Heroine Kombat: Wonder Crusher versus Gold Rush (TheSuperheroines.com)

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Doctor Outcome
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Synopsis: Heroine Kombat…it’s the highest rated gladiatorial game of the future, where heroines (and villains) can settle their disputes with each other through bare-knuckle brutality. Some battle to prove their superiority…others battle for vengeance…and then there are some who battle just for the sheer entertainment of dominating their opponents.

Today, two superheroines have entered the battle-zone in a fight for superiority but only one will walk away the champion. Who will win and who will lose?

Only one thing is certain: after this fight is over… ‘there will be only one’…
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_00.07_[2016.06.26_23.02.32].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_00.07_[2016.06.26_23.02.32].jpg (30.37 KiB) Viewed 4186 times

Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Vid):
My homegirl purchased this and I just happened to come home from work and saw her watching it. Though I was tired, I was intrigued to see what this vid was about and I must say, the people at ‘TheSuperheroines.com’ really have a winner on their hands with this amazing fight-fest. I’m betting Mortal Kombat was the inspiration for this vehicle and it pays excellent homage to the video games, only instead of martial artists, we have two ‘supers’ in the form of Wonder Crusher (Anna Hanson) and Gold Rush (Courtney Carroll) going round for round with each other.

This video was crazy good and it made such an impression on us, that we decided to check out a few others. But for now, I’ll delve into what was good and/or bad about this particular vid. So...LET'S FIGHT!

-Good setting for the fight…it appears to be an abandoned warehouse with graffiti on the walls. It’s spacious and it gives the combatants plenty of room to move around.

-Audio for this was spectacular: great sound effects for the blows that Wonder Crusher and Gold Rush launched at each other. There was some suspenseful fight music for the battle and you could hear both models when they spoke their lines during their parts too.

-Anna Hanson and Courtney Carroll were excellent choices for this battle. Anna’s blonde looks go well for her role as Wonder Crusher and Courtney’s lovely raven-haired Asian looks suit her well for the role of Gold Rush. Both beauties stayed in character throughout the entire production and showed great enthusiasm when playing their parts…particularly when they’re cheap-shotting each other verbally.
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Choose your combatant).mp4_snapshot_00.16_[2016.06.26_23.02.51].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Choose your combatant).mp4_snapshot_00.16_[2016.06.26_23.02.51].jpg (75.69 KiB) Viewed 4186 times
-The costumes for Crusher and Gold were marvelous. :thumbup: I liked Gold Rush’s black outfit and my homegirl loved Wonder Crusher’s gold spandex and those half-torn white boots she had on.

*We really gotta find out where these people get these outfits from.

-Anna and Courtney throw all kinds of attacks at each other: kicks, left hooks, belly punches, low blows to the cunt, uppercuts, bear-hugging, etc. Neither beauty was holding back and their reaction to getting struck or overpowered seemed realistic also.
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Test your might!).mp4_snapshot_02.54_[2016.06.26_23.05.46].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Test your might!).mp4_snapshot_02.54_[2016.06.26_23.05.46].jpg (45.87 KiB) Viewed 4186 times
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (High Kick).mp4_snapshot_03.31_[2016.06.26_23.07.41].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (High Kick).mp4_snapshot_03.31_[2016.06.26_23.07.41].jpg (44.74 KiB) Viewed 4186 times
-Fantastic visual effects, specifically when the combatants are resurrected after losing to their opponent. The glow that comes from their bodies and then the superheroine gasps and wakes back up…that was just beautiful!
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Resurrection!).mp4_snapshot_13.37_[2016.06.26_23.11.11].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Resurrection!).mp4_snapshot_13.37_[2016.06.26_23.11.11].jpg (46.11 KiB) Viewed 4186 times
-Masterpiece of editing and excellent continuity grace each shot along with perfect camera angles (though they did too many close-ups throughout, it didn’t detract anything from the vid).

-No happy or bad ending here folks, but the conclusion is brutal and not for the faint of heart. :no: So brace yourself when you see how the ‘game’ ends.


-Well, for a twenty-minute vid I was hoping that Wonder Crusher and Gold Rush would unleash some form of superpowers on each other. Sadly, they didn’t and that was a small disappointment for me. It would’ve been nice if they used some special effects to showcase the superpowers that these girls had.

I mean, with a name like Gold Rush, I’m guessing Courtney’s character was a speedster, so they could’ve shown her running circles around Anna or rushing by and striking her.

-The fight while good, dragged on a little too long. There was a little too much hesitation from Anna and Courtney during certain scenes and the use of slow-motion during strikes was a touch much.
The fight choreography could use a little tweaking, but it wasn’t totally bad.

-Not much of a story to this series, but hey, these lethal ladies came for a fight so that’s pretty much all we really need to know. However, a little backstory on why Gold Rush and Wonder Crusher are trying to cave each other’s lovely faces in would shine a little light on why they chose Heroine Kombat to settle their differences.

Diagnosis (What could’ve been better)

-A little exhibition of superpowers would be better for the next fight.

-A small backstory on the why the combatants are fighting would be good for future releases.

Final Outcome:
Combat fans and lovers of choreographed fight scenes will get a charge out of this series as it has a lot going for it. It’s no-holds barred thrills with supers (good and evil) battling it out to achieve their own destiny. If you’re a ‘super’ and you come into this arena, you better be ready to bleed and/or get carried away in a zipper bag.

Because in this contest, the rule for victory is short, sweet and simple: when you stop winning…you stop breathing. :rip:

Final Score for ‘Heroine Kombat: Wonder Crusher vs Gold Rush’…10 out of 10!

Check this vid out now at:
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_20.38_[2016.06.26_23.13.24].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_20.38_[2016.06.26_23.13.24].jpg (10.87 KiB) Viewed 4186 times
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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More adrenaline action screenshots for your viewing pleasure:
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_02.45_[2016.06.26_23.05.20].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_02.45_[2016.06.26_23.05.20].jpg (33.22 KiB) Viewed 4181 times
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_03.04_[2016.06.26_23.06.20].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_03.04_[2016.06.26_23.06.20].jpg (29.66 KiB) Viewed 4181 times
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_03.25_[2016.06.26_23.07.01].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_03.25_[2016.06.26_23.07.01].jpg (39.91 KiB) Viewed 4181 times
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_06.38_[2016.06.26_23.09.28].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_06.38_[2016.06.26_23.09.28].jpg (32.05 KiB) Viewed 4181 times
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_08.17_[2016.06.26_23.10.05].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_08.17_[2016.06.26_23.10.05].jpg (36.21 KiB) Viewed 4181 times
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_05.12_[2016.06.26_23.09.11].jpg
HK Wonder Crusher Vs Gold Rush (Heroine Kombat).mp4_snapshot_05.12_[2016.06.26_23.09.11].jpg (33.66 KiB) Viewed 4181 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Are they still in business?

Didnt Logan announce a going out of the business sort of sale?

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Millenium Member
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Kitten wrote:Are they still in business?

Didnt Logan announce a going out of the business sort of sale?

Yep, just looked, sites still up, still selling vids.

Yep, announced it going out of business about a bazillion times.

He had a kickstarter for funding making costumes for a future superheroine movie production, raised the funds successfully and more, so he bought a BMW and gym membership for life! No costume(s) tho, no actress to wear them.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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Doctor Outcome
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Kitten wrote:Are they still in business?

Didnt Logan announce a going out of the business sort of sale?

I believe they still are, Kitten. As far as I know, Logan is still up and running. I hope he doesn't shut down cause he's got monster superheroine vids. By far, his Heroine Legends, Heroine Kombat and Super vs. E series are da' bombay. I love em'.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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The site will probably never go down. It makes money. That won't stop the weekly "going out of business--buy now/last chance!" email's from coming into your inbox every week. Don't buy into the desperate-sounding email, just buy when you feel you see a video you like. If you're on the fence, hold off and don't buy because the video might not be there next week. It will still be there.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

Be very careful!
Don't be indoctrinated!
Ignore your common sense!

Everything is entirely normal and ignore the radical changes to culture.

Logan logs into his site every morning and smiles. Then he drafts the next "last chance" message, watches more gullible people hurriedly buy more vids before they "are gone for good", and smiles again, thinking "P.T. Barnum was right, there's a sucker born every minute."

Question: How long can you keep telling the same lie over and over?

Answer: As long as it keeps working.
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