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Hi all, this is totally independent of my other SG stories and just a bit of a lark for halloween.
Hope you enjoy!

He sat still and waited, as he always did. Outside the shutters, the world made noises that did not concern him. Car horns. Shouts of drunken youths. Loud and unharmonious music. Lots had changed in the thousand years he had walked the earth. Or, more accurately, roamed the night. He missed the old days. Simple superstitious folk. Who would ever have thought he would miss them? But everyone he had turned in the last 4 decades had bored him. They were different. Children of a different age. They would not listen to him, mocking his clothes making fun of his accent. In the end he had either claimed them or moved on himself. The ones in the 60's had been the worst. You never knew what drugs the little airheads had been taking. One bite and you could find yourself as high as a kite. On the plus side you had an endless supply of virgins throwing themselves at anyone who was upright and male, all desperate to loose their 'cherry'. It had taken him several months to work out what that phrase actually meant. So he would kill for a few months, then move on. He had no friends, he had eaten them all. Well , fed on them anyway. Some reluctantly, some just to keep his secret.

He had particularly enjoyed World War 2 though, when his little deaths had gone unnoticed, a mere drop in the ocean in the sea of horror that humanity was perpetrating upon itself. He actually felt worthwhile, briefly. He had converted a small detachment of his fellow Rumanians and whilst they had reluctantly served the Bosch and fed on the Russians opposite them each night, it had been a glorious feeling when Rumania had changed sides, particularly as he and his little squad had been posted to help garrison Norway! Norway! 6 months of night in the North! He had made sure he and his men had the most northerly garrison duty they could find and then fed on the odd luckless Finn across the border. Oh and one local resistance group. But then the Rumanians had changed sides in the dying days of the war and he and his men had turned on their German allies- coming day and night because DAY WAS AS NIGHT, killing at will. Revelling in the death. He had actually put on weight. Even though he wasn't truly Romanian, he had lived there for most of his millennia here and thought of it as home.

After the war was different. His brave boys had gone their separate ways, one by one making a mistake and getting caught by irate locals or else lucklessly exposed or trapped. Karl, his corporal, had been trapped below decks on the Titanic, sealed in behind bulkhead doors. Whilst they had superhuman strength they too had their limits, and having the strength of 5 men still couldn't get you through a foot of steel.
Oh no wait he was confused. Karl had been his corporal in the Franco Prussian War. That was the trouble when you had been around so long. Ludwig! Ludwig was his sargeant in World War 2....yes what happened to him? Oh yes...air crash in '69. Whilst they could survive many things, burning wasnt one of them. What happened to the others, from the war?
A few went to Africa, deeming the peasant cultures there would be more susceptible to the supernatural. He had warned them – why live on a continent bathed in sunshine? But they hadn't listened and he hadn't heard of them since. Some stayed in Europe, some braved Stalin's Russsia. Only Gustav was still a round as far as he knew. Around New Orleans last he had heard. But that was before Katrina. Since then, nothing. He suspected he too was probably gone now.

So now he sat alone and waited, perhaps the last of his kind, who knew? He would have to move on soon he knew that much. Especially after tonight.

He actually liked that part of his endless existence – the finding a refuge in a new city, roaming the night to get your barings, maybe even getting a job as a night porter or something just to get access to somewhere. That was where the hypnotic stare came in handy “You WILL employ me....”as he stared at them and inevitably they gave in. Weak minded fools.

But tonight was one of the highlights of the year. He could roam the streets, just as he wished, in full sight, in his formal dress, as befitting someone of his ancient social standing. Though the fact these days a lot of people said 'Hey Count! ONE...ha-ha-ha-ha...TWO! Ha-ha-ha-ha” had been lost on him until he saw 'Sesame Street' on a re-run. He was actually a Prince of his clan, but he let it go. Count was one of his minor titles but not one he preferred.

He looked at the shuttered windows. He could feel the temperature drop outside. Nightfall. It was time. He rose from the edge of his bed. Not a coffin, but a four poster with curtains, just in case any light got in to the basement of the abandoned house he used. The sight of the empty bed caused a flash back, a brief glimpse of the wild sex orgies he had had in the past. Well it had been a while. 'Maybe tonight I'll get me some tail', he thought to himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror, buffed his Order of Dracul Star with his sleeve so it shone even brighter than before, and then straightened the cuffs on his tails and looked at himself in the mirror, once more. Hmmnn. Not bad for a 1065. Of course there was no reflection. It amused him to think people thought it had begun with Count Dracul.
He was way older than that, but his time as Prince Vlad had been his most famous incarnation.

He straightened his white dickie-bow tie, and swept around in his red silk lined black cape. Time to claim the night.

He walked for hours. Only the dogs picked up on his ethereal presence, barking and growling at him. He avoided the street lamps, lest someone noticed that he cast no shadow, and similarly the shop front windows of main street. He stalked the suburbs, snarling good naturedly at the children trick or treating , although he nearly had a bust up with one mother of a young Dracula when he wouldn't pose for a photo with the boy. He had actually had to use his mind control to get the bitch to shut up and go away. If the street had been darker he would have fed on her there and then, but she wasn't very attractive and the three children with her might be a problem. The longer the night grew on the more drunk and accepting people were. The children were packed off to bed and he could roam the streets with the adults. Loud, brash and uncouth though they were, he liked their vibrant energy, their life force. Its what he lived for, literally.

Then he saw her, a strong looking blonde woman talking to a witch, a werewolf and Frankenstein's monster. She was dressed as a superheroine, which one he wasn't sure as he didn't tend to follow the news. There was something about her...her scent, it was different to other humans. As a night hunter he had a very keen sense of smell, honed over ten centuries. She was different. Not perfumed, but naturally scented and her smell called to him like a siren song.

“Hey ! Its the Count!” cried the witch she was talking to” The gangs all here!”

“You may leave us now...” he said with his best mesmerising stare as Supergirl turned around to see who had arrived.

“Well nice to meet you Supergirl but guys we had best get going to the party” the witch muttered and suddenly turned away.

“Oh well nice to – meet you too...” Supergirl said to her back as the woman had already turned away. “DRINK RESPONSIBLY....please...” she called after them awkwardly

“Oh well ...see ya around “ said the Frankenstein Monster as the others dutifully trotted after her with a wave.

“I seem to have scared them off...” he said to the caped heroine

“You forgot the 'Ha-ha-ha-ha' “ Supergirl said with a smile

He frowned, briefly in annoyance. “Oh yes. Ha ha ha. Very good.” he said in a heavy Eastern european accent.

“Boy you are really good! “ Kara said appreciatively, eyeing him up and down. “That star...they look like real diamonds...!”

“They are child...but they are not as bright as your eyes....”

“Aw thats great! You even have the cheesy dialogue off pat! Nice job, sir” she gave a little clap.

“You would like to come with me, I think...” he said his eyes piercingly locked onto her own.

“Oh no thanks buddy, but this isn't a costume, I am the real deal.”

“As am I, I assure you...”

“HA-HA-HA-HA-HA” she finished for him in a heavy slavic accent of her own. “You forgot the 'Ha's”

“I am serious...” he said stepping up his gaze a notch. “You WANT to come with me...”

“No, fella, I REALLY AM SUPERGIRL. Honestly, I can't go off to some party with you, I had to turn those other guys down too, I gotta go off and save people and...stuff” she finished clumsily.

He took a good hard look at her then, drinking in her beauty. Hair long and soft and golden. Clear blue eyes like glacial ice, but with a warmth, a compassion that would melt any heart, even his. A radiant smile that shone like diamonds. An elegant, gracefully sculpted neck, not too long, beneath a firm, strongly defined jaw. A full luscious bottom lip that sat beneath a thinner, more amused top one, the corner of her mouth seeming to be forever on the verge of a smile. Slender but strong arms on a tight torso with modest but perfectly formed breasts above the hint of a six pack, but not too ripped. Shapely hips and a tight peach of a butt. Toned, firm legs that seemed to cry out to be caressed. Dear God, he had to have her! Yet she seemed immune to his mesmerizing gaze.

That would not do. That wouldn't do at all. She made to turn away from him and he gripped her arm firmly. And gave it everything that he had.

“WAIT....” He said forcefully “wait, my child.”

“Look buddy you better let me go ok? I don't wanna have to get rough but the joke's over.”

“Look at me...”

“I told you I am not -”

“LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT MY EYES...DO YOU SEE THEM? WINDOWS OF THE SOUL THEY SAY....” He said loudly widening his gaze.

“Look I..I gotta -” Kara said suddenly faltering.

“You have to do nothing...NOTHING BUT LOOK....LOOK....LOOK, MY CHILD! Gaze upon infinity, in all its wonders...it is a marvellous sight, yes?

“Y-yes....” Kara found the words slipping from between her lips unbidden. His eyes ...his eyes were....somehow....fascinating. They...they were ...somehow...everything that was important. It all lay in those dark pupils. All the answers , all the questions, everything....everything lay behind them....

“You will come with me now my child...”

“I...I will...come...with ….with you....”

“Yes, yes that's it. Because you want to, don't you...you want to see what I see, you want to know what I know...yes?”


“Yes of course you do....come let us leave these streets...for my warm bed...”


“Yes. You would like to be warm wouldn't you? Warm and safe in my embrace, for all eternity, would you not?”

“Y-yes....yes I would....for all eternity....”

A little while later she was perched on the edge of the four poster bed, in a trance-like daze. Her mind, her body were not her own. She was aware, but only aware of her own powerlessness to resist his commands. It was as if she were in a dream.

Yes, she would be brought across, with three bites, to live by his side for ever, he had decided. He had had vampire lovers before, but had tired of them all. But she....she would be different. He could sense it. He could sense many things in her that he had never sensed before in his victims. He could hear the blood pumping in her veins crashing around her body from her valiant heart, a rhythmic pulse of life that called to him, irresistibly. Although she was nominally in his power, he was hopelessly held within hers. He wanted her beyond all measure. He had to have her. He WOULD have her!

“Lay back my dear...” she dutifully did as he had asked, lying back on the sheets, staring up at the top of the four poster bed with unseeing eyes.

“Make yourself comfortable...lay your head upon the pillow...” he gestured and she re-positioned herself accordingly, swinging her knee high red leather boots up on top of the bed spread.

He looked at her then, fully, drinking in her beauty as surely as he would soon be drinking in her young life's blood. She was stunning. High, well defined cheekbones, a firm mouth, a cute nose. She would be his for all time. But nothing, he knew , would ever surpass this night as he took her to undreamed of heights of ecstasy.

He could smell her sex. It was undiluted, unsullied by the hand of man. This beautiful creature was pristine, virginal but above all, his to take.

He perched on the edge of the bed at her hip and delicately caressed a rogue hair from her face with his index finger. He watched this dazed beauty; saw the wide eyes, unseeing yet with a hint of fear glimpsed behind them. The fear of the unknown, that all maidens had as they awaited that first touch of a man. He looked down at her regular rhythmic rise and fall of her breasts beneath the red and yellow 'S' in a shield upon her chest. He was only vaguely aware of the Superheroiines on this planet. They hadn't always been here and when he discovered that Batgirl was just a normal woman in a costume he had dismissed them as of no importance. He did not read the daily papers as he was usually asleep, and so only had the vaguest notion of who the person, this piece of perfection was. Super Woman? She seemed quite insistant that she was the real deal. In truth he thought her just another cosplayer. Supergirl, that was it. That was what she called herself.

“Well now, Supergirl....What is to be done with you, hmnn? Oh yes – everything ! Ha ha ha ha ha! “ He realised he had laughed JUST like the Count on the childrens show. For him it ruined the moment. Damn.

“I will show you pleasures of the flesh you cannot begin to imagine...” he whispered huskily. “I will take you to realms of desire you did not think to be possible....I will show you an eternity of love, and teach you ALL its mysteries and arts....I will make you a woman....and it all starts with but one little lover's bite...just here...” he stroked the back of his index finger down the tendons in her neck besides the jugular vein.. “You would like that, yes my dear?”

She was helpless but found his words strangely soothing, strangely...desirous. She nodded, breathlessly and arched back her head baring her neck for his bite, for him to take her, to take her NOW!!!!!

He watched as she arched back on the top of her head, her eyes closed as she faced the headboard, her right hand pulling down on the neck of her costume, revealing more of her tender golden-hued flesh, the vein at her neck throbbing a drum beat of desire for all the world to see.

He closed his eyes in anticipated ecstasy as he lunged forward, his nose brushing against the warm flesh of her cheek, surprisingly hard to his touch but it was too late to think on that now as his lips curled over the warm round flesh at her neck, the vein pulsing where it made contact with the corners of his mouth as he sank his teeth mercilessly into her skin with an almost animalistic snarl of arousal, triumph and joy in a successful kill.

There were two loud cracks as his canines snapped off in a spray of his own blood.

OWWWWW!!!! FUDK!!!! MY TEEDTH! YOU BROKE MY TEEDTH!” he cried, clamping a hand over his mouth as blood poured from between his fingers.

The spell was broken and Kara blinked out of it to find herself gazing at the upside down headboard

“Oh? What the...?” She put her chin on her chest to see the Count Dracula cosplayer clutching his bloodied mouth. There was a mild irritation at her neck, that she rubbed. Her fingers came away bloodied, but it was clearly his blood. She raised herself onto her elbows.

“What happened?” she said before she saw one of his broken canines. She picked it up with a frown.

“Hey, wait a second! This is real!?” she sighed. “Oh I get it – mesmerizing gaze, real canines, a taste for blood “she did a quick x-ray of his upper body physiogamy. “I thought so – you're from Haemos aren't you? The Planet of the Blood Suckers! You're a haemivore! You got a ship?” he shook his head. “How long you been stuck here fella?”

“Cendudies!” said the Count between a mouthful of blood.

“Figures. So you're the real Count , huh? Well your murderous rampage ends tonight! I get you were only killing to live, so I am just gonna get you home, deal? I got access to a De Valltan Empire scout ship. Its parked on the dark side of the moon. C'mon. Wash your mouth.”

“I don wannargo” said the muffled voice of the Count petulantly.

“Yeah, well you got no say in it”she said harshly as she watched him wash his bloodied face. “ Without your fangs you'll starve, so its my way AND the highway, alright?” He nodded reluctantly.

She marched him from the basement of the abandoned house, scooped him up in a bear hug and sped out into the night.

“I'LL DURNADASH!”” he cried as they shot towards the moon, with her struggling to hold him as he tried to twist out of her grasp.

“You -what?” she said frowning before a split second later she worked it out. Unfortunately it was as they got thirty nine miles up and the first rays of the new day touched her that she remember that Haemosians turned to ash in sunlight.

The Count gave one last “MMMPHHH”! And then with a 'pffooop' he was gone, his body crumbling in her grasp.

“Oh crap!” Kara said. “Ohhhhhhh! 'I'll turn to ash' ! OF COURSE!" For an instant she was horrified, then remembered that he had likely slaughtered thousands in his time.

'D'oh! That was a shame, I kinda fancied him....” she said to herself.

The End
Last edited by tallyho 6 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Millenium Member
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Oh Kara, how could you be so careless! Love the little twists in the story Tally, all good fun :)
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Fun stuff with lots of neat historical touchstones and lively details. The story glowed with them. I especially liked the descriptions of Kara...Very sensuous. You had me in your thrall sir. Ha ha ha. Count on it.
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Thanks both. Knocked it up in a few hours last night and.managed to set Titanic as an event AFTER WWII! I've corrected that now after Docs comment made be realise -did you notice and were too polite to say or had I got away with it? Bet you thought of the film lol.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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OK, you got me - yes, I saw the Titanic sized error but hoped everyone would look past it if I could, especially as this was mainly for fun! Considering what I have lined up with you on our little side project you should have learned by now I like to weave historical accuracy into things.
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I noticed the time discrepency but since you started with the 60s and then jumped back to the war I just figured it was more of the kind of time hopping reference. I'll give you a pass this time and accept a credit for any mistake of my own down the road.
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Hi Tally wow very cool script, if you did this quickly then you are a talented writer I need to read more!! xx
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Thanks , Miss Stock! My other SG stuff needs to be read in order, but you may enjoy the first one anyway - its another fun little Halloween tale, and above all short!


Thanks for the comment!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Hey, Tally. I enjoyed this very much. It was cool how you set up his existence. For some reason, I was hoping that his broken teeth had actually, somehow penetrated her skin. Thus, things would not have been quite so simple for Kara. lol

Anyway, great job, nice Halloween yarn. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Get Your Exxon
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Yeah this was fun and, as usual, well written. I like how you took a simple concept and made it fun/original. Choo is an artist.
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A fun little tale there Tally, great work and liked the humorous bits. Sorry didn't comment on it sooner.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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