Why is there a lack of black models in heroine porn?

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Wow. This thread got HEAVY. Been lurking, so I'm just going to add my 2 cents from the production side of things, then I'm outtie.

We don't use girls who aren't white as often because every time we do, the video doesn't sell nearly as well. That's it. It's that simple. And every time we try to test the waters, we either lose money or barely break even. If we ever start seeing high sales on our superheroine clips with non-white superheroine actresses, you bet your ass we'll shoot more. There just aren't as many consumers who buy non-white in these fetishes. We see this discrepancy across all of our stores to varying extents, but superheroine is one of if not the strongest areas where we see a difference in sales correlated with race. We could debate for days on why that is, but at the end of the day, the whole thing just boils down to the economic law of supply and demand. There's low demand, so there's low supply. Plain and simple.

K, I'm gone. :buhbye:
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shevek wrote:Well, because you don't have to go over the history of slavery in the world, you're not grasping that overall, slavery isn't primarily about "racism" per se (although racism is used as a secondary excuse for it). It's about *power*, the same way that rape isn't just about sexism, but also about power. Really, almost everything is really about power, which boils down to the individual's social status in a group, or the individual's group status in a larger clan or nation. And of course, it's about profit, because when you profit, you grow more powerful.

The truth is that the West learned how to conduct commercial slavery from those who were already experts in it: the Turks, the Arabs, the Mongols, and Africans themselves. I think that's very relevant, how North Americans and Europeans (not just in the United States, but in the Caribbean and Latin America etc..there were not only Irish slaves but plenty of indigenous American slaves as well) perfected and honed a brutal practice that had existed in varied forms for thousands of years. And still exists today worldwide in many of those varied forms. It's also quite notable that the West, in fact, was the first civilization to en masse realize what an evil slavery was, and to ban it across the board: by the mid to late 1800s, slavery was banned in all Western nations and the New World colonies that had arisen from them. The West is *ahead* of the world average when it comes to eliminating human exploitation, it's not behind the game.
Sure, we're ahead of the game on a global scale, and we didn't treat the Native Americans really any better which just runs the whole conversation further and further out of relevance, but yes I'll accept the idea is likely true (Though we don't see many native american porn heroines either). I'm simply saying, as pertaining to this topic here and not world history as a whole, that the representation in comic books (created mostly in America as an entertainment medium primarily for white people at the time) and other superhero related mediums very probably has effected the proportion of black models in heroine porn and that simply saying 'nah there's other reasons as well so that's not it at all' is a naive and unrealistic conclusion that simply encourages one to accept the casual dismissal of such things as normal. I'm not saying anyone else is wrong when they bring up marketing. I'm not saying anyone is wrong when they say they just find other white people hot so that's who they hire. I'm only saying that since there are so few black models in heroine porn, race IS a factor, and that since race is a factor, it stands to reason that out there is at least SOME racism, making a casual dismissal of racism as a potential factor basically just wrong. I don't believe you were the one who said this specifically, it was just written somewhere back there, which was the factor that caused me to comment here.
The word "slave" itself is a racist term. It's an ethnic slur against Slavs. The word "Slav" was an ethnonym from the Slavic "slovo" (word) and the related "slava" (fame/glory/praise), as in the Russian phrase "slava Bogu" (thanks to God). It had the positive connotation of a well-spoken and glorified people. That word was taken, first by the Romans (sclabo) who encountered the Slavs on the edge of their empire bordering Dacia and Thrace, and then by all of medieval Europe and debased into a synonym for someone in servitude, because the Slavs were the whipping boys of Europe (especially taken by the tens of thousands by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire). To use "slave" to describe someone in servitude is thus nearly equivalent to using "gyp" or "Jew" as a verb for ripping someone off. It's just several shades of meaning removed, so nobody thinks about it.

I wonder if the people talking about the history of American slavery - the ones who are supposedly so sensitive to ethnic slurs and cultural appropriation - even realize they're doing that.
Well the issue here is in terminology and the English language. There's not really another word that was created and accepted to fulfill the same purpose. Slavery doesn't mean the same thing as basic 'servitude'. Even 'indentured servitude' doesn't really carry the same meaning. They don't carry the same weight and implication. Using the word servitude to describe slavery would be like using 'ice cream' to identify every flavor of ice cream. No one knows if you mean vanilla, or chocolate, or raspberry, because you're only saying 'ice cream.' When someone says 'servitude', depending on the person, you're as likely to drum up the image of a paid butler as you are someone shackled to a pole waiting to fight in a gladiator pit.
Anyway..of course there was plenty of racism in America in the era when comics began. Of course it affected the portrayal of ethnic minorities in comics. But it doesn't have to anymore. It simply doesn't have to, and it shouldn't. This isn't 1957, this is 2017. We're not worried anymore about whether Southern comics retailers are going to return issues with black people in them. That's why there should be as many ORIGINAL (not race-swapped) characters of every race and ethnicity in comics as possible. If people don't like new characters, too bad. Keep introducing more and more new characters until there are so many that people simply can't help but pay attention. And put money behind the efforts!
I'd like this, I'd like to live in that world. I think the old adages of 'market testing' and 'audience' are far more varied now. There's tons of African Americans (and heck, probably just full out Africans), Asians and Arabs reading ordinary comic books and watching the MCU today as there are Anglo's... and though it seems to annoy a lot of people sometimes, the market outside porn is begining to reflect that. I really hope that more often than not it's only annoying people because of humanity's tenancy to just react strongly against any sort of change whatsoever than it has anything to do with any kind of explicit racism... but I simply don't believe we're entirely at that point or that we even will be at that point any time incredibly soon. There still is racism, and just pretending like there isn't doesn't change that... so... yeah, kind of just repeating myself at this point so I just want to re-posit my very very first post on this topic with a slight addendum.

I think that the reason we don't see many black models in heroine porn is no more or less complicated than why we don't see many black heroines period... but it is complicated as hell for sure.
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PrimalNymph wrote:Wow. This thread got HEAVY. Been lurking, so I'm just going to add my 2 cents from the production side of things, then I'm outtie.

We don't use girls who aren't white as often because every time we do, the video doesn't sell nearly as well. That's it. It's that simple. And every time we try to test the waters, we either lose money or barely break even. If we ever start seeing high sales on our superheroine clips with non-white superheroine actresses, you bet your ass we'll shoot more. There just aren't as many consumers who buy non-white in these fetishes. We see this discrepancy across all of our stores to varying extents, but superheroine is one of if not the strongest areas where we see a difference in sales correlated with race. We could debate for days on why that is, but at the end of the day, the whole thing just boils down to the economic law of supply and demand. There's low demand, so there's low supply. Plain and simple.

K, I'm gone. :buhbye:
This is something I've heard before, and I have no reason not to believe it's true. It still leaves the question of WHY though. Since black actresses are relatively well represented in mainstream porn for example, I'm going to guess it's not about the perceived sexiness or acting ability of the performers themselves, but rather the expectations that this community tends to have of the superheroines they wish to see beaten, humiliated, defiled, mind controlled, etc...

Not universally, but predominantly those characters are WW, SG, BG, PG or variations thereof. Actresses used tend to be at least fairly close archetypes of those original characters. Variations of a character like Storm for example are quite sparse(actually...are there ANY?). However, the same could be said of Rogue, or the Invisible Woman, or many other relatively well known female comic book characters. I can only assume that the basis of this reality is also economic. Like you said, supply and demand.

Because of the topic being about black actresses, I neglected the specific term you used which was "non-white". This would obviously imply Hispanic and Asian actresses for example as well...which would in fact greatly strengthen my point.
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Superheroine Porn is a DC Comics exclusive playground. Try to nominate any famous peril scene that comes to mind involving any Marvel Comics character.

Meanwhile the patron saint of all bondage/peril scenes and James Bond impersonator The Batman himself sponsored one of the first african american superheroes of all time to be the first to righteously take a sit on the Justice League round table : the Black Lightning. Even Luke Cage take decades to achieve the sake accomplishment join the ranks of the Avengers.

My point is DC Comics is by far more progressive than Marvel.

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LadySapphire wrote:*sees topic...clicks*

*immediately see posts about slavery...types this...clicks off*
I know exactly what you mean, Lady Sapphire. I was merely responding to Femina's statement. What this thread comes down to is that if you want to cast characters of any ethnicity, you should do so (as I intend on doing), but if you don't, it doesn't mean you're racist (except if you're criticized by a third-waver Tumblrist type with too much time on their hands), because there's the law of supply and demand.

I wanted to point out something in specific, though: when I look at various porn stars' professional Facebook pages, I see a lot of Arabic and South Asian
names. A LOT OF THEM. Then to some extent I also see a lot of Latin American names, and I imagine there are plenty of East Asian consumers as well. I think there's a huge market across the Middle East and Asia, and probably in Latin America too (all of which would be defined by any third-wavers as Areas of Color) for American-made porn (including the superhero subgenre), whether some of them are getting it for free and others are paying for it, and it looks to me like that demand is overwhelmingly for white American women (and I would imagine that Asian girls come in second). So there are most likely racial preferences *outside* the US itself - all over the world, really - reflecting the tendencies of cultures OTHER THAN OUR OWN. So it's hard to feel super bad or guilty about it when it really boils down to the fact that pretty much *every major culture in the world is racist in some respect or another*. I'm sick of the standard leftist condemnation of the "U.S. imperialists" or whatever, when really you can find the same kind of small-mindedness in a village in Norway, or China, or Argentina, that you can find in some Mississippi backwater.
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shevek wrote:Well, because you don't have to go over the history of slavery in the world, you're not grasping that overall, slavery isn't primarily about "racism" per se (although racism is used as a secondary excuse for it). It's about *power*, the same way that rape isn't just about sexism, but also about power. Really, almost everything is really about power, which boils down to the individual's social status in a group, or the individual's group status in a larger clan or nation. And of course, it's about profit, because when you profit, you grow more powerful.

The truth is that the West learned how to conduct commercial slavery from those who were already experts in it: the Turks, the Arabs, the Mongols, and Africans themselves. I think that's very relevant, how North Americans and Europeans (not just in the United States, but in the Caribbean and Latin America etc..there were not only Irish slaves but plenty of indigenous American slaves as well) perfected and honed a brutal practice that had existed in varied forms for thousands of years. And still exists today worldwide in many of those varied forms. It's also quite notable that the West, in fact, was the first civilization to en masse realize what an evil slavery was, and to ban it across the board: by the mid to late 1800s, slavery was banned in all Western nations and the New World colonies that had arisen from them. The West is *ahead* of the world average when it comes to eliminating human exploitation, it's not behind the game.
Here's the thing...The fact that western culture had become predominantly anti slavery by the Enlightenment, while western scientific advancements had simultaneously allowed the economic exploitation of the New World created a dilemma. How to exploit these new lands with the labor intensive cash crops that would grow there, without adequate cheap labor? Smallpox alone had decimated the Native American population, let alone military action. So that wasn't a viable option. As you say, the slave trade was very active in Africa and a combination of western gold and guns was sufficient to supply the slave labor that was 'needed' to exploit the economic opportunities the new world provided.

However, as already established, western culture had reached a point where slavery was generally thought to be wrong. So how could it be justified? The answer is the pseudoscientific concept of racial groups which still maintains traction today. By classifying African people as belonging to a separate(and implied inferior) racial group, enslaving them could be justified. So racism as we know it was actually in effect CREATED to justify slavery as practiced here(it also played a significant role in justifying European colonialism). In cultures where slavery was not considered morally wrong no such justifications were required. It is to Western civilization's credit that such a psychological justification for practicing slavery was even needed, but that doesn't mitigate the lasting negative effects of it. We are just living in a era where those effects continue to slowly...painfully slowly, die as well as the faulty concepts which underlie them. They have indeed been doing so for well over a century. I only wish I could live to see the final shovel of dirt thrown on the grave of racism, but like many dreams of my youth it's almost impossible I'll see this one fulfilled. Someday though...someday.

shevek wrote:Anyway..of course there was plenty of racism in America in the era when comics began. Of course it affected the portrayal of ethnic minorities in
comics. But it doesn't have to anymore. It simply doesn't have to, and it shouldn't. This isn't 1957, this is 2017. We're not worried anymore about whether Southern comics retailers are going to return issues with black people in them. That's why there should be as many ORIGINAL (not race-swapped) characters of every race and ethnicity in comics as possible. If people don't like new characters, too bad. Keep introducing more and more new characters until there are so many that people simply can't help but pay attention. And put money behind the efforts!
Unfortunately creating new characters that may or may not sell utilizes resources that could be used on characters that will definitely sell. This is most of all true regarding SHiP vid producers that are in truth small businesses. However the trend toward the production of custom videos may create greater opportunities in this regard. Producers can afford to be a little more experimental when they don't have to pay the ENTIRE cost of making a video. We will see.
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Agreed in general with your explanation, Kingles, re: racism "as we know it today" in the West. But racism existed (and exists) in every culture before the West jumped on that bandwagon. For example, if Arabs or Mongols also owned slaves, you don't think they also saw themselves as superior? Of course they did. It might have been articulated in a cultural sense (like for example the way Japanese looked down on Westerners for a long time) rather than a (pseudo-)scientific one, but the rationale must have been there.

As for producing custom videos, unfortunately I think social justice types are too busy yammering on the Internet and organizing street protests that often accomplish very little to actually spend money on anything like a porn custom :)
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I don't want to get into an SJW argument. but it seems there are far more White followed by Asian performers in this genre.

The few African American ones in fetish seem to be in more hardcore like Kink
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I've often wandered this myself. I'd love to see a lovely, talented African-American fetish model perform in some of these stories. Like Tinslee Reagan, though I think she might be mixed we need to see more of her.
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In my opinion this isnt a big deal when you stop looking at race and start looking at the numbers.

1) there are not many black fetish models compared to non-black
2) not every model can act
3) not all women fit into every category

now lets break those down.
number one is pretty simple. take the number of fetish models in total and subtract the black, latin, asian models from the group. your total pool will be majority white. so right off the bat there is a good indicator why there arent many black models doing superheroine fetish. there arent that many black fetish models to begin with. now take this statement and put a pin in it.

Number two gets more complicated. Superheroine fetish is one of the hardest to make. why? because it doesnt rely on sex to sell the product. you need costumes, props, locations and......wait for it.....being able to act! there are not many white models that can act either but because there are more white models than non-white models its easier to build a stable of talent that can act.

number three may get controversial but hear me out with an open mind before jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth.
Pantyhose fetish is dominated by older women. people who buy pantyhose movies want mature vs young spring chicken. there is a reason why the very top of pantyhose fetish features women over 35. people just dont want to buy young women in pantyhose.

Asian women sell better than white women in the freeze category
Latin women sell better in the spanking
Russian women sell better in the forced category
Tickle fetish is a mixed bag with every race selling almost equally
Maybe Black girls just dont sell in superheroines well enough to justify a constant stream.
I have found the sleepy category doesn't buy black girls so in order to counter that loss in sales i don't hire them for sleepy.

then there is locational characteristics. this one can be seen as racist so lets not start with black girls. lets start with white girls.
there are a few white girls who come from certain locations in California and because of that have developed a style of speaking. Try casting a blonde L.A. girl with a heavy valley girl accent to play as Supergirl. got that mental image? good. now try a white girl from deep down south with a limited education and vocabulary and try to put them in the role of an intellectual character like SheHulk. how hard is it to get them to repeat lines and convincingly make them sound smart? this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with fitting a models personal character to a fantasy character
this is why people like Diana Knight play Wonder Woman so perfectly because they resemble that character in real life. now put Diana Knight in the role of a ditzy air head weakling who cant defend herself and you can see where that just wouldn't fit.

of course there are exceptions to the rule. there always is. and in that case you're talking about a black model who for some reason has sparked a fetish wide interest. this doesn't mean that the genre has changed its mind its that this one girl has something others dont and that can be as unique as her personality.

so now lets combine those three.
there are not as many black models so its harder to find one willing to do superheroine.
once you find a black model who is willing to do superheroine she may not be able to talk the talk and resemble the character
and finally if she hits all the right notes and is perfect she still might not sell.
And lets face it producers fit into one of three categories.
they either do this for the money
They do this because they are fetishist who want cheap sessions
or they are doing it because they saw a hole that didnt cater to their fetish and are producing just for them and others like them.

so either they wont hire black girls because they dont sell so why spend the money,
they are not attracted to black girls so dont want to hire them to make their fetish comes true
or they fit into the fetish niche.

Of course there is also the fact that some producers may not like Black People and dont want to hire them because they are not attracted to them and therefore dont want them around. these are racists and they exist, but not in the numbers you may think.

there are more factors at play than racism
there are a few legit factors that hold true for several races.
its not a conspiracy to keep black women away from the camera and its not something the WOKE have to protest or make into hate speech or whatever the new hipster SJW terminology is.

Sometimes its about money. plain and simple.
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The reason is we whites are all racist. Ok can we move on now.
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Mr. X wrote:The reason is we whites are all racist. Ok can we move on now.

I don't think anyone is arguing that's solely the reason. Racism likely played a factor in race choices in the 30s-60s when so many characters were made but there's no reason to think racism is a factor beyond that.
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KnightsofGotham.com wrote:number three may get controversial but hear me out with an open mind before jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth. Pantyhose fetish is dominated by older women. people who buy pantyhose movies want mature vs young spring chicken. there is a reason why the very top of pantyhose fetish features women over 35. people just dont want to buy young women in pantyhose.
Respectfully disagree.

Dominated by women over 35? Do you know every models age? To be correct in your assertion, you would have to ask every model their age or look up their age and then find the dominant percentage to be over 35. Guessing you've yet to do the aforementioned.

"People who buy pantyhose movies want mature vs young spring chicken."

I am in the people category, so you're incorrect.

Additionally, a large amount of Heroine movies contain Heroines in pantyhose. The majority of models in Heroine movies are not over 35 are they?

"People just don't want to buy young women in pantyhose."

Lastly, why make such a matter of fact statement, that can be unquestionably disproved.

Again and again young models say "after getting tons of requests, I decided to do some pantyhose photo sets or movies."

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The guy who runs teen Kasia's site, said it's not his thing, but he got so many requests to have teen Kasia in pantyhose, that he had to do it, and now she's been in several sets/movies in pantyhose. I think "teen" Kasia qualifies as young as does Gina and eighteen year old Rachel.

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Three of many.
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where do I start with you?

ok lets try tackling this master work one point at a time. maybe I was in the wrong for not choosing words carefully but just the same lets pick this apart:

Arcane wrote: Respectfully disagree.

Dominated by women over 35? Do you know every models age? To be correct in your assertion, you would have to ask every model their age or look up their age and then find the dominant percentage to be over 35. Guessing you've yet to do the aforementioned.
almost 20 years in the business and have more than one contact in the fetish. also a being a producer of the fetish since we started in the 90's. When we started this Evangeline was in her early 20's all of the industry names were well over 30. she didnt pick up steam until 31. the majority of pantyhose models worked for a year or two, didnt get booked, quit for other fetishes. found sucess there and didnt do pantyhose work. many of them found sucess with pantyhose after they were over 30. what does this say to you?
to me it says the younger models dont become industry names until they are older.
Being a Pantyhose producer for almost 20 years whenever we shot pantyhose fetish with younger girls they didnt sell as well as with mature ones.
this is where my facts come from.
other producer friends of mine have also noticed that older is better in pantyhose fetish.
so its just niot me. its several producers.
Last time I went to Fetishcon I had a great conversation with a well known pantyhose producer who was getting tired of the industry because he himself loved younger girls but the best selling pantyhose movies were from established older models. he was thinking of quitting even way back then.
who are the top names right now? industry names in pantyhose. can you name any? how old are they?
showing random young women wearing pantyhose doesnt mean anything because we still shoot younger models....they just dont sell as well as older.
Im getting my data from my own sales over 20 years and the comments from other pantyhose producers.
where are you getting your data from? just you?

Arcane wrote: "People who buy pantyhose movies want mature vs young spring chicken."

I am in the people category, so you're incorrect.
I am mistaken. I should have said the majority. the majority want mature. thats where the numbers come from..... the majority

you are in the minority. the numbers say so.
so unless you can supply me with factual numbers then you're in the minority.
sorry but its true.

Arcane wrote: Additionally, a large amount of Heroine movies contain Heroines in pantyhose. The majority of models in Heroine movies are not over 35 are they?
Ahhh....whats the superheroine forum without a strawman for an argument.
we are talking about Pantyhose fetish, not superheroine fetish. superheroine fetish is notorious as being fickle as fuck and so micro fetish based that trying to find data to back an argument is impossible.
pantyhose vs bare feet.
boots vs debooting
demasking vs retaining identity
defeat vs demise
defeat vs victory
authentic expensive costume vs crap hollywood adventure or cheap lycra one piece
sexual humiliation vs. pg-13
lesbian vs straight

it goes on and on and there are frequent arguments at any given time about whats better and whats authentic and whats realistic. blah blah blah.
stick to the argument. this is Pantyhose fetish, not superheroine sub-niche pantyhose. your argument there is dismantled with no effort. next.

Arcane wrote: "People just don't want to buy young women in pantyhose."

Lastly, why make such a matter of fact statement, that can be unquestionably disproved.
disproved how?
I provide data for my comment.
near 20 years of shooting pantyhose and in near 20 years the older the models are the more money is made from them.
wait not just me. several other producers as well.
Im not talking out the side of my ass here.
this is my job. what I've done for nearly 2 decades.
what experience do you have other than your personal opinion?

Now that we have cleared that up please stop trying to derail the thread.
I gave my case for why there arent many black models and I stand by my statement.
This isnt a pantyhose thread so lets stick to topic. if you want to debate me on this start another thread and lets go there. I hate when people derail my threads with bullshit pointless arguments so i would prefer to keep this thread as clear of derail bullshit as possible.
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KnightsofGotham.com wrote:where do I start with you?

ok lets try tackling this master work one point at a time. maybe I was in the wrong for not choosing words carefully but just the same lets pick this apart:

Arcane wrote: Respectfully disagree.

Dominated by women over 35? Do you know every models age? To be correct in your assertion, you would have to ask every model their age or look up their age and then find the dominant percentage to be over 35. Guessing you've yet to do the aforementioned.
almost 20 years in the business and have more than one contact in the fetish. also a being a producer of the fetish since we started in the 90's. When we started this Evangeline was in her early 20's all of the industry names were well over 30. she didnt pick up steam until 31. the majority of pantyhose models worked for a year or two, didnt get booked, quit for other fetishes. found sucess there and didnt do pantyhose work. many of them found sucess with pantyhose after they were over 30. what does this say to you?
to me it says the younger models dont become industry names until they are older. Being a Pantyhose producer for almost 20 years whenever we shot pantyhose fetish with younger girls they didnt sell as well as with mature ones. this is where my facts come from. other producer friends of mine have also noticed that older is better in pantyhose fetish. so its just niot me. its several producers. Last time I went to Fetishcon I had a great conversation with a well known pantyhose producer who was getting tired of the industry because he himself loved younger girls but the best selling pantyhose movies were from established older models. he was thinking of quitting even way back then. who are the top names right now? industry names in pantyhose. can you name any? how old are they?
showing random young women wearing pantyhose doesnt mean anything because we still shoot younger models....they just dont sell as well as older. Im getting my data from my own sales over 20 years and the comments from other pantyhose producers.
where are you getting your data from? just you?

Arcane wrote: "People who buy pantyhose movies want mature vs young spring chicken."

I am in the people category, so you're incorrect.
I am mistaken. I should have said the majority. the majority want mature. thats where the numbers come from..... the majority

you are in the minority. the numbers say so.
so unless you can supply me with factual numbers then you're in the minority.
sorry but its true.

Arcane wrote: Additionally, a large amount of Heroine movies contain Heroines in pantyhose. The majority of models in Heroine movies are not over 35 are they?
Ahhh....whats the superheroine forum without a strawman for an argument. lol we are talking about Pantyhose fetish, not superheroine fetish. superheroine fetish is notorious as being fickle as fuck and so micro fetish based that trying to find data to back an argument is impossible.
pantyhose vs bare feet.
boots vs debatingdemasking vs retaining identity
defeat vs demise
defeat vs victory
authentic expensive costume vs crap hollywood adventure or cheap lycra one piece
sexual humiliation vs. pg-13
lesbian vs straightit goes on and on and there are frequent arguments at any given time about whats better and whats authentic and whats realistic. blah blah blah.
stick to the argument. this is Pantyhose fetish, not superheroine sub-niche pantyhose. your argument there is dismantled with no effort. next.
Arcane wrote: "People just don't want to buy young women in pantyhose."

Lastly, why make such a matter of fact statement, that can be unquestionably disproved.
disproved how?
I provide data for my comment.
near 20 years of shooting pantyhose and in near 20 years the older the models are the more money is made from them.
wait not just me. several other producers as well.
Im not talking out the side of my ass here.
this is my job. what I've done for nearly 2 decades.
what experience do you have other than your personal opinion?

Now that we have cleared that up please stop trying to derail the thread.
I gave my case for why there arent many black models and I stand by my statement.
This isnt a pantyhose thread so lets stick to topic. if you want to debate me on this start another thread and lets go there. I hate when people derail my threads with bullshit pointless arguments so i would prefer to keep this thread as clear of derail bullshit as possible.
You realize you're projecting. I'm simply responding to something "you said" so he who derails is "you". If you didn't want pantyhose mentioned, you shouldn't have mentioned them.

"almost 20 years in the business and have more than one contact in the fetish. also a being a producer of the fetish since we started in the 90's. When we started this Evangeline was in her early 20's all of the industry names were well over 30. she didnt pick up steam until 31. the majority of pantyhose models worked for a year or two, didnt get booked, quit for other fetishes. found sucess there and didnt do pantyhose work. many of them found sucess with pantyhose after they were over 30. what does this say to you?
to me it says the younger models dont become industry names until they are older. Being a Pantyhose producer for almost 20 years whenever we shot pantyhose fetish with younger girls they didnt sell as well as with mature ones. this is where my facts come from. other producer friends of mine have also noticed that older is better in pantyhose fetish. so its just niot me. its several producers. Last time I went to Fetishcon I had a great conversation with a well known pantyhose producer who was getting tired of the industry because he himself loved younger girls but the best selling pantyhose movies were from established older models. he was thinking of quitting even way back then. who are the top names right now? industry names in pantyhose. can you name any? how old are they?
showing random young women wearing pantyhose doesnt mean anything because we still shoot younger models....they just dont sell as well as older. Im getting my data from my own sales over 20 years and the comments from other pantyhose producers.
where are you getting your data from? just you?"

So in response to "Dominated by women over 35? Do you know every models age? To be correct in your assertion, you would have to ask every model their age or look up their age and then find the dominant percentage to be over 35. Guessing you've yet to do the aforementioned." your answer is, you're right, I've yet to do the aforementioned.

Instead of doing what needs to be done, to establish your claims as facts, you'd rather go on your experience and that of people you know. Your experience isn't automatically universal, and neither is theirs. If there's one hundred people in a category, it would be incognizant to say, I've spoken to twenty five of the hundred, so I know how everybody feels. Correction, you don't.

You're asserting, many models didn't find success until after the age of 30, and asking what this says to me. It says the models in question did things to become more attractive. You really believe you could have a beautiful 25 year old model and people are going to say "Wow, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but she's under 35 so I can't purchase anything she does." That's beyond absurd. Here's an idea, maybe people who specifically buy your movies simply prefer older women, in anything and everything. It could be socks, thigh highs, shorts, high heels, etc.... Maybe the following of you and your friends are MILF fans, that's entirely more feasible. If you opened a site with models wearing ankle socks and the over 35 models were more popular, it's simply because with your specific crowd models over 35 are more popular, it has nothing to do with the socks. Ergo, it has nothing to do with the pantyhose.

Regarding names in the industry who sell. The majority of the models both Zoli and Pavel work with appear to be under 35. I take it they're not interested in losing money, shooting unpopular models would be inane and antithetical to their desires.

"I am mistaken. I should have said the majority. the majority want mature. thats where the numbers come from..... the majority

you are in the minority. the numbers say so. so unless you can supply me with factual numbers then you're in the minority.
sorry but its true."

The numbers of you and your friends, exactly. One or two parts does not equal the whole.

"Ahhh....whats the superheroine forum without a strawman for an argument. lol we are talking about Pantyhose fetish, not superheroine fetish. superheroine fetish is notorious as being fickle as fuck and so micro fetish based that trying to find data to back an argument is impossible.
pantyhose vs bare feet.
boots vs debatingdemasking vs retaining identity
defeat vs demise
defeat vs victory
authentic expensive costume vs crap hollywood adventure or cheap lycra one piece
sexual humiliation vs. pg-13
lesbian vs straight
it goes on and on and there are frequent arguments at any given time about whats better and whats authentic and whats realistic. blah blah blah. stick to the argument. this is Pantyhose fetish, not superheroine sub-niche pantyhose. your argument there is dismantled with no effort. next"

Straw-Man, merely stating a fact. It doesn't alter the truth of the statement.

Yes, this is pantyhose fetish. Why assume you are everyone. Maybe for some here, maybe for many, it's the exact opposite. Pantyhose
is primary, superheroine is secondary. Her being a superheroine could be the micro fetish. For that matter bondage sex could be primary and the fact she's wearing a sexy costume and putting up great superheroine resistance could be ancillary, pure icing. Everybody has their own main interest.

Nothing is dismantled, if there are individuals here primarily because they enjoy hot young models in provocative costumes that include pantyhose and all else is of less importance.

"disproved how?
I provide data for my comment.
near 20 years of shooting pantyhose and in near 20 years the older the models are the more money is made from them.
wait not just me. several other producers as well.
Im not talking out the side of my ass here.
this is my job. what I've done for nearly 2 decades.
what experience do you have other than your personal opinion?"

Disproved how? Really?

You said "People just don't want to buy young women in pantyhose." that's completely false. I.E., disproved. In fact, you, yourself, disproved it with this "we still shoot younger models". Talk about no effort.

As to your last question, my experience is empirical.

To conclude, I'm not starting a new thread, for I've no interest in discussing this any further, I was just letting you know you made one or more false statements. Something you now acknowledge. I truly appreciate you've the capacity to admit you were mistaken and wrong. Thank you.

KnightsofGotham.com wrote:In my opinion this isnt a big deal when you stop looking at race and start looking at the numbers.

1) there are not many black fetish models compared to non-black
2) not every model can act
3) not all women fit into every category

now lets break those down.
number one is pretty simple. take the number of fetish models in total and subtract the black, latin, asian models from the group. your total pool will be majority white. so right off the bat there is a good indicator why there arent many black models doing superheroine fetish. there arent that many black fetish models to begin with. now take this statement and put a pin in it.

Number two gets more complicated. Superheroine fetish is one of the hardest to make. why? because it doesnt rely on sex to sell the product. you need costumes, props, locations and......wait for it.....being able to act! there are not many white models that can act either but because there are more white models than non-white models its easier to build a stable of talent that can act.

number three may get controversial but hear me out with an open mind before jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth.
Pantyhose fetish is dominated by older women. people who buy pantyhose movies want mature vs young spring chicken. there is a reason why the very top of pantyhose fetish features women over 35. people just dont want to buy young women in pantyhose.

Asian women sell better than white women in the freeze category
Latin women sell better in the spanking
Russian women sell better in the forced category
Tickle fetish is a mixed bag with every race selling almost equally
Maybe Black girls just dont sell in superheroines well enough to justify a constant stream.
I have found the sleepy category doesn't buy black girls so in order to counter that loss in sales i don't hire them for sleepy.

then there is locational characteristics. this one can be seen as racist so lets not start with black girls. lets start with white girls.
there are a few white girls who come from certain locations in California and because of that have developed a style of speaking. Try casting a blonde L.A. girl with a heavy valley girl accent to play as Supergirl. got that mental image? good. now try a white girl from deep down south with a limited education and vocabulary and try to put them in the role of an intellectual character like SheHulk. how hard is it to get them to repeat lines and convincingly make them sound smart? this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with fitting a models personal character to a fantasy character
this is why people like Diana Knight play Wonder Woman so perfectly because they resemble that character in real life. now put Diana Knight in the role of a ditzy air head weakling who cant defend herself and you can see where that just wouldn't fit.

of course there are exceptions to the rule. there always is. and in that case you're talking about a black model who for some reason has sparked a fetish wide interest. this doesn't mean that the genre has changed its mind its that this one girl has something others dont and that can be as unique as her personality.

so now lets combine those three.
there are not as many black models so its harder to find one willing to do superheroine.
once you find a black model who is willing to do superheroine she may not be able to talk the talk and resemble the character
and finally if she hits all the right notes and is perfect she still might not sell.
And lets face it producers fit into one of three categories.
they either do this for the money
They do this because they are fetishist who want cheap sessions
or they are doing it because they saw a hole that didnt cater to their fetish and are producing just for them and others like them.

so either they wont hire black girls because they dont sell so why spend the money,
they are not attracted to black girls so dont want to hire them to make their fetish comes true
or they fit into the fetish niche.

Of course there is also the fact that some producers may not like Black People and dont want to hire them because they are not attracted to them and therefore dont want them around. these are racists and they exist, but not in the numbers you may think.

there are more factors at play than racism
there are a few legit factors that hold true for several races.
its not a conspiracy to keep black women away from the camera and its not something the WOKE have to protest or make into hate speech or whatever the new hipster SJW terminology is.

Sometimes its about money. plain and simple.
What are your suggestions to African America customers like myself? Sure I like the models in movies by Primal Fetish, Kendra James, and Anastasia Pierce. White women are hot. I also find some black women in adult attractive. Look at the ladies in the links from my first post. I've seen all of those ladies act at Brazzers. They are no better or worse than the models at the popular stores.
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to keep your answer short let me say the following.
1) yes I know the ages of many many many models. by several ways. there are resources made available to us that allow us easy access to information. the least secretive one is Model mayhem. models post their ages on there. its the first step but its there. and there are other ways to confirm age. its easy to use and many producers use these resources. we also need to get model release forms and ID's so right there we have proofs of age.

2) please stop desperately trying to erect issues where there are none to further your argument. we see right through it, roll our eyes, and make a mental note about you.

now you dont want to start a new thread and I dont want to derail this one so I guess this is where we leave things. Im sure you'll reply just one last time to get the last word in and if you need something so meaningless to make your life worth living then please go ahead. I dont want to be the reason why someone isnt fulfilled in life.
good day.
thank you for playing the home game
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
What are your suggestions to African America customers like myself? Sure I like the models in movies by Primal Fetish, Kendra James, and Anastasia Pierce. White women are hot. I also find some black women in adult attractive. Look at the ladies in the links from my first post. I've seen all of those ladies act at Brazzers. They are no better or worse than the models at the popular stores.

Ahhhh a return to the original thread.

What can you do.....
ok lets be realistic. what you can do is either financially based or movement based.
if you want to help financially book a custom, however there are other ways you can help. My first suggestion is to start a black heroine forum. spread the news. get members, get numbers, get a large group.
then invite the producers to join.
this will spark step one for producers:
spark a financial need.
if they see there is money being lost they will jump at the chance and be highly motivated to seek out black talent.

then, and this is really important, support that producer.
if need be lower your quality requisite and support it anyway and then send the producer a strongly detailed email about what you felt was missing. the producers love to get these emails (or at least the real producers do)

it allows insight into sales and gives them more ammunition to create a better item.

so if you really want to effect change do it from the ground up. its not very expensive at all and you could be the instrument that changes things for everyone.

now wouldnt that be sweet?
good luck man. whyen you create that forum please invite me.
I would love to see it work out nice for everyione.
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PrimalNymph wrote:Wow. This thread got HEAVY. Been lurking, so I'm just going to add my 2 cents from the production side of things, then I'm outtie.

We don't use girls who aren't white as often because every time we do, the video doesn't sell nearly as well. That's it. It's that simple. And every time we try to test the waters, we either lose money or barely break even. If we ever start seeing high sales on our superheroine clips with non-white superheroine actresses, you bet your ass we'll shoot more. There just aren't as many consumers who buy non-white in these fetishes. We see this discrepancy across all of our stores to varying extents, but superheroine is one of if not the strongest areas where we see a difference in sales correlated with race. We could debate for days on why that is, but at the end of the day, the whole thing just boils down to the economic law of supply and demand. There's low demand, so there's low supply. Plain and simple.

K, I'm gone. :buhbye:
PrimalNymph summed it up perfectly with the economic law of supply and demand. Diversity may be a commendable goal in regards to hiring practices and school admission policies, but our capitalistic system relies on content producers being motivated to appeal to as many customers as possible. In other words, our system encourages producers to respond and to serve the appetites of its customers, not to appeal to the ideological goal of diversity that in the end does a greater disservice to everyone involved. Identify a need (or niche), service that need (create a film), sell that product. It really is that simple. Anybody that has a problem with that formula clearly does not embrace capitalism.
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In the end it comes done to preference,most of us like white meat over dark :)

I am going to preface this with saying that i have not read much of this topic so apologies if im off base or repeating sentiments:

If we are to be accepting of sexual orientations then we need to be accepting of sexual preferences. I dont think that someone is racist for favoring one ethnicity sexually any more than someone who favors one gender over another. Well maybe race and gender are different but just one group of people of another....well you get what i mean. Tbh I think in this genre the scenario and writing are the driving factors. I highly doubt that the color of the model will stop most of us from buying. I could be off base here.
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I don't particularly have a thing for black women, but as long as they're hot, I'd like to see more of them in videos.
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If I'm not mistaken this was the same guy that complained there weren't any hot black superhero men and when we made suggestions he came back with something like he didn't want gangsta or thug or something like that. Im not being racist Im just trying to remember what he said and I don't feel like searching at the moment :)
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I personally think this is one of those baiting questions
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Are there any Lt. Uhura knockoff videos out there fetish producers? Or are trademark and copyright violations still looming over all of you??
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Just wondering...
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I am a huge fan of the SHIP genre and the Primal movies in particular. Primal Nymph has said on this and other websites that their movies don't do well when they star a black actress. I get that none of the popular heroines like super girl or Wonder Woman are black but primal seems to have hit movies with original characters as well. I loved Lily Labeau in Judicators Sexual Destruction. For me it comes down to the model and how attractive they are and how well they act. I'm not saying we should have more movies with non white actresses just for the sake of diversity or being PC. It would be unbelievably hot to see a performer like Raven Redmond or Mya Mays bound and forced to orgasm while wearing a superheroine costume. Short of getting together people for a pattern or gofundme custom is that ever going to happen?

Wow! I was thinking about this topic today. I was going to start a new threat, but I stopped myself.

A year has passed and not much has changed in ship. There still has not been an African American woman filmed in any new superheroine movies in at least five years to the best of my knowledge. Since then one of the most successful superhero movies was released, Black Panther. I was hoping Black Panther's success would spark some interest in SHIP, but my hopes were too high. I am not expecting many movies to feature black women. I was hoping to see at least one or two flicks.

While black women did not see opportunities in ship, a few black men were featured in scenes by Superheroine Destruction (the store closed because the owner did not enjoy filming movies) and The Battle for Earth released Paradox Reaction.

Think about Black Panther. The movie is considered to be one of the best superhero movies. It wasn't because the hero is black. The movie has a good story and cast of characters. A movie with black models can be done. It just needs to be done right. I strongly believe a black superheroine ship film can be a success, but it needs to be done right.

If a porno movie does not sell well, then people are quick to blame a black model. Sometimes people will not buy the movie because the black model is not the viewer's cup of tea. That is true sometimes, but there are other factors. Sometimes the movie just sucks because the story is bad, bad camera angles, poor video quality, bad performance from the models (not due to race), unpopular genre, poor casting etc. Sometimes the black model is really bad, but that does not mean every black model is a bad actor. The producer should had hired a better black model for the movie.

Years ago I spoke to the original owner of Twistys and his lowest rated movie was an interracial scene with a white actress and black actor. I also thought the movie sucked. It didn't suck because it was interracial. It was horrible because the black actor portrayed a stereotype rapper and the story was also horrible. He never considered those possibilities. He only focused on the movie having a black man as why the movie failed with his members.

No producer or director want to admit they made poor decisions in the video's quality. They place the blame on having a black model in the movie. I am not saying these people are racist. I don't think these producers are preparing to place the blame on African Americans if a movie flops. The blame is the industry standard towards African Americans. Producers and directors are overlooking other possible reasons for a movie's failure.

The adult industry does not have a good past with black models. Porn had horrible standards for black models for decades. Look at black models before 2010. Many black models were not quality models. Then, porn often casted black women in gonzo movies. Porn has shifted to more roleplay/story driven movies. So of course movies with black women sold less than their white counterparts because they were casted in a less popular genre.

The industry has progressed. I will not overlook the positives. Thankfully much better and good looking black models are in porn these days. Blacks are also given roles in story drive porn and not limited to gonzo movies. More women are doing interracial movies than they had in the past.
MightyHypnotic wrote:
7 years ago
If I'm not mistaken this was the same guy that complained there weren't any hot black superhero men and when we made suggestions he came back with something like he didn't want gangsta or thug or something like that. Im not being racist Im just trying to remember what he said and I don't feel like searching at the moment :)
Yes, I know this quote is over a year old. I was never notified from this post, but I needed correct your statement about me as I update this thread.

You were very mistaken. First, I never call men hot. Secondly, I was asking for help finding an African American model who would fit the role for a custom. I said I did not want a stereotype to play the role and the guy needed to be slim/skinny. You were recommending stereotypes and muscular models from a racist site, Dogfart. You continued to try to say models from that site fit the role when none of male models clearly did not!

I actually found a producer, who wanted to produce the custom movie. However, we could not find a skinny black man in porn. I googled skinny black men, and my results only went to gay sites. We were out of luck.
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Hi GPC..I appreciate your perseverance in trying to make your idea happen.

Forgive me for intruding on the more prurient side of the discussion, but....

If you are willing to watch PG-13 styled superheroine productions...Heroineburgh has a starring role featuring the black superheroine Savanna (the character is inspired by the likes of Cheetah, Vixen, Black Panther, Eartha Kitt's Catwoman...and Thunder, while we were filming!). She's played by the amazing Janeka, who is not only stunning, but also quite a talented actress. If you check out Episode 9 at heroineburgh.com, you will see the origin of the feline-powered Savanna and her battle against the selfish Serpenta.
Here's an outtake clip from the scene where she first tries on her new costume in Episode 9.

Heroineburgh also has a starring role coming up with the black supervillainess Vaporia, who is married to the corrupt police detective Mark Drake (he's forming a league of conspirators against the heroines). As you might imagine, she has the power to turn all or part of her body into vaporous smoke, which can be very brutal when she is asphyxiating her enemies. She will be introduced in Episode 11 (Arogya's origin episode, to be released in November), and then will play a major role in Season 2 making trouble for the Pittsburgh Heroine League. Vaporia is played by the avid cosplayer Valiha, who is also very fetching and has a gorgeous smile.
Here's an outtake clip of part of her debut scene in the upcoming Episode 11.

We also plan to have a second black supervillainess in Season 2. As yet unnamed, she will be a Rampage/She Hulk character, and there will be a scene where her muscles rip through her clothes, made super-strong by a drug cocktail gone awry. To be played by an actress named Sheryland (who has an Amazonian build!), she will be Savanna's sister who has fallen'under the evil influence of a neighborhood drug lord and is controlled to do his bidding. The epic confrontation will take place next year.

We've got all kinds of amazing women, doing superpowered stuff in spandex!

shevek wrote:
5 years ago
Hi GPC..I appreciate your perseverance in trying to make your idea happen.

Forgive me for intruding on the more prurient side of the discussion, but....

If you are willing to watch PG-13 styled superheroine productions...Heroineburgh has a starring role featuring the black superheroine Savanna (the character is inspired by the likes of Cheetah, Vixen, Black Panther, Eartha Kitt's Catwoman...and Thunder, while we were filming!). She's played by the amazing Janeka, who is not only stunning, but also quite a talented actress. If you check out Episode 9 at heroineburgh.com, you will see the origin of the feline-powered Savanna and her battle against the selfish Serpenta.
Here's an outtake clip from the scene where she first tries on her new costume in Episode 9.

Heroineburgh also has a starring role coming up with the black supervillainess Vaporia, who is married to the corrupt police detective Mark Drake (he's forming a league of conspirators against the heroines). As you might imagine, she has the power to turn all or part of her body into vaporous smoke, which can be very brutal when she is asphyxiating her enemies. She will be introduced in Episode 11 (Arogya's origin episode, to be released in November), and then will play a major role in Season 2 making trouble for the Pittsburgh Heroine League. Vaporia is played by the avid cosplayer Valiha, who is also very fetching and has a gorgeous smile.
Here's an outtake clip of part of her debut scene in the upcoming Episode 11.

We also plan to have a second black supervillainess in Season 2. As yet unnamed, she will be a Rampage/She Hulk character, and there will be a scene where her muscles rip through her clothes, made super-strong by a drug cocktail gone awry. To be played by an actress named Sheryland (who has an Amazonian build!), she will be Savanna's sister who has fallen'under the evil influence of a neighborhood drug lord and is controlled to do his bidding. The epic confrontation will take place next year.

We've got all kinds of amazing women, doing superpowered stuff in spandex!
Thanks, but I'm only interested in hardcore superheroine productions. Please don't take offense.

I really like Vaporia's concept and story. A corrupted police officer being a villain is a great idea. Both videos look really good.
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Thanks GPC, and no offense taken of course! There is a wide variation of interests in the SHIP realm.

Vaporia's concept was inspired by a business in my neighborhood called Villain Vape Shop. It's now closed, but the facade is still there and looks awesome. I thought about what if there was a female criminal who ran a vape shop as a front for her illegal activities, and she acquired the ability to turn her body into vapor. She could use it to quickly disappear from one place and (poof! you'll see the FX) reappear in another (like Nightcrawler) or to brutally asphyxiate her enemies, as well as sneak into locked buildings through air vents, etc. We are going to film a scene in a vape shop a few months down the line and that will be fun. And the relationship between Vicki Vaughan (Vaporia) and her husband Mark Drake will be hot and steamy and downright conspiratorially evil - while also, coincidentally, being interracial. How awesome is that?

Best wishes in your pursuits - have a great evening!

I decided to bring back this topic after talking to DrDominator09. The adult industry has far less black models than white women and maybe Latin women as well. It is not easy for producers to find black models for hardcore SHIP movies or any SHIP movies in general as KnightsofGotham said in previous posts.

My opinions may offend people, and I am aware of that. Some of my opinions on this subject is sensitive about models' looks and comparing the industry's standards for each race. I think a model's beauty is very important because it is one of the main selling points to an adult movie. I am being honest and real. There will not be any sugarcoating in my words.

Since this topic was made only one black woman has appeared in a hardcore SHIP movie to my knowledge. Her name is Nia Nacci and she is the hottest black woman in porn at the moment in my humble opinion. She stars as Midnight in Midnight - Young Superheroine' Hard Lesson XXX by Primal Fetish for their costume store. I enjoyed the movie and it has become one of my all time favorite SHIP movies.
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/10799 ... -xxx-1080p

The fact there is only one SHIP movie with a black model in five years or more speaks volumes. I don't think any other fetish has such a disparity in race.

Where are the good looking black models?

As I have said there are less black models in porn than white models and maybe Latin women as well. I have listed a few in the original post. Anya Ivy, Nia Nacci, Sarah Banks, Bethany Benz, Daizy Cooper, Julie Kay, and Jenna Foxx are the only attractive black women currently in porn in my opinion. I think they would make hot superheroines in hardcore SHIP movies. Most pornstars aren't known for their acting ability so I am unable to say if they would be great actresses for softcore movies. I highly doubt it since most pornstars want to work in hardcore scenes.

Softcore and non-sex movies have a higher standard and demand for acting. These models may not be a good fit for those movies. That's my opinion as a consumer.

Lower Standards for Black Models

I often feel the adult industry has lower standards for black models. I think most black models in porn would get very little work if they were white. The majority of these ladies are average looking or below average in looks in my opinion. For example, Kira Noir is one of the most booked black women in porn. I asked myself how she is getting more work than most black models? I asked a few friends from this forum about their opinions on her, and they are also not impressed. Kira Noior is a below average model for porn in my opinion. I cannot see many people in the SHIP community being interested in her due to their opinions about other models such as Coco, Alex Coal, Olive Glass, and Ashley Lane.

I would bet $1,000,000 that more people would prefer to see Nia Nacci than Kira Noir on any give Sunday.

I think porn companies in general have lower standards for black models to simply say they also hire black women to avoid criticism. Ana Foxx, Ashley Aleigh, Kira Nori, Ms London, and Victoria Cakes are just a few of these low standard models who probably would not get much work if they were white. Companies have far higher standards for white models. Bunny Colby, Ashley Lane, Nikki Benz, Rachel RoXXX, Alena Croft, and Nicolette Shea are very popular and are considered some of the best looking women in porn. Their level of beauty is on a much higher level than those low standard models.

Avoiding Racially Charged Stories

Most movies with black models focus a lot on race. I am sure you have seen interracial movies about black stereotypes. Many porn movies with blacks have rap music and a negative stereotype such as a thug who who into hip hop and can't speak basic English. I do not watch a lot of movies with African Americans because I do not relate to and hate this stereotype/culture, and I strongly dislike racially charged stories. I certainly do not buy any movie with any mode saying the N word. This is porn, and it is disrespectful to viewers for using racial words.

It also feels very unnatural to hear a woman or guy constantly talk about race during sex by always saying "black dick" "black dick", "black dick", "white ass", etc. Do you fantasize about a black woman and picture yourself constantly saying "black"? I don't know anyone who does that. It seems strange to me. I've seen two white people in a porn, and the white girl never says "big white dick". It would be odd to say "white" as race is irrelevant.

I can watch a movie with two white actors without the thought of race being part of the story. Why can't porn movies with blacks be the same? It's very rare to find one. I would like to sit back and watch a black superheroine being defeated without her race even being mention.

I enjoyed Primal's Midnight and Black Lightning videos because they focused on what matters; the characters, peril, and story. It felt like a natural experience. The stories were very enjoyable to watch. The sex scenes were perfect in my opinion. Those two movies are two of my all-time favorites.

Black Culture

Comic books, anime, and superheroes are not on top of black's culture list. Black Culture is not known for creating superheroes and anime characters. Black culture influences men to be hyper masculine, and this leads to many of them disinterested in comics. Black culture influences black men to enjoy sports and music as hobbies.

There was a local comic book across from my campus. I never saw a black man in the store. I went to this store for a couple of years. The only black person there was a black woman. The store's regular customers were white men, white women, and Hispanic men. I was the only black guy, and it never bothered me. It was a good place with a friendly atmosphere.

What does this have to do with SHIP? Some models just don't want to act in certain roles. Steve Steele from SexedupSuperheroines told me that some models refused to cosplay as superheroines in porn. He said they thought it was only for nerds, lame, and totally embarrassing to do.
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I hope Nia Nacci had fun and would be down for more genre work.
I think Kira Noir is cute and could make a fun SG-type character.
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I have deleted the above post by Leo and banned him for at least one month for an incredibly racist comment.
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