The story so far!

Hypnosis, Mind Control and Erotic Superheroine Adventures!
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Hey everyone,

Just a quick update regarding what's happening. In short, after 6 years, I closed down my studio. It was a 3000 sq ft space and it took a week for us to finally get it back to the original structure. We also took 2 tons (!!!) of debris to the dump! It was back breaking work, to be sure, and probably the hardest I ever worked and hopefully never again :)

SO why did I close it? Well, in the beginning, everything was great, we had a big greenscreen that we were renting out, I had an assistant and we were making money. But soon, everyone and their mother had a greenscreen business coupled with the fact that there was a lot less greenscreen work out there. We did other things like throw parties but, to be honest, it's a full time job to do any of those things.

My full time job is creating content, which I wasn't doing because I was too busy running a studio that was giving me less returns every month. So I decided to close down and just produce again, which is a breath of fresh air!

SO, in the coming weeks, I have a lot of odds and ends that I will be kicking out. I call them B-sides or small little scenes and customs. It will be a mish-mash of content for sure.
So all those little tidbits that you've seen me post will now see the light of day.

TL;DR Studio is now closed and I'm back to producing.. Stay tuned!
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Best of luck buddy!
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.

Awesome! Best of luck
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Glad to hear you're getting back to producing MH. I've missed your productions.
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Mr. X
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So you're selling the building?
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Thanks everyone!

Mr. X wrote:
7 years ago
So you're selling the building?
I didn't own the building, I just leased it.
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Fantastic news that you're getting back into making videos, MH! Your work has been so inspirational. Can't wait to see them.

But can I speak to the whole studio issue?

Brick and mortar can be a bitch in areas that are highly in-demand like LA. And I do understand the need to be located near the talent.
But hey, if you (or anyone) are looking to run a studio where you can cheaply and easily produce your own work, look no further than my town or some other cities similar to it.

I've been paying $500 a month for a two-story facility (which two other people have rentals in as well) with 8000+ sq feet where we can build entire sets, come in any time day or night, and film anything we want. It even has a large locker room area for changing, with bathroom, showers and mirrors etc. it's clean, lots of power and there's good indoor lighting. One of those two other guys lives in part of the facility. We also put on some smaller-scale music concerts in the facility (have to be careful at night because of the neighbors, so no "rock" music), and it's been used for theater rehearsals, a flea market, some parties, and even a nude chickfighting session (not my production).

I'm not saying you will get a deal like I got, but you might find something that's a lot cheaper than anything you could get in LA or NYC.

What I'm getting at is that it's probably great to be near the Hollywood action in LA, but you can also do quite well in a city that still has some entertainment infrastructure (we have a film industry with workers who get steady employment, a film-support organization which if you join you get access to lots of equipment for free, a downtown film office, and various blockbuster movies have been filmed here). Look at how well the various SHIP studios of Portland do for themselves. But Portland still has a higher cost of living and (as far as I know) is overrun by artisanal hipsters who are driving up real estate prices I imagine.

Not so for various Midwest, Atlantic State and Southern cities that still have a fairly low cost of living. We have a little bit of gentrification but it's not insane - most of the city is not gentrified and probably never will be, because the population is steady and not growing. With the Internet, you could locate in a city where operational costs are rock-bottom, and then simply have your talent fly in or drive in. And you'd probably also find some new talent living conveniently nearby with a few searches on Model Mayhem, so a good mix of locals and nationals could be achieved.

Just some thought. Not necessarily for MH, but maybe for others doing similar things or who are thinking about it.
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That is true. For me, however, most of the girls I want to work with are out here.

Actually, in another bit of Hyponlinemedia news, I will be skipping FetishCon this year, although I intend to return next year. FetishCon is totally worth it as an experience, (and I urge you all to go if you haven't) and I have a ton of fun there but it's about 2 months away and I already have some plans for productions that will take me into August so, it's a bit of a conflict this year.

Next year I plan to return for all the debauchery and fun :)
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