Working on Avengers Parody

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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Philo Hunter
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I've been outlining an idea I had for an Avengers parody today. It's not an outright fan faction, as that doesn't interest me. But I came up with an idea that would let me play with Marvel characters without having to use their exact selves. Anyways, the story is going to center around an alternate reality where many of the avengers are gender swapped (so there are more heroines to play with) and where initially everyone is incredibly naive and innocent sexually, but through out the story they are all corrupted and totally defeated via sexual means.

I'm planning on definitely including versions of the main heroines/heroines that have been included in the MCU versions. So that's versions of Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, black Widow, Nick Fury, Ant Man, Hulk, scarlet witch, vision. My question is: are there any other characters who have been avengers you'd like to see me include in this?

And I'm hoping to write and release this in small parts, so hopefully I'll have the first part up soon.
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I love the gender swap ideas...maybe make some of their villains have the ability to be both male and female at the same time to sexually punish these super sexy heroines
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Philo Hunter
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batgirl1969 wrote:I love the gender swap ideas...maybe make some of their villains have the ability to be both male and female at the same time to sexually punish these super sexy heroines
Oh snap, that's a great idea! I've been so busy toying around with the heroes fucking and corrupting each other I haven't even thought about villains. Any Marvel villain's you'd like to see?
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Philo Hunter
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Philo Hunter wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:I love the gender swap ideas...maybe make some of their villains have the ability to be both male and female at the same time to sexually punish these super sexy heroines
Oh snap, that's a great idea! I've been so busy toying around with the heroes fucking and corrupting each other I haven't even thought about villains. Any Marvel villain's you'd like to see?
-edit- Hey, does anyone know if there is a word limit on posts? I've never posted a stories in multiple parts to the forum, but I've always hated looking through those threads and having comments in the middle of a story. Seems very sloppy, very unprofessional. Could I just keep editing the original post adding to it? If there IS a word limit would it be considered bad form to them make a number of posts after my original one to reserve slots for future parts of the story so they are all together?
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Captain Marvel! Definitely include a Captain Marvel character.

...... I love Captain Marvel. *Clears throat* So yes. Do that's my two cents.
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Philo Hunter
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Femina wrote:Captain Marvel! Definitely include a Captain Marvel character.

...... I love Captain Marvel. *Clears throat* So yes. Do that's my two cents.
MAYBE... She's my favorite superheroine of all time, and one of the reasons I don't write stories with "real" characters is I don't enjoy seeing them sexualized and abused. Each of the characters in this story has at least a name change.

As I started typing this I was GOING to say no way... but then I looked over at the picture of my wall of moonstone in the old Ms. Marvel costume facing off against carol and through... well, maybe I could do something with that. Maybe. No promises though.

-Edit- I've got a couple thousands words done already, but haven't gotten to any sex yet. Think I should post what have once I edit it or wait till I have a sex scene or two? They'll probably start out rather tame and fairly consensual, but will grow more dark as the story advances.
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Okay, got the first part up. You can find it at the lin below if you didn't already see it:

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Dang, got to say, it actually kind of figures that a female version of Captain America would be demoted a rank or two at default by the patriarchy! *Shakes figurative fist* Darn you America!

:P A good start.
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Thanks! I plan on trying to tackle the pool scene later today, although might not get it finished to later on in the weekend. Like I said, the sex is going to pretty tame and consensual at first. But I'd like to ease into out right mind control, breast growth, and even more.
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Zeta Clark
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Philo Hunter wrote:My question is: are there any other characters who have been avengers you'd like to see me include in this?
I would love the see the inclusion of Wasp and Falcon from the MCU (maybe the movie version of Dr. Strange and Black Panther as well).

From the comics, it would be nice to see maybe Wolverine and Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers).
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Philo Hunter wrote:
Femina wrote:Captain Marvel! Definitely include a Captain Marvel character.

...... I love Captain Marvel. *Clears throat* So yes. Do that's my two cents.
MAYBE... She's my favorite superheroine of all time, and one of the reasons I don't write stories with "real" characters is I don't enjoy seeing them sexualized and abused. Each of the characters in this story has at least a name change.

So what you both said.

Captain Marvel is awesome, and also too real

But, what about going along the same vein and having a "Commander Marvel" or "Commander Marvelous" or some thing like that?
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well that's kind of what I meant
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Philo Hunter
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I like Commander Marvelous! Yeah, I can make that happen. I think I want to see her facing a version of Osborn in charge of this universes Thunderbolts, see her captured and broken by him and Moonstone.

I'm going to try and get the next chapter/part out this weekend. I have a few things outlined and ready to write, I just need to get the Urban Paranormal anthology I'm working on finished. Need to get one more short written tomorrow then give it all one more editing pass, then I'll be working on this again!

Do you guys want to know things I have planned out so you know where the story is going, or would you rather just wait and see? Like I said, the sex will all be fairly consensual and on the light side at first, but as soon as the peril aspects start working their way in I plan on jacking the kink level WAY up.
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Philo Hunter wrote:I like Commander Marvelous! Yeah, I can make that happen. I think I want to see her facing a version of Osborn in charge of this universes Thunderbolts, see her captured and broken by him and Moonstone.
That original Dark Avengers story line is great, Ms Marvel kicked through a jet engine by Moonstone and disposed of by Osborne after being tied to a chair
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lionbadger wrote: That original Dark Avengers story line is great, Ms Marvel kicked through a jet engine by Moonstone and disposed of by Osborne after being tied to a chair
Yeah, I actually just re-read it the other week! One of my favorite story arcs and was always bummed in only lasted for about three trade paperbacks.
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Posted the next section! Not quite as long as the first one, but the next chapter should be considerably longer and kinkier!
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