Worlds Collide

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Note: Some powers and abilities may be slightly altered for cool effect...or something...


Worlds Collide - #1

Hawk headquarters.

After days of nonstop patrolling against criminals, Crimson Hawk, Scarlett Hawk and Megababe find themselves back at the base. They are all in uniform and on standby in the event they are needed once more. While Megababe is away, looking at one of the stat monitors, Scarlett and Crimson are in the recreation room, relaxing for a moment on the couch. Her arms crossed, Crimson Hawk leans her head against Scarlett Hawk's left shoulder and sighs.

Crimson Hawk: Mmmmm...a day off. Or at least something close to it.

Scarlett drapes her left arm around Crimson's shoulders.

Scarlett Hawk: It's a nice change of pace after the last few days, isn't it?

Crimson nods.

Crimson Hawk: You know what would be nice?

Scarlett Hawk: What's that?

Crimson smiles.

Crimson Hawk: can read minds. What am I thinking right now?

Crimson looks up at Scarlett and smiles as Scarlett looks momentarily into Crimson's eyes. After a few seconds, Scarlett's mouth opens, almost in a delighted gasp. Scarlett playfully taps her right index finger against Crimson's nose.

Scarlett Hawk: Bad Hawk...bad, bad Hawk.

They share in a soft laugh and begin to edge closer to one another. They are mere inches apart from each other's lips when the door opens. Megababe enters.

Megababe: Guys...

Crimson buries her head against Scarlett's chest while Scarlett leans her head back, their moment interrupted.

Megababe: Sorry to interrupt, but...we've got a situation.

Crimson looks over at Megababe.

Crimson Hawk: What kind of situation?

Megababe: Dark Hawk. She's jumped.

Crimson stands up from the couch.

Crimson Hawk: What do you mean...surely, you don't mean...

Megababe: I'm afraid so.

Crimson Hawk: But...that's impossible. We're the only ones on this Earth that have technology that can transport to the alternate Worlds.

Scarlett stands.

Scarlett Hawk: How do you know for sure, Megababe?

Megababe: There's no trace of Dark Hawk anywhere.

Crimson Hawk: She's always been elusive when she wants to be.

Megababe: Yeah, but the elusivness comes with a comfirmed Earth jump this time. It showed up on our monitor.

Scarlett Hawk: Crap. One of us is gonna have to get her.

Crimson Hawk: Any idea which Earth she jumped to?

Megababe: According to the intel, she went to Earth-HW.

Scarlett and Crimson look at one another.

Crimson Hawk: Blue Angels.

Scarlett Hawk: Yep.

Megababe: Are you sure the Blue Angels can handle Dark Hawk's power?

Crimson Hawk: I don't know, but...we need to bring her back.

Scarlett Hawk: Guys, I'm gonna handle this one if that's okay.

Megababe: What about us?

Scarlett Hawk: We're on a slightly different vibrational force than the other Earths, so we should be able to maintain a mindlock, albeit slightly delayed while I'm there.

Crimson Hawk: Okay...let's do it.

Scarlett places the tips of her forefingers on her forehead and closes her eyes, concentrating.

Scarlett Hawk: Initiating mindlock.

Using all of her concentration to focus on this psychic link between the minds, Scarlett places her left palm against Megababe's forehead and her right against Crimson's forehead. Megababe and Crimson both feel Scarlett's essence linked with their own. Scarlett opens her eyes and runs her hands down her allies' faces to their necks.

Scarlett Hawk: I'm ready to jump.

Crimson Hawk: Be careful okay?

Scarlett smiles at her confidant and partner.

Scarlett: I will.

Scarlett and Crimson exchange a short kiss and engage in a hug as Megababe looks slightly away. They let go and Scarlett reaches for Megababe where they engage in a hug as well. The three heroines leave the rec room, making their way to the Jump Room where Scarlett will ultimately make the transfer over to Earth-HW.

Virago's Dungeon

She has a smile of certainty on her face that cannot be shaken. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, she studies the curves of her black clad visitor, admiring her more and more by the second. The visitor meanwhile is studying the legs of her host, clad in black thigh high stockings and matching short vinyl dress.

Dark Hawk: you're Virago.

Virago: The one, the only. And I know who you are, Dark Hawk.

Dark Hawk: Everyone knows who I am, sweetheart. So tell me, why am I here?

Virago slides up to her knees, slinking her way to the foot of the bed, where Dark Hawk stands.

Virago: You and I are going to form a bond.

Dark Hawk raises her right eyebrow.

Dark Hawk: Really now?

Virago nods.

Virago: Yes. You and I are much too powerful for any heroines from any Earth to handle. Together, along with a few others from other Earths, we can rule the Multiverse. And no one would be able to stop us.

Dark Hawk: Sure. Nothing I haven't heard before.

Virago: You don't believe me?

Dark Hawk stand with her hands on her hips.

Dark Hawk: If I had a nickel for every two-bit wannabe villainess that said, "together we could rule the World," I'd have enough money to buy one! Listen...I don't like having my time wasted, so I'm going to let you off with a warning.

Virago slowly stands, holding her hands together in a look similar to praying. Virago steps towards Dark Hawk, causing Dark Hawk to step towards her.

Dark Hawk: But next time, I might not be so leni...

Virago opens her hands and blows the air from her lungs against Dark Hawk's face, stunning her.

Dark Hawk: ...ent.

Dark Hawk begins to feel a dizzying sensation.

Dark Hawk: What the Hell did you just do...?

Virago slides her hands around Dark Hawk's waist, pulling her close.

Virago: Just enough to calm your nerves.

Dark Hawk feels more relaxed for a few seconds. Sensing another visitor, Virago looks towards the door.

Dark Hawk: Don't ever do that again...

Virago: It appears one of our enemies has arrived.

Dark Hawk: ...What?

The door opens and in steps a familiarly clad adversary. She points at Virago, accusingly.

Blue Angel 5: Virago! There you are!

Dark Hawk looks at BA5 and pierces her eyes towards the heroine in the blue tights and two piece attire. Dark Hawk walks away from Virago and towards BA5.

Dark Hawk: I'm getting real tired of this place already.

Blue Angel 5: I don't know who you are, but none of your hypnosis tricks are gonna work on me!

Dark Hawk: Honey, I don't deal in hypnosis. I deal in pain.

Dark Hawk surprises BA5 with a right jab to the midsection.

Blue Angel 5: Ooof!

BA5 doubles over in pain before standing back up and swinging for a right haymaker towards Dark Hawk. But Dark Hawk's power overwhelms her opponent as she catches the right punch with her left hand. On instinct, BA5 tries with her left fist, but Dark Hawk catches that with her right hand. Dark Hawk's grasp on BA5's fists are firm, as BA5 cannot free herself. Virago looks on, grinning.

Dark Hawk: Let's have some fun.

Dark Hawk slams BA5's own fists against each other, causing BA5 to shriek for a second in pain. Letting go of BA5's hands, Dark Hawk produces a serge of electric energy through her spiked bands. Unable to stop her, BA5 yells out in agony as Dark Hawk's electric hands slam into a firm grasp against BA5's breasts, with only her spandex top to protect them. BA5 drops to her knees as Dark Hawk laughs at her, releasing the hold. BA5 wants to favor her breasts, but her hands are still in too much pain. Virago stands side by side with Dark Hawk, looking down at the fallen BA5, who cries momentarily in anguish.

Virago: Nice. Not bad at all.

Dark Hawk: Oh and you can do better?

Now ignoring the fallen Angel before them, they face each other.

Virago: I didn't say I could do better...although I'm sure I have.

Dark Hawk: My patience is really wearing thin with you. You want me to do to you what I just did to her?

Virago grins.

Virago: Maybe later, after we're done?

Dark Hawk is suddenly aroused.

Dark Hawk: you did like what you saw.

With the villainesses now distracted with each other, BA5 doubletaps the left side of her mask, talking in a hurried whisper.

Blue Angel 5: Angel 2, copy... ................. I'm here at Virago's...requesting backup immediately...

Dark Hawk and Virago stop, looking at BA5.

Dark Hawk: Are you talking to yourself?

Blue Angel 5: Shit.

BA5 doubletaps the right side of her mask.

Virago: Oh...I know what just happened.

Virago drops to her knees. BA5 is still too weakened to stop Virago.

Virago: Blue Angel 5 here just radioed her friends.

Dark Hawk: More to play with?

Virago: Assuming we're still here, yes. But we won't be staying much longer. There are others to recruit for our mission.

Virago reaches for BA5, sliding her hands up the Angel's arms and neck to her cheeks.

Virago: Oh how I wish to have my way with all of you at once. Perhaps one day...but for now...

Dark Hawk looks on, intrigued as Virago begins to slide off BA5's mask.

Blue Angel 5: Please...leave my mask...

Virago: But you look so much better without it.

BA5's mask is discarded to the floor. BA5 feels helpless to stop Virago from having her way as she leans in closer for the knockout kiss, only for the door to open suddenly. Virago looks up and sees a much different superheroine standing before the room.

Scarlett Hawk: Playtime's over, Dark Hawk. It's time to go bck to Earth-HH where you belong.

Virago: It appears playtime's actually just starting.

BA5 is helpless before Virago's touch while Dark Hawk and Scarlett Hawk stare each other down from across the room.


Hawk Heroines Characters (Earth-HH)

Crimson Hawk
Dark Hawk
Scarlett Hawk

Hypnotics World Characters (Earth-HW)

Blue Angel 5 (Mariah)
Last edited by Camvoy 17 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Interesting start, Kace! I'm not too familiar with the characters at HH, so this is a nice intro! Your characterization of Virago is very evil and sexy. I'll be waiting for more of this one! :-D
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Thanks for the comments, S-Pics! :) And now, #2!

All characters are property of their respective owners.


Worlds Collide #2

Virago's Dungeon

Blue Angel 5 has been weakened by Dark Hawk's attack and now finds herself in Virago's clutches on the floor. Scarlett Hawk approaches, only to be met by Dark Hawk as they stand face to face now. With Dark Hawk providing cover, Virago leans in and delivers the knockout kiss to BA5, rendering her unconscious. Scarlett steps forward and Dark Hawk raises her fists, a serge of electricity flowing through them. As she does this, Scarlett takes the opportunity to lung forward and deliver a swift right hook to Dark Hawk's ribs, stunning her. Scarlett follows up with an uppercut to the jaw, sending Dark Hawk reeling back and tumbling over Virago and the fallen BA5. Dark Hawk lies on her back, grimmacing in pain. Before Virago can react, Scarlett Hawk yanks her up by the straps of her black dress, bringing her face to face with the superheroine.

Scarlett Hawk: Are you the one responsible for Dark Hawk's Earth Jump?

Virago only smiles.

Scarlett Hawk: I am in no mood to play games!

Virago: Too bad...because I am.

Scarlett Hawk: Tell me now!

Virago grins defiantly.

Virago: No. How about we play some more?

Scarlett Hawk: How about you kiss my butt first!?

Virago: Sounds inviting.

Virago leans forward and blows her essence against Scarlett's lips, dizzying her.

Scarlett Hawk: Ack... No, you can't...

Virago slides her hands down Scarlett's sides to her hips, her cocky grin unwavering.

Virago: Yes I can.

Virago pulls her close and their lips meet. Feeling that Scarlett can resist some of the advance, Virago cranks up her power, using her tongue. Scarlett tries to pull herself away, her hands waving frantically, then trying to slap at Virago's shoulders. The power however is too much as Virago caresses Scarlett's backside. Scarlett Hawk's hands go limp, helplessly sliding down Virago's chest as Dark Hawk gets back to her feet.

Dark Hawk: Wait...don't knock her out completely.

Virago pulls her lips away, still holding onto the nearly unconscious Scarlett Hawk. Scarlett is dazed and unable to defend herself as Virago snakes her body around Scarlett's, now holding her from behind, her hands around Scarlett's waist. Dark Hawk's evil smile returns as her wrists cackle with energy once again, her legs moving forward to Scarlett.

Scarlett Hawk: No...

Dark Hawk: Oh yes.

Dark Hawk delivers a firm grip, her energy filled hands on each of Scarlett's breasts, shocking her and causing a weakened yell from the heroine. Scarlett's body convulses momentarily before going completely limp in Virago's arms. Virago lays Scarlett Hawk gently on the floor, backfirst as Dark Hawk laughs. With both heroines now unconscious on the floor, the villainesses reposition BA5's limp body, draping her chestfirst on top of Scarlett, cheek to cheek. The villainesses spread Scarlett's legs out more, examining her boots, along with BA5's legs.

Virago: I'm curious...

Dark Hawk: About?

Virago drops down and begins unzipping Scarlett's left boot. As if on cue, Dark Hawk drops down and begins unzipping Scarlett's right boot.

Dark Hawk: Boot collector?

Virago: Just curious.

The boots are removed and discarded to the side, Scarlett Hawk's bare feet exposed to the floor. Virago examines Scarlett's left foot and leg with her hands.

Virago: smooth and bare.

Dark Hawk slides her hands up and down BA5's left leg.

Dark Hawk: I like this one...the blue tights add a nice touch.

Virago smiles at Dark Hawk before standing.

Virago: Hey.

Dark Hawk looks up.

Dark Hawk: Yes?

Virago reverse nods in a request for her ally to stand. Curious, Dark Hawk stands.

Virago: That...thing you do with your hands... I want you to try it on me.

Dark Hawk: Wait a really want me to do that?

Virago nods with a smile and her eyes closed. Dark Hawk is aroused as Virago opens her eyes once again, staring into Dark Hawk's. Dark Hawk shrugs.

Dark Hawk: Why not?

Dark Hawk steps closer to Virago, her hands once again cackling with electric energy. Virago stands ready, closing her eyes in anticipation. In thought, Dark Hawk reminds herself not to use too much, knowing it could do more harm for herself at this point if Virago is hurt. Dark Hawk places her electric hands against Virago's breasts, causing an instant moan from Virago. Dark Hawk raises the energy level a little more, causing Virago's mouth to open and bring forth an, "Ohhhh..." Raising the energy level a little more, Dark Hawk's grasp tightens as she grits her teeth. Virago's open mouth curls up into a smile, putting forth an erotic laugh in approval. Dark Hawk then eases up, sliding her hands down to Virago's hips. Virago closes her mouth, moaning a bit more before opening her eyes.

Dark Hawk: You know, if I weren't taken...I'd definetly have to give you a consentual try.

Virago: Well...

Virago leans in, her lips close to Dark Hawk's right ear.

Virago: ...If you're lucky...maybe I'll let you pretend it isn't consentual.

Dark Hawk brings her right hand up to Virago's left cheek, both villainesses face to face.

Dark Hawk: Sorry, darling. But I don't pretend very well.

Dark Hawk glances down at the still unconscious heroines on the floor before looking back into Virago's eyes.

Dark Hawk: How about you and I have some fun with our friends here instead...before the reserves are called in?

Virago sighs.

Virago: Sure.

Hawk headquarters

Crimson Hawk and Megababe have both received the sense of danger from Scarlett Hawk's essence and are now in the Jump Room. Megababe is at the controls.

Megababe: Gah...still getting used to this thing.

Crimson Hawk: If all else fails, the Blue Angels have a jump point as well, according to our recon. Otherwise, I have the communication device inside my right boot.

Megababe: So it works?

Crimson Hawk: It was tested yesterday, so we're set.

Megababe: Okay...setting coordinates...

A countdown from ten to one can be heard in the room as the heroines stand together in the jump point, their hands clutched together out of concern for their teammate and anticipation of the jump to Earth-HW. Megababe's eyes widen as she looks at the coordinate settings.

Megababe: Oh crap...

Crimson Hawk: What's wrong?

Megababe: I think I-

The countdown hits zero and the superheroines appear to disintegrate in the room.

League Of Superheroines Headquarters

Crimson Hawk and Megababe appear in an empty room.

Megababe: -set the wrong coordinates.

Their hands still clutched together, they both hear the sound of an alarm and the words, "SECURITY BREACH," appear on a nearby monitor. They look around, confused.

Crimson Hawk: Yeah, I think you did.

Megababe: I am so sorry...

Crimson Hawk: It's okay, we'll figure...

The door to the room opens and in steps a masked brunette superheroine.

Rubbermaid: Hold it right there!

Megababe: Uh oh.

Crimson Hawk and Megababe stand ready to defend themselves.

Crimson Hawk: No, you don't understand! We're not...

Rubbermaid reaches out with her fists, stretching her arms out as if they were made of elastic. Each fist connects with the chest of each accidental intruder, knocking them back a few steps.

Rubbermaid: The intruders are in here!

Rubbermaid retracts her arms as two more heroines enter the room. One enters in a red and blue amazon leotard, while wielding a golden lasso. The other in a blue longsleeved leotard with white fishnet pantyhose. Both are masked and together with Rubbermaid, quickly surround Crimson Hawk and Megababe.

Crimson Hawk: We're not here to fight!

Wonder Wench: Of course not.

Megababe: Wait...are these good guys or bad guys?

Cobalt Blue: Oh, we have a winner here...

Wonder Wench: Freeze 'em!

Cobalt Blue shoots forth an icy blaze, but Crimson Hawk and Megababe are able to dodge the attack. Rubbermaid stretches her arms out once again, looking to knock both intruders out, but Crimson Hawk and Megababe both roll out of the way, only to find themselves being lassoed upon standing by Wonder Wench.

Wonder Wench: Now we'll find out just what you're here for.

The alarm sound has now been stopped. Wonder Wench, Cobalt Blue and Rubbermaid watch over the struggling and trapped Crimson Hawk and Megababe, who are bound face to face within the confines of Wonder Wench's golden lasso.

Virago's Dungeon

Chestfirst and side by side, Scarlett Hawk and Blue Angel 5 find themselves bound to the bed and their mouths tape gagged. The lower half of BA5 can feel the hands of Dark Hawk while the same is being done to Scarlett with Virago's hands.

Virago: Mmmm...Scarlett Hawk. So milky white. Makes me wanna drink her.

Dark Hawk: Blue Angel there are four more then?

Virago: Yes and I imagine they'll be here soon enough. But by then we'll already be gone. I have the coordinates set in my Jump Room for our next location. It's a location I think you'll like quite a bit.

Dark Hawk: Oh really?

Virago: Yes. It's...dripping with superheroines everywhere. It also has another ally for us to pick up.

Dark Hawk: I take it you've been studying her the way you have me?

Virago nods.

Virago: She's very catlike with sharp claws and an insatiable appetite for humiliating others.

Dark Hawk: Mmm, I like her already.

Dark Hawk uses the crotch of BA5's trunks as a handle, pulling back and then letting it snap back against BA5's body, causing a muffled cry of anguish.

Virago: I think she likes it.

Dark Hawk: Oh, I think she does, too.

Dark Hawk pulls back and snaps the trunks again, causing another muffled cry from the unmasked Angel.

Dark Hawk: By the way...didn't Scarlett Hawk request that you kiss her ass?

Virago: Why yes she did. And she's such a goody goody...

Virago pinches Scarlett's left buttock as Scarlett Hawk struggles.

Virago: ...she used the word, "butt." Well then...

Virago curls her fingers underneath the bottom of Scarlett Hawk's shorts and yanks back, causing a wedgie effect on Scarlett's attire and a slightly muffled shriek from Scarlett herself.

Virago: There we go.

Virago reaches down and presses her lips against Scarlett's left buttock. Dark Hawk massages BA5's bottom, looking on at Virago, aroused. Virago goes from cheek to cheek with her lips. Both BA5 and Scarlett find themselves moaning at what's being done to them. Virago looks up at Dark Hawk as she delivers the final kiss.

Virago: We've gotta go now.

Dark Hawk: Awww, so soon?

Virago: I'm afraid so. I know the Blue Angels. They'll be retrieving Number Five here within the next few minutes.

Dark Hawk slides BA5's trunks down to around her thighs before bringing herself closer. Dark Hawk smiles into the worried eyes of BA5.

Dark Hawk: We'll do this again sometime.

Dark Hawk kisses BA5 on the left cheek and strokes her hair momentarily before leaving the bed. Dark Hawk and Virago stand together at the foot of the bed, looking at the bottoms of the heroines before them.

Dark Hawk: And Scarlett Hawk? Don't think this is over by any means.

Dark Hawk laughs as she walks with Virago towards the Jump Room.

Virago: Bye-bye, ladies.

Blue Angel 5 and Scarlett Hawk are left to try and squirm out of their binds as Dark Hawk and Virago make their exit.



Hawk Heroines (Earth-HH)

Crimson Hawk
Dark Hawk
Scarlett Hawk

Hypnotics World (Earth-HW)

Blue Angel 5 (Mariah)

Superheroines Unbound (Earth-SU)

Cobalt Blue
Wonder Wench
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Nice job, Kace! Keep going! You're doing great! I can't wait to see who your cat-lady is! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Thanks, S-Pics! The cat-lady shall (possibly) be revealed here today. :)

All characters are property of their respective owners.


Worlds Collide #3


Dark Hawk and Virago have just transported from Earth-HW to this World.

Dark Hawk: Okay...any reason you put us on the roof of a building?

Virago: You'll see. This is Earth-SD. Where superheroines abound, including the rooftop variety. All we need to do now is stand here, look suspicious and soon enough, we'll get a visitor or two.

Dark Hawk smirks.

Dark Hawk: So we're waiting to get ambushed?

Virago: We're fishing. The villainess we're going to meet doesn't like visitors, so we'll make it worth her while.

Dark Hawk grins.

Dark Hawk: Ohhh, I see. Too bad we couldn't have played with Scarlett Hawk and that Blue Angel some more. I rather enjoyed that.

Virago: Well, we had to leave. I timed the binds holding them down to loosen up enough so they can free themselves. Five seconds after that happens, the entire room is going to fill up with a nice potion I put together. Our two heroine friends will be too busy with each other to escape right away.

Dark Hawk: And what about the other Blue Angels?

Virago: Oh, I have something set up for them. Everything shall go according to plan.

The villainesses on instinct suddenly turn around and find themselves face to face with two heroines in masks, black capes and white longsleeved leotards.

Spectra Woman: Who are you and what business are you dealing here?

Spectra Girl: Don't make us wait for an answer.

Virago: Shall we give them an answer?

Dark Hawk: Oh yes.

Virago's Dungeon

Scarlett Hawk and Blue Angel 5 can feel the binds holding them to the bed beginning to loosen up. Scarlett Hawk frees herself, removing her tape gag and helps BA5 out of her binds, first freeing her mouth.

Scarlett Hawk: Are you okay?

Blue Angel 5: I will be as soon as I can get out of here. I need to get my mask and hope the other Angels arrive soon.

BA5 and Scarlett Hawk are still on the bed, but seated against the headboard, with BA5 sliding her trunks back up to their appropriate location. BA5 then smells something different.

Blue Angel 5: Shit. We need to get out of here, now!

Scarlett Hawk: What's happening?

Blue Angel 5: Virago's...

BA5 and Scarlett both begin feeling dizzy.

Blue Angel 5: ...set off a potion in the room...

Scarlett Hawk: Feels...different...

Blue Angel 5: We can't...touch each other...if we do, we'll...

Their bodies involuntarily slump against each other. Scarlett's head rests against BA5's left shoulder and the two begin to wrap their arms around each other.

Blue Angel 5: Wind

Their lips draw closer together as Scarlett raises her head without wanting to.

Scarlett Hawk: Must...resist the...potion...

Now face to face, the heroines can feel their breaths on each other. Scarlett tries to focus her mental abilities to dissuade herself from the potion's effects. BA5 however has no such ability and winds up feeding into the potion's effect and the desires that unearth from them. BA5 leans in and kisses Scarlett on the lips. Scarlett tries to back away, but eventually she succumbs to the potion. Their hands begin to slide up and down each other's bodies as deep in the back of Scarlett's mind, there's hope that BA5's friends show up soon and that Crimson Hawk can forgive her for the involuntary indescretion.

League Of Superheroines Headquarters

Still bound by Wonder Wench's lasso, Crimson Hawk and Megababe are led to the interrogation room. Wonder Wench, Cobalt Blue and Rubbermaid are now joined by three other heroines. Fyre Femme, clad in a red bodysuit and silver mask. Electra Blue, in a blue leotard with white tights and a mask. And finally, Atom Girl in a blue spandex top, red skirt and red cape. The LOS surround the bound Crimson Hawk and Megababe.

Wonder Wench: Alright, this lasso forces you to tell the truth and you cannot escape it. I want you to state your names.

Crimson Hawk: I'm Crimson Hawk.

Megababe: I'm Megababe.

Wonder Wench smirks.

Wonder Wench: Indeed you are. Why are you here?

Crimson Hawk: We arrived here accidentally from our own Earth, Earth-HH.

The LOS members look at one another, then back at Crimson Hawk and Megababe.

Fyre Femme: So you're Earth Jumpers?

Megababe: We have the ability, yes.

Wonder Wench: What Earth were you trying to get to?

Crimson Hawk: We were attempting to transport to Earth-HW, where our teammate may be in danger.

Wonder Wench: Your teammate?

Crimson Hawk: Scarlett Hawk. She was on the trail of Dark Hawk, who had fled our Earth. We sent Scarlett Hawk to retrieve her.

Electra Blue: Dark Hawk?

Megababe: Arguably the toughest villainess in the Multiverse. It can take an entire team at times just to bring her down and she's a danger to whatever Earth she's on now. Scarlett Hawk is one of the few who has the ability to take on Dark Hawk.

Atom Girl: Hmm. I've dealt with some tough villains. Harley Black is arguably the toughest foe to face here.

Rubbermaid: Wait...if this Dark Hawk is powerful and she's Earth jumping...isn't it possible she could be looking to meet up with likeminded individuals?

Cobalt Blue: That's the last thing we need...Harley Black getting a powerful ally.

Wonder Wench: Okay, Crimson Hawk and Megababe...are you superheroines or villainesses?

Megababe: Superheroines.

Crimson Hawk: Superheroines.

Wonder Wench nods.

Wonder Wench: Okay. I'm going to free you now, but we'll need you to stay so we can figure out some sort of plan.

Megababe: Our friend may be in danger. She needs our help!

Atom Girl: And perhaps we can assist, but for now we need to plan.

Wonder Wench loosens the lasso, freeing the two heroines from Earth-HH.

Crimson Hawk: Do you have Earth Jumping technology here?

Fyre Femme: Yes.

Megababe: Good...we're gonna need it.

Just Outside Virago's Dungeon

Blue Angels 1, 2, 3 and 4 have entered the building carefully. They know there can be a trap set anywhere that can render their efforts futile. As they approach the door leading to the dungeon, they see a figure standing nearby.

Blue Angel 4: Prankster Girl!

Prankster Girl leans against a wall, her arms closed. She notices the BA's staring at her and her eyes widen.

Prankster Girl: Oh no! It's the Blue Angels! I better run!

Blue Angel 1: Hold it right there!

Prankster Girl begins to run away.

Blue Angel 2: She's getting away.

Blue Angel 3: Let's get her!

BA's 2, 3 and 4 give chase.

Blue Angel 1: Wait, it could be...

BA1 sighs.

Blue Angel 1: ...a trap.

BA1 gives chase after her teammates. She catches up to her fellow Angels who follow Prankster Girl into another room. The 4 BA's stop as they get to the middle of the room and notice their surroundings.

Blue Angel 1: Wait a minute...this is a Jump Room.

Prankster Girl: Yep!

The four BA's turn to see Prankster Girl standing at the door, holding a remote control.

Prankster Girl: Have a nice trip, ladies.

Prankster Girl closes the door, exiting the room. BA's 2 and 3 chase after her, but only getting to the closed door. They try to open the door.

Blue Angel 2: It's stuck!

A countdown from five to zero begins.

Blue Angel 3: This can't be good...

Blue Angel 4: Guys!!!

The four Angels gather together and hold on to one another as the countdon hits zero and they disappear.

At A Hideout Location

The four BA's are huddled together, unsure of where they're going until they see their welcoming committee. Standing before them, ready to attack if need be are four villainesses. Tarantula, clad in a black bodysuit. Bad Kitty, in a black catsuit and masked hood. Deadeye, a masked character who has two guns pointed at the heroines. And Blue Basher, in her blue velvet leotard, mask and black tights.

Bad Kitty gives an evil grin. Deadeye has both firearms aimed towards the Blue Angels. Blue Basher punches her left palm with her right hand repeatedly, ready to fight. Tarantula steps forward.

Tarantula: Welcome, ladies. We've been expecting.

Tarantula laughs as the four heroines are still huddled together, looking at the four villainesses that now begin to surround them.

Silvercat's Laboratory

Having worked in the lab long enough for the day, Silvercat has just slipped into her grey catsuit and connected hood mask. She loves the feeling of the costume, and given her reputation, the fear that overtakes many of those who see her. She goes to her window, where she is set to creep out into the night, only to see two figures standing outside at the stairway. Silvercat catiously opens the window to see the two smiling faces.

Virago: Hello, Silvercat.

Silvercat: Okay...this better be good.

Dark Hawk: This is definetly worth your while. I'm Dark Hawk and this is Virago.

Silvercat: And this means what to me?

Virago: We'd like to have a word with you. And don't worry...we come bearing gifts.

Virago and Dark Hawk reach down below the view of the window. Dark Hawk raises the weakened body of Spectra Girl by her hair while Virago does the same to Spectra Woman. The Spectras leotards have been ripped to shreds as their breasts are now exposed.

Silvercat: Hm. I'm impressed. Come inside...let's talk.

League Of Superheroines Headquarters

Spydra arrives, back from fighting criminals elsewhere. She and Wonder Wench greet one another with a kiss, while the others look on. Crimson Hawk instantly thinks of Scarlett Hawk and Megababe senses that, putting her left arm around Crimson's shoulders. Cobalt Blue, Fyre Femme, Rubbermaid, Electra Blue and Atom Girl are in the room as well. Together, they form their plan.

Wonder Wench: Okay...we're going to need to split up. Spydra, myself and Crimson Hawk will travel to Earth-HW, where Crimson Hawk and Megababe's ally presumably still is. Cobalt Blue, Fyre Femme and guys will transport to Earth-HH to see if Scarlett Hawk has returned home safely. Since we'll need someone still here, Atom Girl, Electra Blue and Rubbermaid, we'll need you to stay here.

Atom Girl: Fine by me.

Crimson Hawk: Let's do it.

Crimson Hawk and Megababe exchange in a hug before splitting up and joining their respective trios.

Virago's Dungeon

They are a sisterhood of Amazon warriors. Wonder Tomi, Shining Star and Wonder Star enter the dungeon on the hunt for Virago and do not find her. What they do find however is disturbing. BA5 lies backfirst on the bed, her breasts exposed and her trunks around her ankles. Her blue tights have been slid down to her thighs, revealing her privates in the process. Next to her lies Scarlett Hawk, lying frontfirst and naked on the bed, her mascara run down her face. Both are unconscious. The Amazons inspect the bed and the two lying on it.

Shining Star: Looks like Virago's up to her tricks again...

Wonder Tomi: And she nabbed one of the Blue Angels.

Wonder Star: I don't know who this other one is, but it looks she's been crying.

Wonder Tomi: I think she's from one of the other Earths.

Shining Star: She's an Earth Jumper like you?

Wonder Tomi: Possibly...

Wonder Star: What should we do?

Shining Star: Let's take them home. They need care.

Scarlett Hawk's eyes open to the site of BA5 still out of commission and her body exposed. She notices that there are now others in the room, but her focus is on BA5 and what the potion forced her to do. The feeling of not being able to counter the potion with her powers overwhelms her to tears. The Amazons look at one another, feeling the grief of the naked redhead crying. Wonder Tomi leans down and gently places her left hand on Scarlett's back as Scarlett buries her face into her own arms.

Wonder Tomi: It's okay...we're going to get you some care.

Tomi looks up at her allies.

Wonder Tomi: We need to get them out of here now.

Silvercat's Laboratory

Spectra Woman and Spectra Girl find themselves strapped to one another, bound back to back in a standing position. Their ripped up leotards, gloves and boots have been discarded and now all they have on are their masks and tights. Their arms are held up together by ropes tied to the ceiling and their mouths are gagged by a black rope that also keeps the backs of their heads together. Silvercat, Dark Hawk and Virago walk around the bound heroines, talking to one another and occassionally groping Spectra Woman and Spectra Girl when they feel like it. The Spectras struggle, but cannot escape the binds.

Dark Hawk: So...are you in, Silvercat?

Silvercat: I don't know...jumping from Earth to Earth...wreaking havok. I have enough fun just dealing with this place.

Virago: Yes, but think of all of technology that may exist on these other Earths. Think of the knowledge you could attain....all while helping us enjoy our favorite pastime...humiliating superheroines.

Silvercat: Hmmm...sounds intriguing, actually.

The conversation is soon interrupted by a small ball flying through the room and nailing Virago in the forehead, knocking her to the floor. Virago falls backfirst to the floor and her legs involuntarily go up and giving Dark Hawk a view of the black panties underneath. Dark Hawk then realizes that she's looking and that they're also under attack, refocusing her attention. Silvercat and Dark Hawk are now face to face with three masked superheroines, all of which Silvercat knows and names.

Silvercat: Red Wing, Liberty Star and Phantom Girl! I knew you'd be coming for your friends eventually.

Phantom Girl: Let them go, now!

Liberty Star: We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Red Wing readies herself to fight.

Red Wing: We'll take you down if we have to!

Silvercat stand with her hands on her hips.

Silvercat: Just the three of you?

A voice interrupts from elsewhere in the room and upon seeing who it is, Silvercat's eyes widen. She stands in her white longsleeved leotard, blue cape and mask.

Powerwoman: Four.

Powerwoman stands with her arms crossed.

Dark Hawk: I think I'll take the blue caped one here.

Silvercat: Good. I'll handle these other three then.

Virago is groggy and still on the floor.

Virago: I'll be with you in just a moment...


The Blue Angels stand ready to fight the villains before them. Neither have budged in the showdown just yet.

Tarantula: Go on and fight us if you want. We don't mind.

Blue Angel 1: What's going on here...and how are you involved in this?

Bad Kitty: She said, "fight," not, "ask stupid questions."

Blue Basher: Yeah, I'm ready.

Deadeye remains focused with her firearms.

Tarantula: Um...Deadeye?

Deadeye: What?

Tarantula: Put those away so we can fight, please.

Deadeye: ...Oh, alright.

Deadeye twirls the weapons in her hands and then places them back in their holsters, attached to her belt.

Blue Angel 1: Either tell us what's going on or we'll be forced to take action.

Bad Kitty: Then by all means...take action.

The fight is about to begin.

Virago's Jump Room

Crimson Hawk, Wonder Wench and Spydra arrive in a room they can't seem to get out, until Wonder Wench punches through one of the doors.

Wonder Wench: There we go.

They enter the dungeon and see an empty room. Crimson Hawk feels drawn to the empty bed and takes in its essence.

Crimson Hawk: She was here.

Spydra: Who was?

Crimson Hawk: Scarlett Hawk... She's gotta be here somewhere.

Wonder Wench: There's a group here that patrols this Earth, is there not?

Crimson Hawk: The Blue Angels. We could check with them and see what they know.


The setting is somewhere in a deserted field of grass. The three heroines look around at the envioronment.

Cobalt Blue: this is your HQ?

Megababe: Damn. I'm still learning how to set he coordinates right.

Fyre Femme: I see that.

Megababe: That's okay, we can fly there. Are you able to fly?

Fyre Femme: More or less.

Cobalt Blue: Yeah, we'll be alright.

Megababe: Okay. Follow me.

Megababe takes off into the air, like a bolt of lightning. Fyre and Cobalt look up in the sky, then at each other.

Fyre Femme: Where the fuck did she go???

Cobalt Blue: Beats me. I don't think we can fly quite that fast...

Fyre Femme: God, what have we gotten ourselves into...?

Megababe reappears, landing on the ground again.

Megababe: about you both just hold on to me this time?

Fyre Femme and Cobalt Blue wrap their arms around Megababe, who places her arms around them, taking off into the sky. They fly at a fast speed before suddenly they are sent careening into a field below. Groggy, they get to their feet to see an upset woman in a short white skirt standing before them.

White Ninja: What the Hell did you do with my girlfriend!?

Fyre Femme and Cobalt Blue check on each other while Megababe slowly gets to her feet, addressing the foe in front of her.

Megababe: White Ninja...I don't know where Dark Hawk is. We're looking for her, too!

White Ninja: I don't believe you.

White Ninja approaches quickly and Megababe readies herself for an attack, but is still too groggy from the fall to defend properly. A flying sidekick from White Ninja to chest Megababe's chest sends her backfirst to the ground. Fyre Femme and Cobalt Blue are also groggy as they get to their feet. Both are about to charge up their powers, when both are felled with overhead chops to their skulls, knocking them out. White Ninja stands over her fallen adversaries, mashing in a code on a small cellphone like device.

White Ninja: Hey. I didn't find her, but I got someone here who may know where she's at. Come over and help me get her and her friends to your place.

White Ninja waits for one of her allies to arrive as Megababe, Fyre Femme and Cobalt Blue lay on the ground, helpless.



Hawk Heroines (Earth-HH)

Crimson Hawk
Dark Hawk
Scarlett Hawk
White Ninja

Hypnotics World (Earth-HW)

Blue Angel 1 (Christina)
Blue Angel 2 (Brianna)
Blue Angel 3 (Kristen)
Blue Angel 4 (Kobe)
Blue Angel 5 (Mariah)
Prankster Girl
Shining Star
Wonder Star
Wonder Tomi

League Of Amazing Women (Earth-LW)

Bad Kitty
Blue Basher

Superheroines Demise (Earth-SD)

Liberty Star
Phantom Girl
Red Wing
Spectra Girl
Spectra Woman

Superheroines Unbound (Earth-SU)

Atom Girl
Cobalt Blue
Electra Blue
Fyre Femme
Wonder Wench
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Man, my head is spinning! This Earth Jumping sure can take a lot out of you! Nice job, Kace! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Yeah, S-Pics, with all the jumping around, I think now's a good time to focus a little at a time with each plotline. So for this installment, I'll check in at a couple of the Earths and touch on the others tomorrow.

Today, we focus on the happenings on Earths HW and SD. Tomorrow, I'll update what's up on Earths HH, LW and SD...maybe even SU. ;)

All characters are property of their respective owners.


Worlds Collide #4

Blue Angels Headquarters

Blue Angels 6, 7 and 8 are on patrol at HQ as visitors have arrived. After a quick scan, the superheroines from other Earths are let in to discuss the latest series of events. Wonder Wench, Spydra and Crimson Hawk take in the technology in the monitor room.

Wonder Wench: Wow. This looks pretty advanced compared to what we've got.

Crimson Hawk: You can even monitor Earth Jumps from other parts of the Multiverse?

Blue Angel 6: Pretty cool, huh?

Blue Angel 7: And there's been a lot of activity lately.

Blue Angel 8 looks to her visitors.

Blue Angel 8: Ladies, can I speak with you for a moment?

BA8 walks towards the exit from the monitor room with Crimson Hawk, Wonder Wench and Spydra following. They leave the room and walk down a hallway that eventually leads to another room. Small monitors are on the wall, along with hard drives and mainframe.

BA8: This is our information room. The reason we let you guys in is because...there's something crazy going on here with the Earth Jumps. I'm thinking maybe you guys can help shed some light on things.

BA8 punches in a code on a nearby computer, clicking on a folder that reads, "MULTIVERSE." The monitor then displays the names of different Earths in the Multiverse.

Spydra: You have files on the Multiverse?

Blue Angel 8: Mostly recon stuff. If Blue Angel 5 were here, she could explain it a lot better than I could.

BA8 worries for a couple of seconds about her friend, BA5 before continuing.

Blue Angel 8: I'll be honest with you. I'm a little worried about what's going on right now. You're allowed in here, because we know you're part of the good guys team. This...

BA8 pulls up the information page for the Angels' homeworld, Earth-HW.

Blue Angel 8: Earth as we know it. Earth-HW for the rest of you. There are plenty of us Angels, but we also have files on fellow superheroines and villainesses who give us the most trouble. Virago's on the top of the list of threats to society. Somehow, she was able to steal our technology and construct her own Jump Room in her lair. In fact, there have been two jumps from that building alone in the past hour or so. The first...

BA8 minimizes the Earth-HW window and pulls up the file for Earth-SD.

Blue Angel 8: ...was to Earth-SD. It's home to numerous superheroines, including some heavy hitters named Powerwoman and Stellar Girl. The other...

BA8 minimizes the Earth-SD window and pulls up the file for Earth-LW.

Blue Angel 8: ...was to this place. Earth-LW. Most of the heroine and villain activity seems to take place in a city called Tiedsville. We're afraid that Virago may have Earth Jumped to one of these locations to get away when Blue Angel 5 arrived. And I haven't heard back from Angel 5 since she radioed in a call for help.

BA8 looks to the three heroines with her in the room with a worried expression.

Blue Angel 8: It's getting weird.

Crimson Hawk: My partner, Scarlett Hawk was chasing after Dark Hawk, a villainess from our Earth and tracked her down here.

Blue Angel 8: Yeah, the idea of Dark Hawk being here is not good. In fact, if Dark Hawk's here and with Virago, that may explain Virago's recent jumps. Blue Angel 1 suspects she may be scouting other villainesses for a conspiracy or takeover.

Wonder Wench: If they land on our Earth, they'll be in for a rude awakening.

Silvercat's Laboratory & Residence

Dark Hawk and Powerwoman exchange punches as they grapple together in a struggle. Virago is still picking herself up off the floor after being knocked down earlier. Silvercat finds herself having to fight off Liberty Star and Red Wing, while Phantom Girl focuses on freeing Spectra Woman and Spectra Girl. Silvercat's amazing speed and agility aid her in dodging the strikes of her opponents. Silvercat leaps over a punch from Red Wing, just as Liberty Star lunges out to grab her and winds up colliding with Red Wing instead. They keep each other from falling down, but now appear disoriented. Silvercat sneaks behind Liberty Star, lifting up her short blue skirt, dropping down in a split, yanking down Liberty Star's silver trunks, causing Liberty Star to gasp. Silvercat lets go and legsweeps Red Wing to the floor while Liberty Star struggles to pull her trunks back up, providing Silvercat to quickly stand and reach for Liberty Star's blue wig.

Liberty Star: No!

Silvercat pulls the wig off, exposing Liberty Star's long blonde hair underneath. Red Wing starts to get to her feet as Liberty Star reaches for her wig. Silvercat uses Liberty Star's own momentum against her, pushing her into Red Wing. The heroines collide headfirst, knocking them both out as Liberty Star's trunks are still around her knees. To add to the humiliation, Slivercat calmly lifts up Liberty Star's skirt again, with only her tights now covering her bottom.

Phantom Girl is still in the midst of trying to free Spectra Woman and Spectra Girl, who only have their masks and tights to cover them.

Phantom Girl: Don't worry, I'm gonna get you both outta here.

So focused on the binds is Phantom Girl that she doesn't notice that Virago is now standing behind her. Virago slowly caresses Phantom Girl's body, causing Phantom Girl to freeze up.

Phantom Girl: What are you doing???

Virago: Enjoying yourself. You?

Phantom Girl looks back at Virago, only to be met with a slight blow of essence against her face from the villainess, dizzying and weakening her.

Virago: You don't have to answer that.

Virago slides her hands underneath Phantom Girl's costume, up to her breasts, smiling as she does and eliciting a moan from Phantom Girl. Virago then turns Phantom Girl to face her.

Phantom Girl: Can't...fight...

Virago: But you can sleep.

Virago kisses Phantom Girl on the lips and uses her essence to render the yellow clad heroine unconscious, slumped to the floor.

Powerwoman knocks Dark Hawk back a few steps with a powerful punch and then flies at her in a tackle. The tackle is made and Dark Hawk's back lands against the wall behind her. Dark Hawk slumps down, still conscious but weakened.

Powerwoman: You're going to wish you never came here.

Dark Hawk looks up in an evil grin.

Dark Hawk: Perfect.

Dark Hawk charges up her right hand and firmly places it against Powerwoman's crotch, shocking her.

Dark Hawk: I knew you were vulnerable somewhere.

Powerwoman: Ohhhh....ohhh....stop.

Dark Hawk: I don't think so.

Powerwoman uses what's left of her suddenly wiltering strength to free herself of Dark Hawk's grip, causing her to stumble backwards. She turns around and is met with a swift kick to the midsection by Silvercat. Powerwoman doubles over as if the breath has almost been knocked out of her.

Silvercat: Oh my God...Dark Hawk, whatever you did, it weakened her.

Virago: Yes, but now comes the best part.

Virago lifts Powerwoman by her chin and brings her face to face. Virago smiles as she caresses Powerwoman's left cheek. Powerwoman wants to react, but is too shocked for words.

Virago: If Dark Hawk ever touched me like that, I'd be speechless, too. Consider yourself lucky.

Virago leans in and kisses Powerwoman on the lips, knocking her out in the process.

Red Wing, Liberty Star, Phantom Girl and Powerwoman all lie prone on the floor. Spectra Woman and Spectra Girl are still bound, helpless.

Blue Angels Headquarters

BA7 continues with monitor duty while BA6 brings in more visitors to BA8, Wonder Wench, Spydra and Crimson Hawk. The visiting heroines enter and it causes the faces of BA8 and Crimson Hawk to light up instantly.

Crimson Hawk: Scarlett Hawk!

Scarlett Hawk: Crimson Hawk!

They run to each other and exchange a loving embrace.

BA8: Angel 5!

BA5: Hello.

BA5 smiles as she exchanges a hug with BA8. Wonder Wench and Spydra grin at one another. They know the feeling. Also entering the room is Wonder Star.

Wonder Star: Virago's escaped. And she apparently has a friend now.

Scarlett Hawk: Dark Hawk took off with her.

Crimson Hawk: Great. least you're safe.

Crimson and Scarlett kiss one another.

Wonder Wench: Virago may be on a recruiting trip to gather villainesses for an attack.

Spydra: Which means we need to go home in case she decides to contact Harley Black or Nefertiti.

BA8: Have you heard from Angels 1, 2, 3 and 4?

BA5: No, why? Did they disappear?

BA8: They were after you and now we're not sure where they're at.

BA6: They may have wound up transponding to one of the other Earths.

Crimson Hawk: God, this is turning into a wild goose chase...

Wonder Star: I think we need to form some sort of plan to combat this threat.

Wonder Star and Wonder Wench look each other over.

Wonder Wench: Nice outfit.

Wonder Star: Thanks. You, too.

Wonder Tomi's residence

Wonder Tomi and Shining Star go through her files of all known superheroine Amazons in the Multiverse.

Wonder Tomi: If what I fear is about to happen is true, then it's time to pool together the different Amazons and combat this growing threat.

Shining Star: Let's start here. There's a collection of them at Earth-DS. And I think you know the ones at Earth-LW.

Wonder Tomi: I'm familiar with both. Earth-DS even has a Shining Star, but she's not Amazonian like you.

Shining Star: Earths SD and SS each have an Amazon heroine named Star Shine.

Wonder Tomi: I know someone who would be perfect to help us out. She's one of the best Amazon warriors in the Multiverse.

Shining Star continues going through files as Wonder Tomi prepares to teleport in a friend and Amazonian sister.



Hawk Heroines (Earth-HH)

Crimson Hawk
Dark Hawk
Scarlett Hawk

Hypnotics World (Earth-HW)

Blue Angel 5 (Mariah)
Blue Angel 6 (Akira)
Blue Angel 7 (Alex)
Blue Angel 8 (Keri)
Shining Star
Wonder Star
Wonder Tomi

Superheroines Demise (Earth-SD)

Liberty Star
Phantom Girl
Red Wing
Spectra Girl
Spectra Woman
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This "Crisis" type story is something I hadn't considered. Excellent job so far! I love the fact that the ANGELS have the most sophisticated Jump tech! Looking forward to more! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Glad you're enjoyin' it so far, S-Pics! :)

I may or may not update this Weekend, but I will update now. Earths HH, LW and SD, SU...possibly HW are now gonna be touched on.

All characters are property of their respective owners.


Worlds Collide #5

Silvercat's Laboratory & Residence

Stripped down to only their tights and masks, Spectra Woman, Spectra Girl, Liberty Star, Red Wing, Powerwoman and Phantom Girl are bound together, backfirst in a circle, in a standing position and their arms held up. The three villainesses, Dark Hawk, Silvercat and Virago look over and occassionally grope their captured prey, discussing their next plan of action.

Virago: It's so sad that we don't have more time to enjoy ourselves with you, but we must be going.

Dark Hawk: But when we come back...we may be interested in seeing what you look like without those silly masks on.

Silvercat: Hey!

Dark Hawk: Oh. Well...yours isn't silly.

Silvercat: Much better. Ladies, the cat and mouse game continues.

The three villains exit, leaving the bound and gagged heroines to struggle without them.

Katra's Place

Cobalt Blue and Fyre Femme are bound face to face, both on their knees and their mouths gagged. For now, they only look to stay quiet and let their energies charge up. Mega Babe meanwhile is strapped to Katra's bed on her back. Her top has been opened up and now, as Katra begins to fondle Mega Babe's breasts, exposing Mega Babe's weakness for the sensual touch, White Ninja has her hands on the waist of Mega Babe's trunks and tights. Mega Babe gives off a soft, reluctant moan.

White Ninja: Now...tell me where Dark Hawk is or else.

Mega Babe: Ohhhh...I don't knooowww...where...

White Ninja: Wrong answer.

Mega Babe: No...

White Ninja pulls down the trunk and tights and Katra now mounts the strapped heroine.

Katra: We're gonna make you feel so good.

Mega Babe: Please...I don't know where she is...

Mega Babe feels the right middle and index finger of White Ninja against her, causing her to close her eyes and moan even louder.

White Ninja: The sooner you give us an answer, the sooner this can all be over with...and we can dump you and your two friends over there off at your headquarters.

Katra: I don't think she wants to leave. I thin she wants to stay.

Mega Babe: Let me go...

Katra bends down, leaning against Mega Babe's right ear.

Katra: Close your eyes...pretend we're your two dates over there.

Mega Babe: They're not my-

Katra: Or better yet, pretend we're Crimson and Scarlett Hawk.

Mega Babe: ...

White Ninja begins rubbing in a circle against Mega Babe.

White Ninja: Tell me.

Mega Babe: Ooohh...uhhhh....

Mega Babe bites her lips from the feel of the circular motion and Katra's hands as well. Mega Babe can only speak in a helpless whisper.

Mega Babe: I don't...I don't know...

Katra kisses Mega Babe's right cheek.

Katra: It's okay...

Katra kisses Mega Babe's chin.

Katra: Tell us.

White Ninja and Katra are focused solely on Mega Babe's torment that they never notice Cobalt Blue and Fyre Femme behind them, now free from their binds and charged up. Katra begins to kiss Mega Babe on the lips as White Ninja is about to penetrate with her fingers. White Ninja suddenly feels a cold touch from behind as Cobalt Blue grabs her. On instinct, White Ninja lets go of Mega Babe and reaches back to snapmare Cobalt Blue off, but is stunned as her lips are frozen by Cobalt Blue's touch.

Cobalt Blue: Shhh.

White Ninja then realizes that Cobalt Blue's also frozen her feet to the floor. She waves her arms around as her only defense, only to lose her balance and wind up face first against Mega Babe's crotch, the icy mouth of White Ninja sending Mega Babe into further ecstasy. Katra never notices, as she slides her tongue down Mega Babe's mouth until she opens her eyes and sees Fyre Femme to her right.

Katra: What the...?

Katra turns towards the adversary. Fyre Femme shoots off a small fireball, knocking Katra off the bed and to the floor.

Katra: Oh, son of a....

Katra rolls around on the floor, putting out the fire that's on the chest of her outfit. The fire ceases and now there's a hole in the chest of Katra's costume, exposing her breasts.

Cobalt Blue: Nice shot.

Fyre Femme: Thanks, doll.

Katra: Oh, you think this is funny???

Cobalt Blue and Fyre Femme both aim their fists at Katra.

Fyre Femme: If we both hit you right now, your body will not be able to respond. We are the extreme of hot and cold and when firing simultaneously, our target's body will break down.

Cobalt Blue: So we suggest you kindly shut the Hell up while we take our friend here and go. Now free our friend.

Katra: ...You guys suck, you know that?


The Blue Angels are engaged in battle with four villainesses, Tarantula, Deadeye, Bad Kitty and Blue Basher. Blue Angel 1 fights with Deadeye. Blue Angel 2 fights with Bad Kitty. Blue Angel 3 fights with Blue Basher and Blue Angel 4 fights with Tarantula.

The fight between BA1 and Deadeye is even until Deadeye is able to pull out one of her guns. This gives BA1 enough time to deliver a knockout uppercut, sending Deadeye to the floor.

BA2 has a hard time keeping up with Bad Kitty's quickness as Kitty mounts her on the floor.

BA3 and Blue Basher fight toe to toe, as they grapple one another.

BA4 has the upper hand on Tarantula, knocking her against the wall. As she approaches her at the wall, Tarantula grabs her and pulls in close, placing her lips against BA4's and rendering her unconscious. BA1 sees BA4 slump to the floor and leaves Deadeye behind to aid her ally. Deadeye is on the floor, favoring her jaw.

BA2 headbutts Bad Kitty and the two roll around on the floor with BA2 now on top.

BA3 and Blue Basher still fight each other to gain an advantage.

BA1 lunges out at Tarantula, but Tarantula catches her and lays her deadly kiss on her. BA1's body slumps down on top of BA4. Tarantula sneaks behind BA3, yanking up the bottom of her blue longsleeved leotard, causing BA3 to freeze up. This allows Blue Basher to hit a double axe handle to the head, knocking BA3 out. Deadye is now on her feet and she walks with Blue Basher and Tarantula over to where BA2 has gotten the advantage over Bad Kitty.

BA2: I've got you now!

Bad Kitty laughs.

Bad Kitty: So naive.

BA2 feels the handle of one of Deadye's guns smack agains the back of her head, sending her slumping to the floor, out cold on top of Bad Kitty, still on her back. Bad Kitty sneaks in a grab of BA2's bottom and grins.

Bad Kitty: Not bad. Okay, let's tie 'em up and send 'em home.

Blue Angels Headquarters

Wonder Star has left for her residence to inform her Amazonian sisters the latest. Crimson Hawk, Scarlett Hawk, Wonder Wench and Spydra are in the monitor room with Blue Angels 6 and 7. Meanwhile, Blue Angel 8 goes to the locker room where Blue Angel 5 is. Upon entering, BA8 sees BA5 at her locker, about to come out of her uniform.

Blue Angel 8: Angel 5?

BA5 removes her mask and smiles at BA8.

Blue Angel 5: Hey, Keri.

BA8 walks over to BA5.

Blue Angel 8: I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

BA5 removes her small red gloves and nods.

Blue Angel 5: Yeah, I'm fine. Exhausted, but fine.

BA5 tosses the gloves into the locker, along with her mask. She then sighs.

Blue Angel 5: Really exhausted. I don't know what Virago hit me with, but it must have been heavy.

Blue Angel 8: You don't think she...

BA8 is uncomfortable coming out and saying it.

Blue Angel 5: Nah. I'm pretty sure she just made us strip in front of her. I don't know, I woke up at Wonder Tomi's place. They're the ones who got me and Scarlett Hawk out of there.

Blue Angel 8: Okay. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.

Blue Angel 5 grins, reaching out to her ally. She wraps her arms around BA8's waist and BA8 wraps her arms around BA5's shoulders. BA5 kisses BA8 on the right cheek.

Blue Angel 5: You're just here to watch me take my clothes off.

BA8 blushes, laughing and shaking her head. The Angels let go of one another and BA5 immediately pulls off her top, causing BA8 to throw her hands up and close her eyes.

BA8: I knew you were gonna do that.

BA5 brings BA8's hands down.

Blue Angel 5: Keri, open your eyes.

Blue Angel 8: Mariah, you're topless.

Blue Angel 5: Keri...

BA8 slowly opens her eyes, looking only at BA5's face. BA5 slides her hands up BA8's arms.

Blue Angel 5: I'm not afraid of my body.

Her hands make their way to BA8's face, removing her mask.

Blue Angel 5: You shouldn't be, either.

BA8 is almost mesmerized by her partner and friend as the door opens.

Blue Angel 7: Angel 8, we need you in the monitor room.

BA7 closes the door, leaving BA5 and BA8 once again alone.

Blue Angel 8: I...kinda need my mask back.

BA5 hands BA8 back her mask.

Blue Angel 5: Don't be afraid.

BA8 takes her mask and reapplies it. She smiles and leaves the locker room. Once she arrives in the monitor room, she's directed to the Jump Room. In the Jump Room, Blue Angels 5 assists Blue Angels 6 and 7, as well as Crimson Hawk, Scarlett Hawk, Wonder Wench and Spydra in trying to undo the binds of Blue Angels 1, 2, 3 and 4 who have just been beamed in, on their knees and bound by their wrists and ankles. Their uniforms are gone and their blue tights have been humiliatingly placed over their heads. The bound Angels are embarrassed and angry.

Hawk Headquarters

Mega Babe, Fyre Femme and Cobalt Blue are in the Jump Room.

Mega Babe: Thanks, guys once again and if you ever need me, just let me know.

Fyre Femme: Okay, we will.

Mega Babe: Okay...I know I have the coordinates right this time, but for some reason it's not letting us transport to Earth-HW.

Cobalt Blue: Their Jump Room could be occupied.

Mega Babe: Could be. Any chance I can swing by your Jump Room just to make sure?

Fyre Femme: Sure.

Mega Babe resets the coordinates with Cobalt Blue beside her.

Cobalt Blue: Yep. Those are our coordinates.

The countdown from ten to zero begins. Cobalt Blue and Fyre Femme hold hands while Mega Babe stands behind them. The countdown hits zero and the superheroines disappear.

League Of Superheroines Headquarters

Fyre Femme, Cobalt Blue and Mega Babe arrive in the Jump Room. They leave for the monitor room and realize something's wrong as the power appears to be out in every room, but the Jump Room. They walk into the only other room in the building that has power to discover Fyre Femme and Cobalt Blue's allies, Rubbermaid, Atom Girl and Electra Blue are bound against the wall, down to only their tights and for Rubbermaid and Electra Blue, their masks. A familiar foe stands before them, wearing Atom Girl's red skirt and smirking.

Harley Black: Glad you could make it. Allow me to introduce you to some new friends of mine.

From behind they attack with towels soaked in ether. Dark Hawk takes down Mega Babe. Silvercat takes down Fyre Femme and Virago takes down Cobalt Blue. The three surprised heroine slump to the floor.

Harley Black: Works every time.



Hawk Heroines (Earth-HH)

Crimson Hawk
Dark Hawk
Scarlett Hawk
White Ninja

Hypnotics World (Earth-HW)

Blue Angel 1 (Christina)
Blue Angel 2 (Brianna)
Blue Angel 3 (Kristen)
Blue Angel 4 (Kobe)
Blue Angel 5 (Mariah)
Blue Angel 6 (Akira)
Blue Angel 7 (Alex)
Blue Angel 8 (Keri)

League Of Amazing Women (Earth-LW)

Bad Kitty
Blue Basher

Superheroines Demise (Earth-SD)

Liberty Star
Phantom Girl
Red Wing
Spectra Girl
Spectra Woman

Superheroines Unbound (Earth-SU)

Atom Girl
Cobalt Blue
Electra Blue
Fyre Femme
Harley Black
Wonder Wench
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I figured today, instead of a story update, I thought I'd update this baby with some drawings of some of the characters involved in the story, including some possible scenarios for future installments. :)

All characters are property of their respective owners.





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And now...the end of the World...err...Worlds...or something to that effect.


All characters are property of their respective owners. The male character used here is created by Kace. :)

World Collide #6

Days later...

Outside Of Any Earth
Somewhere Out Of This World

Virago stands before a dark, male figure. She is certain of her completed task.

Virago: I have done as requested. I have amassed a team of 20 allies from across the Multiverse...from several Earths. I have made sure they are all able to defeat any superheroine or group of superheroines. I have held up my end of the bargain. Now it's time to hold up yours, stranger.

He steps forward, his shadowy figure staying intact.

Darmuth: This stranger has a name. I am Darmuth...and I overlook this Multiverse. And I have been granted powers to do with it as I see fit.

Virago: Yeah...and that includes keeping your word.

Darmuth: How sure are you of your warriors?

Virago: Oh, we can't lose. Any one of us can beat any three or four of them.

Darmuth smiles.

Darmuth: Very well. The deal is made.

Virago: What??? Wait!

Darmuth disappears and Virago finds herself back home.

Virago's Bed

Virago sees that she is alone. The nineteen others that had been with her are now gone. She looks around, wondering what she's gotten herself and the Multiverse into.

Blue Angels Headquarters

They are superheroine colleagues and occassional rivals. Now they stand face to face, discussing the recent events.

Wonder Womyn: Superheroines across the Multiverse are being attacked by a growing number of villains. Too many people are Earth Jumping and it's going to get bad, real quick and real soon.

Blue Angel 1: We're trying to come up with a strategy...

Wonder Womyn: Strategy doesn't matter! This is all leading to a prophecy!

Blue Angel 1 rolls her eyes.

Blue Angel 1: Oh, what kind of prophecy?

Wonder Womyn: The prophecy of the Sixtynine.

Blue Angel 1 raises an eyebrow.

Blue Angel 1: Excuse me?

Wonder Womyn: The Prophecy of the Sixtynine. It's a prophecy that was taught to me at an early age. It is one that I have done my best to prepare for. Sadly, I am the only one who believed it to be real.

Blue Angel 1: Care to explain what this Sixtynine is?

Wonder Womyn: Sixtynine heroines doing battle against evil for the sake of existence! Recent events were foretold ages ago! And now it's soon to come to pass. We need to prepare.

Blue Angel 1 shakes her head, befuddled.

Blue Angel 1: I don't understa-

Blue Angel 5 enters the room, interrupting.

Blue Angel 5: Angel 1, you need to see this.

Blue Angel 1: What is it?

Blue Angel 5: It's...hard to explain.

Blue Angel 1: I'm in the middle of an important-

Blue Angel 5: I know, I'm sorry! But this is urgent!

Blue Angel 1 and Wonder Womyn follow Blue Angel 5 out of the room and down the hall to the outside of HQ, where everyone sees it. Wonder Womyn's mouth drops.

Wonder Womyn: The Wall of White...

Blue Angel 1: this part of the prophecy, too?

Wonder Womyn: Yes.

Blue Angel 5: Whatever it is, it's coming at us pretty fast...oh no!!!

The Wall of White rushes through like a neverending tidal wave, erasing all that it touches, including those outside of HQ and HQ itself.

There is nothing.

What was once a Multiverse is now a void. The white is replaced by darkness and a voice.

Darmuth: The battles will now commence. Twenty battles between good and evil. The side who wins will control what becomes of the Multiverse. If the battles end evenly, then I shall decide what becomes of this existence.

A room is formed. It is of simple structure, including a four sided wall, a ceiling and a floor. The floor is covered with a blue padded surface. This room is where the battles shall take place.

Battle 1
Brite Star (Earth-SC)
Schoolgirl (Earth-HW)
Staria (Earth-SD)
Darkraven (Earth-DT)

Brite Star and Staria stand with their fists at their hips, daring Darkraven to strike the first blow. Schoolgirl stands ready to fight.

Darkraven: Only three? I'm disappointed.

Brite Star: You'll be no match for our combined might.

Darkraven: And overconfident, too. Good.

Darkraven steps towards them and waits.

Darkraven: Make the first move. I wish to see how strong you are.

Staria: No, we wish to see how strong you are first.

Darkraven stands in front of Schoolgirl.

Darkraven: What say you, red skirt?

Schoolgirl looks at the other heroines.

Schoolgirl: Um...

Schoolgirl lands a punch to Darkraven's face, knocking her head back. Darkraven however does not take a step back. Brite Star then lands a punch, only for Darkraven to take it without losing her footing. Staria then lands a punch of her own, only for it to have the same effect. Darkraven laughs. The three heroines' eyes widen. Schoolgirl, standing between the other two heroines is about to take a step back as Brite Star and Staria decide to simultaneously attack, but before they can strike, Darkraven grabs each by their throat. Schoolgirl steps forward to attack, but Darkraven slams Staria and Brite Star into her, knocking Schoolgirl back to the wall where she is now dazed. Darkraven then slams Brite Star and Staria into one another, knocking them both out.

With Brite Star and Staria both on the floor, Darkraven steps towards the dazed Schoolgirl. Schoolgirl reaches into her belt and pulls out a small device with her right hand.

Schoolgirl: You're getting very-

Darkraven reaches with her left hand and clutches Schoolgirl's right hand, smashing the object in the process and causing Schoolgirl to scream in pain.

Darkraven: Bad girl.

Darkraven drops to her right knee and pulls Schoolgirl down forward, over Darkraven's left knee, driving Schoolgirl's midsection into it as she does.

Darkraven: Bad girls must be punished.

Schoolgirl: No...

Darkraven lifts Schoolgirl's small red skirt up, exposing the top of her red tights and briefs underneath. With her right hand, Darkraven delivers a series of devastating and humiliating slaps to Schoolgirl's bottom, each slap being harder than the previous. Schoolgirl wails in pain, helpless to stop the overpowering villainess.

Darkraven: Submit to me...

Schoolgirl: Stop! Please!

Brite Star and Staria are slow to get to their feet. Darkraven discards the defeated Schoolgirl to the floor, walking towards Brite Star first. Brite Star is lifted up to her feet by Darkraven, who then grabs at the collar of Brite Star's lowcut leotard. Darkraven pulls each hand away from Brite Star's chest, ripping apart the top of her costume, exposing her breasts. Darkraven then applies her hands to the breasts, squeezing them and sending Brite Star to her knees in agony. Staria lunges at Darkraven in an attempt to stop her, but is met with a right stomp to the midsection, doubling Staria over and then causing her to drop to her knees. Staria's black cape slinks down over her head as Darkraven continues applying pressure to Brite Star, who gives out one last cry of agony before succumbing to the pressure and passing out. Darkraven tosses Brite Star aside and focuses now on the only heroine left, Staria. Darkraven painfully brings Staria to her feet by grabbing the bottom of her the backside of her leotard and lifting up. Staria is involuntarily brought to her feet and then pulled back towards Darkraven.

Staria: hurts...

Darkraven sneers before launching Staria into and partially through the wall, her wedgied bottom still exposed to the amused victor.

Winner: Darkraven

Score: Heroines 0, Villains 1

Battle 2
American Maid (Earth-SN)
Blue Angel 5 (Earth-HW)
Powerwoman (Earth-SD)
Scarlett Hawk (Earth-HH)
Pookie (Earth-SC)

Pookie stands in her black dress, mask and clutching her purse.

Pookie: I gotta fight four? No fair!

Powerwoman: Don't worry, we'll make this short.

Pookie: I'll make this worth it.

Pookie pulls out a small gunlike device from her purse.

Pookie: Ya know what this little thing does?

Scarlett Hawk: The dishes?

Pookie: It does this.

Pookie looks at Scarlett Hawk and fires it at Blue Angel 5, who is unable to dodge the laserlike shot to her just above her groin. Blue Angel 5 is shocked at first and then realizes that she feels no pain.

Blue Angel 5: Hmm...doesn't seem so...

Blue Angel 5 looks down and notices that her blue trunks are now gone, leaving her lower torso covered only by her blue tights.

Blue Angel 5: ...bad?

American Maid: Oh, that's cute. You're gonna try to strip us with your gun?

Pookie: Why not? Might as well get somethin' outta it.

While Blue Angel 5 covers up her crotch with her hands, Pookie fires at Powerwoman, hitting and disintegrating her white leotard in the proess. Powerwoman's blue cape falls to the floor as she stand now in only her tights and blue boots, covering her exposed breasts.

Powerwoman: You fiend!

Scarlett Hawk and American Maid lunge at Pookie, but Pookie backs away, firing off two shots, one at each approaching heroine. Scarlett Hawk's blue top disappears along with American Maid's red leotard. Scarlett Hawk covers up her breasts with her hands, embarrassed while American Maid, down to only her pantyhose and boots covers her breasts with her right arm and crotch with her left hand.

Pookie laughs as she watches all four heroines focusing more on covering up than fighting. Pookie fires at Blue Angel 5 again, this time removing her blue top and causing her to move her right arm up to her exposed breasts.

Pookie: Do you give up or are you ready for more?

Pookie laughs for a moment until she realizes Scarlett Hawk is no longer covering herself up. Instead, Scarlett Hawk has the tips of her index fingers on her head, concentrating.

Pookie: Wow, they do look nice.

Pookie suddenly feels as if her muscles are locked into place.

Pookie: I...can't move!

American Maid removes Pookie's clothing disintegrator gun from her hands and aims it at her.

Pookie: Ah naaah...ya wouldn't.

American Maid smiles.

American Maid: I would.

American Maid fires at Pookie and now Pookie's short black dress is gone.

Pookie: You sorry little!!!

Angry to be down to her black underwear, Pookie lunges at a surprised American Maid, tackling her to the floor. Pookie punches away at American Maid, only to be met with shin kick to the face by Powerwoman, knocking her out. American Maid rolls the unconscious Pookie off of her and begins to stand. Powerwoman is now covering her breasts with her blue cape that she's picked up off the floor.

Blue Angel 5: Does this mean we won?

Scarlett Hawk: I think so.

American Maid: Cool.

American Maid gets to her feet, but accidentally fires off the gun, hitting Powerwoman's blue cape and causing it to disentegrate into nothing and eliciting a sigh from Powerwoman herself.

Winners: American Maid, Blue Angel 5, Powerwoman & Scarlett Hawk

Score: Heroines 1, Villains 1

Battle 3
Blue Angel 4 (Earth-HW)
Miss Amazing (Earth-SC)
Red Wing (Earth-SD)
Tarantula (Earth-LW)

Tarantula only grins as she looks across at her three adversaries.

Tarantula: I've defeated multiple enemies before. This should be no different.

Red Wing: Yeah, but now you're facing us!

Blue Angel 4: I'm ready to take you down this time.

Tarantula: Sure you are.

Miss Amazing: We are ready. You just watch!

Tarantula: Right.

Tarantula leaps up to the wall behind her, then flying off of it at great speed, tackling Miss Amazing in the process to the floor. Red Wing and Blue Angel 4 run over to the action, where Tarantula mounts her prey. Red Wing and Blue Angel 4 reach for Tarantula, but she counters by delivering punches to the heroines' crotches, dropping them to their knees. Miss Amazing temporarily has the wind knocked out of her as her teammates are on their knees in agony. Tarantula grabs Blue Angel 4 and lays her poison kiss on her, rendering her unconscious. Red Wing reaches for Tarantula, but Tarantula counters with a poison kiss, sending Red Wing to her doom. The defeated Blue Angel 4 and Red Wing are discarded to the floor as Tarantula looks down at her mounted opponent, Miss Amazing who is now awake. Tarantula leans down, face to face with her rival.

Tarantula: I'm watching.

Miss Amazing: No...

Tarantula lays the poison kiss on Miss Amazing, knocking her out. Tarantula stands, triumphant and laughing.

Winner: Tarantula

Score: Heroines 1, Villains 2

Battle 4
Argon Girl (Earth-HW)
Ms. Freedom (Earth-SC)
Super Maiden (Earth-DT)
White Ninja (Earth-HH)

White Ninja stands ready to fight.

White Ninja: What did Dark Hawk's stupid friend get me into...?

Super Maiden: Lots of trouble.

White Ninja: No shit. Let's get this over with.

Ms. Freedom: Gladly.

Ms. Freedom assumes a fighting stance. Super Maiden and Argon Girl look at one another.

Argon Girl: I guess we just watch.

Ms. Freedom and White Ninja exchange various punches and kicks at one another, each being blocked by the other.

White Ninja: Not bad, but there's just one problem with you.

Ms. Freedom: Oh really, what's that?

White Ninja drops down in a split.

White Ninja: You don't cheat.

White Ninja delivers a devasting left chop to Ms. Freedom's crotch, eliciting a moan from Ms. Freedom as she bends down. White Ninja legsweeps Ms. Freedom down to her back. White Ninja springs up as Super Maiden and Argon Girl step toward her. White Ninja rolls forward in front of the superskirted rivals and yanks down their skirts, causing them both to gasp. While Super Maiden has a blue leotard on, Argon Girl has a tight blue shirt with the Argon ensignia, her lower torso now only covered by her bronze tights. Both heroines reach down to bring their skirts back up to waist level and White Ninja uses the momentum to kick them both down to the floor, face first. Argon Girl scrambles on the floor to bring her skirt back up, while Ms. Freedom is groggy, slowly getting to her feet. Super Maiden gets to her feet, letting the skirt slink down her legs. Once standing, Super Maiden steps out of the skirt that is now around her ankles and begins walking towards White Ninja.

Super Maiden: Now you've made me angry.

White Ninja delivers a right sidekick to Super Maiden's chest, but the damage is only done to White Ninja's right knee as she falls down to the floor, clutching her hurt knee.

White Ninja: Holy shit...what are you made of, steel?

Super Maiden shrugs.

Super Maiden: You could say that.

Super Maiden lifts White Ninja to her feet by grabbing onto her top.

Super Maiden:

Super Maiden attempts to launch White Ninja into the wall, but instead succeeds in ripping off White Ninja's top, exposing her and sending her several steps forward.

Super Maiden: Whoops.

Argon Girl: Oh, for Heaven's sakes...

Argon Girl punches the stunned White Ninja in the midsection and Ms. Freedom finishes her off with a stomp to the temple. White Ninja is defeated as Argon Girl and Ms. Freedom look at Super Maiden, who stands with White Ninja's top still in her hand. Super Maiden tosses it aside, slightly embarrassed.

Winners: Argon Girl, Ms. Freedom & Super Maiden

Score: Heroines 2, Villains 2



Gold Falcon (Earth-AV), Ms. Americana (Earth-SB), Ms. Americana (Earth-SC) & O-Girl (Earth-BC) Vs. Bad Kitty (Earth-LW)

Chaos (Earth-SC), Golden Flame (Earth-AV), Liberty Star (Earth-SD) & Spydra (Earth-SU) Vs. Elektra Star (Earth-HW)

Americana (Earth-LW), Shining Star (Earth-DS) & Shining Star (Earth-HW) Vs. Harley Black (Earth-SU)

Emerald Thunder (Earth-SC), Maiden America (Earth-SN), Star Shine (Earth-SD) & Star Shine (Earth-SS) Vs. Slipknot (Earth-DS)

Will the odds stay even? With the heroines pull out ahead? Will the villains? Find out tomorrow!
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Yeah, usually I get these done in the mornings and have 'em up 'round Noon or so, but today things just sorta happened to prevent that. So here we are!

All characters are property of their respective owners.

Worlds Collide #7

Gold Falcon (Earth-AV)
Ms. Americana (Earth-SB)
Ms. Americana (Earth-SC)
O-Girl (Earth-BC)
Bad Kitty (Earth-LW)

Bad Kitty looks across at the heroines she is about to fight.

Bad Kitty: leotard, purple leotard, and a pair of matching patriotic blonde, the other brunette. Are you two supposed to be fraternal twins?

The two Ms. Americanas look at one another, while Gold Falcon leaps at Bad Kitty. Bad Kitty is ready however and counters with a legsweep, knocking Falcon on her back. Her claws extended, Kitty rips into Falcon's costume, only to be knocked back by O-Girl's roundhouse kick. The two Ms. Americanas catch Kitty and hold her forcefully by her arms. Kitty struggles to break free, but O-Girl connects with a right hook to the face, rendering Bad Kitty unconscious. Gold Falcon gets to her feet, holding her ripped up leotard together as best she can.

Winners: Gold Falcon, Ms. Americana, Ms. Americana & O-Girl

Score: Heroines 3, Villains 2

Chaos (Earth-SC)
Golden Flame (Earth-AV)
Liberty Star (Earth-SD)
Spydra (Earth-SU)
Elektra Star (Earth-HW)

Elektra Star stands with her black cape draped over her back and her hands at her hips. The four superheroines slowly approach her, careful not to rush in too soon.

Elektra Star: You know, I was once a heroine like you. But it was boring. I didn't like the way I had to be. It held me back. It-

Spydra: Enough talk!

Spydra shoots forth webbing from her right hand, but Elektra Star cloaks herself with the cape, protecting from Spydra's attack. Spydra feels a small jolt of energy at her fingertips that stuns her for a second. Golen Flame and Chaos, sensing that Elektra Star may be off balance charge in. Elektra Star stands with her arms out, ready for them. They meet and with her black cape surrounding them, Golden Flame and Chaos both feel surges of electricity going through their bodies. Golden Flame and Chaos go limp and with Liberty Star and Spydra standing across from her, Elektra Star shoves the unconscious bodies towards the other two heroines, knocking them down.

Elektra Star calmly walks towards Liberty Star and Spydra, who are struggling to get to their feet and pulls out a small device from her belt. Smiling, she sees both Liberty Star and Spydra stand up and squeezes the small object in her hand at both of them. A strange gaslike substance comes out of it and it knocks both Liberty Star and Spydra out.

Elektra Star: Well that was easy.

Winner: Elektra Star

Score: Heroines 3, Villains 3

Americana (Earth-LW)
Shining Star (Earth-DS)
Shining Star (Earth-HW)
Harley Black (Earth-SU)

Harley leans against the wall.

Harley: I'm waiting.

Americana: Come out and fight us.

Harley: Personally, I don't think this is fair. Little ol' me fight the three of you? That's not balanced. How about this? Let's make this fair...unless you're okay at winning a simple fight with an unfair advantage. It's not very herolike if you ask me.

Shining Star-DS looks at the others.

Shining Star-DS: I hate to say it, but she's right.

Shining Star-HW: Then one of us will have to fight her and the other two only watch.

Americana: Yeah, but the fate of the entire Multiverse is at stake here!

Harley: Oh, please. We're not here to destroy the Multiverse. I live here too. This is just some silly contest so some cosmic being can get his rocks off. Nothing what do you say?

Americana: Well...

Shining Star-HW: Alright...choose which of us you will fight.

Harley: Hmmm...I'll choose the one in the skirt.

Harley looks at Americana.

Americana: Very well.

Harley: But...if I win, then the rest of you have to accept defeat as well. It's only fair.

Shining Star-SD: Fine. She'll wipe the floor with you!

Americana: Yeah.

Harley stands up from the wall now as Americana steps forward. The two Shining Stars stand back.

Harley: By the way...

Harley hits a suckerpunch to the midsection, causing Americana to double over. Harley grabs Americana's long black hair and whispers in her right ear.

Harley: I don't fight fair.

Americana: You little...

Harley shoves Americana chestfirst to the floor and immediately mounts her, lifting up Americana's skirt as she does.

Americana: How dare you!

Harley holds on to Americana's hair with her left hand while sliding her right hand up and down Americana's bottom and crotch, her hands enjoying the feel of the tights that seperate Americana's skin from Harley. The more Harley holds on and rubs, the more Americana begins to gyrate. Americana breathes heavier with each passing moment as the Shining Star helplessly look on, realizing that this may have been a bad idea. Americana can no longer hold on and blacks out from the pain an ecstasy of Harley's touch.

Getting to her feet, Harley can barely contain her laughter as the two Shining Stars know there is nothing they can do now.

Winner: Harley Black

Score: Heroines 3, Villains 4

Emerald Thunder (Earth-SC)
Maiden America (Earth-SN)
Star Shine (Earth-SD)
Star Shine (Earth-SS)
Slipknot (Earth-DS)

Before the heroines can form a plan, Slipknot wields her enchanted rope which corrals them together, against their will.

Slipknot: It's kinda like a magic lasso except I don't care if you tell the truth or not. All that matters is that you submit. And with will. Hahahahahaha!!!

The heroines struggle together as the bind tightens around them, squeezing the breath out of them. One by one, they pass out from the pressure and at the end, Slipknot relinquishes the rope and it retracts back to the collar around her neck.

Winner: Slipknot

Score: Heroines 3, Villains 5



Cobalt Blue (Earth-SU)
Star Girl (Earth-LW)
Star Girl (Earth-PV)
Bitterfrost (Earth-SN)

Bubblegum Ranger (Earth-LA)
Crimson Hawk (Earth-HH)
Phantom Girl (Earth-SD)
Ultrawoman (Earth-SC)
Cardinal Syn (Earth-SS)

Blue Angel 2 (Earth-HW)
Fyre Femme (Earth-SU)
Gold Avenger (Earth-SC)
Pyro Girl (Earth-AV)
Purple Vixen (Earth-SD)

Flag Girl (Earth-SB)
Light Girl (Earth-PV)
Spectra Girl (Earth-SD)
Sweet Victory (Earth-SN)
Dark Hawk (Earth-HH)

Will the Villains be able to take a bigger lead or will the heroines be able to bounce back? Find out tomorrow!
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Good thing these fights don't last long, no matter who wins! Otherwise, you'd have a SERIOUS case of writer's cramp!! :-D Nice job, Kace! Looking forward to tomorrow!

NOTE TO THE FORUM: How about some more of the readers besides me giving this writer some encouragement, huh? 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Story General
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Kace, sorry not to comment on this before but this is a great story. Although I prefer the more traditional style of writing, yours works great with this idea. Keep up the good work!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Yeah, today's fights'll probably go by rather swift, too S-Pics. Thanks as always for your comments. :)

Thanks for the kind words, SG. I admit to not really being great with the whole traditional thing. I like my old efed script style, what can I say?


All characters are property of their respective owners.

Worlds Collide #8

Cobalt Blue (Earth-SU)
Star Girl (Earth-LW)
Star Girl (Earth-PV)
Bitterfrost (Earth-SN)

Bitterfrost gets the jump on the heroines by hitting a ice attack on Star Girl-PV, causing her to be frozen in position for the rest of the short fight. Bitterfrost tries the same move on Cobalt Blue, but Cobalt has an ice blast of her own and the two wind up crossing each other out, leaving Star Girl-LW with the perfect opportunity to strike, which she does with a flying tackle on Bitterfrost through the wall, knocking her out. Star Girl-LW emerges from the wall and sees Cobalt Blue looking over her frozen ally, Star Girl-PV.

Winners: Cobalt Blue, Star Girl & Star Girl

Score: Heroines 4, Villains 5

Bubblegum Ranger (Earth-LA)
Crimson Hawk (Earth-HH)
Phantom Girl (Earth-SD)
Ultrawoman (Earth-SC)
Cardinal Syn (Earth-SS)

Crimson Hawk, Phantom Girl and Ultrawoman all assume their fighting stances while Bubblegum Ranger has her laser cannon aimed right at Cardinal Syn.

Cardinal Syn: Okay, who's stupid idea was this??? Screw this.

Cardinal Syn drops slowly to her knees, her hands behind her head and hoping that she will live to see another day when all is said and done.

Winners: Bubblegum Ranger, Crimson Hawk, Phantom Girl & Ultrawoman

Score: Heroines 5, Villains 5

Blue Angel 2 (Earth-HW)
Fyre Femme (Earth-SU)
Gold Avenger (Earth-SC)
Pyro Girl (Earth-AV)
Purple Vixen (Earth-SD)

Purple Vixen senses Fyre Femme and Pyro Girl's fire attack and rolls out of the way, towards Gold Avenger who appears to catch a leaping Vixen, only to be monkeyflipped by the purple clad villainess. Purple Vixen pulls out a knife from her belt, but is caught from behind by Blue Angel 2, who applies a half nelson, trying to wrest away the knife. The rest of the heroines join in and force Purple Vixen down, eventually pinning her to the floor with no chance of getting out.

Winners: Blue Angel 2, Fyre Femme, Gold Avenger & Pyro Girl

Score: Heroines 6, Villains 5

Flag Girl (Earth-SB)
Light Girl (Earth-PV)
Spectra Girl (Earth-SD)
Sweet Victory (Earth-SN)
Dark Hawk (Earth-HH)

Dark Hawk stands with her hands on her hips, unimpressed.

Dark Hawk: What did I draw, the bad sidekicks club?

Sweet Victory: Hey, that's not nice.

Dark Hawk: I'm not nice, sweetie.

Flag Girl: Are you ready to defend yourself?

Dark Hawk: Ha!!! I should be asking you that.

Spectra Girl: Please, we have you outnumbered.

Dark Hawk: And I have you outclassed.

Dark Hawk begins to charge up at her hands. The surge of electricity begins to crackle as Flag Girl charges in. Dark Hawk knocks her back with an energy blast. Sweet Victory runs over to check on her fallen ally as Spectra Girl and Light Girl look at one another.

Light Girl: Well, one of us should go next.

Dark Hawk: How about I go?

Light Girl and Spectra Girl's eyes widen as Dark Hawk rushes in with a goozle on each heroine, the electricity still flowing in her fingertips. Dark Hawk has them against the wall when she feels a feint strike against her back. She lets go of Light Girl and Spectra Girl and turns around to see a concerned Sweet Victory. In the distance, Flag Girl is trying to get to her feet.

Sweet Victory: now!

Dark Hawk firmly grasps Sweet Victory's breasts with her electric hands, causing Sweet Victory to yell out in pain. Using her strength, Dark Hawk lifts Sweet Victory off of her feet and launches her straight into Flag Girl, knocking them both out. Dark Hawk refocuses her attention on the weakened Light Girl and Spectra Girl, grabbing them both by the hair. They struggle to free themselves, but to no avail. Dark Hawk repeatedly slams their heads together until they both are unconscious. Tossing them aside, Dark Hawk surveys her handiwork.

Dark Hawk: Oh, the fun I could have with these four...

Winner: Dark Hawk

Score: Heroines 6, Villians 6



American Spirit (Earth-LW)
Wonder (Earth-PV)
Wonder Star (Earth-HW)
Nefertiti (Earth-SU)

Liberty Belle (Earth-LW)
Wonder Wench (Earth-SU)
Wonder Womyn (Earth-HW)
Lady Despair (Earth-SS)

Blue Angel 3 (Earth-HW)
FemmBat (Earth-LW)
Night Angel (Earth-SC)
Silvercat (Earth-SD)

Galaxy Girl (Earth-SC)
Power Girl (Earth-PV)
Spectra Woman (Earth-SD)
Deadeye (Earth-LW)

Will the score remain even or will one of the sides get the advantage? Find out tomorrow as only 8 battles remain!
Last edited by Camvoy 17 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Nice stetches
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Thanks, Flamboy. :)

Another quick edition of the fights as we march to the future...or something.


All characters are property of their respective owners.

Worlds Collide #9

American Spirit (Earth-LW)
Wonder (Earth-PV)
Wonder Star (Earth-HW)
Nefertiti (Earth-SU)

As the fight begins, Nefertiti finds herself dodging lasso tosses from her three adversaries. The first two miss, but the last one, tossed by Wonder Star connects, capturing Nefertiti. American Spirit and Wonder then apply their lassos around Nefertiti as well, keeping her grounded.

Winners: American Spirit, Wonder & Wonder Star

Score: Heroines 7, Villains 6

Liberty Belle (Earth-LW)
Wonder Wench (Earth-SU)
Wonder Womyn (Earth-HW)
Lady Despair (Earth-SS)

Lady Despair holds her own while fighting off Liberty Belle and Wonder Wench. Wonder Womyn however is able to take Despair down and apply a vicious legscissors, allowing Wonder Wench to apply a headlock and Liberty Belle to apply a toehold, isolating Despair.

Winners: Liberty Belle, Wonder Wench & Wonder Womyn

Score: Heroines 8, Villains 6

Blue Angel 3 (Earth-HW)
FemmBat (Earth-LW)
Night Angel (Earth-SC)
Silvercat (Earth-SD)

The three heroines surround Silvercat.

Night Angel: You should go ahead and give up now.

Silvercat: Rrrowww....I don't think so.

FemmBat: Then prepare for-!

Before FemmBat can finish her sentence, Silvercat rushes in with her catlike speed, punching her in the midsection, undoing her utility belt, lifting up her black dress costume and slamming her facefirst to the floor. Blue Angel 3 steps forward and Silvercat attacks, wrapping FemmBat's utility belt around Angel 3's throat, cutting off her air supply. Night Angel rushes in, but Silvercat is able to toss the defeated Angel 3 aside, jump and rebound off the wall and swipe off Night Angel's mask. Looking to immediately protect her identity, Night Angel covers her face. Silvercat dropkicks Night Angel, sending her headfirst to the wall and knocking her out. Silvercat, still ready to fight crouches down.

Silvercat: Mmmmeow.

Winner: Silvercat

Score: Heroines 8, Villains 7

Galaxy Girl (Earth-SC)
Power Girl (Earth-PV)
Spectra Woman (Earth-SD)
Deadeye (Earth-LW)

The fight is over before it can begin as Deadeye pulls out two guns, aiming them straight into the mouths of the lunging Power Girl and Spectra Woman. Galaxy Girl stands, ready to fight as Deadeye looks at her.

Deadeye: can win or I can win. But no matter who wins, these two won't make it to tomorrow if you take another step.

Galaxy Girl: It doesn't have to be like this.

Deadeye: Yeah it does. Surrender or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum here bite the big one.

Galaxy Girl struggles emotionally with the decision while Spectra Woman and Star Girl are held hostage by the guns.

Galaxy Girl: ...Dammit. Fine, I surrender.

Deadeye: Very good.

Deadeye laughs and shoots Spectra Woman in her right shoulder and Star Girl in her left shoulder, sending them to the floor in severe pain, screaming. Galaxy Girl steps forward, angry, but now has the guns turned on her.

Deadeye: You surrendered.

Upset, Galaxy Girl looks down.

Winner: Deadeye

Score: Heroines 8, Villains 8



The final battles to decide the fate of the Multiverse!

Lady Liberty (Earth-DS)
Princess Astria (Earth-MC)
Wonder Tomi (Earth-HW)
Katra (Earth-HH)

Lady Star (Earth-LW)
Stellar Girl (Earth-SD)
Ultra Girl (Earth-AV)
Ultragirl (Earth-SC)
Jade (Earth-HW)

Amazon Queen (Earth-DT)
Lightning Girl (Earth-SD)
Spirit Of 76 (Earth-SS)
Virago (Earth-HW)

Blue Angel 1 (Earth-HW)
Chance (Earth-SN)
Mega Babe (Earth-HH)
Mercury Blue (Earth-LA)
Blue Basher (Earth-LW)

The heroines and villains are tied! Will the heroines prevail? Will the villains? What happens if the struggle ends in a tie??? Find out tomorrow in the FINALE of Worlds Collide!
Last edited by Camvoy 17 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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As you said before, real fast fights! :-D Looking forward to seeing how you end this story! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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A tie eh? Hmm I have an idea of whats coming but don't want to be suprised. Good work Kace.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Today we wrap things up with some quick fights and what the future beholds.


All characters are property of their respective owners.

Worlds Collide #10

Lady Liberty (Earth-DS)
Princess Astria (Earth-MC)
Wonder Tomi (Earth-HW)
Katra (Earth-HH)

Katra tries to wrestle her way through the tripleteaming of the heroines, but eventually succumbs as Lady Liberty, Princess Astria and Wonder Tomi are able to pin her to the floor.

Winners: Lady Liberty, Princess Astria & Wonder Tomi

Score: Heroines 9, Villains 8

Lady Star (Earth-LW)
Stellar Girl (Earth-SD)
Ultra Girl (Earth-AV)
Ultragirl (Earth-SC)
Jade (Earth-HW)

Jade smiles as she looks over her opponents.

Jade: Who wants to go first?

Ultra Girl: Let's get her!

Ultra Girl leaps at Jade, not noticing that Jade has a small object in her hand which she shows to Ultra Girl, capturing her eyes and hypnotizing her.

Jade: Shhh.

Ultra Girl stands still as Ultragirl, Lady Star and Stellar Girl prepare to attack. They try to shield their eyes as Jade shows them the small hypnotic device, but it is too late. With all four heroines under spell, she orders them all to stand side by side.

Pacing back and forth in front of them before standing back, Jade comes up with an idea.

Jade: I command the four of you to knock each other out.

All 4 Heroines: Yes, Mistress...

The four heroines attack one another, with Ultra Girl the first to fall. Lady Star is next to slump to the floor, followed by Ultragirl and Stellar Girl who knock each other out simultaneously. Jade stands triumphant, admiring her handiwork.

Winner: Jade

Score: Heroines 9, Villains 9

Amazon Queen (Earth-DT)
Lightning Girl (Earth-SD)
Spirit Of 76 (Earth-SS)
Virago (Earth-HW)

Virago stands with her arms crossed, smirking.

Virago: This shouldn't be so hard.

Amazon Girl: Do you realize who you're fighting?

Virago: I'm fighting no one.

Spirit Of 76: Um...hello? There's three of us and one of you.

Virago: Mm hmm.

Lightning Girl: And we have to fight.

Virago walks toward the superheroines, blowing into her hands.

Virago: No we don't. I think we can just...

Virago aims her palms at Lightning Girl and Spirit Of 76, the essence from her breath to her hands shooting forth and capturing them, sending them to the floor.

Virago: ...relax.

Virago blows her breath against Amazon Queen's face. Amazon struggles for a moment, trying to fight off the effects. Virago pulls her in close and knocks her out with a kiss. The fight over, Virago sighs.

Winner: Virago

Score: Heroines 9, Villains 10

Blue Angel 1 (Earth-HW)
Chance (Earth-SN)
Mega Babe (Earth-HH)
Mercury Blue (Earth-LA)
Blue Basher (Earth-LW)

Basher starts the fight by attacking Chance, knocking her to the floor. Mercury Blue aims her laser gun, but Basher ducks under, grabbing the gun and wrestling with Mercury Blue over it. Basher kicks Mercury Blue down and against Chance, knocking them both out. Mega Babe wraps her arms around Basher's shoulders from behind, but Basher counters by reaching back and grabbing Mega Babe's crotch and squeezing down as Mega Babe lets go with a moan. Blue Angel 1 lands a punch to the midsection and Blue Basher spins with a go behind on Mega Babe, sending her into Blue Angel 1. The heroines are dazed, but still standing. Basher reaches Mega Babe from behind, grabbing and lifting up her top, exposing her breasts. Mega Babe gasps and immediately covers up with her hands.

Blue Angel 1: You perv-

Basher uses her quickness to then grab Blue Angel 1's top and lift as well, exposing her breasts. Angel 1 and Mega Babe adjust their tops as Blue Basher stands, laughing.

Blue Angel 1: Oh, that's it. I am tired over you people playing with my tits!!!

Angel 1 and Mega Babe charge Basher, tackling her to the floor. The force of the tackle temporarily knocks the wind out of Basher, giving the Blue Angel and Mega babe an opportunity to return a favor. They grab the top of Basher's blue leotard and begin yanking it down, exposing her breasts. Basher, embarrassed, begins to cover herself up.

Blue Basher: What are you doing??? You're supposed to be the good guys!!!

Mega Babe: We're pissed off good guys.

The heroines continue pulling the leotard down as Mercury Blue and Chance struggle to get to their feet. The leotard is brought down around the ankles and then completely off of Basher's body. Basher rolls to her stomach, her lower torso covered only by her sparkling black tights.

Mega Babe: We gotta knock her out or get a submission.

Blue Angel 1: Yep.

Each heroine drops down and grabs an arm of Basher's. Each pull back in an armbar as Basher screams in pain, but not surrendering. Chance is still catching her breath as Mercury Blue stands with her laser gun. She adjusts the settings on the gun then aims it Basher's back.

Mercury Blue: Don't worry. This will only neutralize her.

Mercury Blue fires, the laser hitting Basher's back and knocking her out.

Winners: Blue Angel 1, Chance, Mega Babe & Mercury Blue

Final Score: Heroines 10, Villains 10

All goes black once again.

Darmuth stands in the darkness overlooking the Multiverse.

Darmuth: Hmmm...a tie. Neither side wins, but neither side loses. What to do, what to do...

Darmuth ponders for a moment.

Darmuth: Status quo?

Darmuth pierces his eyes and smiles.

Darmuth: Naaahhhh...these people work too well together. So let's bring them together in one single stream. I hope this works...

Darmuth closes his eyes and concentrates, bringing the Worlds together in a collision and once again everything goes black.

The End?


Coming soon...Darmuth's Tales, where team-ups and rivalries come together.


I know this seemed kinda rushed at times, but I mainly wanted to see if I could actually write one of these things, including certain elements, like action and so on. What comes next are stories that will be a little more concentrated and hopefully even more fun to read.

Thanks, everyone!
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Kace, you are EVIL!! :evil: You said you'd wrap this up! Talk about cliffhangers! Sheesh!! :( Oh well, it was entertaining, but you've got to start Darmuth's Tales right away! We gotta see how this turns out here! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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