Fuchsia Fox : "Creatures of the Night", By Centurion

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Here's the latest Fuchsia Fox story from Centurion. It's a kind of crossover, brining my Aurelia Gwardian Goddess character into the Fuchsia Fox world. When all is said and done, I do get the impression he was not very much caring for this story, instead coming up with it as a favor / courtesy to yours truly. I like it, though, and hopefully you will too.

Please don't be shy about offering up your feedback. :)

Fuchsia Fox: "Creatures of the Night"

Prologue -- Washington D.C.

Just after midnight, a light fog drifted in from the Potomac. A nineteen year old hoodlum named Johnny Sikes was about to boost a Lincoln Continental which some careless owner had left in his driveway. Sikes had been in and out of juvenile detention since he was 12. His checkered past included arrests for assault, burglary, carjacking, and possession, not to mention one manslaughter he had gotten away with scot free. Right now his hands were shaking as he tried to slide the crowbar down inside the window crack, because he needed a hit of meth so bad...

"Hey you," said a voice behind him. Johnny spun around, holding the crowbar up like a weapon. He relaxed when saw the female silhouette walking toward him through the fog. It was a woman, dressed in a long coat which trailed behind her so that her feet could be seen, clad in punker boots that came to mid-calf. As the woman came closer still, she shrugged the coat off her creamy shoulders and let it fall to the pavement behind her, allowing him a superb view of her curvy body, clad in a clingy black nylon vest and hot pants.

"You talking to me, bitch?" Johnny said, his eyes running from her round c-cups down her lean, bare midriff and back.

"Yeah I'm talking to you," she said, walking right up to him. "what are you doing, prowling about on a night like this?"

"what's it to ya, bitch?" Johnny said, hefting the crowbar. The girl had long dark hair and the most amazingly green eyes he had ever seen. Those eyes almost made him forget what he was doing, or even what his name was. "I'm busy."

"My name isn't Bitch," the girl said, sliding intimately close to him. "It's Aurelia." She snapped her fingers, and the car alarms gave a chirp as they shut down. Another snap and door locks released with a clunk!

"H-how did you do that?" Johnny stammered.

Aurelia hardly heard him, her body seething inside from one of her frequent estrus cycles. Taking hold of his left hand, she placed it over her right breast. "Ohhhh... that's nice," she sighed, as his fingers automatically closed over her supple orb, caressing her and making her nipples hard with hunger. With her other hand she reached down in between his legs, firmly massaging his crotch. "You'll do. You'll do just fine..."

Johnny moaned, feeling his testicles tighten as she stroked him. The crowbar in his hand hit the pavement with a clang as he lost control, grabbing Aurelia by the shoulders and spinning her around so that her butt was pressed against the hood of the car. Pinning her there, his hands roamed over her breasts, fondling her through the clingy fabric of her vest and fumbling with the buttons. The garment peeled back, to allow her flawless white boobs their freedom, her nipples peaked like little bullets.

"My, my, you do like to be rough, don't you?" the girl panted, leaning back as his hands moved down to her waist, unsnapping the closure of her hot pants. Almost frantic now, the boy grabbed her pants by their waistline and yanked them down past her knees, exposing the tiny black lace thong she was wearing over her wet slit.

"Oh my God..." Johnny gasped, his knees trembling.

"God has very little to do with it," Aurelia moaned as she kicked her feet free of her hot pants. Raising her legs, she spread her thighs and wrapped her sexy stems around the boy's waist, pulling him closer. By now, his erection was throbbing. Shoving the girl across the hood of the Lincoln, he reached for her, hands snaking around her smooth, lean torso as his mouth tasted her sweet tits. Their bodies joined, his torpedo pushing aside her panties as he entered her.

"Oh baby..." Johnny gasped. His heart was hammering as if he'd just done some good coke. He thought he was going to have a heart attack. Underneath him, the girl began to gyrate her hips seductively, making his cock grow even harder as they joined. OHGOD -- he didn't know how much more he could take! He watched her firm tits jiggle up and down in his face while he sucked on her thick nipples. He could feel his orgasm building up inside him; desperately he tried to hold out and make it last longer, but the next thing he knew he was cumming, shooting semen into the depths of her body.

"Oooooh," Aurelia moaned, her eyes closed with rapture as she felt his sperm inside her, triggering her own much delayed orgasm. But unseen by the boy on top of her, her canine teeth had slightly elongated, become fangs, hardly noticeable at the best of times, and certainly not noticed now in the heat of passion.

Johnny threw his head back in a groan of pleasure, his hands grabbing Aurelia's breasts. "Whooo shit!" he gasped, as his climax reached its peak and started to decline. "That was the most--"

Aurelia leaned forward and sank her teeth into the meaty part of his neck, puncturing his jugular vein with precision. Immediately his erection returned full force as his heart pumped with terror. He tried to struggle, tried to break free of her embrace, but Aurelia held on like a lioness with a gazelle. She enjoyed his struggles, enjoyed the new hardness of his cock inside her, even while his life's blood flowed into her mouth, hot and salty, tangy with the taste of adrenalin.

Then her second orgasm came, much better and more satisfying than the first.


Chapter 1 -- Fall's Church, Virginia, the next day

"Okay," the blonde woman said, "let's try that again." Without waiting for an answer, Barbara Wright sprang forward, her lean, lithe body clad in green-and-black shorts and a sport bra, her braided pony tail flying as she pummeled at her adversary with her black leather-gloved fists.

The Fuchsia Fox blocked her opponent's punches, her sassy, fourteen-inch miniskirt swishing around her shapely thighs as she retreated a few paces. Above her toned bare midriff, her lovely chest displayed its famous fox-head emblem across the front of her tight reddish-purple halter top, showing off her slender shoulders lightly brushed by her brunette hair.

Seeing an opening, the stunning young superheroine caught the blonde girl's left wrist, jerking her slim, shapely body forward as she simultaneously snaked her right arm around her neck in a choke hold. The Fox felt a brief surge of pleasure as their two lissome bodies came into contact, thinking that she had finally got the hold down pat -- but before she could complete the maneuver, her slightly older and more experienced adversary had slipped downward through the heroine's grasp, catching her own right wrist and reversing the arm lock on her.

Before the Fox could recover, she felt the blonde's knee come up and hit her on the tail precisely between her butt cheeks. Her long legs somehow got tangled up, and the next thing the superheroine knew, she was face down on one of the yoga mats scattered across the hardwood floor of the loft apartment.

"You know," Major Wright said, brushing her hands, "this would be better if you removed your bracelets. The whole purpose of this is to teach you not to rely so much on your powers."

"What do you think I'm doing?" the Fox countered from the floor. "You're doing a good enough job of kicking my butt." Ruefully she rubbed her tailbone as she gingerly eased into a sitting position. "It's as easy for me to just not draw power from them to enhance my strength and agility, the same way I don't use my force shield. If I had done that, you could never have touched me."

"That's your problem, Fox," the blonde said. "You're taking it too easy with me. You pull your punches."

"What do you want me to do, send you flying through the wall?"

"To be an effective fighter," Wright insisted, "you need to cultivate a killer instinct so that you always use every advantage you have."

"Are you trying to turn me into some kind inhuman fighting machine?" the Fox said, as Barbara reached down with one arm to pull her to her feet. "That's not going to work, major. There's more to being a superheroine than that."

"We'll be sure and put that on your tombstone."

"Thanks a lot."

Major Wright's lips tried a tentative smile. "Could you please call me Barbara? I'm doing all this for you own good, you know."

The superheroine sighed. "I know... Barbara," she said, returning the smile. "It's just that when I get slammed on my tush five times in a row, it's kind of hard to remember that."

"That's enough for one night," the blonde said, relieved. "Do you want to take a shower?" Seeing the Fox raise one flawless, aristocratic eyebrow, she quickly added, "I didn't mean together!"


Around dusk, a crowd of a hundred or so had gathered on the Commons of American University in northwest Washington D.C., a mixture of college students and other interested onlookers. Off to one side, but near enough that they had a prime view, was a small group of men in business suits. They must be potential investors, Captain Martin Fletcher thought, from his position nearby along with his friend Oscar Jenkins. Both of them were in Army uniforms, having come right after coming off duty.

"I thought Jennifer was coming," said Oscar, scanning the crowd for good-looking coeds.

"She had an errand to run after work," Martin said, skirting the true reason for his wife's absence -- tonight being her weekly sparring match with Major Wright. "She might turn up later."

"Why'd they have to do this at night late anyway?" his friend wondered aloud.

"I heard a rumor," Martin replied, "that this Sartorio guy has a rare skin condition. He can't take direct sunlight."

"Heads up," said Oscar. "Looks like they're about to start."

The sky was fully dark now. A few of the brighter stars could be seen despite the city lights. Two spotlights were trained on the metal framework which had been constructed in the middle of the common. It reminded Martin of a white chess queen about thirty feet tall -- a graceful tower, thicker at the base, with a corrugated crown at its very summit. Near the base of the tower, a cable snaked over to a square control apparatus, attended by three men. The tallest of the three was a distinguished-looking gentlemen in an old-fashioned wool suit, including a fedora hat even though it was now night. He stepped away from his assistants to address the crowd.

"My friends!" he said, removing his hat. His accent was difficult to place, possibly Eastern European. "I am Dr. Maxim Sartorio! My friends, tonight you shall witness the dream of the ages -- the impossible dream sought by learned men and philosophers since the very dawn of the scientific age! Science today tells us that this dream is a myth! And yet I tell you that it is not so! Tonight you will see it demonstrated before your very eyes! Behold the Unity Machine!"

One of the assistants threw a switch, and the crown at the summit of the tower began to rotate. Slowly it picked up speed, flashes of light beginning to reflect off the crown at it revolved.

"Now observe!" Dr. Sartorio said, as his two assistants disconnected the cable which ran from the tower to their control box. They flipped open the lowermost panels on the tower itself, revealing only the skeleton, with a complex arrangement of gears. "There are no generators, no electrical cables or batteries in the structure! Now that it has been set in motion, the Unity Machine draws its power merely from the weight of the stars themselves!"

As the crowd watched, the crown began to tilt, rising up on edge until it was a wheel, spinning near the top of the tower. The flashes of light seemed to be jeweled facets built into the top of the crown, winking at it spun in place.

"Perpetual motion?" Oscar scoffed. "Really?"

"There's got to be a trick to it," Martin agreed. "But you got to admit, it's beautiful. It's almost... spellbinding..."

Spellbinding was what it was. A soft sigh went up from the crowd, watching the jeweled disk continue to revolve, flashing like a diamond in the light of the spotlights...

The spell was suddenly broken by an automobile speeding across the common. People screamed, pushing one another aside as they parted before it. But the car came on regardless. Martin caught a brief glimpse of a guy in a hoodie in the drivers seat as he leaped aside, and the next thing he knew, the car had grazed the base of the tower and plowed straight into little information kiosk on the other side.

The kiosk suddenly exploded, spewing flaming gasoline across the common. There's your engine, Martin thought, a hidden generator feeding the machine electricity through a cable buried under the lawn. The car went on and slammed to a halt against one of the trucks parted by the verge of the common. People were running around in panic.

"Crowd control, buddy," said Martin, running toward the burning car as he whipped out his cell phone and started to dial 911.

"Gotcha," said Oscar, turning the other way toward the base of the tower itself, where the two assistants were trying to assess the damage. Most people on the fringes were keeping their distance, but people in front were in danger of crushing one another in their haste to get back.

As he pushed his way into this mass, Oscar was distracted by the sight of a beautiful dark-haired woman in a black leather coat. She had appeared seemingly from out of nowhere, striding calmly but purposefully through the milling crowd in her black punk boots. As Oscar watched, her coat wafted open, revealing a great body, clad in clingy black hot pants and a really skimpy black top. Oscar grinned, making a mental note to try and hook up with her when this was all over...

Then he noticed the knife in her right hand... a gleaming, eleven-inch stiletto!


Chapter 2 --

And where was Dr. Sartorio in all this? Oscar caught sight of him hurrying past the knot of men in suits and making toward the university science building. The dark-haired woman was following him, picking up the pace as he broke into a run.

Uh-oh, looks like an unhappy investor to me, Oscar thought, as he took off in pursuit of them both.

The doors to the science building were locked, forcing Sartorio to flee along the side of the building. He turned a corner and found himself in a cul-de-sac between the east wing and the main building. The dark-haired woman closed the gap behind him, blocking his escape.

"There you are, Maxim," she purred. "Did you really think you could hide from me? You must have known I wouldn't let you get away with this."

"You..." the man said. "I have heard rumors of your existence for a long time, but I did not think you were real. Only a legend to frighten children."

"I assure you," the dark-haired woman said as she smiled, showing small, pointed canine teeth. "I am Aurelia... and I am very real!"

"Hold it, lady!" said Oscar, suddenly sprinting around the corner. "Make nice and drop the knife!"

Without waiting to see if the babe was going to surrender or not, the soldier tackled her from behind. At least that was his intention. His right hand grasped her right forearm, his left arm looping around her lissome waist and grappling her delightfully supple curves. Judging from the sudden rise he felt down in his johnson, he was pretty sure that his hand actually did grab hold of a soft, pliant breast and give it a squeeze. But before he had time to enjoy it much, the girl had turned on him like a tiger, breaking from his hold as if he were a green recruit instead of a veteran hand-to-hand fighter.

"Back off!" Aurelia snarled, as her left hand darted out like a striking cobra and clamped him by the throat. "You have no idea what you're dealing with!"

She had a grip like a steel vise! Half-strangled, Oscar swung his fist at her, but before the punch got anywhere near her, the dark-haired damsel had let go of his abused trachea and ducked under the blow, pivoting on her left foot and sending a lateral kick into his stomach that knocked the wind out of him.

"Oofffff!" Oscar gasped, as he collapsed to the sidewalk.

"And now, Maxim," Aurelia said, straightening her coat, "where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

"I'll tell you where you were," said a feminine voice from directly overhead. A lithe, beautiful young woman landed on the grass, dressed in a two piece purplish-pink costume. "You were about to get stomped," the Fuchsia Fox said, glaring at her. "Unless you'd like to give up now and save me the trouble."

"Oh for fuck's sake," Aurelia grumbled in annoyance. "I don't have time for some babe with delusions of heroism!" Suddenly she flipped the stiletto to her left hand, swinging outward in a backhand swipe. The Fox raised her force shield just a fraction of a second too late, but still managed to evade the slash by the skin of her teeth. Even with her enhanced agility, this girl was faster!

The ebony-clad girl followed through with a flurry of punches which the heroine managed to block. One solid elbow caught the Fox on the jaw, giving Aurelia an opening to ensnare her left arm in an over-and-under lock and flip the heroine's lissome body to the ground. As the dark girl pounced, the Fox instantly kicked backward with one alluring leg, smacking her attacker in the chest. She pulled the blow a little bit so as not to injure her too severely, but still hard enough to slam the dark haired girl about four yards.

Aurelia did an agile backward flip in mid air, her leather coat flapping like the wings of a bat, and landed gracefully in a crouch. "You hit like a little girl," she taunted.

"Oh yeah?" the Fox replied, launching herself on the attack. Aurelia tried another slash with her stiletto, but the spunky superheroine caught her wrist and twisted her slender arm behind her, congratulating herself on getting that move right as she captured her right arm as well. "Now... why don't we have a nice talk?"

"Release me!" Aurelia hissed, struggling with both arms pinned behind her. It was becoming clear to her now that her opponent was far more powerful than she had anticipated. Abruptly the dark haired girl nimbly slipped her bare arms free from the sleeves of her coat, revealing that her top consisted of nothing more than a black lace vest. She turned, catching the Fox by surprise as she reached up with both hands, placing them on either side of the heroine's face, her fingertips swiftly latching onto certain precise nerve clusters.

"What are you... UNGH!" the Fox gasped, as the muscles of her body seemed to seize up. Jennifer felt her brain being assaulted by a confusing kaleidescope of images... mostly dark and unpleasant ones. It dawned on her that they were memories, rushing past her into the distant ages... memories of brutality and betrayal, murder, debasement and sexual intercourse, sometimes all at the same time. The heroine struggled to resist as she felt the dark thoughts of this other woman overwhelming her.

By this time, Oscar was recovering his breath. From his position on the ground, he looked up at the two beautiful women, their sleek, scantily clad bodies locked together in what to all appearances was a sensual embrace.

"You are surprisingly... strong-willed," Aurelia gasped, straining to maintain her concentration. "Do you realize that, girl?"

"What... are you doing... to me?" the Fox hissed, feeling the strength being slowly sapped from her body.

Trembling, the superheroine felt her knees buckle. She sagged, dropping to her knees and leaving Aurelia standing over her in a position of domination. Desperately she focused her will and flexed her muscles, struggling to stand.

"A mind fusion..." the dark girl responded, realizing with dismay that the Fox was fighting her, raising her arms in an attempt to push her off. In desperation, she felt around inside the superheroine's mind for her pleasure centers.

"Unnnn... no!" the Fox moaned suddenly, feeling a surge of sexual arousal hit her body like a tidal wave, making her brain buzz with pleasure. Her skin tingled, her heart began to pound like a drum. Her arms wrapped around her attacker's long, silken legs, caressing the backs of her bare thighs. The touch of the other woman's body was pure bliss; she felt her blood singing with it. "Get out of my... out of my head..."

But even as she spoke, the heroine couldn't restrain herself from grabbing hold of Aurelia's desirable butt cheeks, drawing her closer, pressing her lips to the other girl's bare midriff, planting hungry kisses on the tender flesh around her navel. Her hips began sliding rhythmically up and down as she rubbed her supple B-cups against the front of Aurelia's thighs.

Aurelia herself felt the dangerous overflow of emotion, as she usually did whenever she employed this last measure. Holding firmly to the sides of the Fox's head, she welcomed the feeling, letting the gush of erotic pleasure wash over her like a torrent. Soon their bodies were perspiring with the heat of their mutual passion, writhing together as they seemed to almost physically join. Aurelia's hips were gyrating in a slow, seductive circle, thrusting against the Fox's chest almost as if she were...

Oscar couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Holy shit!" he blurted, watching in amazement as the Fox and the strange dark-haired woman both went into orgasms, gasping out loud. Then the Fox dropped prone, falling on her side from sheer exhaustion, dragging huge gulps of air into her lungs.

Aurelia stumbled, feeling almost as wiped out as the superheroine after her struggle. There was no sign of Maxim Sartorio. He had somehow escaped in the confusion. But the soldier who had chased her was there, even now getting to his feet. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but she was in no shape for a battle now. Snatching up her leather coat, she ran into the nearest shadows and made her escape while she could.

There would be another time...


Chapter 3 --

Oscar Jenkins rushed to the Fuchsia Fox's side, kneeling beside the beautiful superheroine as she turned over and lay flat on her back, gasping for breath. "Fox? You okay?" he said, his eyes gliding along her alluring legs, over the curve of her hips to her trim, shapely torso, arriving at last at her firm little breasts, their nipples clearly visible through the fabric of her halter top. "Speak to me, Fox!"

The soldier licked his lips, concluding that she was in distress and needed to be resuscitated. CPR! Yeah, chest compressions, that's the ticket, he thought, as he extended his hands, feeling his johnson growing hard as he took hold of her two delicious coconuts...

Suddenly the Fox sprang upright, her arms snaking around his neck as her lips began kissing his face. "Oscar! Oh Oscar baby thank goodness..." the sexy superheroine moaned, squirming against his body as her hands began tearing at his shirt, popping the buttons loose in her haste to get her hands on his naked flesh.

"Fox? What the--?" Oscar gasped, hardly believing he had heard right. His hands were still on her breasts, fondling her sweet nubbins, thumbing her erect nipples, even while her gloved hands were roaming down his bare chest and over his abs toward his belt.

"I need you, baby! I need you!" the superheroine moaned, abruptly shoving him down on his back and throwing her leg athwart his body to hold him there as she frantically yanked his pants down. She could feel his rigid manhood inside his shorts, tensed like a caged monster, throbbing with hot eagerness to be released.

Jenn's brain was buzzing with the aftereffect of Aurelia's mental manipulation. In order to confuse and dominate her, the mysterious lady had stimulated her sexual drive, and yet had denied her proper physical release. Now her body was in such a frenzy, it needed a man! Hardly aware of what she was doing, the Fox's gloved hands wrapped around Oscar's upright pole and began pumping. Mmmmm, that was what her body demanded -- his thick shaft felt so big and meaty in her hands, his hairy testicles swollen with arousal!

"Jumping Jehosephat!" Oscar moaned with pleasure as she handled his genitals, stroking his torpedo. He in turn pulled upward on the bottom of the Fox's halter top, allowing her perfect little breasts to pop fully into view above him. "God you've got such great tits!"

"Never mind that," the Fox said as she pulled away, sliding her pert booty backward along his legs while she leaned forward to let her mouth get to his throbbing schlong. Her honey lips closed around the knob momentarily, then pulled back so that her tongue could slide along the length of his cock...

Oscar closed his eyes in ecstasy as he erupted right then, spewing semen over her hands! "GOD!" he groaned in disappointment. "This has never happened before, Fox! I promise!"

The incident had seemingly jolted the stunning superheroine back to her senses. The Fox jerked bolt upright, looking with horror at her cum-stained gloves, then at Oscar. "Oh I'm so sorry, Lieutenant... um... Jenkins! I... I don't know what came over me!" With a squeak of alarm, she yanked her halter top back down.

"That's okay," Oscar quickly reassured her, with a lopsided grin. "This is kind of getting to be a habit between you and me, eh?", he said with a wink.

"What's going on over here?" demanded another male voice suddenly.

Martin Fletcher had arrived about three minutes earlier, just after Aurelia had vanished. At first he had been too far away to intervene, and when it became clear that the Fox was throwing herself on Oscar, yanking his pants down and giving him oral pleasure, his initial shock at this slutty behavior by his own wife was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer eroticism of the situation. He had stood there frozen in place, watching Oscar's arousal enviously, his own trouser snake growing hard in sympathetic vibration, harder and harder, right up until that sudden spurt of Oscar's which had nearly triggered his own ejaculation.

"Uh... Nothing going on, Fletch," Oscar said, hurriedly zipping himself up. "We just sort of had a... kind of accident is all..."

"Fox? Are you okay?" Martin said, offering a hand to the superheroine's elbow to steady her as she awkwardly got to her feet.

"I'm... fine, er... Captain Fletcher," the beautiful brunette said, blushing like a rose. Somewhat sheepishly she leaned on his strong arms for support as she struggled to make some sense out of what had happened to make her behave that way. "I think... I must have been hit by some kind of psionic attack. I don't really know..."

"It was that babe!" Oscar said suddenly, on the heroine's other side. "Seriously, Fletch! This hot babe all in black was chasing Dr. Sartorio, with a knife! I chased after her... we hit a dead end here... and it's like the Fox said. She must have zapped us somehow. She was..."

"She was a creature of the night," the Fox said, sorting out the mental images she remembered while under the mind fusion.

"A what?" Martin asked. "A creature of the... are you saying she was a vampire?"

"No..." the superheroine said slowly. "Something worse. Something much worse..."

Back at the Commons, everything seemed under control. The fire department had put out the fire, and the damage to the Unity Machine itself seemed superficial. The crowd which had scattered was mostly gathering again now that the danger was over.

"I don't understand this, officer," said Mr. Abernathy, the university administrator who had given permission for the demonstration in the first place. "Why would anyone want to disrupt Dr. Sartorio's demonstration?"

"Have you had any problem with threats?" asked a plainclothes police detective by his side. "Protests? Anything like that?"

"No! Not at all," Abernathy said. "Just the opposite. Everyone seemed interested in it. Several students asked about internships."

"I don't know..." the detective said, running a hand through his hair. The driver of the car had been found a few feet away in a coma, having crawled clear of the wreckage before the fire started. He had been identified as one John Sikes as the EMTs rushed him to the hospital. "The kid was probably just some meth head out for a joy ride. But how that woman in black fits in... Any theories, Fox? You've got more experience with super-powered criminals that we do."

"I'm flattered, officer," the superheroine replied, "but I've never encountered anyone like her." She sighed. "Well, there doesn't seem to be anything more I can do here tonight." And like that, she gently glided up into the night sky and vanished.


Chapter 4 --

By the time Martin got to their apartment, Jenn had already undressed and showered. Her costume was folded on top of the dresser, her bracelets of Ishtar resting on the night table within easy reach. Jennifer was wearing one of his pajama tops with the sleeves rolled up. She was sitting perched near the edge of the bed with her bare legs curled under her, staring out the window.

"Do you want to talk about it, Angel?" Martin said gently, taking off his shirt and sitting on the bed beside her.

"Hmm?" she said, seeming almost to come out of a trance. Her brown eyes focused on him, and she suddenly leaned toward him and kissed him. It was almost like a dam bursting. She was in his lap, her hands on his bare chest, feeling his skin while her lips played havoc with him.

"Oh darling I need you," she moaned, pushing him down onto the bed and straddling him. "I've got to... got to have you..."

The front of the pajama top came open, revealing the arousing truth that she was wearing nothing at all underneath it. Martin felt his cock growing hard at the sight of her bouncing little coconuts even as she began unbuckling his belt and the two of them worked his pants off. Her pajama top followed. Then, twisting around, his wife took his manhood in her heavenly mouth, at the same time placing her naked, neatly trimmed vulva conveniently over his face so that he could eat her muff. Martin groaned, his hands clutching at her creamy thighs as he felt her lips and tongue working over his penis, and just as eagerly he returned the favor, sucking and licking at her succulent pussy.

"Please..." Jennifer moaned, as his roaming tongue sent shivers up and down her spine. "Please... don't ever stop..."

Martin hissed as he felt his genitals contract, shooting a geyser of semen upward into his wife's mouth. With a moan of pleasure, she scooted forward. Martin's hands grabbed her slender waist, guiding her over his hard, still erect penis and smoothly slid inside her.

"OH!" Jennifer gasped. "Oh GOD!" Cum was oozing from her love hole as she mounted him and settled onto his hard shaft. Martin watched her pert little tail flex, felt the muscles of her vagina tighten on his shlong. His hands slid upward along her smooth bare torso to cup her supple breasts as she began to ride his cock like a cowgirl on a horse. "Oh, yes!" she squealed, while he penetrated deep inside her. "YES! YES!!!"

Her body shuddering with ecstasy, she collapsed into his arms, panting.

"Wow," Martin said, out of breath. "Not that I'm complaining, but what brought that on?"

"I think... it was her," Jennifer sighed. "That woman. I felt her touching my body, sort of like Nibiru's power draining, only more intense. I fear I would have done this with Oscar if you hadn't been there to stop me."

"I'm glad I was there, then," Martin said, cuddling her. "Listen, angel. The word is Dr. Sartorio is putting on another demonstration tomorrow night. But maybe the Fuchsia Fox should sit this one out."

"I can't, Martin!" Jennifer said. "Not when there's the possibility that woman will strike again! Anyway, it seems like a tactile mental assault, just like Nibiru's. I'll be ready for it next time. I just won't let her touch me like that again."

"Easy for you to say."

"Martin, someone's got to stop her."


The next afternoon, at about four o'clock, Jennifer Fletcher stood on the sidewalk on 22nd Street wearing a black dress with a clingy, off-the-shoulder neckline. Below the wide leather belt that circled her slim waist, it dropped to a black and white checked skirt whose hem flirted around her knees.

She looked up at Dr. Sartorio's two-story brick townhouse. It was a long, narrow building, half-covered with ivy, sandwiched in between a small warehouse on the left and an empty lot on the right. The windows on the front of the house were all shuttered. You might have thought the house was abandoned were it not for the electric light burning in the wrought-iron lamppost a few yards from the door.

According to the research Jennifer had done on the internet, Maxim Sartorio's university degree was in electronics theory, and he had a reputation in Europe. The dates on some of his published works had confused her until she had found that his father and grandfather had also been named Maxim. But the curious thing was that the e-mails she had sent out to colleagues had not turned up a single individual who had ever met him in person.

Jennifer stepped down a couple of brick steps and followed the walkway to the door. Immediately she was aware of the video camera watching her as she pressed the bell. She had to push it twice before a rasping voice came from the speaker: "Yes? What is it?"

"Jennifer Fletcher, from the National Archives," the girl said. "We spoke over the phone?"

"I am very busy, Ms. ah... Fletcher," the voice said irritably. "Can this not wait?"

"I'll only keep you a short time, sir."

The electronic eye of the camera stared blankly at her for some moments. "Very well," the voice said. "Forgive me for not coming to the door. I have a skin condition, which makes me allergic to sunlight. Step inside and come upstairs." Immediately after, there was a low electronic buzz from the door.

Jennifer fleetingly wondered why he couldn't send one of his assistants or interns to handle visitors. Maybe they were busy. But the lock was buzzing insistently, so she pushed aside her qualms and stepped inside.

The foyer was dark, but not overly so. There was indeed a narrow staircase on her left, running parallel to a hallway which marched straight ahead into the depths of the house, terminating in a kitchen thirty or forty feet away. To her right was a parlor. Jennifer glanced inside as she walked to the foot of the stairs. It was neat in appearance, but sort of dull, like a set-piece in a furniture store window.

As she began ascending the stairs, two of Dr. Sartorio's male assistants emerged from the kitchen, staring up at her through the bannister railings. They were brutish looking men, dressed in green coveralls. Their eyes followed her classy legs hungrily as though they hadn't seen a woman in a dress in a long time. Jennifer got the unnerving impression that they were going to attack her at any moment.

Dr. Sartorio suddenly appeared on the landing above. Catching sight of his assistants, he snapped an order at them in some foreign language. Chastised, they sulkily retreated, opening a door halfway down the hallway and disappearing into the basement.


Chapter 5 --

"Forgive me for seeming brusque, Ms. Fletcher," the scientist said, as Jennifer joined him on the landing. "But I have much to do before the demonstration tonight."

"I quite understand, sir," the brunette said, stepping boldly past him into the workroom he had emerged from. Pinned to the walls on all sides were large schematic diagrams of the Unity Machine's mechanism, all labeled in some language which Jennifer couldn't read. It was bewildering in its complexity, but she could tell enough to gather that the heart of the apparatus was a huge crystal of some kind.

"This is amazing!" she enthused. "All of Washington is talking about this machine of yours! We'd love to have a copy of your patent application for the archives, to put on display!"

"I have not applied for a patent yet," Sartorio said. "Eventually I will of course, but for the time being, its inner workings are a closely guarded secret. You understand, I am sure."

"Oh sure," Jennifer said. "I was just thinking... I'd be happy to help out around here for a couple of days if you like. Seeing as how your intern is missing..."

"Who told you that?" Sartorio snapped, his eyes almost blazing with fury.

"Well, obviously if she'd been here," Jennifer said innocently, "she would have answered the door for you."

"Yes... yes, you are correct," the man conceded. "We had two, but they abruptly resigned. Possibly the pressure of our work..."

"You see, I could do that for you," Jennifer coaxed. "Deal with visitors I mean, make coffee, take care of little things, so you'd be free to work!"

The scientist seemed to be thinking it over, but shook his head impatiently. "The demonstration is tonight, Ms. Fletcher. Come back tomorrow and we will discuss it."

"But... aren't you worried about security?" Jennifer said, playing her final card. "What about that woman who chased you last night with a dagger? I'd be scared to death if it was me..."

An odd look passed over Sartorio's face. Jennifer was no expert, but she was willing to bet that the next words out of his mouth would be a lie.

"It is astonishing how these rumors get started," he said. "There was no woman with a dagger last night, Ms. Fletcher. I left the demonstration early because I was feeling ill. Nerves, I expect. Now, I really must get back to work. I trust you can find your way out?"

Jennifer could feel his eyes on her as she walked slowly down the stairs, then he turned back to his workroom. The girl paused with her hand on the door handle. Why had he lied about Aurelia's attack? Did he have something to hide? Glancing down the hallway, she could see the door to the basement, still open. Surely it wouldn't hurt to take a tiny peek at what his assistants were up to down there...

Carefully Jenn tiptoed down the hallway. She saw the shadow of someone moving in the kitchen, just out of sight. All Jenn could do was bite her lip and hope that whoever it was didn't look down the hallway. Foot by foot she crept closer to the basement, until she was at the open door. An eerie bluish light seemed to be flickering down there. She peered around the edge, but her angle was bad. She could make out workbenches... One of the assistants passed into her view, carrying something wrapped in a white sheet. As he turned, a human leg flopped out from the covering! Jennifer gulped. Was that... a body?

"Well who are you, babe?" said a male voice practically in her ear.

Jenn spun around in alarm. "Sorry, I'm just looking for the--" she began, but her voice just stopped. The man was dressed in the same gray overalls as the other assistants. His hair was long and stringy, his skin tinged with gray. But there was a blood stain matting his hair on his right side. Jenn could even see the telltale crease along his temple where his skull had been cracked by some blunt object, and was starting to heal. But his eyes... his eyes were glazed like those of a fish in the market!

"Hey, that's fine, sugar," the man said, reaching out and grabbing her arms. "This dump has been like a mausoleum! It'll be great to have fresh meat!" He opened his mouth in a wide grin that showed canine teeth that were long and pointed.

Jennifer instinctively summoned strength from the golden bracelets of Ishtar on her wrists, not enough to give away her secret identity, but more than enough to wrench her arms free of her attacker. The man lunged in response with a hiss like an angry cat, but Jenn pivoted deftly to her right, catching his extended arm and slamming his body hard into the wall.

Not waiting to see if that knocked him out or not, Jennifer ran for the door, straight into Dr. Sartorio, blocking her way! But something about him was different. He seemed bigger, more menacing. His eyes blazed like flames.

"Do not struggle," Sartorio commanded as he smoothly caught the girl's left arm with an incredibly powerful grip and twisted it painfully behind her back! "Hold still. That's it..."

Jennifer squirmed in his grasp, feeling her strength falter. Her brain felt fuzzy, as if she had been gassed with chloroform. She redoubled her efforts, summoning more strength from her bracelets so that Sartorio was hard pressed to hold her.

"I said... hold STILL!" he demanded, grunting with the effort as he bent his face towards her. Jenn felt her will to resist start to betray her as another pair of hands grab her -- the assistant joining in to help hold her still. A wave of cold horror passed over her skin as Sartorio's lips parted and she could see the long, jagged set of fangs that took the place of his canine teeth! He was a vampire! They were ALL vampires!

"No!" Overwhelmed by shock, that was all Jenn could say as she felt his lips touch her vulnerable throat, and then the sharp penetration of his fangs into her skin. She wanted to scream as she felt her own blood gush into the creature's mouth, her heart pounding in between her supple breasts, her strength draining away little by little. "Stop!... stop..."

Sartorio's arms were holding her wrists locked, keeping her defenseless while he sucked at her life essence. The assistant was also holding her, hands squeezing her supple curves. "S-stop..." Jennifer sighed. It was almost painless now... a sensual feeling, an almost erotic feeling as she slowly passed into unconsciousness.

"Get back you fool!" Sartorio snarled, twisting away from the assistant, who had also been trying to sink his fangs into her neck. "Here -- put her with the others!"

"Mmmmm," Jennifer moaned. She wanted to resist, but it all felt like some kind of erotic dream. Paralyzed by the unreality of her situation, there was nothing the girl could do as the assistant picked her up, one hand under her knees, the other under her back, and carried her down the stairs into the basement. There were two workbenches she had seen earlier. But in the center of the room was a square pool about ten feet in diameter. It only seemed a couple of feet deep, but filled with some pale, glutinous substance. Underneath the surface was an indistinct, glowing object, the source of the mysterious bluish flickering light.

But that wasn't all... two young woman were also lying in the pool, their naked bodies caressed by the pale gunk.

Jennifer's high heels had already come off during her struggles, leaving her feet bare. The other two brutish assistants came running, and together the three of them made short work of undressing her, unhooking and unzipping the back of her dress. In a very short time, the garment had been peeled off, revealing her Fuchsia Fox costume, her skimpy pinkish purple briefs and her top with its fox head chest emblem.

"Master, look!" one of assistants gasped. "Her bracelets! We cannot get them off!"

"Chain her!" Sartorio commanded, frowning. "There is more to this Earth girl than meets the eye."

Jennifer felt hands fondling her breasts, patting her pliant bottom as they took her costume off. The neck straps of her halter top had been tucked inside the garment to accommodate the strapless bodice of her dress, and the assistants soon undid the rear strap and stripped it from her, allowing her smallish boobs to jiggle free. Rough fingers slipped into her briefs, yanking the clingy scrap of fabric over her shapely hips and down her legs. The helpless girl felt the cool touch of chains being wrapped around her slender arms while other hands ventured between her legs, caressing her womanhood.

Instinctively she resisted, kicking out at the two men groping her. "I'm not just an Earth girl," Jenn said somewhat breathlessly. "I'm the Fuchsia Fox!"

"I have heard of you," Sartorio said, his old eyes roaming appraisingly up and down her body. "You will make a fine addition to the ranks of my followers, once the virus my bite has implanted within you has run its course, and your will is subverted to mine."


Chapter 6 --

The Fuchsia Fox felt goosebumps all over her body, naked and on display, dangling upright from the heavy chains secured around her wrists, her bare toes brushing the stone floor of the basement, while Dr. Sartorio's three minions stood ogling her, two immediately behind her, the third standing at the bottom of the staircase. They were all vampires? Surely they must be able to see her heart hammering with fright between her nubile young breasts, see her veins throbbing just under the skin.

"I can sense fear in your mind, child," Sartorio said. "That word you use to describe us -- 'vampire' -- is most unflattering. We are the Tainted Ones, stranded here on your planet ages ago as our Father fled the unjust tyranny of the Gwardians. You think yourselves masters of this world, but you are merely our food. Although we can, when we so wish, infect Earth people with our virus and transform you into one of us, as you will soon be..."

"What about that woman in black?" the Fox said desperately. "She didn't seem under your control!"

"How little you understand, Earth girl," Sartorio chuckled. "That was Aurelia, the Gwardian. Our most hated enemy, dedicated to destroying us. But she is far away. She will not be able to help you..."

"Au contraire, Maxim!" said an arrogant female voice, as Aurelia herself slid gracefully from the dark shadows immediately behind the minion guarding the bottom of the stairs. The creature's eyes gaped as wide as dinner plates in surprise, wine red blood burbling from his open mouth as the point of a silver stiletto emerged from the exact center of his chest.

Aurelia withdrew her dagger, allowing the minion to pitch forward, already stone dead. "Now... which of you wants to be next?"

Jennifer thought she was going to be sick. But Sartorio didn't so much as blink. "Get her!" he commanded his other two minions. The creatures produced broad-bladed curved swords from under the work bench and attacked.

Aurelia sprang like a panther, drawing a second dagger from her other side, her sleek young body becoming a whirl of motion as she parried their swords. Deftly evading one blow, the Gwardian pirouetted with a flying back kick that nearly knocked one assistant's teeth out, dropping suddenly below the arc of the second one's weapon and aiming a slash at his belly which spilled his guts out on the floor. With both assistants down, temporarily at least, she turned toward the leader of the group...

But Sartorio had only retreated as far as the other work bench, thrown open a drawer, and pulled out a submachinegun! Without a pause, he opened fire. The noise echoed deafeningly in the cavernous room as Aurelia evaded like a flitting shadow, kicking off from the bench and tumbling head over heels in a graceful backwards somersault, while Sartorio swept the gun after her in a desperate effort to draw a bead on her. As her alluring legs touched the floor, she flung her dagger with deadly accuracy, catching his gun hand and knocking the weapon out of his grasp.

"Now, Maxim, you are mine!" the dark lady purred as she pounced. Grabbing hold of the collar of his coat, Aurelia smiled as with her telekinetic powers she tugged the other dagger from the minion's corpse and brought it flying obediently into her hand.

But Sartorio's unwounded hand suddenly emerged from his coat pocket clutching a revolver! Aurelia gasped from the pain as the .44 caliber bullet plowed point-blank into her tummy, the terrific impact slamming the girl backward several paces. A second shot followed the first, as well as a third, and a fourth. Aurelia looked down with mute disbelief at the gaping bullet wounds in her lovely chest, then she staggered and collapsed to the floor.

"You killed her!" the Fox gasped, her voice trembling from what she had witnessed.

"I certainly hope so," said Sartorio, setting the revolver down on the work bench.

Jennifer couldn't believe this was happening! She was still hanging from the chains around her wrists, her lean young body nude except for her bracelets of Ishtar, but still feeling too weak from blood loss to do anything about it. Her toes and her calves ached from stretching to support her weight.

Dr. Sartorio and one of his minions (the other one was sitting on the floor holding his guts in, waiting for his body to regenerate) came over and unhooked her chains, lowering her into the pool. It was a creepy feeling as the slimy white goo folded over her smooth body and covered her nearly to the neck as she lay back. Squeamishly she tried to keep her distance from the naked bodies of the other two girls already in there.

"You were asking about my interns," Sartorio said pleasantly. "There they are -- Tanya and Summer. Hopelessly empty-headed whores, both of them. If anyone ever had a crying need for a master to tell them what to do, it was these two. Unfortunately my assistants were hungry, and they got a little carried away before I could stop them."

"Are they... dead?" the Fox asked, her voice quavering.

"Technically, yes," the Tainted One said, as if the subject didn't interest him. "However they will probably be reviving very soon. The first thing they will do is mindlessly attack any warm-blooded person they see."

The Fox swallowed hard and inched further away from them. Meanwhile Sartorio and his minion
bound chains around Aurelia's wrists, picked her up, and eased her into the pool as well.

"Ah yes, I was telling you about Aurelia, the Gwardian," Sartorio said. "You see, my ancestor came from the planet Uridiga, an incredible distance from here, fleeing from the tyranny of the rulers of Gwardia, our sister planet. But not content with dominating the downtrodden on our home planet, Aurelia pursued him even here across the vastness of space. And--"

"He was a monster..." gasped a weak voice. "He killed my betrothed..."

The Fox nearly jumped out of her skin as Aurelia opened her emerald eyes, stirring slightly in that slimy bluish goop. She was alive?

"Ah, the poor little Gwardian!" Sartorio gloated. "Who is telling this story, you or I?" With a gesture, he set his two remaining minions, now both fully recovered, to fishing around in the pool, attaching a sling to the mysterious glowing object in its center.

"So... my ancestor may have been a bit of a scoundrel," Sartorio admitted. "But when Aurelia caught up with him, she allowed her emotions to run away with her. In short, he captured her instead. So the tables were turned. The mighty Gwardian for once the victim..."

"He kept me prisoner for years," the ebony-clad girl said bitterly, "repeatedly mating with me. The final result that I was forced to give birth to sixteen children, abominations ... the Tainted Ones."

"Oh my God," the Fox whispered, her face pale. Words completely failed her.

The minions had finally hauled the mysterious glowing object out of the pool. It turned out to be a piece of crystal, approximately a yard long, roughly egg-shaped.

"Careful with it!" Sartorio snapped to his minions, as they placed the crystal onto a wheeled cart. It dawned on Jennifer that in the schematic diagrams of the Unity Machine, something like this was supposed to be its heart.

"The function of the crystal matrix is to assimilate and amplify parapsychic energy," Dr. Sartorio said, almost as if reading her mind. "It has taken 200 years to grow one this large. Last night you saw how effective the Unity Machine was without it. The little crowd of two hundred was enthralled. With this matrix, its power will grow exponentially as it absorbs the mental energy from the crowd, extending its influence over the entire city... and feeding all that energy directly to ME!"

"Your hours of life... are numbered, Maxim," Aurelia threatened, her voice shaky. "Count them... on the fingers of one hand."

Sartorio laughed. "An empty threat, Gwardian. What do you hope to do, chained up and submerged in psychotropic ooze which neutralizes your psychic powers? Within hours, all of Washington will be under my mental domination -- cattle for me to herd as I choose. By the time I return triumphant, the ooze will have subverted you both to my will. And you will both have the pleasure of being the mothers of even more Tainted Ones!"


Chapter 7

After Dr. Sartorio and his minions had gone, the Fuchsia Fox struggled to break the chains wrapped around her wrists, but there was something holding her back. The milky, slippery ooze she was immersed in seemed to have a tranquilizing effect, soothing her into a languid desire to surrender. At the same time, the heroine couldn't help thinking about the virus he had said his bite had infected her with, even now subverting her will, changing her into one of THEM!

As if to underscore than point, the naked bodies of the two dead girls, Tanya and Summer, began to stir as they came out of their slumber. Their eyelids twitched, lips parting in bestial snarls, revealing their long canine teeth. If the Fox's captor was correct, those two would be attacking her at any moment, too. Somehow she had to break free...

"Well, Jennifer," Aurelia said suddenly. "This is nice. I certainly didn't expect to run into you again so soon."

The heroine looked at the other girl nervously. The Gwardian's regenerative powers had virtually healed her physical injuries already. It wasn't normal. "How do you know my name?" she asked.

"Oh, I picked up a great deal from our mind fusion last night," Aurelia said, shifting position with a slight grimace of pain, as if she were still in the process of healing herself. "Your name is Jennifer, you have a husband named Martin, whom you adore more than he probably deserves. And you fancy yourself the protectress of Washington D.C., that is when you're not chained up and helpless. Did I leave out anything important?"

The Fox glared at her a bit awkwardly, but said nothing. Meanwhile the other two female Taints were moving, legs gently waving. One of them let out a gurgling snort.

"Look, Jennifer," the Gwardian said urgently, "if we're going to get out of this mess, you're going to have to trust me a little bit."

"Trust you?" the Fox spat. "You're as much a creature of the night as they are."

"Maybe... but I'm a nice creature of the night," Aurelia said. "How long ago did Maxim bite you? My saliva contains antibodies if I catch it in time. You have to allow me to bite you. Or do you want to turn into one of them?"

The superheroine saw the two Tainted girls open their eyes, glazed over with grayish film, and look around, getting their bearings. They spied the Fox lying there, and they both smiled. "Oh lookie, girlfriend!" one of them said. "We're just gonna eat you alive!"


Tonight's demonstration at American University was even more crowded than the previous one. There were so many people, they overran the commons and spilled over into the adjoining streets. Some of the major television stations had cameras, broadcasting the event. Captain Fletcher and Major Wright stood close to the front, watching as Dr. Sartorio mounted the steps of a curious platform which had been built beside the towering Unity Machine, where he took hold of two enormous brass levers.

"My friends!" the scientist said, his voice carried over loudspeakers to the entire crowd. "Tonight ushers in a new era in the history of mankind -- a new age of harmony and unity! No longer in conflict, no longer working at cross purposes, mankind will march into the future like a team of horses all pulling at the same harness..." Barbara and Martin exchanged bemused glances. That was an odd choice of metaphors... "My friends, the Unity Machine!"

Once again the wheel at the summit of the tower began to rotate. Slowly and majestically it stood on edge, its diamond facets winking and sparkling in the night sky as it rotated. A sigh went up from the crowd. "Wow, Fletch!" Major Wright said breathlessly, her eyes riveted to it. "You didn't tell me it was this beautiful..."

"I know..." Fletcher responded. "It's kind of... mind-numbing, isn't it?" All around them, the crowd stood transfixed...


"I'm going to have to touch you," Aurelia whispered. "It'll be another mind fusion, but you know what to expect now, right?"

The Fox could already feel adrenalin stirring her blood as she swam into the dark-haired girl's embrace, her chains clinking as tried to hold the two Taints at bay. She felt Aurelia's hands slide glutinously around her bare torso, cupping her breasts, slippery with that pale ooze. Her boobs felt soft and firm in between the girl's fingers, her nipples hard.

"That's it..." Aurelia said, as her lips touched the heroine's smooth neck, "just go with it... try to relax..." The Fox almost cried out as she felt the Gwardian's teeth slip into her flesh, but she was preoccupied fighting off the other two girls who chose that moment to spring.

Their bodies came together, sliding over one another like eels, neither of them able to get a good grip in the white mucous they were all stuck in. The Fox lashed out with her foot, slamming one of the Taints back, even as the other tried to wrap her arms around the heroine's sylph-like torso. Handicapped by having both wrists chained together Jennifer could only wriggle out of her grasp and thrust her arms back, shoving the girl away even as the first one surged back into the fray.

Meanwhile her body seemed like it was on fire, trembling with heat as the antibodies in the Gwardian's saliva reacted with Sartorio's venom. At the same time, the mind fusion wreaked havoc with her emotions as Aurelia desperately tried to find her pleasure center again. For a moment, the Fox almost seemed to leave her body behind, floating above the scene and looking down. She could feel the other girl's hands skirting her pert derriere, fingers delicately splaying apart the petals of her flower and stroking the swollen bud of her clit.

The heroine's body squirmed with nascent pleasure as she felt a tide of desire begin to rise up inside her. And yet... she groaned in frustration as she fell just short of ecstasy, and the climax fall away unfulfilled.

Then she felt Aurelia's other hand worm its way in between her butt cheeks, her index and middle fingers thrusting hard into her tight poop hole... "OH GOD!" the Fox suddenly gasped, her whole body quivering with her climax. Simultaneously, a mass of energy burst from her bracelets, lighting her up like a star!

Success! The Fox felt her power aura engulf her, energizing her body as her costume rematerialized around her. With a jerk, she snapped the chains binding her wrists as thought they were made of construction paper. Seconds later, she was climbing out of the pool and pulling Aurelia with her, to lie panting on the floor of the basement.

Aurelia immediately staggered to her feet, found her silver daggers, and thrust them into the hearts of both the Taint girls.

"Was that necessary?" the Fox said.

"They were already dead," Aurelia said, panting. "Or worse, they were Tainted. Trust me. I was only putting them out of their misery."


"Closer, my friends," Dr. Sartorio said. He stood on the platform above the crowd around the American University commons, exulting from the power he felt flowing into him through the two brass levers. "Yes! Come closer, slaves! Closer!"

There had been some initial resistance from the back, where a squad of policemen were waiting in case there was another disturbance, but even they soon relented. The mob was packed in like sheep now, staring dully at the rotating wheel, totally under its spell, Martin and Barbara among them...

Suddenly two women came flying through the dark night sky and landed near the base of the tower. The Fuchsia Fox -- once again fully clad in her purplish-pink briefs, halter top, elbow length gloves and ankle boots -- released her hold around Aurelia's slender waist and turned her attention toward the tower. "This is an emergency! Move aside, people," the superheroine commanded, pushing her way towards it.

"NO!" Sartorio yelled from the platform above. "Stop her, my slaves!"

The mob closed ranks in front of the Fox like a wall. The young heroine felt hands plucking at her clothes, men and women grabbing her, holding her back. Summoning more strength from her bracelets, she struggled to push her way through without hurting them any more than necessary. As Jenn shook her way clear, yet another male grabbed her left arm, his hand latching onto her pliant boob. She spun around impatiently, the flat of her hand ready to smack him aside for his impertinence...

It was Martin! The Fox faltered. How could she bring herself to hurt the man she loved? In that instant of hesitation, Major Wright seized her other arm, yanking it behind her in a painful arm lock -- the same arm lock she had been teaching her. Before the superheroine could even finish processing this thought, Barbara's knee came up and caught her right in the groin. Splinters of pain exploded through her body. On her other side, Martin had pinioned her left arm similarly, while still tugging upward on her halter top. The straps at her back came loose as he yanked the clingy little garment free, letting her sweet breasts pop into view. The lissome girl dropped to her knees as the mob surged over her like a tidal wave.

Aurelia meanwhile had sprung for the steps leading to the platform. Sartorio's two assistants charged, trying to block her way, but the lithe Gwardian spun like a dancer, her two daggers flashing. Her punker boot caught one in the kneecap, while one silver blade opened the other's throat. The Taint screamed, arms reaching out for her as Aurelia ducked under his guard and plunged the dagger into his chest. As he toppled, the second Taint scrambled to his feet. The lovely girl plucked out the bloody dagger and hurled it directly into his beating heart.

Leaping over his corpse, the Gwardian confronted Maxim Sartorio. She darted forward, aiming a thrust toward his chest, but she found herself grappled by an all but invisible arm of pure telekinetic force, not only deflecting her attack but snatching the dagger away from her and easily hurling her across the platform. She could see the psychic energy flowing into her adversary from the machine.

"You come too late, Gwardian," the Tainted One gloated. "But just in time to seal your doom! I am Power! I am Invincible!"

Aurelia scowled over the rim of the platform at the crowd below. What was that stupid little twit doing? "Stop fooling around, Fox!" she shouted. "Shut off that machine!"

The Fox heard, but what could she do? Although protected from injury by her force shield, she was practically buried under a scrum of twenty people. She felt hard bodies pressed against her bare, silken skin, hands groping her exposed flesh, fondling her naked breasts. Other hands were tugging tantalizingly at the waistband of her panties, trying to finish undressing her. The only thing stopping them was that they were so tightly packed together.

In addition to that, her arms were held fast by possibly the two people in the city she cared the most about! How could she hurt them? At the same time she could feel the hypnotic force of Dr. Sartorio's mind projected through the tower, insidiously picking away at her brain, urging her to give in... Yes, that's right, his voice whispered in her mind, ...there is nothing you can do... don't be foolish... be a good girl and surrender...

But once again she seemed to hear Barbara Wright's voice lecturing her: "You're taking it too easy on me. You need to cultivate a killer instinct. Use every advantage you have." She knew what she had to do.

Slowly and deliberately, the Fox moved her right arm, swinging that slender limb around despite the weight of all the people restraining her, until her bracelet was aimed at the tower. Grimacing from the effort, the superheroine called forth her pencil thin disintegration beam. Straight as an arrow, the ray sliced through the base of the tower, effortlessly severing any supports and power connections which might be running through it.

The wheel slowed its rotation, but to the Fox's dismay, did not halt entirely. Whatever power the Tainted Ones had fed it to get started, the machine was now feeding off of itself. But the support structures were snapping. With agonizing slowness, the tower began to collapse, leaning sideways... and the heroine gasped when she realized that ten tons of metal were about to come crashing down on top of her... and more importantly, on the crowd of enthralled spectators!


Chapter 8 --

"Not while my heart's beating it's not," the Fuchsia Fox murmured. With a supreme effort, the heroine dragged herself free of the clutching arms, the hands clinging to her clothing. Soaring into the air, she caught the side of the tower as it fell, desperately holding it up, pushing...

"Ishtar, give me strength," Jennifer whispered. Calling upon reserves she didn't know she had, the stunning superheroine began to rise, carrying the tower above her. Straight up she flew, every fiber of her nubile young body straining with the effort... higher... higher... until the lights of Washington were a distant smudge below.

The question now became: where should she drop it? The answer was crystal clear: no place would be safe. With a last mighty heave, the Fox threw the tower, and hovering there in space, she once again called up her disintegration beam. Obedient to its mistress, the blue beam flew upward, stabbing through the core of the machine, seeking and finding the quadlithium crystal at its very heart. The resulting explosion lit up the entire sky like a fire-burst.

As Dr. Sartorio stared upward in disbelief at the utter ruin of his machine, fragments of it raining down from the sky. Aurelia darted forward, delivering a roundhouse kick with her punker boot which caught him in the hip, sending him reeling against the platform railing. "It's over, Maxim!" she snarled, crouching like a panther preparing to pounce.

"It is never over, Gwardian!" hissed the Tainted One. He lunged at the dark-haired beauty with a swift left/right punch to the jaw that snapped her head back. His blows were incredibly strong, still retaining much of the psychic energy he had taken from the crowd. Aurelia countered with a graceful high kick which her adversary parried, grabbing her alluring leg and yanking her slender, ebony-clad form into a bear hug.

"You never had a chance, Gwardian," Sartorio sneered as the two of them grappled, his arms locked around the girl's lissome curves, both of them struggling their utmost for any advantage. Aurelia wriggled her arms free, fingers snaking toward Sartorio's thick neck for a throttling grip around his throat. With a grunt, the Taint suddenly snapped his head forward, smacking her in the forehead with his hard cranium.

Aurelia couldn't help faltering, momentarily stunned by the blow as Sartorio shifted position, wrenching her arm around behind her in a vicious armlock. Before she knew it, both arms were pinned behind her, leaving her defenseless in his iron-hard grasp. She could feel his right hand groping at her breasts, and his hot breath on her exposed skin as he inclined his head toward her throat.

"Again you fall into my clutches," he hissed, his moist tongue sliding sensuously along her silken neck, tasting her perspiration, feeling the agonized throbbing of her veins just under the surface. "This is what makes victory so sweet..."

Aurelia cringed, her satin skin crawling at the loathsome touch of the Taint's vile mouth. Her heart was hammering between her supple breasts as she struggled futilely to pull away. She could see his face, hovering above hers, his jagged fangs elongating as he prepared to bite her and suck her blood, injecting his insidious virus into her body, intending to turn her into one of THEM!

"Unhand her!" a feminine voice suddenly commanded, as the Fox landed on the platform, her glove-sheathed fist striking Dr. Sartorio like a pile driver in between the shoulder blades. The unexpected impact caused the Taint to release his prey, while that same hand grabbed his collar and spun him around, tossing him across the platform. He nearly went over the rail, but caught himself in time.

"You again!" Sartorio said, pushing himself upright. His evil face was set in a lascivious smirk as he ran his eyes up and down the beautiful superheroine's long, lean, fuchsia-clad body. He smiled as his gaze lingered upon on the Fox's sweet, naked B-cups, jutting out innocent of covering since her halter top was still somewhere down there in the mob. "You wish to face me again, feeble girl? Do you forget how easily I captured you the first time?"

"You caught me by surprise," the Fox glowered. "Let's try that dance again now, when I'm ready for you." The heroine advanced, her two coconuts jiggling slightly as she swung her fist straight at his face to wipe that smirk off. But the Taint's superhuman agility allowed him to deflect her punch and counter-attack.

The Fox deftly evaded his charge, returning a kick with her silken knee which connected with his stomach, sending the Taint stumbling backwards a pace or two. With a defiant growl, the creature leaped. The heroine raised her arms in defense, but still possessing the dregs of that energy he had stolen from the crowd, Sartorio seized the gorgeous girl's wrists and pushed her back.

And in the midst of the rough and tumble, Jennifer made the mistake of making eye contact. Sartorio's eyes, glowing like embers, locked onto hers. In an instant, the heroine felt his mind invading hers, sapping her will to fight. She couldn't help it, she faltered, dropping to one knee as the Taint bore her down...

Abruptly her opponent gasped out loud in dismay. The blade of a silver dagger had erupted, thrusting outward from the center of his chest. For a second, Sartorio looked down at it as though he couldn't imagine where it had come from. A slim, feminine arm twined around his neck from behind as Aurelia's face appeared over his left shoulder, having plunged her dagger straight through his back.

"Remember me, Maxim?" the Gwardian hissed, twisting the knife still deeper. And then, to the Fox's horror, the lovely girl plunged her slightly elongated canine teeth into the man's neck!

Sartorio gasped again in agony this time, his face turning pale as he struggled -- but with the Fox holding his arms in front so that he couldn't break free, he was the one outnumbered. Aurelia latched onto his throat like a wild animal, her face contorted in a mixture of hatred and lust as she drained his life's blood, drinking his very life force.

The Fox was horror-stricken, and yet her body seemed paralyzed as she watched Sartorio's body shrivel. How long the process took, the heroine couldn't have said. Time itself seemed suspended as she watched. Eventually Aurelia released him and let his corpse drop.

"Is he... is he finished?" the Fox gasped, not believing any of this.

"Wait..." Aurelia cautioned.

Sartorio's body was rapidly aging, turning grey. The Fox stood stunned as its skeletal shell seemed to be almost collapsing in on itself. In moments, there was nothing there but a pile of ashes in his old-fashioned wool suit, fluttered by the wind.

"That's what I was trying to tell you," Aurelia said, licking a stray drop of blood from her ruby lips. "They're not people. They're... things. Unnatural things. I've been fighting them for centuries."

"Centuries?" the Fox said, catching her brilliant green eyes in a gaze of dawning comprehension. "Then you're..."

There was a sudden rumble of voices as the crowd on the common, now coming out of their trance, began to stir. "FOX!" Barbara Wright shouted, her feet pounding up the steps to the platform, with Martin right behind her. The spell broken, the young heroine quickly crossed her arms across her lovely bosom as it registered belatedly that her halter top had been taken from her during their struggles.

"Here... I guess you'll be wanting this," Barbara said, handing her fuchsia top over. As the Fox gratefully took it, she quickly averted her face as though in embarrassment, hoping that Wright hadn't gotten a good enough look to recognize her as Jennifer Fletcher.

"Are you all right, Angel?" Martin echoed, arriving just behind her. "I don't know what's been happening. It's like we just woke up from a dream..." Jenn could tell in every line of his body that he was aching to put his arms protectively around her, but he didn't dare with Barbara there. Secret identities were such a pain sometimes.

"Ewwwww what happened to him?" Barbara winced, catching sight of the remains of Maxim Sartorio.

"Well that's--" the Fox started to say, turning toward Aurelia for an explanation. But the beautiful, ebony-clad Gwardian was nowhere to be seen. The stunning superheroine sighed. Clutching her halter top in front of her naked boobs, she looked down at the empty wool suit, as the wind carried Sartorio's ashes away. "That's a long story."


Epilogue --

A couple of nights later, Jennifer Fletcher was working late at night. She left her office at the Archives, enjoying the stroll beneath the starry sky toward the Metro station. Her skirt swirled around her legs as she trotted down the steps.

Waiting on the empty platform for her train, Jennifer smiled at a transit authority patrolman as he passed her by, his eyes automatically running up and down her slim, attractive figure. His echoing footsteps passed into the distance. The rumble of trains seemed to come from far away down the tunnels. One of the bulbs in the light panel overhead flickered fitfully...

Suddenly a powerfully strong hand grabbed Jennifer's sleeve, yanking her off balance, spinning the slender girl around with her back slammed against the nearby support pillar. Her light jacket flew open, the neckline of her blouse came slightly unbuttoned, the smooth, velvet skin of her throat lying unprotected as the shadowy form of her attacker closed in...

"Hi there, Jennifer," the woman in black said. "Are they keeping you busy?"

"Aurelia!" Jennifer gasped, staring into those brilliant green eyes. "What's wrong? Are there more Tainted Ones?"

"Nothing like that," the Gwardian said, shaking her lovely tresses. She was dressed in tight black jeans, a white blouse, and that ever-present long black coat, to help conceal the daggers she wore sheathed on either hip. "Just wanted to say goodbye. I picked up a rumor that another might have been seen on the West Coast, so I'm leaving tonight."

"Oh. It must be a lonely job you have," Jennifer said sympathetically.

"It has its compensations," Aurelia said, suddenly grinning. Without warning, she leaned forward, her lips delicately touching Jennifer's.

Her right hand groped for the back of the brunette girl's neck as her body held her pinned against the column, holding her in place so that she couldn't retreat as her mouth pressed harder and more passionately. But it had happened so fast, Jenn never had time to protest. She felt her pulse racing as the two girls' tongues intertwined moistly, their sylph-like bodies touching, breasts and thighs rubbing together in intimate contact. Jennifer felt the heat rising in her blood, her heart thumping as she felt her womanhood tingling with Sapphic lust...

Just as suddenly, the kiss broke. Aurelia withdrew her mouth, stepping back a fraction of an inch so that the pressure relaxed. "I have to be going now," she said with a smile. "But it would be nice if our paths crossed again, some day..." With an impish wink, she turned and began to walk away.

The Metro train came gliding into the platform, the warm breeze of its passage wafting Aurelia's hair and long black coat gently around her alluring figure. As the doors hissed open, Jennifer's gaze automatically went in that direction. When she looked back, the beautiful Gwardian was gone.

By Centurion
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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I'm not usually a fan of vampire stories but this one was nicely done. Very sensual as well as action-packed. Enjoyed it a lot, Centurian.
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Very good action sequence, especially in the final showdown when Jennifer & Aurelia were struggling against Sartorio. Though his psychic & physical powers were not as impressive without the unity machine, is Sartorio one of the blood lords? Or is it perhaps not relevant in this cross-verse?
Anyway, glad to see Aurelia getting help to exterminate another Taint, with some erotic flavor in the process! Hope to see her maybe taking on some creature and monsters in this world.
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Hi guys. Sorry for my tardy reply. Centurion very much thanks you both for the feedback. :)

Cujo, Sartorio has not been specifically defined as a blood lord, for I myself had never actually defined the concept of blood lords in my own Aurelia Gwardian universe. In terms of this crossover, which Centurion was so very kind to indulge me with, I think we can simply say that Sartorio was a powerful Taint, but not one of the originals which Aurelia had birthed.

I too would very much LOVE to see Aurelia make a return engagement in this Fuchsia Fox universe. We can keep our fingers crossed in the hopes that Centurion will see fit for the same, at some point down the road. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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