Submission of Kara Danvers

Not all stories have happy endings. Some don't have endings at all. And some don't even have beginnings anymore. Enter if you've the time - enter, pay your respects to these once-weres and might-have-beens, and move on.
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I already wrote a story about Supergirl submitting to sexual domination, so I wanted to take a different tack with this one. This story focuses more on Kara Danvers, Supergirl's everyday persona. It all grew out of asking "what if Kara Danvers got dominated? How would that affect Supergirl?" 

This story starts slowly, it's longer and more focused on character than my last story. I recommend reading from the beginning because it will make the eventual sex scenes hotter, but if you want to jump right into it I recommend starting at Chapter 3. 


Kara walked into the offices of Catco at seven fifty a.m. for the weekly staff strategy meeting. Lena’s office, once occupied by her mentor, the indomitable Cat Grant, was empty - it seemed the heiress was running late. Time to get a muffin before the meeting began. Kara had skipped breakfast, she’d slept in, but she’d rather go about her day on an empty stomach than be late. It seemed her coworkers didn’t share her commitment to perfection.
James was in the kitchen, fixing himself a coffee without cream. Kara admired his broad shoulders and thought Lena was a lucky woman, but then James turned around and smiled with a heavy measure of respect.
“Good morning Kara,” he said.
God, James was such a good boy, wasn’t he? He hadn’t even flirted with her since getting involved with the boss. He was a good friend, and maybe he was man enough for Lena, but Kara was still a little disappointed.
“Hey James.”
Kara pulled a lemon poppyseed muffin off the glass serving tray and plucked a piece free before popping it in her mouth.
“We’ve got a new staff member,” James said.
“Try to keep your cool okay?”
Kara slowed her chewing. James looked nervous. God, he was such a softie sometimes. Good thing he was pretty.
“What? Why would I need to keep my cool?”
“Well,” James said. “The new guy is - he’s a change of pace for Catco. Let’s just say that.”
Kara rolled her eyes and plopped another piece of muffin into her mouth. “Change of pace? How?”
“He’s -“ James cut off. The rest of the staff were gathering in Lena’s office. The head honcho herself was trailed by a tall man dressed in a dark black suit. “You’ll see.”
Kara left half of the muffin in the kitchen, wiped her hands on her pale blue pencil skirt, and followed James into the meeting. The Catco staff gathered in a sporadic standing position around the couches and leather armchairs. The newcomer stood at Lena’s side.
He was tall, taller than James even, and had a thin, tautly muscled frame that looked good in his dark suit. His eyes were dark brown and striking, they burned with intensity when Kara met his gaze. The new guy studied her like an interesting piece of art, lingering on her legs, her breasts, and then settling on her face. She narrowed her eyes, having caught him groping her with his eyes, but he just cracked a little smile. Kara blushed and studied a patch of carpet, breaking the eye contact.
“Welcome,” Lena said. “Apologies for being late. I was taking our newest staff member out for breakfast. We’re very lucky to have him. Everyone, meet Rick Gates, you’ve probably heard of him.”
The other staff members started murmuring to each other and James fixed Kara with a meaningful gaze. She didn’t recognize the name but everyone else seemed to. Who was this guy?
One of the junior reporters, a girl with a black ponytail, raised her hand.
“Yes,” Lena said.
“Don’t you think the reputation of Catco will take a hit if we employ someone like him?”
Lena opened her mouth to respond but Rick laughed and the boss deferred to him with a wave of her hand.
“Why don’t you take this one Rick?”
He stepped forward, eyes fixed intently on the junior reporter, and Kara’s breath caught in her chest. This was gravitas. The man had the presence of a stage actor, his charisma was palpable, and if she could describe him in one word it would be commanding.
“I’m bringing a level of objectivity to this media enterprise that has been sorely lacking. We’re in the business of news entertainment, and the word orbiting the blogosphere is that Catco is the Supergirl fan club. My work will level the playing field.”
His voice was like bass honey, it rolled and dipped at perfect inflections. What did he mean about Supergirl?
“Supergirl fan club?” Kara said. She heard her voice rising. “Supergirl needs someone to speak up for her, and the other media outlets won’t do a thing.”
“My arrival doesn’t mean we’re going to stop advocating for Supergirl,” Rick said. “It just means we’re going to publish both sides of the coin.”
Rick’s eyes lingered on Kara and she wanted to step back from him. This was so ridiculous, she was Supergirl for heaven’s sake, why was she intimidated by him?
“I tend to agree,” Lena said. “We have been one-sided in our Supergirl features. I believe Rick’s work will lend any pro-Supergirl pieces we publish the true air of objectivity. If we’re willing to criticize, the general population will see the praise we do give as more genuine.”
Kara fumed silently, glaring at Rick, and he met her gaze, apparently unfazed by her disapproval. His eyes worked up and down her body once more. What a pig. It was challenging for her to keep her mouth shut, she wanted to lambast the man in front of everyone but now was not the time.
After the morning meeting, Kara went to her desk. First, she searched for Rick Gates Supergirl articles on Google. The first article made her squeeze the desk, and she had to let up for fear of cracking the glass. The article was titled Supergirl or Supergoof? and pointed out every mistake she had ever made in National City. It presented a body count on account of her mistakes and even blamed her for deaths where she hadn’t been present. She could have done something, he argued. Supergirl should have saved them. 
“Hey,” a voice drew Kara’s eyes from her computer. Rick stood above her, a towering figure, and looked down at her with an annoying level of superiority.
“What?” Kara said. She slammed her laptop shut, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing she’d been looking him up.
“Listen, I know you’re a big Supergirl advocate, and that you must know her in some way. After all, you’ve got the inside scoop on the Girl of Steel.”
“Damn right,” Kara said. “And if you think I’m going to sit here quietly while you drag her through the mud, you’re wrong.”
Rick shrugged. “I understand. You think I’m wrong, that Supergirl can do no wrong, and that’s fair. She is Supergirl, after all. You’re allowed to have your feelings, but I’m really not a bad person. I write what I write because I expect more of her. No, I demand it, she’s super and she should act like it.”
Kara almost threw her mouse at him. She pulled it into her lap instead and then it crunched as she squeezed, falling to pieces her hand. Blushing, she hid it in one of her desk drawers.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine,” Kara snapped. “Leave me alone, got it?”
“Okay,” Rick said. He didn’t seem angry, or even upset at her venomous demeanor, which just made Kara angrier. The damned man walked to his desk, across the office, as nonchalant as can be.
“Jerk,” Kara muttered under her breath.
James gave her an encouraging smile from across the office but Kara wasn’t having it. Her day was ruined.


Kara answered the door and sighed in relief when she saw Alex.
“Thank God,” Kara said. She wrapped her arms around her sister. “Oh and you brought the ice cream, you’re a lifesaver.”
“What’s up Kara?” Alex said. “Tough day at work?”
Kara wasted no time opening the ice cream and attacking it with a spoon. They sat on the couch, Alex’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, and she finally felt safe. She used to feel safe at Catco, but now there was a bastard there. She told Alex all about the new guy, Rick Gates, and Alex listened obligingly.
“Why are you letting this get to you?” Alex asked when she finished explaining. “You don’t have to answer to him.”
“He’s just - what does he expect? How dare he blame me for all those people’s deaths.” The spoon slipped out of Kara’s hand and her lip trembled. There were so many deaths on Supergirl’s hands according to Rick Gates.
“Kara? Oh, Kara.” Kara leaned into Alex’s embrace. She wept silently, she would not sob on account of him.
“H-he said he just wanted to make Supergirl better - that he exp-pected more from h-h-her.”
“Kara,” Alex said. She broke the hug and looked into her eyes. “Maybe this is upsetting you so much because you agree with him.”
“What?” Kara said. She jumped up and the ice cream fell on the floor. She picked it up quickly and then looked at Alex. “Are you crazy? Agree with him?”
“They say we get the most upset about things we know are true,” Alex said. “Maybe what he’s saying is bothering you so much because you agree. You demand so much of yourself, maybe his criticisms echoed your own.”
Kara opened her mouth to disagree but found no words. She looked out the window at the dark tops of skyscrapers, stretching out across National City.
“Shit,” Kara said. She fell down on the couch. “Insight sucks sometimes.”
“I know sweetie,” Alex said. “Forget about it for now. But you were really upset, and that’s not like you, letting some mindless hater get to you. I just thought - but enough about that. Let’s watch something cute and eat ice cream, what do you say?”
“Better than considering Rick Gates might know what he’s talking about.”
After Alex left, Kara lay in bed trying to sleep, but her mind was so loud. Maybe he’s right. No, can’t be. He’s an asshole, he has no idea how hard it is to be Supergirl. Supergirl is super, she’s supposed to be perfect. But is she? Kara shook her head, the pillow rustling under her head. No, she couldn’t expect herself to be perfect. That was unreasonable. She was only human. I’m not human though.
Groaning, she flipped over and buried her face in the pillow, lying facedown. In her mind’s eye, she saw Rick Gates standing at her desk, intense eyes locked with hers. She saw him reach down, his large hand massaging the nape of her neck, pulling her up until their lips were inches apart.
“Gah!” Kara said. She turned around, before sitting up. Leaning forward, she cradled her face in her hands. What was happening to her? Her groin was moist, and that filled her with a sense of shame and disgust. Rick Gates turned her on? God, she wished she had had more time to figure out her sexuality before she donned the cape. Now it was impossible, and she was so inexperienced.
Leaning back, she closed her eyes again and Rick Gates appeared unbidden, a phantom of undisclosed desires, caressing her cheek. He leaned in to kiss her and she accepted, allowed him to explore her mouth with his tongue, his hand pulling down her skirt. He was completely in control. Kara’s hand worked down the waistline of her panties and she was shocked at how wet she was. She’d never been that wet before, not with Mon-El, not with James, only Rick Gates garnered that reaction from her body.
Kara closed her eyes and surrendered to the fantasy, fingering herself to an intense, leg-shaking orgasm. She felt flushed with shame but fell quickly asleep, losing herself to nightmares where Supergirl tried to save people but arrived too late.
Last edited by LovetheFallenAngels 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Hey, this is good stuff! Like the psychological pressure here. You might have tipped her a bit fast at the end of this chapter for fear of losing readers. I'm not sure she would get this hot and bothered this fast about Rick but nevertheless, it's a very intriguing concept and I look forward to where you take this.
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Outstanding start, LTFA. But now I want to read the rest of this episode!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Get Your Exxon
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I agree with Doc - end felt rushed. Hard to believe Alex would go there without also giving support (kinda cold).

But awesome story, so much potential. Totally keep going. Nice to see something original, you’ve more than peaked my interest. Thanks for shaing.
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Good so far. Looking forward to more.
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Kara ran into Rick in the breakroom. She watched from the door as he poured himself a coffee, didn’t add any cream or sugar, and took a sip. The bitter drink seemed to please him because he grunted in approval. How could he actually enjoy that? Then he turned and saw Kara studying him. She blushed and her mind scrambled for what to say, but he beat her to the punch.
“Were you watching me?” Rick said.
“Yes - Uh, I mean no,” Kara said. Her cheeks burned and she smoothed her skirt with her hands. He was smirking at her. “I was yes. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“Come to chase me out of town with a pitchfork?”
“No,” Kara said. “Listen, I wanted to say I was sorry for how rude I was yesterday. I do care about Supergirl, and I reacted emotionally, but I think you’re right. You’ll be good for Catco - a little objectivity will go a long way. So welcome aboard sailor.” Kara cringed as soon as she said the words. Welcome aboard sailor? Really?
“Thank you Kara,” Rick said. “That’s big of you.” He didn’t seem relieved or even overly pleased with her apology. It almost seemed like he expected it. Who was this man? As he walked past Kara, he paused and gestured at her outfit. She looked down. “You should wear shorter skirts, you’ve got great legs.”
Kara opened her mouth to protest but he didn’t wait for her reaction. Before she knew it, he had settled down at his desk. She was so confused as she went back to her workstation. Part of her felt pleased as punch at the compliment, and another part of her felt like she’d been sexually harassed. Her nether regions were moist again, and she found it difficult to focus on work for the rest of the day.


Supergirl’s mind kept wandering during the DEO strategy meeting. They were formulating a plan of attack to apprehend an alien entity that had appeared in the warehouse district of National City.
“Coffee,” Supergirl said instinctively. She blushed when she heard the words, unrelated to the meeting, and looked at Hank. “Sorry, I’m a little distracted.”
“Don’t be, we can’t afford you distracted,” Hank said. “We need you at one hundred percent.”
“I know,” Supergirl said.
“Alex will walk you out. We’ll be with you every step of the way. Make sure there’s no damage to the infrastructure; there’s a lot of expensive goods in the warehouses around this thing.”
“Okay,” Supergirl said.
Alex walked Supergirl to the exit of the DEO. “Are you okay Kara?” Alex asked.
“Do you think my skirt is short enough?” Kara asked.
Kara teased up the hem of her costume’s skirt to reveal more of her shapely legs.
“I think it’s fine as it is.”
Kara blushed and realized how the question sounded. “Sorry, I’m just - I’m confused.”
“Focus Kara,” Alex said. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” Her sister was concerned but she didn’t understand. Kara couldn’t stop thinking about Rick, and her legs, and wearing a very short skirt.
“I’ve got this Alex, I’m Supergirl,” Kara said. She launched into supersonic flight from the launch pad.


Supergirl spotted the alien through the clouds above the warehouse district. It was consuming a forklift like the machinery was made of wafer crackers. Swooping down with a burst of speed, she dropped her feet into the thing’s middle. The creature bellowed as the strike connected and it smashed through a warehouse wall, through the stored materials, which appeared to be steel beams, and out the other side.
“Oh no,” Supergirl said. She flew through the warehouse, the contents had been severely damaged and saw that the creature had smashed through several other warehouses. The roof of the nearest one collapsed and the contents burst into flames. Supergirl flew above the wreckage but couldn’t see the beast anywhere. Her mind started to wander. Rick on top of her, tearing her shirt off, revealing her breasts, maybe on Lena’s desk --
A roar pulled Supergirl out of her reverie and the creature leaped on her back from the top of a building, knocking her into another warehouse. It was full of steel kegs, stacked as high as a mountain, and she was careening right into one. The creature knocked her into the kegs, and a few steel containers exploded, fountaining beer into the air and sloshing, pooling across the floor. Supergirl used her laser vision to shoot at the thing’s head as it leaped through the air, but missed, and a sharp piece of steel fell from the ceiling, landing on another mountain of kegs. The over-pressurized beer containers exploded, launching shrapnel through the walls.
Supergirl leaped twenty feet, catching the alien with her speed. She grabbed it’s head and swung it around, slamming its body against the concrete floor, which cracked. She punched it’s skull until the bone ruptured, and the many arms were still.
“Supergirl?” came a voice in her ear.
“I’m here Hank, it’s dead.”
“What the hell happened?”
“I -“ Supergirl looked around the ruined beer warehouse and remembered the others, one in flames. How many millions of dollars in damage had she done? “Sorry Hank, it was tougher than it looked.”
“This is going to be hard to explain,” Hank said. “Get out of there Supergirl.”


“What’s going on with you?” Hank said. She sat on a stool in the DEO center of operations, feeling like a scolded schoolgirl.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know,” she said.
“That thing should’ve been cake for you to handle, but you did millions in damage to the businesses of hard-working people,” Hank said. His voice was elevated in a shout, and Alex looked concerned. “We should’ve just sent in some operatives. If you’re going to be so reckless, next time we might.”
“No,” Supergirl said. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Come with me,” Alex said. She took Supergirl’s arm and lead her away from the command center. They went to a dark corner of the DEO, where they could be alone and talk, and Alex leaned against a wall. “Talk to me.”
“What?” Supergirl said. She was blushing and didn’t want to tell Alex how much Rick aroused her, how much he was distracting her. She didn’t want to tell her sister how her groin tingled, and she couldn’t wait to get home. She'd close her eyes, run her fingers down - no, stop thinking about it.
“Something’s up with you,” Alex said. “I’ve never seen you like this. Why did you ask me about your skirt?”
“I dunno,” Supergirl said. “I just - I was wondering if I should be more feminine.”
“You’re Supergirl,” Alex said. “How much more feminine do you need?”
“It was stupid, and you’re right, Supergirl doesn’t need to be feminine.”
Alex placed a hand on Supergirl’s shoulder. “You know you can always talk to me right? About anything. No matter what it is. I’m here for you.”
“I know.”
“Go home and get some rest. I’m worried about you Kara.”
Supergirl shook her head. “Don’t be. I’m fine Alex, I swear.”
Last edited by LovetheFallenAngels 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Again, nice psychology showing up here. Perhaps it would have been fun to have SG threatened just a bit more but still it was a fun fight scene. She certainly has her panties in a twist over Rick. Feels like you're enjoying the writing which is cool. Looking forward to where you take this next.
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This certainly is quite interesting. Kara being all distracted is an interesting take, for sure, but I think it's happening rather quickly. Kara seems EXTREMELY emotionally fragile - sensitive to criticism, collapsing into tears, easily seduced - and if you're taking her down the path it appears you're taking her, I fear that she doesn't really have much further to go.
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Kara was working at her desk and managed to not think about Rick. She was trying to write an optimistic piece for tomorrow’s paper about Supergirl’s destruction of the warehouse district. The words didn’t want to come. She planned to focus on Supergirl’s immense responsibilities but she didn’t believe what she was writing. She should’ve been better. Letting her mind wander did so much damage to local businesses, and could’ve endangered people’s lives. Luckily no one was hurt in the disaster.
“Kara, can I see you in my office?” Lena said. Kara nodded and closed her computer, then walked towards the head office.
“I like this side of you,” came a voice from behind her.
Kara felt goosebumps on her neck and turned around. Rick was behind her, and his eyes were fixed on her ass.
“Stop that,” she said. Heat entered her voice. Lena had already taken a seat at her desk. Rick brushed closed behind Kara and he overtook her, opening the door and holding it for her.
“You like the attention,” he said in a quiet voice. His eyes fixed on hers and her breath caught in her chest. She’d masturbated to multiple orgasms the night before, and that seemed to have cleansed her, but now her engines were revving again. Kara said nothing, just glared at him and went into the office.
“New project,” Lena said. “In light of the Supergirl debacle in the warehouse district, I’ve decided on a new approach for tomorrow’s story. We’re going to do a collaborative article with you two at the head. A tug-of-war of sorts.”
“What?” Kara said. “Why?”
“People are upset about the damage,” Lena said. “I can’t have your sunny outlook on its own Kara, but then Rick’s work would probably rile people up more than we would like. Work together, collaborate.”
“But it’s almost four and I’m already done my story,” Kara said.
“I’m always for collaboration,” Rick said. “Especially with the lovely Kara Danvers, but I’m afraid I agree with her. I’m done mine too.”
“Throw them away,” Lena said. “You’ll be working late tonight until it’s finished. I want it in my inbox before midnight.” Lena went back to typing. “That’s it, you’re dismissed.”
Kara felt dread rising in the pit of her stomach. Just her and Rick in the office alone that night. The dread vacillated between horror and joy.
She walked out of the office and could practically feel his breath on her neck. His cologne smelled so good. “Bring your chair to my desk,” Kara said.
“No,” Rick said. “You come to my desk.”
She turned and faced him, glaring. “Why do you have to be so difficult?”
“I have a bigger desk,” Rick said.
Kara looked between their desks and saw he was right. She rolled her eyes and went to collect her chair. She rolled it up next to Rick’s chair.
“You didn’t need to bring that,” he said. “We could’ve shared mine.”
“In your dreams,” Kara said.
“Yes, I do dream about you Kara Danvers,” Rick said. “Do you dream of me?”
Kara blushed and ignored the comment. She grabbed his mouse and went to his desktop where he had a picture of a model in a bikini, holding her breasts.
“Really?” Kara said.
Rick shrugged. “Let me use the mouse,” he said. He reached out and his hand settled over hers, until she pulled it away.
“Fine,” she said.
He opened a word document and pulled the keyboard towards himself. “So, what angle are we going to take? Why don’t you start by saying what you were going to write and I’ll try to collate that with my piece.”
“Okay,” Kara said. “Well, obviously the destruction of the warehouse was regrettable, but I think we should cut Supergirl some slack. We don’t know the whole story.”
“What’s the whole story?” Rick asked.
“I don’t know,” Kara said. “I just know there are a lot more threats coming to Earth than we hear about, and maybe there’s something we don’t know.”
“That’s giving Supergirl a lot of leeway isn’t it?” Rick said. “She destroyed millions of dollars in private property. You wanna just shrug and say ‘who knows maybe she was fighting something dangerous?’”
“Well she does deserve some leeway,” Kara said. Her voice was rising.
“Lena’s a smart woman.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Your article would’ve pissed a lot of people off.”
Kara fumed in silence, but could think of no retort.
“I think we should take the stance that what Supergirl did was really irresponsible. We can’t give her too many excuses. We should acknowledge that she may have been fighting something classified, that’s a good idea, but not as an excuse. We should point out that she needs to be perfect. This kind of fuck up can’t happen.”
“That’s not balanced,” Kara spat. “That’s blaming Supergirl for what happened.”
“Let me ask you, and consider every citizen in National City will be asking the same thing, did Supergirl do a good job in this case?”
Kara remembered the fire, the collapsed warehouse, the exploding kegs. “She could’ve done better.”
“Exactly,” Rick said. “And if we don’t tell her that, who will? She has the potential to be exceptional, but - this kind of mediocrity is unacceptable. We need to tell her that.”
“You think you’re writing directly to Supergirl? You think she reads your articles?” Kara scoffed. “That’s a bit arrogant.”
“I’m sure she does,” Rick said. “She clearly loves attention.”
“Excuse you?”
“You’ve seen what she wears. That big crimson cape, the skirt, if she wasn't interested in attention she’d wear a mask like so many other vigilantes.”
“Do you have a degree in psychology Dr. Fraud?”
“It’s Freud,” Rick said. “And I have studied psychology.”
“I know it’s Freud,” Kara said.
A few hours later the offices of Catco were empty except for Kara and Rick. She felt acutely aware of their isolation and so did he, apparently.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Rick asked.
Kara met his eye, and he didn’t look away, unflinchingly holding her in his gaze. “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s very much my business. Your answer will determine my plans,” Rick said. He kept working as if he’d said nothing out of the ordinary.
“Your plans?” Kara said.
“How I plan to sleep with you,” Rick said. “A boyfriend would be a minor obstacle, but I’m not easily dissuaded.”
“Who the hell do you think you are?” Kara snapped. “Stop harassing me or I’ll tell Lena.”
“First off, if you did have a boyfriend, which I know now you don’t, you’d probably pick a loser. Entirely the wrong type of man.”
“Can I look into your crystal ball Mr. Mystic?” Kara said.
“You know it’s the truth,” Rick said. He stopped working and turned his chair to face Kara. He leaned forward until their faces were inches apart. “You’ve never had a satisfying relationship. Do you know why?”
Kara drew back from him, wheeling her chair across the carpet.
“You don’t know me,” she said. “But I’ll humor you, why?”
Rick went back to work and Kara wheeled herself closer again, his intensity avoided for the moment.
“Because you need to be dominated,” he said.
Kara swallowed a lump in her throat and tried to ignore the physical thrill traveling through her body. “No, I don’t.”
“You’re submissive Kara Danvers, and you need a man with the power to use you in the way you want to be used.”
Kara flashed back to the fantasies she’d had of Rick ravaging her body, and how intense the orgasms had been, spurred on by her eager fingers.
“You’re so full of yourself,” Kara said.
“I’m infallibly self-confident, and you’re insecure. You desire the control of a man. I could be that for you Kara.”
Kara got up, scared by how aroused she was, how sensitive her nipples were in her bra, and shook her head. She needed to get away from him. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
She didn’t wait for his response, half afraid he’d convince her to stay, she didn’t feel as powerful around him. He loomed over her in conversation, and she found herself unconsciously ceding ground to his advances. Did she want him to catch her? Help her, but she did. And she could never let that happen. She’d never respect herself if she let Rick Gates defile her.
The bathroom was empty of course, it was almost eight o’clock now, and the article was barely half done, he’d been distracting them both with loaded comments about sex, teasing her verbally. Leaning forward over the sink, Kara ran cold water between her fingers. This man was nothing compared to her. She was Supergirl and who was he? A pseudo-intellectual hack? But then why did he have such an effect on her? Kara closed her eyes and splashed the water across her face, trying to wash away the confusion.
The door opened and Kara started. She turned and found Rick standing at the entrance of the bathroom and she backed away.
“Get out of here,” Kara said.
His dark eyes burned into her and she felt her heart racing in her chest. She couldn’t muster the ferocity in her words to convince him she was being genuine. Because she wasn’t.
“Kara,” Rick said. “I know it’s hard to submit, especially for a willful girl like you.” He moved closer and Kara retreated until her back came up against a wall. There was nowhere else to run. One of his strong legs parted hers, and his flat, firm chest pressed against her. Her breath was ragged and she couldn’t break from his eye contact. He had her trapped and pinned, and every inch of her body was celebrating, revolting against her mind.
“Stop,” Kara whispered. The word had barely any force in it.
He reached up and ran the back of a finger against her cheek, and she almost shuddered at the touch. Reaching down, he grabbed her wrists in his large, soft hands and pressed them against the wall, up by her head.
“I know what you want, what you need, and I’ll give it to you Kara. Submit.”
Kara’s legs were shaking and her groin was so wet, her skin felt on fire it was so sensitive and tender. When he leaned in to kiss her, her mouth opened and she let him maul her. His tongue conquered hers, pushing down into her throat, and she thrust her hips against his. A moan escaped her lips and filled his mouth.
His hands infiltrated her shirt and yanked it up, over her head. She let him undress her like a doll, panting with anticipation. The bulge of his erection prodded her inner thigh and she circled her groin to meet it, rubbing against his excitement. He threw her pale blue shirt on the bathroom floor. His rough hand wrapped around the back of her neck, turning her around so she faced the wall, and he unzipped the back of her skirt.
“Doesn’t it feel good?” he whispered in her ear. His kisses traced a line down her neck, to her shoulder, and he pulled the strap of one bra down her shoulder. Kara gasped, her body sending off fireworks wherever his lips made contact with her skin.
He yanked down her skirt, and pulled her out of her shoes, leaving her clothes in a pile. She turned around to meet his passion and opened her lips to let his tongue have free reign in her mouth. The clip of her bra broke as he tore it off her, and then she was naked except for the small, pink thong. A hard push pressed her back against the rough bathroom wall, and he knelt by her feet, his hand gripping her soft thighs. She was quaking with need, desire, and arousal, as he slipped her thong down her legs.
“A pink thong,” Rick said. Kara blushed, even as he assaulted her mostly naked body with his lips and his hands. “The way you act, I was expecting something more conservative.”
His tongue worked up between her thighs and pressed against her sex, parting the folds of her most private place, and she shuddered, eyes rolling in her head. A gasp escaped her lips, and she reached down to run her hands through his hair. He caught her wrist and came up, pushing her back, and pinning her in place.
“Get on your knees,” he commanded. Desperate to please, Kara dropped. He undid his belt and his suit pants fell by his ankles. Kara reached out to pull down his boxer shorts, but he slapped her hand away. “No hands.”
Kara nodded, eager. Letting another person be in control was so exciting. His penis bounced as he pulled it free and she felt a mix of curiosity and fear at how large it was. The shaft was veiny and thick, and very long, much larger than any man she’d been with before.
Taking the impressive penis in her hand, she tentatively extended her tongue to lick it. He slapped her gently on one cheek. “No hands,” he said. She let her hands drop to her legs, and opened her mouth, allowing his penis entrance into her mouth.
She felt him grab her hair, clamping her ponytail in a stern tug, and he used his grip to guide the shaft down her throat. She only managed to swallow half, and then she pushed back with her hands, almost gagging.
“It’s too big,” she said.
“I’m gonna teach you to suck dick like a proper fuck toy. Open your throat. Pretend you’re drinking water.”
What am I doing? Kara felt a moment’s shame, on the floor in the bathroom, preparing to take this man’s penis down her throat. This wasn’t her. But she was still so excited, and she was so horny. Opening her mouth wide, she looked up at him.
“Good girl,” he said. The tip of his penis probed her mouth and she felt pressure on her cheek before it popped out. He rubbed the shaft over her lips and she turned to try and lick it. “Take a deep breath.” Kara obliged, and then he speared the penis into her mouth with a thrust of his hips. The long, throbbing member went down her throat and she felt it pulsing. Gagging, she tried to recoil, but he had her hair in a tight grip, and forced her lips down the shaft until her nose pressed against his pubic hair. “Good girl.”
Kara couldn’t breathe and she started to panic. Her hands came up to push herself free but then he released her and she gasped, doubling over to catch her breath.
“Did you like that?” he asked. She looked up at him through teary eyes from choking, and realized she desperately wanted his approval. This side of her was so neglected, and now she wanted this man to confirm her. She nodded up at him, even though she hadn’t really enjoyed it. “Good girl.” He stroked her hair with his long, agile fingers, and she arched her neck to meet the movement, wanting, needing his touch. “Get up.”
Kara stood and faced him, her breath shallow and ragged. Her pussy ached and she reached a hand down to play with herself when he slapped her. His hand actually hurt her. She looked at him in shock, most people would’ve been hurt if they tried to slap her. What the hell? “You don’t get to play with yourself anymore. I’ll make you cum you little slut.”
Leaning in, Kara pressed her lips against his, but then his hand wrapped around her neck and pushed her against the wall. He forced his way in between her legs and wrapped them around himself, thrusting himself up and deep inside of her pleasure. She moaned, any sense of self-awareness lost to the intense sensations shaking her body. His thrusts pressed her against the wall, and he looked down at her, holding her chin with one thumb while he gently applied pressure to her neck.
Kara started to squeal, and she was amazed at the sounds coming out of her mouth. Her legs were vibrating. She closed her eyes and arched her head back, drowning in the pleasure of getting fucked like she needed. Being treated like an object of sexual pleasure, and nothing else, fulfilled something dormant in her.
“You’re not allowed to cum yet,” he said. He slowed his thrusts and worked himself in and out of her with incredible care. Kara gasped, the pleasure robbing breath from her chest and then he thrust deep inside her again and she exploded. Her fingers squeezed tightly against his shoulders and tensed up, every muscle in her body flexed, squeezing the pleasure out of his dick. He pulled out of her and she collapsed back on her ass, breathing heavily, her legs twitching against the tile.
Wait, she’d just squeezed him as hard as she was capable of doing, and her vagina and flexed around his penis, but he wasn’t in any pain. What was going on? Kryptonite?
Any thoughts were swept from her head when he slapped her. Not hard enough to bruise, or be really painful, but enough to whip her head to one side. “I told you not to cum.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. She hated that she meant it, but it was kind of exciting too.
“Now it’s my turn to cum,” he said. He reached down and grabbed her hair in one hand, pulling her up towards his dick, but then she pushed as hard as she could and he stumbled back, spilling onto the floor.
“No,” Kara said. Self-awareness came crashing down on her like a wave, and shame burned inside her. “No, this - this was a mistake.” She yanked up her skirt, holding it closed with one hand, and pulled on her shirt, leaving her bra and panties for lost, needing to escape this dangerous man who made her lose herself.
“Kara, wait,” he said. She swept past him with tears of shame in her eyes and ran out of the building.

Last edited by LovetheFallenAngels 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Another excellent chapter. It's rare to be able to convince me of Supergirl wanting to act submissively but you've achieved that here. Even rarer is to sell me on a loss of her powers without any apparent outside factors, but you have me wondering too about that in a way as real as Kara's beffuddlement. Color me intrigued and excited to see where else this goes.
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I concur with the Doc's sentiments and now want to know a lot more about this
Rick Gates fellow. Great chapter, looking forward to more!
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Kara's submissiveness is nicely written so far and RG's dialogue certainly convinces as being enough to press her buttons. Nice job so far.
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Never again. Kara sat at her desk, her eyes glued to her computer screen, and repeated the words that had become a mantra. Never again.
“Kara.” Lena stood at the head of her desk, smiling down at her. “I’m really proud of you.”
“Oh, thanks,” Kara said. “What did I do?”
“The article you wrote with Rick is very balanced, very mature. We’re getting a lot of praise for it. The way you put aside your biases impressed me. I think you have potential to be a very serious journalist for a long time.”
“Oh,” Kara said. She hadn’t read the article, wanting to avoid any memory of the night with Rick. “Thank you Lena. Rick is-“ she turned and saw him watching from his desk with an arrogant smirk. “he’s a good collaborator.”
“Yes,” Lena said. “Well, perhaps I’ll pair you together again.”
Lena smiled at Rick, and then back at Kara, before walking to her office. Kara just stared into space, dumbfounded. She needed to quit. She couldn’t keep working at Catco, not with him.
An email buzzed into her inbox. Kara’s heart beat faster when she saw it was from Rick. She opened it and read it quickly.


I have a few things of yours. Meet me in the breakroom unless you want them to be displayed on my desk.


Kara felt a sense of doom settle on her shoulders, not only because the man was trying to manipulate her, but because she wanted to go meet him. Some primal part of her wanted him to drag her into the bathroom, push her to her knees, rip her clothes off, and use her.
She got to her feet and saw his desk was already empty. James gave her a non-assuming smile from his desk, and she returned it as best as she could, not wanting to forecast anything being wrong. The bleeding heart that he was, James would get involved and everyone would find out what happened in the bathroom. No one could find out. She thought she’d die of shame if anyone learned what she’d done.
Rick was leaning against the counter, and he smiled when she came in.
“What do you want?” Kara demanded. She closed the breakroom door behind her and crossed her arms. She would not let him treat her like that again.
“Kara, why so hostile? I just want what you want. What you really want.” He moved closer to her, smiling, and she felt that tingling between her legs again.
“No, I was confused, I made a mistake,” Kara said.
“You’re such a bad liar,” Rick said. He stood a foot away from her, and his eyes burned into hers. She made herself look at the sink, face burning. “I wanted to give you back your things.”
Kara looked at him and he reached into his pocket, then pressed her pink thong into her hand. She hid it quickly in her pocket, looking over her shoulders to make sure no one saw.
“Where’s my bra?”
“I couldn’t give that to you here without attracting attention,” Rick said. “I’ll take you out for dinner sometime, and in exchange, I’ll give you your bra back. Thirty-two A. Very nice and perky.”
“It’s never happening again Rick,” Kara said.
“Of course not,” Rick said. “I wouldn’t force you. You’ll come to me willingly. You’re a strong person, but everyone needs a little satisfaction in their life, and I know how to make you moan.”
Kara thought she would die of embarrassment, and just nodded, before turning and fleeing the breakroom. She got back to her desk without anyone noticing her humiliation, and stored the thong in her purse. Damn that man. Never again.


Supergirl was hanging out in the DEO with Alex. They were sitting in a couple chairs, isolated from everyone else, waiting for the meeting to start.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Alex said.
“No,” Supergirl said.
“Really? You always play with your hair when you’re thinking of a boy, and-“
Supergirl’s hands froze and she let them drop into her lap.
“No, what about you?” Supergirl asked. “Seeing anyone new?”
“Not at the moment,” Alex said. “I find it so hard to find someone satisfying, you know?”
“Uh yeah,” Supergirl said. “I had trouble finding someone strong enough.”
“I don’t mean like that,” Alex said. “It’s so hard to find someone who’s - good in the bedroom.”
“Oh,” Supergirl said.
Alex laughed and mussed Supergirl’s hair. “You’re such a girl scout.”
“Hey, no, I know about sex,” Supergirl said. Her mouth tightened into a line.
A red alert alarm blared over the loudspeakers.
“We’ve got an enormous incoming projectile over the Atlantic,” Winn said. The big observation screens flickered and then displayed the projectile. An enormous, jet-powered rocket.
“Supergirl,” Hank said. “We’ve got-“
“On it,” Supergirl said before blasting into the sky.
She flew so fast the ground underneath blurred. “Where’s it heading?”
“The missile's trajectory places the target as National City.”
“No,” Supergirl said. “I will not mess this one up.”
The missile appeared on the horizon as a streak of light and roaring fire. Supergirl banked hard to one side and swept up underneath the missile, then placed her hands on the rocket and pushed it hard, upwards. The rocket moved under her grip and she guided it into the sky, far above the atmosphere, the Earth growing smaller beneath her.
The ignition went out, and she froze the missile in ice breath, before falling back down to Earth slowly, holding the missile carefully, as if it were made of porcelain. She set the missile carefully down on the ground.
A crowd of people exploded into applause and Supergirl stood tall and proud for them.
“Thank you Supergirl,” A little girl shouted. Supergirl waved to the kid and smiled brightly. This felt really good. Really, really good. Better than anything a misogynist asshole could give her. She looked around the dark city and saw Catco’s building in the distance. The light was still on. An idea struck Supergirl and she rose into the air, then blasted towards Catco. She hovered outside the windows of Catco and saw Rick at his desk, hunched over the computer. He didn’t see her outside. A smile came to Supergirl’s lips and she landed on the patio, the opened the door, which was unlocked like always, and walked into Catco through Lena’s office.
“Rick Gates,” Supergirl said as she strode into the main office.
He started and sat up straighter. A loud bang came from beneath the desk, and Supergirl saw Janet, the intern, crawl out from between Rick’s legs.
“What can I do for you Supergirl?” Rick asked.
Janet looked in awe at Supergirl and then back at Rick. “Do you know her?”
“Not personally,” Rick said.
“Did he force you to do that?” Supergirl asked.
Janet shook her head. “No, I dunno, I just - he’s so hot.”
Supergirl frowned and then looked at Rick. “I read what you’ve been writing about me.”
“Good,” Rick said.
Supergirl was taken aback. “Good? You don’t seem to like me very much.”
“On the contrary,” Rick said. “I see so much potential in you. I think you’re better than you act, that you could be more.”
“Really? Or do you just hate that a woman is so powerful?”
“No,” Rick said. “I want the best for you. What did I write about you that was unfair?”
Supergirl took a step forward and glared at him. “You think I’m responsible for deaths I didn’t even know about.”
“You are,” Rick said. “With your power, you should be able to prevent every death on this Earth, and yet you do so little.”
“Why’s it all my fault? Why not Superman?”
“Superman’s not here.”
“I’m gonna go,” Janet said. As she was leaving she turned around and waved at Supergirl.
“Listen,” Supergirl said. “You better watch what you say about me.”
“Is that a threat?” Rick asked. He rose and walked slowly towards her. “I think I know what you need.”
“I need you to shut up,” Supergirl said. Her temper was flaring. She felt intimidated by him, even in the costume. And she hated that fact.
“When was the last time you got a good fucking?”
His words knocked Supergirl back a step and she sputtered.
“That’s what I thought,” he said. He smiled. “I’d be happy to oblige you. I’m still hard.”
Supergirl turned and left swiftly through the patio, flying into the night to escape him.

Last edited by LovetheFallenAngels 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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The interesting trajectory continues. Kara is off the rails emotionally. Even in her costume she can't handle Rick.

I think the only questionable note is having Rick telling co-workers Supergirl could use "a pounding." I feel that he would have been more cleverly euphemistic about it all. That's nit-picking a very intriguing work.

The scene with Janet was good but could have used a bit more physical description of her disarray under the circumstances. Now I'm wondering if Rick is an alien with special pheremonic powers that even work on Kara. A fun and compelling read.
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Kara went home and changed. She fretted over what to wear for almost an hour, shifting wardrobes a number of times, but finally settled on a little black dress. The hem ended halfway her thigh and showed a lot of leg. She wasn’t choosing it because of his suggestion, she did it in defiance. If she wore a longer skirt, he’d think he had an impact on her thought process. No. Never again. She was stronger than he was and she could wear a cute little dress if she wanted to. 
The mascara and lip gloss was to flaunt the victory when she turned him down cold. She felt sure he would proposition her again, and when she defeated his attempt, she wouldn’t have the victory diminished by her dressing down. Kara knew she was a beautiful girl, and that would make it all the sweeter when she gave him the cold shoulder. 
She came down to the sidewalk at seven thirty and started to hail a cab. They were meeting at Girionne’s, a top-rated French restaurant in the city, and she was going to eat his wallet empty. 
“Miss Danvers?” 
Kara turned and frowned at the man dressed in a black chauffeur outfit. “Do I know you?” 
“I work for Mr. Gates. Please, get in.” The chauffeur opened the rear door of the limo and held it open for Kara to sit. A limo? Really? Maybe if she played her cards right he would need to declare bankruptcy at the end of the night. 
Sliding into the back seat, Kara found it empty. Oddly, he wasn’t waiting inside like she expected, maybe with a glass of Champagne. For some reason, the interior of the limo resonated strongly with Kara’s understanding of the man. He was black leather, cigar smoke, marble fountains, single malt scotch. 
The driver drove Kara through the city and opened the door for her when they arrived. She was used to being the center of attention, but nothing topped stepping out of a limo in National City. People looked at her like she was a celebrity, a movie star. Kara smiled when paparazzi snapped a picture of her, feeling like a starlet and the object of everyone’s adoration. 
Rick stood in the waiting room, and as soon as she saw him, he fixed her with that melting gaze. Kara noticed the effect it was having on her and took a deep breath. Never again. 
“Rick,” Kara said. 
“Kara, you look ravishing,” Rick said. He took her hand and pressed his lips against it, but she pulled away after only a moment’s hesitation. 
“This is just dinner,” Kara said. “Nothing else.” 
“Of course, I feel I owe you an apology. I want to tell you something important.” 
His appeasing manner confused her, but she smiled with genuine glee. She’d already won and he’d made it easy. 
“Come on,” Rick said. He lead her through the packed waiting room and Kara caught the envious eyes of many women as they skipped the line and strolled into the dining room. 
“Mr. Gates, your table,” said a waiter in a tuxedo. They sat at a table in the corner, cozy, secluded, and very romantic. There were candles on every table and the smell of roses mixed with sandalwood in the air. 
After they were seated and the waiter took Kara’s thin overcoat, she fixed Rick with a gaze. He was reading the drink menu. 
“What can I get you Mr. Gates?” 
“A bottle of the 1961 Merseult,” Rick said. Kara glanced at the menu and scanned the line till she saw the price. Nine hundred a bottle! What was this idiot playing at? Writers weren’t rich, and he wouldn’t convince her otherwise. 
Once the waiter left, Kara cocked her head at him. “Are you going for broke tonight? Literally?” 
Rick met her eyes but he didn’t smile. He smoldered. “It’s nothing.” 
“The limo, the nine hundred dollar wine, you can’t afford this,” Kara said. “And I’m not sleeping with you, so-“
“I can afford this, and I know you won’t sleep with me,” Rick said. He leaned back and raised his hands. “I’m sorry for what happened, okay? I - I thought you wanted it, but I won’t push if you’re not interested. You’re a very desirable woman. But I’ll respect your decision, and I would like, ultimately, if we can’t be together, for us to be friends.” 
Kara’s jaw dropped and she stared at Rick across the table. Nothing could have been more unexpected. “Wow, that’s - that’s really nice Rick. I’d love to be friends.” She beamed at him across the table. “But that makes this whole charade even worse, I won’t have you spending so much money on me. I’m a cheap date, I just need ice cream, a comfy couch, and a good romantic sitcom to watch.” 
Rick barked a laugh and grinned at her. “I don’t think you know how likable you are Kara.” 
“I know, I am likable, but c’mon, let’s get out of here before the wine arrives and you’re stuck with the bill.” Kara stood up and started to signal the waiter. 
“Sit down Kara.” The words chilled her. They were lightly said, but she recognized his command. He had said they were going to be friends and nothing else. She sat. 
“I have enough money to enjoy this place,” Rick said. 
“How?” Confusion wracked Kara’s mind. She’d been so used to the only truly rich person working at Catco being Lena. 
“I come from old money,” Rick said. “The Gates have been one of the wealthiest families in the country for centuries.” 
“Are you serious?” Kara said. Her eyebrow was cocked above her head and she felt extremely skeptical. “Why the hell do you work at Catco?” 
“I love it,” Rick said seriously. “It gets me out of the house, and I’ve always loved writing - especially political writing - so it’s the perfect job for me.” 
“The wine, Mr. Gates,” the waiter said. He displayed the bottle for Kara, and then poured a small glass for Rick to taste. He acted like a real aficionado and Kara stifled a snigger behind one hand. 
“What, so Rick is a regular customer here, waiter guy?” Kara asked. 
The waiter fixed Kara with a deadly serious eye. “Mr. Gates owns this restaurant miss.” 
Kara reeled back and wheeled on Rick. “Damn Rick, you really are rich.” 
Rick shrugged and poured a glass of wine for Kara, then handed it over. 
“I was telling you the truth. And I meant it when I said I just wanted to be friends.” 
“Cheers to that,” Kara said. She felt totally disarmed and was starting to like Rick more by the minute. 
They’d drained the first bottle by the time the appetizers came, garlic snails that Kara made a face at but secretly enjoyed, and the softest, warmest french bread with the creamiest butter. 
“Thith s’good,” Kara said between bites. 
“It gets a little boring after awhile, to be honest, but I’m glad you enjoy it,” Rick said. 
“Oh look at you Mr. Old Money with the honed palate,” Kara said. “It’s a good look on you actually.” 
“Thank you Kara. And I’m so glad to meet the real you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You’re so bubbly and friendly, it’s delightful.” 
Kara blushed and hid the expression in her wine. She was already feeling a little light-headed but that couldn’t be. Wine, or any alcohol for that matter, didn’t affect her. 
“You’re not so bad yourself when you’re not being all serious and dominant,” Kara said. 
Rick smiled, and Kara felt a stab of relief. She didn’t want to upset him, not now that she was enjoying the spoils of war. She’d won. He’d never use her like that again. 
“You can’t blame me,” Rick said. “You’re a very beautiful woman.” 
“Thank you, but I am so glad you decided to-“ Kara searched her head for a word, but her brain felt fuzzy and she couldn’t find the right one. “-surrender.”
“Surrender?” Rick said. He leaned forward. The waiter came to collect orders for entrees, and Rick ordered another bottle - this time Champagne that graced four-figure territory. 
When the waiter left, their conversation resumed. “It’s interesting you say surrender Kara,” Rick said. 
“Why?” Her voice came out sounding slurred and her face was numb. She was getting drunk, but she still felt very in control of her faculties. She felt really, really good.
“Surrender implies a battle,” Rick said. “Is that how you see what happened between us?”
“Kinda,” she said. “I just felt violated. You tried to use me, you treated me like a piece of meat. You conquered me.” 
Kara noticed she was leaning forward and speaking eagerly, so she sat back and buried her face in her glass. 
“I did,” Rick said. “But I never surrendered.” 
“Huh?” Kara said. “Whaddaya mean?” 
“To be honest, I lost interest,” Rick said. 
“Excuse me?” Kara said. She sat up straight and made a face. “You lost interest in me? 
“Yeah,” Rick said. “If you weren’t interested in being dominated consensually, I lost interest.” 
“Oh,” Kara said. She tried to process the feeling of hurt in her stomach. “Good.” 
“I think it’s for the best,” Rick said. 
The champagne arrived and the waiter poured for both of them when Rick spun his finger. He was looking around at anything but her, and when she traced his gaze, she found his eyes had accosted the shapely back end of a waitress. Scoffing into her glass, Kara drained it. 
“Hit me again,” she said. 
Rick poured without a response and Kara worked on the next glass. The bastard was all but ignoring her. 
“Whah tha fuck maen?” Kara blurted. Her words were really slurred and her head felt heavy like it was laced with lead. 
“What?” Rick said. 
“You’re naw pain ney attention ta me,” Kara whined. She heard the whine in her voice, but she was so warm, and so drunk that she didn’t care. 
“Am I supposed to?” Rick said. “You’re pretty drunk Kara, are you okay?” 
Kara slugged back the flute of wine and reached to pour herself another glass. The bottle tipped on it’s side and shattered on the table. 
The restaurant went quiet. An upper-class couple across the dining area were staring. Kara felt a hand on her arm and jerked away. 
“C’mon Kara, I need to get you home,” Rick said. 
“Yeah right, not goin’ anwher wid you, call me not pretty, you the nob pretty one.” 
“Kara, come on, please, you're making a fool of yourself.” 
Kara’s vision started to slide and shift with dramatic variation, and she felt numb from head to toe. Then she blacked out. When she came to the room was moving, and someone was stroking her hair. 
She woke up in her own bed the next morning with a vicious headache and no memory of the night before. Lifting the blankets with terror, she sighed in relief when she saw she was still wearing the little black dress, and her panties were intact underneath. She sighed and felt a wave of embarrassment. Rick really was a good guy. 

Last edited by LovetheFallenAngels 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Intriguing! Something funny is going on here. Kara can't get drunk yet does and Rick is shifting his game back and forth to keep her off balance. This is quite good.
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I am at the same time confused and wanting to know what is next, very good story,
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Another great chapter. Looks like Gates is about to go all Fifty Shades on Kara and I can’t wait to see what he has planned for her next.
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Thanks for reading everyone.

I'm sorry to say that I won't be updating this anymore. I feel very guilty for writing this story. There's a strange duality inside me. I love and respect women, but I'm also turned on by stuff like this. I am having a hard time reconciling this. I'm going to be leaving this stuff behind. This is a personal decision to try and maintain some consistency between how I think, how I feel, and how I behave. It's hard to explain but the jis is I'm tired of feeling guilty. Follow the heart as they say.

If you want to read the rest of this story it's up in its entirety elsewhere on the internet. I'm sure you can find it with a google search. I'm going to delete them all in a week or so. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to read it.

All the best.
Neophyte Lvl 4
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Just read your story man and really amazing. I like the power struggle SG is ahving inside her and would love to see her making rash decisions now as she looses control over her decisions .

Can't wait for the next update .
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So sorry to hear that you won't be finishing this story but I can understand your reasons. If you want to discuss this with me further, please PM me. I sympathize with how you feel.
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I understand what you’re saying. There is indeed a strange duality involved in creating these types of stories. They take a toll.

I’ve stopped writing, in part, because I too have difficulty reconciling these fantasies. There have been so many nights when I've begun to reach out to family, but I can't. Not even with my sister, who knows everything, because this is the one thing I just can't share.

And lately, whenever I have tried picking up the pen, I often don’t like where my mind goes. Sometimes it all just gets too real.

I applaud you for speaking up. Hopefully you can keep the (metaphorical) demon at bay and find what you’re looking for.

For what it’s worth, I’ve enjoyed reading this.
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LovetheFallenAngels wrote:
5 years ago
Thanks for reading everyone.

I'm sorry to say that I won't be updating this anymore. I feel very guilty for writing this story. There's a strange duality inside me. I love and respect women, but I'm also turned on by stuff like this. I am having a hard time reconciling this. I'm going to be leaving this stuff behind. This is a personal decision to try and maintain some consistency between how I think, how I feel, and how I behave. It's hard to explain but the jis is I'm tired of feeling guilty. Follow the heart as they say.

If you want to read the rest of this story it's up in its entirety elsewhere on the internet. I'm sure you can find it with a google search. I'm going to delete them all in a week or so. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to read it.

All the best.
I totally sympathise with the duality you speak of, it is something that touches me in my writing but also my time dabbling with BDSM too. You should take heart in knowing that you are actually aware of your inner monster and that you channel it into your writing. I don't doubt that if you were to live out a dominant type fantasy that it would be consensual too, evidently your moral compass is in good working order. So don't be too harsh on yourself, there are many monsters and you'd be surprised at how many damsels secretly want such company.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I like it... but why not just focus entirely on Supergirl, that slut needs payback! ;)
Part time story writer. :thumbup:
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LovetheFallenAngels wrote:
5 years ago
Thanks for reading everyone.

I'm sorry to say that I won't be updating this anymore. I feel very guilty for writing this story. There's a strange duality inside me. I love and respect women, but I'm also turned on by stuff like this. I am having a hard time reconciling this. I'm going to be leaving this stuff behind. This is a personal decision to try and maintain some consistency between how I think, how I feel, and how I behave. It's hard to explain but the jis is I'm tired of feeling guilty. Follow the heart as they say.

If you want to read the rest of this story it's up in its entirety elsewhere on the internet. I'm sure you can find it with a google search. I'm going to delete them all in a week or so. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to read it.

All the best.
I too can relate to this. Went through it myself last year with my own Supergirl dungeon story and have been unwilling to let myself sit back down in the chair to write any more dungeon stories since despite having many more ideas for them. Receiving praise at the time was nice but it wasn’t satisfying in the long run. You need to do what is best for you. I have no doubt you will channel this creativity into something positive one day and that will fill the missing part in your life, whatever that may be. Respect to your decision and many well wishes.
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What was the name of the story ? Trying to search online to know the end .
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It was called "The Submission of Kara Danvers" but I think the author took it off his DA account too.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Sorry to see you go, but I completely understand and can also relate. I struggled with the guilt of writing such dark stories and questioned what they said about me as a person. To be honest, one of the main reasons I published online is because I wanted someone to tell me what these fantasies meant. Fortunately I seem to have found a community here of like-minded individuals who have clear boundaries in real world situations.
Ultimately, your sex drive is based in your subconscious - the primitive lizard part of your brain that you don't get a say in so don't be alarmed that there are thoughts and fantasies that even you do not want there. I'm pretty asexual in my real life, (and I only started figuring this out in the last couple of years) so I guess my fetish with non-consent and force stems from my frustration regarding women. They were a complication that I
just couldn't solve until I figured out that I was trying to do something that I didn't really want to do. This forum (and others) gave me a judgement-free environment to express my negative emotions in a safe and passive way. It was cathartic to take my frustrations out on imaginary people, purging what negativity I had onto the page until I was sated. However, we all have our own choices to make, and I would not blame anyone for wanting to leave this sort of thing behind.
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I'm feeling much more comfortable about my sexual preferences than I did a year ago. I'm gonna upload the rest of this story and start on a new one.
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Rick got the little blonde slut out of the restaurant, explaining the situation away by saying his fiance had had too much wine. Then they were in the limo and moving down the street.
He positioned her head in his lap and stroked her thick, blonde locks. The GHB had worked it’s magic without a hitch. She wasn’t unconscious, but she was incredibly high. The bar staff had slipped an ideal dosage of the drug into her drink. He worked one of his fingers into her mouth and she reacted by gently sucking. Rick smiled. Perfect.
In twenty minutes, Steven, the driver, pulled into the Gates Estate, built in 1820, and then opened the limo door. “Help me get her upstairs.”
Steven took her ankles and Rick held her wrists. They carried her up the stairs and she only bumped her head once. Her eyes were rolling in her head, and she was moaning softly under her breath.
They dropped her on the bed and she rolled around a little.
“This is a really pretty one sir,” Steven said.
“Yes she is,” Rick said. “I’ve been dreaming about this for awhile.”
“Enjoy,” Steven said. He closed the doors to Rick’s bedroom, leaving him alone with the petite blonde.
Rick started by undressing her. He pulled the little slip of a dress over her head, revealing that body he enjoyed so much. Slim and lithe, with perky, small breasts and so much smooth, soft, unblemished skin. He ran his fingers down her neck and caught her nipples in his fingers, squeezing. Kara gasped, and her eyes fluttered open.
“Riccc, wah yuh doooin?”
“I’m going to fuck you raw Kara Danvers.”
Kara mewled but couldn’t rally a resistance. Her memory would be a lost cause the next day, so he could do whatever he wanted with her.
Rick opened the closet and pulled out a camera on a tripod, then set it up at the foot of the bed, capturing her glorious bare body. He set up two more cameras at the sides of the bed to get different angles. Kara wouldn’t believe him when he told her what he did, for purposes of coercion, so he wanted proof. Rummaging in the closet’s top drawer, he removed a small wooden box and placed it on the bedside table.
Removing a small, clear vial, he tipped the needle of a long, glass syringe into the hole and loaded it with the specially designed compound. The boys down at the Bethesda chem lab had designed it according to specifications he’d provided and had asked no question about the purpose. He’d asked for an intense aphrodisiac with potential for addiction. A sensation amplifier. The lab might have reported him if he didn’t own the place. He gave the engineer responsible a vacation home in Hawaii.
Now he leaned down and kissed Kara on the lips. She moaned and her eyelids fluttered. “Ricc- waha ryoo doo?”
Pricking the needle into the diminutive blonde’s neck, he injected the dose directly into her bloodstream. The effect was almost instantaneous. She started moaning, her hips gyrating into the air. Rick tore off his clothes and grabbed the little slut’s wrists, pinning them to the bed.
“What do you want Kara?”
She looked up at him with wide eyes, the aphrodisiac stirring her from the depressive drugs. Moaning, she looked confused.
“What do you want Kara?”
“I want-“ even her words were clearer. She released a moan.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes,” Kara said. She writhed and tried to touch him.
“How?” Rick asked. He stroked the folds of her pussy with his dick. “Do you like to be used like a fucktoy?”
Kara moaned and fought against his hands, looking at him in horror. “No, no,” she said. He slammed his dick into her pussy and she cried out. “Oh yes,” she screamed. “Yes.”
Rick jack-hammered in and out of the pretty little whore who told him no too many times, and she vocalized her pleasure. Her cries named him a sex God. She screamed to be fucked harder, and he happily obliged.
She writhed beneath him and he pulled out of her wet snatch. She clawed at him, desperate to get more, and her hands hurt him. Weird, she was way stronger than she looked. When she pushed him in the bathroom, he’d been astonished at her strength.
“Now, little miss Danvers,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m going to fuck your pretty mouth.”
Kara shook her head no, but her hand fingered her pussy, she was completely gone on account of the aphrodisiac and the G. He straddled her beautiful face and shoved his dick into her mouth, using his torso to leverage the shaft deep into her throat. The young reporter gagged, and coughed, fighting him. At one point she pushed him back out of her throat, but then he pinned her wrists and thrust down, burying her nose in his pubes. She gagged, and her throat was so warm, so soft. He released a load and pulled out his throbbing, sticky cock, trailing sperm and spit across her plump lips.
“I’ll be right back slut,” he said. Whistling to himself, he handcuffed her to the bedpost, and then closed the door behind him as he went down the beautiful, spiral staircase that lead to the kitchen.
Grabbing a bottle of wine and conspiring to toast the defilement of Kara Danvers, he applied the corkscrew. As he pulled at the cork, he squeezed the bottle hard. The glass exploded in his hand and he looked down in amazement. There were pieces of glass stuck in his hand. He looked closer and plucked a shard free. No blood came out. There wasn’t even a scratch. What the hell?
His thoughts immediately went to Kara. If touching her made him this strong... Rick ran up the stairs, a sudden, insane idea in his mind, one that made him giggle manically. He found her in a mewling mess on the bed. A blonde, petite, slight and beautiful. The list of people that looked like that with great power was short. Wow. His phone was vibrating, so Rick went to the bedside table and unlocked it.
James fucking Olsen from Catco had sent him seven fucking texts. What the fuck was up with that douchebag? Wait, James was friends with Superman. And if Kara Danvers was who Rick thought she was...
The last text read: “Listen Rick, I know you went out with Kara tonight and now she’s not answering her phone. You better not do anything stupid with her. I’m coming to your place rn.”
Fuck. Rick looked at Kara, laying naked and half-conscious on his bed, and then typed a response to James. “Kara got too drunk. Dropping her off at home now.” He dosed Kara with more GHB, to make sure she wouldn’t remember what happened, and it knocked her out cold. Then he decided to go out to the lawn and test his new theory about Miss Danver’s secret identity.
Rick stood on the back lawn with Kara held in his hands like a disgraced bride. Her head was lolling over his arm. “Let’s see if you are who I think you are.”
Bending his knees, Rick launched into the air and flew for the first time in his life. He laughed so hard that tears streamed from his face.


Kara’s phone rang and she answered with a groan. It was James.
“Kara, where are you? Lena’s been asking. Are you all right?”
“Ugh, I dunno,” she said. “I went out for dinner with Rick last night and then everything went black.”
“Jesus Kara, why’d you go out for dinner with that guy?”
“I was trying to make friends,” Kara said. She kept the real reason secret. “At least I woke up in my own bed.”
“I hate to say it but I agree. You were totally vulnerable Kara. How did that even happen? Aren’t you basically immune to alcohol?”
“Yeah,” Kara said, frowning, but her hangover was very real. “I feel terrible.”
“Maybe he drugged you with something strong enough to knock out Supergirl.”
“Why did I wake up at home in bed with all my clothes on then?” Kara asked.
“Good point.”
“Kara, I told Alex. This is seriously bad. You’ve been acting weird, and this is just a freak incident for you.”
“James, c’mon, I don-“
The door opened in Kara’s apartment. “I gotta go James.” She hung up on his explanations and sat up, trying to look like she wasn’t dying of the world’s worst hangover.
“I’m in bed,” Kara said.
“You missed work today?” Alex said.
“I - I got a little too drunk last night.”
“What? By yourself? James told me, and I’m concerned. Hank is really worried, he’s talking about putting you on suspension.”
“Not by myself,” Kara said.
“Kara you shouldn’t even be able to get drunk. Who were you with? Is it this mystery guy you won’t talk about.”
“It’s not like that,” Kara said. Her lip trembled and she remembered Rick saying that he’d moved on “He lost interest in me.”
“I’m sorry,” Alex said. She sat next to Kara in bed and rubbed her back. “Who was he?”
“A guy at work,” Kara said.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Kara remembered being in the bathroom and wanting to be treated like a slut. She remembered his firm hands, and his manhood thrusting up inside. She shook her head.
“Kara, you need to talk to someone, this guy is messing you up,” Alex said. “I’m scared. I’ve never seen you like this.”
“It’s okay Alex, I just want to be alone okay?”
She felt Alex’s fingers stroking her back, but then her sister got up and left. How had she gotten so drunk? And why was Rick seemingly immune to her strength? Kara shook her head and got to her feet. She stumbled into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She drank when there was a knock at the door. Walking into the entrance hall, she raised her voice. “Leave me alone Alex.”
“Delivery,” came a voice. Confused, Kara opened the door and found a UPS man. “Kara Danvers?”
“Yes,” she said.
“Sign here please.”
Kara scrawled her signature and accepted the parcel, which was about the size of a file folder.
“What is this?”
“I dunno,” the UPS man said. He went on his way in a hurry.
Closing the door, she examined the parcel. It was thin, and it felt like there were just a few pieces of paper inside. The address, her own, had been attached to the package by a printed label, so there was no identifying handwriting.
Sitting on the couch, she cracked the seal with her thumb and dumped the contents of the package onto the couch beside her. Her heart hammered in her chest when she saw the contents. There was a photo of her lying completely naked on a fancy bed. Her eyes were wide open and she looked aroused. What the hell.
She flipped around the other photo and saw a close up of her lips wrapped around the head of a penis with an expression of joy. The penis - she recognized it. Oh my god, he’d raped her. The son of a bitch had probably drugged her and raped her. Did he do the same when he took her in the bathroom? She’d felt so weak then, she hadn’t been able to hurt him. That wasn’t normal, and this was as close to a feasible explanation as she’d discovered.
There was a third piece of paper with a website printed on it, as well as a password. Kara pulled over her computer and plugged in the website ID:
She went to the site and it brought up a login query. Kara entered the password: Iamaslut. Cute. Anger controlled her, and she wanted to make that son of a bitch pay for what he did to her.
The website opened and Kara saw a number of videos. She clicked play on the first one and saw Rick having sex with her in a very rough manner. She was moaning and screaming as he hammered into her. Oh god, this looked terrible. It didn’t look forced at all.
Her phone rang. Kara jumped and then looked at the caller ID. It was Rick.
“Hello?” she said. She felt faint, angry, and scared.
“Kara,” Rick said. “I assume you’ve received my package by now. Well, my mail package also.”
“You do know this is illegal right?”
“Of course,” Rick said. “What are you going to do about it Kara? You’re no one. Powerless. And you’re going to be my fuck toy. Be outside your apartment at seven p.m. and Steven will pick you up.”
“No,” Kara said. “I’ll come to you. What’s your address.” She heard him pause. Good, he was cautious. He hadn’t won yet. “What do you want?”
“You,” he said. “I want to make you beg for what you need. You’re a little whore Kara.”
Kara put on a voice of pleading, trying to convince him to give his address. “Please, please, please, just don’t show anyone those videos. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Okay, my address is 1240 Wicking Crescent. It’s on the outskirts of the city.”
“Okay, I’ll see you at seven, just don’t show anyone those videos.”
“Good girl,” he said. Then he hung up. Kara grinned and cracked her knuckles. Supergirl would be introducing Rick Gates to a whole world of pain while Kara laughed. And then she’d make him show her the tapes and destroy them. He wouldn’t be able to say no to Supergirl. Then it was jail for the rest of his miserable life.

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Welcome back and thanks for continuing to post! I'm a big fan of your work.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Everything was ready to capture and enslave Supergirl. Rick Gates was beside himself with excitement. He could hardly believe his luck. Who would have thought that Supergirl really was so sexually frustrated? Kara, who had been Supergirl all along, could’ve beaten his skull in when he dominated her in the bathroom. He’d thought she was just a cute little idiot who he could wrap around his finger and fuck seven ways from Sunday. But this was so much better. His associates in the society would be most impressed. The guys were usually excited when one of their number managed to subjugate a celebrity, but this - this was a whole new level. 
The Gates family had a power they’d hidden from the world for centuries. A gift passed down from father to oldest son and so on. Rick’s little siblings were jealous, but a round with Supergirl would go a long way to restoring good favour. When Rick touched someone with his lips he drained half of their power and added it to his own, normally human, strength. So when he touched Supergirl she went to fifty percent strength, and he gained the strength of half a Supergirl. It put them on an even playing field. His superior intellect made it almost too easy. 
He’d never noticed before. It explained partially why she was so afraid of him, both Kara and Supergirl. She’d been hurt by his slaps, and his abuse, when normally a man would be incredibly injured if he tried to strike her. His identity and his ability were still safe though, he figured, because otherwise she wouldn’t be coming over. He was half afraid that she’d tell her friends and family about him, but James hadn’t said anything to him at work today. He knew how close they were. If James knew, he would’ve attacked Rick, the self-righteous prick that he was. 
Rick had told Lena he was afraid of Supergirl attacking him. The Luther heiress had provided Rick a neckless embedded with a rock of pure kryptonite. In Supergirl’s weakened state, after his touch, she would be flattened by the necklace. And then she’d be his slut. The most powerful girl in the world would worship his dick and clean his asshole with her sweet little tongue. 
All he needed to do was kiss her. And he knew who Kara was, but she didn’t know who he was. 
There was a knock at the door and Rick chuckled to himself. She could’ve blown the door in but she was still too timid. He’d scared the little slut silly. Hell, maybe she’d show up as Kara Danvers and blow him. He still got the sense she was secretly into being a fucktoy. 
Rick walked leisurely down the stairs, feeling totally at peace and sure that his plan was going to work. He walked up to the front door and it exploded inwards, knocking him back and sending him sliding across the floor. 
“Rick Gates,” she said. The door lifted away from his body, and Rick felt his nose. It was broken. He tried to rise but wobbled on his feet. “You messed with the wrong girl.” She kicked him in the chest and he flew up and back, crashing into the wall. Drywall flurried down around him. 
He tasted blood in his mouth and felt true fear for the first time in his life. This crazy slut would kill him. She’d kill him and he’d never get close enough to kiss her. 
“S-stop,” Rick said. Blood trailed down the front of his tuxedo, staining the shirt. 
“You like hurting girls,” Supergirl said. She stood over him. “You stop when they asked you too?” 
“Don’t kill me Supergirl,” he said. “It’s not you. You’re better than that.” 
Supergirl laughed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you’re right, I better just take you to jail.” The idiot was really going to let him live, after everything he did to her. She pulled him to his feet and his face was inches from hers. He leaned in and pressed his lips against her cheek and gasped as power flowed through his body. It was more palpable this time because he was injured, and the pain instantly ebbed away as he sapped Supergirl’s strength. She turned and gave him a strange look. 
“Thank you,” he said. “Miss Danvers.” Her eyes went wide as he grabbed her throat and lifted her into the air before slamming her onto the ground. She crashed down hard and the marble shattered beneath her. Rick climbed on top of her, reached into his jacket pocket, and retrieved the kryptonite necklace. He slung it around her neck as she stirred slowly from the strike. Then her eyes steadied and she swung her fist at his face. Her hand broke as it hit his now iron chin and she screamed. Laughing, Rick lifted her up holding her hands behind her back. He flew into the air, carrying her like a sack of wheat, and delivered her into his bedroom. Wrenching her blue-clad arms behind her back, he cuffed her wrists. . 
“Kara Danvers,” he said as he held her down on the bed, his hand clamped around her neck. “You never told me Supergirl was such a whore.” 
“What are you doing? How are you doing this?” Kara’s eyes were wild with disbelief. she was glancing down at the kryptonite and then back up at him. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that,” Rick said. He stroked her face. “You’re my slave now and all you need to worry about is the dick. You get that? You’re whole identity now will revolve around dick. Dick in your ass, dick in your pussy, dick in your mouth, maybe all three at once. You’re gonna be my slut Supergirl and I bet you’ll come to love it.” 
Supergirl started to cry, looking anything but mighty in her uniform. Rick cuffed her legs to the bedposts and opened up the closet. He started to gather supplies for Kara - no Supergirl’s - training. 


Rick sat in his office, corresponding with his associates in the Society, and laughed out loud at their responses. Most of them said he was lying, there was no way he’d collared Supergirl, but they’d learn the truth soon enough. Billy Garland, one of his oldest friends, owned the Eagles and Rick had a most stimulating idea involving a bet placed with inside knowledge and some sexual sabotage. Supergirl would be a powerful tool. He was still dumbfounded by her defeat and an array of exciting possibilities were starting to unfold in his agile mind. 
An alarm blared from his computer’s security system, rigged to the motion-sensing smart cameras around the estate. The cameras that had caught intruders were focused on two shapes, dropping down from the tall granite walls of his estate. One was clearly a woman, and the other was easily recognizable from Catco. James fucking Olsen. What the hell was he doing? Looking at the time, Rick saw that it was half past midnight. They must have checked on Kara and found her missing. These two dimwits probably decided to come to him looking for answers. He still doubted that Kara had told them the whole truth. These two needed to be dealt with or the Society would never believe him. He hadn’t had time to film Supergirl’s sexual destruction and he only had video of Kara. The uniform would be all the proof he needed, but until then, he couldn’t let anyone interrupt his plans. 
Rick returned to Supergirl who was silent as he entered. She wiped her face against his duvet covers, and Rick chuckled. A vain attempt to hide her tears from him. Her lashes were still wet and he couldn’t believe the Girl of Steel had been crying. 
“Hello pet,” Rick said. He sat at the foot of the bed and caressed Kara’s head. She drew away from him, growling like a rabid dog and fixing him with angry eyes. Breaking this one would be truly satisfying. She was so willful, but she’d break. Especially because he knew her secret. Somewhere deep inside this self-righteous superheroine was a neglected sexual being that desperately wanted to be dominated. 
“I’m not your pet,” Supergirl said. 
“Oh Kara,” Rick said. “Self-denial won’t get you anywhere.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against her wrist, sapping her strength and making sure the time on his power theft wouldn’t run out at an inconvenient time. 
He got up and went to the door when Supergirl spoke. “You’re not going to do anything to me?” 
Rick smiled, hearing the confusion in her voice, she almost sounded like she wanted it. He turned and faced her. “I know how bad you want to be used and abused Kara, but it’ll have to wait.” 
Then he closed the door and went down the spiral staircase. The grounds were dark through the enormous glass windows of his estate until he hit the emergency lights. Beams of illumination flooded the grounds. He saw on the security cam that James and his companion were walking across the Italian gravel driveway. 
Striding out of his front door he made eye contact with James, knowing exactly where these clumsy infiltrators were hiding. His companion was a woman in her late 20s with short red hair, angry eyes, and a fit body. She would be a lot of fun to break too, he could tell she was a fighter, but he’d leave such thoughts for later. A slut in the hand in better than two in the bush. 
“James,” Rick said. “I wasn’t aware of your enthusiasm for trespassing.” 
“Where’s Kara?” James said. His eyes were hard and his posture was threatening. The two intruders stalked across the driveway, past Rick’s limos and exotic cars, before stopping a few feet away. 
“Kara?” Rick said. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since she got too drunk at dinner the other night. The girl really can’t hold her liquor, can she?” 
He smiled to himself as James scowled. 
“Cut the crap,” the woman said. “We know you’re messing with Kara an-“
“Who are you?” Rick asked. “I like to know the names of people who accuse me of foul play.” 
“Alex,” she said. She met James’s eye and he nodded. “Alex Danvers.” 
Rick couldn’t help it, an enormous smile spread across his face. So it was Kara’s sister and her friend James who came to the rescue. It was clear by the lack of reinforcements that they didn’t know about the rape, or at least they didn’t have proof. 
“Well, Miss Danvers, I don’t know anything about Kara’s whereabouts. All I know is that she’s a nice girl and a coworker of mine.” 
“Let us come in and take a look around,” James said. He didn’t say these words like a question, they were a statement. 
“I don’t think so,” Rick said. “Unless you’re both police officers and you have a warrant.”
“Fuck your warrant,” Alex said. She flashed a badge at him too quickly to read and he chuckled. 
“Let me see that again,” Rick said. 
Alex sighed and held up her badge for him. It read DEO, Defense of Extranormal Operations. How interesting. 
“Let us in,” James said. “Or we’ll know you have Kara. She has a lot of friends who really care about her, powerful friends, and if you don’t let us in, they’re going to be coming for you.” 
“You have a badge, but I’m still not seeing a warrant. And I don’t see how this isn’t illegal, you’re trespassing on my property,” Rick said. “I have powerful friends too Mr. Olsen.” 
Alex planted her feet and James tightened his jaw. Rick knew what was coming next. They were going to try and force their way into his home. Let them try. Alex struck first. She lunged forward, a taser appearing in her hand, ready to hit Rick and disable him. The look of surprise on her face when he side-stepped her attack filled Rick with a sense of pride. His fist caught her under the chin and she flew fifteen feet into the air, arcing before falling hard on the grass in a crumpled heap. 
“Oh no you didn’t,” James said. He rushed forward, head low, trying to tackle Rick. Rick’s fist knocked James flat on the ground, aided by Supergirl’s strength, and he didn’t stir. Both of Supergirl’s rescuers lay still. 
Rick sent a text to his groundskeeper. “There’s some trash on the front lawn and the driveway. Kindly deposit them onto the street for me. Thanks.” 
After dealing with the hapless intruders, Rick turned back to his estate, excited to update Supergirl on the status of her friend and sister. 
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Things start getting worse and worse for Kara Danvers, the girl behind the Girl of Steel, but there is a happy ending for her at the end of this, I promise.


As soon as Rick left his bedroom, Supergirl sat up in the bed and planned her escape. Her ankles were chained to the bedposts, restricting the movement of her legs, and her wrists were cuffed behind her back. The kryptonite necklace hung around her neck, pressing against her cleavage, close enough to see but she couldn’t do anything. She just needed to get that necklace off and she could escape. There was no way she would let him use her like a toy. Never again. 
Supergirl used her chin to lift the chain of the necklace into her mouth and tried to yank it up. It slipped from her teeth, wetted by her spit, and she groaned in anxious terror. Leaning forward, she fell onto the floor at the foot of the bed, resting the crown of her head on the carpet. Using her teeth, she tried again to slide the necklace down her face so it would slip off and free her. 
The door opened. Kara whimpered and spat out the necklace. 
“What is goin’ on in here?” The voice wasn’t Rick’s. It was far less magnetic. Rough hands gripped her shoulders and lifted her up. The chauffeur placed her back on the bed and then stood a few feet away to admire her. “Holy shit, Supergirl was the pretty little thing from the other night. Or rather, the pretty little thing from the other night was Supergirl.” 
“Please,” Supergirl said. “Let me out of here. I keep the city safe. I can’t be trapped here.” 
The man had a kind face and his eyes sparkled as she appealed to him. “Oh I want to help you out Supergirl, but I’ve never had an opportunity like this before.” He crept closer to the foot of the bed and his hands stroked her long legs. Supergirl’s face set and she glared at the man, wishing she had her laser vision to burn him alive. “Yeah, I think old Steven’s gonna have himself a super fuck.” 
His belt came undone, releasing his black pants to fall at his ankles, and then he worked down his boxers and pulled out his penis. It was a pitiful thing and filled Supergirl with a sense of disgust. Flaccid too. Despite everything else, Rick really did have an impressive penis. Supergirl shook her head, fighting the nausea rising in her stomach. Rick has an impressive penis? What’s wrong with me? 
The chauffeur mangled the panties under her skirt with rough hands, scratching her precious place, clumsy in his attempts to open a way inside her. Her costume panties tore with a loud ripping sound and then he chuckled to himself, throwing them on the floor. 
“You’re all but helpless ain’t you sweet thang?” Steven said. He angled himself between her legs and Supergirl closed her eyes. She tried to imagine she was anywhere else but the image of his pathetic penis kept entering her head. Waiting for him to violate her, she counted down the seconds, but penetration never came. Steven cursed and she peeked through one eye. He was having trouble parting her legs far enough for his pitiful member to reach her special place. Supergirl almost laughed and would’ve been crying with amusement if it weren’t for the serious nature of the situation. 
“Dammit,” Steven said. He scratched his head, his flaccid member hanging out underneath the tails of his white dress shirt. “I’m gonna undo your ankle chains, then I’ll be able to spread your legs as wide as I like, got it? Don’t try anythin’ pretty girl.” 
Supergirl put on an innocent facade and shook her head no, trying to look scared, but she felt a surge of hope. If he undid her chains, she’d escape. She had no doubt about it. Steven looked into the top drawer of a nearby cabinet, then pulled out a ring of keys. He slid a key into the lock on her right ankle and the pressure lifted. Then he repeated the procedure on her left. 
As soon as her legs were free, Supergirl rocked back and exploded into Steven’s face with a kick. He stumbled back across the carpet, cursing. Landing on her feet, Supergirl rushed him and brought her knee up to crunch into his skull. He dropped like a stone. She knelt by his unconscious body, searching for the keys. A hard task with her hands bound behind her back. Wood creaked outside the bedroom. Footsteps. Darn. 
Supergirl abandoned the keys and ran at the window of Rick’s bedroom, launching herself through it. The glass shattered and she plummeted from the second story, landing on her feet in the wet grass. Her ankle flared up in pain but she broke immediately into a run, spurred on by adrenaline. Agony wracked her foot and her ankle, so she limped, but she made good progress around the house. She found a small metal gate that opened into a forest outside the grounds. 
She opened the gate by turning around and clasping the handle with her bound hands, then almost fell through backward. Her ankle really hurt, it was really messed up, and she was still weighed down by that damn necklace. Ignoring the pain, she stumbled through the dark forest. A log tripped her up and she fell heavily on her stomach, the breath knocked out of her. Turning onto her back, she saw the moon through the branches, and her head felt light at the lack of oxygen. She was so close to escaping. No time for rest. Never again. 
Forcing herself up, she kept moving, limiting the weight she put on her bum ankle, and before long she reached an isolated road that wound in between the forests at the edge of Rick’s estate. Two bright beams from a car's headlights filtered through the night and Supergirl stumbled out onto the road. The car screeched to a stop just feet from her and the driver’s door opened. A man placed one foot outside the car and stood, looking at her, obscured by the bright lights. Supergirl squinted to limit the brightness, but she still couldn’t make him out. 
“What the hell you doin’?” 
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much for stopping. I need help, please,” Supergirl said. 
The man hesitated. “All right, get in.” 
Supergirl limped around the side of the car and got into the passenger seat. Her eyes started to adjust to the dark interior of the car as the man started driving. She looked over at him and saw a grubby man with a felt cap. He was older, maybe sixty or so, and he drove up the winding road. They would pass by Rick’s Estate if she had the right approximation of their direction, so Supergirl ducked down in her seat. 
To her horror, the man pulled up to the gates of Rick’s estate. 
“What are you doing?” she cried. She tried the door but it was locked. 
“Mr. Gates wouldn’t like it if his new pet ran away,” the man said. He rolled down the window and hit the intercom. It started to ring. When Supergirl heard Rick’s voice, she panicked and attacked the man, trying to bite his face, but he hit her with his elbow and she slumped back, groaning from the blow to her head. 
“What is it?” 
“I found your pet Mr. Gates. Down the road aways.” 
“Well done George, bring her in and don’t let her go anywhere.” 
“You got it boss.” 
George grabbed a handful of Supergirl’s hair and slammed her into the dashboard. She crumpled at the foot of the passenger seat and then everything went black. 


Rick greeted George with a hug when he pulled into the parking lot of the Estate. Supergirl was out cold in the passenger seat. When he’d returned to his room he’d found Steven, that horndog idiot, lying on the ground with a nasty gash on his head. He’d had the idea to call George, one of his groundskeepers, who he knew was out for a drive and warn him to keep an eye out for Supergirl. The half an hour when he’d thought she was gone had been terrible for Rick. He’d paced his kitchen, compulsively checking his cameras, and he’d been covered in a cold sweat. The dumb slut had escaped. She really was a willful creature, but luck had not been on Supergirl’s side and here she was, delivered to him once again. 
“You like football George?” Rick asked. 
“I do sir,” George said. 
“Want to go to the Superbowl?” 
“Yes sir. Thank you sir,” George said. 
“No,” Rick said. He smiled genuinely. “Thank you George. This little bitch almost got away and we couldn’t have that, could we?” 
“No sir.” 
“Call the airport and have my plane prepared. We leave tonight.” 
“Yes sir.” 
Steven appeared at the front door, groaning and holding a cloth to his head. 
“There he is,” Rick said. 
“Sorry Mr. Gates,” Steven said. “I couldn’t resist.” 
“I know you have your flaws Steven, but you’re lucky George caught her or I’d have you fired. Still, you need to be punished. You’ll stay here when we go to the big game and take care of business.” 
“Yes sir,” Steven said. 
Rick went to the car and picked up Supergirl, slinging her over his shoulder, before carrying her to the limo. “But first, drive us to the airport.” 


Kara regained consciousness and her head felt fuzzy like it was stuffed with cotton. The room she was in was moving and there was a gentle ambient hum in the background. She opened her eyes and saw she was in a cabin, the interior of a plane. Rick sat across from her and fixed her with a serious look when their eyes met. 
“Kara,” Rick said. “How nice of you to join us. I’m sure you’re familiar with the sensation of flying. Flying through the air with superpowers is one thing. I prefer to travel in true style.” 
Numb after being defeated again, Kara sat up and looked around. The cabin of the plane was gorgeous with polished wood tables, leather armchairs, long leather couches, and a beautiful backlit bar filled with alcohol. There were only two other people in the cabin. Rick sat across from her, and to her right was the old man who’d picked her up on the road. The old man was feasting his eyes on her body, and she squirmed uncomfortably. Then her new outfit registered in her muddled thoughts. 
Expensive lingerie, pastel blue bordered with pink, frilly and girly. As she shifted, her butt cheeks clung to the leather and she realized how very minimal her undies were. He’d dressed her up like a doll. Pale blue leggings came halfway up her thighs. The kryptonite necklace was gone, but she felt something at her neck. Tugging at the collar, she realized it was shaped like a dog’s collar, with a big hoop for a leash. Kara shuddered. Maybe he’d forgotten about the kryptonite and she had her powers back. 
She lunged forward, drawing back her fist, but her hair caught, and the old man reeled her in, holding her in place with a tight grip on her locks. 
“Yes, that’s right, you’re definitely not super. The collar around your neck is more potent than the necklace and immeasurably harder to remove, I’m sure. But no need to fret my little blowjob princess, you’ll be free of the kryptonite collar before long, I’m sure.” Rick smirked at her, the victorious conqueror, and his eyes glimmered with evil intent. 
“Let me go,” Kara said. “You’ll never survive. My friends will save me and you’ll be in big trouble Rick. They’ll kill you.” 
“I don’t think so,” Rick said. He waggled a single finger in front of her nose and then bopped her. “You’ll be back in National City come Monday morning to be at work like the good girl you are. And in the meantime, you’ll be calling your friend, James Olsen, and your sister, Alex Danvers, to let them know you’re all right and you’re just taking a much-needed vacation.” 
Kara drew back from Rick. He knew about Alex. How? The old man released her and went back to hungrily admiring her body. “Why would I do that?” 
“Because if you don’t, George here is gonna make you drink toilet water,” Rick said. He smiled. “I haven’t had much water today, I’m very dehydrated, and I’ve momentarily forgotten how to flush. There’s a most unpleasant cocktail waiting for you in the bathroom if you don’t do what I want.” 
“You - that’s disgusting,” Kara said. Her face scrunched up and she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. To treat her like that. How dare he.
“Disgusting, yes, but all the more reason for you to do as I ask.” Rick held out his phone and Kara took it in one shaking hand. “If you try to alert your friends as to the truth, I’ll hold your head in the toilet until you pass out. Got it?” 
Kara’s face broke and tears collected on the surface of her eyes. She shook her head and fought off the tears, she didn’t want him to see her cry. Rick sat next to her on the armchair and wrapped his arm around her. He cooed and comforted her, stroking her head. Kara shook. This situation was unbearable. Where is he taking me? She didn’t want to drink piss, and she believed him when he said he’d hold her head in the toilet. He was sick. 
“Take your time, collect yourself, and make sure you sound like your usual sunny self,” Rick said. “We wouldn’t want to have to use the toilet for punishment now, would we?” 
Trembling, Kara let Rick wipe away her tears. She dialed James first. Kara told him she was all right and she was just taking a much-needed vacation. James sounded incredibly relieved and asked when she’d be back. Kara numbly repeated Rick’s instructions that she’d be home Monday. James said he wanted to have a board games night with her when she got back, and that he was sorry he’d been spending so much time with Lena. He wanted to make sure they stayed close friends. Kara couldn’t speak for almost ten seconds, afraid her voice would crack, and she fought the tears threatening to break down her cheeks. Finally, she said bye and James was satisfied. 
Alex was harder to convince. She drilled Kara with questions, and Kara answered as best she could, but Alex seemed really upset with her. That made Kara feel terrible. She’d been such an idiot in how she dealt with Rick. These people loved her, really cared about her, and she’d kept them at an arms distance for fear of the shame. What would happen to her now? What shames would Rick force her to endure? Finally, she convinced Alex everything was okay and that she’d see Alex on Monday night. They were both appeased and Kara sat back, wallowing in her despair. 
“Great, now that that’s taken care of,” Rick said. “It’s time to play. Business before pleasure, right Kara?” 
Kara didn’t respond, she just watched as Rick rose and went to a cabinet in one of the walls. He pulled out a piece of paper and a tupperware container full of things that rattled and shook. 
“Come over to the table Kara,” Rick said. He sat at the fine wooden table and placed a rubber penis in front of him. The dildo was twelve inches long at least, and ribbed. The sight of it terrified Kara. She’d never played with toys before and this one would tear her apart. 
Moving too slow for George’s liking, Kara cried out when he grabbed her hair and dragged her across the cabin, depositing her in the chair. 
“We’re going to play a little game, Miss Danvers,” Rick said. 

Posts: 70
Joined: 6 years ago

Warning: This chapter and the next are extremely graphic. Skip if you're faint of heart.


“I’m going to write the players on this piece of paper,” Rick said. He held up a blank sheet to Kara. “This is paper Kara, it’s what real writers work on.” 
“I know,” Kara said. 
“Do you? I can never be sure you pretty little idiot. Next, we select players.” 
Rick divided the page into four columns. In the first column, he started by writing his name is large, cursive penmanship. Kara noted his writing was much neater than hers. Why am I thinking about that? She didn’t feel like herself at all. All sense of power and confidence, which usually made her stand tall, had completely vanished. Despite her fear, she couldn’t help but notice the tingling in her groin, and she shook her head. What’s happening to me?
Next, Rick wrote ‘George’ in the first column, and finally, he wrote ‘Derek.’ 
“Who’s Derek?” Kara asked. 
Rick picked up the dildo and walked around the table, then playfully slapped Kara’s face with the rubbery penis. “Kara, Derek. Derek, Kara.” 
Dropping ‘Derek’ onto the table, he returned to his piece of paper and paused to think. “What equipment should I use George?” 
George smiled and leaned forward, gesturing at the tupperware with his chin. “What are we working with?” 
Kara watched with horror as Rick opened the tupperware container and pulled out all manner of illicit substances. Enormous ziploc bags of pills, joints and dark stones, glass pipes blackened with char, syringes, and vials of sinister elixirs. 
“Just about anything you can imagine,” Rick said. He met Kara’s eye across the table. Her lip was trembling, and no matter how she tried to fight the unconscious tick, she couldn’t stop. She was scared, but she was also so wet. They were going to use her and they’d get her messed up enough so that she wouldn’t be able to resist, no, she wouldn’t want to resist. Drugs broke down inhibitions, and Kara’s inhibitions had been her only defense against Rick conquering her body, mind, and soul. 
“I select the aphrodisiac as my equipment,” Rick said. He wrote down his selection next to his name. “For George, we’ll use alcohol. Good old fashioned fun, right George?” 
“You got it boss.” He grinned at Kara and squeezed her thigh under the table. 
“Derek’s equipment will be quaaludes,” Rick said. He admired his work and grinned at Kara, winking like a scoundrel. She whimpered. This game didn’t seem like very much fun. 
The third column drew Rick’s attention next. He studied the space next to his name, and then looked at Kara like she was an object he was considering purchasing. “Stand up Kara, let me take a good look at you.” 
She didn’t move, didn’t want to play his game. What he was doing to her was horrible, and now he wanted her to flaunt herself for him? Forget it. Then she was standing up to lessen the pain in her scalp as George dragged her to her feet and held her taut. 
“You’ve got such a pretty face Kara,” Rick said. “But I’ve already fucked it twice. Your pussy is nice and tight, an advantage of your prudish disposition, but I’ve had that too. Turn her around George.” 
Kara felt her cheeks burning as George turned her around and revealed her shapely ass. 
“Bend over slut,” Rick commanded. 
George’s grip on her hair tightened so Kara bent over and felt her butt cheeks spreading. 
“Ah yes, you do have a fine ass Kara. That will be the piece I will conquer,” Rick said. She heard his pencil scratching on the paper. George released her hair and she started to straighten when his hand struck her ass and she whimpered. “Sit down.” 
Kara listened to Rick’s command and sat at the table as he moved down the column to give George a piece of her body. They treated her like property, she had no say in which part of herself she would give up, or to whom. 
“George will get your face,” Rick said. “Sound good buddy?” 
“Sounds great,” George said. He was staring at her lips. “She’s a looker.” 
“She’s a gagger too, believe me,” Rick said. He chuckled. “And Derek gets your pussy. I think he can do the most good there.” 
Rick moved on to the fourth column and started to write. “I will have my way with Kara in the bathroom.” Kara looked at him in shock. “Hey, it’s an homage to the first time I took you, I’m a romantic at heart.” She shook her head, the dread making her feel cold. Shivering, she wished she had a blanket to cover herself up. 
“George will have you on the couch, that should be easier on your back, right George?” 
“Thanks boss,” George said. 
“And Derek will have you in an armchair,” Rick said. He smiled and admired his paper. “Okay, let the games begin.” 
The men wasted no time in getting the games underway. George pulled out a leash from somewhere in his jacket and clipped it to the ring on Kara’s collar. She tried struggling but he choked her until she stopped moving. With the collar wrapped in George’s hand, he yanked her to her feet and she stumbled into his arms. He groped her body with his rough fingers, squeezing her butt so hard she was worried it would bruise. 
“Stop,” Kara said. As the words came out, she heard the lack of conviction, the passive tone. 
“Shit, I think you’re right boss.” George said. “This slut likes rough treatment.” 
“Oh yes she does George,” Rick said. “We’ll have her right where we want before long.” 
Kara sighed. I’m powerless. There’s nothing I can do in this situation. They have complete control over me. Her breath became more shallow as she looked at Rick, standing tall and confident in his black business suit, filling a syringe with some clear liquid. An aphrodisiac. That meant it would make her turned on, didn’t it? She was already turned on and trying to hide it, she really did like being submissive. How did he know that when she didn’t? She’d never suspected what had been missing in her relationships, but he’d seen - he’d figured her out in just under a week. Kara felt more out of control than she ever had in her life, and as much as that scared her, it excited her too. 


Rick injected Kara Danvers with the syringe, injecting the sexual stimulant into her ass cheek, and then he took her from George. Winding her leash around his hand, he pulled her close and held her chin so their eyes met. He watched as the drugs took effect and the reservation, the fear, and the timidity faded away. The ice blue pupils of her eyes melted and caught fire, and her mouth parted. Her chest heaved as she fought the effects of arousal that were quickly invading her body, destroying her self-awareness, and making her more and more susceptible to enjoying sexual pleasure, no matter how humiliating or degrading. 
“Are you excited to get fucked in the ass?” Rick asked. 
Kara gasped and tried to avoid his gaze, but he held her chin in place and leaned in, holding his lips inches from hers. Finally, she broke the truce and kissed him. He pulled away and dragged her towards the bathroom by pulling on her collar. She choked for breath until she started walking at his pace and then Rick flung the bathroom door open and pushed her inside. George held the door open so he could watch. 
Rick bent her over by applying pressure to the back of her neck, and she braced herself with hands on each side of the toilet. Rick’s dick was rock hard and ready to go as he relieved it from his boxer shorts. Trying to drill into her hole using the head, he found she was too tight, and she started to cry out in pain. Reaching down, Rick ran his fingers in between the folds of her pussy and she shuddered violently. The slut was sopping wet! 
“You are a freak aren’t you Miss Danvers?” Rick asked. 
Kara moaned and shook her head, but when he applied pressure to her clitoris, her moans drowned out her protest. Using his soaked fingers, he began opening up her asshole. Kara gasped when he put two fingers inside of her, and her legs started to shake. “I had a feeling you would like it in the ass.” 
Whimpering again, Kara shook her head, but then he brought up his cock and it pierced the ring of her ass, perched on the entrance of her bowels. Holding her leash in one hand, he wrapped her hair in his other hand and pulled as he thrust. His enormous penis only made it about an inch deep and Kara screamed in pain. Withdrawing his cock so it was on the edge of her asshole, he plunged into her again, this time striking deeper, two inches into her supple ass. 
Kara screamed again, not a sound of pleasure, but that would come in time. This girl was as close to a virgin as they come in today’s day and age, and she’d definitely never had anything up her ass. This would be a brutal awakening for the young slut. 
On the third thrust, Kara’s ass relaxed and gave up. Her little ass ring swallowed his cock up to the hilt and she gave a hoarse gasp, changing her grip on the toilet, grabbing the lid in different places. Rick pulled her back up against him and looked at her face. There were tears streaking down her cheeks, but now her lips were open, her cheeks flushed. She met his gaze and shuddered. Slamming the toilet lid shut, he used his grip on her hair to force her down, pressing her face against the pale white plastic. Her round, tight ass pointed up at him and he drew back, only to put all his weight into the next thrust. Kara gasped, and he felt her little frame shaking beneath him. Resisting his impulse to pound her into oblivion, Rick pumped in and out of her with slow, steady strokes, burying himself in her rear end up to the hilt every time. In less than a minute of this rhythmic ass fucking, Kara started to moan. 
“You like it you little fuck slut,” Rick said. George laughed from behind him. Kara tried to shift, to look over her shoulder at him, but he held her down with a tight grip on her blonde tresses. 
Her moans grew louder, and her legs shook violently. Her voice gave way to breathless, croaking gasps as her body stiffened and she seized. Rick pulled his dick out until only his head remained inside of her and waited for her pleasure to fade. 
“Did I tell you to cum?” 
“Mwno,” Kara said, mouth muffled by being pressed into the toilet lid. 
“You better learn to behave slut,” Rick said. Then he let go of his self-control and pistoned in and out of her ass at a terrible tempo. Kara wailed as he stretched her ass, stabbing her bowels with his enormous cock, and Rick felt his release coming. He grabbed her hair and pulled her up again, squeezing one of her pert tits through the bra. His tongue slipped into her mouth. She greeted his kiss eagerly, hungrily even, and then his dick exploded inside of her, pumping a flood of jizz into her ass. Kara flinched as her ass filled with cum, obviously unused to the sensation, but she’d come to love it. 
He held her upright like that for several moments as he dick went limp. “Good girl.” One last kiss on the lips and Rick released her. Kara fell to her knees on the ground, and her breath was weathered. Her back was covered in sweat, and her skin was flushed. Her whimper transitioned into a cry of anguish. Rick met George by the door and looked at his conquest. Cum leaked out of Kara’s ass, which had been gaped wide open, and made a puddle on the floor. 
“Clean that up,” Rick commanded. Kara turned around and straightened, sitting on her knees, confused, until Rick drew her attention to the dirty jizz on the floor of the bathroom. “Lick it.” 
Kara shook her head no. “Make her do her duty,” Rick said to George. The old man chuckled and moved towards Kara. She tried to shy away from him, but he caught her leash and forced her head down by the floor. Though she fought, he simply slapped her ass hard and her defiance ceased. Before long she was licking the floor clean of jizz like a bargain bin whore. 
“Round two of the game,” Rick said. “Come take your medicine Superslut.” 
Posts: 70
Joined: 6 years ago

Another graphic chapter. Be warned.


George held little Kara in his strong arms, honed from years of manual labour, and Rick opened up a bottle of vodka. He chuckled as he came over to Kara. She looked up at him with the strangest expression; a mix of fear and arousal. She stopped fighting George when she met Rick’s eyes. He was already consolidating control over her in the most satisfying fashion. 
“I bought you fine wine at the restaurant because I was still trying to fuck you,” Rick said. “Now that’s I’ve had every one of your holes, I don’t think you deserve the good stuff. This is the cheapest bottle of liquor I have. It tastes terrible. Now open up and enjoy.” 
George held Kara’s jaw in his hand. She clamped her lips shut. Rick ran a hand between her legs and stroked his clit which made the slut open up wide. Then he jammed the neck of the bottle in between her plump lips and held her mouth shut. To the whore’s credit she did her best to swallow. 
“You’re good at swallowing Kara, you little cum guzzler.” 
She choked at the comment and the liquor spilled out down her chin, wetting her bare chest, and soaking the bra. Rick let up, he’d poured about half the bottle down her throat. Kara sat up, looking like she was going to be sick, and they just watched her in amusement. Finally, she sat up straighter, before wobbling in place on the couch. 
“Okay George, game on,” Rick said. 
He sat back on a chair and watched as George tugged Kara to her knees on the floor in front of the couch. His big, hairy cock was already out and aiming at her pretty face. The young Miss Danvers tried to turn her lips away from him, but he forced his shaft between her lips and started pumping, using his grip on her hair as a handhold to fuck her face like a toy. Kara choked and gagged, her throat fighting the intrustion, and she tried to beat at him with her hands. 
“A little help?” George said. 
Rick nodded and got down behind Kara, grabbing her delicate hands and wrenching them behind her back. George humped her face, Kara gagging and gargling, and mauled her perky tits with his hands. He squeezed hard and she tried to protest but her words came out garbled around George’s fat dick. 
George pulled out of Kara’s mouth and slapped his dick against one of her pale cheeks. It left an imprint of salvia and Rick smiled when he saw her face. She was breathless, flushed, and mascara ran down her face in two lines. Manhandling the petite blonde, George flipped her upside down on one armrest of the couch so her blond locks hung off the edge. He crushed her hands down on the couch at her sides.
“I got this,” Rick said. George nodded at him. Kara tried to sit up and look at Rick. She looked horrified, but then George grabbed her hair and pulled her back, arcing her back. Rick grabbed her hands and held them in his own. Parting her g-string with his other hand, he started licking. Still high on the aphrodisiac, Kara started to shake, her legs vibrating as Rick stimulated her soaking wet pussy. 
More gutteral gagging sounds started as George started fucking her throat. The rest of her body hadn’t got the memo. She strained to release her arms from Rick’s grip, but her legs were vibrating like crazy. A loud gasp filled the air as George pulled out of her throat, and Kara only breathed in enough air to release a shriek of pleasure. The sound was cut off as George buried his dick in her throat again. 
Rick kept licking mercilessly, and before long her shuddering reached a climax and she seized up, shaking like she was having a seizure. As she came, George’s furious facefucking drew a symphony of choking from her mouth. Rick saw George holding her head in place as he desposited his spunk down her throat. Kara gasped when he finally pulled his cock out, her body going limp. Her breasts heaved as she fought for air. 
“I think you like getting facefucked Miss Danvers,” Rick said. 
“N-no,” Kara managed. She sat up, still looking defiant with sperm dripping from her lips. 
“You came hard,” Rick said. “Was that a good orgasm?” Kara’s lip trembled and she looked around for some escape, some proof of her innocence, but of course she found nothing. “Time for round three whore.” 
He dragged Kara to her feet and ushered her towards the table. George attached Derek to a leather armchair with a suction cup and stepped back. Rick bullied Kara into the armchair, and pushed down on her lovely hips, navigating Derek’s wide girth in between her legs and up inside her. Kara gasped as it made entrance, and then she fought him, wanting to stop the invasion of her pussy. 
George handed him a couple of pills, quaaludes. Kara moaned as Derek worked up inside her senstive snatch. Rick took advantage of her open mouth and forced the pills down her throat. He pushed her down until Derek was buried all the way inside her, and her eyes were bulging in her face at the intrusion. George handed him the duct tape next and he wrapped a strap of adhesive around the defiant slut’s neck, holding her in place. Rick taped her arms to the chair, and followed with more duct tape bindings on her legs and her stomach. Before long she couldn’t move, and she glared at him. 
“Tha’s ih?” she said. “Ime get’n strechta bah this inn’t nutting.” 
“Oh really?” Rick said. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of the girl. The little blonde reporter who pretended to be Supergirl. There was no heroism left here, none that he could see. Her silky blonde bangs were slick with sperm and spit, her make-up was a mess, and her face was flushed with obvious arousal. A little bit of fight left? Sure, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome with a stern word and a firm hand. Rick pulled out a remote control, the one attached to the powerful battery inside of Derek. “Did I mention Derek vibrates?” 
Kara opened her mouth to slur another moronic response, but Rick hit the first level on Derek’s control unit and the buzzing robbed her of her retort. Kara started to moan instantly, whipping her head from side to side, assaulted by lust, and that was only Derek’s first setting. 
“What do you say we have lunch?” Rick said. 
“Sounds good, fucking this slut worked me up an appetite.” 


“Hey Kara,” Rick said. She whimpered and strained against the duct tape constraining her head to the chair. Waves of white-hot pleasure were rolling through her body, originating from her groin, and she wanted to scream. Half from horror and half from ecstasy. “How’s it going champ?”
Kara wanted to glare at him. She wanted to spit at him and call him bad words, and tell him that she would kill him. But that wasn’t all. Her body wanted to be touched, teased, entered, and abused. “Rick,” Kara broke off her words to gasp as a shock of pleasure jolted down her legs. “Please, stop this.” 
“This must be quite the education you’re receiving.” Rick knelt at her feet and ran a finger down her thigh, making her shiver. A squeak escaped her, and part of her felt humiliated, but another part of her was past caring. 
“Please, make it stop,” Kara pleaded. Her voice sounded pathetic, and part of her hated the sound of it. But another part of her wanted to plead for more. Can’t let him win. This would end eventually and she’d be free. Supergirl wasn’t gone. Kara Danvers was still good. What he was doing just -
Just what? a sinister thought asked. Just giving you what you really want? Just giving you the best orgasms of your entire life? The pleasure rose again and Kara screamed, fighting against her bonds, wanting to squeeze flesh, hold a warm man, and feel Rick’s tongue on hers. The bonds on her head went away and Kara thrashed, her head whipping back and forth. 
“Here,” Rick said. Kara opened her eyes and saw his penis resting in front of her face, just inches from her mouth. “Suck me Kara, I know you want to. You long to serve.” Kara shuddered as another shockwave of pleasure shook her inside and defeated any logic in her mind. She opened her mouth and worked her tongue down his shaft, wrapping her soft lips around the throbbing rod. “Good girl.” Kara glowed at the affection, closing her eyes and letting the relentless pleasure consume her. Why had Kara never sucked a dick before Rick? Really sucked a dick, let it use her mouth as a receptacle, as she now knew she could. Giving a man pleasure felt so good. She felt him stiffening as he tongue worked over his penis. With every slurp and smack of her lips, he grunted. His hand ran through her hair, encouraging her, reinforcing what a powerful sexual being she was. 
The penis slipped out from beneath her lips and Kara opened her eyes. Hot liquid splashed over her face, and she blinked, thick globs of goop dripping down her cheeks. Her tongue actually left her mouth to lick at his cum! What is happening to me. Another blast from Derek, stimulating the walls of her sensitive canal, made her throw her head back and writh in her restraints. 
Another fleshy member pressed against her lips and Kara’s mouth opened in an o-shape, accomodating the entry. A man grunted and Kara saw George getting one foot up on the chair’s armrest to get better leverage at her face. “Such a good, pretty girl,” a bass voice soothed, and Kara started working her mouth up and down the shaft. She was a pretty girl, if she wasn’t they wouldn’t want her so bad. And she knew they wanted her. 
She licked the head of the penis in front of her and then it plunged deep into her throat, clogging her airway. Garbled moans came from between her lips. “Oh yeah, keep humming baby,” George said. She looked up at the man, in his mid-50s and plain as soil, but the lust on his face transformed him. He looked as passionate as a Greek God, flames billowing in his eyes like the fires of a forge. His face twisted and then he pulled his penis out from between Kara’s lips. Kara closed her eyes, knowing what was coming now, getting validation from it, and hot puddles of creamy liquid ran down her forehead, between her eyes, and dripping from her nose. 
The vibration between her legs stopped and Kara felt a stab of pain. It wasn’t real pain, not like getting punched in the face, or knocked through the air by a monster, but it was almost worst. She felt the absence of pleasure so powerfully that it gave her physical pain. 
Her eyes turned up and met Rick’s. He was looking down at her with a frown. Kara opened her mouth to beg for more, but she stopped herself. As the pleasure faded from her body, she only felt cloudy, and her head ached. Oh my God. Overwhelming shame brought a torrent of tears to her eyes and she shook her head, fighting back her misery. The drugs, and all the touching, they’d made her lose herself. Another victory for Rick, and another L for Kara Danvers. 
“You should cry,” Rick said. “You’re such a whore.” 
Kara looked up at him in shock, her mouth wide in indignation, him talking as if he hadn’t conspired to do this to her all along. Rick and George turned and left her strapped to the chair. Her tears came then, and she wept herself dry, the smell of cum filling her with regret.

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I haven't had a chance to read the last few chapters but I certainly look forward to doing so and will post my reactions as soon as I do. Just wanted to say thanks for posting.

Has anybody else read this story recently: If so, please take a moment to reply with a comment. All writers here love to hear what you think of their work.
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Just want to say, I'm really enjoying this story and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

I also understand the inner conflict that comes from playing with these kinds of fantasies, but I think it might be healthy to explore them in fiction. So long as we understand the hard line that exists between fantasy and reality.
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exxxidor456 wrote:
4 years ago
Just want to say, I'm really enjoying this story and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

I also understand the inner conflict that comes from playing with these kinds of fantasies, but I think it might be healthy to explore them in fiction. So long as we understand the hard line that exists between fantasy and reality.
Absolutely. I was alarmed at my reaction to these fantasies at first. But I’ve come to terms with my interest in consensual bdsm. These fantasies aren’t consensual but I’m aroused by the power dynamics. I also would never behave the way the characters behave in stories in real life. Like you said, it’s a fantasy.
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Kara paced the hotel bedroom, her shame giving way to anger. Before they landed, Rick injected her with something and she’d blacked out. She’d tried to talk to him but he’d given her the silent treatment. The two men acted like she didn’t exist. 
Now they’d chained her up in the hotel bedroom, a long line of iron restricting her to the bedpost, and it’d been hours. They hadn’t thought to even feed her! She’d had a long sleep, she didn’t know exactly how long, but she woke up feeling worn and humiliated. The memories of what she’d done had shaken her to the core. She could lie to Rick, but she remembered how much she enjoyed the abuse. 
“I know you’re out there,” Kara shouted. She’d been shouting through the bedroom door, knowing that they could hear her. The hotel room was a penthouse, and it was big, but they could definitely hear her. She knew it. 
The door handle squeaked as it turned and it opened, revealing Rick. 
“Finally,” Kara said. “Are you deaf?” 
“We could hear you Kara,” Rick said. “I just needed some time away from you, to think.”
Kara’s heart sped up, skipping a beat at the idea of him seeing the wrong of his ways. Was he going to let her go? She still had no idea where she was, except that you needed a plane to get there.
“What’s going on?” 
Rick sighed and sat on the base of the bed, patting the blankets next to him. Kara looked suspiciously at the foot of the bed. “It’s okay,” he said. “Sit.” 
Kara sat tenderly, her bottom still sore from the rough pounding she’d received. She suddenly remembered that Rick had made her cum too. By using her butt. She blushed and looked at her hands. 
“What is it Rick? I’m really hungry,” Kara said. Her voice was so meek. She didn’t even dare plead assertively in his presence. 
“Listen, so I knew you would break Kara. I also knew you were a slut and that you would love being abused. But I had no idea what a whore you really are.”
Kara reacted as if slapped. She looked at Rick like he was an alien, and he met her gaze with unshakable stoicism. He was serious. 
“What - are - how are - “ Kara spluttered. 
“Kara, I mean you became a total cockslut on the plane. I didn’t expect that. Not so soon,” Rick said. 
“What are you talking about? You did this to me!” Kara jumped up and faced him. She was wild with indignation. “You made me-“
“Sit.” His words chilled her and she felt magnetically drawn to settle back down on the bed. “I just had no idea how much you would like being abused Kara. You’re a cum dumpter, the town bicycle, the village slut. It just took me some time to come to turns with that.” 
Kara hunched over, hiding her expression of hurt in the folds of her hair. “So you don’t want me anymore? You’ll let me go?” 
“Oh no,” Rick said. “It just changes thing. But you’re hungry, so come on, let’s get you something to eat.” 
“It’s about time,” Kara grumbled. He unlocked the bracelet around her ankle and she limped into the dining room. 
“I thought we gave you enough protein to last a week,” Rick said. 
Kara shot him a glare over her shoulder, but his comment made the memories of what happened resurface. There was a feast set on the dining table of the penthouse and Kara marched towards it, already salivating at what she saw. 
“Wait,” Rick said. There it was again, the compelling impact of his voice. Kara slowed and then Rick grabbed her shoulder. He clipped her leash onto the lead of her collar, and gave it a tug. Kara felt her neck jerked but didn’t say anything. 
“So can I eat now??” she said. 
“You’re asking me?” Rick said. He smiled at her with a twinkle in his eye. 
“Ask nicely.” 
Kara sighed and crossed her arms. She met his gaze. “May I please eat now?” 
“No,” Rick said. 
“What?” Kara said. 
He tugged on her leash and dragged her towards two leather armchairs in front of a fireplace. As she drew closer she saw George was seated and the old man was naked from the waist down. 
“I said I was shocked at what a whore you are. Well, since you are such a filthy girl, you’ll have to earn your keep. You’re going to give us both head. After we both cum, you’re allowed to eat.” 
Kara looked at Rick in shock, but he just unzipped his pants, stepped out of his underware, and sat on the second chair. The logs on the fire crackled as flames consumed them. Kara’s hands tightened to fists at her sides and she avoided looking at their penises, both erect and waiting for her attention. She was Supergirl! This was not how she earned her lunch. She wouldn’t.
“Kara?” Rick said. “We’re waiting.” 
“I won’t do it,” Kara said. 
“Very well,” Rick said. He stood up and George followed suit, as if they’d planned or choreographed this movement. The two men went to the table and started serving themselves some of the many delicacies ordered from room service. There was a roasted chicken, the skin crispy and brown, with a side of creamy mash potatos and gravvy. An apple pie, still hot and letting off steam, made her stomach growl as she looked at it. There was a cheese pizza, one of her favourites, oozing gooey cheese as George took a slice. 
“You’re not really doing this,” Kara said. “This was a joke right? You’re gonna let me eat.”
“Only if you blow us,” Rick said. “A whore needs to earn her keep.” 
The two men went back to preparing their dinners, taking what they desired from the veritable smorgasboard of culinary delights. 
“Fine,” Kara said. She admitted defeat in a quiet voice, almost a whisper, but Rick heard her and turned around. The two men left their plates on the table and returned to their positions. Kara sighed, but she was hungry. This wasn’t her fault, not really. He was manipulating her, and if she didn’t eat she’d die. Sighing deeply, Kara got down in front of George and reached out tenatively to grab the old man’s penis. 
“No hands,” Rick said. She looked over her shoulder and saw him looming behind her. He grabbed her arms at the bicep and pulled the back. Then her head was yanked forward as George tugged at her leash. The head of his penis poked into her eye. Kara cried out, blinking to try and clear the pain. The dick smacked her lips and George chuckled. Nothing amusing became immediately apparent, but Kara set her face and resigned herself to this living hell. She opened her mouth and George entered her lips. Something hard pressed against the back of her head and she lurched forward, the thick cock of George choking her. “Good girl.” 
George pumped in and out of her mouth at a frenzied pace and before long he jerked, and his cock shot loads of sperm into her mouth. Coughing as the liquid hit the back of her throat, Kara felt his jizz go up her nose. She hissed as she forced herself free from his dick, cum dripping from her lips to fall on her legs. 
A hard slap jerked her head to the side, and she breathed heavily, wincing at the pain in her cheek. “Behave slut,” Rick said. 
Kara let him drag her on her knees over to the other chair where he sat down. “No hands.” Her hands hanging by her legs, Kara opened her mouth to finish her job. Rick stabbed her throat with his penis, and she forgot how different they were in size. She choked as it went down her throat, and her eyes started to water. She tried to pull back, but he held her down, her nose buried in his pubic hair. “Earn your keep whore.” Rick let go of her head and Kara came up for breath, coughing, and trying to wipe her face on the sleeve of her shirt. “Bad slut,” Rick said. He slapped her across the face. Grabbing Kara’s hair, he propped her up on the chair and flipped her around so her head hung off the side of the chair. Sighing, Kara resigned herself to this and just hoped he would be finished soon. She let her mouth hang open, and closed her eyes. 
Rick’s penis stuffed her throat and she couldn’t breathe. That was normal, he loved to bury his dick deep in her throat and hold it there until she couldn’t breathe, but this time it went longer. Kara started to struggle, she slapped at his thighs. “No hands.” She kicked and rotated her torso to free the cock from her mouth so she could breathe. Rick finally pulled out and she coughed, her eyes bright with lights from being starved of oxygen. Hot jizz sprayed across her face, some of it getting in her eyes, and she blinked to clear her vision. A warm, wet towel brushed across her face and she looked up to find Rick cleaning here. “Good whore. Now you can eat.” 
Kara stood, the shame of sucking dick for dinner just a drop of water in the ocean of humiliation she’d endured since she met Rick. She got a plate and ate half the cheese pizza before Rick carried her back to her room and locked the door. 

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 213
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Great story - glad you opted to continue it.
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Thank you flagon :D


Rick took her to the Superbowl in a limo. He’d dressed her in booty shorts and a short shirt that revealed her midriff. The collar stayed around her neck, of course, but he left the leash back at the hotel room. She’d sucked their dicks for breakfast that morning. 
Kara wondered how he was going to get through security with the gym bag he was carrying, but the security seemed to know him and let him in without a hitch. He lead Kara through the main concourse. She kept trying to make eye contact with people, to let them know she was in trouble, and although she attracted a lot of male attention, no one seemed interested in helping. Saying anything outloud that would attract Rick’s attention was out of the question, of course, but she tried to plead with people using her eyes. No luck. 
Rick dragged her up a staircase, his hand wrapped around her waist, until they arrived at a door guarded by eight security guards wielding automatic weapons. Weird, Kara thought. That’s not normal security. Where is he taking me?
The men let Rick in without asking for any kind of identification, and he opened the door pulling Kara into another room. There were benches facing out, towards the field and the game. The rest of the room was lined with stools, couches, and large, comfortable arm chairs. There were about twelve men, all dressed in black business suits the same shade of coal. They were a wide variety of ages, from twenty to seventy years old. Kara saw only one other girl there, a slip of a thing with dark brown hair and big eyes, who looked scared. The girl seemed familiar. An instinct to help the girl rose in her, but she was in no position to help herself, let alone somebody else. 
“Ricky,” said an old man. He rose and shook Rick’s hand. 
“Allen,” Rick said. “It’s great to see you. I see old age hasn’t killed you yet.” 
“I’ve got a blood boy,” Allen said. He winked at Kara. “Who is this enchanting gem?” 
“You’ll see,” Rick said. He lead Kara towards the bar and opened the bag he brought with him. He brought out a little metal box, locked with a key, and then handed the gym bag to Kara. “Go get changed.” He gestured with his chin. “That’s the bathroom.” Kara nodded. 
She left Rick and went through the door he indicated. Even the bathroom was fancy. There were beautiful beige tiles, all new fixtures on the sink, a beautiful, full-length mirror, and even a urinal. Kara looked into the bag, wondering what he had in store for her today and pulled out a red cape. Her heart slowed. She rummaged into the bag and out came the rest of her iconic costume. There was only one thing missing. Kara pushed her hand into every corner of the bag, but it was empty. Where were her leggings? Sighing, Kara tugged down her booty shorts, and pulled off the little t-shirt. She unclipped her bra and stepped out of the white cotton panties. There was no bra in the bag, so Kara pulled on her solid leotard. Turning around, she looked at her bum in the mirror. The string bottom of the leotard left little to the imagination. Her shapely bum was on display for whoever may be looking. Next, she pulled up her red skirt so it hung snugly on her hips. Finally, she pulled on her red boots. 
Finished with dressing herself, Kara looked at herself in the full-length mirror. The costume looked so different without her leggings. It revealed a lot of leg, and when she turned around, a glimpse of her shapely bottom could be peeked beneath the ruffled fabric. Sighing, she put her old clothes in the gym bag and stepped out of the bathroom. 
A man in his early thirties was arguing with Rick. “You’re so full of shit Gates,” the man said. “You’re just jealous I brought Caitlin Callie. Admit it.” Every other man besides those two was staring at Supergirl. Supergirl started. That’s where she recognized the brunette from. She was a starlet! A singer! What the hell was she doing here? 
“Look,” Rick said. The man who had been arguing turned around and saw Supergirl. For about five seconds no one said anything. 
“Holy shit Gates,” the man said. “You weren’t kidding.” 
“No, I wasn’t,” Rick said. He walked over to Supergirl, stood behind her and ran his hands up her legs, revealing her barely hidden crotch to this room full of strangers. Supergirl thought her face might catch fire it was so hot. 
“And she’s,” Allen paused and shared a meaningful look with another man. “Open for business?” 
“Absolutely, I just want to give her a little something to warm her up to you fellas, she’s a bit shy,” Rick said. Supergirl blushed and looked at the floor. The brunette, Caitlin Callie, was staring at her with disbelief. Kara met her eyes and gave a small smile. The girl seemed too shocked to respond. 
A prick stung Kara’s neck, and she turned to see Rick returning a syringe to his bag. “Who wants first go?” 
“Is that really a question Gates?” asked the man in his thirties. 
Allen nodded in agreement.
“Yes,” Rick said. “It was Lionel. But you’re right. Morgan?” 
Kara’s jaw dropped when she saw a man who she hadn’t noticed, sitting in a dark corner, stand up and move towards her. Morgan Edge moved towards Supergirl with an enormous smile on his face. “Hello Supergirl.” 
The shock of seeing the evil businessman in this situation made Kara’s head spin, but maybe it was the drugs. She held a hand to her eye and started to stumble when she tripped over someone’s leg. The men exploded in laughter and she looked up to see Morgan grinning down at her with malevolence in his eyes. 
“Watch your step,” he said. In another few seconds he pulled off his belt and dropped his pants. Kara got up to one knee when Caitlin was pushed down beside her, falling in a heap. Kara helped the girl up, and Caitlin looked at Kara with tears in her eyes. Then hands were pulling them apart. The men tore at her uniform, ripping and tearring. The blue fabric stretched and broke, revealing Supergirl’s body as she struggled against all the male attention. Someone mounted her from behind and she gasped as the rest of her uniform fell to shreds, torn by grasping hands. A hard dick slid into her vagina and Supergirl gasped, enjoying the pleasure. Another man stood by her head and guided his penis between her lips. Someone was squeezing her boobs so hard they hurt, but she couldn’t turn her head to see who it was, someone had a grip on her hair. 
The penis withdrew from her groin, and she breathed a sigh of relief before the man in her mouth started whipping her head up and down his dick with wild abandon. Supergirl coughed and choked. Rick had made her put on fresh makeup that morning. As it ran down her cheeks, she considered her thoughts that morning. She’d thought he just wanted her to look pretty. Now she knew better.
She resisted letting the dick into her throat by holding her breath and flexing her neck. But then a big dick penetrated her ass, and she let out a wheeze. That was all the man at her head needed. He jammed his penis deep down her throat. Surprise shook Kara when she felt another man crawl underneath her, and then felt his fleshy member press against the lips of her vagina. He slammed inside of Supergirl with a grunt, and then she was being stuffed with dick in every hole. 
The sensations were overwhelming. All these men, completely focused on her, playing with her tiny nipples, pulling her hair, and pumping in and out of her holes. Kara moaned as the dick stuffed her throat. Coughing, she tried to draw back, but a hand forced her head back down. The corners of her vision were darkening, and Kara felt dizzy. She was scared, but so thrilled, utterly lost to the pleasure of being validated by all these men. It’s just the drugs.
The man in her mouth pulled out and she gasped, looking up and finding Morgan Edge smiling down at her with an evil grin. “You are a slut Supergirl.” 
Her mouth curled down in a frown, until the man in her ass and vagina pumped harder, in unison, and then she cried out, eyes rolling in her head as an orgasm consumed her. Her limbs tightened and she shook, crying out. The man in her ass spurted, and within five seconds, the man in her vagina exploded too. They pulled out of Kara and she looked around. Cailtin was being mauled too, but having a harder time bringing her men to completion. Kara felt a note of pride at how quickly she brought the men to completion. 
She’d been ignited, her groin was pulsing with desire, and her ass tingled. Crawling across the floor, Supergirl went to Rick, his eyes fixed on her through the crowd of half naked men. Fiddling to open his pants, she ran her tongue over her lips. 
“Suck someone else Supergirl,” Rick said. He met her eye and pushed her shoulders. As she tilted back and into the arms of men, she saw that he was holding his phone up and the red light was blinking. A man bent her over backward and slid his penis down her throat, while another man took position between her legs. 


Kara woke up on the plane again, when Rick sat on the arm of her chair. 
“Mmm, wha - whaddaya wan’?” she said. She’d been having the most pleasant dream. There was a pool of light and she bathed in it, soaking in the pleasure. There was no fight in her voice. Rick had completely dominated her. She’d been a slut for him. Never before had she thought she would actually beg for a man’s sexual attentions before, but Rick had shown her the truth. He’d been right all along. 
“I wanted to talk to you before we landed. You’ll be home by about ten tonight. It’s Sunday today,” Rick said. 
“I’ll be home?” Kara said. The words sounded foreign in her mouth. “Home?”
Rick nodded. “And you’ll be at work at Catco tomorrow.” 
“That’s it?” Kara said. “You’re letting me go, no strings attached?” 
Rick chuckled and reached out to stroke Kara’s cheek. His finger lingered beside her lips, and then he probed her mouth with his thumb. Her mouth opened without thought to let his finger inside. 
“You’re going to do exactly what I want Kara. You’ll be free to go to work, come home, see your friends, fulfill your duties at the DEO. I don’t want to raise any suspicion. But you’ll do anything I tell you to.”
“Why?” Kara said. He obviously had a plan, but as soon as she was free she was going to tell Alex and James about what happened. She’d ruin this predator. As much as she was getting resigned to the truth about herself, she did not like how Rick pulled it out of her. How he coerced it from her, unwillingly. And she’d make him pay for what he did to her. 
“If you don’t, everyone will see this,” Rick said. He held up his phone so she could see the screen and hit play. The pit of Kara’s stomach dropped. There it was on camera; Supergirl, not to be confused with anyone else thanks to modern recording technology, crawling around on her hands and knees, pleasuring any man in sight. The look of sultry joy on her face sealed her fate. If this got out, Supergirl would be destroyed. National City would be devastated. Their mighty female defender would have been exposed as a whore. And not the sad kind of whore, who had sex for money. She looked like a willing, lusty slut. No, no one could find out. She couldn’t tell Alex or James. Her heart sank.
“What am I supposed to tell my family and friends?” Kara said. “I’m not good at hiding things.” 
“Nothing,” Rick said. “Maybe say you slept around with some guys, give a hint of the truth for believability, but don’t blame me. You’re still going to be Supergirl. And you’ll still honour all your obligations, but you will not blame anyone for your sluttiness Kara. Understand?” 
Kara nodded slowly. Rick reached over and undid her collar with a movement she missed. Her neck felt so free without the collar, and she felt at the skin in wonder. She could beat the crap out of him right now, if she wanted.
“As long as you behave, this tape will never see the light of day. I don’t profit at all from the release of this. I don’t want the world to know. The world needs Supergirl. But you’ll still do what I tell you or you’ll force my hand.” 
“Okay,” Kara said. “Fine, I won’t tell anyone. What are you going to make me do?” 
“That’s for me to decide and for you to find out,” Rick said. “Get some sleep Supergirl. You’ve had a busy weekend.” 
Kara sat back in her seat and closed her eyes but sleep eluded her. Over the past week, her life had changed dramatically. She’d learned the truth about her sexual nature and she couldn’t think of any way to get that cat back in the bag. Who was she? Kara Danvers? Kara Danvers had been innocent. She hadn’t known that. She’d lacked the self awareness to realize just how naive she was, but looking back. Gosh, she’d give anything to get that back now. 
Thoughts of shame, self-doubt, and regret haunted Kara Danvers all the way up until the wheels of the plane touched down on the runway in National City. 
Elder Member
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WOW!!! Excellent writing!!
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Excellent humiliation here and you pretty much sold the SG as slut angle. Really enjoyed this story. Is that the end of it?
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Thank you Dr. Dominator (the legend) and tmon. This is about the halfway point in the story. Things get worse for Kara before they get better.


Kara’s apartment felt like an exotic land, mystifying and foreign to her. There was a teddy bear on her bed. A little soft, brown plush toy. She felt sick looking at the bear and threw it in the trash. There was no wine, beer, or alcohol in her fridge. At one in the morning, Kara felt ready for bed and retired under the sheets. 
Her bedroom was so quiet, and cold. She turned up the heat a couple of times but she still felt cold. It would be so nice to have someone in bed with her, holding her in their arms. She never thought anything like that before, but the revelation made sense to her. What was so wrong with having a boyfriend? 
Turning around in bed, flipping to her other side, Kara started to stress. It was getting late and she hadn’t slept. She was missing something. Lying flat on her back, Kara closed her eyes. Her fingers brushed against her leg, and it felt good, so she started caressing her thighs. Kara saw Rick in the darkness of her mind. Where did they even stand? He’d seemed disinterested her by the end of the trip. He’d already had her body in every possible way, was he bored of her? 
Not in her fantasy. She saw Rick stepping out of his clothes, strong, and slim, his eyes burning augers in hers. Kara gasped as she manipulated her special place with her fingers. Her finger slid smoothly over the wet folds, lubricated by excitement. She imagined two men, which had been so surprisingly exciting, sharing her between them and taking spoils of her body. The finger of her other hand worked around her hips to circle the tight ring of her bum. Her pleasure increased when she stuck the finger inside her butt, and the fantasies replayed the events of the weekend. 


Kara walked into the offices of Catco early Monday morning, ready for the weekly staff meeting. Incredibly, she didn’t feel so bad. She was coming to terms with the changes in her. The desire for sex and male attention. So what? There were lots of girls that had those needs. Rick said her life would be pretty much the same. But you have to do whatever he says. What did that mean? Who knew. Kara was just happy to be back at work, back to normal, and free from the kryptonite collar. 
“Hey,” James said. “How was your vacation?” 
“Great,” Kara said. She smiled at James. Suddenly, she found herself wondering how big his penis was. Blushing, she cleared her throat and walked towards the meeting. 
The staff were already assembled and everyone was waiting for Kara to join them, despite it being five minutes early. 
“Thanks for joining us Kara,” Rick said. Everyone chuckled. Kara couldn’t think of anything to say so she just took it. James raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Where is Supergirl?” Lena asked. “A major attack in National City Saturday afternoon and where is our hero? Nowhere to be found.” 
“Maybe she’s afraid,” Rick said. Lena considered the question, nodding thoughtfully. A fire ignited in Kara’s chest. 
“Maybe she needed a break,” Kara said. 
“Always apologetic for her, aren’t you Miss Danvers?” Lena said. “A thousand people died. When that’s what’s on the line, there are no breaks.” 
Kara went quiet as the other people in the office snickered at her behind her back. By the end of the meeting, she hadn’t said more than three words, an affirmative, a negative, and she’d be relegated to the fashion column. Rick had taken the Supergirl page. He even controlled the articles about her. 
“Wait behind a minute, I want to speak to you,” Lena said. Everyone else filed out until Kara was the last of the staff remaining. 
“Lena?” Kara asked. 
“Is something wrong?” Lena asked. “I consider us friends Kara, you’ve always been good to me, and I know James thinks the world of you. Something seems off. It wasn’t like you to let Rick runover you like that.” 
“Oh,” Kara said. “I’m fine, I just - I’m just figuring some stuff out. I’m a little distracted.” 
“Hmm,” Lena said. She sat on her desk and studied Kara. “You missed a few days of work last week, unannounced. What was that all about?” 
“I just needed a break. I was having a crisis,” Kara said. 
Lena waited for Kara to expand her explanation, but the young reporter just fixed her eyes on a cabinet. 
“Please Kara, don’t let it happen again. I do have happier news, though,” Lena said. 
“Oh?” Kara brightened and smiled at Lena. 
“James proposed to me over the weekend,” Lena gushed. She displayed a shiny ring on one finger. Kara gushed and the two girls hugged. 
“Oh my god, congratulations Lena,” Kara said. “That’s so amazing, you two are such a cute couple, you’re so good for each other.” 
Lena smiled admiringly at the ring James gave her. Kara had to give it to him, that was a hell of a rock. 
“I want you to be one of my maids of honour,” Lena said. “Will you?”
“Oh,” Kara gasped. She held a hand to her chest. “Of course Lena. Oh my god it would be an honor, ahem, excuse the pun.”
Lena laughed and the girls held hands as Kara walked back to her desk. She got to work on the fashion column and found it wasn’t too bad. The way Rick was working with his head down and typing furiously, Kara felt nervous about the content of his article. 
A couple of hours passed and Kara started to feel like things were going back to normal. She was making great progress on her article, and she’d hardly thought about sex at all. Though, she had imagined Lena and James on their wedding night...
An email from Rick arrived in Kara’s inbox. She opened it with curiosity, he’d hardly spoken a word to her since he mocked her in the meeting. And though she’d looked at him across the office a few times, he hadn’t been paying her anymind. The email made her brain go on pause. 

“Our special place. The first place. Five minutes.” 

Kara couldn’t focus on work anymore. Not after this. She could imagine what Rick had in mind for her. There was only one thing he could want in the bathroom. 
James stopped by her desk and leaned down with a smile. 
“I was thinking dumplings and ice cream for lunch, you wanna join?” 
It was hard to turn down the smile on James’ face, but Rick had an order for her. He had told her she should maintain appearances with her family and friends though. 
“Yeah, one sec, I just need to send an email,” Kara said. She responded to Rick with “Can’t, lunch plans with James.” 
Then she hooked her arm in James and practically skipped out of the office, gushing over his engagement. 
Last edited by LovetheFallenAngels 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

This was a somewhat expected character-positioning chapter and fine for being that. Except I have a major issue with that National City disaster causing over one thousand deaths! That's huge and nobody would be snickering or doing anything but being aghast at such a horrible event. If you'd said 20 deceased I would understand the mood of the room. Newsrooms are very jaded places and they would take 20 deaths in stride. Never 1000 people. I would simply go back and edit that number. Sorry to be so harsh about that but I was shocked when I first read the chapter. Thanks for sharing though.
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LovetheFallenAngels wrote:
5 years ago
Thanks for reading everyone.

I'm sorry to say that I won't be updating this anymore. I feel very guilty for writing this story. There's a strange duality inside me. I love and respect women, but I'm also turned on by stuff like this. I am having a hard time reconciling this. I'm going to be leaving this stuff behind. This is a personal decision to try and maintain some consistency between how I think, how I feel, and how I behave. It's hard to explain but the jis is I'm tired of feeling guilty. Follow the heart as they say.

If you want to read the rest of this story it's up in its entirety elsewhere on the internet. I'm sure you can find it with a google search. I'm going to delete them all in a week or so. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to read it.

All the best.
I'm glad you decided to continue, and I understand your feelings here as your words strike a chord with me too.
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At four fifty in the afternoon, ten minutes before end of day, Kara got another email from Rick. “Meet me after work. The alley around the side of the building.” There was no excuse to get out of this one. Alex was coming over that night to talk, but not until seven. Kara responded with: “Ok.”
After work, she waited in the alleyway outside of Catco. It smelled like urine and she thought most of the smell could be traced to a wiry homeless man who was rooting in a garbage bin.
“Hello,” Rick said. Kara turned and faced him. He was smiling in a way that made her uncomfortable, but she tried to smile back.
“Sorry about earlier, James asked me to go out for lunch, and I found out him and Lena got engaged. Would’ve looked weird if I said no.”
“They’re engaged?” Rick said. “Interesting. I’m not upset.”
“So why did you want to see me?” Kara asked.
“You see that guy?” Rick said. He gestured to the homeless man who was celebrating his discovery of some discarded take-out. “I want you to suck him off.”
“Him?” Kara asked. Her stomach roiled at the thought, but she remembered what Rick said. She had to do everything he told her to or he'd destroy Supergirl's reputation. “Why him and not you?”
“You want to blow me Kara?” Kara considered his tall, handsome, intense vibe, and swallowed her instinctive response.
“No.” She shook her head.
“Well, then blow him. Get to work.”
Kara closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts. He’s trying to humiliate me. This didn’t benefit him in any way. Unless he enjoyed seeing her debased. Given their history, she figured that was probably it.
She walked timidly over to the homeless man and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, shoveling the found take-out into his mouth with filthy hands.
“Excuse me sir, can I...?”
“What?” the man said.
“Can I suck your...?”
“Suck?” the man said.
“Suck your thingey?” Kara cringed.
The man stopped chewing and his eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. He actually pinched himself! Kara fell to her knees, knowing by now the procedure for what she was about to do. The concrete was rough beneath her knees. She reached out and undid his belt.
“Are you a cop?” he asked.
“No,” Kara said. She got his ratty jeans down and gagged at the smell.
Reaching out with one hand, she guided his hard penis towards her mouth. Someone whacked the back of her head.
“No hands,” Rick said. “You really are dumb aren’t you?”
Kara dropped her hands and gingerly caressed his dirty penis with her tongue. The taste was salty, and dirty, like vinegar and urine. Kara gagged and drew back, looking at Rick for mercy.
“Don’t look at me.”
“Bad at sucking?” the homeless man said.
Kara looked up at the man, hoping he would feel bad for her and let her go. She nodded.
“You gotta get in there, really go at it. Here, I’ll help ya.” The homeless man grabbed the back of her head, and just like so many other men, started fucking Kara Danver’s face. She gagged worse than before, and it didn’t take the man long to finish. She tried to escape his climax, but that just got cum on the chest of her dress. At least she avoided swallowing his fluids. God knew what diseases he carried.
Kara turned around, looking for Rick, but he was already gone.
“Thanks,” the homeless man said.
Turning, Kara retched again and threw up on the ground.


Kara was just getting out of the shower when she heard Alex’s voice, calling for her through the apartment. “Kara?”
She got out of the shower, having scrubbed her skin pink, and wrapped herself in a towel. Alex was waiting in the kitchen with a bottle of wine. “Sorry Alex, time got away from me.”
“No worries, I’m just glad to see you,” Alex said.
Kara changed into a pair of pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt. Alex had already uncorked the wine and was drinking a glass by the time she finished changing. Uh oh. Whenever Alex got nervous, she drank more, which meant she was a bundle of raw nerves right now. After draining her glass, Alex studied Kara over the rim.
“Not gonna get one for me?” Kara asked.
Alex frowned. “It won’t do anything to you.”
Kara paused, her sister was right. Why did she want wine? She’d never enjoyed it before.
“I like the taste.”
Alex shrugged and poured Kara a glass. She took a sip, and then a bigger drink, hoping to feel the intoxicating effects she’d felt over the weekend. But no, there was nothing. Maybe she could get her hands on some kryptonite so she could drink and actually get drunk.
“What’s going on with you?” Alex asked. “Talk to me. Please.”
“What do you wanna know?” Kara asked.
“Where were you last weekend?”
Kara paused, and considered her options. “I went on a trip.”
“A trip?” Alex asked. She laughed bitterly and drank from the wine. “You disappear without warning for four days, miss a major disaster, and that’s all you’re going to give me?”
Kara needed to give her something. She drank the wine, and again cursed the lack of effect it had on her. “I was with a man.”
Alex stared at her in stunned silence. “A man? Kara do you have a boyfriend?”
Shaking her head no, Kara smiled. If Rick was a boyfriend, he was an abusive relationship. Still, she wouldn’t mind a man in her life.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Oh my God,” Alex said. She started laughing and hid her mouth behind her hand. “You have a fuck buddy?”
Kara blushed and Alex laughed even harder. “You shouldn’t talk like that Alex.”
“That’s what it is. Oh my god, my prude sister is getting more action than I am,” Alex said. “Tell me about him.”
Wracking her brain, Kara came up with a few details, embellishing some to hide the reality of the situation. “He’s very handsome, really rich, smart, and he’s so sweet. He’s really kind, really good to me,” Kara lied.
“Holy shit,” Alex said. She slapped a palm against her leg. “He sounds perfect. When do I get to meet him?”
Kara frowned and shook her head no. “Sorry Alex, I don’t think you can.”
Alex’s eyes narrowed. “Is he married?”
“No, no,” Kara said. “It’s just complicated.”
“Okay, I won’t push. Is this what’s been making you so crazy recently? You’ve been having sex?” Alex giggled into her wine.
“Yeah, it’s just a lot and it’s new. I’m still trying to figure things out.”
“Good for you,” Alex said. She smiled. “I’m glad you told me. I know how shy you are.”
Kara blushed again thinking about everything she’d done in the last week. Did the word shy really apply to her anymore?
“This man really has an affect on you, huh?” Alex said. “What changed?”
Kara sat next to Alex and took her hands. “It’s like you said. He knows how to satisfy me.”
“Oh my god,” Alex said. She playfully slapped Kara’s shoulder. “What are you into?”
Kara's face got hot as she recollected all the dicks she'd serviced and refused to speak.
“Okay, okay,” Alex said. “You can’t blame me for being curious.”


The next day, Kara got an email from Rick at five minutes to the end of day. “First place. Six o’clock.” Kara waved goodbye to her coworkers as they filed out at five. James came by her desk.
“You working late?” he asked.
“Uh yeah, I dunno, maybe. I just have a few more things to finish up,” Kara said.
“Cool. Lena has me running around town looking for Portuguese buns. The things we do for love right?”
Kara smiled at James, but felt an emptiness inside. She’d been opened up to the sexual possibilities of a relationship, mostly the mind-blowing pleasure, but she’d never experienced anything like James had. A pairing where people did dumb things for each other just to show how much they cared.
“Don’t work too hard,” James said. Then he left and she was alone. The office was empty. Rick wasn’t at his desk, so Kara spent her time looking up recipes. She found a yummy looking recipe for homemade soup dumplings, and sent it to herself. Before long, it was six. She got up, and went to the girl’s bathroom but paused outside. Where did you first meet your man? In the toilets. Kara sighed and pushed the door open.
The washroom was empty except for Rick, who stood behind the door.
“Yes?” Kara asked.
“I have something I need you to do,” Rick said. “You’re going to seduce James Olsen.”
Kara was speechless. She started shaking her head. “No, I can’t do that.”
“I guess I’ll have to release the video,” Rick said. “It’s a damn shame. There’s gonna be a massive scandal.”
Kara hung her head. “Why do you want me to do this?”
Rick moved closer to Kara and cupped her chin. “Because I said so.”
Narrowing her eyes, Kara considered punching him through the ceiling. He leaned in and planted a peck on her forehead. “You’re so predictable. It's adorable.”
Kara couldn’t seduce James. If she did, Lena would hate her, and it would eventually get out. Maybe she could hide it. Maybe it could be a one time thing. Turning on Rick, she felt anger burning in her chest, and no arousal at all. This jerk kept on putting her in humiliating situations and he wasn’t even getting any direct sexual pleasure out of it anymore.
“What are you going to do? You can’t beat me.” Rick mocked her, laughing in her face.
Her teeth ground in her jaw and she roared, launching herself forward and swinging at him. Incredibly, he ducked her punch and hit her in the stomach. Kara grunted and stumbled back, looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
“How are you so strong?” Kara asked.
“I’m not that strong,” Rick said.
“You’re as strong as me!”
“We’re an even match,” Rick said. His smile made her hands tighten into fists again and she straightened, though her tummy hurt from his punch.
“So you’re as strong as Supergirl but you don’t do anything?” Kara demanded.
“What would I do?”
Kara gave an exasperated sigh. “You could help people Rick.”
“We don’t all suffer from a hero complex Kara.”
Growling, Kara flew right at him and drew back her fist, but it was a feint. As he dodged to the left, she shifted her weight and hit him with her other hand, a jab that knocked him into a wall. Drywall exploded and clouds of white dust filled the space. A stunned expression decorated his face. Kara leveled another fist at his head, but he ducked.
Grabbing her around the middle, Kara felt herself being carried backwards until she crashed into the sink. The counter collapsed and there was a hiss as a water pipe broke. Water sprayed into the air, wetting her work clothes to the skin.
“This is fun,” Rick said.
Kara got to her feet and aimed a kick at his chest. He caught her foot, but then she leaped forward and smashed her knee into his face with a crunch. Rick groaned and stumbled back. He held his face and blood spouted between his hands.
He looked at her over his fingers with an expression of pure hatred.
Kara focused her eyes and lasers blasted from them, straight for Rick’s chest. He rolled out of the way, and leaped at her. Her laser vision swept across the floor, breaking tiles, but then he slammed into her middle and she fell back in the rubble of the counter. He straddled her and raised his fist. She avoided his fist by rolling to the side, bathroom tiles cracking loudly next to her head. She bunched her legs up and pushed upwards, throwing him off her and into a bathroom stall onto a toilet. The porcelain cracked and the heavy metal dividers fell apart. He staggered to his feet, but couldn’t ready himself in time to stop her haymaker. Her fist slammed into Rick’s jaw and she smeared him across the wall, knocking him through the rest of the stalls. She stalked towards him in the rubble at the far end of the bathroom, lying in a heap, and pulled him up by the scruff of his suit jacket.
She searched his pockets until she found his phone. She released him when she found it and squeezed until the phone crunched into a ball in her hand. There, she was finally free. Truly free. Rick didn’t look so high and mighty lying in a pile of broken toilets, blood running from his face in a sheet. He started to chuckle. His giggles were wet but the injuries didn't seem to be hampering his good humor.
“You think I didn’t make copies?”
Kara’s mouth tightened. Part of her wanted to kill him right then and there but that wasn't what a hero did. So instead, she stormed out of the bathroom which was completely destroyed and rapidly filling with water.
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Supergirl soared over National City, the wind drying her hair, until she reached the edge where concrete turned to nature. The forested regions around Rick’s estate were bare of many other houses or apartments, which made finding his mansion a breeze. Flying over the gate, she landed on the Italian stones of his driveway. Steven had been polishing one of Rick’s limos and his mouth dropped open into a slack-jaw gape when he saw her.
“Hey, you’re not allowed-“
Launching forward, she picked up the man who’d tried to rape her and carried him above the house, dropping him on the rooftop. He skidded on the brick tiles and almost fell, but she helped him before he got seriously hurt. “Better hold on tight,” she said. She might hate him but she needed to stick to her morals. Supergirl didn’t kill people.
“Wait, no, please,” the man said. “Don’t leave me here.”
“Did you help me?” Supergirl asked.
Steven’s mouth worked to find an answer but found none.
Having won another victory, Supergirl flew down to the entrance of Rick’s home. She saw the door was still missing, from the time she’d kicked it in, and she tore through the makeshift plastic barrier with ease. Inside his mansion, she flew up to the second floor, and opened the door to his bedroom. She could hardly remember what had happened here, but she’d seen the pictures and video he sent her.
She went to his office, found his laptop, and opened it. If he’d made copies, they’d be here.
“What are you trying to do Kara?”
Rick stood at the door of his office. His face was bruised yellow, but most of his bleeding wounds had healed. How did he get here so fast? Also, how had he healed so quickly?
“You’re gonna destroy those copies,” she said. She took a step towards him.
“No, I’m not,” Rick said. “You’re misbehaving, slut.”
“Don’t call me that,” Supergirl shouted. It was one thing to mistreat Kara Danvers, but she was Supergirl. Champion of National City, hero of the people, and he was just a sexual predator.
“I know the truth hurts,” Rick said. He moved closer to her. “You can’t beat me Kara.”
“Maybe Kara can’t,” Supergirl said. “But I can.” She rushed forward and grabbed his shirt, lifting him into the air, and flying down. They crashed through the floor of his bedroom and landed in the kitchen, smashing through a marble island. Big chunks of rock fractured and exploded from the impact. She held his face close to hers. “We might be evenly matched, but I’m a better fighter.”
Rick leaned up and pressed his lips against hers. Supergirl recoiled, anger running wild in her mind. He dared to kiss her, now? She hit him hard on the chin and knocked his head back against the ground. What happened next shook her to her core. Rick breathed out a cool mist of ice. She jumped off him, but already her limbs were stiffening, and she was struggling to move. He kept blowing ice, using her own power against her, and her eyes widened. No, he can’t be. Is he from Krypton?
Supergirl was frozen in place, and as Rick walked towards her, he cracked his knuckles. She tried to speak, attempted to ask him how he could use that power, which only she and other Kryptonians had, but she was too shocked. Then he hit her. The ice encasing her shattered and she flew back, smashing through an exterior wall, and bouncing across the grass of his massive yard.
Shaking her head, Supergirl tasted blood. She tried to get up quickly, shaking the cobwebs out of her skull. But then he had a grip on her hair, and another hand on her cape, and she was soaring through the air, carried by his steel touch. Rick flew low over the ground, holding her tight below him, and pushed her down, grinding her face in the dirt. She tasted minerals and raised her hands to protect herself. Then the pain stopped and she was in the air again. Twisting frantically, she struck at his arms and broke his grip.
Soaring up, she brought her fist against his stomach and Rick wheezed, but he deflected her next punch with one of his hands. Breathing in to hit him with ice, Supergirl was caught unawares when he swooped low and grabbed one of her boots. As she breathed out, her ice breath harmlessly misted the air above his head, and then she was vaulting through the air, completely out of control. She smashed through one, two, three, four hard objects, hit the ground, bounced and crunched into another object that groaned as it brought her to a stop. She struggled to stand after crashing into the bent middle of one of Rick’s limousines. Her head hurt, and as she tried to stand, her legs gave out and she fell to her hands and knees.
The sound of Rick’s italian shoes clicking against his driveway filled her with a sense of urgency. She got up and held her fists up in a guard, but her body hurt, almost every inch of her was agony. Rick was breathing heavily, but he wasn’t bleeding. Small cuts and bruises stung Supergirl’s face from being dragged through the dirt.
“I just wanna talk,” Rick said. “Let’s take a little break. I don’t like beating the crap out of you Kara.”
Supergirl let down her guard half an inch, nodding. “Destroy those videos Rick, or I’m gonna keep coming. And you won’t get me with Kryptonite again. Are you from Krypton?”
“What do you think?”
“Well, you have the powers of a Kryptonian, and you-“
Rick launched a suprise attack, halfway through her speech. He flew forward and slammed his head into her middle, knocking Supergirl back against the limo and robbing her of any breath.
She cried out when he grabbed her hair and yanked her off the limo, then threw her across the driveway. Landing with a grunt, she tried to turn around and defend herself, but he was already on her and had a grip on her neck. Then they were flying through the air at incredible speed. He held her in front of him, both of his hands wrapped around her neck, and though she tried to break his grip, her arms weren’t responding right. Her entire body hurt and she was still struggling to breathe. His fingers tightened around her vulnerable throat.
Flying low to the ground, he pushed her down again and Supergirl grit her teeth as the back of her head shoveled up dirt. He was grinding her into the ground. Flecks of earth and small stones showered up, getting in her mouth and her eyes. Her vision was going black, but then his hands released her neck.
Gasping for air, she felt his pressure on top of her pelvis. He parted her legs and took his place between them, looming over her and looking into her face. She was lying at one end of a rut over a hundred feet long. A newly created trench on his mansion grounds where he’d used her like a backhoe.
“You fought well Supergirl,” Rick said. “But I win again.”
She threw a weak punch at his head, but he caught her hand and pinned her arms to the ground over her head. Oh no, Supergirl thought. She was getting excited with him so close, she could feel his penis through his pants, pressing against her groin. Her body was responding to his closeness.
Supergirl just looked up at Rick, still very much an enigma, and realized she wanted nothing more than for him to kiss her. No, that’s Kara Danvers. Her hips moved up a little to press tighter against his.
“You’re gonna fuck James Olsen,” Rick said. “Or I will release that tape. Try and take it by force again and you’re out of chances. I send the tape to the news outlets. Got it?”
Supergirl nodded slowly. She was in too much pain to fight anymore. He had gotten the best of her. She could beat him, but not yet. She just needed to learn more about him and his abilities. Hardly believing herself, but feeling incredibly aroused, Supergirl lifted her weary head and pressed her lips against his, testing the waters.
Rick just looked down at her with his dark eyes, drilling a hole into her. “You want me to fuck you?”
Supergirl’s breath was shallow, but she remembered how good Rick made her feel, how hard he made her climax. She’d masturbated about it every night since he took her, but it wasn’t the same. Only he could bring out that explosion in her and blow her top like a volcano.
“I do,” Supergirl said.
Rick leaned in close and pressed her lips against her, working his tongue inside her mouth, and she moaned softly. Then the kiss broke and he was standing up, leaving her lying on her back in the dirt.
“Use that energy to seduce James Olsen. If you succeed, then maybe I’ll give you what you want.”
He walked back to his half-destroyed estate without a backwards glance. Supergirl’s lip trembled. Her groin was so moist, and she wanted sex so bad, but he wouldn’t give it to her. Why was he so cruel?


Kara Danvers wanted to pay James a visit that night. She thought of a plan where she’d seduce James, then fly over to see Rick. She’d tell him what she’d done, and he’d make good on his promise. He’d give her some of the desperate release she desired after being teased so mercilessly. But when she got home to change, and looked in the mirror, she saw she was in no shape to visit anyone. Her face was a mess of scrapes, and her whole body hurt like she’d been hit by a truck. There were hand-shaped bruises around her pale neck. James would ask too many questions. It was already going to be a lot of work covering up her injuries for work tomorrow.
Instead of going out to get with James, she went to bed and fingered herself for hours. Her fingers brought on countless orgasms, but her sexual appetite was insatiable. In her imagination, she re-played the fight with Rick, but instead of leaving her hot and bothered, he’d made her pay for her insolence by carrying our abuses on her most sensitive places.
No matter how many times she brought about an orgasm with her desperate fingers, satisfaction eluded her. Gosh, I’m really messed up. Now she needed the man that she hated more than anyone else in the world to use her. No, I don’t hate him. That was the only way to get the satisfaction that she so feverishly desired. But she did hate him. Part of her still wanted to beat Rick senseless, to punch him until he never moved again, but another part of her would miss him dearly.
The next morning, when she went to her bathroom to take a shower, she looked at herself in the mirror with wonder. All her wounds had healed. Normally, when she took a beating like that at full strength, it took time to heal. Sure, she healed faster than your run-of-the-mill human, but not this fast. Her mind searched for answers and focused again on Rick. He’d used ice breath on her. And they were almost exactly the same strength. If she healed so quickly now, that must mean she hadn’t been at full power when she fought him!
A smile came to Kara’s lips. If she hadn’t been at full power, that meant she could beat him. She just needed to figure out what he was doing to weaken her, and once she had that, she’d make him pay.
But I don’t really want to make Rick pay. Kara shook her head. She needed to start thinking with her head, not with her libido. Everything was at risk of crashing down around her. He wanted her to sleep with James! That would put one of her most valued friendships at risk, but it would also put everything at risk. Her job, her friendship with Lena, the opinions of her friends and Alex. No one respected the other girl. No, she needed to find a way to get out of it, and she could beat Rick in a fight. She felt sure of it. If only she understood his power. What was his secret?
Kara got dressed distractedly so she her clothing choices didn’t really register in her mind. She hardly noticed that she was wearing a very short skirt and a low-cut top.
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Kara arrived at Catco in high spirits, excited by the idea that she could beat Rick in a fight. Everything would be so much simpler if she could figure everything out on her own. Rick confused her and muddled her thoughts.
An email from Rick arrived almost as soon as she sat at her desk.


You have until end of day tomorrow to complete your special project.”

The end of day tomorrow? There wasn’t enough time. She needed to figure out what his secret was, and she had come up against a wall. He was clearly doing something to sap her power, but there hadn’t been any kryptonite last night. She would’ve felt the effects, there was nothing else like it - or as unpleasant - as the sensation of kryptonite poisoning. What else could sap her power? Could he have blocked the sun? No, that didn’t make any sense.
Kara saw Rick go to the breakroom and decided to ask for an extension on her special project. She swept into the breakroom after him. He was shining an apple with his shirt sleeve as she entered.
“Tomorrow’s too soon,” Kara said.
“No, it’s time enough,” Rick said. “Fuck James or there will be consequences.”
Kara opened her mouth to argue when Lena entered.
“Kara, wow, look at you,” she said.
Eyebrows raising in confusion, Kara looked down at her outfit and saw she was wearing a very revealing outfit. The skirt came halfway up her thigh.
“A little desperate, isn’t it Kara?” Rick asked.
Lena turned on him with a scowl. “Rick, that’s very inappropriate. I value your skills, but I won’t tolerate misognyist behavior like that.”
Rick smiled. “You’re right Lena. I’m sorry, my tongue has a way of getting away from me.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” Lena said.
“I’m sorry Kara,” Rick said.
“It’s okay.”
Rick left the breakroom leaving Lena and Kara alone.
“You don’t need to take that,” Lena said. “He’s a brilliant writer, but he’s a bit of an asshole. You say the word and I’ll terminate his employment.”
Kara shook her head, knowing what Rick would do if Lena fired him. “No, it’s okay Lena, it doesn’t bother me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Totally, he is a pig, but I don’t care. It doesn’t bother me. It’s no big deal.”
“Did you see the girls room?” Lena asked. “It looks like a bomb went off in there. The DEO is coming in to investigate.”
“The DEO?” Kara said. “Why?”
“Only a metahuman could cause that much damage. We’re going to have to start posting heavier security at night.”
“Oh,” Kara said. “Yeah, probably a good idea. I haven’t been to the bathroom yet.”
“We all need to go down a floor to use the toilets. Luckily, they’re willing to share while we wait for renos.” Lena said.
“You do look good today, you know,” Lena said. She leaned closer and spoke in a whisper, “do you have a man in your life?”
“No,” Kara said. “But maybe this will help me find one.”
“Here’s to hoping,” Lena said. “I’m so happy Kara. For a lot of my life I felt empty inside. Alone. The little sister of Lex Luther. An evil mastermind waiting to happen. But then I met James, and now I feel so complete. Like a whole person, a real person. I also owe you some gratitude. Your friendship keeps me centered.”
Kara listened to Lena talk about how much her relationship with James meant to her and her heart sank. Rick wanted her to sabotage that relationship. Wanted her to betray Lena and James, putting their happy little world at risk of destruction.
“That’s great Lena,” Kara interrupted. “I’ve gotta get back to work though, I’m really busy.”
Leaving the breakroom, Kara sat at her desk, stuck in a predicament with no apparent way out. Since she couldn’t figure out the secret of Rick’s power over her, she was faced with a simple decision. Either she seduced James and put everything she cared about at risk, or she told him to get lost and Supergirl would be disgraced.
No, he wouldn’t actually release the videos. The thought hit Kara like a bolt of lighting. He’d even said he didn’t want to. His threats had to be a bluff. If he was going to release the video of Supergirl’s raunchy behavior, he would’ve already done so. But he hadn’t. She just had to call him on his bullshit.
The DEO arrived in the afternoon, a few minor operatives, and they treated Kara just like anyone else to preserve her secret identity. She wasn’t sure what they’d find but she was worried about the marks her laser vision had left in the floor.
Kara followed Rick out at the end of the day, eager to call him on his false threat.
“I need to talk to you,” Kara said. She gestured towards the alley outside of Catco where he’d made her blow a homeless man.
“I’m not giving you an extension. At this rate, Supergirl’s true nature is going to be exposed. I didn’t see you talk to James once today. Your slutty get-up is a step in the right direction, but it’s not enough.”
Kara stood straight and faced him. “I don’t believe you’ll actually release the tape.”
“Oh really?” Rick said.
“You’re bluffing.” Kara took a step towards him, defiant as she gazed up at his face. He seemed amused.
“We’ll see,” Rick said. Kara’s worries were not alleviated when he left the alley. Anxiety rose in her and bubbled violently. She was scared half to death that he would release the video that night.


Supergirl ran headlong into a serious problem at the DEO that night when the burns found in the destroyed bathroom of Catco were a perfect match for her own laser vision.
“It wasn’t me,” Supergirl said. “I have no idea. Does this mean there’s another Kryptonian on the planet?”
“Maybe,” Hank said. “If you say it wasn’t you, I believe you. You need to keep your guard up. If anything out of the normal happens, let us know immediately. This is dangerous. Your identity is at risk of being exposed.”
“Thanks Hank, and yeah, I’ll watch for anything weird,” Supergirl said.
“Whoa,” Winn said. He reeled back from his computer and gave Supergirl a sidelong look. He ran his hands through his hair. “This is weird.”
“What?” Supergirl said. She went to Winn’s computer with Alex and Hank. What she saw on his screen made her blood run cold.
There was a picture of Supergirl from the box where she’d been filmed having sex with all those men. She was standing outside of the bathroom in her suit without the leggings. The photo had been taken before the sex began. The picture was close enough, and of a high enough quality, that there could be no mistaking it was Supergirl.
“Supergirl?” Hank said. “What’s this all about?”
“I have no idea,” Supergirl said. “I - that’s so weird. It must be doctored. I’ve never worn the costume without leggings. That would be inappropriate.”
Alex looked at her from the corner of her eyes, and Supergirl could tell her sister didn’t believe her.
“It’s circling the internet like wildfire,” Winn said. “You probably don’t want to read about it Supergirl, some people are being pretty suggestive. You know how vulgar trolls can be.”
“Supergirl,” Hank said. He placed his strong hands on her shoulders. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on we need to know about.”
“Yes, nothing, I’m fine,” Supergirl said. Rick did this. This was his way of showing her he wasn’t bluffing without revealing his entire hand. He would expose her as a slut.
“I’m gonna try to trace the post, and see if I can find any signs of it being fabricated,” Winn said. “That should help clear your name.”
“Thanks Winn,” Supergirl said. But a sense of dread lingered. There would be no signs of alteration on the photo because it was genuine. And if he traced it to Rick, there would just be more questions. Supergirl didn’t want to answer those questions.


Kara arrived at work the next morning resigned to her fate. She would have to seduce James. There was no getting out of it. Rick would definitely release the Supergirl sex tape if she didn’t, and that would be far worse than anything that happened in Kara’s personal life. The hero came before the person. That’s how it’d always been, and as much as it sucked, she still had hope. It could be a one time thing. She’d sleep with James once, that was it, and Rick would be satisfied. And then it would be their secret, and he’d still marry Lena, and they would live together happily ever after. No one else would ever know.
She picked her outfit specifically for seduction. A see-through linen sundress that was short at the hem. Underneath the clear white fabric, Kara put on a bright pink bra and thong. She got a lot of looks walking to work that morning, but that was okay. The attention felt good. It made her feel strong.
In the middle of the morning, Kara sat on James’ desk. He looked up at her and smiled. She saw his pupils flicker down to her body before fixing on her eyes.
“Hey Kara,” James said. He looked away from her, obviously uncomfortable with his thoughts.
“Can I get you a coffee James? You work so hard and you deserve a little pampering,” Kara simpered. He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Sure, that would be nice.”
She went to the breakroom and fixed her friend a coffee, needing to take some deep breaths to steady her resolve. Could she really do this? It was better than the alternative. Grabbing a couple of biscotti from a glass jar, she took a deep breath and went to James. She faced him and handed him the coffee.
“Thanks,” James said. He fixed his eyes on the coffee, trying to avoid looking at her outfit. Kara wondered if he was hard under his desk.
“Do you want a biscotti?” Kara said. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue up one of the biscuits. James looked up over his coffee as he took a sip and choked, coughing, spluttering as coffee spilled down his shirt.
“Oh no,” Kara said. She put the biscuit down and went around the side of his desk. Then she lifted the hem of her dress to use it as a napkin to clean him off. James eyes went under her dress and saw everything that she’d had on veiled display.
“It’s fine,” James said. “Don’t use your dress Kara.”
“Okay,” she said.
She dropped the hem and walked back to her desk. When she sat, she saw James out of the corner of her eye, staring at her from across the office. She sent him an email around lunch.
“I need a favor James. We need to talk. Can you meet me for dinner tonight?”
He responded half an hour later. “I have plans with Lena. Another night?”
“Please, it’s important,” Kara responded.
“Okay, sure thing. When and where?”
Kara named a bar and they agreed to meet at seven.
She got an email from Rick near the end of the day. It simply read: “Tick tock.”
After work, Kara stopped by the DEO. She needed to seduce James, but she didn’t want to hurt him, and her special place might just squeeze his penis off if she wasn’t careful.
“Hank,” Supergirl said.
“Supergirl, what can I do for you?”
“I want Kryptonite,” Supergirl said.
“What?” Hank said. “Why?”
“Training,” Supergirl said. She’d manufactured a good reason while traveling over. “If I train while under the influence of Kryptonite, I’ll be better able to fight the effects.” She would never tell him the real reason; that she wanted to have more sex, and to feel the elation of drugs and alcohol.
“That’s a good idea Supergirl. We can set something up in the training room.”
“No, I need it now,” Supergirl said.
“We don’t have anything we can give you right now,” Hank said.
Supergirl groaned in annoyance.
“Hey, Supergirl?” Winn asked.
Supergirl saw the picture of her from the superbowl party up on his computer.
“I can’t talk now Winn, gotta go. Thank you Hank,” Supergirl said. She left the DEO as fast as she could.


With a sense of reluctance, Supergirl knocked on the brand new door of Rick’s Estate. Someone had filled in the grooves on the lawn, but the back of the house was still a mess. He opened the door and met her with a smile.
“No extensions,” he said. He started to close the door.
“No, I know, I’m going to do it.”
Rick held the door half closed and then opened it again. “What do you want?”
“I need Kryptonite.”
Rick tilted his head at her but smiled. “Why?”
“I don’t want to hurt James when I -“ she couldn’t say it.
“Fuck him?”
Supergirl nodded.
Rick stood aside. Supergirl made to enter, but he stopped her with a hand on her chest. “Give me a kiss first.” Timidly, she got up on her toes and let him press his lips against hers. Then he let her into his home. She followed him up the spiral staircase.
“In case you were thinking of trying to fight me again, I have some news for you. I’ve set up a time release program up on my computer. Every twenty-four hours it queries me for a password. Unless I enter the password within five minutes, the fully edited videos of Supergirl’s gangbang will be sent out to every major media outlet in the world, including Catco.”
Supergirl sighed. Things just kept getting worse and worse.
She followed Rick into his bedroom and he opened his cabinet, retrieving a metal box. Unlocking the box with a key from his pocket, he pulled out the kryponite necklace, the one he’d originally used to capture her.
He held it in his hands like precious treasure. “Here it is,” Rick said. “Don’t worry, I have others. But I think I could dominate you without Kryptonite, right?”
Supergirl glared at him. She thought about punching him until he stopped moving again, but then she remembered how he’d bested her in combat. How she’d wanted him to hold her down, part her legs, and use her body for pleasure.
“Are you going to fuck me again, after I do this?” Supergirl asked.
“Maybe,” Rick said. “Would you like that?”
Supergirl stamped her foot, and the room shook. “You know I want it,” she said. “You knew before I did, you turned me onto it, and now you won’t touch me. Why?”
Rick smiled at her. “I can see you’ve been thinking a lot about our little trip.”
“Of course I have,” Supergirl said. “I still hate you, but -“ she looked up at him. “I-“
“You want to feel that good again,” Rick said.
“Yes,” Supergirl said. Her cheeks didn’t burn, she’d come to accept this side of her, and for now only Rick could give her what she wanted.
“Well, if you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll give you what you want so desperately.”
“Do I have to beg?” Supergirl said.
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Rick reached down between her legs and rubbed her through her leotard. Supergirl gasped, and reached out to pull him closer.
“No,” Rick said. He pushed her hard, and she stumbled back, almost falling. He was still just as strong as she was. “James first.”
“You know this could wreck my life right?”
“That depends,” Rick said. “It’s all up to you Kara. Why do you care so much if Supergirl gets exposed as a slut?”
“Supergirl is more important than Kara Danvers. She stands for justice and goodness. The news would devastate National City.”
“And you wouldn’t be able to bare the shame of donning the cape again, would you?”
Supergirl’s cheeks did burn then, imagining if everyone in the city knew how she’d behaved, how she’d begged to be treated.
“I’ve gotta go, I have a date with James at seven,” Supergirl said. He handed her the box with the necklace inside as well as the key. Rick’s taunting laughter followed her out of his bedroom. As an act of defiance, she kicked his brand new door and it shattered. Splinters fanned out across the driveway.
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