Peril Elements For WON/MMP's Superwoman: A New Dawn Underwater Peril fan Film Installment

The Home of Superheroine Underwater Peril films and other things
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As promised a few days are the details/peril elements for WON/MMP's Superwoman: A New Dawn Underwater Peril fan Film Installment Project...

Now, Here are the non-water and underwater peril elements that will be in Superwoman: A New Dawn:
1) Kyrptonite Necklace
2) KO'ed by blunt instrument
3) Syringe injection
4) Handcuffed/Tied up with ball and Chain
5) Underwater choking fight/Strangulation/Drowning (bleeding Included)
6) Drowning Death
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As you can see..this installment will be once again, heavy on peril elements..both non-water and underwater peril elements. if you have any questions about this film, peril elements, the crowdfunding campaign for this film in this upcoming project...Feel free to leave your comments down below or you can message me here at the forum or at the project series facebook page at, or you can email me at [email protected]

Once again, THIS FAN FILM INSTALLMENT NEEDS $1,450 TO BE FULLY FUNDED!!! The deadline is September 1st @ 2:59am ET/August 31st @ 11:59pm PT. To all of you who have donated/contributed to these film installments, From Supergirl In The Watery Trap to Supergirl VII: Unchained. I Want to say thank you to all the contributors/donators and supporter who since day one giving your continuing support and help making these installments come to life...I really do appreciate it and I certainly hope all of you fans can help make this upcoming film come to life once again with your contributions and support.

To make a donation/contribution to this new fan film installment, click on this link:
:supes: Watch all of W.O.N/MMP's Superheroine World Underwater Peril Fan Film Series, only on W.O.N Cinema YouTube Channel:

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