Hydrogirl Episode 1: Soaked and Wet

A darker, full bodied blend.
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:thumbup: My very first story. I would love feedback on this. This stars my OC, Hydrogirl. Please enjoy.

—————————PART 1——————————

The door blasted open. “I’m here to stop you, Metalman! That coke’s gonna have to be handed over to the authorities.”

But there was no one there. Curious, the now 19-year old Hydrogirl stepped into the cavernous, deep, and dark fallout shelter. She had raced all the way from her home in California to some island in the middle of the ocean, a task incredibly difficult to imagine for most non-Superhumans, but for Hydrogirl this was a walk in the park.
There were no lights in this room whatsoever, yet she knew she had to investigate. Her shiny white boots clicked on the floor, and her big blue eyes and soft, pure skin contrasted greatly with her black hair, which was made into a single large braided ponytail.

Suddenly, the lights popped on. She tripped on the brick floor and looked up on one knee at the single blinding lamp in the center of the room. The whole chamber suddenly became as hot as a sauna, and Hydrogirl looked around her as the cinderblock walls fluctuated between red and yellow. A voice came on an intercom:

“Well, well, well... what do we have here? A superheroine! Just what we’ve been needing for our experiments.”

Hydrogirl was shocked. “Who are you... Where are you... I feel... The lamp... I’m drying up... I’m weakening...”

The voice boomed in its seething deepness: “No where where you can find me of course. You can’t see me, but I can see you just fine with all these microcameras. What nifty little trick can you do? Judging from that wave insignia on your chest, I guess it has something to do with water. Hoh, hoh hoh, a Water heroine! Never met one of those before.”

Hydrogirl shivered. “Superheroines are rare. I don’t even know if there are any other Water heroines.”

The voice continued. “Well, number one, I might be part of why that is. And two, if you’re the only one, this really is going to be terrible for you.”

The young heroine froze. “Wh-what? You killed heroines?”

“Unfortunately to this day none of them have survived my testing processes. And judging by your vitals, you might be the weakest one yet.”

Hydrogirl started gasping. The air was too dry! She was stranded, literally like a fish on land! Every breath she took felt like she was being suffocated by a pillow. She made one last attempt to speak. “Help...”

“I’m sorry, but you might want to save your breath, Liquidlass... Waterwoman... no no... wait... Hydrogirl.”

She squeamed. He laughed.

“That’s it, isn’t it. I can’t wait to test your powers... Maybe you can gush?”

Hydrogirl put her white gloved hand on the floor, which squeaked die to friction between the rubber glove and the cold stone-brick floor. “Ughghh...” She tried with all her strength to get back up, but she fell onto her back and blacked out, leaving her to the mercy of whatever tortures were going to await her.

-=+WAKE UP.+=-

Hydrogirl opened her eyes to see a gasmasked figure standing in front of her. Her tongue slightly drooping out of her mouth, she had no idea where she was, all she could see was that she was in some sort of dungeon.

“That’s one of your weaknesses, huh?”

She gazed back at the man looking up at her. Wait... Looking up at her? Hydrogirl looked down at her strong athletic body; the blue-on-white circle Wave insignia staring up at her as it and the tight blue latex croptop of her costume were still loyally found on her; below that was her white belt with its white water-droplet belt buckle above her tight and short blue latex bootyshorts. Her center was okay, however she noticed her arms and legs were spread out like an X on the brick wall, restrained and held to the wall by large metal brackets.

“You can’t do this to me...” moaned Hydrogirl. “I-I will... stop you...”

“No you can’t, superhuman. I am going to test you and your body for all of its powers. I will find out every single weakness you have and use it against you over and over and over again until I know every single detail about you. And after that, I will toss your body out into the sea and watch as sharks rip you apart from limb to limb.”

Hydrogirl trembled in fear. “Please... I-I... No... NO! I will not be defeated by you!”

The man put his hot hand on her face. “Of course, I’m going to have fun with you and your body, Hydrogirl.”

As he said this, he gently moved his hand down onto her chest, his hand obscuring the wave insignia; he moved it to the right side of her ripe, bulbous breasts, where he rubbed and carressed them, letting his thumbs move over her erect nipples as if his digits were his tongue. This gave the heroine goosebumps.

The man paused. “Glad to see you’re excited. But first, let me prime you for my first experiment”, he uttered. He turned up the heat in the room to 120 degrees and turned on a light; the humidity of the room would be easy to weaken Hydrogirl. He then reached to a knob.

“You will not orgasm at all. If you do, I will turn it up so high that your vagina rips in half.

Hydrogirl gasped. “What are you going to do to me?”

But it was two late. A large, warm metal dildo slowly emerged buzzing onto the bottom of her latex shorts, barely touching her pussy. Along with it came a low, monotone rumble, almost like a voice. Its diameter was comparable to that of a 2-liter bottle, and its length was at least 14 inches. Its tickling made her scream a bit and she knew what was going to happen to her.

“Hold on... What’s this? You have a removeable crotchpiece? How convenient!”

It was true, her little shorts had a zipper-like mechanism that allowed access to her pussy and her anus. Her suit was designed by Atlanteans after all, though the exact purpose was unknown, the only hint being that it could involve a weakness of hers. Under the ”vvvvvrrrrrrrrrrm” of the cock vibrating the tip of her pussy, the man unzipped it all the way and returned back to the knob.

“Here we go.”

He turned it some more and the huge metal dildo fully emerged out of the wall-saddle she was sitting on, forcing itself inside her vagina and compelling her to emit a scream.


The vibrating dildo moved up and down quickly like a piston, plunging her of her femininity and humanity. She could do nothing to stop the monstrous metal cock as it shot up into her, tearing her with every single push and causing her to squirm under its authority. The man calmly told Hydrogirl to not cum as he suddenly left the room, leaving only 4 large cameras pointed at her.

“Oughhh... oughhh... oughhh...” the superheroine moaned with each pump. She began to feel herself filling up with pure sexual tension, her body tightening up to soon release an orgasm. She knew, however, that she could face more fucking, or worse, death, so she tried her absolute hardest to hold it in.

One hour passes. Her superpowers had luckily aided her in holding in her juice, but it did not matter anyways, as Hydrogirl had been struggling for so long that she had started to drool. The humidity of the room had already caused her to be dripping with sweat, and her nipples had become hard as rocks, with them visibly poking out in her costume. All of a sudden, the man returned carrying a strange device, not to help her, but for something else. Hydrogirl could only wonder what else he would do with her...

—————PART 2——————

“I’m surprised you haven’t cum yet, Hydrogirl. You’re being a good girl. When do you think you will?”

Hydrogirl slowly looked at the monster. “I... won’t... running... out of... energy...”

“You are, aren’t you,” he said stoickly. The masked man walked up to the the metal cock machine’s
chained-up receptacle. He stroked her braided ponytail while breathing heavily. “You are one good-looking labrat, Hydrogirl, even though you’re not a rat... or even a human being for that matter. You are a superhuman. You could be an alien, or a mutant, or some other fucking stupid shit. I don’t know what you are since I don’t have your DNA yet. What I do know is that you are a Water heroine, you are Hydrogirl, you are the sole subject of a superhuman experiment, and I own you.”

The man’s strong hand moved over her perfect red lips and touched them with his fingers, carressing each detail in them and touching her mouth as if it were the holy grail. He rubbed her tongue in order to get its moisture all over his fingers and began putting them back into his mouth, sucking on the fingers like candy, tasting his defenseless prey’s fear. He put them back into her mouth (or, as a synonym, potential fuck-hole), letting her taste the mouth of her dominator. She knew she was his, all his, and there was no way she could ever leave

He backed away and slowly turned the control knob all the way up, although she could only hear the buzzing rise to a higher pitch, and feel the cock pumping her helpless orifice faster and faster, harder and harder. Hydrogirl was mortified.

“And no, you still can’t reach your orgasm yet.”

But she had been holding it in for so long! Every muscle in her body was dedicated to keeping in her hydro-cum. With her sweaty already due to the humidity, this caused her entire body to be soaking wet, as if underwater. The cock was now thrusting so fast that it it looked like a blur as it penetrated her. This and the pangs she felt, begging her to let her shoot her cum, allowed for one single salty tear to emerge from her pure blue eyes.

“Pl-e-e-e-e-ease... stop...”


She couldn’t take it. Her eyes shifted to the device the man was holding. It wasn’t much better than thinking of her predicament, but anything to keep her mind off of cumming. The device had two cups, each of which had small tweezer like hands inside of a bulb; the bulb looked like an octopus’ suction cup. The two devices joined down into one tube, which led into a huge tank, similar to one that was attached to the wall-saddle belonging to her current torture machine.

Her torturer lifted the machine onto her breasts. To prevent it from simple falling off, two leather strips on each end of the device were attached to two corresponding brackets of the wall behind her, causing her breasts to be squished a bit, but thanks to some rearranging by the man, fit perfectly in the cups, despite hee still wearing her top.

“Custom-made for you, little girl. And don’t worry about the shirt, we’ll get your nipples exposed while you get to wear your costume. After all, I want to know I’m sucking the milk out of Hydrogirl and no one else, right?”

The molestor turned on the new device and backed away. The tweezers spun around and made a hole around each nipple, than lifted the leftover latex circles off, exposing her swollen nipples. The tweezer-like pieces inside of the milking machine had an alternate use besides boring holes to access nipples, as they slowly closed on them, pinching them and causing her to gasp. The man looked up at her, his expression covered by his gas mask, leaving her to only wonder what kind of sick pleasure he had on his face.

“Who does a sort of thing like this to someone? What kind of purely evil, sadistic person would want to torture me, a 19-year old, like this, ruin their life, and rob them of their dignity and independence as a human being?” Hydrogirl thought. She looked down at him with her eyes, bluer than the ocean, bluer than anything in existence. They told a story in them, a story about a little girl who just wants to go home, a girl who wants all of the pain and excruciating sexual horror being done to her to stop. She knew it would never happen, but all she wanted was for it to end. She wanted pity. She needed pity. She needed mercy taken on her. No more. “P-l-eeee-eeee-ase...” she pleaded with her captor.

“Hm, nope.”

He switched on another button on the lactation device. The tweezers began rotating, twisting her hypersensitive nipples.

The man stood still, watching. While inside Hydrogirl’s mind, all she could feel was pure pain, all the man heard was the tremor of the machine-cock and the breathing of his living sex toy. He turned on another lever. This time, small pumps came out around the nipples, suctioning onto her areolas. Hydrogirl whimpered. They then began pushing and pulling, pushing and pulling, which became faster and faster exponentially in order to squeeze the superheroine’s precious milk out of her tits. Her sweat by now was almost like a complete layer around her and her clad blue-white costume, it could be seen dripping from her neck to her wave chest insignia and onto her milking machine. Suddenly, she felt a tremor, and she closed her eyes and moaned forcefully, each “Aaugh” being shorter than the last, like an echo, for her white supermilk finally started dribbling from her tits and into collection tubes.

“Maybe I’ll drink some later, Hydrogirl. Although perhaps I should save it considering that this is milk from a superheroine, and I bet it has special properties I can use.”

Hydrogirl’s perfectly round ass tightened up. Her milk suddenly began shooting out into the tubes, turning everything inside the suction cup a milky white. So much milk was squirting out of her that some of it had began to leak out of the milking machine cups, and was dripping down her wet body onto her shorts, and then running to the floor, creating a puddle of Hydrogirl’s sexual anguish.

The man stepped back to enjoy the show. He was pleased to see his little super sex toy 100% helpless and bound, milked and fucked, but he had places to be.

“I have to go. Hold in that orgasm for maybe... 7 more hours, heroine.”

And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...


Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water superheroine in the next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments! Like, seriously! I would love feedback and I would love even more to implement your ideas!
Last edited by MetaDude2 5 years ago, edited 16 times in total.
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I liked the story and I want the continuation.
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manuelmen wrote:
5 years ago
I liked the story and I want the continuation.
Thanks manuel!
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Hi glad to see you are contributing, thank you for posting your story

I haven't read it yet but just some advice.

When you post your own thoughts or requests either before the story or after it I would break it up in some way - either by more line spaces or perhaps graphic lines like ------------------------- or use italics or a different colour or font

So for example your ending of(I add quotation marks just to illustrate my point)
And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...

Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water heroine next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments!

Reads better as
And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...


Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water heroine next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments!

And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...

Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water heroine next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments!

So there is a definitive ending to the posting (or a start if its at the beginning)

It just reads better as a reader experience rather than having them all flow into one.
My personal preference is italics for when I add my thoughts or opinions but entirely up to you and only a suggestion
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:
5 years ago
Hi glad to see you are contributing, thank you for posting your story

I haven't read it yet but just some advice.

When you post your own thoughts or requests either before the story or after it I would break it up in some way - either by more line spaces or perhaps graphic lines like ------------------------- or use italics or a different colour or font

So for example your ending of(I add quotation marks just to illustrate my point)
And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...

Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water heroine next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments!

Reads better as
And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...


Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water heroine next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments!

And he left. And it would be more than 7 hours...

Stay tuned to find out what will happen to our precious Water heroine next episode...

Suggestions on what to do to her? Put it in the comments!

So there is a definitive ending to the posting (or a start if its at the beginning)

It just reads better as a reader experience rather than having them all flow into one.
My personal preference is italics for when I add my thoughts or opinions but entirely up to you and only a suggestion
Thanks for the advice, I might just change it right now. 👍

Hope you’ll get to read the story too ;)
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:thumbup: MUCH better, yes? :yes:

Dont be afraid to edit and re read your work - I am constantly editing my work for typos etc.
(In that vein you may want to change the BLAST to blasted in the first line)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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I was hoping you would have shown off Hydrogirl's powers before the peril started. With an original character it is better to get a glimpse of her abilities before she is taken down.

Otherwise, nice work here. I'm eager to read more!
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DrDominator9 wrote:
5 years ago
I was hoping you would have shown off Hydrogirl's powers before the peril started. With an original character it is better to get a glimpse of her abilities before she is taken down.

Otherwise, nice work here. I'm eager to read more!
Thanks Doc. Hoped you enjoyed her troubles XD. I’m already working on the sequel, although I don’t think I’ll release it until I get more community suggestions on what to do with her.
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... Poor Hydrogirl! :(

Really good story, though. Haven’t got to the next one yet.
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