrible 1980’s versions (remember A View to aKill?). The tread really has come off the wheel. A little experimentation isn’t going to kill this horse.

Personally, if it has good action, good looking girls, interesting villains, go for it. Oh, and Lesbian henchwomen, I wouldn’t mind more evil lesbians.... and more Bond girls in peril. Make that hot lesbian Bond girls in sexy lesbian perils in the clutches of lesbian villains.

I think a trip in the way back machine to the 1960s spy genre would be fun. Girls, guns, scuba in the Bahamas and diamonds being stolen to create giant lasers. Austin Powers with less Austin Powers and more shagwell would be great.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Which character: Jesus is in dispute. Iago is the only one I can think of white playing a non white character, unless you want to get into chuck connors playing Geronimo.

No one is saying making Shaka Zulu , SunTzu white
Well Jonny Depp played Tonto and Scarlett Johanson played Ghost in the Shell, both of which got lambasted for having white actors play non-white roles. I think GPC was just hijacking a racial issue to pick a fight. Again this seems very prevalent now a days. There are people who like to stuff a cat into a bag of dogs then hope a fight breaks out.
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Mr. X wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Which character: Jesus is in dispute. Iago is the only one I can think of white playing a non white character, unless you want to get into chuck connors playing Geronimo.

No one is saying making Shaka Zulu , SunTzu white
Well Jonny Depp played Tonto and Scarlett Johanson played Ghost in the Shell, both of which got lambasted for having white actors play non-white roles. I think GPC was just hijacking a racial issue to pick a fight. Again this seems very prevalent now a days. There are people who like to stuff a cat into a bag of dogs then hope a fight breaks out.
Emma Stone as Alison Ng (Half Asian) in Aloha, Analeigh Tipton as Nora (Supposed to be a half black character) in Warm bodies, Benedict Cumberbatch play Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek, and who can forget Mickey Rooney plays Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany, Justin Chatwin plays Goku in Dragonball Evolution and the entire cast of The Last Airbender?

There are a lot whitewashing in Hollywood and I am not counting race swap character between Book and Television (like Kevin Spacey character in Pay it Forward, who was supposed to be a black man) or roles with Hispanic background, or roles that intentionally does so to proof a point (A la Robert Downey jr on Tropic Thunder)

While I don't think white washing is a good practice on movie, but at the same time it have to be balance with people you can literally found to be suited for the role, production and targeted audience.
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Time to focus this thread onto the movie.....with the NEW trailer:


You can count on Mr. Bond....the movies (nearly) always deliver BIG time!
Damn, I hope the cinemas are still open here on November 12! :hmmm:
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
Time to focus this thread onto the movie.....with the NEW trailer:


You can count on Mr. Bond....the movies (nearly) always deliver BIG time!
Damn, I hope the cinemas are still open here on November 12! :hmmm:
Well, regards the cinema being open I think we should all take note of the title and take it to heart.
I love Bond films, but what they make with Craig aren't Bond films. (and nothing against Craig he's a good actor)
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I love Bond films, but what they make with Craig aren't Bond films. (and nothing against Craig he's a good actor)
Justify this blasphemous heresy!!!! :crazy: ;)
Well, ok, no one will ever reach the Sean Connery level of GREATNESS with Goldfinger and Thunderball.....BUT I do like the Craig movies.
Only "Quantum of solace" was rather ....not the usual Bond level.
But the other ones were very good in my eyes, especially Casino Royale.
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Bond films have changed with the times. The villains and threats aren't the same as back in the 1950s and 1960s when the original novels were written. After all in a world with modern computers stealing a coding machine as in "From Russia with Love" isn't as significant a plot point. Although I thought that in "Skyfall" it was extremely stupid to open and look at computer information on the main system instead of an isolated one.

The premise of "Quantum of Solace" about world governments being manipulated to help a criminal group by playing off their interests isn't far fetched with how the US is supporting governments for oil. The action shows how Bond works best as the lone agent without the fancy support and gadgets of the Roger Moore era.
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I love Bond films, but what they make with Craig aren't Bond films. (and nothing against Craig he's a good actor)
Justify this blasphemous heresy!!!! :crazy: ;)
Well, ok, no one will ever reach the Sean Connery level of GREATNESS with Goldfinger and Thunderball.....BUT I do like the Craig movies.
Only "Quantum of solace" was rather ....not the usual Bond level.
But the other ones were very good in my eyes, especially Casino Royale.
Casino Royale? Where at the start the bad guy climbs a partially built Skyscraper going nowhere... And Bond goes after him rather than ooo I dunmo waiting until he comes back down.
The Aston Martin DIDN'T HAVE A BLOODY AIRBAG ffs but had... wait for it... A DEFIBRILLATOR in the glove box. A DEFIBRILLATOR!!!!?????. ' I mean WTF? What's next -' Where are the machine guns Q?' 'Oh we took them out to make way for the Kidney dialysis unit in the back'

Quantum was just appalling.. Can't even tell you the villains name but a life or death fight at the end with a short French Businessman isn't really up there with assaults on volcanoes or space stations.

Skyfall you could see when the money ran out and going to Scotland to protect M made no sense when he had the entire resources of MI5 and MI6 and SIS to call on to help protect her. And the assassins just walk up the driveway in a big bunch - one AK47 andd he could have got them all. . M didn't even need to be there they just needed the bad guy to THINK she was.

Spectre was a yawn fest cant even tell you the ending its that forgettable, something to do with a part built new HQ or something, total waste of Christoph Waltz.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
"Where are the machine guns Q?"
Watching the new "No Time to Die" trailer, you see them pop out where the headlights were. :)

I'm trying to remember the story I read recently about a crew member "borrowing" a Bond car to take for a spin. Stopping at a gas station back when they were all full service, the attendant was checking under the hood when he found the machine gun. He treated that as a normal car option.
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Visitor wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
"Where are the machine guns Q?"
Watching the new "No Time to Die" trailer, you see them pop out where the headlights were.
So how does he fire them in the dark? :giggle:
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Casino Royale? Where at the start the bad guy climbs a partially built Skyscraper going nowhere... And Bond goes after him rather than ooo I dunmo waiting until he comes back down.
The Aston Martin DIDN'T HAVE A BLOODY AIRBAG ffs but had... wait for it... A DEFIBRILLATOR in the glove box. A DEFIBRILLATOR!!!!?????. ' I mean WTF? What's next -' Where are the machine guns Q?' 'Oh we took them out to make way for the Kidney dialysis unit in the back'

Quantum was just appalling.. Can't even tell you the villains name but a life or death fight at the end with a short French Businessman isn't really up there with assaults on volcanoes or space stations.

Skyfall you could see when the money ran out and going to Scotland to protect M made no sense when he had the entire resources of MI5 and MI6 and SIS to call on to help protect her. And the assassins just walk up the driveway in a big bunch - one AK47 andd he could have got them all. . M didn't even need to be there they just needed the bad guy to THINK she was.

Spectre was a yawn fest cant even tell you the ending its that forgettable, something to do with a part built new HQ or something, total waste of Christoph Waltz.
Agree on Quantum :giggle: ....but the rest is....mostly......nitpicking on details for me. ;)
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Let's be fair that 45 min poker game went on an on and on and would've just been a 10 min scene in other films. They give the villain a trait like crying blood under pressure and then never use it, and all the top poker players in the world don't notice the 'tell' of rubbing his temple?
It was pointless.
You can judge a good Bond film by the action sequences you remember - the volcano, the assault on Fort knox, the good divers v bad divers in Thunderball, the attack on Draxs space station, etc all preposterous but at least MEMORABLE. I can't recall anything in Quantum or Spectre (don't get me wrong Spectre is waaaay better than Quantum)
Hey you asked me to justify my statements and to my mind I have. If you enjoyed them well good on you I am glad.
This trailer looks good but that is what trailers are for.
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Oh and I didn't put any details in my lack of love for Spectre as I couldn't remember any so you can't say that one is nitpicking :giggle:
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I think you're right. If there's not one memorably good sequence it's a bad Bond movie. The bar is pretty low for Bond movies in general (like most franchise type movies the quality struggles to get above average) but the recent ones have really been like a poor man's Mission Impossible. Which is faintly embarrassing.
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Dogfish wrote:
3 years ago
I think you're right. If there's not one memorably good sequence it's a bad Bond movie. The bar is pretty low for Bond movies in general (like most franchise type movies the quality struggles to get above average) but the recent ones have really been like a poor man's Mission Impossible. Which is faintly embarrassing.
I just don't see Craig as Bond, no reflection on Craig as an actor but I don't see him as Bond. His character is too naive.

It's not only him, the Bond Women aren't great, the music isn't as good and the new Q is someone you want to stuff in a gym locker

I think the last good film was Tomorow Never dies

I don't love Craig as Bond, but he was better than Bronhom. As for the new Q, isn't the point of him that he's a big nerd? Plus he's played by Ben Whishaw, who is probably one of the most talented English actors working today.

I don't like most of the Craig Bond films, to be fair - but Casino Royale is my favourite Bond of all, maybe with the exception of Goldeneye. It was goofy, but took itself really seriously, which made it even funnier.
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Yeah I don't see Craig as Bond. Craig is this massive charmless slab of meat, like Arnie without the screen presence.

It doesn't help that it's been very easy in the age of modern effects to turn them from ingenious movies into straight up action flicks that aren't particularly great. For example the Mission Impossible movies they'll have a plan and a heist type thing, and a bunch of clever things will be done, and maybe they'll go a bit wrong and they'll improvise and so on. Bond just goes to a place, shoots everybody, and if he can't shoot everybody because whatever, then he's got a gadget, or it turns out he's also good at sword fighting or juggling chainsaws or whatever, and he wins because of that.

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While I don't find the Craig movies as memorable as the Connery and Moore movies, it has far less reliance on gadgets than the earlier movies. For instance in "Tomorrow Never Dies" has the smart phone app to drive the car, "License to Kill" has Q showing up with a suitcase full of tricks, or going back to "The Man with the Golden Gun" where you have the assembled gun, car plane, of Bond's plane.

Craig's Bond goes back to more realistic physical fighting and stunts although some of those motorcycle jumps are out there.
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Dogfish wrote:
3 years ago
I think you're right. If there's not one memorably good sequence it's a bad Bond movie. The bar is pretty low for Bond movies in general (like most franchise type movies the quality struggles to get above average) but the recent ones have really been like a poor man's Mission Impossible. Which is faintly embarrassing.
Please don't confuse the MI movies with the real thing, wth Peter Graves, Martin Landau etc.

Mission Impossible did not rely on action sequences or explosions
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No it didn't rely on that, and the movies still have elements of the original show in them (As well as all the other stuff). That's why they are still fairly good.
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Visitor wrote:
3 years ago
Bond films have changed with the times. The villains and threats aren't the same as back in the 1950s and 1960s when the original novels were written. After all in a world with modern computers stealing a coding machine as in "From Russia with Love" isn't as significant a plot point. Although I thought that in "Skyfall" it was extremely stupid to open and look at computer information on the main system instead of an isolated one.

The premise of "Quantum of Solace" about world governments being manipulated to help a criminal group by playing off their interests isn't far fetched with how the US is supporting governments for oil. The action shows how Bond works best as the lone agent without the fancy support and gadgets of the Roger Moore era.
To sort of build on your point, can't you also make the argument that particularly into the 70's when Roger Moore and Sean Connery's James Bond films were prominent and box office successes, that there simply were not many films that could compete with the Bond franchise in terms of popularity, film budgets, and particular style of film, that the Bond films were singularly unique in style and form, whereas when we started to hit the 1980's and into the 90's and into today we have numerous big budget action spy thrillers, and that the Bond films now have to fight for attention and eyeballs among a more crowded field of competing action, suspense, and spy films.
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It might be good to remember what Bond films are suppose to be escapist fare. Like Fast and Furious, they were not intended to have deep plots.

If you compare the Bourne movies, there was more of a plot with Bourne and a political plot

It may no fit today's culture or arbiters

But James Bond is suppose to be a womanizer,who drinks martinis, makes horriblejokes and deals with megalomaniacs, hopefully with an interesting, intelligent but hot woman as his costar.

I think the Bond - and this is certainly not a view unique to me by the way - who captured the spirit of Ian Fleming's novels to the greatest extent was probably Timothy Dalton. That is, someone very much on the border of sociopathy, which makes a lot of sense for someone who, half the time, is effectively an assassin. I feel like one should always be a little uncomfortable around Bond.
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Billie Eilish and her title song/video to the movie:

(works best when focused on the video and with headphones)

Not so much a song for the radio aka doing other stuff while it plays.
Yeah, I like it, there had been better ones, but a lot worse ones.
I din't like her ususal music much, but she can definetely sing. :yes:
Looking forward to the the actual title sequence with this music in the movie theater.....whenever that will be.
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago

I din't like her ususal music much, but she can definetely sing. :yes:
You are joking right? She literally just speaks the lyrics all the way through it and sings ONE WORD 'die' at 3:26.

If you think that's singing I'm speachless. You should hear me in the bath, I hit about 1 note in 20 aswell
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^ Interesting definition of "speaks" ;) . If someone would speak like that all the time he/she would be locked up somewhere. :laugh:
Well, if you can sing as good as Billie in this video you should take a bath in money every day and have a squadron of gorgeous chicks dressed like superheroines at your command by now. :hmmm:
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
Billie Eilish and her title song/video to the movie:

(works best when focused on the video and with headphones)

Not so much a song for the radio aka doing other stuff while it plays.
Yeah, I like it, there had been better ones, but a lot worse ones.
I din't like her ususal music much, but she can definetely sing. :yes:
Looking forward to the the actual title sequence with this music in the movie theater.....whenever that will be.
Not really a Bond song, but for me the video shows how naive they have made Bond, second time he has been played by a woman he loves
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Oh, and by the way:
The movie was pushed back to April 2021...so, no release next month. :hmm:
Hopefully that might be the last time it gets delayed....I don't believe it....but hope dies last.
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
^ Interesting definition of "speaks" ;) . If someone would speak like that all the time he/she would be locked up somewhere. :laugh:
Well, if you can sing as good as Billie in this video you should take a bath in money every day and have a squadron of gorgeous chicks dressed like superheroines at your command by now. :hmmm:
I am Welsh mate we come from 'the Land of Song'

BUT don't sweat it you are entitled to be completely wrong. :giggle: :laugh: ;)
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Watch Rex Harrison in "My Fair Lady." He had to do a musical with what he told the director no singing ability, so he was told to just speak the lyrics to the music.


I don't get what's with these low energy Bond themes. Like the one for Skyfall it's just so... I don't know, I guess it's to make us think it's mature and serious, but for my money there's never been a better Bond theme than "You Know My Name." A Bond theme should get you HYPE. Surely!
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Live and Let Die surely?

You know My Name, wtf? can't even recall a line from it
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago

I don't get what's with these low energy Bond themes. Like the one for Skyfall it's just so... I don't know, I guess it's to make us think it's mature and serious, but for my money there's never been a better Bond theme than "You Know My Name." A Bond theme should get you HYPE. Surely!
Not only a good song, but a very good opening credits sequence in general. Stylish, classy, and fit the movie quite well.

The Billie Eilish song is a bit too understated and whispery for my tastes.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago

I don't get what's with these low energy Bond themes. Like the one for Skyfall it's just so... I don't know, I guess it's to make us think it's mature and serious, but for my money there's never been a better Bond theme than "You Know My Name." A Bond theme should get you HYPE. Surely!
The best Bonds music was in the Moore era with the exception of The Man with the Golden Gun
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I would still put Golden Gun above All Time High
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Live and Let Die surely?

You know My Name, wtf? can't even recall a line from it
I don't know man, that sounds an awful lot like a you problem. Maybe you should arm yourself, because no-one else here will save you.
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Don't need to arm myself, right is on my side😂
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Look, all I'm saying is, you can't deny the pride. It may never fulfil you. They long to kill you.

Are you willing to die?
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I spent last Saturday night wiping faeces off my mother's cyst so honestly, yes, yes I am.
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