The 'progressive' left's distaste for the superhero genre

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Putting this in the Misc forum so it stays out of the way. I think we can have a thoughtful and deliberate discussion about the ramifications. Hopefully. ... -good-guys?

The meat of the matter is probably this one passage:
"In previous eras, superheroes such as Michael Keaton’s Batman or Christopher Reeve’s Superman operated in more abstract fantasy worlds, but as superheroes began to interact with vaguely here-and-now political reality, their methods came under new scrutiny. Alan Moore’s seminal 1987 comic Watchmen was one of the first to suggest that people who enjoy dressing up in costumes and beating the crap out of people might be in need of psychological evaluation, or a war crimes tribunal. Vigilantism looks a lot like authoritarianism, which looks a lot like fascism.

Where does that leave a “good guy” such as Batman, who operates as both judge and jury, even applying the death penalty, with zero tolerance or oversight? Put him in the real world and you get someone like Vladimir Putin or Rodrigo Duterte."

Actually, what the writer missed is that this very situation - superpowered beings taking over the world and running it authoritarian-style - has been done numerous times. The Guardian writer probably doesn't read a lot of comics so he doesn't know about The Authority by Warren Ellis, for example (featuring the very sexy Angela the Engineer) where a group of superheroes took over the world and molded it to their own aims. But then again, he probably also doesn't know about Gail Simone's The Movement, which was an attempt to create a comic solely about a gang of lawless superpowered millennials bent on social justice. Of course they were vigilantes, but since they were left-wing, it was all OK. Can you guess which of the two series was critically acclaimed and well-received, and which was a drop in the bucket which quickly disappeared from sight? :)

Anyway, when you read this article, you get the sense that there is a sentiment among the "progressives" that if they could only grab the enormous reins of power that control movies such as Infinity War, they would irrevocably change the whole concept of superheroes. And that we would end up with a lot more characters like Killmonger being admired for their attempts at violent worldwide militant overthrow, rather than admiring Black Panther who is regarded as a sellout. The article even says that much. Malcolm X vs Martin Luther King.

I think that the hard left desires to eliminate the whole concept of superhero stories as we know them. Let alone, dog forbid, any stories about sexy superheroines. I think they regard superheroes as tools of neoliberal corporate capitalism as well as glorification of right-wing vigilantism. I believe, if they had their druthers, they would replace the superhero in the mask with the Antifa kid in the mask (since vigilantism is just fine, as long as it's left-wing) and that they would replace mythical hero characters with stories about real-life far-left revolutionaries, condensed for your convenience in a Little Red Comic Book.

But hey, what do *you* think?
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First remember the Guardian is an anti western pro islamic terrorist publication that engages in race baiting.

As far as making the superpowered beings evil or flawed. Didn't Marvel try this by making Steve Rodgers a Nazi, Thor a women, etc. I believe it had a major backlash

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This theme of "are they really a hero" is in a lot of comics. Superman routinely had this theme. Even Goku brings this up when he questions is he attracting bad guys to earth who want to fight him (after he eats a pound of bacon).

For example I think Batman is a horrible hero. Bruce Wayne is far more effective. In the last Nolan film there's a good scene where Wayne is ask Fox why Wayne enterprises stopped giving money to the orphanage. Fox replies cause Wayne Enterprises stopped making profit and squandered the money on the fusion project which Wayne then sealed up. So no money was available for the poor.

How much does Batman spend on gadgets/crime fighting vs actually stopping crime. Then compare that to how many people does Wayne employ, how much prosperity does he generate etc.

Reminds me of the debate between Rosey and Trump where Rosey bragged she gave more to charity. However Trump creates jobs, builds buildings, employs people.

Superman is another issue. How many stories are about so and so showing up to pick a fight with Superman only to destroy half a city. I remember one issue of New 52 where Orion showed up to beat Superman and Orion throws an aircraft carrier at Superman which Superman super heats with his vision. Basically a multi-billion dollar aircraft carrier is destroyed.. all for a dick slapping contest.

But the thing this article seems concerned with is that people not only act independently from the state BUT have the power to do so and say no to the state as shown with MOS and his dropping a drone on the military base or BvS where the senator is worried Superman just does what he thinks is right but she thinks the gov should tell him what to do.

The entire first season of JLU was dedicated to this idea. What if the heroes DO decide to "fix everything". Who is to stop them? Ala "A better world" where the league basically took over and ran things via fear and power.

These are great areas to explore but I think the author is very Hobbesian and does not like people who could say no to the state or to the collective, which heroes can do. Nothing worse for control freaks than someone doing the right thing which means jailing the control freaks.

But these people ultimately suffer from Hobbes's paradox.
A useful way to examine the question is by turning it around and looking at some of the baddies. Let’s start with the most recent hit: Black Panther. Michael B Jordan’s antagonist Killmonger was widely regarded as one of the best things about the movie and with good reason: he’s not really bad at all. His grievances are actually perfectly valid: how could resource-rich Wakanda stand by and let all these atrocities – slavery, colonialism, world wars, racism – happen to their African brothers and sisters? Wakanda is like a Black Switzerland. It stands aloof and neutral (come to think of it, so does Wonder Woman’s home, Themiscyra). Killmonger is defeated, but he wins the argument: Black Panther realises he’s not the good guy! At the close of the movie, Wakanda begins to engage with the rest of the world, albeit on its own limited terms, which are a far cry from the armed uprising Killmonger had in mind.
This isn't necessarily a bad argument. However Killmonger's approach is initiation of force which he disguises as self defense. Wakanda actually did a good thing by leaving others alone. For example one of the complaints about the US is the US does what Killmonger wants - uses force and interference to "do right" and that plenty want the US to just mind its own business. Killmonger's position is actually a very warhawk, right wing position. So the author has a lot of confused points. I think he/she is really just trying to be counter to be edgy.
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Agree with Mr. X, these themes often happy. It's probably more prevalent when the setting has a more realistic feel.
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Seems like everyday this board is more MAGA and less HUBBA HUBBA. First off, it's one dumb ass writer from The Guardian. Not the "progressive" left. People on the far extremes of right and left, should be ignored, not constantly referenced by the other side. Also if you use phrases/words like: woke, cuck, beta-male, fake news, you might want to turn the cable news/blankwing radio/dailykos/Alex Jones bullshit off. That's not the real world. That's the world that a tiny selection of jackasses want you to believe in, so they can profit off it.

Not every liberal is a mamby-pamby, gun hating, sex shaming, surrendercrat.

Not every "conservative" is a bible thumping, free market masturbating, immigrant hating Moran.(see anti-Obama signs for reference)

For the record, I'm a liberal, way, way more liberal than your average person on the left. I've voted democrat or independent in every local, state, and national election since 2004. I've also contributed I would estimate around $4,000 to the Superheroine Fetish industry by buying somewhere between 100 and 200 movies, photosets, and comics. I stand for equality of all people. Black, white, gay, straight, purple, or freaky sexual. I also stand for sexy woman in all those colors and sexual persuasions being arrogant, defeated, stripped, raped, abused, defiled, humililated. In fantasy.

If you're determined to see 1/3 of the U.S. population and a much higher percentage of Canadians, Europeans, etc. as 1 monolithic group, you're kind of proving those on the far, far left correct when they characterize the right as intolerant bigots. You're judging an entire group of people by the words/actions of a few.
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I actually score higher on any liberal test than most mainstream lefties. I consider myself classic liberal. Its more liberty vs authoritarian. Left and right today are just authoritarian sides of the same coin. I think the author takes more of a Durkheim approach and despises individuals over the collective. In fact he/she is a bit hypocritical. If the heroes are not good guys for acting when using power then why is a government the good guy when it starves or executes 100 mil in the name of a better world?

I'm not afraid of a batman. I'm afraid of the person who says they have good intentions then tries to accomplish their goals through force. Then again both those things sound the same.
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I think a distinction needs to be made here between your traditional run of the mill liberal and hardcore Antifa leftist extremists. I think that an overwhelming majority of liberals as well as conservatives love this country, its ideals and values. Even though these two groups have differing ideologies, I believe they do share a deep abiding love for their country. The hardcore left does not share this love. This goal of this group is to transform this country into some leftist authoritarian regime where unfettered speech and freedoms are not given to all Americans, just those who happen to conform with their views, intolerant to views contrary to their own.
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Antifa for me is not left or right. They are what I refer to as 4th groupers. In any conflict there are 4 groups; 1 the people on one side, 2 the people on the other, 3 people who don't care and 4, people who exploit the issue.

I think there is a distinct, separate group of sociopaths and bullies who latch onto triumphant causes and use them as excuses to commit violence. If Antifa kids were around in the 2000s they would have latched onto right to life and blew up abortion clinics. They are 4th groupers hijacking a cause.

These are essentially soccer houligans who wear a jersey and look for other jerseys to beat up. The problem is when a cause offers up a triumphant merit badge/hero badge that they attract these people to do their dirty work. Like the right to life who praised abortion clinic bombers and abortion doctor killers or in the case of the young man who killed an abortion doctor his church groomed him.. "gee if only there was a hero who would step up and..."

Molyneux had a good interview with an ex antifa member who explained that antifa has no moral compass or underlying principles. All it did was claim communism, but they know nothing of it.

I think most genuine lefties are not bourgeoisie snobs calling everyone racist nor is the genuine right a bunch of racists. Its these sociopaths and bullies looking for triumphant causes and its fringe keeping the groups fighting each other. Everyone wants to help the poor, they just disagree on methods.
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Good discussion so far - keep it going everyone. See...we can be civil!

Mr. X: Yes Killmonger has ultimately a right-wing point of view. As does Wakanda itself: it's an authoritarian kingdom run by a benevolent absolute ruler, kind of like Dubai or Singapore. But the far-left makes a distinction between the kind of might that a country like the U.S. projects, and the kind of force that someone like Killmonger acts upon. The U.S. is there to (supposedly) enforce capitalism and patriarchy and white/Western supremacy..whereas Killmonger would give the power of violent overthrow
to his fellow Persons of Colour. The only difference between them is identity politics. If Batman was a vigilante on the side of the marginalized elements at the bottom of the progressive stack of oppression, Antifa itself would cheer him on.
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If you look at D.C and JLU they had a wide range of views represented

Batman and Green Lantern were conservative
Wonderwoman was a moderate
Green Arrow was liberal
The Question was a Conspiracy zeolot

Marvel writers seem to have the need to denigrate white males
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Sorry about The Guardian. It used to be good! Just as well Superman isn't a "good guy", or he'd be hurling people into the sun for mean tweets.
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I find these sorts of articles worthy of little more than an eye roll for the most part. It's not JUST that I sort of hate the way the world discourages people from doing anything classically 'heroic'... it's more that the issue of fantasy is that its FANTASY. It's a moot point because those heroes DON'T exist... but If someone with super powers ACTUALLY EXISTED then the current paradigms of how the world works would need to shift to accommodate them, not the other way around. If a single person was able to manipulate fire, earth, air and water and no one else could, and that person took it upon themselves to run around protecting the innocent then they would basically be little different from a god insofar as most mythologies of the past viewed their gods and we mere mortals, as such, would do best to just wrap our minds around it and thank our lucky stars that they didn't end up naming themselves a murderous tyrant... because in the long run there wouldn't actually be much we COULD do about it.

Frankly, governments are so terribly corrupt these days that many of them would be better off overthrown and then run by Superman... I mean you could do a lot worse than Emperor Kent.

Why are the majority of people on this forum against any progressive/left individual's opinion on comics? Furthermore, the left is very progressive and would not have a problem with sexy superheroines. Its the right/conservatives who are against sexiness and porn. You do not hear the left trying to make porn illegal. Republicans have mention banning porn for years. Utah is one of the deepest red states in America, and it is run by Republicans. They have banned porn and illegally declared it as a health hazard. The right is against sexy superheroines. They make the excuse of women being too sexy and their sexiness is why they fall to temptation.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
the left is very progressive and would not have a problem with sexy superheroines. Its the right/conservatives who are against sexiness and porn. You do not hear the left trying to make porn illegal.
You're right.
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Before Trump ran for office he had no problem with appearing in three Playboy's soft porn videos. Melania was in one with him before they married. Of course according to his lawyer, Giuliani, this means Trump has no credibility.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Why are the majority of people on this forum against any progressive/left individual's opinion on comics? Furthermore, the left is very progressive and would not have a problem with sexy superheroines. Its the right/conservatives who are against sexiness and porn. You do not hear the left trying to make porn illegal. Republicans have mention banning porn for years. Utah is one of the deepest red states in America, and it is run by Republicans. They have banned porn and illegally declared it as a health hazard. The right is against sexy superheroines. They make the excuse of women being too sexy and their sexiness is why they fall to temptation.
Not all of the progressive left but a percentage of it believes in censorship.

Go to a college campus

Look at how Wikipedia and many newspapers bar posters who are conservative and moderate

Look at the vendetta against Diversity of Comics
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Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Why are the majority of people on this forum against any progressive/left individual's opinion on comics? Furthermore, the left is very progressive and would not have a problem with sexy superheroines. Its the right/conservatives who are against sexiness and porn. You do not hear the left trying to make porn illegal. Republicans have mention banning porn for years. Utah is one of the deepest red states in America, and it is run by Republicans. They have banned porn and illegally declared it as a health hazard. The right is against sexy superheroines. They make the excuse of women being too sexy and their sexiness is why they fall to temptation.
Not all of the progressive left but a percentage of it believes in censorship.

Go to a college campus

Look at how Wikipedia and many newspapers bar posters who are conservative and moderate

Look at the vendetta against Diversity of Comics
But isn't 'not all, but some people of this denomination believe that..." sort of like saying 'Water is wet'? SOME hard right conservatives are religious nutjobs who probably still believe sodomy should result in an execution... Christianity is almost synonymous with censorship under the pretense of the greater good and hard rightwing conservatism often bills itself as a christian political base... but even THAT isn't fair. SOME is by definition not ALL and therefore utilizing the ALL to condemn or speak out against the actions of SOME is in poor taste... Call the author of the article an idiot, not 'the progressive left' and I wont call all right wingers religious zealots.

I've been to college, guys and galls there are as horny and drunk as ever and still value our freedoms. There's no conspiracy there, just people learning and figuring themselves out. Can't stop people from figuring themselves out in ways that someone else doesn't like.

Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence. Anyone is free to say whatever they want wherever they want, but if a republican goes to a democrats house and doesn't like what he hears, he can say what he likes but when he's told to get out he'd better do it before somebody calls the cops (Which is why its best to debate on neutral ground not on a known libral webpage or newspaper) Freedom of speech works best as a means of communication NOT condemnation.

I dunno what to tell you about Diversity of Comics. I've seen a few of his videos. Some are fine, some are political vehicles to lambast his ideals. That's fine, I don't bother going there anymore, if ignoring something is a 'vendetta' well... I guess it is?
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Femina wrote:
6 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Why are the majority of people on this forum against any progressive/left individual's opinion on comics? Furthermore, the left is very progressive and would not have a problem with sexy superheroines. Its the right/conservatives who are against sexiness and porn. You do not hear the left trying to make porn illegal. Republicans have mention banning porn for years. Utah is one of the deepest red states in America, and it is run by Republicans. They have banned porn and illegally declared it as a health hazard. The right is against sexy superheroines. They make the excuse of women being too sexy and their sexiness is why they fall to temptation.
Not all of the progressive left but a percentage of it believes in censorship.

Go to a college campus

Look at how Wikipedia and many newspapers bar posters who are conservative and moderate

Look at the vendetta against Diversity of Comics
But isn't 'not all, but some people of this denomination believe that..." sort of like saying 'Water is wet'? SOME hard right conservatives are religious nutjobs who probably still believe sodomy should result in an execution... Christianity is almost synonymous with censorship under the pretense of the greater good and hard rightwing conservatism often bills itself as a christian political base... but even THAT isn't fair. SOME is by definition not ALL and therefore utilizing the ALL to condemn or speak out against the actions of SOME is in poor taste... Call the author of the article an idiot, not 'the progressive left' and I wont call all right wingers religious zealots.

When is the last time a conservative group tried to block a speaker from a campus or commited violence on the street during a protest

Sorry almost all censorship today comes from the progressive left side (no not all progressives) but almost all violnce and censorship does come from the left. And as a Jew I far more afraid of the progressive left than anyone in the Trump administration
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Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago

When is the last time a conservative group tried to block a speaker from a campus or commited violence on the street during a protest
The last time a conservative group commited violence on the streets during a protest was in Charlottesville over the Robert E. Lee statue thing, not that long ago at all. Conservatives commit violence just as often as Liberals, they just do. It's a fact of life that human beings are sometimes violent. Or shit, how about the Vegas sniper?

Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Why are the majority of people on this forum against any progressive/left individual's opinion on comics? Furthermore, the left is very progressive and would not have a problem with sexy superheroines. Its the right/conservatives who are against sexiness and porn. You do not hear the left trying to make porn illegal. Republicans have mention banning porn for years. Utah is one of the deepest red states in America, and it is run by Republicans. They have banned porn and illegally declared it as a health hazard. The right is against sexy superheroines. They make the excuse of women being too sexy and their sexiness is why they fall to temptation.
Not all of the progressive left but a percentage of it believes in censorship.

Go to a college campus

Look at how Wikipedia and many newspapers bar posters who are conservative and moderate

Look at the vendetta against Diversity of Comics
Progressives believe in censoring racism, sexism, and any speech that encourages people to assault particular individuals because of their race or sexual orientation. They want America to take a similar Germany took on Nazism. They want it censored and educate young people on why it is censored. As a black man in America, I am 100% for censoring racism.

Groups such as the KKK promote violence towards people like me. A few months ago an interracial couple was attack by KKK members at a coffee shop. The police waited weeks to issue a warrant when they could had issued one the same day.

The left does not have a vendetta against diversity of comics. The left is known for supporting diversity. Where are you getting your information from?
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Femina wrote:
6 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago

When is the last time a conservative group tried to block a speaker from a campus or commited violence on the street during a protest
The last time a conservative group commited violence on the streets during a protest was in Charlottesville over the Robert E. Lee statue thing, not that long ago at all. Conservatives commit violence just as often as Liberals, they just do. It's a fact of life that human beings are sometimes violent. Or shit, how about the Vegas sniper?
Who tried to have the Robert E Lee statue pulled down?
Or shit, how about the Vegas sniper?
WHAT?! How the heck is the Vegas sniper a KKK member or right winger. HE FIRED ON A COUNTRY WESTERN FESTIVAL. Show me one piece of evidence that links him in anyway to the KKK or driven by any right wing rhetoric.

Look at all the riots and damage Antifa causes. They caused that riot in Portland. The religious prayer patriot group marching were not KKK. How many times does Antifa go to a rally and pick a fight. Who's smashing windows and flipping cars at WTO conferences? Who just flew a drone into a nuclear reactor in France? Green peace.

Who set off a pressure cooker bomb at the Boston Marathon? Who ran 75 people over with a truck in Brussels? Who sniped white police officers in Dallas? Who calls for "frying bacon" in marches?

Yeah I'm not seeing this massive KKK presence. ... =364%2C247

Smash the white man? Seriously? That is not hate. And WHO IS WEARING THE MASKS! last time there was a group of white dudes with clubs and masks screaming hate we called them the KKK.
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KKK also promotes violence against me, but they have been marginilized as opposed to BLM and Antifa
Progressives believe anyone who is not on the left should be censored even though Obama was far more racist and anti-semetic than any Republican President since WW2
Progressives are very sexist just ask Sarah Palin, Sarah Sanders, Condoleeza Rice

Suggest you google Ben Shapiro who is Jewish and is attacked by the left or Israeli aparthied week.

As far as Diversity in Comics who do you think is putting the pressure on Antartic press and comic book stores against Jawbreakers
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Uh I never said anything about the KKK? Just that the Vegas Sniper was a conservative who acted violently (Which was said in response to someone who indicated that only Liberals behave violently)
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Femina wrote:
6 years ago
Uh I never said anything about the KKK? Just that the Vegas Sniper was a conservative who acted violently (Which was said in response to someone who indicated that only Liberals behave violently)
Ok what proof do you have he's conservative? And there have been plenty of left leaning shooters. The sniper in Dallas. They guy who held the discovery channel building hostage. The gay activist who tried to shoot up a family values meeting. The shooter who shot up the republican softball game.

BTW there was NO shooting in Charlotteville yet a person walked into the Pulse Nightclub in Orland and executed 50 of the "rainbow". Who defended this guy? Who swept it under the rug and told us to ignore the fact he was of a particular religious persuasion? Who did the "nothing to see here folks" routine?
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Mr. X wrote:
6 years ago
Femina wrote:
6 years ago
Uh I never said anything about the KKK? Just that the Vegas Sniper was a conservative who acted violently (Which was said in response to someone who indicated that only Liberals behave violently)
Ok what proof do you have he's conservative? And there have been plenty of left leaning shooters. The sniper in Dallas. They guy who held the discovery channel building hostage. The gay activist who tried to shoot up a family values meeting. The shooter who shot up the republican softball game.
You know what? On further investigation (which embarrassingly took almost no time at all) It seems the Vegas sniper's political affiliations aren't well known BUT he was firing at a conservative crowd. I had a friend who lived in Vegas at the time who told me once it was a republican so when I said that above it was basically an afterthought. Seems that information was incorrect. Anyone interested can check it out here ... ddock.html Let it never be said I'm unwilling to accept when I've said something wrong.

As for the Charlottesville riots, it doesn't really matter who was 'going to tear down the statue' no one was ever going to drive down there in a Chevy, attach some hooks to it and drive off, the statue was going to be taken down by the city or somesuch which was why there was a conservative protest march. The march was met by an opposing march before someone from the conservative camp rode some people down in a truck. I'm not saying any one side was right or wrong thing to march or ptotest against. That wasn't the topic in discussion between myself and the other guy. I was simply indicating that the answer to, As Dazzle1 asked, "When is the last time a conservative group tried to block a speaker from a campus or commited violence on the street during a protest") Was at Charlottesville.

You're sort of hopping into the middle of a conversation and adding an angle of discussion that's sort of sideways to what was being discussed. I was never saying 'Leberals don't have violent rioters and shooters' I was saying 'Conservatives ALSO have violent rioters and shooters'.

Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
KKK also promotes violence against me, but they have been marginilized as opposed to BLM and Antifa
Progressives believe anyone who is not on the left should be censored even though Obama was far more racist and anti-semetic than any Republican President since WW2
Progressives are very sexist just ask Sarah Palin, Sarah Sanders, Condoleeza Rice

Suggest you google Ben Shapiro who is Jewish and is attacked by the left or Israeli aparthied week.

As far as Diversity in Comics who do you think is putting the pressure on Antartic press and comic book stores against Jawbreakers
I am not taking your seriously. No logical person would say Obama is racist. He has not done anything close to being racist.

The KKK has never been sidelined. What you said is racist. The KKK has always taken illegal actions to harm and kill anyone who is not white. They killed a protest in Charlottesville.
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I love how everything is binary in the US, must make the world a lot simpler
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lionbadger wrote:
6 years ago
I love how everything is binary in the US, must make the world a lot simpler
It just makes it a lot dumber sadly...
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
KKK also promotes violence against me, but they have been marginilized as opposed to BLM and Antifa
Progressives believe anyone who is not on the left should be censored even though Obama was far more racist and anti-semetic than any Republican President since WW2
Progressives are very sexist just ask Sarah Palin, Sarah Sanders, Condoleeza Rice

Suggest you google Ben Shapiro who is Jewish and is attacked by the left or Israeli aparthied week.

As far as Diversity in Comics who do you think is putting the pressure on Antartic press and comic book stores against Jawbreakers
I am not taking your seriously. No logical person would say Obama is racist. He has not done anything close to being racist.

Obama made Al sharpton an advisor on race relations had BLM who is just as vile as the KKK to the White House. HE had Holder drop a voter intimdation case against the New Black Panthers,

He threw Israel under the bus at the U.N

Please explain how Black Lives Matter is just as vile as the KKK? Black Lives Matter preaches black lives are just as important as white lives, and UNARMED black men should not be shot. The KKK has murdered innocent lives for centuries. When has the BLM killed anyone? Never!

The KKK wants anyone who is not white out of this country. The KKK would rejoice if they could put blacks on plantations as slaves again.

BLM is protesting for equal civil liberties. They are not defending ARMED black men. They are only defending UNARMED minorities. BLM is not saying white people should leave America. BLM is not saying white people should be slaves on a plantation.
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BLM member killed 4 police officers in Dallas, they have chanted pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon. They support Palestinian terrorism against Jews
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Please explain how Black Lives Matter is just as vile as the KKK? Black Lives Matter preaches black lives are just as important as white lives, and UNARMED black men should not be shot. The KKK has murdered innocent lives for centuries. When has the BLM killed anyone? Never!

The KKK wants anyone who is not white out of this country. The KKK would rejoice if they could put blacks on plantations as slaves again.

BLM is protesting for equal civil liberties. They are not defending ARMED black men. They are only defending UNARMED minorities. BLM is not saying white people should leave America. BLM is not saying white people should be slaves on a plantation.
I think you're making a mistake in judgement I see a lot of left leaning people make in that you think intentions have meaning and that you think BLM has good intentions therefore its actions are good and the KKK has bad intentions and so its actions are bad. You cannot use intentions as the measure, only actions. As Dazzle1 pointed out, someone representing BLM executed police officers in Dallas. Antifa has routinely caused property damage, flipped over cars, set fire to things, started riots and violence. BLM has directly called for the killing of police officers. A Muslim executed the rainbow in the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Two Muslim brothers set off a bomb at the boston marathon.

Intentions are meaningless. You cannot hide behind good intention excuses to dismiss bad behavior. Kantian ethics do not work. Property damage, shooting people, running people over with cars, bombs, assault are always bad, no excuse except if self defense. And its very myopic to get upset ONLY about ONE car incident in Charlottesville and ignore the assassination of police officers, property damage, rioting, assaults, mass shootings of LGBT, bombs, threats etc. And lets not forget the left winger who tried to shoot several right wing senators and congressmen at a softball practice in DC. I think the Pulse nightclub shoot and Dallas shootings and Boston bombings are far more concerning. Actions... not intentions.
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Heroine Addict
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Why bring Islamic extremism into the discussion? Jihadists are most definitely not left wing. The vast majority of people - on the left and right - condemn terrorist atrocities. Hardly anyone in the West is marching for Jihad. So that's why marches with chants of "BLOOD AND SOIL" and "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US" may appear to attract more ire from the left. Y'know, particularly when we hear weasel words about "fine people" on the side of the Nazis. There were no mild-mannered, right-leaning, statue-protecting historians at the Charlottesville rally. Everyone who stood alongside the "BLOOD AND SOIL" crowd knew exactly what they were doing.

Terrorism is inherently abnormal and repellent. Fascism, however, seems to be getting normalized. Hence the pushback.

As for the discussion of left wing extremist violence in comparison to right wing extremist violence, there is no equivalence there. Right wing extremist violence is clearly far, far more common.

The fact that violence exists on both sides should not be used as an opportunity for false equivalence. ... ed-in-2017
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Last edited by Heroine Addict 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."

Mr. X wrote:
6 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago
Please explain how Black Lives Matter is just as vile as the KKK? Black Lives Matter preaches black lives are just as important as white lives, and UNARMED black men should not be shot. The KKK has murdered innocent lives for centuries. When has the BLM killed anyone? Never!

The KKK wants anyone who is not white out of this country. The KKK would rejoice if they could put blacks on plantations as slaves again.

BLM is protesting for equal civil liberties. They are not defending ARMED black men. They are only defending UNARMED minorities. BLM is not saying white people should leave America. BLM is not saying white people should be slaves on a plantation.
I think you're making a mistake in judgement I see a lot of left leaning people make in that you think intentions have meaning and that you think BLM has good intentions therefore its actions are good and the KKK has bad intentions and so its actions are bad. You cannot use intentions as the measure, only actions. As Dazzle1 pointed out, someone representing BLM executed police officers in Dallas. Antifa has routinely caused property damage, flipped over cars, set fire to things, started riots and violence. BLM has directly called for the killing of police officers. A Muslim executed the rainbow in the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Two Muslim brothers set off a bomb at the boston marathon.

Intentions are meaningless. You cannot hide behind good intention excuses to dismiss bad behavior. Kantian ethics do not work. Property damage, shooting people, running people over with cars, bombs, assault are always bad, no excuse except if self defense. And its very myopic to get upset ONLY about ONE car incident in Charlottesville and ignore the assassination of police officers, property damage, rioting, assaults, mass shootings of LGBT, bombs, threats etc. And lets not forget the left winger who tried to shoot several right wing senators and congressmen at a softball practice in DC. I think the Pulse nightclub shoot and Dallas shootings and Boston bombings are far more concerning. Actions... not intentions.

Please do more research on the Dallas shootings. BLM rejected the shooter. The shooter was angry at BLM and law enforcement. He was not a member. I think he was made at BLM for not taking a violent approach. BLM does not promote violence. It does not encourage its supports to harm officers.

BLM's leaders have not committed wrong actions. They have more than just good intentions. They are taking positive actions in peaceful marches and trying to talk to our political leaders.

Yes, there are always a few bad people in every group. It's unfortunate to see BLM members commit vandalism. These few people do not represent the majority. The KKK promotes violence and murder of non-whites. That is their majority. BLM's majority does not support violence.
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Oh yay. Another cluster of posts infected with the They virus.

From the start, this thread wasn't a discussion, but an excuse to paste up a paper They and take potshots at it.
Or if not an excuse, an inability to suppress the compulsion.
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Mr. X
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
6 years ago

Please do more research on the Dallas shootings. BLM rejected the shooter. The shooter was angry at BLM and law enforcement. He was not a member. I think he was made at BLM for not taking a violent approach. BLM does not promote violence. It does not encourage its supports to harm officers.

BLM's leaders have not committed wrong actions. They have more than just good intentions. They are taking positive actions in peaceful marches and trying to talk to our political leaders.

Yes, there are always a few bad people in every group. It's unfortunate to see BLM members commit vandalism. These few people do not represent the majority. The KKK promotes violence and murder of non-whites. That is their majority. BLM's majority does not support violence. ... e_officers
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran who was reportedly angry over police shootings of black men and stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers. The shooting happened at the end of a protest against the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, which had occurred in the preceding days.
Yes I have done the research. BLM "rejecting" the shooter is meaningless. I'm sure there were KKK and Nazi who "rejected" the car driver in Charlotteville.

You cannot use intentions as a measure.

I'm going to end my discussion here since I made my point.

Mr. X wrote:
6 years ago ... e_officers
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran who was reportedly angry over police shootings of black men and stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers. The shooting happened at the end of a protest against the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, which had occurred in the preceding days.
Yes I have done the research. BLM "rejecting" the shooter is meaningless. I'm sure there were KKK and Nazi who "rejected" the car driver in Charlotteville.

You cannot use intentions as a measure.

I'm going to end my discussion here since I made my point.
First, Wikipedia is not a creditable source. Anyone could had edited the information to suit their agendas.

Second, the shooter was not a member of BLM. He was also angry at BLM. He clearly was not a member. Thus, he should not be treated as such. Yes, he wanted to kill police officers. That does not make him a member of BLM.

People are angry at officers for any reason and I know because I worked in the courts. A black man threaten to hurt me and I had no relation to the officer. His intentions were not connected to BLM.

KKK and Nazi encourage violence and murder. They would not reject the car driver. You are in denial about the KKK and Nazi. Both groups have a long history of murdering people because they were not white.
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