Supergirl VI Quest for Peace - Review

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Supergirl VI -- Quest for Peace

Okay, this review is way past the release date of this video but I don't think it deserved to drop like a weight into the sea floor (or the bottom of the pool as the case may be) without some comment. Or, as one might expect in my case, many comments. Let me give you my overall feeling about the work before I get into all the picky details.

This was a YouTube video and as such could not have strong sexual peril elements so that's disappointing right off the bat but that's always been the case with this series so take this review with that in mind. Also, I'm very specific about the entire film in this review so if you haven't seen it, many of my points won't make sense. I suggest you view the work to get the most out of the review. I know, I know, that's ass backwards. Sue me.

It was an entertaining video and it kept up a pretty good pace throughout with something new happening quite often, so thanks to Jimbobklyn for the interesting script and thanks for listening to the fans. I think including so many intriguing elements made for a much better video. It was certainly one of this team’s best efforts. Is it the best? I’d have to review them all again to make that final declaration, but it’s up there.

That’s the good news and there is some more good news below but the majority of the rest of this review will cover some of the aspects that affected the overall enjoyment of the work. All these points are not necessarily in absolute chronological order, but they’re close.


1. A minor point about the parodied use of copyrighted logos. They're basically “ripping” off DC, Warner Bros, Fox and Marvel with all the opening credits. Others do it too in their art and videos so I’m not going to bash them too hard on this except to say I think coming up with their own logo that is distinctive and compelling in its own right might not be the worst idea.

2. The producer already noted the reason for Kaycee’s wig in earlier posts (she'd gotten a pixie cut before filming!) but it sure put a quick damper on the good feeling about the film right off. Ultimately I got used to it but her curly hair in the previous film set off her face so nicely and made her look so cute that I really missed it.

3. The subway train scene was actually an interesting opening sequence with compelling action. And the use and editing of clips from international sources was eye-opening and made for a fun game of “guess-the-clip’s-country-of-origin.” Some might see that as a continuity issue, I found it intriguing.

4. SG seems to have no concern about inadvertently revealing her secret identity. She hasn’t seemed to care about this throughout the entire film series from what I’ve seen over the years. Leaving her house and openly flying off, pulling her shirt open at any and all times without much regard to who might be looking out a window, she’s very careless about it. And doing it in the subway. Really? A guy walks by behind her not three seconds earlier. I’m afraid that I have to take points off for such little concern about that.

5. I liked the special effects of her flying through the subway tunnel, including the sound effect that went with it. The editing and drama of the subway sequence was done fairly well for the budget. I was somewhat confused about the whole train-stopping sequence however. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to short out the electricity by stepping on the third rail or if she was actually holding the train itself and being pushed backwards. I know the budget wouldn’t allow any actual interaction with a real train so I’m not suggesting they should have done that, I’m just saying I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on based on what I was viewing. Perhaps a voice-over explanation might have worked. Ultimately, I think it was a case of her being pushed and had nothing to do with the third rail. Still, kudos to them for trying something different and for the nice dramatic tension achieved. (A train from Aldwych and a 5th avenue subway station, gotta love it!)

6. Liked the white eye effect achieved by Linda Hines in her Evil Super Woman (ESW from here on out) sequence. Held it for quite a while. Cool. Now to Marc Luthor’s commands. I was okay with his speech up until he tells her she’s “a thing he can always wrap around his finger and that’s all she’ll ever be.” I think there could have been a better way to put that without putting down the poor girl. Not the best way to get cooperation, powerful serum or not. I’m somewhat serious about this. I think a “you will obey only me and respond only to my commands” might have been nicer. This Luthor guy really is a dick! (Someone had to say it. LOL)

The whole wording of “I need Supergirl to disappear from the face of the earth and so she needs to be killed” line seem painfully awkward to me, very oddly worded. Also, telling her of his backup plan seemed like a clunky sort of plot device that would be needed for something happening later on. Still, the command sequence was decently handled by the actor and shock of shocks, I actually enjoyed his evil laugh at the end. So kudos to him.

7. The sound used for Jacqueline Kent’s ringing cell phone has to be the most obnoxious one on earth. Ouch! Can they choose another one next film. Please!

8. There’s no polite way to put this so I’m just going to say it right out: Kaycee put on some weight since the last feature and it shows. And while I’m on the subject, Linda could lose some pounds as well. She’s got an incredibly pretty face and if she thinned down she’d be a genuinely stunning beauty. That said, chunky superheroines and villainesses are a rare breed in the industry for a reason.

9. Having ESW sneak into JK’s house and replace the lightbulbs with kryptonite emission ones was a fantastic idea. Loved it, loved it, loved it! What did catch my notice was that she replaced two bulbs. (I’m assuming she tossed the regular bulbs in the trash since she walks into the kitchen with them and walks out without them, there was no sound effect of a trash drawer opening or anything to confirm that.) But I was kind of hoping that since only one bulb was used in that scene that somehow SG would turn on the other lamp near the end of the film and have to escape that one as well. In any case, she’s in for a surprise the next time she does turn on that second lamp!

10. There was a noticeable inconsistency between the power levels of ESW and SG in the film. It seems that ESW is supposed to be significantly more powerful than SG in this script, according to Marc Luthor’s initial speech and how very easily SG is kayoed by ESW when she comes back into the house after her walk and when Luthor finishes telling SG about the Go Train. Easily and immediately knocked out in both instances. But later on, they appear to be equally powerful when fighting in the pool.(Especially since SG is still probably weak after all she’s been through)

11. SG wakes up in her costume after the knockout. Based on what she was wearing before hand, she certainly wasn’t wearing it underneath her shorts. did ESW find it? More shoddy secret identity concerns? Did SG just leave it hanging in her closet? Much more importantly, I sure wish we could have seen some of that scene with ESW dressing SG! Nothing too racy for YouTube but a certain implied state of undress would have been worthwhile. Maybe next film?

12. When Luthor arrives, ESW is saying SG is still “out cold” but her head is moving back and forth as if she’s waking up while they’re discussing the light bulbs. Points off for that I’m afraid.

13. The whole Scarborough Go Train thing seemed to be an add-on element that wasn’t particularly well-integrated into the plot and frankly not that important in the grand scheme of things. There is no earthly value in Luthor blowing up the town, no financial value. In fact, it’s pure terrorism and really isn’t in this character’s psyche from what I’ve seen in this series. And SG’s reaction to it at the very end of the film is absolutely cavalier at best and grossly unfeeling at its worse. This is the weakest aspect of the film by far and seemed like unnecessary filler except for the minor fact that SG couldn’t prevent it and that was supposed to be the kicker. It just didn’t work. Finally C4 is an impressive explosive but in comparison to a nuke bomb, it’s peanuts! A C4 nuclear bomb just makes no sense. Sorry.

14. “That can be arranged. Super Woman, it’s your time to shine.” That was just a straight missed line reading by the actor. He should have paused between saying “arranged” and Super Woman” since he should have been addressing her as it’s her time to shine. It ended up being unnecessarily confusing.

15. I will admit that at least the editing of the train and digital readout of the bomb was done nicely.

16. I did enjoy the scene with SG in shackles and thought that Kaycee did a very good job of selling how tough they were to break out of. They must have had some element of kryptonite or else they would have been fairly easy to snap. Not sure why they weren’t. Was she still woozy from the knock out? Was it the effect of the small amount of kryptonite in the filaments in the light bulbs? That might have been it!! Liked the sound effect of the breaking shackles a lot.

17. As I mentioned, I really enjoyed the kryptonite light bulb and k gas used against her. Wish it could have gone on even longer. Liked her coughing and crying out for help. I’m a sucker for that stuff.

18. There’s some confusion about why she’s seen flying such a long distance just to get to the back of the house. Unless it’s Luthor’s pool house? Unclear since they put her in a car and then seem to drive her to the pool house.

19. I have to say that had to be the worst chloroforming scene in the history of such scenes. First off, she’s definitely looking around and suspicious and has full use of her powers so would have easily spotted Luthor and more easily defended herself. It was way too fast. No eye roll. Lost points on this one for a lost opportunity and botched direction.

20. Once she’s kayoed however, the scenes of her flopped out in the car and getting her in and out were handled fine.

21. The use of red k to eliminate her powers we’ve discussed before. In your world it eliminates her powers, so in that regard it worked. What didn’t work was the toy gun with the red ring on its muzzle. Looked totally fake!

22. Luthor’s acting in this film was a notch up from last film so that’s a good thing.

23. What was the scene with SG looking through the pages supposed to be about? No references made to what she’s doing or why? Did she need lines in the script? As a time filler while waiting for ESW, it was pretty weak

24. On the other hand, the way ESW imposes her physical domination over SG and Kaycee’s look in that sequence as she’s forced into the house was nicely done.

25. The scene in the foyer left me scratching my head a bit. ESW seems to suddenly have self-directed ideas. At first it was all about just killing SG, which frankly they could have done at any point in this script which suffers from a nasty case of “Bond villain exposition and escape syndrome.” She’s offering SG a separate deal to “get off Luthor’s back once and for all?” Where did that come from. The logic at this point in the script begins to suffer.

26. Two points added for the humor of “I don’t drink and fly” but one point taken away for ESW turning her back and just walking into the kitchen expecting SG to follow her...which she does!! (Especially since in the next scene SG tries to run out that very same door.)

27. I really did enjoy the whole ‘get SG too drunk to save herself in the pool’ concept. I also really enjoyed it when SG says in her inebriated state, “I hate this pool.” I should think so! Not sure if that was an ad lib or in the script but it was one of my favorite lines of the entire series!! Kaycee played drunk pretty well.

28. The scene with Luthor talking to ESW did a decent job of explaining how SG in this condition would be more likely to drown than last time. So it was disappointing not to see it happen again. In fact, her being drunk seemed to have little extra effect on her compared to last time. As such, I was primed for it working and was disappointed not to see SG floating face down at least for a little bit.

29. Huge continuity issue. How does SG suddenly end up on the couch back in her place when she was just supposedly in the pool house kitchen area getting force fed vodka. Any other set should have been used. Lots of confusion in this film about who is where and when. Behind whose house and when as well. That needs to be fixed and thought out before filming.

(You know, I just realized that Jacquie Kent’s house and the pool house are the same property – just shot from different angles. I guess that makes sense in terms of budget and timing but still, you should track these things so it’s not mistakenly handled in the filming.)

30. There was a line reference to Hackensack, New Jersey. Really? A subtle tribute to Billy Joel’s “Moving Out?”

31. I never know why Luthor just doesn’t stay around the entire time to be sure SG is killed in every one of these films. More nasty Bond villain oversight? And his constant calls to interrupt his henchman’s work? He’s micro-managing them! No wonder they resent him and work against his purposes! I would also! LOL.

32. The scene where SG agrees to leave Luthor alone in order to save her own life was a good idea, and then just having ESW push her away from the wall to drown was even better. Sadly, it was all hugely undermined by what happens next. Even after ESW tosses in blue kryptonite (I believe that’s what it was since it wasn’t shown much or explained, or maybe it was a cell phone to call for help on? Very unclear!), then, out of nowhere, SG suddenly has enough strength to get the green k necklace off her and swim to the shallow end and say “Whew, that was close!” Come on, people! That didn’t make any sense at all. Including, once again, the villain leaving so SG could make her escape. More holes in this segment than a whole wheel of Swiss cheese, guys! Very disappointing.

33. How did the gun get in the pool and who expects it to work after being wet?

34. The exchange with ESW holding the gun on SG? ESW is way too lax about the whole thing and it’s just not believable. The writing in this part is really weak, giving SG every opportunity she needs to escape without her having to think of something on her own - even to the point of ESW punching at SG rather than shooting her. Pretty darn weak.

35. The fight scene based on the pre-supposed far greater power level of ESW doesn’t make a lot of sense either, but if the viewer allows for the suddenly even power levels, it’s still too drawn out with not enough different or interesting choreography for its length. I did like the back and forth of who was winning but it went on too long. However, kudos to both women for how well they did tangle and manage to hold their breaths for such long underwater shots. Linda especially did a fine final drowning scene when being choked with her cape. Great expressions there.

36. May I suggest that one combatant seem to stand on another in the next film while underwater, to keep them from coming up for air?

37. At least Luthor gave a reason for not shooting SG immediately. Noise issues. That made sense.

38. Liked the line “Have a good time in hell” but so much for SG’s code of conduct about not killing people. And I think she was equally unconcerned about that in an earlier film.

39. The phone call from SG/Jacquie to Perry White was fine except for the line about Scarborough which having been nuked would have been a much larger story than the death of Marc Luthor that the chief was so concerned about.

40. ESW being alive was certainly plausible. SG not checking on her? Not so much. Groan! Especially since she’s a reporter and will be giving it as a fact in her story due in the morning! Oh well, nobody’s perfect.

41. There's no rationale whatsoever given for the title of the film. Any clues? Is it Marc Luthor's desire to have SG ultimately "Rest in Peace?"

So, there you have it. There was a lot to like about this video and a fair amount to groan about too.

Nevertheless, I thank the creative team for all their efforts over the years in bringing this series to the public. I know it’s a labor of love and as such, it can be hurtful to have it harshly critiqued. I've tried to be fair.
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I think Dr. D was pretty detailed. I've had some thoughts on this one too but didn't share them at the time but...

My main problem with the latest installment of this was it was a mess. There was a lot going on and I got some of it was trying to incorporate a lot of fan elements for the movie but in the end I think it kind of hurt the film. As I watched this I noticed that SG went through like what seemed a dozen perils of different types. Everything from Kryptonite to fighting an evil Superwoman even a random chloroforming in there. But I was left kind of thinking, if the badguy went to all the trouble to make an Evil Superwoman more powerful than SG...why did they need the rest of this? I think the film needed a tighter focus for me personally to enjoy it more.

Always appreciate how these get put up for free on YouTube don't get me wrong but if I'm reviewing it then yeah it had some stuff to work on.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I enjoyed this but in places it was very awkwardly done. The knockouts were kind of amateurish. This Supergirl could be knocked out with a loaf of bread. And the chloroforming was pretty feeble if its purpose was to create excitement. It fell way short. They should have had more visibility of SuperGirl unconscious lying in the SUV and should have shown more shots of her as he drove her away. The reason he didn't carry her to the vehicle was because he COULD NOT carry her. Yes you are right about both actresses need to lose weight. And I hate that SuperGirl costume. The skirt is too long. It looks like she has a table cloth tied around her waist.
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somewhere Jac Ledeuax is laughing
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avenger wrote:somewhere Jac Ledeuax is laughing
@ avenger-Actually its the other way around because even through the series installment does some of its flaws...The installments under Kaycee Anne as Supergirl are actually more popular on YouTube/facebook and that is due to the fact that Kaycee has been willing to do these peril elements and also the fact that she is very professional and easy to work with. You would of never gotten Jac to do the Gas KO/Attack scene and other things in Supergirl V and VI peril elements in general. Also, I can say that under Jac...most of these peril elements would of been eliminated because she found it challenging and the script would of been significantly cut down as well. Also, under jac..this series would have ended at Supergirl VI. but under Kaycee and Linda and also that fact that many MMP models/actresses are very interested in being part of the series..there will be more installments coming, under Jac Ledoux, it most likely wouldn't happen....In my view..the casting change was probably the best move for this series.

Also, like I said before..Jac had asked for a high paid raise...We agreed to it...but then left us hanging a week before the filming. if it was for Kaycee Anne...the series would have ended abruptly.

So again, i understand that fans of this series liked Jac Ledoux in this series and miss her....But these are the facts and the sad part is that she knew the series was popular under her and the series got to her head and she took advantage of the series and etc. bottom-line, she bit off more than she can chew by bowing out a week before filming---and probably thought that the series would fall downhill without her. Turns out no to be the case. And I can tell you that I tried to get Jac to play Supergirl in last year's Twilight Zone cosplay video---but she declined and said "She has no time for these projects because she has personal things to do..(Which she does). Also, I think the fact that Kaycee not only took the Supergirl V project...but inquired about the Supergirl VI project and accepted quick..I believe it got to Jac.

Bottomline, the change has to be made and it saved the series and has made the series more popular and more easy to do. So I hardly doubt..she's laughing. Especially when fans say that Kaycee Anne is much better then Jac Ledoux..that says lot.

Again, I do appreciate your opinion..but...I have to respond to this comment the best way I know how...
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gorillaatlarge wrote:I enjoyed this but in places it was very awkwardly done. The knockouts were kind of amateurish. This Supergirl could be knocked out with a loaf of bread. And the chloroforming was pretty feeble if its purpose was to create excitement. It fell way short. They should have had more visibility of SuperGirl unconscious lying in the SUV and should have shown more shots of her as he drove her away. The reason he didn't carry her to the vehicle was because he COULD NOT carry her. Yes you are right about both actresses need to lose weight. And I hate that SuperGirl costume. The skirt is too long. It looks like she has a table cloth tied around her waist.
hello, gorillaatlarge--in response to your review and feedback...I have to say the knockout scene was technically my fault...I didn't add the effects to those scenes beautiful was working on the other SFX which were very time that was my fault...

As for the actresses weight, Kaycee has always been well built and has an athletic body and has a lot of muscle and is working on getting in very better shape. As for Linda, she's athletic as well...but has struggled with her weight. These are common things that do happen and I have no control over that. to me and many other fans of the series...they like them the way that are.

As for the costume, many do like the that will not change. Also, add to the fact that it is the most affordable in the budget and is the closest to the 1984 version and it handles water tremendous well. that's why we use that costume. myself and my partners have talked about upgrade it to the CBS version of the costume...but most likely...we will stick to the one we use.

As for the film..i am happy that you enjoyed it and yes...there is lots of room for improvements and we will improve over the next couple of installments.

i appreciate your opinion, review and feedback, gorillaatlarge :0
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gorilla, I think the same way00 the chloro was pretty bad- would have loved the chloro and an OTS carry. This new model is hot.
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Right you are. Both these models are attractive and look good in those super costumes in spite of what I said about them losing weight. Obviously they are both in great physical condition. Yes an OTS would have been great. It was good video and I think
they will get better.
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gorillaatlarge wrote:Right you are. Both these models are attractive and look good in those super costumes in spite of what I said about them losing weight. Obviously they are both in great physical condition. Yes an OTS would have been great. It was good video and I think
they will get better.
Sorry for the late response--4 months late,gorillatlarge. I appreciate your feedback and opinion on this presentation and glad that you enjoyed it. yes, I guarantee that these installments will get better (Supergirl 7, 8, 9 & hopefully 10)
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DrDominator9 wrote:Supergirl VI -- Quest for Peace

Okay, this review is way past the release date of this video but I don't think it deserved to drop like a weight into the sea floor (or the bottom of the pool as the case may be) without some comment. Or, as one might expect in my case, many comments. Let me give you my overall feeling about the work before I get into all the picky details.

This was a YouTube video and as such could not have strong sexual peril elements so that's disappointing right off the bat but that's always been the case with this series so take this review with that in mind. Also, I'm very specific about the entire film in this review so if you haven't seen it, many of my points won't make sense. I suggest you view the work to get the most out of the review. I know, I know, that's ass backwards. Sue me.

It was an entertaining video and it kept up a pretty good pace throughout with something new happening quite often, so thanks to Jimbobklyn for the interesting script and thanks for listening to the fans. I think including so many intriguing elements made for a much better video. It was certainly one of this team’s best efforts. Is it the best? I’d have to review them all again to make that final declaration, but it’s up there.

That’s the good news and there is some more good news below but the majority of the rest of this review will cover some of the aspects that affected the overall enjoyment of the work. All these points are not necessarily in absolute chronological order, but they’re close.


1. A minor point about the parodied use of copyrighted logos. They're basically “ripping” off DC, Warner Bros, Fox and Marvel with all the opening credits. Others do it too in their art and videos so I’m not going to bash them too hard on this except to say I think coming up with their own logo that is distinctive and compelling in its own right might not be the worst idea.

2. The producer already noted the reason for Kaycee’s wig in earlier posts (she'd gotten a pixie cut before filming!) but it sure put a quick damper on the good feeling about the film right off. Ultimately I got used to it but her curly hair in the previous film set off her face so nicely and made her look so cute that I really missed it.

3. The subway train scene was actually an interesting opening sequence with compelling action. And the use and editing of clips from international sources was eye-opening and made for a fun game of “guess-the-clip’s-country-of-origin.” Some might see that as a continuity issue, I found it intriguing.

4. SG seems to have no concern about inadvertently revealing her secret identity. She hasn’t seemed to care about this throughout the entire film series from what I’ve seen over the years. Leaving her house and openly flying off, pulling her shirt open at any and all times without much regard to who might be looking out a window, she’s very careless about it. And doing it in the subway. Really? A guy walks by behind her not three seconds earlier. I’m afraid that I have to take points off for such little concern about that.

5. I liked the special effects of her flying through the subway tunnel, including the sound effect that went with it. The editing and drama of the subway sequence was done fairly well for the budget. I was somewhat confused about the whole train-stopping sequence however. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to short out the electricity by stepping on the third rail or if she was actually holding the train itself and being pushed backwards. I know the budget wouldn’t allow any actual interaction with a real train so I’m not suggesting they should have done that, I’m just saying I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on based on what I was viewing. Perhaps a voice-over explanation might have worked. Ultimately, I think it was a case of her being pushed and had nothing to do with the third rail. Still, kudos to them for trying something different and for the nice dramatic tension achieved. (A train from Aldwych and a 5th avenue subway station, gotta love it!)

6. Liked the white eye effect achieved by Linda Hines in her Evil Super Woman (ESW from here on out) sequence. Held it for quite a while. Cool. Now to Marc Luthor’s commands. I was okay with his speech up until he tells her she’s “a thing he can always wrap around his finger and that’s all she’ll ever be.” I think there could have been a better way to put that without putting down the poor girl. Not the best way to get cooperation, powerful serum or not. I’m somewhat serious about this. I think a “you will obey only me and respond only to my commands” might have been nicer. This Luthor guy really is a dick! (Someone had to say it. LOL)

The whole wording of “I need Supergirl to disappear from the face of the earth and so she needs to be killed” line seem painfully awkward to me, very oddly worded. Also, telling her of his backup plan seemed like a clunky sort of plot device that would be needed for something happening later on. Still, the command sequence was decently handled by the actor and shock of shocks, I actually enjoyed his evil laugh at the end. So kudos to him.

7. The sound used for Jacqueline Kent’s ringing cell phone has to be the most obnoxious one on earth. Ouch! Can they choose another one next film. Please!

8. There’s no polite way to put this so I’m just going to say it right out: Kaycee put on some weight since the last feature and it shows. And while I’m on the subject, Linda could lose some pounds as well. She’s got an incredibly pretty face and if she thinned down she’d be a genuinely stunning beauty. That said, chunky superheroines and villainesses are a rare breed in the industry for a reason.

9. Having ESW sneak into JK’s house and replace the lightbulbs with kryptonite emission ones was a fantastic idea. Loved it, loved it, loved it! What did catch my notice was that she replaced two bulbs. (I’m assuming she tossed the regular bulbs in the trash since she walks into the kitchen with them and walks out without them, there was no sound effect of a trash drawer opening or anything to confirm that.) But I was kind of hoping that since only one bulb was used in that scene that somehow SG would turn on the other lamp near the end of the film and have to escape that one as well. In any case, she’s in for a surprise the next time she does turn on that second lamp!

10. There was a noticeable inconsistency between the power levels of ESW and SG in the film. It seems that ESW is supposed to be significantly more powerful than SG in this script, according to Marc Luthor’s initial speech and how very easily SG is kayoed by ESW when she comes back into the house after her walk and when Luthor finishes telling SG about the Go Train. Easily and immediately knocked out in both instances. But later on, they appear to be equally powerful when fighting in the pool.(Especially since SG is still probably weak after all she’s been through)

11. SG wakes up in her costume after the knockout. Based on what she was wearing before hand, she certainly wasn’t wearing it underneath her shorts. did ESW find it? More shoddy secret identity concerns? Did SG just leave it hanging in her closet? Much more importantly, I sure wish we could have seen some of that scene with ESW dressing SG! Nothing too racy for YouTube but a certain implied state of undress would have been worthwhile. Maybe next film?

12. When Luthor arrives, ESW is saying SG is still “out cold” but her head is moving back and forth as if she’s waking up while they’re discussing the light bulbs. Points off for that I’m afraid.

13. The whole Scarborough Go Train thing seemed to be an add-on element that wasn’t particularly well-integrated into the plot and frankly not that important in the grand scheme of things. There is no earthly value in Luthor blowing up the town, no financial value. In fact, it’s pure terrorism and really isn’t in this character’s psyche from what I’ve seen in this series. And SG’s reaction to it at the very end of the film is absolutely cavalier at best and grossly unfeeling at its worse. This is the weakest aspect of the film by far and seemed like unnecessary filler except for the minor fact that SG couldn’t prevent it and that was supposed to be the kicker. It just didn’t work. Finally C4 is an impressive explosive but in comparison to a nuke bomb, it’s peanuts! A C4 nuclear bomb just makes no sense. Sorry.

14. “That can be arranged. Super Woman, it’s your time to shine.” That was just a straight missed line reading by the actor. He should have paused between saying “arranged” and Super Woman” since he should have been addressing her as it’s her time to shine. It ended up being unnecessarily confusing.

15. I will admit that at least the editing of the train and digital readout of the bomb was done nicely.

16. I did enjoy the scene with SG in shackles and thought that Kaycee did a very good job of selling how tough they were to break out of. They must have had some element of kryptonite or else they would have been fairly easy to snap. Not sure why they weren’t. Was she still woozy from the knock out? Was it the effect of the small amount of kryptonite in the filaments in the light bulbs? That might have been it!! Liked the sound effect of the breaking shackles a lot.

17. As I mentioned, I really enjoyed the kryptonite light bulb and k gas used against her. Wish it could have gone on even longer. Liked her coughing and crying out for help. I’m a sucker for that stuff.

18. There’s some confusion about why she’s seen flying such a long distance just to get to the back of the house. Unless it’s Luthor’s pool house? Unclear since they put her in a car and then seem to drive her to the pool house.

19. I have to say that had to be the worst chloroforming scene in the history of such scenes. First off, she’s definitely looking around and suspicious and has full use of her powers so would have easily spotted Luthor and more easily defended herself. It was way too fast. No eye roll. Lost points on this one for a lost opportunity and botched direction.

20. Once she’s kayoed however, the scenes of her flopped out in the car and getting her in and out were handled fine.

21. The use of red k to eliminate her powers we’ve discussed before. In your world it eliminates her powers, so in that regard it worked. What didn’t work was the toy gun with the red ring on its muzzle. Looked totally fake!

22. Luthor’s acting in this film was a notch up from last film so that’s a good thing.

23. What was the scene with SG looking through the pages supposed to be about? No references made to what she’s doing or why? Did she need lines in the script? As a time filler while waiting for ESW, it was pretty weak

24. On the other hand, the way ESW imposes her physical domination over SG and Kaycee’s look in that sequence as she’s forced into the house was nicely done.

25. The scene in the foyer left me scratching my head a bit. ESW seems to suddenly have self-directed ideas. At first it was all about just killing SG, which frankly they could have done at any point in this script which suffers from a nasty case of “Bond villain exposition and escape syndrome.” She’s offering SG a separate deal to “get off Luthor’s back once and for all?” Where did that come from. The logic at this point in the script begins to suffer.

26. Two points added for the humor of “I don’t drink and fly” but one point taken away for ESW turning her back and just walking into the kitchen expecting SG to follow her...which she does!! (Especially since in the next scene SG tries to run out that very same door.)

27. I really did enjoy the whole ‘get SG too drunk to save herself in the pool’ concept. I also really enjoyed it when SG says in her inebriated state, “I hate this pool.” I should think so! Not sure if that was an ad lib or in the script but it was one of my favorite lines of the entire series!! Kaycee played drunk pretty well.

28. The scene with Luthor talking to ESW did a decent job of explaining how SG in this condition would be more likely to drown than last time. So it was disappointing not to see it happen again. In fact, her being drunk seemed to have little extra effect on her compared to last time. As such, I was primed for it working and was disappointed not to see SG floating face down at least for a little bit.

29. Huge continuity issue. How does SG suddenly end up on the couch back in her place when she was just supposedly in the pool house kitchen area getting force fed vodka. Any other set should have been used. Lots of confusion in this film about who is where and when. Behind whose house and when as well. That needs to be fixed and thought out before filming.

(You know, I just realized that Jacquie Kent’s house and the pool house are the same property – just shot from different angles. I guess that makes sense in terms of budget and timing but still, you should track these things so it’s not mistakenly handled in the filming.)

30. There was a line reference to Hackensack, New Jersey. Really? A subtle tribute to Billy Joel’s “Moving Out?”

31. I never know why Luthor just doesn’t stay around the entire time to be sure SG is killed in every one of these films. More nasty Bond villain oversight? And his constant calls to interrupt his henchman’s work? He’s micro-managing them! No wonder they resent him and work against his purposes! I would also! LOL.

32. The scene where SG agrees to leave Luthor alone in order to save her own life was a good idea, and then just having ESW push her away from the wall to drown was even better. Sadly, it was all hugely undermined by what happens next. Even after ESW tosses in blue kryptonite (I believe that’s what it was since it wasn’t shown much or explained, or maybe it was a cell phone to call for help on? Very unclear!), then, out of nowhere, SG suddenly has enough strength to get the green k necklace off her and swim to the shallow end and say “Whew, that was close!” Come on, people! That didn’t make any sense at all. Including, once again, the villain leaving so SG could make her escape. More holes in this segment than a whole wheel of Swiss cheese, guys! Very disappointing.

33. How did the gun get in the pool and who expects it to work after being wet?

34. The exchange with ESW holding the gun on SG? ESW is way too lax about the whole thing and it’s just not believable. The writing in this part is really weak, giving SG every opportunity she needs to escape without her having to think of something on her own - even to the point of ESW punching at SG rather than shooting her. Pretty darn weak.

35. The fight scene based on the pre-supposed far greater power level of ESW doesn’t make a lot of sense either, but if the viewer allows for the suddenly even power levels, it’s still too drawn out with not enough different or interesting choreography for its length. I did like the back and forth of who was winning but it went on too long. However, kudos to both women for how well they did tangle and manage to hold their breaths for such long underwater shots. Linda especially did a fine final drowning scene when being choked with her cape. Great expressions there.

36. May I suggest that one combatant seem to stand on another in the next film while underwater, to keep them from coming up for air?

37. At least Luthor gave a reason for not shooting SG immediately. Noise issues. That made sense.

38. Liked the line “Have a good time in hell” but so much for SG’s code of conduct about not killing people. And I think she was equally unconcerned about that in an earlier film.

39. The phone call from SG/Jacquie to Perry White was fine except for the line about Scarborough which having been nuked would have been a much larger story than the death of Marc Luthor that the chief was so concerned about.

40. ESW being alive was certainly plausible. SG not checking on her? Not so much. Groan! Especially since she’s a reporter and will be giving it as a fact in her story due in the morning! Oh well, nobody’s perfect.

41. There's no rationale whatsoever given for the title of the film. Any clues? Is it Marc Luthor's desire to have SG ultimately "Rest in Peace?"

So, there you have it. There was a lot to like about this video and a fair amount to groan about too.

Nevertheless, I thank the creative team for all their efforts over the years in bringing this series to the public. I know it’s a labor of love and as such, it can be hurtful to have it harshly critiqued. I've tried to be fair.

Well done Doctor Dominator. Very impressive report that you've given and I like the points that you gave on what was good and what was bad. I know what you mean about giving painful hurts to do it especially when they (the production team) put so much effort into putting it together like a 5,000 piece puzzle, but at the same time, it's necessary T.L.C. that we give to them so they'll know what the fans are looking for next time. So trust and believe me when I tell you that I'm sure they'll understand that you were stern but fair in your review. :thumbup:
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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