Why are softcore videos more expensive than hardcore videos?

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This subject has been on my mind for a while now. As no one has raise this question before to my knowledge. Please correct me if I am wrong and there is already a topic on this subject. First, producers have the right to sell their products for a particular price. I am not demanding anyone to change their prices. However, I am very curious for many reasons.

The first reason is very obvious. The videos feature softcore content. Model's fees for softcore content are less than their fees to perform hardcore sex. That's a red flag. Producers with softcore content are paying the models much less money than hardcore producers. Also, the sexual peril and sex scenes in softcore videos tend to be very short. Most are not longer than 5 minutes.

Some models like Amber McAlester won't do any nudity in videos. I would be paying more money to not see tits, but I can pay less money for a hardcore video with tits on show. Does this not seem backwards?

It seems very odd that so many softcore videos are more expensive than most hardcore videos in the genre. Softcore content from any genre is usually cheaper than hardcore content. The idea of softcore videos having a higher price than hardcore videos is absurd. It would be like selling a Nintendo 3DS at a higher price than the XBox One.

The second reason is some softcore videos have shorter runtimes than hardcore videos. However, the softcore videos continue to be more expensive than the longer hardcore videos. I am getting more time for my money from hardcore videos.

Let's take a look at two examples.
0.57% Unknown by The Battle for Earth costs $39.99. It features Lexi Belle as Supergirl and the video is softcore. The runtime is 31 minutes.
Supergirl Turns Into Perfect Slut Girlfriend by Primal Fetish costs $29.99. It features Lily Radar as Supergirl and the video is hardcore. The runtime is 45 minutes.

1. The softcore video is more expensive.
2. The softcore video is shorter.
3. The softfcore video has less sexual peril.
4. Both videos only have two actors; one male and one female.

Parolee 4 by Chris costs $39.95. The video stars Mckenize as Alpha Girl and the video is softcore. The runtime is 33 minutes.
Supergirl And The Greek Gods by Tropic City Heroines costs $33.99. It stars Allie Rae as Supergirl and Kendra James as a goddess. The video is hardcore, and the runtime is 51 minutes.

1. The softcore video is more expensive.
2. The softcore video is shorter.
3. The softfcore video has less sexual peril.
4. Both videos have three actors.
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Production value. Count the number of shots, for example.
And the first video you mentioned has three actors.

That was easy.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
This subject has been on my mind for a while now. As no one has raise this question before to my knowledge. Please correct me if I am wrong and there is already a topic on this subject. First, producers have the right to sell their products for a particular price. I am not demanding anyone to change their prices. However, I am very curious for many reasons.

The first reason is very obvious. The videos feature softcore content. Model's fees for softcore content are less than their fees to perform hardcore sex. That's a red flag. Producers with softcore content are paying the models much less money than hardcore producers. Also, the sexual peril and sex scenes in softcore videos tend to be very short. Most are not longer than 5 minutes.

Some models like Amber McAlester won't do any nudity in videos. I would be paying more money to not see tits, but I can pay less money for a hardcore video with tits on show. Does this not seem backwards?

It seems very odd that so many softcore videos are more expensive than most hardcore videos in the genre. Softcore content from any genre is usually cheaper than hardcore content. The idea of softcore videos having a higher price than hardcore videos is absurd. It would be like selling a Nintendo 3DS at a higher price than the XBox One.

The second reason is some softcore videos have shorter runtimes than hardcore videos. However, the softcore videos continue to be more expensive than the longer hardcore videos. I am getting more time for my money from hardcore videos.

Let's take a look at two examples.
0.57% Unknown by The Battle for Earth costs $39.99. It features Lexi Belle as Supergirl and the video is softcore. The runtime is 31 minutes.
Supergirl Turns Into Perfect Slut Girlfriend by Primal Fetish costs $29.99. It features Lily Radar as Supergirl and the video is hardcore. The runtime is 45 minutes.

1. The softcore video is more expensive.
2. The softcore video is shorter.
3. The softfcore video has less sexual peril.
4. Both videos only have two actors; one male and one female.

Parolee 4 by Chris costs $39.95. The video stars Mckenize as Alpha Girl and the video is softcore. The runtime is 33 minutes.
Supergirl And The Greek Gods by Tropic City Heroines costs $33.99. It stars Allie Rae as Supergirl and Kendra James as a goddess. The video is hardcore, and the runtime is 51 minutes.

1. The softcore video is more expensive.
2. The softcore video is shorter.
3. The softfcore video has less sexual peril.
4. Both videos have three actors.
Hi There

Well, I just want to give my 2 cents worth, it may or may not answer your question, so please bear with me

As a Superhero content producer myself, I only do content that are PG/M Rated material, so I am not even a softcore producer. More often than not, people will come to me and ask me "Hey Ava, how come your video is more expensive than porn?" Especially so when I am currenlly advertising my pre-order on Agent Caracal 3 on HM site for A$50 per order (About USD$37)

To answer this story, I will need to journey back to 3 to 4 years ago when I enter this game. I have a choice between mainstream or porn, and I choose the first one, partly because I don't really do porn (Well, I am a girl and I am not 18), and partly because I have a company on the side producing mainstream content such as independent movie and commercial content (Or maybe I should say that was my main job and this superhero content stuff is my side project...)

Anyway, before I reach that decision, I asked some porn producer back in Germany (Yes, I am a Fräulein, weren't my name is a dead giveaway?) and there are tons of Porn Producer in Germany, it is in our culture probably one of the biggest after Japan and US. Many of these producer laugh at me when I told them I want to go mainstream instead of porn. They all say you cannot make money and I will be shut down as soon as I start.

I don't understand back then, just out of film school, and I want to do what I want, and I was thinking, hey, I can get an actress for $50 an hour and a porn star cost more than $500, who's stupid now? so I ignore all of their advice and "Take The Hard Road". And I don't realise there are 2 things I did not factor in when I start my production.

1.) Overhead Cost

You may think, well, actress cost nothing if that is mainstream, and porn actress usually cost an arm and a leg, You are absolutely right. But then, that's the only thing working on porn is more expensive than mainstream, as some porn producer told me, what you do in porn is to have a person who wrote a mediocre script, then hire 3 persons at least (Director and 2 actors/actress) and you are ready to go, but how about non-porn content?

For starter, your script must be good, I mean, at least better than mediocre, otherwise no one is going to see it because if you are not in for titties, then you must be in for the story. And a story writer and script writer on that level don't come cheap, you get a few hundred dollars down already, for my project, I pay upward to $500 for the script, and just the script alone.

And then you have crew, in porn, crew is not really important, yes, you can get a few stagehand and a few gaffer here and there and get a better porn, but most of them are 1 man or 2 men operation, 3 if you also count the make up artist. Then here comes my production. I have a 10 men crew. Director, Dresser, Cameraman, Script Writer, Story Writer, HMUA, Prop Master, Technical Advisor, AP who run arrant and scout location and a Medic. And then hear this, I am actually "Undercrew" as I don't have sound artist (No boom mic), and gaffer (No one is holding the light) or 2AD (No one to work the camera angle) All those people get paid and especially my technical advisor, who was a former Army Special Force and Army Ranger, we gave our actress 4 hours training before each shoot. granted it still mostly look like shit but you should see the footage of their training. All those amount to thousand of dollar per project (Director got pay $200 per shoot, Dresser 100, Cameraman $150, Script Writer + Story Writer got paid $500 per project, HMUA is $100-$150 per shoot, Medic got paid $200 per shoot, prop master is depending on what kind of prop I need so different every shoot, while AP, and Technical Advisor is Casual position so we don't count them in shoot) and each project contain 3 or 4 shoot. You do the maths.

Then it comes to scene and shooting outside. In Porn, you hardly have more than 1 scene, so you don't change your backdrop and rarely shoot outside (Or exterior as we call it in the business). So, you pay $100 or $200 for a hotel room a day, have the 2 porn actors go nuts at it, and you don't worry about insurance and permit. For my production? I often do 2 or 3 scenes, both in and out, paying for a single studio is about $300-400 half day, 2 to 3 a half day shoot would drop you back $1000-$1200, then it comes outdoor shoot, you need to get a few things, council permit, special permits as well in the case of The Plan as we are shooting at the airport (Have to do it as I don't want to get arrested for terrorism) and then you will also need to get insurance, business Insurance, public liability insurance, third part damages insurance, all these permit and insurance can run up to, again, thousand of dollars (Council permit alone cost $800 more if you want road closure as police would be involved) Let me give you an example, our project Ep 5 and 8 (The Plan part 1 and 2), it cost us A$2300 to shoot at the park and the airport and studio. Of course you can do hit and run with it, but I choose not to.

Then finally you have script time. We have talked about script writing, but we did not talk about script time. In Porn, each page of script can vary between 3 to 5 minutes, I had people send me porn script, it was for 10 minutes and there are only 2 pages, mostly cheesy dialogue and then two guys/girls/m/f going at it and taking off their clothes. It don't need to write much for sex, I mean you cannot dictate how two people have sex, at least I never heard of people doing custom going into this much detail. And since you can probably write 4 to 6 line for 5 minutes or so steamy sex and it take at MOST 1 to 2 hours to finish a 2 pages porn script, as you don't have a big script. Ono our production? Each page represent 40 second to 1 minute screen time, for a 33 minutes movie, it often goes into 40 something pages of script. And it take actors 10-12 hours shoot time to complete that, even if you hire professional actress, that still take 6 to 8 shoot hours but then you pay more money on the actors.

Case in point, Aftermath Part was shot with 5 actress and 10 crew with a 45 pages script, run time (actual runtime) for Aftermath Part 1 is about 25 minutes, and it was shot over 3 days in 10 hours. You can read the script here

2.) Market

Porn have a very big market, estimated 70% of internet traffic is porn or porn related subject, while it is also a very big market for mainstream cinema, but how many softcore producer can call themselves "Mainstream", so most people who like Hardcore porn will not going to be buying softcore, and most people who normally goes to comic convention is not likely to buy your content because you aren't that popular and not generalized enough, so, our audience is a small group of people who are into SHIP and who does not like Hardcore (or also like Hardcore Porn), you can feel how much different between the 2 market.

To be honest, I have produced 11 movie in the last 3 years, not one or once I have make a profit from my movie, I did not count but if I do, I probably spend about A$30,000 on the 11 movies (average 3,000 per) and I only have about 300 purchases til now, my movie is on average $20 per which mean I did not even earn A$10,000 from sales. My superhero content is supplemented by my regular business (As I mentioned before, I do indie movie and commercial content) and without and TBH, $20 Australian dollar is not in the league of TBFE which charge 30-40 US per movie, while I can't say about them, but I do know the struggle for softcore or mainstream producer. As the porn producer said, I would be gone under right after I start, had I not supplement it with my regular income.

So this is my 2 cents on my subject, if it help you? Great, If not? Well, anyway, I have finished my rant...

And to everyone else, sorry for my long rant :( I apologise.

Good Day Everyone and have a nice weekend.
The Superhero Project

Thank you AvaHeinz for giving me a deeper insight at the mainstream and softcore side of the genre. The additional production costs were a lot more than I expected. A large production crew greatly increases your production cost. It makes me a admire the hard work and dedication in SHIP videos.

Are there avenues to reduce production costs without losing quality? Running a business is very difficult for everyone. Being able to save money while maintaining high quality is a major advantage.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
Thank you AvaHeinz for giving me a deeper insight at the mainstream and softcore side of the genre. The additional production costs were a lot more than I expected. A large production crew greatly increases your production cost. It makes me a admire the hard work and dedication in SHIP videos.

Are there avenues to reduce production costs without losing quality? Running a business is very difficult for everyone. Being able to save money while maintaining high quality is a major advantage.
Hi There

Well, it's very much depends, people consider my superhero movie is of medium (I am not going to say mediocre) quality, and you are talking about thousand of dollars of production cost, let's use my recent project "Lynx Demise" as an example. That was a 10 minutes storyline shoot, which is a small project, but the production cost for that 10 minutes shoot with 4 actors is as follow

2 days studio rental - $500
4 Actors/Actress - $50 per hours for 6 hours work, plus GST, plus agency fee, it's $1012 (EDIT: I've got discount from the agency, it was going to be in $1300 mark)
Set Dresser (Costume person with 4 costume) - $200 with costume rental
Director - $300 for 6 hours work
Prop Master (With 4 prop guns + 2 hours training) - $200
HMUA - $200 for 2 shoots.
Cameraman - $0 (Director double as Cameraman
Medic (required by law and insurance on set) - $200
Script and story line writer - $200

I did not count the insurance we already have, Technical Advisor (whom we paid $25000 per year) and AP (whom we hire for $300 per week), that A$2812 for all that. And I am selling the movie for A$15

Fact is, it would cost even more if I use my regular crew, which also include gaffer, sound artist, set builder, and so on, I used what I called "Skeleton Crew" because that is the people I need to start a production, well, at least of the production value I am looking for. And that probably is the key to the whole question, I mean again, use "Lynx demies" as an example. Who I can do without in that list is directly proportional to the end result as to what I want the movie to be.

The very basic is that if I can make my own costume, write my own script, do make up, shoot the movie myself, and don't use any prop weapon, then I come down to studio rental, actor/actress and medic (I still need a set medic), which draw down to $1700 (that's $1100 off) however, could I make my own costume? could I write my own script? can I do make up (well, I can do it on myself but not to other actress) and can I shoot the movie myself? And if so, how much it different from people who does that thing for a living? And, even with the very basic, I still need to pay A$1700, that is not a small number. And while I can technically do all that, the first things is, it will take at least 6 months to produce that movie if I were to do it all by myself, and then I cannot charge people $15 per because that movie would look like crap.

You can always adjust the budget according to your liking, because you are producing the thing, the problem is, one also need to remember, money increase production value and speed up production time, in mainstream and softcore, it has to be the right balance of quality vs money.

On the other hand, you have porn, I know for a fact that you can hire an actress to take her top of for $250 in Australia and $500 + per hour for an actress to do hardcore porn. Now, for the basic, you need a place to shoot, 2 actors/actress and a cameramen, how much it is going to take?

Say I hire 2 porn actors for 2 hours and shoot a 30 minutes scene (quite easy for 2 hours) I don't need anything else, I can hire a hotel room for $100 a day, get a skimpy costume for $50, it doesn't quite matter as they are going to come off anyway, and hire 2 actor/actress for $500 an hour and a cameraman for $100. That's $2250 about $600 less than my medium production, now would you think which one can sell better? A basic 30 minutes porn? Or a 10 minutes medium quality mainstream superhero clip? That beg a question, why would I not do porn??

All in all, that is my experience, and I am not in the US, maybe you guys have a different rule and costing structure in the US, and different company have different value, hardcore, softcore, mainstream or otherwise, so my story is only true for myself, I cannot say on behalf of anyone else, maybe other producer can come up here and discuss the cost and structure with us and you can compare?

Anyway, thanks and have a good weekend
The Superhero Project
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mass production. economy of scales. more units produced less the cost.
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producers should tap into the amatuer cosplay world.. set up at a convention and recruit cosplay girls, 18 and over of course but this broadens the availabilty of actors and actresses who usually come with their own wardrobe and makeup plus already somewhat knowing how to "act" like their characters and most love the chance to get in front of the camera...
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flash wrote:
5 years ago
mass production. economy of scales. more units produced less the cost.


Seriously, I want to know how to mass produce movie? That would save me heaps of money.

I am paying my bloody arm and leg over making movie...

Let me know
The Superhero Project
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batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
producers should tap into the amatuer cosplay world.. set up at a convention and recruit cosplay girls, 18 and over of course but this broadens the availabilty of actors and actresses who usually come with their own wardrobe and makeup plus already somewhat knowing how to "act" like their characters and most love the chance to get in front of the camera...
Well, funny enough, I have just talked about this to my US contact as we are preparing our joint US-AUS venture coming summer.

He seems to think Cosplayer is not reliable and quite flaky and showboating, and most of them can't act.

For me, I hired 2 cosplayer in my production, and they worked quite well, but most of my model/actress came from agency, and that is the way I prefer. It just too risky to hire from outsider.

For example, there were this incident, when I hire someone from website to play the parts of Rachel in my Agent Caracal 2 movie. The actress flake out on me when we are doing a major shoot because she did not want to undress in front of the camera (which we have sent her several email prior saying this would happened) and in the end, we lost the whole day shoot because of 1 actress flaking out, and that's $1500 I never see again,

There are inherit risk to hire outside agency, but I will have to say, this is not always the case, and if you can find cosplayer that work the part, that would save you a bit of money.

The Superhero Project
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batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
producers should tap into the amatuer cosplay world.. set up at a convention and recruit cosplay girls, 18 and over of course but this broadens the availabilty of actors and actresses who usually come with their own wardrobe and makeup plus already somewhat knowing how to "act" like their characters and most love the chance to get in front of the camera...
For hardcore, ryona, or even SHIP? Aren't cons too mainstream these days for a formal presence of such against-the-grain material? Seems like a good way to get tarred and feathered, and maybe set doxxing fire to the whole genre.
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AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
producers should tap into the amatuer cosplay world.. set up at a convention and recruit cosplay girls, 18 and over of course but this broadens the availabilty of actors and actresses who usually come with their own wardrobe and makeup plus already somewhat knowing how to "act" like their characters and most love the chance to get in front of the camera...
Well, funny enough, I have just talked about this to my US contact as we are preparing our joint US-AUS venture coming summer.

He seems to think Cosplayer is not reliable and quite flaky and showboating, and most of them can't act.

For me, I hired 2 cosplayer in my production, and they worked quite well, but most of my model/actress came from agency, and that is the way I prefer. It just too risky to hire from outsider.

For example, there were this incident, when I hire someone from website to play the parts of Rachel in my Agent Caracal 2 movie. The actress flake out on me when we are doing a major shoot because she did not want to undress in front of the camera (which we have sent her several email prior saying this would happened) and in the end, we lost the whole day shoot because of 1 actress flaking out, and that's $1500 I never see again,

There are inherit risk to hire outside agency, but I will have to say, this is not always the case, and if you can find cosplayer that work the part, that would save you a bit of money.

The Superhero Project
I can understand the reticence, but I have worked with cosplayers for photoshoots - it's possible to shoot successfully.

It entirely depends on the specific cosplayer you're working with, some are extremely professional - but yea, you totally get flakers!

The most successful partnerships I've had with cosplayers have been with those who are already professional models - and so very much understand how a professional photography/video set works.

I wouldn't recommend just randomly signing up cosplayers because they have costumes and that's convenient, but attending cons to network with them is totally advisable. Get to know contacts before taking the plunge and planning a shoot around them.
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Imagineer wrote:
5 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
producers should tap into the amatuer cosplay world.. set up at a convention and recruit cosplay girls, 18 and over of course but this broadens the availabilty of actors and actresses who usually come with their own wardrobe and makeup plus already somewhat knowing how to "act" like their characters and most love the chance to get in front of the camera...
For hardcore, ryona, or even SHIP? Aren't cons too mainstream these days for a formal presence of such against-the-grain material? Seems like a good way to get tarred and feathered, and maybe set doxxing fire to the whole genre.
yes, totally allowed at cons, in fact one that I was at last year, had a booth setup where you could do risque photo shoots ON SITE with other cosplayers or just anyone else...I did one with my sister and GF and it was really cool. the booth is in the middle of the con floor but totally secure and very private.
plus MOST girls who cosplay in the very revealing cosplays would be the best bet for the hardcore potential but you would definatly need to get ID's and have paperwork signed for sure.
I think you would be surprised how kinky and open this new con going generation is with their sexuality and the shoots you could do.
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That's good to hear.
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swampy170 wrote:
5 years ago
AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
producers should tap into the amatuer cosplay world.. set up at a convention and recruit cosplay girls, 18 and over of course but this broadens the availabilty of actors and actresses who usually come with their own wardrobe and makeup plus already somewhat knowing how to "act" like their characters and most love the chance to get in front of the camera...
Well, funny enough, I have just talked about this to my US contact as we are preparing our joint US-AUS venture coming summer.

He seems to think Cosplayer is not reliable and quite flaky and showboating, and most of them can't act.

For me, I hired 2 cosplayer in my production, and they worked quite well, but most of my model/actress came from agency, and that is the way I prefer. It just too risky to hire from outsider.

For example, there were this incident, when I hire someone from website to play the parts of Rachel in my Agent Caracal 2 movie. The actress flake out on me when we are doing a major shoot because she did not want to undress in front of the camera (which we have sent her several email prior saying this would happened) and in the end, we lost the whole day shoot because of 1 actress flaking out, and that's $1500 I never see again,

There are inherit risk to hire outside agency, but I will have to say, this is not always the case, and if you can find cosplayer that work the part, that would save you a bit of money.

The Superhero Project
I can understand the reticence, but I have worked with cosplayers for photoshoots - it's possible to shoot successfully.

It entirely depends on the specific cosplayer you're working with, some are extremely professional - but yea, you totally get flakers!

The most successful partnerships I've had with cosplayers have been with those who are already professional models - and so very much understand how a professional photography/video set works.

I wouldn't recommend just randomly signing up cosplayers because they have costumes and that's convenient, but attending cons to network with them is totally advisable. Get to know contacts before taking the plunge and planning a shoot around them.
Well, I know, I have two cosplayer working for me at the moment...

The point I raise is that I prefer to get model/actor thru agency because of the risk, photoshoot is okay because photoshoot did not cost too much and you can shoot around the no show. But it's a bit different if you are in a scripted video production situation.

What will you do if one of your model/actress is a no show in a video shoot? You call off the whole thing and you need to pay everybody. Because without the part of the no show, the video won't work. Had more than enough time I have to pay thousand of dollars for absolutely nothing because one of the cast member is a no show.

On the other hand, agency model is not at all that expensive, yes, you can hire supermodel for $5000 per hours, but normally you can get some good one paying $50 to $70, which almost the same price if you look for it yourself.

Anyway, as I said, that's just me. Different people/studio have different situation, I cannot say for all of them

The Superhero Project
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AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago
flash wrote:
5 years ago
mass production. economy of scales. more units produced less the cost.


Seriously, I want to know how to mass produce movie? That would save me heaps of money.

I am paying my bloody arm and leg over making movie...

Let me know
The Superhero Project
You can mass produce by reusing sets on your own property, doing low-quality shoots with one or two staff camera people, reusing actors for repeat rates or even having them on staff. Look at the hardcore scenes referenced in the OP for example. The video, audio, choreography, lighting, soundtrack, effects, staging, set design, costuming, etc. quality is so much lower than the softcore scenes referenced that it can hardly be considered the same type of product. Still, it's porn, so it's fun to watch and I'd bet they work with much higher margins given the volume of their output and the relatively little time it takes to produce. This is no insult to their work. I'm sure they wouldn't deny that they've chosen this business model and it works well for them. It's just a very different approach to making films. The OP may as well ask why it costs so much to produce an album when it costs more to go to a concert with your phone to record than it does to get an hour in a local recording studio lol.
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I believe Primal has previously lamented that SHIP is more expensive to shoot and less profitable than the other fetish genres they produce, and that they wouldn't bother with it at all except that they're fans of the genre.

I'm glad that the genre has so many producers and flavors of content.
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saxman314 wrote:
5 years ago
AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago
flash wrote:
5 years ago
mass production. economy of scales. more units produced less the cost.


Seriously, I want to know how to mass produce movie? That would save me heaps of money.

I am paying my bloody arm and leg over making movie...

Let me know
The Superhero Project
You can mass produce by reusing sets on your own property, doing low-quality shoots with one or two staff camera people, reusing actors for repeat rates or even having them on staff. Look at the hardcore scenes referenced in the OP for example. The video, audio, choreography, lighting, soundtrack, effects, staging, set design, costuming, etc. quality is so much lower than the softcore scenes referenced that it can hardly be considered the same type of product. Still, it's porn, so it's fun to watch and I'd bet they work with much higher margins given the volume of their output and the relatively little time it takes to produce. This is no insult to their work. I'm sure they wouldn't deny that they've chosen this business model and it works well for them. It's just a very different approach to making films. The OP may as well ask why it costs so much to produce an album when it costs more to go to a concert with your phone to record than it does to get an hour in a local recording studio lol.
G'Day mate

if this is your definition of mass production, then I am already doing it.

I use the same location over and over again, I used to use my office (which I pay for getting things done, not getting movie done) as well, and I operate on a skeleton crew with only Director, Dresser, Cameraman, Script Writer, Story Writer, HMUA, Prop Master, Technical Advisor, AP and a Medic.

I need all those people to make a movie, as I explained in the post before, I cannot further cut down the people I work with , otherwise I cannot guarantee I can keep the quality of my production.

Problem is, between porn and us, we are an underdog, in porn, you can get away with cheesy dialogue, bad camera angle, bad costume, and bad directing, and you can still sell heaps of your movie online, for us, nobody will buy our movie if they are not to a standard, because if not, there are nothing worth to see.

The only thing that save money we can do and we still have not done is to shoot longer hour, 8 hours block instead of 4 hours block, but that would only just save us $100 but we probably pay for it in productivities.

The Superhero Project
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I have yet to see even ONE booth at a comic convention (all ages con) where you can openly recruit for a company doing adult work that targets women for doing superheroine scenes involving sex, simulated sex, rape, simulated rape, bondage, ballgags, death fetish or excessive violence. That would NOT fly at any convention, and most women cosplayers would get together and have that vendor permanently banned from the proceedings and from the venue. It's a woman's world out there now. Men just have to get used to that truth these days.

Cosplayers as a whole make for terrible actors in the fetish industry. Most lack direction, focus, and many of them have terrible acting skills which make them poorly suited to doing this for profit. There are some good ones out there, but you have to literally look for diamonds in the rough. The average one needs LOTS of work to sculpt, shape, and polish into something profitable. Even then, they have to have the right mindset.

Most of the people I have recruited have come from FetishCon, which still supplies legendary talent going into it's 19th year.
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Dude, check out mygeekgoddess they go to a ton of conventions and they only do NSFW 18+ photo shoots and they even use bondage gear and ballgags...I am sure if you wanted a shoot with batgirl hogtied and ballgaged they could probably do it...they had star trek and a ton of anime at the cons I saw them at. This is the booth I said was clearly covered where you can't even see inside, but they have the girls outside in very skimpy cosplays enticing people to pay them for pics inside....it is a great idea and I am thinking of doing it myself next time I see them at a show.
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I think I can weigh in here because

1. I direct and produce my own films
2. I direct softcore/PG 13 SHIP
3. I direct hardcore SHIP

For me, its been a bit easier to sell higher volume with hardcore content, so I am not dying over a 5-10 dollar difference in sales per unit. But for softcore content, that very well could make the project come at a loss.

Hardcore films do cost more to produce. I think when it comes to softcore productions though, people have an easier time passing over the content. Cause if it doesn't match 100 percent of their needs then why buy it? Hardcore content, no matter what, you will be getting exactly what you think you are getting, the rest is window dressing and if it hits your bill, well then even better.

I think any producer who makes super heroine fetish content and is selling new releases below $30 dollars is doing themselves a disservice.
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SHL wrote:
5 years ago
I think I can weigh in here because

1. I direct and produce my own films
2. I direct softcore/PG 13 SHIP
3. I direct hardcore SHIP

For me, its been a bit easier to sell higher volume with hardcore content, so I am not dying over a 5-10 dollar difference in sales per unit. But for softcore content, that very well could make the project come at a loss.

Hardcore films do cost more to produce. I think when it comes to softcore productions though, people have an easier time passing over the content. Cause if it doesn't match 100 percent of their needs then why buy it? Hardcore content, no matter what, you will be getting exactly what you think you are getting, the rest is window dressing and if it hits your bill, well then even better.

I think any producer who makes super heroine fetish content and is selling new releases below $30 dollars is doing themselves a disservice.
G'Day Mate

I think that's depends on Talent. I can get a top tier model (Actually, I did hired a top tier model) for an hour and pay more than porn actor. But the reverse is also true, so it's really based on who you hire. Over here, I can hire a nobody porn actress for about $500 per hour from xbiz event, but I can also hire someone that goes to $1500/hr if they are more popular. And of course, if you hire a more popular actress, you get more draw, and you get more sale, however, you will also pay more.

The scale of what you pay is not really reflecting the problem and the gap between mainstream, soft or hardcore content, the market is, and as you said, Hardcore film are always going to have more demand and market out there, and softcore/mainstream one, unless you are really mainstream (like silver screen mainstream) there are virtually no market out there, because people are either go to a movie and see MCU or DC with the big star cast, or they are going to go home and download porn. That left with the people who got stuck in the middle to look for the alternative.

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