Penguin's Revenge: Humiliation of Batgirl

A darker, full bodied blend.
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I can hardly wait for the evil that is Penguin's little Birdy! Great chapter!
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I have enjoyed this from start to end and can't wait to see what happens to Bat....I mean Penguin Girl next.
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Any fans of this story artistically inclined? I'd like to maybe have a drawing or photo manip of the Penguin's newest acquisition! I draw well with a pen in the form of words but not so much otherwise! LOL Please send Me a PM and let's talk about it. Thanks!
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I was about to say : "Ask the artist to just copy this and painted red but suddenly I remind my self Damn it, the Scarlet Witch !"


By the way, a tiny tablet keyboard is just a little bit less awful than the same thing on a cellphone. I must buy a breakfast table in order to use my notebook on my bed and editing this things properly.
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Thanks, but not quite what I had in mind, FallOutDweller!
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Penguin pulled His little birdy up to her feet and handed her the towel. "That's good, My little birdy, because we are going to have a small party soon and you will be entertaining our guests. It will need to be a big hit because we have a trip coming up that will have us out of Gotham for a while."

"Oh, Penguin, a party and a trip? You are too much," she exclaimed. "What are you wanting me to do?"

"This is what things I need and expect you to do, My little birdy," Penguin stated and began explaining the details of all that was planned.


Commissioner Gordon hung up his phone with a worried look on his face. "Chief O'Hara, there is only one way to deal with the news I just heard," he stated.

"Ah, I bet you I know just the answer you are looking for," he replied watching the Commissioner walk over to the Bat-phone.

"Chief, I don't know what Gotham's citizens would do without Batman and his sidekick Robin and..." His voice trailed off as thoughts of the former Batgirl came to his mind. "Well, thank God we have the trusted Dynamic Duo that has always had our back for years and hopefully for many more until we can rid Gotham of its criminal element for good." He pressed the call button and the red phone lit up.

"Yes, Commissioner," Batman inquired answering the phone in the Bat cave.

"I'm afraid I have grim news, Batman," Commissioner Gordon started. "Seems the worst of Gotham's arch enemies have made an alliance to take over our fair city. What's worse is they say they will replace everyone in public service with people loyal to them and that they have a secret weapon that will be your and the boy wonder's demise, Batman, I really hope you will watch your backs and be careful the next few days."

"Obviously these criminals are beginning to join together and are more dangerous than ever, Commissioner. Robin and I will be sure and keep our keen senses sharp for whatever these criminals intend to try to take over Gotham city" Robin had leaned in close as Batman held the phone for him to hear as well the Chief's call.

"I would feel better if you could come down to headquarters to discuss any plan of action you want me and my men to take," the Commissioner continued.

"Certainly, Commissioner, we will be right there right away. "To the batmobile, Robin, we need to get to Gotham."

"Holy unholy cooperation," Robin exclaimed! "How are we going to defeat these goons all at once?"

"All our training is going to be tested, we must trust that we can rise to the occasion, Robin, let's hope our training will pay off," Batman said as the batmobile roared out of the batcave.

Commissioner Gordon remorsefully hung up the batphone staring into the barrels of the guns held by his daughter's two henchmen. "Good job, Daddy, Batman and Robin will never suspect your office is the trap to meet their end," Barbara said.

"Why are you doing this Barbara, you were always such a good girl. Please reconsider all that is at stake," the Commissioner pleaded.

"You don't understand, Daddy, Batman and Robin have always held me back but Penguin sees the talents I have and is giving me a chance to show Gotham the mistake they made putting all their trust in just the Dynamic Duo. They will never see it coming because they are so confident in themselves and a this girl is going to be their undoing!" Barbara pulled out a small gun of her own. She pulled the trigger and the Penguin's patented pink sleeping gas sent Commissioner Gordon to dreamland.

The batmobile raced up to the front steps of Gotham City Police Headquarters racing up the steps to Commissioner Gordon's office. They raced into the room not noticing the two henchmen one standing on each side of the double doors. There in the floor next to the batphone lay Commissioner Gordon one hand clutched over his chest. Barbara was leaning over him acting as if she was trying to revive her father. Batman and Robin rushed over right away kneeling down beside her. "Batman, Robin, please help, I came in and he was lying here like this not moving but he is breathing.

"Don't worry, Barbara, we'll take care..." Batman was stopped in mid-sentence as he caught sight of the two henchmen now blocking the doors. "You goons!" Batman exclaimed, "what have you done!"

"Oh, they did nothing, Batman," Barbara exclaimed, "it was me who did it with this," as she pointed the gun in the Dynamic Duos faces and pulling the trigger gassing them before they could react. As their looks of disbelief quickly changed to fluttering eyelids just before the two heroes slumped in heavy sleep from the pink gas, Barbara laughed "Seems you underestimated this little girl again, too bad." Their bodies slumped in the floor. "Wrap them up in the drapes boys, and we'll take them down the service elevator," Barbara stated as she fished her father's elevator keys out of his pocket. The two henchmen pulled down the large window drapes and did as ordered hauling the Dynamic Duo out without anyone being the wiser. Barbara leaned over her father and gave a soft kiss as a tear fell onto his cheek, "I still love you, Daddy". Then she raced out the doors.
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Penguin quacked ecstatically as the henchmen unloaded the unconscious Dynamic Duo from the van. "Hurry, get them in position our guest are already beginning to arrive," He ordered as He gave His little birdy a big kiss. "Congratulations, little birdy, your plan worked like a charm! Now hurry, you too have to get ready. Are you sure you are ready for everything tonight?"

"Yes, Master Penguin, your little birdy is excited for the fun you have planned!" Barbara exclaimed.

It was a list of Who's Who in the criminal underground as the penthouse filled with the guest that had been invited. They had all been to the earlier meeting of the coalition for the dividing of Gotham City into territories of interest and signed the agreement of shared interest. They were all mingling together sharing stories and experiences with much exaggeration of course. The tales grew larger as the wine flowed and the night continued. Hushed rumors started to spread through the crowd as Penguin was hinting that the night was more of a success than any of them would believe if they didn't stay around to catch the entertainment.

Finally, the time had come and Penguin announced that everyone needed to clear the center of the ballroom floor. They all backed away and crowded against the walls as slowly the center of the floor opened and a new platform arose. At first a murmur arose as if what they were seeing was some mock set up but as the spotlights focused on the two large metal circles in the center of the platform the murmuring was replaced by cheers of joy. There suspended in chains were the Dynamic Duo stripped of their capes and utility belts. In between the two defeated heroes stood a small figure still blackened in darkness as Penguin stepped onto the platform. "Quack, quack, quack," Penguin strutted up to the unconscious bodies and poked each of them with the tip of his umbrella. Cheers again went up in the room as neither Batman nor Robin responded with even a flinch. "Now, I know we have all waited for this day when we could rid ourselves of these two birds," Penguin began. "We all have had our chance in capturing them only to have them slip away but we have a new member to thank for this capture and the perfect plans to see them meet their final end as heroes of Gotham City. I give you, My little birdy," Penguin crowed. He stepped to the side as the spotlight flooded the former Batgirl now dressed in a new outfit. Her body was covered in a suit of black spandex with a white area that extended from her breast down between her thighs and in the back the white covered her shapely round little ass. She sported black haired wig that flowed with curls all the way down to her waist. Knee high black patent boots shined in the spotlight and her long white gloves adorned her hands and forearms. Hanging loosely around her slim waist was a white utility belt with a black penguin symbol on the buckle. To finish off her outfit was the black penguin collar Penguin had given her previously. The catcalls and cheers went up all over the room as Penguin's little birdy made her debut. Penguin waved His hands up for all to quieten down. "Now, My little birdy, will give these two a proper pegging before we reveal their demise," He explained. She then proceeded to grope and handle the Dynamic Duo as a pair of sex slaves hanging in their chains. They began to stir as her hands worked their manhood to full erection after removing the lower half of their suits. Batman and Robin's moans of pleasure caused the crowd to jeer and cheer the two helpless men. Slowly as they became more aware Penguin's little birdy was having fun standing between them and stroking each of them they struggled to escape her grasp. She simply gripped them harder and stroked faster causing them to moan louder and lose any ability to pull away. Working them up into a frenzy where their own bodies were trying to hump her hands she released her grip and laughed as they continued thrusting their hips. She stepped back and picked up a strapon dildo harness off a small table behind them. As she sported the 7 inch dildo around her waist the crowd cheered watching her fasten it into place and generously lubing it with her spit. The crowd was going wild watching the show and many began touching and fucking in an orgy fest as Batman and Robin were forced to endure their own violation and having to witness their captors enjoyment of the most debauched celebration. Batman tried to cry out in Robin's defense for his young innocence being violated in such a horrific way. His cries were deafened by the criminals jeers and even some coming on stage to enjoy some sorted fun with the both of them. Eventually, Penguin's little birdy exhausted herself on the two helpless men and removed herself from the platform as the guest continued their revelry over the helpless Dynamic Duo.

Penguin eventually got control of the crowd and announced the fate of the Batman and his faithful sidekick Robin. Batman would be banished to one of the most cruel slave owners to work in his diamond mines in Africa. Robin would face a fate in the Arkham asylum under the personal care of its new director, Dr. Jonathan Crane (a.k.a. Scarecrow). The crowd cheered in approval as the platform began lowering the defeated duo to their impending fate. "Now, don't leave the night isn't over, there is one more surprise that awaits," Penguin cheered.
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Hunter42 wrote:Holy devious plots!!!!! It sounds as if several of you want this saga to continue and only drag poor little batgirl deeper and deeper into depravity.... is that what the citizens of Gotham are crying out for?????? :smt077
Um Yes, especially if the Penguin suit is involved
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I think I am going to learn to really love being Penguins slave....the costume Roxxx!!
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batgirl1969 wrote:I think I am going to learn to really love being Penguins slave....the costume Roxxx!!
Oh, most definitely, little birdy! I know you will! :evil: "Quack, quack, quack!" In my mind it looks good, lol, would like to actually see a rendition of it to know for sure. (the gloves may be a bit much in white perhaps they should be black also)
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Stay tuned for a new post to this thread from Hunter42 sometime this weekend 2/27-28/2016. It's the end of the story and I know you don't want to miss the two chapters of the exciting conclusion and maybe if enough were interested, He has an alternate ending in mind to write as well.
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Can't wait! Bring it on!
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"Now as we wait for our final entertainment for the night lets go over the parts we each are to play in taking over Gotham City now that the Dynamic Ditwits have finally met their fates," Penguin exclaimed as a cheer erupted from the room. Each villain took the stage and expressed their thanks to Penguin for putting together a firm plan of action that was agreeable to them and their interest in ruling and running Gotham City. As the last member stepped from the stage a projector screen was lowered against the back wall and all the criminals cheered when the video started.

The images flashed much like a movie trailer advertisement from screen shot to screen shot with each one getting more and more intense. There was a hushed buzz of excitement as every eye was glued on every detail of the screen. It was clips from the video Penguin had made of the breaking of the once haughty proud little Batgirl. Then as the video faded spotlights cast a bathing blue light around the edges of the stage as the floor opened up once again and the platform from beneath started rising again. Murmurs where heard and people started crowding around the edges as the platform rose. The lighting around the stage wasn't bright enough to illuminate the objects coming up but the large silhouette was to obvious not to recognize it was the blue and chrome steel robot Penguin had used to help break and humiliate Batgirl. When the platform had completely raised all but one spotlight went out and it then focused right in front of the robot. There bowed on hands and knees leaning forward as if almost prostate adorned with the purple cowl and red wig with her body covered in the purple and yellow cape again was the formerly known Batgirl. As if at a Superbowl half-time show erupted and filled the room with cheers and whistles.

Then the robot came to life with motors whirling and slow movements began of arms lifting upwards into the air. As the robot movements began so did the Batgirl's. Her arms began rising up and soon the spotlight changed to a soft white light and the chrome chains were visible cuffed around her wrists as the robot lifted her up to eventually pull her feet just off the floor til she was suspended in the air. Now the cape had fallen down her back and revealed she was completely naked save the cowl, cape, and her yellow utility belt loosely hanging about her small waist. Her eyes glanced about the room at all the villains and their henchmen staring at her as she heard their lecherous cries fill the room of what they wanted done or to do with her. She couldn't help it now that it all turned her on so much and thoughts of the times she had been trapped, tied, and captured by the different ones seeing her like this now was making her so wet that it began trickling down her legs.

Then Penguin came onto the stage as the robot then lowered her feet onto the floor. As He circled behind the girl the video screen came alive again this time with a live feed on stage. It focused in on Penguin's actions as His hands reached around and began playing with Batgirl's tits. He groped, squeezed, pinched, twisted, pulled, slapped, and smashed together her small globes of flesh with much enjoyment and the crowd was loving her responses as her head swayed at each assault and her moans began escaping louder and louder from her once haughty mouth. Her body also swayed and moved in reaction to Penguin's unrelenting assault on her breasts. Then as His hand snaked down between her thighs and discovered her wetness already soaking them He shoved two fingers inside her hard and fast. She let out loud gasps of pleasure as His fingers quickly raped her pussy to orgasm within a couple of minutes. Her small petite body was gyrating against the chains and she looked lustfully at Penguin in hopes He would make her cum again. Penguin quacked in pleasure at the helpless little girl being overcome by such lust at being displayed as His little plaything and fucktoy.

He then slipped His hand into His pocket and pulled out a little pink packet of which she had come to need quite badly and the crowd enjoyed the look on her face as the obvious appearance of the drug increased her libido at the mere sight of the powder. Her body convulsed and writhed almost as if something inside took over her body. She obviously didn't need it anymore to comply but the effect it had on her senses was so overpowering that she craved it to much to resist to begging for it right there on stage in front of everyone and only added to their enjoyment that she was such an addict. Penguin gave the plastic pillow a squeeze and the expelled the powder in her face. The euphoria was visible instantly as she inhaled the lustful powder in. Penguin then knelt down and cuffed Batgirl's feet to chains that were anchored to the floor. Then two other chains were lowered from the ceiling and attached to the chains already in place thus freeing the robot's arm from holding her up.

The crowd was crazed with pleasure as they watched the once mighty virtuous girl suspended spread eagle delirious with the drug coursing through her veins. Batgirl's body writhed and moved in a seductive dance as her eyes glazed with a lost distant stare as Penguin stepped back to the robot and His two little sex dolls joined to assist Him. The robot with a slow tedious advance moved into position behind the drugged up girl. Her body reacted sensuously to their touch as they placed the robots appendages to her body as before. The suction cups placed over her breasts and the robot's penis shaft maneuvered between her thighs with a hinged extension with a 10" flexible dildo allowing complete visibility to the crowd with the robot being behind as its dildo fucked her sweet little hole. Penguin checked over everything once more to make sure all was in place and then with control box in His hand smiled at the crowd as the robot came to life.

First, Penguin activated the vacuum cups which hissed and pumped in a steady sucking drawing Batgirl's pert round titties into the cups and instantly her nipples enlarged and darkened while each suck and release made the former Batgirl moan at the machine's mechanical pleasure of her tits. He then turned on the didlo pump and the dildo began a slow methodical penetration into her wet little snatch. The slow thrust were only penetrating just beyond her swollen lips and her body tried to react pushing forward trying to take as much of the dildo in as she could. Slowly, Penguin began to increase the power and speed of the robot's actions on the poor girl's body. Soon the machine was thrusting deeper and deeper into Batgirl's aching pussy and she was thrusting hard against the machine as well. Her body now began glistening with sweat as the machine mechanically had infinite stamina to fuck the poor girl until she would pass out. Orgasm after orgasm ripped through Batgirl's little body as Penguin would increase the machine's speed and power more after each orgasm.

Finally, Penguin stopped the machine as it appeared the once little heroine was about to pass out and lose consciousness. As the machine stopped the little girl's head slumped forward and breathed slowly and deep. Him and His sex dolls released the girl from the robots grip. The crowd cheered and celebrated witnessing first hand what poor Batgirl had succumbed to be. Penguin motioned to His little sex dolls to release her hands from the chains as He reached around her waist to hold her up once she was released. Her arms fell limp at her side as Penguin guided her gently down to her knees on the floor. Her head slumped against His thigh as Penguin looked triumphantly at the crowd. Then slowly Batgirl's arm moved and her hand slid up His leg and up to His crotch and began unzipping His pants. A big smile came over His face as He reached down and pulled her hand away. "The show is over, My little birdy," He softly whispered.

"Let me show them what a dirty little slut you made Batgirl become," she whispered looking into his eyes with hers still full of lust.

"Well, now that is a most attractive idea, but I ...." Penguin began but the former Batgirl cut Him off in mid-sentence.

"Please, one more little packet, please, and let me give you pleasure one last time as Batgirl in front of everyone," she pleaded. Penguin looked out at the crowd which of course were smiling and nodding to see more.

"Well, you are quite a little treasure to show off," He stated as He reached in His pocket and revealing another packet of the pink powder. As he went to squeeze the packet releasing its contents, Batgirl took her arm and pushed His up and the pink powder exploded in His face. "Quack, quack, quaaaack," Penguin exclaimed as the powder engulfed Him and His senses became overtaken. The former Batgirl smiled as she began freeing His cock from His pants while Penguin was reeling from the drug's overpowering lustful seduction. His hands grabbing the back of her head as His cock disappeared into her hot wet hungry mouth. Everyone though shocked to some degree began encouraging the scene before them to carry on. Penguin now saturated with lust Himself reached into His pocket and began tossing them into the air.

Everyone scrambled to get their hands on a packet and began bursting the packets as quickly as possible. Soon the powder was drifting so heavily in the air those who did not get one simply had to inhale and within a couple of breaths was intoxicated as well. Soon the room was filled with everyone naked and fucking each other like wild hungry animals during mating season. Everyone wasn't as used to the drug as much as the former Batgirl so she now had an advantage over them with more control of her senses than anyone else. She welcomed anyone's advances of taking advantage of her mouth, pussy, and ass. It hastily became an orgy where she was the center of attraction for everyone to have a piece of the dirty little slut, Batgirl. Of course the drug's effect was so powerful that everyone started having sex with each other if they couldn't reach Batgirl. Though she made every effort to go around the room and either do or have anything done possibly with both the men and women in the room.

It the middle of the orgy it became a Batgirl gang bang. All the villains circled her and took turns making her their little fucktoy pleasure doll. The now little slut Batgirl had five cocks and sating her for hours with one in each hand and one stuffing each hole over and over again along with Catwoman, Dr. Casandra, Ma Parker, and Marsha, the Queen of Diamonds who all had become members of the coalition joining in pleasuring Batgirl and each other also. She lost count of her orgasms but was always needing one more again and again. Joker, Riddler, Shame, Egghead, King Tut, Mr. Freeze, Lord Fog, Puzzler, Mad Hatter, False Face, Clock King, and Archer all had their turns with the little slut Batgirl. Then of course all the henchmen and wenches of the villains there joined in the orgy but many didn't get a chance with Batgirl. There were a group though who had wanted to do more than tie Batgirl up and get rid of her in the past got into a circle jerk around her jacked off their cocks for her. Some filled a champagne glass with their cum which she tasted from while the other just shot their loads over her petite body covering her in a coat of slimy sticky cum from her face to her feet in the end. The poor once proud virtuous Batgirl now purred like a sex kitten in a pool of her and everyone else's cum.

The exhausted group fell about the place and passed out to sleep off the drugs effect. Those who woke up before Penguin left and those who didn't wake up before Penguin did were taken outside to wake up in the midday sunlight. He had His little birdy taken back to the penthouse and ordered her to be cleaned up before He got there. He had decided to move their trip up to Europe by leaving immediately as it was all for His little birdy coming clean and last night got way out of hand of what He had planned it to be.
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Oh god I love this story!!!
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And now I need to cool down... Fuck...
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Wonderful story. I enjoyed it.
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I was kind of waiting for some replies from others before I wrapped this story up .. guess I could end it with a twist that I thought of since it has been a couple of months now of people hoping for an ending.. as much as I .. LOL
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I hope it's not too much of a twist since I really like what has happened so far!
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A truely great story. Batgirl is completely Penquin's now.
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Hunter42 wrote:I was kind of waiting for some replies from others before I wrapped this story up .. guess I could end it with a twist that I thought of since it has been a couple of months now of people hoping for an ending.. as much as I .. LOL

I LOVED this story....and where it is going, the cum was probably my favorite part, like they are glazing her body as if it was some piece of clay artwork, before they bake her in a kiln, letting it harden first like a candy shell, her not knowing who's is who's and what it all it!!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
Hunter42 wrote:I was kind of waiting for some replies from others before I wrapped this story up .. guess I could end it with a twist that I thought of since it has been a couple of months now of people hoping for an ending.. as much as I .. LOL

I LOVED this story....and where it is going, the cum was probably my favorite part, like they are glazing her body as if it was some piece of clay artwork, before they bake her in a kiln, letting it harden first like a candy shell, her not knowing who's is who's and what it all it!!

You are such a bad bad bad girl, batgirl1969, or maybe you better relate now to "little birdy" wanting desperately to be Penguin's evil little girl. :laugh:
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This story is exceptional.
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Hunter42 wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:
Hunter42 wrote:I was kind of waiting for some replies from others before I wrapped this story up .. guess I could end it with a twist that I thought of since it has been a couple of months now of people hoping for an ending.. as much as I .. LOL

I LOVED this story....and where it is going, the cum was probably my favorite part, like they are glazing her body as if it was some piece of clay artwork, before they bake her in a kiln, letting it harden first like a candy shell, her not knowing who's is who's and what it all it!!

You are such a bad bad bad girl, batgirl1969, or maybe you better relate now to "little birdy" wanting desperately to be Penguin's evil little girl. :laugh:

You know me too well!!!
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