Iran Missiles

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What do you think> I believe it was the minimalist thing they could do.

Iran attacking Iraqi Military bases where US personnel are it is an action that looks lmpressive. Like the 4th of Juy. But it is the New Year, and a different fire work went off first was unexpected by them.

Their response was impressive and minimal.

I was worried that they have opperatives inside the Iraqi basess, They would kill Iraqis, and they would blame us
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ksire_99 wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think> I believe it was the minimalist thing they could do.

Iran attacking Iraqi Military bases where US personnel are it is an action that looks lmpressive. Like the 4th of Juy. But it is the New Year, and a different fire work went off first was unexpected by them.

Their response was impressive and minimal.

I was worried that they have opperatives inside the Iraqi basess, They would kill Iraqis, and they would blame us
I believe it was the act of a terrorist entity and there were Iraqies there as well as Americans

The world should be siding with the U.S Trump killed a terrorist. There was no such outrage when Obama killed Al alwaki
the world should stop appeasing Iran, they are a threat to humanity
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ksire_99 wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think> I believe it was the minimalist thing they could do.

Iran attacking Iraqi Military bases where US personnel are it is an action that looks lmpressive. Like the 4th of Juy. But it is the New Year, and a different fire work went off first was unexpected by them.

Their response was impressive and minimal.

I was worried that they have opperatives inside the Iraqi basess, They would kill Iraqis, and they would blame us
I believe it was the act of a terrorist entity and there were Iraqies there as well as Americans

The world should be siding with the U.S Trump killed a terrorist. There was no such outrage when Obama killed Al alwaki
the world should stop appeasing Iran, they are a threat to humanity
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
ksire_99 wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think> I believe it was the minimalist thing they could do.

Iran attacking Iraqi Military bases where US personnel are it is an action that looks lmpressive. Like the 4th of Juy. But it is the New Year, and a different fire work went off first was unexpected by them.

Their response was impressive and minimal.

I was worried that they have opperatives inside the Iraqi basess, They would kill Iraqis, and they would blame us
I believe it was the act of a terrorist entity and there were Iraqies there as well as Americans

The world should be siding with the U.S Trump killed a terrorist. There was no such outrage when Obama killed Al alwaki
the world should stop appeasing Iran, they are a threat to humanity

Agree. I just am a little less optimistic for us today than I was two days ago. I have heard more outrage from US politicians than from Russian, Chinese or Syrian (BTW Bastard um I mean Bashar is very quiet. Any guesses why?) Hell even the Saudi's are very very quiet! Weren't the very vocal for us to strike them when there refinery was hit? WTF!!!

The old and I mean very old policy of striking the bastards in the field ONLY is over. We will still do it, but the ones who teach the children to grow up to be those bastards and be suicide bombers (think about the mind fever they have).

I say because of what happened a few days ago the world is a little safer. It is because for those bastards will no longer go to bed and feel safe.

Now the world will be a WHOLE LOT SAFER if the appeasement bastards would put us before politics.
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Not an American, and a little controversial considering the current responses but I feel the whole assassination was a mistake. Iran was already becoming less extremist, warming up to the US under the deal to cut back their nuclear program in exchange for the reduction of sanctions, until Trump withdrew from it and the US assassinated Soleimani.

They basically gave the extremist anti-US politicians in Iran a martyr to point at, proving their point not to trust the US. Whatever this is, I hope cooler heads prevail and a calmer response is given. My thoughts go out to those men and women in the bases struck by the missiles.
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We shall see if the attack on those two air bases is the only response from Iran. I very much doubt that it is and will be waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak, for a couple of months. What's more, after Trump's comments from the White House this morning about imposing yet more sanctions on the Iranian economy without giving them a clear path as to what we want from them (besides not ever having nukes) I am sure there will be reprisals against U.S. "soft" targets in the future. That said, no one should mourn the death of Sulaimani outside of Iran.
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the Iran nuclear deal would have brought Iran in from the cold, given strength to the moderates and reduced the strangle hold organisations like the republican guard have had on the country.

None of the traditional US allies were told about this in advance and given time to prepare or form a line and most see it as Trump making a clumsy re election play.

let's be in no doubt, Iran is a horrible regime but we're very happy to be best buds with the equally if not worse saudis and the last time we got into a middle eastern dick swinging contest we ended up handing Iran 50% more territory in the form of Shia Iraq.

Trump has somehow managed to make a mess that nobody thought could be worse, worse and no American allies (not even that fat sack of cum in downing street) are going to tie themselves to this US administration in an election year.
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Now, now, cum has never lied to the queen. You are beIng unfair to jizzum with that analogy - it has a use and is honest unlike the appalling piece of human detritus who doesnt know the names of the kids he has fathered illegitimately.

You can't assassinate members of foreign governments like that in the territory of an ally and not expect a shitstorm. He was amember of the Iranian govt ffs, its like bumping off US Secretary or a UK Minister.

Possibly the single most retarded act that the states could have come up with, and now threatening Iraq a supposed ally, with sanctions over them voting for foreign forces to leave. None of this mess would have happened if he had read the Ladybird Book of Middle East Foreign Policy.
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Now, now, cum has never lied to the queen. You are beIng unfair to jizzum with that analogy - it has a use and is honest unlike the appalling piece of human detritus who doesnt know the names of the kids he has fathered illegitimately.

You can't assassinate members of foreign governments like that in the territory of an ally and not expect a shitstorm. He was amember of the Iranian govt ffs, its like bumping off US Secretary or a UK Minister.

Possibly the single most retarded act that the states could have come up with, and now threatening Iraq a supposed ally, with sanctions over them voting for foreign forces to leave. None of this mess would have happened if he had read the Ladybird Book of Middle East Foreign Policy.
"Cum has never lied to the queen" I LOVE it!! lol
Cum does lie a lot though, it offers itself looking like pudding, yogurt or custard then when it hits your taste buds your mouth goes numb and you gag.. unless wearing the new and improved Dong Bong!! guaranteed to thrill and fill her throat every time, the design allowing an extra long flesh torpedo to be strategically strapped in her mouth, bypassing the sense of taste completely, unless you use the scud stud rocket, its shorter and dumps the payload just on the tip of the tongue!! buy it...try it...she'll get a blast!!
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Artee wrote:
4 years ago
Not an American, and a little controversial considering the current responses but I feel the whole assassination was a mistake. Iran was already becoming less extremist, warming up to the US under the deal to cut back their nuclear program in exchange for the reduction of sanctions, until Trump withdrew from it and the US assassinated Soleimani.

They basically gave the extremist anti-US politicians in Iran a martyr to point at, proving their point not to trust the US. Whatever this is, I hope cooler heads prevail and a calmer response is given. My thoughts go out to those men and women in the bases struck by the missiles.
As far as being less extremist, tell that to the Israelies Saudis, Kurds and Yemeni
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Great. More War.

Gonna get a drink.

Well, when you elect an egomaniacal fool to be your leader, bad things are inevitable. Trump couldn't pick Iran out on a world map. He knows nothing of the complex politics of the region, Iran's history or its leaders. He won't read even single page summaries of complex situations unless the writers pepper the page with his name. There is no grand strategy at work here. Trump only cares about being the top story every single day in the news. If anyone thinks Donald Trump considered the second or third order consequences of murdering that Iranian General, they are crazier than he is.

When his presidency finally causes the world to go berserk, Trump will shrug and blame others, as he has done for decades.
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I think the problem was until a few weeks ago, that under both Republican and Democratic administrations that Iran has had license to cause mischief in the region with little or no accountability for their actions. Since 1979, we have had our embassy invaded, our people held hostage (you want to ask about interference in elections, ask former President Carter) and countless numbers of Americans have lost their lives to Iranian funded terrorist attacks, not to mention their interference and violence against our military in our military operations in Iraq and to top it off they are responsible for an attack on our Iraqi embassy a week ago. All of this, and Presidents from Reagan to Obama failed to hold them accountable for their malfeasance. Sanctions have obviously hurt them but not enough for them to commit these provocations. At some point enough is enough. Reagan made a big mistake back in the eighties when our Marine barracks was bombed in Lebanon (not Iran I don't think) and he just up and left and did nothing about it. I think that sort of inaction is what makes us vulnerable to more 9/11 attacks, that instead of confronting these situations head on, that some perceived that if they bloody our nose, we will crawl back down the rabbit hole and hide like cowards. Just as when you were a kid, you did not want to get in fights all the time with other kids, but at the same time you had to establish that you will not be simply a pushover for a-holes, I think that at times America has to remind some of these ass backward regimes that when you mess with our country, especially our consulates and embassies, that is a line you cannot cross without dire consequences. If we had not acted after the most recent attack on our outpost, we would have emboldened the next crackpot regime to do far worse to our embassies and people and paid a far worse price for their attacks. I certainly understand some people not trusting Trump to do the right thing here but some things transcend politics and personal feelings.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
I think that at times America has to remind some of these ass backward regimes that when you mess with our country, especially our consulates and embassies, that is a line you cannot cross without dire consequences. If we had not acted after the most recent attack on our outpost, we would have emboldened the next crackpot regime to do far worse to our embassies and people and paid a far worse price for their attacks. I certainly understand some people not trusting Trump to do the right thing here but some things transcend politics and personal feelings.
Iran is not an "ass backward regime" that America can just do another invasion, they're literally one of the three nations considered the greatest threat to America. Their army will crumble in a direct confrontation, yes, but they're prepared for guerilla warfare. It'll be fighting a nonconventional war against an opponent who has spent years preparing for that exact form of warfare, and can only end in a humiliating withdrawal.

It's a huge pity the nuclear deal that was painstakingly forged by the previous administration was just torn up like that.
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Sure, of course. The country that has violated the Vienna Convention twice now, as it regards the protection of diplomats and embassies overseas, sure that country surely would have observed the nuclear deal. Yeah right. That deal just gave that ass backward regime that can't shoot rockets straight even more money to contribute to terrorist causes that kill and maim American soldiers and innocent American lives. There will be no ground war because the American people do not have the appetite for such a war and Trump knows it.

BWB, your opinions on Iran are not well informed. Iran, and Persia before it, has been a cultural and scientific powerhouse since long before the United States existed. Iranians are very highly educated, sophisticated people. They have the misfortune of living under an oppressive religious regime, but even there, America is largely to blame. In the 1950's, the U.S. overthrew the legitimate government and installed an American-friendly leader. 20 years later, the hostility towards that act grew into the Islamic Revolution that turned Iran into a theocracy. America's hands are far from clean when it comes to Iran.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
BWB, your opinions on Iran are not well informed. Iran, and Persia before it, has been a cultural and scientific powerhouse since long before the United States existed. Iranians are very highly educated, sophisticated people. They have the misfortune of living under an oppressive religious regime, but even there, America is largely to blame. In the 1950's, the U.S. overthrew the legitimate government and installed an American-friendly leader. 20 years later, the hostility towards that act grew into the Islamic Revolution that turned Iran into a theocracy. America's hands are far from clean when it comes to Iran.
If you want to make the case that the U.S actions in the 1950's led to the Islamic revolution and to this theocracy, fine, point made. Also let us state for the record that while there was already hostility against the U.S to begin with, the fact that President Carter allowed the overthrown leader Shah Pahlavi to come to the U.S for cancer treatment instead of facing the music in his own country was a more recent Iranian lament that led to the hostage crisis. (President Carter got a raw deal on that one) Your "history lesson" may explain the origin of Iran's hostility towards the U.S, but (and I'm sure you will agree with me) it does not justify the violence perpetrated at the United States, the state sponsored terrorist acts that targeted our military and citizens which have killed and maimed countless lives, not to mention the embassy attacks which have violated the Vienna Convention. I call the country ass backwards because the highly educated sophisticated people you describe have very little if any power in that country, that the Mullahs call the shots while the smart intelligent sophisticated ones are riding the bus instead of driving it. Let us hope someday that will change. I desperately would like to avoid a ground war but at the same time turning the other cheek and to do nothing while we are continually provoked by these Iranian led and sponsored attacks might encourage further and more deadly terrorist attacks, and yes I know that an argument can be made on the other side of that too, that violence begets more violence. I just think that to sit back and do nothing sends a terrible message to the world that you can strike at America with no expectation of retaliation and I think that endangers us even more. Let us hope that the pathetic tin pot missile attack by Iran is the end of this chapter.

Geopolitics is a complex web of actors, shifting alliances and strategic chess. Iran understandably wants to protect its own interests in the volatile middle east, while dealing with constant economic sanctions from America and a nuclear weapons holding Israel. The nuclear deal that Obama and other world leaders negotiated with Iran was working extremely well. Your questioning of whether Iran was abiding by the deal ignores the fact that access and monitoring was a pivotal aspect of the deal and was being respected. The lessening of punishing sanctions had a positive effect on ordinary Iranians' lives, and moderation was building in the country. Trump destroyed all of that by pulling out of the deal with absolutely no justification. Iran continued to abide by the deal even after the U.S. pulled out, so Trump pressured other countries to not deal with Iran. And Now Trump has murdered an extremely important government official. Why? Because it plays well to his base. He's a bully in a china shop with no clue about the ramifications of his actions. This is far from over.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Geopolitics is a complex web of actors, shifting alliances and strategic chess. Iran understandably wants to protect its own interests in the volatile middle east, while dealing with constant economic sanctions from America and a nuclear weapons holding Israel. The nuclear deal that Obama and other world leaders negotiated with Iran was working extremely well. Your questioning of whether Iran was abiding by the deal ignores the fact that access and monitoring was a pivotal aspect of the deal and was being respected. The lessening of punishing sanctions had a positive effect on ordinary Iranians' lives, and moderation was building in the country. Trump destroyed all of that by pulling out of the deal with absolutely no justification. Iran continued to abide by the deal even after the U.S. pulled out, so Trump pressured other countries to not deal with Iran. And Now Trump has murdered an extremely important government official. Why? Because it plays well to his base. He's a bully in a china shop with no clue about the ramifications of his actions. This is far from over.
Like Ben Rhodes you think the nuclear deal excuses the terrorist activities, this was a more immediate threat

You talk about other world leaders, Israel was not there nor were the Saudies.

It's the middle east. Who isn't involved in terrorist activities. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi. Assad gassed his own people. So did Hussein, who was a partner with the U.S. Until he wasn't. Turkey played Trump like a kazoo so they could terrorize America's Kurdish partners. Saudi Arabia played Trump like gong to get away with murdering and dismembering a journalist.

Civilization was born there. Societies have had millennia to develop and nurse hatred of each other. That's my point. Trump is blundering around in total ignorance of the history and grievances of the region. The place is a powder keg and he's tossing in lit firecrackers.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Geopolitics is a complex web of actors, shifting alliances and strategic chess. Iran understandably wants to protect its own interests in the volatile middle east, while dealing with constant economic sanctions from America and a nuclear weapons holding Israel. The nuclear deal that Obama and other world leaders negotiated with Iran was working extremely well. Your questioning of whether Iran was abiding by the deal ignores the fact that access and monitoring was a pivotal aspect of the deal and was being respected. The lessening of punishing sanctions had a positive effect on ordinary Iranians' lives, and moderation was building in the country. Trump destroyed all of that by pulling out of the deal with absolutely no justification. Iran continued to abide by the deal even after the U.S. pulled out, so Trump pressured other countries to not deal with Iran. And Now Trump has murdered an extremely important government official. Why? Because it plays well to his base. He's a bully in a china shop with no clue about the ramifications of his actions. This is far from over.
I guess the key difference between you and I is that I simply do not trust this Iranian regime to follow through on this nuclear deal, that this was all a ruse to get their grubby paws on as much of that held up billions as possible as well as reduce the sanctions in place. If they were really intent on achieving a détente with the west then during this period when in the middle of negotiations they would have ceased funding state sponsored terrorism as a show of good faith. They failed to do so. There is no mistaking what this Iranian regime is about: bringing the American superpower to it's knees, wiping out Israel, imposing their dominance in the region, and any country that interferes with that ideology is an enemy of the Iranian regime. And no, if any of the loot that Iran got during these nuclear weapon negotiations went to fund operations that killed American soldiers or innocent Americans I would not say that Obama's plan was working "extremely well".

1. The nuclear deal was guaranteed by inspectors. Iran was abiding.
2. Iran has no interest in bringing down America. Their goals are local to the middle east.
3. Relations were improving under the deal, and moderates in Iran were gaining traction. Now the people are angered by Trump's assault on their country and that benefits the hardliners.
4. Thanks to Trump reneging on the deal, Iran is enriching uranium again. That brings Israel into play, further destabilizing the region.
5. You keep coming back to Iran funding terrorism, but so does Saudi Arabia and Trump is best buddies with them.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
It's the middle east. Who isn't involved in terrorist activities. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi. Assad gassed his own people. So did Hussein, who was a partner with the U.S. Until he wasn't. Turkey played Trump like a kazoo so they could terrorize America's Kurdish partners. Saudi Arabia played Trump like gong to get away with murdering and dismembering a journalist.

Civilization was born there. Societies have had millennia to develop and nurse hatred of each other. That's my point. Trump is blundering around in total ignorance of the history and grievances of the region. The place is a powder keg and he's tossing in lit firecrackers.
Israel doesn't

And the world needs to side with them against Iran and it's terrorist surrogates

Oh please. How many Security Council resolutions has Israel defied? How many innocent Palestinians have been killed?

I'm not pro-Iranian, I'm anti-stupid. Trump is a danger to us all. The middle east is a quagmire of religious and cultural conflict and Trump is intervening blindly. That's stupid.
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Oh... its still going on...

*Grabs another whiskey*

Frankly, I'm not convinced America needs to be convincing any 'ass backwards' countries of anything until we can get our own own ass off our face. Corporate capitalism is proving to be as corrupt as any foreign (by American standards) country, and only mildly less bloodthirsty than more theological based societies... last time we tried to save the world from terrorism we just paved the way for ISIS... which is arguably a lot worse than what we had before.

I'm somewhat indifferent to the Isreal vs Iran conflict... at least in terms of taking sides or ascribing fault. It's a lot easier to denounce a country causing civilian casualties when you don't need a missile defense dome over your home for fear of being bombed to death by the assholes hiding behind schools and shit for bullet sponges... easy to keep a high horse when your horse isn't in the muck... but innocent casualties are still innocent casualties and its JUST as easy to denounce hiding behind schools for bullet sponges when you aren't fighting a technologically superior enemy. It'd be better if people could all just agree there is clearly no god and knock it the fuck off... or at the very least stop killing people in the name of some omnipotent consciousness whom no doubt could just kill the people it doesn't like on its own if it wants it so badly.
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Bert, I don't agree with everything you say here but I wanted to express my sorrow to you and to all of Canada. There were 63 Canadians on board that Ukrainian airliner that crashed outside of Tehran the other day. They were students on the way back to Toronto via Kiev. Such a pointless loss.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Oh please. How many Security Council resolutions has Israel defied? How many innocent Palestinians have been killed?

I'm not pro-Iranian, I'm anti-stupid. Trump is a danger to us all. The middle east is a quagmire of religious and cultural conflict and Trump is intervening blindly. That's stupid.
Well the U.N is anti-Semetic, of the very few innocent TransJoranians most were by their fellow Trans Jordanians

Stop blaming Trump for islamic terrorism. Bernie and his pals in the Squad could be the next administration and throw under Israel under the bus and the Islamists would still hate us

You need to learn history about Nazi Germany, Iran's leaders are very much the same.
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I am just a Jewish/Italian girl whose ex girlfriend was a lebanese escapee from the horrible unjustices done to women in the middle east, except in Israel where we are treated very very well...She had to escape to avoid being basically sold to an older man in marriage when she clearly would be a slave to her husband and religion and not free to go to school for what she wanted so she escaped and is now safe(and a really really hot lipstick lesbian...& I hear she is available since sd broke up!) but anyway...why would the liberal left in the US would support such a barbaric stone age religion that hates women, kills homesexuals and lesbians treats children terribly(witnessed it first hand) is beyond me...but anyway it is a shame the Iranians do that because Iran has some of the most beautiful women in the world, drop dead gorgeous brunettes oh and as a tid bit pale white blonde chics are considerd a delicacy
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Thank god we have such a very stable genius at the helm...

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There is hope for some sense in the world if not in the Whitehouse.

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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
There is hope for some sense in the world if not in the Whitehouse.

I heard about this, but why knock Trump on this?

He was right in killing Solemani and he has a better relationship with Israel and the Gulf States than Obama
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Did you play the Natome vid?
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