Ada Knight: From Honey with Love (By Star5)

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Doctor Outcome
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Hey gang,

My friend Star has begun another chapter for the elusive and seductive corporate spy known only as Ada Knight in honor of fetish model, Lady Diana. So what's the situation our British Beauty has gotten herself into this time?

Tagline: Some of the world’s most lethal femme fatales have tried to ‘execute’ Ada Knight. Now…it’s Honey Moon’s turn to try!
Lady Diana as Ada Knight.jpg
Lady Diana as Ada Knight.jpg (14.11 KiB) Viewed 4234 times
Lady Diana as Ada Knight
Jewell Marceau as Honey Moon

Opening Scene: Home of Ada Knight

Ada’s P.O.V.

Alerted by a beeping sound from her computer, super spy Ada enters her study-area and sees an ‘Incoming Message’ icon on the screen. After taking a seat in her swivel chair, she clicks on the icon and the words ‘Code Red: Urgent!’ blinking on it. Curious, Ada clicks on the link and she’s taken to the homepage of the ‘Intercept Corporation’ and she logs in under her handle ‘Black Knight’. Once logged in, a synthesized female voice plays an audio recording for her.

Handler (voice recording): Good morning Black Knight, this is Madeline. I’m sorry to bother you on such short notice, but it seems we have an irregularity that requires your immediate attention. It seems that right after you left Dr. Nina Simonova for pickup, she and her assistant Miss Perrier were executed.

A photo dossier then plays a slideshow with photos of Nina and Chéri lying in bed on top of each other in the nude with their eyes wide open. Ada just says, 'hmm' without the slightest bit of regret in her voice.

Handler: Prior to this incident, there was a security breach three days earlier and a very important item was taken from our archives by this mystery assassin who had executed Nina and Miss Perrier. We have however traced that the killer is staying at the Pearl Lake Hotel in Venice Beach. The item that was taken was a ‘Holy Cross’ necklace and we need you to retrieve this item from whoever took it and interrogate them about their intentions Black Knight. Your payment, should you choose to accept the assignment will be two million dollars U.S. Half now, half on delivery.

Tight on Computer Screen
The words ‘Accept’ or ‘Deny’ are on the screen, awaiting Ada’s response. Ada clicks on ‘Accept’.

Handler: Thank you for accepting, Black Knight. The first transfer of funds have been wired to your account and the other half will be sent upon mission completion. We pray you succeed…good luck.

The recording then cuts off.

(Fade to Black)

(Fade In)

Scene 2: Pearl Lake Hotel, Honeymoon Suite

Inside a spacious living room area, the door to the Honeymoon suite opens up and Ada enters, dressed in her black business attire, complete with leather skirt, leather gloves, dress shirt and sports coat. Ada creeps into the room and draws her air pistol and attaches a silencer to it, being very cautious of her surroundings as she searches for her target. However, as Ada continues deeper into the room, she accidentally trips a laser-beam trap that someone had left in the living area.

(Tight on: Vase of Flowers)

Unknown to Ada, a vase of flowers on the counter nearby suddenly begins spraying white fumes into the air and at first she doesn’t notice it, until suddenly she starts to get woozy. Ada touches her forehead as her head begins swimming with dizziness and she stumbles a little as the fumes attempt to render her unconscious. Ada quickly runs back to the front door, but is unable to open it up as it has been locked somehow from the outside. Ada sits down in a chair nearby and her head droops down as she struggles to stay conscious.

Seductive Voice (from radio): It’s okay Miss Knight. Just take a deep breath and go to sleep, my beauty. The fumes won’t kill you, but I promise you by the time I’m finished with you, you’ll wish they had.

The voice gives a seductive but sinister laugh as Ada blacks out and collapses onto the floor.

(Camera dollys in slowly on Ada’s face)

(Cut to Black)

(Fade In: Bedroom)

Ada has been stripped out of her business attire and is only dressed in her black satin bra and black satin pantyhose. Very slowly, she begins to regain consciousness and sees a beautiful brunette dressed in a white business suit, sitting in a chair across from her with a sensual smile on her face as she holds Ada’s silenced air pistol.

Honey (Cajun accent): Oh, look who’s waking up. How did you sleep, Miss Knight?

Ada (British accent, groggy): Terrible. Untie me.

Honey: No, I don’t think so my dear. Not after I went through all this trouble to set this up. (sets Ada's gun down, gets up from her chair and walks over to her) The lovely Ada Knight…so beautiful, so gorgeous…and I have her all to *myself*.

Ada (smugly): You may have caught me, but you can’t keep me, Miss Moon.

Honey (eyes widen): Ohhhhh. So you know who I am?

Ada: Honey Moon, codename the Bride. Born August 7th 1973 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Operates as a wedding planner but her business is actually a front for a murder for hire business. Suspected of over 97 murders, all contract killings by various individuals.

Honey: My, my, my, I’m impressed Miss Knight. You really did your homework.

Ada: In my line of work, it pays to know who your enemies are. (looks Honey over with a naughty smile and then gets suave) So tell me dove…what’s a pretty young thing like you doing playing contract killer? You’re supposed to be a wedding planner.

Honey laments that no one has ever asked her that before and so she lies down in the bed with her head resting in Ada’s satin lap and looks up to her.

Honey (sighs): What can I say Miss Knight? Business has been really slow for me this year. Besides, I make more money doing ‘hatchet jobs’ than I do putting on the finishing touches for someone’s wedding cake.

Ada (suspicious smile): Oh come on Miss Moon, what are you hiding? We're both professionals here, so let's be honest with one anoother. What’s the real reason for your becoming a killer for hire?

Honey smiles up at her, impressed that Ada was so interested in knowing her background. So she tells Ada her story:

Honey: My father is the reason behind this little career change. He was trying to make ends meet with a broken down bakery shop in Baton Rouge. He was always behind the eight-ball, always waiting for things to get better and you know something Miss Knight? Things never did get better. But my step-mom, she was a real femme fatale and she taught me a thing or two about being a professional assassin.

Ada: And let me guess: daddy dearest was your first victim and that’s how you took over the business and used it as a front for your activities?

Honey (proudly): Exactly. I told myself that I wasn’t going to make the same mistakes that he made and with my new profession, I can make loads of money, travel the world and meet…interesting individuals such as yourself, Miss Knight. Especially, when I knew that this particular item would draw you out into the open.

Tight on: Honey, who holds up a necklace with a cross attached to the pearls on it.

Honey: All I had to do was dangle this in front of you and bit like a hungry sea bass, bo'.

Ada: Well my dear, I have to give you credit: the old bait and trap routine has always been a favorite technique of mine. But now that you have what you want, I think you’d better let me go now.

Honey: Hmm, let me talk to my employer first Ada and see what they have to say.

Honey takes out her cell phone and gets up to dial her ‘boss’.

Scene transition

Honey is still talking to her boss, letting them know that she has captured Ada and retrieved the item and is now awaiting further instructions on what they want done with Ada.

Honey (on phone): Yes. Yes, I understand. (glances over at Ada with a naughty smile) I’ll make sure she knows. (hangs up and removes a small silenced derringer from her stocking lace in her garter) Well Miss Knight…I have good news and bad.

Ada (casually): Well, custom usually dictates that you give the bad news first. But, I’m feeling charitable, so why don’t you tell me the good news first?

Honey sits down on the edge of the bed near Ada and crosses her legs.

Honey: Well, the good news is that my employer is grateful that I’m returning the item that you retrieved from the Twin Pines Cathedral today. Apparently, it’s very valuable to them.

Ada (dryly): That’s nice to know. So now that you have what you want, I suppose I can leave now, yes?

Honey: Oooh. I’m afraid that’s the bad news. You see my boss…well, they’ve agreed to pay me an additional bonus after I told them that you were in my possession. I’m afraid my employer wants me to make you disappear Miss Knight.

Ada (casually): Ahhhh. And the light bulb comes on. Took me a while to catch on there, must be the jet-lag. So pretty much, this whole trap was set up so you could kill me, am I right? Nothing personal, just business and all of that good stuff, right?

Honey (smiling): I knew you'd understand. If I take you out, I’ll be a hero to the entire criminal underground. So Miss Knight, now that you know the truth, what do you think I should do in this situation?

Tight on: Ada, whose casual smile, suddenly turns sinister along with her demeanor.

Ada (calmly): I would strongly suggest that you shoot me right now, Miss Moon. Because if you don’t and I get free…you’re going to sure as shit wish you were dead when I get done with you, my dear. And that’s a promise.

Honey chuckles and contemplates this for a moment as she points her weapon at Ada, but then reconsiders shooting her.

Honey: No, no, no, no. That would be way too easy and way too messy Miss Knight. I’ve got something else in mind for you, my dear.

Ada watches with curiosity as Honey sets her gun down and she goes over to her duffel bag and unzips it. She takes out a tripod and a H.D. Digital camcorder and begins setting them up in the center of the bedroom.

Ada: Lady, what the bloody hell are you doing?

Honey (while setting up equipment): I’m going to make a grand show of your demise, Miss Knight. And I’ll need an audience who will truly appreciate it.

Ada (rolls her eyes with disbelief): Oh dear God, I forgot that you were a voyeur. You like to record your executions.

Honey (seductively): That’s right. Now, I’ll have something to remember you by…when you’re gone.

Honey walks over, clasps her hands on the sides of Ada’s head and gives her a big, juicy kiss on the lips which ends with a juicy smack when she breaks the kiss. She then turns and heads towards the bathroom.

Ada (teasingly): Hey, wait a sec love, where are you going? Things were just starting to heat up.

Honey turns around with a seductive smile on her lovely face.

Honey: Just give me one second, lover. I need to freshen up and make myself more…presentable. Now behave yourself and I might let you play with me a little before you die.

Honey then turns and enters the bathroom, closing the door behind her and leaving Ada tied up and supposedly helpless.

Tight on: Ada, who is grinning mischievously from ear to ear.
Crossfade: Ten minutes later

Ada is calmly examining her nails as she patiently awaits for Honey’s return.

Ada (playfully calls out): Hey! What’re you doing in there? Come on…I’m getting lonely out here.

Honey (inside bathroom): Just a moment, gorgeous. I want everything to be perfect for our ‘special night’.

(Angle on bathroom door)

The door opens a tad and with a remote in hand, Honey turns on the camcorder. She then sets it down on the dresser and reaches over and turns on her blue-tooth player before she reaches over and turns the dimmer-switch on the wall near the door so the lights dim.

(Here Comes the Bride begins playing in the background)

Tight on: Ada, with an ‘I don’t believe this’ expression on her face.

Ada (disbelief): Oh bollocks, you’ve gotta be bull-shittin’ me.

Close Up: on Door

As the song continues playing, the door opens up slowly to reveal Honey dressed only in white lingerie: complete with a basque, garters, satin knee-high stockings and high heels. She also has a white veil over her face and holding a small bouquet in her hands as she walks slowly into the room with pride. Ada is doing her best to stifle her laughter at how absurd this ‘execution’ was turning out for her.

(Here comes the Bride comes to an end as Honey stands in front of the bed)

Honey reaches into her bouquet and takes out a ring and she goes over by the bed and puts it onto Ada’s finger. Honey then pulls her veil back to reveal her gorgeous face and Ada is quite impressed.

Ada: A blushing bride. How colorful.

Honey: That’s right, my dear. I wanted tonight to be special…for both of us.

Ada: Lady, what is it that you want from me? You’ve got the cross, what more do you want?

For an answer, Honey unfastens her basque and sets it aside, showing off her magnificent breasts to Ada, whose eyes get wide with amazement. She then gets on top of Ada and leans forward and kisses her passionately on the lips for a moment and then gazes into her eyes.

Honey (softly): I want a moment alone with you, Miss Knight. Before you perish…I want you to make love to me. Will you let me have that honor?

Ada (grinning wickedly): Well, be still my heart, how can I say no to that?. Okay dove, I'll give you what you want. But I’ve gotta warn you the time this little love session is over, I may become a 'widow' after this.

Honey (smugly): We’ll see Miss Knight. We’ll just see.

Honey takes Ada’s head into her hands and the two beauties begin to make out with each other some more as the scene fades out.

(Fade to Black)

To Be Continued…
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 7 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Hm. This certainly came at a funny time. I've just finished the third Bond novel...

I presume Honey's meant to be more reminiscent of Rosa Klebb, though obviously several thousand degrees hotter. Looking forward to where this is going.
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Doctor Outcome
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Omega Woman wrote:Hm. This certainly came at a funny time. I've just finished the third Bond novel...

I presume Honey's meant to be more reminiscent of Rosa Klebb, though obviously several thousand degrees hotter. Looking forward to where this is going.
Actually Omega, Star said that the inspiration for Honey Moon was this lady right here:
Sue Vanner 2.JPG
Sue Vanner 2.JPG (30.33 KiB) Viewed 4099 times
The lady from the cabin in 'They Spy who loved me'. Ya' gotta love honey-pot operatives. Very seductive and sensual with their work.

Star is working on the conclusion for this episode as we speak, as she has another idea that she wants me to post for her later after this story is completed.

BTW...what did you think of Honey's 'Here comes the Bride' entrance? She really knows how to make an execution theatrical, doesn't she? :laugh:
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Here it is gang. Part 2 of Star's erotic tale of espionage: 'From Honey with Love'

Pearl Lake Hotel: Bedroom

Fade In on: Ada and Honey.

Still dressed in her pantyhose and satin black bra, Ada is still tied to the queen-sized bed she’s stretched out on and totally at the mercy of Cajun hired gun Honey Moon, who is busy having her way with the helpless British freelancer. Honey is wearing her ‘honeymoon lingerie’ with just her garters and thigh-high satin pantyhose and her wedding veil on her head. As Honey rides Ada like a cowgirl grinding her now bare cunt against Ada’s, both women are moaning with sexual pleasure as Honey continues rubbing.

Honey (moaning): Yes! Ohhhh, yes! Yes, more, more!

Honey is grabbing her cleavage with sexual excitement and she grabs Ada by the sides of her head and kisses her with hungry passion some more. Ada herself is in ecstasy as she grits her pearly white teeth, fighting not to orgasm.

Honey (teasingly): Oh stop trying to fight me, Miss Knight. You know you want me like I want you. Just let go.

Eventually after much more grinding…

Tight on: Ada and Honey as they both climax together.

…the two beauties both orgasm at the same time and they both yell in ecstasy after cumming on each other. Honey collapses onto her back and Ada is panting hard, exhausted from the love-making that she just endured.

Ada (panting): Oh joyful rapture…that was better than an E-ride at Disneyland!

Honey is cackling to herself when she hears that.

Honey: You’re so funny Miss Knight. You’re quite the comedian, aren’t you?

Honey clears her throat a little bit before she sits back up and she kisses Ada with more hungry passion and she laments on how good Ada is with her love-making.

Honey: You know…I have to be honest. It’s going to be a shame to have to terminate you, bo. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.

Ada (grinning wickedly): You still haven’t figured it out yet, have you Miss Moon? There’s no part of this story that’s gonna end with me on a slab in the morgue. Now you on the other hand…

Honey just laughs at Ada and then clears her throat some more. Feeling thirsty, she reaches over for the glass of water on the dresser and drinks some of it before setting it back down.

Honey: Ada, you really are cocky for someone who’s about to take her last breath. But I understand that: you’re trying to be optimistic to cloud your fear of death. That’s natural for a lot of my vic…

Tight on Honey: who stops mid-sentence with a confused look on her face.

Honey feels a tightening sensation in her larynx and starts to rub her throat a little bit and she also notices that she’s feeling dizzy. Honey gets up off the bed for a moment to contemplate what’s happening as the sensation gets stronger as if someone has their hands around her neck trying to choke her.

Ada (mock concern): What’s wrong Miss Moon? You’re looking a little pale there, ole’ gal.

Honey (confused): What’s wrong with me? Wh-why can’t I breathe?

Ada: I don’t know, why can’t you breathe?

Honey starts to cough a little bit more as she attempts to clear her throat, but the tightening in her larynx is getting worse as she holds her hand to her throat. She then staggers a little and almost loses her balance.

Close on Ada: who is grinning ear to ear snickering cruelly at Honey.

Honey (panting, in a panic): Wh-what did you do to me, you bitch?!

Ada (tauntingly): What’s the matter Miss Moon? Didn’t you enjoy our little love session that we had? I think the ‘kiss’ was really the best part of the whole thing.

Close on Honey: with look of horror on her face

Realizing she’s been duped, Honey grabs her silenced derringer and angrily demands to know what Ada did, but Ada won’t tell, simply stating that if Honey shoots her, she’s as good as killing herself. But Ada does tell her that if she’s looking for an antidote, it’s in her purse in the living area.

Ada: Oh, I wouldn’t run if I were you, my dear. That’s only going to make your predicament worse.

Ignoring her warning, Honey staggers and quickly runs to the living area, leaving Ada alone in the bedroom.

Ada (casual sigh): Why don’t they ever listen?

Cut to: Living Area

Honey has run back into the room and she’s beginning to hyperventilate from whatever Ada has done to her. She accidentally knocks a chair over and she’s searching desperately around for her purse and once she finds it, she grabs it and quickly rushes back to the bedroom to make sure Ada doesn’t try to escape.

Cut back to: Bedroom

Ada is casually examining her fingernails when Honey re-enters. She quickly opens the purse up and takes out a black pouch but when she opens it, her eyes get wide with horror as Ada has various syringes in it, none of them labeled.

Honey (panicking): Which one is it?!

Ada (grinning): You’ll have to figure that out yourself, dove.

Honey (anger rising): You bitch! Give me the antidote!

Ada (pouting): Now Honey, that’s no way to ask someone for help.

Honey can feel her throat tightening and she’s getting weaker as her breathing becomes more shallow. She falls onto her knees near Ada and looks at her with helpless, puppy dog eyes.

Honey (gasping): Ada…please. Give me the antidote…I-I’m dying!

Ada: Oh, it’s okay dove. You can only die once…and once is the only way to die.

Honey (with disbelief): You…(gasping)…are a…monster.

Ada just laughs cruelly at Honey and as Honey tries to stand up, she staggers and falls onto the bed, right beside Ada’s satin-covered feet. She makes one last attempt to breathe before she blacks out completely.

Ada: Hmm, that Widow’s Kiss lipstick really did the trick. I’ll have to give the Intercept Corporation a bonus if I ever get out of this. Now time to cut this ‘honeymoon’ short.

Tight on: Ada’s right wrist

With two fingers, Ada reaches down and touches her black lacquered bracelet and it makes a small whine sound as it extends outward a little. Ada touches it again and a little mini-laser powers up and hums as it begins to cut the ropes that have her wrist secured to the headboard. After about thirty seconds, the laser shuts off, having managed to cut through the rope and Ada pulls her wrist free so she can untie her other wrist. Once free, Ada gets up and fixes herself up before turning her attention to Honey who it out like a light.

Ada (grinning): Don’t worry Honey, that poison I used isn’t enough to kill you, but more than enough to knock you out. When you wake up, you’ll be back to normal and when you do, I’m going to have a few questions for you.

Ada turns Honey over onto her stomach and retrieves the black pouch. She takes out a blue syringe and she has a naughty smile on her face.

Ada: Truth serum…hmm. I think I can do something with this.

Ada pulls the cap off with her teeth and spits it out before she holds Honey down and jabs the syringe into her right butt cheek.

Close on: Honey’s rear-end as she’s injected by Ada.

Honey jumps and grunts from being poked and as Ada slowly injects her with the truth serum, Honey groans in her sleep. Once finished, Ada yanks the syringe out of her and Honey jumps and grunts again as Ada gently rubs her butt for her.

Ada (softly while rubbing): There we go. Now I think we need to make you a little more comfortable for our little…Q&A session.

Ada chuckles mischievously as the scene: Fades to Black

Fade In: Tight on Honey

Honey is now in bed, propped up against the headboard with her wrists bound to it by black silk and her head drooped down. Ada is lying at the foot of the bed examining her nails when Honey starts to regain consciousness.

Ada: Ah, there she is. Coming back from dreamland, are we? (sits up in bed and gets closer to Honey) Wake up my little Cajun cutie-pie.

Honey moans a little more as she looks up to see Ada grinning at her and Ada is getting a little turned on seeing Honey tied up.

Ada (sweetly): Look at you now…(gently takes Honey’s head in her hands)…all I can see are those big pretty eyes and those beautiful, bee-stung lips.

Ada gives her a juicy kiss and then gently runs her hand on Honey’s cleavage. Suddenly remembering what happened, Honey tries to pull her hands free, but the silk has her tightly secured to the headboard and she looks at Ada helplessly. Ada in turn tells her to just save her strength because she was going to need it.

Honey (fearfully): Ada, why are you doing this to me?!

Ada (grinning): Don’t you remember what I said earlier, Miss Moon? I told you if you didn’t shoot me when you had the chance, you were sure as shit gonna wish you were dead later when I got free. I’d be a liar if I didn’t follow through with my promise. Now, before we get started, I have a very special surprise for you.

Ada picks up a small gift bag, reaches inside and pulls out an angel-white cordless massager.

Tight on Honey: whose eyes and mouth get wide with horror

Honey (at the top of her lungs): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Ada (playfully): Oh come on Miss Moon. It’s no diamond ring, but it’s the thought that counts.

Ada cracks up with laughter and Honey begins to pant with horror at the thought of what Ada was going to do to her.

Honey (curses her in Cajun): You bastard! (shoots Ada a dirty look) Where did you get that?!

Ada: I picked it up at the gift shop downstairs while you were sleeping. They had a special…buy one and get two bottles of sex lube free. Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Honey: What are you going to do to me Ada?

Ada: I require answers to some questions I have. And you’re going to give them to me. Now…before you say you’re not going to talk, I want you should know what I injected you with truth serum while you were unconscious.

Honey (angrily): YOU’RE LYING!

To prove to her that she’s not, Ada uses two test questions on her.

Ada: Honey, at what age did you start masturbating?

Close on Honey: straining not to answer.

Honey (gritted teeth): When…when…when I was fourteen.

Ada: Annnnnnnd…when did you masturbate last?

Honey (straining): Th-th-th-this morning after breakfast!

Honey groans in disbelief and Ada laughs, commenting that the truth serum is working fine. Honey defiantly tells her that she’s not going to tell her anything, but Ada tells her that the truth serum works at its best when the subject is sexually stimulated. To prove her point, Ada applies the massager to Honey’s crotch and vibes her until she’s close to orgasm, but she pulls away before Honey can climax and Honey is in agony from being denied.

Ada: Okay dove, here’s lesson number one. Oh and believe me, the lessons will get harder or easier depending on how you answer. Who hired you to kill me?

Honey: I don’t know his name. All I know is…he’s called Shadow and he took the contract out on you.

Ada (while vibing her some more): Why? Why does this Shadow character want me dead?

Honey (straining): I don’t ask my employers for reasons Miss Knight! I take the money and I do the task, that’s it!

Ada denies her release and Honey howls with frustration.

Ada: I would highly advise you to take me a little more seriously, Miss Moon. Now, how did you and Shadow meet? And don't tell me it was on a 'dating' website!

As Ada vibes Honey some more, Honey reveals that she met Shadow on a private Skype-chat. He contacted her through a secret classified section on the ‘want ads’ and told her that he wanted Ada erased.

Ada: Did you kill Dr. Simonova and her maid?

Honey nods her head and explains that Nina knew too much about ‘Operation Lube Job’ and the organization who hired her didn’t want her telling MI-9 about their plans.

Ada (calmly): Okay, that was the warm-up round. Now for the $64,000 question. (turns massager up on high, reapplies it to Honey's crotch and holds up the cross) What’s so special about this thing? And what were you planning to do with it?

Honey (on the verge of orgasm): It’s a hard-drive which contains the access files for the Intercept Corporation and their clients! Shadow wanted it and asked me to retrieve it! That’s it, that’s all I know!

Ada finally lets her have release and Honey hollers with pleasure as she orgasms and Ada pulls the massager away from her cunt. Perspiring and exhausted, Honey moans and pants with relief at being allowed to cum and Ada gently strokes the Cajun assassin's hair for her and tells her that she’s going to put a call in to Interpol to come and pick her up for questioning.

Ada: I’m sure they’ll have plenty of questions for you when they take you into custody Miss Moon. (kisses her lips) Now you just sit here and I’ll be right back.

Ada kisses her on her sweaty forehead and departs from the room to retrieve her cell-phone.

Close on Honey: with a nasty scowl on her face

Tight on her left hand: As she reaches for a stiletto that’s in her hair. Honey then uses it to saw the silk off from her left wrist.

Living Room Area

Ada is on the phone reporting to Interpol that wanted assassin Honey Moon has been subdued and that they’ll need to send a team to pick her up a.s.a.p. Ada then hangs up and goes back to the bedroom to tend to Honey.

Ada: Okay Honey, great news. I’ve just contacted Interpol and they’ll be here in a little while to take you to…

Quick Zoom on: Empty bed.

Ada stops mid-sentence when she sees that Honey has gotten free. Suddenly, Honey jumps out of her hiding place with an angry cry and a silk scarf tied around her hands. She attempts to wrap the scarf around Ada’s neck from behind, but Ada, who was alerted from her battle cry, quickly holds her hands up in front of her throat to avoid being strangled. Ada grits her teeth and groans as Honey pulls hard on the scarf.

(Keep the Peace by INXS begins to play in the background)

Ada and Honey are smashing into things around the room as Honey attempts to strangle Ada and Ada backs Honey into a wall twice in an attempt to get free. During the struggle though, Ada doesn’t lose her sardonic wit.

Ada (grinning, straining voice): Honey, I gotta tell you. Trying to kill me? That’s gonna be your first…AND LAST MISTAKE!

Honey: Don’t bet on it!

As the two women continue to struggle, Ada grabs a hand-held mirror nearby and smashes it on Honey’s head. Honey cries out and releases her hold on Ada and with her back still to Honey, Ada elbows her in the stomach and then the face before judo flipping her onto the floor. Honey springs up, her face a mask of rage as she and Ada attempt to exchange blows, both women countering the other with lightning-fast Wing-Chun speed. Honey gets in a few good blows and she roundhouse punches Ada before chopping her on the shoulders with both hands. Ada falls to her knees grimacing and Honey attempts to choke her with both hands and as Ada struggles to get free, she draws her fist back and strikes Honey right in her bare cunt.

Honey howls with pain and releases her hold on Ada. She staggers back and grabs her now sore crotch, giving Ada enough time to spring up and uppercut her in the face. Honey goes down like a ton of bricks and after rolling onto her stomach, she spits up blood as Ada gets on top of her back and proceeds to sleeperhold her. At first, Honey looks like she’s going to concede until she sees something that catches her eye:

Quick Zoom: silenced derringer on floor.

Realizing the gun is her only chance, Honey backhands Ada in the face and Ada lets go and clutches her eyes. Honey scrambles for the gun and when Ada realizes what she’s going for, she quickly jumps up to stop her.


Honey and Ada both make it to the derringer, but Honey’s got her finger on the trigger and Ada has her hands wrapped around Honey’s trying to pry the weapon away from her. As the two women struggle over the gun, more things are getting knocked over in the room during the catfight. Eventually, Ada knocks Honey’s feet out from under her and both women go down on the bed, with Ada on top and Honey underneath, pointing the derringer right at Ada.

Honey (triumphantly): It’s over for you, bo! When I take you out, everyone will not only know my name… (straining)…they’ll remember me for a lifetime!

Tight on: gun as Ada begins to turn with all her might.

Gritting her teeth, Ada very slowly but surely begins to turn Honey’s hands and Honey grimaces in pain and in horror when the silenced barrel of her derringer is pointed straight at her bare cleavage.

Ada (straining): The criminal world *will* know your name well, love. WHEN YOU’RE IN THE OBITUARIES!

Seeing herself being overpowered, Honey attempts to plead for mercy.

Honey: No! Ada, please! We can talk about this!

Ada (grinning evilly): You tried to kill me, hon. I’m afraid we’re *way* past that now.

Honey (pleading eyes): Ada please! You don’t understand! I’m just a professional doing a job!

Ada (still grinning): Yeah? Well, guess what love? So am I!


Ada (coldly): Pleasant dreams, Honey Moon.

(Song ends)

Tight on: Ada’s fingers as she forces Honey to pull the trigger

Ada makes Honey squeeze the trigger and the derringer emits a silenced gunshot, shooting a poisoned dart into Honey’s left boob. Honey’s eyes and mouth fly open with horror and she gasps as she looks down at her chest at the dart protruding from her cleavage before looking up at Ada with hurtful eyes of despair. As Honey can feel her strength slowly beginning to leave her, Ada gently pries the gun away from her and stays on top of her to watch her expire.

Honey (in despair): This…can’t…be. (coughs) I was supposed to…be your…bride to be. To have and to hold…to love and cherish…in sickness and in health…till death…do…you…part.

Ada reaches out and gently strokes Honey’s hair and face.

Ada (softly): What can I say dove got a little 'overzealous' with this contract. Besides, all good things have to come to an end sometimes Miss Moon and I'm afraid that includes *your life*. (leans down and kisses Honey one more time) So, in the immortal words of Schwarzenegger… ‘consider this a divorce’.

Honey give a soft moan and sigh before she finally expires from the poison dart with her eyes open. Ada reaches out and gently closes her eye lids for her and sighs with disappointment.

Ada (with regret): What a waste. It’s too bad Honey…another time, another place. We could’ve had something special.

Camera pans out: on Ada still on top of Honey

Fade to Black

Subtitles: To be Concluded…
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 7 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Heroine Addict
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I particularly liked the Widow's Kiss lipstick. Lucky Honey didn't kiss Ada and then go down on her.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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Heroine Addict wrote:I particularly liked the Widow's Kiss lipstick. Lucky Honey didn't kiss Ada and then go down on her.
We could use that for an outtake! :laugh:
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Doctor Outcome
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Heroine Addict wrote:I particularly liked the Widow's Kiss lipstick. Lucky Honey didn't kiss Ada and then go down on her.
:lol: Ada would've been screwed royally if Honey did that. Star thanks you for your input as always, Heroine Addict. She said the Widow's Kiss lipstick was an idea she saw from an episode of 'Get Smart'. She said there's one more chapter to come for this adventure, so brace yourself.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Omega Woman wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:I particularly liked the Widow's Kiss lipstick. Lucky Honey didn't kiss Ada and then go down on her.
We could use that for an outtake! :laugh:
:lol: That would be so cool if Lady Diana and Juicy Jewell did an outtake scene for that just so we could see her reaction. :thumbup:

Star says she's glad you enjoyed this chapter and there's more to come.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Alright my patient patients. Here it is, the final chapter of Star's exhilarating spy-caper starring the lovely Lady Diana...'From Honey with Love'. (BTW, this chapter totally rocked da' house. Enjoy!)

Pearl Lake Hotel: Bedroom

Corporate spy Ada is still sitting on top of deceased hired gun Honey Moon, who is lying lifeless on the queen-sized bed, following their little altercation. Ada is gently stroking the Cajun assassin’s hair while staring down at her, feeling just a little guilty that she had to ‘punch’ Honey’s ticket.

Ada (soft British accent): Victims…aren’t we all?

Ada is suddenly alerted to a beeping sound in the room and is instantly on guard. Looking over her shoulders and all around the room, she looks at Honey and realizes the beeping is coming from her.

Tight on: Honey’s right wrist

Ada takes Honey’s wrist and examines her wristwatch, which is beeping steadily.

Ada (staring at watch with confusion): Well, it’s not a bomb, that’s a relief. (examines the watch some more) Lifesign transmitter…and a homing beacon? Now why in the world would she…

Ada stops mid-sentence when she suddenly realizes what’s about to happen.

Quick Zoom: On Ada, horrified.

Ada (panicking): OH SHIT!

Ada quickly gets off of Honey and picks up one of her high-heels and then drops it. Realizing that she’s not going to have time to get her clothes on, she grabs a silver and black robe out of the bathroom and throws it on before grabbing her clothing and other belongings and stuffing it all into one of Honey’s empty duffel bags in the room.

Cut to: Stairwell

A bunch of men in black suits and two-way radios are coming up the stairwell, armed with machine pistols. One individual, a heavyset blonde-woman named Alpha 1, is giving orders to the patrol.

Alpha 1: Alright boys, the lifesign beacon was in ‘flatline’, though we don’t know of Miss Moon’s status we’re still going to proceed with caution. Keep the safety’s off, but your finger’s off the trigger because our employer wants this woman alive. And let’s not underestimate who we’re dealing with here…Ada Knight won’t go down without a fight.

Soldiers: YES MADAM!

Cut back to: Honey’s bedroom

Ada has just finished gathering everything together and before she leaves, she takes out a pair of satin black panties (this one with a red rose printed on the crotch) and gently stuffs them into Honey’s mouth. She kisses the deceased woman on the forehead and gently pats her hand before racing toward the living area. However, Ada freezes when she hears the sound of a door in the hallway opening.

Ada (casually): Well, we’re definitely not leaving that way.

Ada quickly rushes toward one of the guest bedrooms and sees a patio door leading to a balcony and she gets an idea.

Cut to: Hallway

The mercenaries are getting closer to Honey’s suite and they stop outside of the door. One of the soldiers takes out a make-shift keycard and uses it to hack into the door’s locking mechanism. Once the code has been overridden, he nods to Alpha 1, who kicks in the door and enters with her weapon drawn. She surveys the room and then motions for the other soldiers to cover her as she checks the rest of the area.

Post One (over radio): Post one to Command, come in Alpha-1.

Alpha motions for the soldiers to stand-fast and she replies on her two-way headset.

Alpha-1: Go for Alpha-1.

Post One: We’re standing by in the lobby. There’s no sign of Miss Knight yet.

Alpha-1: Roger that, Post One. We’re in the honeymoon suite now and are sweeping the area. Notify us the moment you spot Miss Knight.

Post One: Copy that.

Post One clicks off and Alpha-1 and her troop continue to check the area. One of the soldiers enters the main bedroom and finds Honey sprawled out on the bed with panties in her mouth.

Soldier: Miss Alpha, I’ve located Miss Moon.

Alpha goes to where the soldier is and her eyes light up with surprise when she sees Honey sprawled out on the bed. Going over to her, Alpha tries to shake her awake but when she sees the poison dart in Honey’s left boob, she ceases what she’s doing.

Alpha-1 (frustrated): Damn it. (sighs, speaks into two-way) Delta-niner, we’ve located the ‘honeypot’ but she is broken, I repeat, the ‘honeypot’ is broken. Everyone continue sweeping the sector, but stay alert. Miss Knight may have booby-trapped the suite.

The soldiers respond and continue their sweep of the area until one enters near the guest bedroom and is greeted to a shocking sight.

Soldier #3: Hey you! Hold it right there! Alpha-1, I’ve got her, she’s in the guest bedroom!

Alerted by this, Alpha-1 orders her patrol to converge to the guest bedroom and they do.

Tight on: Ada on Balcony

As the soldiers enter the guest bedroom, Ada is standing on her tip-toes on the balcony with her back to the door. Alpha-1 takes the helm and orders the other soldiers to put Ada in their sights and pretty soon, a dozen laser sights are trained on Ada, who is as calm as a cucumber.

Alpha-1: Ada Knight, turn around slowly and put your hands in the air…now!

Ada obeys and very slowly, she turns around with her hands up but her fists are clenched and she’s wearing a pair of black Ray-Bans and she has a cunning, sly smile on her face.

Ada (innocently): Whoa, take it easy with the hardware gentlemen… (seductively to Alpha-1)…and ladies.

Alpha-1 (confused): What the hell are you doing?

Ada (jokingly): Did the concierge send you? I know they said the bill had to be paid in full before checking out, but damn.

Alpha-1: Show us your hands, Miss Knight.

Ada: You sure you want me to do that, dear?

Alpha-1: Right now Miss Knight, show us your hands!

Ada sighs and then shoots her a naughty grin.

Ada (casually): Okay dove…but just remember one thing:

Slow-motion effect

Ada opens up her palms and two silver-balls fall out of each one of her hands. When they make contact with the concrete, a huge flash of light fills up the area and the soldiers all groan and cover their eyes and/or look away.


Ada then falls backwards as if she had wings as she plummets twelve stories downward.

Tight on: Bungee cord retracting fast from Ada’s weight

Ada is heading toward the earth in freefall with her arms spread-open like the wings of an angel. Suddenly, the bungee cord that was attached to her ankle is snagged when the line reaches its limit and Ada is gently pulled upward by her momentum.

Tight on: Ada’s ankle

As Ada is pulled back up, she slaps the fastener that’s on her ankle and does a frontward somersault and lands on her feet. She looks up at the balcony with a triumphant smile and quickly takes off to the parking garage nearby. Ada heads over to C-level, jumps inside of her black supercharged Jaguar XKR Silverstone and peels out of the parking garage like a bat out of hell, honking her horn at some of the pedestrians, who jump out of the way, yelling obscenities at her as she flies past.

Cut to: Balcony

Alpha-1 and her troop have just regained their senses and she looks over the side to see Ada’s vehicle peeling out of the parking lot and she quickly gets back on the radio.

Alpha-1: Attention Pursuit Team! Ada Knight has just fled custody, I repeat, she has escaped! Pursue and intercept!

Voice on radio: Roger that, Alpha-1. We will intercept.

Alpha snaps at her squad to pick themselves up and together, the half-disoriented mercs leave the guest bedroom to tend to Honey.

Cut to: Victoria Peace Road

Ada has made it outside of the city limits and is now on the back roads towards her destination. As she drives with a confident smile on her face she looks in the rear-view mirror to see four black 2001 BMW 530i’s racing down the road behind her in hot pursuit.

Ada: Hmmm…wasn’t expecting a chase this early in the day, but I am anxious to see what they put under the hood of this Jag. Okay then…time to see if I got my money’s worth for all those optional extras the Intercept Corporation promised.

Tight on: Ada’s right hand as she turns on the radio

(Better the Devil You Know by Kylie Minogue begins to play)

Ada puts foot to floor and peels off down the road with the four Beemers in hot pursuit. The Pursuit team is doing a good job of staying with her, but Ada decides to spend the majority of the chase toying with her pursuers. One of the Beemers gets right up on Ada’s bumper and tries to ram her hard, jolting her forward in her seat and then the driver hits her again from behind.

Ada: My, my. Somebody’s anxious.

Ada activates her anti-pursuit program on the Jaguar’s console and after analyzing the situation, the computer instructs Ada to activate her ‘bumper guard’. Ada hits a green switch and a bunch of spikes form on the rear-bumper of the Jaguar, so when the Beemer who rammed her tries again, the driver ends up damaging his own front end. After two hits, this vehicle decides to back off a little when it can’t make a dent in Ada’s rear.

Ada (smiling): Smart…now he’s thinking with his right head.

The chase continues on through the countryside and Ada gets an idea. Hitting a gray button on the console, the Jaguar deploys slick jets from the rear-bumper and sprays axle grease all over the road. The first three Beemers manage to swerve around the grease, but the fourth that had been trying to ram her skids and loses control, flying off the road and into a ditch with a nasty crash. Ada smirks and kicks into high-gear as the other three BMWs continue to pursue her.

Tight on: Ada’s foot as she lets off the gas

The Jaguar slows down and the lead BMW tears around her and gets in front. The other two each come up by Ada’s side and try to box her in, so she can’t get around them.

Ada (dryly): Well, usually I don’t mind a ménage a trois, but somehow this isn’t quite my cup of tea.

Ada taps the console screen twice.

Close on Screen: Switchblades Activated

Tight on: Wheels

The hubcaps on the Jaguar lock in place and suddenly, tire shredders begin to emerge from the wheels with a saw-like whirl. When the Beemers on the side try to sandwich Ada, the shredders begin to eat away at their tires. Alarmed, both drivers pull away from the Jaguar and Ada throws her head back and laughs. She playfully swerves near the vehicles, who again try to avoid her, one almost hitting a semi-truck in the opposite lane. As the chase continues, Ada swerves toward the Beemer on the right and her shredders cut through the driver's tires completely. The BMW does a 180 and ends up flipping several times on the road before coming to a stop like a turtle on its back.

Having witnessed this, the driver in the second Beemer tries to pull ahead to get away from Ada and winds up beside his partner in the front. With a grin on her face, Ada pulls down an orange switch:

Close on Display Screen: Shock-ram Activated

Cut to: Front Bumper of Jaguar

Steel rods emerge from the Jaguar’s front bumper and begin to crackle with electricity.

Ada (wickedly): Okay big boy…now let’s see how you like taking it up the arse.

Tight on speedometer

Ada was only doing 75 m.p.h. but when her foot stabs the accelerator, the Jaguar’s supercharger roars like a beast and Ada is pushed back in her seat from the rapid acceleration as the speedometer steadily climbs up 110 m.p.h. Ada closes the gap and hits the second Beemer hard from the rear. The Shock-Rams hit the car with so much force, the Beemer loses control and swerves off the road, right into the fuel pumps of a gas station. With a huge kaboom, the car detonates like a bomb from the collision with the pumping station.

Ada (glances over her shoulder with a smile): And then there was ‘one’.

The last Beemer was trying to outrun Ada, but Ada has the horsepower and the driver’s chances of trying to shake her were slim to none.

Ada (half-bored): I grow weary from this cat and mouse bullshit. Let’s see if we’ve got something in here that really cooks.

As the pursuit heads off toward the coast of Santa Clara, Ada is flipping through the weapons screen and finds an option that captures her eye and pushes a red button.

Tight on Console: Tomahawks Armed and Ready

Close on Headlights

A pair of black missiles pop out of the headlights of the Jaguar and a targeting display appears on Ada’s windshield. As the targeting system gets a bead on the final Beemer, Ada decelerates a little to put a little distance between her and the car, right as the Phalanx system signals to her that it has a lock on the vehicle’s rear axle.

Ada (mischievous grin): Fire in the hole.

Tight on Ada’s thumb

(song abruptly stops playing)

Ada pushes the ‘fire’ button on the steering wheel and the Tomahawks launch from the headlights. Speeding toward the Beemer like a pair of shooting stars, the missiles find their target and destroy the Beemer’s rear axle with a nerve-shattering explosion. The driver loses control of his vehicle and with his brakes taken out, the Beemer goes flying over the Santa Clara’s cliff. Ada slams on the brakes and pulls a 180 near the ravine and looks over the side in time to see the BMW crash onto the rocks below with unforgiving force before exploding in a ball of flame. Ada is grinning ear to ear with triumph and she leans down and kisses the steering wheel.

Ada: Now *that’s* engineering like no other car! (her Omega wristwatch beeps and she checks the time) Oh bugger, I’m gonna be late for the drop off.

Ada touches the console screen and it pulls up a map of the quickest routes to her destination. Once she finds the one she wants, she touches the screen and it plots the course for her.

Ada: After that ‘Road Warrior’ chase though, this car is gonna be hotter than a supermodel in a Bond flick. I’ll need to make her a little more…inconspicuous.

Getting an idea, Ada touches the screen again and hits the option that says, ‘Makeover’.

Cut to: Outside of Jaguar

Suddenly, a bunch of nano-machines swim over the outside of the car like ants at a picnic and with lightning speed, the Jaguar’s Midnight Black color turns to Diamond white.

Tight on: License Plate morphing.

The license plate changes from Knight-1 to White Knight.

Ada (smiling, impressed): Let’s see a body shop do that!

Ada throws the Jaguar into gear and does a 180 peel out, tearing down the coastal highway like a speed demon.

(Chorus resumes singing)

Kylie Minogue and Chorus in background: Better the Devil you know! Better the Devil you know!

(Scene cuts to Black)

End Credits begin to roll.

Subtitle: Safehouse, Several Hours later

Dressed in fresh clothes, Ada is at her safehouse near the coast, talking with her employer via Audio-Skype about the success of the mission and that the ‘holy cross’ was picked up by the Corporation’s retrieval couriers. They’re discussing how there could’ve been a security breach at the company and her handler is informing her that they won’t attempt to contact Ada for a while until the leak has been plugged on their end and they’re certain none of their assets were compromised from the data breach.

Ada: Madeline, since this was a danger service assignment, I’ll have to charge you a hazardous mission fee for compensation.

Madeline: What’s your price Black Knight? Whatever it is, we’ll pay as we’ll really need your services for next time once this mess has been sorted out.

Ada (dryly): An extra $85,000 might help if there is ‘a next time’.

Madeline: Done.

Ada’s bank account gets $85,000 extra deposited into her online accounts and Madeline thanks her again for her assistance in the matter. Ada tells her don’t mention it and she disconnects from the Audio-skype.

Ada (picks up a glass of wine): I don’t understand it. I mean, this isn’t the first time someone’s made an attempt on me, but one after the other and then there’s a security breach at the corporation? It’s just too much of a coincidence.

Suddenly, Ada’s laptop is alerting her of another Skype-message. Confused, she sits down and answers it, expecting to hear from Madeline.

Ada: Madeline, I thought you wanted a complete blackout until…

Suddenly, the transmission changes, showing a female figure sitting on a mechanical throne in the darkness, stroking a Persian cat.

Shadow (female, synthetic voice): Oh, I’m so sorry Miss Knight, I didn’t get that message. Perhaps you should have put it up on the bulletin board.

Ada narrows her eyes at the screen.

Shadow: I understand that you’ve been having quite an interesting month, in addition to the events of this evening. I thought you might be a little lonely, so I wanted to give you a call and make sure you were…still alive.

Ada (puts on her suaveness): My, my. What can I say except…that’s very generous of you, my dear. I assume that you must be Shadow and the one behind my recent troubles as of late.

Shadow (mock innocence): Why Miss Knight, whatever do you mean? And how do you know my name so easily?

Ada (grinning): Your Cajun beauty queen that you sent confided in me. Right before I sent her sexy carcass to that big wedding chapel in the sky.

Shadow (chuckling): Miss Moon always did have a tendency to overdo her flair for theatrics. So I can’t really say that this failure on her part was unexpected, especially given who she was up against. My hired guns have grossly underestimated you, Miss Knight.

Ada: Consistently. Well, this has been fun, but I’m going to hang up now.

Shadow: Not so fast Miss Knight. There’s some business we need to discuss as I have a job that I’d like to propose to you.

Ada: Sorry dove, I’m not really in the mood for being shot at right now, so you’ll have to get someone else to play ‘moving target’ for you.

Shadow: Awwww, that hurts Miss Knight. I offer you some lucrative work and you treat me like a rash where the sun doesn’t shine. (whining mockingly) Whyyyyy?

Ada (cynical tone): Becauuuuuuuuse…I make it a rule to never do favors for arseholes who try to kill me for their amusement? (shrugs) I don’t know, it’s just a theory.

Shadow (shakes her head): You know Miss Knight, I really didn’t want to approach you on these terms but…you do realize you’re only making things harder for that pretty little housekeeper of yours. I mean, you leave her home alone all by herself; you don’t bother to check in on her…

Tight on Ada: Whose cocky demeanor suddenly turns to worry.

Shadow: …I mean, speaking as an employer, that really concerns me how you treat *your* own employees. Honestly though, her being in that big empty house of yours with no one to keep her company while you’re away. She can get into things…(sinister tone)…or rather, things can get into ‘her’.

Ada: And just what the hell is that suppose to mean, you sick son of a whore?

Shadow (chuckling): All I’m saying is that… ‘accidents’ can happen while you’re away, Miss Knight. Think about it.

Shadow clicks off.

Tight on Ada: Worry turning to fear.

Ada (whispering to herself): Anya…no…

Cut to Black

The End…For now…

Ada Knight (that's all she wrote) wmv_snapshot_04.38_[2016.09.27_00.56.00].jpg
Ada Knight (that's all she wrote) wmv_snapshot_04.38_[2016.09.27_00.56.00].jpg (30.32 KiB) Viewed 3608 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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