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(A little short story based on what I would like to see in Episode 4)

Alex looked over at her sister, “There is an armed robbery at the Diamond Exchange. Shot fired. They might …” Alex did not get the chance to finish her sentence as Supergirl was already on her way.

Three men in all dressed in black were sprinting down the steps with their haul of precious gems, when Supergirl landed causing the thieves to stop in their tracks. “You know Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” She said as she stood confidently holding her hand out expecting the thugs to give themselves up.

“Okay, we will go with you.” The apparent leader said as the three thugs tucked their guns in the waist of their pants. The three walked up to Supergirl and placed the bag of jewels in her hand. “Now, lets…um lets…” Supergirl felt a wave a dizziness was over her. “Kryptonite!” She said as she dropped the bag and stumbled back, but was caught by two of the thugs as the third picked up the bag.

“You are very predicable Supergirl.” The lead thug stated flatly. “Bet you didn’t think as too why we would want to rob this place in broad daylight? Or that Luthor kept his private stash here.” “Luthor?” Supergirl asked quizzically. “He is in jail…”

“Yes he is behind bars, just as you are going to be!” The thug pulled a rag out of a plastic bag and covered the Kryptonian Cuties mouth and nose. “Mmmmfffffff” the maid of might protested as she held her breath. The thug punched her in the gut causing her to gasp in the noxious fumes. With the kryptonite and the chloroform overwhelming her system, her eyes flickered and closed and her tight little body went limp.

The two thugs holding the girl of the stars each grabbed a wrist and an ankle lifting the unconscious girl up as a dark van skidded to a stop behind Supergirl, the side door opening. The kidnappers threw the girl of steel in through the open door and jumped inside as they sped away.

Supergirl moaned as she was flung onto the steel floor of the van, her eyes opening for a moment to see a long sexy leg with a colorful serpent tattoo peaking out a red dress. The high heeled foot pushed the shoulder of the erstwhile heroine over onto her back. “Welcome, to my Club!”
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Write the rest of the story please!!
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Tmon, the story is really more my wishful thinking for S2 E4 of SG :evo:
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The "Like" buttons are missing! I need to press them ! Why are the "Like" Buttons missing when I need them? I LIKE this !! Buttons ?!!? I need to press them!
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A gem of a scene!
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Ksire, that was a pretty cool little scene. As others have stated, it would be fun to read the rest of your take on how that should play out. :)
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Very nice scene K99 :) Good combos of the classics, Kryptonite and chloroform hehe.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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perhaps a little more T and Flirty

Supergirl reached up grabbing the ankle to push away the red stiletto that was pressing into her shoulder, as she moaned “Roulette”. The dark haired exotic beauty leaned forward pressing the heel painfully deeper into the girl of steel’s shoulder. “Tonight, you are going to make me A LOT of money.” Roulette laughed derisively. “The mighty, indestructible, unbeatable Supergirl is about to lose big time.” Supergirl fingers opened as she felt the pain, using her palm to push against the strong leg that was causing her discomfort. “I will never fight for you.” Supergirl stated weakly. “Yes, you will. I have a lot of money bet against the 5 to 1 favorite...Supergirl.” “Never!” Supergirl quickly responded. “Oh you will. Cause if you don’t I will have MY friends hurt YOUR friends.” Supergirl looked up and glared as she thought 'How could she know?'

Her eyes again became heavy as fought to remain conscience as the thug with the kryptonite had jumped into the van and took his seat close to the maid of might. Leaning down, he placed the deadly green glowing crystal on the middle of the large symbol on her chest. “Sleep little girl, you will need your strength when you awaken!” The Kryptonian Kutie’s hand slowly rising up the calf of Roulette before slowly slipping back down as her eyes closed again.
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Tease!!! :)
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Consciousness slowly returned to Supergirl, first hearing the dull roar of the crowd of the fight club two levels up, then a tug on her hair causing her to open her eyes startled. She blinked as her large blue eyes took a moment to get orientated. “Hold still” a petite Asian girl said who was fixing Supergirl’s makeup, while another girl was fixing her hair.

Supergirl flexed her muscles to move and found she could not move even in the slightest. “Tell Ms. Roulette she’s awake.” The woman fixing the blonde heroines hair instructed. The guard at the door, clicked his radio relaying the message. Supergirl, looked down and saw she was inside what looked like a high tech iron maiden device holding her near motionless. “Release me!”

Roulette walked in “The only person that can release you is me.” Supergirl’s face reddened with anger “You better release me or” Roulette cut her off. “Or what little girl?” Roulette snears “You think …They think” Roulette motions with her arms towards the crowd above, “you are so powerful. I will tell you what real power is. It is deciding how long you live and when you die.” Roulette looked into the eyes of the blonde heroine seeing a hint of fear. “I suggest you start behaving in the manner of your position.” Supergirl shot back “And what position is that? Your prisoner? I will escape!” Roulette griped the cheeks of the maid of might in her hand. “No one escapes except through brutal death. You are my property. I own you and I will mistreat you as I feel I need to.”

There is a large roar of the crowd, drawing Roulette’s attention to a monitor. Supergirl’s eyes follows and is shocked by what she sees. “Jon!” she whispers as she sees her friend being held by his throat by a pale 7’ monster. “The Martian did not last very long.” The dark mistress states. "Perhaps you will do better?” Roulette struts out of the room leaving a speechless blonde heroine wondering what that evil woman had planned for her and her friends.
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Nice but too short.
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Agreed too short!!!
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Roulette strutted across the elevated walkway before stopping and addressing well dressed, well healed masked crowd. “Are you ready for the MAIN EVENT?” The crowd roared in approval. The lights go off, causing the crowd to roar louder in anticipation, as the only source of light in the expansive room is a small spotlight on Roulette.

“I promised you the biggest fight you have ever seen, and I never disappoint!” Roulette pauses as the crowd applauds, “and here SHE is. The Maid of Might, the Girl of Steel, THE Champion of National City, Sooooperrrrgirllllll!” A blinding flash of light followed by an explosion that reverberates inside the large steel structure. As the smoke clears Supergirl is standing in the center of the electrified cage with three large spotlights focusing on her as she looks bewildered shielding her eyes as she tries to look at her surroundings.

Roulette continues. “And her opponent? It is none other than the first born of the House of Almerac, the Warrior Queen, OUR undefeated champion, Lady Maxima!” Spotlights suddenly turn from focusing on Supergirl whose eyes drift upward following the spotlights that now bathes the 6’2” tall red head floating 10’ above the Girl of Steel.

Supergirl looked up seeing her opponent wearing gold thigh high boots, green body suit with red trim, a gold belt and a translucent gold cape. She notes the strong looking woman has a regal beauty about her. “Like what you see?” Kara could ‘hear’ Maxima in her head. Lady Maxima smirked as she looked down on the smaller girl in red and blue. Maxima with her arms crossed under her large bosom making her bust appear even larger, states “Get used to being under my feet."

“As I told your boss, no one can make me perform like a circus animal. I will not fight you. Please join me in fighting the real evil here. Roulette! Her and others like her are using us for sport. To paint us as dangerous animals. Not the sentient beings we are, with our own hopes, fears and loves!”

The warrior queen clapped in derision. Then stated out loud for everyone to hear, “Unlike you, I am here by choice and can leave at any time I want. I am not a caged animal. You on the other hand are. Here for their entertainment as well as MINE!” Supergirl floated up so she could see eye-to-eye with the large woman in green. “There is a reason I am called Supergirl, Maxima. Believe me, you do not want to get on my bad side!”

“Super-GIRL, you will be licking my boots when I am done with you.”

“FIGHT” Declared Roulette. Maxima did not hesitate throwing a round house punch which Supergirl ducked, but did not see continuing the turning motion of Lady Maxima, catching the girl of steel in the cheek with an elbow. The blow caused Kara to see stars as the maid of might tumbled to the ground.

Maxima slams boots down where Supergirl was only moments prior, as the marvel of National City rolls out of the way. “We do not need to act like mindless barbarians!” Supergirl stated as she was now back on her feet dodging and deflecting Maxima’s punches and kicks. The crowd was beginning to get restless as Supergirl was refusing to fight.

Alex and Maggie standing at a front row table are appalled as they see Kara had been forced into this situation. Maggie pulled out her phone and was about to call for backup when two security officers approached them. With grace and strength that belie their small frames the two woman now had the weapons of the security guards. Maggie held hers straight up to the ceiling as Alex covered the large men. Maggie pulled the trigger as she yelled “police!” But was surprised when the gun did not go off. "Those are imprinted weapons, only work for the owner." Before the girls could react both are hit with Tasers knocking them to the floor!

Supergirl was ducking and running from the attacks when she heard the familiar voice of Maggie. Looking over she sees her and her sister go down as Roulette orders the guards to cuff them. The moment of distraction is all Maxima needs grabbing Supergirl from behind in a bear hug lifting the Kryptonian powerhouse off her feet. Supergirl grunts as she realizes Maxima is very strong and she does not have any leverage. She kicks uselessly as tries to free herself. Unable to get free she changes tactics and uses her power of flight, but Maxima uses the momentum to flip Supergirl backwards cracking her blonde head on the hardened floor of the battle arena.

Maxima now sits on the stomach of the prone heroine as she begins to rain down punches. Roulette yells to Maxima “Remember do not damage her face.” “Arrgghhhhhh!” Maxima says in frustration balling up golden blonde mane of Supergirl in her fist lifting her off her feet. “Seems Roulette has plans for you after the match!” Hitting girl of steel in the gut, knocking the wind out of the blonde heroine.

Supergirl staggers back trying to get her bearings as Maxima stalks her. Roulette chimes in “Supergirl, if you do not fight, I will make sure your friends will pay dearly for your defiance!” Supergirl felt a rush of anger as she knew she had no choice. “You should be more careful of what you ask for!” The maid of might declared as she shot her heat vision into the chest of Maxima sending the red head warrior through a steel wall. Maxima flew out of the hole like a missle right for Supergirl who caught her with a spinning kick to her side that sent Maxima skidding along the floor.

The crowd was going nuts as Supergirl was no longer holding back. Maxima cracked her knuckles as she rose. “Perhaps you are a worthy opponent after all. I may use you for my personal guard once Roulette is done with you.” “Not a chance!” Supergirl responded with a blast of freeze breath, but Maxima flew straight up and came down on the shoulders of the Kryptonian driving her onto her stomach. Maxima wrapped her strong arms around the head and throat of Supergirl pulling her upwards as she put a knee into the small of her back, bending the girl of steel painfully. Supergirl grunted from the pain. “Want to know why I am here?” Maxima asked as she pulled with all her might. Supergirl grabbed at the arms and wrist looking for leverage so she could find to free herself. “I don’t care you mean girl!” Supergirl grunted as she utilized her flight power as she shot the ground with her heat vision causing the two combatants to spin wildly upward till they each hit the electrified ceiling.

BZZZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP each of the girls spasms then fell to the floor. Supergirl is up first and returns the favor by grabbing Maxima by the hair and begins to pummel Maxima. Each punch not only causes Maxima to feel the power in the smaller girl it enrages her. “NO ONE DARES TOUCH THE QUEEN OF ALMERAC!” Supergirl is then hit by a powerful psychic blast. Maxima blasts her again causing Supergirl off of her.

Supergirl tries to fly away to get some space so she can get her bearing and figure out how to beat this new power she is being hit with. Maxima grabs the cape of the fleeing Supergirl slamming her into the floor. Before Supergirl can get up Maxima stomps on her solar plexus knocking the wind out of Supergirl.

Supergirl is gasping for air as Maxima poses for the crowd with her boot on Supergirl’s chest, her cape in her hand. The crowd is going wild as some yell for Maxima to finish her. Supergirl grabs the boot to get free but Maxima blasts her again. This time the floor cracks from the force as Supergirl’s arms fall to her side. Maxima reaches down one hand on her throat the other on her crotch lifting the defeated heroine over her head. Maxima struts around the battle arena as two fingers slip under the Kryptonian Kuties panties and between her neither lips. “nooooooo” protests Supergirl.

“You said you did not care why I was here before. Well I think you should care as I am here to find a mate as required by the royal court. But I am always looking for someone to warm my bed when I need MY special needs satisfied.” Maxima thumb is stroking the clit which is now as hard as steel. “No, ohhhh you can’t do this. No Please No I am Supergirl, you can’t do this to me!” She gasped as Maxima toyed with her, and the crowd was now chanting “FINISH HER, FINISH HER, FINISH HER!”

I think it is time I gave the crowd what they want. Maxima’s hand tightened around the delicate looking throat of the former maid of might choking her. Maxima was slipped a third finger in as she finger banged the sexy blonde. “Urk” was all Supergirl could utter as her vision began to close. First having the wind knocked out of her, now being choked and being finger banged was driving her closer and closer to the edge. Maxima looked up her eyes began to glow “You are in need of a mistress. Someone to teach you, mentor you in the ways of servitude, should you show you are deserving of my noble caress. “ “No” Supergirl responded mentally. “You are someone who is strong in form but not in mind. You will bend to my will as I require someone as fair-featured as you... someone capable of providing warmth on the long trip home.” “Please” Supergirl moaned as her vision began to close in as she felt her passion starting to boil. “Maxima’s eyes glowed brighter “CUM”

The crowd was quieting down as they realized that Maxima was doing the helpless blonde. Soon Supergirl began to spasm as Maxima fingers overwhelmed her. Maxima withdrew her fingers as Supergirl said “No” as she needed more, much, much MORE! Maxima smiled as she licked her wet fingers. “I look forward to much more of you.”

Maxima threw Supergirl into the electrified fence then placed her boot into her back keeping the girl of steel from falling free. Supergirls hair danced as her sweat turned to smoke. She screamed in pain as Roulette stood smiling right in front of her. Roulette watched as the cruel red head held Supergirl in place until the blue eyes rolled up into the back of the pretty head. Even though Supergirl was clearly out, Maxima held her in place until the electric fence shorted out.

Maxima stepped back as Supergirl folded over a large steel I-beam her cape falling to the floor. Roulette instructed “Lady Maxima if you please take this girl to the ‘Empress Room’ and secure her. Maxima smiled as she slung the koed heroine over her shoulder patting her on the ass. “It will be my pleasure”
Last edited by ksire_99 7 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Oh my word, what a fight and what a beat down! Maxima is truly a worthy adversary for SG.
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Well, that certainly gets one's heart racing. Excellent job.
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Roulette reached down and picked up the bright red cape holding it up high in her fist she faced the crowd. “That is all for tonight!” The crowd applauded as Roulette wrapped the cape around her neck like a scarf, before announcing; “except of course for those who are members of the Empress Club. Members are in for a very special treat tonight!”

Roulette turned back as she watched her green and gold clad warrior carried the limp superheroine over her broad left shoulder. Supergirl’s thin arms and long blonde hair swaying back and forth as Lady Maxima strutted victoriously to the Empress Room.

The tall red head flopped the unconscious girl spread eagle on the huge four poster bed. Her red, blue and yellow costume in stark contrast to the soft pink silk sheets. Maxima unzipped and removed each of the tall red boots tossing them into the far corner. Once the boots were removed she placed Nth metal cuffs on the sleeping maid of might’s ankles and wrists. Lady Maxima pulled the chains taunt stretching Supergirl’s arms and legs out.

Maxima sat at the head of the bed with her legs folded under her between the bound arms of Supergirl. “Now let’s make you more manageable for these lowly humans.” She says as she places her palms over the Girl of Steel’s temples. Maxima’s eyes glow brightly as she dives deeper and deeper into the mind of the young Kryptonian. Beads of sweat begin to form on the red head’s brow as she expends more and more energy trying to break through the strong mind of Supergirl. The bright glow of Maxima’s eyes slowly starts to dim, before she curses in an unknown language in exasperation. “Once this is over and I get my ship back you will be mine!”

“Not until I am done with her first!” said Roulette as she walked in wearing Supergirl’s cape. “Is she ready?” Maxima looked up and nodded ‘No’. “What are you doing then? Certainly the Queen of Almerac can overcome this weak helpless creature.” “Her mental defenses are strong, I have been able to make her more compliant, but breaking her will would take many more sessions.”

Maxima’s eyes glowed in anger at Roulette, speaking in her mind “Careful how you address me you bitch or I will turn you into a puddle of goo!” Unfazed by the threat, Roulette stepped up to the powerful alien. “If you want off this planet give me something to use against this so called ‘Supergirl’!” Maxima gritted her teeth and looked at the still unconscious girl of steel. “She took my strongest psychic blows. Each strong enough to shatter a Lantern’s personal shield! It did not even knock her out. Look at her, she does not even have a mark on her. She is not weak.” Maxima sighs as she marshalled the last of her resources.

“Ask her what she thinks is her sexiest body part.” Roulette instructed. “She is proud of her legs.” The red head answered. “Well let’s turn her pride into a weakness.” Smiled the evil mistress. “I am too tired.” Protested Maxima defiantly. “DO IT!” commanded Roulette. Maxima cringed in anger as her eyes glowed following Roulette’s instructions, as she thought of the many ways she would torture the lowly human in the near future.

After a few minutes Lady Maxima’s glowing eyes began to flicker before going out. Maxima stood unsteadily, her chin resting on her chest. Roulette cradled Maxima’s face in her palms lifting her face up. “Thank you SLAVE!” Roulette said in triumph as she leaned in and kissed the surprised red headed powerhouse hard. Before Maxima could react the tainted lip stick of Roulette placed Lady Maxima into her thrall. Maxima’s legs slowly folded as she collapsed at the feet of her new mistress. “Thanks for making it easy for me.” Roulette gloated over the fallen alien.

Two large men in Tuxedos walked in. “Strap her to the pommel horse, then let our guests in.”

The well healed of National City and filed in. “Welcome to the Empress Club. For the new members who joined today for the opportunity to taste the power of the Princess of Power, Supergirl. We also have a galactic warrior queen, Lady Maxima for your pleasure!” Roulette smacked the bound red head’s ass with both hands, then began to knead the tight butt of Maxima.
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Could SG and Maxima work out their differences and become allies before Roulette carries out her wicked plans? We are going to have to wait and see!
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:Could SG and Maxima work out their differences and become allies before Roulette carries out her wicked plans? We are going to have to wait and see!
Unfortunately, Maxima is too proud. She will not accept help. Her world has never heard of the enemy of mine is my friend.

But, someone else will come to her rescue.

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Shhhhhh you don't have to say out loud!
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Awesome story - love it - hoping for more soon!
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