The saga of hot Argentinian superheroine Cybersix

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Argentina you say? Yep, Argentina, in many ways, is just a little bit of Europe in South has its own unique superhero culture, and in the mid-90s there was a comic book that ran for a bunch of years about a genetically-altered superheroine called Cybersix. This was gender-bending way before its time: by day, she masquerades (somehow) as a male literature teacher, Adrian Seidelman (!!) but at night she's a leather-clad dominatrix battling the evil monsters of the forces who created her - the evil Nazi leftover Dr Von Reichter (makes sense, given that Nazis fled to Argentina).

The series was kind of 'noir' and the heroine had a lot of the attributes of the likes of Aeon Flux, Catwoman, Black Cat, Batgirl, Huntress, Black Scorpion, Phantom Lady, and so on, while also being fairly original (i.e. she was less of a ripoff of any of those than Darna was of Wonder Woman). The comics were apparently for adults and seemed utterly unafraid of depicting super-hotness and nudity, even on their covers. There was peril, hot sex, the whole nine.
Here are some examples of Cybersix art:
The examples are endless so I hope that gives you enough of an initial idea of how hot these comics were.
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So the next point is that Cybersix was made into a very brief live action TV show that only went for the briefest handful of episodes on Argentinean TV before it was cancelled. I guess in the days of VHS nobody bothered to tape the thing so it's almost impossible to find an episode but there do remain these promo trailers where you can catch the briefest glimpse of major Argentinean hottie Carolina Peleritti in the Cybersix latex catsuit (but apparently without the trademark hat and cape?).

Carolina Peleritti

Yeah, I know it's not much. The show was pretty terrible. But thankfully there is some hot cosplay.


And here's why these cosplayers were inspired - they never would have seen the live action shows, but something much better came up in its place: the animated series.
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So the animated series ran for one season of 13 episodes in 1999. It was created by a Tokyo Studio (so it had an anime feel), and it was dubbed in English and shown on Canadian TV, in Japan and Argentina, and on Fox in the U.S. (anyone remember watching it?). The cartoon of course was scrubbed up for younger viewing but it still had a dark tone. One year later in 2000, James Cameron debuted his Dark Angel series (starring Jessica Alba - surely you remember than one? it was the 90s version of what Arrow is now.."compelling television that sci-fi-fans will enjoy"), and it was similar enough to Cybersix that the Cybersix creators sued Cameron but eventually dropped the suit due to costs.

But luckily, people have collected all of the episodes on Youtube, and they look like they're worth taking a look at. So I'll be cracking them open over the next week or so. Here's episode one. I'll write a short synopsis below. The theme song is great - it's like a 90s pop ballad, the exact opposite of a hyper-masculine theme song with guitars and bombast (like X-Men or 90s Spiderman) it's a stirring feminine tribute to the character without explicitly mentioning her name ("deep in my heart/I feel love so alive/In the depths of my soul/I know we will survive") - that's not typical superhero sentiment, it's more akin to an anime theme song.

Episode 1:
High school teacher Lucas Amato befriends fellow teacher Adrian Seidelman, and encounters the dangerous minions of José and Von Reichter by night, not knowing that Adrian is actually the mysterious Cybersix, who comes to his rescue. Cybersix heads off to stop José from counterfeiting money and to rescue the engraver and printer being forced to make it.
Includes: Adrian transforming into Cybersix including sounds of leather being zipped up and high-heeled boots. Lots of leaping-about on rooftoops (must be a pain in the ass to continually draw that flowing cape!). Nazi goose-stepping by the son of the main villain. Dr. Von Reichter lives in an evil castle like Skeletor. Girl student crushing on Adrian whom she of course thinks is a man. Several instances of peril. Lucas and Cyber having first tender moment. Voice of Cathy Weseluck (Cyber) is sexy!

Episode 2:
Von Reichter sends a panther called Data-7 to seek and destroy Cybersix. Adrian meets a young boy named Julian, who is forced by his master to pick pockets. Cybersix finds José in an abandoned theatre where Julian lives and battles Data-7, until the panther looks at a picture from Adrian's wallet and saves Julian's life. Data-7 is revealed to be a resurrected Cyber-29 and defects to join Cybersix against Von Reichter.
Includes: This series turns out to be rather moralistic for a cartoon derived from a dark sexy adult comicbook. Cybersix befriends Julian and saves him from a life of crime, teaching him stealing is wrong and how it's important to keep a promise. Are we on Sesame Street all of a sudden? Not only that, but Cybersix's fighting style seems to almost lack any physical contact or punching - she has no weapons other than what she finds at hand - it all seems to be about avoidance. Also, the panther still has a super-smart human brain? Ok then. More leaping-about on roofs. And lots of carnival music to remind you it's a "European" setting.

Episode 3:
Von Reichter creates a monster named Terra. When the creature battles Cybersix, her altruistic essence transforms his malevolent heart to goodness. José traps Terra and restores his aggression. José sets the tower on fire, trapping Cybersix and Terra inside. However, Terra regains his free will and sacrifices himself to save Cybersix.
Includes: aaagh so much moralism. Was the comic book really like this? On the other hand, I did finally catch a whiff of tango..a few bars of what sounds like Fernando's Hideaway (ole). Lucas asks Adrian to go to a movie, kind of weird. Then Adrian transforms to Cybersix (somehow magically mussing up her hair applies makeup to her lips? looks hot, so no complaints) and wonder what it'd be like to go out with Lucas, even imagining herself dancing with him in a fancy dress. So cute when superheroines have a crush! Oh, and he longingly looks after her hot high-heeled body as she leaps down to the street, so it's mutual. I see parallels between this and the Marinette/Adrien crush dynamic on Ladybug..wonder if Thomas Astruc knew about this show? Peril: She gets strangled and shocked by the monster Terra, and she screams and moans a bunch (but Terra absorbs her 'love' and stops); she is surrounded by crushing mud; she is trapped in a burning building while being crushed and shocked by the monster again. So..she has the strength to leap to the top of buildings but not to bend iron window bars? Again, her fighting style seems to be running away and avoiding a lot. Another one of her powers seems to be conferring love and compassion to others: a mere drop of her 'tears' turns Terra away from evil yet again, and he extinguishes the fire at the price of his life so Cybersix can escape. She's sad and cries tears again. How can a superheroine have so much feels??
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Episode 4
José kidnaps Julian and his new friend Ikiko, to blackmail Ikiko's older brother Detective Yashimoto into hunting down Cybersix. Yashimoto meets Cybersix in her apartment deducing she is Adrian. Yashimoto uses a Cybersix mannequin to fool José, while Julian and Ikiko make their escape. José summons a giant ammonite-like creature, before Cybersix and Data-7 destroy it.
Includes: Japanese characters in a series set in Argentina (presumably because a Tokyo studio worked on this). The Asians are depicted as having very slanty eyes and buck teeth, but it's a Japanese animator? Also everyone has really weird hair, wherever it's short it looks like little black band-aids..I guess this is all due to the unusual Japanese art style. The Japanese detective sets up a multi-camera surveillance operation to catch where Cybersix
is. It pays off...he tracks her to Lucas' apartment, then chases her over rooftops (on his bicycle!) but loses her. He matches the recorded voices of Adrian and Cybersix on his computer, goes to her apartment and discovers the costume. Uses the costume to make the decoy mannequin, but somehow she has another costume to join the fight? Peril: Cybersix is restrained and smashed against the bridge by the giant ammonite. I still don't understand how she's expected to fight huge monsters without any weapons or real powers other than leaping around. She doesn't: Yashimoto throws a gas bomb against the monster that slows it down. Then she smashes a bridge up to stun the monster but it's not her powers, she just pulls a couple of drawbridge levers and fucks up the whole bridge! So many edifices in the city are getting destroyed by these battles but nobody seems to question it, hmm....Well, Yashimoto conveniently agrees to keep her secret, at least.

Episode 5
Lori, a student at Meridiana High School has a crush on Adrian and finds out where he lives but is disgusted to find Cybersix there; (Talking to Data-7). After Lori converses with Lucas, he realizes Adrian knows about Cybersix. Lori is captured by José's gang. Cybersix rescues Lori and foils José's mission to rob the national bank.
Includes: Lori puts on pink lipstick to look good for "Adrian". She's mad because she thinks Cybersix is Adrian's girlfriend (woman scorned trope: she tells Lucas "he was with some kinky chick dressed up in a black cape and matching tights". hmmm..). Cybersix discovers Jose's plans to drill under a bank (apparently he's not good at keeping secrets from anyone). Adrian and Lucas have a spat because Adrian can't tell Lucas any details about his "relationship" with Cybersix. (Gender bending confusion? Good.) Lori hangs with some graffiti-writing delinquents, and in her escape from the cops runs straight into Jose's posse. Peril: Lori is tied up, but she's sassy. Later he gags her. (BTW: Is the Panther's new name, Data, another ST:TOS reference?)
Cybersix frees her, but she calls Cybersix "Adrian's squeeze" and "bimbo" (hmmm..). Lori hacks Jose's drill and fucks it up. But then Jose regains control of the drill and attacks Cybersix with it. Cybersix saves Lucas and Lori from being crushed by holding up a heavy concrete beam (so she DOES have
super strength). Peril: the drill tank is bearing down on Cybersix to crush her. She doesn't use any powers, though, instead she sets some gasoline on fire with a loose electrical cable which burns the tank up. Again, another building explodes and nobody in the city seems to notice or care. Well, at least fire trucks show up this time.

Episode 6
Meridiana is beset by swarms of hostile birds that attack those who step outside. Eventually after a visit from Cybersix, Lucas deduces the birds are being controlled by José and pause only whenever new broadcasts are transmitted. Lucas creates diversions to allow Cybersix to get to the TV tower and electrical broadcaster, where Cybersix and Data-7 battle and destroy José's giant bird abomination.
Includes: Well I don't want to get too personal here, but it's quite obvious that when "Adrian" awakes in the morning and you see a full frontal view, there's not a hint of breasts to be seen and it looks like a boyish figure and face. Does she keep them bound at night, too? Or does she actually grow a female figure when becoming Cybersix? (in the comic, it looks like she's always a woman) Again, interesting gender-bending dynamic here. Peril: She hangs by one hand on the ledge when the birds knock her down, with Lucas holding on to the hand. Little romantic moment when he peers under her hat to make sure she's OK (she gives him a cute look in return). They take a route through the sewers to get to the bird transmitter. She shows super strength lifting a manhole cover that Lucas can't budge, and then again scrunching open a locked door he can't budge. More romance: she tells Lucas "I'm glad you care". Panther leads the birds on a chase and Lucas traps them in a locked room. Cybersix heads towards the transmitter tower but spends a few seconds staring at it in her power pose with her cape blowing in the wind. Brief peril when one of Jose's minions grabs her but then she shuts down the transmitter. Jose opens the transmitter and reveals inside the giant bird monster. (now we know there's a Japanese influence!) She's in peril as the birdmonster grabs her by the shoulders, smashes through the window and flies through the air. Panther jumps on birdmonster's back and he releases her. Birdmonster crashes into transmitter and burns up. Lucas: "Hey you two did I miss the fun?" Cybersix offers a sexy laugh. Then they free the birds from the trap. "Lucas, we have to quit meeting like this," she says. Pretty hot. Also...this episode is pretty much the Hitchcock movie "The Birds".
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Episode 7
Meridiana's top six detectives including Julian's friend Henrique are brainwashed by José's new mind-control device to seek out Cybersix. Julian catches wind of this, but is captured by José and becomes bait to lure Cybersix into a trap. Julian removes the mind control device on Henrique, who helps Cybersix escape, and they battle José's goons as a thunderstorm destroys the base.
Includes: evil Jose seems to be doing a lot of typing on computers all the time. Cybersix gets into costume just to check on Julian during a rainstorm. As she walks him home you can see how beautifully she is drawn at 8:28-8:32. Then she's under attack by the detectives with the special guns Jose gave
them. Peril: she got shot and her costume is ripped at the shoulder. Again nice shots of her at 9:10-9:20. More niceness from 10:42 to 11:00 in Lucas'
apartment where he gives her advice to lay low. Tender moment: she puts her hand on his shoulder and says "I'll figure it out" before leaving through the window. Jonas notices Henrique is wearing one of the brainwash helmets, follows him to Jose's lair, gets nabbed. Peril: Julian is bound in rope, suspended in a trap. Cybersix spots him. Peril: she falls through a chute and is trapped in a glass bottle (best one so far). Water starts pouring in to make her drown! Can she drown..I thought she was a cyborg. Jose literally eats popcorn while watching the peril unfold (apparently he's a SHIPer). (So it's here that I realized for the first time that Jose's henchmen are called Fixed Ideas. OK.) Jose distracts one of the henchmen with his Cat's Cradle skills. He takes off Henrique's helmet, while Data 7 busts through the window. Henrique shoots the glass just in time to release the water and save Cybersix (interesting that she's the damsel in distress here). Peril: A Fixed Idea smashes her against a wall. But then the panther swings him around and tosses him out the wall.
Again, yet another building starts to burn down (every episode!) caused by an electrical fire and they're in danger of being shocked with all the water
around them. They run through the hole in the wall..and conveniently only the bad guys get shocked, including Jose who gets launched up into the air until he disappears (what is this, Team Rocket from Pokemon?). But Jose is OK, he gets a tonguelashing from Daddy Von Reichter. Cybersix watches Julian and Henrique enjoy lunch at the cafe, and is glad he has a good friend in Henrique. Friendship is magic, I think, is the moral here.

Episode 8
A horde of winged goblins attack Cybersix, but they retreat at dawn. Julian finds the goblins' lair and is trapped by them, but Data-7 rescues him. After a second encounter with the goblins, Cybersix realizes their weakness. Cybersix brings a train to the goblin lair and as she keeps the goblins at bay, Data-7 and Julian load the eggs on the train. Cybersix traps the goblins on the train and destroys them and their eggs in the sunlight.
Includes: Data-7 apparently lives in a den down in the subway. The goblins have a Banshee-like sonic scream which smashes holes in concrete and buildings etc. This is the first time we see a TV reporter talking about news relating to the happenings surrounding Cybersix - she reports on the goblin sightings. Adrian sticks Lucas with the check and spirits away. Again, as soon as Cybersix gets attacked by the goblins for the second time, she mainly does a lot of avoiding and running while they collapse the stone structures around her with their cries. So how is she really going to "take care" of eight superstrong flying goblin creatures, really? She does have super strength, though, and uses it to grab their legs and spin them around quickly and beat them against the ground. Peril: the sonic scream, however, knocks her flat on her face. Peril: They snatch her and she is at their mercy until suddenly the sun comes up and they have to depart so Peril: she plummets to the ground from a pretty big height, only managing to catch her fall on a flagpole.
[btw Cybersix just looks so great throughout this episode..really a tribute to the creators of this character!]. Ever notice how much time the panther spends babysitting someone or other (mostly Julian)? Humorous relief is provided when one of the Fixed Ideas dumps a jug of milk on Jose's head. Then we're at night again, with the lithe Cybersix leading the goblins in a chase across the city. In the process, the goblins destroy a bunch of property and endanger some people's lives. The beautiful reporter comes back on the scene to report on it..but you never see any police or fire or other authorities doing anything about the destruction that keeps happening in their city because of Cybersix's battles, hmm.....Not to mention that somehow Cybersix is able to commandeer a subway train..while Julian helps Data-7 collect up all the unhatched goblin eggs. Cybersix finally gets in a handful of real punches as she fights back and forth with the goblins she's lured to the train. Then she locks the train doors up and chugs the subway car out into the sunlight. She stops the train and the goblins and their eggs burst into flame. Again, a whole subway train pretty much explodes and gets destroyed but does the city care? It doesn't seem to.

Episode 9
José receives from his father an eyeball creature capable of draining its victims' consciousness and growing in the process. Cybersix reflects the eye's gaze back at it with mirror glass, but the eye intensifies its power at a stadium. As José struggles to capture the now out of control eye, Cybersix destroys it with a tank of liquid nitrogen, thus restoring the city's population.
Includes: Joes likes to play video games, a lot (he's done this in several episodes). Lucas conducts a demonstration of liquid nitrogen for his biology class - he shatters a tennis ball. So..this episode seems like it might have potential because of the eye's power of hypnosis/mind-blanking (Myriad, anyone?). The delinquents hanging out in the alley (including Lori), who somehow are listening to doo-wop music, are among many of the populace that get mesmerized by Von Richter's eyeball. So, finally, after 9 episodes we finally see a glimpse of the actual city government (City Hall) where Jose uses the eye to put all the city officials, and finally the mayor, under the eye's spell. Jose likes to spin around in big chairs (we've also seen this several times). Also, we finally see the police appear, in order to surround the City Hall building. The eye gets more powerful - it blasts a hole in the window
and entrances all the police officers before they can fire, then it blasts the police cars into flames (think the city's getting mad yet?). Jose drives a convertible he stole from a dealership recklessly through the city which is now full of entranced people (except somehow for Adrian). Adrian leaps through the city in his regular clothing (somehow nobody notices) while the university students also get hosed by the eyeball. Adrian barely manages to escape the eyeball's gaze by looking away, but Lucas isn't so lucky.

So then we have as full and hot of a transformation as we're going to see on a cartoon show like this (which can't show exposed breasts or whatever like in the much more risque comicbook version) but it's erotic enough - here's the order: she loosens her shirt, throws the belt (or suspenders) to the side, removes her glasses and puts them down, loosens and musses up her hair, puts on the gloves and picks up the cape (no leather zip-up sounds, unfortunately) and voila, you see her in full costume wearing her hot lipstick, displaying her tight body with the cape flapping in the wind. Now that is what's up.

They find Jose at the bank where the eye has entranced all the employess and burned a hole in the safe. Cybersix covers her eyes with her cape but Data-7 is not so lucky and gets entranced. She hurls a lightpole at the eye but it disintegrates the pole. Peril: the eye starts firing lethal cutting laser beams at Cybersix and she has to keep running and dodging (which she's good at, anyway). Trying to use a mirror against it just makes the eye go berserk, and it sucks the consciousness out of an entire stadium of soccer fans (we finally get to see the city has a stadium. she types a message on the big TV screen "do not look in the eye" but it has the opposite effect and everyone looks in the damn eye!) The eye grows super huge with all that power (typical anime monster growth at the climax). Cybersix despairs about how she will beat the eye and has a flashback to thinking about Lucas (she wuvvs him!!), then realizes she can use the liquid nitrogen. The eye gets tired and starts to fall asleep, she leaps and grabs onto it. Peril as she hangs by a thread from the floating eye while carrying a heavy tank of liquid N. Meanwhile Jose fires a huge net over the eye. Cybersix loses grip and falls to the street with the canister. She hits the pavement hard but is not seriously harmed (partial invulnerability? or just plot convenience). Cybersix grabs hold of Jose's grapple hooks and moors the eye to a huge statue. Then she climbs straight up to the top of the eye and solves the problem with science.
Cybersix returns to check on Lucas, and as he awakes from his trance, he leans forward and they ALMOST KISS. After all, she's grateful to him for the chemistry lesson. :) Right at the end, when Dr Von Richter chews out Jose from his big videoscreen, it reminds me a lot of Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets when Zoltar gets rebuked by the supreme leader of Spectra.
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wow never knew about this, the animation was impressive!
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Episode 10
A werewolf monster turns other people into werewolves, as a new teacher named Elaine signs on to work at the high school and dates Lucas, causing Adrian to become upset. Lucas transforms into a werewolf and Cybersix realizes Elaine is the werewolf monster. Cybersix snaps Lucas out of his wild trance and destroys Elaine, purging the infection from Lucas.
Includes: Cybersix can't hope to cope with the strength of the werewolf, so somehow she rides it headlong into a wall and it knocks itself out in one blow?
And then turns back before the sun comes up? Lucas gets scratched, though. New teacher Elaine is super fucking hot, with red '90s poofy hair (no relation to Elaine Benes I imagine?).Lucas is smitten. "Adrian" sees Lucas in the coffeeshop with Elaine and looks crestfallen..awww. Should've made your move earlier, Cyber! Lucas grows a bunch more hair overnight..gets ridiculed by Lori in class but gets compliments from Elaine. She is super forward, tossing her hair around flirtily, talking very sultry, and shaking her ass at 9:06 as she walks away. Lucas then starts to change in class (during the day??) but reverts back. When Cybersix visits him at night, he blows her off for Elaine. Elaine figures out Cybersix was there, and begs off the date to become the werewolf and attacks Cybersix, but splits when the cops show up. Poodle barks at them, raising "Adrian"'s suspicion. Partial Cybersix transformation at 14:50 (this series is such a tease!). She looks super-hot. Inner dialogue about her feeling jealousy for the first time (ie becoming "more human than creature"). Lucas finally becomes complete werewolf, and Cybersix tracks him. Elaine attacks Cybersix in werewolf form and beckons Lucas to help her. Lucas attacks Cybersix, while Data-7 engages Elaine. Lucaswolf climbs up an elevator shaft to get at Cybersix. As Elaine tears the elevator gears apart, Cybersix is clearly in peril stuck between the two wolfbeings (Lucas steps on her hat). Cybersix realizes the female wolf is Elaine and appeals to Lucas' friendship. She touches Lucas' head with compassion..Elainewolf jumps down and throws her for a loop, starts crushing her arms with both powerful wolf feet (one of the better peril moments of the series). Lucas attacks Elaine but winds up hanging from the building by one hand. Cybersix saves the day, once again, not with her powers but by commandeering a machine (a crane that happens to be there) to knock Elaine off the building. Elaine hits the ground with a huge crunch, and turns back to human form (she is totally naked! but face down). Before disappearing in a puff of smoke, Elaine reveals she was sent by Von Richter (finally! I was afraid it was someone else! ha ha) to kill Cybersix.

Episode 11
José captures Data-7 and stages a circus show, where Cybersix is captured by robotic animals and is forced to become part of the attraction. Lucas is taken backstage and manages to free Data-7 and disables the robots' programming, while Data-7 rescues Cybersix. All three of them fight and destroy the robots along with the circus.
Includes: Jose builds a bunch of robot monsters for a circus. Tracks down Data-7's scent with some Fixed Idea dogs, captures Data-7 with the robot octopus to use him as bait to catch Cybersix. Data-7 is trapped in a cage (you so wish it was Cybersix in that cage!). "Adrian" tries to get Lucas not to go to the circus, but Lucas waves it off. Then "Adrian" says "Looks like it's showtime" (which you wish means there'd be a transformation..but sadly there isn't..she just appears as Cybersix posing sexily above the circus crowds (the art is exquisite). Cybersix stealthily takes over a Fixed Idea henchman with one punch (and apparently drinks his Substance, but that happens offscreen). Jose sics the dogs, robot monkeys and robot snake on Cybersix backstage. Peril - this is the best shit yet: Robot gorilla tosses her to the ground. She is then bound tightly in silk by the robot spider. She is then put in the circus ring and displayed to the crowd, bound in the silk against the cage bars as the robot octopus attacks. As the tentacles menace her, Lucas runs to her aid but is grabbed. Jose lifts the divider separating the octopus from Cybersix. Meanwhile, while being attacked by the fire-breathing robot snake, Lucas runs for the fusebox. A fire blast frees Data-7. The snake attacks Lucas, misses and destroys the fusebox just in time. Lucas unplugs the robot computer control just as Cybersix is about to be crushed. Jose then reboots the octopus with his handheld controller..but some of the robot animals start going wild. Sexy Cybersix crushes Jose's controller under her high-heeled black boot. Jose's monkeys snatch him away but it's not over: two robots grab Lucas, and the Fixed Idea dogs attack Cybersix, while the octopus also lashes out at her. Lucas short-circuits the robots. Next thing that happens is hot: Lucas gets tossed by the octopus into Cybersix and blacks out for a second. When he comes to, he sees her and groggily says "Have I ever told you that I lo...", Cybersix responds sexily, "You were saying.." then they get interrupted by the lunging robots. Cybersix displays more crushing strength than she's seemed to have before: she crushes the robot spider's heads and rams a hole with her body straight through the robot octopus. But once again, instead of using any powers, Cybersix solves the situation with something that just happens to be at hand: a firehose, with which she instructs Lucas to hose the robots down. He does so, and of course, as usual, it causes everything to be set on fire, and a blaze destroys the whole circus, while the three heroes just stand and watch it burn. So much wanton destruction in Meridiana :) Episode ends with some tiny crab robots chasing Jose down the street to the same brief tango Fernando's Hideaway theme I've mentioned before (gotta be a nod to Argentina).

Episode 12
A reptilian woman named Griselda, who has invisibility powers stalks Cybersix relentlessly in a deadly chase. During a class field trip, she discovers that Adrian is Cybersix. Griselda injures Adrian who cannot retaliate as this would expose his true identity to others. After a long ambulance chase after Adrian, Griselda drives off a bridge. Adrian tries to help Griselda, but she compassionately sacrifices herself to save Cybersix from a moving train.
Includes: Well, someone with a female voice is commanding Fixed Ideas to fire missiles on Cybersix in the middle of the night. (It's at this point where you wonder why doesn't "Adrian" stay home for a few nights, and get some sleep?). She evades the missiles, but of course more buildings get destroyed and it doesn't seem like anyone in the city cares. The female foe lands on the ground, emits a few sparks and turns invisible. And the peril truly begins: Griselda with a sexy-as-fuck voice materializes right in front of Cybersix with a grappling blade. Turns invisible again, Cybersix tries to fight her, gets punched around, slammed against a crate. Griselda does a throat lift of Cybersix's limp body!! Unfortunately the Fixed Idea morons fire a missile which interrupts Griselda's murderous intent (these villains need to coordinate better!) and a bunch of gas canisters blow up (more explosions that attract no cops or firemen). But Griselda doesn't apparently blame her moron assistants at all..she blames it on Cybersix instead. Cybersix arrives home at her apartment and flops on her bed (should've done that earlier, sister), having hurt her arm. Looks incredible just sleeping there.
Next day, Lucas notices that Adrian's arm is hurt. Hmm....Cybersix back in her apartment (in her female form but out of costume in regular sleep clothing..first time we've seen that) wraps her arm up in a bandage. Data-7 is concerned and sleeps by her bed. In the morning, "Adrian" tells Data-7 to stop worrying, and buys a newspaper (!) on the way to class. Griselda appears in her sexy jumpsuit on a rooftop, hoping to track Cybersix by following the panther. The school kids take a field trip on a school bus to the park with Lucas and Adrian (more doo-wop music, for some reason). The panther keeps tracking Adrian (this is ill-advised!). Adrian sees the bushes rustling and tells Data-7 he shouldn't have followed her. Unfortunately, Griselda is there, invisible, and overhears the conversation, discovering her secret identity. The rest is one big perilous hunt. Griselda attacks "Adrian" with her grappler. "Adrian" says, "So it's you, Griselda"..but I don't remember Griselda mentioning her name in the first battle? Anyway, the hunt is on and "Adrian" falls over a cliff into a rapid river. Luckily, Lucas discovers that Adrian fell and Griselda retreats. Adrian tries to resist being taken to a hospital but relents when seeing the students' concern. Griselda commandeers a car (she actually buckles her seat belt, invisibly) and follows the school bus (Data-7 also follows). Lucas leaves Adrian with the doctor..Griselda sneaks in invisibly. Adrian tries to leave the hospital but is attacked by the grappling hook (the doctor sees it floating in midair and is startled). Griselda chases Adrian invisibly through the hospital corridors. Once again, instead of using powers, "Adrian" uses what is at hand - shocking Griselda with a defibrillator and knocking her out momentarily. Griselda reawakens and the chase begins anew - Adrian plunges out the window and meets up with Data-7. Griselda commanders an ambulance (again buckling her seat belt! Safety first!) and tries to run Adrian down. Griselda catches "Adrian", pulling her off a roof with the grappler. Glasses get lost. Griselda drags "Adrian" behind her in the ambulance. Somehow, "Adrian" doesn't have a problem with being dragged at like 40 miles an hour..again using what is at hand, she leaps onto a skateboard and starts riding it, avoiding a crate of oranges and doing jumping tricks. "Adrian" undoes the grapple - Data-7 leaps off the bridge onto a cable car, and the truck plunges off the bridge, so Griselda is hanging from the bridge only by the grapple with the rushing water below.
As Griselda starts to slip, "Adrian" has compassion (this is a real theme here) and pulls her up ("why are you helping me"?). But a train approaches on the bridge, "Adrian"'s arm starts to hurt again, and Griselda lets go ("let me be, you must survive, thank you Cybersix") and plunges to her death in the river. It's not really too clear why these monster villains all seem to have this moment of realization of self-sacrifice, but there you go. "Adrian" seems a little dazed by it all, after the exhausting chase. Retrieves the glasses, though. Finally, for the first time, we see some actual cops doing detective work (interviewing the doctor at the hospital) as "Adrian" comes walking down the road to Lucas' relief.

Cool Find, sexy character
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Episode 13 (final)
Von Reichter sends an island-sized living bomb to destroy Meridiana with Cybersix in it at midnight. Before heading off for a final confrontation, Adrian reveals who he really is to Lori and Lucas. José, who is determined to keep Meridiana for himself, reverses the direction of the bomb, while Cybersix, with the help of failed experiments, overwhelms Von Reichter and the living bomb destroys his laboratory.
Includes: A living island smashes up a fishing vessel. Jose is called back to his father's fortress while Data-7 rides on the top of Jose's truck. His father informs of the plan to detonate the living island bomb on Meridiana. The coast guard and mayor are called (finally the city does something!). "Adrian" shows the island to Lucas, then goes home, where Data-7 informs "Adrian" that Von Richter is coming. "Adrian" deduces it has something to do with the island. A huge crowd gathers to watch the island come in. Cybersix goes to Lucas' apartment to bid him farewell and they kiss!! The feels!! Cybersix sheds a couple tears and then pulls away, leaping into the night. The island moves inland and smashes up a lot of buildings, cars get trapped, people are fleeing and screaming. Cybersix leaves Adrian's glasses with Lori, and Data-7 checks on a sleeping Julian. Cybersix and Data-7 invade Von Richter's fortress, knocking out various Fixed Ideas along the way. Lucas and Lori meet in traffic, she hops on his bike. Jose retrieves the Island of Doom using his father's stolen password. Meanwhile Cybersix enters the room where all of Von Richter's monster experiments live in their tubes. She is attacked by a huge Fixed Idea who knocks her out...but then she is rejuvenated and given greater strength by the Sustenance in the monsters' tubes. Von Richter comes in and tells Cybersix he has the power to free her of the need for Sustenance, if only she joins him. Von Richter looks at the map on the screen and realizes Jose betrayed him. The Island moves towards the fortresses, as Von Richter sets all the monsters in the tubes free. They advance on Cybersix. Meanwhile Lori and Lucas ride towards the Island. The monsters halt and wind up advancing on Von Richter instead. The island blows up the fortress as Lori, Lucas and Julian all watch from afar. Next day Lucas is holding Adrian's glasses in the cafe. At the end of the episode it looks like Adrian may have returned to his apartment but we never find out.
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Now, you can read the saga of the original Cybersix comic on Youtube, but translated into English. These videos unfortunately only cover Volume 1 and half of Volume 2 (there are ten more volumes in the comics! if I find them in English translation anywhere, I'll post links). The original version of the superheroine is obviously more adult, more sexy and violent, and she's a Sustenance vampire. Start with Vol 1 Chapter 1 (the introduction) and go from there - you'll be able to read 19 chapters in order:
So if you get this far (to #15) you will encounter the infamous scene where Jose rapes Lori in the's been decried and thoroughly lambasted by at least one social justice warrior type who reviewed the comic series (having enjoyed the cartoon, however), especially because it seems that Lori "gets it as payback" for the crappy stunts she pulled, gossiping about Lucas and Adrian, putting a rift between Lucas and Cybersix, etc. Even though the scene is actually "tastefully" done (you don't actually "see" it happen). But I think we have to remember that Lori is a pretty depraved individual: she came from a travelling circus family, she hangs out with street delinquents, she broke Adrian's door down and peeping-tommed both him and Lucas, and *she almost had a public orgasm in the street* while stalking the object of her affection, Adrian.
And then, a couple issues later, she basically rapes Yashimoto for spite and challenges Cybersix to fight while naked..but then joins Cybersix's side in the battle. Point is, there's so much moral ambiguity and wanton violence to go around that the scene seems almost par for the course. But your mileage may vary.

So there are 12 volumes of the comic, total. Good luck finding graphics on those, let alone in English. But there is a place that does volume summaries,
a very exhaustive website that seems to have been up since 2001 (and not updated since 2005): Frundock's Cybersix site.
In it, I found out that by Volume 8 Cybersix is pregnant and has a baby son who is eventually named Gengis. (yes it's Lucas' baby)
Much shipping love to the amazing fandom of Cybersix worldwide!
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I found the first episode of the live-action Cybersix series from Argentina! The quality is what it is but you get a good idea
of what could be done with the live character. If only they could reboot it with modern "CW" style technology!

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This cartoon series was pretty amazing including the title song. Supposedly cost about $1mil per episode. And unlike most cartoons of that era that used special high quality intro sequences, this series was quality enough to use segments in the intro.

Also shows there can be other animation styles than anime and western style.

Also, first trans hero-heroines. Lots of theories if this is a woman as a man or a man as a women. I had not seen the adult stuff.
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Very good assessment, Mr. X. There are very few prominent animated superhero shows that exhibit a third style. I would say that the other well-known one would be Miraculous Ladybug. Each episode of Cybersix actually cost $300K to make.

However, Cybersix isn't trans. She is not even really transvestite, because she doesn't dress as a man for pleasure or self-fulfillment. She is simply cross-dressing to keep her identity secret. She disguises herself as a man (Adrian) in her civilian identity, but appears very feminine in her heroine outfit. The terminology today might call it "gender-bending" or "genderfluid".

Although one must note that the high-school girl, Lori, who appears in some of the episodes, has a crush on Cybersix thinking she
is a man (as Adrian). This puts forth the possibility of a lesbian angle which is unfortunately never realized.

Also, if you are looking for peril in this live-action production, it starts slightly after 40:00 when a Batman-style choking-gas trap
is dropped over Cybersix, and she is trapped inside for the last five minutes of the episode.

I think today with some special effects and camera work, a live version of Cybersix could be pulled off much better than the one produced for Argentine TV. No idea who would have the rights to the material now that the creators have passed away.
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Uhhh I just found this post it's 7 years old hahaha.
Here is Carolina Peleretti with the cape and hat.
cibersix.jpg (172.8 KiB) Viewed 1600 times

It had only 6 episodes on TV in Argentina. It was a scandalous failure with very bad reviews and that's why they cancelled it.
The character in the cartoon is very interesting.
Unfortunately in the TV series it was played by Carolina Peleritti, a model who is not an actress, so it was not credible. I think the mistake was to look for a model who looked like the character and not an actress. Also in those years transvestism was not well seen in the Argentine culture, since trans people, transvestites, etc. could only be sex workers. I remember that the word "traba" was used as an insult that comes from travesti.
Finally there is an urban legend that says that Carolina Peleretti, ashamed of her bad acting, bought all the TV episodes and destroyed them.
It is said in the video I have posted.
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argento wrote:
11 months ago
Uhhh I just found this post it's 7 years old hahaha.
Here is Carolina Peleretti with the cape and hat.

It had only 6 episodes on TV in Argentina. It was a scandalous failure with very bad reviews and that's why they cancelled it.
The character in the cartoon is very interesting.
Unfortunately in the TV series it was played by Carolina Peleritti, a model who is not an actress, so it was not credible. I think the mistake was to look for a model who looked like the character and not an actress. Also in those years transvestism was not well seen in the Argentine culture, since trans people, transvestites, etc. could only be sex workers. I remember that the word "traba" was used as an insult that comes from travesti.
Finally there is an urban legend that says that Carolina Peleretti, ashamed of her bad acting, bought all the TV episodes and destroyed them.
It is said in the video I have posted.
Well, that is all too bad, because she was definitely hot in that costume.
But yes, it seems they should have just stuck with the cartoon - too bad the animated version did not get a second season either.

She may or may not have destroyed all the episodes but they are not *all* impossible to find: at least one episode has been posted in its entirety on Vimeo as I linked above. And if those clips are from the other five episodes, then they must be on somebody's videotape somewhere, right?
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49-year-old Carolina appeared on the networks with a photo without clothes. :)
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shevek wrote:
11 months ago
But yes, it seems they should have just stuck with the cartoon - too bad the animated version did not get a second season either.
The animated episodes were very expensive. I heard like $1 mil and episode.
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Aquí hay 13 episodios, este es el número 13 donde un monstruo acecha la ciudad. Por otro lado, Lucas besa a Cibersix. ;)
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argento wrote:
10 months ago
Aquí hay 13 episodios, este es el número 13 donde un monstruo acecha la ciudad. Por otro lado, Lucas besa a Cibersix. ;)
Yes, when Cybersix and Lucas kiss, it's everything!!
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That english version theme song was the bomb. I wish there was a longer version.
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