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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
. I actually believed that this msm onslaught was so great, their influence so far and wide, and so overwhelming... that was my overall perception of how the world saw a potential Trump presidency.
You were absolutely right - that was and IS how the world views his presidency. The man tells an average of 5 lies PER day since he has been in office. Thats not liberal bias that's checkable, accountable fact. This is what you guys dont understand its the ENTIRE WORLD MEDIA that view him this way - because he IS this way. Look at his address to the U.N. - his comments caused open laughter - he has literally made your country a global laughing stock. His reaction? They were laughing WITH me. Yeah that works if you have said something funny but not when your opening lines are singing the praises of a presidency that only got one piece of meaningful legislation through in 9 months of controlling both houses - and that legislation is tax breaks for your fellow millionaires and billionaires which is going to devastate low income households in about 4 years time.

Remember the Space Force? What about Sweden? Sweden, I mean this was Sweden people last night...Kim Jong Un is a great guy what a fine young man ...who just murdered his brother and personally executed his defence minister for falling asleep in a meeting with an anti aircraft cannon. I'm completely exonerated even though it was explicitly stated that the Meuller report DID NOT exonerate him from collusion (and with 10 instances that need looking into you have to wonder why its not gone further). Then of course there's the marvellous summit where he debased democracy at Putins feet. The man my intelligence services say was heavily involved in influencing the election says he didnt do it and I believe him.

And don't forget the Witch Hunt ...which caught 34 real witches. But lets not dwell on that as thats only laws being acted on clearly not important
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Fredo Cuomo, and Jim Acosta. These are the faces of CNN. If you think that they are objective, middle of the road journalists with no agenda.....then there are no words, enjoy your fairy tales. All of these networks are agenda and ideologically driven. Everyone has their preferences and favorites but let us not pretend that one practices journalism while the other does not. It is all opinion, spin, and about getting as many viewers to sample your product as possible. Wake up! It is all about television programming and not about a higher calling about enlightening and informing viewers. It is all about entertainment not information.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Fredo Cuomo, and Jim Acosta. These are the faces of CNN. If you think that they are objective, middle of the road journalists with no agenda.....then there are no words, enjoy your fairy tales. All of these networks are agenda and ideologically driven. Everyone has their preferences and favorites but let us not pretend that one practices journalism while the other does not. It is all opinion, spin, and about getting as many viewers to sample your product as possible. Wake up! It is all about television programming and not about a higher calling about enlightening and informing viewers. It is all about entertainment not information.
How about you "enjoy your fairy tales." How about you "Wake up!"
It IS about information, and entertainment.
It's not all opinion, some of it is. It's also about news aka facts about what's happening.
They are mostly objective. And they are also not bat-shit wacko crazy and racist like Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham. There's also Judge Jea-Assinine who's just so far off the deep end it's unbelievable some people buy into her ridiculous absurdity.
Yes, CNN practices journalism and FOX FAKE NEWS does not.
And there are plenty of words: FOX NEWS opinion anchors and pundits (and other right wing ilk) use them only for lying, and CNN, PBS, NYT, WP, and other news use them for accurate reporting to the best of their very capable and professional abilities.
the Scribbler

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theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Fredo Cuomo, and Jim Acosta. These are the faces of CNN. If you think that they are objective, middle of the road journalists with no agenda.....then there are no words, enjoy your fairy tales. All of these networks are agenda and ideologically driven. Everyone has their preferences and favorites but let us not pretend that one practices journalism while the other does not. It is all opinion, spin, and about getting as many viewers to sample your product as possible. Wake up! It is all about television programming and not about a higher calling about enlightening and informing viewers. It is all about entertainment not information.
How about you "enjoy your fairy tales." How about you "Wake up!"
It IS about information, and entertainment.
It's not all opinion, some of it is. It's also about news aka facts about what's happening.
They are mostly objective. And they are also not bat-shit wacko crazy and racist like Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham. There's also Judge Jea-Assinine who's just so far off the deep end it's unbelievable some people buy into her ridiculous absurdity.
Yes, CNN practices journalism and FOX FAKE NEWS does not.
And there are plenty of words: FOX NEWS opinion anchors and pundits (and other right wing ilk) use them only for lying, and CNN, PBS, NYT, WP, and other news use them for accurate reporting to the best of their very capable and professional abilities.
Fox News seperate their pundits from their journalists That is why Hannity will not be a debate moderator

Fox was the only network to report Obama's misdeeds and not take Blaisey ford at her word. CNN and MSNBC on the other hand used Avenatti as a source

If you are not blinded by ideology you would watch Fox not CNN and read the WSJ not the NYT
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Chris Wallace is about the only journalist and non-pundit over at Fox that I remotely respect. That said, it gets more than tiring to have every single CNN host who's shift it is come on and rehash the Trump bashing for his or her several hours. It takes a real crisis to force them to break away from heavily-opinionated scheduling. Something like a missile launch, weather crisis or shooting is the only content that seems to pull them off the left-wing agenda. And frankly Fox is clearly no better about pushing their non-objective partisan agenda. It gets so one has to turn to international news to actually get, well, NEWS! Well, that's not entirely true. The local news stations do broadcast the top stories of the day in a way that's at least not hugely biased.

I do feel that CNN while hugely slanted left at least does offer more truth in their content than Fox does. Trump has been horrible for this country as a president in so many respects. It feels like the small number of things he gets right, he does by accident. Yes, we have to come down hard against China's trade practices and theft of intellectual property. I'm not sure a trade war is the tool to do so. It's been tragic for the farmers. That's just one example of a policy approach of Trump's that feels right but whose execution seems badly bungled.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
For a moderate conservative like me, it is really hard in this world to escape the overwhelming influence of the liberal dominated mainstream media (msm) with ABC news, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, and an overwhelming majority of newspapers in this country. There really is no escaping it's influence. The night before the 2016 Presidential election I was somewhat depressed because all I heard from the msm was that there was no way Trump would win, the poll numbers for Hillary were good, Trump was a terrible human being not fit for office, and was a misogynist pig who treated women poorly. I actually believed that this msm onslaught was so great, their influence so far and wide, and so overwhelming... that was my overall perception of how the world saw a potential Trump presidency. In a sense, I was somewhat conditioned to believe that no one could persevere against the avalanche of vitriol and negativity that was leveled at Trump. The media's message was this was Hillary's time. I was legitimately shocked and stunned (my Mom was pissed) when the election returns came back election night, I thought he had no chance of winning. What happened? It wasn't just deplorables, gun nuts, and a few Charleston morons that voted for Trump. Did you know that in the category of educated women, more voted for Trump than Hillary? My sense after the election is that I had to recalibrate my perceptions of the msm's influence. My sense now is that there is a silent majority out there that does not tweet, does not engage in debates on social media, and most of them do not enjoy talking politics with their friends. But they do pay attention and they do not mindlessly drink the Kool-Aid that the msm routinely offers it's viewers or readers, they take in what is being offered but see it with a skeptical, critical thinking perspective. I believe this silent majority includes people on the left ideological spectrum and on the right. They may not wear their politics on their sleeve, but they vote, and a lot of those people voted for Trump in my opinion. I believe the era of power and influence for the msm is waning and that people see that they all have an agenda and see through all of the lies and misrepresentations. The msm said that a Hillary presidency was inevitable, the American public had other ideas.
First, a general observation - it might be hard to believe, but a self-described "moderate conservative" in America is probably closer to a far right conservative in most other places in the world. That's important because it informs your view of what "liberal dominated" means. For example, you mention the New York Times as an example of liberal dominated mainstream media. The Times is one of the most respected English language newspapers in the world. they've been winning Pulitzer prizes for decades and have broken massive, consequential stories again and again. They employ a number of right-leaning columnists, like David Brooks, Ross Douthat and Bret Stephens. They routinely publish guest columns by other notable conservatives. Most importantly, they strive to adhere to journalistic ethics. They're not perfect. But they try hard to be fair. Perhaps you are not quite as "moderate" a conservative as you think if you view the Times as wildly left wing.

As for the election, polling indicated that Clinton was leading. Less than two weeks before the vote, Comey went public with the revelation that the FBI had reopened the Clinton email case. He did that while remaining quiet about the fact that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign for Russian meddling. The Clinton revelation occurred too late for opinion polling to catch up.

Regarding Donald Trump, there is a serious disconnect between camps. When, for example, the NYT criticizes Trump for saying or doing something stupid, or mean, or untruthful, it seems like proof of bias to those who support Trump. But almost all of the time it isn't bias, it's factual reporting. It just appears like bias because Donald Trump is almost continuously doing or saying something stupid, or mean, or untruthful. Trump is uniquely awful, and to report honestly on him looks like anti-Trump bias. It really isn't, but if you lean far enough right to perceive the NYT as strongly left, you may see bias where there is none.

Finally, educated women and Trump. I do not for a second believe that you intended to deceive here, but that statistic is wrong. Among college educated WHITE women, it was 51% Clinton, 45% Trump, which is fairly close. However, Hispanic, non-White and Black college educated women voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. Now, Trump has bragged that he won 52% of women's votes, but that is incorrect. He won 52% of WHITE women's votes. Overall, American women voted 54% Clinton, 39% Trump.
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
. I actually believed that this msm onslaught was so great, their influence so far and wide, and so overwhelming... that was my overall perception of how the world saw a potential Trump presidency.
You were absolutely right - that was and IS how the world views his presidency. The man tells an average of 5 lies PER day since he has been in office. Thats not liberal bias that's checkable, accountable fact. This is what you guys dont understand its the ENTIRE WORLD MEDIA that view him this way - because he IS this way. Look at his address to the U.N. - his comments caused open laughter - he has literally made your country a global laughing stock. His reaction? They were laughing WITH me. Yeah that works if you have said something funny but not when your opening lines are singing the praises of a presidency that only got one piece of meaningful legislation through in 9 months of controlling both houses - and that legislation is tax breaks for your fellow millionaires and billionaires which is going to devastate low income households in about 4 years time.

Remember the Space Force? What about Sweden? Sweden, I mean this was Sweden people last night...Kim Jong Un is a great guy what a fine young man ...who just murdered his brother and personally executed his defence minister for falling asleep in a meeting with an anti aircraft cannon. I'm completely exonerated even though it was explicitly stated that the Meuller report DID NOT exonerate him from collusion (and with 10 instances that need looking into you have to wonder why its not gone further). Then of course there's the marvellous summit where he debased democracy at Putins feet. The man my intelligence services say was heavily involved in influencing the election says he didnt do it and I believe him.

And don't forget the Witch Hunt ...which caught 34 real witches. But lets not dwell on that as thats only laws being acted on clearly not important
Even with all of these fake news allegations, I would still lay the odds at 55/45 with Trump getting re-elected because a large swath of the electorate no longer buys what the msm is selling. Just think of that: all of this negativity, lies, and misinformation and he still may get re-elected. Some of your points relate to personal foibles and not about policy or of any substance. Does that really matter in the grand scheme of things? In regards to the North Korean rocketman, I know that it is a long shot, but if his buddying up with Un makes North Korea less of a nuclear threat is it not worth it to at least try? I would hazard a guess in saying that the people of England and Germany do not lay awake at night worrying what I or the American people think of Johnson or Merkel and conversely I do not lose any sleep worrying what the international community thinks of my president.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
For a moderate conservative like me, it is really hard in this world to escape the overwhelming influence of the liberal dominated mainstream media (msm) with ABC news, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, and an overwhelming majority of newspapers in this country. There really is no escaping it's influence. The night before the 2016 Presidential election I was somewhat depressed because all I heard from the msm was that there was no way Trump would win, the poll numbers for Hillary were good, Trump was a terrible human being not fit for office, and was a misogynist pig who treated women poorly. I actually believed that this msm onslaught was so great, their influence so far and wide, and so overwhelming... that was my overall perception of how the world saw a potential Trump presidency. In a sense, I was somewhat conditioned to believe that no one could persevere against the avalanche of vitriol and negativity that was leveled at Trump. The media's message was this was Hillary's time. I was legitimately shocked and stunned (my Mom was pissed) when the election returns came back election night, I thought he had no chance of winning. What happened? It wasn't just deplorables, gun nuts, and a few Charleston morons that voted for Trump. Did you know that in the category of educated women, more voted for Trump than Hillary? My sense after the election is that I had to recalibrate my perceptions of the msm's influence. My sense now is that there is a silent majority out there that does not tweet, does not engage in debates on social media, and most of them do not enjoy talking politics with their friends. But they do pay attention and they do not mindlessly drink the Kool-Aid that the msm routinely offers it's viewers or readers, they take in what is being offered but see it with a skeptical, critical thinking perspective. I believe this silent majority includes people on the left ideological spectrum and on the right. They may not wear their politics on their sleeve, but they vote, and a lot of those people voted for Trump in my opinion. I believe the era of power and influence for the msm is waning and that people see that they all have an agenda and see through all of the lies and misrepresentations. The msm said that a Hillary presidency was inevitable, the American public had other ideas.
First, a general observation - it might be hard to believe, but a self-described "moderate conservative" in America is probably closer to a far right conservative in most other places in the world. That's important because it informs your view of what "liberal dominated" means. For example, you mention the New York Times as an example of liberal dominated mainstream media. The Times is one of the most respected English language newspapers in the world. they've been winning Pulitzer prizes for decades and have broken massive, consequential stories again and again. They employ a number of right-leaning columnists, like David Brooks, Ross Douthat and Bret Stephens. They routinely publish guest columns by other notable conservatives. Most importantly, they strive to adhere to journalistic ethics. They're not perfect. But they try hard to be fair. Perhaps you are not quite as "moderate" a conservative as you think if you view the Times as wildly left wing.

As for the election, polling indicated that Clinton was leading. Less than two weeks before the vote, Comey went public with the revelation that the FBI had reopened the Clinton email case. He did that while remaining quiet about the fact that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign for Russian meddling. The Clinton revelation occurred too late for opinion polling to catch up.

Regarding Donald Trump, there is a serious disconnect between camps. When, for example, the NYT criticizes Trump for saying or doing something stupid, or mean, or untruthful, it seems like proof of bias to those who support Trump. But almost all of the time it isn't bias, it's factual reporting. It just appears like bias because Donald Trump is almost continuously doing or saying something stupid, or mean, or untruthful. Trump is uniquely awful, and to report honestly on him looks like anti-Trump bias. It really isn't, but if you lean far enough right to perceive the NYT as strongly left, you may see bias where there is none.

Finally, educated women and Trump. I do not for a second believe that you intended to deceive here, but that statistic is wrong. Among college educated WHITE women, it was 51% Clinton, 45% Trump, which is fairly close. However, Hispanic, non-White and Black college educated women voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. Now, Trump has bragged that he won 52% of women's votes, but that is incorrect. He won 52% of WHITE women's votes. Overall, American women voted 54% Clinton, 39% Trump.
The New York Times reported in December of 2016 that more than half of white females voted for Trump. If the New York Times says it, it must be true. LOL
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Fox News seperate their pundits from their journalists That is why Hannity will not be a debate moderator

Fox was the only network to report Obama's misdeeds and not take Blaisey ford at her word. CNN and MSNBC on the other hand used Avenatti as a source

If you are not blinded by ideology you would watch Fox not CNN and read the WSJ not the NYT
FOX making up stories about Obama misdeeds is not reporting, it's making stuff up, aka lying. FOX is infamous for mountains of lies, just like Trumpty Dumpty.

Mrs. Ford told the truth as best she could remember, and Kavanut lied in his testamony before Senate. Just lying under oath to Senate about what Devil's Triangle meant in his yearbook alone disqualifies him for Supreme Court. But he knew he had the republican senators in his pocket so he could lie with abandon.

Avenatti as a source for the Stormy case because he was her lawyer. Duh!

And he was right about what he had to say about that case. Cohen, who at first would "take a bullet for" Trumpty Dumpty, saw the light and told the truth instead. Now he's in jail, where TD should be as well.

Later on, when Avenatti was charged with criminal doings, CNN and MSNBC both reported that, and he was not a source for that!

If you were not blinded by ideology you would not watch FOX news or read right wing propaganda sources. Or be a sponge-like absorber and regurgitator for man-baby attack actress & movie campaigns of EPIC FAIL proportions.
the Scribbler

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I'm disappointed at how off track the topic has become. It was about Epstein, a self confessed bad guy with links to powerful and influential people. The idea of innocent until proven guilty is barely applicable to this guy. He already got tossed in the slammer for soliciting a minor, so the innocence boat sailed off already in my book and from what I understand the new charges he was facing were based around many serious charges that got conveniently dealt away (illegally too!!) in the first place. You guys have been fighting over hashtags and media quality, the left and the right, while the real scandal is right there with Epstein. The mention of his name here has tailed off since the thread began.

Epstein was getting deals. He was rubbing shoulders with people who in theory should not have been anywhere near him. And in the end he was the most valuable (potential intelligence source) and vulnerable man (either to self harm or being got at by those wealthy elite friends of his) in the entire prison system and apparently they literally left him alone in a room with "rope" and "gallows". And you are barely even talking about it? If the collective attention span on the story that matters is so short then the America we currently have in our world is the America we deserve, and to be perfectly honest it recently hasn't been pretty.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
The New York Times reported in December of 2016 that more than half of white females voted for Trump. If the New York Times says it, it must be true. LOL
That is true. I quoted that statistic. 52% of White women voted Trump. Earlier, you said "Did you know that in the category of educated women, more voted for Trump than Hillary?" That was incorrect. College educated women voted quite lopsidedly for Clinton.
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
4 years ago
I'm disappointed at how off track the topic has become. It was about Epstein, a self confessed bad guy with links to powerful and influential people. The idea of innocent until proven guilty is barely applicable to this guy. He already got tossed in the slammer for soliciting a minor, so the innocence boat sailed off already in my book and from what I understand the new charges he was facing were based around many serious charges that got conveniently dealt away (illegally too!!) in the first place. You guys have been fighting over hashtags and media quality, the left and the right, while the real scandal is right there with Epstein. The mention of his name here has tailed off since the thread began.

Epstein was getting deals. He was rubbing shoulders with people who in theory should not have been anywhere near him. And in the end he was the most valuable (potential intelligence source) and vulnerable man (either to self harm or being got at by those wealthy elite friends of his) in the entire prison system and apparently they literally left him alone in a room with "rope" and "gallows". And you are barely even talking about it? If the collective attention span on the story that matters is so short then the America we currently have in our world is the America we deserve, and to be perfectly honest it recently hasn't been pretty.
I have this bad feeling that we will never conclusively know the details who were his partners in crime and the murky details of his death. I would imagine that the people responsible for his death also had a plan for covering their tracks in order that embarrassing and uncomfortable information would not come to light. I hope the media stays on this case and does not lose interest and go on to the next big story.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
The New York Times reported in December of 2016 that more than half of white females voted for Trump. If the New York Times says it, it must be true. LOL
That is true. I quoted that statistic. 52% of White women voted Trump. Earlier, you said "Did you know that in the category of educated women, more voted for Trump than Hillary?" That was incorrect. College educated women voted quite lopsidedly for Clinton.
I stand corrected. Politics aside, I find shocking and surprising that considering everything that happened in that election with the grab them by the pussy remarks and all of the allegations made against him that more white woman voted for Trump instead of choosing to elect the nation's first female president. I would have lost that bet big time. On a separate note I thought that the timing of that Comey letter so close to the election was very unfair to Hillary Clinton and no doubt had some effect on the election, and then upon further inspection into the matter...nevermind. In retrospect I feel they had no need to go public with that information so close to the election. By the time she was cleared, the dye was cast, the damage had been done. That was just lame.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Fox was the only network to report Obama's misdeeds and not take Blaisey ford at her word. CNN and MSNBC on the other hand used Avenatti as a source

If you are not blinded by ideology you would watch Fox not CNN and read the WSJ not the NYT
Fox News also did a big puff piece once about how lower class Americans aren't really lower class because the have luxury items like refrigerators (Whooooooaaaa! We can keep our food cold? Guess that means everyone's equal and happy!) and how that meant they shouldn't complain that 1% of the country are hoarding the wealth or actively shitting it out into corporate sponges.

I'm not saying CNN isn't biased (It is and all you folks saying its not just because Fox is FAR WORSE are wearing some rose tinted goggles you don't actually need)

I'm just saying that Fox News is about as impartial and fair minded as a serial killer planning out who and how to kill someone... with a blatantly obvious profile.
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theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Fox News seperate their pundits from their journalists That is why Hannity will not be a debate moderator

Fox was the only network to report Obama's misdeeds and not take Blaisey ford at her word. CNN and MSNBC on the other hand used Avenatti as a source

If you are not blinded by ideology you would watch Fox not CNN and read the WSJ not the NYT
FOX making up stories about Obama misdeeds is not reporting, it's making stuff up, aka lying. FOX is infamous for mountains of lies, just like Trumpty Dumpty.

Mrs. Ford told the truth as best she could remember, and Kavanut lied in his testamony before Senate. Just lying under oath to Senate about what Devil's Triangle meant in his yearbook alone disqualifies him for Supreme Court. But he knew he had the republican senators in his pocket so he could lie with abandon.

Avenatti as a source for the Stormy case because he was her lawyer. Duh!

And he was right about what he had to say about that case. Cohen, who at first would "take a bullet for" Trumpty Dumpty, saw the light and told the truth instead. Now he's in jail, where TD should be as well.

Later on, when Avenatti was charged with criminal doings, CNN and MSNBC both reported that, and he was not a source for that!

If you were not blinded by ideology you would not watch FOX news or read right wing propaganda sources. Or be a sponge-like absorber and regurgitator for man-baby attack actress & movie campaigns of EPIC FAIL proportions.

Avenattis was considered an uimpeachable source from CNN and MSNBC.

Obama's abuse of IRAS powers, Fast and Furious and bypassing congress on things like the Iran deal are facts

Unlike some posters, I get news from several sources I just refuse to accept the blind liberal dogma that Fox is not news.

Huh. I logged in so I could "like" bushwackerbob's latest post, but there's no option to do that in this thread.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Huh. I logged in so I could "like" bushwackerbob's latest post, but there's no option to do that in this thread.
Yeah that was odd, the permissions to allow that were disabled. I enabled them so it should be working now...

Thanks, Mighty One!
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Avenattis was considered an uimpeachable source from CNN and MSNBC.
That's not true. No one ever said that. I call BS.
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Obama's abuse of IRAS powers, Fast and Furious and bypassing congress on things like the Iran deal are facts
What is IRAS powers?

Please explain the details of Fast and Furious. I'm not up on much of that. I remember the Repubs trying to pin something on Holder and failed in their attempt. Just like GOP BS Bengazi hearings, just a Repub propaganda show.

Both the House and Senate passed the Iran deal. That's a fact. So your 'bypassing congress' is not a fact, it's BS.

How about Trumpty Dumpty misdeeds...
How about adultery? Yep, fact, multiple times.
Kidnapping children, snatching them from their parents? Yep, fact.
Mismanaging the border so incompetently that numerous children die? Yep, fact.
Lying 12,000+ times? Yep, yep, yep+....fact.
Being Individual 1 in the Michael Cohen case and deserving the same jail time for his crimes? Yep.
Obstruction of justice? Yep, fact. 10 counts in Mueller Report.
Welcoming Russian interference during campaign, with open arms, and not saying one word about ordering prevention of this in the next election because he needs it to happen again so badly? Yep, clear, obvious, fact.
And so so many more...
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Unlike some posters, I get news from several sources I just refuse to accept the blind liberal dogma that Fox is not news.
Doesn't matter what you refuse to accept. It is what it is. And several alt right wing sources is just as bad.
the Scribbler

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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago

Some of your points relate to personal foibles and not about policy or of any substance. Does that really matter in the grand scheme of things? In regards to the North Korean rocketman, I know that it is a long shot, but if his buddying up with Un makes North Korea less of a nuclear threat is it not worth it to at least try? I would hazard a guess in saying that the people of England and Germany do not lay awake at night worrying what I or the American people think of Johnson or Merkel and conversely I do not lose any sleep worrying what the international community thinks of my president.
Yes some of my examples were personal rather than policy but we both know I listed an absolutely miniscule amount of examples and incidents in this presidency and I could have gone on and on and on.

You are right we dont worry what the world thinks of Johnson or Merkel. Johnson has been sacked from 2 jobs for lying and like Trump will say anything he thinks the room wanted to hear. He has no detail to any supposed 'policies' and was NOT voted for by the UK public but made PM by around 100,000 Tories. The world thinks of Johnson what most of Britain thinks of Johnson. Hes an inept liar who thinks he's Churchill.
Merkel on the other hand is astute and a good leader. But we dont worry what the world thinks of them because of
the difference being they ARENT THE LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD, which ya know, your guy is supposed to be.

Appeasing dictators for the sake of peace doesnt work, we should know we did it in 1938-39. And HOW has it made N Korea less of a threat? He is still carrying on doing exactly what he wants . He fired 2 missiles last week. He decommissioned a testing facility that had been wrecked by the last test that actually caused earthquakes in China - the Chinese, Uns only supporters warned him off and he was able to close it (which he had to anyway) and get political capital out of it.
Un never had any intention of nuking anyone, he is just ramping things up to get the concessions he wants by stopping.
We dont lie awake thinking what does the world think of our leader, we lie awake at night wondering if your leader will do something that will kill us all tomorrow just because someone insulted him on twitter.
Or whether his policies will just kill us all in the long term. Cos global warming thats not a 'thing', thats fake news. Right?

I love the fact that being a pathological liar is now just a 'foible' :giggle:
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Avenattis was considered an uimpeachable source from CNN and MSNBC.
That's not true. No one ever said that. I call BS.
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Obama's abuse of IRAS powers, Fast and Furious and bypassing congress on things like the Iran deal are facts
What is IRAS powers?

Please explain the details of Fast and Furious. I'm not up on much of that. I remember the Repubs trying to pin something on Holder and failed in their attempt. Just like GOP BS Bengazi hearings, just a Repub propaganda show.

Both the House and Senate passed the Iran deal. That's a fact. So your 'bypassing congress' is not a fact, it's BS.

How about Trumpty Dumpty misdeeds...
How about adultery? Yep, fact, multiple times.
Kidnapping children, snatching them from their parents? Yep, fact.
Mismanaging the border so incompetently that numerous children die? Yep, fact.
Lying 12,000+ times? Yep, yep, yep+....fact.
Being Individual 1 in the Michael Cohen case and deserving the same jail time for his crimes? Yep.
Obstruction of justice? Yep, fact. 10 counts in Mueller Report.
Welcoming Russian interference during campaign, with open arms, and not saying one word about ordering prevention of this in the next election because he needs it to happen again so badly? Yep, clear, obvious, fact.
And so so many more...
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Unlike some posters, I get news from several sources I just refuse to accept the blind liberal dogma that Fox is not news.
Doesn't matter what you refuse to accept. It is what it is. And several alt right wing sources is just as bad.
Sorry for the typo should have been IRS, and you are wrong the Senate did not approve the Iran appeasement deal. That is why the U.S did not violate the deal it was never approved by the Senate because most of the Dems at the time were against it. Fast and Furious and Behngazi , most Americans saw the corruption of the Obama administration.

As far you questioning my news sources:

Fox News, WSJ, Boston Globe, the Guardian,ABC News, and NY post

Now do you and the other posters who question my points have one conservative news source?

Your "points" are just Fox News fabrications and half-truths. Trying to make yourself appear fair-minded by listing some media sources is fruitless. That ship has sailed.
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so back to the eyes wide shut movie....wow...I had to watch that when I saw it mentioned here and hell yes!!! that is insane....then read the conspiracy theories...it was like a documentary to what has been going on for years revealed in the form of entertainment and fiction...of course i am sure the real life people didnt look as good as they did in the film but damn!! eyes really have been wide shut to that shit show....
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batgirl1969 wrote:
4 years ago
so back to the eyes wide shut movie....wow...I had to watch that when I saw it mentioned here and hell yes!!! that is insane....then read the conspiracy theories...it was like a documentary to what has been going on for years revealed in the form of entertainment and fiction...of course i am sure the real life people didnt look as good as they did in the film but damn!! eyes really have been wide shut to that shit show....
Yeah, I mean can't personally vouch for the validity of any of those old theories. It may just all have been coincidence and stuff, but I felt that even if the Kubrick stuff isn't true the theories that arose in its wake were an interesting parallel.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Your "points" are just Fox News fabrications and half-truths. Trying to make yourself appear fair-minded by listing some media sources is fruitless. That ship has sailed.
Bert you lost the argument

You know doubt are fine when April Ryan as a NJ reporter vioently ejected, or when Don Lemon assaults a Hamptons bartender or when Fredo Cuomo threatans someone

Oh, I'm very happy to leave that call up to readers of this thread. I think we both revealed our mindsets.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
4 years ago
so back to the eyes wide shut movie....wow...I had to watch that when I saw it mentioned here and hell yes!!! that is insane....then read the conspiracy theories...it was like a documentary to what has been going on for years revealed in the form of entertainment and fiction...of course i am sure the real life people didnt look as good as they did in the film but damn!! eyes really have been wide shut to that shit show....
Your conspiracy theory regarding Eyes Wide Shut actually somewhat plausible to me. It was such a terrible film that maybe the motivation for making it was to not achieve a great work of art that people would want to see as much as a message to this group of powerful people that he knows who they are and what they have done. In a convoluted way it actually makes some sense.
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
4 years ago
I'm disappointed at how off track the topic has become. It was about Epstein
Other posters in this thread are working for the CIA and/or the Rothschilds. (joke?)

RE: Epstein, never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. They'd have to have been pretty massively stupid to leave someone who had recently attempted suicide in a cell unattended with the means with which to hang himself.
lionbadger wrote:
4 years ago
it probably doesn't take much for a billionaire to convince a low paid prison guard to get him a suicide kit
Seems plausible, but the camera "malfunction" seems unlikely.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
4 years ago
so back to the eyes wide shut movie....wow...I had to watch that when I saw it mentioned here and hell yes!!! that is insane....then read the conspiracy theories...it was like a documentary to what has been going on for years revealed in the form of entertainment and fiction...of course i am sure the real life people didnt look as good as they did in the film but damn!! eyes really have been wide shut to that shit show....
Your conspiracy theory regarding Eyes Wide Shut actually somewhat plausible to me. It was such a terrible film that maybe the motivation for making it was to not achieve a great work of art that people would want to see as much as a message to this group of powerful people that he knows who they are and what they have done. In a convoluted way it actually makes some sense.
It's the only movie quite like it I've ever seen. It meanders for far too long from a slow beginning and finally comes alive in a middle act that seems to be promising a greater mystery/thriller story and then peters out toward a nothing ending over what feels like the same amount of time it took to go from the beginning to the middle bit.

In any case, if Epstein's cohorts were anything like the people portrayed in EWS, its unbelievably likely that he was convinced to suicide, and that someone was paid off to allow him the means to do it. To many coincidences protecting to many WEALTHY bad people in my book.
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ivandobsky wrote:
4 years ago
Seems plausible, but the camera "malfunction" seems unlikely.
No it doesn't

I mean, how do thing the drug supply gets into the US? (Or indeed any country) Cause it ain't drug mules, it's shipping containers waved through customs clearance by low paid government officials.

People are acting like this is the only "crime" that happens in prisons.
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"Misunderstandings and laziness were responsible for more errors in the world." - Goethe

There were two guards, only one trained to do the job, who fake log entries that they checked on Epstein. They may have been sleeping on the job.
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Before the tinfoil hate go crazy with their Trump/Clinton conspiracies let hope the authorities can find Ghsialane Maxwell

CJS wrote:
4 years ago
Kavenaugh lost me when he claimed, with a straight face, that Devil's Triangle, Renate Alumnus, and boofing were drinking games, farting, etc.
But he was just having fun. You know. With PJ. And Squee.

Look at his calendars for God's sake.
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Visitor wrote:
4 years ago
"Misunderstandings and laziness were responsible for more errors in the world." - Goethe

There were two guards, only one trained to do the job, who fake log entries that they checked on Epstein. They may have been sleeping on the job.
You have to wonder how much 'training' is needed to look at a guy and see if he's hanging or not.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
CJS wrote:
4 years ago
Kavenaugh lost me when he claimed, with a straight face, that Devil's Triangle, Renate Alumnus, and boofing were drinking games, farting, etc.
But he was just having fun. You know. With PJ. And Squee.

Look at his calendars for God's sake.
Devil's triangle is a drinking game, I played it in New Orleans.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Your "points" are just Fox News fabrications and half-truths. Trying to make yourself appear fair-minded by listing some media sources is fruitless. That ship has sailed.
Bert you lost the argument

You know doubt are fine when April Ryan as a NJ reporter vioently ejected, or when Don Lemon assaults a Hamptons bartender or when Fredo Cuomo threatans someone
Lost the argument is an understatement. I love non-partisan partisans that try to argue effectively and fail. Either get in or get out
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naycherboy wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Your "points" are just Fox News fabrications and half-truths. Trying to make yourself appear fair-minded by listing some media sources is fruitless. That ship has sailed.
Bert you lost the argument

You know doubt are fine when April Ryan as a NJ reporter vioently ejected, or when Don Lemon assaults a Hamptons bartender or when Fredo Cuomo threatans someone
Lost the argument is an understatement. I love non-partisan partisans that try to argue effectively and fail. Either get in or get out
Just to be clear, we surely aren't including Fox News as non-partisan politics in this evaluation? Cause if we are nobodies won any arguments, we're all just bickering politically with blind devotion to our chosen news medium.
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago

Some of your points relate to personal foibles and not about policy or of any substance. Does that really matter in the grand scheme of things? In regards to the North Korean rocketman, I know that it is a long shot, but if his buddying up with Un makes North Korea less of a nuclear threat is it not worth it to at least try? I would hazard a guess in saying that the people of England and Germany do not lay awake at night worrying what I or the American people think of Johnson or Merkel and conversely I do not lose any sleep worrying what the international community thinks of my president.
Yes some of my examples were personal rather than policy but we both know I listed an absolutely miniscule amount of examples and incidents in this presidency and I could have gone on and on and on.

You are right we dont worry what the world thinks of Johnson or Merkel. Johnson has been sacked from 2 jobs for lying and like Trump will say anything he thinks the room wanted to hear. He has no detail to any supposed 'policies' and was NOT voted for by the UK public but made PM by around 100,000 Tories. The world thinks of Johnson what most of Britain thinks of Johnson. Hes an inept liar who thinks he's Churchill.
Merkel on the other hand is astute and a good leader. But we dont worry what the world thinks of them because of
the difference being they ARENT THE LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD, which ya know, your guy is supposed to be.

Appeasing dictators for the sake of peace doesnt work, we should know we did it in 1938-39. And HOW has it made N Korea less of a threat? He is still carrying on doing exactly what he wants . He fired 2 missiles last week. He decommissioned a testing facility that had been wrecked by the last test that actually caused earthquakes in China - the Chinese, Uns only supporters warned him off and he was able to close it (which he had to anyway) and get political capital out of it.
Un never had any intention of nuking anyone, he is just ramping things up to get the concessions he wants by stopping.
We dont lie awake thinking what does the world think of our leader, we lie awake at night wondering if your leader will do something that will kill us all tomorrow just because someone insulted him on twitter.
Or whether his policies will just kill us all in the long term. Cos global warming thats not a 'thing', thats fake news. Right?

I love the fact that being a pathological liar is now just a 'foible' :giggle:
In regards to my original post, I did say that it was a long shot that Trump's engagement with the rocketman would result in success. A long long shot. There is no doubt that the world would be a better place with Un was wiped off the face of the Earth, it would be nice if he met with an unfortunate accident. He is a terrible, miserable excuse for a human being who does not give a rats ass for the welfare of his people. I do not think anybody is at peace with the situation that this whackjob has the potential to cause chaos in the region with his ability to wreak havoc with nuclear weapons. The question then becomes do we engage with him or do we continue to attempt to freeze him out and try to isolate him from the rest of the world with China and Russia as his best friends. North Korea is a tricky situation with no easy answers. A potential American military response is a non-starter for me. I certainly do not blame previous administrations for their isolation and carrot/stick strategies, but on the other hand where has that gotten us. Kim Jon Un has been chracterized as an immature, insecure, dangerous, unpredictable, fat, egomaniacal, manchild who starves his own people who will do anything to hold on to power. (Now who does that remind me of? LOL) The rocketman is also vain, and is it at least worth it to try to use that vanity to try to nudge him into moving North Korea into the 21st Century. It obviously would not happen overnight and it would be a long arduous process but would it not be great if they took those first few steps. If you gave me a crystal ball and told me isolation/carrot stick would end the rule of the rocketman I would be on board in a second but it has not worked so far so is there any harm in at least trying? Just because this is a Trump initiative does not automatically make this gambit illegitamate. Sure, the odds of this venture succeeding are very, very long, but can we not just give peace a chance? Thomas Friedman of the NY Times wrote in the nineties (I imagine that this is no longer true) that no country that has a McDonald's has ever attacked another country that also has a McDonald's, the point being that if you and your neighbors are connected to the global economy that you are much less likely to attack ones neighbors if both of entities fortunes are connected with one another. I hope to see a McDonald's in North Korea in my lifetime. And on another note, of course Fox News is partisan! It is as patently obvious to me as CNN and MSNBC on the other side! I mean, Roger Ailes worked for Reagan and then built Fox News. This is not a revelation to anybody who pays attention to these cable networks. Just because one agrees with the ideology of a news network does not mean they are fair and balanced. Unbelieveable.
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Peace is a dangerous animal unfortunately due primarily to human nature. You can't make peace with everyone, because some people are to untrustworthy to make peace with. Inevitably when an optimist draws up a peace accord with Atilla the Hun, the Hun is eventually going to swoop in and sack the city... That's not to say this is necessarily a perfect allegory for whats going on right now... but that's 'Peace' in a nutshell. You can only make peace with peaceful people, and as such (and unfortunately) it's really only safe to even STRIVE for peace from peaceful people. Send out feelers, test the waters, when the Warlord dies and the next takes his place test the next Warlords beliefs and values to see if peace is now possible, but the sad fact of humanity is as follows...

No, we can't all just get along. We're outright INCAPABLE of it (at this time).

It's a little like that. Peace with North Korea may not be impossible, Peace with someone like Kim Jeong Un however requires an intense degree of suspicion and to never EVER let your guard down... and for that reason is more like 'not immediately hostile suspicion' than real peace.

OH! Yeah and Epstein! He uh... the topic yeah?
Last edited by Femina 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
CJS wrote:
4 years ago
Kavenaugh lost me when he claimed, with a straight face, that Devil's Triangle, Renate Alumnus, and boofing were drinking games, farting, etc.
But he was just having fun. You know. With PJ. And Squee.

Look at his calendars for God's sake.
Devil's triangle is a drinking game, I played it in New Orleans.
Total BS. It only became a drinking game after Kavanaugh said it was, and GOP folks wanted to cover for him.
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naycherboy wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Your "points" are just Fox News fabrications and half-truths. Trying to make yourself appear fair-minded by listing some media sources is fruitless. That ship has sailed.
Bert you lost the argument

You know doubt are fine when April Ryan as a NJ reporter vioently ejected, or when Don Lemon assaults a Hamptons bartender or when Fredo Cuomo threatans someone
Lost the argument is an understatement. I love non-partisan partisans that try to argue effectively and fail. Either get in or get out
WON the argument would be the understatement. Bert wiped the floor with Dazzly1 before Dazzly1 even entered the debate.

"Either get in or get out"
No one knows that this means except maybe naycherboy. Is it a GOP or FOX news insider sayin?. Get into Trumpty Dumpty's ass or get out. Something like that?
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
Peace is a dangerous animal unfortunately due primarily to human nature. You can't make peace with everyone, because some people are to untrustworthy to make peace with. Inevitably when an optimist draws up a peace accord with Atilla the Hun, the Hun is eventually going to swoop in and sack the city... That's not to say this is necessarily a perfect allegory for whats going on right now... but that's 'Peace' in a nutshell. You can only make peace with peaceful people, and as such (and unfortunately) it's really only safe to even STRIVE for peace from peaceful people. Send out feelers, test the waters, when the Warlord dies and the next takes his place test the next Warlords beliefs and values to see if peace is now possible, but the sad fact of humanity is as follows...

No, we can't all just get along. We're outright INCAPABLE of it (at this time).

It's a little like that. Peace with North Korea may not be impossible, Peace with someone like Kim Jeong Un however requires an intense degree of suspicion and to never EVER let your guard down... and for that reason is more like 'not immediately hostile suspicion' than real peace.

OH! Yeah and Epstein! He uh... the topic yeah?
I agree with you on the last paragraph of your post 100%. N Korea has a history of violating agreements. I just think back to the cold war and how close we were to mutual destruction in the sixties, then twenty years later both countries were signing nuclear arms reduction agreements. One good indicator of future human behavior is self interest of those individuals and if Un desires to be a part of the global community and sit with the cool kids on the global stage, then maybe he will be motivated to make changes to benefit his people and have a real engagement with the west. On the other hand it is entirely possible that he has no intentions of achieving a peaceful existence with the international community and is only using this Trump gambit to get as many concessions as possible without changing his behavior or policies.

It's very possible that Kim is playing Trump for a fool. Donald Trump doesn't care about North Korea, but he does care about winning a Nobel Prize. Kim tells Trump how great he is, nods enthusiastically when Trump proposes building hotels on the North Korean coastline, and then gets the concessions he wants in exchange for next to nothing. He sends Trump a letter and Trump is compelled to gush about it. To Trump, the whole thing is optics designed to make him look good in the moment. Ratings. Reason to strong arm someone to nominate him for the peace prize.
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With perfect timing N Korea snubs peace talks with the South. Kim is running rings around Trump diplomatically.

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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
With perfect timing N Korea snubs peace talks with the South. Kim is running rings around Trump diplomatically.

At least we aren't paying N. Korea anymore, and we did get back some of our war heroes remains back. That is a lot better than the previous Presidents have done!

Appeasement doesn't work.
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ksire_99 wrote:
4 years ago
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
With perfect timing N Korea snubs peace talks with the South. Kim is running rings around Trump diplomatically.

At least we aren't paying N. Korea anymore, and we did get back some of our war heroes remains back. That is a lot better than the previous Presidents have done!

Appeasement doesn't work.
And all Trumpty Dumpty had to do (for the remains) was play into Un's hands by being the first USA President to ever legitimize N. Korea's evil dictator's rule, elevating his status in the world and to his own people, by participating in the farcical reality show like photo op where Un played Trumpty D the whole time, lied about denuking to Mr. gullible, a total win for Un. No previous President did that or ever considered doing that, cause...it's NOT better.
the Scribbler

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And the dumbo actually called his own military exercises with the South 'provocative' and a waste of money (but its fine to throw a military parade costing $96m cos, ya know, the French have a great one) giving NK the opportunity to proclaim them as a deliberate act of provocation, which, whilst they always did so, they can now state even their leader thinks so to their own people thereby legitimising the propaganda.
Guess this is what happens when you dont read your daily briefings because they are 'boring'
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
And the dumbo actually called his own military exercises with the South 'provocative' and a waste of money (but its fine to throw a military parade costing $96m cos, ya know, the French have a great one) giving NK the opportunity to proclaim them as a deliberate act of provocation, which, whilst they always did so, they can now state even their leader thinks so to their own people thereby legitimising the propaganda.
Guess this is what happens when you dont read your daily briefings because they are 'boring'

So paying a self appointed god to his people is the solution? Or by ignoring him so he will go away? That is not a solution! Especially when N K has been spreading nuclear and missile technology to Iran and Syria (and who knows who else). BTW, if not for Israel both would have weapons that no one really wants them to possess.

I have for a long time wanted us (America) to take a stand against this tyranny (I include China). So if you have a better solution I would like to hear it. All I hear from people that don't agree with your point of view that you are stupid, naïve, or evil? Remember if you can't talk to someone that you don't agree with, what is left for the two opposing view points to do?

Also, I am glad Trump got S. Korea to pay more for our troops to be 'trip wires'. It was obvious they could pay more since they send billions of dollars to N. Korea.

I am done with the thread. You can PM me where it can hopefully be a more positive conversation.
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The guy doesnt read his own intelligence briefings and therefore has very little concept of the impact of the words and phrases he says.
So yes I stand firmly behind 'dumbo' to describe him. This is the man who said you seized the airports and manned the sky in the War of Independence.
Face facts, he ISNT bright. He's just rich.

I take it all back-
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Gee, I thought there was an edict a little while back about rising above name calling on this board. I guess none of us (including me) are perfect. I still can not fathom how a man who elicits this kind of passionate hatred (my Mom used to call him pussgutt) actually might possibly win a second term. Amazing. I guess if he does win that it goes to show that there are many people in this country unlike us who do not enjoy talking about politics and do not choose to engage in it with their friends and family. Boy, I wish I had that kind of discipline because I can't help myself. On a side note, I moved to a new place this year and my cable package includes CNN and MSNBC but not Fox News. LOL. So when I go to check the news every night before I go to work to just make sure Trump has not started world war 3,and I see Don Lemon, Fredo Cuomo, and Rachel Maddow, I am personally living I this mainstream left wing bias nightmare, I actually see it and experience it every single dam evening. I am living the dream. So when someone on this board says that they are not biased and are objective..... it is like they are telling me do not believe what my lying eyes and ears are telling me. I must be insane.
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