Bluestone Goes To Crowd-Funding!

General discussions about superheroines!

I would contribute $50 to get the video plus the following elements:

Melody Sky to be the actress
Melanie Dunne to be the actress
pantyhose in costume
Barelegged heroine
Inner Voice
OTS carry
No votes
Cradle carry
Frontal bearhug
Reverse bearhug
Low blows
No votes
Costume destruction
Crawling away
No votes
Transformation from secret identity
Strangling death for Extreme ending
No votes
Stabbing death for Extreme ending
No votes
Shooting death for Extreme ending
Neck break death for Extreme ending
No votes
Impalement for Extreme ending
Winning ending for Peril version
K.O. ending for Peril version
Super Breath
No votes
Heat Vision
No votes
Novanite poisoning
Total votes: 52
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DrDominator9 wrote:I was a bit confused, I confess. If I'm willing to accept whichever element perks are chosen and don't select one, I would certainly be willing to pay $20 upfront since I trust your judgement and the quality of your videos, and would be fine with any elements that made the cut, so to speak. Will you accept such a contribution?

That's all I'm asking for those who don't want to pay extra for certain elements. Just pre-pay for the video at a 20% discount, confident in the knowledge that we always produce the best videos that we can, and try to include as many elements as we can in every video too!

We don't expect everyone to contribute an additional $25 or more for the peril elements, but this project is only going to be successful if everyone reading this post at least pre-pays for these two awesome videos!


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Bluestone wrote:By way of update, did you know that only 10 people have pre-purchased the Supernova Prime video, and only 2 have pre-purchased the Darkwing video, even though this is a pre-condition for choosing any of the element perks. This is staggering. Only 12 sales total for both videos. Obviously, there's a lot of people who are either confused about the set-up of this Indiegogo campaign, or simply do not feel inclined to contribute only $20 to receive a $25 video.

It certainly does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about the future of quality productions in this community. Hopefully, the campaign will turn around and 100 or more people will do their share by pre-paying for these videos so that they, and future videos, can be produced.

It's really all in your hands now. I've done everything that I can do to keep these productions alive for you. I've provided you with the tools, but it's up to you to make use of them.

Here are the two campaign links:

Supernova Prime: Earthbound: ... /7769801#/

Darkwing: Ambushed: ... /7769801#/

I think you need to relax man lol your tone is very demanding here. Some of us have bills and can't contribute immediately. I plan to do so this month at some point before the campaign is finished. I love your work (with the occasional exception, as I'm sure you're well aware of lol) and plan to do my part to ensure you don't fade away. Just be a bit more considerate of people's finances. This is an "entertainment" expense after all, a non-essential one. And while I understand promoting it, your frustration is starting to show a bit too much and it's overshadowing your enthusiasm.
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Mamooche24 wrote:I think you need to relax man lol your tone is very demanding here. Some of us have bills and can't contribute immediately. I plan to do so this month at some point before the campaign is finished. I love your work (with the occasional exception, as I'm sure you're well aware of lol) and plan to do my part to ensure you don't fade away. Just be a bit more considerate of people's finances. This is an "entertainment" expense after all, a non-essential one. And while I understand promoting it, your frustration is starting to show a bit too much and it's overshadowing your enthusiasm.
Yes, you're probably right, Mamooche24. Plus I'm sick as a dog today, so not in the best frame of mind. I will chill out and let the process take its natural course. I understand that everyone has their own financial priorities. I do love producing these videos, so I hope we can meet the goal. Time will tell.

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Feel better soon Blue :)
I agree with my friend Mamooche about the expence and everything.And as I have said before to those who might usually buy your videos and love your work,if I can fork over some money all of you can fork over at least $20.I'm FAR from wealthy but even I(to see Melody chloroformed and ots)will in the end contribute somewhere around $100 and that doesn't even count the buying of the latest videos.I would do more but Christmas is coming and know :)

Just out of curiosity would anyone be more willing to donate if sexual elements were involved?
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Good question,but if Blue never(or rarely) had such content,then it seems odd to ask him to do it now.Obviously I wouldn't be against Melody showing more.....ah skin:)
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Blue-Scion wrote:Just out of curiosity would anyone be more willing to donate if sexual elements were involved?
We are not planning to add any additional elements.

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Honestly I've been burned spending $20-25 on a video that was already out with a content description on multiple occasions from a variety of producers. Either the video didn't really have what was promised, only spent a very small bit of time on one of the elements it advertised, or they spent 2-3 minutes of fluff content at the end and start of the video to make the price unjustified, etc. I think I speak for quite a few people when I say it is reallllly hard to drop down your cash when you have no idea what the end product is going to be.

I don't think it speaks to the future of quality productions in the community. Plenty of producers still make great quality SHIP videos without going to crowdfunding. If anything I'd say crowdfunding is the minority right now.
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If you have ever seen a Bluestone video and liked what you saw,you will get what you like and that makes it worth MORE than $20 to me.Personally I think the odds are in our favor when it comes to getting what we want to see in a video especially if(like me) you get tired of the same old stuff from other producers.
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I hope your two Indiegogo campaigns are successful, but if they are not, it would probably be beneficial to learn why fans are not adequately responding and then adjust. Before closing shop, adjust and give it a finale shot.

As I said I hope these two campaigns are a success, but if not, try launching a third campaign.

Going by contributions, Supernova appears to be more popular than Darkwing. Team Supernova with Ultrawoman who also appears to be very popular, adjust, and you might have a winning combination that gets fully funded.

Pertaining to adjusting, though not shot, you know what's going to take place. List all elements that will definitely occur in the movie. Give a spoiler alert, then provide an outline of the script. Many people want to know what to expect. People pay large sums of money for customs because they know what they're getting.

Additionally, it's great that you offer two different endings but for crowd funding you likely need to adjust and widen your tent. You offer an extreme version and a peril version. Truly, if you're looking to attract as many people as possible you need to include an extreme peril version, as a third option.

Some people like it, but other people find the extreme version unappealing, they're not into the Heroine being terminated. Some people like the peril version, but probably many people find the peril version to be inconclusive. Knocking the Heroine unconscious is the beginning rather than the end. An extreme peril version would fix that and usher in an entire new group of buyers.

The extreme peril version. Non nude or semi nude "topless", fake no penetration, sleep or bondage sex. The aforementioned has occurred in mainstream movies so in actuality it's not that extreme and should be a selectable option.

Btw you left out Bondage, a favorite element to many.

I hope both campaigns reach your monetary goals, but if not, please adjust and give it one more try.
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Ok blue i've got to ask because i've been lightly following this thread but not to an indepth extent and so I am still making my mind on which amount im wanting to pay. Say I spend $25 dollars to get the chloroform scene but most others pay more for another element that might conflict with chloroforming. Is it meant to be that I am taking a gamble on pre purchasing this video as the chloroform element may or may not be in there or is there some sort of assurance that if i pay the $25 dollars i will get a chloroform scene? Student salary is pretty bad so I'm really not wanting to spend money on something I may or may not get. On top of that if we don't get the required funding for the video will there be refunds? Or if we 80% or so you will consider paying the rest and letting the rest of the community that didn't want to pre-purchase create revenue for it?
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I have to say that at times I worry a bit as well.I mainly want(and need) a chloroforming and ots in there somewhere,but if for some reason there is more interest in a craddle carry and no chloroform at all,or if its a chloroforming that doesn't end with her knocked out but just dazed then I admit I will feel alittle disappointed :)
Things like pantyhose,dying or her costume getting ripped a bit are sort of "background" elements and not the MAIN thing in a video to me.And maybe doing a dual ending for each version of the video,like the peril could end with a knockout and the alternate would have her winning.Something that NGC does alot of.
In the end I just hope we can save and help one of the best producers in this business.
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By the way,this seems to be(so far) the breakdown of the elements beyond just the $20 to get the video at all:
CHLOROFORM-0(this is the one I will still contribute to)
Pretty much all the other elements are at ZERO!!??
I plan on contributing again to the ots option and for the first time the chloroform option.I hope we are "fighting" for what we want to see,because if Blue moves on,all we will have left is NGC and lets face it that guy doesn't really even listen to his customers that much.Otherwise its the usual(and tired) old crap from the others.
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....and for Blue GET BETTER and maybe keep the campaign open a little longer than October 20th.
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Hi All,

Thanks for your comments and feedback. I'm feeling better today... not so cranky... and feeling like I'm going to survive to go back to work tomorrow. LOL!

I'll try to reply to the above comments in order:

1. Arcane, you may not be aware, but for Season 2, the Dark Wondra Saga, I tried crowd funding, in fact I did 2 campaigns, and they brought in a little money but nowhere close to the goals. I still produced the season long storyline, introducing Krystal Red, unmasking DeadKill to reveal the lovely Blackbird, adding larger sets and f/x as well as multiple heroine episodes. I think all contributors will have to admit that they got much more than their money's worth with supporting 'The Dark Wondra Saga'. There were over a dozen episodes produced with awesome episodes such as "Supernova: Target Acquired", "Supernova: Dark Warrior", "Darkwing: Dark on Dark", and many many others. Unfortunately, that season also put me deep into debt. For Season 3, I made several re-adjustments and to date have continued to produce many more awesome videos using less expensive locations, cast and crew, but have not reduced the quality of the productions. So, the two current Indiegogo campaigns are not my first attempt at a crowd funding solution for the continuation of this series.
Your suggestion for a third Indiegogo campaign setting out exactly what the contributors will receive is intriguing, but I'm wondering whether it would be supported, especially in light of the fact that our last Indiegogo campaign, "Darkwing: Ambushed", is not being supported anywhere close to our first one, "Supernova Prime: Earthbound". So, is there room for a third campaign? I cannot extend the 2 existing campaigns, because I have to either book Yvonne and arrange for her flights when that campaign ends, or I'll have to tell her that it's not a 'go'. Perhaps, I should simply start a separate thread to see if fans would feel more comfortable supporting a campaign with a known set of elements and storyline. Thoughts?
As for the Extreme version not being supported as much as the Peril version, that's not what the contributions show. For "Supernova Prime: Earthbound" the contributions have come very close to equally from a death fetish forum and this forum. So, there is indeed demand for the Extreme versions. Shooting two endings is do-able, but three endings may be too much to shoot in the time available to us.

2. openseason3232, it seems that a lot of people are confused about the element perks; although, it is clearly set out that you have to pre-pay for the video ($20) before selecting a perk. All contributions are converted to store credits if the video is not made. If you pre-pay and select chloroforming ($20 + $25), and the video is produced, but without the chloroforming, you would get the video and a store credit for the $25, the amount that you paid towards the chloroforming scene. So, it is a gamble, but you will still get full value for all of your contributions, and you will have contributed to the continuation of this awesome series, a series that so far has provided many classic chloroform scenes for your enjoyment. :)

3. Richpartist, thanks for your great support for this initiative! Because of your great support for this initiative, you can be assured that I will move heaven and earth to convert your OTS and chloroform contributions into actual elements in the video if it gets produced. Having said that, if a do get support for a cradle carry, I am creative enough to be able to include one of those into the video as well. They are not mutually exclusive. LOL! As mentioned above, I need to know by the end of the current campaigns as to whether it's a 'go' or not, but I will consider a third campaign along the lines suggested by Arcane above if it sems like it might be supported.

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Glad you are feeling better Blue,alot of people are getting sivk because of the change in the season I think :)
At this point,give me a short video of Melody quickly chloroformed and flung over a shoulder and I'm good :)
Just having a video with HER in it is a reason to contribute,I hope we see ALOT more of her anyway if its working for you or on some video somewhere.
More contributions from me coming soon :)
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Hi All,

Okay, I have taken Arcane's suggestion above to the next level.

Check out the Supernova/Darkwing thread here:

Please continue to support our two existing Indiegogo campaigns, and if they're successful, Melanie and Yvonne have agreed to film a third video during our November shoot, where Darkwing and our new look Supernova meet!

First things first. Let's make the Darkwing and Supernova Prime campaigns successful, so that we will have Yvonne available for our November shoot. Then, we may be able to get you three videos instead of just two.

Supernova Prime: Earthbound: ... /7769801#/

Darkwing: Ambushed: ... /7769801#/


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Glad you liked the suggestion and thanks for the information.

I'm sure there is a dedicated fan base for the extreme version and a dedicated fan base for the peril version. I'm suggesting bringing in an additional group of contributors who don't fall into either camp.

An extreme peril version would simply be an extension of the peril version. Same ending scene, with an additional few minutes, where the Heroine is had, while sleeping or bound.

Peril fans who simply want peril, would have the edited, peril ending scene to choose, and extreme peril fans, could opt for the extended extreme peril ending scene. It's similar to the difference and choice between what's released to the theaters and the extended, directors cut, that many people have an interest in watching.

You would have to determine, if extending a scene and making that extended scene an option, to bring in additional buyers is cost effective.

Likely, the most sensible course of action would be to add that option in once, and note the results. If it sells the least, drop it, but if it sells the most or second most, it would be advisable to keep. It being advantageous to profitability.

All in all it could prove to be a financially rewarding excursion.
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Hi Guys,

Well, we're making some progress with our crowd funding initiative, but it is still well short of the mark.

Time to dig a little deeper, folks! If you want the Bluestone Superheroines series to continue, contribute to our crowdfunding campaigns as soon as possible. Otherwise, there's going to be only 1 more video to be released before we close down operations for good!

Here are the campaigns that need your support, if we're to continue bringing you these awesome videos:

Supernova Prime: Earthbound: ... /7769801#/

Darkwing: Ambushed: ... /7769801#/

If these two go forward, we could continue making more.

I hope we can save our heroines!


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Hi Guys,

Well, only a few days left, 4 for "Supernova Prime: Earthbound" and 8 for "Darkwing: Ambushed", before the campaigns close.

So, if you've been holding back, now is the time to make your contributions.

In order to spur you on to support both campaigns, I am changing one aspect of both campaigns. Here goes:

If you contribute to one of the campaigns and the video is not made, I WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY. NOT STORE CREDITS BUT AN ACTUAL REFUND!

Hopefully, that encourages those who are sitting on the fence, because they don't want store credits if the video that they contributed to is not made!

Here are the campaigns that need your support, if we're to continue bringing you these awesome videos:

Supernova Prime: Earthbound: ... /7769801#/

Darkwing: Ambushed: ... /7769801#/

If these two go forward, we could continue making more.

I hope we can save our heroines!


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I am a newbie here, as well as just starting my own video production, so I don't know how much what I said counts or does it reflect this genre.

For me, I this is just like what I went thru when I was still in Uni trying to fund my first short (I needed $3,000 for it) and seems like crown funding is an good idea.

Problem? Most people don't like paying what they "Might" have, even if you talking about refunding instead of store credit. I laid out my plan, my schedule and all I need is money to make it happen, in the end, I got 300 something out of the 3,000 I need. Back then, I did what most college student did, I asked my folks for the money to produce my video. And it did get made.

I figured out that, if you have to use crowd funding, either you need to have a full plan or backing to have the production up online first, otherwise nobody is going to be interested on funding the project. This is the same across all spectrum, from indie short film to big budgeted hollywood flick (I used to work as an intern in an Aussie production company, they are big and the same thing happens)

I think another thing you can do is to offer an "Alternative" to the pledger, so, what it does is, basically, alter the script so it would suit everyone, but not selling them to anyone unless they pay for it, and sell it as an added scene on top of your standard video. For example, in your option "Chloroforming" You have 3 backer willing to pay $25 for, you can simply add a quick storyline about the heroine being chloroformed and put it in as an added scene for the people who buy this feature, you can simply put 5 or 10 minutes in your shoot time to shoot the chloroformed scene and the backer's money will be more than covered. For the other who did not purchase that option, they will have the standard scene (I don't know, maybe choke hold or something to incapacitate the heroine). Some of your option is a lot more easily interchange with other, but for the big thing like pantyhose and costume destruction, most likely you will have to choose from one than other. However, I would have to say, this will only work if you work the script yourself.

Another way you can do crowdfunding is to offer something outside the movie you are filming, such as personalized thank you (note, letter or video) or something of production value, or even memorabilia. That would be more than entice the backer to be a part of, and they will feel they are the part of the production. Instead of just the end user.

I have seen some of your video, I do believe even if you put out the basic, it is high quality enough to have people buy it, just that most people usually buy stuff when they have an actual thing to buy. So it would not be wise to count on Crowdfunding to completely fund your production as most of your income will be coming down from actual video sales.

Hope it help, and hope you did not feel offended by my comment or think my comment is stepping over the line.

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Aren't refunds only given if the campaign is specified as Fixed Funding, Blue? Seeing as your campaigns were set up as Flexible Funding, you will incur fees of 8-10% on all funds raised plus a one-off charge of $25 to transfer the funds to your non-USA bank account. ... ls-on-Fees

Not sure how the refund thing will work, unless you can switch to Fixed Funding at this late stage.
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Heroine Addict wrote:Aren't refunds only given if the campaign is specified as Fixed Funding, Blue? Seeing as your campaigns were set up as Flexible Funding, you will incur fees of 8-10% on all funds raised plus a one-off charge of $25 to transfer the funds to your non-USA bank account. ... ls-on-Fees

Not sure how the refund thing will work, unless you can switch to Fixed Funding at this late stage.
You are entirely correct. That's why I initially didn't go for Fixed Funding, but I'm trying to re-assure people that there is no downside to investing in this project. I am now offering a full refund, even though it will mean that I'll be eating about 10% of everything that I've raised. Store credits seems to have been a sticking point for several people, so I removed them. Hopefully, this will result in a more successful campaign than we already have. I'm trying to do what I can in order to make it easy for more people to contribute.

AvaHeinz, I appreciate your advice, but it doesn't really apply to this project, because the project is based not on what I'm going to produce, but on what I've already produced. With your student film, you couldn't really show investors what they were going to get. In my case, I have loads of produced videos that most of the fans here have viewed. They know the quality. They know the type of content that we produce. I am not simply trying to get a couple of videos produced. I am trying to save a whole line of videos that cater to this fetish community. That is the sole purpose of the campaigns. It's not even meant to raise 100% of the costs of these two productions, because they are going to cost closer to $10,000 each to produce.

So, I hope those who haven't already contributed will contribute now in the next couple of days, since as Heroine Addict has just pointed out, I'll be paying money out of my own pocket just to get your investment back to you, if these videos aren't produced, plus if they are produced you'll be getting them for a 20% discount. That's GOT to be the BEST DEAL EVER!

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Bluestone wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:Aren't refunds only given if the campaign is specified as Fixed Funding, Blue? Seeing as your campaigns were set up as Flexible Funding, you will incur fees of 8-10% on all funds raised plus a one-off charge of $25 to transfer the funds to your non-USA bank account. ... ls-on-Fees

Not sure how the refund thing will work, unless you can switch to Fixed Funding at this late stage.
You are entirely correct. That's why I initially didn't go for Fixed Funding, but I'm trying to re-assure people that there is no downside to investing in this project. I am now offering a full refund, even though it will mean that I'll be eating about 10% of everything that I've raised. Store credits seems to have been a sticking point for several people, so I removed them. Hopefully, this will result in a more successful campaign than we already have. I'm trying to do what I can in order to make it easy for more people to contribute.

AvaHeinz, I appreciate your advice, but it doesn't really apply to this project, because the project is based not on what I'm going to produce, but on what I've already produced. With your student film, you couldn't really show investors what they were going to get. In my case, I have loads of produced videos that most of the fans here have viewed. They know the quality. They know the type of content that we produce. I am not simply trying to get a couple of videos produced. I am trying to save a whole line of videos that cater to this fetish community. That is the sole purpose of the campaigns. It's not even meant to raise 100% of the costs of these two productions, because they are going to cost closer to $10,000 each to produce.

So, I hope those who haven't already contributed will contribute now in the next couple of days, since as Heroine Addict has just pointed out, I'll be paying money out of my own pocket just to get your investment back to you, if these videos aren't produced, plus if they are produced you'll be getting them for a 20% discount. That's GOT to be the BEST DEAL EVER!

Hi Mate,

I think you misunderstand what I said.........

I don't mean that people don't buy or prepaid because of your quality, your quality is top notch, let get this out in the open, the problem is, people generally buy stuff that's already finished and something tanigble you can watch, see or touch. You need some hook to hook people in so they will back what's not there. That's why I think your crowdfunding is going into a wrong direction.

Instead of offering an issue that may or may not happen or put into the final cut, you should offer these alternative as an bonus to people who bought them. So it will be physically distingiushable between those who believe in your campaign and bought a pre-paid copy from crowdfunding and those who bought the same video afterward on your site. Like what they do to "Pre-Order Game" here in Australia, you get soemthing more than just the game (like a limited edition of the game), that's why I am willing to pre-order something that does not exist yet.

IMO, what you should do is to produce a standard video that without any of those your are voted for (maybe you can put some in, I don't know) so, when people contribute to your funding campaign, they will get a "Special" cut of the movie instead of the standard one. Say for example, your standard movie is without bearhug and OTS carry, but you can always alter the script and shoot a Bearhug scenes and an OTS scene which you can intercut with your main scene, then when someone contribute to the campaign, say they pledge $25 for OTS carry, then you can put an OTS scene (or pre-make them) and cut it into the main scene and give that, instead of the standard video, to the backer. That way, the backer will have a reason to actually back your production, cause they are getting something different. Otherwise, if I understand your current method, it make no different between the person who back a video in pre-production and a person who bought a copy after the movie have hit the market. they will get the same video in the end. If this is the case, then I will simply wait for it to go live and buy it from your store, instead of backing your campaign.

Another way you can make people contribute is by offering something you won't get if you simply buy the video from your site, you need to laid a hook to people so they have a reason to contribute, otherwise, if it make no different between contributing and buying off from you afterward, most people will choose the latter.

It never about quality of production, or whether or not risk is involve, as I said, I used to work as an intern in an Aussie Big Budget producer, they have the same problem with financial backing, if you gave your backer the same product than anyone else who went to see your movie afterward, then I will not back your production and will simply go watch your movie in a cinema. As it make no difference. In Movie Prodution world, you back a production either because of financial benefit (like I got some of the proceed or right if I back your movie) or prestige (like credits or meet up with cast and crew) or soemtime people back a movie because they can literally take a part of the movie and own them (like props or costume)

I hope you understand what I meant, maybe I wasn't clear in my last post? I type that at 3 am.....Or maybe because my English is not good? I am half German, half Swedish, English is my third language....

Anyway, hope your campiagn a success, and you should not stop making these video even if this campiagn did not succeed, your video is very good quality, I watched a lot of your video to get inspiration.

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Hi Ava,

I do understand what you are saying, really I do, but I think you're missing the point that I was trying to make. These two campaigns are not trying to encourage anyone to buy a couple of videos. They are aimed at those who want to see more Bluestone Superheroine videos when I was on the point of simply stopping production. So, maybe you're not the only one who has it wrong. Let me address the issue raised by you to the general readership:

If these campaigns, one of which only has 3 days left to go, are not successful, there will be NO videos for anyone to buy when it is released, because there will simply be no more Bluestone Superheroine videos. So, if you're sitting back waiting to buy these videos when they are released, and the full refund of investment or 20% reduction in price is not a sufficient motivation to support these campaigns, then I'm sorry to say that you will be seriously disappointed when there are no videos to buy. They simply won't be made, and there won't be any further attempts to save these productions or keep our beautiful cast together. This is an opportunity to save this video line for the fetish community, but if it is not successful, then that's the end of the story.

There have been several new contributions overnight, so some people are getting it. Hopefully, those who have been under the impression that they can just buy these videos after they've been produced and released will also come to understand the urgency involved. If everyone contributed just $20 to each of the two campaigns, you will be a part of not only the making of two videos, but the saving of a quality line of videos that will otherwise fade away.

Be part of the solution! Save your Bluestone Superheroines from extinction!

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Bluestone wrote:Hi Ava,

I do understand what you are saying, really I do, but I think you're missing the point that I was trying to make. These two campaigns are not trying to encourage anyone to buy a couple of videos. They are aimed at those who want to see more Bluestone Superheroine videos when I was on the point of simply stopping production. So, maybe you're not the only one who has it wrong. Let me address the issue raised by you to the general readership:

If these campaigns, one of which only has 3 days left to go, are not successful, there will be NO videos for anyone to buy when it is released, because there will simply be no more Bluestone Superheroine videos. So, if you're sitting back waiting to buy these videos when they are released, and the full refund of investment or 20% reduction in price is not a sufficient motivation to support these campaigns, then I'm sorry to say that you will be seriously disappointed when there are no videos to buy. They simply won't be made, and there won't be any further attempts to save these productions or keep our beautiful cast together. This is an opportunity to save this video line for the fetish community, but if it is not successful, then that's the end of the story.

There have been several new contributions overnight, so some people are getting it. Hopefully, those who have been under the impression that they can just buy these videos after they've been produced and released will also come to understand the urgency involved. If everyone contributed just $20 to each of the two campaigns, you will be a part of not only the making of two videos, but the saving of a quality line of videos that will otherwise fade away.

Be part of the solution! Save your Bluestone Superheroines from extinction!

Hi Blue,

I understand your stand point, but that did bring it back to my first point when I started all these, that is don't depend on Crowdfunding to save or start a whole production. Pre-Order and Post sale always a different figure and you should not use the level of success of the campaign to determine whether or not you should keep the production alive.

As I said, i hope that you will have a successful crowdfunding campaign, it would be a shame to have to see you leave this superheroine community, but I do understand that funding is the single most important thing in video production, so, good luck on your campaign.

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Thanks, Ava,

We are getting some last minute contributions now. So, hopefully, we can still get these videos made and extend the run of the Bluestone Superheroines.

Then, we can use some of the suggestions posted here and on other boards with respect to future videos.

This, however, is a acid test to determine whether or not we should continue with our Bluestone Superheroine series, so with only 2 days left for the Supernova Prime campaign, I encourage everyone to do their part to save our heroines from a fate far worse than death! Death they can handle... but cancellation... that's the most dreaded of all fates!

Here are the campaigns that need your support if we're to continue bringing you these awesome videos:

Supernova Prime: Earthbound: ... /7769801#/

Darkwing: Ambushed: ... /7769801#/

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I for one would and will if need to contribute something every month if it meant that we can get videos of this quality.
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Since the forum seems lit up by crowdfunding campaigning, I thought I'd provide my honest thoughts.

I have yet to buy a Bluestone video. Setting aside my usual distaste for the choking elements prevalent in them, their high production values, story lines, and characters are all very enticing, enough for me to be willing to skip past the parts I may not like. There are a few reasons why I'm not a loyal customer yet.

I think it's good that alternate endings are offered but I think it's a mistake to offer them as two separate versions. Yes, the elements list is useful. Still, beyond having to parse the lists, I have to try and suss out what parts of the trailer and which screenshots are representative of which version. This may not seem like much, but often this guesswork and uncertainty is enough friction for me to opt out entirely. I end up hoping that the next release will be a more clear-cut purchasing decision.

The only way to ensure that I get what's being advertised is to purchase the two-for-one package, which is apparently a popular option. However, to me it feels unfair to have to pay a markup in order to download and store a mostly redundant video file. To boot, I'd be paying more money in less convenient BitCoin which may cut credit card fees for the seller but also removes consumer protections if something happens to go wrong.

Other producers sometimes offer both endings in the same video and that would eliminate this guesswork and uncertainty entirely.

In addition, Bluestone has a catalog of over 60 videos at around 20 dollars apiece, on average. For a new customer to get caught up on everything, that's around 1200 dollars. Naturally, I could only afford to catch up little by little and even then, I'm not sure where I ought to start. Rather than crowdfunding, why not put some of the back catalog on sale, even for a limited time? What about character or story arc bundles? At the right price, it could lure in some fence sitters and potentially turn them into regular customers. It could also provide a quick injection of revenue to help fund an upcoming production, by spurring back catalog sales if they've dwindled.

Even if I did get caught up, at nearly two releases a month for 25 each, I simply couldn't afford to keep up. I wonder if producing fewer videos might be a way to reduce costs without lowering production quality. I also wonder if advertising current and future releases alongside each other might be cannibalizing sales. Somebody who might have bought the current release might be more inclined to save their money if they see something more appealing in an upcoming release. It might be good to allow each release some room to breath and provide time for demand to rebuild between releases.

I share many of the concerns already expressed about crowdfunding, mainly that it's hard to pledge money for something without knowing whether you even want it. It's even harder to justify if I have no history with prior videos.

I'm not a fan of using the threat of ending production to motivate fundraising. Though I have no reason to doubt that the stakes are real, please understand that I've felt burned by other producers using similar tactics in the past. It may have nothing to do with you but that doesn't change my sentiment toward this motivational technique. Unless you've completely given up on potential customers like myself, I think there still might be ways to expand your customer base rather than rely on the blind faith of the most loyal among the existing audience to provide funding.

I hope this helps clarify why I'm not contributing to the campaign. I wish you and the campaign luck but regardless of outcome, I sincerely hope you don't count me as a lost cause. If production ends entirely, I'd be less motivated to invest myself in story lines left incomplete. However, given more conducive circumstances, I still have the potential to become a pretty loyal customer.
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Buy one(or two) of the latest ones and believe me you will become a fan :)
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Hi All,

Thanks for your comments, ribbit. We read all posts and take note of all suggestions, since we always listen to our fans and our potential fans. By the way, there's no mark-up for the 2-for-1 video package. You get both for the price of one, and often the prices on Genre Videos are lower than those at our main store. You raise a lot of good points, but believe me this is not a "threat of ending production to motivate fundraising". This is an honest attempt at saving a line of Superheroine videos that many fans are truly enjoying... in the face of our financial limitations for continuing production.

There's only 2 days left on our first campaign, "Supernova Prime: Earthbound", and with recent contributions we are now at 34% of our goal. I really do not want to let down the fans who have contributed already and I want to encourage as many as possible to contribute today or tomorrow. So, I have agreed to refund every penny to every investor if these videos are not made instead of issuing store credits. In this way, there is no risk whatsoever for investors. Here is the campaign: ... /7769801#/

Even if we can raise 50% of our goal, I am prepared to contribute the balance and move forward with production.

As ribbit suggested, there should be more time between releases and there will be. Recently, we have released a lot in a short period of time, because we needed sales from everything we have shot to date in order to apply towards the proposed November shoot in addition to the crowd funding initiative. "Blackbird 4: Solitary Cry" will be released in a week or two and will be our last Bluestone Superheroine video unless enough can be raised from our Indiegogo campaigns to make more.

I urge everyone to contribute to SAVE YOUR HEROINES!

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Hi All,

Well, it's crunch time! The "Supernova Prime: Earthbound" campaign is at 35% with only 19 hours left to go. If we can get it to the 50% mark, I will have the video made, despite not meeting the goal, but I can't promise that there will be others after that, and I cannot extend this campaign. Remember that I'll be refunding all contributions if this video is not made, so there is no downside, but without the support, we cannot continue to produce the Bluestone Superheroines line. Anyway, we do have 19 more hours. Here's the campaign link again:

Supernova Prime: Earthbound: ... /7769801#/

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I'm in! For only $20, it's a win-win, especially with no risk.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Totally devastated the Supernova Prime; Earthbound" campaign is closed and didn't make the deadline. If only there was some other way!
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wondergirlsupragirl wrote:Totally devastated the Supernova Prime; Earthbound" campaign is closed and didn't make the deadline. If only there was some other way!
Well, I did give fair warning. Some people have emailed me at [email protected] and I have given them a private PayPal account through which they have contributed. Plus, there's always the Darkwing campaign that needs some serious help!

Here are the crowd funding results so far:

"Supernova Prime: Earthbound" - $1,870 USD raised by 67 backers, 37% of $5,000 goal. In addition, as mentioned above, I have received a few more contributions by PayPal, but we closed out the campaign way under the goal.

"Darkwing: Ambushed" - $485 USD raised by 18 backers, 10% of $5,000 goal. Only 4 days to go with this campaign! You can contribute here: ... /7769801#/

Well, many fans have been passionate about saving this line of videos and have done their part. The Supernova Prime video will cost much more than what was raised, but I hate to let down those who have actively supported this initiative. So, here's what I'm prepared to do...

If the Darkwing campaign can match the funds raised in the Supernova Prime campaign, I will film both videos, which will mean that I will be going deeper into debt, but at least I will have given it my all in order to do everything under my power to get more Bluestone Superheroine videos produced.

So, please support the "Darkwing: Ambushed"campaign TODAY! There's only 4 days to go and this is payday for many of you!

Here's the link again: ... /7769801#/

Save your heroines from extinction!

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"Darkwing: Ambushed" is now at $550.00 USD raised by 21 backers, 11% of $5,000 goal. Only 2 days left to go with this campaign!
As I stated above, if you can get this figure up this weekend to $1,870 to match that raised by the Supernova Prime campaign, I will have both videos made. Plus, there's no risk, because if they are not made, I will REFUND every penny, not just issue store credits.

You can contribute here: ... /7769801#/

Remember, only 2 days left to make this happen, and save your heroines!


:ybat: :supes:
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Well, the second Indiegogo Campaign has now closed out with only 17% of its goal reached.

I did push these campaigns at the two major markets that support these productions, but for various reasons, they were just not supported enough for me to continue production of the current Bluestone Superheroines and White Angel video lines, unless I can find a funding solution that works!

Because of the support that I did receive from the 67 backers for the Supernova Prime campaign and the 33 backers for the Darkwing campaign, I will make these videos. Since I am bringing Yvonne to the shoot, and since I have personally wanted to pit Darkwing against Melanie's new Supernova, I will even try to make a third non-funded video wherein Darkwing takes on the new Supernova, but more than that I cannot promise at this time. This looks to be the end of a fantastic, but expensive, run of videos... 3 seasons of the best videos that have ever been produced for two communities that I love.

Well, we're going to go out with a BANG! These last videos will be the best ever!

Then, in the New Year, I'll sit down with my cast and crew and decide what we can afford to produce in the future, if anything, in addition to my on-going crime videos.

For now, I would suggest that you pick up all of the Bluestone Superheroine videos and White Angel videos that you can, because you may never see their like again.

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This is how I feel:
:angry: :D :love: :huh: :noexpression: :w00t: :thumbup: :yahoo:
:wavecry: :wavecry: :wavecry: :wavecry:
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Richpartist wrote:This is how I feel:
:angry: :D :love: :huh: :noexpression: :w00t: :thumbup: :yahoo:
:wavecry: :wavecry: :wavecry: :wavecry:
I know just how you feel, Rich, perhaps better than most.

I am very disappointed with the poor response to our crowd-funding initiative, though gratified by the loyalty of a few key fans such as yourself. If not for guys like you, these videos would not be made. The proper business decision would have been to pull the plug and move on... but, I don't want to leave on a sour note. So, both of the videos will be made, plus I've decided to go ahead with a third bearing the working title: "Supernova: X Factor", co-starring Darkwing. So, there's still going to be three more Bluestone Superheroine videos to look forward to! :thumbup:

As we put together our future plans for 2017 and beyond, we will share any content that will be of interest to those on this forum at our producer's sub-forum on this board. We're looking at several possibilities right now, including starting a web series featuring our own super-powered heroine creations. More on that at the Bluestone Producer's sub-forum in the New Year.

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Words once again escape me
:thumbup: :ww1:
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Unfortunately I think the truth of this type of fundraising is that it is limited due to the availability of other similar products, combined with the desire to see such a fetish-type of product before paying for it. I recently commissioned a $1400 piece of art and, though I'm okay with it, I wouldn't have paid $700 for it had I known how it would look. Granted, the cost here is much less, but the thought process (I imagine) would be similar to mine in my view towards commissioning any other art. From here on out, I will buy completed works rather than commission them. As for videos, I'm cool with the risk of the video not being what I would normally buy based on the cost, but I think others may be more risk-averse.
Just a thought. May you succeed beyond your expectations with the upcoming videos, and I certainly hope to see more of your great work in 2017. If not, thanks for all you've provided to our genre.
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Can't wait to see these awesome movies made! It's been a fantastic journey with so many gorgeous superheroines in all those unforgettable episodes! Looking forward to see what the Bluestone Superheroine Universe has installed for 2017. Thanks Blue for staying solid and loyal to the fans against tough odds! :supes: :yahoo:
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I am assuming that all of you previously produced superheroine videos will remain available for sale.
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viking wrote:I am assuming that all of you previously produced superheroine videos will remain available for sale.
That's correct. Our stores will continue to offer all of these videos for sale for years to come.

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